Role of FICCI in Indian Ex

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  • 8/3/2019 Role of FICCI in Indian Ex


    Role of FICCI in Indian Export

    Introduction to Chambers Of Commerce

    The chambers of commerce and industry are established on

    regional bases. They assist export promotion in a numbers of

    ways. Its membership is open to all the members of trade and


    They provide suggestion and recommendation to the government

    on various issues concerning trade and industry including exportmarketing.

    The government while framing import and export policies does

    accept their suggestion. They help the exporters in issuing the

    certificate of or igin and taking up specific cases of

    exporters to the government. The chambers of commerce also

    provide information and it provides a forum to their members

    to discuss the problems arising out of policy matters. They

    also organized workshops, seminars, and short training coerces

    in order to guide their members on export aspects. They do

    send trade delegations abroad and invite trade delegations from


    FICCI works closely with the government on policy issues,

    enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and expanding business

    opportunities for industry through a range of specialised services

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    and global linkages. It also provides a platform for sector specific

    consensus building and networking


    Federation of Indian chambers of commerce and Industry (FICCI)

    was set up in 1927, at the instance of Mahatma Gandhi;

    FICCI has grown over the years to represent, directly or indirectly,

    over 250,000 business enterprises employing around 20 million

    peoples. FICCI has evolved as a true partner in progress with the

    government. Within the country, FICCI has been playing a pivotal

    role in the formulation of major economic policies. Working

    through expert committees for almost all areas of economy, FICCI

    has encourage and adopted strategies for grater private sector

    participation, free market, enhanced global trade and foreign

    direct investment.

    Acting as a change, FICCI has contributed significantly to the

    development of th economy.

    FICCI operates through 74 joint business counsils (JBCs) with many

    countries and several other commercial alliancesand MOU partners.

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    Another vehicle for the international division is the destination India

    events organized jointly with the government of India with

    international offices in UK, USA, Germany, China, UK, USA,

    Germany, China,Malaysia and Singapore.

    A non-government, not-for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice

    of India's business and industry. FICCI has direct membership

    from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and

    MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 83,000 companies

    from regional chambers of commerce

    FICCIs Agenda for Managing the Challenging Economic Scenario


    1. Growth so far has been primarily private investment led.

    2. The fundamental Indian Economy remains structurally strong

    and the current international banking crisis has left the Indian

    banking sector relatievely untouched..

    3. How ever the many month of tight monetary policy and its

    consequent effect on drying up domedtic liquidity had forced

    Indian companies to look for financing t h e Domestic banking sector

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    on account of the International Banking crisis have created a situation of

    deep concern and threat for the real economy and all the players in it .

    real economy Serious, deep and systemic which will come

    back and haunt us a few years down the road.

    6. Do not focus on stock market alone; focus on Real Economy

    . So what are the steps required? The steps are broadly

    A) Financial sector oriented

    i. Liquidity, rate cuts and Risk aversion, sectoral

    stabilization fund

    a. FICCI believs that liquidity that has been infused in to the

    market following recent CRR cuts would be quickly

    absorved to meet the outstanding commitments.

    b. Cut repo by another 50 basis points immediately and

    bring it down to 5% in the near term. This would send a

    strong signal to the banks to revise their PLR downwards.

    c. FIICI proposes sectoral stbilizaation fund dor sector where risk

    aversion has suddenly shot up and liquidity is not forth


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    i i. Risk Aversion and Credit f lows to small and medium

    sector as well aslarge projects, (Issues of crowding out by the

    Public sector and Subsidy bills,

    a. Bank must completely daliver on all sanctioned loan

    limits to corporate.

    b. . C ro w di ng o u t o f P ri va te s ec to r f r om c re di t

    ma rk et s sh ou ld no t happen with liquidity being

    used for fertilizer and petroleum subsidies

    iii. Recapitalize Banks give them the Rs.50, 000crore onagricultural loans immediately.

