Rotifers of Portuguese reservoirs in river Tejo catchment

INTRODUCTION Rotifers constitute an important fraction of the zooplankton. Although usually unimportant in terms of biomass (Ruttner-Kolisko, 1974), rotifers play a major role in energy transfer and nutrient cycling (Park & Marshall, 2000a; Wetzel, 2001). In the past decades, several studies reported changes in plankton community structure along trophic gradients (e.g. Gulati, 1990; Lyche, 1990; Karabin & Ejsmont-Karabin 1991; Caramujo & Boavida, 2000; Yeppesen et al., 2000). Changes in crustacean zooplankton, such as decrease in diversity and density increase related to reservoir aging, are also reported in literature (e.g. Popp et al., 1996). Because of the reduced generation times of these organisms, changes in specific composition of the rotifer communities can be detected in short time studies, as they generally show a quick answer to alterations in their habitat (Attayde & Bozelli, 1998). In fact, rotifer abun- dance, as well as species composition and distri- bution, often reflect the trophic status of lakes (Mäemets, 1983; Radwan & Popiolek, 1989; Ejsmont-Karabin, 1995; Attayde & Bozelli, 1998; Dungan et al., 2001, 2002). Rotifers’ con- tributions to the zooplankton community may increase with eutrophication (Zankai, 1984; Park & Marshall, 2000b). However, the use of rotifer species as indicators of environmental hetero- geneity patterns in general, and as indicators of improving trophic state in particular, has 103 Rotifers of Portuguese reservoirs in river Tejo catchment: Relations with trophic state C. Baião & M. J. Boavida 1 Dept. Biologia Animal and Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Faculdade de Ciências, Univ. Lisboa, Campo Grande C8. 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugal. [email protected], [email protected] 1 - To whom correspondence should be addressed ABSTRACT Twelve portuguese reservoirs were investigated in 1995 and 1996. These reservoirs suffer from the influence of several human activities. As a consequence, several reservoirs in the Tejo River basin are progressing towards eutrophication. The rotifer com- munity was analysed using a Cluster Analysis and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). These analyses permitted the depiction different groups according to rotifer species distribution and abundance. These groups reflected, in general, diffe- rences of trophic state among reservoirs and seasonal variation. The results of the present study point to gradual responses of rotifer communities to eutrophication. Keywords: rotifers, trophic state, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) RESUMEN Doce embalses portugueses fueron investigados en 1995 y 1996. Estos embalses se hallan bajo la influencia de varias activi- dades humanas. Como consecuencia, varios embalses de la cuenca del río Tajo están evolucionando hacia un estado de eutro- fización. La comunidad de rotíferos fue analizada mediante un Análisis de Cluster y un Análisis de Correspondencias Canónicas (CCA). Estos análisis permitieron describir diferentes grupos según la distribución y abundancia de las especies de rotíferos. Estos grupos reflejaban, en general, diferencias en el estado trófico entre los embalses y variaciones estacionales. Los resultados del presente estudio apuntan a una respuesta gradual de las comunidades de rotíferos a la eutrofización. Palabras clave: rotíferos, estado trófico, Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (CCA) Limnetica, 24(1-2): 103-114 (2005) © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409

Transcript of Rotifers of Portuguese reservoirs in river Tejo catchment

Page 1: Rotifers of Portuguese reservoirs in river Tejo catchment


Rotifers constitute an important fraction of thezooplankton. Although usually unimportant interms of biomass (Ruttner-Kolisko, 1974), rotifersplay a major role in energy transfer and nutrientcycling (Park & Marshall, 2000a; Wetzel, 2001).

