Role of Ketu in the Life of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst

Role Of Ketu In The Life Of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft Role Of Ketu In The Life Of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft (1) As per Vedic Jyotish the shadow Planet Ketu represents Doctors, pains, bathing, tubroclousis, windy complaints, troubles from foes, hunger, army and a flag on materialistic grounds . (2) In animal kingdom Ketu presides over Dog, Vulture and a Cock. (3) On spiritual grounds Ketu represents upasana (worship) of Ganesha, bathing in holy river Ganga, Tapasya, Mantrasadhana, Brhamgyana, Aatmagyana, Monavrata, Gana of Shiva and Vedanta. (4) Ketu is also known as Anala (Fire) and because of that it is similar to Mars and gives the effects of Mars. (5) Ketu is found influential over spiritualists, purohitas, occultists and Dharma Gurus. (6) As Ketu is supposed be a headless planet so it is always in search of its head thus people under the influence of Ketu wander and sometimes misused by others. (7) Ketu in 3 rd , 9 th or 11 th from Aatmakarkansh Lagna or Amaatyakarkansh Lagna makes one Astronomer, Astrologer or Mathematician but in Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra only Karkansh is given but in that text also it is mentioned that what every has been said about Karkansh would be equally applied to Amaatyakarkansh at several places. (8) Planets having higest degrees except Rahu and Ketu in a sign is Aatma Karka Planet and that holding next to it is Amaatya Karka and next to it is Bhatru Karka and planet holding least degree in any sign is termed as Dara Karka. As per Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra there are seven karka in any horoscope but there are some they consider eight karka.



Transcript of Role of Ketu in the Life of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst

Page 1: Role of Ketu in the Life of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst

Role Of Ketu In The Life Of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft

Role Of Ketu In The Life Of Swiss German Astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft

(1) As per Vedic Jyotish the shadow Planet Ketu represents Doctors, pains, bathing, tubroclousis, windy

complaints, troubles from foes, hunger, army and a flag on materialistic grounds .

(2) In animal kingdom Ketu presides over Dog, Vulture and a Cock.

(3) On spiritual grounds Ketu represents upasana (worship) of Ganesha, bathing in holy river Ganga, Tapasya,

Mantrasadhana, Brhamgyana, Aatmagyana, Monavrata, Gana of Shiva and Vedanta.

(4) Ketu is also known as Anala (Fire) and because of that it is similar to Mars and gives the effects of Mars.

(5) Ketu is found influential over spiritualists, purohitas, occultists and Dharma Gurus.

(6) As Ketu is supposed be a headless planet so it is always in search of its head thus people under the

influence of Ketu wander and sometimes misused by others.

(7) Ketu in 3rd, 9th or 11th from Aatmakarkansh Lagna or Amaatyakarkansh Lagna makes one Astronomer,

Astrologer or Mathematician but in Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra only Karkansh is given but in that text also

it is mentioned that what every has been said about Karkansh would be equally applied to Amaatyakarkansh at

several places.

(8) Planets having higest degrees except Rahu and Ketu in a sign is Aatma Karka Planet and that holding next

to it is Amaatya Karka and next to it is Bhatru Karka and planet holding least degree in any sign is termed as

Dara Karka. As per Brihit Parashara Hora Shaastra there are seven karka in any horoscope but there are some

they consider eight karka.

(8.1)Aatmakarka is the ruling Planet in the horoscope and it speaks about the physical, mental, spiritual and

social status of a person. So its position should be considered in Navansh(D9) general purposes,

Dashmansh(D10) for profession, Shodashansh (D16) for comforts, Vinshansh (D20) for spiritual and scientific

progress, Panchmansh (D5) for philosophical and other abstract sciences, Siddhansh(D24) for academy and in

other charts too to decide several Aatmkarkansh for different events of one’s life. In a single line Aatmakarka

inspires one. Its status is like of a king.

(8.2) Like Aatmakarka Planet the Amaatyakarka should also be considered in various charts as in case of

Aatmakarka. In Dashmansh Chart it is a consultant and advisor, In Vinshansh and Panchmansh Charts it acts

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like Guru, in Siddhansh Chart it acts like teacher. In a single line Amaatyakarka motivates. Its status is just like

a minister.

(8.3) Bhratrukarka signifies about one’s brothers and it also signifies one’s sisters. Its position should be

judged in Drashkan Chart to calculate Karkansh besides Navansh Chart.

(8.4) Darakarka in any horoscope indicates about one’s life partner and its position should be looked into

Navansh to calculate Darakarkansh.

