Ron Ansd Jeff Compile 2 Chicago Christian Industrial League

CCIL Audit Page 1 of 14 Module 7: Report of Fund Development Audit Activity With Christian Industrial League Executive Director Judy McIntyre By Jeffery Massey, Sr. Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic Planning Instructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird] 8/25/2022



Transcript of Ron Ansd Jeff Compile 2 Chicago Christian Industrial League

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Module 7: Report of Fund Development Audit Activity With Christian Industrial League Executive Director Judy McIntyre

ByJeffery Massey, Sr.

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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The Chicago Christian Industrial League (CCIL) and their developmental structure

have truly stood the test of time. Founded in 1909, it has indeed made several changes

over the course of almost 100 years. Their commitment to individuals that according to

the Chief Executive Officer don’t have a voice is interesting given the fact that this

agency has historically been operating during some of the most improvised and dire

times in American history.

The changing North Lawndale community (which is where the current

headquarters is located) and other communities along West Roosevelt currently going

under a dramatic change in which more individuals that were once not willing to reside

in this community now are beginning to reside here due to the development and the

rising cost of the community. As a result, individuals are beginning to make more

survival choices that only 10 years ago was not even an issue. These issues have placed a

greater strain on an already tense North Lawndale community for resources and

financial opportunities. It is the overall objective of the CEO and the Communications

Manager (who was also present in the meeting with us) that their clientele achieves

self-sufficiency through the many resources that are currently being provided.

The organization is currently looking at every avenue they can to identify sources

to aid in this need, but it is admitted that there is a challenge to continue advocacy

efforts while the funding is slowing becoming an issue. This issue is shared with agencies

throughout the state, and CCIL is making the best effort despite the current status.

Overall, while there is concern for advocacy and money, CCIL takes great pride in being a

stable community influence for just about 100 years. And we are grateful to have the

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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opportunity to spend time with the current CEO and Communications Manager in our

educational process.

This is a field assessment report. Our group #2, which consisted of Ronald

Barnes, Kevin Smith and myself, conducted a development fund audit of the Chicago

Christian Industrial League (CCIL) on Tuesday August 26, 2008 at 1 p.m. The meeting,

facilitated by the league’s executive director Judy McIntyre, who was accompanied by

communications manager Jenny Brandhorst, was held at the headquarters office tower

located on 2750 W. Roosevelt Road in Chicago. Ms. McIntyre expressed wholehearted

support and interest in this activity I initiated with her through my longstanding

admiration for CCIL’s prestigious work assisting the homeless and addressing the impact

of homeless impoverishment in Chicago. She presented an expert, intellectual and

insightful perspective of the league’s strategic processes related to funding development.

Among the many topics she briefed our group on were for example her

stressed emphasis upon the areas concerning the development of new funding

opportunities and donor resources, capital program deficit management, the negative

impact of dwindling philanthropic motivation within this harsh economic environment.

She also spoke to the challenges of maintaining cohesion and relevancy for core mission

values that are shared with stakeholders and contributors past, present and future.

So in fact the most knowledgeable part of this venture to interview the current

CEO was that the development structure of an organization such as this for the most

part has to continually change with the current times that were considered present.

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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The CEO spoke to us regarding the types of barriers that are the focus of the

organization. These barriers include social, educational, drug, financial, and others that

are activated due to the choices these individuals make. Also in the discussion there was

a suggestion that the people that are serviced have at some point in time become

victims of abuse. As a result of these barriers, the people were already at a disadvantage

from the start. There was also discussion in regards to the reorganization of low-income

communities and how this also has become a new barrier for the individuals serviced.

In regards to the development of CCIL, there are several trends they have

identified as important, with the three most important being to raising money, raising

awareness, and obtaining representation (or the people of influence). To drive this point

home during the interview, the CEO discussed several key individuals that are

committed to the cause that once were homeless themselves. Some of these individuals

are actually current board members and very active in the cause of being advocates.

Where this is good for the cause, there are other individuals of influence that have been

called upon to raise money and awareness, but decided at some point not to be

involved with the cause of this organization for various reasons. The notion of

development even went to the changing of the Board of Directors, which in the past

were individuals that shared very little with the cause of homelessness, and for that

matter was not connected with the communities of Chicago.

The CEO made it a point to emphasize that there were efforts to seek different

cultural representation on the board, which includes individuals that were at once

homeless themselves. And because of these changes, there is an effort to reach out to

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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former donors and organizations that once gave to the CCIL to research reasons why

they decided not to give any longer. This is an effort to cultivate these relationships once

again for the basis of increasing awareness and money. Another interesting attempt to

reach new support demographics are the Communications Manager’s decision to design

young professionals boards that are advocates to the self-sufficiency of these

individuals. This effort is to raise awareness and possible new donors from the

demographic group of ages 21-34. Both the CEO and the Communications Manager

agree that their biggest obstacle is not only money (which as a result of the new state

budget, is becoming every agency’s concern) but technology as well. Their commitment

to changing their technology structure and becoming innovative with their funding

efforts is another strong point of progression in the development of their organization.

