Role play cinderella 4_thb


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Transcript of Role play cinderella 4_thb

Page 1: Role play cinderella 4_thb






Nancy Allaica

Mayra Quitio

Mayra Diaz

Rita Paucar,

Karina Chinlli

Mery Gomez


Page 2: Role play cinderella 4_thb

Clock: Hello friends, my name is Orondo and I'm palace clock. From up here I can see

almost everything that happens in this city. Behold!

My friend lives there Cinderella. Those two are her stepsisters. They are a couple of


Amelia: Cinderella! Give me a snack.

Emilia: Cinderella! Have you already done my homework?

Amelia: Pick up my toys now.

Emilia: Hey fool, where have you put my skates?

Cinderella: I'm coming, I'm coming. Hi Amelia, hello Emilia, was cleaning the

floor and I do not hear ...

Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you talking and wasting time? Go to

board now.

Cinderella: of course Stepmother.

Amelia: And then you make me hornado for dinner

Emilia: I want to eat yahuarlocro

Amelia: hornado

Emilia: yahuarlocro

Amelia: hornado

Emilia: Your dwarf shut up, I'm the oldest and I say yahuarlocro

Amelia: mom, mom I want to eat hornado

Stepmother: Girls, girls, calm. You heard Cinderella: hornado for Amelia and Emilia

yahuarlocro ... and for me and tripa mishqui. Come little girls of mine, let's go to see

some guys for a while.

Paje: Good morning Miss, here I bring this letter from king.

Cinderella: Thank you, have a good day. A letter from the palace!

Amelia: I open it!

Emilia: I open myself!

Stepmother: Girls, girls! These manners!

His Majesty is pleased to invite all the girls in this

home to a dance to be held in honor of his son Prince ....


Page 3: Role play cinderella 4_thb

Amelia and Emilia: yeah party! Party!

Cinderella: So ... I too have been invited.

Stepmother: Of course daughter, but I do not let you into palace

those pints. Come on, do not talk nonsense and keep cleaning

Stepmother: I will be the best woman in the party.

Amelia and Emilia: no no , mother we will be the most beautiful in the party.

Stepmother: of course you look like me.

Stepmother, Amelia and Emilia: good bye stupid.

Amelia: oh oh, I dirty

Emilia. Quickly .quickly cleans everything.

Stepmother, Amelia and Emilia: If you don’t clean you get out our house.

Cinderella: ok ok …….

Puss in Boots: jajajaa

Cinderella: who are you?

Puss in Boots: I am puss in boots why are you crying

Cinderella: because in my house there are three witches and they don’t love me.

Puss in boots: where are they?

Cinderella: they went a party and I am alone and I have to clean everything my house.

Puss in boots: I will like to help you.

Cinderella: I would like to go to party

Puss in boots: don’t worry you will go to party

Cinderella: it’s just a dream but is impossible

Puss in boots: I'm going to help you. I'm your magic cat.

(Looks around thoughtfully) to see, to see... What we have here ... Great! A Barbie with

a car, just what I needed. Go, throw them out the window

Cinderella: But Amelia and Emilia get mad!

Puss in boots: that witches but if neither is going to realize so many

toys as they have!

Puss in boots: Abra cadabra makes this car in a limo. Abra cadabra this Barbie in a


Cinderella: What fun!

Puss in boots: And now the dress. To see what I have here ...

Page 4: Role play cinderella 4_thb

This is not, this is not, either ... no, no ... This!

Cinderella: How beautiful!

Puss in boots: Go get dressed while I look for some shoes. Here are

Cinderella: They are beautiful!

Puss in boots: You are beautiful! Come, come, hurry or you'll be late

Cinderella: Thank you magic cat

Puss in boots: One more thing. You'll have to be back before midnight.

Cinderella: No matter, this is much more than what I expected. Thank you. Goodbye!

Puss in boots: Goodbye Cinderella, you have a great time.

Clock: There are many people but the prince does not seem very happy and has come to

the garden alone.

Prince and Cinderella: sorry!

Prince: Why are not you at the party?

Cinderella: I'm a little late. What about you?

Prince: I do not like parties, I prefer to stay here.

Cinderella: Good ... But if you want I stay with you.

Prince: Okay! Come show you the garden.

Cinderella: you are very handsome.

Prince: you are hot.

Cinderella: ok... I think about the same……… what time is it?

Prince: It is five minutes for eleven .

Cinderella: sorry sorry ….

Prince: Wait, do not go please. I want to see you ... She's gone and do not even know

where she lives?

What's this? But if one of your shoes! It smells well …why be gone so fast? I have to

find it somehow.

Clock - For just the party's over. Cinderella got out of the palace by the hair, right

before her beautiful dress and big car disappeared. The prince was devastated but

decided that would not surrender until he found his special new friend.

Stepmother: Girls, Girls! Quick, already comes that king’s son. You know that Prince

has said that he will marry the girl who can put a shoe found in the garden of his palace.

Amelia: I sure worth to me.

Emilia: That's not stupid, I'll be the princess.

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Amelia and Emilia: Me first! Me first!

Stepmother: Silence! Cinderella opens the door

Cinderella: Good morning.

Prince: Good morning ladies.

Stepmother: We already know that stuff. Come in and try the shoe once my little girls.

Prince: If-you-ma'am.

Amelia: That's my shoe, bring here. Oops! Oops! But how small.

Emilia: My turn, my turn! My insurance is worth it because I'm smaller. Buaaaa!


Stepmother: You are a clumsy. Both! We are going to find ...

Cinderella: I miss me.

Prince: is true, please forgive me.

Stepmother: What was missing! Go to the kitchen immediately, Cinderella.

Do not ignore, is only a servant

Prince: No way . . . she's perfect!

Stepmother, Amelia and Emilia: No way!

Prince: I have found to my princess Do you want to married with me?

Cinderella: really but right now

Prince: we need to organice the wedding

Stepmother Amelia and Emilia: this stupid… she won’t get married...

Cinderella: This is the best dress that has ever in my life.

Amelia and Emilia: she won’t get married.

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Cinderella: no no no oh my god. My dress!

Prince: wait wait … I love to my princess.

Cinderella, Amelia, Emilia: I hate you.