Ropes - Welcome to


Transcript of Ropes - Welcome to

" Usha Mortin Limiled(Wire Ropes & Speciality Products Division)

Works : Tbtisilwai, 83 5 I 03, Ranchi, Jhatkhand, IndiaPh: (0o91 651) s051 40o/226s241Fax: (00 91 651) 3O5l 409 / 410CIN : L3 I 400W8 I 986PLCO9 I 62 IWebsile : www. ushaman tin. c otne - mail : fe e db ac k @ u s h amart in. c o. in

Ref: U M L/CPPlRanchi/ECl LG / 06


DirectorMinistry Of Environment, Forests & CC,

lndira Paryavaran Bhawan,

JorBagh Road,

. Aliganj, New Delhi-110003


Subject: Request for Environment Clearance Amendment for procurement of coal

through E- auction and transport by road to the project for 2x 10 MW coal based

captive Power Plant at Village, Tatisilwai, Ranchi.

1) MoEF Environmental Clearance granted by MOEF : letter no : J- 13OL2|L22/20O8'

1A. I I (T)date d 07 -04-20112\ MOEF letter dated 11.08.2015 and our reply dated 24-o8-2oL5

3) MOEF online communication dated 03-03-2016 and UML response t7-03-20L6

4) MOEF online communication dated 23-05-2016


Dear Sir,

your kind attention invited to the additional information sought on 23-05-201-5 to submit "in

detail, in consultotion with the Roilways, when and how the rood tronsportation of coal con be

ovoided or minimized for the proiect".

Following is submitted in continuation of our letter dated 24-08-2015 and 17-03-2106' Copy

enclosed foryour ready reference at Annexure-I. M/s UML has pursued with the DRM office,

SER, Ranchi regarding information as sought by you on 09-06-2016. The Record Notes of

discussions and letters as received from DRM office, SER, Ranchi are attached herewith for your

kind perusal at Annexure-2.

As you are aware, currently, at Tatisilwai Station, there is NO facility/ infrastructure is available

for organizing any coaltraffic i.e. inbound or outbound. Hatia Station which is roughly 25-28 KM

distance from Ranchi Cpp is having facility only for outbound coal traffic through Rakes. There is

no infrastructure to handle inbound coal traffic at Hatia. However, in view of the requirement

of UML for coal transportation at a future time, infrastructure for handling such inbound coal

traffic has been requested to be developed at Tatisilwai. Request for the same has been sent to

Deputy Chief Engineer, Construction, SER, Ranchi. Copy of the letter is attached at Annexure-3.

On enquiry, it is understood that, on approval of DCE, Construction, SER it is likely that the

proposal shall require not less than THREE years to become operational. Thus, the Rail

Transportation of coal to the project thru Tori to Tatisilwai likely to be made operational by

March 2020 thereby avoiding road transportation of 23 km in case of Ashoka Coal Mine of CCL\-{


IB*s*,,Certified u m apprcved

Maufactrer byLloyd's Register


Certified 6 m approvedMmufrctmby


tuCertified 6 e approved

Mmufactuer byAmericm Bwau of Shipping

Certified by BvC for the

QMS to ISO 9001Certified by BVC for the

EMS to ISO 14001

Regd. Office: 2A, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 7N 071, India, Phone: (00 91 33) 3980 030012282 3985, Fax: (00 91 33) 2282 53061 W)91 3980 0500/0400F/OP-3-145/01 Rev. I


S.No Source of Coal Ashoka/ Piparwar Mine Sikni Mine

1) Only Road transportationdistance in km

84 Km L06 km

2l Mine to nearest RailwaY siding-

Distance in km

Loading Siding at Tori

Mine to Rail head: 60/ 90Loading Siding at Tori

Mine to rail head : 15

3) Tori to Tatisilwai Rail

Transportation - Distance in km

193 193

4l Unloading point to CPP in km Unloading Siding at

Tatisilwai : 1

Unloading Siding at

Tatisilwai : 1

s) Road- Rail- Road transPortationdistance in km

60/90 + 193 +!=254/284 j_5 +193 + L=2O9

6) Rod Distance avoided in case ofRail transportation thru Tori-


o 84-(60+1)= 23 Km in case

of Ashoka Mineo 84-(90+1)= -7 Km in case

of Piparwar Mine

o 106-(15+1)= 90 Km

in case of Sikni


or g0 in case of sikni coal Mine of JSMDC, whereas the road transportation from Piparwar

mines will be increased by 7 Km. This can be understood from the following table :

ln view of the above, it is submitted that, as recommended by EAC the specific condition (i) of

the Environmental Clearance issued for our 2x10 MW CPP at Tatisilwai village, Ranchi be

amended for permission to procure 0.183 MTPA of coal through e - auction and transport to

site by Trucks till commencement of supply of Brinda- Sisai Coal Mines and Procurement of

deficit coal through e- auction, once Brinda- Sisai Coal Block commences coal supplies'