(8.5) Here to describe Karl Ernst Krafft’s horoscope these three karka as described under (8), (8.1), (8.2), (8.3)

& (8.4) has been taken into consideration.

(8.6) Dear learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish a question may appear in your minds as from where the

idea of taking various Karkansh from various divisional charts did come? And the answer is very simple as it is

my research.

(8.7) In Krafft’s horoscope his Aatmkarka is Sun, Amaatyakarka is Jupiter, Bhratrukarka is Saturn and his

Darakarka is Mars.

(8.8) The data about the Karl Ernst Krafft’s birth details and his life events has been taken from net


(8.9) The following are the birth details of Karl Ernst Krafft and the positions of Planets at the time of his


(9) Role Of Ketu In The Krafft’s Entrance Into The Field Of Astrology:

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(9.1)Up to the end of 20th century the Astrology and Jyotisha was not a regular profession and at that time if a

person came into this field then he had some unwanted events or some unsolved mysteries and those brought

him into this field but even though there were exceptions too.

(9.2) In Krafft’s case Ketu played an important role in changing his mentality from an ordinary to

extraordinary. Generally Vinshansh Chart (D20) or Panchmansh Chart (D5) is used to see the change of mental

outlook from ordinary to philosophical / religious / spiritual / occult.

(9.3) The following are the Rashi Chart, Chalit – Chakra, Drashkan Chart AndVinshansh Chart of


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(9.4) As mentioned under (8.7) that Krafft’s Bhatrukarka Planet is Saturn. In his Vinshansh Chart (D20) his

Bhratrukarka Planet Saturn occupies 12th house in debilitation and here it receives aspect from divine Planet

Jupiter from 6thhouse and Ketu from 8th house. This 12th house rules dreams and sleep and here the Planet

ruling this 12th house Mars is placed in his Vinshansh Lagna. In year 1917 Krafft had a dream and in his dream

he saw the demise of his sister. In any horoscope Bhratrukarka represents one’s brother and sisters. At that

time from about July 31, 1916 to June 2, 1919 Saturn was transiting Kark rashi and in his Vinshansh Chart this

Saturn was transiting 3rd house aspecting 12th house and his Bhratrukarka Saturn in 12th house in debilitation.

So out of Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu the Ketu was also a Planet responsible for his Dream.

(9.5) In Krafft’s Drashkan Chart his Bhratrukarka Planet Saturn is placed in Mesh rashi again in its debilitation

sign and sixth from his Bhratrukarka Saturn is occupied by Moon and Ketu receiving aspect from 12th lord

from Bhratrukarka Jupiter and Rahu. Here too the influence of Ketu is working. In his Drashkan Chart

3rd house is occupied by its own lord Venus and both of them come under the aspect of a debilitated natural

malefic Planet Saturn. In his Rashi Chart 8th house from 3rd house is occupied by debilitated Ketu and in Chalit-

Chakra this debilitated Ketu moves to 11th Bhava from 10th house and forms conjunction with 3rd lord Venus.

The lord of his Drashkan Lagna Sun moves to 8th bhava from 7th house while considering 3rd as reference. Here

Sun is hammed in between two natural malefic planets Mars and Ketu in his Chalit Chakra. These were higly

adverse configurations of Planets concerning the health of his sister. Krafft’s sister died of tuberculosis in yare

1919. At that time Ketu was transiting over his natal position in Vrish rashi from about May 7, 1918 to about

January 20, 1920 and it was transiting in 8th house from his 3rd house. Here Ketu played a malefic role in his

life. But the dream that Krafft had in 1917 came into being. It was perhaps the tragedy in Krafft’s life that

brought him to the field of Astrology.

(10) Role Of Ketu In The Education Of Karl Ernst Krafft

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(10.1) To judge one’s academic prospects Siddhansh Chart (D24) should be judged and in addition to that

Vidya Saham as per Vedic Tajik system also be taken into consideration. Learners and researchers should note

this point.

