Role of Animals in Hindu Tradition

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  • 7/29/2019 Role of Animals in Hindu Tradition


    The role of Animals in the Hindu Tradition

    By Vishal Agarwal

    In many other religions, animals are just considered an ornament to human beings. It is even

    questioned if the animals have souls. Therefore, there is no guilt attached to eating meat.

    In Hindu Dharma however, animals are regarded as living creatures with a soul like human

    beings, even though their minds are not as evolved as human minds. This section describes how

    Hindu scriptures treat animals with respect.

    Animals as Recipients of Divine Grace: In the Hindu

    tradition, animals and plants are not regarded as mere

    objects for wanton human use and consumption. Rather,

    they are equally alive just as human beings are, and

    deserving of Divine grace and human compassion.

    Numerous Hindu prayers include animals as beneficiaries of

    Gods blessings and mercy. The traditional recitation of the

    Rigveda (the first of the four Vedas the most

    authoritative scriptures of Hindus) ends with the

    benedictory words sham chatushpade (May God give

    peace to the quadrupeds). The very first section of the

    second Veda, the Yajurveda 1.1, ends with words

    yajmaanasya pashuunpaahi, which asks God to protect

    the animals belonging to the worshipper. Several Hindu

    scriptures such as the Puranas describe instances of animals earning salvation due to their

    devotion to God. For example, the Gajendramoksha episode in the Bhagavata Purana 8.3

    narrates the miraculous devotion of an elephant, which caused Lord Vishnu to manifest and

    grant salvation to the creature. It is a very common Hindu

    practice to have animals blessed by priests in temple


    God in Animal Form, Animals as Helpers of God: In

    Hinduism, God himself is said to have manifested in the animal

    form several times to save human beings and the creation ingeneral. For e.g., Lord Vishnu incarnated as a tortoise, fish, boar

    and a half-lion.

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    Even when God is said to have manifested in a

    human form to protect truth, animals are said to

    have contributed in many ways in furthering His

    purposes and tasks. As a result, many animals

    are considered sacred by Hindus, and killingthem is forbidden. For e.g., monkeys are sacred

    creatures for Hindus because one of their kind -

    Lord Hanuman, a very popular Hindu deity, is

    considered an exemplary devotee who served

    Lord Rama (a manifestation of God) and helped

    him achieve His divine goals as narrated in the

    Hindu epic Ramayana. The Sundara Kanda

    section of this epic narrates the deeds of

    Hanuman and is singled out for public recitation

    by Hindus even today.

    Animals as Teachers of Mankind: The good qualities of animals are sometime held as

    examples for human beings. In such sacred narratives in Hindu scriptures, these animals are

    likened as teachers of mankind. For example, Lord Krishna, in his last sermon (called the

    Uddhava Gita), narrates the tale of a Hindu ascetic who learns numerous ethical and spiritual

    values by observing the good characteristics of animals such as bees, ants, pythons, spiders and

    so on. For example:

    The ascetic should live the life of a bee, accepting little alms from several homes,

    so that he does not burden any particular home too much, and take only thatmuch which fulfills his hunger. A

    clever man takes the essence from

    multiple sources and scriptures,

    just as the bee extracts nectar

    from several flowers. Bhagavata

    Purana 11.8.9-10

    The ascetic calls these animals as his

    teachers (Bhagavata Purana 11.9.24).

    In Hindu spiritual traditions, the fact that

    animals also have spiritual potential is

    narrated through several stories. For e.g.,

    Adi Shankaracharya (~700 C.E.) is said to

    have seen a vision of the Lord and his

    speech, the four Vedas, as a barbarian accompanied by four ferocious dogs in the holy Hindu

    city of Varanasi. The vision made him realize that the same Soul pervades the entire creation,

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    and prompted him to compose the Maneeshapanchakam hymn, whose verses narrate this


    Hindus also have several collections of parables and fables (similar to Aesops fables) such as

    the Hitopadesha and the Panchatantra (~200 BCE) in which the actors of the stories are

    animals. These animals act and behave like humans, and their dealings with each other conveyenduring edifying teachings for human beings.

