ROTA-BITS...ROTA-BITS * Page 2 seeking individuals face. Revati’s regimen depends mostly on three...

ROTA-BITS SERVICE ABOVE SELF VOL. 14, NO. 14, OCTOBER 4, 2012 * EDITOR: * DOUG GROSE* October is Vocational Service Month in the Rotary International Calendar LAST MEETING Reported by Bob Zyromski Sgt.-at-Arms: Signore Lariccia Prayer: Ex-prez Brodnan supplicated for fair weather while clams are stewing and Rotarians frolicking on the island Friday eve. Also thankful for the NFL/refs agreement. “Maybe the Browns will have a chance to win now.” After which Chet K. speculated aloud that with replacement refs the Browns’ chances for victory actually might be better. Guests/visitors: none. A rarity. Rotabuck/WFD: Bob Sanderson’s draw of tickee 569 brought Scott Marn’s pick of a Jack of Diamonds. Scott pronounced WFD ‘praught.’ Which provoked murmurings about fining ye olde editor a buck for using a counterfeit ‘meaningful unit’ of the king’s English (or at least the club’s). Announcements: Tony Mancari trumpeted the eminent October 12 planning session for the youngsters’ Farmpark Christmas bash (is it that time of year approaching already?) So, volunteer! Contact Mr. T at Aqua America, and come watch Joyce Merlini weave her organizational magic yet again. Prez Tom pronounced the Better in Mentor Days run a rousing success, and thanked our club volunteers who made it so. Marrow testing, a new BIMD wrinkle, yielded only three new registrants, but the word definitely got out. Donations were higher than previously. And, evidently that morning Mother Nature rained everywhere except on our parade, uh, run. Mike Scruggs announced that Bill Levy is now a former member – and former Captains staffer. He’s on his way to Augusta, Georgia, having hitched his professional fortunes to The Ripken Group, owner of several minor-league ball clubs. PROGRAM: Revati Wellness – Thomas J. Morledge, M.D. Voted one of the top docs in America, plus receiving numerous other accolades, Morledge presented the vision of an entirely new approach to self-care and personal health inventories. Revati Wellness, his practice, brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘concierge’ medicine. Morledge’s group, which limits itself to 300 membership-fee- paying clients, defines individualized medicine. Revati’s approach is a confluence of heart attack and stroke prevention, conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Why such specific medical attentiveness? Focusing his presentation on heart attack and stroke prevention, Morledge noted the many vagaries of medical tests and markers. It’s only by closely analyzing the singular biological makeup of the individual that proper holistic treatment can be applied. Morledge called this “leading-edge information.” His stance: vascular issues are preventable. Which is important since cardiovascular disease, for instance, causes 35% of all deaths. And of the many statistical quirks he noted, half of heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. Dr. Morledge addressing the Rotary Club of Mentor. Photo by Dan Welker. Further, treadmill stress tests indicate problems only for those with 70% or more blockage. Especially with 86% of heart attacks resulting from plaque blockage, that’s unsatisfactory for doctors like Morledge whose aim is to discover such serious, developing issues much earlier in one’s life. Another seeming anomaly: 88% of heart attack victims would be deemed technically “low to moderate risk if evaluated the day before they died.” Morledge’s preventive approach is particularly important considering that 50% of people die from their first heart attack. That’s folks who didn’t realize they even had coronary disease, something that simply doesn’t show up in current conventional testing. Morledge noted that 200 risk factors exist for heart disease – high blood pressure, sleep apnea, infected gums, diabetes and the like -- further underscoring the quandary health- A NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF MENTOR, OHIO

Transcript of ROTA-BITS...ROTA-BITS * Page 2 seeking individuals face. Revati’s regimen depends mostly on three...