(10.2) The Vidya Saham of Vedic Tajik System is known as Lot Of Spirit in Greek Astrology. In Vedic

Jyotish it is used to know about one’s academic attainments and also about one’s Guru (the agency which

bring one from tamsik darkness to satvik light it may be in visible form or an invisible form) but in Greek

astrology this is used to know somewhat like career prospects of a person. For person born in day time the

following formula is used to calculate Vidya Saham:

(10.3) The following is Krafft’s Siddhansh Chart:

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(10.4)As already described under (8.7) that Krafft’s Aatmakraka is Sun and Amaatya Kraka is Jupiter and in

his Siddhansh Chart Ketu is placed in 5th house from his Aatmakara Sun in conjunction with Mars the lord of

his Vidya Sahama this influenced his education and the presence of Ketu 3rd from his Amaatyakarka Jupiter in

conjunction with the lord of his Vidya Saham Mars gave him education relating to Astronomy, Mathematics

and Statistic. At that time he was under the Ashtottri Dasha of Mercury (from June 5, 1908 to June 5, 1925. In

his Siddhansh Chart (D24) Mars & Ketu are in eight house, Ashtottridasha lord Mercury in 12th house and

Jupiter in 6th house are some adverse combination for his education in the form that he had no Bachelor’s

Degree. But mutual aspect between Jupiter and Mercury inclined him to study more and more and Mars and

Ketu in 8th house in Kanya rashi the sign ruled by the Ashtottridasha lord Mercury gave him a potential to

conduct researches on Astrology. In 1920 Krafft read a number of books on Astrology, Occultism and

Spiritualism. Learners and researchers should mark the position of Ketu in conjunction with Mars the lord

of Vidya Saham in Krefft’s Siddhansh Chart and their placement in third from his Aamaatyakarka Jupiter,

5th from his Aatmakarka Sun and 8th from his Siddhansh Lagna prepared the fertile ground for his

researches in the fields of Astrology, Occult and Spiritualism. Ketu gives the results of Mars and so his

entire researches in these fields came under the blessings of Ketu. The transit of Ketu through Mesh

rashi over his natal Vidya Saham in Mesh rashi from about January 19, 1920 to about July 17, 1921 was

enough for Krafft to read a various literatures on astrology, occultism and spiritualism.

(11)Role Of Ketu In Making Karl Ernst Krafft An Astrologer:

(11.1)Now it becomes very essential to see the presence of combinations of astrologers as per Vedic Jyotish.

This is very important point. Learners and researchers of Vedic Jyotish should note that while judging the

combination of Astrologers the first thing to be judged is the instinct to predict, intuition and Vak Siddhi and

for that a thorough knowledge of the judgment of Bhansh Chart (D27) is necessary. Even though without the

proper combination of Vak siddhi one can become a good astrologer but astrologer with the combination of

Vak siddhi is a blessed astrologer.

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(11.2)The following is Krafft’s Bhansh (D27) Chart:

(11.3) In Krafft’s Bhansh Chart (D27) The Lagna is Vrischika occupied by exalted Ketu and its lord Mars in

8th house. It gave Krafft instinct to conduct researches. Moon in 5th house in Meena rashi with its lord Jupiter

and receiving aspect from exalted Ketu and exalted Mercury indicates that Krafft was full of intuition. Here

too Ketu gave him intuition. In his Bhansh Chart the Aaroodhpada of fifth house falls in Meen rashi occupied

by its own lord Jupiter and planet indicating mind i.e. Moon and 5th from this Aaroodhpada of 5thhouse is Kark

rashi and it receives aspect from Jupiter and exalted Ketu it blessed him predictive abilities. The Aaroodhpada

of 2nd house falls in Mithuna rashi and second from the Aaroodhpada of 2nd house falls in Kark rashi receiving

aspect from Jupiter it gave Krafft Vak siddhi. So his Bhansh Chart blessed him predictive abilities, intuition

and Vak siddhi and instinct to conduct researches.

(11.4)In Krafft’s Bhansh (D27) Chart 9th from his Aamaatyakarka is occupied by Ketu and it is the

combination of Astrologer present in his Bhansh Chart as per Vedic Jyotish. See this is given under (7). This

enabled Krafft to utilize the energy provided by his Bhansh Chart in the field of Astrology. Here too Ketu gave

him instinct to walk on the roads of astrology.

(11.5) In the horoscopes of Astrologers, Occultists, Spiritualists, Healers, Scientists and Dharma Guru

Vinshansh Chart playas a significant role. Studying Jyotish / astrology, writing on it is different from making

correct predictions on the basis of astrology. In case of astrologers Vinshansh Chart blesses them for their

predictions to come into being. From this Vinshansh Chart everything concerning Upsana (worship especially

performed to get superior knowledge by doing tapasya, researches and japa etc) is judged.

(11.6)In Krafft’s Vinshansh Chart there is powerful exchange of 4th lord Sun and 5th lord Mercury and his

4th lord Sun receives aspect from exalted Vinshansh Lagna lord Venus. This gave him insight and some

enlightenment too and it also made his several predictions correct.