In the past decades, several studies reportedchanges in plankton community structure alongtrophic gradients (e.g. Gulati, 1990; Lyche, 1990;Karabin & Ejsmont-Karabin 1991; Caramujo &Boavida, 2000; Yeppesen et al., 2000). Changesin crustacean zooplankton, such as decrease indiversity and density increase related to reservoiraging, are also reported in literature (e.g. Popp etal., 1996). Because of the reduced generation

times of these organisms, changes in specificcomposition of the rotifer communities can bedetected in short time studies, as they generallyshow a quick answer to alterations in their habitat(Attayde & Bozelli, 1998). In fact, rotifer abun-dance, as well as species composition and distri-bution, often reflect the trophic status of lakes(Mäemets, 1983; Radwan & Popiolek, 1989;Ejsmont-Karabin, 1995; Attayde & Bozelli,1998; Dungan et al., 2001, 2002). Rotifers’ con-tributions to the zooplankton community mayincrease with eutrophication (Zankai, 1984; Park& Marshall, 2000b). However, the use of rotiferspecies as indicators of environmental hetero-geneity patterns in general, and as indicatorsof improving trophic state in particular, has


Rotifers of Portuguese reservoirs in river Tejo catchment: Relationswith trophic state

C. Baião & M. J. Boavida1

Dept. Biologia Animal and Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Faculdade de Ciências, Univ. Lisboa, CampoGrande C8. 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugal. [email protected], [email protected] To whom correspondence should be addressed


Twelve portuguese reservoirs were investigated in 1995 and 1996. These reservoirs suffer from the influence of several humanactivities. As a consequence, several reservoirs in the Tejo River basin are progressing towards eutrophication. The rotifer com-munity was analysed using a Cluster Analysis and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). These analyses permitted thedepiction different groups according to rotifer species distribution and abundance. These groups reflected, in general, diffe-rences of trophic state among reservoirs and seasonal variation. The results of the present study point to gradual responses ofrotifer communities to eutrophication.

Keywords: rotifers, trophic state, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA)


Doce embalses portugueses fueron investigados en 1995 y 1996. Estos embalses se hallan bajo la influencia de varias activi-dades humanas. Como consecuencia, varios embalses de la cuenca del río Tajo están evolucionando hacia un estado de eutro-fización. La comunidad de rotíferos fue analizada mediante un Análisis de Cluster y un Análisis de CorrespondenciasCanónicas (CCA). Estos análisis permitieron describir diferentes grupos según la distribución y abundancia de las especiesde rotíferos. Estos grupos reflejaban, en general, diferencias en el estado trófico entre los embalses y variaciones estacionales.Los resultados del presente estudio apuntan a una respuesta gradual de las comunidades de rotíferos a la eutrofización.

Palabras clave: rotíferos, estado trófico, Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (CCA)

Limnetica, 24(1-2): 103-114 (2005)© Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409

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been questioned several times (Beaver &Crisman, 1990; Haberman, 1995; Attayde &Bozelli, 1998, Dungan et al., 2001).

Rotifer studies in Portuguese reservoirs aresporadic and performed on an individual reser-voir basis. There is a lack of studies integratingseveral reservoirs and describing the rotifercommunity variation among reservoirs.

The high climatic heterogeneity in the Tejocatchment area promotes the existence of differ-ent reservoir assemblages with respect to hydro-logic characteristics (Armengol, 1980). In addi-tion, land uses in this region are different fromone place to another, leading to different anthro-pogenic influences on the reservoirs, in spite ofthe low population densities. Another sort ofinfluences, such as agriculture runoff and (mostlytreated) small industrial effluents, impounds onthe reservoirs. Water quality of some of thesereservoirs is affected by excess use of fertilizersin surrounding agricultural areas. This situationis more important in the south part of the Tejocatchment area, where agriculture pressure ishigh. All of these factors, together with reservoirage, result in different reservoir trophic states. Ina study conducted from 1991 to 1993, based onseveral chemical parameters, an increase in tro-phic states was reported in 7 of the 11 reservoirsstudied (Boavida & Marques, 1997). Morerecently, the Hydrological Plan elaborated by thePortuguese authorities for Tejo watershed (1999)refers that 78% of the reservoirs are in an advanc-ed state of eutrophication.

