Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

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  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Welcome to the Assembly Guide for the Rostock MAX v2.0 3D printer.

    ersion !."!# M$y %th# 20!"

    Repetier-Host Edition

    &opyri'ht 20!" by Gene (uckle

    )icensed $s &re$tive &ommons Attribution*+h$reAlike 3.0

    ,uestions or corrections should be em$iled to 'eneb-delt$

    Discl$imer tet provided by )ul/(ot


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide




    Hazards and WarningsThe SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX 3D printer has motorized and heated parts. When the printer is inoperation ala!s "e aare o# possi"le hazards.

    $lectric Shock HazardNe%er open the electronics "a! o# the printer hile the printer is poered on. &e#ore remo%ingthe access door' ala!s poer don the printer and (npl(g the AC line cord.

    &(rn Hazard

    Ne%er to(ch the e)tr(der nozzle or heater "lock itho(t #irst t(rning o## the hot end andalloing it to completel! cool don. The hot end can take (p to tent! min(tes to completel!cool. Also' ne%er to(ch recentl! e)tr(ded plastic. The plastic can stick to !o(r skin and ca(se"(rns.

    Also "e#ore o# the heated "ed hich can reach high temperat(res capa"le o# ca(sing "(rns.

    *ire HazardNe%er place #lamma"le materials or li+(ids on or near the printer hen poered on or inoperation. ,i+(id acetone and %apors are e)tremel! #lamma"le.

    -inch Hazard

    When the printer is in operation' take care to ne%er p(t !o(r #ingers in the mo%ing parts'incl(ding the "elts' p(lle!s or gears. Also' tie "ack long hair or clothing that can get ca(ght inthe mo%ing parts o# the printer.

    Static ChargeMake s(re to gro(nd !o(rsel# "e#ore to(ching the printer' especiall! the electronics.$lectrostatic charges can damage electronic components. To gro(nd !o(rsel#' to(ch agro(nded so(rce.

    Age Warning*or (sers (nder the age o# /' ad(lt s(per%ision is recommended. &eare o# choking hazardsaro(nd small children.


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Table of Contents

    RAD M 1R+4.....................................................................................................................................20 5 ntroduction $nd Ackno6led'ments....................................................................................................7! 5 Re8uired $nd 9ption$l ools And M$teri$ls........................................................................................:2 5 isu$l (ill of M$teri$ls......................................................................................................................!!3 5 ;reppin' the

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    ;rep$rin' the +truder...............................................................................................................!23Mountin' the +truder...............................................................................................................!27nst$llin' the +truder Mount $nd 1il$ment Assemblin' the )&D ;$nel.....................................................................................!?3Att$chin' the ;o6er $nd @+( &$bles..........................................................................................!?%nst$llin' the Acrylic &over ;$nels..............................................................................................!?:

    20 5 Driver $nd +oft6$re nst$ll$tion....................................................................................................!="nst$llin' the RAM(o Driver.......................................................................................................!="nst$llin' the Arduino D...........................................................................................................!=7&onfi'urin' the Arduino D.......................................................................................................!=:est @plo$d...................................................................................................................................!=?@plo$din' Repetier*1irm6$re......................................................................................................200he )&D $nd 1ront ;$nel &ontrols..............................................................................................20!

    2! 5 nst$llin' Repetier*

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    23 5 1irst ;rintF ; 1$n +hroud........................................................................................................22%erifyin' truder +tepper 9per$tion..........................................................................................22%&onfi'urin' +lic3r........................................................................................................................227)o$din' 1il$ment..........................................................................................................................22=

    ;rep$rin' the

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    0 Introduction and Acknowledgents

    Id like to 6elcome you to the Rostock MAX v2 $ssembly 'uide4

    ven if youEve built $n ori'in$l Rostock MAX v! 3D printer# youEll 6$nt to re$d this m$nu$l

    c$refully. here $re no ori'in$l Mel$mine p$rts left from the ori'in$l desi'n. he construction h$s

    been 're$tly stre$mlined $nd should prove to be $ shorter build. he desi'n ch$n'es m$de 6ill ensure

    th$t youEve 'ot $ lon' l$stin'# e$sy to c$libr$te# delt$ confi'ur$tion 3D printer.

    ;le$se re$d this entire 'uide before you be'in $ssembly of your ne6 Rostock MAX v24 t 6ill

    help you $void $ny unple$s$nt surprises $nd 6ill ensure th$t youIve 'ot everythin' you need (19R

    you need it4 @nderst$nd th$t the photo'r$phs in this $ssembly 'uide do B9 tell the 6hole story of

    e$ch step4 M$ke sure you re$d $nd underst$nd the $ccomp$nyin' tet for e$ch step4

    A 8uick note on the RAM(o# the controller for your Rostock MAX. he RAM(o is st$tic

    sensitive# so ple$se donEt t$ke it out of the st$tic b$' it ships in until youEre re$dy to use it.

    he bo cont$inin' the RAM(o $nd its 6irin' should $lso cont$in $ printed# bl$ck > 6hite

    sheet th$t looks like thisF


    ;le$se refer to this sheet 6hen you re$ch &h$pter !?. his is $ v$lu$ble 'uide to 6irin' the

    RAM(o up to your Rostock MAX. Bote th$t the connector pol$rity is cle$rly m$rked on the bo$rd for

    the KM9+1 9utputsL.


    Ed like to th$nk )ul/(ot for the use of their im$'es in the roubleshootin' +ection $nd s$fety

    discl$imer $s 6ell $s the 'entlem$n th$t runshttpFJJmino6.blo'$uJfor his ecellent 'uide on

    c$libr$tin' delt$ confi'ur$tion 3D printers.

    Ed $lso like to th$nk the 6hole '$n' over $t the +eeMe&B& forums for providin' ecellent

    feedb$ck. his 6ould be $ much lesser cre$tion 6ithout their contributions $nd insi'hts.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Re"uired and #$tional Tools And Materials

    (efore you be'in $ssembly of your Rostock MAX v2# ple$se m$ke sure youIve 'ot everythin'

    on the follo6in' list of tools $nd $ddition$l m$teri$ls.

    ;! > ;2 si/ed ;hillips scre6drivers

    +t$nd$rd fl$t he$d scre6driver

    3J32L Allen heN 6rench. A b$ll*end# *h$ndle version is $ 'ood choice for this $nd the other

    si/es of Allen 6renches used

    %J32L Allen heN 6rench.

    :J7"L Allen heN 6rench.

    Beedle nose pliers

    1orceps 5 these 6ill come in h$ndy 6hen routin' the belts $nd re$chin' for sm$ll# h$rd to re$ch

    p$rts. hey c$n be purch$sed from Am$/on for $s little $s O3.%0 for $ set of t6o.

    Wire strippers

    Wire cutters

    %J!7L open*ended 6rench @sed prim$rily on the nuts th$t hold the &he$psk$tes to'etherN

    2 :J!7L open end 6renches. used to $dCust &he$psk$te (e$rin'sN

    !!J!7L open*ended 6rench used for hot*end mountN

    ;erm$e @ltr$ &opper

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    A sm$ll r$/or knife like $n X*Acto knife. his 6ill be h$ndy for cle$nin' the fl$shin' off the

    inCection molded p$rts.

    !J2L 6ide roll of $pton t$pe

    @ninsul$ted crimp on connectors# si/ed for 22*!?'$ 6ire.

    R$dio +h$ck ;JB 7"0*3037 is $n ecellent choice.

    A di'it$l c$liper. hese c$n be purch$sed from

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he follo6in' is $ list of option$l thin's th$t c$n m$ke your life e$sier in the lon' run.

    lectrici$nEs t$pe.

    W$ed l$cin' cord. Hou c$n use this in pl$ce of 6ire ties in pretty much $ny $pplic$tion. Hou

    c$n find it hereF'eek.comJ6ht*strin'.html . While epensive# youEll never re$lly

    need to buy $ 6ire tie $'$in $nd itEll likely l$st you the rest of your life. FN

    .!00L 2.%"mmN )$tchin' ;ol$ri/ed M$le

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    donEt feel obli'$ted to use them. Bo6 th$t bein' s$id# h$vin' $ 8uick*disconnect hot end is Cust cool.FN

    he + connectors c$n be purch$sed from

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    % &isual 'ill of Materials

    Hour Rostock MAX v2 kit should cont$in four l$ser cut Mel$mine sheets# $ l$r'e bo

    cont$inin' h$rd6$re# inCection molded p$rts# the RAM(o controller $nd the re8uired 6irin'. he bo

    6ill $lso cont$in $ "%0W AX style po6er supply.

    he Mel$mine p$rts $re held in pl$ce 6ith m$skin' t$pe in order to protect them durin'shippin'. he p$rts $re $lso covered 6ith $ speci$l cuttin' m$sk th$t prevents the l$ser cuttin'

    oper$tion from depositin' cuttin' residue on the Mel$mine surf$ce. HouEll need to remove $ll of this

    m$teri$l before be'innin' construction.

    ncluded in the three l$ser cut sheets is $n

    $ddition$l sm$ller sheet th$t cont$ins $ component

    th$tEs p$rt of the printerEs upper section# $s seen in

    1i'. !*2.


    Fig. 1-1: Shipping box contents.

    Fig. 1-2: Laser cut parts.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    $ke speci$l c$re 6hen removin' the l$ser cut p$rts from the sheets. +ometimes the l$ser

    doesnEt 8uite cut $ll the 6$y throu'h. f you find $ p$rt like this# youEll 6$nt to 'ently score the b$ck

    side of the sheet $lon' the f$int cut line $nd then press the p$rt out from the front of the sheet. he

    front $nd b$ck of the sheet is e$sily identifi$ble 5 the front of the sheet 6ill h$ve very d$rk l$ser cut

    lines 6ith Kfl$shL deposits to either side of the l$ser cut line. he b$ck of the sheet 6ill h$ve much

    f$inter m$rks.


    Fig. 1-3: Sheet #1 parts.

    Fig. 1-4: Sheet #2 parts.

    Fig. 1-5: Sheet #3 parts.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he c$rdbo$rd bo cont$ins $ll the non*mel$mine components re8uired to build the Rostock

    MAX v2. M$ny $re in individu$l b$''ies# some $re in he$t*se$led b$' Kp$cksL. As you 'o throu'h the

    follo6in' (ill of M$teri$ls# ple$se count $nd check off e$ch item. his is import$nt $s you donEt 6$nt

    to be short $ vit$l p$rt durin' the build. tEs better to find out before h$nd th$n bein' forced to stop the

    $ssembly process due to $ missin' p$rt. f you $re missin' $ny p$rts# ple$se cont$ct

    support-seemecnc.com6ith the subCect line of KMissin' ;$rts4L. Note that the uantities sho!n in

    the photographs "a not necessaril "atch the uantit liste$ to the right. %hen it $oubt& 'ollo! the

    uantities liste$ in the text(

    1or those th$t $renEt sure ho6 to identify the v$rious scre6 types# (olt Depot h$s m$de $v$il$ble

    some excellentreferences. 6ould recommend 1$stener ($sics httpFJJ666.boltdepot.comJf$stener*

    inform$tionJ;rint$ble*oolsJ1$stener*($sics.pdfN $nd their 1$stener ype &h$rt

    httpFJJ666.boltdepot.comJf$stener*inform$tionJype*&h$rt.$sp N.