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(11.7)As per Vedic Jyotish if 5th lord is placed in 4th house the person will be either a Guru or a Mantri. The

Sanskrit word Mantri indicates Minister and Advisor too. In Krafft’s Rashi Chart 5th lord Jupiter is in 4th house

and his Vinshansh Chart 5th lord Mercury is in 4th house. This made him advisor with astrological base.

(11.8) In Krafft’s Vinshansh Chart Ketu is in 3rd from his Aamaatyakarka planet Jupiter. Here too played its

role and he became one of the originators of Cosmobiology. He also gave a number of lectures in this context.

(11.9) Astrologers can be of two types (1) Professional and (2) Non professionals. So after judging the

combinations of Astrologers in one’s horoscope it is Dashamansh Chart which decides whether one will

become professional astrologer or not.

(11.10) The following is Krafft’s Dashmansh Chart:

(11.11)In Krafft’s Dashmansh Chart this Ketu is placed in 10th house and is hammed in between two natural

benefic planets Mercury and Moon. This gave astrology an important role in his career. From June 5, 1908 to

June 5, 1925 the Ashtottri dasha of Mercury was in progression in his horoscope and from May 30, 1920 to

May 30, 1937 the Ashtottridasha of Mercury from his lagna longitude was in progression. As such he was

under the influence of Mercury from June 5, 1908 to May 30, 1937. In his Dashmansh Chart this Mercury

occupies 9th house in its own sign and also form shubhkartari yoga with Moon across Ketu. In 1925 Karl Ernst

Krafft started his career and within 1926 to 1932 his career was of a company advisor and he applied astrology

in his works there.

(11.12) In Krafft’s Chalit Chakra Ketu Moves to 11th Bhava from 10th house and the Ashtottridasha lord from

his Lagna Longitude Saturn received Ketu’s aspects in Chalit Chakra and thus this Ashtottri dasha started

giving the results indicated by Ketu. In Dashmansh Saturn gets cancellation of debilitation and aspects his

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Dashmansh Lagna. The Ashtottridasha of Saturn from his Lagna Longitude in his horoscope was from May

30, 1937 to May 30, 1947. Within this period he became an established astrologer and was able to predict. See

in his Vinshansh Chart too this Saturn received Ketu’s aspect. But since in Vinshansh Chart the Saturn is

debilitated and with aspect of Ketu from 8th house also criticized him concerning his abilities to predict on the

basis of astrology.

(12) Role Of Ketu In Kraft’s Family Life:

(12.1) To judge anyone’s family life Navansh Chart should be consider to know about his life partner and

Saptansh Chart (D7) to know about his child / children.

(12.2) The following is Krafft’s Navansh Chart:

(12.3) In Krafft’s Navansh Chart his Navansh Lagna is occupied by Ketu. Ketu also gives the results indicated

by Mars. In his horoscope Mars is his Darakarka it is described under (8.4) and (8.7). Both Rashi and Navansh

his 7thAaroodhpada falls in Tula and 7th from that is occupied by 7th lord from his 7thAaroodhpada lord Mars

both in his Rashi and Navansh. In his Navansh Chart the his Navansh Lagna lord Mercury and 7th lord Jupiter

are in mutual aspect forming the combination of his marriage but in adverse houses 12 & 6. But Ketu because

of Mars strongly influenced his Navansh Lagna. In his Rashi Chart the Vinshottri Dasha lord Moon from his

Lagna Longitude received the aspect of Ketu. The Vinshottridasha of Moon from his Lagna was from March

26, 1929 to March 26, 1939. Karl Ernst Krafft met a lady in 1930 and married her in 1937 within this dasha of

Moon. At the time of Krafft’s marriage Ketu was transiting Vrish Rashi over the Navansh Position of his

Navansh Lagna Lord Mercury from about February 2, 1937 to August 10, 1938 and his Darakaarka and lord of

7thfrom his 7th Aroodhpada Mars was transiting its own sign Vrischika from February 22, 1937 to June 4, 1937.

(12.4) The following is Krafft’s Saptansh Chart:

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(12.5) In Krafft’s Chalit Chakra natural malefic Planet Saturn occupies 5th Bhava and another natural malefic

Planet Rahu moves to 5th Bhava from 6th house. In his Saptansh Chart the Aaroodhpada of 5th house falls in

Meena rashi occupied by Ketu from this 5th Aarodhpada its lord Jupiter is in 6th house from it in conjunction

with 8th lord Venus having sign exchange with 6th lord Sun and this 6th house receives aspect from natural

malefic planet Saturn and thus a highly malefic yoga concerning Krafft’s children has indicated in his Saptansh

Chart and the presence of Ketu in his 5th Aaroodhpada increased its malefic nature and his Ketu and 5th house

Aaroodhpada is also hammed in between two natural malefic Planets Saturn and Mars and because of this

malefic yoga Krafft had no children after his marriage.

