roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ ·...

ByROXINNEERVASTi T he A ssociated Press '~MO ^ W ■■ T^C T n i Soviet Union,' ciqifcssinE .. possible expansion of t , club, announced Friday 11 semiannual talks on nu tion. The agreement came - round of consultations on ^read of nuclcartcchnol mllUarvaiipllcnllons.___ . A senior U.S, official, s] . of anonymity, told Ameri agreed tfial Qie 'U hit^ : . __ Union m eet evehi':s,ix_moi Her porl hono\ By jyilCHAEL L. GRA( T he Assoc^ tt^ P ress HOUSTON' - She ---------- olCBnnt-pnrplc-ciipc^v -------------- purplc-makeup from and tucks her svcUc 1 ' are into a skimpy purp: . Her name Is PriscUii - pig. But not your ordinar -------------- curacTg— ur-ure— i American Humane which on Friday gave Stillman Award, citln _ the year’s most heroic "This is quite an Robert O. Shannon director of tlie Housto the Prevention of Animals, whosc -agcnc ------ — Prisclila_;; boy from drowning 1 < "W e'reveryproudofh “ I’m all choked up ____ • toria Hcrbcrta. a “It'ssuchaUirlll.” Priscilla, then Just £ __ 22-pound piglet, wa; with Carol BurK "in wj chin” in LakeSomervil according to Ms. Burl' -T-T ^ ^^Ms. Hcrbcrta. - Ms. Burk’s son, Ant] far and began flounder "I saw Arithony go and screamed at him t( Priscilla,” she ^Id. went under. Secp)^ !i and noM can)e‘tQ i^ was like a miracle. Shannon said thaM edge, It’s the flrej^ won the award, which! = ----- Ms. Herberta-lshodl on the pig’s jiQtorlety v clals and television i ------ -Shesaidshe-alreadyhi ed for a spot on a tclcvlslon program an —H ospitc *dninte By DEAN s. MILLER —TImcs-Mews svritcr - - T\N^IN FALLS Ml Regional Medical C “ mlnisfrator BlllUums wt -the hospital .for.anollieEii poration of America Manj position after the new yea --------- Bums's- boss,- Chuck-: Thursday nigJit “Bill ha nn Iptnrocf In mavlaffjn^ --------- Bake^sold-Bum^Toti montfi' to say he was rci the hospital for a"slml ' larger hospitallalbe Rod ____ region 0^ Northeas Rrttfor said B 'im .D i^ Tx?nk salary rangfc fi ~ minlfitrator of a hospital l ‘■I have enjoyed my wc Valley Regional Medical living in Idaho, as that lifetime personal goal,” Friday afternoon'. --- ------ Bums co'nfjrmedjhatji — — ;tnov©^aftor-the'tiHLDtUic While he lias so fai -■ -hlm^l'f'to-managed. i 9 ^ ----------------- 7 79tl natl ^ • o g r ____________ ,:ma] Onit«t-Stataft>jnd-trt» -----H >lng concern a)}put the by 1 <f the world’s nuclear thel ly they will hold regular cou nuclear non-prolifera- ' “ botJ me during the fourth the; I on ways Co control the - - S mology-that could have—Sov _______________________ Jim: 1 , speaking on condition wot i^ lc ^ raportere ’IQ” monliis to te r-.'.T roiG 3 >red H ^CZVK . She an pnvlth-matching— im head to toe ie 100 -pound fig- jrple bikini. :Ula, and she’s a nary porker, ac-. DcnvBT^based le Association, ave Priscilla Its itlng the 4}lg as ' Die animal. m event,!’ saild executive iston Society for Cruelty to cncy nominated j-an^'U*ycar>old— g last summer. t> up,” said Vic- _a_ 45 :y.cac:old_^^B_:- wns”Priscmar-^^B*^ St a 2-monthold was swimming I water up 10my rvillconJuly29, lurk, a friend of \nthony Melton, dering. from Japi go underwater h o p in g . f( Tito grab hold of Johnny C Id. "They both television Is later her ears Pattl I i^||urface. It SPCA, w m K - ------------ttlCTESCOt knowl- she’s con\ ^iTtfe a pig.has “Why ' ch^ganlhl 928. makeup; lORlng to cash lft . c d r ------ ly commer- Darrell n appearances, fe^r of y has been book- A&M-Unl » West German h a d “ riod( and'E'TV^crew'—^ “You'll taladm m W estirvh owned, hos - • ' ■ says he wU HCA-owned Magic Vxilley Baker sal Center Ad-' three mam rwanls to leave' HCA“ itsilf itilospUal^Cor^ MVRMC. [anagement Co. ■ “ “ Bill Is a trear. -i_ ---- idld an cxo :k-Bakcr, said the const has exprcssed- hospltal—-I ready to leave and Clalbo: lockyJHountaln -re p la c e Dui eastern • United " Clalbom - - ____ _replacemer ms rcnclioa iils Irlbulisofl for an -ad- 'to sm&oUi alUilssizc. , ~‘~mlHl:jtMtlV work at Magic clans. Tha leal Center, and fill."Clalbc lat hod been a Dr. Roy il,” Biims'sald sharpest cr • • departure ' at he will try to pari. 1 woul UiuycaK MQUldllsjoi far restricted and needs, I. 'rather tfihn . employees- ^■^^Je'rbinc t s. Eiiehdsi^ 9threa^ar«je— --------- FHUG lational nuclear safeguards, igrecment formt^izes what hi niU practice._ ____________ -^le-sald-tbe-agroement-is-pai >y the United States and Sovle heir influence to promote safe nuntrles that may develop nuci “It represents a recognition >oth sides that there Is beocfli hese consultations',” the offlcla • Secretary of-State George >oviet-Poreign-MiniBter-Andr€ mnounce<i In 1982 that the vould hold bilateral consultatli ionprollferalion.Jhe.lasL.talkj ^eiKiaryin Vienna, Austria. JTh.e_,Unlted Statea.and Sov iria Hgrbprtft hnnsPrisr span is‘lnterested.She ’3also— . for an appearance with ’ Carson on' his late-night ion show. , Mercer of th e . Houston who Investigated w hether CUG aciUiilly WOK piace,'sojd— jnvlnced. / would someone want to Ip a story about It?” slie ask- ell Knabe, an as^latapi^ of animal science at Texas University, sald-Friday-he— 3doubt” a pig could swim. f'throW"lhern“In_th^water.;. nistrator- m bving^l lospltals under HCA. Bums ' wUl.consldep-worklng-rtt an led facility in the future. _ ' said Bums has turned down anagement positions within elf>^llc 71 ic has been, at i a very strong individual and xccptional Job in managing istructlon projcct,” said’ board” chairman Jack mlnatlon dateJiaaJxhin-seL. bom says HCA has. not yet . led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - m says Tie ^hopes J 3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill with mavbe the ribllltv 111 the road between,thc jd- hai' 5 ^a*rcjiliy''big'or(^^ Ibomspld. , :oy . Shaub, one of Bums’ critics recently, said Bums’ •e ''-would be weicome'on my ' ould like to find someone that ;tomo~myT>ntlents* cQnccnrh~ ds, and work wlUThospltel cs-to-build inorale.from the r62 - - me 59 Burley laleS2 JVteiha: . JRitar<> ds. He.said the among 11 t had been Infor- tematlon _______ _______ :_nuclear_i -part-of-th^ffo;^three-nat jvlet Union to use has slgnt afeguards among China haA iuclcar\vcapons: — India h. Ion on the part of Is widely leflt and merit to ty, and S Iclalsajd. Pakistan ge P. Shultz and weapons. idrel-A:-Gromyko—^ I c h a n ^le Iwo countries IwUhpilZ tatlons on nuclcar held in alk^-were held In Accordlni I. Tass, Kei Sovict-Union are Uio first d H r >' J p ^ [ - i isrilln. plg-citadioiUtfe 0and they’ll swlnrto shore h Khabe, however, said he It vouch for the Intelliger animal when It comes t< n person’s life. r As for prkHMn ghn w; d—good mood Friday dcsplt< tention. and seemed more 0 in digging with her pow( c- and eating grass. She si snorted-at-tHe award-p >- squealed in protest as IS lifted her on a table so h e—could be taken, ------------ “Probablytrucksick.” safd, -•• •- -- ■_■ r-express l& new p IS plnkLudlesonup.” in County Commissioner s a id ; the;_coninilffilqner! 'n some time ago, during in with IICA lor the new a at Bums would not rem hospital for the full Icrn id contract. ig Cover confirmed that n id’ have been su^csted by I :k a new admlnstrator will .weirverseainliealUi rc^i et—_Burns.sald.hls priorith et . malning time are to see to • corporate feslructurliig’ - ^ broaden tlie hospllal's r — and-to-moveintoTTTiuni •I— nucTiroduclng^eAtiircs ty . physirlnn’s Inhnratflrv { d- Jackpot. . n: A.lfl7l graduate ol me to .legeofVirglnlahospltali school. Bums came to 1979 from Papllllon, is' , Omaha, where he was a '.of the MltlTands Commii .for two^oars, Prior t'c [»~s ■ Nebraska. Bums worket -News,— Var,— as -a I t'G. jnlnis]rator. .I’v , ^ tello 66 - BliJ y49 File i 5 9 1 :: Lewis! ack 53 Post-F ■riTTirs Twin Falls, 119 coimtries that have signc )nal Atomic Kncri'y Agency '_non-prollfLratloK._/\mong-l ations-wlth-miclear-weaponi pied tlie agreement but,Frj lavenot. has expliRJl'd a nuclear devii ly believed to have a nuclear South Africa. Brazil. Arger in arc thought to be workingp IS. jrd Kennedyran-ambassador nimPTTihprt! »■ ; rinlf-gntlnn.ln Mokow Wednesday througl Ing-to the officlal Soviet new :ennedy also met Grigori Ki Ldeputy foreign minister. U.S ^ GO ' 'BySUSANI - -ThcAssoclai S}/mpathlzln because grams said -pose Icglsla education in ' ”I \Vould pulsory-atte ' taken away ,rcy. R-Nam broaden go^ people's llv freedoms. . The leglsl V news confcr said the Nal __ tlonlsmoiir broaden ”t; n forcompuls< • ^ _HWhaOh( _ t c a c h e r s . ’Ji.; -Boston[an^a ' "Jan Horse ir IHi=eirw TheMsoclal he could not WASHING cncc o| the Chief 01 Sto to saving a Friday Uiat is“anoptlor was mt In-a--siacnng;— lloa^ltho^- LeaderKilccI re lnlereslod . si„|,g wdcrcd noso concept snlttcd and Baker and plajuc-and- to as handlers ^unnln .her picture mark, and a ------------ slotfclilotc .'•herowner s|„„,havel> - ---------- But Dole 5 .-naklngsofi we ought to ____ I think thatlJ “There is ___________said. "G o^ there’s a m . cept.Jf wej formula for er Ann Cover’ Senate, I th :rs Were' told do it quickly g nego'liaUohs ■Reaganj i contract, that key budget •main at. - the snip and sh rm o( the new spending. t -------- in their til t no candidates’ wqjts^lrylng / HCA and said. package-for /ill have to bC’ that could ;^u]atlons.:___ DUlionTTiJin ties for the re- Interest on ee througli the at_some ^ g he says will Uial'tolal. ; rcvenuo base . .TEven un tmbcr of reve- some progr Ds-such“ as“ a": would " get" ’ and clinic In. less. Some \ ly. admlnlst le Medical Col- T TfeTense s il management ■ already be< to MVRMC In . tlnuegrowli , Neb., near wasstllllnc adminlstral.or Officials, lunlty Hospital condition th fo N^rl^gjn. irec 2c_\yas ced In Newport cutting T^ "'hospilin ad-” '<lirector"£Ji --revlewlngv ihl 60p Rock Icr 55 Dietri ston 86 ^-Blis ^!s^=rFerj s, Idaho' ____ __ gned Uie In-' did not unnoun :y treaty on no information g.thc.qUier ___ Tlie-dialrma ons. Britain energy commr FTAncc- and tlicSoviet deles Vladimir U )vice, Israel department of tarcapablll- told reporters gentina and Soviet Union gonnuclear tance” tostren tlon efforts, loraflarge: tomolko ac ugh Frlday. to prevertt the,; lews agency eluding their d Kornienko, countries, that J,S. officials - clear arm s; .... am pa )m pu1 ^LGALLAGHER_____ .'latedPrcss' A State representative zing with parents" Jailed they didn’t enter their lid Friday that-he will pro- slatlon-to-.end- compulsory- I In Idaho. old llko-to- see the com- ttcndance laws lifted ay,” said Rep. Robert For- ampa..Forrcy-sald.Uia.latfs_ government Involvement in live.9 and erode personal ;lslator appeared at a Boise fcrence vdth an author who National Education Assocla- jiinllng dangerous efforts to. "tyrannlcaf’' requirements ilsoty.educallon,_________ Ihey-want-ls-moro -jol)s-for_ "^saldLSnm ,BlumeQfeld.:ji, i^ajid_author o_f “NEA: Tro-_ 5in America." The book at- pport leroinQ— :lated Press NGTON - White House Staff James AT Baker said at a federal spending fcceze Ion that the president Is con- ect Robert J: Dole Indicated ngresslonal support for the md Dole met to dlscu^ what ut tHe massive federal defF" ling above the billion d afterwartl the White Hou^. f er^'asizedthal'"no^ecI* e been made’*by Reagan. . ie sald;-^'I thlnknherels-the- of maybe an agreement that to adopt the freeze concept; Qtls'abouLwhercivaare.!!___ Is a lot of support,” -Dole I^ c k andjook a t^ e votes of_ Is and Republlcarisn think majority Uiere for the con- ic can put together the right for a maiorllyroTvciTesTn tlie think we ought-to^io-lt-and- Uyncxtycar."'■ - - ij'meanwhile, niet with .his' :et aides to discuss where to slasino'cbntaln tlie rtkUhk' r talks, W hite.Houseomclals Ing to pul toget^r a budget for the upcoming fiscal year Id limit outlays to the J 830 _ 'QPc projected forthiryear. on the national debt, pegged snoTmilsinsnTlnciudcdln: .. under Uiat freeze- option, )gramiIlk¥ 5ottlarSecurityr jfmore'moncy-and-othera' le would t)c elmlnafed cntlre- lis'tratldhofflclaissald. ^ cspending, part of which has been set In law, would con- wlng/although by how much In dispute. Is, who would speak only on I ti$:y riot be IdentirrctTsald a /as_impUclt.. in . thc...deIlcJL-. recommendatloas budget- "DavId:SloicWnan‘'has*'Dccrr g with the president. - :kleina^3 ^ tric h 40 V is§44 ; Ge rry 37 -Ne c -y ------- ounce tlie meeting and there Ion on what was discussed. man.of.Uie.SQYlel.UnIon:s ate immlssion,' A.M. Petrosyants, elcgatlon in thelalks this week Lomclko, chief of the p of the Soviet Foreign Minis :rs in a separate briefing that )n attaches- “exceptional Im rengthenlng nuclear nonprolll "added~U»at“ Sovlet-Presl hc.spread.of nuclco£.^capon£ Ir deployment In space or an fiat )iave not previously had iiiw a [Isory _ tacks_whatBIiimenfcldcl political leanings and p Notional Education Assoc ve .Blumenfeld said that cd Boise to promote his book !lr hoped his appearance.wo 0 - months In the Payette Coi ry— Floyd and Roxy Shippy Cecilia Shlppy and Sam a 11 - Shlppy started sen sentences Nov. 15 after t )r- probation terms requlri f/s send their children to schi in 'T m . absolutely shoe lal treatm ent thc:Shippy fanr Ing at the hands of sc Blumenfeldsald. ho Forrey sald.he.wiU pro la- tlon that will "reaffirm I to. parents to oducnle, the Its wlUiout Interference of th ____ Idaho.p_ducation_A£SK or—utlve-blrectbr-l^n-RoI 0-. m e a s u r e . 1 It- ■‘Qbvlouslv..we.believc id ze n- ie at fF~- 3 n tie— at ■ it; tie nk in- Jit ^ -K —' - lldaH os ^ to Undi :ar The As.soclated Press ; 130 ~ ~ ~ :ed and Montana. ~in~' OurregrctsrNew-Ham Dakota and Delaware. )n. Goodbye. Alaska.-Vtir tyn)ukota'and Rhode Islam jra----- Wc’rcno-longerin-yot r£:._MinionClub; Due to a high birth ra las rate and-Influx of newpi 3 n- has been steadily Inchl ich population of one mllllor years. 1 ' on Probabjy.somctlme h i a mark was reached, Ala Btatc'schief hkd-count< gct~~jneans only 10 states ahi ^'r‘5 rtolUmbIa~have~tew - million residents.— ' - VR 72 - H e 7 ^ e y 4 iZ C a e n i^ e [ 6 ^ . ] e z ^ r f e e ^ 1 ^ ---------------------- r.. ------------ c n i ' 7 ^ 1” * •' . wuiuraa -e was Thtf.U.S. offlcla! sal strategic nuclear v/ei itom lc_in the_talks,ln_Mosco^ ts. ledr'os “Intenslvei—focui ek. _ _nonpj;olH'crallon. H e' press :liowever.' nistry, Lomelko also dldji lat Uie said the delegations c impor- wide range of problci lltera- the emergence of nc clear weapons.” isldcnt~T~Hc'said it-ls espec ,ns. in— states.. -. - imohg “Some potential n ad'nu- that committed to _ ___ American official sal tn tsic selro* claims arc the - pulsory-atten power of the tial element iociation. well-educate( at -he-vlslted ---- ^A 1976 bill ok, and that he tlonal was 1 •vould help the Butch Otter, kiuntyJair. cess. irln^'ther?^ “beautiful 1 IhoS Idaho citizen ocked at the imily Is suffer-. uThdrcrir f the state," ra,g,ng ^poseleBisla- 1 the ri^ts of— - •• -1 iielr children- Hesaldpul thestate.” Poo*" ociatlonExeci_ 9h.l|dreiU^ sme-saldJDnclMiel™ se Forrev’s ^ lteracy fate vc-thatacom- ...... ~ ::.pQpuuvTi __ -TinCTNR s a y s fare lerMifUoi > _ , The 1980 11 '■ residents of of 989,000peo mpshittj-South^Relying or ir.creasc {blr ermont, North to 14 ,000-anc Sa:— ^ ------- —rmi'gmtiorr-^ tnjrUnderOne-emigraillsn ^ . _upAvlththn.I rate, low death - He cstimi r-pomers. Idaho .now reached iilng toward a per square n on the past few There was . —— Ration clock, last Junfe, ^ e Itwecn advoi Ian Porter, the growth, upc UerrsaysrThat-mlllion miles md the D istrict -. Acouple o ;wemhan~t>ft(malf-hour“k , __ -»-Se6 lw H fajgiem ian 43 3 a m a s 42 . :Borah.76^ - R en aS S T raayTtSecember'l“ 19W IsaidthelssueofU.S.-Sovlet . v/eopons was'not dlscuspcd ____ ocualng on preci» lssu(» of-— He would not go into details. ' • • jdjiot go lnto.dctalls,.bul.he. ____ ins exchanged opinions “on a )blcms related lo preventing f new slates pos,sesslng nu- pecially-important-to-widen----------- al new suppliers are not all to nonproliferation,” tlie I said. oend^ )oH ng~ ttendance-law- Is an essen-— ; ------ ent in the development of a . :ated society,” Rollle said, bill to make schooling ep- os proposed by then-Rcp. \ ler, a Republican, but didn’t. Ing^to'the'Shlppys many” the focus of his remarks on ' • • Forrey ^callcd them a il family of outstanding. izens” who were denied the -oducate-tholr-chlldren-at -------- --- crime: living their liv« and ^ heir children according to p religious principles,.’. For- i public schools often provide lity instruction and expose to a wide range of pm hiom.*;,— -------- :drug an^ alcohol abuse. The fate In tfioTJiQlea StalcTIs e^O bl^w Pa^-^ ~ .............. ^ tfeftiNG- ^ <1 SHdll-H--: ATlOVi , - - Hfll • ~ DCi:>aQ° .M I ^ BHW |IIBji|w H a ^ _________ I « I2 HH™ «N~itrip>>ic/PA-nf_CKDAVlS : ew ell on Cliih 30 U.S. Census found 944.038 ; of Idaho, and the Census ----------- I people for July, 1983 . gon a.nflt annual “nntiirnr*________ (blrtlisoverdeatlis) of 13,000 ■and a l.OOO-per-y o a r nfet In— - — n ' •(lmml^tQils__-minu.s.:i t s n o f UielDflOsTPorter cam e h<».TnnoftntP ' tlmates the population'has heda,, about 12people * remlle. was no ticking off of a popu- )ck. no fanfare, no debate be*- • dvocates.and .opponents of upon the reaching of the ilc'ol state officials had for a r»Mcked-arou^u-the 4d^l«- ■ ee MILLION OQ Page A2

Transcript of roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ ·...

Page 1: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

B yR O X IN N E E R V A ST i T h e A sso c ia ted P ress

'~M O ^ W ■■ T^C T n i S o v ie t Union,' ciqifcssinE

. . p o ss ib le expansion o f t , c lu b , announced F rid ay 11

se m ia n n u a l ta lk s on nu tion.

T h e ag reem en t cam e - ro u n d o f consu lta tions on

— ^ r e a d of nuc lca rtc ch n o l m llU arvaiip llcn llons.___

. A sen io r U .S, o fficial, s] . o f anonym ity , to ld A m eri

a g re e d tfia l Qie 'U h i t^ : . __ U nion m e et evehi':s,ix_moi


hono\B y jyilCH AEL L . GRA( T h e Assoc^ t t ^ P ress

HOU STO N' - She ---------- olCBnnt-pnrplc-ciipc^v — -------------- purplc-makeup from

a n d tu c k s h e r svcU c 1 ' a r e into a sk im py purp:

. H e r n a m e Is PriscU ii - p ig .

B u t n o t y ou r o rd inar--------------curacT g— u r - u r e — i

A m e ric a n H um ane■ w h ich on F rid a y gave

S tillm an A w ard, citln_ th e y e a r ’s m ost heroic

" T h is is q u ite an R o b e rt O. Shannon

■ d ir e c to r o f tlie Housto th e P reven tion of A n im a ls , whosc -agcnc

------ — Prisclila_;;fqr-_saving.aiboy fro m drow ning 1< " W e 're v e r y p ro u d o fh

“ I ’m a ll choked up ____ • to r ia H c rb c rta . a

“ I t 's s u c h a U ir l l l .” P r is c il la , then Just £

__ 22-pound p iglet, wa;w ith C aro l BurK " in wj c h in ” in L akeSom ervil a cco rd in g to M s. Burl'

-T-T ^ ^^ M s. H c rb c r ta . -M s. B u rk ’s son, Ant]

f a r and b egan flounder " I sa w Arithony go

a n d sc re a m e d a t h im t( P r i s c i l la ,” sh e ^ I d . w e n t under. S e c p ) ^ !i a n d noM c a n )e ‘ t Q i ^ w a s like a m irac le .

S hannon sa id th a M ed g e , It’s the f l r e j ^ w on th e aw ard , w hich!

=----- “ M s. H erb erta -lsh o d lon th e p ig ’s jiQ torlety v c la ls a n d te levision i

------ -S h e s a id sh e -a lre a d y h ie d fo r a spo t on a tc lcv ls lo n p ro g ra m an

—H o s p i t c

* d n i n t eB y D EA N s . M ILLER

— —T Im cs-M ew s svritcr - -

T\N^IN FALLS — Ml R eg iona l M edical C

“ m ln is fra to r B lllU u m s w t— - th e hosp ita l .for.anollieEii

p o ra tio n of A m erica Manj p osition a f te r th e new yea

--------- B u m s 's - boss,- C huck-:T h u rsd a y nigJit “ Bill h a n n Ip tn ro c f In m av la f f jn ^

--------- B a k e ^ so ld -B u m ^ T o tim ontfi' to sa y he w as rc i th e hosp ita l fo r a " s lm l

— ' la rg e r h o sp ita l la lb e R od ____ reg ion 0^ Northeas

■ Rrttfor sa id B 'im .D i^Tx?nk sa la ry rangfc fi

~ m in lf itra to r of a hospital l ‘■I h a v e enjoyed m y wc

V alley R egional Medical liv in g in Idaho, a s tha t life tim e personal goal,” F r id a y afternoon'.

--- ------ B u m s co 'n fjrm ed jha tji— — ;tnov©^aftor-the'tiHLDtUic

W hile h e lias so fai -■ - h lm ^ l 'f ' to - m a n a g e d . i

9 ^----------------- 7 — 79tl

natl^ • o g r

____________ , :m a ]O nit«t-Stataft>jn d - t r t» -----H>lng concern a)}put th e by 1 <f the w orld’s n u c le a r thel ly they will hold re g u la r cou nuclear non-prolifera- ' “

botJm e during the fourth the; I o n ways Co control the - - S mology-that could h a v e —Sov_______________________ Jim :1, speaking on condition wot i ^ l c ^ rapo rtere ’IQ”

m onliis to d lscuss .in t e r - . ' . T

roiG 3

>red H^ C Z V K .

She anpnvlth-m atching— im head to toe ie 100-pound fig- jrp le bikini.:Ula, and sh e ’s a

nary porker, a c - .DcnvBT^based

le Association, ave P riscilla Its itlng th e 4}lg a s 'Die anim al. m event,!’ saild

executive iston Society for

C ruelty to cncy nom inated j-an^'U*ycar>old— g la s t sum m er. t>

up ,” sa id Vic- _ a _ 45:y . c a c : o l d _ ^ ^ B _ : - w n s ” P r i s c m a r - ^ ^ B * ^

St a 2-m on th o ld w as sw im m in g I w ater up 10 m y r v illc o n J u ly 2 9 , lurk, a friend of

\n thony Melton,

dering. fro m J a p igo underw ater h o p in g . f(

Tito g rab hold o f Jo h n n y C Id. "They both te lev is ion Is la te r h e r e a rs P a t t l I i ^ | | u r f a c e . It SPC A , wm K - ------------ ttlCTESCOt

knowl- sh e ’s con\ ^iTtfe a p ig .h a s “ Why ' c h ^ g a n l h l928. m a k e u p ;lORlng to cash lft . c d r ------ly com m er- D arre ll n appearances, f e ^ r of y h a s been book- A &M -Unl » W est G erm an h a d “ riod( and 'E 'TV ^crew '— ^ “ Y o u 'l l

t a l a d m m

W e s t i r v how ned, hos

- • ' ■ s a y s h e wUHCA-owned

Magic Vxilley B a k e r sal C en ter Ad-' th r e e m am

rw anls to l e a v e ' HCA“ its i lf itilospU al^C or^ MVRM C. [anagem ent Co. ■ “ “ Bill Is atrear. - i _ ---- id l d a n c x o:k-B akcr, sa id th e c o n s t ha s ex p rc s sed - h o sp lta l—-I

ready to leave a n d Clalbo:

lockyJHountaln - r e p l a c e Dui eastern • U nited " C lalbom

- -____ _ re p la c e m e rms rcnclioa iils I r lb u l i s o f l

fo r an -a d - ' to sm&oUi alU ilssizc . , ~‘~ mlHl:jtMtlV w ork a t Magic c lan s. T ha

leal Center, and fill ."C la lb c l a t hod been a D r. Roy il,” B iim s 'sa ld s h a r p e s t cr

— • • d e p a r tu re ' a t he will try to p a r i . 1 woul UiuycaK MQUldllsjoi f a r res tric ted a n d needs,

I. 'ra ther tfihn . em ployees-

^ ■ ^ ^ J e 'r b i n c ts .

E iiehds i

‘9t h r e a ^ a r « j e — ---------

FH U Gla tio n a l n u c lea r safeguards, ig recm en t fo rm t^izes w hat hiniU p r a c t i c e . _ ____________-^ le-sald -tbe-agroem ent-is-pai >y th e U nited S ta te s and Sovle h e i r in fluence to p rom o te safe n u n tr le s th a t m a y develop nuci

“ I t re p re se n ts a recognition >oth s id e s th a t th e re Is beocfli h e se consu ltations',” the offlcla • S e c re ta ry o f-S ta te G eorge >oviet-Poreign-M iniBter-Andr€ mnounce<i In 1982 th a t the vould hold b ila te ra l consultatli ionp ro llfe ra lio n .Jh e .lasL .ta lk j ^ e iK ia ry in Vienna, A ustria. JTh.e_,U nlted S ta te a .a n d Sov

i r i a H g r b p r t f t h n n s P r i s r span is ‘ln te re s ted .S h e ’3 a lso— . fo r a n app ea ra n ce with ’ C arson on ' h is late-night ion show . , •

M erce r of th e . Houston w ho Investigated w h e t h e r

CUG aciUiilly WOK p ia ce ,'so jd — jnvlnced./ w ould som eone w ant to Ip a s to ry abou t I t?” slie ask-

ell K nabe, an a s ^ l a t a p i ^ of an im a l sc ience a t T exas U niversity , s a ld -F r id a y -h e — 3 d o u b t” a pig could sw im . f'th roW "lhern“ I n _ th ^ w ater.;.

n i s t r a t o r -

m b v i n g ^ llo sp lta ls u n d e r HCA. B um s ' w U l.consldep-w orklng-rtt an led fac ility in th e fu tu re . _ ' sa id B u m s h a s tu rned down anag em en t positions w ithin e l f > ^ l l c 71ic h as been, a t

i a v e ry s tro n g ind ividual and x ccp tiona l Job in m anaging is tru c tlo n p ro jcc t,” s a id ’ “ b o a rd ” c h a irm an Ja c k

m ln a tlo n d a te J ia a J x h in -s e L . b o m sa y s HCA h a s . not ye t . le d -h tm -ab o u t 'c am lld a tf is to Ju m s. - - — m s a ys Tie ^hopes J 3um s ’_ le n t w ill h a v e -“ a I lU h c -a t— of B ill w ith m avbe th e ribllltv 111 th e ro a d b e tw een ,thc jd -

h a i '5 a* rc jiliy ''b ig 'o r(^^ Ib o m sp ld . ,:oy . S haub , one of B u m s’ c r i tic s recen tly , sa id B u m s’

•e ''-would b e w eicom e'on m y ' ould like to find som eone tha t ;tom o~myT>ntlents* cQnccnrh~ ds, a n d w ork w lU Thospltel c s - to -bu ild in o ra le .fro m the

r6 2 - -m e 59 Burley

laleS 2 JVteiha: . JRitar<>

ds. H e .s a id the am ong 11 t had been Infor- te m a tlo n_______ _______ :_nuc lear_ i-p a r t-o f - th ^ f f o ;^ th r e e - n a t jvlet Union to use h a s slgnt a feg u a rd s am ong C hina haA iuc lcar\vcapons: — Ind ia h. Ion on the p a rt of Is w idely le flt and m e rit to ty , a n d S Ic la lsa jd . P a k is ta nge P . Shultz and w eapons. idrel-A:-Grom yko— I c h a n le Iwo countries IwUhpilZ

ta tlons on nuclcar held in a lk^-w ere held In A ccordlni I. T ass , KeiSovict-U nion a re Uio f i r s t d

H r > '

J p ^

[ ■ - ■ i

i s r i l l n . p l g - c i t a d i o i U t f e0— and they’ll sw ln r to shore h K habe, how ever, sa id he It vouch for the Intelliger

an im al w hen It com es t< n p e rso n ’s life.r A s for prkH M n ghn w; d — good mood F rid ay dcsplt<

tention. and seem ed m ore 0 in d igging w ith h e r pow( c- a n d ea tin g g ra s s . She si — sn o r ted -a t-tH e aw a rd -p >- sq u ea led in p ro test as IS lifted h e r on a tab le so he — could be taken ,------------

“ P ro b a b ly tru c k s ic k .” safd , -•• •- -- ■ _■

r - e x p r e s s

l & n e w pIS p ln k L u d le so n u p .” in County C omm issioner

s a i d ; the;_coninilffilqner! 'n so m e tim e ago, during in w ith IICA lo r the new a at B u m s would not rem

hospital for th e full Icrn id co n trac t.ig C over confirm ed tha t n id ’ h a v e been s u ^ c s te d by I :k a n ew ad m ln stra to r will

.w e irv ersea in liea lU i rc^i et— _ B u rn s .sa ld .h ls priorith et . m a ln in g tim e a re to see to • c o rp o ra te fes lruc tu rliig ’ - b ro ad en tlie hospllal's r

— and-to-m oveintoTTTiuni •I— n u cT iro d u cln g ^eA tiircs ty . p h y sirln n ’s Inhnratflrv { d- Ja c k p o t. . n: A.lfl7l g raduate ol m e to .le g e o fV irg ln la h o sp lta l i

school. B um s cam e to 1979 from Papllllon,

is' , O m aha, w here he w as a '.o f th e MltlTands Comm ii .fo r tw o ^ o a r s , P rio r t'c

[»~s ■ N eb rask a . B um s worket -N ews,— Var,— as -a I

t'G. jn ln is ]ra to r .

.I’v , ^

tello 66 - BliJ y 4 9 File

i 5 9 1 :: Lewis! ack 53 Post-F

■riTTirsT w in F a lls ,

119 coim tries that have signc )nal Atomic K ncri'y Agency '_non-prollfLratloK._/\mong-l ations-wlth-m iclear-w eaponi pied tlie agreem ent b u t,F r j lavenot.h a s expliRJl'd a nuclear devii

ly believed to h ave a nuclear South Africa. Brazil. Arger

in a rc thought to be w orkingp IS.jrd K ennedyran-am bassador nimPTTihprt! »■; rinlf-gntlnn.lnM o k o w Wednesday througl

Ing-to the officlal Soviet new :ennedy also met G rigori Ki L deputy foreign m inister. U.S

^ GO' 'B ySU S A N I - -ThcA ssoclai

S}/m pathlzlnb ecause

g ra m s sa id -pose Icglsla education in

' ” I \Vould pulsory-atte

' ta k en aw ay,rcy . R-N am b roaden go peop le 's llv freedom s.

. T he leglsl V new s confcr

sa id th e Nal__ t lo n ls m o ii r

b ro ad en ” t; n forcompuls<

• ^ _ H W h a O h ( _ tc a c h e rs .’Ji.; -B osto n [an ^a

■ ' " J a n H orse ir

IHi=eirwT heM socla l

he could not WASHING cncc o | the Chief 01 Sto to saving a F r id ay Uiat

i s “ a n o p tlo rwas mt In-a--siacnng;—l l o a ^ l t h o ^ - LeaderKilccI re lnlereslod . s i „ | , g wdcrcd noso concept snlttcd and B ak e r and p la ju c - a n d - to

as handlers ^unnln.h e r p ic ture m ark , a nd a

------------ s lo tf c l i lo tc.'•h e ro w n er s |„ „ ,h a v e l>

----------- B u t D ole 5.-nak lngsofi w e o ught to

____ I th in k thatlJ“ T h e re is

___________ sa id . " G o ^

th e re ’s a m . • c e p t .J f w e j

fo rm u la for e r Ann C over’ S ena te , I th :r s W ere' told do it quickly g nego'liaUohs ■Reaganj i con tract, th a t key budget

•main a t. - th e sn ip a n d sh rm o( the new spending . • t-------- in th e ir tilt no can d id a te s ’ wqjts^lrylng / HCA and s a i d . package-for /ill h av e to bC ’ th a t could;^u ]atlons.:___ DUlionTTiJinties fo r th e re- In te re s t on ee througli the a t_som e ^ g h e say s will U ial'to lal.; rcvenuo b ase . .T E ven un tm b cr of reve- so m e p ro g r D s-such“ as“ a": w ould " g e t" ’ and c linic In . le ss. S om e \• ly . a dm lnlstle M edical Col- T TfeTense s il m anagem en t ■ a lre a d y be< to MVRMC In . tlnuegrow li , N eb., n e a r w a ss t ll l ln cadm inlstral.or O fficials,

lun lty Hospital condition th fo N ^ r l ^ g j n . i r e c 2c_ \yas

ced In Newpo rt cu ttin g T "'hospilin ad-” '<lirector"£Ji

■ --revlew lngv

ihl 60p Rock I c r 55 Dietri

ston 86 ^-B lis ^ ! s ^ = r F e r j

s , I d a h o '

____ __

gned Uie In-' d id not unnoun :y tre a ty on no in form ationg .th c .q U ie r___ T lie -d ia lrm aons. B rita in e n e rg y com m r FTAncc- and tlicS o v ie t deles

V lad im ir U )vice, Is rae l d e p a rtm e n t of ta rcap ab lll- to ld rep o rte rs gentina and S ov iet Union g o n n u c le a r ta n c e ” to s tre n

tlon effo rts , lo r a f la rg e : to m o lk o ac

ugh F rlday . to p revertt the,; lews agency e lud ing th e ir dKornienko, co u n tries , tha t

J,S. officials - c le a r a rm s ;....

a m p a

) m p u 1^LGALLAGHER_____.'la tedP rcss'

— A State rep resen ta tive zing w ith p a ren ts" Jailed they didn’t en te r the ir

lid F rid ay th a t-h e w ill pro- sla tlon-to -.end- com pu lso ry - I In Idaho.old llko -to - see th e com- ttcndance law s lifted — ay ,” sa id Rep. R obert For- am pa..F orrcy-sald .U ia .la tfs_ governm ent Involvem ent in live.9 and erode personal

;lslato r appeared a t a Boise fc rence vdth an a u th o r who National E ducation Assocla- jiin llng dangerous effo rts to. " ty ra n n lc a f’' requ irem entsilsoty .educallon,_________Ihey-w ant-ls-m oro -jol)s-for_ "^saldLSnm ,B lum eQ feld.:ji, i^ajid_author o_f “ N EA : Tro-_5 in A m erica ." T he book at-


leroinQ—:la ted P ress

NGTON - W hite House S taff J a m e s AT B aker said a t a federal spending fcceze Ion th a t the p residen t Is con-

e c t R obert J : Dole Indicated ngresslonal support for the

md Dole m et to d ls c u ^ w hat u t tHe m assive federal defF " lin g above th e billion d afterw artl the W hite H o u ^ . f e r^ 'a s iz e d th a l '" n o ^ e c I* e been m ade’* by R eagan . . ie sald;-^'I th ln k n h e re ls - th e - of m aybe an a g reem en t tha t to adopt the freeze concept;Q tls'abouLw hercivaare.!!___

Is a lot of suppo rt,” -Dole I ^ c k andjook a t ^ e votes of_ I s and R e p u b llc a r isn think m a jo rity Uiere fo r th e con-

ic c an p ut toge ther th e righ t for a maiorllyroTvciTesTn tlie think w e ought-to^io-lt-and-

U y n c x ty c a r ." '■ ■ • - - ij 'm eanw h ile , n ie t w ith .h is ' :et aides to d iscuss w here to s la s in o 'c b n ta ln tlie rtkUhk'

r ta lk s , W hite .H ouseom clals Ing to pu l t o g e t^ r a budget fo r th e upcom ing fiscal y e a r Id lim it outlays to the J830_ 'QPc pro jected fo r th i ry e a r . on the national debt, pegged s n o T m ils in s n T ln c iu d c d ln : ..under Uiat freeze- option, ) g r a m i I lk ¥ 5o ttla rS ecu rity r j f m o r e 'm o n c y -a n d - o th e ra ' le would t)c elm lnafed cntlre- lis'tra tldhofflc la issald . c sp en d in g , p a r t of which has been se t In law, would con- w lng /a lthough by how m uch In dispute.Is, who would speak only on I ti$:y riot be IdentirrctTsald a /as_im pU clt.. i n . thc...deIlcJL-.

recom m endatloas budget- "DavId:SloicWnan‘'has*'D ccrr g w ith the presiden t. -

:kleina^3 ^ t r i c h 4 0 V

is§44 ; Ge rry 3 7 -N e

c- y -------

ounce tlie m eeting and the re Ion on w hat w as discussed. man.of.Uie.SQYlel.UnIon:s ate immlssion,' A.M. P etrosyan ts, elcgatlon in th e la lk s th is week

Lomclko, ch ief of th e p of th e Soviet F o re ign Minis

:rs in a se p a ra te briefing that )n attaches- “ excep tional Im rengthenlng nu c lear nonprolll

"added~ U »at“ S o v le t-P re s l

hc.sp read .o f nuclco£.^capon£ Ir deploym ent In space o r an fiat )iave not p reviously had

i i i w a

[ I s o r y_ tacks_w hatB Iiim enfcldcl

po litical le an ings and p N otional E d u ca tio n Assoc

ve .B lu m en fe ld sa id tha t cd B oise to p rom o te h is book !lr hoped h is appearance.w o

•0- m onths In th e P a y e tte Coi ry — Floyd an d R oxy Shippy

C ecilia S h lppy and Sam a 11- Shlppy s ta r te d s e n— sen ten ces N ov. 15 a fte r t )r- p roba tion te rm s requlri f/s send th e ir ch ild ren to schi in 'T m . abso lu te ly shoe lal tr e a tm e n t thc:Shippy fanr

Ing a t th e han d s of sc B lum enfeld sald . ho F o rr e y sald.he.wiU pro la- tlon th a t w ill " rea f firm I to. p a re n ts to oducn le , the Its wlUiout In terference of th____ Idaho.p_ducation_A£SKor— u tlv e -b l r e c tb r - l^ n -R o I

•0-. m e a su re . 1It- ■‘Qbvlouslv..w e.believc



a tfF ~ -3n

tie— a t ■ it;



^ - K — ' -

l l d a H o s

^ t o U n d i:ar T he As.soclated P re s s ; 130 ~ ~ ~

:ed and M ontana.~in~' O u rreg rc tsrN ew -H am

D akota and D elaw are.)n. G oodbye. A laska.-Vtir ty n ) u k o ta 'a n d R hode Is lamjra-----Wc’rcn o - lo n g e rin -y o tr£ :._M in ionC lub;

D ue to a high b ir th ra las r a te and-Influx of newpi 3n- h a s been stead ily Inchl ich popula tion o f o ne m llllor

y e a rs . 1— ' on P ro b ab jy .so m c tlm e h i a m a rk w as reached , A la

B ta tc 'sc h ie f hkd-count< gct~~jnean s only 10 s ta te s ahi ^ ' r ‘5 rto lU m b Ia ~ h a v e ~ te w- m illion residen ts.—

“ ' - ‘

VR72 - H e 7 ^ e y 4 i Z C a

e n i ^ e [ 6 ^ . ] e z ^ r f e e ^ — 1

^ ----------------------r . . ------------

c n i ' ■7 ^ 1 ” * •' . w u iu r a a

-e w as Thtf.U.S. offlcla! sal s t ra te g ic nuclear v/ei

ito m lc _ in the_talks,ln_Mosco^ ts. l e d r 'o s “ Intenslvei— focui ek. _ _nonpj;olH 'crallon. H e ' p re s s :liow ever.'

nistry, L om elko also d ld ji lat Uie sa id th e delegations c impor- w ide ra n g e of problci lltera- th e em erg en ce of nc

c le a r w eapons.” is ldcn t~T ~ H c'said it-ls espec

,ns. in— s t a te s . . -. - im ohg “ Som e potential n ad 'n u - th a t com m itted to _ _ _ _ A m erican official sal

t n t s i c

s e l r o *c la im s a rc th e - pulsory-atten pow er of th e tia l e lem ent

iociation. well-educate(a t -h e -v ls l te d ---- A 1976 billok, and th a t he tlonal w as 1 •vould help th e B utch O tter,

k iun tyJair. cess.

i r l n ^ ' t h e r ? ^ “ beautiful 1 IhoS Idaho citizenocked a t theim ily Is s u f f e r - . u T h d rc r i r f th e s ta te ," ra ,g ,ng

^p o se leB is la -1 th e r i ^ t s o f— - •• -1 i ie lr ch ild ren - H esa ld p u l th e s ta te .” Poo*"o c ia tlo n E x e c i_ 9h . l |d r e i U ^s m e - s a l d J D n c l M i e l ™ se F o rrev ’s ^ lte racy fa te

v c - th a ta c o m - ......

~ : : .p Q p u u v T i

__ -TinCTNR

s a y s f a r e

l e r M i f U o i> _ , T he 1980 11

'■ re s id en ts of

o f989,000peo m p s h it t j - S o u th ^ R e ly in g o r

ir .c reasc {blr erm ont, N orth to 14,000-ancSa:— ------- —rm i'g m tio r r-^tn j rU n d e rO n e -e m ig ra i l l s n

^ . _upA vlth thn .I ra te , low d ea th - H e cstim i r-pomers. Idaho .now reached iiln g tow ard a p e r sq u a re n on th e p a s t few T h ere w as

. — — R ation clock, la s t Junfe, ^ e Itw ecn advoi

Ian P o rte r , th e grow th, upc U e rrsa y s rT h a t-m lllio n miles m d the D is t r ic t -. A coup le o ;w e m h a n ~ t> f t(m a lf -h o u r“ k

,__ -»-Se6 lw

H f a j g i e m i a n 4 3 3 a m a s 4 2 .

:Borah.76^ ‘- R e n a S S T

r a a y T tS e c e m b e r 'l“ 19 W

Isaid thelssueo fU .S .-S ov let . v/eopons w as'not dlscuspcd

scpw .nc.d iiscrltw d .lhejalks ____ocualng on p re c i» lssu(» of-—He would not go into details . ' • •

jd j io t go lnto .dctalls,.bul.he. ____ ’ins exchanged opinions “on a )blcms rela ted lo p reventing f new sla tes pos,sesslng nu- —

pecially-im portant-to-w iden-----------

al new suppliers a re not all to nonproliferation,” tlie

I said .

o e n d ^) o H n g ~ttendance-law - Is an essen-— ; ------ent in the developm ent of a .:ated society ,” Rollle said, bill to m ake schooling ep ­

os proposed by then-R cp. \ ler, a R epublican, bu t didn’t.

In g ^ to 'th e 'S h lp p y s m a n y ” • the focus of h is rem ark s on ' • • F o rrey ^callcd them a

il fam ily of o u ts ta n d in g . izens” who w ere denied the -o d u c a te - th o lr- c h lld re n -a t-------- ---

c rim e : living th e ir l i v « a n d ^ h e ir ch ildren accord ing to p religious p rincip les,.’. F or-

i pub lic schools often provide lity instruc tion a n d exposeto a w ide range of p m hiom.*;,— --------: d ru g an^ alcohol abuse. The fa te In tfioTJiQlea S ta lc T Is •

e ^ O b l ^ w P a ^ - ^ ~ ..............

^tfeftiNG- ^ <1

SH dll-H --:ATlOVi , - - Hfll • ~DCi:>aQ ° .M

I BHW|IIBji|wH a ^ _________

I «


«N~itrip>>ic/PA-nf_CKDAVlS :

e w e l l

o n C l i i h30 U.S. Census found 944.038 ; of Idaho, and the C en su s-----------

I people fo r Ju ly , 1983.g o n a.nflt annual “ nntiirnr*________(b lrtliso v e rd ea tlis ) of 13,000 ■and a l.OOO-per-yo ar nfet In— - — n ' • (lm m l^ tQ ils_ _ -m in u .s .:i t s n o f UielDflOsTPorter cam eh<».TnnoftntP 'tlm ates th e p o p u la tio n 'h as heda,, about 12 people * rem lle .w as no ticking off of a popu- )ck. no fan fare, no d ebate be*- • d v o ca tes .an d .opponents of upon the reach ing of the

ilc 'ol s ta te officials had for a r» M ck ed -a ro u ^ u -th e4d ^ l « - ■ — ee MILLION OQ P a g e A2

Page 2: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

■ VBriei; Utah pareni

: SA LT LA K E c r “ , tw ta s P a tr ic ia a n d , t c a te sep a ra tio a sto

le f t t te U o lv e rs iW o ’ : j F r id a y tb g o h o n ie ;c

- - • U ^ r i T s p o k e a n i " w ill b e n ine roonlha

- com ple^-w lU i tije ir- - - th e ir noH ty n T T » p t|j

------A l e a m . o H J t ^ s■- :: opera tion Se

\ A Y A G U i ^ r ^ S------ ---------left-w ing g u e rrilla n• • in a second ro u n d ol

: ; • o n a C hrlB tm as trw• • " - jp jn tc o m m unioueiii

■ * T iw b rie f commuiR iv e ra y D am as, tt S a n S alv ad o r, sa id

: - a g r e e d to th frfre e m fro m D ec. 22 to J a n .

----------------- rab e l-rep re8 ^ taU v 4d a te o r location Was

; - * Ju lfo Adolfo R ey . : ■ e m m e n t te a m , s a

; " C h ris tm a s tru ce , b i - a s k e d a b o u ta th i r d 1

’ .w u iililp ruposeB tfa ti■ a g re e m e n t on th e fr

- • ; d a y period .— --------

i So^etdefecR O M E ( A P ) - \

' 2 S ov ie t to u ris t w tw ^• : “ .. d e f e c t s to SouttLK ' : - P a n m u n jo m la s t w

— ^ — Seoul, 0 U;N. official--------- ; -------A b r ie f new s r^ e a ;

: i ta l r a id M atuzok lei : - tin d e r th e ausp ices I

: rm issloner fo r Refug ......" " ' t "Souffi K orean R e d Q

;iToda; B u n d l e■ Twin Falls, B o r i ^

! ‘ GoodingareM:— im J t t r t ly cloudy todayat

r fow snow showers, maltains. Areas of nlsi>t anc

I fog. Colder, .with lows b '' , ‘ ' (be teens. iUghs inosUy.

*1 the30son-Sunday.‘ Nevada and DortbemUt

Cojd today through Su

showers at times. Low^ ■ 'a l ^ l . Hlgh8lnthe308. ‘

Northern Nevada will- snownuiTlesinUieoort

today. Otberwlae v through Sunday. Colder tonight from 10 to ao. I

Cam aaPralrteaodtbekVaUey:

Today and Sunday, p< widely scattered sdow nearao today andaosSu

. . IS. — -------------------

. ^ T p a d f le cold front e---------------last n l ^ t and broii^ t;___ wea ther FVlday onenyc

The combInaUon“of“» ahead of Uils froiU and i

_____ heavy' many ports of the state.

As this system movet pressure now off (he Pi expectcd to move Inlan weather with IL

Anothcr mlnor upper : directly behind this fra

to bring some more she southern Idaho and through'the state Friday

A large area of high ■ ' i .~ >n>iwii ntiiTTBrfiMe—

Its way slowly info the P

By the start of next warm er weather will

_ . . dram atic change to Ui

Skies were mostly artemoon, with soipe

I clouds observed (n so ; (ions. •

Visibilities were redix____ ' ,_nnd.southcflstcm.mouni

less than one mile. SolmonplckedivSlni

~Natidnal^“ I*

" ^ '7 - ' TTAuSSfl’ . .■" "B«»»U>n M -♦<

QUeaso -31 XDallaa • » - 31Denver M 41

• . ------- DMM0li>ai-------------M - ’VOetnli « ytiooolulu t t 71

. itouiUM SB . as• IidUnADOlb _ 3S »

IndeiI B u s l h e e s .TV

C l a s s i f l e d T T . . . . .■ iC o m lc s . .4-*-... ..#~77

I d a h o . . . . . . . . . .

:Clrculatk)ii_____ C ircu lation phones a re

. oo no t rece ive your"p a r e a r _ _

______ J J e r o mt^Wendell-Coodi- B urley-R iii^ 't-pau l-O i

B u h l-C ^ e T o n l . . -------- "IFUer-RoBeTsoo-HdUsti\V - T w in F a lls and a ll othei

= N S W S .. - - I f y o u Im ve a new s tip

' - d e p a rtm e n t, ca ll 733- w eekdays. To repo rt lai w eekends, call 733-033S

A d v e r t i s i n g Biu Bilk------- —Z f-y o u -w ish to ^ iace -^

a r e to k en M onday tiux • S a tu rd a y s from 8.a.m .