    Hardware Package #1

    Rubber foot p$ck. &ont$ins 7 e$ch of the follo6in' componentsF

    PPPN S!0*32# %J?L Bylon ;$n left b$se covers $s 6ell $s the )&D p$nel.

    PPPN " e$ch# S7*32# !J2L +lotted ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN 7 e$ch# S7*32# %J?L +ocket

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN !0 e$ch# S"*"0 *Buts. @sed for belt cl$mps $nd RAM(o


    PPPN " e$ch# S"*"0# 3J"L ;hillips 1l$t

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN !? e$ch# S7 +t$inless +teel 1l$t 6$shers. @sed on the 70? be$rin's

    th$t 'o in the top > bottom t*slot r$ils.

    PPPN 7 e$ch# S" +t$inless +teel 1l$t 6$shers. @sed 6ith the belt cl$mp


    PPPN 2! e$ch# 70? ($ll (e$rin's. @sed in the &he$psk$tes $nd belt


    PPPN ! e$ch# S!0*32# %J?L +ocket

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Hardware Pack #2

    PPPN !? e$ch# 70? &he$psk$te dler (e$rin' +p$cer. @sed for belt idlers.

    PPPN !2 e$ch# 70? &he$psk$te &$rri$'e (e$rin' +p$cers bl$ckN.

    PPPN !2 e$ch# 70? &he$psk$te ccentric (e$rin' +p$cers 'r$yN.

    PPPN !2 e$ch# @nivers$l oints m$chined $luminumN.

    PPPN 7 e$ch# 3*!J?L +teel @nivers$l oint $le sh$fts.

    PPPN 3 e$ch# !L lon' m$chined $luminum hot end pl$tform sp$cers.


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Hardware Pack #3

    PPPN !0 e$ch# ;l$stic (e$rin' Rollers. " $re used for mountin' the

    RAM(o $nd si $re used for the belt cl$mps.

    PPPN !2 e$ch# Wire ties. @sed for 6ire m$n$'ement or ($rbie

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN ! e$ch# !% ooth Ge$r. @sed for m$nu$lly oper$tin' etruder


    PPPN 7 e$ch# (inder &lips. @sed to hold the (orosilic$te 'l$ss build

    pl$te to the 9ny he$ted bed.


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Rostock MAX v2 Electronics and Hardware Pack #4

    PPPN ! e$ch# RAM(o lectronic &ontrol (o$rd 6ith scre6 termin$ls $nd

    end stop 6ires.

    PPPN ! e$ch# @+( &$ble.

    PPPN ! e$ch# 9ny

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN ! e$ch# 3030!0mm !2D& f$n. @sed for p$rt coolin'.

    PPPN ! e$ch# "0"0!0mm !2D& f$n. RAM(o coolin' f$n.

    PPPN !0 feet# !?'$# " conductor 6ire. @sed for the hot end po6er $nd


    PPPN !0 feet# 22'$# " conductor 6ire. @sed to etend 6irin' for etruder


    PPPN !% feet# 27'$# (l$ck > Red 6ire. @sed for hot end ; $nd p$rtf$ns.

    PPPN " feet# 3J?L di$meter p$nd$ble Mesh Wire )oom bl$ckN. @sed

    to cover 6irin' > bo6den tube from the top to the hot end pl$tform.

    ncludes 3L of %J!7L he$t shrink tubin'.

    PPPN 3 e$ch# :7L G2 imin' (elts.


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    PPPN 2" e$ch# (e$rin' +leeves. @sed to cover 70? be$rin's.

    PPPN 7 e$ch# Rostock MAX Delt$ Arms.

    PPPN ! e$ch# +truder &old nd it. ncludes stepper motor mountin'


    PPPN ! e$ch#

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    moked Acr!lic Parts Pack

    PPPN ! e$ch# +moked Acrylic p$rts p$ck. ncludes# )&D f$ce# )&D sides

    left > ri'htN# b$se $nd top covers.

    Miscellaneo"s Parts

    PPPN ! e$ch# 300mm 3mm (orosilic$te Gl$ss (uild ;l$te. @sed 6ith


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    ( )re$$ing t*e +ot End and )ower Su$$l,

    )re$aring t*e +ot End

    he hot end for your Rostock MAX v2 3D printer uses ;erm$te @ltr$ &opper R to holdboth the he$tin' resistors $nd the temper$ture sensor the thermistorN in pl$ce. (ec$use it t$kes $ fe6

    hours for the R to set completely recommend lettin' it cure over ni'htN# itEs $ 'ood ide$ to 'et th$t

    st$rted no6. HouEll $lso 6$nt to find somethin' $he$d of time th$t you c$n use to hold the hot end

    no//le up th$t 6onEt be disturbed 6hile the R cures.

    1or this step# youEll need the p$rts out of the hot end p$ck. his includes the hot end itself# the

    t6o he$tin' resistors $nd the tiny p$ck 6ith the thermistor $nd itEs ;1 tubin'.

    HouEll st$rt by co$tin' e$ch he$tin'

    resistor 6ith R $s sho6n in 1i'. 3*2.

    HouEll 6$nt to try to keep the

    resistor le$ds free of R# but donEt skimp

    on the R $pplic$tion.

    his stuff is 'oopy $nd sticks to

    everythin'4 eep $ p$per to6el or ten



    Fig. 3-1: )*+ , heating resistor.

    Fig. 3-2: oating the heating resistor !ith )*+.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    &$refully insert both he$tin' resistors into the pockets in the hot end $s sho6n in 1i'. 3*3.

    HouEll need to $dd $ little more R to both ends of the resistor in order to fully fill the c$vity

    th$t the resistors sit in.

    DonEt be surprised if your $pplic$tion of R is not ne$rly $s ne$t $s sho6n $bove. hese hot

    end $ssembly photos 6ere shot by Andy 9prisko# $ +eeMe&B& employee.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    +et the hot end $side# 6ith the no//le pointin' up. WeEre 'oin' to prep the thermistor for

    inst$ll$tion net.

    $ke the short len'th of ;1 tubin' from the thermistor p$ck$'e $nd cut it in h$lf. Remove

    the thermistor from the p$per protector $k$ he ;ost*t4 9f +hieldin'N $nd slide the $ ;1 tube on toe$ch of the thermistor le$ds $s sho6n belo6.

    @sin' $ p$ir of needle nosed pliers# bend $ =0 de'ree $n'le in the thermistor $nd ;1 tubin'

    $s sho6n belo6. $ke speci$l c$re to not d$m$'e the thermistor he$d4 tEs m$de of 'l$ss $nd is very


    $ke the no//le off the ;erm$te @ltr$ &opper R tube $nd dip the end of the thermistor into

    the R $s sho6n belo6.


    Fig. 3-5: *her"istor !ith /*F0 sleees installe$.

    Fig. 3-: en$ing the ther"istor.

    Fig. 3-: oating the ther"istor !ith )*+.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he thermistor should no6 be inst$lled in the thermistor port on the fl$tted side of the hot end

    $s sho6n. +et it $side in $ s$fe pl$ce to $llo6 the R to cure.

    )re$aring t*e )ower Su$$l,

    Hour Rostock MAX v2 uses $ st$nd$rd# "%0 W$tt AX computer po6er supply to provide

    po6er to the RAM(o controller# the 9ny he$ted bed $nd the hot*end. All of these components re8uire

    !2 D&. he !2 6ires on $n AX po6er supply $re yello6. HouIll need four of these for the he$ted

    bed po6er# $nd one e$ch for the hot*end $nd motors.

    +t$rt by loc$tin' si lon' yello6 $nd bl$ck 6ires in the po6er supply. Hou 6$nt the most re$chpossible. !3L 6ill be $de8u$te. &lip the yello6 > bl$ck 6ires youEve chosen from the connectors

    theyIre $tt$ched to. HouEll then 6$nt to loc$te one bl$ck 6ire $nd the 'reen 6ire on the l$r'e AX

    connector $nd cut those free $s 6ell. he 'reen 6ire 6ill turn on the po6er supply 6hen itEs connected

    to the bl$ck 6ire.


    Fig. 3-: *her"istor installe$.

    Fig. 3-6: *pical 6*7 connector.Fig. 3-: /repping the po!er !ires.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    9nce youEve 'ot the needed 6ires cut free from their connectors# youEll 6$nt to 'et the t6o crimp*on

    sp$de lu' connectors out of the po6er s6itch p$ck$'e.

    +trip off $bout 3J?L of insul$tion from the bl$ck > 'reen 6ires th$t you cut from the bi' AX

    connector $nd crimp the sp$de lu' connector to e$ch $s sho6n in 1i'. 3*!0.


    Fig. 3-18: /o!er s!itch an$ cri"p-onspa$e lugs.

    Fig. 3-11: /o!er s!itch connectors installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 t$ke the four lon' bl$ck 6ires from the bundle $nd strip $bout 3J"L of insul$tion from

    e$ch. i'htly t6ist them to'ether $s sho6n belo6. Do the s$me for the four lon' yello6 6ires.

    he rem$inin' t6o yello6 $nd t6o bl$ck 6ires only need $bout 3J?L of insul$tion stripped from

    them. Bet# youEll need to 'et the RAM(o po6er connector $nd inst$ll the 6ires into it. he connector

    is found in the little b$' m$rked KRAM(o v!.2 itL the version number m$y be differentN inside the

    6hite RAM(o controller bo.

    nst$ll the four bundled bl$ck $nd yello6 6ires into the f$r left of the connector $s sho6n in

    1i'. "*!3 on the net p$'e $nd then insert the rem$inin' po6er 6ires into the connector $s sho6n.

    ;le$se p$y c$reful $ttention to the order of inst$ll$tion4 f you reverse the yello6 $nd bl$ck loc$tions#

    youEll destroy the RAM(o 6hen you turn on the po6er.


    Fig. 3-13: *!iste$ %ires(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    m$de 1i'. 3*!3 pretty bi' so you c$n see e$ctly ho6 it is supposed to be 6ired up.