(13) Role of Ketu as death inflicting Planet in Krafft’s Horoscope:

The following is Krafft’s Trishmansh Chart (Not Usual One):

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(13.1) In Krafft’s Trishansh Chart Astottridasha lord Saturn occupies 6th house in debilitation and is in

conjunction with natural malefic Ketu and it receives aspect from 8th lord Mercury and lord of Vrischika

Trishmansh Lagna Mars occupies 8th house in conjunction with another natural malefic Sun and both of them

receive aspect from natural malefic debilitated Saturn. It is the highly adverse combination in Krafft’s

horoscope it indicates mental illness, insult, displeasure of officials and here too Ketu played its role and it

enabled him to be used by others. In his horoscope Saturn’s Ashttotridasha from his lagna longitude was from

May 31, 1937 to May 31, 1947 and within this period Krafft arrested twice. He suffered from acute illness.

(13.1) In Krafft’s Trishmansh Chart (Usual Trishmans) his Aatmakarka Planet Sun is in Tula rashi and in his

Rashi Chart 8th from Tula Rashi is occupied by Ketu, In his Trishmansh Chart (Not Usual One) his

Aatmakarka Planet Sun is in Mithun Rashi and in his Rashi Chart Ketu occupies 12th from it, In his

Ashtamansh Chart his Aatmakarka Planet Sun occupies Vrischika Rashi and in his Rashi Chart Ketu occupied

7th from Vrischika Rashi. The Kaalchakra Dasha of Vrish Rashi started in his horoscope from December 30,

1940 to December 30, 1956. This Vrish Rashi has Ketu. In his Trishansh Chart given above Vrish Rashi

occupies 7th house and it is hammed in between the conjunction of malefic Saturn and Ketu and the

conjunction of malefic Sun and Mars. The Antardasha of Mithun in the dasha of Vrish in his horoscope was

from December 22, 1943 to August 24, 1945. In his above Trishmansh Chart Antardasha rashi Mithuna

occupies 8th house with Sun and Mars and receives aspect of debilitated Saturn. Krafft died in 1945. At the

time of Krafft’s death Saturn was transiting Mithun rashi (From April 25, 1944 to June 8, 1946) over the

Antardasha of Mithuna and Sun, Mars and Keru were transiting Dhanu Rashi aspecting the Antardasha Rashi

Mithuna with 7th aspect.

(14)After analyzing the Vedic Horoscope of Karl Ernst Krafft minutely astrologically it becomes evident as if

Krafft appeared from Ketu and merged into the Ketu after finishing his role on this Mrityu Loka (Earth)

Written on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 20:38 (IST) by

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Vishal Aksh

Faridabad, Haryana, Indi

ractical Vastu Tips for Indian Homes.

India is known across the globe for its heritage and Vastu Shastra is of those, which gained immense popularity in the last decade. Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of design based on directional alignment. Initially Vastu Shastra was restricted with the temples only, but over the time peoples have started following Vastu rules for their homes also. The word ‘Vas’ mean ‘to live in’, ‘to dwell’, ‘to inhabit’ or ‘to occupy’. Evidently ‘Vasthu’ means ‘dwelling place’, and ‘Shashtra’ means Science which deals with rules, disciplines, methods, ways, arrangements etc .Vasthu Shastra is a set of rules and regulations said by seers of ancient India. Vasthu Shastra does not only deal with houses in the village but also speaks of the techniques of construction of houses in cities.The importance of Indian vastu Shashtra has been accepted globally. According to the vastu shastra, the world comprises of five basic elements, earth, water, air, fire and space. There is an invisible and constant relation among all the five elements. Thus a person can improve their conditions by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces and properly designing their living and working spaces.There are sufficient details about vastu Shilp in our ancient religious books like Matsya Puran, Vrihad Shamhita, Samraangana Sutradhaara, Aparaajitha Praccha. It is considered throughout the world that Indian vastu Shashtra is based upon scientific assumptions, practical observation , research & development, spanning over thousands of years and are not derivatives of any speculative technology.

