Rome, May 2014 Structural variables Weighting the Spanish annual subsample.

Rome, May 2014 Structural variables Weighting the Spanish annual subsample


Rome, May 2014

Transcript of Rome, May 2014 Structural variables Weighting the Spanish annual subsample.

Page 1: Rome, May 2014 Structural variables Weighting the Spanish annual subsample.

Rome, May 2014

Structural variables

Weighting the Spanish annual subsample

Page 2: Rome, May 2014 Structural variables Weighting the Spanish annual subsample.

Rome, May 2014

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

Quarterly Continuous Survey.

Target population: People living in family dwellings.

Results by province (NUTS 3). (52 provinces).

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LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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•Sample design: Two-stage stratified sampling

-Primary sampling units (PSU): Census Sections (Areas with 500-3000 inhabitants. About 36.000 in Spain). -Secondary sampling units (SSU): Family dwellings (18 m.)

•Strata.- PSU’s stratification process is performed according to the size of the municipality which the census section belongs to. A maximum of 9 strata are defined in each province (NUTS3).

•Sample size -65.000 dwellings, distributed among 3.800 census sections. -180.000 persons aged 16 or over

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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•Every quarter, each primary sampling unit (PSU) is visited in one of the 13 weeks of the quarter.

•Sample households are interviewed for six consecutive quarters.

• Rotation groups.- A sixth part of the sample of households is renewed each quarter. To this end the sample of PSU’s is divided into six subsamples named rotation groups.

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población ActivaLFS Spain

RG_1 RG_2 RG_3 RG_4 RG_5 RG_6 RG_1 RG_2 RG_3 RG_4 RG_5 RG_6 RG_1YEAR A Q_1 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_Int

Q_2 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_3 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_4 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_Int

YEAR A+1 Q_1 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_2 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_3 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_4 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_Int

ROTATION GROUPS_Number of interview

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•Sample distribution

The sample is evenly distributed throughout the time

With this goal, next four variables have been taken into account:

• Week

• Province (NUTS3) and NUTS2

• Stratum

• Rotation group

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa•+------------------+---------------------------------------------------+

•| | Week |

•| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 |07 |08 |09 |10 |11 |12 |13 |


•|Prov |Stratum | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

•+--------+---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | |

•|29 |1 | 3| 3| 3| 2| 3| 3| 2| 2| 3| 3| 3| 3| 3|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |4 | 1| 1| 1| .| 1| 1| .| 1| .| 1| 1| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |5 | 2| 1| 1| 2| 1| 1| 2| 2| 2| 1| 1| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |6 | .| .| .| 1| 1| .| 1| .| 1| .| .| .| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |7 | .| 1| 1| 1| .| 1| 1| 1| .| 1| 1| 1| .|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |All | 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6|


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LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa•+------------------+---------------------------------------------------+

•| | Week |

•| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 |07 |08 |09 |10 |11 |12 |13 |


•|Prov |Rot.Group| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

•|29 |1 | 1| 1| 1| 1| .| 2| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |2 | 1| .| 1| 2| 1| 1| 1| 1| .| 2| 1| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |3 | 1| 1| 1| .| 2| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |4 | 1| 2| 1| 1| 1| .| .| 1| 2| 1| .| 2| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |5 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| .| 2| 1| 1| .| 2| 1| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |6 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 2| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| .| 1|

•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

•| |All | 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6|


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•+------------------+-----------------------+•| | Rot. Group |•| +---+---+---+---+---+---+•| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |•+--------+---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•|CPRO |ESTRATUM | | | | | | |•+--------+---------+ | | | | | |•|29 |1 | 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6|•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•| |4 | 2| 2| 1| 2| 1| 2|•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•| |5 | 3| 3| 3| 3| 3| 3|•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•| |6 | .| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1|•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•| |7 | 2| 1| 2| 1| 2| 1|•| +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+•| |All | 13| 13| 13| 13| 13| 13|•+--------+---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+

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Selection of the sample

Primary Sampling Units (census sections) are selected with proportional probability to the number of family dwellings

Secondary Sampling Units (dwellings): are selected with equal probability within each PSU. Systematic sampling.