    9nce you h$ve the connector inst$lled# 'r$b $ couple of the 6ire ties or l$cin' cord4N $nd bind

    up the bl$ck > yello6 6ires th$t 'o to the connector. tEs not strictly re8uired# but it m$kes for $ ne$t

    $ppe$r$nce. Hou c$n do the s$me 6ith the bl$ck $nd 'reen 6ires th$t 6ill eventu$lly be connected to

    the po6er s6itch. f youEre 'onn$ br$' $bout your b$by# sheEs 'ott$ look nice(9


    Fig. 3-13: %ires installe$ in the )6o po!er connector.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    - 'uilding t*e 'ase

    n order to build the b$se# youEll need the follo6in' p$rtsF

    !. PPPN ($se ;l$te (ottom# ($se ;l$te op Bot +ho6nN

    2. PPPN ertic$l +upports 3N

    3. PPPN RAM(o Mountin' )e's 2N

    ". PPPN 1oot Assemblies 7N

    %. PPPN S7*32 Bylon )ock Buts !2N

    7. PPPN S7*32 !J2L +t$inless +teel 1l$t

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    n $ddition to the p$rts listed $bove# youEll $lso need the po6er supply mountin' pl$te# sho6n



    Fig. 4-2: /o!er Suppl ounting /late.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing T*e Feet

    +et the b$se pl$te upside do6n on your build t$ble $nd inst$ll the si feet $s sho6n belo6. Hou

    6onEt be inst$llin' the rubber KshoesL until the end of the build. he shoes $re hi'h*friction p$rts $nd it

    6ill h$mper your $bility to spin the m$chine $round on your t$ble 6hile buildin' it.

    M$ke sure youEve 'ot the b$se pl$te oriented e$ctly $s sho6n# 6ith the $n'led vent holes

    closest to you $nd the t6o medium si/ed holes to your ri'ht.


    Fig. 4-3: Installing the 'oot asse"blies.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    )re$aring t*e &ertical Su$$orts

    he vertic$l supports need to h$ve four S7*32 Bylon lock nuts $nd t6o S7*32# !J2L +t$inless

    +teel fl$t he$d scre6s inst$lled in e$ch one.

    he simplest 6$y to inst$ll the lock nuts is to use $ p$ir of needle nosed pliers $nd 'rip the nut

    $s sho6n in 1i'. "*".

    nst$ll e$ch nut in the nut pockets l$ser cut in the vertic$l supports $s sho6n belo6.

    he lock nuts need to be oriented such th$t

    their fl$t f$ce is f$cin' the ch$nnel le$din' to the

    ed'e of the p$rt $s sho6n in 1i'. "*7.he pockets the nuts fit into $re ti'ht# but the nuts 6ill fit. f youEre h$vin' trouble 'ettin' the

    nut to fit# try insertin' it from the other side of the p$rt. he l$ser kerf results in $ sli'ht cut $n'le th$t

    m$kes one side of $ cut $re$ $ tiny bit 6ider th$n the other. his 6ill help 'et the nuts inserted. f

    theyEre too lose# you c$n use $ sm$ll t$b of +cotch t$pe to hold them in until youEve put scre6s in the

    problem nuts.


    Fig. 4-4:;ripping a nut. ering(9

    Fig. 4-5: Nut installation points.

    Fig. 4-: Nut orientation.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he t6o follo6in' illustr$tions should help cl$rify ho6 the nylon lock nuts fit into the nut

    pockets. his method is used throu'hout the build.

    Bet# you need to inst$ll t6o S7*32# !J2L +t$inless +teel fl$t he$d scre6s into e$ch vertic$l

    support $s sho6n in 1i'. "*:.

    his is the point 6here h$vin' $n electric scre6driver comes in RH h$ndy. he simplest

    6$y to inst$ll the fl$t he$d scre6s is to l$y the vertic$l support fl$t on the t$ble $nd drive the scre6s inlike in 1i'. "*?. Hou only 6$nt to drive the scre6 until the tip of the scre6 is even 6ith the opposite

    f$ce of the vertic$l support $s sho6n in 1i'. "*=.


    Fig. 4-: Flat hea$ scre! locations.

    Ill. 4-1: /lacing the nlon loc> nut. Ill. 4-2: Loc> nut installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Fig. 4-: Installing the scre!.

    Fig. 4-: orrect scre! $epth.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e &ertical Su$$orts and )ower Su$$l,

    (efore the t6o b$ck vertic$l supports c$n be inst$lled# 6e need to inst$ll the po6er supply on

    the po6er supply mountin' pl$te 6ith the four S7*32# !J2L Bylon p$n he$d scre6s.

    ;$y c$reful $ttention to the orient$tion of the mount. As you c$n see in 1i'. "*!0 $bove# the

    mount h$s the t6o closely sp$ced t$bs on the lo6er left of the mount. he 'reen s8u$res indic$te the

    loc$tions of the four Bylon scre6s.


    Fig. 4-18: /o!er suppl attache$ to its "ount.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he po6er supply b$se is held in pl$ce 6ith the vertic$l supports th$t $re inst$lled to either side

    of it. HouEll inst$ll $ll three p$rts $t the s$me time 5 the fit toler$nce is loose enou'h th$t they Cust drop

    in. M$ke sure th$t 6hen youEre inst$llin' the vertic$l supports th$t the !J2L scre6s you inst$lled $re

    f$cin' inward. hese scre6s $re used to c$pture the $crylic covers th$t $re inst$lled l$ter.

    The 1/2 screws are not shown in Fig. 4-11 but should be present!


    Fig. 4-11: /o!er suppl "ount an$ ertical supports.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    1i's. "*!2 $nd "*!3 $re provided to 'ive you $ bit of $ddition$l det$il $s to ho6 the mount rests

    on the vertic$l supports. The 1/2 screws are not shown in Figs. 4-12 & 4-13 but should be present!


    Fig. 4-12: ?etail o' po!er suppl brac>et& right si$e.

    Fig. 4-13: ?etail o' po!er suppl brac>et& le't si$e.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Get four S7*32# !L +t$inless +teel p$n he$d scre6s $nd $tt$ch them to the t6o vertic$l supports

    you Cust inst$lled. +ee the im$'e belo6 for $n e$mple.

    M$ke sure you le$ve the scre6s $ bit loose 5 youEll need $ bit of KslopL to help you $li'n the

    t$bs 6hen you inst$ll the top pl$te on the b$se.

    (efore you c$n inst$ll the l$st of the three vertic$l supports# youEll need to inst$ll the t6o

    RAM(o support p$nel le's to the front of the b$se.

    he support le's Cust rest in pl$ce 5 theyEre held firmly 6hen the support pl$te is inst$lled over

    the top of them.


    Fig. 4-15: Support Legs.

    Fig. 4-1: Support legs installe$.

    Fig. 4-14: Scre!s installe$ in ertical support

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    @se t6o S7*32# !L +t$inless +teel p$n he$d scre6s to $tt$ch the front vertic$l support over the

    t6o RAM(o le's $s sho6n belo6. )ike the t6o b$ck supports# le$ve this $ bit loose in order to $ssist

    6ith fittin' the top.


    Fig. 4-1: Front ertical support an$ )6o legs installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e Dri.e /ears on t*e Ste$$er Motors

    1or this step youEll need three of the four stepper motors# the drive 'e$r 6heel p$ck $nd some

    blue thre$d lockin' compound.

    When you $tt$ch the drive 'e$rs to the stepper motor# you should st$rt off by puttin' $ bit of

    thre$d locker on the first 'rub scre6 $nd inst$ll it $s sho6n in 1i'. "*!=.

    he 'reen $rro6 points to the Kfl$tL in the stepper

    motor sh$ft. Hou 6$nt your first 'rub scre6 to press

    $'$inst th$t fl$t spot. his 6ill ensure th$t the drive 'e$r

    doesnEt rot$te on the sh$ft over time. When you slide thedrive 'e$r over the sh$ft# m$ke sure th$t the outside f$ce

    of the 'e$r is even 6ith the f$ce of the stepper motorEs

    output sh$ft. ;l$ce $ sm$ll $mount of thre$d locker $nd

    inst$ll the second 'rub scre6. Repe$t this t$sk for the

    other t6o stepper motors.

    1i'. "*20 sho6s the correct orient$tion $nd

    $li'nment of the drive 'e$r. he 'reen line indic$tes th$t

    the 'e$r f$ce $nd sh$ft f$ce should be even.

    hi'hly recommend t$kin' the time to put $ sli'ht

    t6ist in the stepper motor 6ires $nd bind them up 6ith

    some 6ire ties or l$cin' cord.


    Fig. 4-1: Setting up the 'irst stepper.

    Fig. 4-1: Installing the 'irst grub scre!.

    Fig. 4-28: ;ear 'ace een !ith sha't.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Assebling t*e Tower Su$$orts

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' m$teri$lsF

    !. PPPN +tepper Motor +upport ;l$tes 3N

    2. PPPN o6er +upport ;l$tes 3N

    3. PPPN &he$psk$te dler (e$rin' +p$cers !2N

    ". PPPN 70? Roller (e$rin's 7N

    %. PPPN T*20 !J2L (utton

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    1irst up# youEll need to put to'ether the si belt support be$rin's by s$nd6ichin' e$ch 70?

    be$rin' bet6een $ p$ir of the bl$ck idler be$rin' sp$cers.

    +et those $side $nd 'r$b $ stepper motor $nd $ stepper motor support pl$te. Ali'n the stepper

    motor $s sho6n in 1i'. "*2" $nd inst$ll it usin' four of the M3 !0mm scre6s. Apply $ little bit of

    thre$d locker to e$ch one before inst$llin'.

    Bo6 you need to inst$ll $ S"# 3J?L sheet

    met$l scre6 6here indic$ted in 1i'. "*27.

    his scre6 is used $s $ stop in order to

    set the correct *+lot to6er depth.

    Assemble TWstepper motor support

    pl$tes like you h$ve here. he third is mirrored

    $nd 6ill not inst$ll properly $ny other 6$y.


    Fig. 4-22: I$ler bearing parts. Fig. 4-23: 6sse"ble$ i$ler bearing.

    Fig. 4-24: orrect "ounting platealign"ent.

    Fig. 4-25: Stepper "otor scre!s installe$.

    Fig. 4-2: *-Slot stop scre!.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    M$ke sure you build the third

    stepper motor support sho6n e$ctly $s

    sho6n in 1i'. "*2:.

    When youEre finished# you should

    h$ve three stepper motor support

    $ssemblies th$t look e$ctly like the three

    sho6n in 1i'. "*2?.


    Fig. 4-2: irrore$ stepper "otor plate.

    Fig. 4-2: orrectl asse"ble$ stepper "ount plates.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 inst$ll the !2 S7*32 Bylon lock nuts in the loc$tions sho6n in 1i'. "*2=. M$ke sure the

    fl$t f$ces of the nuts $re f$cin' KoutL to6$rds the ed'e of the p$rt# Cust like you did for the three vertic$l


    $ch to6er support holds the idler be$rin' $ssemblies th$t you put to'ether. n order to inst$ll

    them# youEll need to $dd $ S7*32 6$sher to t6o of the S7*32# !*3J"L +t$inless +teel fl$t he$d scre6s

    $nd insert them into the b$ck of e$ch stepper motor mountin' pl$te $s sho6n belo6F


    Fig. 4-2: Installation o' the Nlon loc> nuts.