The purpose of this study was to identify andreport the occurrence of rotifer species in 12Portuguese reservoirs of the Tejo river catch-ment area, in an attempt to establish a relation-ship between the rotifer community and trophicstate. For this purpose, a Canonical Correspon-dence Analysis (CCA) was used.


Zooplankton communities from 12 reservoirs ofthe Tejo river catchment area were analyzed.The Meimoa, Águeda, Idanha, Castelo do Bode,

Luzia, and Cabril reservoirs are located north tothe main course of the Tejo river. Belver andFratel are located in Tejo mainstream. Theremaining reservoirs (Maranhão, Divor, Póvoaand Montargil) are located south to the maincourse of the Tejo river.

Samples (two replicates) were collected every5 meters until the maximum reservoir depth wasreached with a 2 L capacity van Dorn bottle andwere filtered in situ through a 30 µm mesh sizenet. Zooplankton data of each sampling datewere averaged to obtain one value per date.Animals were anaesthetized with carbonatedwater and preserved in sugar saturated formal-dehyde (final concentration 4 %). Sampling wascarried out in 1995 (spring, summer andautumn) and 1996 (spring and summer). On eachsampling date the temperature, dissolved oxygenconcentration (DO), and Secchi disk depth weremeasured in situ. Rotifers were identified afterRuttner-Kolisko (1974) and Pontin (1978).

Chlorophyll a (CHL a) concentrations werecalculated from integrated samples composedof sub-samples taken at 5 m intervals from sur-face until either 15 m of depth or maximumreservoir depth was reached. Chlorophyll awas extracted overnight in acetone.

Carlson’s (1977) trophic state index (TSI)was calculated from CHL a. Secchi disk valueswere not included in the calculation of the trans-parency component of the index, since largeamounts of sediments were washed into most ofthe reservoirs during the study period, increas-ing the inorganic turbidity of the water.

Shannon’s Diversity Index and Evennesswere calculated with rotifer data for eachsampling date (Zar, 1999).

Cluster analysis was performed on the rotifers’density [log (x+1) transformed] to identify wheth-er distinct groups of species occurred within thereservoirs. The Manhattan dissimilarity measureand Ward’s sum of squares clustering algorithmwere used. These analyses were performed withthe STATISTICA analyses package (1995).

The species abundance matrix was analyzedusing Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA). CCA was performed on the average spe-

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cies composition data [log (x+1) transformed].Species occurring only once were not included inthis analysis. Temperature and dissolved oxygenconcentration profiles were averaged so that onevalue was obtained for each sampling date. It wasbelieved that in doing so there would be little lossof information, since no parameter differed muchwith depth, and in this way there would be onevalue per date for CCA. Temperature, dissolvedoxygen concentration, Secchi transparency, andChl a were all log (x+1) transformed.

The CCA is widespread for freshwater dataanalysis because it is a direct gradient analysis,allowing one to directly relate the pattern ofcommunity variation to the pattern of environ-mental variation (Ter Braak & Prentice, 1988).Furthermore, this analytical method forms alinear combination of environmental variablesthat maximally separates the niches of the spe-cies (Ter Braak & Verdonsschot, 1995). Thisanalysis leads to an ordination diagram thatsimultaneously displays (a) the main patterns ofcommunity variations, as far as these reflectenvironmental variation, and (b) the main pat-tern in the weighted average of each specieswith respect to the environmental variables (TerBraak, 1986). The CCA was performed usingCANOCO for Windows (version 4.0, 1998).


Trophic state

TSI computed from chlorophyll a concentra-tions clearly shows the heterogeneity amongthese reservoirs related to trophic state (Fig.1D). As expected from the high agriculturalpressure, the trophic state index for reservoirssouth to the Tejo river was higher than that ofnorth reservoirs. The highest value (TSI = 68)was recorded in Póvoa in the spring of 1995 andthe lowest (TSI = 21) in Castelo do Bode in thespring of 1996. Three reservoirs, Montargil,Maranhão, and Póvoa, were classified as eutro-phic (TSI >60), although special attention mustbe given to Póvoa, which in some situations canachieve a state close to hypertrophy. Divor wasclassified as meso-eutrophic (TSI: 50-60).