Page 1: ROTA-BITS...ROTA-BITS * Page 2 seeking individuals face. Revati’s regimen depends mostly on three basic tests, all geared toward early detection and reversal. CIMT is a test of cardio


VOL. 14, NO. 14, OCTOBER 4, 2012 * EDITOR: * DOUG GROSE* October is Vocational Service

Month in the Rotary International Calendar

LAST MEETINGReported by Bob Zyromski

Sgt.-at-Arms: Signore Lariccia

Prayer : Ex-prez Brodnan supplicated for fair weather while clams are stewing and Rotarians frolicking on the island Friday eve. Also thankful for the NFL/refs agreement. “Maybe the Browns will have a chance to win now.” After which Chet K. speculated aloud that with replacement refs the Browns’ chances for victory actually might be better.

Guests/visitors : none. A rarity.

Rotabuck/WFD : Bob Sanderson’s draw of tickee 569 brought Scott Marn’s pick of a Jack of Diamonds. Scott pronounced WFD ‘praught.’ Which provoked murmurings about fining ye olde editor a buck for using a counterfeit ‘meaningful unit’ of the king’s English (or at least the club’s).

Announcements : Tony Mancari trumpeted the eminent October 12 planning session for the youngsters’ Farmpark Christmas bash (is it that time of year approaching already?) So, volunteer! Contact Mr. T at Aqua America, and come watch Joyce Merlini weave her organizational magic yet again.

Prez Tom pronounced the Better in Mentor Days run a rousing success, and thanked our club volunteers who made it so. Marrow testing, a new BIMD wrinkle, yielded only three new registrants, but the word definitely got out. Donations were higher than

previously. And, evidently that morning Mother Nature rained everywhere except on our parade, uh, run.

Mike Scruggs announced that Bill Levy is now a former member – and former Captains staffer. He’s on his way to Augusta, Georgia, having hitched his professional fortunes to The Ripken Group, owner of several minor-league ball clubs.

PROGRAM: Revati Wellness – Thomas J. Morledge, M.D.

Voted one of the top docs in America, plus receiving numerous other accolades, Morledge presented the vision of an entirely new approach to self-care and personal health inventories. Revati Wellness, his practice, brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘concierge’ medicine. Morledge’s group, which limits itself to 300 membership-fee-paying clients, defines individualized medicine. Revati’s approach is a confluence of heart attack and stroke prevention, conventional medicine and alternative medicine.

Why such specific medical attentiveness? Focusing his presentation on heart attack and stroke prevention, Morledge noted the many vagaries of medical tests and markers. It’s only by closely analyzing the singular biological makeup of the individual that proper holistic treatment can be applied. Morledge called this “leading-edge information.”

His stance: vascular issues are preventable. Which is important since cardiovascular disease, for instance, causes 35% of all deaths. And of the many statistical quirks he noted, half of heart attacks occur in

people with normal cholesterol levels.

Dr. Morledge addressing the Rotary Club of Mentor. Photo by Dan Welker.

Further, treadmill stress tests indicate problems only for those with 70% or more blockage. Especially with 86% of heart attacks resulting from plaque blockage, that’s unsatisfactory for doctors like Morledge whose aim is to discover such serious, developing issues much earlier in one’s life.

Another seeming anomaly: 88% of heart attack victims would be deemed technically “low to moderate risk if evaluated the day before they died.” Morledge’s preventive approach is particularly important considering that 50% of people die from their first heart attack. That’s folks who didn’t realize they even had coronary disease, something that simply doesn’t show up in current conventional testing.

Morledge noted that 200 risk factors exist for heart disease – high blood pressure, sleep apnea, infected gums, diabetes and the like -- further underscoring the quandary health-


Page 2: ROTA-BITS...ROTA-BITS * Page 2 seeking individuals face. Revati’s regimen depends mostly on three basic tests, all geared toward early detection and reversal. CIMT is a test of cardio

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seeking individuals face.Revati’s regimen depends mostly

on three basic tests, all geared toward early detection and reversal. CIMT is a test of cardio disease, measured to the hundredth of a millimeter. It costs only $200, yet is not covered by insurance. The second is a coronary calcium score. And the third genetic testing. Morledge opened some eyes by indicating that, indeed, red wine, fish oil and other foods are good for the majority of people. But can be absolutely dangerous for 25% of the population! Again, a test is available, for $69 – but not covered by insurance.