    Iv. Protect ing against systemic defaults by NBFCs by

    converting them to Banks and bringing them under regulation.

    v. Bring the focus back on FDI and attract sovereign funds (SWFs).

    a.Government to lift foreign investment restrictions and review

    capsin sectors like insurance, telecom, multi-product retail and


    vi. Boost NRI deposits

    a. Deposit rate on FCNR and NRE to be increased by 50 bas ispoints. Further, rules related to deposit period may also be

    relaxed to boost NRI transfers.

    b.Real Economy oriented

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    i. Reduce Railway Freight Rates by changing classification

    .ii. Exporters

    a. Refunds from excise department to be made in 7 daysinstead of current 90 days Credit lines for good credit worthy

    exporting companies to be made available since LCs and

    international credit lines are not being accepted.iii. Domestic.

    Existing sanctioned project loans should be disbursed


    b. Public investment needs to be accelerated to pump prime theeconomy through increased infrastructure projects.

    c. Sectoral stabilization fund where specific risk aversion is high

    and liquidity is not forthcoming.

    d.Consumer demand to be stimulated (Housing and consumer

    durable financing to restart).

    FICCIs view is that this agenda must be implemented

    systematically and completely to prevent the threats to the

    Economy that are real. The focus on the financial sector is

    important but not enough. The downstream Real sector and

    their issues for both the Large and small/medium AND Exporters

    (whose cause FICCI has been advocating for long) have tobe addressed to ensure that there is amage to the real


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    Role of FICCI

    The main role of Chambers of Commerce is to project good image of

    Indian products.

    Collection of Information

    It collects valuable information on overseas imports, import regul

    ations, about competitors, market potential and other developme

    nts in foreign trade.

    Supplying Information

    It provide information on latest developments in the field of export trade. It may relate to various aspects of foreign trade. Suc

    hinformation is vital to the exporters to promote their sales


    Organizing Seminars

    It organizes seminars, workshops, discussions, meetings,

    conferenceson various aspects of foreign trade. Exporters are invi

    ted to suchseminars and workshops.

    Trade Fairs & Exhibitions

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    It may also assist the concerned authorities in organizing trade

    fairs and exhibitions in India and abroad. It may also assist the

    exporters to take part in such trade fairs and exhibitions.

    Advising the Government

    It apprises or advises the government on current export problems

    and suggest measures for export growth. It also advises the

    government in framing proper export import policies from time to

    time. It may recommend certain modifications in the existing

    government policies and programmers.

    Invite Trade Delegation

    It may invite trade delegation from abroad both at private level and at

    government level. Such trde delegations arevery important to promote export trade of India. Foreign

    delegations visit India and sign contracts with Indian exports.

    Send Delegations Abroad

    It may undertake the responsibility of sending trade delegationsa

    broad comprising Indian businessman. Indian parties may visit abr

    oad and enter into contracts with overseas buyers. Thus,

    foreigntrade of India can be expanded.

    Professional Advice

    It may offer professional advice to exporters in areas such as

    technology up gradation , quality and design improvement,

    standards and specifications, product development, innovation,

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    etc. Such advice goes a long way to improve product and

    organizational efficiency of the exporters.

    Exploration of Overseas Markets

    It may assist the exporter in exploration of overseas markets an

    d identify the items havig export potential. It may guide

    the exporter in setting up of joint ventures in abroad.

    Developing Export consciousness

    This organization makes all possible efforts to develop export


    In our country.This is because there is a great need for exports for

    a country like ours so as to earn foreign exchange.

    Other Functions

    It may fix minimum floor price or may advise the government in

    fixation of such floor price.

    Services offered by FICCI:

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    o Business Information Services Network(BISNET)

    o Energy Conservation

    o FICCI Arbitration and Conciliation Tribunal (FACT)

    o FICCI Ladies Organization

    o FICCI'S National Initiative Against Piracy & Counterfeiting

    o FICCI Trade Facilitation Forum (FTFF)

    o FICCI Quality Forum

    o Foundation of Research, Training and Education in

    Insurance (FORTE)

    o Institute of Intellectual Property Development

    o Resource Conservation & Management

    o Resource Accounting & Resource UseOptimization

    o Environment Management Services

    o Sustainable Energy Management

    o Water Audit & Conservation


    Project / Program Management Consultancy

    o Capacity Building

    o Water Audit Services

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    Current State of Indian Economy September 2008 Federation of Indian

    Chambers of Commerce and Industry New Delhi-----

    Recent Trends in Indian Economy.

