Room 16 Remote Learning 15.2 -

Remote Learning Grid: Room 16: Week Beginning: 15.2.21 Please find below planned learning experiences for the week. Please note the daily learning which will be delivered on our Team channel each day. We encourage all pupils to login to Teams to access these live or pre-recorded teaching lessons. If you have any questions just ask our staff on our Team channel or contact either of us on [email protected] or [email protected] DAY SPELLING & PHONICS READING (POETRY) & WRITING NUMERACY & MATHS HEALTH & WELLBEING I.D.L + other learning Mon Today you are going to find a spelling strategy for each of these words. Remember your spelling strategies include: mnemonic word within word familiar word analogy syylabificatin phoneme knowledge spelling rules For example ‘successful’ contains the word ‘success’, so this would be word within a word. evidence analysis experiment competition successfully construct technology technique explanation preparation sequence resources Fresh Start 10:30am - Fresh Start with Mr Sharp (In the Room 16 channel) Bring your booklet, your blue jotter and a pencil. 11am – LIVE with the Walliams literacy group in the Room 16 channel to to read chapters 4 and 5. Walliams – today we are going to read chapters 4 and 5 together during our LIVE lesson. You are going to focus on chapter 4 and write the following quotes from the story in order of what is said. Then, you are going to have a look at the quotes the author has used. The author uses the word ‘said’ in many different ways e.g. explained and told. How many other ways of saying ‘said’ can you find in this chapter? Finally, you are going to plan your own rescue for saving the dog. All of the work has been attached below. Dahls- today you are going to read chapter 4 ‘Go on Then, Tell!’ with a family member or friend. Firstly, you are going to find rhyming words with the list of 1pm – LIVE Time lesson with Mr Sharp in the Room 16 channel All groups – Complete the Nandos menu chilli Challenge. Pyramids – Complete the hot chilli challenge word problems. Triangles – Complete the medium chilli challenge word problems. Diamonds – Complete the mild chilli challenge word problems. However, if you want to challenge yourself, you could try the next chilli challenge up. All of the chilli challenges and the Nandos menu have been attached below for you. 9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. Today you are going to take part in a nature scavenger hunt. Go out a walk or out in your garden and find the following items. Upload pictures of the items you find on our Teams page. This week is STEM week which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Today you are going to build a boat / ship that floats in water. What to do: At home, design and build a boat or ship using recycled or household materials. Make sure you have a clear design and diagrams that explain how you will make the boat; annotate the design to show how you’ve changed your original idea as you’ve gone on. Success criteria: Did you create an initial design that someone else could follow? Did you test the design out and make improvements? Does it float? Is it durable/sturdy? Were appropriate materials chosen to make the boat? (waterproof). Is the design creative? Can you evaluate the success of your design? Click on the link below to show you how to create a boat using recycled materials. PLAY | Making BOATS From Recyclables! - Bing video

Transcript of Room 16 Remote Learning 15.2 -

Remote Learning Grid: Room 16: Week Beginning: 15.2.21 Please find below planned learning experiences for the week. Please note the daily learning which will be delivered on our Team channel each day. We encourage all pupils to login to Teams to access these live or pre-recorded teaching lessons. If you have any questions just ask our staff on our Team channel or contact either of us on [email protected] or [email protected]





I.D.L + other learning


Today you are going to find a spelling strategy for each of these words. Remember your spelling strategies include: mnemonic word within word familiar word analogy syylabificatin phoneme knowledge spelling rules For example ‘successful’ contains the word ‘success’, so this would be word within a word. evidence analysis experiment competition successfully construct technology technique explanation preparation sequence resources Fresh Start 10:30am - Fresh Start with Mr Sharp (In the Room 16 channel) Bring your booklet, your blue jotter and a pencil.

