
Ben Howard- Old Pine Primary task

Transcript of Roisin

Ben Howard- Old PinePrimary task

3:30-3:36The nature shots shown are the shots we will be primarily focusing on at the beginning of the sequence. The way in which the sunlight reflects through the plants onto the camera and close ups of plants make us feel that this part of the original sequence could be quite simple to replicate and recreate. The shots are taken from lower angles looking up and they need to be filmed in an area surrounded by trees. The final close up shot fades out into the next shot of Ben Howard singing.

3:37- 3:44The next shot shows Ben Howard singing the song to the camera. The shot comes up to his waste and the background has nature in it and so it continues from the first shots. The shot it filmed down a long road where no one else is walking or driving. We need to make sure that we go to an area where there are empty fields surrounding a path which the actor can walk down. The actor will then need to lip sing to the song as it is played so that we can edit the shots together to make it look as though he is singing.

3:45-3:58The next shots are of the clouds moving in the sky. The first shots seemed to have been filmed in the morning where the lights are bright and the sun is shining through. The clouds move around the sky at a fast pace, this is probably done through filming the same place over the day. The shots then go to the evening as you can see in the second picture as the light has gone and now the colours are dark with minimal light shining trough. We will have to get a camera and film the cloud for a lot of the day in different angles to ensure we have enough shots to edit together to make and accurate replicate of the original video.

3:59-4:35The next shots are quick ones flicking between close ups of Bed Howard singing and between the continuation of the clouds moving progressing through morning to evening. The shots need to be filmed individually so we will have a few cameras set up at different angles to the sky to show the clouds developing through the day. We will have to make sure that we film the shots on a cloudy day to ensure we will get the final shots that we are after. The other shot we will have to do is again the close up of the actor lip singing the song so that we can edit it all together. We can film the minute long song being sung by the actor then in the editing stages we can cut what we don’t need out.

4:36-4:40The final shot we are going to replicate is Ben Howard running away from the camera down the path. This is a 4 second shot that we are going to do and it is very easy. Once he stops singing the section of the song he turns his back and runs away. As Ben Howard runs away the shot becomes dimmed and slowly fades out.

We need to make sure we have all the small details perfected prior to shooting the shots to ensure that we get all that is needed. We need to make sure we film the sky shots on a day where it is cloudy and if we are using more than one camera to do so we need to make sure we have them ready. We also need to make sure that we get an actor who is confident to lip sing in front of the camera. The clothes that Ben Howard wears are not hare to replicate in our video as it is just jeans and a jacket.