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Transcript of Romantics

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    EMILY DICKINSON (1830 1886)

    Because I could not stop for Death

    Because I could not stop for Death

    He kindly stopped for me

    The Carriage held but just Ourselves

    And Immortality.

    We slowly drove He knew no haste

    And I had put away

    My labor and my leisure too,

    For His Civility

    We passed the School, where Children strove

    At Recess in the Ring

    We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain

    We passed the Setting Sun

    Or rather He passed us

    The Dews drew quivering and chill

    For only Gossamer, my Gown

    My Tippet only Tulle

    We paused before a House that seemed

    A Swelling of the Ground

    The Roof was scarcely visible

    The Cornice in the Ground

    Since then tis Centuries and yet

    Feels shorter than the Day

    I first surmised the Horses Heads

    Were toward Eternity

    I'm nobody! Who are you?

    I'm nobody! Who are you?

    Are you nobody, too?

    Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!

    They'd advertise -- you know!

    How dreary to be somebody!

    How public like a frog

    To tell one's name the livelong day

    To an admiring bog!

    I dreaded that first Robin

    I dreaded that first Robin, so,

    But He is mastered, now,

    I'm some accustomed to Him grown,

    He hurts a little, though

    I thought if I could only live

    Till that first Shout got by

    Not all Pianos in the Woods

    Had power to mangle me

    I dared not meet the Daffodils

    For fear their Yellow Gown

    Would pierce me with a fashion

    So foreign to my own

    I wished the Grass would hurry

    Sowhen 'twas time to see

    He'd be too tall, the tallest one

    Could stretchto look at me

    I could not bear the Bees should come,

    I wished they'd stay away

    In those dim countries where they go,

    What word had they, for me?

    They're here, though; not a creature failed

    No Blossom stayed away

    In gentle deference to me

    The Queen of Calvary

    Each one salutes me, as he goes,

    And I, my childish Plumes,

    Lift, in bereaved acknowledgement

    Of their unthinking Drums

    I had no time to hate, because

    I had no time to hate, because

    The grave would hinder me,

    And life was not so ample I

    Could finish enmity.

    Nor had I time to love, but since

    Some industry must be,

    The little toil of love, I thought,

    Was large enough for me.

    A little road not made of man

    A little road not made of man,

    Enabled of the eye,

    Accessible to thill of bee,

    Or cart of butterfly.

    If town it have, beyond itself,

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    'T is that I cannot say;

    I only sigh,--no vehicle

    Bears me along that way.

    Much Madness is divinest Sense

    Much Madness is divinest Sense -

    To a discerning Eye -

    Much Sense - the starkest Madness -

    Tis the Majority

    In this, as all, prevail -

    Assent - and you are sane -

    Demur - youre straightway dangerous -

    And handled with a Chain -

    Hope is the thing with feathers

    Hope is the thing with feathers

    That perches in the soul,

    And sings the tune without the words,

    And never stops at all,

    And sweetest in the gale is heard;

    And sore must be the storm

    That could abash the little bird

    That kept so many warm.

    I've heard it in the chillest land,

    And on the strangest sea;

    Yet, never, in extremity,

    It asked a crumb of me.

    I measure every Grief I meet

    I measure every Grief I meet

    With narrow, probing, eyes

    I wonder if It weighs like Mine

    Or has an Easier size.

    I wonder if They bore it long

    Or did it just begin

    I could not tell the Date of Mine

    It feels so old a pain

    I wonder if it hurts to live

    And if They have to try

    And whether could They choose between

    It would not be to die

    I note that Some gone patient long

    At length, renew their smile

    An imitation of a Light

    That has so little Oil

    I wonder if when Years have piled

    Some Thousands on the Harm

    That hurt them early such a lapse

    Could give them any Balm

    Or would they go on aching still

    Through Centuries of Nerve

    Enlightened to a larger Pain

    In Contrast with the Love

    The Grieved are many I am told

    There is the various Cause

    Death is but one and comes but once

    And only nails the eyes

    Theres Grief of Want and grief of Cold

    A sort they call Despair

    Theres Banishment from native Eyes

    In sight of Native Air

    And though I may not guess the kind

    Correctly yet to me

    A piercing Comfort it affords

    In passing Calvary

    To note the fashions of the Cross

    And how theyre mostly worn

    Still fascinated to presume

    That Some are like my own

    The Soul unto itself

    The Soul unto itself

    Is an imperial friend

    Or the most agonizing Spy

    An Enemy could send

    Secure against its own

    No treason it can fear

    Itself its Sovereign of itself

    The Soul should stand in Awe


    A Psalm of Life

    Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

    Life is but an empty dream!