11am – LIVE with the Walliams literacy group in the Room 16 channel to to read chapters 4 and 5. Walliams – today we are going to read chapters 4 and 5 together during our LIVE lesson. You are going to focus on chapter 4 and write the following quotes from the story in order of what is said. Then, you are going to have a look at the quotes the author has used. The author uses the word ‘said’ in many different ways e.g. explained and told. How many other ways of saying ‘said’ can you find in this chapter? Finally, you are going to plan your own rescue for saving the dog. All of the work has been attached below. Dahls- today you are going to read chapter 4 ‘Go on Then, Tell!’ with a family member or friend. Firstly, you are going to find rhyming words with the list of

1pm – LIVE Time lesson with Mr Sharp in the Room 16 channel All groups – Complete the Nandos menu chilli Challenge. Pyramids – Complete the hot chilli challenge word problems. Triangles – Complete the medium chilli challenge word problems. Diamonds – Complete the mild chilli challenge word problems. However, if you want to challenge yourself, you could try the next chilli challenge up. All of the chilli challenges and the Nandos menu have been attached below for you.

9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. Today you are going to take part in a nature scavenger hunt. Go out a walk or out in your garden and find the following items.

Upload pictures of the items you find on our Teams page.

This week is STEM week which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Today you are going to build a boat / ship that floats in water. What to do: At home, design and build a boat or ship using recycled or household materials.

Make sure you have a clear design and diagrams that explain how you will make the boat; annotate the design to show how you’ve changed your original idea as you’ve gone on.

Success criteria: Did you create an initial design that someone else could follow?

Did you test the design out and make improvements? Does it float? Is it durable/sturdy? Were appropriate materials chosen to make the boat? (waterproof). Is the design creative? Can you evaluate the success of your design?

Click on the link below to show you how to create a boat using recycled materials.

PLAY | Making BOATS From Recyclables! - Bing video

words that I have attached below. e.g. sand rhymes with land soot rhymes with boot. Then, you are going to read the passage below and fill in the missing words from the story.


(Miss Curley is in hub today but remember there will be teachers on Teams if you are stuck) Dictation Get someone in your house or a friend to dictate sentences using your spelling words for this week. You can write the sentences down and then check if you have spelt them correlty. Walliams – use 8 of your spelling words in your sentences. Dahls – use 5 of your spelling words in your sentences. Fresh Start 10:30am - Fresh Start with Mr Sharp (In the Room 16 channel) Bring your booklet, your blue jotter and a pencil.

1pm – LIVE Taught Writing lesson with Mr Sharp in the Room 16 channel Walliams – today you are going to focus on chapter 5 ‘Set Free For A While’. You are going to find out the meaning of 11 words listed below using our metalinguists table. Then, you are going to use your own words from the story to compete the passage below. Finally, you are going to read through the 7 sentences listed below and answer if they true or false. Dahls- today you are going to be focusing on pages 59-64. Firstly, you are going to find opposites. I have attached a list of words below and you have to tell me what the opposite word would be. For example, the opposite of ‘left’ would be ‘right’ or the opposite of ‘up’ would be ‘down’. Then, you are going to see how many words you can

Pyramids / Triangles This week we are continuing to look at money and focus on the terms ‘profit’ and ‘loss’. Profit and loss are terms that are used to describe how much money you make or lose when selling an item. e.g. A retailer bought eight bunches of grapes for £6.20 and sold them for £1.20 each. Did they make a profit or loss? Well.. £1.20 x 8 = £9.60 £9.60 - £6.20 = £3.40 So, the retailer makes a profit of £3.40 as he has made more money by selling the items for a greater price than they bought the items for. Pyramids – complete page 127 which has been attached below Triangles – complete page 109 which has been attached below. Diamonds - you are focusing on adding amounts of money. You are going to complete the worksheet attached below.

9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. Today you are going to create your own monsters to represent the emotions below. Think carefully about each monster’s colour, texture and shape as well as their facial expression. In the last box, name and create an emotion monster of your own choice and explain why you have chosen to design this monster.

The sheet has been attached below for you.

Today is also know as ‘Shrove Tuesday’. See how much you already know about pancake day by taking part in this kahoot. Pin number 04685676 Today you are going to read the comprehension sheet attached below. Walliams – read pages 5 and 6. Dahls- read pages 3 and 4. Murpurgos – read pages 1 and 2. Once you have read the comprehension sheet, you are going to complete three of the activities of your choice from the activity board attached below.

make from the following letters: SKATEBOARD Finally, you are going to choose one picture from the story, illustrate and in your own words describe what is happening.