Morledge used himself as an example of the lifestyle coaching aspect of his medical approach. He largely adheres to a Mediterranean diet, practices various stress-management techniques, uses diaphragmatic breathing (from which derive a surprising number of benefits), exercises – using the marathoner types, no less – and other practices.

Rivati’s lifestyle coaching follows a similar line: clients lose weight, increase insulin resistance, follow a better diet, exercise, lower their blood pressure, and the like. Most important, these basics of a personal regimen are monitored – everything from a home scale to glucose measuring to blood pressure to . . . you name it. The goal: delivering optimal, individualized care. Giving clients a lot of expert access and time. But not necessarily face-to-face office time. Morledge noted clients are from all over Ohio, and in Florida and other states.

His sidekick Nancy Tozer announced Rivati will make available free to Rotarians the practice’s standard carotid artery test. Request handouts were provided. Or email [email protected].


Bob Sustar described his once-very young son’s trials with ITP, with bruising from platelets. A holistic approach – especially including diet, vitamin K and sometimes supplements, mostly not – has allowed for the boy to live a normal life, a testimonial to the holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.

In answer to a query about clogged stents, Morledge indicated that, originally, the lack of research regarding the efficacy of stents has resulted in such issues.

In describing his heart attack, Cliff Shandle said, “fourteen years ago I was dead.” Obviously resuscitated, Cliff noted, “I’ve followed 95% of the doctor’s suggestions. And here I am. Back then, I was given five years to live.”

When to really start looking for big issues that come with advancing years? For men, 40 years old. For women, 45.

Regarding Obamacare, Morledge urged our seeing “Escape Fire,” a movie coming soon to the Cleveland area. He’s positive about Obamacare. His practice would benefit somewhat. But the biggest issue is for primary care physicians. The 30 million Americans currently without health care would, under this new plan, have it – and be added mostly to primary care patient lists. He noted that these doctors typically see 28 patients per day and average seven minutes per visit. Overburdened can’t begin to describe the effects of such a change.

KUDOSTo the following Rotarians who helped thirteen Broadmoor students construct and paint napkin holders on September 10, the first Woodworking Session for the new school year: Fred Lariccia, Bob Boyd, George Maier, Jack Butler, Doug Grose, Karen Bowersox, Tom Weiss, Shane Novak, Kevin Newcomb, Vicki Curtis, Dick Swain, Bob Wigton and Bill Pickett. .Special KUDOS to Bill Pickett who prepared all of the needed components.

MORE KUDOSTo the many helping hands, Rotarians, Rotary family members and Rotary friends, enumerated in the following message received from Fred Lariccia: Special KUDOS to Fred Lariccia and his Great Harvest Bread Company for making it all possible.

The winner of the most bread sold

goes to Judge John Trebets, he sold 265 loaves, the most ever! CONGRATS Judge John!! The total money raised will be around $10,000.00The Club sold a total of 1,156 loaves of bread and cookies! Great Job by All!! I would like to thank all of the Rotarian's that worked on Bread Day weekend, and also those who sold bread, to help bolster our Foundation Fund. Those who worked are:Tom and Felicia Hough, Jack Butler, Dennis Nowacki, Skip Trombetti, Lee Quinones, Glenn Pizzuti, Vickie Wildeman, Andy Meinhold, Karen Bowersox, Mark Schneider, Bob Sanderson, Phil Plestis, Bill Levy, Vicki Curtis, Wayne Brodnan, Bob Zyromski, Bob Boyd, Cliff and Shirley Shandle, Mary Ann Blakeley, Jane and Ted Hieronymus, Jim Macy, Mike Brodnan, Bob Sustar, Bill Snow, Lou Kreider, T.R. Hach, George Maier, Nancy Sanden, Dianne Munson, Ray Kirchner. Those who sold bread are: Randy Carver, Joe Gibson, Andy Meinhold, Bob Sanderson, Bob Sustar, Wayne Brodnan, Waite Talbot, Vickie Wildeman, Nancy Sanden, Vince Granito, Cliff and Shirley Shandle, Tom Lemire, Elfie Roman, Ted Hieronymus, Scott Marn, Tom Hough Scott Schneider, Roger Sustar, John Trebets, Mike and Mary Beth Scruggs, Mary Ann Blakeley, George Maier, Bob Zyromski, Gary Estadt, Bob Ledenican, Ron Traub, Tony Mancini, Vicki Curtis, Bob Boyd, John Solich, Bill Robertson.I would like to give a special thanks to both Vicki Curtis and Bob Sustar for taking over this event, they did a great job and are already talking about better and bigger things for next year!I would also like to thank my brother Tony, my wife Joni, and especially my kids Molly and Kris without whose help we could not have pulled this off! It really is a big job making it all come together! Thanks for another successful year!!