    For the soul is dead that slumbers,

    And things are not what they seem.

    Life is real! Life is earnest!

    And the grave is not its goal;

    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

    Was not spoken of the soul.

    Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,

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    Is our destined end or way;

    But to act, that each to-morrow

    Find us farther than to-day.

    Art is long, and Time is fleeting,

    And our hearts, though stout and brave,

    Still, like muffled drums, are beating

    Funeral marches to the grave.

    In the worlds broad field of battle,

    In the bivouac of Life,

    Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

    Be a hero in the strife!

    Trust no Future, howeer pleasant!

    Let the dead Past bury its dead!

    Act, act in the living Present!

    Heart within, and God oerhead!

    Lives of great men all remind us

    We can make our lives sublime,

    And, departing, leave behind us

    Footprints on the sands of time;

    Footprints, that perhaps another,

    Sailing oer lifes solemn main,

    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

    Seeing, shall take heart again.

    Let us, then, be up and doing,

    With a heart for any fate;

    Still achieving, still pursuing,

    Learn to labor and to wait.

    A Shadow

    I said unto myself, if I were dead,

    What would befall these children? What would


    Their fate, who now are looking up to me

    For help and furtherance? Their lives, I said,

    Would be a volume wherein I have read

    But the first chapters, and no longer see

    To read the rest of their dear history,

    So full of beauty and so full of dread.

    Be comforted; the world is very old,

    And generations pass, as they have passed,

    A troop of shadows moving with the sun;

    Thousands of times has the old tale been told;

    The world belongs to those who come the last,

    They will find hope and strength as we have


    The arrow and the song

    I shot an arrow into the air,

    It fell to earth, I knew not where;

    For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

    Could not follow it in its flight.

    I breathed a song into the air,

    It fell to earth, I knew not where;

    For who has sight so keen and strong,

    That it can follow the flight of song?

    Long, long afterward, in an oak

    I found the arrow, still unbroke;

    And the song, from beginning to end,

    I found again in the heart of a friend.

    An April Day

    When the warm sun, that brings

    Seed-time and harvest, has returned again,

    'T is sweet to visit the still wood, where


    The first flower of the plain.

    I love the season well,

    When forest glades are teeming with bright


    Nor dark and many-folded clouds foretell

    The coming-on of storms.

    From the earth's loosened mould

    The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;

    Though stricken to the heart with winter's


    The drooping tree revives.

    The softly-warbled song

    Comes from the pleasant woods, and colored


    Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves


    The forest openings.

    When the bright sunset fills

    The silver woods with light, the green slope


    Its shadows in the hollows of the hills,

    And wide the upland glows.

    And when the eve is born,

    In the blue lake the sky, o'er-reaching far,

    Is hollowed out and the moon dips her horn,

    And twinkles many a star.

    Inverted in the tide

    Stand the gray rocks, and trembling shadows


    And the fair trees look over, side by side,

    And see themselves below.

    Sweet April! many a thought

    Is wedded unto thee, as hearts are wed;

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    Nor shall they fail, till, to its autumn


    Life's golden fruit is shed.


    Oh that a Song would sing itself to me

    Out of the heart of Nature, or the heart

    Of man, the child of Nature, not of Art,

    Fresh as the morning, salt as the salt sea,

    With just enough of bitterness to be

    A medicine to this sluggish mood, and start

    The life-blood in my veins, and so impart

    Healing and help in this dull lethargy!

    Alas! not always doth the breath of song

    Breathe on us. It is like the wind that


    At its own will, not ours, nor tarrieth long;

    We hear the sound thereof, but no man knoweth

    From whence it comes, so sudden and swift and


    Nor whither in its wayward course it goeth.