Thanking you,

For Us h Ltd.,

(Auth 'cl Signatory)


UML letter to MOEF dated L7-O3aE

@ooDS shed/ Tts/L6l6323 dated L7-o6-2076

(2) MoM dat"! oleellee

Dr. I N Rao
Typewritten Text
Annexure-3Letter dated 17-06-2016


alsfrffi $ffiffirf$nlJsha Martin Limited

{Wire Ropes & Speciatity ?roduas OivisionJ

4rne-xute- .f,ftirr*-r.' ;'',r;,ili,r' rt. :i ;' I i,.i li;t n ht !! t t' [' !;, it;! |:* !i'tl,h: tt[r t.r I r,; ! t _iitj ! .t$tl , ::(;5;.1 tYay lttt! at 45 l,itr,5 I .ltrg i 4 I {,

Ct N: l -.1 t xtt tl]f[ I $Snftct[!f6:tIl'r6srJr,.' t'.;11l:l&f&4!t!sdtll,slr!tm ni l' liw I h o t s ha,ilat'l it,. ttt' i t t


Ret.CP PlRa il.Co al- 16105 Date:09.05,2016


Sub :Meeting held between M/s.Usha Martin Limited and officials of South Eastern Railway

on Coal Transportation to CPP Via Railway

Meeting Date & venue: 09-06-2016O , L6:00 Hrs, DRM Office Hatia, Ranchi



1. UML letter ref.uMucPP{Ranchif1cfi5fl}1,Dated z3-ff7'2jst5 ts ths Direstof+A-



3.' rJIrrIL terter tu 5E*, ref. tlM#€ PP / trs*Re*+6/lrp* o8-o3-20 1 6

4.,U M L Letter to sER, Ref. U MUCP PlCoal-Ra il I L5 I AZ,D ated 1&12-20 16

5. sER letter ref . OIPLITIS/UMUI3,DaIed 24-a7'2o13

F. SER letter ref. O/PL/fiS/UML/15,Dated t1-t2-2015

v. SER ISer ref. olP[,rfls/uMl/1gl5814,Dated 01-12-2015

8. SER letter ref, o/PuRNClGood ShedlT[s/16l5071,Dated 16-o&2016

1. U:ML appraised SER officialsof the present status ofBroposed Tatisilwai Yard for codl

unloading and additional infsrmation sought by MOEF'

2. Sr.DCM, Shri Niroi Kumar explained briefly the present

Tatisilwai needs some critical technical modification of

coal traffic. The rnodification require some more time,

higher authoritY-

3. Further, it is told that, as the quantity of coal to be handled is very less (0'L83 MTA)'

expected revenue generation.for coal unloading could be a barrier for Railway'

status. tt is inforrned that

the yard t0 accommodate

subject to apProval from



Carilisl u o.l'Qnai C!,rifrt4 43 'tr

q'Pcvld-il;Er*.G!y ltlslrfnctustY

f,f"y,f"*cgainuea' qS; :e, Sb*crycarc surani" Kotkal& ?00 o?1'

Csdfird b9 8vc f{ ibc

QMs!aEO9IPICgriialty AYCfor tbr

E}l$ t{ IEO l{001

Fsx: (00 9I 33) 22sz 5306/ 90291 3sE0 ol{s10400' Fl(}f-3-l45l0l Rev; 1

Dr LN.Rao,Sr VP-Environment

'!hrl Tan moy Sinha,Sr. DG M-CPP'Shri M. R.AcharYa,5r'DOM

Shri Manoi(umar, Chief DT1

Indir, Piouu (00 gl 33) 3980 0300/7?82 3*E5'


m g,ffi,grffstUsha Martin Limited

{Wir,e *opes & Speeiality Products Division!

lt' u rk t :'lit t i.t i ! ytri, n'-; 5, i' i. ll *t t h t .J h t r l, l',t t; l. I t ri li a

lrh: trtt, ! I 6J I J -]0-t ] lttt, ::t;i:"t IFa-t: (fi$ 9l 65ltillil {Oq

" J ltl

cltv: Enr.ilrrtyi t*&Gpt €. ttg t64 l,I"d"rrd.'

-r r'n'u'. rer',i!!nar:rirt. trru'

*ntail ; lceibtrck.{flns huntutT ttt.ttt'irt

UML explained'the problerns for Railway transportatlon as UML is procuring coal

from CCL mines which |pcated 60-70(rns frorn nearby Railway siding'

nlternatelY, possibility of usage of Hatia siding also discussed' Sr'DOM' Shri extrtaillte* that there is eo infrastr*u.t: for coal unloading at present'

Thought this involves transportation of coal by road ( about 20 km) through Ranchi

qtty' strR officialE siver rio. invierar of the M0EFuML requested to sER sfficials given the current scena

qutdes requested to explcre to establish set up inbound coal traffic at Tatlsilwai

Station and inform feasible date of commencement of operation , so that MOEF

can be inforrned accordinglY-.