Fred Lariccia


"So, what's the secret to your 52 years of marriage?"


Page 3: ROTA-BITS...ROTA-BITS * Page 2 seeking individuals face. Revati’s regimen depends mostly on three basic tests, all geared toward early detection and reversal. CIMT is a test of cardio

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"We never go to sleep angry.""That's a great philosophy.""Yes, the longest we've gone

without sleep is five days. So far."

Marketing Guy: Why haven't you kept me up to date on this account?

Ops Guy: I've copied you on every e-mail I sent to them!

Marketing Guy: I don't have time to read my e-mails. There's too much information in them. If you send me an important e-mail, give me a call to let me know I need to check it.


Many Thanks to Dan Welker for the following photos taken at our clambake last Friday.

UPCOMING EVENTS.October 4 - Maureen Kelly – Impact of Clerk of Courts October 7 – Bone Marrow Testing Drive at Mentor Medical CampusOctober 11 - Cassie Schumaker – Denis Nowacki October 15 – Woodworking at Broadmoor School.October 17- Board meeting at Panera BreadOctober 18 - Jeff Heinen - (John Solich)October 25 - Brian Fowler, Lake Metroparks November 1 - Jon Slaybaugh, SCORENovember 8 – Learning About Business, Students from LEC – November 22 - T URKEY DAY NO MEETING…

BIRTHDAYSOctober 16 – Vickie WildemanOctober 17 – Joe GibsonOctober 23 – Bill Robertson

If I have missed anyone, please call 257-9827 or email [email protected]

THE 4-WAY TESTOf the things we think, say or do...Is it the Truth?Is it Fair to all concerned?Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?



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2011\2012President Tom Hough PHFImmediate Past President Wayne Brodnan PHFPresident Elect John SolichVice President Amy KapostasySecretary Kevin Newcomb PHFTreasurer Curt Jones, PHF Sergeant-at-Arms Fred Lariccia, PHF

Board Members T. R. Hach PHFShane Novak PHFRon Traub PHFBob FrittsBill Robertson PHFTom Weiss PHFBob Boyd PHFMike Scruggs PHFTom Lemire

Membership ChairVicki Curtis

WHERE WE MEETLaMalfa Center,5783 Heisley Road,Mentor, OhioThursday at 12 Noon

OUR MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 1177Mentor, OH 44061-1177



MEETING MAKE-UPSFollowing are a few nearby RotaryClub meeting sites and times for makeups;MONDAYWilloughby at Gavi’s, 12:00 PMTUESDAYPainesville at Hellreigel’s Inn at

12:00 Noon.WEDNESDAYBurton-Middlefield at Welshfield Inn Banquet Hall, 14001 Main Market Rd., Burton, at 7:00PMCleveland East at Nighttown Restaurant 12387 Cedar Road Cleveland Hts. At Noon.THURSDAYCleveland at Windows on the Riverin the Flats, Bridge View Room,Third Floor, Windows on the River, Powerhouse. Nautica EntertainmentComplex, 2000 Sycamore at 12:00FRIDAYChagrin Highlands (Beachwoodarea): at Mitchell’s Fish Market, 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Woodmere (at Eton Square).