Role of an Individual in the Conservation of Environment


Transcript of Role of an Individual in the Conservation of Environment

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II year C.S.E ’B’

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There are several problems that affect our world today : crime,

war, overpopulation, ? And pollution is one of the most serious problems. It is growing

every year. More important, pollution, which we are creating, is destroying our sources of

resources. Global warming, oil spills, air pollution,? are resulted from our litter such as

exhausted from economies, broken ships. And we are suffering them : shortage of food,

shortage of water. If we don?t have the suitable way to prevent pollution, the results

won?t stop here. 

First, let talk about the supporting of our environment. Since prehistoric appeared, they

have been depended on the environment. Fruits were the main source of food in this age.

After revolutions, in spite of new inventions, we are still harvesting, collecting our food

from fields, seas, which belong to environment. Furthermore, we are breathing the air

made by trees. Our economies are operated by fossil fuels, or other sources of energy

from our environment. In fact, we really need environment, everything surrounding us. 

Because of its free supporting, we presume that environment is our

free servant and it won't be tired. It can become the most serious mistake of the human

race. We take everything from environment and we throw them away after taking all of

their values. We exploit resources as much as possible. When we have new advantages

from new inventions, we use them as the most powerful tools to abuse environment.

Under the pressure of development, global environment has been destroying

seriously .What we done now leads to the catastrophic problems which we have to cope.

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The biggest problem is climate changing and reducing of ozone. Economies keep

on growing and they release the large amount of carbon dioxide, which creates green-

house effect. According to the newest research, world’s temperature increased 0.6 Celsius

degree. And it is estimated to increase from 1.4 Celsius degree to 5.6 Celsius degree in

2100. Besides, CFCs has made the hole of ozone become bigger and bigger. 

Non-processed wastes from producing are dumped directly into

rivers and streams. It leads to shortage of clean water over the world, especially in Africa,

the continent with the minimum amount of rain. As the UN noticed, about 1.3 billion

people lack clean water to use. Furthermore, oil spills are destroying ocean step by step. 

The abuse of human has made many races extinct, which result in losing a lot of races

and genes. And lacks of food, medical material always goes hand in hand with them. 

Unarguably, environment is in the worst mood. But it isn’t too late to act. If we act early

enough, we can prevent the terrible result, which our new generation can suffer. Let act to

make the Earth become better place to live!.


An Environmental Conservationist, which is also known as a conservation scientist, is

an excellent job for anyone who loves nature and wants to preserve all of earth's natural

wonders. As a conservationist you need to, "Find your own ways to make less trash, and

help others to learn how to reduce, reuse, and recycle." (EPA). The job is a hands-on job

which means "spending a major portion of the workday outdoors without regard to

weather." (Easton 35) Though this doesn't seem like a scientific job to most people it is

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because it involves calculating the outcome of certain things on the environment. The

purpose of this career is to protect the environment and the people and wildlife that live

in it. The profession of environmental conservationist can be narrowed to certain fields.

Some people specialize in land water or soil conservation. There

are others who live for "addressing 'environmental racism', or the tendency to condone

poorer environmental conditions (hazardous waste dumps, illegal/abandoned dumps) in

areas populated mainly by people of color." (Morkes 187) It is required that you at least

have a bachelors degree to hold this job. Many people have Masters as well. Generally,

your pay depends on which degree you hold. Those who held doctorates has an average

pay of 52,162 dollars. Those who held their Berry 2doctorate in research for this field had

a higher salary which has a median of 61,451 dollars.

"In 2000, the median pay was $47,140" (Easton 90) This is a career

which is neither gender nor location specific. People with this career tend to travel to

where the problem areas are, which is why it isn't location specific. The problem areas

depend on which field someone specializes in. Both men and women hold this job. There

isn't a part of the job which requires either a male or a female to perform its task.

This job involves a lot of "treating, teaching, listening, counseling,

problem solving/creativity, designing, inventing, drawing/writing, and developing ideas

or programs." (Easton 35) It obviously requires a lot of hands on work as well as mental

work, which is demonstrated in the "problem solving/creativity, designing, inventing"

Easton 35) In addition to the required hands-on work, this is not a job for someone who

cannot work on a team. You have to be able to work with other people because working

as part of a team and working toward a shared goal is mandatory. Environmental

Conservation is labeled as a field that is hazardous, because as an Environmental

conservationist, you are " working with infectious materials, or where accidents are

common." (Easton 35) To perform this job, you need a lot of initiative because you need

to determine what needs to be done and often it can be a life or death situation for people

and/or animals. It is easy to get burned out in this career, due to "enduring long-term

stress and strain." (Easton 35) This is not a job people can have for a short time. This a

career that people commit their whole lives to.

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Berry 3 People with degrees in this field can be employed by

local, state or federal governments. It is also likely to be hired by an organization such as

the EPA( the Environmental Protection Agency). Through 2010, "Growth will be

strongest in state and local government thanks to efforts to protect the environment.

Growth will probably be less at the federal level, despite growing need in areas of soil

and water conservation." (Easton 89-90) It is estimated that "2,200 new jobs (will be

established) between 2000-2010." (Easton 36) The federal government currently employs

most of those in his field. There are agencies set up and people are hired by these

agencies which are branches of the federal government. "Such agencies Bureau of Land

Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service." (Morkes 190)

Even though the economy is failing and jobs are diminishing in most careers, this is a

career that will still have jobs.