    Industrial Growth:

    The recent data on industrial production for july 20008 shows an improvement in the

    industrial growth over previous months. The industrial growth was found to

    gradually pick up in July 2008-09 compared to the growth post ed in the prev ious

    months of this year. However the growth during the four - month period (April- July) of the current fiscal remains much lower than growth number recorded in the corresponding

    month of the last fiscal. During the April-July period of 2008-09 growth in the

    man ufactu ring and electr ici ty sec tor accelerated compared to the growth registered

    in the previous months of this year. However the growth performance remains

    wea k when compared to the growth of last fiscal. The increase in production was

    wi tnes sed on ly in the mining sector su rpassing the growth posted in the previous year.

    Further following the use-based classification we see growth in secondary

    and basic goods

    in July2008was subdued as against the growth in the samemonth of the previ

    ous year. Output in the capital goods sector however increased by 22% in

    July this year compared to 12.3% increase in the same month of previous

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    year. The growth in the consumer goods came mainly from the consumer

    durables segment that increased by 11.2% compared to the negative growth

    posted in the corresponding month of last year. In the period of July 2008-

    09 growth in seven among theseventeen industry sectors namely food produ

    cts,beverages and tobacco, paper, metal products,machinery, transport equi

    pments and other manufactured items exceeded the growths posted in the

    previous year. While basic metals, nonmetallic minerals and basic chemicals

    slowed in July 2008-2009.

    compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, production of 6 i

    ndustry sectorsnamely rubber, leather, wood, jute, wool and cotton was

    found to drop.


    Growth in the core infrastructure industries slowed during the four-month

    period of the present fiscal compared to the growth in the previous fiscal

    during the period of April-July 2008-09 compared to the same period

    of last year. On all the other sectors the production growth slowed downcompared to growth logged in last year there was a strong slippage in the

    production of crude petroleum during these four months.

    Inflation Trends

    The average WPI based inflation rose from an average of 12.2% in

    July to 12.5% in August this year. In the week ending 13 th

    September 2008 the WPI based in fl at io n sto od at 12.14%.

    During this time last year the annual rate of inflation stood at

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    3.51%. The sharp difference in the rate of inflation between now

    and last year has been mainly on account of a sharp rise in the

    price index of fuel and some manufactured items. Measures to

    curb the rising food articles and other manufactured commodityprices have been put in place, however these only showed a

    marginal impact on the rising price index. The fall in fuel prices

    from its peak USD 147/ barell to below 100/ barell yet to be

    catched in the recent price index.

    Stock Market Trends

    Number of events of political nature and events in the financial

    markets impacted the stock markets adversely. After the major

    drop in the 30 stock index sensex in July to 13K the market somewhat

    recovered in August rising 15k points before dropping 14.5 k

    points in sept 2008.

    The recent numbers show that the market slid further by

    another 500 points going bellow 13k points due to uncertainties in

    the global domestic market.

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    Foreign Trade

    Despite odds (raw material prices, high borrowing rates, losses

    due to forward contracts) the country did export goods worth USD

    60 billion, posting 24.6%growth during the first four months 2008-

    09 as compared to 18.22% in the previous year. The reason

    ascribed to high exports growth was, increased demand in some

    of international markets.

    The weakening of Rupee has helped the exporters to recover their

    (those who have not hedged their funds) losses made in the past.

    However, those who hoped for aforward covering those days

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    when rupee maintaining Rs 38-40, failed to insulate themselves

    from the quick and sharp weakening of Rupee. The import bill

    swells due to obvious reasons and widens the trade deficit even


    Trends in the Exchange Rates

    Weakening of the domestic currency against the USD benefited

    the exporters. However in the present context, weakning of the

    rupee/USD favored asection of exporters that choose not to hedge

    at the time of strong Rupee-Dollar movement. It was absorved

    that i n Sep tember 2008 Rupee was ru l ing a t Rs 47 / US

    weakening by about 20% since January 2008. The present

    (September) exchange rate of Rupee / Euro was also found

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    to weaken by about 17-18% over the exchange rate in January



    Currently there is no homogeneity in luxury, fashioned lifestylesector. This disparate burgeoning industry looks towards FICCI to

    initiate a dialogue among key players in luxury and fashion. FICCI has

    therefore created FICCI Lifestyle Forum

    to promote the development of the Luxury Goods. Industry in

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    India with specific interest of encouraging Indian Lifestyle

    brands to emerge. Inthe same vein International Luxury houses

    will play a key role for sustainable development of India luxury

    market and simultaneously create a manufacturing hub locally inIndia. The forum would have representation globally luxury

    brands, Indian fashion brands, lifestyle products,design houses

    and bespoke services. The launch and inaugural round table on goods

    and fashion industry. India is soon moving away from being a backwater

    to handmade-handcrafted in India tagline' becoming solicited in

    luxury circles. A New Revival is on the cards in India as FICCIaimsto develop the Luxury Goods and Fashion Industry and

    open dialogue with Industry bodies, fashion and private equi ty

    and investment for growth of India Indigenous Luxury' .