    Fig. 4-38: I$ler bearing scre!s installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    nst$ll t6o of the idler be$rin' $ssemblies on the t6o scre6s you Cust inserted $nd $dd the to6er

    support pl$te on top. Add t6o S7*32 fl$t 6$shers $nd t6o S7*32 Bylon lock nuts $nd ti'hten them

    do6n only enou'h to st$rt en'$'in' the Bylon. he looseness 6ill help inst$ll it in the bottom pl$te

    $nd $ssist in fittin' the top pl$te.

    Bo6 you need to inst$ll four of the T*20 c$p he$d scre6s $nd four *+lot nut pl$tes into e$ch

    to6er support $ssembly. 9nly thre$d the *+lot nut pl$tes enou'h to feel the end of the scre6 c$tch $ll

    the thre$ds in the pl$te 5 the sp$ce is needed to m$ke the to6er inst$ll$tion e$sier.


    Fig. 4-31: 6sse"ble$ *o!er Support. Fig. 4-32: 6sse"ble$ *o!er Support.

    Fig. 4-35: *o!er "ounting har$!are installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    1inish $ssemblin' the other t6o to6er supports. nst$ll the three to6er supports $s sho6n in

    1i's. "*3" $nd "*3%. he X on the leftN $nd H on the ri'htN $is to6er supports $re opposites of one

    $nother $s you c$n see in 1i'. "*3". @se si of the S7*32# !L +t$inless +teel p$n he$d scre6s to $tt$ch

    the to6er supports to the b$se. )e$ve them $ bit loose $s you did 6ith the other b$se pl$te mounted

    p$rts. Hou should l$bel e$ch stepper motor 6ire 6ith the n$me of the $is youEre inst$llin' it on. his

    6ill m$ke it e$sier to identify 6hen it comes time to plu' them into the RAM(o controller.

    Bo6 route the $is stepper motor 6ires throu'h the hole in the po6er supply mountin' pl$te

    $s sho6n in 1i'. "*37.


    Fig. 4-34: 7 an$ @ to!er supports installe$. Fig. 4-35: A axis to!er support installe$.

    Fig. 4-3: )outing the stepper !iring.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e To$ )late

    he net step re8uires th$t you open up the 9ny

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    n order to inst$ll the top pl$te on the b$se youEve $ssembled# youEll need to c$refully be'in to

    $li'n the t$bs in the three vertic$l supports $nd the three to6er supports 6ith the notches in the top

    pl$te. As you 6ork one section do6n on to the t$bs# inst$ll $ S7*32 !L scre6 $t $ ne$r hole to keep th$t

    section from poppin' out 6hile youEre 6orkin' your 6$y $round the top. t t$kes $ little p$tience to 'et

    done# but itEs astle$sier th$n inst$llin' the ori'in$l Rostock MAX top pl$te.

    9nce youEve 'otten the top fully se$ted# fully ti'hten $ll of the S7*32 !L scre6s. i'hten the

    three vertic$l supports both top $nd bottom $nd then ti'hten do6n the three to6er supports.

    Hou donEt 6$nt to over*ti'hten them ho6ever. f you do# youEll coll$pse the l$ser cut nut



    Fig. 4-3: *op /late Installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    A Installing t*e Re.% #n,1 +eated 'ed

    " #our n#$ heated bed has 12 %ounting holes please "ast-"orward to the ne$t chapter '()

    * nstalling the +e,3 n#$ eated )ed

    1or this t$sk youEll need the rem$inin' p$rts in the 9ny

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e T*eristor2 3ED and )ower 4ires

    (efore you be'in 6irin' up the 9ny# ple$se t$ke $ fe6 minutes to cover up the copper Kvi$sL

    on the top surf$ce of the 9ny. his is done to prevent $ccident$l short circuits should you decide to

    use $ met$l Khe$t spre$derL pl$te in the future.

    ven if you never epect to use such $n $ccessory not sold by +eeMe&B&4N# you still need to

    cover the center hole 6here the thermistor is inst$lled from the bottom. his 6ill prevent the R used

    in the process from r$isin' $bove the top surf$ce of the 9ny.

    9nce youEve 'ot the $pton $pplied# open up the sm$ll p$ck$'e th$t cont$ins the thermistor $nd

    the ;1 tubin'. &ut t6o !J"L tubes from the ;1 tubin' $nd slide them on to the thermistor le$ds.

    HouEll then bend the thermistor the s$me 6$y you did 6hen preppin' the hot end.

    +ee 1i'. %A*3 for $n e$mple of 6h$t you need

    to do.


    Fig. 56-3: *her"istor properl bent.

    Fig. 56-2: +ia locations that nee$ to be coere$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    As you did 6ith the hot end thermistor# dip the end of the he$ted bed thermistor into some R

    $nd insert it in the center hole in the 9ny $s sho6n belo6. M$ke sure youEve 'ot your thermistor

    oriented the 6$y sho6 it.


    Fig. 56-4: *her"istor inserte$ in the Bnx heate$ be$.

    Fig. 56-5: Sa"e thing& $i''erent ie!.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    9nce youEve 'ot the thermistor in the 9ny# 6$nt you to spre$d the thermistor le$ds $p$rt such

    th$t e$ch one crosses the center of $ solder p$d $nd then t$pe the thermistor in pl$ce usin' $ short strip

    of $pton t$pe. his 6ill keep the thermistor in pl$ce 6hile youEre solderin' the le$ds to the p$ds.

    Bet# solder do6n the le$ds to the solder p$ds. M$ke sure you donEt cre$te $ solder brid'ebet6een the t6o p$ds. @se only enou'h solder to do the Cob. When youEre done# clip off the ecess



    Fig. 56-: *her"istor tape$ in place an$ sol$ere$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    With the 9ny still upside do6n# 6$nt you to inst$ll the resistor $s sho6n in 1i'. %A*:. he

    resistor is soldered from the side of the 9ny f$cin' you# not the opposite side $s youEd norm$lly do

    6hen solderin' in p$rts. After you finish solderin' it in# clip the le$ds flush to the opposite side of the

    9ny $nd usin' $ sm$ll file# care"ull#file $6$y the rem$inin' tips of the resistor le$ds th$t st$nd proud

    of the surf$ce. he 300mm (orosilic$te build pl$te covers this $re$ $nd you donEt 6$nt to scr$tch it or

    c$use it to lift up.

    9nce youEve 'ot the clipped le$ds cle$ned up# inst$ll the red po6er )D $s sho6nF

    he )D is oriented 6ith its

    &$thode * sideN f$cin' to the ri'ht $s

    indic$ted by the $rro6. f you inst$ll it

    b$ck6$rds it 6onEt come on 6hen the

    po6er is $pplied to the 9ny. he )D is

    bent Kdo6nL in order to be vie6ed e$sily

    from the top of the 9ny. Remember# in

    this photo the 9ny is upside do6n.N As

    you did 6ith the resistor# clip the ecess

    le$ds $nd c$refully file $6$y $ny rem$inin'

    p$rt th$t sticks $bove the surf$ce of the

    KtopL f$ce of the 9ny.


    Fig. 56-: )esistor sol$ere$ to the botto" o' the Bnx.

    Fig. 56-: L0? installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    &ut 2!L off the !?'$# four conductor c$ble included 6ith your kit $nd remove the bl$ck > red

    6ires from it. hese $re the po6er 6ires th$t need to be soldered to the po6er p$ds on the bottom of

    the 9ny.

    1l$tten the end of the bl$ck 6ire $nd l$y it on the p$d $s sho6n belo6. +older in pl$ce.


    Fig. 56-18: ;roun$ lea$ rea$ to be sol$ere$ $o!n.

    Fig. 56-: %ire strippe$ out o' the 4 con$uctor. cable.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Repe$t the process 6ith the red 6ire $s sho6n in 1i'. %A*!!.

    Bo6 you need to $tt$ch the thermistor si'n$l le$ds. HouEll find them in the bo th$t theRAM(o c$me in. tEs $ lon'# t6o 6ire both 6hiteN c$ble 6ith $ connector fitted to one end.


    Fig. 56-11: /o!er !ires sol$ere$ $o!n.

    Fig. 56-12: *her"istor signal !ires.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    +trip $bout !J?L of the insul$tion of the b$re ends of the thermistor 6ires $nd solder them on top

    of the solder p$ds th$t $re loc$ted to the red 6ire. 9ne 6ire per p$d $nd t$ke c$re to $void solder

    brid'es. When youEre finished# cover the thermistor si'n$l 6ire p$ds $nd the t6o po6er 6ire p$ds 6ith

    $pton t$pe to 'u$rd $'$inst $ short circuit.


    Fig. 56-13:*her"istor !ires installe$ an$ coere$ !ith Capton tape.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Mounting t*e #n,1 +eated 'ed to t*e 'ase

    n order to mount the 9ny on the b$se# youEll need to route the po6er $nd thermistor si'n$l

    6ires throu'h the center of the b$se $s sho6n belo6.

    ;ull the 6irin' for6$rd throu'h the openin' in the front f$cin' vertic$l support in order to 'et

    them out of your 6$y. Bet# youEll need to l$y do6n the 9ny support pl$te 5 itEs the sno6fl$ke*sh$ped

    Mel$mine p$rt th$t c$me in the 9ny

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 itEs time to $tt$ch the 9ny $nd its mountin' pl$te to the b$se 5 'r$b the round nylon

    sp$cers $nd the si S"*"0 fl$t he$d scre6s th$t 6ere included 6ith the 9ny. AdCust the position of the

    printer so th$t the $is is f$rthest $6$y from you.

    9rient the 9ny he$ted bed such th$t the )D is f$rthest $6$y from you $nd ne$r the $is.Hou c$n refer to 1i'. %A*!: on the follo6in' p$'e for cl$rific$tion if needed.

    M$ke sure th$t the 9ny $nd its mountin' pl$te holes $re rou'hly $li'ned 6ith the mountin'

    holes in the top of the b$se. +lide $ nylon sp$cer under the mountin' pl$te so th$t it $li'ns 6ith both

    the 9ny $nd mountin' pl$te holes. nsert $ S"*"0 fl$t he$d scre6 $nd ti'hten it only $ turn or t6o.

    Hou 6$nt to le$ve the scre6s loose until youEve 'ot $ll si inst$lled.


    Fig. 56-1:6ttaching the Bnx , "ounting plate.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    When youEve 'ot $ll si scre6s loosely inst$lled# c$refully t$ke up $ny etr$ sl$ck in the 9ny

    6irin' by c$refully pullin' $ny etr$ throu'h the center hole in the b$se. i'hten the si scre6s usin'

    the order sho6n in 1i'. %A*!: $bove. his 6ill help ensure th$t the 9ny rem$ins $s fl$t $s possible

    6hen it he$ts. As you ti'hten e$ch scre6# m$ke sure you only turn it $ bit more th$n fin'er ti'ht 5 if

    you $pply too much force# the scre6 he$d 6ill d$m$'e the 9ny.