' ~'a«/nnqT^^liWii»VBnyg-;nifp

~ A -2 n m e » -N e w 8 . TwIj^F

into take tivins Kc. c r r y (A PJ - sep ara ted S od Ashley, who have w eatiter su rg e ^ . and bouts w ith b e s y of U tah I ^ t h Sciences Cen « ;o lf lc !a l8 u y . a u m U am Owon sak t the twli iths old nex t m ontii, le ft the t s ir p aren ts a t 7 p .m . for the t

h surgeons aeparated-the Iwi iS g ) t. l3 - l4 ._____

a S alvador (A P) — Govemmi a negotia tors m et fo r l2 hours d .of peace talks, b ut could noi n i c e or-o ther coocrete mcase in d lea ted-- — _ - - •- _ j :___nunique, read by Monsignor , (be R om an Catholic archblj a id , how ever, tha t boUi sId ET m ovem ent of tra ffic In-Bi Si tn . 3. I t also sald,tbe govemm« tlve s a g reet to m eet- ag a ln r 'a s given.tey Prendes, the head of th sale) Ills group hod ■ propt

. b u t th e rebels rejected it. I r d m eeting and said the govei la te rW tnletailB w ere givemffi 5 free flow of traffic during.!;

ector reach^Ro- VSally Yakovlevich M oim 3 qu irked a bloody gunbattle v UCorea through tbe-truce vU I week, arrived here Frida]

lease issued in the South Kore; : le ft Seoul “ acconling to h is v e s of the United NaUons HigI ifugees, and w as accompanie i Cro33 offlctai.--Yoo-yoon Ghtt

E i y % W 4le iip: D eoyaaclSundaywllha -mainly over mouo- ------ t rand morning valley, / / " n toolgbt mostly In u y / - rtiy 40a today aodJn „

lUtah: n /I Sunday In northern ' ' v i \

wsjD (he 2Ds Sunday s. ‘vUl have a chance of xr(heast mountains

variable clouds der nights with lows H igh » . Hlgba both days - T « (np<

b ekm rW eedR lver ~ ~

partly cloudy with M fflJK tow showers. Highs W o m •Sunday. Lows to to 'w Q Ift ------------ — 3>^o,iyei

nt entered (he state d ay after ^ t a mixed bag o( recelvea':nyon. _____ Highestof wann, moist air day was od cooler a ir behind hadtheloowrMlfraMUlMlla-___ ISie^ejite.' Idaho. A)ved eastward, high shows mi B Padnc Coast was Highs fro iland bringing drier and from

Lows senper air dlsturtance (aen sth n front was expected . , . showers (o most of I d a h o

nd . move rapidly b o ISE dayevenlng. . uon D w Jgh p r e sy re In the r o a d c o ^

lfr« m a k e - _ ^ ^ r o e , >e Pacific Northwest

„------ext week drier and u iii ^

! CnigevU ) the cold and we( o ie s t ^ L - everald ays.— ' - ■ t ly ckwdy Friday w et-M ars m e breaks la the mtersUi • southwestern por- broken sn

floor snov iduced In (he central rim oun(aIns. a( times (o ■ y,

Lowell-Lo3 Inches o( snow Fri*. srtow floor

■ i iTLuV cSU

«J. .... MUmlD«*eh ' g

i T s r s r i ..<1 :::: n. « y« « «>M— .... Oktahonuaiy ST 34 .... Omih* «7J -phoenlK - - -S* 39 .... PItUbursb <1M .... PcrtlandTMc. «9

------------r r r r . r C.l«3- M agic V......... .. C4-8 N ation................A 6__0bltuacj

.........B4-5 People-

rHojl.dfo<aUgB<llr»«t«.are m anned betw een? and 10 1r p ap e r by i a .m ., cau tn e n

cdtofrHaaem ^._________

iiffTfr •Lherareas

tip o r wish” to ta lk to someone rs>033i between 9:30 a .m . t la te news and r t s resu lts {338.

■an^vertiflement7caU733-093 Liirough FMday from 8 a.m . i .m . until boon. Inform ation ois a y ^ . : . . .

i<^ Falls . ^ 0 Saturday ..D ^D ^ e m eb erT ,19a4

i b m e R a d i c a W ii S ia m e se C A M D E N , N lered 'd ell- w a n ted in conne nenlngiU s. • b e r y an d an a llc ^ n t e r la t e " g r o u p w e r e a n

p l M iv ^ ch a rg e w in s , w h o - p o u n d so fe x p lo s e m ed ica l - . S u sa n L isa .R i le d r iv e to ~ ,27, both o f N ew------------------------n Ig h tiin .C h en y 1tw ins in a - s u s p ic io u s vehic

p o l lc e s a id P r id i ------------ M s. R osen beri

im en ta n d S1.6 m illio n Britu r s F r ld a y N .Y .. th a t le f t Anot a g r e e q u cn t shoot-out I•asures, a d e a d . ,

o r A rturo P o S t w r e C ib lshopol LONDON (AP:

im M t and - ^ ^ l i s th e thl — in o im p ora -c foar

m ln c r s w ith m iir P rim e Mlnlsti

“ m cc l w ith Frcr .. He w as u i j a t i j ,; ^ p g | r z i s i a a s i H t o i i i i

___ S Y D N E Y . AU£i O m < ; H a w k e an d h is :uiok , th e h e a d e d for a m a } e w h e n h e t in y n u c lea r dlsiv lila g e -o f------ L abor’s bid to ta lday from A nd A htlrew I--------------------- -LibfeTiir p ar iyn Hir e a n c a p - t h e a llied , Natioi s w is h e s " u p se t, ligh C om - - A ll op in ion pol n ied b y a w iU i a le a d ovc i 'hun.:— — -p crccn tage-point

e a tiie rc e m b e r c h iB Forecast.for 7 p.m.

v e r s - R a in - F f a f r i e s S n o w

tem oon. Most o l the southeast also edTtoSincnesoc new snow, lestjem pcrature Injhe.stnfe n -li . as 46 a( liW lston, while Stanley e low of 10 degrees. ,e«twwl«l-oiiltooltrfoc:zSoutfaem;

Monday (hrough. Wednesday, mosUy .dry (hrough the period,

from mld.20s to mid 30s Monday, om 3Qs (o lower 40s by midweek, wro through (he teens Monday-and hrough the mid 20s by Wednesday,

lo , r o a d r e p o r t —>E (AP> 7* Tlie Idaho TraiJsporla- spartmcnt rtsported the followlnB M idlUonsFri^yevenlng:

loeurd'A lene^andpolntrw etrley- Sandpolfll-Canadlan border,~wc( i-Bnow-floorrRlggira'Whlte-Blrd-

wet, broken snow floor; svUle-Wlnchester, wet; Wln- ^LeWI4^on,“ wc( •• - Lcwiitoih Ar Tlry,— W elia-W ew MemhTwy - arsIng-Oregon border, wet. sb ite 90 — Fourth o( July Canyon, snow floor; Lookout Pass, snow

nowlng. chains advised (or (owing

- U -------- Lewis(on4.owoll,- w et;-■Lolo P ass, broken snow floor,o o r .. ■' •

so a .... I’wrTlantir'S*! ^B . 34 .... SI. I.OU1S . «B — 5 3 ~ . . . - S a l l I j k ? a i f ^ ^ - ”0! t - 3 4 ....... SuFY am laa—___ GUn 74 ' .... Statue 49f l— » . ..... Spokane_______ 37n » ■■■■ Wuhbston ' cs

i ' i i Idaho .13 a .... - MaxSt 3S - ...^uouo ■ - - n 61 • 30 .... nurtcy . 40(9 77 .... liaccrman ' 40

V a l l e y B ln ............................' . 'A 3 - 5a i i e s _ e . ......................... .. A 7 -

10 a .m . on ly . If you 5 n u m iw fo r your

- • «ndSu«yUy.~S3G-2S3S.....ln«tv«ne*i

■: - 5<:H6W

— ------------- 336-5375~Sund«j-onIy,• , 733^)331 i?montfu»S


>ne In t h e ^ l o r i a l - ---------- - -n . and 5:30 p .m . i s a f te r 5.*^ and on

’ UaUlBbrnu 1T>eTlme»-h

• • FaUa. IcUfx )93 l7€h B sified T d s~ '® *“ * * ^ * ” I., un lU :5 .p .m , and 1 on d isp lay ad s Is

r ,

[-fugitives arraigt, N .J. (A P) - A Z^yearn nnection w ith the bloody 19811 ulleged memi>er of a r a d i ^ u a rra igned F riday on wedpo rges a f te r being discovered ilosives into a ren ted storage 1 I. Rosenberg, 29, and Timotfi; Jew York City, w ere arrest© Ty Hill after. locaLpolice were 2hicie a t the public sto rage fa riday. • 't)crg w as c h a r g e d i ^ f d i ^ a l fJ th :d r i¥ in g :a :e e ta w a ^ a rlii ' Brink's a rm ored c a r robbery ftA g u a rd dead on Oct. 20.19f lUt In N yackJ'IJf.-rlefHwQpol


ecks taxiTHriver iAP) — A 3-foot concrete post 1; ^ a taxi d riv e r tak ing a mir

th ird death s tem m ing from tal strlku7 'and ''authD rltlK T!l niirder. 'lis te r M a ^ r e t ThaW ier.^ 1: Yench P ^ l d e h f Pfancols I ttack an “ utteriy desplcabU h a irc^ ” — •

-Labor Party leacA ustralia (A P) — P rim e MI his A ustralian L abor P a rty n a jo r re f le c tio n victO Q ^atui d isa rm am en t p a r ty threaten itakcTontrol o f the S e n a t e " w Peacock, leader of the co

inslSIM F r iM y rilglil th'a t hli itlo n a l'P a rty would piill off

polls showed I ^ b o r headed Ivor the L iberals ranglng.fro

r - — — —

l i l l o n i t s In. EST, Sat., D ec. 1

X F R O N T S :^ W arm C o ld - ^ ^

V O c c k * d e d - y ^ S ta to n a

Iso -Interstate 84 — Caldwel: — TJolse area, weirralnlng; >li_Folls^wct;_Twln.Ealls;UU Icy raining.

Idaho S 5 - Horseshoe Be »m—<<y>n<wf1yr7fVmnt>lly-Nf ay. brokensnowfloor.snownoo od. Id a h o 2 l-B o lse - l‘dahoCII ay. floor; Idaho CKy-Lowmon, ck. Grandjcan-Stanley, closed, ind ~U.S. 20 - Mountain Hor jy, snow floor, snowing, poo

Falrfleld-Arco. snow floor, { co-Idaho Falls..br0k£DJ0QV

■ floor; Idaho Falls-Ashton, ng Asliton-Montana border,

snowing, drifting..'

^ - . Id tth o 'iC ^ ;W c~ T ^ '~ ~ ,U .S. 9 3 ' - Nevada border

ir^_wctiJE»'ln£aliftCarcy..dry. , f . floor; Carey-Arco. snow f1o( Ini Arco-Salmon. snow floor, sn fnT T raliP ass.snow floor;-------Z---- inihn n <?hortinfv>:yfii

snow floor; Galena Summit' Jn snowing, drifting. ""

Inlerstatcfifi —We(. no Inlerstnle IS - Utah t

“ F a lls.'w elT .Idah o Falls-Di ii ■ jUlooc:3Ion]da E ass. snow lloi ,r • U.S. 30- W e t . snowing.

U.S. 91 - W e t . snowing.

a 44 IcliiltoKalli 47 31 .... Lcwluon 43" 13 —... McCall •

-Cl-----S4------_Pocalclk»— ---------49 o . satmon _

T w i n e sM

Vcslcfrtoy klax Mtn IVp iju lV c a r -

» 33 ... Normal40 77 - ,W Today's Mmset......40 20 .... TomorroWi»unfl*e.,

I R c H g l o n .........................» - S c O Y c b 'o a rd . ...........n ^ p o r t s Z z r r r r T T i z z *r - 'W . o r ld

TK.ddlveiy;.ilaUr. SUO pBr i«wk;-Su

d*lly;tl.«fc-w oek;.S l»liy . 7S«pe <Uy. f l .n p e r sm k. MaU ni»ertp<kia* * * « » » » « avaUabl« onJy Jrt«re carrt ntaliiedr^y-»Dd'Smdiyr»~nionUrTT monUM H3.n,-U monUtf » tOrdaUy.

only.'l month H.4S.-3 monthi ll3.3S. en u tU.40. Student and *ervk«maji (ate, •irmnlhtftf A.lTy.ttndSlind««. , ---

cirmaUea 'U p u b l t ^ ^ r al 133 TOrt

daho. m ot.-by H a |^ VaUf New

1-oeo). Orrtclal city aod county newvpi m .£c-lca o( Uw Idatu Cate.'lbursdj :«1 a j U>e day of Um I«J« ihctt.', __

■ ' Sci------------- I • Coi

Uon becar i n e d Blumenth

ted Thursday .......!retippedtoa--g,7HSf„Efacility, stale

au perin te r •al erahd iury ' w a s n * t '^ i

ry n Nanuct. T i T O f l c a l Isa tA su b so -

E S S ’',_ .evolution

-----------sc ien ce .”L ,? w p a ro ch ia l;t hurled from loo restric jiner to work sa id . ’

im‘ the eight* education ■cirarg(Hrtwo a n Infuslor

to fimction In P a ris to T don’t ’

I M itterrand, don’t v?ant ble deed’*, of s a id the Ni— l:------- -----------te p o r tb rs -

show n su{ i d i n q — : -c o m p u ls o r

Minister Bob da STSlJl y a p p ^ I ^ S b t

E nto reem . E 5 4 i l ? P 2 ! ! _ ^ iw m a Insltconservative------- “a n a ls c hhW p a rty and , ' . j " a■ r a s M n g i S i a i y

d fo rv lc lo iy I S L p r e v

• •■ y e a r" 'a n h S p eak e r Ti

of th e high sa id unlvei p ro v e if a

1 1 7 ^ 1 7 - s te a d o fth c Blumenfi

— — ■' - I w an ted his d eb a te witi

- tion rep re s e d th e ln v it

,"W e do J i ^ S s o obligation I

demogoguc -U viously sel:w ^ 6 0 o u rin te resi

i noreasont<f / - n. - H e s a id tl/ - ------ book Is toi

. NEA , I t l s ir veiled attac(' . Blumcnl<

a t th e s ta te-------------------m uitf-poua

------- ------- schools.” B

- - " ' ' 1

rtll area, wet; • , , jrgrSolsc-TwlnJlolUinc_vret._

Bcnd-Donnelly, , ^ NewJileadowsr-^ " y f v T r z Z Z oor. ppCity, wet. snow t m J m K m. snow floor; C

[om^Fal^(lcl(l. ( 9oor' visibility; • tmr, snowing; Ar- CiQ«Jloor..snow_ _______n, snow floor; f S

ler-Twln Falls. ( 9 I7 .towct,snow — t e ---------1loor, snowing; Csnowing; Lost ,

bordcr-Itlnlio ^•Dubois, srww (m Door, snowing--------- ^ -----------

: s ~ ir~s~~g~iqg^- ^ g - N E ’

Is - Z Rich "S to S5°/<s to |k™

..v.....j;0(;p:m7 ■ 'n Ja B y N

■...... J - ■

- = ^ , g B ,

............. B 3 S. . . . . D 2 t o

P l t - 5 " -------____ A 8 ^ '

§ Mow

pefwoek;dalJy S h o r t 'iwmujibcpald ' ( 9 _/iktddivefyu t o C o m ein.o.-3n»otHr------- 5Z“ Q ju n s

S j a E D9 tncoihs Cfl.TO.------- Ct«.bytnaU«Uy. ' g .

r:_-r. ^ Ha:

- e ^eWnoUwawlJJ W .

— s s a a

thool^—OooUnued from P ag e __» m e m andatory, F o rrey anc officials in the P aye tte Coun let o f New Plym outh have sale p p y s had an opportunity t< le ir children a t hom e, b ut faU u r y o ii t a 'p rog ram t woult s youngsters instn^U on com; I to th a t Iri public schools, y .sa ld -lh e children w ere p e r ; pooriyJn-lhe.publlc-schools, e re w as lio effort to p u t the tendent in Jail because ht xlucatlng the children;” Jd p e o p le -w H o B ^ -lhelrllvei ^ teachings a re a t b d d s iito - w here the NEA has a « . i>ecausc the associatloc } In teaching tiie theory, ol in r a lh e r .' .th a n .,'.!creatlor .” S tate ■ reqylrpm ents •thal al schools m ust m eet also are Lrictive for som e paren ts, .he

y said lack o f^»m pu lso ry on w ouldn't opCT th e Way for

ion in society, . -I’t ’flrid p aren ts who say, ‘We an'l our children educated,’ ” : N am pa~Republlcah, who told rs—other— legisla tors— have support for abolltiotl of the M)ry-education ru le in Idaho. - enfeld also said law s man- ^u ca tlo n have beconic unen- le In a re a s of high truancy. :m ent now Is used to' impede istruction by parents-w ho find ^hools u n a c c ^ ta b le , he said, ok whnt wp.need-ln th is coun-

a re tu rn to educational 1,” sa id Blumenfeld, who has ivolvd In Idaho" education po rt-com ple ted -early -th is ■fte request o f T d j ^ House • Tom Stivers, R-Twin Falls, feld urged th e s ta te to get out ig h e r-^u ca tio n business. He verslty instruction would Im- I adm inistered privately in- th e by the s ta te , i :nfeld-sald on F riday tha t he his re tu m 'v ls it to include a ^ith Idaho E ducation Assocla- resentatlves, but they declln-vltatlon:----------------------•' ■don’t feel any particu lar )n to give another forum to a sue whose positions are^ob- self-servlng, and contrary to •ests and those of th e public.”

n to help them get attention.” d th a t although Blumenfeld’s touted a s a n a ttack on the Is m ore accurately a "thinly tack on the public schools.” nield “ sees the NEA, and us i te level, a s being an obstacle ad to destnrctlo in jrth iT ratJltr ■ ftolllesaid.


^ a i T i d s o m e


-Newest R


EW_EIN STRIPES. e w :m u l t i:&tripiEW-SOLIOSANDch 55% Polyester/45 ' i.% -Polyester/35% W. jllfuily Tailored in Arne ' New England Craftsm


-R e g . $245.0Il.and S

) e r tF r e e In -S to re AliGraiioi

) rts. L o n g s , in c lu d in g AQ. J

Tie In — R o p e r 's E xpert Cli in s e lo r s a r r e r F i i t^ r s ^ i r s s ;jZIBerBigbircmQlce — TheJ

S(-c ouf3epRopetii a s B est Sport Goa and Slacks, Too!

m m

L a a s - s s s a a j w

• O ootinuedfrom Pt and m a rid n g ttie-«vent, sald

s u s d a ta m anager for th jun- Sion o f Econom k: and Co said ^airs. . . r to VThey .could have fot faU. b o m a t the 'e s tim a ted }uld h a d a s ta te trooper flag < om> C alifornia refugee'drivii

N evada border, to the pi per- .o f th e G era State.. ... lols, '" B u t we decided we the P o ln ttt)ed a te .” h e ^ id :

" r •

I a tlon •t lon . _____lh a t ‘a re

1 n f ti'We ~ ..:Q§! | j g ^ l » f i f t

tp i i .


L —len- ^icy.'ede __________ ' '

,\A QUeKeUey Cardanam -' OHtCcrtfncatMinal Kard>To-Suy-Forlhaslion

,5- ^POINSETI^ • Priced •ils , From Only . . . . . . . . . .out Tho troditionar cntisimoHe many sizes and pricos.In, ■ ■ Unique Poinsollla Troos'j|j_ AMARYLLIS BULBS SA

he C H R I S T i v i X s

H E A D Q U A R ':la- Ilin- •L iv in g t r e e s

---------- * C u l T reesJa r • F lo c k e d - I r e e s - - o a " ForDoeorailnBOb- SaoOur? Tham<

- , r i - “ - - -

d 's - Z tthe I

I ! A N Y C ^ U W I T H T H !






T S - ^s . II P E S ------------------------------iD P L A I D S —45% Wool and IWool Fabrics.----- J |nerica-^— -------"—smen. __ , Im


d S260.00 _

M 9985 mlio n s^ 'B lu e ..____

^ 5 0 . - ^ l | ^C lothln.g' ’ ■ '

.eB ighliEii "

»fgs. ’ . .................o a t s — : ' ' _ s i '

I I Pt a s s t t a « a « « a

— ' 4 ■'

n - ^ — ^ ~p ^ A l ■ A"'!'.w Ts«^Df rPM .' c o n ie o u fw il

6 dow n th e first - ving a cross the

K e f le j .p n o E r a i ^

’ Ulllill ■HHh. ■ O pen F

iMl\S u n d i

-T IA S J —$095 '- 'H r

■ :q r n. . . . . S 49.95 Trim.youSALEPRICED ' W ith OUIr r " — ornamen: S TREE ------S T E F A S C o m e

' L a s^ A r r a n g e m

a n d '


F V C p U P Q I ^ ] ;


- - C O U P O N - -

JUE EAST AT EASTLAND. TWIN F <n^S^au>,0-S:00; FHday* ’tll.8; Sj


■ 1


• F ree DlsUncllvo • • J GJfCWrapping

'ffeeParking Oire , ■■ Twin Falls & Bufi

_ ^ p p e n A Roper's nr - . p r L /s e Y o u T B b

s a a a a a a s a : s ' ,

the C ensus B ureau were t /w ith a ‘Ju ly , 1984,.estimal h an one. milUon, th e 's fa t,vo to take away the plaou the mlllioiith. Idahoan, h(

bnsus B ureau has not ye estim ate for Ju lv 19B4 Th^ estim ates, based on blrtha

h s , em ploym ent and otiier lave b c ^ m ade between six m onths a f tw the- effective- te r 's a id . ; . : i .Z - : : - : r "I'..'—

ChfItl'm^^ spirit .... 4fntfRo(r«ihmantBt

fl Friday Evenings "til 8:00 and nday 12:00-5:00

HRISTMAStNAMENTS' tree-ever our very special ents and ribbons. -

m e T o T h e L oft F o r L a s tin g H o liday e m e n ts . C e n te r p ie c e s n d W re a th s p lu s le S tu f f e d A n im a ls f-'—

>IN FALLS « 734-B51B -S;S_und»y12-5 ' |



t J

■ UVQ ^in g , ' ■ • • ft)

irectly BehlM~ ''~'- S 'lurley Stores. . 3 .Qpl/Ofi-Gftarge— 'BhnJcsrifii- ■

: s ' a a a a s s a a 3

Page 3: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

: NANCY HARVEY { ; H ad e n d u re d varioi


= M ^ s i g r i— iT -rW A S H IN G T O N --(A P

H arvey .S teorts, who I : C onsum er P roduct Sal

______sJo jL sdvocatlng cooperd u s try b u t wound business, consum er gro of h e r fellow commi

. nounced F rid a y th a t sh e ffective J a n . 5.

;; “ S a fe r p roducts, snfei- new m ean ing and (hlf

an d Uils na tion a rc mov ly down th e track ' to evei

■ -yi— d u c t safety,-" she sa id a I . fe rence . But, she added, : . b e e v e r v ig ilan t to new

p ro b lem s.”“ M rs. ■ S teo rts had

• ;v -e s tab lish a dialogue I su m e rs a n d industry, c la sh es w ith both sides

' ceeded in prom oting cc fo rts in som e areas .

___^<LW or) s te a d of m ere ly Impost

; regu lations, w as h e r goa- been accom plished, M rs

— : She sa id she plans. . p r iv a te business, bu t de

'de ta ils .-----------— r- i— P re 3 i d « i t - R M gan*s-

: tin g h e r resignation mac• o f a su ccesso r in the cha ; : none Is appointed: . depatU Tcr V lce~Chalm

' B row n A rm strong woi ; ' a g en cy In th e interim .• M rs. Steorts* te rm as - ~ t n e com m ission exptre< I ' b u t sh e rem ained in off: : W hite H ouse announc<

.T 'r e n e w in g h e r appolntm* ' • In g h e r- - - ,

W hen sh e w as sworn 1981 th e business com m i

'"^^“:7 ly ‘rcce iv ed ”h e r“w annl: :'-,Z tlc iila rly encouraged by:

’ o f th e R eagan ai -r-^~ p h ilo so p h y o fseck in g co ( •y.- :V v oluntary-eom pllance-w

‘■•'7 f o r ts ,'r a th e r than impos regu lations.

M rs. Steorts. has ten ■. 1 p ro ach o ne of olive b ran

ry stick ^ and she beg: • o u t th e olive b ranch of pi " g overnm en t and Industi^

T^P~Besidei: ; | 1 ' ■ w €

new_^ trees vyil

' v ll rotate'd d- 1 1 : : . W e




— WASHII ^ C h a rle s ST ; % l l |H ^ ^ I ~ 'F r i d a y he

o u s t Hon

0 ’Ekim bcrdtdecision<n

O'NeUl;2d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B _ s p e a k e r ^

_ % iy a llv e

Y STEORTS -m S iS lo ' ' i o u s c j a s h e s O ’N e i l l :

posed_Moi . « Y o c ra tic . C, \ # ■ ■ ■ te a m fo r t• j r J a n . 3. '

• Stenholr------------------nnat-decfc

I . w h e th e r t' b u t indlcai

In g u p th e

n s —Gum

A P ) - ^ N a n c y '10 look over the MIAMI Safety. Commls*. five peopi peraM on-w lth-in-^Friday an. d up battling ly wound groups and some 'a n o th e r \ milssloncrs, an- neigbborh : she is resigning p o llc e sa it

•Thesus]afer people h as a by th e sulth ls_com raission-poU cc-sFnoving confident- "There'W ;jven g rea ter pro-id a t a news con-led, " w e m u s t . . W ’tew and d ifferent a

d struggled To Se be tw een 'con- Kry, and despite mdes she has sue- St: cooperative ef- g ^

w rk .to g c lh e E jn i_ B ________xjslng rules and g goal and tha t has C*Urs. Steorts said. i j | — ns to re tu rn to m i ‘; declined to give

[V ic tte r aucup- n a d e no m ention chairm anship. If d before her tlrm an Saundra would head the

-1 a s chairm an of p> - - i ' Ired iiTU5tbber, |office pending a ? .• • mcement e ith e r ® --. - rV- tm ent o r replac-

im in on Aug. 4, f i ' unltygeneral- w ;m ly r being- par-— fik:-----------b y heradvocacy -W. ' -

adm inistration g - - - - - : cooperation a n d ^ K ” 'e-wllh-Bafe;y-ef-— m --------^posing ru les a n d - s y

term ed her ap- a N ,ranch and hicko- ISlegan by holding 3)f peace betw een c - .SUy. S b lS ilB iS

es ourrdUth /e a re now


V and^he only 'III Include nno; dailyrP lease ge oiinlat^qu courteous

H o m s E -


mservati^ allenge tcilN G TO N — ( A P ) - — -R ep.I Stenholm . IV T exas..h io tcd h e m ight abandon his bid td-

louse S peaker Thom as P. -J r ..a f te r- h e-w onU -prom lse- ) ’NcUI to give consen 'a tiye r a ts a g re a te r voice In House" >m aklng.Ul;-seeklng hls fifth term as :, m e t w j^ Stenholm on FrU- ‘ la te r told rep o rte rs tha t con^ r e _ _ p ^ o c r a t s _ have ■ been g In th e ’ b ack row and now go ln g to b eh ea rd .”Ill &Ud he h o p ^ to .i:un iinop- (fonday w hen the House Dem- . Caucus p ick its leadccship ir theO^th C o n g ie ^ conv'ening

o lm said he woyld m ake a x^an~*over~the wcekend-on- r to 'p e rs is t In h is challenge, ca te d he m ight be close to giv- he fight. =ill, noting the couritry has been

im en sla y 5 in ifli (AP) — Two gunm en k l l l^ ople in a “ d rug house” early and left a six th person critical-" iided, then apparen tly Ured • volley of shots through a >rhood to d iscourage pursuer? ,- a id . . . ':iiispects “ w ere possibly known sub jec ts Inside,”- according lo- -spokosm an—Jo h n —Shannonr w asn 't any sign of forced en-

F o r C h rC alpl

J o n R e a c t i v e “ A^luminurrT

147 M ain A v o .W .

hierTtic Chine f proud -to se

H eWFFETy one lo^Maglc^ ost of your fqvi giveTJs a.lry: - .m a l i ly f o o d d 5 s e r v i c e o l v

Lunch ..... liJI^inner^fiFS ' Children (:

V : ; CP r i c e in c lu d in g

------------ -

S B P E l f f lM o n . ; ^ a t ................

• B u f f e t H o u r s : .—M o n . - S o t • ..........

■ S i m d a y : ^ . '.rrr:." '.___________rAT.THE.BLUEJ.AI____ — — — PHONE;


iv c T w a y cloO ’Neiljp. m ov ing .poUUcally Iowa ed v o v i^ to p u t m ore cons 16- - lead ersh ip advisory con P . to schedu le twice-montl Is e -o f the_D cm ocraU c. me ye dlscus& theschedulingof B<r T ^ n s e rv a tiv e s have o

th e p a s t th a tO 'N elll had a s co n cern s a n d given short rl-

- “ T hey should-have-a- D em ocra tic tab le ," t h e : “ Id o n ’tw a n ta n y o f th e r

r iT .p a r ty .”

»ip " T h e re ’s room for all ng th e b ig ten t. We welcor

-w a n t th e ir voice to be hei a Stenholm sa id F riday

on~ 5 td ertn g “ h ls ^ e c is io n Tje. O’Neill. Ho said o ther Iv- D em ocra ts h ad urged hi)

of th e ra c e in ligh t c cn g estu res m ad e by th e sp<

iM iam i-dm gJed t ry o r any th ing .” rly In side th e apartm en a l” lh a l“ w e re ” flred“ were e d d irec ted a t th e people,’

a m en t'spokesm an M ike I r? i.-rno t like they went-ln an

a p a rtm en t. We don’t h wn o v e r In the w alls.” lo - P o lice described U

>n— M 1&ra!;ncighborhood-as 2n- a re a . '

i r i s t m a sK a l d ne C o m m e r G f T C ^ I < w a r e. . Colpholon"-?*^a nonitic

thof* port o t tho m«tG chip, crock, peel o r ru

■ ■ hofd you con u»o m en

up is oo iy becou ie It'! tiiek free. Colpholon p'n olumlnum Irom ro ad

k tom oto or lomon |uIco on k the color ond llovor of I - ' • w htte louce,- lo o .- lo o t f ■’ o n d o r to l i . ........ - -

_________e . | -

1 ^ “ g l * 159 .99 . r

$ 1]V R og. $199 .99 . 11

,Rog. $ 244 .50 . f c

'ilU. zSJi;?,K flB M K W S M K lK W M W i!

r ig m m sE Slese cuisine lerve . ~ ^


cZVaTIey. Our-6 [vorite,item s a

andbffec-^ w avs I

FSoitidy TTTT: I { 2 - 6 ) .

(7-12)........[n g s a l a d b a r . > e a , co

. . . V r : 0 0 b . m . - l l : 0 0 p .

. ■ . . N tf ;& n -4 0 i0 0 ^ .

V . ^ r ) i : 0 b a . r i i r - 2 : 3 ^ . 4 : 3 0 p . m . * 8 : 0 0 p .

. ’ N o o n -S jO O p . I.AKE1SH0EPJNG.CENTER.

drop ( illvaiU the r i ^ t , inscrv.'itlves on V V ' om m lttccs and 'nthly m eetings. - nem bcrship to _ I F _ ■■ oflegislallon, , ' complained in

id Ignored their jDrt shift to their. ANeill conceded.-

a- voicc-at thc-'- ------ f ie speaker said. Hem to leave the - U

all of us underom e Uftm. We Wieard,” hesald.ay he Is recon- , 'i-rto-challengc--------- r^-;;—T conservative him to back out

of the peace TMaker.________ ,

housed-------^ent “ the shots ire specifically •• “ - 2,” said depart* e S te w a rt.‘i t ’s_ ' and sprayed the

have shots all '

the norUieast a s a h ig h ^ rim e- ------ -------

+ fciol ; ^® Itick lu rloco iBs

elol u ie n illi Kling it. ClflBnr.g - -------------ll 't virtuolly C . I 'p 'revonli Ihe ^ Iacting wllh fi Iond respecit S I > ^)f o dclicolo S I M tKiding ehoU S I M B

1 8 4 “ I %urt^mTf ^ Ii w a i e i K f l i S . —

en— Iffl- and a ^

5 2 0 0 i M

' 3 “ “ Il^ o ffo o

cM e n 's


■ Eloilic w o li 'i .p o n ts I n I »lylo». C hoose from co I khogting o r Iwllt. SovcI lof».W ol»l»5fllo30.

0rlg.$20&$2<1^ Now *13’

--------- M en’

B f LEVISTR « / DENI 1 JEArW f e g . s

* 1

M*n'*” i005i CoHon


- S iz o » -S.M-L.XL. Pro- I shrunk. Reg. $T4. — j

^ N o w * 7 ” J

^ ------- N a t u r a l F e a t h cV COMFORTE' V&% goose leo lho r/d%

dow n.. Twin « n

Reg. M O ............ N o w ^ ^L Full/Q ueen \ .R eg .lJO O ..........N o w '^ O

^ J L g ” * lJ0 .^. . . N o w M

TOWELS \ «G rool g siQctmnal______ | m .

m o £ t^ V n * u e i • j m

N o w * l ” ^

, la d le s ' ~ \ l ^

PAJAMAS Mol b rushed nylon

Reg. $20 ] ■

N O W *13” J

d sTes ^

. Sarurday. Dt

HOiS A \

M ; ^ k -

s . mIn ihroe ■ H

I corduro /. 9 Hioverol <o- , B '

$24 I B 'J 9 9 ^

_____ H I 100___pon


TRETCH ^tJIM________\ S ______^ANS Ig.MO I K -

Men's Quilt Uned

^ S FLANNEL m . SHIRTSH Sizes S-M-l.

_ _____ - Reg. $25

J L ^ * 1 2 ^

f h o f —


*29” ) l *39” §'49”, ^ i

' ' C a b b a g e P a tc h

SLIPPERS \ |Lodio* sizes.- ■ ' I

-----— »eg7$J0-------------- I

. No w * 1 4 ” J

i r ^ - ---------ledles --------

tL____LONG___f___ GOWNS_^___

A ^

¥ / JunioTGoi s“ " ' ^■ GENERRA \

SPORTSWEAR. Enlire stock I

-------- ~ ~

' • • • Bluo Lqkoi N

Decomeberl.1984 TImos-N


m[_ LEVI AC ------ r-af—.---- SLAG

m i 5 iz e s3 0 to J -------------- ■ » -------------- RegrS:

M en's ___


D0 T« polyoslor bollud M onls, Reg. $2 i._________aM

Mow *17’’ J jr"

J E ' 1 0 0 % C o

B f F L A W

— - S H H l■ / Twin M | Re^.S>8.S30 . . No

$^3-$25 . . No •• «*i(f^'>*Tiuoen . Re'fl.$27.$29 . . No

« i \ KingReg- UO ............ No<

?9 j B ^ 0 ^

^ B T U R T ^ H SWE/

^ 5 colors.


W BLAZERS S I SKIRTSS " W o o ib i is a i---------- ~

| \

■ J u n i o r G d '■fflf/ Polyo*t«r/Wii/"r^BrAZER! m l____ SKIRT!| P | I In novy S gr<

R»B. iso ............ NewSkirts

R eg .'$50 ............ Now

V 0 7 lad les

B j ROBES _f f l l R .8.$33-m T

' |T now-*19” :

I m 'W . COFFEE I B m ' MISERYi f f -W ; ..r-1-to cup^oUaajw | r M Reg. $35

Mall_______ 1

is-Noto,TwlnFall8.ldaho^3?’' --

G $Aen's ' —

^ C T i O N M : "^ G K S — — IB -----------. ------ r -tOJSwolst. ... H

,g_527 — - / » -----

* 1 7 ’ ^ •

C o t t o n

WEL ^ - iETS -------

IN O . M 7 ” g

n . „ * 2 0 “ ’ m

T L E N E C K m rE A T E R S aors. R«g.$52. : I D

I r ' - r

r/Wool \ l f t:RS & “ “ « = = ^ T s m _igroy I ^ B

s ^ 5 4 « — y W — -

N o . * 3 4 ” ^ '

>9. W

E E % ,

4 | — --------- -

Page 4: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

irB rie l^ j y t a h p a r e n t

: : .... SA LT LA K E CTT— tw in s P a tr ic ia a n d /

____. c a te -sep ara tio n suri:: - J f i f t t t e U n lv e r r t ty o l " F r id a y to g o h o n ie ,o l

- r - ■ U o f_y sp p te sm an w ill b e n in e m on ths co m p lex w ith th e ir i

. “ ^ I b e l r n o r t h a w l i a i f J - - ^ A te a m of U tah St

31-hour operaU ooSei

N o a g f e c m iei A Y A G U A L O .E ia

le ft-w ing g u e rr illa ne “* I I n a seco n d round o f

•_ ■ ._ o n a C h ris tm a s tru e " . jo ln tconunuiS i}ueIn i

■ ' T h e b r le l cotximuc r. R iv e ra y D am as, th

S an S a lv ad o r, sa id ,

• r . fro m 0 ^ . 2 2 to J a n .: — ^ - reb e l rep re sen ta tiv e

d a te o r loca tion w as j• Ju lfo Adolfo R ey

• e m m e n t. te a m , sal r. C h ris tm a s truce i-bu

■ ■ ■' ^ g r e e m e n t_ o n . th e fn. - d a y i^ r io d . - -

— : - S o v i e t d e f e c. : R O M E (A P) - V ' r S oviet (ou rls t who sp : : de fec ted , to South K< ; ' P an m u n jo m lo st w : . Seoul, a U.N. official

A tirle fn ew sre lea s— ......“ - I ta l s a ld M a tu z o k le f

. - u n d e r tho ausp ices < r rm lsslo n c r for Refug

: : South K orean fted Or

: [Toda; B u n d l e

: TVrtn m n a , B ortey** GoodlngttrBU:

Portly cloudy today «• r few snow showers, mal

tains. Arens of liight anc : fog. Colder, with lows i■ the teens. Highs mosUy : theaS-fiiiSuiKlay:— ^

— —NevadaaDdnorthBmUt-----------------Cold today UutHigbSu---------------tAali;— w1th“ "wl(Jely“ :

showers a t Umes. Lows I nlght.HlghslnUie30s.

Northern Nevada will snow flurries In the oort

______today....-O lherw be_:J■ through Sunday. Colder

tonight from 10 to 30.— ^4ipper«)»U>upp«r40»^

Camas Pralrte and tbe li Valley:

Todnjr and Sunday, pj widely scattered snow near 30 today and 208 Si 15.

cold front i last night and brought

' weather Friday aflemoi The comblnotion of ’

— ahead of this front and ' It produced heavy piow', many parts ot the state.

As this system movei pressure now off the P

; expected to move lalar------- —weather wllh It.

- Another minor uppei _________ dlreclly.bchln(l.thl^frc

to bring some more sh southern- Idaho and' through tho BUite Friday

A large drea of high~ • y 'i

i Its way slowly Into the I— i___ _Jatcrihl3J«cKcf>d,____

By the start of next warm er weather will

....................dram atlc-change-to-tweather of the past sevt

----------- *— Sklo8-wero-roo»Uynflemoon, with some clouds observed In «

'[ tions.. Visibilities were redu

■ •_____ _ and southenslem nsouile » than one mile.

• Salmon picked up3Ii

L : ____N ational ,Mmx M

T “----------Albu^'riiue--------- :

' Dofton Si •■ Oilcaso 31

Dallas »■ Denver ' M <

DetMolnes 3SDoUvIt «

. ; Itooblulu . ... D :' fiouston . SO :

. IX K l la n a p b lL )39

IndeiB u s i n e s s .................C l a s s i f i e d . . . . . .C o m i c s ....................

----------- ld a1 > o --------

Circulation j»ryH_ _ j _ C ircu lation 'phones a r

d o not rece iv e y our j___ a re a :

--------------Jerx>me-Wendell-Goo(______ _ B u rIe y -R iq ^ -P a u l-<-----------l^B uhl4;asU orord -----------n -----------Ftler^Rogerson-HolUfl

iSvinFaU saiidaH ^olhi

I f y ou h a v e a news^ti] . 'd ep a rtm en t, c a ll TX . w ee k d a y s .T o re p o rtl

w eekends, call 733-033A d v e r t i s i n g nuim .If you Wish to p lace ju

--------- - a r e ta k e n M onday th■ r s i t u r d a y s from 8 a .n

’ a v a ila b le w eekdays 01

„ ^ T lm o 8 - N e w 8 ,T w ln F i

j f ly — ^nts:take twinshoin iY (A P ) S eparated S a A shley, v i ^ h ave w eathen R irgery a n d bouts w ith m en / o \ U tahH eallh Sciences Gem

officials say. oan .Joha I2 w a i)^ d . th e twlr i is o ld nex t month, left the n Ir p aren ts ' a t 7 p .m . for th e ri

I surgeons B e r a t e d the tw l Sept. 13-14. -

icntlinSalvadpiv^II S alvador (A P) — (3ovemm« 1 negotia tors m et for 12 hours 1 o f peace ta lks, but could nol ruce o r p ther concrete mcasi ) Indicated. .nunlque. read by Monslgnor , th e ^ m a n Catholic a rd ib l: lid , how ever, th a t bolh sldi rm o y e m e n ti> f .tra ff lc Jn ^ & in. 3. I t a lso said the govemmi tiyes^agreel to m eet.agaln,_ a sg iv en .e y P rcndes. the h e a d of- th s a id - h is grotq) h ad propc -bu t-the-rebe ls r e j e c t s It. 1

\ f r ee flow .of t r a ffic during tl

ector reaches Ro- Vasily Yakovlevich M atm ) a r ic c d a bloody gunbattle v I K orea through th e In ice vll ; week, a rriv ed he re FVida;:ial said."'------------r---------------lease issued in the South K ore le f t Seoul-"according to h is v

es o f the U nited NaUons H ig lugees, and w as accom panle 1 CiTOs official, Yoo-Yoon Chu

a y ' s W4Ic u p : - D e c

I t h ayaodSunday w ltha__- y Ymainly over moun- and morning valley / /vs toolght mosUy In - lUy 40s today in

iU la h r-7 - :^ ---------------xSuodiytoaortbem— —y-^->

ws In the 20» Sunday

will have a chance of ^ MrtheastmounUlns-:ja riab l9 .clouds__________dernlghti) with lows H igh 20. HighsjboUi days T e m p

twkwerWoodlUver _______

paitiyLoudy with ^ffUffhrk ww showers.-lilghs - W m S L B Sunday: Low 10 to_ '■ W *

/ " IS H ow eu t entered the state dayaflo t ^ t a mixed bag of received moon./ . Hlghe!of warm, moist a ir day was utd cooler a lrbd ilad— iiadtttel » w 7 riiriand8 le«1 ir— TOf-e Bte. Idaho,oved eastward, h i ^ shows-n e Padflc Coast was iilghs f r aland bringing drier and fron

. Lowszei <p»r Blr rtlirtitrhiinpo tCCHSthrI front was expected___s showers io most of l a d n C ujd'.m ove rap id ly . b o isE Iday evening. Uon DeoUel> li> U« ro«dc<m.

was J i ^ ^ of ^ s . 9

he Pacific Northwest----------- ------------- -— broken-6« x t week drier and uiji . will have made a crangevo.U>e-cold. nnd-wet— <;j,e3ter-lwverol days. Moscowitiy_doudy_Eriday. wetiMnisme breaks In U>e intersttl souUiwestem por^ broken s

floor snc-educed in the cenU^lountalns at Umes to u 'g. 1

1 Lowell-Li3Inch«of8now rri- snowfloo

KaasasCliy »: ; LMVegM - - »

:_Mlo Pcp L ee A n m k * ______o

S ™ Tt44 .... MUwiSS IT

5 r K S T S t t s41 •.... NewVort - O M ..... OkU hwnaaty 57


..............C l-3 M a g ic ^

..............C4*8 N a t i o n.............. . A 6 O b l t u a

rB 4 -5 — P eo p le

lyH ojftdreuU boodtoelsr - I a re m anned betw een 7 and II Lir p ap e r by 7 a .m ., caU the

i ^ t o ^ a g e n i ^ ^ -

l U l s t w - T ^ ' ”o th e ra re a s

s,Up o r wish’to ta lk to somooi 7 3 3 ^ 1 betw een 9:30 a .m

>rt la te news and jp o 'rtsresu lb 0336.

I ad v w ll^ director 9 jui advertisem ent, call 733-o< ’- th r o u ^ F riday from 8 a;m . a .m . until noon. Inform ation Bonly.

n Fa lla . Id ah o S a tu rd ay . OeiDecameber1,l984

__________ 1_______ ^ -------------

l o m e - T T T r R a d i c a t f i

S iam ese CAMDEN, e re d d e li-- ' w onted In conne< lenln^Hfii;^- b e ry a n d a n a llc j ^ n te r ia te group w ere a r r

plosives charge: A 'lns,.who.' ■ poundsofescplosl e m ^ c o l Susan Lisa ^ e drive to 27. bolh of New — ; . j . '_ r r r r n i^ t i n :C h e r r y ; I ;wlns In a • suspicious vchlc,

police said F rida .s_ . . l^ J lo s e n b c nr ___ indictm ent withm en l a nd . ■ Sl-« " ’llilon Brin

notiign>e quent shoot-out i !0su res , a dead.

o r Arturo P o s t w r c c ib lshppol LONDON <AP) jides h ad . a b ridge killed o S alvador P rldnv

i n l a n d u w as the thi n ._but no m onth-old coal i

• m iners w ith m u r^ gov- P r im e ItlinisU

m eet w ith Frcn ^ W M _ .ca lle d - th e .a lta c

'^^n^n tta t *‘c a lc u l3 t^ m a ll

H a w k e . - L i

____ SYDNEY, AU£l O m e ------- Ho"wke"a!Td h is:inok. th e headed lo r a m aj e w hen he liny nuclear disi v illage of L abor’s bid lo laJ d ay from ' Andrew I---------------— Ellw ral P a r ty , in)rean cap - th e allied Nalloiis-wisbes'‘------upset:— -------ligh C^m- All opinion pbl n ied by a wlUi a lead oyei !hun. percentage point

^ e a th e rc e m b e r c h i

• Forecast for 7 p.m.? Y ^ 3 Q ^ 2 o - t J

S ' ^ ____n p e ra tu re s----------------------------7 0 ^ ^ ^

•v ers R ain Flurries S n o w

flemoon. Most of U»e southeast also rad 1 to 2 Inches of new snow, hest temperature In the stale FrI- vas 46 a t Lewiston, while Stanley» low of 10 decrees., ___

extended* outlook -for'SouUtem- >, Monday through Wednesday, >-mosUy-diy-thnni^-the-periodr i from mid 20s to mid 303 Monday, rom 30s to lower 40s by midweek, zero mrough the teens Monday and through the mid 20s by Wednesday.

h o T T o a d r e p o r t ------- --------SB (AP) — Tho Idaho Transporta- )epartment reported Ihe (ollowlng andlUons Friday evening:■ 95 — PlmnmcrCoeur d’Alene. doeur'cTAleno-Sandpolnt, wet. Icy : Sandpotnt-Ganadlan border, wcl n-snow-noor:-Rlggln»-WJille-Bltt}

wet, ‘■broken --snow--floor; jevUle-Winchestcr, wcl; Win-. !T-Lewfslon,— wel;- - Lewlslon- )w. dry; Welser-New Meadows, rfarslng-Oregon border, wet. irsUile 90 —Fourth of July Canyon, n snow floor; Lookout Pass, snow, snowing, chains advised for towing

, 12 — Lewlslon-Lowell. wet; t-Lolo Pass, broken snow, floor, noor. - - ‘ ,w 22- .... PorlIiuHl.Ore. Uso . M .~-St.Louli____ ____ 47a S3 — SaltUkeCliy 43

-9 t--S4—;7.,-S«nFn»ncUco ••- si Tl . 74 Rattle 48

I t S wJuhln on ; a

I I E: W a / io _ ■43 a —. - Ma)sa ' 3S' Uolse, n61 se .... nurify «49 77 .... llawnnan , «

- • ■ - - f r

c V a l l e y ................... .. . B l ">n A3-5j a r l e s ................................B 2


i 10 a .m . only. If you he“n u m b e r/o r your <

J ___-■afi.Mra ln<uiv*nc.

- —---- ----- ao w w326-SJft' Sunday on:

<, 733-OMl l2monUatS.COpcrir

eone in the e d ito ria l, '.m . and 5:30 p.m. J ltsa fle r5 ;3 0 an d o n - - —

tailtotcnThe.Tlme* Fails. I(U

W)93i. Classified ads.m .-unlll 5 p .m rm .d —on on display ads . tka'iiTuted

. * '.bepublliJx

' r :

— ---------------- r —

fug itives-arra ig r(A P) - A 2S-j8oiw

uireUoiBSlUi Uic l)loody ISSl 1 lUeged m em ber of a rad ica l u arra ig n ed F riday on w w po 'ges a f te r being d iscovered >losives Into a ren ted storagel: Rosenberg, 29. and Tlmoth]

ew York Clty, were*a‘iTesle< ry,HiH-aflertocal:police-were h id e a t th e public s tc rag e fa id ay .>erg w as ch a rg cd in a federal 1th d riving a getaw ay c a r In i iHHlc’s arm ored c a r robbery I a g u a rd d ead on Oct. 20, 19( u t in N yqtk , N.Y., le ft two pbl

3 c k s t a x i , d r i v e r i\ P ) — A 3-foot concrete post 1: d a ,taxi d river tak in g a m ir

th ird death s tem m ing from a l strike , and au th o rilies 'c l nurdcr.lister M argaret T hatcher, f ■rcnch P residen t F ranco is I Hack a n “ uttcriy desplcablt Dallce.”

L a b o r - P a r t y , l e a cA ustralia (AP) — P rim e Mi his A ustralian L abor P a r t j n a jo r re-election victory Satu d isa rm am en t p a rty th reaten I lake control of the S e n a tg ry w Peacock, leader of the cc

insisted F rid ay night th a t hi itlonal P a r ty would pull off

polls showed Labor headed tyer the L iberals rang ing frc3ln U . |i .

r — — l i l l o n i t s ^

n. EST, Sat.. Dec, 1 — > < - 2 °

Cw PRO M TS : _____ ___•^ W arm C o k ) . ^ w ' O c c k i d e d - ^ ^ Stat»on

ilso In tersu le 34 — Coldwe ' IBol» orea, w el, raining

F l- F alls, wet; TwIn-Falls-UI iley raining.

_____ Idaho 55 - H orseshoed€m-^cyr8now-floorr4)onneHy^^ lay, broken snow floor, snow noiod:------ Itfoho21— Bolse-ldahoClay. floor; Idaho Clly-Lowmon >ek. ’ Grandjcon-Stanlcy, closed, and ' ^ S . 20 — MounUIn He lay. sivvv, floor, snowing, po

Falrfield-Arco, snow floor, "co-Idaho Falls.-brukcnsno

floor; Idaho. Falls-Ashton, .1- - Ashton-Monlana border,

‘’ /•knowing, drifting.,1 . ' U .S .20—Snowfloor.'sno'15 .-m u iiu M -w u t:------------

. U.S. 33 — Nevada bordc H^__wct;jnwlnJ-alls-Carcyr4ltj (ir- door; Carey-Arco, snow fli /Ini Arco-Salmon, snow floor, s on.' T r allP ass.snow floor,vs Idaho 75- - Shoshone-K

’ snow floor; Galena SummI on snowing, drifting.

. InUjrstatoflC-W et.■ ilnlcrslntc_15 - Utah

** F alls, wet; Idaho Falls-I floor; M onldaPass.SM W fl

U.S. 30- W e t . snowing.■ -r U.S. 91 TT Wcl. snowing.

U 44 .... Idahoh^tts

~ 4 : ’ 31 .... McCall ' 7 * '«l ••• M— ■■.v.-PDcatdlfr-^----------« . ■... Salmon ■

s. <7 Tw in Fall. V«lcnlay

Ma)5 M liTPcp'Ijw l Year J> . S .... Normal '

.40 Zl .03 To(lay'»»imsrt;.... 4(K 3C .... TomorrDw'iumrbe

■I— R e l i g i o n . . . . . . . . .'5 S c o r e b o a r d ..............:2 S p o r t s ...............J L - W o r l d ......... .

ome deUvery:^Iy. tl.30 per week; I

ry: dally, lT«frsr wMk; Suaday, 7M loday, ll.tO per week. Mall ubscrlptio ance a ^ are avftUabte only where CM ilHSiB^rdaliylttl'^idkyTi tiwUh e monmrttl.«t,-t3'm onua » . « : tfau

y only, I monUt 3 months H3.U. i )Ua *53.40. Slttdenl and servlcemui rat crinonUifordallyandSurKlay, *

itcnnaUoglme»-New( is published dally al l a n

I(J^ , StH). by Ma0e-Valley N< l<lass ponUi* paW al Twlo'FaUs by T □ l-ceo). OiflcUl dty aod eouniy newi lkui’ CC-loe of Ute~ Idaho Code.'Thur iiled as Uie day of Ihe eo wtileh h llihed.

S g I------------------------ 1 • Coo

U on b e c a n f n e d -----------------B iu m en th j

M id woman 1 B rink 's rol>-.. u n d e r g ^ d

p o n g e d _ex- d io a d in e n o

5 . r x : s ™ i c .

la c im y .s u te

a lB ran d Ju ry - - ^ ^ W f - ' - n lK e ib o rte d . iy i r N a n u e i r l9 8 1 .A su b se - V» llceo r,le e rs

e v o lu t io n - r H i < x 5 s c ie n c e .”