In this way, every sampling household in a stratum has the same probability to belong to the sample: Self-weighted sample.

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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Rome, May 2014


1.- Updated Horvitz_Thompson estimator

Where Ph is the population aged 16 or over by stratum in the middle of the quarterph is the population aged 16 or over by stratum in the sampleh=stratumijk=PSU i, dwelling j, person k

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

, ,


h i j k hh

PY yp

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2.- Calibration

Auxiliary variables, all of them for people aged 16 or more, by NUTS-2

•Populations by five-years age and sex groups (22)

•Populations by nationality (Spanish- Other)

•Populations by province (NUTS-3)

Calibration is made using the linear method of CALMAR (M=4)

LFS. EPA: Encuesta de Población Activa

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LFS. Annual subsample

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The annual subsample is built with four rotation groups from EPA sample, one by quarter as follows:

LFS. Annual subsample

ROTATION GROUPS_Number of interviewRG_1 RG_2 RG_3 RG_4 RG_5 RG_6 RG_1 RG_2 RG_3

YEAR A Q_1 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_2 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_3 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_IntQ_4 6_Int 5_Int 4_Int 3_Int 2_Int 1_Int

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Comments. Pros and cons

•Subsample size is large enough, because there is no overlapping between rotation groups (4/6 of LFS sample)

•Subsample has a good distribution along weeks of the year

•Subsample do not increase non response in LFS, because sample households are in their sixth and last interview

•Response bias may occur due to the different behavior of the rotation groups. It could be corrected through the use of auxiliary information

LFS. Annual subsample

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1.- Before calibrationWeights entering the calibration process are calculated in the same way as in the quarterly LFS.Its general expression is:

LFS. Annual subsample

, ,


h i j k hh

PY yp

Where Ph is the population aged 16 or more by stratum in the middle of the yearPh is the population aged 16 or more by stratum in the subsampleh=stratumijk=PSU i, dwelling j, person k

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Weights 2.- Calibration.

COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 377/2008(4) In view of the importance of data on employment and unemployment, the totals for these indicators should be consistent whether they are produced from the annual sub-sample or on the basis of an annual average of the four quarterly full samples.

ANNEX. 3. Consistency of totalsConsistency between annual sub-sample totals and full-sample annual averages shall be ensured for employment, unemployment and inactive population by sex and for the following age groups: 15 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 +.

LFS. Annual subsample

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Weights 2.- Calibration.

Auxiliary variables at national level• Employed people by sex-and age groups 16-24; 25-34; 35-

44; 45-54; 55 and more(*)• Unemployed persons by sex and age groups (*)• Inactive persons by sex and age groups(*)

Auxiliary variables at NUTS2 level• Employed persons• Unemployed persons• Inactive persons• Nationality (Spanish, other)

LFS. Annual subsample

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Weights 2.- Calibration: auxiliary variables.

•SampleIn order to make the calibration process in one step, a unique auxiliary variables vector that includes all the above variables is defined By doing so, simultaneous calibration with all auxiliary variables is assured.

•Population totals are obtained as the average of the LFS quarterly estimations in the year

LFS. Annual subsample

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Weights 2.- Calibration. Procedure

•Households are the records of sample data file that goes into the calibration process (See excel files)

•Therefore, the weight for sampling households is also the common weight for all the persons aged 16 and more living in the same household

•So that, population and households estimates are coherent

LFS. Annual subsample

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LFS. Annual subsampleLFS. SUBSAMPLE 2013WEIGHTS