    Fig. 56-1:Scre! tightening or$er.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    ' Installing t*e Re.( #n,1 +eated 'ed

    1or this t$sk youEll need the rem$inin' p$rts in the 9ny

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e T*eristor2 3ED and )ower 4ires

    (efore you be'in 6irin' up the 9ny# ple$se pl$ce $ short len'th of $pton t$pe over the

    thermistor hole in the center of the he$ted bed. his 6ill protect the top of the thermistor $s 6ell $s

    prevent R from le$kin' on the top of the bo$rd.

    9nce youEve 'ot the $pton $pplied# open up the sm$ll p$ck$'e th$t cont$ins the thermistor $nd

    the ;1 tubin'. &ut t6o !J"L tubes from the ;1 tubin' $nd slide them on to the thermistor le$ds.

    HouEll then bend the thermistor the s$me 6$y you did 6hen preppin' the hot end.

    +ee 1i'. %(*3 for $n e$mple of 6h$t you need to do.


    Fig. 5-2: enter hole coere$.

    Fig. 5-3: *her"istor bent prior toinsertion.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    As you did 6ith the hot end thermistor# dip the end of the he$ted bed thermistor into some R

    $nd insert it in the center hole in the 9ny $s sho6n belo6. M$ke sure youEve 'ot your thermistor

    oriented the 6$y sho6 it.

    &over the end of the thermistor 6ith $pton t$pe $s

    sho6n in 1i'. %(*7. his 6ill both protect the

    thermistor $nd help you position the 6ires for the

    net step 5 solderin' them in4


    Fig. 5-4: ?ippe$ in )*+(

    Fig. 5-5: Set in the center hole.

    Fig. 5-: *her"istor coere$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bet# solder do6n the le$ds to the

    solder p$ds. M$ke sure you donEt cre$te $

    solder brid'e bet6een the t6o p$ds. @se

    only enou'h solder to do the Cob. When

    youEre done# clip off the ecess le$ds.

    Bote th$t 6eEre usin' the p$ir of

    p$ds closest to the thermistor. he f$rther

    p$ir is 6here 6eEll inst$ll the thermistor

    connector 6ires.

    WeEre 'oin' to inst$ll the po6er

    )D net 5 the )D h$s $ pol$rity to it# so

    6e need to m$ke sure th$t the )D is

    inst$lled the correct 6$y.

    he fl$t side of the )D is the Kc$thodeL or ne'$tive *N side. Hou 6$nt to insert the diode in

    the hole 6ith the c$thode lined up 6ith the s8u$re p$d $s sho6n belo6.


    Fig. 5-: Sol$ering the ther"istor lea$s.

    Fig. 5-: L0? orientation.

    Fig. 5-: L0? orientation$etail.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    (end the le$ds over so they $re l$yin' fl$t $'$inst the t6o solder p$ds $s sho6n belo6.

    +older the t6o )D le$ds do6n $nd trim the le$ds flush.


    Fig. 5-18: en$ the L0? lea$s.

    Fig. 5-11: Sol$ere$. Fig. 5-12: *ri""e$(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    After youEve trimmed the le$ds on the )D# press the )D b$ck throu'h the hole so the tip of

    the )D is flush or sli'htly belo6 the top surf$ce of the 9ny. his 6ill ensure th$t the )D 6onEt be

    pressin' up $'$inst the (orosilic$te 'l$ss pl$te 6hen itEs inst$lled.

    he net step is to inst$ll the resistor th$t the )D needs to oper$te. (end the le$ds on the

    resistor $nd position it over the solder p$ds $s sho6n belo6.


    Fig. 5-13: orrect L0? $epth.

    Fig. 5-14: L0? as ie!e$ 'ro" the top.

    Fig. 5-15: )esistor installation position.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    +older the resistor into pl$ce $nd trim off the ecess le$d.

    &ut !:L off the !?'$# four conductor c$ble included 6ith your kit $nd remove the bl$ck > red6ires from it. hese $re the po6er 6ires th$t need to be soldered to the po6er p$ds on the bottom of

    the 9ny.


    Fig. 5-1: %ire strippe$ out o' the 4 con$uctor. cable.

    Fig. 5-1: )esistor sol$ere$ into place.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    1l$tten the ends of the bl$ck > red 6ires $nd solder them in pl$ce $s sho6n. ;le$se p$y speci$l

    $ttention to 6h$t p$ds the bl$ck > red 6ires $re $tt$ched to4 f you inst$ll them b$ck6$rds# the )D

    6ill not li'ht up 6hen po6er is bein' fed to the he$ted bed4

    n order to protect the 6ires from

    $ccident$l shorts# pl$ce $ fe6 strips of

    $pton t$pe over the solder p$ds > 6ire $s

    sho6n. he t$pe 6ill $lso $dd $ little bit of



    Fig. 5-1: /o!er !ires sol$ere$ into place.

    Fig. 5-1: Capton tape applie$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 you need to $tt$ch the thermistor si'n$l le$ds. HouEll find them in the bo th$t the

    RAM(o c$me in. tEs $ lon'# t6o 6ire both 6hiteN c$ble 6ith $ connector fitted to one end.

    +trip $bout !J?L of the insul$tion of the b$re ends of the thermistor 6ires $nd solder them on top

    of the solder p$ds th$t $re in 6ith the t6o solder p$ds you soldered the thermistor to. 9ne 6ire per p$d

    $nd t$ke c$re to $void solder brid'es. When youEre finished# cover the thermistor si'n$l 6ire p$ds $nd

    the t6o po6er 6ire p$ds 6ith $pton t$pe to 'u$rd $'$inst $ short circuit.


    Fig. 5-28: *her"istor signal !ires.

    Fig. 5-21: *her"istor !iressol$ere$ in place.

    Fig. 5-22:$ coere$ in Capton tape.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Mounting t*e #n,1 +eated 'ed to t*e 'ase

    n order to mount the 9ny on the b$se# youEll need to route the po6er $nd thermistor si'n$l

    6ires throu'h the center of the Ksno6fl$keL mountin' pl$te $nd the b$se $s sho6n belo6.

    ;ull the 6irin' for6$rd throu'h the openin' in the front f$cin' vertic$l support in order to 'et

    them out of your 6$y.

    Rot$te the mountin' pl$te so itEs oriented the 6$y it is in 1i'. %(*23 $bove $nd then l$y the

    9ny he$ted bed on top of it. HouEll 6$nt to m$ke sure th$t the 9ny is rot$ted such th$t the po6er

    )D is directly opposite the to6er# Kf$cin'L to6$rds the front of the m$chine.


    Fig. 5-23: )outing the heate$ be$ !iring.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 itEs time to $tt$ch the 9ny $nd its mountin' pl$te to the b$se 5 'r$b the round nylon

    sp$cers $nd the si S"*"0 fl$t he$d scre6s th$t 6ere included 6ith the 9ny.

    9rient the 9ny he$ted bed such th$t the )D is f$rthest $6$y from you $nd ne$r the $is.

    Hou c$n refer to 1i'. %(*2% on the follo6in' p$'e for cl$rific$tion if needed.

    M$ke sure th$t the 9ny $nd its mountin' pl$te holes $re rou'hly $li'ned 6ith the mountin'

    holes in the top of the b$se. +lide $ nylon sp$cer under the mountin' pl$te so th$t it $li'ns 6ith both

    the 9ny $nd mountin' pl$te holes. nsert $ S"*"0 fl$t he$d scre6 $nd ti'hten it only $ turn or t6o.

    Hou 6$nt to le$ve the scre6s loose until youEve 'ot $ll si inst$lled.


    Fig. 5-24:6ttaching the Bnx , "ounting plate.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    When youEve 'ot $ll si scre6s loosely inst$lled# c$refully t$ke up $ny etr$ sl$ck in the 9ny

    6irin' by c$refully pullin' $ny etr$ throu'h the center hole in the b$se. i'hten the si scre6s usin'

    the order sho6n in 1i'. %(*2% $bove. his 6ill help ensure th$t the 9ny rem$ins $s fl$t $s possible

    6hen it he$ts. As you ti'hten e$ch scre6# m$ke sure you only turn it $ bit more th$n fin'er ti'ht 5 if

    you $pply too much force# the scre6 he$d 6ill d$m$'e the 9ny.

    Hou m$y notice th$t the m$chine in 1i'. %(*2% sho6s completed steps th$t you h$venEt

    performed yet. his is bec$use the Rev3 9ny he$ted bed bec$me $v$il$ble lon' $fter the m$chine in

    this m$nu$l 6$s $ssembled. decided $'$inst dis$ssemblin' the entire m$chine Cust so could $void

    'ivin' you $ sne$k*peek of 6h$t it looks like 6hen finished. FN


    Fig. 5-25: Scre! tightening pattern

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    5 Installing t*e Towers 6 Tower 4iring

    1or this t$sk youEll need the follo6in' itemsF

    !. PPPN Aluminum o6er trusions 3N

    2. PPPN !?'$# four conductor c$ble

    3. PPPN 22'$# four conductor c$ble

    ". PPPN nd +top Wires 3N

    %. PPPN 27'$ bl$ck > red 6ire

    T*reading t*e Towers

    n the Rostock MAX v2# youEll be routin' the hot end# etruder stepper $nd end*stop 6irin'

    throu'h the center of the three to6ers. f youEre up'r$din' $ Rostock MAX v! $nd usin' the ori'in$l

    to6ers# ple$se m$ke sure to 'ently file off $ny sh$rp ed'es on either end of e$ch to6er.

    n order to do this# youEre 'oin' to h$ve to strip the outer C$cket from both four conductor

    c$bles. his is very e$sy to do# but there + $ bit of $ trick to it. FN

    nside e$ch c$ble is $ very thin# very stron' Bylon strin'. HouEre 'oin' to use this strin' to split

    the 'r$y outer C$cket of the c$ble $lon' its full len'th.

    +t$rt by c$refully removin' $bout 7L 6orth of the outer C$cket by usin' $n X*Acto knife to score

    the C$cket $ll the 6$y $round. When youEve 'ot it scored# pull the end $6$y from the rest of the c$ble

    $nd the C$cket should come off $t the score line.

    HouEll be left 6ith four colored 6ires# $ b$re 6ire# $ very thin foil 6r$p $nd th$t m$'ic little

    Bylon strin'. Wr$p the strin' $round your fin'ers to 'et $ 'ood 'rip on it $nd holdin' the eposed

    6ires in one h$nd# pull the Bylon strin' $6$y from you# $lon' the len'th of the c$ble. &ontinue doin'

    this until itEs split the 6hole 'r$y outer C$cket. he only p$rt 6eEre interested in is the four colored


    he $is to6er 6ill 'et the !?'$ hot end 6ires# the X $is to6er 6ill 'et the end*stop 6ires

    $nd the H $is to6er 6ill 'et the 22'$ 6ires for the etruder $s 6ell $s t6o p$ir of 27'$ 6ires for the

    ; f$n $nd the l$yer f$n.

    he !?'$ 6ire is the l$r'est in di$meter# follo6ed by the 22'$ 6ire $nd the 27'$ 6ire is the



  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he !?'$# four conductor c$ble is the first one 6eEre 'oin' to use. When youEre done strippin'

    it# you should h$ve somethin' like thisF

    $ke one of the $luminum etrusions $nd thre$d this 6ire ri'ht throu'h the sm$ll hole in the

    center of the ch$nnel. urnin' the 6ire counter*clock6ise 6ill help this process $lon'.