    Hunting of Innocent Animals:

    Hinduism condemns hunting, when it is practiced as a sport or as a source of livelihood.

    Hunting was permitted only for members of the martial class so that they could enhance their

    archery skills. Nevertheless, Hindu scriptures consider hunting as a royal vice and offer

    numerous examples of instances where even Kings had to suffer terrible consequences as a

    result of their addiction to hunting. E.g., King Dasharatha accidentally killed the devoted son

    Shravanakumar mistaking him for a dear during a hunt. The parents of Shravanakumar cursed

    the king that he too will die from grief of separation from his son. The curse materialized later

    when Lord Rama, his son, was exiled by the machinations of his step-mother Queen Kaikeyi.

    King Dasharatha could not bear the departure of Rama, and died of grief.

    The composition of the famous Hindu epic Ramayana is said to have been triggered by the

    melancholy felt by Sage Valmiki when he heard the piteous wails of a female bird whose male

    partner was killed by a hunter (Ramayana 1.2.9-41).

    Draught Animals:

    Likewise, Hindu scriptures advocate compassion for animals when they are used as means oftransportation or as beasts of burden. Some relevant verses might be cited below -

    He shall not travel without rest with animals that are young, diseased or in some

    other pain. Nor with animals that are deficient in limbs (or have injured limbs);

    nor with weak animals; nor with young bulls (or cows); nor with untrained

    animals. Vishnu Dharma Sutra 63.13-17

    He should not satiate his hunger and thirst without first giving water and grains

    to his animals. Vishnu Dharma Sutra 63.18

    He should always travel with animals that are well trained and swift, and have

    good characteristics, color and appearance, without whipping them too hard to

    drive them. Manu Smriti 4.68

    Hindu scriptures lay limits on how cattle can be used to plough land. These rules are based on

    the premise that draught cattle must be treated with compassion and kindness. Some rules

    may be cited below:

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    People with conviction in Dharma yoke

    eight (8) bulls to pull their plough,

    although some might just employ six (6)

    to be practical. A cruel man yokes only

    four (4) bulls to plough his field and hewho employs just two (2) bulls is guilty

    of killing a cow. Atri Samhita 1.219

    (Apastamba Smriti 1.22 has a similar

    verse. See also Parashara Smriti 2.8b-


    A ploughshare drawn by two (2) bulls

    should be used only for three (3) hours,

    by four (4) bulls only till mid-day (i.e.,

    for 6 hours), by six bulls for nine (9)

    hours whereas one drawn by eight (8) can be used for the entire day. Atri

    Samhita 1.220

    Dairy Cattle:

    Milk and milk products form an important part of the diet of Hindus, even if they are

    vegetarian. Once again, Hindu scriptures prescribe compassionate treatment of dairy cattle.

    The colostrum of a cow was reserved for the newly born calf. Riding cattle was prohibited

    (Manu Smriti 4.72), and a portion of milk from the cow was first collected specifically to feed

    the calf, before milk was collected for humans. It is well known that the cow is considered a

    sacred animal by Hindus. Killing a cow intentionally was a punishable capital offense. Humaneand loving treatment of dairy cattle was implied in Hindu teachings contained in the

    Mahabharata according to which cattle should be protected from blazing sun by constructing

    roofed sheds for them, no obstruction should be placed in their path, and they should not be

    injured in anyway. Some verses in Hindu scriptures also state that a calf must not be disturbed

    when he is suckling milk, and that if a cow gets stuck in mud, every attempt must be made to

    extricate it (Parashara Smriti 11.41-42).

    Moral and Legal Rights of Animals:

    Although animals can be sold and purchased, they are living creatures and have a right to life

    and happiness. Hindu scriptures prescribe atonements and penances for even accidental killing

    of animals, birds, insects and aquatic creatures (e.g., Manu Smriti 11.69, 71). These penances

    are required to atone for killing not just domesticated creatures, but even for wild creatures

    (Manu Smriti 11.132-142). The intentional killing of a cow in particular is considered a cardinal

    sin in Hinduism, especially if that cow is pregnant.