Today you are going to diacritically mark some of the spelling words for this week. Mark on the sounds in these words. Put a dot above a single sound, a line under a joined phoneme or a where there is a split phoneme. Walliams – choose 9 of your spelling words to diacritcally mark. Dahls – choose 7 of your spelling words to diacritically mark. Fresh Start 10:30am - Fresh Start with Mr Sharp (In the Room 16 channel) Bring your booklet, your blue jotter and a pencil.

Dahls – today you are going to be writing a book review for ‘Children Behaving Badly’. The book review sheet has been attached below. Walliams – today you are going to read chapters 6 and 7 with a family member or friend. You are going to focus on chapter 6 (pages 47-54). Firstly, you are going to write a summary about this chapter. Remember your summary should include all of the main events that took place in this chapter. Then, you are going to copy and complete the sentences below and choose the correct word. Finally, you are going to decide who said what. All of your work has been attached below.

Today you are going to continue focusing on ‘Profit and Loss’. Pyramids and Triangles - Complete the profit and loss challenge cards attached below. How many can you get correct? I have also attached the answers below so you can self-assess your work. Use the traffic light system to assess you work. Green – I understand Amber – I am getting there Red- I need help Remember to send me your work so I can give you feedback ASAP. Diamonds – complete page 119, calculating change, attached below.

9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. Today you are going to be having a look at the food pyramid. Click on the link below to explain the food pyramid and why it is important to have a balanced diet. Task You are going to cut out each of the items below and place them on the correct section of the food pyramid (foods I should rarely eat, foods I should sometimes eat and foods I should often eat). If you are unable o print off the items you can draw a pictrure of them in the correct section of the pyramid.

1pm – LIVE Spanish lesson with Mr Sharp in the Room 16 channel. Today you are going to build an object that can fly. What to do: At home, design and an object that can fly using recycled or household materials.

Make sure you have a clear design and diagrams that explain how you will make the flying object; annotate the design to show how you’ve changed your original idea as you’ve gone on.

Success criteria: Did you create an initial design that someone else could follow? Did you test the design out and make improvements? Does it fly? Is it durable / sturdy? Were appropriate materials chosen to make the flying object? Is the design creative? Can you evaluate the success of your design?

Click on the link below to show you how to create an areoplane.



Today you are going to write out your spelling words in alphabetical order. Then, you are going to find out what each of these words mean. You can use a dictionary for this task. Fresh Start Mr Sharp will give you work to complete today while he is in the school hub.

10:30am – LIVE with the Dahls literacy group in the Room 16 channel to start our new book ‘PS I Love You Gramps’. Have a look at the front cover and blurb before the live lesson to discuss our prior knowledge. Dahls - after the live lesson you are going to predict what is going to happen in the story? What makes you think this? Explain your thoughts? You might want to create a visualiser to display your thoughts and ideas. Then, you are going to read pages 2-13. Remember to write in full sentences. Walliams – today you are going to focus on chapter 7 ‘ A Tremendous Surprise’. Firstly, you are going to read the passage attached below and add the correct punctuation so that the passage makes sense. Then, you are going to answer the 5 questions attached below. Lastly, you are going to re-write the ending for this story? If you were the author, what would you have done differently?

Pyramids and Triangles – this is your last day focusing on profit and loss. Complete the worksheet attached below. Decide whether you have made a profit or a loss. Fill in the missing amounts. The first calculation has been completed for you. ‘Cost price’ means how much they bought the item for. ‘Selling price’ means how much they sold it for. For example, The cost price was £3000 They sold it (selling price) for £3500. So, this means that they made a profit of £500 because: £3500 -£3000 500 Diamonds – Complete the calculating change from 20p worksheet attached below. You have to work out how much you have left from 20p by adding together the coins that are left.

9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. 11am – LIVE We Health and Wellbeing lesson in the Room 15 channel. Today we are going to play the ‘Emotions board game’. Roll the dice and move your game piece the same number of squares. Read the emotion written on the square and think about a time when you have felt this emotion e.g. I feel happy when I am riding my bike. The first player to get to the end wins! I have attached the board game below.

