Rotary Club of Surat West WEEKLY BULLETIN OF Rotary...

Rotary Club of Surat West WEEKLY BULLETIN OF Rotary Club Of Surat West SPARK R.I.PRESIDENT: CLUB PRESIDENT: LAN H.S. RISELEY RTN. DILIP GULWANI DIST. GOVERNOR: (M): 9825108703 RTN. RUCHIR JANI E MAIL: [email protected] HON. CLUB SECRETARY: BULLETIN EDITOR: RTN. VIVEK GOEL RTN. VIVEK GOEL (M): 9978929168 RTN. KRUNAL MEHTA E-MAIL: [email protected] (M): 9978929168 Vol.: 22 1/2017-18 FORTHCOMING CLUB PROGRAMS BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY Day &Date : Wednesday, 12 th July, 2017 Program : Fellowship Meet Venue : Basant Vihar, Bhatar, Surat Time : 8.45 pm Day &Date : Wednesday, 5 th July, 2017 Program : AG Visit cum Club Assembly Venue : Taj Gateway, Surat Time : 8.45 pm ROTARY YEAR 2017-2018 CHARTER DATE: 30-4-96 R.I.DIST. 3060 ZONE 4-B CLUB NO. : 31549 NEXT MEETING Rtn. Anil Pitaliya - July, 02 Rtn. Dr. Vijay Shah - July, 03 Rtn. Chunibhai Gajera - July, 05 Wedding Anniversaries Rtn. Pankaj – Ann Sadhana Marfatia - May, 18

Transcript of Rotary Club of Surat West WEEKLY BULLETIN OF Rotary...

Rotary Club of Surat West WEEKLY BULLETIN OF Rotary Club Of Surat West




Vol.: 22 1/2017-18



Day &Date : Wednesday, 12th July, 2017 Program : Fellowship Meet Venue : Basant Vihar, Bhatar, Surat Time : 8.45 pm

Day &Date : Wednesday, 5th July, 2017 Program : AG Visit cum Club Assembly Venue : Taj Gateway, Surat Time : 8.45 pm

ROTARY YEAR 2017-2018 CHARTER DATE: 30-4-96 R.I.DIST. 3060 ZONE 4-B CLUB NO. : 31549


Rtn. Anil Pitaliya - July, 02 Rtn. Dr. Vijay Shah - July, 03 Rtn. Chunibhai Gajera - July, 05

Wedding Anniversaries Rtn. Pankaj – Ann Sadhana Marfatia - May, 18

Last Meeting - Sunday, 25TH June, 2017 – The Installation ceremony of Rtn Dilip Gulwani as President, and his team for the rotary year 2017-18.

The 23rd Installation meeting of Rotary Club Surat West was Held on 25th June 11.00 am at Hotel Taj Gateway. As a tradition of the

club all the Rotarians were smartly dressed in Jacket and Tie and Ann’s were gracefully dressed in Sarees. The MOC Ann. Shivani

Mandlewala eloquently kicked off the meeting at 11:35 am followed by prayer by Ann, Freya Mandlewala. Outgoing President Rtn

Snehal Pachchigar welcomed one and all and Hon. Sec. Amit Gajjar presented an exhaustive and marvelous power point Activity report.

IPP Tinish Mody introduced the incoming President Rtn. Dilip Gulwani in his elegant style. The new team for the Rotary Year 2017-18

was introduced and our Incoming President Rtn Dilip Gulwani was installed by the gracious hands of our own PP. Rtn Geeta Modi.

President Rtn Dilip Gulwani read the Resolution and his acceptance speech with great confidence and enthusiasm and promised that

the Rotary Year 2017-18 will be very wonderful and eventful year and inspired Rotarians with a Power Point Clip to donate for the

needy and a club theme JUST DO IT.

For the first time in the history of Surat West a club theme was introduced.

PP. Rtn. Geetaben Modi being the installation Officer, addressed the august gathering sharing her views for the upbringing of the club

from where it stands today. PDG Devendra Shastri also shared his Words of Wisdom, narrating the progressive journey of the Rotary

Club Surat West, since 1996 till date. It was again a highly esteemed moment for the club as we inducted 4 new members by the

worthy hands of A.G. Tushar Shah crossing the membership strength of our club above 60. Kudos to Rotary Club of Surat West.

PP. Rtn. Setu Gandhi introduced the Chief Guest Padmashree Kanubhai Tailor who in his mesmerizing style addressed the august

gathering. He said that Rotary is one of the very good NGOs who is doing good work and does not show-off. Rotary is having a

international flavor and further praised Rotary’s Best work for the humanity, and commented that Rotary is the True Messenger of God

and Blessed Rotary Again and Again to do good to the Community. As a token of love and affection PDG Devendra Shastri presented the

memento to our Chief Guest Padmashree Kanubhai Tailor and our President Rtn Dilip Gulwani presented the memento to our

Installation Officer PP Rtn Geetaben Modi.

Last but not the least, our PP Rtn. Bhavesh Shah proposed hearty voice of thanks to one & all and the meeting came to an end with

scrumptious lunch on a Sunday afternoon. Kudo’s to MOC Shivani Mandlewala for her command and outstanding work. PDG Bharat

Solanki, PDG Prafull Bhatt , PDG Kulbandhu Sharma also graced the occasion along with AG Tushar Shah ,Presidents and Secretaries of

other Rotary Clubs of Surat area and president Dilip Gulwani’s family.

The Installation ceremony

R I President Message – July 2017

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

There are as many reasons to come to Rotary as there are Rotarians — maybe even a few more. But each of us has stayed in Rotary

because it adds something to our own lives. Through Rotary, we are Making a Difference in the world; and the more involved we

become, the more of a difference Rotary makes to each of us. Rotary challenges us to become better people: to become ambitious in

the ways that matter, to strive for higher goals, and to incorporate Service Above Self into our daily lives.

What kind of difference Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians make through their service will always be their own decision. As an -

organisation, we are guided by the three strategic priorities our Board has set in our strategic plan: to support and strengthen our

clubs, to focus and increase our humanitarian service, and to enhance Rotary’s public image and awareness.

In the year ahead, our clubs will have the support of a greatly augmented array of online tools, including a refreshed, a -

simplified Rotary Foundation grant application process, an improved My Rotary experience, and a rebuilt Rotary Club Central. As we

look to strengthen our clubs, two specific challenges stand out in our membership: our gender balance and our average age. To keep

our clubs strong, we need to build a membership that reflects the communities we serve and that will continue to develop

knowledgeable leaders for generations to come.

For many years, one idea has stood at the heart of all our service: sustainability. Sustainable service means our work continues to have

a positive impact long after Rotary’s direct involvement has ended. We don’t dig wells and walk away; we make sure communities can

maintain and repair those wells. If we build a clinic, we make sure that clinic has a way to keep running without ongoing support from

us. And when it comes to polio, we aren’t working to contain it; we’re working to end it.

Eradicating polio is the ultimate in sustainable service. It is an investment that will yield not just a long-lasting but a permanent benefit,

on a global scale. It is and must remain our No 1 priority until the job is done.

For 112 years, Rotary has made a difference to more lives, in more ways, than we can ever count or will ever know. Today, each of us

bears a torch, its flame lit by Paul Harris, that has been passed forward from generation to generation, in Rotary: Making a Difference.

Ian H S Riseley President, Rotary International