    I n S ep te mb er 2 00 8 R up ee w as r ul in g a t R s 4 7/ U S

    weakening by about 20% since January 2008. The present

    (September) exchange rate of Rupee / Euro was also foundto weaken by about 17-18% over the exchange rate in January


    FICCI lifestyle forum

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    What will sponsors or attendees benef it by being a part of FLF and the

    launch (attach sponsorship grid and payment gateway) the launch FICCI lifestyle

    forum will bring together key players in Indian luxury sector to initiate membership

    interact, dialogue and promote India as afuture manufacturing hub for globalfashion and luxury goods. The sponsors will gain an edge with their association

    with the forum and media coverage as this the first business forum and fashion

    lifestyle sector in India. They will be involved in future roundtable and shape

    policies conducive to develop India Indigenous brands and development of luxury

    sector in India, as members of FICCI Lifestyle Forum. Our next Endeavour, FICCI lifestyle forum

    comite Colbert meet is confirmed on ist October in Paris exclusively foe FICCI lifestyle

    forum members further participation detail will be available shortly.

    1. Who should attend and be a member of the FICCI Lifestyle


    2. Indian Brands looking at creating luxury positioning

    3. Luxury Brands entering India from France, Italy, Spain,

    Germany, US, UK

    4. DIPP and Ministry Brand Franchisee's who have entered

    into JV'sof 49-51% partnership

    5. of Commerce and Industry

    6. Real Estate majors

    7. Luxury Hotels and Spas, Oberoi, Ananda spa, Taj Aman

    resorts. Four seasons ayurveda resorts.

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    8. Luxury Airlines

    9. comite Colbert france altagamma Italy wallpole UK luxury

    institute US to effectivelyutilize our partnerships with these


    10. Ministry of Human Resources for Skill development of crafts

    and promote Employment and Education

    11. Ministry of Civil Aviation

    12. Lifestyle and Fashion Editors Vogue, Verve, L'officiel

    13. Be a member of the FICCI Lifestyle Forum

    14. Be a member of the FICCI Lifestyle Forum

    15. As a member you will gain an edge by associationwith the

    FICCI Lifestyle Forum, as this is the first business forum on

    fashion and lifestyle sector in India.Our next meeting for

    FICCI Lifestyle is slated for 1st October with Comite Colbert

    in Paris for our members. Members will be involved in futureroundtables and shape policies conducive to develop India

    Indigenousbrands and development of luxury sector in India

    In lieu of services and platform rendered by FICCI for


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    16. Roundtables of FICCI Lifestyle Forum in France, Italy and


    17. Tabling issues and creating impetus for Indian Luxury Brands

    to emerge and sustain18. Provide reach through B2B's with key markets in France,

    Italy, Spain for skill-integration

    19. Events and road shows with Committee Colbert, Walpole

    20. Education and employment generation in this sector.

    21. Support the sector growth by mou's with International

    training institutes in lifestyle, fashion and design - Essec,Paris, SDA Boccioni, Milan, FIT, New York

    22. Nurture Indian talent for future of the lifestyle sector and

    India Indigenous brands.

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    FICCI is the rallying point for free enterprises in India. It has

    empowered Indian businesses, in the changing times, to shore up

    their competitiveness and enhance their global reach. With a

    nationwide membership of over 1500corporate and over 500

    chambers of commerce and business associations, FICCI espouses

    the shared vision of Indian businesses and speaks directly and

    indirectly for over 2,50,000 business units.

    It has an expanding direct membership of enterprises drawn from

    large, medium, small and tiny segments of manufacturing,

    distributive trade and services. FICCI maintains the lead as the

    proactive business solution provider through research,

    interactions at the highest political level and global networking.

