Ronald A Guzman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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Transcript of Ronald A Guzman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald A Guzman Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    , ~ o ~ 0 [ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT m Govenm~nt Act ~/" 197,~m.,,. ~ / 2 o ~ o ] FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009|, Irzon Reporling (last nam e, first, middle izzitial) I 2. Court or Organ ization 3. Date ~.d" ReportGuzman, Ronald A. Nonhen~ Dis lric l of I l l inois 05115/2010

    4. lille (Article III judges indicate active or senior sloltls; ~a. Report "F~ (check appr~prtatc ~pe~ b. Reporting Ptriod~gislrzte udges indicote tkdl- or parl-time) ~ Nomin~t~on. t~e 01.;01/2009Active Ailicle I11 Judge ~Initial ~ A~m~l ~ Fi,m[ ~ oI 2/31/2009

    5b. ~ Amcoded React7. Chamber~ or Office Address 8. On the bas~s o[ the information ontzined ia this Report and anymodificalion~ pertaining therelo, it is, in m y opinion, in compliance219 S. Dearborn SI. with sppli~ble In~s ~nd r~ gulalions.Ch:m~bers 1278Chicago II 60604 R~ie~HngOfficcr Dnte.

    IMPO RTANT NOTE S: Tile instructions accompanying this f i~rm must be f i~llo, ,ed. Complete all parts,checMng tile NONE box fi~r each part where you have no reportable inf!~rmation. Sigl~ on la.~t page.

    1 . P O S I T I O N S . ~ , , p o r , i , ~ in#ivid,,al only; see pp. 9-13 of fillng in~lrt,,llons.)N O N E (No reportable positions.)


    i l . A ( ; R E E M E N T S . (R,por6n,e indiviaual on~v: xee PP. 14.1h of filing in.ttruction.~)~ N O N E (No r~7,ortahle agreements.)D A T E PART I ES AN D T ERM S

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    IFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTc . u z , ,, , , , , , m , n , m A . I [0Si~Sn010Page 2 of 7

    III. N O N - IN V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . (Rep,,rting i,diridual and sp ..... : see pp. 17-24 ,f:ling instruction,.)A. Fliers Non-Investment Income

    N O N E (No reporlable non-im,e.~tment income.)D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE INCOME(yours, noI Spouses)

    ~. Spoll$~s No~-llll~slmell[ ]~ofll~ - If),olt~,ergttlorrieddurlnganyportionofthertportingyeat, conlpletelhissectio~

    ~ N ONE (W o reportable non-investment income.)D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE

    I. 2009 College of DuPage, salary.


    IV. REIMBURSEM ENTS ..... . ~ , , , ~ , ~ , , , , ~ , , ~ , , , ~ o , . ~ o ~ , . . . . . , ~ . . . . . . . . .N O N E (No rel~ortable rcimhzo=vements.


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    ]Namet" Persun Repurling [ Dale of RcporlF I N A N C I A L p a g e 3 o f 7 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R TV . G 1 F T S . a , ,c t , ,~ , ~ s , n o s e , o w . . . . . . d depend,,nt c h i l d r e n ; . w e p p . 2 8 - 3 1 of fili,,g i n ~ t r n c t i o , , s . )

    N O N E (No reportable g~fis.)S O U R C E I ) E S C I ~ - I P T I O N VAL!_J~



    V l . L I A B I L I T IE S . ,.a,~, ,~,o,,.o~ ......... d d e p e r ~ d c n t t .h i l d r e , , ; . ~ e e p p . 3 2 - 3 3 , f i l i n g l n s t r u , t i o , , s O~ N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)

    C R E D I T O R D E S C R 1 P T ! O N V A L L I E C O D E1 .2.3.4.


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    IFINANCIAL page 4 of 7 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T c ........ r o . , i, ~ A . ] 10-V~

    V i I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S -- i .......... i,,,,, ...... , i o , , ~ (Inch, des 11 .. . . . . ~.,p ..........d dependent children; s e e p p . 3 4 - 6 0 offillt~gNONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A . B. C. D .D e s c r i p t io n o f A s s e ts ]ncome dudng G o s s ~ d ~ e a t e n d T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i , ~ g r c ~ r l i ~ g p e r i o d