NUTS2 AV_PRE AV_CAL MAX_PREMAX_CAL MIN_PRE MIN_CAL CV_PRE CV_CAL429,6 426,7 4926,2 9380,1 69,1 49,0 74,6 90,6

01 466,7 464,6 1214,4 4207,9 225,4 144,1 43,1 72,102 323,2 318,7 4511,4 4928,7 106,8 74,2 86,0 90,303 334,8 330,2 629,9 1629,9 289,2 218,4 14,6 40,204 410,6 404,5 545,5 1655,0 376,5 223,8 12,1 56,405 412,4 415,8 690,2 2797,9 281,3 157,7 25,3 75,906 224,1 224,8 310,9 698,0 154,7 97,3 23,9 34,607 236,7 234,2 801,1 1255,0 69,1 49,0 48,5 56,308 272,5 269,8 610,0 1372,4 159,4 98,6 30,7 47,109 712,4 704,7 2917,1 4896,2 277,8 136,4 51,3 58,610 623,5 620,3 2024,6 4765,6 232,3 124,8 46,8 69,711 291,6 288,4 745,2 1329,1 205,4 134,7 25,7 40,012 198,3 196,6 450,1 967,1 118,7 85,8 24,9 39,813 1213,4 1206,6 4926,2 9380,1 1020,7 542,8 39,9 60,614 456,6 454,3 654,0 1924,4 390,2 253,3 18,4 53,015 249,7 249,2 552,6 1149,6 161,2 99,9 32,0 56,116 427,1 425,4 1029,8 1634,1 100,4 78,1 33,1 38,217 170,9 170,2 209,0 608,9 152,4 73,8 10,2 40,018 242,0 239,7 287,8 476,4 208,2 109,8 16,3 29,5

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

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LFS. Annual subsample. ResultsTotal2012

Both genders Both gendersAll All 17282 Ages 16 to 24 Ages 16 to 24 832,7 Ages 25 a 34 Ages 25 a 34 4230,2 Ages 35 a 44 Ages 35 a 44 5362 Ages 45 a 54 Ages 45 a 54 4423,1 Ages 55 and more Ages 55 and more 2433,9Men Men Total Total 9432,3 Ages 16 a 24 Ages 16 a 24 429,1 Ages 25 a 34 Ages 25 a 34 2203,9 Ages 35 a 44 Ages 35 a 44 2956 Ages 45 a 54 Ages 45 a 54 2438 Ages 55 and more Ages 55 and more 1405,4Women Women Total Total 7849,7 Ages 16 a 24 Ages 16 a 24 403,6 Ages 25 a 34 Ages 25 a 34 2026,3 Ages 35 a 44 Ages 35 a 44 2406 Ages 45 a 54 Ages 45 a 54 1985,2 Ages 55 and more Ages 55 and more 1028,6

194,4 5

1029 680 54,8 35,3 81,4 5,2 168,6 3,3

1985 1468,8 93,1 102,3 110,7 10,9

116,5 4,7

2406 1814,2 121 167 115,7 9,7 174,5 3,8

2026 1669,6 101,4 75,2 57,2 1,7

672,7 16,7

403,6 371,2 8,9 3,5 1,3 .. 18,6 ..

7850 6003,8 379,2 383,4 366,3 27,6

257,9 3,31405 666,5 121,4 113 212,6 30,6

340,7 6,2

2438 1382,8 220,2 169,6 274,5 32,7 349,3 8,9

2956 1803,8 264,3 233,9 267,7 39,4

24,2 1,3

2204 1660,6 134,5 119,5 93,7 10 180,1 5,5

429,1 382,2 9,5 6,5 5,2 0,2

9432 5895,9 749,9 642,5 853,6 113 1152,1 25,3

543,7 13,9

2434 1346,4 176,2 148,3 294 35,8 426,5 6,6

4423 2851,6 313,3 271,9 385,2 43,6

296,7 10,2

5362 3618,1 385,3 401 383,4 49,1 515,2 10

4230 3330,2 235,9 194,6 150,9 11,8

1824,8 42

832,7 753,4 18,4 10 6,5 0,2 42,8 1,3

17282 11899,7 1129,1 1025,8 1220 140,6

2012 20122012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012

Ocupado independiente (sin jefes ni subordinados)No sabeValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absolutoValor absoluto

LFSSubsample VariablesEmployed population by age groups

Total Empleado (con jefes y sin subordinados)Encargado, jefe de taller o de oficina, capataz o similarMando intermedioDirector de pequeña empresa, departamento o sucursalDirector de empresa grande o media