    MARGARET FULLER (1810 1850)


    The clouds are marshalling across the sky,

    Leaving their deepest tints upon yon range

    Of soul-alluring hills. The breeze comes


    Laden with tribute that a hundred orchards

    Now in their fullest blossom send, in thanks

    For this refreshing shower. The birds pour


    In heightened melody the notes of praise

    They had suspended while Gods voice was


    And his eye flashing down upon his world.

    I sigh, half-charmed, half-pained. My sense is


    And, taking in this freshened beauty, tells

    Its pleasure to the mind. The mind replies,

    And strives to wake the heart in turn,


    Poetic sentiments from many a record

    Which other souls have left, when stirred and


    By scenes as fair, as fragrant. But the heart

    Sends back a hollow echo to the call

    Of outward things, and its once bright


    Who erst would have been answered by a stream

    Of life-fraught treasures, thankful to be


    Can now rouse nothing better than this echo;

    Unmeaning voice, which mocks their softened


    Content thee, beautiful world! and hush, still

    busy mind!

    My heart hath sealed its fountains. To the


    Of Time they shall be oped no more. Too long,

    Too often were they poured forth: part have


    Into the desert; part profaned and swollen

    By bitter waters, mixed by those who feigned

    They asked them for refreshment, which, turned


    Have broken and oerflowed their former urns.

    So when ye talk of pleasure, lonely world,

    And busy mind, ye neer again shall move me

    To answer ye, though still your calls have


    To jar me through, and cause dull aching here.

    No so the voice which hailed me from the


    Of yon dark-bosomed cloud, now vanishing

    Before the sun ye greet. It touched my centre,

    The voice of the Eternal, calling me

    To feel his other worlds; to feel that if

    I could deserve a home, I still might find it

    In other spheres, and bade me not despair,

    Though want of harmony and aching void

    Are terms invented by the men of this,

    Which I may not forget.

    In former


    I loved to see the lightnings flash athwart

    The stooping heavens; I loved to hear the


    Call to the seas and mountains; for I thought

    Tis thus mans flashing fancy doth enkidle

    The firmament of mind; tis thus his


    Calls unto the souls depths and heights; and


    I defied the creature, nor remembered

    The Creator in his works.

    Ah now how


    The proud delight of that keen sympathy

    Is gone; no longer riding on the wave,

    But whelmed beneath it: my own plans and


    Or, as the Scriptures phrase it, my


    No longer interpose twist me and Heaven.

    Today, for the first time, I felt the Deity,

    And uttered prayer on hearing thunder. This

    Must be thy will, for finer, higher spirits

    Have gone through this same process, yet I


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    There was religion in that strong delight,

    Those sounds, those thoughts of power

    imparted. True,

    I did not say, He is the Lord thy God,

    But I had feeling of his essence. But

    Twas pride by which the angels fell. So be


    But O, might I but see a little onward!

    Father, I cannot be a spirit of power;

    May I be active as a spirit of love,

    Since thou hast taen me from that path which


    Seemed to appoint, O, deign to ope another,

    Where I may walk with thought and hope


    Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief!

    Had I but faith like that which fired Novalis,

    I too could bear that the heart fall in


    While the freed spirit rises from beneath


    With heavenward-look, and Phoenix-plumes


    The One in All

    There are who separate the eternal light

    In forms of man and woman, day and night;

    They cannot bear that God be essence quite.

    Existence is as deep a verity:

    Without the dual, where is unity?

    And the I am cannot forbear to be;

    But from its primal nature forced to frame

    Mysteries, destinies of various name,

    Is forced to give what it has taught to claim.

    Thus love must answer to its own unrest;

    The bad commands us to expect the best,

    And hope of its own prospects is the test.

    And dost thou seek to find the one in two?

    Only upon the old can build the new;

    The symbol which you seek is found in you.

    The heart and mind, the wisdom and the will,

    The man and woman, must be severed still,

    And Christ must reconcile the good and ill.

    There are to whom each symbol is a mask;

    The life of love is a mysterious task;

    They want no answer, for they would not ask.

    A single thought transfuses every form;

    The sunny day is changed into the storm,

    For light is dark, hard soft, and cold is


    One presence fills and floods the whole


    Nothing can be, nothing has ever been,

    Except the one truth that creates the scene.