    When youEre done# it should look like the im$'e sho6n belo6.


    Fig. -1: 1ga& 'our con$uctor hot en$ cabling.

    Fig. -2: 1ga !ires in the A axis to!er.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 'r$b the 22'$# four conductor c$ble $nd strip the C$cket off of it if you h$venEt $lre$dy.

    Bet# 'r$b the little b$' th$t the 27'$ 6ires $re in. HouEll 6$nt to unspool $ll of it $nd cut it in

    h$lf so th$t youEve 'ot t6o e8u$l len'ths of bl$ck 6ire $nd t6o of red 6ire.

    After youEve cut the bl$ck > red 6ires in h$lf# p$ir one bl$ck > one red to'ether $nd tie $ knot

    $t the end. his 6ill help you identify the p$ir l$ter.


    Fig. -3: 22ga !ire !ith the Eac>et re"oe$.

    Fig. -4: 2ga !ire 'or 'ans.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    HouEll need to p$ir up $ bl$ck $nd red 6ire $nd then spindle the end $s sho6nF

    Do this for the other bl$ck > red p$ir $nd then spindle them to'ether 6ith the 22'$ 6ire. his

    6hole bundle 6ill 'o do6n the center of the net $luminum to6er etrusion. he t6isted 6ires 6ill

    help m$ke sure th$t $ll ei'ht 6ires m$ke it 6ithout $ny problems.

    When youEve pulled the bundle throu'h the to6er# identify the bl$ck > red p$ir th$t you tied the

    knot in $nd tie $ knot $t this end $s 6ell.


    Fig. -5: *!iste$ 'an !ires.

    Fig. -: *hrea$ing the 0xtru$er , Fan !ires.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 youEll need to 'r$b the end*stop 6ire bundle from the bo the RAM(o 6$s shipped in.

    When you unspool the 6ires# you should

    end up 6ith three p$irs of 6ires# one bl$ck $nd one

    6hite. heyEll h$ve $ fem$le crimp*on connectoron one end $nd $ shielded# crimp*on sp$de lu'

    connector on the other.

    $ke the first p$ir $nd usin' $ +h$rpie or other fine tip# perm$nent m$rker# 6rite $n KXL on the

    fl$t f$ce of the t6o sp$de lu' connectors.

    &$refully spindle the ends of the 6ire 6ith the fem$le crimp connectors $s sho6n in 1i'. 7*?.

    When youEre done# thre$d the 6ire throu'h the center of the net $luminum etrusion $nd l$belthe p$ir 6ith $n KXL usin' +cotch t$pe or other l$bel.


    Fig. -: 0n$ stop !ires.

    Fig. -: Spin$le$ !ire en$s.

    Fig. -: Labele$ en$-stop !ires.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Repe$t the process for the net rem$inin' p$irs of 6ires 5 l$bel them KHL $nd KL. HouEll need

    to kno6 6hich one is 6hich $nd itEs $ lot e$sier to do it no6 th$n to fi'ure it out once everythin' is $ll



    Fig. -18: 0n$-stop !ires pulle$ an$ labele$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Setting t*e Towers

    Bo6 itEs time to set e$ch to6er in its respective to6er support $ssembly.

    WeEre 'oin' to st$rt 6ith the $is 5 remember# itEs the one ri'ht behind the po6er supply.

    n order to set the $is to6er the one 6ith the !?'$ 6ires4N# youEll need to turn the *+lot nut

    pl$tes such th$t theyEre oriented vertic$lly $s sho6n belo6.

    DonEt tilt your he$d# the picture is le$nin' $ little bit. FN


    Fig. -11: *-Slot nut plate orientation.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bet# youEre 'oin' to thre$d the 6ires comin' out of the $is to6er throu'h the KpostL hole in

    the top of the b$se th$tEs ri'ht over the *+lot nut pl$tes.

    Bo6 c$refully set the end of the to6er in the post

    hole $nd slide it in. tEs $ RH ti'ht fit but do not 6i''leit4 Hou 6$nt to drive the to6er str$i'ht do6n. f you

    6i''le it front to b$ck too much# you c$n bre$k the $re$

    6here itEs thin $t the corners of the hole.

    As you drive the to6er do6n# m$ke sure th$t the *

    +lot nut pl$tes $re slidin' into the t*slots on both sides of

    the to6er. HouEll 6$nt to drive it do6n until it comes into

    cont$ct 6ith the S" levelin' scre6 th$t you inst$lled in the

    to6er $ssembly. After the to6er is set# use $ %J32 Allen

    heN 6rench to ti'htened the T*20 c$p scre6s only fin'erti'ht. HouEll ti'hten them up $fter the top $s been


    Bo6 th$t the to6er is set# route the 6ires out the

    6ire 'uide slot $s sho6n in 1i'. 7*!3.


    Fig. -12: A-6xis post hole.

    Fig. -13: %ire gui$e slot.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 repe$t the to6er settin' oper$tion for the X $is.

    And $'$in for the H $is to6er.


    Fig. -14: 7 axis to!er set an$ !ire route$.

    Fig. -15: @ axis to!er set an$ !ire route$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    7 Assebling t*e To$ Section

    n order to $ssemble the top section of the Rostock MAX v2# youEre 'oin' to need the follo6in'


    !. PPPN op +ection ($se ;l$te

    2. PPPN o6er +p$cers 3N

    3. PPPN S"# 3J?L ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    )re$$ing t*e 8$$er Tower Mounts

    (efore you c$n inst$ll the upper to6er mounts# three to6er depth stop scre6s need to be

    inst$lled $s sho6n belo6.

    hese scre6s perform the s$me function $s the ones previously inst$lled in the lo6er to6er

    mounts. his helps 'u$r$ntee th$t the top section 6ill be $t the correct hei'ht on $ll three to6ers.

    Bote th$t your kit 6ill ship 6ith $ p$rt th$t looks very

    much like the one to the ri'ht. his 6$s $ very recent desi'nch$n'e $nd is not reflected in the m$nu$l. t isstrictl#$ cosmetic



    Fig. -2: pper to!er "ounts

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e 8$$er Tower Mounts

    he upper to6er mounts donEt fit in the to6er sockets 6ithout bein' $ bit clever in the

    inst$ll$tion process.

    $ke t6o upper to6er mounts m$ke sure the one on your left h$s $ to6er depth stop scre6

    inst$lled4N $nd set them into the to6er socket $s sho6n in 1i'. :*3.

    Bo6 you 6$nt to $dCust the

    mount on the ri'ht side so itEs $t the s$me

    $n'le $s the one sho6n in 1i'. :*" belo6.


    Fig. -3: Inserting the upper to!er supports in the top plate.

    Fig. -4: Fitting the to!er supports

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 c$refully spre$d them $p$rt so th$t theyEre flush 6ith the sides of the to6er pocket.

    Bo6 you 6$nt to insert one of the to6er mount spre$der blocks $s sho6n belo6.

    he fit is very ti'ht# but it W)) fit. ust be

    c$reful to not bre$k the to6er support pl$tes.

    Repe$t the process for $ll three upperto6er supports.


    Fig. -5: *o!er supports 'ull seate$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Fig. -: 6ll three upper to!er supports installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e End Sto$ Switc*es

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' p$rtsF

    !. PPPN nd +top +6itches 3N

    2. PPPN S2*%7# %J?L ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    @sin' t6o S2*%7 %J?L p$n he$d scre6s $nd t6o S2*%7 finish nuts# inst$ll the end*stop s6itches

    on to the upper to6er support $s sho6n. M$ke sure you donEt over ti'hten the scre6s# or youEll cr$ck

    the s6itch body. 'nore the bent le$ds in 1i'. :*!!.N


    Fig. -18: Installing the en$-stop s!itch. Fig. -11: Installing the en$-stop s!itch.

    Fig. -12: 0n$-stop s!itch installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    When youEre finished# the underside of the top pl$te should look like 1i'. :*!3 belo6.


    Fig. -13: *hree en$-stop s!itches installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e 8$$er Tower Mounting +ardware

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' p$rtsF

    !. PPPN T*20# !J2L (utton

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    9 Assebling and Installing t*e C*ea$skate Carriages

    Assebling t*e C*ea$skate Rollers

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN (e$rin' +leeves 2"N

    2. PPPN 70? (e$rin's !2N

    he &he$psk$te rollers $re m$de from t6o be$rin' sleeves $nd $ sin'le 70? be$rin'. HouEll

    need to $pply sleeves to $ll !2 be$rin's used in this step.

    +t$rt by l$yin' $ sleeve on the t$ble# 6ide Kf$ceL up. ;ress $ 70? be$rin' into it $s sho6n in

    1i'. ?*".

    +et the second sleeve on top of the

    70? be$rin' $nd press do6n 6ith the

    p$lm of your h$nd until itEs fully se$ted.

    Hou m$y 6$nt to use $ p$per to6el or cloth

    p$d to protect your h$nd 5 the ed'es of the

    sleeve c$n be sh$rp.

    Repe$t this process for the !!

    rem$inin' 70? be$rin's.


    Fig. -1: earing Sleees. Fig. -2: 8AA earings.

    Fig. -4: earing seate$ in a sleee hal'.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Assebling t*e 8:;oint Carriers

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN @*oint &$rri$'e ($se 3N

    2. PPPN S7*32# %J?L +ocket

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    ,uick point on the Mel$mine &he$psk$te p$rts 5 theyEre desi'ned to only 'o to'ether one 6$y

    $nd itEs e$sy to $ccident$lly flip one or both of them. he e$siest 6$y to fi'ure out ho6 they 'o is to

    put the inside $nd outside c$rri$'e pl$tes to'ether 6ith the KeyesL upri'ht $nd Klookin'L to the ri'ht.

    he four be$rin' holes should m$tch those in the outside c$rri$'e pl$te.

    he u*Coint c$rrier b$ses 'et inst$lled on the inside c$rri$'e pl$te by pressin' their $li'nment

    pins into the holes indic$ted by the $rro6s in 1i'. ?*7.

    Bote th$t these u*Coint c$rriers $re $n interim desi'n $nd $re simply the ori'in$l v! p$rts th$t

    h$ve h$d the end posts 'round off. Hou m$y find th$t the 'rindin' h$s removed enou'h m$teri$l th$t

    the $li'nment pin is no lon'er $ble to rem$in in pl$ce. f you find th$t h$ppenin'# Cust remove th$t

    $li'nment pin $nd hold it in pl$ce until you c$n 'et the socket he$d c$p scre6s inst$lled.

    1rom the front side of the u*Coint c$rrier# insert t6o S7*32# %J?L socket he$d c$p scre6s throu'h

    the holes indic$ted. nst$ll t6o S7*32 Bylon lock nuts on the b$ck $nd ti'hten them do6n usin' $

    :J7"L he 6rench $nd $ %J!7L 6rench.