LFSAnnual averageEmployed population by age groups

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

All All Total Nacional 17282 Total Nacional 17282 Andalucía 2627,8 Andalucía 2628 Aragón 533,7 Aragón 533,7 Asturias, Principado de 376,2 Asturias, Principado de 376,2 Balears, Illes 464,7 Balears, Illes 464,7 Canarias 750,9 Canarias 750,9 Cantabria 229,2 Cantabria 229,2 Castilla y León 943,3 Castilla y León 943,3 Castilla - La Mancha 710,9 Castilla - La Mancha 710,9 Cataluña 2889,2 Cataluña 2889 Comunitat Valenciana 1804,6 Comunitat Valenciana 1805 Extremadura 336,2 Extremadura 336,2 Galicia 1039,4 Galicia 1039 Madrid, Comunidad de 2741,1 Madrid, Comunidad de 2741 Murcia, Región de 535,2 Murcia, Región de 535,2 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 258,5 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 258,5 País Vasco 875,3 País Vasco 875,3 Rioja, La 121,6 Rioja, La 121,6 Ceuta 19,3 Ceuta 21,2 Melilla 25 Melilla 23

LFS Annual average. 2012NUTS2Employed population

LFS Subsample. 2012NUTS2Employed population

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

DIF(%)Men Men Total Nacional 9432,3 Total Nacional 9432 0,00 Andalucía 1473,4 Andalucía 1474 -0,06 Aragón 293,9 Aragón 296,9 -1,01 Asturias, Principado de 203,8 Asturias, Principado de 201,3 1,24 Balears, Illes 244,4 Balears, Illes 254,2 -3,86 Canarias 402,9 Canarias 412,2 -2,26 Cantabria 130 Cantabria 124,3 4,59 Castilla y León 547 Castilla y León 542,1 0,90 Castilla - La Mancha 418,5 Castilla - La Mancha 423,9 -1,27 Cataluña 1509,3 Cataluña 1528 -1,21 Comunitat Valenciana 1004,7 Comunitat Valenciana 996,4 0,83 Extremadura 198 Extremadura 199,3 -0,65 Galicia 559,1 Galicia 550,7 1,53 Madrid, Comunidad de 1436 Madrid, Comunidad de 1423 0,91 Murcia, Región de 297,8 Murcia, Región de 302,7 -1,62 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 135,6 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 139,9 -3,07 País Vasco 479,5 País Vasco 466,6 2,76 Rioja, La 70,2 Rioja, La 68,1 3,08 Ceuta 12 Ceuta 13,9 -13,67 Melilla 16,3 Melilla 14,7 10,88

NUTS2Employed population Employed population

LFS Subsample. 2012 LFS Annual average. 2012NUTS2

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

Total2012 DIF(%)

Both genders Both genders Total Nacional Total Nacional14242 0,41 Andalucía Andalucía 2151,6 -0,16 Aragón Aragón 438,5 0,34 Asturias, Principado de Asturias, Principado de302,7 1,09 Balears, Illes Balears, Illes 368,8 -0,05 Canarias Canarias 634,8 -0,13 Cantabria Cantabria 189,1 1,64 Castilla y León Castilla y León 744,9 0,58 Castilla - La Mancha Castilla - La Mancha565,8 0,35 Cataluña Cataluña 2413,7 0,34 Comunitat Valenciana Comunitat Valenciana1480,4 1,06 Extremadura Extremadura 268,5 -1,08 Galicia Galicia 803,4 0,62 Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Comunidad de2365,5 1,48 Murcia, Región de Murcia, Región de442,6 -1,67 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Comunidad Foral de209,6 0,81 País Vasco País Vasco 726,1 -1,09 Rioja, La Rioja, La 97,3 2,16 Ceuta Ceuta 18,9 -7,94 Melilla Melilla 19,6 5,61

17,4 13,7 3,7 ..

20,7 14,9 5,8 ..

718,2 440,9 268,5 8,8

99,4 63 36 0,3

435,2 259,7 174,4 1,1

211,3 146,5 62,2 2,5

808,4 487,1 319,8 1,4

2400,4 1545,8 846,6 8

1496,1 877,2 617,3 1,7

265,6 184,1 80 1,5

567,8 355,6 208,5 3,7

2421,8 1445,7 969,9 6,1

192,2 115,5 74,4 2,3

749,2 493 249,8 6,4

368,6 250 117,5 1,1

634 488,5 144,7 0,8

440 271,7 166,9 1,3

306 204 102 ..