    Set up in 1927, on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi, FICCI is the

    largest and oldest apex business organization of Indian business.

    Its history is very closely interwoven with the freedom movement.

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    FICCI inspired economic nationalism as a political tool to fight

    against discriminatory economic policies. That commitment, drive

    and mission continue in the ever-changing economic landscape of

    India, chasing always newer agenda. In the knowledge-driven globalize economy, FICCI stands for quality,

    competitiveness, transparency, accountability and business-

    government-civil society partnership to spread ethics-based

    business practices and to enhance the quality of life of the

    common people

    Core Competence

    1. A reservoir of experience and expertise indiverse fields

    2. Quality service provider

    3. Forum for continuous government-industryinterface for evolving a

    shared vision oneconomic matters

    4. Information superhighway for corporate in India and abroad

    5. Rallying point for track-two businessdiplomacy for promoting global

    trade and investment

    6. Professional Committees on all segments of the economy

    7. Highly trained, experienced and accomplished multidisciplinary

    intellectual capital as its Secretariat

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    8. Internationally acclaimed state-of-the-art office infrastructure for

    conferences, board meetings and business consultations

    9. Specialized organizations and think-tanks toaddress the present and

    futuristic issues and challenges

    10. Strong database with connectivity to everyconceivable networks to

    access and providedata online to industry, government and business


    11. Professional approach for evolving quicksolutions to economic and

    industrial issues

    12. Perspective groups to visualize the futurechallenges and requirements

    of the industry

    13. International Business Forum to help and guide overseas business


    14. Institutionalized advisory groups to providecustomized consultancies in

    quality assurance,

    15. energy auditing and sustainable and environmental issues

    16. A state-of-the-art food testing laboratorywhich has been the referral

    point for theemerging multi-billion food industry in thecountry

    17. Well-conceived social outreach programmerstargeted at the civil


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    18. Strong global connectivitys

    Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee of FICCI consists of industry leaders who hold a

    pride of place in thebusiness landscape of the country. Among them

    aresome of the key innovators, wealth creators and employment providers.

    Their contributions to thenational economy are immense and varied.

    Intellectual CapitalHighly qualified multidisciplinary Secretariat consisting of economists,

    MBAs, IT professionals, fiscal and financial analysts, lawyers, etc., who can

    provide business solutions and guidance on industry issues like quality,

    market access, taxation, economic policies, etc. The intellectual capital is

    ever-expanding to address newer areas and wider issues.

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    FICCI National AffairsFICCI has played a proactive role in evolving theeconomic policies of the

    nation both in the pre- Independence and post-Independence period.

    TheGovernment has been consulting FICCI whileevolving and implementingall major economic

    policies of the country. The Government of India Act of 1936, Bombay Plan,

    Five-Year Plans, etc. are some of the major economic policy instruments

    that werediscussed threadbare in the FICCI forum. That partnership

    between the Government and FICCI continues. Thirty-four specialized

    committees of FICCI on diverse segments of the economy grapple with

    sectoral issues on a day-to-day basis to provide solutions to business and to

    suggest pragmatic policies to the Government.

    Global ConnectivitiesFrom Nikita Khrushchev to Vladimir Putin, President Eisenhower to Clinton

    were the hosts of FICCI. That unique international networking and

    interactions at the highest level have helped the Indian business community

    to expand their business horizon. From the League of Nations (the precursor

    to the United Nations) to the World Trade Organization (WTO), FICCI has

    maintained organic relationships, which have blossomed into effective

    partnerships and exchange of ideas. Consultations with the heads of

    multilateral organizations like UNIDO, UNEP, ILO,GATT, WTO, World Bank,

    IFC, WIPO, ADB, etc have been a feature of FICCI activities to strike credible

    communication channels with these organizations to amplify the business

    point of view on developmental matters. These track two businessconsultations with multilateral organizations have resulted in forging

    effective partnerships in implementing projects and reinforcing the views of

    developing countries in the global development agenda.

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    Joint Business Councils

    Joint Business Councils (JBCs). FICCI's track twobusiness diplomacy with

    India's trading partners,open up new business opportunities to

    Indianbusinessmen with overseas investors, technologysuppliers,

    multilateral and bilateral fundingagencies. JBCs formed with over 69

    countries, including the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the People's

    Republic of China regularly meet to takestock of the bilateral issues and to

    frame newer policy initiatives to take the two-way trade and investment to

    newer heights.