Today you are going to create your own lava lamp. Click the link below and follow the instructions on how to create the lava lamp. How To Make a Simple Lava Lamp At Home - Bing video Equipment: empty plastic bottle with lid. food colouring of your choice. vegetable oil effervescent tablets. glitter (optional). This year all Primary 6 pupils are invited to take part in the C.H.S. public speaking competition. YOU are being asked to write and perform a persuasive speech on the topic of ‘Happiness’. Firstly, you are going to create a mindmap to think about: Why DO YOU THINK happiness is important? What makes you happy and why ARE THESE THINGS the best thing(s) in the world? You are then going to read the example persuasive speech ‘No more playtime for primary school children’ (which will be uploaded on a PDF). Consider how the author has persuaded the reader. What type of persuasive words and phrases have been used? In your speech you will be required to include some persuasive techniques: rhetorical question, repetition and using facts and statistics. Can you find any of these techniques in the example speech, ‘No more playtimes’? You could highlight them or underline them. Requirements: Aim for a speech that is a minimum of 2 mins long when you perform it. You can use props and other items to help you

perform the speech. You can’t use powerpoint to help you The speech must be recorded and uploaded to your class channel by the end of day on THURSDAY 25TH FEBRUARY IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE COMPETITION. The winning school will be announced AS SOON AS THE STAFF AT C.H.S. HAVE WATCHED ALL SPEECHES. I will upload the PDF with all the information on our class Teams page. Good luck everyone!

Fri Walliams – pick 5 of your spelling words and create an acrostic poem relating to STEM week. Dahls – pick 3 of your spelling words and create an acrostic poem for STEM week. For example, Read Every Science Outdoors Under Raindrops Create Experiments Successfully Fresh Start 10:30am - Fresh Start with Mr Sharp (In the Room 16 channel) Bring your booklet, your blue jotter and a pencil.

Walliams – today you are going to write a book review for ‘Very Best Friend’. Your book review sheet has been attached below. Dahls- today you are going to write a letter to somebody you have not seen for a while. This could be a family member or a friend. You must start by saying who the letter is to. You might want to include what you have been doing during lockdown or something you have been learning about at school. At the end of the letter you must say who the letter is from. Remember to use punctuated sentences.

10:30am – LIVE Maths lesson (Debit and Credit cards) on the Room 16 channel. Chilli challenge Mild £234 £563 £674 x4 x3 x5 Medium £4567 £3287 £4356 x6 x4 x8 Spicy £46578 £47585 £76456 x10 x8 x7 Extra Spicy £6574938 £5235488 x8 x9

9:30am – LIVE Whole School Assembly with Mrs Nicolson in the General Channel in Teams 10am – LIVE Fun Fitness with Mr Sharp in the General Channel in Teams. Today you are going to take the Kahoot challenge. This challenge ends on the 20th February at 3:00pm This is an emotional check-in Kahoot, where you can let me know how home learning is going. Be as honest as you want – there are no right answers. Click the link below to take you to the challenge. Game pin: 02629318

Today you are going to build a bridge. What to do: At home, design and build your own bridge using recycled or household materials.

Make sure you have a clear design and diagrams that explain how you will make the bridge; annotate the design to show how you’ve changed your original idea as you’ve gone on.

Success criteria: Did you create an initial design that someone else could follow? Did you test the design out and make improvements? Is your bridge one of the following: arch, beam, suspension, truss or cable-stay? It must bridge a gap of at least 40cm. The bridge must be free standing. The bridge must be able to support a weight (e.g. 50g) in the middle.The bridge must be able to carry and support a toy vehicle. Can you evaluate the success of your design?

Click on the link below to see how a bridge is made from newspaper.

Best out of waste | Newspaper Bridge | DIY | Trial N Error - Bing video

Monday – Walliams

Monday – Dahls

Monday – Nandos Menu

Monday - Pyramids Chilli Challenge

Monday – Triangles Chilli Challenge

Monday – Diamonds Chilli Challenge

Tuesday – Pyramids

Tuesday – Triangles

Tuesday – Diamonds

Tuesday – Mood Monster

Tuesday – Murpurgos

Tuesday – Dahls

Tuesday – Walliams

Tuesday – Activity Board

Tuesday – Walliams

Tuesday- Dahls

Wednesday – Food Pyramid

Wednesday – Pyramids and Triangles

Challenge Card Answers

Wednesday – Diamonds

Wednesday – Walliams

Thursday – Emotions Board Game

Thursday – Triangles

Thursday – Pyramids

Thursday – Diamonds

Thursday – Walliams

Walliams and Dahls