    Fig. -:6ligning the u-Eoint carriage base.

    Fig. -: Scre! locations.Fig. -: Nlon loc> nuts installe$.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bet# youEll need to inst$ll $ S7*32# !J2L +t$inless +teel fl$t he$d scre6. his scre6 is 6h$t

    tri''ers the end*stops 6hen the printer is comm$nded to its KhomeL position.

    nst$ll the scre6 exactl$s sho6n in 1i'. ?*

    =. @se the ri'htmost hole in the u*Coint c$rrier 5this hole lines up 6ith 6here you inst$lled the end*

    stop s6itch. When you inst$ll the scre6# try to

    le$ve the bottom of the he$d even 6ith the top of

    the inside c$rri$'e pl$te $s indic$ted by the 'reen

    line in the photo. his 6ill 'ive you $ consistent

    st$rt point 6hen it comes time to c$libr$te the

    printer 6hen your build is completed.

    1i'. ?*=A should 'ive you $ 'ood ide$ $s to ho6 the bottom of the

    scre6 he$d $li'ns 6ith the line defined by the top of the &he$psk$te

    inner c$rri$'e pl$te.

    Repe$t these $ssembly steps for the other t6o u*Coint c$rriers.


    Fig. -:Setting the en$-stop triggering scre!.

    Fig. -6: Scre! align"ent.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e 8:;oints

    1or this t$sk# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN @*oint +prin' &lip 3N

    2. PPPN S"# 3J?L ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    &$refully inspect the u*Coint $les. nsure th$t theyEre perfectly str$i'ht $nd $re free of $ny

    sc$rrin'. f the $le is bent or b$dly sc$rred# cont$ctsupport-seemecnc.comfor $ repl$cement. est

    e$ch u*Coint by spinnin' it on the $le. hey should $ll spin freely. f they donEt check for burrs on the

    u*Coint $nd de*burr $s needed.

    @sin' t6o S"# 3J?L scre6s# inst$ll the 3*!J?L u*Coint $le $s sho6n belo6.

    M$ke sure th$t youEve 'ot the $le centered on the u*Coint c$rrier. Bote th$t the positions of the

    S" scre6s in your build m$y be flipped from the im$'e sho6n $bove. his is perfectly ok$y $s lon' $s

    the end*stop tri''erin' scre6 is in the correct loc$tion.

    M$ke sure th$t the $le is fully se$ted in the ch$nnel provided in the u*Coint c$rrier. he S"

    scre6s 6ill be flush 6ith the f$ce of the u*Coint c$rrier 6hen the $le is properly se$ted.

    +lide t6o u*Coints on to the u*Coint $le $s sho6n belo6.

    Bo6 you c$n inst$ll the sprin' clip th$t ret$ins the u*Coints.


    Fig. -11:Installing the u-Eoint axle.

    Fig. -12:-Goints installe$.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Repe$t this t$sk for $ll three u*Coint c$rriers.


    Fig. -13:-Goint spring clip installe$.

    Fig. -14:-Goint spring clip installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e 'elt Cli$ T:

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Assebling and Installing t*e C*ea$skate Carriages

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN S7*32# 2L +t$inless +teel ;$n ate har$!are.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    nst$ll the four S7*32 Bylon lock nuts on to the 2L scre6s $nd ti'hten them do6n.

    Repe$t these steps for the t6o rem$inin' &he$psk$te c$rri$'es.


    Fig. -25:Installing the #-32 nuts.Fig. -2:?ont 'orget to tighten the"(

    Fig. -2:heaps>ate carriages installe$(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Ad=usting t*e C*ea$skate Carriages

    9nce youEve 'otten $ll three c$rri$'es inst$lled# youEll need to $dCust the eccentric sp$cers in

    order to ti'hten the 'rip of the roller be$rin's on the $luminum to6er.

    HouEll need t6o :J!7L 6renches in

    order to m$ke sure th$t youEre $dCustin'

    both eccentric sp$cers $t the s$me time.

    Hou 6$nt to ti'hten the upper $nd

    lo6er rollers such th$t it 'rips the to6er

    6ith no hori/ont$l or vertic$l rot$tion 5 it

    must roll str$i'ht up $nd do6n.

    Eve cre$ted $ short Houube video

    th$t sho6s the de'ree of ti'htness th$tyouEre $fter 6ith your $dCustments.


    AdCust $ll three &he$psk$te c$rri$'es so th$t theyEre $ll $t $s close to the s$me K'ripL $s you c$n

    'et it. A 'ood 6$y to estim$te th$t is to m$ke sure th$t the little bul'es on the eccentric sp$cers m$tch$cross $ll three &he$psk$tes. Get one set $s 'ood $s you c$n $nd then m$ke the position of the others

    m$tch. f it doesnEt 'et you de$d*on# it 6onEt t$ke much $dCustment $fter th$t point.


    Fig. -2: 6$Eusting the eccentric spacers.
  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    > Installing t*e To$ )late and Idler 'earings

    1or this t$sk# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN S7*32# !*3J"L +t$inless +teel ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    While completin' this section youEll notice $ discrep$ncy bet6een the photos $nd the tet 6ith

    re'$rd to the idler be$rin' inst$ll$tion. 9ri'in$lly# inst$lled the idler be$rin's into the top pl$te before

    mountin' it to the to6ers. Doin' th$t first incre$ses the difficulty in 'ettin' the 6irin' thre$ded

    throu'h the openin's in the top pl$te# so Em 'oin' to h$ve you mount the top pl$te $nd

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    &$refully $li'n the upper to6er mounts 6ith e$ch to6er# ensurin' th$t the *+lot nut pl$tes $re

    $ble to slide do6n the notches in the sides of the to6ers $s sho6n belo6.

    Hou 6$nt to keep the top pl$te level $s $ny tilt 6ill m$ke it difficult for you to 'et $ll three

    upper to6er mounts on the to6ers properly. he top pl$te should fit over the to6ers until the top of

    e$ch to6er comes into solid cont$ct 6ith the depth limitin' scre6s th$t you inst$lled 6hen you

    $ssembled the upper to6er mounts into the top pl$te.

    i'hten e$ch of the to6erEs button he$d c$p scre6s only fin'er ti'ht. WeEll come b$ck $nd

    ti'hten them the rest of the 6$y once the top $ssembly is completed.


    Fig. -3:Setting the top plate.

    Fig. -4:*o!er in contact !ith $epth li"iting scre!.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Assemble $n idler be$rin' out of t6o bl$ck pl$stic be$rin's sp$cers $nd $ 70? roller be$rin'.

    nst$ll it into the upper to6er mountin' $s sho6n belo6. @se $ S7*32 !*3J"L p$n he$d scre6 $nd $ S7*

    32 Bylon lock nut to hold it in pl$ce. DonEt ti'hten it 5 6eEll do th$t $fter the belts $re inst$lled.

    Repe$t this step for the other t6o idler be$rin's.


    Fig. -5:I$ler earing installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    0 4iring t*e End Sto$ Switc*es

    1or this t$sk# youEll be routin' the end*stop 6ires to the end*stop s6itches $nd connectin' them

    up. HouEll 6$nt to l$y the m$chine fl$t 6ith the $is pointin' KupL for this step.

    Bet to e$ch to6er mountin' point# thereEs $ tri$n'ul$r sh$ped hole th$t the end*stop 6ires

    should p$ss throu'h in order to re$ch the end*stop s6itches. o m$ke this t$sk e$sier# simply spindlee$ch p$ir of end*stop 6ires $s sho6n $nd then route e$ch p$ir to the $ppropri$te hole for e$ch $is.


    Fig. 18-1:%or> orientation.

    Fig. 18-2:0n$-stop !ires.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    +t$rt off 6ith the $is end*stop. hre$d the $is end*stop 6ires throu'h the openin' $nd

    $tt$ch the sp$de connectors to the lu's on the s6itch. Hou 6$nt to connect to the outer t6o lu's $nd

    i'nore the center one. tEs $ ti'ht fit# so ple$se be c$reful not to d$m$'e the s6itch. A sm$ll p$ir of

    needle nosed pliers 6ould bi' $ bi' help here.


    Ill. 18-1:0n$-stop !ire routing hole.

    Fig. 18-3:6ttaching A axis en$-stop !ires.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 'o $he$d $nd 6ire up the X $nd H $is end*stop s6itches.

    4ire Routing

    9nce $ll three end*stop s6itches $re 6ired# c$refully pull the sl$ck out of the end*stop 6ires bycare"ull# pullin' them throu'h from the bottom of the X $is to6er.

    Bet# you 6$nt to pull the four !?'$ 6ires from the to6er $nd the four 27'$ 6ires from the H

    to6er throu'h the center hole in the top pl$te. &$refully feed 30L of 6ire $s me$sured from the top

    pl$te. his 6ill 'ive you plenty of len'th to 6ork 6ith 6hen it comes time to 6ire up the hot end.

    Bo6 route the four 22'$ etruder motor 6ires from the H $is to6er till they touch the center

    hole. h$t 6ill 'ive you $bout ?L of 6ire from 6here the 6ires eit the top of the H to6er to the center

    of the top pl$te.

    Movin' to the bottom of e$ch to6er# route the 6ire throu'h the side openin's $s sho6n.


    Fig. 18-:?o!n the center hole(

    Fig. 18-:A 6xis.Fig. 18-:@ 6xis.

    Fig. 18-:7 6xis.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    9nce th$tEs complete# youEll need to tie do6n the 6ires usin' 6ire ties $t the KtieL loc$tions on

    the ri'ht side of e$ch upper mountin' br$cket.

    (efore you tie the 6ires do6n# youEll 6$nt to m$ke

    sure th$t the 6ire eits the center of the to6er $nd comesdirectly to the inside f$ce of the upper to6er support# into

    $ =0 de'ree bend $nd then to6$rds its destin$tion. his

    needs to be done in order to m$ke sure the drive belt 6ill

    not rub on the 6ires.

    UB+R ))@+RA9B 91 WR R9@V


    Fig. 18-18:%ire tie-$o!n point.

    Fig. 18-11:*ie-$o!n point& outsi$e 'ace.

    Fig. 18-12:*ie-$o!n point& insi$e 'ace.

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    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 you c$n tie do6n the end*stop 6irin' on the top pl$te.

    ie do6n the end*stop 6ires in the

    $re$s m$rked by the red boes. Do not use

    the tie point m$rked by the red KXL. histie point 6ill be used l$ter# but re8uires

    speci$l 6ire routin' th$t Ell cover l$ter.


    Fig. 18-13:*ie-$o!n locations.

    Fig. 18-14:*ie$ $o!n.

    Fig. 18-15:)ea$ 'or belts(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e Dri.e 'elts

    1or this step# youEre 'oin' to need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN G2 Drive (elts 3N

    2. PPPN S" 1l$t W$shers 7N

    3. PPPN S"*"0# !J2L +ocket

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    'elt Routing

    $ke one of the G2 drive belts $nd thre$d it into the notch $t the b$se of the to6er $s sho6n

    in 1i'. !!*2. M$ke sure th$t the belt teeth f$ce into6$rds the to6er.