    FICCI is also the nodal point for the Indian

    Chapters of:

    1. Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry


    2. G-15 Federation of Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (G-15


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    3. Indian Ocean Rim Business Forum (IORBF)

    4. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

    5. SAARC Chambers of Commerce and Industry

    Allied Organizations

    Forum of Parliamentarians

    1. The India-U.S. Forum of Parliamentarians

    2. The Indo-British Forum of Parliamentarians

    3. The Indo-German Forum of Parliamentarians

    4. The India-European Union Forum of Parliamentarians

    5. The India-Japan Forum of Parliamentarians

    6. The India-Singapore Forum of Parliamentarians

    7. The India-Pakistan Forum of Parliamentarians

    Annual General Meetings

    Annual General Meetings of FICCl have beenimportant national economic

    events. Thecontemporary developmental issues facing thenation are

    discussed and debated by the political leadership, business and the

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    academia. These events have helped the Government of India to take stock

    of the developmental initiatives and to evolve policy corrections based on

    industry responses. FICCI has always stood behind the nation in the hour of

    crisis. It is committed to free enterprise and competition. That is the key to

    enhance the quality of life of the people and to build a new, dynamic and

    vibrant India.

    Think Tank

    FICCI Think Tank consists of eminent economists, planners, civil servants

    and industrialists who meet regularly in structured monthly meetings to


    important macro level issues confronting the nation. A background note for

    the meetings is usually prepared by one of the distinguished economists and

    final recommendations will be submitted to theGovernment.


    World-Class Infrastructure

    Located in the heart of New Delhi, in a sprawlingcompound, FICCI

    headquarters have the world-classinfrastructure. There are seven different

    halls havingcapacities ranging from 16-600 - a meeting hub for business


    FICCI Lifestyle Forum

    Comite Colbert Roundtable - October 1st 2008, Paris

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    In keeping with our dialogue with partner countries FICCI signed an MOU

    with Comite Colbert on 1st June 2006 to promote dialogue and

    creativitybetween Indian and French brands in 2006. To further this

    endeavor, The first meeting is going to be in Paris on October 1st for FICCI

    LIFESTYLE FORUM-COMITE COLBERT Roundtable- a joint Indo-French

    endeavor for the Indian Lifestyle Industry.Comte Colbert of France, a huge

    umbrella which, holds the names of 68 French luxury brands under one roof.

    In this meet CEO's and Heads from French brands will interact with Indian

    brand CEO's and owners of India Indigenous brands to create and sustain a

    dialogue, and help inward and outward integration in this sector.The half day

    programme and delegation will be led by Mr. Ness Wadia asChairman and

    Mr. Mehul Chowksi Co-chairman of Ficci Lifestyle Forum on 1st October,

    2008. Hon'ble Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Kamal Nath has

    agreed to preside over the meeting and deliver keynote address.This is a

    rare opportunity to create dialogue, develop synergies and exchange best

    practices with French Luxury Brands.

    An Overview Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

    (FICCI) has collaborated with the world'sleading organization for quality in

    the USA,namely, the American Society for Quality (ASQ). A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between the two organizations at a

    signingceremony held on May 18, 2005 at Seattle at the time of the ASQ's

    World Conference on Quality and Improvement. The Annual Conference

    which beganon May 15, 2005 culminated on May 18, 2005 withthe signing of

    the Agreement. Over 2000 delegatesincluding 220 international delegates

    attended theannual International event in its 59th year of functioning.

    Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry as the National

    Apex Chamber of Commerce and Industry with headquarters in New Delhi

    and offices in several Indian States and overseas has a special wing for

    education, training,consulting and carrying the quality movement in India for

    over 15 years. It is now, popularly knownas the FICCI Quality Forum (FQF).

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    FICCI Quality Forum

    FICCI Quality Forum (FQF) is the management consulting division of

    FICCI.FQF is facilitatingbusiness organizations in India and other developing

    countries to enhance global competitiveness through training and

    consultinginterventions using the best practices adopted byleading

    companies in the world. To get theknowledge and training skills on latestmanagement tools and techniques, FICCI hasnetworked with premier global

    knowledgeresources such as American Society for Quality,USA, LEAN

    Enterprise Academy, UK, Kaizen Institute, Japan etc.