    Does the heart beat, that is a seeming only;

    You cannot be alone, though you are lonely;

    The All is neutralized in the One only.

    You ask a faith, they are content with


    You ask to have, but they reply, IT hath.

    There is no end, and there need be no path.

    The day wears heavily, why, then, ignore it;

    Peace is the souls desire, such thoughts

    restore it;

    The truth thou art, it needs not to implore


    The Presence all thy fancies supersedes,

    All that is done which thou wouldst seek in


    The wealth obliterates all seeming needs.

    Both these are true, and if they are at


    The mystery bears the one name of Life,

    That, slowly spelled, will yet compose the


    The men of old say, Live twelve thousand


    And see the need of all that here appears,

    And Moxen* shall absorb thy smiles and tears.

    These later men say, Live this little day.

    Believe that human nature is the way,

    And know both Son and Father while you pray;

    And one in two, in three, and none alone,

    Letting you know even as you are known,

    Shall make the you and me eternal parts of


    To me, our destinies seem flower and fruit

    Born of an ever-generating root;

    The other statement I cannot dispute.

    But say that Love and Life eternal seem,

    And if eternal ties be but a dream,

    What is the meaning of that self-same seem?

    Your nature craves Eternity for Truth;

    Eternity of Love is prayer of youth;

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    How, without love, would have gone forth your


    I do not think we are deceived to grow,

    But that the crudest fancy, slightest show,

    Covers some separate truth that we may know.

    In the one Truth, each separate fact is true;

    Eternally in one I many view,

    And destinies through destiny pursue.

    This is my tendency; but can I say

    That this my thought leads the true, only way?

    I only know it constant leads, and I obey.

    I only know one prayer Give me the truth,

    Give me that colored whiteness, ancient youth,

    Complex and simple, seen in joy and truth.

    Let me not by vain wishes bar my claim,

    Nor soothe my hunger by an empty name,

    Nor crucify the Son of man by hasty blame.

    But in the earth and fire, water and air,

    Live earnestly by turns without despair,

    Nor seek a home till home be every where!


    We deemed the secret lost, the spirit gone,

    Which spake in Greek simplicity of thought,

    And in the forms of gods and heroes wrought

    Eternal beauty from the sculptured stone,

    A higher charm than modern culture won

    With all the wealth of metaphysic lore,

    Gifted to analyze, dissect, explore.

    A many-colored light flows from one sun;

    Art, neath its beams, a motley thread has


    The prism modifies the perfect day;

    But thou hast known such mediums to shun,

    And cast once more on life a pure, white


    Absorbed in the creations of thy mind,

    Forgetting daily self, my truest self I find.

    WALT WHITMAN (1819 1892)



    I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

    And what I assume you shall assume,

    For every atom belonging to me as good belongs

    to you.

    I loafe and invite my soul,

    I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear

    of summer grass.

    My tongue, every atom of my blood, formd from

    this soil, this air,

    Born here of parents born here from parents

    the same, and their parents the same,

    I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect

    health begin,

    Hoping to cease not till death.

    Creeds and schools in abeyance,

    Retiring back a while sufficed at what they

    are, but never forgotten,

    I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at

    every hazard,

    Nature without check with original energy.


    I am the poet of the Body and I am the poet of

    the Soul,

    The pleasures of heaven are with me and the

    pains of hell are with me,

    The first I graft and increase upon myself,

    the latter I translate into a new tongue.

    I am the poet of the woman the same as the


    And I say it is as great to be a woman as to

    be a man,

    And I say there is nothing greater than the

    mother of men.

    I chant the chant of dilation or pride,

    We have had ducking and deprecating about


    I show that size is only development.

    Have you outstript the rest? are you the


    It is a trifle, they will more than arrive

    there every one, and still pass on.

    I am he that walks with the tender and growing


    I call to the earth and sea half-held by the


    Press close bare-bosomd nightpress close

    magnetic nourishing night!

    Night of south windsnight of the large few


    Still nodding nightmad naked summer night.

    Smile O voluptuous cool-breathd earth!

    Earth of the slumbering and liquid trees!