Vasthu for Bed Room:

According to Vastu, the perfect place for of bedroom in a house is the southwest corner. Building bedroom in Northeast, East or North, should be avoided as it may bring health and financial issues. For married couples, best direction of the bedroom is north. For unmarried children’s, the best location for the bedroom is in the East direction.

Bed room is the place where you relax after a hectic day’s work. It is also a sacred place for couples to be together in each other’s warmth. Bed room is the place where dreams, ideas, thoughts and decisions are conceived. Apparently bedroom is the place where a man spends three fourth of his time. Hence you have to realize the importance of a bedroom and take a special care in planning a bedroom. As we prefer attached bathrooms, the bathroom should either be in northwest or southeast direction of the bedroom

Some vasthu tips– Sleep in a cot made of wood. It’s better than cots made of metals. It is good to avoid keeping TV set in your bedroom. Bed room is the place only for relaxation. It is not for any other business. Scientists say you should keep away from TV at least one hour before your sleep. Vasthu Shasthra says that one should keep their head towards north while sleeping. This is rather a scientific truth than a superstitious belief, as we know the earth’s magnetic field extends between North and South Pole. As per Vastu Shastra, you should not keep fountains or fish aquariums in your bedroom

Vasthu for Drawing Room:

Drawing room is the place where a lot of movement takes place in a house. It is also the place where people spend usually during day. Discussions of various types on different subject matters such as business, relationship, education, health, and so on take place here. Sometimes, important business deals also take place in your drawing rooms. It is also a place for fostering relationships, friendships, etc. Special care should be taken while planning your living room, as it is a significant part of the house.

Some Vasthu tips for Drawing Room:

Drawing Room should be always kept neat and tidy because the guests will gage your personality and the kind of people in the house just in the glance of the living room.

In Indian culture guests are welcomed with open hands. There are stories which will explicates how the hospitality of the ancient Indians knew no bounds and they went on to sacrifice anything for the sake of guests. If you look at the

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ancient architecture, you will find that, every house will have a verandah where the travelers, strangers and tramps can lie down and take rest. Furthermore, some donated necessary things to these strangers.

Even now this tradition lives on. To be in touch with the modernity, Indians have started to build houses with separate guest rooms. These rooms are also given much importance likes any other room in the house. Its design, location and positioning should also be given utmost care. Vasthu Shastra has remarkable vasthu techniques for vasthu for Guest room. Here are some tips for vasthu for guest room. Kindly look into the following things, while you plan your guest room.

Vasthu for Children Room:

The Child is the father of the man. Children are the leaders of tomorrow. These are very significant proverbs describing the greatness of children. A child is molded by the parents and the society. It is the parents’ duty to provide all that is necessary for a happy living. Home is the place where a child begins to learn things. In Indian culture as opposed to other western cultures children did not have any private room. They were all living together but now the thought process has changed. Indian’s have also adopted the idea of having separate rooms for children.

As we saw earlier, children’s mental health and physical heaths are very important. Whatever a child imbibes during this time will have greater effects when it is a man. The parents should take extra care in planning and designing a children’s room.

Some Vasthu tips for Children Room:

Arrange the bed to make your child’s head face the east or south direction whiles sleeping.

Ask your child to face east while studying. It enhances his studies.

Choosing right mix of colors are very important, as it directly affects the mood of the person residing there. In entrance of the house, avoid red, black and gray colors, while using white, light blue and dark green colors are very good. As per Vastu living room windows should be in east and north direction.

These are some of the basic and easy to follow tips that you can follow quite easily. You may also consult with a Professional Interior Decorators or Designers in your city to get more detailed ideas on how to get your home decoration or renovation did as per Vastu Shastra:

ONE - why the house where one lives should be facing east ?

LOGIC- the sun rises from east and early morning sun is rich source of vitamin D , as calciferol (vitamin D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in food, but also can be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays.

TWO - why there should be no leaking taps in the house ,does it result in loss of money ?

LOGIC – sounds ridiculous,but the logic is quite convincing,the constant tipping sound of water causes irritation ,which unables us to think properly and any decision took in irritation results in wrong decisions which could be at home or at work place,and the wrong decisions at work place makes one lose money.

THREE - why the master bed room should be in the south west corner of the house ?

LOGIC – due to earths magnetic field ,this area gets the maximum energy which is passed on to us ,since the master of the house is responsible for all the major decisions and is the bread winner requires that energy to make best of it.

FOUR – why the elders in the house should sleep with their head toward the south where as kids in east ?