, p arw ih la l ft hu rled from too restr ic lin er to w ork sa id .

im th e e igh t- ed u c a tio n c h arged tw o a n in fu s lo r

to fun ction in P a ris to *i .don’t :

; M itterrand . d o n 't w ant blc deed" o t . _ s a l d . t h ^

r ep orters--------------T ----------- s h o w i r s n ii d l n g ---------1 _ssmpu!_s5 r

t y appea iM (orceablc tu rd a y .B u ta ..E nrorcem ( ened to spoil

conservativeh is p a rty ond ,5 „

° _ i r ^ o m . : i

d t o r v i c t o ^ S s p . ; rrom 10 to tc j„ .

y e a r a l th S p ea k er T

" "Bium ehfeli: o f l h e h i g t

. .sa id unlvei p r o v e If 0

• m a w T - - s ie a d o f U K . - - -B lu m en f

hl«I ^ ■ d e b a te will

titin repres U F ^ e d th e ln v i t

“ W e do i s ^ S s o ob liga tion

_ _ jlem o g o g u f_______ _ y lp u s ly se l

| g _ ^ s o . ___- L o u r ln lc r c sR o llle sa id

J ” > 7 0 n o r e a so n !-................ H e sa id 1

/ book Is to- N B A . it is

■T. v e ile d allai»(' B lu m en f\ a t th e s la tet— :----------------- —in-th e ro a d------------------ ' - sc h o o js ,” F


well area, wet; ■ jin rrwm.1 ng; • Bolse-TwlnUtah llxK, wcl, {9 . I

jjcndJXmneUy. ' ~~g ■ !

Door. t o)C ity,w el,snow . - - f a 7 | k ^ , jn o w floor; g

ilome-Falrfleld, ( 9poor visibility; f y)r, snowing; A r-' Jm 'now floor, snow ■ Con, snow floor; ( 9r. snow floor, t o '

.. — ■dcr-TwIn F alls,”' -Ifloor, snowing; ^

-. snowing; Lost C

-Kelduim. wcl, ' t a ' R i m lt.snow noor,.

h bordcr-IdalK) ^ s-DuboLs, snow jte ^flwr.snowlng. . ^ .......

Us 6 RidMax Min I'cp 6 5 ®

I f t ■■■■ t o S k il ...... to I


. .- V . . . . B 3 t o ........-------- . . D 2 t o. . . . . D I - 5 t o _...........A8 to

!<per w k ; dally C ShOf 4lcasmuMbcpaM _ ‘carricr-ddlvcty-Jiz. =riw .li.t<Q m dh n .u , a mo(imi_ j l C o u f UUyonlyrimonUi' — CT•iJ-nwnUtt-«7.80:-------- f e —iS.'4mooUMCa.7D, — C -----------rate, by mall only., W

'T O rtS l S

yThcTlmes-Newi t orwipaperpunuiu>l_ ■ jlu r^ y U henliy , ^ ..hlesalnoUewwUi .f® ' ''

: h o o h ^JjoUoued from P ag e A l a m e m andatory, F o rrey andthnhsHid:— -------r —-----------1 officials In the P ay e lte Coun- c t of New P lym outh have said ppys had an opportunity to leir children a t home, bill fail- n y out a p rog ram th a t would 1 youngsters instruction com- f o lh a t in p u b lic '^ o o ls . . y said the chiidren w ^ p e r ! D oorlv In the public schools, ere was no e fT o rt'to 'p u r’.lhc tendent in Jail because he !diicat!ngthechildren.” _ , .Id people who b ase th e ir lives cal teachings-are^at odds with

w h e re" Ihe NEA h as a Cj - b<^ause lhe_assoclallon ! in teaching tbe theory ol ■n - rather- than "creation ” S tale requ irem en ts tha t al schools m ust m ee t a lso arc rlc llvc for som e p aren ts , he

y - s a ld . lack ..o f compulsory }n wouldn't open the w ay for Ion of unskilled people unable ion in society.I’t find paren ts who say, 'We ant our children educa ted ,' " Nampa I ^ u b l l c a n , who told

rs other leg isla tors have SDppor t - f o r - a bolitlon-of-the ^ ry -ed u ca t^ n ru le In I ^ o . bnfeld also sa ld“ law s man- Kiucatlon have becom eunen- le in areas-of-h lgfi-truancy . imenl now is used to impede istrucllon by p a ren ts w ho find «:hools unacceptable, h e said, nk what we need In th is coun-

a re turn to educational i,;isaid.B lum enfeld.-w ho-has ivolvd 'in Idaho education com pleted early this the request o f Idaho House

• Tom Slivers, R-Twin F alls, feld urged the s ta le to gel oul ligtier-educatlon business. He versity instruction would Im- f adm inistered p riva te ly in-U iel)ythestate.-;= ---------2nfeld ^ I d on F rid ay th a t he his rp tum v isit to Include a vlth Idaho E ducation Associa- resenlaiives. but they, declin- ivilalion. . •don’t feel any particu lar

on to give a no ther forum to a guo whnsn-poBltions-are-ob- M lf-servlng, and con tra ry to rests and thosfc'oEthe.pu5Uc;i; aid in an interview . "W e secirnffireiinnenrB oraneiiiiart:’''id tha t although B lum enfeld’s touted a s an a ttack on the is m ore accu ra te ly a "thinly

l la ck o n th ep u b llc schools." snfeld "secs the N EA, and us a te level, a s being an obstacle

rtftctniAUnn nf the nubile ’’ Rolllesaid. .





WOOL 81s u r

lEW PINSTRIPES lEWMUXTrSTRIP lEWSOtJB&ftNrBich 55% P o ly es te r/4 ‘ 5% Polyester/36% -V\ killfuHy Tailored in A m i y New England Craftsr


Reg. $245.00 ahd

tp o r iF re e In -S to re A ltoratii n w . G rev . C h a r c o a l , Brow lo f ls . L o n g s , in c lu d in g 48 ,

3 m e .ln j= .B o p e i:s .E x p e f lC Ju n se lo fs a n d F .illers-wiii a )Li rne~Riqht C h o ig e T he

Of course, Roper las 'B esTSpbrt Co

a nd Slacks. Too

• Vvv/W F A LLS • BU RLEY^

-muior• C o n tin u e d f ro m P j

a n d m a r k i n g th e ' e v e n t , s a id _ s u s d a t a m a n a g e f J o r th l u n r s l o n o f E c o n o m ic a n d ^ la id f a i r s . . . . .

to " ,T h ey c o u ld h a v e fo i a ll- b o m a t th e e s t im a te d luld h a d a s t a t e tr o o p e r f la g < )m - C a lif o r n ia r e f u g r o d r iv ii

■ N e v a d a b o r d e r to th e pije r - - o f th e -G e m -S la te...-____ _o ls , " B u t w e d e c id e d w e .th e 'P o I n t t h e d a te : '^ h e s a ld r -


v'es - - - -

v l t h - r a ^ -----------------------^O ' ■ <M/,

o f ' a t t f l W ILion '

<*•7 —

ib le

'W e | | [ | S

to ld „ '•a v e I s f l y S B B ® •the------------------0- _ _ ---I".'— fan- -fen -- - --------------------------^icy .e d e . ,[ind,{H - OlvoKolloy Gordon

lun- .•nal Hard-To^uy-Forth a s _ ___________________.1:1lion

th is P O I N S E Tu s e p ,ic«dills. From O n ly ...............o u l ' TflO tfodiiional Chiislm. H e many sl20s and prices.1— UnlQuo Pclnsollla Tfoos


■ h t C H R I S T M A Se a __ H F & n Q U A Rjlf l." • ------------------------lln- f_LW ing-Trees‘ -

• C u t T r e e s l ia r • F lo c k e d T r e e s10 a For D ocoratln;.Ob-------------------8*«Our-7-Th*np'tO ----------------------------------r s i i , — s e e _ [_______ | t i | ~ | i

Id ’s . •th e IInly I A N Y C

l u s I W I T H T H



e N e w S u i t


ITS= 8i lPES - ~ ' ~ '

'4 5 % Wool and . j. Wool Fabrics. jmerica ■ itsmen. U

H li^E N T — H RIVED ^

nd $260.00 f W %. $ | - 9 g - 8 5 «

a t io n s . B lue . J K v ^ ‘ o w n , R e g u la r •

f lC I o lh in g --------------11 a s s u r eh e R ig h t F ii: - ~............. - ~

e f s __ ';o a ts ~


_________ - ~ ' 7 ~

h — — ' PaigeAl And, If tlicJd Porter, ccn- th e Idaho-D lv i-, o '

o u n d th e b a b y d m om 'en t. O r g dow n th e f i r s t iring a c r o s s th e

e couldn 't pin-

p e l f e j mm CENTER

n I Ijj.J

_______jlff/h O p e n F

/ m M i " '—

P T I A S ’$ 3 9 5

imas llowcr in ' — y r * ! '

; s . . . : « o .=5 T r i m y o iSALEPRICEO. With OU---------- ornam erS T R E E - : - T R T E R S - C o m e----------------= = . -j-g.

------- A r r a n g e n— . . and

„ g l d « . . = “ ' ° '

— - C O U P O N -

CUT TREEHIS COUPON ‘Sh Sunday . Doc. 2 , tS 84 S S tlloyO ftrdeoC onlor ^

^ -- c o u P o R i^Nt^E EAST AT EASTLAND, TWIN on.>SB(.-0i00-6i00i-FrIday»itll3:i

ts for the hA L P U R C

j A a S ?

“ ------------- Pwv-DlBtinctiG lflW rappin

I • . F ree Parking-Dif - ■ Tw ih-Falls & B i

~ O p en -A -R o p er 'sC or U se Your E

the Census Bureau were to: w ith a - M y , 1984, e s t im a te ..........h a n -o n e 'n ^ l io n , the sta le i v c j f l j a k e a i ^ Ib e i la q u e -

the mililonlh i d ^ ^ ^ f i ^ — l-r

ensus B ureau h as not yet es tim ate for-July 1984. The

• esllm aleSi based on b irths ”Lhs.--cmploymenLand-other------ -lav e bcen 'm ade betw een sU m onths a fte r the. effective ^ le r s a id . . . .


Join U8 For ......OId-Fo#hlonod

C hrlatm os Spirit . andR brro shm on tsI

n F r i d a y E v e n i n g s“ ’ tirS T O O a n d -------------------- _i n d a y - 1 2 : 0 0 - 5 : 0 0 ------------ - _

H R I S T M A S ? N A M E N T S ,y o u r b e s t t r e e e v e r o u r v e r y - , s p e c i a l ' ~

n e n t s a n d r i b b o n s .

im e T o .T h e L oft F o rUa'stlnsHollday-------------------

j e m e n t s , C e n te r p ie c e s m d W re a th s plu9^ ite S tu f fe d AnlnTals

WIN FALLS • 734-851B U :-S iin d a v12-5 • | ________

J ® ® - ® ® ® - ® - ® ® - ® ®

H o l l d a y s - ^ ^

c h a s e |

_______ iM -

m w i

f e l l

DCfJvO--------------------^Ping • • . . fi}

D ir e c lly 'B e tih d S iB u rley S to re s __S B

's Op7(on C harge S 1ir B a n k c a rd s • m B

---- - . ,(5

— •-'TTTT - - - - - - Ji

Page 5: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

_ ■

NANCY HARVEY• H ad e n d u red varl<

Safct] ? officii

^ resig rWASHINGTON (A]

>' H a rv e y S teorts, who------: C onsum er Product Si

slon advocating coopc ’ “ ^ u s t iy b u t. .w o u n d

business, consum er g r ■of h e r fe llo w 'comiT nounccd F rid ay th a t s

~ - . e ffecU vdJan .5 ;------- ...------- --------liSafec.products,-sar(

- new m eaning and th an d th is nation a rc mo ly dow n the track to ev d u c t safety,-” she said

C ference. But, she adde . be e v e r v igilant to ne'• p ro b lem s."' "M rs. S teorts had

e s tab lish a dialogue , ' su m e rs and industry I, ' c la sh es w ith both side : • : ceed ed In prom oting i

fo rts In som e areas.' G etting groups to wo

' ' s te a d of m erely im pa regu la tions, w as h e r go

• been accom plished, MrShe .said she plans

— p riva t»busine6srbut-d• de ta il s . -.............. .......; , P re s id en t R eagan’s ; ' t in g h e r resignation mi- • o f a successo r in the ch

7' V ’ none i s ’ ap i» iritbd '; dep a tu re . Vice Chair

: • • B row n A rm strong wc / ag en cy in the interim .

M rs . 'S te o r ts 'te rm a '• . - th e com m ission expin

i . l . , ^ t she rem ained In ol — i— WWtu l lausti aimumx

i renew ing h e r appolntn '' • Ing her.’> . W hen she w as sworr

-------lo o ith e b usinessxom n■ - ly recelved-her-w arm • tlcu la rly encouraged bj

■ of th e ’ R eagan j =— in p M o so p h y nf ■■iftcMnc.ct

: r vo lu n ta ry compliance

' ■ - regulations. i7-'/^‘f_“ M rs .-S teo rts -h as te - p roach one of olive b ra

• .1 ry stick — and she bej . o u t th e olive branch of |

r governm ent and IndusL



—1.1- i s - n e w yjl trees wi

■ B rotated c

' ' W'€

v f Ma

I j: ■

Mtion ~

^ H | i C g

„ W A S HC h a r le s '

^ p - ^ H j j ^ ^ l - ' P r i d a y l ou s t He o ’N e i u , from 0 ’

-D em d cn decision^

O ’NeUl _ sp eak er, -day. servativ«

EY S T E O R T S i r i o u s c l a s h e s O’Neill

posed MlL — Y - ■ o c ra tlc < \ . \ J te a m for

- Stenho[al............. b u tln d ic

. '■ "liigup th i

ns— ^----- Gan

(A P) - Nancy ho took over: the MIAM ; Safety-Coromis-. .-flvB.peoi operation with in* F r id a y a nd ;up battling ly woun • groups and some ‘an o th e r tnm issloners, ‘an- neighbor It she Is resfgning police sa___________ :_________sa fer.pcop lehas a by. thc-si

th is commission police i moving confident- “ T h e re I even g re a te r pro- ald a t a news con- ided, "w e m u s t . . W new and d ifferent’ &

ad struggled to Su e between con- C*itry, and despite hildes she-has sue- S -----------IE co o p e ia t lv e e f-

work together. in- W.iposing rules and ^r goal and tha t has e -M rs. S teorts said. j2 :..

ons to re tu rn to K j 'U je d in « H o ;^ v e g r .v’ ----

n’s le tte r accep- W.‘- m ade no m o tio n

i c h a irm o n sh lp jf . bd"*'beforfe her ■airman Saundra would head the u r ^ ^ l

n- S ‘^ i ln a s chairm an of plred In October, a „ - 1 office pending a . Mwaam pnt g ithcr •« ' n tm ent 01 lep lu t- C"*—

'om in on Aug. 4, • 5 ‘ •.mmunlty"general* Wr irmlyr^belng p ar- - S t— —d by her advocacy K v .

adm in istra tion agpfwpprntlnnnnH g-c e With sa fe ty e f- m

te rm ed her a p - ' & — — ' branch and h icko-' M began by holding s o f peace between f t ustry . 2fef!teS8

v e a r e n o w

W ESEf i

w-ond the onl vill include me I daily: P lease <f e a i m a t q u

— c i & o r f e o u s


□ n s e r y a l d ^

[ a l l e i r g i r t (3HINGTON, (AP) ■ - Rep 2s S t ^ 6 ) m , D-Texas, hlnte< y he m igh t~a6andon^ls bid ti House Speaker Thom as_:P U J r . a fte r he won a promls< O’N eill to-, give conservatlvj

c r a ts a g rea te r voice In Hous<on^maklng. ---------- ---------------eili;- seeking his fifth te rm a: e r, m et w ith Stenholm on F ri Ie la te r told reporters tha t con live- D em ocrats '^ have b t t r ng in th e back row and now c going to be heard .” elll I d he hopes to ' run unop M onday when th^ House E)em

c Caucus p ick l.ts leadership for th e 99th Congress conv’enin(

iholm sa id he would m ake i decision o v e j the weekend ot e r to pers is t in his-challenge iic a ted ho m ight bo close to giv th e fight.

eill. noting the country hais beer

mmen slap 5j/frlMI (AP). — Two gunm en kille< eople .In a ,“ drug.housc^[. earlj y and,left a six th person critical lunde^ then apparently fire< s r volley o f. shots t h r o u ^ j 3orhood to discourage pursuers said . •suspec ts "w ere p ^ l b j y knowi

»-sub jec ts Inside," according U ■spokesman . 1 ^ Shannon

•c w asn’t any sign of fo'rced en

l iS S J W S iJ s W K S W I iW Ia W W

F o r C hCalpl

N o n R e a c t i v f

A lum m um

I4 7 M o ln A v « .W .

E S S E E S E B i

V p r o u d t o s «

l u mBUFFET4y. on ^ iii AAuyic lost of your fav ! g ive US a try.[ u a l i t y f o o d >

i s ^ e r v i c e ^ a l )

_ L u n c h ’. . , .

Children I

. R r i c o l n c l u d i n _________ o h d d e s s e r t . _

M o h . - S a t . . . . S u n d a y . .

B u f f o t H o u r s : • M o n . 'S a t , . . . .

S u n d a yAT THE BLUE L;


: - T - 1

tive may t a O ^ N e ilep . m oving polltlcalijfr tow nted vow ed to p u t m ore co: d to ifad e rsh ip advisory ct _ :P ._ to .sch ed u Ie twice-inor nlse of th e D em ocratic n tlve d iscuss th e scheduling I juse C onservatives have------ th e -p a s tth a tO ’N elllhaI a s concerns and 'g ivensho F ri- leg isla tive agenda. O’l eon- a s m uch F r id a y . ; ■

" ■ ^ e y '^ u i a T i a v e D em ocratic ta b le ," the " I d on’t w ant any of th<

Z . p o r ty ”- , ,ship "T h e re ’s room for t ning the b ig ten t. We w e l«

w ant th e ir voice to be hi ;c a Stenholm sa id F rida I on s id erin g h is decision tigc. O’Neill. He sa id othej giv*. D em ocrats h ad urged 1

- of the. ra c e in light Kwn' gesture s m ade by th e $]

n M iam i 'drugllled try o r any th ing .” -------a r ly ___ ln s ld e_ th e .:ap a rtimic a l- . th a t w ere fired w i ired d irec ted a t th e people h a m ent spokesm an Mik< lers, not like they w ent in a

ap a rtm en t. We don’t own over in th e w alls."Ig to Po lice , described non. M iam i neightiorfioodt I en- a re a .-

T r i s f m a s» h a l o n/ e G am rnen nn Cookwar<

Calpholon If a nonti Iho i'i p a rt o l tho mo chip, crock; pool o r i

, • n a ra you con u>o m( ' ■ .withou t ta a r of-»«fofeh

.u p it e o iy bocou»« I •tick iroo. Calpholon f alum inum from r«a

^ pa --L.- iio m a to o r Idmon ju lu u A . .tho color ond llovor o ■ _ w hile iouc» . loo. le< V ' e n d o rie il .

! 6PIOCO ^ CS-1 ‘ > 1

R eg . $ 159 .99 . I9 P lo c»

^ y R o g . $ 1 9 9 . 9 9 . ~|I k 10 P ie c e •^^SpS-4 > J

$ 244 .50 . A

S M g M l S S M

serve . . .

le -V a l le y . O i i r □ v o r i t e i t e m s c

I a n d o f f e r

l y v a y s ! 7 ; ~ "■ r j - ; $

8 < - S u f i T d a y - . , . ’

n.(2-6)..... . . .V’(7-12)...:

J i n g s a l a d b a r , . 'e a , c

ejSs5 eei. . T i l : 0 0 a . m . - l l t O f f f . ---------N o o n - ] 0 ; 0 0 c

....... lT:OOa.m.-2:36.F4 : 3 0 p . m . -.8 :0 9 F

• . . . . , . - N o o n - 8 :0 9 p E L AKES SH O PPIN G CENTEI

nel734-6578_^ ' [ j i s i ' i a i s i f Z f g L a T !

dropf f lQward the right. ranservatlves o n . W V com m ittees and .onthly mccdngs m em bership to I f

g of legislation. ' e complained in Had ignored their hort shift to their ,3’Nglfl_conceded;r A

e a voice a t the . 1 | hie speaker siild. Hh e m to leave Uie- - H

' a ll of us under ' V (come them. We ‘ « ih eard ,” he said. day he^8 recon- : . . ’>n to challenge le r conservative d h ^ to back out It of the peace • - •speaker.

tfen t “ the shots ^ r e sp^Iflcally lie,” sai<l dcpart- ike ^ w a r t . " I t 's I and sprayed the ’t have shots all '

~ tH e northeast ~ ra s 'a h lg h ^ c rlm e - — r

. .

• I 1-era I :i ' c —ntiick :*uHacc <fl

no ta l. It con’i Qj r ru tt . It'« »o ' Smolol ulon»l» -------------------i:hlnB-lti'Cloon~ 3 ----------t ll'» vlrluolly g 1 provon ti ih e *3 ooetlng' ‘ with f i ,oiintl.tiisBocl*_S( :

of o dollcoto S ^le ad in g chefs S ' '

144“ I I184^H2iH _M F T - & I

■ e n - ~

4” I- - - -

coHoo p i p

'■ P -m . ■ P ' , » .

I p i r n !

............M o n ! s -


Elo«tlc -w alit pants W iiy lo t.' Choose from <BB ■ Jhoollng or twill.—So a lori.V ^olst»30lo30.

0 r lg .$ 2 0 & $

Now ^ 1 3

i S / ***" .mf LEVI ST__________ « / DEr

■ 1 - ■JEA

B / a > * n '» jc r : r£ iS S w ^

17 FLANNEL I SHIRTSI) S lib t S-M-l-XL,. Wo.,K\ sh ru nk .R eg .S I4 .

N o w * 7 ” ^

& / N a t u r a l F e a t h

^ C O M F O R T !1 / 95% goose l«olher/5%I dow n.I . '‘ Twlr. $ ,I Reg. SSO............Now .| \ Fu ll/Q ueen $<

TOWELS \ lC roa t o tso rtm en t ] ■

. of prlnlft - ' I I --------- M »o*4V aloei----------- 7 l

' Ledle*

PAJAMAS «o l^ ru ih e d nylon \1

R * B .« 0 . II

D l i E S S I H r ^for Junior* ft Mrs.

-----------■“lo rg e g roup——----------

; • ^ --------

^ ________ ' t S a tu rd a y ,J


'A L m — rs'Its in th roe . IB im corduroy."Souorol CO. M S

- ' ' B& $24 i m -

3 ’ ’ J m ^

' H i u______ ^


STRETCH m ^ENtM_____ \ B ___EANS It.g.S30 - tK

“ 7 W /WS FLANNELm ... SHIRTS------n ------- ■srio»s:M:L,

t t Reg.S25

i t h o r -

TERS m/5% gooto

I■ * 3 9 ” i m

' C a b b a g e P d lch y/ SLIPPERS 1

- Ladles sizes.Reg.»30

V N o w i i 4 ! y

f f / lod les ^

5 / LONG >I GOWNSI of brusbod ilylon

______ RoB.iZ4.$27_.------- L

'^ N o w - * 1 6 ’ ^

W f --------- JS1^15^C5IV- NI / ’ GENERRA ! SPORTSWEAR .|il ' Enllre stock

0 5 % Q t f ^

f ^ u (------------------- :-B lu o lo k e *

/,^3ecomobor 1.1984 TJnios-

p 5 i

------------- ----------------------------- MdB LEVI A= = ----- » (-™ ^ S L A '

■Bl' $>zos30lc® \ .....



100^; polyoslur bollod H ponls. Reg, S3&. gm

,,100% ca y FLAN

~ B l---- ---- SHElH r Twin .n R e^.$IS-$30 . . ^

•-H I ' R*g. $23:125 .T ^c M \ Q ueen S a \ •R*0-$27-S29 . . h H a \ King

Rog. M O ...........h


L _ m — -

> 9 9 j g

f f f t

_ B TURTI _______ H K —SWE

k, ____ 5 colori


i v / LadlesS BLAZERS &■ l Si5i'SI5.

• J u n i o r G JffiMy P o lv e i te r /

m . BL^ZEI n SKIRlIm novy & {

~ m BlexeritReg. $ 8 0 ..........1 N<

SkirtsReg.SSO............ N<

ladle*B ROBESn of brushed nylonm Reg. »33-»42

t'ST COFFE' i t r

H I . ^Reg. w T

’1 ^ N o w ^ I t

« M a l l _ ________

lios-N ew s.'Tw In Folia Irtnhr. a . t -

a y ]m r :_ M a n ' j _ Z _ _ ^ ^ _________ • ____:__

A C T I O N I k ■ ■ ■ ■L A C K S = ® " ^ ------- --301o42w olst. • I f lReg. *27. . . . S • ^ ____


i C o t to n

,NNEL m EETS-------- -------------

I. T n d . M / ' ” i S " - -

. . n . w * 2 0 ” j m

N . . * 2 1


r t l e n e c R ' . . ®

W E A T E R S . : -------- a — — —olort.R eg .$S2 . I B

- * 3 7 ” #

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;e r s& \mIRTS __ ■

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Page 6: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

; m

S tu d <' WASHINGTON (Al

p a id an^ayerage tax-----------U S ; irid jm e ln 1983; <s

F r id a y , abou t th e s W 5,000-a-jearfam lly.

T he c o rp o ra te s h a r tin u es to d rop, acco n o f-thc Jo in t C om m itt

J ____ pqratc_lhcomic tdxes• : : e r a l govcm m cnt rew

. - . c c n l in 10^ pcrc( ;rrecen U y a8 l9 5 2 .-

B y com parison , the • • :.-:a l Incom e taxes, whl

^ l!w as 48.1 p ercen t l a s t : -;:47 .7 pe rcen t In 1981.

-According, to tho Ir Individual tax p a y e r V,

'‘‘'$45,000 paid a n aver------ - - r e t J ^ ' n ied in 1983.1

•< th e 'a v e ra g c ra io w a s i ; “ T h e 6.2 p ercen t sha

^ • r e p re s e n t th e ir total ( -."nues b ecause it does t

ty and excise taxes the

WASHINGTON Cf N avy-charte red sh ip

— ,— id r if te d IntojC uban w . ,d ay , causing the Nc

' th e a irc ra f t c a r r ie r N ■so quickly th a t 1,000 le f t behind. Pentagon

T he ship, the ^

~ 3 - f n o r e i' • - WASHINGTON (Al

..ocratlc congressm en -(Ic lal w ere a rre sted

• ' i South A frirnn Pm hn ;16 th e num ber of p r ;d e to ln e d ‘8inceN ov. 2 tlo n s to p ro test th a t i

: policies. ■

”= 1 R e ^ “. ' ‘Doh’ “ Edwi ;G eorge C rockett J r . •L eonard Ball of the G<

R eagan , K(• W A SH IN G jaklC A I

-----------4 te a S a n p ig g e d FVIdfl y w ith W e s fC e h n A m erican allies In sh.

' fo r exp lo rato ry ta lk s U nion o r ih u d e a r arm :

• W est G erm an Cha : Kohl conferred w ith : h o u rs in th e f i n t o f ; su lja tlo n s betw een th a n d allied p a rtn e rs J a p a n before S een G eorge P. Shultz s S oviet Foreign__M;

— :G rom ykoTnG eiw va J;

OpenT = i f f — ti iM

4 i — s f

I 1£— f b — — — — -

------L_L — __LI___

V . • ” ■ • :

[yxCoti:(A P) — A m erican corporatk a x ra te of 16:7 p e n » n t on th r. c o n g r^ io n aT w D O fn ls lss i e sam e OS p a id by a typiilly. . A dare of the U.S. burden c< jording to the s tudy by the sL l itte e 0f> Taxation.- In 1983, 6 :es produced 6.2 percen t o f U 'evenu<s, com pared-w lth 8 p< M X ^tln } m and 3211 percent

th e sh a re produced by Indlvlc A'hlch w as 42.1 percen t in 19i ist year, 48.2 p e rc c h tjn 1982 a

3 In ternal Revenue Service, tr with ad justed g ross Incomc verage lax of 16.9 percent 13. F o r a ll individual taxpoyci a s 15.4 percent, sh a re for corporations does n a l contribution to federal rev es not Include th e Social Secu I they pay.

(A P) - A U S . - w a s fin hip broke down and G uard rt w aters e a r ly F ri- patro l t N avy to scram ble ExplorerN lm ltz to th e a re a A t th,000 crew m en w ere N lm ltz 'jon officials said. Amalie.5eaw ard_Explorer. V irgin 1

^ M t f e s t e d i t(A P )-:^T w o Dem- T rad e I len aiid a labo r of- a r re s t t; ted F rid ay a t the n e a r th( ibassy,.sw elling to th e doi p rom inent people building

V. 21 in dem onstra* Specli a t country’s rac ia l With vlo

code ^d w a f f i P I>CallC; ' wlUiIn 5 J r . , I>M lch., a n d - P * ^ ® “ j'G oalltionofB lack ^

M artin— — ------- ----------yolandflKohl talk lockup IX A E ^ - ^ r e s I d e h t----------- -riday to work close- F S l f S h n a n y and o th e r " t S shaping proposals . m

Iks w ith th e S o ^ t ±rm sjs in tro l............. ' E3 iancellor H elm u^,- 7 th R eagan for two i j )?'! o f a series, of con* , C j I the United s ta te s ^ r s in Europe and 5 ^ ic re ta jy of S ta te ^I s its down with ^ >-c ,M inlster-r-A ndrel— M W . a iJan .7 an d 8 .

Tonight Only Midnight!!

H C E S F5 H O

- Men’s Shi sam ple of the

| H ^ ---- 7

-r <• r ■ CL

_ _____ M


lyrOtfbuiitetm 1 ,19S4

pGxatioiitlons • T h e d w in ^ in g inco J h e lr ‘- is one reason cited by s s a fd ' ca lllngT br a wKoIesai rplcal co m e tax . The p lan 01

. ,i S e c re ta ry D onald T., 1 con* . p o ra te sh a re of Incor staff by 1990.

. ^ r - T h a t sam e fac t is f fed- ■ D e m o c ra i^ a r th c ’rej1 per-" ' ■ T reasury.proposal.;nt a s - ' R obert M cIntyre, d

fo r the-Iabor-oriented Ividu* - ■ re p o rte rs F rid ay Uiat 1952, 'resents, a com plete tu

2 and r e pudiotlon of” P resI. g ra m , w hich C o n g i^

e . an ■ f h e l98W aw , aftc: me of h i t t e r Social Securil nt on Ibwer-incomc-Americyers'.___ ever,_w hlle_cuttirig_

w ell-off an d com ing < s n o t p o ra te Income tax ,” ^ reve- "T h e cu rren t propo Kurl- red u ce taxes for m ost

low er- a n d mlddle-inc

finally rescued by a U.S. Coa ■d cu tte r a f te r a Cuban na\ )1 boat t ried to take the Seawai o re r under tow about noon, the tim e th e nu'clear-powen

tz w as on a p o rt call a t Chariot lie, SL T h o m a s .'ln th e U.; n Is land^w lth m any o f.its 5.2i

i n S o u t h A j

e U nlonlsts'deilberately court* ;t by en tering a re s tric ted a n the em bassy and walking up i door of the... im posing stor ing-. . ^ ••clflcally, th e y w ere charge violating a D istric t of Columbl ^ t m akes J t. Illegal to.prote: n 500 feet o f a n em bassy . The led to spend th e night In Jail. ’. i a r re s ts c a m e the d ay afti [n U ith e r K in^ .d flu g h te Ida, 29, w as Jailed and .sh red . h e r firs t experience in th p h ad glvem h e r new respec t h


W ith T his C oupon Q ood Thru Thu Cfltl For Q uick SorvICA ft Dallvery


837 Btuo Lake* Blvd. N.. Twit L ocated B otwe«n Prim e C u t ond


----------- — D O V

1% cw r m iPEm-M) U R ^

II ENTIRESlW Wonaen’s ( - Priced FAl

_____o lS h o e s a

hoes Too! Here ie Savings You’l


4 0 . 9 9R eg. 5 1 .00 . L ightw eighi.-c(

jn _ b rp w no»L b!ac icS i2e£ :C 2


3 7 : 9 9•Reg. 4 4 .0 0 . A c la s s ic s ii cu stiio n ed in so le ..B lack o r g Me n 's S h o o Q ' '

. I -

> n s 4 ^ xncome tS x ’pald by corporatle I b y the.Treasu?y D epartm pnt e s i e dvc3iauToT U i5"feder^' n outlined Tuesday by T reasi T . ibwwt thp r

icome taxes to about 25 p e ro

. Is also cited by som e- llbe: 'reaso n for th e lr s u p p o r f o^1

e. d frector o f'federal tax poll ted Citizens for Tax Ju s tice , U iio t the T reasu ry proposal " n e lum -around from — In fact residen t "Reagan’s 1981 ta x p [ ^ e n a c t e d . ” ifter factoring In inflation a u rity taxes; " le ft m iddle- a cricans w ith h igher taxes th ig , ta x e s i.d ra m a y c a y y Jo r I ig close to e lim inating tfie o ’■McIntyre said, iposal, on the other hand , wot lost individuals, p articu la rly I •Income fan^iles m ost victim_______ ■ ~~ - . j .______________

^ I V T *i C U 0 a ; i N iii^ast c rew m em bers asiion navy The* N lhiltz, one w ard la rg e s t and m ost pov

• - s v ^ o r d e r e d on an em /ered th e scene off C u b a 's : rlotte s a id th e Pentagon ofi U.S. on ly on condition the:

5.200 . I t le f l - s o quickly t

i f r i c a n p r o l

Jrted h e r fa th e r’s sacrificc a re a 1960s civil r igh ts move up to B efore th e ir arrest stone C rocke tt partic ipated

a t t r a c ‘«d m ore than irged M assachuse tts Aveni m bla " E m b a ssy Row.” otfist T h e crowd, chantli I ^ e y , f‘F reed o m Y es I A por

. _ th e la rg est since orj a f te r " F r e e South A frica M h ter,_od-to-the-l960sT styIe -She d isobedience In the

1 the chan g e South Al

ZAT hursday, D oc. 8'^^733-9484& FRED \3 > «JS • . ’ rwlnFalt*-------indTacoTlmo-_______


F iB m0 W N T O W N - T W /N F A L

sltGMI©IdLARS A L I1 OFF3TOCKOF 3 Current Regul MU-WIIMTER SI -and--BoQts;==--

e is 'S ' ■j ’ll Find. —

.•com ’lo r ia b le — a n a ll-tirr


Style" fo r d r e s s or ca su ; )r g r e y ,S i2 8 s 7 ’/ j -1 1 - l2 N .


!:-burd€]tlons ed-4iy the 1981 app m tln p o ra te taxes su b sta r al'in- pay ing llttleo rn o li! , isury B ut a liberal Dei m r- C h a r i^ R angel o f N

rcent th e T reasu ry p ro p a volunteer to Intnxl

3eral_ i_sendsiL lo Congress M he— w bTTd'^elp resldei

R angel added, “ I d ollcy flak I get, I can take . told On the o th e r ham ■rep- C ongress have bee ic t,'a thuslastlc abou t th -P.rf>. .re fe rrin g tej It.as_!.',

re fo rm " o r “ a worh and given no Indication i and will a sk Congress to .

than Sen. Bob Packw oo ■..Pie— of.'Uie Senate F lnanc cor* the plan, chiefly becj

of m an y w orkers ' fr /ould c a l insurance and y t|»e dlcn ted any effort t<j

tim e of record budge

)reo n liberty] m em biil B of the Navy’s to th e s h ow eriul warships. T h e C m ergency basis tb ^a^ce lv ee s northeast c o a s t . . S eaw an 3fflclpls..speaklng T im rsdc ley not be nam ed, f le e r B

th a l ii£)00 c re w - Relianci F r id a y s

ttests~~ Sth e cu lt

ceis a s he led the m erchoj ivemenU ' tow ing oiS t, E dw ards and f t i e N 2d In a m arch th a t vessel tc an 200-people on U ieCubi nue. the cap ita l’s officials

Is s t ^ d itlng slogans like cases, artheld N o l,"w a s jrgan izers of the . — ^ M ovem ent" turn*le-tac tlcs-o f-e lv il- ---------heir a ttem p t to A frica 's racial

-----------------brito I

. ■ S ; ;coniro


E D.Iu«with .4 Wlr»l< • Ploy lo hoi normc Tfock O'pros olleci

- Tunln;cablni

jiar......... . .Styles , £ i i

D____ _ —. Ramota St«r*oJ

______________ - _ -A u d ia i

^ e fav d riie ; ^

:FqRD -" ~ '

I ■. . ■ _

iual. Poam -

? f r d r o pipproach, w hile-increasing i tan tia lly on thosacom nnnlft.sJ li ■ n g ln ta x e s ,"h ea d c l^ . D em ocratic co n g re^ tn an , F f N ew York, had h i ^ p ra ise posal. Indicating he m igh t e Yxlucc the m easu re If Rea; iS3 a s a bill: Saying the a pp ro d en ts of^h is H arlem dIsG [ don’t mind doing It. Whatek e l t ." " ----------- -- ■and , R epublicans In and oui been som ething -Je ss - th a n -

Ihe T reasury plan , gener; i_!.'n good sta rtin g polnt.for. orking paper.” And R eagan in at-all how m u ch o f th e plar to approve./ood, R-Ore.. Incom ing cixalm Mice Committee, sa id h e oppo e cau se It would re su lt in taxai ' fringe benefits. Including mi id group life Insurance. He I to.oyerhaul th e tax sy stem j Iget dcflclls would not be prop

bi;re*whb”coiil(in't‘m‘ake it bl (Ship w ere left behind. i Coast G uard_ciitter Rellai v ed ^a“ d ls tre s s~ c a ii- f ro m - a rd Explorer in’* 7:40 p. jday , sa id Coast G uard P e tty

Bob Bae^Len In M la m L J nee arrived ' IiT ^ayllgh t ho ly and found a sm all C uban b ling the S eaw ard Explorer, s m .-w ho-addcd-that-the-crew u tte r spotted a fire aboard i hont vessel, p ut i t out and be£ g operations. N lm ltz was th e closest Nc I to the scene an d w as orderec uban coast a s a precaution, i als said. Sending the closest si m dard Navy p ractice in .’they sold. _


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iB D iai

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JoInE dPret«r«

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latever - L ^

out ofan -e n — - • •lerallyr o r . t a x _ _________________an iias ■ )la n h e D A T E

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- V C R - —

W25" a r ;; Ti

w ith Full Squore P icture / r:hennal Tuning/Second ^

■ ■ !!" Wi~n Doptu, • W .'tKo •

ilClO.Frbm _ . . I s t P r k e _ ,

5UALITY AT THImm4burs: 9"A7M, to 9 P

i i n u ; . 9

nee. storting with.coverage ■cluslvely on K96,


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rsrtcii e l e c l l o n I s C o m p l e t O n A p p r o v e d C r e d

i n g I F a c t o r y T r a i n e e s h i p W i t h V C R P u r c l

a « r .1 ,3 ” , C i f A

V---- ^ ^ ______Remofe.C139 Chan: Seon/SIe.

jirS B - - _________ , 1

_____I ____

im . outomallcolly • Compuor* »'Plct'ure' Ad. T Control varpness controls miller •:ontrol • Simulol- Search Tifinish • Model FInoTunI:

Shorpnos• ____• • • _nutflrolo

9 ® ® $

W a r . £ i i

remote control mer« One Touch Dubbing • Auto-' V ldoo C imes with Corry - • J.week

DEOCWAERA buno'j;''EIur-hond-^^- - -To-Cch-R lens with Macro • Video/.

^w .lig h t Sensi. ' mairRe°v

— CAMERA— -----------$IC l u a s a r . :

' ' '

C o n so fa C o lo r TV• Oynocolor Plus High Controst ;

.in lHoliKo^oI«a..i.CuilomJAaflAction • Picture AdjoJitnonf cc• Eosy-Roll Costers • Simulate «Mode>WU94a8XP. ~


i C ! ^P;M. M onday»sotu

IL E . L- - ■ o p p o n Ie n t -. . . . . . . __ Boise.................;Nampa

............Kiampa.............. Meridian. . . . . . . . Jerom e

Pocatello ___. . . . . . Blackfoot

. . ___ Skyline. . . ^ T . . H Ig liland" r . . . . . ' Idaho Falls

r r r r r r . . Je rom e . . . . . . Pocatello..........Bonneyllle. . . . . . BlackiFoot.................Skyline777“ - “ Mrntco----------..........Idaho Falls. . . . . . Highland -..........Bonneville

EM tSM eeditled Service!_ rchasel

[ u a ^ a r . _

>fe.Co;*tr.oLTo«jI*.Color.TVlwlfh_Ihannel Tunlng'/Progrdmmoble /S leep Timer

mpu-Motlc 19 Electronic Remoterol w ith 19 lunclion.hond.trans*. _____ir • Channel Chock • Compu- :h Tuning a t the se t • Automotle Tuning • P lc tiu a^ d ju stm en t and snos* Controls • S im ulated W^ol- roln finish » Model TTS957XW.

tu a 's a r .

■ E Z -■ - ModolVH5041

>o C a is o l to R obcrdo r<eek. I progrom tim er • S-funcv! ...wired rem ote control • l3-puih>>' ---------->ri_Electronlc. T V .Iu n ln B _ * _ O n o _ ------------

l' /A'dl' *"® *ntrol function Oliploy * A u t^: Rewind -

$ 3 ^ i g f o o —

O ff * * ConsoleA W CotorTV ____ _______

. ■ ipHcJBmp • . .

I B ^ ^ S I ■

ost System outrnnoticotly lock*Wotlc Tonor with SolJ-Cleonlng— ------------I t control ? Sharpness control ilotod Rico.Pecon groin finish..............

:e" ■

f rm icsJturdoy 1 ; ,, ~ ~

Page 7: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

■ - V* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '- ''CrS'. "J.".-;. ■

:--------- i ^ ! . ' ; V .

D rs. P e te r Helm ie

=Schro( to pbfi

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP_____ unhooked_W iU lam _Schi

Uflcial h e a r t from Its m sy stem , m aking it sk ip a (

' .an d connccted It to a poi pacic for 22 m inutes F rida

- t c s t 'o f a-dev ice th a t cou liv e a m o re nearly no rm a

“ “ "WTien^lhe sw it9 i w as S ch ro ed e r re a d ie d over h a n d o f P e te r H eim es, Vi inv en to r of Uie p o rtab le

- . fo r m ore Ice 'cream and c d iscom fort, H eim es said.' T h e goai Is to tiave tl

shou lder-carrlcd .system re p la c e the cumbersom«

---------d r iv e r to wrtiich Schroed^te th e re d since h is operatl)

considered .by th e h e a rt’: to be a crucial s tep tou h e a r t recipients from { confinem ent.and making

A m p i i t a t i

W i^H IN G TO N (A P) - C. StcnnIs,D-M Iss., lo s t t

— “ ffthre< Fhourcanreropen! b u t 'd o c to rs sa id they ex r e tu m to th e S e n a te .

T h e 8^year-old dean o. underw ent su rg ery a t V

_ _ Anriy. JM edlcaL-C^tec, hosp ita l w here ite w as tal

-------- w as-critica lly w o u n d ed -lro b b e ry In front o f h iS '

- h o m e .: A hospital sta tem en t :

- . S tenn ls’ doctors “expectto resum e h is d u ties in a f te r a norm al perlo v a lescence .”

. . _ • ■■■■Rp y Piifftngtnn, th e s c ns e c re ta ry , sa id S tennls <

, h ^ i t a l la te W ednesday.

m alignancy w as discover th e leg h ad been bothering so m e tim e.

_ Buffington sa id th e re \ necUori betw een the-guns

. a n d th e tum or.S tenn is h as se rved In

s in c e 1947. In h is la s t c 1982,"he ca rried 80 of M is cou n tie s in' defeating H a le y B arbour. .

S tenn ls w as p residen t p

- F T & e h a i ^

— p a i i i r e l i e s

- a d s d e c e p, WASHINGTON (A P ) - a t T ra d e Commission chai

- t h a t - - a d v e r t i s i n g - f o r —/ — rp a in ^ U e v In g -n ib -a rrd e c__ M t s e t tw o conditions fo r fui

' th e product. - •• T he‘com m is8lonorde«K -M ed ica l Co., to disclose in ' t h a t A spercrem e does i a sp ir in ahd banned the a s se r tin g th a t the p roduct In trfinting fldhcltls-.w ilj m ed ica ls lu d le s to p ro v e th

Thom pson, based in 1 d en ied th a t Its advgrU S^g tlv jnnn rsa ld ltT vU l-appea to th e U.S. C^urt o f Ap com pany^s cu rren t advei

— ^VnarKeting xiafl'conUnue- • ap p ea l. '

- - .,- -T h e : com pany, issued .a . con tending that, its adver

a lw a y s been tru thfu l and • —e x ten s iv e M lcntiflc studle:

w id esp read consum er a c a• T h e s ta ff of the FTC hod b a n on the use of th e na c re m e , contending tha m is lead in g because o f th e

------a s p ir in In the product.■ T h e full com m ission de<

_ t h a t fp r, ho.wever, decldinj— re q u lre T h om pson to eltb&

a b se n c e o f.asp lrin in Its-;' o r to T id d a g ) lr In to th e c |w

iiiesi'jcQ ,.R obert J a r a i

)eder’srtablepA P) — Doctors Im p lan t ai td iroeder’s - a r r —h e i^ p a U e i ; m assive d rive “ This Is t»a couple beats, th e v lew b: p o rtab le pow er cum bcrsonid a y In the first peop le 'thecould help him sa id D r. Rm al life. ____ th e JarvUvas com pleted, p red ic ted I e r to shake th e com pletely

West G erm an two years.ble-unlt;^asked Schroedcid e x p r^ se d no po rtab le d rid . Ing abou t 1B the ll-pound, aw ake and i;^m eventually "W e dldn3me, 323-pound h e a r t o r in 5>edcr had been w a s jn a d e taUonSunday. H eim es.'

irt’s developers, th e plastic tow ard freeing th e la rg e I n alm ost total . t a c h th e m t ± ig th e p lastic H eim es, wh

d o n m a y n <•) — Sen. John cha irm an s t h is left leg in Ckimmlttee e ratlo n -P rid ay r-w o n co n tro : e;i!T>ect him to W alle r R

n of th e Senate ■ ■ ■ ■ t W aller Reed ec, th e sam e 1 taken a f te r he id'In~l973~ln a ilS 'W ashington

i t sa id F riday set U ie.senalpc..In th e Senate

iriod of con-'

sen a to t^ j^ re ss . i s en te red the lay. Buffington

vered, but that' ring Stehnls for

% _w ^_no.ctin -_ unshot wounds *

In the Senate t cam paign in .' vi{ssisslppl's8 2 . g R ^u b llcan -.

I t p ro tem 'and

r g e s

> v e r H |

p t i v e - j j pI — The Feder- ^ B K Jiarged F riday —A spercrem e d ecep t!y c ran d ~' future a ds for

ired Thompson I in advertising s Jtot contain h e firm from

is effective f f i t e J L d p c a - .e th e claim . ' n New York,^ g .w asdecep - p e aH h cm ltn g —Appeals. The

iv e r tls ln g ^ n d u e~ d u rln g 'ih c~ '

1 a . s t o l P i h 'c i i Ci ^ r t ^ i n g j 'h ^ n d 'ls b a ^ ohr4loq ng ufffll ngicccptancp.?? lad prOpc^ed a

n am e Asper* th a t i t wasth c a b se n c e o f ■

declined to gd'-~ jlng.instead to,

ts a d v e r t i s in g ': | ^ m . '

||||; lk , c e n te rT _ a n d a t e c h n k

heart c Dower pa n appealing prospect for

Uents_______________________Is the beginning of the end of ' o f the artific ia l heart* a s a a m e device th a t d oesn 't give he quality o f life they need,"

R obert JaW ik , Inventor of v ik .7_-artific ia l h e a r^ He-, d the po rtab le driver could Jly rep lace th e la rg e d river in s.■dcr w as connected to the d river for 22 m inutes beginn- ;t 1 p .m . MST, while he was Id resting in bed.Idn 't see any change" in the ' in S chroeder when the w itc h le to the portab le d river, said

■flbQuLtHfec-seconds to piill— tic com pressed a ir lines off B U tahdrive system and at- n to the portab le d river, said who w orks for Symblon Inc.,

l o t k e e p S t <in of th e -A jm ed Services tee before the Republicanst r o la f <n 1t«Qr Reed said the operation w as

W B m

n lc ia n In sp ec t'p o rta b le

conneGi >£tck un)r th e com pany headed by— d e v e lo p ^ th e heart.-------)f S ch roeder m issed tw a h ea r tb ea ts , w hich is not 0 sa id ." T h e - - d r iv e r Is p< >f re ch a rg eab le b a tte ries tl e-. s ix h ou rs p e r charge . I l c d a i r com pressor, a comp n sy s te m an d a n emerge)

sy s tem , f its Inside a hard e o f a c a m e ra b ag and w l 1- $10,000. Ja ri/ik said. s J a iT lk sa id th e porta l

“ m o re gentle on {he heai e v a lv e life Cof the hear! h lo n g e r w ith th is sy stem ." d E a r l ie r 'F r id a y i

U _»vA ryA vA nk»«nrt1n ftfe ln t;rf F r id a y but there-w as no ^ p lica tio n s and the fa tig d b a b ly d ue to th e previous

, t y a n d a p o o r n l ^ t ’ss lee j

t e n n i s T f ^ o nIS “ a re la tiv e ly uncomplic£ xs p ro ced u re” and w as___ b e g flusg -tb«> tu m ftf w n s jIS femur,-theboneInlhtflhli

a R E D

.J ■

U . S .•:----- -------------^ — WASHINC

governm ent - next week cc

. to w ithdraw from the UnJ Scientific a r

t ., Informed SOI

~ The Whltireview M developmeni

, 1 gave a requ * i , ‘ - § D ccem berol


_ _ _ P r g s i d

space^ WASHINC

12 R eagan h aI creation ' of

I Command■ Depai;tmcntI Sai^lday.I The.,flcw-I r ^ r t dirccI (Jaspar W. 1I Chiefs of S tI tra lize opei

le dev ice ^

:ted- -lit ^l>y Jarv lk that

two o r three ot harmful, he

powered - by th a t last up to

t consists of an nputer control jency back-up rd case the size ivill cost about '

a b le driver isMirt" and "the ^ S 9 j | | i r t ) m ight be B jllllfB lf ill

a medical

10 s l ^ of ram - I igue was pro- Hiis day 's activi- ■

n j o b Iicati^ medical ■ s “ necessary ■ .

Reg. 20.00 to ■ H W ail 0.00 to


>u c e d C.__J——

I. ]tQ confirnNGTONIaP) - ThT"u.^in t Is expected to announce I confirm ation of its decision a w a l th e end of this y ea r United N ations .Educational, and C ultural Organization,,

sources sa id Friday.

hlte House is planning a Monday of UNESCO

en ts since the United S tates •qulred one-year notice last r of ils intention to leave the ed U.N. agency, said Uie'

ident O K s — e com m andNGTON (AP) - President h a s decided to auUiorize o f an .um brella U.S. Space d within the Defense ent, the Pentagon announc-

:w _com m and , wWch will rocUy to Defense Secretary /. Welnlxsrger and Uie Join: S taff, w ill eventually "ccn> perational ;reponsi!jJllties".

D e n t r a l ' Q o m

- f i l e r E

2 : 0 0I

... .......1-. and-RSt


iP C E T rs A V E " 1 3 jC-COflDXClllCl 0 orUKIonUIICKET LANE, PYKETTE to 50.00 Ito 32.99 .

^ o S A L E D O E S N

R I O R t A Y A W A ’


3 0 % l

Saturaoy, 0 »

m w i t h d r a wS. sources, who d o m a n i a lco T here w ere reports frjn tha t C om m on-M arket-naa r m ake a last-m inute appil, week seeking a one-year I n., Its pullout to coincide ,wli

decision th is m onth to lea'- a t Uie end of nexl-yeaa refo rm s a r e not m ade. .

es ^ e United S tales aiflf St K ingdom supply approx le percen t of Uie UNESCO's !ie tw o-year budRcl.

^ TALC_ BcnulilulGo


H iD a h le ’s iS" ................... ......

r i r i ' i u r i i L y . C e i

— a '

E l d e r l y H o t t s


30-4:00 daily No , 515Union, Fik id ,2; bedroom ur 3B,SALEAND F I G & C O . ~

3:OO TO 26V91Tr » n p p n i i p c L H i v u n u o r oTE, COS COB - -------

N ' T A P P L Y -

A Y S & S A L E S

S B iiH



3ocom ebor1,1984, times-Nj

w a l f r o m Ua n o i i^ i ty . “'n ie U n i t^ ' from Europe u n d e r Its nations ^ ^ t UNESCO pp pproach n^xt .poIlUclzed r U.S. d elay of W estern valu( kvlth a British theories, and, ja v e U N F ^ O I r r c ^ n s i b l e ea r- lf-m a jo r—m anagem ent-

B rltlsh F o r frey Howe ^ 1

IkT the United B rita in no r d •oximately 30 g e tting fa ir vj 's $ 3 ^ m illion h e doubted t

cou ld tw made

L HOLIDAY DRES:Special Price $64.99

jeo roo llap rln l Toll dfossos in on .i :olots. S'?<w KV20.,Rogi>tntly $7f,

^ t e r T o w 1 t f

t s i n g - R r o j e c l

# S v ■

P S ^ov. 26-Dec. 1 ler, Idaho jnltsavailabler FO RLEAa^-


^ lA V r A I

I 30^h i T H IJ l¥EJ



^ i cosiwncuGS i

^ ■ . . i W E u r r '

K B sm^ ■ — o s t s j n u ^ 1^ ■ -B f f /W T S IV E U i

MY’SJEIUTBTHMS— r------- -iMBi'ssHars;----------1iffM'SPABMS--------- 1

“ ■ r W Y T P H S a s • I ‘ - ■ TDWaS ' ' 1

■ ' tWrOITEBS' 1 - iiiimaie< ___ i

H upgsDusras

s-Naw8, Twin Falla. Idaho A^6 .