Fratel and Belver, both located in the TejoRiver main course, were classified as mesotro-phic to meso-eutrophic (TSI: 50-60). TSI forFratel slightly decreased from 1995 to 1996.Idanha and Águeda exhibited the same variationregarding trophic state during the two years ofstudy, in both oscillating between meso-eutro-phic and eutrophic states (TSI >50). Meimoawas the reservoir with largest variation between

Rotifers of portuguese reservoirs and trophic state 105

Figure 1. Trophic State Index (TSI from Chl a) of the different reservoirs. Fratel and Belver are located in the Tejo river main-stream; Póvoa, Montargil, Divor, and Maranhão are located south to the main course of the Tejo river; the remaining reservoirs arelocated north to the main course of the Tejo river.Índice de Estado Trófico (TSI de Chl a) de los diferentes embalses. Fratel y Belverse localizan en el curso principal del Tajo; Póvoa, Montargil, Divor y Maranhão se situan al sur del curso principal del Tajo; elresto de los embalses se localizan al norte del curso principal del Tajo.

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Figure 2. Seasonal zooplankton (copepods, cladocerans and rotifers) densities in each reservoir. Spring is represented as Sp, sum-mer as Su, and autumn as Au. Arrows indicate water flow direction in chained reservoirs. Densidades estacionales de zooplankton(copépodos, cladóceros y rotíferos) en cada embalse. La primavera se representa como Sp, el verano como Su y el otoño como Au.Las flechas indican la dirección del agua en los embalses en cadena.

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1995 and 1996, ranging from an early state ofmesotrophy in 1995 (TSI >30) to an advancedstate of mesotrophy in 1996 (TSI <50). Luzia,Cabril, and Castelo do Bode were all oligotro-phic (TSI <30) although during the summer of1996 Castelo do Bode would better be classifiedas mesotrophic (TSI = 37). With the exception

of Castelo do Bode, the highest values for TSIwere recorded during spring at all reservoirs.

Zooplankton community

As expected, the highest zooplankton density(Fig. 2) was observed in the most productivereservoirs: Idanha (4151 ind/l, spring/95), Águe-da (1623 ind/l, summer/95), and Póvoa (1456ind/l, spring/96). The lowest zooplankton densitywas found in Luzia (10 ind/l, spring/95). Withfew exceptions, a dominance of rotifer species(� 50 %) was recorded in the most eutrophicreservoirs (Póvoa, Idanha, Águeda, Divor).

Dominance of the crustacean communities, inLuzia and Cabril, could reflect the low primaryproduction of these reservoirs. A similar situationwas found in Castelo do Bode only in 1995. Inthe Meimoa Reservoir a change in the structureof the zooplankton community was clearly seenas the evolution of trophic state occurred. In thisreservoir the dominance by copepods was gra-dually substituted by dominance by rotifers.

Thirty-nine rotifer species were recorded inthe Tejo river basin (Table 1). Most frequent andpresent in all reservoirs, at least in one samplingdate, were Keratella cochlearis (one of the twoforms, either tecta or hispida, the later muchmore frequent in all the reservoirs), P. dolichopte-ra, and Asplanchna priodonta. Polyarthra vulga-ris, absent in Luzia and Cabril, was frequent inall other reservoirs. Also present with relevantdensities were Pompholyx sulcata, Synchaetapectinata, and Conochilus natans (Fig. 3).Hexarthra mira was found in several reservoirs,yet never achieved a significant development.

Genus Trichocerca was frequently represent-ed in almost all reservoirs, although in low den-sities, and was absent in less productive reser-voirs (Luzia, Cabril and Castelo do Bode).