14300 9187,1 5055 58,5

2148,2 1530,2 606,6 11,4

2012 2012 2012 2012

LFS. Subsample 2012NUTS2Wage earners by working dayUnits:Thousands

Total ContinuadaPartidaNo sabe

NUTS2Wage earners Unidades:Thousands

LFS. Annual Av. 2102

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

All AllBoth genders Both genders Total Nacional 5769 Total Nacional 5769 Andalucía 1389,8 Andalucía 1389,8 Aragón 121,8 Aragón 121,8 Asturias, Principado de 104,6 Asturias, Principado de 104,6 Balears, Illes 140,2 Balears, Illes 140,2 Canarias 369,9 Canarias 369,9 Cantabria 49,4 Cantabria 49,4 Castilla y León 231,9 Castilla y León 232 Castilla - La Mancha 283 Castilla - La Mancha 283 Cataluña 846 Cataluña 846 Comunitat Valenciana 689,8 Comunitat Valenciana 689,8 Extremadura 165,9 Extremadura 165,9 Galicia 270,7 Galicia 270,7 Madrid, Comunidad de 642,4 Madrid, Comunidad de 642,4 Murcia, Región de 206,9 Murcia, Región de 206,9 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 50 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 50 País Vasco 152,9 País Vasco 152,9 Rioja, La 31,3 Rioja, La 31,3 Ceuta 14,2 Ceuta 13,3 Melilla 8,3 Melilla 9,2

Unemployed population

LFS Annual average. 2012NUTS2Unemployed population

LFS Subsample. 2012NUTS2

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

DIF(%)Men Men Total Nacional 3098,8 Total Nacional 3098,8 0,00 Andalucía 724,8 Andalucía 745,3 2,75 Aragón 62,7 Aragón 63,4 1,10 Asturias, Principado de 51,5 Asturias, Principado de 55,6 7,37 Balears, Illes 75,4 Balears, Illes 72,8 -3,57 Canarias 194,1 Canarias 197,5 1,72 Cantabria 29,6 Cantabria 27,4 -8,03 Castilla y León 123,9 Castilla y León 117,1 -5,81 Castilla - La Mancha 141,4 Castilla - La Mancha 145,6 2,88 Cataluña 468 Cataluña 460,8 -1,56 Comunitat Valenciana 384,5 Comunitat Valenciana 384,5 0,00 Extremadura 88,8 Extremadura 87,4 -1,60 Galicia 146,9 Galicia 145,1 -1,24 Madrid, Comunidad de 345,3 Madrid, Comunidad de 345,6 0,09 Murcia, Región de 124,2 Murcia, Región de 116,7 -6,43 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 28,9 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 27,9 -3,58 País Vasco 82,1 País Vasco 79,4 -3,40 Rioja, La 17,4 Rioja, La 15,9 -9,43 Ceuta 5,8 Ceuta 6,1 4,92 Melilla 3,6 Melilla 4,6 21,74

LFS Subsample. 2012 LFS Annual average. 2012NUTS2 NUTS2Unemployed population Unemployed population

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

Unemployed who have previously worked Unemployed who have previously workedDIF(%)

Total 5293 Total 5272,1 -0,40

LFS. Subsample 2012 LFS Annual average. 2012

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LFS. Annual subsample. Results

Total 6217,8 2012TIV


2012TII 2012TI Average

Total 38333 38420 38467 38493,7

Total 3438,2 Not studying 32278,5 33743 32146 32218,3 Regulated Unregulated

Studying: Total 6054,5 4678 6321,8 6275,4 5832,4

Total 3170,7 Studying: Only regulated 3006,5 2818 3060 3048,4 2983,2 3315,1 2849,2 Studying: Only unregulated 2652,6 1644 2905,4 2867,4 2517,4

Studying: Both, regulated and unregulated 395,5 215,8 356,4 359,6 331,8

Population aged 16 years old and over currently enrolled in unregulated studies

LFS 2012Population in family dwellings

Population 16 years of age and over, depending on whether or not they are enrolled in regulated studies

LFS Subsample 2012 Subsample variables. Education

Population aged 16 years old and over currently enrolled in regulated studies

Population aged 16 years old and over currently studying (regulated or

unregulated studies)

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Muchas gracias