    (includh~g l~s~ assels} ~eporting pcrlod ~[ lepol ling periodO) (2) o) ~2) (~ ) ~2) (3) (4) (5 )P l a c e " ( x ) " a f t e r e a c h a ~ s e t ~ A m o u n t T y p e { e . g ., V a l u e V a [ u ~ T ) p e ( e . g ., D a t e Value G a i n I d e n t i t y o f

    e x e m p t f ro m p r i o r d ~ K l o s u r e Code I d i p . , r ~ n t . C o d e 2 Meth~ b u y . s e l ~ , mm,d~)~ C o d e 2 Code I b u y e r ; s e l l e r( A - I I ) o r i n t . } ( J . P } ( ? o d e 3 r e d e m p t i o n ) . 0"P) (A4]) ( i f p r i v a t et r a n s a c t~ 0 -w ) ~

    1. Fifth Third ~ A Interest J T

    2. Franklin Federal Tax Free Inc. Fund ~ A Interest K~. W Mg~ecn Co Common St~k ~ A DNidcnd J

    4. Amcrican C,2.~lal Income Builder Molual A Di,Adcnd J 1Stock Fund /5. MS G L Infrastructure FD A ~ l (formerly A Dividend J TUtilities Fund A)6. V an Kampcn Comslock Class B "---1 **** A Dividend J

    7. V an Kampen Corp Bond Class B "--] A Dividend J -F

    8. V an Kampen Mid Cap Grlh Fnd Class 1~, A Dividend J "]

    9. V an Kampcn Equity lnc Class B"--I A Dividend J T

    1 0 . V an Kampen International Advantage Class A Dividct~d J TI I . V an Kampeo Amer V alue Class II ~ A Dividend k T

    i 2 . Fidelily Atl,is~r Small C ap A A Dividend J T

    13 . Fidelity A,Iw~ ,Or Mid Cap II A A l)ividcnd 3 I

    1 4 . Fidelity Advisor I ligh Inc Ad,t (.lass A A Dividend J I

    1 5 . Fidelily A dvisor Intl Discovery A A Dividend J T

    1 6 . Fidelity A dvisor Emetgi~g M kts Inc. A A Diviclend .I T

    1 7 . Fidelity Advisor New htsights A A Dividend J T

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    FINAN CIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT r~ .... f P . . . .. ~ p o r l i . ~ D a , e o f R e p 0 .Page 5 o f 7 G , , z , ~ a , ,, r ~ o , , a ~ , l A . 0 5 / ~ 5 / 2 0 1 0

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -i.,. ...... ~ , , , . , . . . . . . , i o , , (Includes ,hose of sp ....... d dependen! c h i l d r e n ; s e e p p . 3 4 - 6 0 Of fillng inMrttctivrr&)~-] NONE income, assets, or transactions.)N o reportable

    Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end Transactions duiil~g reporting period(includlrtg trust assets) repc, rting period of reporting period

    (I) 12) (I) (2) (I) (2) 13) (4) (5)Value Value Type (e.g.. Date Vah*e (-;ain Identity ofPlace "(X J" after each assel ! Amotmt Type (e.g.,

    exempt from prior disclosure Code I div., renh (ode 2 Method buy, sell, mm/dd/~.~ . Code 2 (_ode I buyerislla(A-II) or int.) (J-P) Code3 t-edemption) (J-P) (A-tt) (if private(Q-W) ~ transaction)

    Value C~ J ~ $ I 5.0~ or less K =~ I 5.001 - $50.000 L =$ 50.001 - $100.0~ M =$ 100.001 - $250.~

    (See Coh~mn C2) U " L ~ k V a lue V ~ Olhcr W "Estimated

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    N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t in g I D a t e o f R e p o r tFINANCIAL D ISCLOSURE R EPORT Guz,nan, Ronald A.[

    05/15/2010Page 6 of 7

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    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N ..... fP ...... Reporting [ D a i e o f R e p o r tPage 7 of 7 C.u,.,nan.,o,,,~., I o . , , , . ~ , ~ , 0 , ~ ,ix. CERTIFICATION.

    I certify that all information given abov e (including information pertaining to my spouse and m inor or dependen t children, if any) isaccurate, true, and complete to the best o1" my know ledge and belief, and that any hfformalion no! reported was withh~|d because il ~nel app licableprovisions permitting non-disclosure. "I further certify that earned income from o utside employmen t and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported arecompliance v, ith the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 5 01 el. seq., 5 U .S.C. 7353, an d Judicial Conference regulations.



    FILING INSTRUCT IONSMail signed original and 3 ad ditional copies to:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAd,ninislrafive Oftlce of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus (2ircle, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544