It was discussed with the group that the technology of an organization is vital with the

current structure of revenue and advocacy. Internet sites and donation opportunities

that are convenient for donors are becoming as important as the literature the website

will provide

She discussed the storied history of CCIL’s 100-year battle to help the homeless

rebuild their lives. She expressed a desire to move the CCIL toward a greater ability to

carry out it’s mission through innovations in technology, strategic planning and funding

initiatives that included the re-defining of the public’s perceptions of the homeless

dilemma and their needs. McIntyre and CCIL offer programs to give clients in need the

tools, chances and support to return to the workforce and regain economic stability and

independence. They offer transitional residential programming, case management,

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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community resource referral, outreach, job skills and academic training. During the

course of the audit particular strengths and weaknesses related to support of the mission

stood out in her responses. Of the 82 questions delivered within the categories ranging

from organizational purpose, planning and constituency development to fund

development planning and valuation there were 25 answers of above standard [we

operate regularly this way], 35 answers of standard [we usually operate this way] and 22

below standard answers [we don’t operate this way].

It appears from her responses of below standard that CCIL’s prominent

deficiencies occur in the areas of constituency development, organizational operations

and leadership/fund development. I concur with Ms. McIntyre’s assessment that CCIL

must do the following:

Develop clarity of vision for identifying, while building

relationships, new donor markets

Refine and increase instruments that compile/evaluate lifestyle and

demographic information of clients at risk

Innovate strategies for developing donor/prospect relations

As well, the organization’s operational weaknesses involve the relativity of board

representation to the community-organization’s constituency. The CCIL board, which

consists of 16 life-long members of whom all but 4 average nearly 15 years tenure,

reflects a CEO concern for the lack of new or incumbent leadership insuring an influx of

continuity and fresh opinions. This may be resolved thru improved board recruitment

within the service community and installing term/tenure limitations.

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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Also, Ms. McIntyre showed interest in facilitating developmental staff

workshops and conferences that are conducive to fund development expertise. I concur

with this assessment. As well, CCIL might consider an increase in the effectiveness of

fund development by innovating the solicitation process towards a matching of donor

outreach with individually tailored solicitors who possess unique knowledge of

contributory behaviors and conditions conducive to acquiring donations.

Budgetary shortfalls and a deep recession-economy impact CCIL’s ability to give

adequate fund development support, she mentioned. Therefore, I also recommend new

outreach initiatives that explore expanding the communication of CCIL’s mission and

funding-donor needs. I recommend as well innovating the use of radio, the Internet and

collaborative partnerships with both public health and philanthropic peers who share

mission values on homelessness and its societal impact. Faith-based initiatives and

political advocacy benefits are but one suggestion. New evaluation and analysis of the

impact of homelessness upon crime, healthcare, education, religion and the political

milieu should induce new avenues for shared advocacies. This includes resource

development amongst those entities that can be committed to the communities in which

they serve. An example would be major universities that conduct urban planning and

community development or medical centers and socially conscious city corporations.

Seeking new grant sources that align the impacting of homelessness with

antiviolence/gang initiatives of the U.S. Departments of Justice, Labor, and Education or

the Alliance for Quality Healthcare Research (AFQHR) is another option. Crises

intervention models and outreach for at-risk homeless kids and families in gang-infested

communities is another. As well, I suggest an expansion of fund development outreach

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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to churches and foundations into more diverse representations that open up new avenues

for charitable donor activity and support. Increased information technology advances and

human resources training can be aligned with CCIL’s unique position as a prime database

provider informing of the conditions and the impact of homelessness and poverty for the

research activity of private, governmental and academic policy institutions.

There are strategic planning sessions currently underway with the Board of

Directors and the CEO that will discuss more opportunities with raising awareness and

money for the cause of self-sufficiency. The CEO discussed only briefly that in the

collective opinion, the board aspects of the organization needs to be reviewed and

planned better, since there are changes within the structure of the board. The CEO and

Communications Manager went into discussion more about the organization and some

of the aspects that are important. For the most part, organizational planning,

acknowledgement and recognition of gifts, development within the institution,

marketing and communications, organizational leadership, and the organizations

purpose are the strongest points of CCIL. This provided proof that the focus of CCIL over

the years has not lost the purpose for operation. The CEO discussed during the

interview in regards of organizational operations that this will be a continued work in

progress since you want your organization to continue with the current trends of the

changing times. Where this is evident is the fact that the organization will be celebrating

its centennial next year.

The constituency development is also work in progress with the notion that the

previous donors and new donor outlets are constantly being researched, which returns

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]


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us to the original discussion or raising awareness and money. This ties into the thought

of leadership and fund development. While there are changes currently underway with

the board, there is a commitment to strategic planning that will provide future

opportunities for the CCIL. Due to the lack of resources, the development of staff is also

a work in progress that CCIL is making a strong commitment to according to the CEO.

Funding development and funding these efforts are probably the more challenging

objectives of CCIL. Resources are still scarcer and the need to identify funding is

becoming more important to CCIL.

The organization is currently looking at every avenue they can to identify sources

to aid in this need, but it is admitted that there is a challenge to continue advocacy

efforts while the funding is slowing becoming an issue. This issue is shared with agencies

throughout the state, and CCIL is making the best effort despite the current status.

Overall, while there is concern for advocacy and money, CCIL takes great pride in being a

stable community influence for just about 100 years. And we are grateful to have the

opportunity to spend time with the current CEO and Communications Manager in our

educational process.

Module 7: Field Assignment/Strategic PlanningInstructor-Dr. Phillip Lesser [Interim Instructor- Dr. Karin Baird]