LOGIC – our earth has the two poles north and south according to vastu the head of a human body is considered north pole and toes the south,we very well know that the opposite poles attract where as similar repell.if we sleep with our head towards south, being the opposite pole one is able to have a sound sleep where as if the similar poles are put together it results in constant repell causing sleep less nights. About childrens who are studying they are advised to sleep with their head towards east so that they can receive early morning rays of sun and the reason is explained in the 1st point mentioned above.

* one is advised sleep with their head towards east or south but never north and west.

FIVE - why there should be no road outside the south side of the house ?

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LOGIC -no road in the south is advised as the sound of vehicles ,or honking can cause disturbance which might result in sleep less night which is quite logical.

*if it does make sense to you do let me know i can share a lot more with you which you might find useful.Numbers of name – Asad Ullah – Jameela Begum =291 (Refer: Schedule no. 1)

Step-02: Find out the Moon Mansion1) Divide the Name Number by 28, the remainder will represent the number of Moon Mansion.In the case cited above, Name number of Asad Ullah - Jameela Begum is 291 and that divided by 28, we get the number 11, as the remainder. This remainder 11, denotes that the name of Asad Ullah–Jameela Begum belongs to the 11th mansion of moon.2) Step-03: Locate name of Allah relative to the Moon Mansion. Refer - (Schedule -04, that contains more than 400 names of Almighty Allah, all obtained from the Holy Quraan-1) Divide the Name Number by 28, the remainder will represent the number of Moon Mansion.In the case cited above, Name number of Asad Ullah - Jameela Begum is 291 and that divided by 28, we get the number 11, as the remainder. This remainder 11, denotes that the name of Asad Ullah–Jameela Begum belongs to the 11th mansion of moon.a:Search for a name Almighty Allah that starts with (الف) , i.e. the starting Alphabet of the name ہاسد الل جمیل بیگم ۔ ہ AND,

b:The number of that Name of Allah, when divided by 28, leaves 11 as remainder,

c:If, one name could be found then add another name of Allah, and the total number of both names when divided by 28, leaves 11 as the remainder.

d:In the above cited case, we have two names of Almighty Allah (1) ہالل and (2) مجید, the total of both these names

when divided 28, leaves 11 as the remainder.

i:(Check – (1) 66ہالل , and (2) 57مجید =Total: 123, when divided by 28, leaves 11, as the remainder). Therefore the Ism-e-Azam for ( ہاسد الل جمیل بیگم ۔ ہ ) is ( ہمجید الل ).

ii:It should be recited as ” ہیا الل مجید ”

Procedure for Reciting “Ism-e-Azam”, Explained

1. Place and timing of reciting,Since the place and the timings for the reciting of Ism-e-Azam, under no circumstances are changed, it needs to be finalized carefully.2. Number of times the “Ism-e-Azam” is to be recited-i:i. Either recite 3,125 times daily, for 40 days, OR

ii:12500 times daily, for 10 days.

Note: (1) It takes approximately two hours to recite 12500 times. If time permits, it would be preferable to go for it.)

(2) Recite with dedication. If someone has specific problem then he should keep that in mind and

(3) After completion, offer two Rakah of Nafil for thanks to Almighty Allah and pray with heart for the accomplishment of his desires.

3. Starting Date-

Start on Thursday night, falling on or after 4th and before 10th of the lunar mon

How to fill in - The Naqsh /Taweez: Refer - Direction chart(i) Write down the Quotient 10, in the Naqsh Box, according to the Direction Chart (ii) Multiply Quotient 10 by 2 and write 20 according to the Directive Chart in the Naqsh, (iii) Multiply Quotient 10 by 3 and write 30, (iv) Multiply Quotient 10 by 4 and write 40, (v) Multiply Quotient 10 by 5 and

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write 50, (vi) ) Multiply Quotient 10 by 6 and add to it 3, the remainder and write 63,(vii) Multiply Quotient 10 by 7 and add 3 to it making it 73, (viii) Multiply Quotient 10 by 8 and add 3 to it making 83 to write finally in accordance with the Directive Box. (ix) Finally write Ism-e-Azam ہالل مجید in the center box of the Naqsh. This now completes the

Naqsh or Taweez Ism-e-Azam pertaining to Asad Ullah – Jameela Begum.

The Beauty of the The Naqsh /Taweez-1.The total of each line of the Naqsh/Taweez, vertically or horizontally comes to 123. This represents the number of Ism-e-Azam,

2.The name of “Ism-e-Azam” itself is in the center of the Naqsh.