U N E S C Of t ^ S t a t ^ 'h a s . c h a i ^ th a t - ts cu rren t leadership, . . p rog ram s have becom e— : ~

I and h ra tile tow ard alucs w hilefavoring s ta U s t ' ' uid.Uiat the agency h as h ad /. b le • budge ta ry r .~ a n d ~ " £iit practices, ■Foreign M inister S ir CJeof-..........1 M id la s t w eek Uiat neiUier >r developing nations .w ereir v alue from UNESCO a n d -----sd th a t sufficient re fo rm s . ladc next year.



i = =

33-5200 _

u m o t h ir H -

% l o h C I ^lESE ■

E M S ■



BMiTS _ _______ H . _' IttSA tt '

lABESIlJUERS : ■ I— BOKMOfiOWISSCn ^ 1 1 ' — fiB L ^ s ira R jy t-----------

NY'S TUBE SOCKS- ■- mM’immmm— ■ :“ SMtT MATS—•■~Tttl£tttmiS7-.

— KfOOiSCiUff— —— WK$-5WttTDIS— r : M -


Page 8: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

■ A -6 T lm B 9 -N ew a .fw ln f

„ . J F i a n k a n d E r n i

Mi--piNe"______ contWcW

1 ‘ •' ' ' _t_

GarfieldIS O L O N G .S O N . \ . f -

■ W £ GOTTA R U N :\ V

:.„.;.H agarthe:Hor]

T S I B P -TO 1^15! T o N l S h t T .

^ • The Bom~I:oser

■ - ^

Beetle BaileyW H A T fe?^ i r S N E V THAT ' [ r a c k O P-:

Gasoline Alley

It’s ncrkas VClTabad as we

^— 1 ^ I

A C R O S S ' - n ~1 Im p a tlo n lb lio ___6 In d u co o n n u l - ’*

lO M IssC h a n o l ___14 O olocllon

dovlco 55“15 G ra c e c lo a o r —

--------- -10 R o la to d ' H17 C ircus ridor ____ | | H

----------- 19 Proporlfon " «V - - 2 0 .F m u p -----------------

- Z IR I I o d u p 22 In spocJs w -

-------- 23 -M acaw — ----------- —24 R oy’s sp o u so 15"

--------- 28 L ik o o ld l llm o ------ —30 Produce «34U SSRrango _ 9S.AI0 units36 M issU llm a n n ■ ■ ? 7 S io io s tu n .—38 G oo sso p n rA to ~

w ays, 39 H onored Indy • m■ 40 Q uio t — m ouso ___

41 -5 lo n o » - ..................M42 R ound U lp h ll >— « M ylhici' m o n s lo rs

45 N o s ta lg lc la n o - 46 B um o o so ' 9 J<

------------ : w onror • • 10 Ll47_$ugn r_ -= _ . . _ l l - A i * .'R obinson ' 12 Q

4js Dark c lo u d a i SI B o o ro lw h lto 13 SI

---------- 53 'Z hIvagbV loV o '— TB3557 M olovoloni 23 Ri58-Certain 25 Qi

------------- Wiglrie^^r-,--------- e O -P o n a lo r.M o rso 27 S t

______ 61 L u n o rp u lso . 28 Hi-------• 62. Gf. lo iter------------------ xo^____ 63 MarUlmo sp e e d 29 Lc

64 W oundrom Ind6r~3iT H t - 65 G o o d s .. 31 To

32 MlDOW N 33 —

1 Shonlc -- .. ........ 35 C l• 2 Mandlikova 38 Ct

------------- « n n l8 39 pe■ • ' 3 ;M lnesH al« • . Oil

" 4 S ta l l of pow er 41 Su 5-Jlm m y • . .4 2

' 8 M odel w ood '4 4 'P o----------- J L U a v o o u l - - 46 Sh"• : ' e~Hom tpiw nB f s ^ - 4 7-Al

'In Falls. Idaho \ . £ a | u r d y . 6

' O f f t j L c j s

rncst -

.f-G IV £ ^ H £ m I S £ £ v o nI m v b e s t R > R p e c i

jrriblel©/UUT6-?^f?-=:-sJ?ErEv/EM------- X - i;iee ME pohJ'T 5 T . . , . K M o W -^ .

er •

% ® ® ® @ ^ -

/ n ‘[ECC L

1 & / / A S I X -)P32-OUNCE .

iV ^— V Jecari'\fAnd ij

!: It into shape ... p ay it r a b o u t five, l je n d (


) J o in e r s Y sto3 L ife 's w ork r p rR rh T f l ll-A ll righ t --------S Q u o te a s ^ * h ;

a u th o rity , ' L & iy J lJ L II SlriflloblliB----- ^-rflTElS 14I Serv ing w agori I R e p ly :a b b r . . |C |R (A |W |

’ S e tle to r slew # U 4 ° - ^ i .Havyallan ‘ . KI Lodaebrolher HirHelfsTn SIT ITT CT■Tox. m is s io n • --- ^

: M eet o l l l c la l ' f lT T n r c l

, s i s - f - yCastio rails . ;PoLuisoor - — fbiMagglo ' 46 Gregory Suri. speech _ dims ."•—Judo" ■- CO Eng. livePolosHok SOVonuiiarShopping spot 52 Crtstor'f:

:A1 U n so rJ iD n tn irT T "n io th o r

. 6 e c e m o ^ r 1 . l 9 8 4


U » tP O C e o v i TH A N K S £ C O R A rm & M V H 0U 6E ,

M O M * . — ✓

12-1 ^

- - FegL.XQp .g<

I (T VJWSN'<VH(/ TU5''e66pfl\

_____ / I 'L L fiC T fEOi^ C TDNbu. SLEM ^

( TH IS ISW HAT ^ / s £ Z j .IC A L L p E A L

P R O G R E S S .'


■ 12/1/94

is j o f d a /s P uz tio Solved: . 'Aj c j A j D | E ] T y ^ p - A p .-

■ r j ^ r S N * i t t t e “ ^ -i p p fejiit


t U s Tu A V e U s I c a ^ b B e In 0 X oJ B tJ b n ^r 'J'XM.

) ry o l ' 5 3 'S u cc o ta s tib a n n , .5 4 M ap leg o n u s

iver . 5G Pury . . - '■ian I.—t . : : . 5 C " —^ p o o i’.,f '^ ----------------- -y o tid .. .""—ar_ 5 9 ,M o v o a c a n o o ..

f "5 -i5 7 n r~ ,;:; ■' £ n TH\S ',p . . ■ ,

rH*vci’ u - i

U £ L L O .... i f c r ^ ^ n M P E C O R A l

I -JU ST C ? o H 'T ^ fZOMAMTIC .

UH5AR ^ __ ’Pf L£W/E V ■5 6 A fce... y

J You-w ins s o m e . R u fu s , ^ a n ’ i jo u lo g g s s o n e j

i n ^ p w j i i S

I I ^ S h I Wha

■“ o u t hydrogen molecult— w ith Inlialcd oxygca.

w a te r . ' O r so som e s■ believe. H true , it exp:M c a tne l can go for 10-- d rink lng -w ater-In -foc tT g reen vegetation, thal_ for m onths without drin]

“ y o u know ali aijoi— T h ere a r e peasiidcs, tot }4

i m ■ E

I - — — ^

B - GKNKitAL TKNDKi j4_ d ay tim e is f ln c fo r Bctti

Uiose arCiclKancl applfc ^ m ak e y our surrounding:

tivc and efficient, and to *' p lace them so they can b

ARIKS 'M a r. 2 U o A r id youpw lf.of restrjctl jmd ropiace" w lu r the A fle iia buay d ay a lp r i '

: | - T A L I H l j 'S tA p r i i2 0 t^


DoonesburyV 5 m .a C K .fj£ x r

- :.-7}Mewfm.iJXB rMSi m&ne.TTiyTDFB- babb

- \*& eeocuH ffV5A ~ - n m ; luias,

— ^ -PeanuWHEN IT

-------- r ~ I ■ 'R IP IN 6 I

ftT 0 R 6 ?_ ^ SH IT E m

7 6 0 0 P J . t SV u n t a s t E ) . ^


_ .S


■ Andy I

T l '

- n ‘ £

W izar

r \ S ( v i

J Brbon


Hi anc

k WtoRK-1J ] : | ^

/d . #a t ’s w h a t

jrfcpfHt. It tu n a - ' IOxccpt uni lUes. T l i e y ^ ix soggy doi) I. T ha i mai<es oceanic ri( scien tists now •tliey Causc

(plains why the0 d ays without The t>ili c ic lr-if'it-can e a t - i n g is bisci ll cam el can go ing come.s. inking w ater. ■ thinking J l

for^all lo •out landslides. -T iiere you :oo. Sam e Uiing. you g lad yc

D a i l y H o r <N > -

KNCIES: ,The thoupjuful t t in g o u l to find- show.Uiat ’ IfifncesUiarwill fa r into the igs m ore opera- 'GICMINI to Im m ediately to civic <

1 b e u tilized , p r o s l lg c a i A p r..l9> K arly partner^ or

C live • slluntion.': MOON C le p r o ^ J s iv o , “iH - D o in g r iv a te m a tlcr s ..„ U ia i.w iU br— 7^ .— TTT-— Th ezeyen ttjM ay20) Doing desk work.

WmiFfTMPSN'.» s c m lam oFPiFson\B 6 .I m f fT I F lT ^ A iewsw------- -—ujm?wfa om ■£i£cm. )>' MAcm

A. I

l U t S — -



if C a p p

- i

i rd o f ld

/ 5o« Wk ^ / amei

u ^ I ^KT5>stn i l r J B ©CTfM-SlK

)m-Hilda^ R P . I'V E W RITTEN fA> 4 0 IN t2 i TO 6 6 IN e ^ Q U i

M p r : ^

id Lois;ET:-U P,T/iK e->4-BU ft X - ^ in A PoWHTO\Mhl \ =ICB,CoM£ Ho/^e J

lct)ri6-slip down tho sides oi ridges. Som e a rc so massive

JSC tidal waves.

ill of th a t b ird called the slarl- Rck iri th e w inter. Soon a s s p r e-s. though, and the bird s tarts ’ .about sex, sex, sex, ils bill, lo sec. tu rn s-b rig h t yellow. lou go, young fellow, aren ’t 1 you’re rMt a starling?

r o s c o p e

’ul tilings for y ou r fricn3s‘wlll nt vou wa nt th e m in your lifeth e future. ___ ' • ' w~NI (.\ ia y 2 1 to J u h e21)'G enn- : dtlities and flflcr'to“ yDtir :)l this tim e. S tee r c lear of a

tonii^U \vho Ukcs to gossip.J c h i l d r e n (Ju n e 22 lo Ju ly ng- whatevcr^fascinateS you bring progress is.wlse,toda)L

mtPT!-is-be9t-flpen_l-handlinfl rk,, ' —

VNtJU STAm - \ r •XmrnXJOMIB? ■ (tS a noi •A /t£ A L /m )-rumriFOUsa^- ------------- <—KIP m SU P IN•wmfRUNff/, /'^N!





WHO^" ^

j s p ' - p i n

■ n ^ Y ( X '

nekT, SW vfeti n <eA\<o' ■ ?

sifJ&t&Tri / # J jIM ^ ^ /

fAV AOTOBlO^ScRAPKV { J U t R E ! ^ - ^ J ------------— V WMEN ^

Y^-NEXT-RAY' ^ - I - I - P O / We o o ir , . I'M c

A L L O V £ R J F O R • V A & A lU ^ ~7 O F


T he Ja p a n e se lea h( fo rp re t ty .Ig u e s s . NotJ though, a re th e 100,000 .there th a t a re m aking n

----------- W hal a -lo t o f people--------som e oL lhe m o st difiict

fires b u m In sw am ps.

J of Even., long ago. It;{vc Eskim o w ho e v e r lived

you know. B ut not so. Elskimo of y este ry ea r <

a ri. sea lsk in ten t. H ad to. 1 jp r-. F ollow ed.thegam e. jr ts3111,. RULEOF80-20

■ T h a t R ule of 80-20 : su p erm ark e ts , too. Elj^

LEO (J i d y ^ t d Aug! how to p lease your mal ing to do w hatever h e o quest o f you.'A lso driv

VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sei _ _ lo g e th c r-w IlI» .p a r tn e rs -

a b e lte r understanding ■". ' w iseJiL lhem orning. _

L IBRA (Sept. 23 to h av e m an y iu i le ta sfo i

*i» ~day so t h a ^ f e . i s easier life so g e tS t'th o m early ; Be

driving:In - SCORPIO (Oct. 23to i our me appo in tm ents th a t w )f a from a n x ie ties and ge t t

friends. L earn to econo uly Uie d ay s ahead SAGITTARlUfrtNov:ay- G etL busx a t those las infl— w ant‘d tn rln nt nhr^ n J - - a n d they a r e soon behlni

5CWVHATf A Q1 ________ ______________

tm JT YW ......m 6RlCM..^:r« - / f -

S i t #

IN a£8£U 5fL00K C U TI)l I f Wetf(LOOKOllT!;BaL5 s OOKOUT')JINSLEALL * HE (LOOK OUT!) WAV..." }

~ ^ i u

------------------- P j f | g


/ A5 6 0 0 K A ^ I \

^T A P U E R ^ 0 . J \ W O R K ! ^

'V' v i $ S K _ _ 3

“I ^ oawlCUT o u r K e


. th e profits c en t of the I

houses a re just )t Ju st for p re tty ,. The coorc 00 coffee houses w ith th e d< ; money. pedlters.

le don’t loiow is Reaction Icult dMtriKirve-3H/1000lhs;(

fas t a s any I

it w as a ra re You m ay !d In an igloo, as "gossam er » ra re w as the th a t’s lill. r who lived In a , They traveled. In Spain,

y e a r outnur I’m told.

Ail birds 1) holds true i ^ i a v e fcaUie Iglity percent o r^ Y o u a ln 'tn o

i g ; « T ^ j u s t CAPRICC m te and bo will- E a rly get J o r she m ay ro* routines am •ive wiUt utm ost Shop wisely

'• AQUARH3ept. 22) Getting good day foi sim d-com lng-to—iwuser-Aftei ng with them is"!borlngindiv------------ — :^ - - -P lS C E S . l

^ ( ^ t ^ 22) You c en tra le o'l s lb perfofm 'tb .' needs and'g lor ji^ th e futurej fash l_oh,.Gi)l Be cafcftii while f!oo<l (tieni.^

. I F 'Y O m oI^ov .21)M ake DAY...he < rwm relieve you w hatever Is :t the aid of good h e r ond sh nomlze m ore in " m o ra l .and

• iife .'Y o u rp iV;22 to Dec.-21)- Ihc-pub iic i Uisfc} you have _sclf.very wt ^JotLSome tirnn. mu.«;t hen» Indyou;.— ; body.

SaUNPSUKS J0ANIB...1F ■A C ^ W K £ . _ ' 5 l» e m iN G ‘ - a


A B a /r A X A l . • ■

I /S IN 6 IN 6 POESN't ) 'I v-HELi>..:.. J .



E O ? v^ 'e fi£ N £ V £ R < X x ii ' ' .........STRAIGHT WHILE •y o u - « r ' • 'N 'A r a V /V £ « O F F R u B ^ •ACK A n V £ R T ) /VIYAALi-W .'

M :

—\ \ ^ s s e i c ^ ^ e r z f '

K '

fits a r e derived from 20 p^r- h e Inventory . _ J _______

oordinator, I’m lo ld Ja lh eo D e—1 e d esk 'b e tw een the two ex*'.5. ' • - —1

ion tim e of the cockroach — _____ ^hsof.a-fiecondrTTd9-6bout.ft3 ' — uiy In the an im al wnrM

nay tell th e fam ily .poet that, n e r wings” a re ju s t cobw ebs,.11.

Qln, the tou rists ov^r one full tnum bec-thc Spaniards there,

rds have fea thers, Only birds ithers. You have no feaUiers? tn o b ird .

tlCORN (Dec.' 22 lo Jan . je t busy a l usual Saturday > and handle 'the'm 'efficlM tly.solyalso.’R est up tonight. ^ '-------IRIUS (Jan . 21 to Feb . 19). A y for doing e rran d s around the V ftenrtrasy 'dnyrdoiT t p e r m i t^ nd iv idualstow earyoujput. •_ • SS-tFcb. 20 to M ar.-20)-Con*-- - 2_o'n_your own -wlsh<g and _ _ nd 'goaifter then^ In a p ositive ' • _(^lQg.ouLoii4h« town is not ain._:_______ _______:----------------------DUR CHILd is b o r n . TO- le o r she can easily see j r Is m ost'insp iring to him or 1 shoUlcj have fine sp iritual, ind eth ical tra in ing early In ', ur progeny will \yant to be In . , lie eye a n d 'c a n 'exprcss th e " y’.wellLSpQtis.arc a o absolute— - ?re In ord c r- to build up th<> .

Page 9: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

P i s p l aL COVINGTON. Ky. (AP

g av e volunteers perm issi And new homes for a db

, 4 ia t sp en t T ^ y e a re coi on im al'SbcIlcr while a n .

- animal'-<inielty convicUo . q jeco u rts .

; . Lady, the S-yenrold : span ie l w hich spent r

___^ .Ifejn A_cage.atUiii-shelli. :k en lo ’n County Soclel

•P reven tion o( Cruelly ./should 1)6 adopted by : •Jessie'^Piercp;'" 8 ' volun : w h o . helped publicize I pred lcom enL .-M osie. th e p a rt Quarto

Is* unsuitab ly foi^rldlng i : tiv e w eed-eater, will be p

C u b a n < H e m i n j

HAVANA (AP) - 1 — a rte r E rn est Hcmifigw

N obel P rlM (or Lltera__ d ^ i a t l c novella, "The

th e S e a ," &n a0ng~Cub] p ro u d ly rem em bers hl£

• A m erican au thor’s Cubj• o ne naan 's struggle agalr

^ T h e latest-lssue ofC ut: a pu tillcatlon of the gove ■ U o n aU n stltu te ofTourl

- -*an In terv lew wlth Gregi 'w h o 'p ilo ted Hemlngw ; v e sse l “ P ila r .”• Fui>ntcs said ono day Ingw uy w ere en route R io, a northw estern res( th ey jipproHched a sm all

“ W e saw a n old man< bo i^ . struggling with a T h6 o ld m an w as alm os b o a t, struggling dellrioi fish.

“ W henhes((w us, h c s ln g ..W e told him we or he lp , b u t th e old m an :

. swearfin'g a t us. undenttood . He said not

' te n tlo n and ordered me boa taw ay .^

“ W(5 aw aited the 6i so m e distance. Hemlng

•' : ried-obout-the-m an.anc


w a n te d to help them. 1m uatbehung iS ^

: “ So h e sen t m e below ' co u p le b ag s w ith food.”. .F u e n te s sald .they d r ' a longside the' fishermoi

. to to ss down the food.“ By th e tim e the old

~ : w b a t w a s happening, w ■ w e w en t on our way. Ingw ay Jot down some D

— — “ His-, m ain, p roblem . I

■‘ ■ ‘ 1 1 1

FaiviousCollortVThes«3 25"diag remoiie control-

' directly or by sc positions. Coiiti

■ ' {GKRi685R)-ani styles available


: — " y o u SAVE-- ----------- YOUORIV

------- --------------^-TOPAI

— — “ 3 - 5 ••Mil’ ..........Y- .KIUI

1 PAUL- d A P P L i y

---------- --- -------------

“ 7*. - - - j ^ L ^ d s k ^

a p l e '

aced a rAP) - A luiige ly n e x t w< Ission F rid a y to • o f n e a r ty

a n d h p i5 e _ .sa ld . M s . : confinofl a l a ^ ^ s t r a y an ln

a n appeal of an,, iiJg ac re so l ctlon lagged la -Mu A t F rid a

- C lrcu it-Ju Id mbccd-breed _ k e p th lsp r n t n early all l ^ r ‘a n im a ls ' 1 ielter n m by Jn e— a w a re -o f- c lety fo r th e w eek . H e j ty to A nim als, A tto rn ey . by today, said a n im a ls .0 ilunteet: w orker 'o rg a n ira tl e the o jiim als’ L eag u e f

p lacem en! irtorhorsc which T h e ju d i ng but a n effec ' co u rtrM m » placed by ear* s a id th a t I

i can rein igway’sScra tu re fo r h is asi<cdm e ■ heO ldM anand i “ M doi ^iban- flshe ttnan th e re w as his ro le In th e th e s e a : ''i

luba-set sto ry of 'T h a t’s it, gainst na tu re . a n d th e S eCuban S undiine,-:~ 7-,-----------ovem m ent!sN a- ; . '>urlsm, featuresregorlo F u e n te s ,----------- r:—igw ay's fishing .

lay b e a nd Hem - Vite to P ln n r del resort c ity , when -• la llfish in g b o at: an and a k id in”a ,1 a blue m arlin . ^ 1 nost prone in t h e ' - 9 i iriously w ith the

le s ta rted sw ear- 5 only w anted to an kept rig h t on ,I. H em ingw ay 'not to pay any a t- ; ‘m e to m ove th e [ ^

ro u tc o m e from | ^ Ingway w as \vor- ]andJhe .l)oy_and .. _____n. He knew they I ________

low to (111 a . I

drew their b o a t J lman long en o u g T ' • jUEJ

old m an realized >, we h a d le ft. As ay. I s a w llem - lenotes. ^m l a t e r w ^ e b e

” u f T w I


' ' U .l 'lL *uill

sRCAXL-lbO V at a Bargaiiiagorial XL-100 console ol—select brdadcast or scanning through activ

mtemporary (GKR681F and Traditionair(GI<R68 Die.

^ 6 9 5 . I_ with Trad* ■

kVi W H E N ~R lV rO U T ------------------->AUi-S---------------

S l iS S — ......<iiERElUBUStSVIK------------------

LKALBFI.lA N C E A N C TT Vi l!e * -W O » t o f F l l e j i o n <

k 'o p o r a t o r f p r ^ o l l ffe<

tiimals tw eek with' B arbara T um bler rt)y B u rlin g ^n , Ms. P ie rc e ' 3. T um bler, who has a c c e p t s , a im als before, h as a b a m and > of land , she said, id ay 's hi^u lng , Kenton County Judge-D oug las M. S tephens • I prom ise to ru le quickly on tho }' r d e a s e a f te r he w as m ade o f-U S e -^ -y e a r^ ld -c a se - ia s t-le g ran ted ia motion by Coutfy y John R . E lfers to tu rn Ehe >.oyer to Ms.'T’ierce and her atlori,'. th e -G rea te r Cincinnati

(o r A nim al W elfare, for cnt. 'Jdge an d 20 o ther people In the. om l a u g h ^ when Ms. P ierce it L ady w as w aiting outside in

nember ‘old man’riting th e ^ k was th a t h T

ne w hat I thought. don’t know,’ I toltj h im . ‘But ras the o ld r n ^ and th ere w as :;*-And then Hemingway sa id : it, w e’ve got It: ‘The Old Man*

: 5 e a ; " ■ ' ■






7 3 « - I 3 9 3


, ■ -

n l i T ^ “

— \ ‘-

7 l o W

s i l L ***

l i f f c d w -------

lin P riceL ^lies offer 17-functibrj^ ' orvabte channels ■■ tive channel.1R), Early American B89RrcaT5iriDl— ^ “

[EREWE <RE!! - -

u/i.kAiBa£iJCit.Affa!*Hcr.;_- AND TViI*V>C( .

LEISCHV SERVICE-1 C l o v e r R o a d .1 .4 1 4 ^ ...... ~ ~ 7r e e |E n t e r p r l t o '9 3 ^ ^ —|

t o g e t nc r . a chauH eiir-drlven Uroo c e ' lo b cv ih lskedocrossU ie K l_ C liic ln n a tl to r - a .tel nd p earah ce .

! - “ G ee, I -d riv e a ’• ity S tephens said.n s------^The Judge sa id he woiho w ith th e pending appeal de c ru e lty conviction of 1s t— B row nrthc 'fo rm erow ne i^y M asle.he V T h ep rin d p a lls su e .i e r te ll, everyone In th e co Jti in te re s t In the w i^fare o r S tepheijs said , re fen

- iiu m erb u s adoption offer he . in following new s stories ce p l i ^ t .In “ She’s going to get a

M s .P le iw s a ld .L ady a n d M asle we

group o f (our p u p p i^ ai confiscated In 1977 fron;

* w ais'lati^ convicted of ar I B row n appealed, but I re<Mrds w ere misplace-

’a s -Id:a n -

— ^ ^ j A n o t h M




H h ____ SAL— ^ M i P L ^ C E S I


----- FC

j i' H n g r n P

J just | ^

M c r ^Ml

' .

i B M

lewhoinouslne,-ready o rig inal Jui wOhlo R iver to - overhauled teleylsion ' ap-_, 1978.

Som e of t ’72 Cutlass,” h av e dled,-

c ag e and W wuld deal la te r th e F o rt al of the animal SPCA offlci if Charles W. w ait fo r a n neroflJidyTim l--------------------

^ ^ f a r ^ i c o n B l B j Hcountry h a s . one of-thls dog,”jrring to the'ers that poured 3 Ttfuitaies about Lady’s

a good home,!’

vere anjong a ‘and two horses ■)m Brown,'who animal crUclty. t some of the ced, the case’s

sr-Worid,^— A -. ■ Another T im e... j

I P G l M



n t r x i f{HEJOVER

WIEK . o tw i r w j f SAT.

■ I hr r :~ GEORGE BURNS

1 o to nDAIl'

■ I f f J . I . H * SAT.-Sl

■ ■I ‘T erm s o rE n d ew m en t:? -:^n Vo« 0*»»tn NCVJ «»«l

f i e l d ,___ __5 IN T H E H E A R T r-


, i , , | i




‘ BOTH TOW NS ‘ DAILY 7:15-9 :15

lAT.-SUN. 1 :15-3:15-5:15.7

St t h e 1 ( l iE ir :ir tt3 p lse = fa ilSISTYICHOLlIC H A E t-------NTKEAN -

— iO T H T O W N S DAlt;Y 7 :15-9:10

SAT.-SUN. l:30-3 :25-5 :20 .

► n i e sJudge died, and Kentucky ed its s ta te court system ' In ,

) ( the an im als seized in lOT d .-b u t Lady w as kept in a J M asle In a 12-acre field a t t W right she lte r because flclals sa id adoption Had to- I rulln g lh Brown’s case;-

N FALLS BANk 8 T R U S JJjSKI R E P O R t- .if l

^ c a lC733-2SKI—^


U . MATINEE ONLV H H n:l»> l!00-3:00

DAILY 7:00-9:10 IVT.-SUN.-l2i30-2:40 H H

4 :5 0 - 7 :0 0 ^ 0 '-

^ 7 :^ 9 !0 0 ,.SUN. I:200:1S : 10.7:05-9i00 -------- _

DAILY 7:00-9:10 ^ B | SAT.-SUN. 13:30-2:40

.4:50-7:00-9110 '

WEEK " W B AMILY--------m BPRO D U CERS OF* ■ ■ MAN M O V IE S...

rst great M snture. .SALKINO PRESENTS

e r g l r l K-OyNAWAY------- —IN SLATER M B_____________ L___ fPFT Ii^M a

s' — ' ~ ■Is>-7:15-9:15 ■ M


, > 'j^ P ' ■

. s

IS - O1020-7 :15 .9 :10

— ^ tu rd a y rD t

- f S u r f" T u r

^ Steak And ” Lobster Speca t 5 ©ise . . * • to- .

7 ox. Top SIrioln wllh 2 V . Tdlli. Includat trip to oi

bAr. v*g«tabt«, and eholcIn'lh* Dining RMm.........Good MondoySoturdoy

■Vtc■ . -TWIN FALLS 1

W i f c E S S i i■ ■ ■ - J s f HE'S 1


j B i m j i


. F R I.-S A T .- N I N J A 8 : 1 5 r

B L A D E 7 :0 0

I M r j g r ™

H H ASYOi KM Can CcB m l INFULI H u ~ ' ^ 4 T R A t l H W S T E R E O m n — S U R R O U l

I H I 'Bf f l e n n g g n f i

; 1—, ; •


: Twin i-4 ox. le b t ta r 6 H o u r <0+ Horn tolod s le o o lp o la lo . ■


lOSO D IueLokesD lyd. N.


S he w as nn ordJn tiJ^ he u n til h e r tr ip to P a r is tu

nn cx trno rd in ftry odvi ___________ . OPEN" y w w y w r . _______^ A I U


? ! ■ - F l f l N O L

H |a s C H UJFIRZ€N— tn’th c V cor o f Dorttfi

th e njlers o f th is plof


DAILY 7:<U m i l | H SUN. 5:00-

p f e r ^ p i i

\ - S U N . T l► N IG H T L Y - - M 0 & - 1 0 :0 0

.........FREE IN -• H EATE

' i J W , . >1

‘ ' n | M

Hot> i i

LL; ^ / \: K . r —O M aturing 16 Ofl(

A n d T fteB o tfy g

_____ BOTHTOW N5. _ DAILY 7 :25-9:20

T.-SUN. l:40 .3 :35 .5 :30 -7 :2£

^-NewarTwln-Fatlsrldano A ^ "


N. Ph, 7 0 3 -0 6 5 0 :

5 R E A M E R ^ H |^<TO M C O N T I - I .y housowifo* ;B turned in to ___ ;■xdvonture.PENm-TUES.M L Y T jO O O N n r ^ ^ ^ ^ B


S N ? G G e R j ^ » _

Q rttfw ssrfiW r-— ------pl^ t devised

imOR H rIR|

>Y 12/6


>LUS ■ ~ | H I ^

i n -c a r -------U E R S

/ ^ H | | '

Oflginal songstty Bodt crewl \ •. ~

7:25-9:20 . !

Page 10: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

. W o i

triade IPE K IN G (A P) - Chli

F r id a y th a t N orth Korear _ I l S ung Rccretly visited P<

fe r ’ w IU rhts-C ornm unisi_____ ^days _afte r_ ..a__shoolo

D em liltarlzed Zone th: d e ra il d ialogue on tho div peninsu la .

T h e , Com m unist . P a r tional L iaison D epartir f irs t-ev e r new s confercnt

-------e d • th e 72-year-old - No:p res id en t visited the ChiN0V.2G-28__________ —

' T he announcem ent su q d ip lom ats and a ttested to

. g o v e rn m en t's .ab illty -lo . s ltly e ac tiv ities In sec so m e E a s t E uropean

■ sou rces , ord inarily awo ' visits* sa id they did not

, 'K im ’s lour.

•. -tl»e •-C en tra l— Commltt( W orkere’ P a r ty of K or

'^:..':;nnofnclal v isit to CTilna fi

I s r a e l i s t c a l l o w c o u t o s e e p a j

• JERU SA LEM <AP) - \ . govem m ont sa id F riday

Inform ation atx)ul top-s3 ' m e n ts to the U.S. court t r4 D efense M inister Ariel SI r;; s u it aga in st T im e magazli A’ A C abinet s ta tem en t s

e m m e n t decided, a t the n i U .S ..D ls trlc t Court ln-N( e . a sk th e p resident of Israc A C ourt to re-exam ine thi 4, portion of an Inquiry re A • S ep tem ber 1382 m assacn

n la n refugees by Lebane ' “ m ilitiam en.

J u s tic e Y jlzhak K aha i a n sw e r questions subml \ U .S. court, the Cablnei t sa id . K ahan h eaded the I T\ . r y l n tg - th e -k im n g s-a t^ c

^ r n m p ^ f ^ l n i t : -------------•• , T h e 'lb p -secre t portion i

■ . d e a lt w ith Israe li intellig<

f-',,. " o f th e .m a s s a c re . The rep o t'iw aspub lished .

V?, S t^ ,« n w as forced t< V ; / f i e f ^ * m in is te r In Fe

. V/* K ahan Commls{n l.ln not pn lolanglsl m il l e - S ^ a —a nps. I ^ i s I fidusiryandc

r a g u — c i a r m ^ s p

MANAGUA. Wlca^agu T h e g o v e m m ^ t, —rad re p o rte d th a t a s p y plane b e fro m th e U nited Stat( N lca fa^a 'b ii^F rid ay ^

L t. C ldudia ObregojUjM — ^e^4h»;iltoaragl1n^ rv f f e

to ld T he Associated PreS w a s u n d e r Investigation .'

A b u lle tin b r o a d ^ t ^ N ic a ra g u a sa id the

-— . d e t e c t ^ a t . .9:30 a.m _ M S T ). I t d id not say .w ha

, c o u n try th e p lane w as ov£ ' -^.a ltitude It w as flying. .

In la te O ctober and m on th , th e governm ent f! w ith th e U n ll(^ S t^ e s ov e d v io lations w fJ lca rag i by U.S. • SR-Tl {spy air e m m e n t officials said

'----- hnftmg npm m pnnvlnpflig h ts caused anxiety

--------zen sJ 'h e re .w asiio .Q ien ti_____ boom _ln th e rad io bullet

la te s t purposed f l l ^ l .--------- U .S .-supported rebels

go v ern m en t forces an( e m m e n t has r t i» a te d ly <

------- a d ir e c t invasion by,Amc. Is.rm m lnenf,

------- C o m m ander • Lenin (• e m m e n t secu rity chief, s

te rv lew published. F rid a f lc la l'new spaper B a rr lca d u ras-b ased rebe ls a re m a jo r a tta c k to in terru i l ia rv e s f and to" try to Ukc 93 m iles no rth of M ^ a g u

_ L etter bom b — T h atch er-cai-------- te N D O N - lA P )- ^ - ^

s o r te r a t o Ix>ndon post i d a y ln le rccp ted*a letti d re ssed lo P rim e Minisi

•• • T lia tch er. TJie device dli-------- in n ri no o n e w;t.t in juredr------------- S co ttlsh -se p a ra tls ts '______ sponslb llltv for sendlnK I

Bom b ex p erts sijld. th . een d lu ry device" w as o

. ____w hite envclope-lO-lnchea d d ressed lo M rs. Thalc E>ownlng SI. official rcsii

- . • Scotland Y ard sourc bom b d id nol ap p ea r t m ad e by experienced a n d c p u ld probably, not se rio u s Inlury.-Tfae-sour

, condlllbn'o 'f anonym lty7

'^ A ^ T Im e » -N 0 W 8 ,T w rft Fall

f r t d - --------- ---

t ^ S S L ^ S r h

secret::hina disclosed to 28 a t 'th< e a n leader Kim -C om m ittee 3 P eking to con- of China,” nist- a lly - th re e —X lngtcngsi otoul— In— thft— _Wu-decUi th reatened to tr ip w as pi

divided K orean announced o rran g ed t

’ a r ty In tem a- o f e a ^ c o u rtm ent, • 4n its ; -He denlc •ence, announc- linked lo Ih North K orean K orean tni Chinese cap ita l in-whlch th:------- , South Koresurgrised m any so ld ie r w a i toThe C hinese sa id , “ the s lo .sh roud sen*. Uoned.!! secrecy. E ven A senior* an diplom atic of condltloi tw are of such h av e been lot know aboul - th e cordlpl

K orea:K-lm-Il-flung-of-------“ It-lsno lilttee of-~Uie_ i"AD we- a Corea p a id 'a n v isiting frit la from Nov. 26— ■

: o -

u r t ' i p e r s

Tlie Israeli Jay It will g ive »p-secrcl docu- t try ing fo rm er \ Sharon 's libel said the gov- le request of theI JJe w York, to - .........ra e l’s Suprem'e the top-secret repo rt on the

acre of Palesti- inese C hristian ■ ^

ihan then will jm ltted by the inet sta tem en t le Israeli inqul- . th g -tw o re fag cc -

on of the report [ligence aspects He r e s t - o f - th e - —

1 to resign as F eb ruary 1983

nlsslon found he preventing the

m llllam en fromnnri.,.ChatlUa____________

Is n o \^ I s ra e l's ' id co m m em ce.

u ap yj h t e d —agua (A P) — rad io sta tion ane believed to la tes flew over

y ^ jik e sw o m a n - — :

T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o r t ”n . ' ^ by thfc ;Volce of

(T p la n e --w a sTl. (8;30., a .m .,_ ; ...... :i^hat p ftP o f th e over o r a t w^iat

id e a r lie r th is 'n f l l ^ p ro testsi o v e r s lx jd leg -aguan tm ^pacealrcraflN iSov-

aid the sonicp thf* onrllp r 'Ly am ong d ll-mtlon of a sonicifetiii obout the .

•Is a re ffghting - and the gov- ' jy c la im ed th a t jn c rlcan .fo rces ____________

I C em a. gov-i ’ if, sa id in a n In- i_Iday by the of- ~ ~ _____ic a d a th a t n o n - - ire p lanning a T u p t the coffee a k e o v c rE s te ll^ jgua.

lb t o

a u q h t i l _____

>st office on F ri- ...........e tte r bomb ad- n is le r M argaret.I did not explode _

ts ‘ciailhi-ii rt“- ■ ^IK the bomb. .I the "via61e In-s concealed In a:hes by 3.Inches' .latcher ^t he rlO . .csidence.lurces said - ^ eif to have been ••d bom bm akers lo t have causedources spbko o n - —.... -■ —y . _ I-

FaliV. idaHo S a tu rd ay , Dm c

eader—v i s i t =

the invitation of the C enlral •ee of th e C om m unist-Party a ." p a r ty 'sp o k e sm a n .Wu zsa id .__• • _______cU nedio-speclfy_w hen.^m SI ; planned o r why it w as not ed In advance, b ut spid It was d betw een the ru ling parties Munlry!inled the visit w as dlreclly - > the Nov. 23 gun b a ttle a t the truce village of Panm unjom three North K oreans and one

orean w ere killed and a U.S. was wounded. However, he le shooting Incident w as m en-

or Chinese official, who spoke Uon of anonymity, said there en such visits prevlouslyH n 1^ h istory of-Chlna and N orth

nol-a-s 'peclaW hingA he-said .- - f i a y - ln -G h in a r - th le - l^ m a - frlends." ■” —

-- / ^


' '‘'^1

. . .

' ' -V. •

■ '!*W

Today The Paw W $ 6 6 , g O ( .

Dollars to our customens^ln.i

' |[ ia uUi fundeiil IR C hristm as Dollars

, of the b e s t — G h ris lm as-B e llfe

bonus everf^tim e C harge Caf’b'sinci

: ■ our.w ay Q tsaying loyal p a tronage ar

. have tt;ie,happiest



“ THE IjeS. D oesn t mii“• should you s

: -WHEN ^ce

[S 734-8C

‘ I

- i . ■ ■■


I k :i l k ’' '

- X M r

i w

^aris has releas> 00:00 in Christ ir friends and i.sou^emMah

hope.thSWn-ffgg'b'Di irS'WHf help to m ake s.trfiases.y-Ou've ov« ir-srdiv~^'^s-an-ex4fr ie you u sed v'our Pe ic e last F^ebruary h£ ig "T hank You" for' and friendship, Ma;

istof-'Y uletide'seasc

T h e O rig ina to r Of

LOOKOFTHElind being imitate settle for ju s t an,im YOU HAVE THe C

090 , ’JlSA /M A ST E R C A R O ^eiC O M E


- — T h e P a

*66,1C h rist!

1 f Q

:e this one had.

^ - 0 % ___ ~

^arisl a s b e e n T ^ .)r-youray, yousons. . ’ . .

IONS ■■ ■ ' " ■ ^

E ’80’sited. But. w hy m itation .PRIGINAL ■1294 A dd ison

Avo. East

m " ' " ' ,

[5 t o j

a r i s G )o .’s

ooo®®t m a s g i f t - ) y o u

■ S ^


( • , 3 0 5 ^— a t& < g g ia g » a a a a a




v S p B S i5 < ™

', “ ““►


B lfye'u-<Jo nol fiavo ■K --------- loaay. II takes-but..

^ ----- :------------------------ — hS^Mar/i^yofHW^

2ndAv'onuoNorth. I

--------- TickelsForTho& ,t.'

8 ^ ~ T 6 H 6 t P T MP 6 t t A : »

: 1 ^ i - 3 0f e OCNAMElsrS/

I m s s . f i g i s

T btS rS O A lV lP E u n ) E R . , 0

i t o lD tA O C H W W

S W ow FK i:

skt; I O V O i T c

I t ' / E L L D U J CJXX. u]^*t OF !5 T O V L O R . U ) , ; \ < l M 8 B ! t


I b L?"

b ' -

I /

o it-Paf/s C/Jflfpo Cn/e),.you /n/flfi Jt.a w otnonl or-fivo,-onciJl-brinff:


1, Froo Cfi'istm as Wrap. •'

C M dionS Mollnoo Availabl'o.


T M o s e c H iu s r M A S ^

a S M 6

IS/UHNOCHimES, S U K R f iS X e tS A Z Z Z usMs/uxdau 1 ^/MOSiClSOtES,au\SL,tts,\saM u c H iw o a e r

T6 (>'-00 P.M . _ To f-O® P -l« - - -----


B t a - .

■ • I,T'


: —— ••

/ ......... ^

I E 5 :

m/flftf-wonf fo ciof.ono - —■rtrrps-yo many nc/v-an- .

iOOi-Opon 1 0 ‘6-<i(iUr-------;------- :-----------

ibl'oHoro.____________ _

............ ~ ' 'tN

t- ' ■ • ' • ■C’

___________ 2 ______________

Page 11: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill


. T lm cs-N ew s w riter

■ ----- — TW IN-fAfcbS— Hospl- — ^ o n g 4 h e n a tion 's lowcs

up if Uie s ta te ’s hospitals p o r t a regu la to ry .agenc

. m ln ls tra to rs , (old A leg is la to rs T hursday.

A t a banquet spons< H ospital Association, the s ta te 's hosp ita ls; a rea k p iled wiUi a. b a rrag e of

______.wbat.the.officlals_conten'position am ong th e states

T he 'lobbylng w as Inter


■ “ ■ ‘ I d a h o w in

Lou FaB yB O B FR E U N D T Im cs-N cw s w riter

' t w i n F A L L S -L (____ o fh lab u s in ess by. the__________*‘W c 'rc Ing y fourt

Y es, th e Louis Fiic

- p a s t fou r yea rs .' B ut tho answ er a

I about h is business.._ m ere ly Uie com pany

H e s a f c g u a r^ 'th e v a t.'A nd h e personal t a r th a t flow s from a

A b e re t on h is he: flannel sh ir t, Facelii

^ : ■ m e e t w ith h is souUie----------: —ta k e p a r t a t a wine t

re s ta u ra n t. He often

BOISE (A P ).-.W otoi -one in th rco Court of A m otor vchlcle Ihsurancj

In two cases, tx)th In' -•coverage, th e Court of - ‘ tu rn e d d is tr ic t court rul

sa id th e insurance com] But In a th ird case, thi

_ _ by the acciden ta l dlschf-....... -veh ic le a r e not coverec

.. c lc , un less th e d lschar opera tion o r i is c o tth e v

In a Tw in F a lls Coun - — - _ i a v o ro f an Insurance a

B yB O B F R E U N D - T im cs-N e\vs w riter

TWIN FALLS - Goo find and a r c quickly woi

------------- T he G re a te r 'I'WIll V>

r^^^ 'anT W rgsncro tB lresh ty pro jects.

Beginning in -Januai ■ s ta r t groomlng-volunt?^

' Ing sessions called Lc sa id M ike Dolton, chai t o r . ' ■

- -------- T h e -T w ln -F a l ls r a n_____ leaders..sbm e.oLw hom

^__ fo£^d w a d e s . They sUll \------dnn*fw an f to devote

fM os p i t ^iSSY

■spltal cos ts ln -Idah(T are~*^ | west but coiild be d riven . “ ta ls a re requ ired to sup- ency, local hospital ad-

M agic Valley-area

jnsored -by t h e Idaho the lobbying a rm of the a law m akers' w ere sup- of figures pointing out . ^

tend Is Idaho’8_envlabIe_ J*®® lies IhliealUica’re costs. J"® itended to help head off

L fln e m o k e r L o u i s F a c e l l

heviracelli takes:)!T

- Lou Facelii m easu res the a^ the grapes he has crushed. iu rU iv ln ta g e ," h e M y i facelii W rrieo^nearW ilderilt

r also tells how Facell! fee 5S..Hc Is th e winem aker, m iny'presldcnt. .Ute Idaho g rapes from vlne I nally b lends them Into thc-nci n a bolUe bearing his name., head and suspenders over h lelli, 35, cam e to Twin F a lls i ithem Idaho d is trib u to r and i ie tasting sponsored by a loc; len ta lk s w ith Uie people selUr

Qtorlsts have.won two dnd los >f Appeals decisions Involvlni ince coverage.I Involving uninsured mol^rls of Appeals on T hursday over . rulings ag tiinst m otorists am jm panies m ust pay.,’ the court sa id Injuries causc< c h a rg e of n f irea rm In a nioto •retfUy th e p o llc y o n the vehl harge w as’direcUy relateU tilevehlcle— .............ounty-casc,.the.courL iulcdJ] e cbmp(>ny and aga inst claim

J » ~

— -— I- tti

3ood leaders a r e harU to sa worn out. a ,

BSh-tcaders torcom m unl^-rrT. .le

luary, . the cham ber will Fi n t^ers In a-series Of t ra in -- a t Leadership Twin Falls,

iham ber execuUve direc- -th re

- a r e a -h a s - f l -n u m b e r-o f -G am have contribu ted tim e, hi ill w ant to help, but m any •■ lO of isiw ursji-w cck^io ar-fc


eglsla tio ffw hlch th e Am erican Retired P e rso n s In te n d s to

^ g ^ a te h o sp ita lso p e ra tin g in I Bob C am pbell, chief executlv

B enedict's F a m ily M edical Clen laid e s tab lish ing a cost-contain lion would lim it th e total amoi services av a ilab le and would c ad to ra tion ing hospital care .

"T h is would ju s t be anoUier shoving and pigeonholing" patl<

F ig u re s supplied to a r e a law losp ita l association -place Idal h e So s ta le s and Uie D istric t < e rm s of hosp ita l expenses per i


9 1

1 - . :e lll p o s e s w ith o n e o f h is

ntnen; special prid(

a n d consum ing h is wine L a te r In Uie day , he w

~a su p e rm a rk e t th a t st I age fe re n t types of w ine. Th

ly new in th e Tw in F a tro d u cd ’ in ' April. I

‘H as— d ts ifim itea-im daho lasi

a n d am ong connoisseu feels th e w inefy h as won a 1

not from w ine experts. ] J d a iw R e is U n g lifted

le (o ' no tice a ( th e prestigio nee- p e titio n sponsored by i

s t i tu te based In Ithaca, r his I t su rp assed 26 othei Is to Y ork selection for Ui( id to w ine in the country. I local p a re s th e compeUtloi lUng S e r ie s of wines.

lost__J i le d ln th ad ea th -o U o d/Ing _W ickliffcG . Newell 111 £

Jo d i Lynn Was klllei irlst d isch a rg ed aS it-w as vcr. hom e.and ' 'I'he C ourt o f Appeals

ru lin g th a t Uie deaUi ' i5cd liave t ^ n covered if th< ator it w as being loaded o r U] chi- if it w a s being rem oved cl to • like a scabbord .

A n a cc id cn t a lso m lgd Jn __d isch a jg ed b y.the moveIm s;' veh icle , th e cou rt said.

ttim m u n ity causc.---------------'■‘‘Som e of these people . . . t

sa y in g r 'M a n . I 'm -w om out,'- a F r id a y p re ss conference. “ ]

•.tihaB~ttr a gTOlpyr t uaiJer5-ln =i

-T lie'v o lu n tcc r t wlii-spend-c lea rn in g abou t Uie Issues con(i F a lls a r e a specifically and Ua t la c g c . . - ■......................... ...

T h e course , ,w h l^ extends •ths, w as deslgned-by Paul 1 recenU y re s lp ie d a s « m u Uv

-G r e a te r Boise Clhamber ofCoh lsb w n ^ n su lU n g iirm .- ........• Most Of Uie partic ipan ts

•Tm m lbusinessroynonp ro f ita

lalswcan Assoclation'of 1! s ta te to Introduce to overseeii

nt com m ission-to-^than Ida![in Id ah o ------------------ B u t-*outlve officer a t St. only pro C enter in Je rom e, • c a re that lainm ent com m is- T hursda: m ount-of hospital -. Jo h n !- luld consequently assoc ia tl re. rad lo loglher agency Uiat’s d a to ry li mtlents, he said . field. . law m akers-by -U ia^= ^X hex Idaho 47Ui am ong divlduals c t o f Columbia in ' c en te rs < « radm ission . The Uon.'* Hi


his aw ard -w in n in g wln«

m idide in his Idalirlnes.le would au tograph bottles at t stock Uie w inery’s 11 dif- . The Facelii label Is relaUve- F a lls a rea , hav ing been' in-

I t w as flrs t- generallyla s ty e a r :---------------------- - •-i&-gFowlng-among-thei>ublio- scurs. In Its sh o rt existence, a handful o f regional prizes

5. RecenUy. F ace lli’s 1983 ed Uie w inery to naUonal igious A m erlcan Wlne Com-- by Uie B everage T esting In- ca, N.Y.Iher wines to Ue with a New the best sem i-dry Reisllng

y. F acelii exuberan tly com- ition to winning Uie World

Jodi Lynn Newell, daugtiter o III and LellanlM . Eddy., llled when a loaded sliotgui a s being m oved i n a„m oto

ials.s iislained a d is tric t cour th w as not_covered. It co'ul( r Uie gun had d lw harged whili ir unloaded from the vehicle o ved from a perm anent holder

n igh t be covered^ i^ a gun wa; lovement o r m otion of a molo Id. . -

m > 1 - -

- ■ -------------------- — d rtife -c. T th a f l ta lk to a re becaust It,'-” M id E>oltonat int9 rest I. “ I f ydu don’t copi- l e a ^ re ' ln =Uierco n m itmtt7 ; — t r n ! rpttolksf* ~ UiepFOJ id-cne-day-a-n^Ui-=-30-pcop o n ( ro n U n g th c !^ ln tha t'ca i d th e M ag ic’V S ,:ty T h e i:_____V ■ _,t>e. list.luls over nlnp mpn- or^aniz ul L . Ralston, who takb im iiUve d lre c to ro f |h e T he ' rC om m erce to oj»n~;....................... (....-ag ilced ,Ils norm ally cpm e c red its lt~agenclcs'bccati.«;c~of^tud:

i i e ioxnei

te s Uiat have regulatory ein^hospitol costs all have hl( lahoon a peradm issloirtrasls: kcostfdntainm entxnm m lssloi roposcd, regulatory affront lat th e as.sociatlon voiced opp lay: "-Hutchison, executive tlirect itlon, (old lawm akers Ui< iglcal technologists m ay push liccM ure of those pracUcIni

IV ace concerned tha t un tr I ls workli^ in 6»lCg5~6f > could overexpose patients Hutchison said. But he said

- Y" ■ . >

n e s , a 1 9 8 3 J o h a n n lsb

hiswiiho'-grown b

Y et, while the quality It th e production is limited f- gallons of wine Uils year e- 40,000 gallons produced 1- in c rea se again, Facell ly— now Is getting ready for- . .. .— T h e ’com pany 'sT oots

e, decided .to go Into c 2s Idaho’s biggest banks c a JectedbyU iree institudc Ql (il he ob tained ^ . 1 ^ I n-— mortgaglngrilsTiomb* n- H e s ta r te d m aking wi

steel b a rre ls used for s t w In 1981, Uie first year Ig preoduction was only 1, n- those w ines took (hree Id , Uiwest competition. Ani


•of • An accident where_a (he location of Uie accic

'un do w ith it, is not coven to r ^ l i c y . Uie court said.

urt - .In sep a ra te Bonnev iilj .c a se s , 'U ie Court of Ap iljQ ^ i n s u r e d m otorist poll !o r T hehig lillgh ts:lor!------ Uninsured m otorist)

. vehicles. Thus, a m ^ft vus d riv in g one of h ls ln su i lor fully unde r un insured


—J . : —_ ^ -_

rx o st-— isoo apicce in th is < ise of the Ume commitmenL. ;sted in th e community cj rehip tra ining; Ralston said.