Genus Brachionus was present in the DivorReservoir, where it achieved the highest density.In addition, B. calyciflorus was found in Póvoa,Maranhão, Belver and Fratel.

Ploesoma hudsoni was found only in Castelode Bode, Luzia, and Cabril. Collotheca mutabilisalso developed the most in these three reservoirs.

Rotifers of portuguese reservoirs and trophic state 107

Table 1. Rotifer species found in 12 reservoirs belonging to the Tejoriver basin (the right column represents abbreviations used in fig-ures). Especies de rotíferos encontrados en 12 embalses de la cuen-ca del río Tejo (la columna de la derecha representa las abreviacio-nes utilizadas en las figuras).

Asplanchna brightwelliA. girodiA. priodonta A priAnuraeopsis fissaBrachionus angularis B angB. calyciflorus B calB. falcatusB. urceolaris B urcCephalodella sp.Collotheca mutabilis C mutColurella adriaticaConochilus dossuariosC. natans C natEpiphanes senta E senEuchlanis dilatataE. luksianaFilinia longiseta F lonF. opoliensis F opoGastropus sp.Hexarthra mira H mirKeratella cochlearis hispida and tecta K cocK. quadrata K quaK. tropicaLecane lunaLepadella ovalisNotholca squamulaPloesoma hudsoni Pl hudPompholyx sulcata Po sulPolyarthra dolichoptera P dolP. euryptera P eurP. major P majP. vulgaris P vulSynchaeta oblonga S. pectinata S pecTestudinella patina T patTrichocerca pusillaTr. similis T simTr. stylata Tr. chatoni Tcha

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108 Baião & Boavida

Figure 3. Seasonal rotifer densities in each reservoir (A pri- Asplanchna priodonta; B ang- Brachionus angularis; B cal- B. calyci-florus ; B urc- B. urceolaris; C mut- Collotheca mutabilis; Co nat- Conochilus natans; E sen- Epiphanes senta; F lon - Filinia lon-giseta; F opo- F. opoliensis; H mir- Hexarthra mira; K coc- Keratella cochlearis; K qua- K. quadrata; Pl hud- Ploesoma hudsoni;Po sul- Pompholyx sulcata; P dol- Polyarthra dolichoptera; P eur- P. euryptera; P vul- P. vulgaris; S pec- Synchaeta pectinata; Tcha- Trichocerca chatoni; T sim- T. similis). Densidades estacionales de rotíferos en cada embalse (A pri- Asplanchna priodonta; Bang- Brachionus angularis; B cal- B. calyciflorus ; B urc- B. urceolaris; C mut- Collotheca mutabilis; Co nat- Conochilus natans;E sen- Epiphanes senta; F lon - Filinia longiseta; F opo- F. opoliensis; H mir- Hexarthra mira; K coc- Keratella cochlearis; K qua-K. quadrata; Pl hud- Ploesoma hudsoni; Po sul- Pompholyx sulcata; P dol- Polyarthra dolichoptera; P eur- P. euryptera; P vul-P. vulgaris; S pec- Synchaeta pectinata; T cha- Trichocerca chatoni; T sim- T. similis).

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The lowest Diversity Index (Fig. 4) was recordedin Águeda (H’= 0.2, summer/96) and the highestin Divor (H’= 2, summer/96). Evenness rangedfrom 0.1 (Águeda, summer/96) to 0.9 (Castelo doBode, autumn/95). No clear relationship with tro-phic state was observed in the variation of thisindex in the different reservoirs.

The variation of rotifer densities allowed forthe grouping of reservoirs during the periodstudied. Six groups were formed under thisanalysis (Fig. 5). These groups reflected differ-ent rotifer communities among reservoirs, aswell as seasonal variation. Group A refers toreservoirs where Filinia opoliensis was present

Rotifers of portuguese reservoirs and trophic state 109

Figure 4. Seasonal variation of Diversity Index (H’) and Rarity (J) in each reservoir. Variación estacional del Índice de Diversidad(H’) y Rareza (J) en cada embalse.