Note of Caution: Every person can write a Naqsh, Taweez on paper and on silver/gold Amulets for his or her use only. It is not permissible under the rules of Ilm-e-Jafer to do it for others including his spouse. To make it for others and or people in general, one has to go through the prescribed procedure to make him eligible, else it would be an exercise in futile.

Writing Ink - How to Prepare for Naqsh/Taweez Remember one thing that the Ism-e-Azam is the most gracious name of Almighty Allah that you are going to write in a Naqsh / Taweez. Therefore, the writing ink needs to be prepared with extreme respect in the following manner.

Step 01The Water – Use the holy water i.e. Zamzam. If it is not available then use Snow water or rain water or hail water from the well of a mosque, else use drinking water in the last.

The Color - Use real Saffron or the best organic food color, green/red.

Step 02The minimal is to recite Darud Sharif 3,125 times a day and blow on the ink. This should be done daily for 40 days,

TO BOOST THE STRENGTH OF THE INK – Recite and blow on the ink, (i) Surah Akhlas, (ii) 3rd Kalmah, (iii) 4th Kalmah and (iv) Ayat-al-Kursy as much as possible, preferably counting it down to 125,000 times.

Making of Silver / Gold Amulet After making a silver or gold amulet, it should go through the process of . The process of ”TANJEEM”, requires that an amulet should remain dipped in the ink, (prepared in accordance with the above noted procedure), for at least a day and a night in the open sky. Further it should be dipped during the planetary hours either one of The Sun, The Moon, The Venus, the Mercury and The Jupiter. Ordinarily, first one hour after sunrise on Sunday, Monday, Friday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively are the planetary hour mentioned here before.

How to Choose Name for Your ChildrenThe Ideal Way to Name the ChildrenKeep good name of the children. The very name is a source of identity. Everyone has a desire to be called by the good name. The names of the children are found in three categories.1.Islamic traditions - Named after the names of prophets and their followers. These names show Almighty Allah’s mercy and His Truth. These names are usually proposed by the elders of the family or Islamic scholars and do not require calculations.

2.Astrology - There are two methods.

The first method takes into account inter alia (a) Date of birth, (b) Time of birth, (c) Year of birth and (d) Location or place of birth. It is a technical way and needs methodological knowledge to create a birth chart to suggest name.

The other requires, date of birth only.

3.Numerology – It takes into account (a) date of birth, (b) month of birth and (3) the year of birth. It is easy and needs little knowledge of arithmetic only.

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Example – Date of Birth 19th October, 2012The ideal way to name the children that incorporates numerology and the astrology is explained as under:-The ideal way to name the children that incorporates numerology and the astrology is explained as under:- The numeric data i.e. (a) the date (b) the month and (c) the year of birth added together, (19 + 10 + 2012) works out to 2041. The number 2041 divided by 9, we get 7 as the residue. The residue 7 is treated to be the name number. (Note: If the residue is Zero, then it would be treated as 9.) It takes into account the date of birth of a child, namely 19th October. This date falls in between 24th Sept – 23rd Oct. (Refer Schedule No. 2), indicating his birth sign as “Libra”; and planet “VENUS”. The Urdu characters, namely ( ۔ر ت ط ۔ ۔ ) denote the first character of name

Find Fault in Your NameThe Solution to all Your Adversities and Fiascos, is Hidden in Your NameAre you unemployed?

Are you financially in crisis?

Do you suffer losses after losses in the business that you do?

Do you feel indecisiveness in taking decisions?

Are you in mental confusions?

Find Reasons and Solutions To All The Above.Be Guided By The Astrology

Get Help From Ilm-E-Jafer

Examples – Naeem Jaleel born on March 27.The Astrology – According to the date of birth of Naeem Jaleel, the element of his Zodiac Sign is “Fire”, while his name beginning with N (ن (, the element is “Water”, (Schedule - 1). The

conflicting Zodiac elements may lead to mental confusion and indecisiveness in decision taking. The astrologist and most of the Spiritual Soul healer suggest changing of the name. Is that so easy to act upon it?

The remedy lies in Ilm-E-JaferThe Ilm-E-Jafer – it suggests acquiring of the “Ism-e-Azam” matching to his name and recitation of the Name of Almighty Allah i.e. the “Ism-e-Azam” with concentrated mind in the prescribed manner. The matching Name of Almighty Allah i.e. Ism-e-Azam, in his case is.“نافع نصیر یا“

ISM-E-AZAMTo acquiring Ism-e-Azam matching to your name, read the subject titled“Search for Ism-e-Azam

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