•ogrm n is diK l^cd'fcrdo^s'dcople— ow)vertUm e-about-l(lan h e lp th e communi(y," hesrg radua tcs-and the ir-qua lifis ted In a yearbook Uiat ilzalions'can 'consu lt-w hen 'I Im portant projects. .I Tw in F a lls cham ber also I iw lst. The Collegeof SouUicr Kl_ to_ giye_ graduates fbui t s In sociology for compleUrii

f c i i d abo■y agencies a n d Inspectionh lglier co sts fices in the staiIls: Hufcfiison s s lo r t ls c u u e —cducullonlpfoint (0 h ea lth a n ^ sa tis fy Uie .pposltlon to

#v«fnr law m akers lei

is h to rm a n - wl ; ln g in lh c l r " Idaho docs

resu lt, access n tralned In- Idents o f Uiis Jo r sUfglcUl Uie p resen t (R Its to ,ra d ia - non on a per lid licensure . en te r in c m

•V.-'r’ ------

• TmTN^.^rptsi’/wvESAVF.sorr -

sb erg R ies lin g

beverageslity m ay be m a jo r league! ted. I t will m ake only 25,000 :a r , som ew hat less than the :ed In 1983. The output will :elli explains. The winery O ranew phase. 3 ts-w cre-sm all-and-under—

com m ercial pn^u c tlo n , s couldn 't be bothered. Re- jtlons, F acelii p ereisted un- ip from (he fourth bank by

wine in 55-gallon, stainless• shipping Coca Cola syrup. :ar of business, h is en tire 1 1,700 gallons of wine. Bu( ee aw ards in P ac ific Nor- \n d they helped bring hipi N E o n P a g e B 2

j_a mo(or vehicle w as mere!: cldent, b u t h ad noUiIng else li ered by a vehicle’s insuranc< I.

Seville and Kootenai count; A ppeals confirm ed aspects o wllcies.

s t pol,|(?J?^ylj:5^^$ei^r£;:ne■►i^-vrtjured while nd

sured vehicles s till can coilec ^ m otorist policies pn_qlhe

_ — _ — J

is case - I ' arid — T he seriesiL.Biit anyone ab o u t U ie’T

can go into an d th csta t<id. ia^~ enfq rcc

d cv e lop ;3 it)ou r^carcrcnerg UlOO pMple->-— c l ty - a n d - ^ lesa id .. both (he-p rlifica(k)ns-wlll—governm ent it com m unity • A fter the :n 'th ey -u n d e r-.-b eco m es se

.- sh ip Twin 1 o has added a tra in in g ou lern.idaJio h as iL'fulure years bur a cad em ic - Although ting Uicfcourse " a reag ; there


fuaiies-ho ,■ , B 3

l j j - l d a h i r l - B 4 - 5 -

D ititagIon of the 2,000 to 2,500 affecte sta te would be too expensive, rt sa ia h e 'i s hoping a prop jrogfanTw ill rectify (he-slfui Uie technologists.

ie assoclaUon's legislative age ; learned, is sugport for (he ii bn p rogram s (he s ta te sup'poc iw lU iothersta(c.s,

oes not have a m edical school. ;ss to m edical education by the lis s ta te is severely lim ited ah nini6ridahoTanks-48lh-ln-th< )cr cap ita basis In (he num b

m edical s lu d cn (s /’ Kei

J a x - h u r t of re

• fey DAVE LEWIS —r -T in ie s -N ew s w riter- . . . .

^ SUN VALLEY - Boti Sun V alley and Ketchi s h a rp cu ts in personnel

‘ If a recen t cou rt ruling i les (o' s top collecting the (axes.

K e(chum City Admli Ja q u e t sa id F riday if : Ju d g e G eorge G ranata h is o rd e r on Dec. 14, 1 Join i ts n e ighborIn 'no t ( spending (he tax . . * •

G ra n a ta h iled last v I re so r t .c it ie s local opti( I unconstitu tional in a sti 1 Uie Sun V alley Co. agai_____Sun-V .alley-H ow flvcrJI the c ity to collect Uie

com pany until Dec. 14, \--------loi^ a p«t‘himiLHil h tjy I

peal of h is decision is he Although G ran a ta 's (

e d only to Sun Valley, will stop collecting the th e th e c ity will be unce

'* -ab ility to do so, J aque t s I The tw o c ities have ' I w eek determ ining wl: ■ — would m a k e 'I f th e y io

nues from the 5 percen te rm room ren(als drinks. T h e c ity council: Ing c itie s m et in a do:

. ..1 se s s ion F r id a y aftem '

Flood t appro

By HAL BERNTON y T in ies-N ew s w riter

- S t a t e WI ^ D epartm en t D ire c to r ! '• approved the _c^reatloi

C reek F lood Control C V . control fu ture flood wj y O akley R eservoir ani

wood Creek.‘s But In la n d Baker,

. poln(ed com m issioner ■c County flood dis(ric(, i

sd ll lacks Uie more U quired to c a r ry out ui

^ re p a irs o f a key flood cl He says, the repairs

------ ■ p ic ted soon so thatchannel will be able to flood w a(ersnex (sp rin J ' ICb g u ttln s 'to u ^ e

rely frost. W e hope to s ta r t ' %(o possible,” he said, ince Tlie F lood Dis(ric(,

unab le to ra ise funds until 1985. is hoping to I ob ta in g ra n ts for thee:

is » ' B aker said.“ We do n 't know foi

. AvhaL^ls'lcgal lind'whf . ^ t - 3 h a s f i ‘om j'o r two al(en ; n o t_ a re c h M k in g J^ ^ ," Ba ilect T h e Goose C w kilher__ D istric t, along wiUi

Flood Control District,

ries-be^ris-wiUj-gcncriil:back i ’Twin F a lls a re a , the Magic ta te . Then it focuses on top ics; [rcem cnt and ih e 'lu d lc ia l s ?-devek>pnwnt|.. th 6>-mwlia,- c rg y rtnuB porta tton fedD cati ^ u h ty :^ v tT n m e n (^ F .x p ftr t , 'P r i v a t e 'sec to r and s ta te an .cnts-w lllxbnduclthe.sem inan the p r o ^ a m . gets '.underw self-sustaining. Alumni of-1

In F a ils w ill-a rrange to sprt out to o ther potential leac

:ars/D oItonsaId. . .. gh com m on In la rg e m etre lenT a re ' few"Ieadeirahip“progr

ay, O ocom eberl. l'984 Time

lo s p i ta l s B 2 • -

S * ' '

jencyited of- K Inghom , c h a innan

Coun(v M edical Cehl oposed I3ahosuDDQrtslW( iuadon education (or m edic

institutions. P as t Le : requ iring Idaho stud

genda, of Uie s ta te support f • But Hutchison sa jo r ts In pj,y

W ashington, Alaska 3l. A sa en te red in the WA he res- g ram . He added (hal arid, a t to pay back parTof I th e -n o '- program _w ould;J?< ib e r of s la te 's policy (owan Cendoll Rm nis, including lav


?sorTcm ine hoWiti

_________________vices Uiey nnew corifcn

oth the cities of slons. * :hum will (ace Most cuts lel and services s tree t depa g forces the cit- vices and U tielr local option cities operai

In proposin lnistrator J im . included Uii f FifUi D istric t O c t..1 ,.Uie :a does not stay y e a r ,a n d p i , Ketchum will cut to h ie e t i( collecting and the re s t of U

In genera week Uiat lhe-C i(y~ ^A dm

ition (ax law Is painted a p suit brought by especially I lainst the c ity of K etchum , r

le tax from the By law,‘U 1, when a motion vices intern n lm ln g tU u a p ' iim iiy u fU i heard. such as ins o rder p e rta in :,.Jep a rtm en i .r, Ketchum also idents and ( Lhe tax because “ We arc certain atw ut its a re a s tha itsaid ; tourists,’’ !e 'sp en t the la s t . However what cu ts ih e y cu ts in Ke( io sc 'th e lr rev e - ' vided fo r1 ent tax on short- p ac t would

and barroom (ion.:11s of the adjoin- In Ketchi losed, executive ,.ty services rnpon~to ' deter-_; • See

i distrie wal of s

la s t summ den ts to h< Uie lI)S4spi

ffalcrResQurrp.s _2 ThR--iaa^ r Ken Dunn has' san d s of ac Ion of a (jOOSc R iver a re i D istrict to help_ into Cotton

w aters from th e Reservoir ind Big Cotton- stru c tio n o

nels In U r, a newly ap- area , er of the C assia On Nov. , says the group ' C assia Coi than $20,000 re- new comn-

urgently needed Beginning channel. ■ will have : rs m ust be conv ra ise the : it the diversion 'p ro jec ts ' (0 c a rry possible B aker s •Ing, Flood Conlier a ll Uic (ime wiUi Uie Oi

•t work a s soon a s overflow • runoff sea£

:(. which will be '■We'd pi Is through taxing of volumi0 borrow funds o r channel) f1 channel repairs, ra th e r thei

flow.”for su re y e f ju s t B aker si 'hat isn 't, but we in '^ R th e i in ia tlvcs. th a t .we. w eeks and J^k ersa ld . _ “ W edon k Flood Control' spring, 1>C( h a R aft R iver w a te r intc ct, w ere proposed U ia t," h e s

ckground- neith e r Uie local cl lc Valley . ty groups have t issuch^as. R alstbrisaid ,

system ;; -H is-consulU ng t , - h ealth'- p rog ra m a. fflc .cor)

id s - J m m ^ a b o u L jS . tM Q l^ and .local He also sa id the irs . ' has been Interestc rw ay, it p ro g ran i for som [-Leader*—g r a m - crea tes _c i r e a d 'th e benon( individual laders In T he cham ber a

d ld ates to Join the :ropolitnn- M agic V alley can igrams‘ln ~ ' by co n tac tln ff Dol 1 becauM --T w ln F a llsJ------ u

flmaa-Newa. Twin Falla, Idaho

I plann a n of (he board of (he Blaine 'Center (bid the e r o u D ._____________ilw o progcams-which provide------------Hlical students in ou(-of-s(at^ fL eg ls la tu re s have proposed students to pay back a portion 3rt for Uioso program s, says Idaho students a lready

nuch a s (he students from [iska and^M ontana who a re . WAMI m edical school pro- (hat forcing m'edical students"of (he s(a(e support (or the ir ___b ^ i:in c o n s is tc n ^ % d U i thewards o ther professional prO=-------------’ law, e rt’ineering and o thei^ .

g t oj e t s —c i t i ^ ^iw Jo cu t (he people and ser^ e y ^ d joinUy and then held a ifcrenco 'ro 'ouU lreU jeJr^ecl-— ------

:u ts will be In police, flre andepartm ents,. am bulance ser-id the tran s it system the twoc ra te together.posing budget cuts, the c ities1 Uiose taxes collected sinceUie beginning of Uie budget - _ -d pro jected w hat each have toleet the revenue shortage for -■of the y ear.lerol, .Jaq u e t and Sun Valley ;dfrifnlsttatbr ' “Ja c k "B row n ; a p ic tu re of unplowed roads, lly In the downtown a rea of n , r e d u c e fire and police pro-mriJmfflr-mngM Onn________________A/,‘the ta x is to be spent on ser; temled for tourists. However,if-^he-erees-ptm ned-foM uts,---------^

In Uie fire, police and stree t nents. w ill a ffect boUi the res- ind tourists. Brown said. a re_ n o t Just picWng those .Uiat a re - d irected U> Uie

i,” Brown says.•ver, Ja q u e t said m ost of Uie K etchum would be those pn>- o r touristsralU iough U»e-im* — luld sp read to the local popula-

tchum , h e says, Uie level of c l - 'Ices w ill reflect Uie city 's p e ^ S e e R U ^ G o ^ ^ B S

etis getf- state

m m er by C assia C:oun(y resl-0 help prevent any repeats of J sp rin g floods.

nnnri^ lnnimrin(i>ri thnii— --------if a c re s of fa rm land in Uie R aft arear-M ountaln rxmoff spilling ttonwood C reek and Uie Oakleyo ir forced Uie-emergency'con~--------on of twb large diversion chan^1 the Goose Creek drainage

lov. 16, Dunn crea ted the two County d istric ts and a p p o in ts - m m lssioners to h ead ih em up. ling in 1985, the com m issioners ive Uie pow er to levy taxes to he funds for flood prevention is"!r say s th a t Uie Goose CreekControl DIstrict-hopes to w ork----------ifrOokl6y (Janat-C0f4o4insur & a----------threlcase-of-possibie-TTsscrvoIr r - iw w a te rs during the 1985.s e a s o n ._________ . ’__________'d p re fe r to sec a lower am ount um e (d iverted Uirough the !l) for a litUe b it longer tim e then a sho rt-te rm , high volume

!r said th a t he w ants s ta r t s to r- pie c h ^ e l w ithfh Uie nex t two T ' and m ight seek volun(eer help."don'( w an l toTiave to w ait until ” —rb ecau sew errtig h th av e to T iu t----------into Uie channel sooner Uian

he M ia .'

al cITamiwrnor o ther communl- /e th e sta ff (o organize Uiem,

ing firm organizes leadership

aOpeopfeattend ,____1 _ _ ___________ :the local cham ber o t com m erce estc d in o rg a n lz ln g a le a d e rsh lp » m e tim e. D S lon sald'U ie"prq-" • s -C om m unity , p ride a nd ,■ can lual c a re e rs a? well. , er a lready has ask ed so m e can-1 thc4 )rogram . Anyone f ro m 'th e____can-apply o r obtain Inlorm aUon^E)oUon at-Uie-chamber o ffice in -------:

— -— ----------------------------

Page 12: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

B-2 T lm e9-N ow o, T w inF i

BO B^M S ......... In vo lved fo r 3(


hono--------------- By-BONNIEBAIRD*— — ~~TtTncs^Ncwswrttur~

. TWIN FALLS - who h ave devoted ye.

-------------- efforttoM agle-V allej. - 'th e Boy Scouts of

g ram s w ere present — — :-------honors—offered-Sc<

• night. ; ________ . A llb u f nnpflfthp-si

w om an 'receiv ing the . aw ard s o re from tl

a r e a . ........................T he recognition

------ -------- tireJessserv ice-loyoiCOth annual aw ards i Ihe Snake R iver Area Scouts. N um erous

' w e re presentcfl and i fle e rs w ere introduce

. he ld In the Twin FalC afe te ria .-...............

-----------------Receiving the orgaesteem ed honors wei a nd G ran t WyaU, b D an 'S tapIennO i anc W alqulst. both of P ai

• H eybum ; R odney Gj and J e r r y McCardell

G eorge H aney J r ^ : outgoing SnaRe Rive

----------- :preslden t,-presen le<w hile BUI S tover gav ry of each aw ard w in

pO bil• ■ Donna B.BohU

TWIN FALLS - Doni of M eridian, and fornic.

------------— died W ednesday a t B Beof cancer.

' B om Ju ly 20. 1S39. N eb., ahc spent her Chadran . Ncb„ ondm o' lly to the 'T w in r a l b I w orked w ith th e haiK

---------- ------ statcJD epartroen t otH<and. had been a thera

- - S ta te School and Hcufrom 1976 until the Ume

. Surv iv ing a rc : two____________Bohllng or F o r t Cor

R ussell u . uonlIng~B m o the r. Mlnnlo H aSiy s is ters , D ixie Roberts D elorls Bolotto of Pain ond a g randson.-She d e a th by an Infant dnu a n d a s js te r

d a y n t 10:30 o.m . ol t C him es In M eridian, wl S ch roeder of the Am

------- -- -Churcb-oK IclatlnB . A jwill bo held In Tw in Fa p .m ., w ith the 'R ev . Lo S av io r L utheran church

T ho faipUy suggest] contribu tions b e made S ta te s T um or Instlttlt4 nock. Boise, 83702.

S e nE D EN - The funera

B u llc r ,50.o fE den ,w hc .. ^ w m - b e - M d - to d a v - a i

H ozellon LDS Chapel, the B uller fam ily ccm

' M cculloch 's of Burley. ranB cm ents:“ F11cnds- chu rch one Iwur p rio r ti

---------- - BUHL *-The funera. - Schrowlcr,..72. »{ B«h'

. . .. day,' will b e held todn Jo h n 's L utheran Chun

• • - .will be In Clover Lui . - . 'F r ie n d s m a y c n l l n f

F unern] Chapel from G ifls lo the momoriii given lo Arnold Weme

— w in Meyer.

- M --------- - y REGION/

Davis,^Mra^-MiaCar^ra_______ RoetLCccsnHOOd-AniLAvo

L. Seve rance And H arry C asperson of K im berly; C

------------- Bow m anofB uhJ.— —

Jerom c.D uaiflp . Mrs. M ■ M rsrS tcvenM cM ullln -m i

Slrltcsky and son. Willard----------- all of Tw in F a lls :, V em le F

so n a n d Clint R . Sparrow .7-------- ■MrsrAdnmTlptonrbothD

U ln n tl F itzpatrick of E ^

Sons to M r. and M rs.-Ra• - T uck c r.- ,aU ^U y ii^ lls j, Idaho Saturday, De<

■ H^ 7 * * '

M SEY • . G3 0 y e a r s W orks

t t i n g nders H 3red HlD JO N E S -1 _______

— Seven people” I ^ H 1 y ears of tim e and Jley youth through . of A m erica p ro ­

ba ted th e highest P ro vScouters—F rid a y ------n n m s

th an 30le sbc .m cn -an d ^ n e -^ tx H n n r the S ilver B eav er chairm«

J the M lnl-Cassia a s a bis) ■ - edWoo<

fn fo r long and aw ard o youUi cam e-inlh© — taugh t-' ds n igh t d inner of building r e a Council of Boy Scout pt i s o ther aw ards W yatt nd new council of- t h a n ^ luced a t the d inner to th e I F alls High School served . a ss is ta r

rganlzatIon*s rhost m aste r, w ere Bob R am sey finance :, both of B urley ; v a rs ity a n d 'B re n d a K ay vice ha P a u l; K ent Cole of th e Ci > G a m e r of M alta , board , < le llo fT w ln F a lls . ty .Wat J r . b i Twin' F a lls , s tak e p; Liver A Jea Council yea rs . I n te d - th e - a w a r d s —m e rit Ir gave a .b r le f hfsto- D an #lnner. * • Scoutin

itu a r iehUng MarioiDonna B. Bohllng. 4S, r u p e f rmerly of Tw in Fa lls , cham ber! s Boise nursing home .

m in B «ikelm a|i. l>er early ' ye a rs in - landed R moved w ith h e r fam*’ p n „ e i r i Us a r«a In 19M. She w htlandlcapped for the w orked atH c jU th .B n d .W e» a re _ ^n comolerapUt a t the Idaho H e w asHdsplUil In N am pa SurvIvLIm eofherlU neas. Chamberl;wo «ais, I to d y J jpck CluCorson. Colo., and chom ber:

Clrdy of M eridian; two j - r r y Ch;•rts of M eridian and four slste>alm Springs. Calif.: u ta h .Ihe w as preceded In Honoluludaughter, h e r father MnrJc T t

ol the Chapel of tho1, wllh tho Rev. David ^ ,

J F a lls Cem etery a t 3 F riends .LoU urP lclio lO ur- arch la Twin Falls . th o fu n en jests th n rm e m o rla l / 7 i r h a i ado to the Mountain Itilte. 151 E as t Bon- ‘ H E Y B l

H eybum .

•v ic e s -« r a l for Betty M arie ILVNSF who dkxl W ednesday. Iv le. 75.

^ Burial will bo In K fihberli s m e le ry ol Moulton. Sunset M In charge of ar> of Twin >ds-may c a ll-o t- th e —m ents. F o r to lh e sen r lc e , from lO n

ic ra l lo r I toberl John ’ .T W IN lBtthlv who M artin I odny ol 1 p .n i^ a t i j i r fomicrTyhurch In Buhl. BuHal day . willLutheran C em etery. Unlle<l \ nt the-HopHlns-Buhl'- W hltc"R '

-om 10 to 11:30 a .m . charge ooriiil wrcoUi m oy be in Sunsei•m cr. Al Dolss o r Ed- rite s by

— Base,


-------'Admltled----------- --------------:u c k a fT -a v d w ,L .-ltam U ten_X cr and M n , R aad^ Sobln, all of T (\v n M, SwttmeiL-h^th.flf-JerDme rry L Curtis, both of Gooding: t'; Charles L, Spriggs of F iler; on

Released1. M artin KlUrldge. M rs, W alter J i-md-so-:; ftoland BrM odccn. DI lord C. Slormorn ond Joo Daniel \ H er, B lackm oh 'Jr,:M fs,C lQ rkE 3w. all of Je rom e; M r ; John Mch th•Df-^^ter;-^t^nIllc-e^llledc^o^-l

_____ ,_____________Blrthi

R andrSaW n and-M rrand Mrs. K [Is, and_U rrcnu K. I x iin i o l Klm t

D ocom obef1,19^

GRANT-W Y ATT k s w ith C aQ sla;Scouts

K E N T C O L E o v ld e s n ia g lc sh o w s . m sey~w as-'honorcd~for~m ore 30 y e a rs In Scouting. He has -z rv a rs ltrc o n c n rd lS lr lc rv Ic e m a n a nd c hairm an and served }|shop in his church. He attend- ood B adge in 1983, received an d of m erit la s t Jan u a ry and has it-ybuth-cltlzenshlp,-character Ing and personal fitness In L p rog ram s. ^a t t h a s also accum ulated rnore jjft y e a rs of leadership service e Boy Scout organization. He k1 a s an E xp lo rer adviser, ta n t S coutm aster. Scout- e r . executive board m em ber, ,ce d ia lrm a n and is curren tly a ty coach . His com m unity ser- h a s Included m em bership or C assia M emorial Hospital

d, c h a irm an of the Cassia Coun- /a te r U sers Association, and • p residen t In his church for 1C 3. H e also received the aw ard olt ln J a n u a r y .- — .........—n S top lem an 's 21 yea rs Ir tinR h av e Included service Oi

ion Dean Chamberlain ’E R T — Marlon Dean xsrlaln. 47. o f R iverside, Collf... rm erly jjf Rupert, d led.T ucsdayln- :lde. — 'I Nov. 10. 1937. In Rupert, he at- 1 R upert schools. Ho moved to A rit,, In 1952, and to Riverside, In #he re he had since resided. He i o s a bookkeeper for a construc-m pany fo rjn flh y y e a ts ._____ros a m em ber of e 1 ^ Church. - ■Ivlng a re : his , m o the r," Dora je rla ln of R u p e r trfo u r brothers, in iam berlain of Twin Falls, Rex je rla ln of G rand-Coulee. Wash.,

ChmnBcaoIiT^rnrdtwluIU-ttny- C ham berlaln of P ittsburg , Calif.; s te rs , to l a W hltUikerof Kaysvllle.

M arjorie Q ia m b er l^ n of ilu . D oris H unsaker of fU i^ r t and Trebllcock of M eridian. He wos

led In deniti by h is fnllicr and fourirs. • — — ..............................•oveslde service will be held today 30 a .m . In Rupert Cemetery, with } John R, Fennell offlclollng, m is m ay call a t Hansen M ortuary, am lng from 9 a .m . until tho tlm eof leral,

jard BairdTJURN - RIchord Baird, B9, of m . died Fridoy o t Cassia Memo-

JSEN — The funeral for Frank r5. of Hansen, who died Tuesday.

; W Slake Ceril^f. uu riiil will bu in I M emorial Park, White M ortuary In Foils Is In charge of arrange- . F rlcads.m ay-caH _aLlhc-church- 0 o.m . until the tim e of Ihe service,

IN FiVLLS - The fun«ral for Guyle n LaUln. 40. of lj»>ysln;'Ncb.. and r ly 01 ■J'win fo iis , who diud iucs- v llfb e lic ld today-uT'S p .m ra tn h o il Mclhodlsl Church In JV ln Falls, “ M o rtu a ry o f 'T w ln F a lls - ls in c of arranficmenLi. Hurlal will be ise t M em orial Parfc.-w1th -mllilary by Ihe Mountain H om e Air Force

U U -.u^ut. I.

. M ichael LayTLI: e ^ a _ 5 1tfvei Uet^wa leliwr. ' Bin fTwlnKallsT .P au l; Jo y C ro v cnmeUUcliard-—Rupertr^------------ig: Craig M.a n d E lsle 'F . . -P a m C a rter and

' Antonio'PlftedOi CP edro U galde ond

; r J . I-if!Oda, dauR hter of Heybi - D ianna-Kay— ;Ucnlnmirj Leon of Icl Woodlnrid, _ ______k E gbert a n d ' & n s lo .M r.anii, IcK lnley and sh u w jtf la k e r an37 O f-Buhlrand........................................

, chrl.s Uhl and I/O». K enneth A .'im bcrb’.ia nd ....^..WallfxSchtxuiol

I rV >■ '■


D A N STA PLE > V ar ie ty o f p ositU


R O D N E Y GAF W orked in tw o I

ore— an -E x p lo re r-ad v lse r-l has te e cha irm an . ‘ troop ?Ice m em ber -a n d Scouti ved received a d is tric t aw ind- ■ and 20-year ve te ran p I an H e has been a Notldni h a s m em ber fo r 10 yea rs a jtcr— ch a lrT n an -o f- th e -C y j

In B ike-a-thoninl982.^ W alqulst. th e only o re receive the aw ard thl Mce m any o ther honors to hi He h as given h e r tim e dui

ser. 10 y e a rs a s a B l a w le 3ut- d a y cam p d irec to r a r jer., tim e to help in other ch ly a Including th e M arch o 5cr- H eart F und cam paign.

on On>My-Honoc-adu]t roll iltal Scouters tra in ing an )un- m erit. 'and Cole Is well known In r 10 tho m agic shows he ] d o f .you th groups. In h

S coutlng-he-has-serye In p lo re r adviser, assl

! a s ._ m a s te r . Scoutm aster,

:on and will be announced by the If., Ipory Chapel In Burley.,.j„-----------------------------------

a t- Wilbur iSreiife{Jj GOODING - Wilbur Gi

He Goodliig, died Thursdoy In M em ori^ Hospital a fte r a tl . B om In Montrose. Mo..

~ — ^9IBrhe-attcndod-.M lsfouri ' .-m oved to I h ^ u h l a re a in „ farm ed all of his life and mi lex -vH ow cllsln lM 3.Shediedlnl ih, J .I Ie re tired from forming

m oved lo Gooding.If-: He. was a m em ber of lie. Cliurch,

ind Surviving o re : o so n .T i

nnr Lcrov Grcufe of North Ho! two slstei^ . m noro (Jullile Calif., and T heresa F lsds; «'»■' ■

R osary will be recited Si iry p .m . a t the Church-of-the •of Conception In Buhl. Mass

b rated a t 1:30 p.m . Mont Rev. M. McNeill os.celebi Hon will follow the aer^de .

of Friends m ay call a t the I no- Funerol Chapel Sunday tror

ink KIMBERLY - TheTuhei oy. V an Reynolds Sr., 83; of K. th e— d lc d T ffed n e sa o ^U l bo he

ary Fa lls , Burial will t » In Sun ge- Pork .'F rlenda m ay u l l o l t rch — til tlw U nw of Ihoservlcvcc,

TWIN FALLS - The hin G eorge Nickel, 80, of Twl

lyle : died Wedhesdoy. will boj)C a n d ' 10 o,m . a t the fmmanu

c i mrcii. p u f iui will tw -in-a ?ho- ria l Pork. F r ien d s .raay c ills. M ortuary In Twin Fa lls to.

In ■ day from 5 to 8 p .m ; each dj I t>e church one hour p rior to th( ary- fam ily suggests th a t memo irce tlons be m a d e -to the O

Center. .

|.« UUHUUIIU U uliM iauoiiu--------- CASSIA M E M O R L ^L --^

Admitted : L lsaU aker, J win Glortleld. Anlt

ivcn. Marcello Beam and Consu'

R e leu edand d a u j^ ler, William Bower; C< ftrDeV ai-BulUin. Shone WlUhllt ind Nellie Areher. ail of Burloy; R :ytHun; Thercse M artinez and so)ofD ec!o. • ' ---------- -------

- Blrtha----------------ind.M n,. Duon^ Dean of Rupert, t DtTMr.- and Mrs. f to sa rK T Ju ar^ i------- MINIDOKA MEMORIAL—_ ____jWmlttodi I/onny WlnmlUi both of Rupert.

•R e lu se dirio fP nul.

EMAN B R E N D ilio n s h e ld Onlyw<

l ikRNER .JER Ro s t a t e s ’ . A ctivrpost-com m ll— rnlttee-cha: 3p com m ittee rnmnSlggtm u tm aster. He e ig h t Scout iward of m e r i t ; a n d receiv< pin last year, th is y e a r . (

inal S k iP o tro i—c n o rc ir—; and served a s G a m e r’s ^ sU c -F lb ro s is—oovered -p i

w orked In t ly w om an to of U tah bi th is year, h a s .S ince then her credU. She- Scoutm astc

luring th e p ast h a s recclv< leader, B lazer aw ard , woe

and has found - a n d brothel civic progranvs o r th e A r ro

of D im es and a s an EMT n. She f tce lv ed _ th e A m eric ellglous aw ard . M cCarde and aw ard of R iver Cour

d irec to r a t in H eybum for seen servU

2 perform s for tan t roui his y e a rs of F a lls D lstr

v e d -a s a n Ex- port, tra in islstant Scout- will be the sr, troop com - m a s te r at

Wir• CO


— th e winery But gra]

not money F a c c lllh a

Grcufe, 6C, of WashinKtc v J M a g o f

)., on Sept. 13, p roduce hi Iri 8chooi9-end— -g n ip e a fo rin Uje -'30s..He------- Althouglmarried Goldie b e a r a s m a 1982. In w arm eiIng In 1978'and flavor in t--------------------------ThCTCSUlttf Ihe CoUioilc “ We ai

dlscovcre< Ted Grcufe of ^ler; a brother. g rea t busi iollywood; ond theadvan iiler'of uiuioni;------- t lv tn n u rkischer of Twin . -HlSCOir

grow. ButSunday flt 7:30tie ImmBculate------ year, anduw llibe.cele- ductlonw i inday with Uw F a c e l l i : ibrant. Cremo- --w lnem akl »• _ com panye HopTdn?-Buhl beyond his ■om2to6p.m.

I iaII i not h e s a y iw l

leroi for Verdle CLAl.Klmbcriy-who— ----------------held today at 10

unset Memorial <It the chapel un-

uneral for Paul, win Fails, who held Monday ol inuel Lutheran t

r call a t' White ... J today and Sun-iday,ondatthe . * 501the funeral. The .M rialconlrlbu .^ ----------- -* -151Christian Ufe - • 31

■ ' ' " . I - * 3 0 i • 4 0 “

~ ' ' I

x-iicr. ,

------ - - You'lilta Juargt. LutlwlgJ. , '~nVinT’

suelo Chapa, all of

Cecil Lynn Blaucr. illo, Tessa Women,- ; Robyn Brower and' son of Iluperi; and

l. and Mr. andJrtra..,. . ..i. : ,ailoLn_urley:____ ___

■ . .....Opu

D A K A Y W A LQ U IST w on ian given H onor

[R YM cCAR DELL tiv e in T w ln F a llsh a lrm a n a n d irn o w -n -u n l t -

out leader tra in ing .courses •Ived his wood badge bea'ds r. Cole Is also, active In, his

r 's Scouting activities have - p a r ts -o f - tw o -f l ta te s r -H e - In Uie Cache V alley Council

before com ing to M alta, en he has been an assistan t ister and Scoutm aster. He >lved the Scouters tra in ing vood badge, aw ard of m erit hertlDod aw ard in the O rder " rrow. In addition he se ives MT and CPR instructor for rican H eart Association, idell. who was the Snake DunclL's wood badge.cour& e.. ■at Camp Roach, h a s also -vice a s Soutm aster, assls- oundtable com m isslone.r,_ stric t v ice c hairm an o f sup- Q ln-the-tralner s ta ffe r and the second assis tan t Scout- a t the 1885 Jam boree.

i n e — -----------

il' backlng’~ ^ m - privat< .. F acelli took on partnen id N orm a B att of Wilder, anc ery opened In November 1982;, r a p e crops a re built by tim e ley. T hrough the harvest h a s been usin^ both Idaho anc g ton grapes. F o r the comln( s, he finally will be able t< J h is w ines entirely from Idaht for-the firs t tim e, he says .-_ ugh.ldah(hgrow n_vlnes .don'I m any g rapes as.vlnes raise< n e r c lim ates, Focelll says thi n th e grapes Is m ore Intense u lt Is a wine of a t quality, a r e being found out ani

re d a s a producing a rea of flm ’ Faoelll says. Y et he re sis t usiness growth to capitalize oi an tag es of na tu re ano a recepT k e t------------------- ----------------om pany a n d w inemaking wll M th e w inery’s lim it lies be 100.000 and 150.000 gallons i ind th a t’s-W hereJFaceUl-pro will peak, he says.

Hi sa y s 'h e will not e;ig)and th iking.— o r tiie sm all close-knl ly of le ss,th an 20 workers - h is personal reach, mt lo be the w inem aker ... ani o t abandon th a t p a rt o r role,' jv lth conviction.

TIMES-NEWS ' X LASSIFIEO ADVEflTISlNQ'^ -----PHONE73W»31------ =------

, J _ , e v i ’ s ‘ f a r i r ^ k - t o FiQ1 's for jun iors and ybi 01 ',s fpLSlirri juriiors i w o i . 's (o rjr. juriiors*” 102's for-4 10 6X childre I 0 l 's f o r 7 t o 1 4 q l r l s —

a t u r _ d a y ...........

n i y , . . . . . .

)u'll find ihom in th e P an t

'■^•Main A v en u e N orth , Twirjpu;i L)aiiy.YC(;O0' e-OQ-p.M

n Ruling• Continued from F

I - m anen t population of a t------ not-thCf-approxlm ately-

I th e city accom m odates I to u ris t periods;- .I S u n 'V o lley would ci I.. . em p lo y d m ake < I " cu tsfo rasav ln g so f» 4 6 3 I T he c ity budgeted $50( I ta x for tho 1984-85 flsca I. coUected $29,000 and i I- -112,000 m ore to m eet th« \ nues.I S ta ff cu ts would In( 1 seven police offi ' m ain tenance person, itf

tro l officer a n d one m or w orks p a r t tim e In se' m enta. Brown said.

The cu ts w6uld inake fo r r o iin d -tK ^ o d c pollc would e lim inate ar

— -^firefighters. Brown sa j [ tlon an d th e response c [ w ill d rop substan tia lly w [ T h e c ity a lso would I f support o f M oritzI H ospital, $30,000 fo r an

po rt. $115,000 for the ti and $30,000 for th e Sui chum C ham ber of Coi

:--------formati0h4)00th4x^KetclIn Sun Valley, the wai

operatlons'firo a separal • and wbuld not be affec t

' of the tax . '■Jaquet'ialH 'Kelchum

of 36 em ployees outside U------gew or-,,.departm ent,-w

■s .Is S u b s c r i b e t i J Tlm os-N ew i■q-----------Conw eniontly-dollvII - daily . Lots o l oxcif« I. n o w s, c o n tro v o rsy >t e n fo r to in m o n t, tnfi e & b u d g e t stro tch in i

Subscribe no\ r Call 733-09:!S ]>r .


■ W H Tr ,_ :______________■ '

r. '

___ f • ~

/a te I TELLING"Ago 14-16 . . . To

and Ho Is noi oaaii^undii82;,' but ciinlcol oludTos'me, than ony othor ogo'cst, aiiond Iho so rv lco .'a n d • o lh lm se lla so n a d ulin g s to taho

:on’r .......... ^Ised ' ^the

Z W fH l"The Chap6/ b

-------- : - 436-41il-AVfc-EAS:w i l t ' _ - phone 73I be- _________IS 0 . . „ oi. i . Q ;P "^-— -------NATIONArSEUCra

J e r r y D . H '

S — -


y o u n g m e n -------- . . .

J r e n ■

int S h o p , th e J r . Ju n io r .

w in P a l l ^ 733 -15QB._... PfXTSaluidnys'm ^D ''---- “ “7

1iP a g o B l ported by l

elv nt i<i -'has about $:

“ LfbSdseL^” ^0 500 ■ -r^ raonnei S t o m t b ecal year. n has1 needs to cut

include two ofifflcers, oneits an im al con- the t r ^ I t,o re person who»>v=ral depart-

ifci',!a"SSSany"^ M l-Umea y s lire detec- b o e a u M o ll1 01 Ilra llgh ters ce n tra te lla'W lthUiecuts.1 cu t SSO.OOO InI X p m m m illy -p o lice servlirabulance sup- “ oUxil andtran sit system tim le ssc rm

Sun Valley-Ket- 0“ “ =iim m eree ’s In- and crow d <

_______ said . .mteiLand sower•ate corporation m V jc ted by the loira -

m wouTd'lose 11 , le I ts w ater and i AM*** -whlch-lB-6Up-------

l e t h e

'* Iifo m en f, • \ / l sy, . ,n fo rm a lio n '.. . SCA50IIng a d s . ^ _Dw - m 3>31 | | E |

S T ^ ' C H I L D ABOl'0 tho odoloscont, ho may wani i iderstood. Ho moy rolfoln itom err js 'snow thar teonagors ollen ho go youp, Encourago his filonds », T,hl5 glvos him Iho suppofi h'd ncdull.solfoai him as such._______• ■' «.

- l - i ’f

I X E \by the ParR""




J y jL j* E 5 iis I, I y

V i

il } f


*-■........................ —- 1 —)y u se r f e ^ . Thd clty-would 3,387 from th e p ersonnel andts ,h e s a y s . • _ ___________ty b u d g e ts $415,0W from the ax, h as collected $ 3 2 ,^ and j t $1,000 e x tra a f te r the cuts, H ay s . ' 1w e l c u ts Include four of eight B e rs , who double a s a m - ' I personnel, five of 12; police of- wo of s ix em ployees In the epartm en t a n d .o n e .a n d one- . (tlons In the four a nd one-half larks departm ent, p ro p o s ^ cu ts a re $80,000 for is it system ; $15,000 for. the r’s Inform ation ‘ center, '[or s tre e t paving and $12,850 m bulance service, t says downtown businesses ect lim ited snow rem oval and *s in park ing a re a s on s tree ts of the cuts. T he c ity will con- I ita snow rem oval In the resi- ' ireas .h o sa id .so said th ere will be lim ited »n»Ices, especially for traffic and the investigation of vie- crimes.'^ s . accident investigations ,vd control will be out, Jaquet


u o ir s G S E B n m is . | i s f |^ I

' ' " " s

OUT ilCATHam lo flhoitof nia fooimgs. rt emotions or oxprosslono.1 hovo mofo-lntonoo-Sflol------ --------nds to charo his griot ond id n e ed s: He w ants lo think

Page 13: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

• ; By KRISTIN TUCKER T im e s - N e w s co rresp o m

- S m all, n ira ld iu rch ec capab ilities th a t often g

: basic p re m ise o f lh e 'S i ------- - :M a tfc V alley-based mi

• odist C hurch under the I McCohneU.

T he cen te r, w ith Its o Is t-C h u rch In Filer,

..aouthem Idaho United■ ;leM lhan200m em ber8 .

. McConnell is one of m .soclologlBts, and 'theo l' sm all ru ra l churches,

- trave ling to observe a ^McConnell say s he has churches ^'understand,

' '-strengths and capablliti ' " Although 66 percent

.'denom ination have les -Connell say s th e United

' 'o v e rlo o k an d u n d e re s tli

:• *:The U nited M ethodL • ~ tq -D c rv g~adfMigfiaeTff

m em b ers ," h e says. Sn ; those depending on flm

-^Churel— — TW IN -PA LLS------E ;

ches o f tiie C entral Dea . on. A dvent Service of

------------CaroI& -at4p.nirSunda5Sion E piscopal C h u rch :

_______ A.potIudc dinner-wlll beserv ice . T he m ovie “ Th shown.

TWIN F A l i ^ — The A fter F iv e ChrisUan V


" HANSEN — Sunday scho .. . 10 a.m. and the morning SCI

----------a t na.m .-Tbo MlseloneUe^Christmas musical at 7:30p.

TWIN FALLS - Sundo) First Assembly of God wil a.m.vThe 10:50 a.m. scrvlcf cost over radio station KCli service will begin a t 6 p.m.

Family night- activities \ ---------- p.m. Wedneaay:-----------:—

BAPliST f i l e r — Sunday schoo

- ! 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Duane •. mon will “ You Are A Gltt I communion scrvlco. Jerry I

a t (ho concluding Crusade K : JEROME - Sunday sch(

------B ip tlstw lllbeginat9:4sa .r; service wdU bc0 n at l l ‘ meeting and the Promise

____ )..mcctlDfi.wUl bciSn ftt.7.p.m.' IngservlcewUlbeglnotBp.i . The Wednesday Bible stu ' ,8 p.m.

.TW IN FA LLS-Biblesc__: a t 0:45 a .m. a t thcBerean 1

— r-‘r a t laoS^J'Uer-AveTErJnie n “The Family Likeness" dur

Il'aePirlcf hnH “ U'Thffmnnnsi ; DeaUiTCanSinnersBeSavc . What About tbe Poor Souls 1 ; durlnglbc7:30p .m .8crvlcc.• . Bible study and prayer i ; heldat7:&0 p.m.Wednesday . : -TW INFALLS-Sundays. ; a t 10 a.m. a t the Bible E• S ^ h e n N. Thompson’s »

' Not” at tbe 11 a.m. servlc : CSiristclass.wlUbeheldat T' son's serrooh will bo ‘■•Thi ; tion" at the 7 p.m. servi< - discussion wlU be held a t 7 p.

' P rayer meeting will be

; - '^ ^ § ^ c d n e s d a y evening• beglnnt7:30p:ni.

' ; TWIN PA LL S-Sundays■ B n tis tC burd ) will begin al : message'wlU be "Man’s RigI• II a.m. service and "You Ha : This Mountain Long Enoug .' 7:30 p.m. service. 'Dte diu

. ' nlversary wlU be celebraC evening scrvlco.

! QnJrueadav^tbC-Awana-i kindergarten through secc dents will meet a t 3:30 p.m.,' tlnnw tllbehel(lat7p.m.

;■ On Wednesday, tbe Aw ^ o d e s four through eight wl

! p.m., Ihe Awana Club-foi• Uirough 12 wUl meet at 7

prayer meeting and Bible st a t7:30p.m. , • •

:• ■ The.wometfaVlslUtlon.n: held a t 10 0.0). Thursday. .

_____ inPTM IfATJJi - Tttf. m.* will begin a t 8 a.m. Sundi I beg lnat9:41a jn .a n d th e m

will begin at l l a.m. at the Pt ; - all-church advent party wU

] On Tuesday, youth day ac I . hc]dot3:30p.m.,andthojun

J ___ ltli^w<llt»heldiitgpjiL -----_ • __ lO o Wednesday, Bible sja j

— at 'I p.m. luw uw afinuai m; w lllbeheldat7 p.m.


; ; : .classes will be^ a t 9:45

* Joseph" a t tbe 11a.m. servlc ■ •BlMest^wiihfaegtOTtST

: -. T he w om en 's fellowship gi• Irom 10a.m. to2:30p.m. yiai -■ ■ BlblestudywlUbeglnatlO ! ' IW INFALLS-Sundaysc

at 9:45 a.m. at tho First Un P asto r-L orry 'D ...Jooes.i mSsago afthell'annrBOTv

- . — meeting w|ll;b8ginH»i-fi : . seivlcewillbeglnatTp.m.

— Blble-study-wlU bo hold a nesday.— -----------

e i ^ r o v iER - • ■ fondent

h es have.unique streng ths aoi Ml go unrecognized. T ha t’s thi fS ro an Church C enter, a nev m i n i ^ of th e United M eth

h e direction of th e Rev. Bruci

ts office in the U nited Method er, will focus p rim arily oi ited M ethodist churches witi TS. '-if m any chureh planners, ru ra leologlans cu rren tly studyihj es. After sp e n ^ n g two yean B and s tudy ru ra l m inistries has been called to help .thesi nd, claim , and a c t upon'thel: niUes.'.’« n t of th e churches in thi less th an 200 m em bers, Me :ted M ethodist C hurch tends t< stlm ate sm all churches. *

odist support CTs te m ls s e t ui B 7 iP g s^ re fT 5 rT 0 (n o ^[;0 c8 Sm aller churches, especlall]

financial ass is tan cT fro m the

' i'

'hnews-E p lscopal-chu r— wlU-meet Deanery vrtU hold 10, a t the of L ^ so n s a n d- be “ Silvei

dayTit the Ascen- p r e ^ t e S ch in Twin F a l l s . . H ilda Go I be hel3 a f te r th e - d e s s e r t - v ■The Gift” will b e tlons, caJ

b yT hursd

lie M agic ValJey - GLENN ti W omen's Clob C hristian!

:hservicOFOOD ' ' ? ■Khool will begin a t TW IN 1 ; service will begin L eagues U Ue<3ub4vlll giva a — 7 :3 0 p .m J t 30p.m. "G ra ss FKlay school a t tho a .m . ove r : will begin a t 9:45 T im e s" wl

vice will b e broad- rad io staUc i<ClR. The evening a t I t a .m .a

T he womes will begin a t 7 h c ld a t7 p .i'----------7--------------------- BlW e-Stt

T hursday.5T ” ”hool will begin 5 Lane K incaid’s se r- ^G l t f 'a t U jc 'll a l i i : "■i jM lz w U lw o s k

ilse Seekers youth W «j . m .a n d l h e .c v c D - - g ^ - ^ Bp.m. W ndergarti« u d y w « l ^ g l n . t


iavedAAciMDe^o ta ln P u rg a to o .?"

e r service WlU bo o t7 p .m .F r d ay . ^ iyschoolw m begln- - le B apU it Pasto r s s e m ^ will be

rvlce. The-Llfe-ln f l t lO :» a .ilatOp.m.TTwrnp. ''.■nw Transflgura- ^ d c a s t *irvice. 1110 teens’ . ^7n m ^ DiOle C

M » rv lc c 3 will

. y « * o . l a t O c « »

)r»led during Ihc J “PPO rw llll

Mcond-grade stu^ m ..andtheV lslU i- -trt

- fo r-g ra d e s n l n e - ” " J ^ * ^

< i,m i* tliig w lllb t

' h rw irfftrt T he wome

e P ln tB ap tis t.A D .WlU b6 held a t 7 ‘

^acllvlU cswU l'boiJuiUor+jghflctlv-

rtudv will be M d ' th roe-tourou U flsm m njeuiiK ! M id-vw k

I t p m Th„r<rff.v - h e ld a t7:30]

EN . . - . airistlan education F IL E R — 9:45 a .m. a t tho g .m . and sci

be "A Lm]k " n r — uim u mud, rvlce. Qcsday.itSpn ic 3^g 3 d >iy.— ,,ip group will h iecl - CHURCi W ednesday. . . TWIN FA l itlO a .n i.P riday . bo "G od Th y school will begin Sunday scho United B reU uw . a .m .

3.W111 g lv e _ tb o T lie .W cdn BTvlcc: The y o u th - b c g ln o t8 p .rp'.m ..’n io cveaing--------------------1. . . • Id a l-7 p .m .-W ed:— T W IN -F A ---------------------------i-piwoodwiU-

d d e s ^ i i cU nited M ethodist systei cond c la ss a t b est,” Mc<

' ' " McConnell h a s o ts e rv and. a g ^ slze. for group ai th e "c h e s h av e approxim ate! MW .ly. involved^ b e says. La eth- d iv ide In to ,w ork ing .g i u ce hu m t)e r of people.'

Mc<;oiyiell also says lod- a r e b e tte r ab le to endur

on so n is k n o w ira n d -c a n vlth “ T hey need e a d i other."

T he Sm al! Church C ira l s ta te s , b u t Its p r lm arj 'Ing ,M aglc_VaUey.^Two oth€ lars in th e focus of th e cenU les , so u th e rn Colorado and C lese P re sn o a re a s . le l r •‘M cConnell is reluctai

‘ S m all Church Center, the- s e rv e ," he says, " b u t v Me- w onderful things th a t we

• W orking With a 24-ra ex p ec ts to spend th e flra

: UD__ ‘ga in in g an . understandjJb^nfeTffito-w U rS'SoW i Uly— g ra m s m ig h t best m e e t I th e A ctive on a num ber

> ' - —

eet-at-TiSO-p.m -M ohdayrDec; he H oliday Inn. T he them e wll] v e r B elis." T h e je a tu re w ill be ted by the Bell W ngers, and Godd a rd wUl_speajc._C03L-Of rw iin 5 e '$ 2 .8 5 . F o r reserva- :aJl D orothy Jam es, 733-7440, rsd ay .D ec .6 .

NNS -FER R Y — -The adult ons group w ill hold a clean-up


I PAULS ■•- The 111m "20,000 J U nder the S e a " wUl bo shown a tutodayat241M ainA vG ..W .___IS R oots" vblll bo broadcast a t 9:0S e r rad.l.o sta tion KLIX, and " G < ^ will bo broadcast a t 10 a .m . over

aUon KFMA. wll) t>e heldi.and7 :30p .m .-’om en’s fellowship moellng will be p .m . Tuesday.

-S ttxly-w lli-be-hekl-at-7H 30-p,m rly.

CATHOLIC . . F A L I^ — M ass will be celebra ted

rto d ay a tS t-E d w a rd ’A. nday, m oss will be celebra ted a t 8, l:4 5 a .m .an d 7 ;3 0 p .m .<^1 b e celebra ted a t 8 a .m ., and i>.-Monda y ,th rough-Friday, a n d 'a t a turday.V ednesday, rellgloiB education will be held a t 3:45 p ,m ._ fo r

ir te n through the sixth-grade stu- jKl 7 p .m . for Juniop and sen lo^ Jcn ta ..


th e 10:45 a .m . iservlce. Children’s>ill b e g ln a t l l ;1 5 a .m ._________undaUqn c lass will m ect a t 7 p.m .

im liy N ight Fe llo \^^ [p will he held F riday . ------

-• CHRISITAN 'FA L L S— Sunday school will begin a :m . a t F i rs t O ir is tlta . Super

a .m . A coHee hour will bo held e serv ice . T he serv ice will be }t a t 1:10 p .m . ove r radio sUitloi^

e c lass will b e held a t 7:30 p.m . lay.FA LLS - Sunday school a t Valley1, D lsd id e s o f Christ will begin .at.. Tt>e R ev . John Dewey will con-10:45 a .m . service.tudy will be held a t 10 a .m . Thurs-lUey V ista Village.or citlzcn’s lunch will be held a tlay .u ig lng o f the G reens and a soup ill b e h e ld a t 4 p.m . Saturday, Dec.

- C H R g n A N C E wVKk ----------RMAN - T he Rev. Llnfleld will conduct services a t 11 a .m .

: r will e a k a t services o t 7 p.m . T u S a a y W e d n e s ^ .PALLS - Sunday s ^ I wlii t e ^ n .m . and -the m om lng.servlce.w ill 10:30 a .m .irth gro iqiw lll m eet a t 7p :m . W ed-'

imen’s fellowship grotq> will m(?et r m r T n crBa a r ' a r Blg s sa n rM a t^ ,m o r» X B u o h a n a n S t,^ - .

CH R lSnA N A N D ' OSSIONARY ALLIANCE p a l l s — Sunday school will begin m. Services wOl bo held a t 11 a.m ,1. a t th e Twin u n iir -r th s of a m ile South on~Blue L ak es '

ck p ra y e r and Bible study will'be 30 p.m . *niuraday a{ M l Highland

CHURCH O P CHRIST — Bible c lass 'w ill begin a t lo ' se rv ices will ho held a t I t a .m .

I'uay WUl iHi ncia at 7 p:m7 wcti^

i b l O F CHRIST, SCmNTICT rA L IS — The le s s o n w m o n will . T he O n ly -C ouso -and -t:rcato r." - :hooI a n d church will begin a t l l -

cdocsday even ing-m eeting will p .m .— --------- r — ' ----------, - -

EPISCOPAL FALLS— - T h e -R ev , - F rw l- C .- 'iU condiK t eucha ris t a t 8 A nd-]0-

d f b r r ustem ,' m ay feel they a r e “se'rtcConnell s a y s . .....—=erved thatTOiall chu rches a « p acUviUes. Most sm all c h u r jte ly 40 people who a r e ac tiv e . L arg e congregations tend tc ’ .g roups of alMUt th e same

lys th a t sm all congregations dure tough tim es. “ E ach p ep au ‘od~for,‘**~8ay8*iHcConneii; s r ." . .n C enter servM 12 W esteni lary m inistry will be in the >ther W estern reg ions will be en ter: the San Luis V alley oi id California 's M endocino and

ctan t to specify isoals o f jh e er. "W e are h e re re a d y to it we don 't have a ca ta log of L we a re planning to do '." '. 4-m em ber board,"M cConnell f irs t y ea r o r two listen ing and a n d l ^ j o y h C j ^ f t L c h U K h s f l rvihg, and deciding w hat pro->et the ir needs.” -------------------M r of regional and national

>ec. --andhang lngo f thg g ree will W ednesday, a t the Un! I be -C h iirc h -lo -G le n n s -F t and m en ts will be served._ o f - . , ------------------------v a - ST. LOUIS (A P) • 140, Catholic -scho lar saj

should abandon the T estam en t," in referrh Ish Bible,

l u l l ™ “ Continued u se of the -up keep ChHeHniw- from t

a .m . O iu reh school wlll-bc 1,000 An advent serv ice will be n a t A fler Uie scrvlco, a poUuc

held and the mcvi.e 'ic if t : ’j !l;OS E ucharist will begin a ttood d ay ,-------------------------------iverw ld L im iE R A I

E D E N - Sunday school I b e d o s s will begin a t 9:15 a.n

ttieran . The Rev. D ale V. >,m,— rooo.wtll.bc .llWo.Ar e.f l lch

a t th e 10:30 a .m . service.JE R O M E — Sunday sch(

blc.’c lass will begin a t 9 lied - P a u l 's LuUwran. T he,m on

boiyln.nH la-m .It 8, . A mid-week se rv ice will

and TWIN P A L IS - Tid a t ‘ Crosm cr'STnessagcfwIll’W

com e God’s Royal Son',’ t Uon scrv lco a t (he Im m am iel Jor.^se^.l(3L H :lllbeJa5fldcasto i stu- K T F l. Bible c lasses and Su lo ^ b c g ln a tl0 :4 5 a .m .