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in the summer. Trichocerca similis was impor-tant in the case of Montargil. Group B bringstogether reservoirs (spring data) wherePompholyx sulcata achieved maximum densi-ties and where P. euryptera, P. dolichoptera,and T. chatoni were also observed. These twogroups (A and B) are constituted of less deepreservoirs (< 13 m) namely Idanha, Póvoa,Montargil, and Águeda. Group A correspondsto meso-eutrophic reservoirs. Group B corre-sponds to eutrophic reservoirs. Group C is veryheterogeneous and a first assemblage can beobserved where Asplanchna priodonta, B.calyciflorus, and K. quadrata were characteris-tic species (Maranhão, Idanha, Fratel andBelver are in this group). A second assemblagewas formed by oligotrophic reservoirs (Castelodo Bode, Cabril, Luzia and Meimoa, the later

only in 1995). In this group Collotheca muta-bilis and Ploesoma hudsoni can be found.Group D accounts for Divor data, whichcorresponds, in general, to the highest diver-sity among the reservoirs. Genus Brachionus isrepresented in this reservoir by B. urceolarisand B. falcatus, in addition to B. calyciflorus,found in other reservoirs as well. Group Ecomprises Castelo do Bode data and isassociated to the presence of C. mutabilis andP. dolichoptera. These species were also impor-tant in group F, and in this group C. natans,and T. similis were important as well.

From CCA, for all sampling reservoirs oneach date, the combined eigen values of the twofirst axes of the ordination (0.24 and 0.15)accounted for 66.7 % of the total variance, ofwhich 59% was explained by the environmental

110 Baião & Boavida

Figure 5. Dendrogram depicting group of reservoirs according to rotifer species density at each season. Dendrograma donde sediferencian los grupos de embalses según la densidad de las especies de rotíferos en cada estación.

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variables. The species-environment correlationcoefficient for the first two axes was 0.78.

The biplot (Fig. 6) of the matrices correspond-ing to the sampled reservoirs achieved by thetwo first axes generated by the CCA, suggeststhat Secchi disk transparency and dissolvedoxygen (DO) were the important variables forthe first axis (Table II). For the second axis, Chla is the major factor, but temperature was alsostrongly correlated with this axis. The projec-tion of the species’ points on the first axis show-ed that Filinia opoliensis, Brachionus sp., andTrichocerca sp. were more closely associated tohigh temperatures. High Chl a concentrationswere associated to P. euryptera, P. major, andFilinia longiseta. P. sulcata also showed apreference for highly productive conditions. Onthe other hand, and associated with high water

transparency, Synchaeta pectinata, P. hudsoni,and C. mutabilis can be found. C. natans andP. dolichoptera seem to be more closely relatedto DO concentrations.

The projection of site scores shows a separa-tion, reflecting the trophic state and seasonalvariation. This corroborates, in a general way,the groups formed by cluster analysis. Thus,summer data seem to be more correlated withtemperature, and this is the case for reservoirswith high trophic state and belonging to groupsA, B and C (from Cluster analysis), namelyÁgueda, Montargil, Póvoa, Divor, and Idanha.Correlated with high Chlorophyll a concentra-tions are spring data from the same reservoirs,as are Fratel and Meimoa (1996) from groups Band F. Finally, correlated with high water trans-parency, are low production reservoirs Castelodo Bode and Luzia (spring and summer of 1995and 1996), and Meimoa (1995).