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    Earth of departed sunsetearth of the

    mountains misty-topt!

    Earth of the vitreous pour of the full moon

    just tinged with blue!

    Earth of shine and dark mottling the tide of

    the river!

    Earth of the limpid gray of clouds brighter

    and clearer for my sake!

    Far-swooping elbowd earthrich apple-

    blossomd earth!

    Smile, for your lover comes.

    Prodigal, you have given me lovetherefore I

    to you give love!

    O unspeakable passionate love.

    O Captain! My Captain!

    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is


    The ship has weatherd every rack, the prize

    we sought is won,

    The port is near, the bells I hear, the people

    all exulting,

    While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel

    grim and daring;

    But O heart! heart! heart!

    O the bleeding drops of red,

    Where on the deck my Captain lies,

    Fallen cold and dead.

    O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the


    Rise upfor you the flag is flungfor you the

    bugle trills,

    For you bouquets and ribbond wreathsfor you

    the shores a-crowding,

    For you they call, the swaying mass, their

    eager faces turning;

    Here Captain! dear father!

    This arm beneath your head!

    It is some dream that on the deck,

    Youve fallen cold and dead.

    My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale

    and still,

    My father does not feel my arm, he has no

    pulse nor will,

    The ship is anchord safe and sound, its

    voyage closed and done,

    From fearful trip the victor ship comes in

    with object won;

    Exult O shores, and ring O bells!

    But I with mournful tread,

    Walk the deck my Captain lies,

    Fallen cold and dead.

    A Noiseless Patient Spider

    A noiseless patient spider,

    I markd where on a little promontory it stood


    Markd how to explore the vacant vast


    It launchd forth filament, filament,

    filament, out of itself,

    Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding


    And you O my soul where you stand,

    Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of


    Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,

    seeking the spheres to connect them,

    Till the bridge you will need be formd, till

    the ductile anchor hold,

    Till the gossamer thread you fling catch

    somewhere, O my soul.

    I Hear America Singing

    I hear America singing, the varied carols I


    Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it

    should be blithe and strong,

    The carpenter singing his as he measures his

    plank or beam,

    The mason singing his as he makes ready for

    work, or leaves off work,

    The boatman singing what belongs to him in his

    boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat


    The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench,

    the hatter singing as he stands,

    The wood-cutters song, the ploughboys on his

    way in the morning, or at noon intermission or

    at sundown,

    The delicious singing of the mother, or of the

    young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or


    Each singing what belongs to him or her and to

    none else,

    The day what belongs to the dayat night the

    party of young fellows, robust, friendly,

    Singing with open mouths their strong

    melodious songs.


    Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,

    All, all alike endeard, grown, ungrown, young

    or old,

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    Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,

    Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law

    and Love,

    A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,

    Chaird in the adamant of Time.


    Who includes diversity and is Nature,

    Who is the amplitude of the earth, and the

    coarseness and sexuality of the earth, and the

    great charity of the earth and the equilibrium


    Who has not lookd forth from the windows the

    eyes for nothing, or whose brain held audience

    with messengers for nothing,

    Who contains believers and disbelievers, who

    is the most majestic lover,

    Who holds duly his or her triune proportion of

    realism, spiritualism, and of the sthetic or


    Who having considerd the body finds all its

    organs and parts good,

    Who, out of the theory of the earth and of his

    or her body understands by subtle analogies

    all other theories,

    The theory of a city, a poem, and of the large

    politics of these States;

    Who believes not only in our globe with its

    sun and moon, but in other globes with their

    suns and moons,

    Who, constructing the house of himself or

    herself, not for a day but for all time, sees

    races, eras, dates, generations,

    The past, the future, dwelling there, like

    space, inseparable together.

    O Me! O Life!

    Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these


    Of the endless trains of the faithless, of

    cities filld with the foolish,

    Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who

    more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)

    Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the

    objects mean, of the struggle ever renewd,

    Of the poor results of all, of the plodding

    and sordid crowds I see around me,

    Of the empty and useless years of the rest,

    with the rest me intertwined,

    The question, O me! so sad, recurringWhat

    good amid these, O me, O life?


    That you are herethat life exists and


    That the powerful play goes on, and you may

    contribute a verse.