T he flfU)-, seven th-and e d en ts of Im m anuel School

» ndven tserv lcen l7 :30p .m ,- smi— T W rorF A fJJt — A chan m’s . A re Told to W atch" will be- - Ing tho 9:30 a:m . sorvlce at

'.m. tb e ra n . Sunday school will

leldM E ^ O N IT )

F IL E R •— Sunday a .m . a t 109 F ifth S treei. Tl

gin W lcc will begin a t l l a .m l 1 pe r ~*Filcrw lirq>cakaL(he7p.m

id d - ~ MISSIONAR'be F IL E R — Sunday schod

n 9:30 a .m . E d Stella, a forme O regon, will speak a t4 h o

.m . vice. The evening service 6:30p.m .

le y A serv ice will be held at I .at nesday. on-

NAZARENE ITS-. F IL E R . — Sunday schoo

S :45.a.m . Services t a t aihOOp.m.

T he w om en's p ray e r meei >up -Jit9 :30a .m .T u(sday . cc. T he m id-week service, U

m eeting and (he children’s i a t 7:30 p .m . W ednM doiU i^

-----------K W B E R tr ^ S n n d o y T ield a t 9:45 a .m . P a s to r Wel m . m essage will bo "GetUi

m . C hildren’s church will begl T ho m essage during the e p

^ n ‘‘WKat'Are thoH allm arl kill tla n ? "

F am ily n ight will bo heldsd-' n c ^ . .................

The m en’s fellowship bn x t h e ld a tS a .m .S a tu rd ay . a t- The-ttoybelloa wil l hofd a-

c h ra n a t (leorge K 'S restai. _^:Saturday .......................- -

TWIN F A L L S -S u n d a y s a t^ :3 0 a .b i. The m essage ai

^ n se rv ice will be .‘‘W hat Do m, M ost?" The evening « r v l «

-------------------------—On M onday, the Woodstc

-------’iriH->whMb e ondB lb lestudyw U lbeg lna t hd T he Dlsclpleshlp C lass-i

— p.ii |7TUC5U> y -------------------'O iT W ednesday , tho. men

w ill begin a t 6:4S a .m . a t tl 10 and p r a ^ r moeUng. teen m. C aravans will be heldat7:3C- • .OH 'iTmrsajiy. women'a B itT- w jiiflg -mitiAi 11 in jit iiHa

Inn , w om en's Bible study ' — U ! f e .A .m „ - » ^ •U ig 'WgfiH

C hris tm as cobUe exchange ' ti l . p .m ..

- T he P a th Seekera and Ui 11' r ied s classes will hold a b

p .m . F rid a y ; tickets a fc -1 lU ' T r a c y ll l l l s o r 'D e b M a ^ .

• - -.pEtffBCOOTii TWIN FALLS --S u n d ay s

C,— Templa.wUl begln a t lO o jo 10— H A rvastlm O:mlnlster,aviU.|


a f ^ e h t ise- -boards,:McCtorinell wU

the ru ra l c h u rc h e s .in i ire— be speaking- to-sem li JT- m eetings, and in a riatK

- McConnell Bees an In “ p rop ria teC hrla tianed i

Ing p ro g ram s fo r small a well-known Chrlstlai

'nt.._..yislt the M agic VaUey work In a num ber of Jo

'■ii'-— c h e s r ------------- -— ^A c en te r new sletter

rh approxim ately-2,000 n he eludes Inform ation, Ide be to sm all churches and t of A na tive of Nam pa, nd the cen te r w as locate

geographically ceintra he a reao frh liils try . to ' ; " A ru ra l setting Is e of says McConnell, “ thoui

“ from -the M agic Valle; eU m etropolitan a rea . But nd p a rt of the ru ra l setting is a ^ - - .- ‘A'ni&-i:^nter exlsts.n ^ but to lea rn from then — —>^ork-together,”-M ceo tal about tho mimyposslbil

eensn t7 :30pnn :— th a tT ln n Jnlted Methodist r ic h splrli Ferry.-R efresh-— own— rll

... Pawllkow; — : : ThlSTo^ci

— A Roman national lays CSuistians Jew ish reJ le term , “ Old r ing to the Jew i — The’phn

' w as seen i he te rm tends to - im p ly in g tI th o rc n lirn tlo n m o d e d .

begin a t 9:10 a .m . ' a .m . ah'd5p be held a t 4 p .m . Blbla stud uck dinner will bo day. < "jvlHbeshowD. _ P ra y e r 'fe I t 7 a .m . W cdhcs-~Tlntfsnay.-------------- ------------ -— TWIN FA

ry United wlAN ............ b c g in a t l lalol and adull Blbte Blbte stud i.m . a t Trinity Lu- hc ldal7 :30 i V. H einlcln's ser-d U a £ vciy -Way!’ --- --- -----------

B U H L -(:hool and adull Bl- a .m . Pastor

9:45 a .m . a t S t "W hat Do ' im lng service will communion_____________ -m ee t a t 5:30'lit be held a t 7:30 KA2ECIK

f a t 9:45 o.m ■nio Rev’. A .J. Communion T3«^’Tlme'l6TVe|— n.n i. serv ltt ’ a t Uio 9:30 a .m . a f te r tho se iei L uU iena. collected for : ove trnd io st nllon The-wom< Sunday school will H acvcstD In

- H O L U S n 1 clghlh-grade stu-. a t 10 a .m . 1 ol vdll conduct an sp e ak a t then,-Wednesday............. JE R O M Eancel-'drama "W e'. bCi{ln a t9 : lS bo prcsenled“d u > " 'im d "K n lo r^ a tO urS av to^L o- 'a im . The Re

vlll begin a t 10:3S ".Watching i com m union beg in a t the

ITE ven t festivaln lw lllb e g ln a tlO boserved . The morning se r- KING HIL I. Randy Shank of th e annual .m . service. 9;45 o.m . A

kRY... . _____fiCEvlco_____Mol w ill'begin at* An advent Tier chaplain from n e r will b e h< to 10:30 a;m . s e ^ T W IN FA l » will be held a t a l9 :4 S a .m .’

will be "A I a t C:30 p.m. Wed- D :3 0 a n d llo

O n Monda; will m eet a t

ME w lllm e e ta t ix» l will begin a t On Wedne: e held a t 11 a .m . a t 11 a .m . a t

be h e ld a t7 :2 eetlngw lllbe.bcld Bible stud;

' a tU w G oIder , Iho teens' group T he Sunda 's group will m eet S a tu rd ay to | ___ 1. - • (Tam .T choorw itn jcg in wlilNUHiJ Vcldon Shum an’s a t 9:45 a.i lUnfr. Ready for - m e s s a ^ wil

!gjn a t 11:15 a . m T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J p.m . service will ' 1 i a rk s o r th e C h r is - ' ------------- 1

slda t"7p .m .W «l. CHRbrcakfoat will be ;

■ a ^ r i r im n i ln n . , ^O V S taunm t a t 1 p j a ________

S'schoo! will b e tffl- • *'! at the 10:45 a.m . . o r X> You l^reasure Ico will begin at 6_ ^ . Dlr<— ; ^ d u c a t lSlone Retlreihcnt _________

at7 :30p .m .» -w tii~ in ee t-n t-r- ‘

len's Bible study the.Hollday Inn ; W o r» h lp

™ m ta l « y T .n a

— -WHI-u S S S r -----------y will 1^ held a t . Scrip

Uie.Young Mar^ _ W ild .£11banquet a t 7:30 7 :0 0 p .m

!>• available from .7 :30 p• .............■ Bl

taL ......./school a t Bethel „J n ..C .M ..B e c ta n .. ._______N ?J speak at-U)e 11 -fc— ■>

i T Z i Z . ‘


u r c h e s -WlU represent the Interests oi In th e next few m onths he will m lnary ~8ludenl£,,-'at“ dlslflcl dUonal stew ardship w o r k ^ ^ . 1 Im m ediate need for m ore a p education resources and tra in »aU phurches. F rances Gomez, tlan educator, Is scheduled tc tey-this M archrw hen she wll] t locaLUnlted M ethodist Chur-

:er Is being M nt bimonthly U ) readers. The publication in Ideas, and resources pertlneni Id the ir needs.}B, McConnell Is pleased thai a ted in th e M agic Valley, a tral location 'for. the 12-state

s essen tia l'fo r th is m inistry ,” ough travel Is.m ore expensive Iley than It would-be from a 3ut those high trave l costa are Ing.'^

s - n o t - to ^ v e - s m a U ^ u r c h o s . iem .and to. leam Jiow -w e can K3onneH-say8.-"l am -exclted Ibllltles."

B - H e B re w T c n p tU i« " c b n la i i ilrltual In s li^ ts vital In theli Tight?* ffie ^Rev. Johro w k l o f the___ Catholic^ ca l'U n lo rT ^ C h icag o told i J w orkshop on C hristian relations.

h rase ; "O ld Testam ent," also in a s d isparag ing to .^dalsm , g th a t Its'Scrip tures a re out-

5 p .m .se rv lce S .''tudy will begin a t 7:30 p!m. Tues-

• 'tncetlng.w lll.bcgln at-7:W p.m.IPALLS— Sunday school a t Calvft- ! will begin a l 10 a.m . Services willlla .m rJU K l6p:m .- - ............. -itudy.and p ray e r meeting will be 30p.m. Tuesday.

— PRBSBYIERIAN-----------------— Church school will begin a t 9:45 to r M artin G elsel's sermon will be to You E xpect?" a t Ihe l l a jn . Ion service, l i t e youth groups will .:30,-> ' .[ ^ N — Church school '^ l l b e ^ i.m . a t the VaUey Preabyterlan. lion will bo observed during the 11 b-lco. A poUucK-dlrinerMITwTrel I service. Food donaUons will be for th e C hristm as baskets.

)m en’a -a ^ la t io n - w ll l - s e r« J th c Dinner from 4 to 8 p . m . Tuesday. ST E R — Suhdhy school Viil] begin ). The Rev. R ichard Lutlrell will Ihe 11 a.m . service.I E — Adult church school will l^lffiTm. Church school for jiinlor- o r ^ g h ybiiUi w lirbc(^n a l 9:30 Rev. M ark Sm ith 's serm on will be ig and'W altIng" a t Uie 10:30 a .m . ion scrvlco. Sunday sc lm l will the sam e tim e. An all-church ad- val will be held a t noon; soup will

HILL — ‘Dw women will n n d u c t a l ‘‘Thank Offering" scrvlco a t . A congregaUonal m eeting and

ent fam ily night and potluck dln- e hel d a 17 p .m . Tuesday.FALLS— Sunday sdw ol will begin m. The Rev. BlU A m rlne's serm on A Hymn for RevoluUon" |it Ute. .1 a .m . communion s e r v l c ^ .- tday, U » Congregation U fe class a t 8:30 a .m ., and (he study group a t noon.Inesday. Bible sludy wUI be held . and the Peacem aking class will 7:30p,m.;udy will be held al'7 o.m. Friday den G riddle R estaurant. : " nday school will m eet a t 10 a.m . to p repa re for the Christm as pro*

will b e "N am es of Jesus - Tho


1 S h o sh o n * S t. N o iih • ^ l >vln> o l l s • —

' ' M in is te r : ' r. Jb h n T. P o rish , J r . •-

'Iroc lo r ,ot .C b r l9 t i .a n ^ _ ^ la tlo n : J o m e r D. T ublfs -

Zlassoa-toro l'l o g o s — .-t^o r s o ry-p rqvld o d -----------

flip H o u r.................j p : 5 q ‘

an T opic:I ll .th o -R o a irh d a lio n _____Ploo so Stoftd Up " . . . rlp tu 're : R 9v..3:6-13 to r; D r. JoKn'h’a 'rtsn , J r .I M o o ting .7 :0 0B lh la J S tu d ^ . 'r..m . "RQ.vo(atlon . . . Jim 3 p .m . "SurvOy of tho

B iblo" . . . Jo h n

W o ’C ro o d b u rc f i r is l" ^ Book b u t th e Bible"-

--------- — — 1} — ^

______ ____________ ^Saturdav^C

- I D S“ " “ e x t es of By P E G M cEN TEE will A s s o c ia te d P r e s s W if l c l - - 1 — ---------------- - ‘—iop.‘ SALT LAKE C

Church of .Jesus Ch D ay Sain ts will e x t o f tim e Its single rr slons from 18 montli

. a s o f J a n i . l ^ , o f f i 3 Church spokesm aj m z ^ sa ld -T h u rsd a y - th a

t)w n sen t to local c Inform ing them of •

Lnf’ P o » c y .. In the M ormon C m en advance th n

that priesthood before be ', a a f te r the ir IBth b!i ta te they can tx> siimmo;

m ission to proselytiz .y >' A t p resen t, th ere ilve ' m lsslonarlein a about 180 m issions 1 a re over, the world. Th

tlons a re com m unist p rohiblU h e lr en try .

V isio n a rie s served t sIon ir~ T he‘’ cjm rch policy to allev iate

___ ~ b u rden oh'nilsslotia:— ------ support them '

___ serv ice, LeFe>>re sa lHowever, he said,

____ F lre t __ Presidencyta in rM tb re the 24-monlheir------ allow lla m lsslonari'ohn to u se thelr_langualoUc-------religious training.—Id a “ We havp retunw lah- tradlU onal fo rm at,”

un tli 2'/i y e a rs ago w ere called fo r a t

ilso ~ slons7 b u t th a t chan sm, _ fo r econom ic r e a3Ut-

T ru o V irtue" a t the 11 a .m ues- No. 1 will hold a poUuck <

— T ho senior-high group w in r '•HL- . Tho Pioneer Club will m

W ednesday.Iva-—— — —will REFORM E]

........W EN D ELL— Sunday s<I b e a t 0:45 a .m . The Rev. Pi

se rm on will be "T he Evolul th e 11 a .m . service and " Je ; tho L aw " a t U)c7 p.m . servi

Fam ily night wUI be he • be M onday.i jn . T he Joy Clrelc will mec will W ednesday.

egln S E V O m i-D A Y A D ' Ian. b u h l - Bible study w e n p .m . todoy. P asto r Dick R« le ia a r t h o 2 p.m . service. S e r 1 bo he ld a t the C alvary Ass

__CTurch on t r u c k J a n c Z to(he w lir tp “ What a n d .W h e JH

7 p .m . m'ecUng a t the ’ 1 !gln d a y A d v e n tls tC h u rch o r tB will ;B lbIoclass wiji begin a(T |

will UNlTEDMErrHGlor- iTTT.PR _ Church school >130' a .tiT ■nie Rev DavIcTUTO's 1 b e •.•The Baby Who T urns Uw ;.tn. d o w n "a tU ie lla ,m .8 c rv lc c will GOODING - The m cn'n ad- b e held a t 8 a .m . a t the U no will school will begin a t 9:3i

— D elbert Rem oley 's scrm ot luct -A venues of Advent, Tin P a ' a t 11 a .m . service. A coffec fel l y i he ld a fte r (ho w rv jce . T h e .

------- - T b e W esley Anns-wlll.he^ n - d in n e r a t 0:30 p .m . Mond

R avenscroft'shom e.‘Sin Tho women’s Christm as 1 non a t 2 p.m .W ednesday, the;. H A G E R M A fl-S u n d a y s

o t 9:30 a .m . ' P a s to r D #53 m essago.wU l be " P rep a re Dup ih o 10:55 a jn . se rv ice ..T h

w ill ro e r t- tt6 :3 0 p ,m . f o ra deco ra to (he church foi

*'111 Christm as.’. ' -B ible study will begin a t 1

la y p .m . Tuesday.KIMBERLY-MURTAUQI

an n u al C hristm as guest h r iro- h e ld a t 7:30 a .m . today o t t

H A H O i

. -<y •

C l a s S f i e ^ B

ClnoCapp*ll' WOMENS JEANS --

b»b- .. - J1 W - - .»i« ;WT : .-No vi r H ^

_______ GInoCopp*ll

. NOr. - SI*o»5/6 lhru 15/16'. n W Ino.G old

Block. Taupe

311 Main Ave.

^Oecamebof=i“ ltfB4— Tfmas^

yfnissioindlnleE - econom ic bV r i te r Individuals," " .............. - ‘‘But we'C IT Y . - . The ~ y e a rs th a t

::hrist of L a tte^ w hen they Ktend the length* and c an ma m en serve mis- language ai

iths ib two y ears s ta r t p rog r ifflclalssay. com ehom e, lanD onL eF evre— B u fh e ' sj hat - le t te rs -h a d -c o n c e m e d ' 1 church leaders asp ec ts of n If the change in ;-The lea

th e re to lie Church, young th ey a r e em

utuftfi the i a y - to d o a l l t h e becoming elders w an t lo s e r sirthddys, when a s s is t them lo n e d to s e rv e a . He said UziB their b e lle fs .-s ta k e s ro r- l e a re rryire than la rg e r c e n t les serving In ly m aln tali J In countries a ll m lsslonarie rhe only excep- And he a 1st nations which sav e mone t-_____ -IIZ:___ 8lon9.____glfl~TnnlA~mip:-----

l ^ y e f t r* changed Its “ T hey save a the financial . . th a t ’sg o n e iaries! fam ilies,' » in sltui n d i ^ g .m eir a r e unable a id . slonaries. Id, the church 's friends and i‘ L e F e v re s a m th mission J o _ _ M a n y - c h i iries more“ tim e couples wh( uage skills and support m l------------- : ;^Ke"Mld:^-ned to the o1d«— T h e l ^ y ,” ho said. “ Up o p p ly to y o i go, young m en w om en s e rI two-year m is- • an d couples u igcd, partially m issions la ;a so n s_ .-. . th e . .y e a r ,o r lB r

.m . service. Flock Ingslnn inT w ( dinner a t 1 p .m . T he messa{II m eet a t7p .m .------ of-Sin'^at-(h<m eet a t 7:30 p.m . and Uio 11 a.i

d a y school wl M urtaugh . Tl

E D c h ll is u p p ^ a lschoDl-will-begfn- TW D ^FA U P aW ck Shcller’s o t 9:45 o .m . T Iu tiano fP alU )"at v lc c w iI lb o " ( JcMia T eachers On . Tho slnclt rvlcc: •" ot' a t 7:30 p.m . high yonlh_wi:

G reg t i n d s a leet a t 10:30 a .m . you th w lllm o

T he m en wi- ■ ___ atlhe.G oIden

DVENTISTwill held a t 1:15 - ■

RentfrowUl speak h m h h ervlces are being Lssembly of God ^ f r o 's j n e s s a g i i—Iw e a V e n " a t tho ^ ^ I s Seventh- y ^ v l c w Drive.! ^ .m . Monday.

^ODisr - • - ol will begin a t lo )'s serm on will bo ho World Upside-.Ico.I'r. breakfast will - ‘i i i -ncoln Inn. Sunday ■:30 a.m . Pasto r I Q |ion wUl be 'T T ie . J u lPan Alley" a t Uxs- .................«fellowship wUI be . f10 Junior-high and | j

hold-a salad b a r - | |nday a t Barbara IJ

B Ten will be held Artischool will begin ’ ^ ^ Dole Metzger’s - - f ■

■o Him Room" a t ' ' i

: a scrvlqo'and lo N o v e n ilfor .advent and

tiD a.m . and 7:30 IstBGH - The men’sbreakfast wUI bo | ; | | _ _ . i,t Um5CanyonS p ^ - "


/ ][ c-

YourChristma.' WINTER VESTS

- — .------flot.-nolyflll’™ -■ W«r» . J I - I SZ” ■•-■ -------------- Aliortod Color*

. . SlietXStnoll

R o d o o m .y o u rco i 6: ■ .S m Itn 'fF o o c

T O F F o n ‘25'

a. W e s t

ias=Now3.TwlriFaN3.'ldaho'&0-- V

ons to e n ^ h ~ ~ic burden on famllles-and^^--la ls.” _______ , _______ _w e 'v e found In th a t 2V i

h a t w hen the tim e cam e le y Are really proficient,I m a s te r and com m and the ;e and the work, and really 'ogresslng, U .w as lim e toimo,” L eF evresa ld . _ __e sa id the church still Is

of m issionary support.. leadersh ip doesn’t w ant

> t>e an undue burden, so i encouraging local leaders : they can wrhelp those who serve , and to find U^ays to lem ,” L eP evresald . lid individual w ards and or-local churches a m onT fi' * • icn tra l authority, frequent- ita ln w ard funds to ass is t' a r ie s w ith the ir upkeep, le sa id m any m issionaries loney p rio r to the ir mls-

n-nrff-vr,ry,;intffnl nnT.iui>-_ --------r-them 5elvfis;* irhe :8ald .-, TT___ :» v e th e money, and whenD nethe lrfam lllesassls t." ................-JltuaUons w h e re -fam llle s— ---------ib le to support the m is- • I is, th a t 's w here your and w ard people p itch In,"e sa ld .— ;------- --------------------------------church m em bersrsuch -as--------------w hohave no children, help m lsslonarica In the field . ______

vo-year m ission woiild only - ' I young, single m en. Y oung se rv e I8-mon(h missions, pics usually a re called 'for s las tin g sbc months, ono 18 m onths.X eFevrasaid-_________

nT w lnP a lls .^ g e will bo “ W hatever Becam e

1 o .m . serv ice In Klmberiy. Sun­il will be held a t a t 10:1S o .m . la 1. T he Sunday school wU hold o d* a t G p .m . In Klmberiy.^ALLS— Sunday s c h o o l w m i : ^ = ^ ^ =m. T he serm on o t (ho 11 a .m . s e ^ .............» ‘'C ometb‘B clh IehO T andS ee .':------------Ingles'.fellowship group wUl m eet m. (0 a ttend o movie. The senlor- h_wlll m eet a l 6:30 p.m . a t Pasto r id sa y 's home. The.. Junior-high tm c e ta t6 :3 0 p .m . —^ will m eet a t'7 a .m . W ednesday - Iden nHHHlwRi.<tiinrnnl - . ■

— ■ —

lerry Beltz CrusadeInternational. . . :— r -

Irtist ■ Evangelist

f:30 Nightly!mber27-Deceniber2Baptist Church „

( H w y . 3 0 ) r . I d a h o 3 2 6 ^ 9 1 6

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las Buiiget -; WOMENS BLOUSES

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~T—-r-KIOSCtOTHES-- coupon fromood K ing ______________ ‘ ___

2 5 ^ p u rc h a s o

MVTCH - —733-7329

Page 14: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

_ tim es-Naws,-fwJn Fall

: ' Ida.

P u l I m a n V W a s h . . I

. PULLMAN, W ash.— - ........a irp lan e a b o rted -jls -t

A lip o rm ru rsd a y even th e edge of the runw ay

------------ a com pany oHlclal saidT he Incident o a iu rre

M etro III, one of th e I - „ n eo t, w as-on Its takeo:

NItson o f Spokane, the i T h e c rew speculated

cau g h t (he p lane and ~ c au s in g th e g e a r to glv(

N one of th e 13 possen

Analyst _ co_uld Cl

BOISE (A P) —.Treasii D onald R egan’s p lan fi

---------rev is lo n -o f- th e -fed c ra lj ^ ^ ^ c o u l d sp e ll'o n ln crcase ii]

.. . . c om e la x p a id b y Idaboar ~ to '

" In Its p re sen t form U rev en u es to the s ta le ," D an Jo h n sa id F riday . “

— -— of so m o o f th e problem s iitles In try in g to assess how m uch m ore reven ra ise d w e don’t know.” .

-----------JT h e -a n a ly s is , operallid isad v an lag e of having

--------- su n u n a ry o f 'U ie -2 0 0 i» gproposal, w ere unable I

... . oven a ran g e io rlhe ,rev« 't h e fe d e ra x p la n w u

______Ih ts ta le ^ W lth enaclraeiposal stUl a long w ay o

■ ■declined to m a k e _ a a n a ly sis o f th e the impac

Attorne to chan

------ 3im -Jonesrvrtiose"pfflce■ ■ ing a vole recount in

'Hanscn>Rlchard Stalling - he w ill a sk the Idaho Ij

chan g e th e s ta le 's 1947 M u n ls l>ecause it Is m b l i ; T he s ta tu te needs to

a nd procedu res (o r re need to be s tream lined . J< ■ “ I suspM t a s soon a s

■ ( r ^ u n t ) behind u s : w i l l b e a b i l l / ’ h esa ld .; Jo n e s sa id Ui& law is

® v e ra l points, -and. tha \T hat.lhe outcom e of nc>

-------- c o u n t- In th e 2n d ~ C. D is tr ic t . ra ce , th ere 1

ch an ce” of new litigation . H ansen , th e Republlcai

T each ers bo,• M O SC O W 'fSP) - Tl

' fW e ra llo n Of Teachers, '.-dpntribuled niore than i

IJace’s defense in h e r leg th e U niversity of Idaho t B oa tdo fh :d tica tlon .

--------- rN ic k 'G ie r .- s ta te AFTU niversity of Idaho .phi ffessor. sa id the AFT

•------- A ssociation of UfUversltbnd Idaho P ub lic Emplo:

Z : ON I■ T h is . W e e k

KE-•____^ 13jL2nsl A v e g u e j

Fall9 , Idaho... .Salurday.-Oaca


I., f ir e fig h te r s d o u se ar<

. '___ < J

il. (A P) - A C ascade A ir Is-takeoff-from -Pullm an*M o veningw hen il'd rifted into sne ray a n a the landing gearcolla'i

irred w hen Uie 19-seat Swcarl tic la s t o f Its type In the Cas <eoff roll about 6 'p .m ., sa id 1 he vfce p residen t to r m arketlr ited th a t a .g u st o f wind m ay ind pulled it into: (he deep s give way, N ilso n sa Id ._ sengers o r two crew members

>fs claim :reateincisu ry Secre ta ry a l changes I \ for sw eeping The coi ral- in co m e-tax —underw ay? B in th c .s ta te t n - - o r o p o ^ ea o ans, according th e 'assur by th e sU ff of Legislature

storr------------------- Ui6 p asr in 11 would ra ise changes fo e ," ta x a n a ly s t-h a v e l» c n I

“ But because, com elax . n s a n d complex- T hose . . s e s s l ts Im pact, em ployer l /enue would be tlons and c ” . sa tlon whllating_under_,^e. a .num ber Ing only a .b r ie f ihoso.form »ge-federal-to3C—a n d ' c h ^ Ie to determ ine sam e time ■evenue.windfall ..would be i could ci:ea(9.for s ta n d a rd d rnent o f th e p ro - . The not y off, they also ta5?able ln< _ an y _ s le tfl l l« i_ b u tto ;a v o li p ac tp find lv idu - R egan als(

ey genCT fige ‘ambIce-is '^u p erv iP " e lec tto n rre in th e .George D em ocra tJ Ings race, says HtOisen f ) L egisla ture to recount o f : 947 law_on ,re?_U es^H c-hfl nblguous. count of ad to be clarified. T .th ed ead l recounts m ay request,

i. Jones said. IfH anser a s w e put th is precincts . . I think th er? th ere^sap c

be comple I is unclear on v e n e so n Ja th a t no m atte r. He said nex t week’s re- w ill begln 1 - C o n g re s s lo n a ln e a s t“ThTei 5 Is ‘'a good d isputed pi Ion. j e c l tho m alean In c u m ^ n t. w in if the.;

) o l s t e ^ a c e ; ^ (

jrs ,recen tly has of P a c e ’s It m $7,000.lo l^ l s lo g a lb a lU e w lth 10 and Ihe Idaho

J T h ead a n d -a ^ ? * '“« ? ' “ ' p h U ^ p h y p r o - fcR a llM S . lF T , Am erican S ^ l s . a . rslty PrOfessors;j.fcsM r wh ployees Assocla- declared fii

5 j ae v e r y t h :

j e k O n ly - f^ ow T h ro u g h C

ETCHLj 0 N o rth . R Io h t B eh ind Th'

« a m e te r l .l0 a 4 • • _____

- i: • • .

a rea arou n d th e a b a n d o i

Airways se riously in jured.Moscow----- scen e s td d ooe.pas!snow on T he p lan e w as hi lla'psed, on to B oise.'said NI__________ th ree Cascad e p enarlngen ^ , .

T he a lrp o ti w as w eather. Niisc

'(Intr rcm o v ed Jro m the iy have reopened F rid ay i j ? snow, A N otional Wea'

In tem atio n a i.A lrp e rs w as th e w ind w as blowi

I propose creascinBsbelngproposed. com m ission 's assessm ent, ly sln ceR cg an announced his earlie rth lsw eek ; is b a d ^ o n

ju m p U o n ~ th a f th e s ta te ure — as it generally has In

for s ta le tax purposes tha l in proposed foh the federal In- K.. . include___tax ing__ so m e ..T hea lth insurance contrlbu- d all unem ploym ent compen- >hlle e lim inating o r curta iling >er_of deductions, including rjw n-horoe in te re sl'p ay m en ls- iH tafle contributions. Al the m e, the personal exemption le doubled to $2,000. and the 1 deduction increased. o t effect“W (mld-be.a. h ig h e r . Income a t th e federal level,

/o ld an y general tax in c ro aso ,- ilso p r o p o ^ cu tting the tax

ral says h b ijo u s ’ ]d - a - F e 00u n t- a f t0 F - 0 f(i0 ial— "results“*show ed"herlost~ t(r“ i tS ta llin g sb y 133 votes, n paia '<he s ta le ROOO for a Df 20 p recincts in 'e igh t coun-"' -has sa id h e .m ay request-a-.- additlonal p recincts by Dec. . adllne for him to m akeeuch 'a

sen does challenge' additional s w ithin t h e ' ’tim e . Iln ilt..I possibility a recount will not plete before Congress con- J a n . 3, Jones said, id a state-financed recount n if H ansen Is ab le to gain a t

vd le3 " am o n g th e 20 precincts. T ha t would pro-

m athem atical possibility of ai<» <tnTTn» p»rr«»ntnpft nf vntpji

L d e f e n s e i u n d _‘e-undorwritlcn-lhc.m aJority.L. s legal expenses.

h e la te s t A FT donation, they ntributcd m ore than $21.000.

enlircly .co.w rlngM rs. Pace.’s _ s . ____fl .ptmired UI extension pro*,

who' "w as'"fired during a rfinancFal em ergency In 1^1.


h D c c e m b e r_ 5

: JMThe Pflfls.-^w ln F a lls_______


d o n e d C a s c a d e A lnvay i

xsnowiMLaiipced . O ther C ascade personnc }asseQger hadB bum p on thail 3 headed for Lewiston, Idaho, a Nllson. T he passengers, who personnel, w ere driven to Lew

/a s c l o s ^ i>ecause'of the inci ilson sold. How ever,'the air< th e runw ay overnight and th y m orning./e a th e r Service em ployee a t J rp o rt said he did not know 1 owing In Pullm an.

ed feviSM 1 state ta

r a te so th a t four of eve t, p a y e rs will p ay the sam Is federa l taxes under.thepl n S ince the-Idaho-lncomi

d irec tly to th e adjusted g n and taxab le Incomc rep m iedct*^ govonunuiiC tn e

Uiose am ounts w ill m ean V In th e s ta to ta x lla b lli ty fo

To 'a v o id - th a t int L og isla tu re ’w ouid'clthci

/ th e Idaho lax ra te , nov im u m of 7.5 percent, i

® adop t som e of the f^ e r , t h a t - c a u s e - ta x a b ic - in i

le>n U nless those adjusti le m ade , John sa id the con

al-s ta te lax liability for 2r _ ta x p a y e r s would be Inc }1.‘ .fe d e ra l lax paym ents i0 ,—s ta y - thc'-sam e_while-.t] IX would Increase .'

he’ll atte recount

tl— w ero -added-to-Haneenic-: O '" rticount'of'all 4S&precinci

a H ansen’s atto rneys sc cand ida te gains votes In tl

a --e d z p re c ip c ls . a -g en e ra l tr ig g e red a t sta le- e

a H ansen ’s atto rneys p ress "w e m ay wind up In co

H sa id .

T he s to tu te doesn't i pay s fo r a statew ide re ca se of a federal office, recoun t of the 2nd C

'I D istric t would cost a t “ w hich probably would rt ® tim e ,’ supplem ental- 0 ^ from th e s ta te G eneral Fi a

from e ach side In the ele I de lay ed the r tco u n t by a L-— H ansen 'B -a ttom eyfr- ha ty.i:_court twifiji and StaK^gs

s to p r th e r ^ tm t-a l to g e : den ied all th ree challengi

b. . '

^ 7 H H B i l H Ha - B l



----- r Indi1 ; POCATEI

7“ ------ ---------r AssociaUon— ------------ - d u s try p lan

____ calledrrigfii------ UiaLGov.^i]

I ty to v e to s i "O u r assi

a n ac tiv e r th e p a s tr be< v e t ( ^ by

— ^ H a rw o o d rt ■ • s ta tew id e ir

In the-Nc------ dom ina tion

in c re a se d .2 v e to pow er I

• In p a s t - ’

^ v eto ed le t f s un ion m em

Ex-eseiitforb' BO ISR ( /

. fcpm a_ d e

je w e lry froi F o u r th D

se n te n c e d .]- “ fiv,e^jruur_li

T h u rsd ay . : m a y s e rv e

[ 1 1 L _____ tlp n a l lnstit-------------C he-Tnayspi

------------------------fivo^yearinel on the S m ith sa id i J l p = = B e a t y - p k 10, and then second-degi ho Included W este rn s t iwlston. -B ea ty, who

icident and irc ra fl w as 'S r ^ r t w o rth o fje v

a t Spokane V how hard

on 57

very five tax- ime or less In

m e" t5 ir is t ie d I gross incom c v S ^ y f j

an an in crease v \for Idahoans.

Increase, the

low a t a m ax- 9 B R < , o r refuse to wM i f y , eral provisions income to . in-

stm ents were ombined feder- ■ H H H }r m rny Idaho ncrc(.sed since I a re likely to

>mpt t l a w : ^

say If e ither 1 the challcng- a l-recoun t is - . expense.' I fs s tha t c la im .. y y S H a court,” Jones T a Q H

: specify who -recount in the H H j!. Jones said aCongressional

about $25,000,require a one- ■

■ oppropriatlon—

Hectlon dlsputo’ about'&weclc..':.: __h av e -b een to Igs filed su it to-.;„ gethcr. Judges.. I

* i 8 y i± L

lustrygrcrELLO-TAP) - The Idaho Ion of Commerce and In- Ians to officially support so- gfil-lo-work l e g a t i o n no\Y J n h a E y a n s hasIdSt h is .abli:. j such a measure, ssoclatlon has has not taken 2 role on such , legislation in because we-knew it.would be <y the 'govem or,’! sa id P a t . i r ^ e c u t lv e d irector -of-U ic - > industry group.N ov. 6 clccUon.-RepuMIcan on-of-thcJdabo-L cgisla lurc_ 1 .sufficiently to cancel the e r of Evans, a D em o cra t.' t -y c a rs , the governor has

slatlon Intended lo rem ove ‘m b e r^ lp a s a requlrerpent ,

emplGyeeteiicedburglary(A P) - A Boise m an fired

departm ent store job five 0 h as been sentenced for for ag to steal $92,000' w orth of rom the store.D istrict Judge W.E. Sm ith

d .Ricky L. Beaty, 35< to a

/ . But the judge said B e a ty /e only 120 days a t a correc- stituuSn. If Beaty does well,_ sp«nd 'th trT cm atndcrb f-h IS ' • senlence on probation, id.p leadcd -gu llty jiaril^ -to the egrce burglary of the G rea t store^here last E )ecem ber.'

/ho_ had worked for several a t’ lH6'slore a s a jan ito r Ifi. n itted trying to steal $92,000 jewelry. .

C omm o o


: . . lG lv e di

ll II___

— D em -t — ;■ DacKs;

A v a ils

•oup badtio fb r jobs w ith em ployers wl n - lecU ve-bargalnlngagreen: o - _ T h e -tentative endorsem* i\Y doesn’t m a rk a “ m ajo r cK Ili_ lhe- association’fl. preViou

-such legislation, Harwood sn lACI also will endorse r in L ittle Davis-Bacon Act

D em ocra ts have opposec a t . th e m easu re .. whlcb-SUp tie public-w orks ..projects

w ages a t levels prevallinj in calego rleso fw ork .rc___ A -H ttle .D av l.^B a^n .K[ic p assag e of a law lift

m em bersh ip requirem ent os t r a c t new business and . i?e Id ah o and will allow for a n t: econom y,’' sa id -B fH -B

f In T h o ^ ,uj. C a b o o s o R o o m T ^

of F a m i ly D in in g 2 4 H ^ r s D a i ly


5 V SATUHf; \ SM41nclydos;<

tlG '

Ii f i ': ------ 5 4 5 — -------- -----00 ' S h o sh o n e I

St. S.

KER-Iem o d elir

S a le» m o .In " W ith . y o u r T b b a o o s u r e m e n t s ' ' id w e l l-f l p -:— — i r s h o w r o o m i i w r p e t r i g h t ' .

)r Only •

_ ( ( t » q .y d .

jsm Canqbl

0 During This i Sale Save f1 All Carpet,' ! Vinyl and ; r , ape q - f a l i r i e ^ instock

■MoWltliir "2Poll■12’wldB icn

lanishTllelnImonl&Taii |j{

“2 n*n ”499 -

■ i q .y d ._____^ ______

?ioni!0 S..Braadwiir In Euhl

oMayfc3 d e lic io u s Falls B rand Old- id3.andlfarD ily_thjs.hoiiday:j

l e a r e a . -

I l lS B R A n O- fa sh io n e d sm o k ed n a m s , I

IKS! . _i l la b le fro m O u r B o o th li zsK B atw fiftitE flnnyjA U aft^

Mall 0Q M ag ic

|F 5 i R ^hab i

1 Sriii^t-1who have coir P u b lic A ffair im ents. . a n d a represei m ^t_ b y IA C I ingC^o. ± a n g e " from ''B e s ld w ,' ' ous_siM d::pn - le g is la tu r e ,« Kltwid. • • th e f i r s to u to f t repeal o f the . lA C I’s leglJ : t in Idaho, e ludes endors ed* repeal o f am endm en ts Jpulates. th a t .;,education-boj

m ust _ p a y re v ise co llect n g In various h ig h e re d u c a t

Booth s o ld i re pea le r and absorb* ta x In Iftlng union- Q cu larly to rU tnts “ will a t- H e sa id it 1 industry- to ’ should "look an expanded p r io r itle sa h d

-Boothi—IAGI - te g e sa o d tm i^

fiM iO M L Y

M A T NIGHTiORCrASJBCeiAtStOO TO 9:00: O v e r 55 sa la d s o n d s poc ia 5 H om o-m odo ro lls d n d d c s ;


UW ^ng>m

ileum ________ J

moll of Pinto IPoojHlghtai

;. Earthtone Color p _100%HyloiiReg. $9.99 '

U « q . y i . _____

ollsMolBWkMM"" crem8,1 earthtow . ' - 1 100% coatinoas c.Fllaasat Nylon.HlloSialptin • eg . $10.99 R


- PhonB-543-5064-or

avo ritesd -F a sh lo n e d M ea ts a n d Gli /- s e a s o n a n d h e lp Magic~V: u y id irib lu rel'ia b ilila te . a iaa

___ F ree d e livery of item sCity Limits A ny of ti

[ / c a n b e s h ipp e d for a n t

, b o n e le s s h am .'th ick c u t N ft7TSrftoKe<H>ofk-ioin-flRd-t

I n s id e th e N o rth E n tra n

Orders Welcome

I Valley lilitation^endlvlduali iwlsl lng Cataloguos o

-tOrWOtlt :fa irs Com m ittee chairm an^ -esentatlve of Sunshine Hiiin—

s.' w ~ iia v e a ' veto^rooIT * ^ ■e, and the two bUb'W ill be:; • i td f th e g a te .” eg lslalive s tra tegy also in- jorsemenV of constitutional VI n ts to establish hlghoritft-boards of.regcnla. a n d _______lection of c h ^ e s for s ta te — - jcatlon.lid th e Idaho economy can’t . I . n increases next year.-paiv . o r the college t e r r L J ; '1 it’s possible legislatorsMk a l r&«stablishlng t&elr.^.. ■ ^ahdgjvem bre 'rdoney tocol-',

M i "

BO P.M . \ic Ia llty Jlon is I 'Jc sso rl. f —

i - ^ A B O O S B ^ ______________

Kitchen Prints 1-3 R olls _ ( '

Geometric Prints" .i"Reg. $10.99

. ■ ............................." ___________Codgolwm

''3BolbCuUoBFIo12' ‘ ChMijwofldPattaniJ ' J • ■

fidoo(li1c.1c(tBM/nitt lotiMAtiBiad _

Reg. $11.99' '$799* «q.y<<.__ _ I;: .

lo o rs a n d . i te r io r s ~ -----t-Dr-H3-BW--_ " ' ------ -

tm s in Twin Palis '3l Ihe' 5Ht .Item s _ --------an additional c h a r g ^

j t N ew York s le a k s , l \ j td -thF ee-spe c ia l r ^ l l t^ r ^ ^ .

r a n e e to L y nw ood ■ •' rouQ h^)«o .-g4 r- ■ W - - ' .........

iervices K !—I0«0f toplocoofdoft,- -, — :

Page 15: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

^ Id— E w o y i

BO ISE (AP). - ' -b o y s used s a ^ c

e la b o ra te p lot to con---------- Ihejrvnndaltzecj'tlip

tw o 'seb o o ls In soutl su m m e r, A da Count l iv e s say . _

_______ -The .TboyiX.Mflio-i*20,000 daiDSge lo il t w ^ Ju o e and Septi

- . .au tb o rlU e a .to .m a k i -vesUgfltlon of -the <

a n a rw ilcH craR racc U v esfU taR o w ean d l

•Ms. Row e and S n used sp ra y paint, glu

H a n s c h e ’ l l h

- ID A H iT FA L L S { fro m form al parUc w eek ’s House Repu d e fea ted Idaho Con{

• '- Im p a c t In decisions a n d proposed ru le ch

‘lA person can w : t im e s - by-H B tegiiii

o th e rs ," sa id Hai re tu rn e d to Washing v o te loss to Dem ocr

— Ings w lth 'p lans to p a w a s a p p ^ l n g the th ro u ^ a re o > u o t .

------ :— EarU eiTbbw everTH ouse R epublican Li

------ ^ f - H l l n o l s said Hanh ib jted fro m voUag I slons becauM Stallli m oU y certified a s U elecUon.

VThe. r u l l i^ woi — co u ld n '^ vote'-slmpl:

c e r tif ic a te of elecUot . H ansen , who w as

-, tw o c o u rt a ttem p ts I o f .that c ertific a te un coun t be’s demand' n e x t w eek, s a id he pi

- p e ^ M ichel's d ec i . R epub lican caucus,

dec id ing leadersh ip ] e d 'h i le changes. E a g a in s t tha t.

:----------“ W e d o n 't-h a v e -aa rg u m e n ts on things

-------- a n d s t i ^ a t-a n ele_____Isn Id F r id a y s _______

A fte r being convlc fo u r felony counts ol c la l disclosure- sta t s topped voting on th

's e v e ra l roonlfa, resi


' ■ K OOSKM (A P) - d in g a n Idaho

--------- D ^ a r tm e n t hearing12 .im provem ents gi app ro v a l to p lans to $101 m illion In lO- K O osklaai)dtbeM on

;H ow ever, not a ll i tcnxUng th e hear!

■ d e o a r tm e n t’splanW i------- — J im S b e rm a n -3 ^

d ^ a r tm e n t to use lo to s b w traffie 'dow n a i id ln c x w e s a fe fy ..

S berm an , represe S ta te .Bowlumter w h e th e r stralghtenli b u t n o t a ll, would a< h ighw ay m ore dange

. . i^ t r a f f iC i ...................K am iah M ayor W(

louder^app lause wh th e h l g h > ^ dquirt] tow n h a s been s t r a p « o r o o i ^ a ^ a I

t i a i ^ S S r a d e l t a L ew iston sa id the po

--------e d 4 h e -d e p a rtm e n t'sth e highw ay. TTje i

_____h a u le d .to .th e .p o rt 0h a s increased from

- I9 7 5 to 8 0 0 .0 0 b to l.ily ea rs , b e said.

. ?at_ Is .expected thi tru c k s will H ighw ay 12." 'Schm a

-------------B m -L els lr ld a h a - 'tlon- p r u d e n t a t P c ritic ized th e propos

. p lan . In w ritten tesU a t th e meeting.'

- :— Ih-a p rep a red s ta te I^ltwo-Uldieera th a t I

- » n d the..transpo rta l

t ru c k s c a n ge t lo lEe-----------wlth^uxiXmcGmiQcJJ

o r w ildlife. O r how n sp en d on th e highwaj o fsa fe ty ;” 7 ■“

T he depa rtm e n t h

. , p o sa l ' lis tin g a - v a r r M g n g from no a c t

T he no-actlon all c o s t-a tw u t 18 mllllo

- w ould h av e to be doo , h ighw ay during the d

In llattng o ther il d ep A rtm eot sa id r e

“ m ile sec tion of lilgiiw e s t i m a t e $1.S to S2n-

----------- — ebalkSSlH ED ^; . ~ • V PHONE73

daho .

- T w o 14-yearK)ld Inscrillie sym bols in .an sym bcconfuse poUce w hile bo th lith rec“churdjies and TTiey iouthwesL Boise la s t Mbrmiunty sh e r if fs detoc- The'- . _ Englla o - c a u s e d 'a t - I e a s t— ^ . l n0 nine break-ins be- th e ir > eptem ber, prom pted symbo

according to deteo- misledndK enSm lth . th e libSm ith said -the two to Cat]glue and even fire to B u ta l

ien still ni layepullS (A P) — B arred th r lu l! irticlpation in ' nex t rim an i epubUcan caucuses,' summ< a n p ^ m a n ^ i ^ r g e , ^ Ham

ins on p a rty lead e rs- h a v e r> changes.* ............__tIon.Hi;votB m a n y , m A ny Ica tC -l^h ils-ln flu en ce -o n —b ecsu i Hansen, who had sU tew lington a fte r h is 133- d o u b t . o c ra t R ichard S tall- ~re^uTi1 p artic ipa te since he B u ll he Nov. 6 outcome m igh t'

e rT a 's p o K c ^ n ^ fo r g ™ * n L eader Bob Michel ■ C lan sen will be pro- M ■ ag ln th e ^ u c u s> se s- Ulings h as been for - . I f is the w inner df'.the f f j ^ | |

would be tha t he - W C iply> because of th e - . 0 3 • Uon,” h e to ld . . S " - * vas unsuccessful In I b B its to block Issuance w m m »until the 'partla l re- mded Is com pleted . K p e probably could a n- eclsloh to the full ms,, which w ill' lip posts and propos- . B ut he’s decided j g

e-any o b v lo u s ly -b ig ~ ^ 9 H ngs so w hy be g n a ts B S elephant? '^-H ansen

vlcted la s t spring on s o f falsifying finan^ ^ E S E le m e n ts , Hanseni th e HouM floor . ( o r i . V Srestunlng o i t l y a I t e r ~ R B

Q p g / — : g j

> a t J @rs g) — Residents atten- 10 T ransportation ln g o n U .S . Highway I gave tbe lr loudest ^ ^ 9 I to spend m ore than 1 0 ''y e a rs between

lo n tan a border. H | h ill the 80 p ^ l e ~ a t - ~ | ^ 3 laring a g r ^ the

e low er speed Ihnitsiwn on the highway S Sly*.. . . ---------- B Sesen ting the Idaho iters, questioned J B K enlng som e curves,1 actually m ake th e MNB ngerous by speeding

W i ^ e y 'I ^ U d i w when be stq)ported a rtm en t’s plan. His G Q trang led by both a B S l a j w r J J ^ w a y . h e

3 c a ~ 5 r t h t f ^ r t ^ 6 f I H I p o rt w holly en d o r^ • jt 's p la n - to im prove— f f W e am ount of g ra in ' f l K •t over. thS h i g h w a y . _ i H om 150,000 tons in .1 m lllibn tons In re- ^ 91 . .B gt h a t . t b e - v o lu m e .o f . ^ 1

ntw to. Increase on k 3 m adeka said. KrW U dllfffTedera^—I PoU atd i, M undly posed Im provem ent - : | B esUmony su b m itte d '

a tem en t, Lelsj said,lat th e s ta te of Idaho . . ^ 5^ t k ) o departm ent . _ J i iittsJ Ui- liuw->n any------ l | SIB eP orF o iE ew Isan ' ' t e j i r th e lives of rn ? p lr | B w m uch money they . W p way under the gu ise ^ 5

it h a s .prq>ared an ^ s m e n t of'ltaT&tfr— y g variety -of -options, W M action to r^ u l ld ln g i

a lte rna tive would 'Ulon fo r work th a t C S 9 Sooe to m ain tain th e M Sledecade.- ------------r- .a lte m a tiv e s .- th e — - B J rebuilding th e 70 -'

{faway w ouK coSran a m illion a mile.

^ r f l T r s i N G ' V " ~ S:733j»31 _ _ : g

t r r e ^ d lrTibe occult i ^ e r m e e s , s a ta ibols and the nam es of dfim< T lia ld e and o u t^ d e lh e buUdin

rmon and tam pered w ith a cros! hey also left a sa ta n ic poem , Ulsh and G reek, a t one chur i.InUBeZIasLflvd Incidents algi Ir work with th e sa m e word iibol. ■ ______-m ith sa id o n e o f the-boys told d

lead officers. "W e spen t hours llb ra iy ," Snflth said . "W e tall :athollc 'priests a nd o ther e ) ^ aU that had do w ith »

i t i a i n t a i n s 1 i n D . C .fuU'House voted to fo rm a lly n ami h im -for the-vlolations In li f lie r.ansen also said he still hasn’t fit

e received th a t certifica te of.. He continued to c la im th e c e r e -sh o u ld n ’t h a v e - - b ^ i u i su se-the-accuracy-of-the offlc e w id e ' v o te ' canvass is 's till* bt and won’t be verified until t )unfpr6cedureiscom pleted . ■ u l he declined to say w hat m ore h t do on tha t issue.

i B » v i ! D i i a« B E « B E a Ea c a i B a g E a i

I UR(I Y ou

I S l i i s

— -M a nuf

s *'

i n ^ a t a n -atan lc ing th e case .” emons . S a id Msi Rowe, “ 1 Id in ^ . off. We w ere 'lbokii ook or ' g ro u p ." ;ross. A fte r receiving a sm, in^>ects;. detect hurch, th e boys. On Monda isIgnedrin torA da Coun ty . J i

and com plain ts of burgls In ju ry to property .

Iddep-^ -M s. Rowe sald -thp e d to=:bQyg,r;onfciOfjBolw Hirs a t fo rm erly o t Boise an< talked W yo., could be order (perts. tlon for th e dam age, hsolvr


y rep- f ln l a t e -•

tf ire d I Af.^ ecr._ Ccertlf- f • Piu u e d —' - . 1 -

till in Bt«lorChlek«n). r til the ' No tubilllutlont, p

‘o r e h e .

1 2 H <- e e: s mGENT!\M 1M s :

1 0 %ufactuFeFS-SuggeoUrAor*SWRfEri )LES • D S-BED^ ----------U i t t To u r -— j ------ "Brow rn's V IP"—? 5 ^ rR » v o tv ifff l-c r« lirC iff j

E B B - E 9 f e u ik ^ ! *a i a i B i E

T he 0“ They did throw us .dem ons Ung tor m 'o c c u lt-b o y s , b

sophlslia tip about one of "T h e ' jctlves interviewed-, follow i la y they were sen t th e m ,” Juvenile Court on Tnvea {laiy and malicious h o u rs oi

h o u rs stho p aren ts a t the-. Rowe.ft [ f l« j^ ^ th o .^ o tb eF = aa id ,-p i m dnow ofJackson , W itches arod to pay rcstitu- e v e r> ^ p. . . . . . . . a f r a id t

P ' m e x ig a^RESTAUR?C o f n b in o t ioF r i d a y 11 / 3 0 & S jti tu rdtVffilUn'o.~.............. ... '' ’;ht**o. .I. R k c o n d B sa n t..p iM ” .............• : ......................0«( from S M n . Oow ntown, MO-I Ki31 • O p«n M ondoySafurday 11

m mO U RT H W

OFF*e s te tM te ta M c i - O U A I D d


e officers declined to say wl )ns and sym bols w ere by , but d id say they d isp lay s IsU catedknow ledgeofSatanls h ey -w ere* giving us clues V up o n .th a t d idn 't lead Cus] I, ” Sm ith said, .