    Route the belt so th$t it p$sses to the outside of the S! idler

    be$rin'# $round the G2 drive 'e$r $tt$ched to the stepper motor $nd

    round the outside of the S2 idler be$rin'. At no point should the

    drive belt come into cont$ct 6ith the 6irin' 5 it should p$ss $round

    the S2 idler cle$nly. Route the belt up the to6er $nd $round the

    upper idler $s sho6n in 1i'. !!*". M$ke sure th$t the belt p$sses

    throu'h the notch $s sho6n by the 'reen rect$n'le#


    Fig. 11-2:Starting point 'or the belt route.

    Fig. 11-3:Lo!er belt path.

    Fig. 11-4:pper belt path.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    As the belt p$sses over the upper idler# m$ke sure it p$sses throu'h the notch sho6n outlined in


    Installing t*e 'elt Cla$s

    he simplest 6$y to do this is to clip the &he$psk$te in pl$ce 6ith $ clothespin or other cl$mp

    $nd then pull the upper end of the belt throu'h the belt feed slot in the &he$psk$te. @se $ sm$ll p$ir of

    needle nosed pliers to 'r$b the belt end $nd pull it throu'h the slot.

    Route the end of the belt throu'h the '$p under the

    u*Coint c$rri$'e $s sho6n $bove. $pe it in pl$ce to keep itfrom movin' 6hile youEre thre$din' the lo6er belt end.


    Fig. 11-5:elt going bac> $o!n to the heaps>ate.

    Fig. 11-:/ulling the upper belt en$.

    Fig. 11-:elt tuc>e$ un$er the u-Eointcarriage.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 l$y the m$chine do6n on your 6ork t$ble such th$t the $is is ne$r you. his m$kes the

    net steps $ lot e$sier4

    hre$d the lo6er belt end throu'h the bottom of the &he$psk$te $s sho6n.

    Bo6 pull the lo6er end of the belt $ bit so th$t it e$ts up $ny $v$il$ble sl$ck $nd st$rts to dr$6

    the upper belt end out of the &he$psk$te. Hou 6$nt $bout !L of belt $bove the left or KtopL ed'e of the

    &he$psk$te. $ke $ l$ser cut belt cl$mp $nd inst$ll it into the notch# c$pturin' only the KtopL end of the


  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    DonEt see $ny c$t p$6s do youQ old y$# invisible c$t.N

    $ke $ pl$stic roller be$rin' $nd $ S" fl$t 6$sher $nd set them into pl$ce in the eposed notch

    on the belt cl$mp.


    Fig. 11-:)ea$ to install cla"p 'asteners.

    Fig. 11-18:)ea$ 'or a scre!(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Bo6 c$refully roll the printer such th$t the other side of the belt cl$mp is f$ce*up $nd inst$ll the

    other pl$stic sp$cer# S" 6$sher $nd S7*32 scre6.

    Repe$t this t$sk for the X $nd H $es. M$ke sure th$t 6hile youEre 6orkin' 6ith the belts th$t

    the lo6er belt doesnEt slip off the G2 drive 'e$r4 HouEre better off c$tchin' $nd correctin' it no6 th$n

    h$vin' to t$ke thin's $p$rt to fi it l$ter4

    When youEre done inst$llin' $ll three belts# trim the KbottomL belt end to $bout !L outside the

    cl$mp. his 6ill 'ive you enou'h to 'r$b of you chose to t6e$k the belt tension $t th$t point inste$d of

    on the top idlers.


    Fig. 11-13:elt cla"p installe$(

    Fig. 11-14:elt 'ollo!ing correct patharoun$ ;*2 gear.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Ad=usting t*e 'elt Tension

    he mountin' for the top idler pulleys is desi'ned to $llo6 you to incre$se the tension on the

    belts if necess$ry. n order to $dCust the idler pulleys youEre either 'oin' to need $ helper or youEll need

    to lo6er the Rostock MAX v2 enou'h th$t you c$n hold $ scre6driver in your mouth 6hile you useyour h$nds to ti'hten the idler. t sounds nuts# but it 6orks pretty 6ell.

    +lide $ scre6driver under the idler pulley from the ri'ht side $nd move the h$ndle of the

    scre6driver sli'htly to the left. his 6ill ensure t6o thin's 5 you 6onEt be pressin' $'$inst the 6ires

    th$t eit to the ri'ht $nd your scre6driver 6ill be liftin' up $lon' the center*line of the be$rin' $s

    sho6n $bove. Do B9 push do6n on the scre6driver 5 the Mel$mine c$nnot t$ke the stress $nd 6ill

    bre$k $s sho6n behind the red KXL $bove4 When $dCustin' the tension# itEs best if you move it $ short

    dist$nce $nd ti'hten it e$ch time. Do B9 over ti'hten the scre6s or youEll d$m$'e the Mel$mine by

    pullin' the scre6 or nut he$d throu'h the m$teri$l.

    n order to set the correct tension# youEre 'oin' to h$ve

    to use your Mk. &$libr$ted . I alibrate$ Dan$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    % Assebling t*e E?Struder and Filaent +older

    1or this step youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN +truder Mountin' (r$cket !N

    2. PPPN +truder Mountin' (r$cket +t$bili/er !N

    3. PPPN +truder Mountin' +p$cers 3N

    ". PPPN 1il$ment

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    )re$aring t*e E?Struder

    he +truder ships un*$ssembled# so letEs t$ke c$re of th$t first.

    he +truder h$rd6$re p$ck consists of the follo6in' p$rtsF

    !. PPPN 1il$ment ensioner

    2. PPPN 1il$ment Guide (lock $nd (o6den ube Mount

    3. PPPN ! +hort metric scre6

    ". PPPN ! )on' metric scre6

    %. PPPN .

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    he p$rts kit 6ill $lso include $ push*to*fit connector $nd th$t looks like the e$mple in 1i'. !2*

    3 belo6.

    n order to correctly $li'n the hobbed 'e$r on the output sh$ft of the

    stepper motor# 6e need to inst$ll the 1il$ment ensioner first. hetensioner h$s t6o scre6s th$t $re Kc$pturedL $nd 6ill be used to inst$ll it on

    to the stepper motor f$ce $s belo6. M$ke sure you keep the 6ires eitin'

    the motor f$cin' up $s sho6n.

    he t6o bl$ck $rro6s in the fi'ure $bove point to the t6o scre6 holes th$t h$ve c$pture scre6sin them.

    Rot$te the stepper sh$ft until the fl$t f$ce

    $lon' the sh$ft f$ces the sm$ll notch indic$ted by

    the $rro6. Remove the 'rub scre6 from the

    hobbed bolt if necess$ryN $nd put $ d$b of thre$d

    locker on it before puttin' it b$ck into the hobbed

    'e$r. +lide the hobbed 'e$r on to the stepper sh$ft#

    oriented $s you see to the left. M$ke sure th$t you

    turn the 'e$r so you c$n re$ch the 'rub scre6throu'h the ch$nnel pointed to by the $rro6. Ali'n

    the ed'es of the 'e$r so they m$tch the $li'nment

    m$rks cy$n linesN in the photo $bove. i'hten

    do6n the 'rub scre6# m$kin' sure th$t itEs comin' into cont$ct 6ith the fl$t f$ce of the stepper sh$ft.


    Fig. 12-3: /*F onn.

    Fig. 12-4:Fila"ent *ensioner installe$.

    Fig. 12-5:Installing the hobbe$ gear.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    @sin' the t6o metric scre6s included in the h$rd6$re p$ck# inst$ll the fil$ment 'uide block on

    the f$ce of the stepper motor $s sho6n belo6.

    nst$ll the shorter of the t6o scre6s into the position m$rked S! $nd the other# lon'er scre6 into

    the position m$rked S2.

    nst$ll the ;1 connector S3N fin'er ti'ht.


    Fig. 12-:Fila"ent gui$e bloc> installe$.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Mounting t*e E?Struder

    1or this step# youEll need the follo6in' componentsF

    !. PPPN Assembled +truder !N

    2. PPPN +truder Mountin' (r$cket !N

    3. PPPN +truder Mountin' +p$cers 3N

    ". PPPN S7*32# 2L ;$n

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    his $ssembly is etremely simple. +t$ck the three mountin' sp$cers $s sho6n belo6 $nd usin'

    both of the S7*32 scre6s $nd Bylon lock nuts# inst$ll the +truder on to the mountin' br$cket. ;le$se

    note th$t the scre6 holes in fil$ment 'uide $re RH ti'ht. HouEll likely be cuttin' thre$ds into the

    pl$stic $s you inst$ll them. A po6er scre6driver is $ hu'e help 6ith this.

    1in$lly# loc$te the bi' 6hite pl$stic 'e$r 5 it

    6$s likely p$cked $lon' 6ith the other +truder

    components. ;ress the 'e$r $bout h$lf*6$y do6n

    the stepper motor sh$ft $s sho6n belo6.

    his 'e$r 6ill $llo6 you to

    m$nu$lly feed fil$ment into

    the hot end 6hen necess$ry.


    Fig. 12-:0AStru$er ounte$.

    Fig. 12-18:anual >nob installe$.

    Fig. 12-: ounting scre! locations.

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Installing t*e E?Struder Mount and Filaent +older

    1or this step# youEll need the recently $ssembled +truder mount# the mount st$bili/er# t6o S7*

    32# !L p$n he$d scre6s $nd t6o S7*32 Bylon lock nuts.

    +lide the mount st$bili/er on to the st$bili/er slot on the +truder mount $s sho6n# then inst$ll

    t6o S7*32 Bylon lock nuts into the nut pockets.

    HouEve 'ot t6o choices 6here you c$n mount the +truder to the top pl$te# both $re sho6n in

    ll. !2*!.


    Fig. 12-11:Loc> nuts....

    Fig.$ "ount stabiliJer installe$(

  • 8/10/2019 Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide


    Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide

    Hou c$n inst$ll your +truder mount in

    either of the positions m$rked in red. he currently

    shippin' top finish pl$te for the Rostock MAX v2

    6ill only $ccommod$te $ sin'le etruder# but it 6ill

    $llo6 it to be inst$lled in either position. he

    loc$tion is entirely your choice. Bo m$tter 6here

    you put it# m$ke sure th$t itEs oriented 6ith the curve

    'oin' to6$rds the center of the m$chine $nd the

    etruder should be f$cin' the fil$ment 'uide hole in

    the top pl$te $s demonstr$ted in 1i'. !2*!3. he

    $rro6 in the upper ri'ht corner is pointin' to thefil$ment 'uide hole. nst$ll the mount to the top

    pl$te usin' t6o S7*32 !L scre6s.


    Ill. 12-1:0AStru$er "ounting points.

    Fig. 12-13:0AStru$er "ount installe$.

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