Shri, Niroj Kumar and Shri M.R.Acharya lnformed UML that they have atready

infonnedihe Dy.Chief Engineer (con!, SER for expetted timg ftant"'to. co*rplete the

siding at Tatisilwal.SEfi officials will send the reply within 15/20 days'

Meeting ended with thank








ttIF-mr"--.,fuffiffiruffi- -w .dis,.r;ggry,'r(


f.ffi@o.**T**q,*f,",x'lli"rooort, hdis, Phota{ot}el:r}i*rooroonaBeless' Fo*{mel i

Atr\e-rutt - IL

Office of *reSr. Divl. Ophrs. Manager

. Ranchi

Dated: 17.06.28L6,

(it4 B, AdwyalSr, ffivL CpEts. llfanagerSouthEastern Raihtray


South Eastern Railwav

,tNo.: O/PLlRNC/Goods Shed/TIs/ 16

I 63 ZZ


ToTh"Dy. Chief Engineer (Con),Soutlr Eastern Raifttray,qanrhi.

Copf to; t" Sr.DGd/fiNCfor inMtiwtpkose.2, ST.DEE/TRI RNC for ir$oryffation pleasg.

Subr Early consbarcHoa of proposed Goods $heil sidtng at Tatisifitrai.R+f: Thi+ efliee tr€t&el Ne. OlfLlRNelcosds S[dlEE:l 16/ 5s7L drd-16-ffi:t]16-

".Mls Usha Martin Pvt Ltd / Tafieilwai wanb to move coal for theh power planf Uy

rail br$ it is not possible to deal c&l skes in Sre exieting.$iding at TLS due;to lay opt

eor.rgtr*int a$ well as plasorm constrair,tti Average emrinal detentisn for Iaot 6 montlrs at TI5

irpdrnd$horrrs. , .

Connectivity s{ TI5 -IIZD is likely to be co.mnriseioned by the year md. }Imce lt isa n

. reqerested to start pr€paraft]ry work for onstruction of new Goods Stred line atTIS on priority

and get ttrc work m:rrpieted at fu sediest so that tlre ocisting traf&c is dehined tlre baresto iriidsurrt and new coal tsaffic can also be handled.

T*rget dae of completicn Gf &€ qrork may please be intimated so ttrat M/s Usha'

nfartln Fvt Ltd canbeinfcrrted acmrflng$ to make fheir planning.,a-

5. DW e*lE!.Ie fs uk&g ry,*re. prepar+lery urorlc

{!,SdOCUt-CPF/Ushal!&rtirfffi farirr.fonr-ration.




L Sr,i Fftrr{,}ienrrar, sr.E€Ml RNC :. -qcl:t'-5i*lxa. Sr-"DGful-CPP

L Sri- T RoY, DY'Manager-CPP

.l-.r----'At t{re g1ug1et Sr. 'D61e.{/llNC r.r,elcomed the custonrers participated in the meeting.

-1., lkplor.e Luading .r\rpiecrs: 5r. DOtvl/RNC & 5r. DCIvI/RNC iointly urged-to M/s ueha marHix tp

explore loar{ing aspeCt of Fly Ash at Tatisilr+,ai Station. Dq. t N. Rao, 5r- Vice Presiclsrt asstrred tp.

infr.n'rn n4ran is arv Frogramme for loading of Fl1'A'sh' -

l. f,,rarcl Tr*ffic nt 'l'atisihvai:,Ecpresentative o1' lvl/s Usl'ta lvlartin requested to'expedihe the

clevetopme*t 6i the near, ,iai..g atTl5, so tl'rat inward coal ralrcs for tlreir pofuer plantcan be deal!'

Sr. DOM/RNC inforrrr€d rheur thar Tatisilu,ai staHon yard is :r.1i:"**

modifications in the

' . exe{ution Tatisihrrai - Bar-kakarxr - Hazaribagh - Koderma project and a futl teng$r G.oocls shed u'itrI be'

* cofiEtrtrctad during t{re srodificalion- After conrpletion of the lvolk the propoml for Coal lranctling rt'rll. '

Cqrtl qr';nl'e! *EeE{h I a![IS!g"

Qfticials plesellt in the rneetinF '

IINC Divisitrr"

(M.R. Aeh*rva)5r. r.$M/SEJ?l RNC

$eprcsegtative of IVJ Usha IVlartin Pv! Ltd' 's'

.be takel:r ir:r to cirnsir{eralion subiect to ctrinpliance of otl're.r corilaerct:lfo'rrtalidesi

\"sp(Niraj Kurnar)

5r. nC['tl5ER/RNC.t