^ n t h s c S s ^ d u d l n g about i s tak ing out likely ta rg e ts , 1 9 said . iiW e f e e le x h a u s te d /i; -po ln ting -to h e r-co p y -o fJ i! hes Bible.” "Now w e kr ylhbig there Is to k noy a nd w d to a s k .” ' • - ■.

o i r # 5 ~ n |T d d y m r - T / -

...............: ONLY

M-Main Av*. N o.. Twin Foili r I l-9 tC lo i*d Sunday

m mM I E Ci c mv m

ioe:- - - — T

lOOM~t ETS 1

r a i y i ir W W g g iic-Furniture-C

tegrlty:Slnc§ 1 i

i U L i

‘ ' __Saturday,

i f r i - p O yinlsm.K3 to ' Come

F R ' I I I

. t ; a » ( * ' • «Hit 200

. C o ,

a w ere will bo I■' V ■' ................■ ■ " v

" I Wookly flsh,(

G i f t

. f i f e s TU

^ i l i ^ i

i » .P 3 H H B je



G a r p c t ^ < < — =

iy. D w em ebeVl.1984’ ' Time

BMulaTMiiiRidk BW»»«it.D « c . 8 laio In this w eek to t»l ■ ride ticket and f i ll ,00 ra lu e — Spend

j i .d o p h o to i w itirs ourtesy of F a^ tM ^x F<m b e r5 & ^ Z -103Jlr In our Store. Come wlna^lSOO^DI

f Specials onParak i , aquarium and cagi

t Certificates A In Any Amou


NEVE“nnrYEirClaade Bri

Offere -Thesa-¥a AtTlie

FantasMc I


iNS *GU*ln Stock Jtems<

’revlous Purchases

143 Main Avb Tw iifcPallfr

a g g a B B

Irhoa^ews.'TwIn Fall(^ldahoB-5---------

Id lc W ith S b n ta ^ laM o c ii-a io o p ji*. :I pick up your FRM Pet Buck ' id like Cash.)i r S a n t a --------- r -e F o i H * h j 3 t ^ ____ - - ____ '

JlnglelBell Rock-=" - n e In for Clues to . ; Diamond.akeets, finches, __ .___ ;sge gift se ts .'

A v a i l a b l e> u n t .

s g g s a s a ;'

ER Iirs Has Siiwn’s g

P IA N O #m T S R S gus Only ' _ \9S E xcluded ' ^ H K . ..

/Q. E.----- -

g s g B B B B a i ~

Page 16: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

“ B -S tim es^ew a .T w ln l


____ _

^feKWerA;4';iTm----.T.- '’

rin Fails, Id a ty Satur;)aV. D


\ \- r r ~ k ~ ir ^ x j i^ ! i- - - .T ,:c : .- : ^ : ^

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Page 17: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill



-- T T m A sso cU ited P i^s .

“ - W - A S H W G T b r T - ^:_____ billion foreign tra ^ e defi

• em m en tsa ld F rld a iy . T h a t pushed the yearl

... - : j o r th e f irs t H m cevcrw lt to th e unw elcom e record.

.C om m erce Secretarj b lam ing th e robust atrei so ld the defic it fo r a ll of 1

,ed fo r a $130 billion total . ^b le the’ prev ious one^yet

• “ and p r iv a te econom ists figu res n ex t yea r. '

In O ctober, th e Oommt____ ^sald,-U .S.‘ com panles’-ex]

im p o rts from ab road dec] A m ericans a ctually Im

■ .S ep tem b er. B ut ^ e r e m

' a n expected.deveIopn econom y w as slowing d fi a nd businesses w ere I sources.

_ m z : T h d _ - O c t o b e r ' doflci S ep tem b eP a :$l2;6~blli

’ s e c o n d -h ip e s t o n record St, sen io r econom ist a t W ashington, sa id thedecl

“ I t ’s so rt o f funny that


. . NEW YORK ( A P J ^ S fe red th e ir th ird conseci F r id a y and th e Dojv .

' d u s trla l av e rag e closed ' w^elc since mld*Septemb«

T he billls m igh t have V - cou raged th a t^ p ric e s .

w oTscn'aftor m idsession, n arrow ed a b it In the clos B ut fo r th e week the

' m anaged advani C om puter, a irline am

Issues paced the losers a n d 46 stocks h it new 52-\

-------- on th e New Y ork S to tk E)T he D ow ^ones averag

--------- duBtrlals-fell-4:624o-W68;It a w eek ly -lo ss of 3i.: m e a su re 's w orst woekl; jn ah ce since i t fell 35.' w eek ended Sept. 21.

D eclines led advances---------^ th e J ^ S E ^ h o s e compo!

■: lost 0:23 to 94.30. " f B l^ . B oard volume :

slack , to ta ling 77.58 mlilli . ^.agalnst75.86'mlllIori4)^T]

T he sluggish volume t---------s ignal e d th a t-in v CTtors-a i

ed abou t th e severity econom ic slowdown, ram ifica tio n s of the D e p a rtm e n t's tax-€han{ and P re sid en t R eagan’s

_____ propo-sa l to freeze fcdeid ing , som e an a ly sts said.

As a result,- Institut vesto rs p a rticu la rly a re th e ir involvem ent In sto

_ those developm ents tak< shape , theysatd^

-------- - m any t^ase, slocks a&to rece ive help from I m ark e t, w here prices of I '^ a s u r y - i s s u e s feii-'A pc

-EquipmeB U RLEY ( A P ) - T h e J .R

__ ^Co, M ys po tato processing m" h t th e m o thballed B urley pli

Ing back Into production — tim e In M aine.

Production Ihjes a t the Bur

Slm plot com pleted a special I deh y d ra ted potatoes. Now Sli fic la ls a r e sh ipping some m ach inery to a spud plant h a s p u r c h a ^ n e a r Presq M aine.

Slm plot J to y b u m m anaj Young sa id th e flatbed dry

Stock n


J O E ,G R A N V IL L I' 'C o h c e d e 9 'm l s ) u d gm~<

The'nation suffered a $9.2 JeficU in October, th e gov.-...

larly^total p ast $!<» bllllorT ' with two-months-left to add “ ■ )rd.:ary M alcolm Baldrige, trerigth of the U.S. dollar, of 2984 2U11 a p peared head- }tal th a t would n ea rly dou- •y ea r record. And both-he

p redicted ^ven worse

am erce D epartm ent repo rt . •exports ro se sligh tly w hile— iecllhed.■ Im ported m ore oil than In . • r w as a b ig drop In im ports Q ther.m aniifnptnrpif gnoda.... spm ent a t 'a .time- th e U.S.drastlcnU y and corisum ere....c buying less from all

/Jcit w as down from b n y o n r ^ i c h w a s - th e — ord. However, D avid E m -

a t E v an s Econom ics In lecline w as sm all com fort, la t $9.2 billion is v iew ed a s '

CS suffer cutivesei

Stocks su f-_ fo r .e a c h $l,00( secutlve lo s s s . A nd a lu y |v Jones in- c h a rg e d on i wd Its w orst twcen-t>anks, i mber. . . J rp m BVa perci w e been en- Avco j^m pc ^ . f a i l e d to T ex tro n often Ion, and even A vco’s share: closing hour, billion. Avco the m nrkeL a c tiv e 'l ls t a s

'ance. * s h a re s changi and mining tro n , down VA

sers F riday , cond m ost-act 52-week lows A m ong the ( Exchange. - tional Buslnes ragcefS O ln - 121'^, G enera l68:94rglving-to-55'M fr^Vesl 31.36 — the 25 'A im dE xxo ckly perfdr- 'In tem a tlo n i 35.78 In -th e 7% ; a 500,000

. at7>.^. ces 4 to 3 on G. H ellem a iposlte Index ' 15=; a f te r the

■ M l d ~ i t r ^ o j e rem ained HellemdK’s b ilillon s h ares B rew ing Co. n T hursday ._ b rew ery and ife th is week bee r . H ellem t

rlty of the o ffe rin g $10, and the w hich rose %c T reasury co u n te r trad irlange p lans N ationw iden’s ten tative lis ted Issues,xle ra l spen- th o se stock s oilid. a n d In tinitutlonal in- m a rk e t, tot:a re lim iting sh a re s ,stocks until. S tan d a rd &

Uike c lea re r in d u stria ls fel S& P’s SOO-sto

again (ailed w as off 0.33 ton the bond A t th e Anof long-term chan g e , the irp o In tro r$ 5 -fell 0.86 to 204.:

c n t - m G V iJ .R . S lmplot p o ta to ^blanc g m ach inery , su lta b le .fo r .u ’ p lan t Is go* a n d frozen pot I — but th is to expand p n

■ p lan t.

la l order fo r " “ ’8 used lo r

S u e T a l f b lanching . Tl ta k e n o u t of th'

jiag e r J a y c a n ’t p u t back d ryers and sa id .

marketr — n _ B y _ R O B E ^

N ew sd a v

------ N E W TO R Kw eary-iooking

^TTV^ho^v^W all ^ 'V ted to a devast.

e r ro rs d u ring t i tT ra s s a d to

J N u j / " b e ing s tu n g by•* “; f qilPQMnnt! Orn

------------ m u iinuHretwiy ' — ~ • .b o aste ff!h a th ( ^ _________ In seven yea rs

_______ ITie once dapgone g ra y ; hJs

------ th e beginningsonce w as w iry

—» W hen It was ■ ^ g i ' I w a san y th ln g h

. ence. a n d fo ra .L E _ __ed, M G ranvlll in i c n t s - ------M ost a n ^ ^

s l n <

i e f i c igood new s these days,” he th e fa c t th a t such a to ta l

= r e c o rd for any o t tg ^ n U H n - “ A n d th e o n ly re a so n lt’s * - ' the-sharp-slow dow n^n 'th«-v - s a ld . ....... ...............

. E x p a n s ira of th e econon I 'd fa sU c f lly In f e < ^ t 'm 6 n i

'k ^ u c t io n In the am ount of • b u sin ess m achinery th a t A 1 o r ab le to buy — from ovei ‘ U .S . com panies.

By a ll accounts, th e n ! y e a r ’s soaring deficit in r ) th e h igh value of the U.S.

m o st o th e r nations' c m te n t ' n ia k e s foreign goods cheaj

! :z a m p o r l‘andA m ericM good fo re ig n e rs to buy.

' ■ • “ T hese continuing prob: ‘ n eed to cu t the budget defl ■»--r ateB-furthy4o-l9wer-4h6-t

;......a f te r th en ew i ^ r t w as re)' M any Qc6nomlsts be lle 1 b u dget defic it lends to push

b y .Increasing govem m ei 1 lim ited money availab le to '— c reasln g ^fea rs . tha t -inflat

m o re rap id ly . t h ^ T a l s o ^ 1 fo reigri'ihvestm ent th a t pn

doMar upward, i a situation has crip

attack000 in face value. o ,x y in te rest ra te , tha t jy n overnight lo an s im- 3 , edged up to 9 p ercen t - srcent la te Thursday. • ip ed 5 % to47, th ep rice [ered to p ay for each of tres, o r a total of $1.3 co topped the NYSE’s. o s m ore than 4 million nged hands, while Tex- _i, I'A to 33%, w as the se-

active Big Board Issue. ^ he blue chips, Intem a- ness M achines fell % to ^ ; jra l E lec tric slipped „estinBhouse-loat-V t-to------- =■cxonrose% to43Vj. onal H arveste r fell to K)0-share block crossed ^

n a n Brew ing rose V tlo • ^ Jie Ju s tice D epartm ent would m t— challenge— —^ ! b ld 'lo acquire Pabst :o . If P ab s t sells a „ nd c e r ta in , b rands..of— m an and California In-

0 a ;shnrc to r Pabst,% to 10V< In over-the- , ^

ding. “ de tu rnover In NYSE-a , inbluding trades In“ \ j :i0.h.Q!gi<yinUxchanges_______the over-the-counter j—

o ta led 94.ffi million

& P oor’s index of 400 fell 0.41 to i82;95. ^ d ____

A m erican Stock ,E x - e m a rk e t value Index M.27.

76S o u t —m ching equipment a re r. u se both on d eh y d ra ted - — potatoes, and-wlll be u s ^ production a t the Maine

ng sa id Slihplot hasn ’t the Burley p lan t.-It's be- " )r warehousm g, and the 111 keep its options open for

1 incapacita te a co i^Ie df B for cutting, flaklng-aftj' T h e re 's nothing being the Burley plant tha t you.

ick in if you w ant to ," he

t ^ ^ c i s s i l__________________

W -—l ^ t-we^ -a-aubrfi>ed-afwi- ng Jo e G ranville appeared on tl ^al^atrec t Wiee c:‘' and w as su br is ta tln g review of his (orecastir ig th e p a s t years.I to see the usually ebu lilen tana by host Louis R ukey^l-’s barbc [£aDYilIei)obbcdand.wcavodrOi 3pcauKi!y.'’niB m an w nojH onc i I tie h a d not m a d o a b a d m a jd rc irs conceded his recent m isjudg

ia p p e r a nd brlclii-eved ana lyst i)Ts cheeks a re puffy: and U ierei ig so f a paunch sh d w o n a ilg u re ry ’ 'd a th le tlc .a s all over, R ukeyser asked If 11 Ig he had learned from th is expc r a m dm ent that old twinkle reti ^llle shot back,':* Yes,-humility.’ y s ts have a good deal to bo hum

i t w c’ h e said , a re fe rence to .}tal would have been ah In previous years,;--------^It’s so sm all Is b w a u se o f — 'the-UiSreconomy,-*'- h e ‘—

nomy 1 ^ indeed slowed idfiths’, w jth -a resu lting ' t of consum er g p o ^ and i It A m ericans a re willing well a s from <

5 m ain re a so n -fo r- th ls in m erchandise trad e Is < J.S. do llar In relaUon to i -encles,a.sltuation which I leap er for A m ericans to .i ddos'm oro ,e:q?cnsi'virf6r“ ''",‘

■ „ Iroblem s underscore the { deficit to r ^ u c e in terest ' t w-doUaFr^^-8aldi4ge^ld— iire leased . .............. •illeve the huge federal - s

n e n t d e m a n d for - th e -i 5 to borrow ers a dd by In- i nation will begin rising o sayT iigh^'fates'flttract— r propels th e value o f th e fc

:rippled o r even crushed c

- P r e d u e t i o n

M aziBy EDWARD MILLER T h e A ssocia ted P ress

. DETROIT — J a p a n ’s M nounced p lan s F riday to bu

.a n d . c o m p u te r i^ autom pt a n a re a of highunemployme

T he p ro jec t will m ak e li a u to m ak er m anufacturing c

M azda, J a p a n ’s third-lari p la n s to b reak ground In I sp rin g and begin turn ing out g rad u a lly building to a top < y e a r by 3,500 employees.

T h e com pany said It was so m e of Uie c a rs -to Ford_W m a rk e t them under t l i ^ o r t

F o rd owns m ore than 2 sto ck and the p lant s ite Is b( e d F o rd casting plant, p a rt to m ak e room for the new op

M azdffsald-lt will spend i w ouldn 't say how much wo site . - '

Unlike th e th ree o ther Jaj: U.S. c a r and truck, plants, U nited A uto W orkers union

LSlona_cifiht_jnonths„aEo_: iw lltlcal lead ers and autosu;

T he com pany and the UA"! e d “ an understanding” -ab( sen ta tlo n a t th e plant.

N e ith e iu s ld e -^ v e -d e ta il UAW P resid en t Owen Biebt

B yM IC H A E L J.S N IF F E T h e A sso d a le d Press

- - WASHINGTdN - Th sa id F r id a y it would

“ •‘H eU em an-B few ingC o7s Bk«wing Co. now th a t He: se ll one b rew ery an d thr

— th lfd p a rty ,--------------------

T h e decision tiy Asslsta P a u l M cG ra th ,'h ead of ti t ru s t division, c lears Ih

- r e s y n e-lt3-2-year=oldt)ai

.P a b s t’s b oard of d irect d a y , h a s taken no posltio p u n A a se .offer o r o n . Ka le n d e r o ffer for all d f Pabs

J u s t i n D epartm ent S heehan sa id Heilemah

.. P a b s t deal_w llh.the.dcpi

i t u d i ^ t---------

n th c about, e specially tl

s t in g . . . m ateria lize . Despl th ings have 'beenp

analyst— observed In defens rb e d secondary stocks h tron ly -to -fa rrO W n erao rfiiS nii trm fi.' "/orgUren-fH^rrbclRDr callT— rig h t, w hich IS tira Jdg-_— _ o n ly j!s .o n ih tw ay ^

, Of course, th ere I XaUias— the-lsguertJSTCual! f re a re ^ th a t odd-lot figures ‘“ S lM t= a p p e a c s to J» iiav li

'u a s o n ; . th o d o lla r: if th ere e s t ra te s a rc falllnj xperi- shaper On the othei re tiO T -' fa lte ring : in s id e rs ly-’ cash reserves a re 1 um ble — tre p id a tlo f f t^ a rd i


3 frs e isom e'com pan les th a t com ducers . ^ ^ ^

— ;B a ld rig e_ ln h is .prcpan —give on e s tim a te for the m - “- E rn s t v en tu red -an -e s t

billion, adding tha t " the < defic it could b e lower than

: Into a full-fledged recessk _ th e r h e no r oth e r economisi

TJitLnew rep o rt Mid th to b e r to taled $105.5 billion, reco rd $69.4 bUllonforalUJ

- '- I n o th e r d e ta i l s m w»rd th,• E xports to taled $18.4 bi f r o m ^ t e m b e r , Includta k inds of m ach lne i^ and sor

.as.cqrn , c o ^ n , soybeans ai ; • Im ports w ereva lued aL$

p ercent. Including decline goods such a s passenf

' telecom m unlcations-equlp - m ach iaa ry .a 6-we»-aMorfat

• In m ajo r i;ategories, thi su rp lus for fa rm produce, d in Septem ber: a $6.blill<

-irianufactured goods, down a$4.7bllllon deficit for oU,u

Im ported oil, w hich alwaj -po-ttlon:of-the-dcnclt, roM

billion with the.volum e ris b a rre ls pex.^yjLtQ.5.7-mlUl c rea sin g from $2fl.70 per bar

i - t o - s t a r t i n -1

: d a p l i^ ra


M azda Motor Corp. an- lulld a highly autom ated bi ipbile assem bly.plant. In h i n e tit south of Detroit.

It the fourth Japanese m g ea rs In th is country. • irg e st c a rm ak er, said II rc I F la t R ock i^Iich ., this . m lUt ca rs In the fall of 1987,' bi p output of 240,000 cars a

_ ■ . erIS hegbtiating the s a lc 'o f - tli Motor Co.. wh ich would m

24 percen t of M azda's Fi adjacent to an abandon- t r

r t of Which will be razed m operation, M azda said.' d about $450 million, but g vould go to F o r t for the

^ — --------------- Dapanese com panies wllh' st its, M azda included^ the - w Dn when If s e t up dlscus-- - s t L _ l^ llh_ locaJ_anc l_5 tfll(i^ supply com panies. juAW said they h ad reach- oj ibout labor force re p re - ' a]

pirillg Rut Mn?Hn CAntoH2ber next lo the highest- ni

Brewery, brar

?EN _____'.........- I, , . , c

rhe Justice D ep a rtm jn t e1 not ch d len g e - tha y «\’s 'b ld " to acquIre“W M t' fc ic liem an h as agreed to toh ree b rands of b ^ r to a |----------------------- ■ - Jitant A ttorney G eneral J .Df .the d ep artm en t’s an- Ihe w ay for.H ellem—«3attle w ith California in- 1)

«tors, which m eets Mon* ^ tlon ye t on th e H eilem an - <almanovIt2’,$63.m llllon ibst’s sh a re s . •; spokesm an M a rk , T . .c ah, having d iscussed a r ipartm ent-ex tensively In v

t a m e ^ iVn a l y s i s ~ -

f w hen the bullty o f theih pred icted tailed to p ile the brief sum m er rally,'I p re tty dism al. As Granville n seof h is bearish stancerthe- s h f lX c su ffo re d ^ ie v o u s ly ^ f l t t e h l B u e a m l c l l l t i f - ilef th a t G ranville has txjen

m ajo r b e a r l f i ^ e t not y«i}UUnay.alnu>dyhave begu t5 lsevldencej)nJx)th«l{Ie&o{- Jlly isthecase^ 'T he bulls note ■es a re high; the U nited StalK ^ing ago^ .C h ris im asro la iH i r.seem s to have peaked: Intei Ing; and Detroit Is In.flne te rh a n d ,'h o u sIn g s la r tsa rt . ■selling Is high; Institutional Blow; and there Is g r e a t - _ •ding w hat m ight com e outoL

3 ;

n s ^ “

ompete with foreign pro-

lared sta tem en t,.d ld n o l ^ . 1985 trad e d e fic it: '

le only w ay nex t y e a r’s lan this yea r’s Is If we go jslon” — som ething nei- lis ts expect.the deficit th rough Oc-

)n, a lready fa r above thello flas tyear._____ __________IthatlnO ctober:

billion, up 1.2 percent ding gains fo r various some farm produce such , jandtobacco. - iL$27.6'bilIi6n, down lore - " lines fop m anufactured enger cars , clothing.uIpm ent-andTelectrtcal-------^arnrcom m ogftie s r- = ~ there-w as a $I ■billion

2, down from $1.4 bfltfon , lillon-trade deficit for HiTi from $10 billion, and ^1, up from $4.2 billion.vays m akes up a sizab le___I.JM li:4 ^ r c e n t to 55.1 risIng-£rom.5.1.mlUIon ^ilUion-and-the-prlce-in*--------tjarrelto$2S.84.


t a n s prank ing m em tK r of Its d D irecto r H lro taka Ilda, di D etroit new s conference.

Saying he w as satisfied B lctwr said la te r, " I wouldn have th e b a s lc s p u t together.

T he p lan t will be about M arysville, Ohio, w here Hoi J a p a n b u ild s 'c a rs and moi res is ted UAW organizing all M otor Co. L td ., which build build c a r s a t Sm yrna, Tenn. -U nion o(ifci;alsjfald.m^

end up resem bling the UAW tia ted hex l y e a r a t the joint UP by Toyota M otor Corp. Corp. to build the subcompi F rem on t, Calif., beginning tr a c t m ay produce som e fo m anagem en t an d relaxed w(

Losing out in bids for U G reenville, S.C.^ and Keam e

Ilda,-8peaklng through ar -DetroltTBrcawas^pIckcd beci

s ta te and local govemi w orkforce (and ) the ready

'so u rc in g o f p a r ts and compo:

h a s retained m uch df tho b a and foundry work, tha t autoi also cohdlnues to a ttrac t panics offering th e la test te(

-eon i^u te r-a lded -deslgn ing - m anufacturing.___________

and selloff gains

1982, w as aw a re df Justice an d proposed th e sell-off as

“T hey knew w hat w e had a f te r p re llm lna iy -ta ik s, thl solution to m e e t th a t prdbl

"S h ea ra risW d . —T h e ,- .na tion ’s -fourth

H eilem an, b ased In LaCros $C3-miUion to acqu lre 'P ab la rg es t brew ery .. Hellernan ag reed th a t 11

- e h a s ln g P b b sti l l w lll sell o . In T um w ater, W ash., ,ahd

—brandS rO lym piar-H am m ^ a com petitively unobjection

. ' H eilem an h a s to ld the Ju5 c tuxently negotia ting such t

■ ‘ 'Sh ’ a n ' 'S a l d the depai .com petitive problem In the nationally . O ne p a r t of th w as . th a t 'Phbst;:Artilch.l5

r n c e - ( ^C ongress in the way o

^ ^^ ^ ~ ~ « Io eG ran v in cu se3 1-----------Miuh Uilu, uiu lliuw= — econom yrbecause the_______c an re a d about It In hi(To SlOtk Mifl-kel Timing y,' • * V h lc h 2 5 y e a rsa f te rp le c la ss ic of technical ar h e - - c lan, ev en now he say ; t h u s ^ t h e fnai^ket.:whlle funl

■ opposi te. — - - ~ A irdrw ^icR rem ind fiSf— GnmvillerWdTwere'or ;gun..- thelate l97as^w hcnlw

— .p o ln t-h e sa ld lh a tth r i o t c . . tap e was_all tha t m a tt lies "W hat m akes s tocks: ilUng-::,:. .GronylUo lookeda t I Iter- repIylnfi,^"W hocares‘

' ’ . ‘'I d o .” I s a i d , “ becf e them go u p and down! lal o f you. T h a t’s why one

econom y." T hat, ofco ‘7 T '~ dam cn tAllaLargumeri

Saturday. Decor

■ Closinystocks C■ M a rk e t q u o ta t jo n

■ C la s s i f ie d a d v e r l i

U .S . F;'Tlwouoh O elo

[ S e p t e n

S o u r c e :C o m m e r c e / .



s l a n t <s delegation. M anaging .

during the com pany's ' a ' n

ed with the agreem ent, e ildn't b e h e re If we didn’t eler.'!........- ............ - ........- -qtout 150 m iles north of Honda M otor Co. Ltd. of g m otorcycles. Honda h as n ; a ttem pts, a s has N issan Lillds tru ck s and p l ^ to p in. ’ b231azda-agrecm ent-m ay— it VW pact th a t w ill be n e g o -- . )lnt ven ture 'com pany se t . rp. and G eneral Motore

ng next week.' T hat con- ®2 form of Japanese-sty le ui work ru les. «r the M azda p lan t w ere „ imey, Neb.I an .In terp re to r, said the aecause ofconcesalons by—rfi. }mmcnts, " a talented*ady availability of local uiponents'.” - n

I basic Industry, like steel uutom akcrs need. T he city -ct Investm enls by com- o. technology in robots and IV

'__________ ____ u

I S J i i s t i c e D e p s c i

absttmlice’s a n titru s t concerns ' -Wl :a sa re m e d y . . • - He had a problem >ynh'nnrt _ P n , th ^ c a m e 'i^ 'W i lh th ls 1 •dblem and w e ag reed ” wo

................... ■" *' rtv:th la rg es t bh iw ery, wh Crosse, W is., a lso h as b id Pabst, th e natlon'B 'Blxtft co:

Gc,t If It succeeds In pur- 111 off.the P a b s t brewery-*- * , and th ree Pobst-owned n^s^ukJ-Olde-Englieh,-to tionable th ird party .JusUce D epartm en t it Is c h a sa le .>partment h ad , found'ar-'^tr« the W est, N orthw est and • ao ! tha t p rob lem , he said, (hi.15 based-in M iiwaukee— ih.

^ k \ r J o <ly of tax reform .ea 16 say he cared iitim iiR T ir e w atonw Uie’m arket, nbtlhT ! the tape told Its own tale . You n his “ A S trategy of Dally

srpublicatlon rem ains the 1 analysis. E v e r the technl- Mvs tha t the econom y followsw id am en ta lls ts twlleve tl^e..

inds m e ot the one Ume I m e t . e 'onan investm entpaiK i In— nho.was4’ldlnghighrV\U>ne— hinnovem enrofpTlce57)m hV ' lottered, to which I asked,ks rise and fall?” ------------------[a t m e a s though I w&s'Jdklng,- res?".....)ecause If I knew w hat m adeATI I could bcnjne-steinihend” one has to understand t h e ' ' f.cpurec, | s a fam ilia r fu n -:__icril. ' . ' T ~

lemeber 1,1084- Jlmos-Nows

C 2 ■

>ns C 2 - 3 ^ ‘

=ilslng.C4-8, . .

F o r e i g n e - S e f i c i t ^ —to6* r, lh« tr*d« d c lk i isr s -

t o b e r - $ 9 . 2 ^

m b e r - ^ 5 . 6

i g u s t - 9 . 9

k t t ^ n s o f d b H a rs

a t D e iIld a said M azda felt tha t I

a c tive ly In the economic m a rk e t." The com pany is Hr e m m e n t to Importing ju s t IT ending M arch 3 i'under Jap a

-quo tas .-.......................; ' •F la t Rock M ayor Ted A

g ran ted M azda a l2-year tax m illion In revenue th a t w on't 1

T he official uneniplojroent percen t, Anders said, addlr b ab ly w os low because m any

- In g fo r work. - '

M ichigan Gov.. J a m e s Bldj o l regulatory n

such a s raU rdad spu rs and ro;B lanchard d idn 't disclose

b u t em phasized th e harmony M azda Into Michigan, whi unem ploym ent ra le of 10. i pe

" Y o u a're w ith e r in g e. m rA m erican relations^.'.-Blanch

B leber, who vislled M azda union fears held by th e cot m a k e r’s officials w ere “ rnon

w ith them ," he i d of M azda A s gifts of friendship, the A

co p p er u rns df a type madi M azda’s hom e. They also dlsi

- w W c h ^ d iir J a p a n c s e ; “ Y e u sed by s ta te developmentofi

rtment nod _

ins appiiVIs;, owns a brew ery In Tumw ie llem an owns one In SeatUPortland, O re.------------- --------

E a rlie r , the Ju stice D epart vould have do com petitive ] i i v a T J i a - b r S 'i P 'C o . o f v which Is owned by Paul and Ly

K alm anovitz controls a nu » m p an le s . Including F a ls tt Seneral Brewing Co., and P e ; 1983, these th ree com panies col [latlon’in lh lh 'la rg c s t brew ing <

Two yea rs ago, Heilem an a brolved in a b itte r fight to cor P o b s T r e s i ^ . ^ ' J i a t T c ^ lected to two a ttem p ts by Hell P abst, killing those proposals.

B ut H eilem an eventually ICafmanovitz In a complicatei acquired p a r t of P ab st, Inclu i i r e e regions^buLspun t h e r e shareholders In P iabstand Olyi

> ^ G r a n ^— _ G r a it reserved foi'dollSTuWthCl le asked , “ W hotk ln d o faca r )U wMch I replied tha t It was

P l ^ d uth. “ I 'll be t you

som cth ingabou t w hat mac out the window to a Rolls, (

Then he delivered the cl I - n lx ju loara lB U ia iw hen lU

t . an d then I go w here 1 want ching out hls~arm s7w d gii

e ■ 'ab o u t c a rs M d are driving know w hat It will do and hi -T h e c ro w d ro a re d ;I tu r i

g ,-.G ranv ille slapped m e o a t t ■ p erfec t put-down, and a g r

'fe rence .-------- M osroniffprefer tha t co

g ray figure who appeared Week ." I t would alm ost be

— to seeJo e G ra n v ille b a c k t


\ , y , '^ s '

a r s / " ■ :•

# ......

J t r o i tlat It "should partic ipate l ie growth of Its U.S. s lim ited by Its own gov- it 173,500 c a rs in the y ea r 'ap an 's vo luntary Im port - >■

d 'A n d e rs sa id hfs c itytax a ba tem en t w orth $79m*t be collected.len t r a te In the a rea Is 14d d b ig jth e estim ate pro- ia n y people had quit look-

B lanchard sa id the s ta t e i : ; '‘ ”..“ ‘J y red tape, provide job

d roads. .ose th e cost to the sta te ,[wny of Ih d ta lk s th a t got which h a s a .statew ide Ip e rcen t. '■• -

;; m ilestone In'Japanese--

izda In J a p a n to a llay any .com pany, said the car- riore of a p leasu re to d e a l -

izda.(le A m e r i c a w ere given nade only In Hiroshima,< d istribu ted lapel buttons•Y esM lchlgnn;’T n H 0 l t0--------------itofflclals.

trovah=m w ater, Wash., while -ia ttle and another In

partm ent' Indicated it V6 problem with the »f Vancouvei7 ;Wash;,— — — i Lydia Kalm anovitz., n u m b er of brewing ils ta ff-B rew in g Co., . - - - P e a r l Brewlrtg Co. In s collectively w ere theIng organization.------ -------------------m and P a b s t w ere In* control P abst, which

n > ^ a r ln fe n t th e ird b = ^Heilem an to buy all of als.a lly prevailed over :ated deal in which itdeluding brew eries in;___________jresto fP ab sn )acT c{ 5Olym pia.'

he klnd.of.filance.usualIy---------------tw rfg an g -m tn g a . nnT^ ,•1 c a r do you drive? " to vas a 5-year-old

m ade a c a r run. Pointing Ils, G ranville s a id ;‘T a k e

e clincher. “ All I know i l tu m th o k g y l t s to r t s -,/ant .to go." R ising, s tre t- _____ig r in n l i ig a t th e a u - , . • —

Ang a heap, a n d lo n ly • id h av ea R olls?" 'turiiedfarick-red; arid --------------ULtbcJjack-lLwas-tho:____________a g rea t w ay.toend a con*'

it cocky bartltlrti lo th e ....... Ired o n iiW a llS tree t be worth Q b e a tm a rk e t ' __tck i n h i ^ o l d * r m r * ~ . ~ r ”—


Page 18: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

____ __

' •. 0 :2 Tlmes-Newo. Twfi

J:C lo is

.. . a r a is’il'iV . ■ ^ - - ; ; | - j ,B ^

. AmH«t 1.10 sioes 2

i S i s . s J s

p a M iAnvtS ’■(? ’rioSi V

■ • •« M ,g » *

- - f v l - i i - lAnikcmp SI4 -1

' ATcnor 1.4S IB SM ». .Anl»ua 2__10 723_71

■-ArmWin l . » -81014 33«SB ,-a -S!SAMOQ 2.00 0 i n sa

. _ i ! S S i " ’i S 'SAuO*> .32 14 3 « il

------------J S S ' S i S ' W

----- - { ^ ™ 1.92 ^ M 1

§ ; 3.S W3S

M C o 1.7D 0 S12 S B«IHwi S ?i

. I j l = p |

y BrlHM 1.eO 141299 0 \

M onth ConuDOdJ 'M a y M a l n e s '

F eb . live ca ttle D ec.U vecatU ia Mm . fe e d e rc a tt

............ D ec.'llvebpgB

D ecP o jlW b e a ^ D ec. coniN. , \ E>ec. silver^* D ec. gold D ec.copper. \ M ar. s u g a r - '

_ J a n .8oybeaD 3„" S la r . T rea su ry B

' D ec. T reas.

__________QuqtaUons ..f ro m _ lp ro x lm a te ly 2 p.m. te rd ea le r.b ld s . Interde

---------- ^ do - not- Include 'r e ta il 'idow n ' o r .conunli q u o ta tions a r e providei Jo n es& C o .

— ----------------------------------------m---------Mo o r e g in r g p .----T-- ^_______ In te rm n G o s 32.3

Long. F ib e r 22.2 T r u s - J o ls t . 25.7

. C onsd .F ood W estern Union U tah P ow er .

SPOKANE. Waili. (AP) - _____ gj^uon# W JM 3po»«^ 8i

: AlIMd' ' Sllvor .

T’asr— t e . .

' ■' 'H ontM tik* ' ' -----------

' MMrteoHlan• • : ^ ..........

_ PrlncMon

: W " *......... . W.. OoW

i iSSSS!,". Atua

_____Cllafw ^ Ccn.

- ......' ' SHvJf

- T- — --

' Yr*ki 'Unll«a

— — '•p o e A T T L T d i'/ tf t r^ id i^

&«9(stoM)>); L;A, b»rtoy.e.7M.R . PORTLAND <AP) — Uoming •/rtrlng at Portl»«f FrVUy tor

___ t>yrmii,irvcKorlM^«.parbu*lM(:

’ N a l tM>ifl” o<ywi'nty«»ft£i*.1l

Twin Falts. klahd ' Saturday.

l a r k e i s

s i i i g i•FrUn M- * OritP« 1.70* •

» :S “ “ “ »• • M S ? '? !

S S ilSr r M - s r i s i!’ s « \ » g i . , r

0 J w + W ' •» { « ? *’.* 14 '

5 S -™ '8 M ■“ ”

s IS5lS g - f „ .

jir'a gmw 1 i*

l i f T - S - i S - fE s s s

» s ;

§SS,r ;i S f S T 'S 'u r r ' ' S t , . , , s : i l I'ir»£» ^ ill

l i j s ' S -' M MIfc'S SSS. '■'■ f ’'Isrs - S ' i r j

m m mV tv v

todity Close H ig h - 4.13 4.09

l e : 66.45 66.65iB 87.42S 67.80a t t le _ 71.225 71.65B , 52.35 53.05_,

eat, 3.8tyt 3 .8 4 ~•2.65W, 2.66%

7.09 7.10330.80 329.70

. CT.16 ■ 57.70.

S . J l \ _____6 .04^— 6.10y Bills 91.33’ 91J 8 toDds 72.17 72.12 -

Q uotatioas from S lo c la lr .

> _ N A S D _ f tt_ jp ^ A lb e its o l a All b id s lo- IdahoP v rd e ^ e r q uotations .P .a it-K n iil'm arki4>, n iark- C .P . N at n ils s io a T hese Hosp. Co ided by E dw ard D. C m y .P ?

M ay tag

m s - & .62S— BarryAV g.375 3 3 ^ - l s t . S e c , 22.25 22.75 M orr.-Ki 25.75 26.25 1st A m B

32.75 G a te s Le 9 .5 0 5 - H .J.H 'ell


““ s-ns’i S 'S S


xS J ^l io o 1&00................ -

— " J tJ - _ 1 1 G. • ' S - S -

« ’: S -

' I I------- 1 =

I « £1.» 1.S V

SvSSfJuStF iSissr-y Ta____\

<ng triodi lor (p«lns • /tor civranr crilpnvMt A

*■11 '— . .

iy.becem oberl.,1984

I t r k e !I f• 9S4 nw-1j* EMK3P i.30-..' 17 lies 40M—W sKod 3.20a -1

: i f f : 3 , ; i i u t , i 5 - 5 " , ^ : '<T 71B W ^ FMC 2.20 ; - 79» 19V*— H - F«1few • ,80

2:isjS - 5 * H •“ ,

4I01S29 2DVt—1 FaxSy •1.45

" I f ” E l - ’l ! ,|.s.sais w " , 1 ’; ■sl-is*

li IilSLi&l i " ' i f ' i' & i ' !i

: -

Ira l« !s a5r^,:S“'sTii: s “ ii

S ' , ' ' I ,i

s I“7 8 s : - » ”0 — aiiwai .90 a ® ^ Z i 'j- Qltstui 1.W 5 10 7T\ B3H+ M — H—H

r « „ . " ,W MVi+ W H«nnd .82 1

J l i s S 1 13084 17H . H»wlPk .23 1 300 1MW-1H H<«kJ»V- -W—125 S'* ... ’ *889-JB + H Hmatks JO 3 2904 2BH— <* Hon^l. al.SO

CloseJ - Low P.M.) 4.05 4.09> 66.22 66.5251 67.45 67.675 .5 71.25 71.65L . S2.I5 52.075I_____3.50_________ 3.S5V i : ~

3.83Vi • - 3.83Vi Vi 2.64V4 2.65^4 » 6.95 6.99) 327.50 m i O y. 57.70 57.55i----------&J3 5.280 6.02 6.091 91.12 91.131 - 71:20------------71:21— —d r a u d C o . ^ _ '

tson____________________ 2^ 0.Pw r. Co. , 37.00iCraft . . - . 83.50Jatlonal 17.87SCorp. Am. 39.25P s y .C c n t • • 24.50Ig 46.75a 3 i s ± ______ 27,n7S » fflOft•AVright-r------- --------------fl5:0Q-!c,.BanK_____20.00 • 20.125-K nudsen 32.625( iB k P B c h 7.75 ■ 8.00L earJet 15.875felnz ------------ 43.125

Q lfen d^ p e r b ' 14 G a s o T H f^ l

> W ln tg rS p o c la l . /


—7 n tc r t ilr i Tcir CvtxlMf

; I / . '•

3 . 19 -SS7 » + H ' HospCp' .a1 201toe 20H» H H o t ^ 2.8C) 82»1 48tt+ W -H«wUnt ‘1.7! I 71843 a ' * * H ' HoulM 2.41 J 7IBB0-IW-.W H ouN O- : . E—c — ■ Huonn _4i.- . .• 9 lJ £ -2 ? " 7 2 5 11 ;|=ffi^5 ig/s v'is ' !i s r ,5 : a . k , »

f f l ” - g g s - - " '

I 8 5441 43W+ H imp^p P - F - ^ 57 •”

r»riKT'-5 IKS ■s'? i l

• ',s m s j j - ’" 1-20

. Z ^ ' d z ^ S ' ’- I’2 21 1S2 K*noe 2M6 a o 22>k* rt . KinPU 2.76

0 - 0 - ' tUIyln ^ ^ _ lM _ a H _ _ _ K » u lO /- ----:_,40:

7 X 580.® — JJ KollMS 1.7B

>' -^ U ” 5 ^ ^ -K2f“ wi i!io’r,Sf™-=:Si L l . r i a , * - ' ■". 'S iS | h - ,

- ' ° m * 8 h 1 K aUSw .? -S11 07 S6H*-Vk ' a i l s ' • '- 2 10 421 Stk*-\k. uickhd "Oa83W K i t s " i . j J

—*J-S g-JS ? '^ '^upB c----- m ', J , S 'i 'p" » §5 SS,' ■‘t ! , S K . » K iSL.

•:i J i E i s :i

- . a a i r a E i-I -'f.2S;:a-K:g.. Vd21753 S7H -M McDnO 1,'«

m m s m■JanMar , 3.48 3.48

^?« l. talea44. Pr«v. m I«b lie

_ f f l S r : r “'Jan . 27.M 27.D

------ " s n s r■ - | f . ■ i i i a

i - i ■ '

Feb 78.10 78JD

" £ S :S SiS.50_ .1,11 -•..■■ ,■» ssj.50 Dm .875

.75 as ssa g ■OQ,. ________ 4 5 5 -4 5 5 -

..........i i« a ^ — C»U.«»]W;73B,nfV. M itT.625 fX t.on i



^ I - Z Z Z ^

M i

B hT ^1 0 0 1 0 W - "S a v m g „p " ----- .H p g u lo rW / .H < -^

t- rN O W -^ -2 0/ " . (83* quart)

.■ ^ SaUSub|*<t(eQuanntro

KROSEN~ \ ~ 402 T hird’^ o - S

T w ln,F allj . . 7

, 5 : ! ! ” 5 S ! . «.1.79 8 988 32H4. H McKOM' i , ! ’S 5 S = a K S .^ j j i S S S I aIJO T CB-I7H------■ wi«5t —", ■ ' ! » g s a . » .Kffi

s : . n - - s . s “ . « ... a s s - - ^J . .. . * £ 5 S - . i ; _ K S S L ,

" " ^ ’i i - a » ■ ;S - „ - i s ' s a ; a a a ? " . ■ S : ^ g a i s '.80 7 783 tm « H NCn a .80 S 72 m * H NLInd .:S l i 'S S 'S a T S ! & „ ■ . i V M ' s s a f c a K ISS

l - ' i J a l a l a S ? s ;

■s'l'rssjsi* , S ■.40 14 B3. 2SH+ H nS X i —-K -K -- ------ ;------ -Nt*MP

» ' s i a i , a S S '

s ’i s s s r * '~ S ~S4 13 IBS 27H> Vi5 i ; s j ! » 7 a


-44£LB1-7 “ t l ! i j a - » S “

4 573 0 — H PhllPet1 ; 10 822 29V*- V* Pllabry

D 9 19 28M* V% PioneirH ' 15 428 72H—IH. PllnyO 'a, - , 2 = s g a - “ s s a -

il^ l l l f l l l l l U Qr 8«tM Qm. new YO


•*® ,3.*9 J g ♦•0»

lis „$;■!fKil

M !?■” jtj!

i i S 4 ^J5 2-S “ •S ” •?? Quoip)..90 • 28.90 .80 —.20 _ r

------s r = l - " " S r' I El

t i .El .

8 - g r a z :" I ' ■■•g 5SS 5S =: g ■■I a i s i E; I ______

■. I i=; J .

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venTisiNG * TG jw»3i 5

S 1

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■ . . . . S $ 3 9

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i ,K | S t 8 a s

tl ! S SSi S ®? - 'SiEa E

is^,' ‘ 's s '" ■ a™ J i ' l l T z L S

5 ' S IFf a....if®‘b A t B I990-3 ,H -H .

. s" .»sa-" i5ss'■ S -? ”S JIS. » KI 11 :!l iJal is 's'ssa a ii;. J - i l f S iS .f's!s r=a- issisI' 1:S i'S i!»- i -igsi

' ¥ *8 m n**— V* gS ^

,' fs lsssza SL - ; S : ! S S S - V - l f f i a

3 H 1 1 '^ 39“ * " 1“^

" ‘'ii» 1.88 202402 43M— H Tandy,3'!!!iSS“Ta ISffi!

1962 13H— » Totdyn 2.20 - 8 2912 UU* H . Telai 3.40 102S94 61 +1 Tennc<2J2 .S*£Z 2 li* ,S

. v.?4 S S t IS•1.04 10 Ml 33Vi-1 Tailnai

®S 105 ♦ J* To.Inl

• ; .j ^ig.g;2!--7S'Vi S,?S2.72 7 74S8 28V»* Vt Tlo^fl1.78 8 435 12H4. V% Time .

n .12 _ 20 e09 ,17V»+ V* TImoM

YORK (AP) - Spol 'nonla^roua nw fWav:num . 50.40 cenla por pound. NY Cor nitielosBdThu.;-.^=s*AW*vssstHlrpiss^,.,.B.(S77 Matala Wo«k compoalls I&. r . S329.00 Handy & t&rman (only di. U30.80 p«r Iroy ou^o, NY Com«i «|>■‘^ .0 2 3 'Handy & (only d<

I* r ^ m pof 1 ^ oune*. NY Como* a|i^*T’t)1&0O«2a.00 par 7S lb (taak. NOT^^18.0M321.00 Oomoslle morefv

w m m m m v M V M W M .

—-MMDNS atu rday , De

3-Speed f ) s te m (jy c le B lend”;ontrollod pulso blonding In 3 ni oothty.&londoa rodpos"».5-cup:rf Js • 2-oz. covof moasurino cap Id and 890-16 Almond.

>9^.......... .19.50 ■■■'■■■-T^rTrr Hot ’ n Toasty” iANDWICH GRI~ook'your own'Tavorito iniing boi jso.sandw ichos, ond m ore: Eon;' Mican, Cfoam Pu(l2,Rl22a •'Grill 1 jstaticolly-coniroilcd honl grills 0 hi (tfr.*gilIltno • C om oact ciond- I l3 ^ : A l m o n d . ........ \

eg-3 9 . 9 5 ..............................

ASTA ___ VC C E S S O ^ XijuFooa Gr(riacf3v- • - I pttjcooslno d iscs (ot Thin and ^oi' •• 1 '/^-cup Mcnsurincj/Stornrm • ...— ^ ^ ----------------7

>g.5 . 5 0 _

iwooTIP J

& ili!?aJa iXjoau; 1 M 9 248 27W-1 1

^ I -H f s IS ■« r S ' K ia i

I S S J:S ' ^ r : s - i>*yMtr 1 231 31W- W Lr . . ■ :s ! ,is ssia htoehwl 1 1479 29UV Vt I

£ 'S ' »s::is.£ a !=ssa=,'‘ s

CM 2 ® ^ " tB 42W- V* U“p j f n ’2 -S!S i S n - H

» i l « , Aaqm) .80 9 026 37VV— Vt I eartoo .92 71 19U 80H4^1Vt. I

s '

S H l ^ a - § « r a -5r5i iTtt 7 2M 34V4y-V»- A s n ^ ,1So 19 1478 14Vt— U As r .is IS ia-.» sMIhCo - 1.B2 8 32<n 18V«- V« AS i:S !iS!.S^:a JluarD— 1.M— 11 nei-3a»»— H .-AiS,‘S—'?-'?i!S-gS:5-5dOOt)' 2.80 7 70 42Vt4 Vi AS K !;!S {

K ts !! >i3 SS* “ t;r- ^ j s s s z a |

?1 l i ' l i a i a Jk(m< 1 12 s n S8V4— H Di

S!" H s’saia gnnco 2.93 727B3 3SV 4. H Dc•oro .48 17 551 10V*- H 0>laco 3 8 3l(M }4Vt4. H- EcEat S 2.20 9 522 2BH4. H FliJisf . •* • S?

xtron I.'bO ^3139St 9 H —IVt Oha ■“ '• g "sa* ssno . n .82 13 S77 41H4- W Ho MM #1.20 12 570 39 - W Ho

V ia H i i in P T™"' « aa js ru .r5 s

''oo^m iolm urB '^K afiS I S i Ete

May 3.49 3.49U- ' J o v i i l lw

y dally Prov, »alo»9,415.

y dallyMar 2.77U 2.79

» apol May 2,64V« .2,64Uk. NOW iie '^ i S "

Doc 2.0V4 2.«IVtorchani Mar 2.92 2.92M

Prov.aalaae6.l92. -

m w s w M i m i m i i i w w a k w

>ecember 1st*


3 SDOOds . . . no'ovorblondlng • p:rPonna-<3ias" (alyr ene-coDOiymt :ap • Croailvo Spin Cookory coc

RILLboiwofin (wo Duito/pd slices of t

OT OouDfcn.'CtibosO; Moai ond V irill pl05. Ironch toast, paslrios, hoi Is ovonly • Signal llghLialis'w ho jnd-up siorogo • Norvsilfck', non-

nd Thick S p ^ h o lli . Lasagnir. nif orngo Coniainof • CloaninQ’ To<

—— ■'----------------- 4> •

Tlmkan i,8Qa • I? 154 S 2 h - hToUim ' .80 10 124 29Vt- HToaco . '^273 m - ^Tranam 1.64. 13 390 2BVi— Vt& =:S“ „*,g'sa.,* {3SK ?:-,•§ g!t aTrlDun. .M 13 » t B « - H Trtco .18 IB 31 8 — V* TueaEP 2.80 8 t« 3 38H* H_

UnC«^ S'.S 1MW 48H- V)& i:S i J J S T . V*

aigisi! ?» . ? : 2UnlTol 1.02 a S2S 21Unocal 1 9 6090 30 * . ' /> 'UelOhn 3.S6 121471 8eV4<. Vi


PP ' tU fa lj« t O yAelon "oiAdHual a .14 19 44 24Vt Ad0t>0t|l .24 11 11—W>-~AIIIPut>{. .80 14 10 4SVkAmdahl .20--14 1192 IIH— Vtw - ’iss-s’s sa

' ASelE - M 3W <-^-.-SX'—”“ ! 3!-!“Armlm 7 1 TV*& “ ■" jg g±aDa^ l 30 si*eS, °s ".I iaiaConsOO 4 . 21 e hCooklnl 1 -270 9 13rtCross 1.32 14 77 2 9 H -HCrulcn 3 95 1lk4..viDamson 9 99 4 H - Vi

5 ■"« ;;“ «?afm,™

g ; . f .«•^ n d « " IH

3 ,.l ' f i f : ! '

luroa irMIng on mo •Ijjw LMt Chfl. lOTbomlnir

»1a!3:s“=sa »V, 3.43V* 3.44V* -,00V* ProvOay'ac ---------- J.S5------.00V4 - 80YDCAM.o n m -------------- _ 3 iu u f ! ! _ _ I I

*.«»* j^ ^

s f 11! ^VJ :oV4 2:c 5 -:oiW ' ’prav.aaloa; W .92 2.92 —-OIV* ProvOay’SC

6 SALE TOI' 12:00 p .m . to 4 l e c t r o n i c

g u c H e i c^ (ooa prnuracion .-wwuirKe:7:the Urtlmate In F66d

r B L E N ^ r ^ R I N D ^ ^ S L T C f -& -M IX /K N E A D S -fo o d s ai

A lm o n d an(a ,9 8 0 - 1 0 W h iti

R eg .$ 1

M 4 7I • 7 continuous opoods (or ■'mor) coniQinor opens al-t>om------ :ookbook. In 890-14 Harvosi

r■? broad •. Enloy '.•I Vegotable-Pio:—lol dogs • Thor- -y - j g a vhan unit Is iu s if '/>n-slaln inlorlor,

Rigaidnl, and Foiluccini • Pasta 'ool » Recipo/lrisUuclidn t9ook

7 1 1 9 ^

: 5 K ' i:S■ 5 * t(an " i ■ t ** Vt wach» •« .92 9 "sa 27H- Vt

: : - s i : : ' i - i r :3? ’4 il-2s*a a rr ,.s s,£!|Ka

. h WnOi« 1.M 11 88 30H- ViM , i!SS '1 %

. Vi Wynna .i80 7 66 18V*- V*• ** Xoro. “? M W S 37V*- U", 'A -IaloC p 1J2 9 12 a H * WV* Zonil,hE .,_ ..7 ,1 4 8 9 22 — H .

na- ImpOII o1-90 39T.A ock |na^^^___ _____ ^ « D — - - i J -

K|oS!. -s»-';;ia- V* Marm pr2.3i 1t4 21H— V*sal" ,! 1! gaZSt^MlCtllE__1—J 4 - 11 202-16-------

NiPainl .10 17 212 17*k* HNProc . 1.10«. B S8 14V*

- Nole< ........... 12 90 2 U - UV* NoCdO 0 « V*

J i _ g S S “ ________ j iS iT i i—SB". s =!a=a a S' .',S! riart PfonH 1.02 TO ran-‘- a — gr,?ar!r

6<icc.p .IB. 10 no i m . . 1. S o lllron IB J3 0U—*1.» & ■" ",s sa

a ifc iIliffiTaV* Tolosph 414 3Vi— V* STxscan . . . 7 179 S h - V* f .