    American Society for Quality

    The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is theworld's leading authority on

    quality. With more than 100,000 individual and organizational members,this

    professional association advances learning,quality improvement, and

    knowledge exchange toimprove business results, and to create better

    workplaces and communities worldwide. As champion of quality movement,

    ASQ offerstechnologies, concepts, and training to quality professionals,

    quality practitioners, and everydayconsumers, encouraging all to Make Good

    Great. ASQ provides professional training and certificationthat are

    considered as global benchmark and utilized by leading organizations around

    the world to set objective criteria to assess competency of quality


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    ASQ & FICCI Professional Certified Training Programs Offered in India

    Lean Manufacturing

    Lean Service

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  • 8/3/2019 Role of FICCI in Indian Ex


    FICCI Suggestions for

    the R & D Policy

    of Indian Textiles Sector

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    Currently, Indian Textiles sector contributes about 14% to industrial

    production, 4% to the GDP, and 17% to the country's export earnings. It

    provides direct employment to over 35 million people. The Textiles sector is

    the second largest provider of employment after agriculture. However, the

    Indian textiles industry has only a small fraction of revenue derived from

    innovative, technology intensive or emerging products. Our strength has

    very much been in commodity products susceptible to intensecompetition and few entry barriers. FICCI believes to make the textiles

    sector fundamentally strong and foray in emerging areas, there is a

    need to develop a comprehensive R & D policy for Indian Textiles sector.

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    FICCI has suggested below some of the outlines of R & D policy for Indian

    Textiles Sector.


    To achieve significant share of Indian textiles in global markets of

    advance technology based products and high value added items and

    strengthening the capacity of domestic stakeholders in the area of

    environmental friendly textiles.

    Research to be need based & industry focused.

    To develop new processes and innovation for productivity improvement and

    cost reduction To facilitate adoption of new materials. Competitive edge for Indian textiles

    industry will come not only from improvement in processes but also by

    adoption of new materials.

    Give special attention to emerging areas such as nano technology,


    technology, bio-technology, membrane technology and energy managementetc

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    To explore and apprise industry about environment management, eco-

    friendly processing, carbon credit etc

    Special focus on materials that reduce carbon footprint and are

    obtained from

    renewable sources.

    Encourage adoption of advance synthetic fibers and understand the

    applications of genetic engineering, bio-technology, and cellular biology

    in both natural and synthetic fibre-base deepening efforts for Innovations

    in design & development

    To encourage IPR adoption in Industry.

    Focus R&D initiatives on high-end product development in apparel,

    home and technical textile areas Encourage Indigenization of imported

    machines and equipments

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    Spread knowledge on state of the art products and processes

    Government Support

    Formation of a National Textile Research Council with

    participation of Government, institutions, academia and

    industry which will act as a steering committee to initiate and monitor

    R&D in the country.

    Government could create a National Consortium which should bring

    together various stakeholders in the Textile value chain to quickly adopt new


    Financial support in the form of Grants for State-of-the-art machines and


    (spinning to garment processing) at each TRA and leading

    Government/Government- Aided Engineering colleges/institutes to carry out

    research on latest and emerging technologies.

    Special incentives for easy adoption of those technologies that reduce

    carbon footprint.

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    There should be ongoing review and evaluation of research work to ensure

    benefits from R&D to the industry.

    Awareness on practices and on intellectual property to encourage


    National R&D Awards to industry for development of new products &

    processes in textiles.

    Industry-Academia Linkages

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    PPP Models for the projects undertaken by Educational Institutes and the

    TRAs on applied research and need based and industry focused research.

    Frequent Industry-Academia interaction to include industry requirements

    and update course curriculum of different colleges and research institutes

    Incentives could be given to Academia based on industrial relevance of

    their research and development work and matching funding from Industry.