Marques & Boavida (1997) classified Luzia,Cabril, and C. Bode as mesotrophic, using thephosphorus component of Carlson’s TSI, in 1992and 1993. Using the chlorophyll component ofthe same index, Caramujo & Boavida (2000)found these reservoirs to be oligotrophic in theperiod between 1993 and 1995. Although withsome caution because of the different compo-nents of the index employed (Carlson, 1977),this could indicate an improvement in the trophic

Rotifers of portuguese reservoirs and trophic state 111

Figure 6. CCA ordination diagram with rotifer species(points) and environmental variables (arrows). The rotifer spe-cies represented follow Table 1 codes. Diagrama de ordena-ción CCA con las especies de rotíferos (puntos) y variablesambientales (flechas). Las especies de rotíferos representadasse indican con los códigos de la Tabla 1.

Table 2. Correlation coefficients between environmental variablesand the first two CCA axes. Coeficientes de correlación entre lasvariables ambientales y los dos primeros ejes CCA.



TEMP -0.4738 -0.5618 -0.4188 -0.6218DO 0.5133 0.0020 0.6328 0.2345TRANS 0.1744 -0.0998 0.4795 -0.3083Chl a -0.5387 0.5931 -0.3181 0.6705

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state of these reservoirs. Regarding the remain-ing reservoirs investigated in this study, only therapid improvement in trophic state of theMeimoa Reservoir in 1996 deserves attention.

In general, analysis of zooplankton communi-ties throughout the period studied reflects thedominance of rotifers in more productivesystems. This has been described in the scientif-ic literature (Bays & Crisman, 1983; Haberman1995) for the past decades and the Tejo reser-voirs constitute no exception.

The Diversity Index did not show evidence ofa relationship with trophic state. Although highrichness (in number of species) was observed inhighly productive lakes (Idanha, Póvoa andMaranhão), this was not accompanied by acorrespondent increase in the Diversity Index(exception must be made for Divor and Póvoa),since at the same time blooms of rotifer specieswere observed, namely Pompholix sulcata andFilinia opoliensis (Idanha, spring of 1995) andKeratella cochlearis hispida (Águeda, summerof 1996). This finding is in agreement with thework of Attayde & Bozelli (1998) who repordedthe poor relation of this index with trophic state.

From cluster analysis it is possible to relatethe evolution of trophic state to groups evi-denced by this analysis. Associated to hightrophic state reservoirs (Póvoa, Montargil,Idanha in spring) were Polyarthra eurypteraand P. sulcata, species showing evidence ofhigh correlation with Chlorophyll a andknown from scientific literature for their pre-ference for highly eutrophic habitats. Filiniaopoliensis is also common in summer samplesfrom the same reservoirs. In reservoirs charac-terized by an intermediate trophic state wefound Polyarthra vulgaris associated with B.calyciflorus, A. priodonta, and/or K. quadrata.In another cluster formed mainly by reservoirslocated north to the main course of the Tejoriver, a gradient in trophic state was revealedfrom mesotrophic reservoirs to eutrophic ones.This evolution is accompanied by changes inrotifer communities in which the presence ofC. mutabilis and T. similis can be observed inmesotrophic reservoirs, C. natans in meso-

eutrophic and eutrophic reservoirs, and only P.dolichoptera and K. cochlearis, either tecta orhispida, in eutrophic reservoirs.

The presence of C. mutabilis in mesotrophicreservoirs may suggest a transitional situation,since this species is characteristic of oligotrophicreservoirs (Luzia, Cabril and Castelo do Bode),along with Ploesoma, in the Tejo river basin.

Different groups reflect, in general, differ-ences in trophic state among reservoirs, as wellas seasonal variation. Yet, instead of discrimina-tion of distinct groups as eutrophic, mesotro-phic, and oligotrophic reservoirs, these resultspoint to gradual and multiple responses of roti-fer communities to eutrophication. Therefore, itmay be concluded that, rather than one or twospecies related to a specific trophic state, thereseems to be a response of the community as awhole to changing trophic states.


M. J. Caramujo, C. Crispim, and L. Figueira,assisted in sample collection. This study was part-ially supported by a doctoral grant (PRAXISXXI/BD-3324/94) awarded to C. Baião by Funda-ção para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal).


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