Roulaine van Belkum CV 2016

1 Roulaine van belkum phone +27 72 720 4396 Animation, motion design and film email [email protected] Education about me 2012 – 2015 bachelors of film arts name roulaine van belkum Studied at open window institute Pretoria, south Africa dob 30 december 1971 2004 – 2007 adv diploma civil engineering nationality south african Studied at Canberra institute of technology Canberra, Australia location pretoria 1993 – 2003 national diploma management availability will be determined Studied at unisa Pretoria, south Africa 2000 – 2001 certificate in fine art Studied at roodepoort college johannesburg, south Africa 1989 matriculation naboomspruit, south Africa objective A recent Film Art graduate with a Bachelors degree from Open Window Institute, Pretoria. I have majored in motion design with film as my sub major. It is my dream to be part of a creative team in an environment conducive in learning about the craft of filmmaking. I have a good eye for detail and a strong knowledge of the principals of animation and design. More information about me I am passionate about animation and film and eager to expand my current skill-set. Although confident in my ability to express my opinions and ideas, both verbally and visually, I am adept at listening and taking constructive criticism as part of the learning curve. I am proficient in verbal and written communication, express good time management ability, and work well under pressure.

Transcript of Roulaine van Belkum CV 2016


R o u l a i n e van belkum ph on e + 2 7 7 2 7 2 0 4 3 9 6

Animation , mot ion des ign and f ilm em a il r o u la in e.v a n .b elk u m @ g m a il.c o m E d u c a t i o n a b o u t m e 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 5 bachelors of f ilm arts n a m e roulaine van belkum Stud ied a t open w in d ow in stitute Pretoria, south Africa d o b 30 december 1971 2 0 0 4 – 2 0 0 7 adv diploma civil engineering n a tion a lity south african Stud ied a t Ca n b erra in stitute of tech n ology Can berra, A u str a lia lo c a tio n pretoria 1 9 9 3 – 2 0 0 3 national diploma management a v a ila b il ity will be determined Stud ied a t un isa Pretoria, south Africa 2 0 0 0 – 2 0 0 1 certificate in f ine art Stud ied a t rood epoort college joh an n esburg, south Africa 1 9 8 9 matriculation n a b oom spruit , south A frica o b j e c t i v e

A recent Film Art graduate with a Bachelors degree from Open Window Institute, Pretoria. I have majored in motion design with film as my sub major. It is my dream to be part of a creative team in an environment conducive in learning about the craft of filmmaking. I have a good eye for detail and a strong knowledge of the principals of animation and design. M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t m e

I am passionate about animation and film and eager to expand my current skill-set. Although confident in my ability to express my opinions and ideas, both verbally and visually, I am adept at listening and taking constructive criticism as part of the learning curve. I am proficient in verbal and written communication, express good time management ability, and work well under pressure.


T e c h n i c a l s k i l l s 0 5 1 0 Adobe suite after effects Premier pro Photoshop Illustration Audition Speedgrade Sound package pro tools Colour grade davinci resolve Script package Final draft 2D package dragonframe 3D package cinema 4D blender Microsoft office Word, excel, powerpoint, etc. s k i l l s

motion design storyboard 2D animation stop motion editing cinematography sound design photography screenwriting

O n l i n e p o r t f o l i o search for Roulaine van Belkum


f i n e a r t – o i l p a i n t i n g s