This is a considerably young career. People have only held

jobs in these fields since the 1970's. "On April 22, 1970, more than 20 million people

participated in demonstrations, attended teach-ins, and listened to speeches about the

environment. It was, at this time, the largest demonstration in history." (Morkes 189)

Since 1970 there have been a lot more demonstrations. The numbers of participants are

increasing due to the growing awareness of increasing dangers to our environment. "The

watershed event, called Earth Day, inspired our country to recognize the importance of

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environmental issues." (Morkes 189) Every year on April 22, we celebrate Earth Day.

Many cities and towns have huge celebrations to celebrate the earth and demonstrations

to continue the spreading of awareness.Berry 4 All of Earth day and its festivities were

inspired by one man, one of the first environmentalists, Gaylord Nelson.

"The annual event, which continues to change the world today, grew

out of one man's frustration with federal government's inattention to environmental

issues. That man was Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin." (Morkes 189) Senator

Nelson proved that one person can get things started. He has inspired thousands. Though

he was the brain child behind Earth Day, he isn't alone in his environmental ideals. There

have been many before and after him, that share the same ideals.

One of the very first environmentalist, and the very first female

environmentalist was Rachel Carson. She lived was born in 1907 and died 6 years before

Senator Nelson's first earth Day. Ms. Carson "helped launch the environmental protection

movement with her book Silent Spring, which changed how many Americans thought

about pesticides." ( After researching this career and finding out as

much as I could about it, this is still the career I would like to have. I would like to

specialize this career into the field of Environmental Racism. I care deeply about the

environment and about preserving our natural recourses.

How Humans Can Contribute To Environmental Conservation Conservation is maintaining resources without hurting the

environment.   Conservation occurs when humans use unique techniques to harvest the

resources we have now as well as for future generations. Preservation occurs when

humans let the environment alone. Preservation of land means that the land will not be

drilled on or cut down such as wooded areas.   Those areas can maintain in their

untouched and intact state. 

I think national forests should be left in their natural state in which

resources are not used to benefit humans.   I do not think there is any way that we can

harvest resources in an environmentally friendly way without hurting something.   When

humans try to harvest resources from a forest something will see a negative effect from it

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if it is the animals, plants, and soil (etc).   Harvesting resources from the forest will also

disrupt people’s lives like the ones in video. Those people take pride in the land showing

people how beautiful it is on horse back rides. There are also not many national forests in

the United States left that are untouched and intact. Even though the man in the video

said America faces and economic supply crisis there is also other ways to find resources

other than killing our forests. I think America’s problem like the video stated is that

people take things for granted.   Everything is expected to be there and when it is not

people do whatever is necessary to get what is needed.   Instead of jumping to the easiest

possible solution like cutting down forests things should be thought out and saving the

environment should be the priority.

Saving Energy And Money

There are alot of ways we can all save electricity and money, and save a little piece of our

planet while doing so.

Top ten tips to save Electricity

1. Replace ALL bulbs in your home with CFL bulbs (the spiral fluorescent bulbs) This

can save you hundreds of dollars a year as well as reducing your energy used from the

power company, which makes you a little more earth friendly!

2 .Use less air conditioning when possible, This can be achieved by turning your a/c off

when your not home (its alot easier to cool a home in 30 minutes than to let the air run for

8 hours while your at work)

3 .Sleep in the dark and quiet! Just by turning the tv and fan off at night you can save

over 100.00 a year!!!!

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4.Turn off outside lighting after 1 am, instead of allowing the lights to run for eight or

more hours a night.

5.Keep the refrigerator door closed, and adjust the thermostat to keep it cold, but not

overly cold, try a med-low setting

6. Adjust your hot water heater down to 110 degrees to save money heating water, also

try using as little hot water as possible, washing laundry in cold water, can save you over

200 a year. Also consider using less hot water in the shower by taking a cooler shower or

shortening the time your in. You can also insulate your hot water heater, and water lines,

to make them more energy efficient!

7. Powered down computers when not in use! This is huge, computers suck alot of juice,

and therefore create alot of heat, causing your central   air  to run more often, costing you

money all the way around.

8. Do not use small electrical devices for lighting (nightlight) or pest control (device that

plugs in and emits a "sound" driving pests out) using these types of devices can raise your

electric bill 10-20 dollars a month.

9. Keep windows covered to prevent light from entering the home during the day, solar

radiation (sunlight) can be your air   conditioners  worst enemy. Just by using

solar blinds or cutains, or even window tint, you can cut cost's by as much as fifteen


10. Hang dry your denim! Not only does this prolong the life of your jeans, but taking

just 10 minutes off of a dry cycle can save you a few bucks, PER LOAD!!!

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How trees are useful:

Trees are useful to us in many ways.

1. Food: Trees give us food such as fruits. These provide us with excellent nourishment.

2. Wood: The wood from some trees such as teak, walnut, rosewood and oak is used to

make furniture. Wood from other trees is used as fuel for cooking and for warming


3. Paper: Paper is made from wood.

4. Medicines: Many trees are the source of useful modern medicines.

5. Shelter: The canopy of leaves and branches gives us shelter.

6. Climate: Trees provide cool shade. Many trees, for example, in a forest, can make the

climate pleasant and the air clean.

7. Rain: Forested areas get better rainfall compared to areas with no tree cover.

8. Oxygen: When trees respire, they release oxygen that all animals need

for their survival.

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Benefits of growing more trees:

Most people do not realise the benefits they can get by

growing trees. See the paragraph on usefulness of trees above. Imagine a farmer who

needs supplemental income from the farm. Why, he can grow some commercially useful

trees such as fruit-bearing ones or trees with hard wood such as teak or walnut.

Professional farming is known as "silviculture". Imagine a corporate HQ that has no

trees. Would a visitor be impressed or annoyed when he saw this? Just think how many

weary travellers would be benefitted by the stategic placement of shelters covered by

large canopies of trees? Just think about it and decide yourself.