    Animals also have legal rights in Hinduism, and the state can punish a person who assaults not

    just a human being, but also an animal. For e.g.,

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    If someone hits a human being or an animal in order

    to cause them pain, the King shall impose a punishment

    on the perpetrator of the assault in proportion to the

    severity of the pain caused.Manu Smriti 8.286

    Likewise, if a vehicle driver kills or injures animals by running

    over them, he is punished by the state his carelessness (Manu

    Smriti 8.295-298).

    In Love with Animals:

    Hinduism does not treat animals in a condescending manner,

    even while recognizing the fact that humans are endowed with

    superior intelligence and power. The notion that animals

    possess a soul just like human beings is considered an obvious

    truth by Hindus. Hindu scriptures ask us to love animals, and

    also crave their love. For instance, Atharvaveda 17.1.4 prays - May I be dear to all animals.

    The love that man can have for animals is depicted in several Hindu scriptures such as the

    Vishnu Purana 2.13, which narrates the story of an ascetic Jada Bharata who forsakes his

    spiritual practices and therefore risks his own salvation so that he could take care of an

    orphaned fawn who would have died otherwise.

    The second Hindu epic named Mahabharata narrates the story of King Yudhishthira, an

    embodiment of truth, who is accompanied by a black dog till the very end. When the gods

    come to welcome the King, he refuses to enter Heaven till his faithful dog is also allowed to

    accompany him (Mahabharata 17.3.9-11). The gods are so enthralled by Yudhishthiras gestureof justice and compassion towards his dog that they declare that there is no equal to him in the

    entire heaven (Mahabharata 17.3.20). Several Hindu scriptures contain idyllic description of

    forest hermitages of Hindu sages where animals gathered to escape from hunters and lived


    Mans Duties towards Animals:

    According to Hinduism, the compass of our moral duties includes acts that benefit animals.

    Hinduism recognizes the fact that humans have to indulge in some inevitable violence against

    animals to produce and process food (Manu Smriti 3.68-69). Hindu scriptures therefore

    prescribe feeding stray animals, insects and birds before eating every meal as a daily duty(Manu Smriti 3.92). This duty is termed as the Balivaishvadeva Yajna (or Worship to All

    Deities) to indicate its importance.

    Hinduism promises great rewards for philanthropists who construct wells, ponds, lakes and

    gardens. In fact, such acts are considered one of the hallmarks of a true worshipper in this verse

    said by Lord Vishnu-

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    They, who lay out gardens, get ponds and wells dug and exert for their

    protection and preservation - these are the best devotees of God. Narada

    Puraa 1.5.62

    The important point to note here is that the intended beneficiaries of these gardens etc, were

    not just humans, but also stray and wild animals. This section of the scripture, enumerating thevirtues of true worshippers as narrated by God himself, starts with the wordsThey who work

    for the welfare of all creatures (Narada Purana 1.5.50), and not with the words They who

    work for the welfare of all humans.

    Often, a portion of the banks of a pond constructed was designed in such a way that stray

    animals could also walk down to water hole to quench their thirst. Hindus also considered it

    very meritorious to sponsor hospitals for treating animals in ancient times, a fact that is noticed

    by foreign travelers such as the

    Chinese traveler Hieun Tsang, who

    visited India in the 7th

    century C.E.

    Just as Hindu scholars composed

    texts on human medicine, they also

    compiled compendiums on

    veterinary medicine. For e.g., Sage

    Palakapya wrote the

    Hastyaayurveda on the treatment of

    elephants. This work still exists. Five

    works on Ashvaayurveda (or

    medicinal texts dealing with

    treatment of horses) were authoredby Hindu scholars, and at least 3 of them still survive.

    Humans and Animals

    Members of One Family:

    Animals are like ones own family

    members, and Hindu scriptures declare:

    Deer, camel, donkey, monkey,

    rats, creeping animals, birds and

    flies one should consider them

    like ones own children, and not

    differentiate between ones

    children and these creatures.

    Bhagavata Purana 7.14.9

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    Hindu scriptures ask us to show kindness to animals and refrain from injuring them or killing

    them without any valid purpose. And this duty must be pursued not just for preventing

    extinction of species and for preserving our biodiversity, but because animals also have as much

    birth-right to share Mother Earth as we humans have.