    Empanelment of industry experts on Academic Advisory committees of

    the colleges /institutes of textiles the research work should be applied in

    nature and relevant to the needs of the industry

    International Linkages

    International experts should be at the board/ advisor level in Indian



    Sign MoUs with leading international research institutions forconducting joint research projects

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    Sign MoUs with leading universities/institutes/colleges for conducting

    joint academic programmes at Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels

    Measures to promote technology development and innovation

    Government can adopt innovative technology either locally or

    internationally developed into their own program to serve as role models for

    the industry

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    Create Incubation centres for technology transfer and acceptability by the


    Benchmarking domestic R&D spend with other countries both at national

    level and firm level

    Future Areas to Concentrate

    Sustainable solutions in the textiles industry are the need of the hour.

    There should be increasing research on developing practical recycling

    technologies that can take existing Synthetic fibers back into the textile

    supply chain.

    Development of specific and multi functional textiles

    Development of eco-friendly & sustainable linkages is key to competitiveness

    Research on making the existing processes more energy efficientDevelopment of coated textiles for various sports and multifunctional


    IT integration of the industry

    Development of protective textiles (bacteria protective, ballistic resistance

    textiles etc.)

    Development of composites for automotive, aerospace and architecturalapplication

    Development of non-wovens for apparel, medical and specialty


    Development of electro-textiles for communication and health


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    Design & Development of Indigenous textile production machinery,instrumentation and automation

    Development of new medical devices based on textiles materials

    Allocation of funds

    National Textile Research Council : Rs. 30 crore (Seed Money) + Rs.

    10 crore

    (Annual Grant)

    TRAs (Textile Research Associations) :

    (Rs. crore)



    Funds per Total


    For 8

    For 1


    For 5


    Machine and 4 20 160Grant for research 2 10 80Non-Plan Grant 2 10 80

    Total (A) 8 40 320

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    Government/Government aided Engineering Colleges :

    (Rs. crore)



    Funds per Total

    Funds F or For 1 For 5Machine and 1 5 95

    Total (B) 1 5 95

    Total Funds needed for 5 years: Rs. 495 crores

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    CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Nitin Bansal , Student of BBA (B&I) 2008-2011 has

    done her live summer training project under my guidance and supervision.

    She has completed the project titled ROLE OF FICCI towards the partial

    fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Insurance) from

    Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University under my guidance.

    During her project she was found to be dedicated, sincere and attentive to

    small details whosoever told to her.

    I wish her luck and success in future.

    (Ms.Sonali Sharma)

    Project Guide

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    The present work is an effort to throw some light on ROLE OF FICCI.

    The work would not have been possible to come to the present shapewithout the able guidance, supervision and help to me by number of people.

    With deep sense of gratitude I acknowledged the encouragement and

    guidance received by my organizational guide Ms.Sonali Sharma and other


    I convey my heartful affection to all those people who helped and supported

    me during the course, Especially Ms.Sonali Sharma, Internal Faculty (KRCHE).

    I am also thankful to Ms.Richa Sharma, Project Coordinator for their guidancethroughout the project.


    Enrollment No. : 07919301710

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    Gupta, C. B , Publisher: Sultan Chand and Sons 2008 , 2nd revised ed. Jhingan, M.L, Practices of Banking Laws, Edition 2007.

    Gorden.k, Natrajan.k, Banking Theory, Law and Practices (2008),

    Himalayan Publications, 20th Revised Edition.


    Market research is often needed to ensure thatwe produce what customers

    really want and not what they think they want. It is a way to systematically

    solve the research problem it may be understood as a science of how

    research is being done scientifically, understand it be the study the various

    steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in study his research

    problem along with logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcherto

    know not only the research mathodology. It refers to a search for knowledge.

    Research is this and original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge

    for its advancement.

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    It is persuit of truth with the help of study.


    There are two sources of data collection-


    It involves collecting the information fromits origin. Primarydata is the first

    hand information collected by the marketer. This method of data collection

    is expensive and time consuming.


    It involves using information that others have already put together. When we

    collect information through public sources it is known as secondary data




    A form of conclusive research that aims to describe a product or market or

    identified association among variables.


    In the explanatory research each and every thing is well explained. A style of

    reasearch in which the primary goal is to understand the nature or

    machenism of the relationship between the independent and dependent



    This reasearch is conducted in to an issue or problem where these are few no

    earlier studies to refer. The focus is on gaining in sites and formality for later

    invetigation. Here data is often quantitative and statistics applied. It is used

    to identify and obtain information on a particular problem or issue .

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    Finally casual or predictive reasearch seeks to explain what is happening in a

    particular situation.