Root Growth

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Transcript of Root Growth

  • 8/9/2019 Root Growth


    Biology report

    Vincent Schelwald 333132

    root growth experiment

    group 1





  • 8/9/2019 Root Growth



    you ha"e di##erent $ind% o# %oil #or example peat& clay and %and' (ach type ha% it% own property)%

    #or example peat i% a loo%ely type o# %oil %o it i% ea%y #or the root% to grow and peat hold% the water

    #or a while %o there i% no need #or a big %er"e% o# root%' *lay on the other hand i% title pact and hart

    to penetrate thu% the rood% will ta$e longer to grow and it will co%t more energy' But the clay will

    hold the water #or a "ery long time thu% the root% don+t need a great %er"e%' At la%t the %and& it i% a

    lo%e material %o it want hold water that well that i% a problem #or the root% there #ore they need a big%er"e% area to get enough water' ,he up%ide i% that trough to lo%e ground the root% can grow ea%ily

    and don+t need lot% o# energy' -mo%t $nowledge o# my one that . learned in %econdary %chool el%e

    #rom *ampbell / Ree%e& global (dition

    e want to #ind out how the root% grow and witch type o# %oil i% better to grow on'

    The hypothesis is

    hit the in#ormation #rom abo"e the peat will grow the be%t becau%e the root% can grow ea%y and it

    hold% enough water #or the plant to %ur"i"e'

    Experimental procedure

    Fir%t you)ll need a rihotron' ,he rhiotron i% di"ided into two chamber%& 1! cm wide and 30 cm

    high each& by placing the extra %pacer upright in the middle o# the bac$ plate' ,he bac$ plate i% the

    gla%% plate with three %pacer% already glued to it' ,he di"ider %pacer i% mounted with a layer o#

    "a%eline to ma$e a watertight connection to the bac$ and #ront plate% o# the rhiotron'

    ,hen get two %un#lower $ernel% -elianthu% annuu% and rye grain% -Secale cereale witch are

    %oa$ed in water #or 24 hour%' ,hen place one o# each type in either %ide' ater the %oil until it i%

    dar$ened al trough' Rap the rhiotron in dar$ paper but lea# the top open #or the plant% to grow'

    5a%%eur the root%& water& the growth o# the plant and the condition% o# the %oil the plant% li"e in' 6o

    thi% twice a wee$ and note down how much water you added e"ery time'


    7ur plant% died and nothing grew& the dirt wa% dry at the and . don+t $now how much water wa%

    added becau%e that data wa% lo%t' So the length o# the root and plant where 0'


    ,here could be di##erent rea%on% that non o# our %eed grew' 7ne i% that the %eed where dead and

    couldn+t grow' ,wo there wa% not enough water added to the rihotron thu% the ground wa% to dry

    #or a organi%m to li"e in' ,hird the %oil could ha"e had wrong bacteria and $illed the %eed doubt#ul

    but po%%ible'


    ,he experiment went wrong %o we don+t $now how the root% grow in peat'

    So my recommendation% are u%e more %eed %o you ha"e a higher chance that one o# them will grow'

    ater more o#ten and chec$ i# the %oil i% wed enough multiple time% a wea$'


    mo%t $nowledge o# my one that . learned in %econdary %chool

    *ampbell / Ree%e& global (dition