I s I r “ I '-.ssr .»■ .s! isaiaW ai^a ^ .19 17 9g 2W -r H , ;

. Wlhird . . 132 3Uti Walbr- 0 -20 10. 114 9 .

WalnSU 1.23« t - t S a. « a - ^ v "

i«y«opynlnt1J4,e7#roTfS.43t. ’i ’

t.BIU 1.83U 1J2U +.0tv*.aSi:S'‘l:S“i:Sa:;rlaiosOtS.’' ^ 1.77W 1,77 1.77 -J/aoponlnt4.302.ojt15l.

“ #■1:1“ iS ila iir.29 IL32 8.27 OJIVi V-.OIVi

aloa2B457® 8.4SV4 8.0-e.*9»-u.-mW —* ' fy"#“opinlnt 7.189. ones,5BJ.


MAY - 1 ->4:00 p.m . |------------ — - I - ; g . .

CI<3TErJbd P ro c e^ tn g M

s an(J-meats-ln-98016—ff—- ■' /hite. M

5179.50 I

7 . 5 0' 3 /

9Am-to9PJt _SIlMPflYS ' ■ ^

Page 19: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

Feder- W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) -

d e fe n s e b u ild u p un d e R e a g a n , “ th e U n ile d S ti i

{ c o n d b e s ^ ’ to th e Soviet 1:" .' I K e '^ p in m il i ta ry c a p a l . ; I n g " to g ro w , a W asli

■- r e s e a r c h g ro u p c o n tcn d e . " I n th e -a b s e n c e b f-m t

a n d t im e -u rg e n t m c a s u r - n o w . In p ro sp e c t, th e I 1' w lU r e m a in so (sec o n d •1 a h e a d a s w e c a n s e e ,’.’ :

. . b y th e C o m m itte e on • D angei* ,. w h ic h ; ad v o ca l

■U .S . m i l i ta ry p o s tu re .I t s m a in c r i t ic i s m w a s

c l e a r ' f o r e e s m ig h t no • S o v ie t a t ta c k . U s in g o

. f r a c t io n or • th e ir J _____w a r h e a d s , th e S o v ie ts

gGfficial. M O SC O W (A P ) - I d a t

' ' c h a n c e s fo r In tem atlon i: h ig h te ch n o lo g y de v e lo p n

.__ 'iZ s t a t e g o v e rn m e n t is n 't’ m ( ^ t th e n e e d s o l b iis lne

• ■ o f f i c ia l s a y s .) ' ‘ '.W e’r e ill eq u ip p ed I n t I ' c a p a b i l i ty to e v e n d e a l v

t lo n a l t r a d e develo p m e n t- .--T u e lle r,-d o p u ty -a d m ln l6 l

D iv is io n o f E co n o m ic and A f f a i r s . “ T h o t’s a 'g r e a t f m y o p in ion h p rn iicn - n f - d o u s p o te n t ia l in fo re ig n

- Id a h o ^ p ro d u i ts ." — T u e lle r - sp o k e T h u rsd a >

------- ^ o f - a s m a l l business-conf<I • js o r e d b y th e U n iv e rs i ty (

■ > e •

P i m•• NW 21.90 J1.90 r i

Mv 214} 21,&S 2tPro>. ulet4M.

M«r. . 5:2s 130 5■ IS iS I:

. s;f , fit- !:;t S:; Jan B.83 e.83 S.

.' • . Mif ?.X 7.M 7..»9.4a.

Prov da/aop«nW « J03. W> «B

- • HW L ~100 troy Ot.; dOlUr« par trm oz.

. . . o«e _ m io j2 f t . r o mFeb 'm »3}O O S31.Apr 33a.<0 3M.Jun 343.20 30.t0 342. Ajf□oc UO.M £s.

. * r F®b. ____ __________________

••'Aup 388.00 388.00 M7.r 151J2i.0HS,|

F*b ™'K j y m s TO n ;

■ . dul 7410 74J. 73) .• S«p no.o 7B0. 74;

TO.O 7B0, 77C

i M*y “ is 812,5. S o S§;o wo

Prov. u is s 10.480.Prov d«y^s o ^ n Ini 77JM, otr 2.S

. 1 ' E~ nI“’” F*W4

. ^ . b O j : c ^ ^ . b .

:: • £ S S :§ S ? ; i


iT I S :i S:!

^ s i i s s - S i____

■- i r i Z —prov 'jjiyso^n imioaBnrpJil.- -HOQS. ».oooib*.;ewittp^tb.

. . ' Dm S2.V 33.06 82.'

• W • 48,19 48.1J- 47,1 -.^B«___________48,80 48.M 48.1

Prav. ul0Sl1.OCB.•" Pf BY cUj » ^ r» Ini» .« ? , oil 102.

------ ""Miy-------- • -7s.00^,50~74'

.■ ■.a? ■ ■ s s s s ' sProv. ulflB 11.888,

. ,Pr«v day') op«n Int 12.780. up 141.


. !!». f lu n an . 2 Wn_of 4 a t irulilmum,— LbTobr»*«^oi»'fri

~g.7S:S0Lbcvton«7Mas.3i.(kmc 23.00, occMKminy lowar; '

^ f o w T ^ l / . Ii.51' 2 lOO'Ll/ ULXI.

" _100 lb uck i: Mlnrxioit-Nenn CUk

r .. _ russoii 4.71-5.00. WMWnoion.8.00.- W lK ^iln round rods In iO lb 1

' - Wlscongln'OumSwMlBslniOlouck

- “ W*l>o18 0&-1»00^—7—7—---------

raljudg’ ) — E>esplte the and"Iarg<tider P resident contlnenlaStii.tesJs s till sc- com m lttec Viet .U nion .jv ith :i__Sovlet sipablllty conUnu- ta rg e te d -1aslilnglon-based h av e nea rnded F riday. 5,000 t ^ m-m ore-extensive 1979 l i^a tysures than those bo thsides,e United S tates F o r the ond) for a s fa r Soviets hoi,'.' sa id a report 406- lo 325>n The P resent belief. h a \scales a strong m issiles

piloU essd tvas tha t U.S. nu- T he coirnot survive a ad m ln ls tw

5 only a sm all w ays to rir long-range m issiles lcits could strike proceed q

il s a ^ Md a h o Is m is s in g w i h l n u t oonal trad e an d j.jgopm ent b e cau se h l s d e o a r t >:t„prepa«d_ |o__o ,nco-^indiln esses. a sta te to 'p rom ot

' m en t, InchIn ter m s o f s ta ff - -pR O -Idtal w llh In te m u - R e s o u r c e s" " •■ " .“ ‘'‘ K /t 'l y o B M ld p ;n is t r a lo r o l Ihc c o U ra f it [ca n d C o m m u n ity | s i , „ g „ rg ,a t f n is lr a t lo n In p d i n d a vo f -th o - tr e m e n *'PgOt5T5Ign m ark ets for from o n e

„ b e th e lid a y a t a se s s io n T iip l lp r s ajn te r e n c e spon - t c „ , p t u,ty o t ld a h o a n d t „ g e u ,e r t c

ulures l^ ln o on Itxo POCATSLLO Coco* E«en»nflo Frk-' ropon:

I L0« GttU* eng,_.QUOjo -

) 21.31 21Jg Uvoalock *uI '21,48 21.S2 *.07 alon Co. Thur I | l . g JI.W— >-»1—3«<MW0r-h®

1 a s sis S ' . " SH:S S I V M

a s s i , s ! '’a 'SS- S i S

1“ li II

*■ *u5 “ 5»!’ 2W

________________ to4S.S0.So-jvs: pricot

3S0-S00 lb. are

aHordmarXfllto 8«J» Cho. 5hoBp;n0fl0,

rK7.S0 329,10 -1.7D _________iS31.80mU -liW ' 336.!0 338.M —1.80JJI;S 5 g :S . •

= 1: S „

■“ -jH5,Q15,________ ^ , ■

'8B8.0 n i,« -9.3

™ : J ! ,

isi i . l

12.528, J

. . i « » , on . . .

S g £ S ': : i ! ■S S S S ;:SS

l i ■ • •■ J - ,

ro.90 71,20 * .» I

- £ i - s t 4 l -------------------'“ :u

K i

U.1S u.,7 +.U ■ Ini - S S - S S - 4 : g - . . ^ B u i

I w ■ _____


n ./3 71,87 t .77 ■ i

- 7 -“73.SO n .w - M L

r r r d " . K<s a r s s s --------------- i n iK , ’D^5,’i : S T : : S a n

iiiooaliy hlonar »rw ------------a S S i T M - ----------- ^

I'Slla'A'WlKOnaIn t£a8.00. Cotofaoo 8.00.- “ •:—

i r i i g " ' " ' ■■■ a L : :ni: Wiaconsln 13.00- Hofado 1100-18.00, ■ ■

jerejecirg e ly destroy" Hie U.S. Inter* nto] tm llistlc missile' force, the te c sa ld .t s t r a te ^ n u d e a r - w a r h e a d s - 1- a ^ l n s t the United S tates )a rly doubled — from about ^more' tha n 9.000 — s ln c e Jh e - a t^ fin ilin g -so m e weapons on es, th e re p o n sa ld ; i ie '- f lr s t tim e, ifsa ld ,'~ th 'e* hold a lead in heavy txim bers, 125, and, con tra ry to public lav e an advantage in cruise ; re la tively inexpensive ' 1 d rones. -o m m lttee recom m ended the tra tlo n consider a v arie ty of I m ak e the land-based U.S., less vulnerable and tha t It

qu ickly w ith the p ro p o s^

iaho noflgton S ta te University,, s c r ib e d the-rocky 'h isto ry of ir tm e n t under the governor’s nd dcM ribed its latM t-efforts-

icluding the PRO-Idaho effort. I d ^ b s tands for P artne i^Ip ;-" :?es and Opportunities. T he. i p ro g ram Is an aKemjjt to en-• fo rm ation of consortia o f ex* irgan lia tio ris '"a lready equip- I av a ilab le '* In each region. j m r a v t a tendency to jum p le p ro g ram to what s t^ n u to

h o ttes t and la test "deal,” .sald ._T hls.program -ls-an-o t—

to get all organizations r to tak e advantage of existing

■LO (AP) - ld»lw (uig« and r Bloers no guolo; iliughlar hsllars no l»r eiMfs no 4U0M; leodor heiisrt 09

I auction — Burtoy’u»«iitxk Cooiml*. h u f^ y : utility and conimorcial eow« ora fll.0M t»:"’eiocka7 lain (oodar aioora 40.9O-Sl.SO: HoJatoin illors no Quole; baby Odry calves no lamba 94.0048.00: uUllIy commocclil

48.75; noavy-lMdar haila'S U.0M7.76:<f riBifor# i4.0M7.79; atockar tiellors. s a . s s . i f a M , 5 , " s „ ' s ,S , « ; .

.t” wuAon#F7da‘'^®°*’ro. Pricos aro tloMy with Inatances .29

• 200-290" Ibrrr^.O tW JTS-US-IJ i—

Co« ara sloady 10 .73 lower. U3 14s. tro 3M9.90 and US 2-3a walgning bo- 1 calves: 2100. Tnero are not enough lo sitoai. __ _

tODAM ATIG* 916 n s ta n t C a m e ra

n s ta n t C a m era —lam e a s 9 6 0 L instan t C a m e r /ith g rea t c lo se-up lens. .$1

&nfl•_______ - Wxkdoys » A JA. t

:ts chai]ir- m obile “ m idgetm an"'m he "A m a jo r effort to

>’ .vivabliity to U.S. stra t d s - f o r c e s ls_essentlal.to_a e s Ubnal secu rity -po licy^ lut s gld. “ To da te , the la( he prIox » y 4 )i!QgramJ.5.Uigj on defic iency — w llh the m

ly dangerous consequen h 'e~ adm infS trallon’sdefensc ■s, T h e com m ittee." foun ilc d escrib es Itself a s Ji noi se p a r tis a n educational > ve ■ T he co-chairm an a re

Dillon, 'r tu a su ry secrc rte K ennedy adm inistration of H . Fow ler. T reastiry sec S. P re s id e n t Johnson. - ii o n e o f its p rincipal fo

xi H. N ltze. Is the chic

!Wady fcs ta te and federal prograi

of • "W e m lss econom ic ' r’s In th is s ta te because we rts—nizcd -tp ^ ta teT id v an taE >p T u d le rs a id . ' . " ' rt. PRO -Idaho has' been ; lp;'"'jMme a re a s and not in oil h e . . " B ecau se it-Q ikcs volu :n- a n tL w c-d o n 'fh av e ’the“i « • run Jt Indlvldually’ln cc ip- couple o f a re a s h ave be<___ nLiU -buU CS-D oLljappcnp reg ions. II h a s tf t develop to hoped ,” h e sa ld . - ■

i.” H ow ever, th e agency . at—InittatlVe-to-TCgionsTvra nS s ing le Issues, sitch as ng financing for new o r exp;

ija m E mno Plrilos: 1 al 18.00:4 al 1&00, 3 al"3

»- neoollallrigTiln ^ Quotallona represent oKerinor>o dealers, cotirtesv ol WagiemUl Aasoclailon Inc, Prices are net. Iri-. klanoManla<andalorag»ct»^air»


^ 9.M andoalSl»?ana'eof '

'“-0 .t S H . S SJS wf>llT whMi, December

J; *“ ne«*araln Co. ot Oooding 01 wr>o«l. Ooeember dellvefy. afs!) Docomber delivery at 3.98; and no northern sprlno, 3.S0. All prices 1 Mou.niain Home by Reed Qraln Co.

P . \ TOBw7fM.' ■■ V \«

■' . r

'60 = KODP.

--------— - , - ! ■. * Al

" b ;

F 6 ur"verSlU e cam'cM: w uh rGninrkable flasiT a n d off. G ive a KODinaisel

L ynw ood Shoppl

\ ■ ■ ■ .■

leirge,imissile. nego tia to r0 restore sur- E uropean •ateglc nuclear—S ov iets.- ^a.credible na- . A t a nev ) r’'- th c - r e p o r t V an Cleave lack of such a m em b er ol C jnosLstrlking—sa id p o lls s most po tcn llal- A m erican ences — of tlie d ing m ore sep ro g ram .’- ' and v et fav Linded rn i976. H e esUti »n-profit. non- h ad steppc

organization, pe rcen t, b ie C, liouglas ad eq iia le tire ta ry 'In ifie p rev iouson. and Henry p a ra b le to Jecre ta iy under "A short

■ „ c re a se s Is ;founders, P au lr g a p ." h e s alief American Asked w

oEworld•ams. lu islnesses

opportunities T he Dh A'e’re not orga- Communlt; ag e -o f- th cm r‘~ to -b e c d m c ----------- =------------ m eiit In1 successful -In L eg isla tun others', he said. _ econom ic lun teer efforts developm e rm an p o w er to .prom otion , e ach region, a>ecn successful ■ i M t S B ] pened-liLothgr—M M M i l o p ed asw eh ad ‘hew vork

cntnoe ol mey is taking the rapped-arounU oVn£i!S: s how to get , cpaiidlng sm all wosighci

_______________ & r ' EXeroi Cp PnibroSal Wsin Unics s r

t i al 14,00. 1 al t3. Amef TATal 14.50.10 ai 14.00 P S I C r i E B

'.SO. 12 al 19.00. 3 *115.00. 2 al 14.90. 2 «l _^ j nii., .nuTT

r r T i i r : r r ! s „ r , " . „ r . ! ;i r o i 'n - ' f f l i ’;! s:“ < s f a , sI. U.S. No. 1, 1st* No, -2- Soft' jea.-. ------------------ N o _ l..% »c

_______ KS: I S■ H H B x s ;

nq,-nol quote

y 9.00.' mlied grain by Rangen'a, Other

Magic . N W YOBK ( -dellve^.' 3,25; and 5T oS< ?^Sn nbar dellyory, 3,94, .30 i n d ^ ^ I. Pricea al j pjn,__20 Tmquoted soil wtille ol* s u

3,3t; dark nortnem Inoua now crop 198&dark Tran

r sik

T h e

A K T R I M P R r

• t»piu t.

K O D A M A T I C ™ 9 I n s t a n t L C a t n e r a ^^ t o m a t i c j.n frarcd-E ocus. B u ilt-tn 'R a ih ^ fo ld ing desii

MS to p lc lu T ^ h ’e 'furfTTR ej h 'c jic ry lim e , qu ictcxccharg D A M A TIC Instan t .C am e «

t a f o iip ln a C o n > « f . Sunday H A.*

. • • V.-i*,-;.

------ —

Upholdo r in th e c u r r e n t ly su sp e n d ed m m is s i le ta lk s wiUi th e

le w s c o n fe re n c e , W illiam R. i v e m de fe n se 'sp e c ld lis l arTd'a • o f th e e x e c u tiv e c o m m lltee , s s h o w “ o v c r-S a p erce n t o fU te m p e o p le th in k w e a re spen - r e fo r d e fe n se th a n w e a r c ”'a v o ra n e x p a n.sion................. ..iHmated IhfT”adm inistration jped 'uprspendlng by about 7 bu t said the lncrease was In-

e to o vercom e tJie policies of i adm inistra tion or com- to Soviet efforts, ort-llved effort of modraf Iri- Is not going>to overcome the:sald.

w hether .Uie United S tates

ftradeies. 'Division o f ' Economic and nity Affairs, which lost a bid [T iC T i-separate 'state~depart n—ttiu lu s t - sessio m ) f - th c ure , w orks In the a rea s ol ic developm eni, community ment .and tourism and travel on. •

J..E. , S S g s = 5

■•S Is tjcp“ S iS S S 5 I SJnlon 7»;l00 H

i i T £ -

i , S r “ •«"' 1:>i' = , . « r .b

S I S s „ ““ 5 w s ■or'SdaelovalofWds. •loiod.

IK — Final tV>«fcJon<><3on Klioh Low OoM Cna 140.18 144.03 1<9.S74- 0.48 • 47<,_22_477.81 470.57 4 H , ^ 1.32


— —

> E t # ^ ^ 4 0 . "

- 5 ^ -----------T - ~ t t

9 8 0 L------------- : ,• — _ -

I "ie .tp^ 3 -'m bdcT s^com e '' '7

e ra th is ChrJMmas.

t p c i ^ ^ i| y y

A.*'SP.>^' . . ■• ' [

- ' SotUfd3'7~Di

is bankwas strong enough tone

ino back In nuclea£_arms, said "obviously not eno'uj

At the..same tlirie, 0 Rostow, who was Reagar

M. cpntrol director, supc ihe-SonernegOlIallons, pro\ cn-

IonIn ! ' " " W o .

im !


tes .


r , . B U S T E r f | W l L


oflltv‘vei I . , _

l _ I pSI!; MOBii= 1 ^ ^ 1

G o o d i

—vv. -

1 ^ I f No /

, - [ j m


Tiy the" . ^ PBroiiiliiii ~

, . . - Specials - andbkBl i M a ................varielj

, D flh e ' M

" ■ Bars, ■ ' Sails aim

' lo g s lor.- your pesls ,


...... rL i n c o l n I

- i _ . — — J e r o n

C h o o s e f r o n i---------------- sizt.'- '»Kl-f.5ric;(t. J _ s f m l l n q y o u r o


J » 4 Oer Bifll H03l C o t

'6Kamobof-1;ig84 -Jim es-N

i B u s i m

t r u p t c y ^ ^negotiate d .cut- je c l lv e w as5 ,_Vfln_Cleave Uie.twaside;)ugh." Also. Ros:

Eugene V. h a s a lw ays:an 's firs t an 'n s a r e com patlE f io r ^ U.S.- Is a m em b•ovfded Uie 6 l> o rganizatlo i

3^ ^ ^ i n g i r J | a r ( l i g g ^ m m i n f l &

A e r i a l Towejriy-I L L I A M S „ Me r l n « nr^

fM^i k l e e c k ; [- t 0 - a B n o u n G s 4 4 ^ e - e p i

Le v e t e r iiPRACTICEl i n g A n i m a l)u ie 1 . Box 9 5 .G ood ing . I

9 3 4 -4 1 8 6 A n s w ie r C a ll : 734-C


C h e e s e Bi2 for just y

C h e e s ^ c L o g s o r B

— A n y - 2 jo f ^ ” ^

N O W O P g K

P l a z a ~ ‘m e ------ Tv12 8 1 :

T i o v c r l u o c iitlc r i-n i J4ift' ;(tS.'.\ytv‘ll-a|f>f41y-l-ianrilt2:^


K E S M A L L - M A TWiN FALLS 7 3 4 - 8 9 V 8

Bs-Naws, Twin Falls, ldahoC-3 - • -

n e s s -

/ l a w ^was " tru e equality” between..

Etostow said, "Uie comrfilltee ays favored agreem ents Uiat '• patlb le wllh tru e detente." He■mbcr a n d .a founder of the____i_Ulon.

S e r v t c j f j ' ; ' '

a r g e t r e e ' ’ .& r e r n o y i n g

— I n s u r e d

i D .V .M . “3 p e F l i F l § ^ f + l i S ------- ^ ----------


il C l i n i cig . ID.-

4 -0 41 1 '

( — ■ - r -


m e -------------------

B a lls'g . 3 9 e a .

B alls,B a r s ■

: K i — — r ~

S e a r sT w in Fallst::: — — — —

- 7 3 3 n j 8 2 1 — -

4 if ts . i n il v a r i e t v o i iUs:^ilUji<t-cl<--.jails:^--------------- — -

IAIN S T O R E ~ ~ ~

Page 20: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

0 - J U m e » :N ew 8 ,T w ln Fa

Ciassim Ann unceriK001 F lo ris ts .002 L ost & found

T -------O O a'A nfiW m conionts-^ 004 S p e c ia l r io llces

.................. 005 M em orial no tic es006 P e rso n a ls

S e le c te d off( ' 007 J o b s oH n lo ro s l

V 008 S a le s p e o p le• ' o0 9 E m p lo y m en ta o e f

010 P ro fess io n a l se rv O lS B ab y slH o rs ' 016S llu a t io n sw an tec 0 1 7 8 u s in e s3 o p p o n ij

• 018 Incom e propotty ..■ 020M onby .ld !oan .

021 M oney w arned 023 Investm en t 025 ln slruc tlon 02 6 M u3 lc le95ons

J j e a l - B s t a t s .

030 H o m o s for sa le031 O ul-of-tow n hom i

' 032 B uhl-F iler h o m e s0 3 3 K im berly-H anser

— 034 J e ro m e h o m e s ’036 R eal e s ta te w ant(037 Fa rm s & ra n c h e s038 A crea g e & lo ts

------------------- 039 B u sh i w s -p fo p e n__ _ . 040 C e m e te ry lo ts

043 V acation p ropert;044 C ondom in ium s l(

■ 0‘45 M o tile h o m e s foi

S i n s n l f ' s .OSOFurnlsb&d h o u se s 051 U n fu rn ished h o u s 0 5 2 F u l ti .a p ts .& d u p |i 0 5 4 U n fu rn .a p ts .& d u056 R o o m s for ren t057 R en ta l m obile horr058 O ffice & b u s in e s s

.................. - 059 C ondom in ium s foi

~ ~ O M w Y n le ^ to le n tO eS T o u ris tan d tra iler 066 M obile h o m ^ d p ac

^ ( S M e ch a n d lse* = ^ 067-M lsorfor sal© —

068 C 6 rh p u t6 fs '069 C a m e ra eq u ip m e

------ — 070 W an te d to b u y -071 S h o e s a n d c lolhlt

’ ■ 072 A n tiq u e s ’ '— 074 i^ u 8 lca H n 3tru m e

076 O ffice equ lp m en i077 R a d io s . TVs & stc 0 7 8 F u rn ilu re & ca rp c

E l A n n o u n c a m e n t e

. . O ia-U w ltF liim d,

- C H E C K D A IL Y F O R C U R R E N T .

r - - H O U N D P O U N D _ N E W S




------------ HounStoFpmonlyMonday, thru Fridsy

1. Sprlnoor epanle l.tom ale ,- b locK iw hlto ................... ...........2 . U b . lomalo. black& w hllo-

• •■•t.finttof.mAlnrivl.

black—'S ; Lab puppies; malo &

lom alo, black & gold. • ■ e.ShopKord, malo, block &

■ b ro w n ......... ■ ............ -C o l l . . . ........ 733^18000X1284

BocAuao 0oQ9 aro brouo^lt / '......... - In ovory hour and SOLD of

OES7BOYEO aftAr 48 houra, p toaso call o r vlalt the pound daily 10 chock whothor your

' M t has boon picked up. Tnia Is no t an up-tM )ato Hat. MIxod d o o a -a ro hard to

d 09crlbo ,con )0 ia ibo pound to soo If your pot Is thoro. Com o and pick.oul a puppy

■■'or full flrown'-floo-'^ 'lhoy w ould love td havo a homo.


DEUNOUENCY Thoro la dollnquont upon

' oharos - ■'<y)^*Taccounl -o f ' a sso ssm o n l lovlod on tho 9lh doy of Octobor. 1B84. Iho

■ aevorBi amourtts - so l op- posllo tho namos of tbo

-------- foapocilvo-»nar«hol<Jof»-«»-tollows: _________ L _

I , Brown: 320 8hflfoa._

Eldon Eaatorday, 100 8naro9.J480.rnnnt Pnwlnfrtay J208fta/Oa._

J960. . -UiRay Eoslorday, 280

_____ ahafo a .« 4 0 .taR oy ' ono H drTEftStoroayr" ie0 8haro8.^t4a0. ;

sharoa . {960. ' '— |^ b o ro n o - ^ E a s to f d a y .- - 2 2 0 -

Eoslorday Farma, 200 • aharoa.MOO.

In Bccordanco wllh low. so . mapy atiaras Of oach paj;col_

'o f a u c h s tock -M may , bo ,.' nocosaary, wUl bo 'aold at

------- th o -o lllc o s-o r-H o p w o n h .—N unoosiof ond Folton. 133 Shoshono Strool North, Twin Falls. Idaho, on Ihe 5th -

------- B fl7 -D ro « o m W r,-1 9 8 4 .-a r. 11:00 a ,m „ MST, ol such

n M o ssm o n f? ’^ ~ ^ f io r o S l !~' toD otho r.w llh in to ro3 tm *(^ -

a t Iho rate o l olflht porcont (6%) por annum from iho doto of doNnauoncy, tho coat ol odvortlaing and ox>- p o n so a o fsa lo . ' . .

•Canyon'V low Irrloatlon Co.. Inc. . •

, By: Konnoth W. Marshall, .Socrotnry,____ .___________

I- ■ '

I Falla. Idaho'. S a tu rd ay . Poo

n o u n c 0 n t

siffiediii m e n l s ■ . o ao H e i

T- 082 Bui ' 083 G ar

15--------------------- Q8flFir<. . - 087Plaia s 088 Var

0 9 0 P e t 092 Au(

095 Fe r

■oencies - ■ -098 S099 P88

m A n l . . •. . 102C at

, • 104 H oi' • 105 Hoi

106SWI 108She

‘ • 110 Pol■ 112lrric____ 113 F ^

114f^ari--— r r r f eom e sn o s J R,s e n h o m o s - _ Z 5 r r . ,

................---------------------120AvIi121 B0£

- 'w rty :----------------------------

L rtv 12 e C arIS lo r sa le _____________i f o r s a l e '2 8 Util

E i A. 131 Aut

S e s i S J u l

lom es ' “ He.j s s r e n ta l ! 2 v 2 i


154A ufI s e 156A ut

• 158A ut:____ ______ .. = 1 6 0 A ut

162A ut166A ut

'.t h :::--------------- ------------i m a u i'* " ''’8 • . . . 1 7 2 A u t

173A utrm en rt--------------------------

175A u t,s t .,eo = . . .

rn 002-Lo3t&Fbunct _ BLACK COCKER Sptnlol.

Lost In a rsa o f Buchvian,. Namod Raiol;-Reward. 734-

_ 3410of734-1S01._________^ -LOST 7 month old Whilo & Yellow Lab. Last soon In- S hoestring <roa. Ooodlno.- w oarlng bluo collar.,Rot^ard.

----- Any InTormatlon.-call Jo h n .e ^ u ^ o r a M - s a s e .LOST: Port Poodio, apricot & w hile, houso pet, bushy tall. Ploaaoro lum . call 734-4920. LO STr-Lono^wlrodj-totack-

. c a t. Neutorod, adull male. Vicinity of BB2 Adama. A nswora to PooWeo. Coll'

- ; : 734-aS44.REWARDl - . 'REWARD lor return of

■fl Routo 83, Thursday. Nov. 29. ‘**;.'Callcolloct324-<103.

brevlated results. When you~ A wrlle your classified ad. bo ' ' su re readers understand * _ yourmeaaaQe-spe|l[t_out.__

^ - 0 0 5 - M e t n o r U NoticesTbe Family ol Marilyn B.

" FonnosbocK w ishes to «x- p roas our thanks, gratllude a n d our appreciation to our

,f l m any W ends and retailves for Iholr thouohtfulnesa and

, ' kind rosponsos In tho paa»> in o o l our boloved Marilyn,

„ FormarFonnosbeck “ • .ThoAaaoIM.ButtMraPamlly. S ' The H orrm n & Fonneatiack-


f 00?—vJobaofin tw w

' [ '

^ : Tw in10 O n e Is th o 100 t o '4

a n d th© o fh o r o r IS-____C asvifo ll_W osh!ngto— —S tro eh N o rth i----- — “*•------ Ploos«TTespond‘only90 th o s o a ro a s . Coll th

d a y th ro u g h F riday 8*■-------o rc o f f D obh734-7619X

" JERC~ - 2 - R O i r a S ^

• 1s t rout© Is o n 1st A W qsI; 3 rd A vo. W es

o l “ 2 0 0 ::b lo ck ;iB Irch “ N<«------- C u d o r N pTth-tt)0 T30(Jj---------1 0 0 -3 0 0 B lo c k r e im - f,, N o rth I X b lock ; Nch _ _JalQ{:k-(odd.s id o )_____h 2n d ro u to is o n 4 th A

_ 600lb lo c k : N o rth Cli It vhlQck; N o rth D ovis 5 i 0 F illrnoro 500-700 b loc0 ______ _______________ _ '

„ P lo a so re sp o n d only f h o s o a r o a s . Coll Toll

i’ S36-2

leoerfiebcfl.IflM . ■

n e n i s - R e t

index j\

A ppliances ' ' |■ iea iirio& 'alrcond.Sullding m a teria ls S a rag e s a le s•Irew ood ________ ‘ i>lant8& t r e e s/a r le ty fo o d s •*©ts& p e t su p p lie s IA uctions ■, I

I F a rm e rs ' m arket • *enlllzer&lop soil 'arm sQ od ' \■4ay, grain i .fe ed —' <-arm s for rent '’a s lu re s for rent ].Ivestock-wanted |Animal breedlna -i :a ttle .r^ — — --------;H orses ]H orse equ ip m en t i5wlno iS heep :’oultry 'A rabb ils ,rrigation '•a rm s & ran c h s uoo lies _<^arm Im p le m en ts '___ I_________ j■arm w ork w an ted _ _■

RecreationalAviation— . _________ ________3 o a ts 4 m arine Item s • - >bortlng g o o d s >kllng equ ip m en t Snow v e h ic le s

^ m p e r s & s h e l l s i^otor h o m e s 'J ti ll ty tra ile rs ------------------------------

AutomotiveAuto s e rv ic e |Auto p a r ts & a c c e s s o r ie s iA utos w an ted •A utos for r e n t '^ y c le s& su p p l le s JHeavy e q u lp rh e n t ' if ru c k s I/ a n s _____________ _________ -Im p o rt s p o r ts c a r s '

A ntique a u to sA u to s -A M O IA utos — B uick <A utos — C adillac ‘Autos — C hrysle rAutos — C hevro letAutos — D odge , , _ iAutos — FordAutos — Lincoln-M ercuryA ul08 -= 0 [dsm 6bIIe ■ ....... “ JAutos — P o n tiac ------------------- -«Autos — Pivm oulh___________ _ j^ u t o s - O t h e rAuto d e a le rs ■ 'S u s ln e s s d ire c to ry . .


^ ALCOHOUCS r . .- -ANONYMOUS--------1- j, . c a i i ; n 3 ^In* ■10. A8TROLOQICAI__^_CON- -i 3 . SULTATIONS Incroaso your rin.,aw aronos9 of soil & In-

. to iporsonal rotatlonshlps. : ^ Call 324-7206.III. BREAK BAD HABTTS

(Smoking, ovor-oatlnp) Im- ^ provo aolt-oaloom with hyp- . | ^ “ nd9IsrJ0hn324-7M l-

3 i : H O n iN E 73M 122_ '.A Problem Is not a prob[om._» of w hen shared . MonU/ Hoallfi ■ ite AssocUif/on. 5pm lo 7am. 24s ' houra.onwooKa nd .,______

Lady o l 52 v n n is nu lo conv - M n lon , sam e ape. Write lo

5U“ Box 548. T.F.. Idaho83301.M LOSE WEK3HT NOWI Horbs id o l Life. Call 326-4945 or 734-

MAN 40. marrlod. Multi- tal- t _ ontod with newer economy v B. van A SU wagon. Wanting ' x~ som oeno who can uso his10 aervlcbs on an Independentur c o n tra c to rs .. status. Sond , »8 phono I to W estern Stalos*'>d Co,, P.O. Box 2232, Twin». Falla. ID B3301.____________

PREGNAKT-MEEDHELP7 Froo pregnancy testing

r avallablo. Call Pregnancy :* -H ottlno & Criaia Center 734

• 7472,24 houra a day.

O O T ^ lM o f in S r^

n f a l l s ~ lA v d ila b lei j4 0 0 b lo c k o f M o n r o o , o n o • is o n K o b b in 5 ~ ' “

| t o n> S p o r k s - o n d - R o s o - ^

nly“tf^ou 'IIV o"ctoT D 'fo~ ' “ th o T im os-N ow s M on-

/ 8 : 0 0 to 5 :0 0 , 733 -0 9 3 1 -19:-------------------------------- — ■ -

IOME — 7 - yAVAIJLABLE:- Il A vO i W e s t ; iZnd A vo '. ! 'e s t ; A l d o r 'N o r t h 'lO O - 'N o r t h n 00;300 b lo c k ; '- -iO O -bfo c k . D u to N u iH i -'- -T N o r th -n o o b lo c k r F i r - =N o r t h L in c o ln 100^400

I A v o . D riv q ; S t fv A v o . t r N o r f h - A d d m 6 - 5 0 0 - & — - - C l o v o io n d 5 0 0 8 6 0 0 - — ; 5 0 0 -6 9 9 b lo c k ; N o r th o c k . ■

ily if y o u l iv o c l o s c t o .011 F r o o

>-2535 _

- T r - I:- - ■ .

s a l e s i a i e

00fr-f«f8onal8SANTA FOR RENT. $10 ami u p .'lo ta o l rolorencos ond oxDflrlonco.734-1831.SOME OOOOIE8 WE GOT. Wo thank you a lot. Hope your Holidays are Morry as yoo’vo mado oura 80 very.

-________ -DaleAVonTWO ROUND TRIP l8 l C la ss .

•^Tlckols lo Hawaii, Any l9land. 5550. oach, B3W242^

^ 9 Selected offers -

O O Z - ^ o f ln l e r e s lACCOUNTANT-Stall Ac­countan t wltti advancomont opportunities. Contact Porr- sonnol Office. Sun Vailoy

^ h ^ s W b r ' S s ^ ^ ’l l fEOEM/F.__________ ■ASSISTANT MANAGER.

“ A'ft3ToTnmotoiy'2(MO-houf!i- p e r w eek, lor aggrosslvo alyllng salon; Tv^ln Foils.' Som e mariagomont oxpofk o n ce • — -flocosaary.

-Coam oto looy llc'onso not roquirod. Call 733-4T33-for- aopolnlmonl.

_ c a c t u s _ r e ie :&-H o io l &_pjrttnn \n ^i»nkln^ niixlillftdappllcanta for the following

- poslllonBUS DRIVER-A-minimum of 1 y o v ovor.tho rood driving

_OKpor1once pfQlorrod.Apoly_ In person . Coctua Petoa.

-Poraonnol Ofllco, Jackpot. Novado.20&-733-12l4. C O M M U N I C A T I O N DISORDERSSPECIALIST

Tho Idaho Dept, ot Hoalth ~$~W61T5ro~15~rocrultlng~for-

tho above position. Tho In­cum bent In this classllica-

- 1 lo r r “ c;onducf3“ anigno3llc ovaluatlona o l communica­tion disordors; dovolops and conducts clinical remedia­tion program); and provldos professional conaultallon to o ther profesalonals In tho doparim ont and /o r tho community. Cllonts Indudo bolh chlldron & adulls wilh e lthof organically basod or lunctlonal communication dlaordera. Tho position Is

.located In.onadult and child dovolopmentconlor.

Idaho la known lor Its'qual- - i iy gf lifOTTOo flpionoor-o n ts—

environm ent, thoIrlendllnoss ol lls poopio, and tho gonulnb concom for om ofs make Idoho a good ptoco In which to llvo and work. Com e Join usi 'T h e salary range for this

_posltlon la $21,132.80 to to ;329 .60 rp lu s good frlngo— tMnofIt program. Contact:

-K e n Markilo. DHW. P.O. B o x - 1S09. Twin Fall9,.l(i &3301.Cr

-call-208.734-«)00.-EOE/MJF/— MC/VFT.


The TImos-Nows cannot d isc lose tho Identity qI any advortlsor using a box num ber. Howovor,-roadora_ Interoslod In a position of- lerod, but doslrlng lo avoid aondlhg a rdaumo lo certain companloa can do so by ad-

— dressing y o u r ro p ly to th o - box num ber& placlng It In an onvolope aodrossed to:

- CUtsUfled • ___Advertising -.r Manoger, The Timoa-News..- PO Box 548, Twin Falls, ID

83303. along wllh a note listing the com panies you do not want your roply lo roach.

. If iho advorllsor Is anyone on your list, w e will destroy

' your reply. __________CONTRACTORS

) - ExtraW lnierW ork , 1 contractor to bo doolor.lof ,* roxclu s lvo woathertMtkin I ayslom In your area.

Expect to ae t» ,900 T o 17,000 Monmiy

. Must bo presontfy In * business ond nave acc ess to

months I Call Immodlatoly

515-25^3174"W ANTED;- P o r s o n - - t o —

. thorouQhly cloan house on I wookly baals. RolorencosJ n sI ------------- :-------- :----------IT T '

The Pe Marke:mi

-O fficeJjQM andof ilirouyh Tridoy 6 c. ::.::£lnvJS.fl:muoUiNoqa-D ead line:S Mimclo/ l ' . . |o i ' foi

- — «iur— >.)—IJuvx Sniu<^u/ I . —'jM o n d a^ .

~ N otice i —CHtCK YOUH AO QtJ n i l I

- -MON—_ ,in.nvd,oicty

iiol t>i.' ro\po'>>4>li- lui tt<i

a t, '. . . .-.......................................S ^ Q _ _ 2

' " I No olOoyv 1 M S ' T<

. ' MmVn'um •.•3 0 = 0 0 *2

iii.^ .ll..,..- •'•1 tron»on oil ‘ tlOv,r,,| -.(ll.f <J()S

— otjt 0> h rr> rjtr\ ovoilofjtfu


l iL-Daysltil ; Christm ^

T u rn n o - \ \ 'l o n g e r - • y *'.

; n e e d e d • / t * '- I t e m s in to I v '}' e x t r a c a s h , fo r O

- C h r i s t m a s . Y

■ h 'C all A

■ C la s s if ie d ^I - 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 - ^ ^ V -- -

} _______________________ ■

O O 7-Job8o firrt0 rM tI^ r.COUPLE WANTED 1

, Old-Foshlonod, Hard- work- i ‘ Ing Matu^o^^^uplo^to^s_^ro (

' oxporlorKO, ' $15,000 ; \— mlnlmumi-r-Experlonce— In-i ' oporoilon of smoll ranch or ; ; farm helpful. Molo would .' porform grounds keoplng. '• molnloln landscape/ small {

' with llfiiltod larm equipment ^prolorrod; Spouso perform 'light housovrtirh.& cooking. 3

' anawor phone/ Z-way radio,! issue Purchase Orders.

Record Invoices & payroll.' Nice homo &ullMllosprovld- /[ od. Hoalth Insuronco. I' Nominal lile insurance.-For [

couple wilh to 1 dopon- i■ rtnni 1wV,V.krgtv«rj<llno1nt ,' year, 2 w eeks 2nd yoar. ,' Pickup ' Truck - provided. i ; Location: . Burtoy/Ooclo., Idaho area. Send roaumo & .

roforoncoa to: Six S Ranch. ,' Alin: Harry Johnson, P.O.

Box 2528, Salt U k e City, UT_______OENTALASSISTANT

W anted,— expoflence— re--i. . au ire d . Call 733-5948.________ J

Experienced Ranch -I— Fofoman.-Hay, Grain 4 Cat—<

- i b ° . s s s a i IP.C.t., Box 291, Mounlaln i Homo, Idaho 83647. Problem I

'd rinko rs nood not opply, ,o m p l^ ^ ^ n t Is^ thoO reana

t " Exporloncod "ATilb‘~ B 0 a 7 r“ J Comb, person noodod Imm- I i od. 734-6975 M&M AutO Body ]

HELP-1 am. the only consul- |• tant In th is area lor a Nowi Europoan Skin Coro system. ,1 Looking (or full A part lime '• consultants for Burioy/Twin : i - Falla areo. 678-4845 today. •' MATURE LADTrT0r 4-mgnmH '- baby. High school aroa. 'J - 7 3 3 ^ . a W e p ; m ; ---------- '<-M A Y TRUCKINQ CO.;-;- i Layton. Utah'; Needs drivers ' for team oporollon. Now KW .’ 400, air rido. good pay 4 .• boneflls. lay-ovor pay 4 .: ^ loading & unloading, lo ts of I ’L -m lleo . Call Dan a l 800-251- ,

8846.______________ ■ IMini Warohouao Manacor/ I

' Carotakor. Minor ; f m alntonanco, solos, book- •

kooplnn. On call woekends. ;iSOO-3700 por month Sond , rbsum o - attontlon: Suo, 1011 Williams, Bolso, Idaho

n 63706- - !a ........., r r r r ■

nion to help caro for Elderly i lady. Room & Board + Salo- i ry. Call 733-1437.__________

- .. WANTED FULL-TIME RN < '~ 3 :001O li:00p:m ;A 1aooncam |

exporloncod Alda. Apply al < 6 4 f Fllor Ave Woat or call j 734-6645., \

— :— . . .1

i o p l e ’s I

iJgac&sJm :3urs~— ^ !9 o .1, io 5 ny in “ J

_____ _■s —---- —lo i pi.hliruiiiiK loi'oMii.i) ^' lol pulilii OliSn SunclUr (

f—_ (

-------------------------------- --- C

i MHM UAr u i (-UiiLi;. - ~- o n f i r o r ptco^P toll 1'.,' " “ [

m o..--.h«n ............ f1, ' --------------- I

- ^ - 2 ^

^ 0 1 0 .5 0 14 .50 f

1 6 -2 0 2 1 -2 5 '^ 2 6 -3 p r ']

‘22^25 2 5 . 7 5 ^ ‘2 8 .0 0 I

s Q-.;,r «u ..ivd • i"unh i. - ----- ---------------1____ .1

’ ' 007-Jo t)aofln tore r t . Minimum 4 yoar degroo IrT Physical Sciences. Occoa* elonal shllt w ork-required. Work for this person will be varied: tjib & Analytical, O peration of Research Equipment, work requiring tnochanlcal skills, aome heavy work. For Information coll Amalgamated -Sugar Co.', Rosearch Laboratory. 733-4104 e xt 60, betw een 6:M

^ “ BrTtf^i3crM0«aa5rinnrFnaayT

NANNY type wanted to caro lor 2 children In-my home.Call734-1730.___________ _Opening fo ra recoptlonlat In

-Moilcaf-_CllnJc— In— Buhl.-- .Spanish and Engllah r o - '

Sulrod. Application ond Job oscrlptlon avallablo a t 120 9th-Avo'North. Buhl and 842'

Main Avo Soulh, Twin Falla. . Position c loses Decomtwr10.1984, EOE._____________REAL ESTATE LOAN REP United Security Mortgage

- -Com |>an^-^ e x p o s in g Its

Is sooking motivated Loan Ropa for our Bolso. Twin Falla & Idaho Falls Branches

. requires oxporionco with a -- -m ortD agoCom panyrs-aTor—

bank. Sond resum e lo Unlt-t od Socurlty Mortgage Com-

~p a n y rB 0 x -7 5 e 6 .-& l3 0 - |d —- -6370?. o r 'contacL'E n e MUf-~

roll?08-344-«6a4.__________J RESUMES'WORD -

- needs mature person (or ahort trips surrounding Twin

!v Folia. Contact custom ers. •0 Wo train. Commission

5 Olckorson. Pros.,^ ^ u th w o a te rn Petroleum.__

70101, ____________, TRUCK-TRACTORS to pull1 from Idaho lo California.

0 Loaded both ways. Percon- ,1 tage basis. Got In touch at n 720 Commercial. Call 733- " 3254 Of 544-2007

i- 0 0 6 -S a les People^ ARE YOU RETIRED or Hand- 1, Icappod? IXMkIng fo ra Sup- f plomontary Income? Call for K an Bppolnlmont. 324-2885.

;• d i^ iw t^ 's S o s n io m '^ ^ t Is '- 100% guaranteed & doaired >. by ovorybne. We provldo

^ on the markot. Call-Terry,' 208^122-0216 A.M.’a only.- ONE OF Idaho 's O ldest Of­

fice P roduct's Com panies is__looking' fo r 'a n ag g ro asw !

.- .M il su r tln g Individual lo aoll- - h -in Iho Twin Falls aroa. Super I—company,—super-p roducts,— n auDOf commissions.>: Krovious sa ios oxporionco a n must. Ploase call Lynn Fred n In Bolso1-80»e32-l2lS.

a CIO-ProfeMtonal _______ se ry fcw

>. HbME NURSING & THERA-Y PY provided by Idaho Home{ Hoollh and Hospice porson-^ net. Includes hospital, oqulpmont. supplies andn oxygon.-For Information call” T iU o e i or visit our ollico In

th o Social Security Bulldinn.

" t o r b o s t s o n ^ & lowest L -p rlce-F foo -tlp -anoo t.-l942— ■ Addison Avo Easl. 734-6345.

a ' 01^-Baby8fflaf8 • — 4 All hours, all agos. Mon thru 4 Sat. UTTLE-RED School— )f houso. Call 734^35.

Any ago. Anytime, but Fri.. nlgnta & during day Sat.1 Drop-Ins wolcomo. 733-4314.'f BABYSITTING In my home,

S4.60 pe r day, All agos. Call.'.>• 733-S4>8._________________? BABYSIT. Nice homo. Near* , '■ K-Mart. Largo play a r e a . . . ® M on.thruFri. A g o s l-e .C a ll i • 733-4895. i

/ near MorolnDslde. mea^ '- activities. Call 734^)605. ,

BRIGHT HORIZONS. Ilcons- i__od^Chri9llon 'P r e s c h o o L i^ I

I Day Coro. "Hot ■ lunchos, > t educational curriculum. Bl- I I bio sto rlos, Cbrisllan aonga I

and Hold tripa. Call 733-B353. I M J . 'a DAY C A F E ..U c o n ae J with low ra le s (or a small group, 'participant In child . care food program for a ' nuturlous breakfast, lunch I

' and snack ot no extra charge to you. Play room plus frv ! door ond outdoor play equipm ent ond fenced yord. Educatlonoi curriculum and a rts & crolls. will help potty

- tralrt! - Locoted near C.S,f, ^CalUAU313125^

MATURE C A R E o f n o w ^ r h ~ baby;'8:30 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. No oort-lime. 734-741S,-

Okl Rock School House Qualily Learning Day Coro,

Coat no more. 324-21S5. '■■ OUALTTY CARE p ro v ld ^

with lunch, s'nocks. & activi-

"H a in dOW BRITB Duv Cjiiu . _hfl3.2.oponinQs^Crafta.-i:3,— _A BC'a & referoncos. Call

. O lf t^ tu a tlo n a W anted ~DO YOU NEED Your House Cloonod for the Holidays. , Rellablo and Rofs. available. Call 326-4045,_____________

~c leat?up ■ 4~hauilfig.— Call” ■ onvtlmo 734-6444. • ■

" D uslhW srt'oasor»W o.“ c a f i " _ all«r1r00.ojn...423-m »

Painting. Interior & oxtorlo,14 years oxporionco. Save a B u c k g » ! l j ^ H J 3 3 ^ .

- o tT 'S ^ u a ln e a a O p p ty a .^_opporlunlty grossing SSO,000— por year. Call Jim a t Bariter' -

= Reil(ora843-43». " ' ■■■ ' . BAKERY

r TOR LEASE _Fnii lino In a lo te Bakery at- T he-M ort; MountolirHomft:—

Available M-&5, all equip- rnenl furnlshod. Call 343. 0S8l.Bolae- • r- Go soil-employed. Pot shop

i v M s s M r• BEER AND WINE BAR. - -RII68, 57,800..Will conajdor.;.,

louse.837-a5a3_bolora.4 i | - ___

, 0

, ,..(H7-Bu8in«880ppty9.

Irf FOR ' r e n t o r LEASE: la- Yellow Station Station at 1SB K3. 4thAvoSouth.733-326fl. b e f o r SALE o r LEASE- al. Southern Washington ch Grocery Store.-Cafe and g a a - ng with 2 bdrm opt. Write W. no Kortwr. G onota t2_DoUvofy._ on W endover. NV840S3.

FORCED TO SELL- Woll % _ _ 0 3 l a ^ o d W ? '

'y- B ox .N -y . c /o f l m e s N ^ r- PO Box S48. Twin Falla.


- ■In And Roorganlzod

....... — .A tton flon l---------Motlvntod-food senirlca por-

>b Bonsl ■ Stab le cosh Row JO business .. G ross aalos pro- 42' looted, m odoat *250,000 a- yoar. C ost o t bu9lno9s, ar $200,000. For dotalla and ^ make o lfer s e e Beryl a t Old . ip Country Tap, ■ Castlolord,10 Idahooltef4:ti0p,m .IS Successful, rewording, idoal >d family 'b u s in e s s for sale, in Religious booka, gllta.In Catholic Supplies. Can bo IS rolocatod, building not In- a ~ cludod. Sorioua Inqulros-call >r ^iti"RfliinronB~GPodg~733-~

V ■ ,

?. ' ■Ttio TImoa-Nows rocom-

• 'm onds tha t you Invostlgato , every phaao o l Invoslmont

:— th'ose (rorn ou t of ato{ooro^^~Y lorod by a person doing <r bu slneaaoutofAn local motol o r hotol.I-’ Wo su g g est you consult n yourow nettornoy,-f tm r8ettorBualno3V O urD an:r

' Attorney Gonorol’a Con­sum er

11 Protection Division,. S talohouso, Boise. Idaho- 83720. Phone 334-2400.‘ YINNBARforaalobyownor.• B ^ s s ^ . Eaay lenna. Call

018-lnccim e Propertyu 1 YEAR OLD DUPLEX, 3- blocks from CSI, no stairs, 3 r bdrm, 2 batt»r 1268 aq,' It.

ooch. Top nomo appllancos Included. ^ I l d oak kllchon

I quality vrarkmonshlp.Q Bm u UIuI Location. Priced “ $14,000 bolow appcalsol.

Sorry- a t this price NO ', roaltora. 733-5285.

4-PLEX, Twin Falls. *61.500,L Assumo 11V4% Ioan.' Good , term s. 326-5373 evonlnna.

i i ._ 0 2 D -4 to o e y T o li» a n ;;L-W E.M AKEJ8t.&-2nd-Hom e~- [• Equity bw n a . Wo buy D oi^s _

S have linos ol credit lo ° $200,000. All this 01 com­

petitive rates. For more In- lormotlon. Call Scoll, Bonoliclal R ndhco. 733-8408.

023-^nvftatnient ——0 BUY or SELL reol estate ** contm cls, mortgages and *J Dooda of Truat. ol diacoum ..S _____ ” « < « ■ ____'' INVESTMENT TAX CREOTrS■' ovallablo on cortlflod hlslor- y Ic

• . tgagea and Real EatotoCon- irac ta a t a dlacount. First

and. Secor>da; Improved'or u Unimproved, Now or jl— Season. All costs

sen^Ico, Metropolllan Flnan—1 d e l Son^lces Inc.. 734^)387.• Box 2040, Twin Falla, Idaho

'• a 3 3 , 0 < 3 ‘

•|. ■''Q 2 6 - 4 1 u 8 lc Lessonsir* GIVE THE U atlno Gill of ».--M ua lc .-P IA N O -tE fS oN S .— '■ Good rotes. Noor O’Leary.. Patient, oxperionced teach-

. PIANO STUDIO- newly Irom >. the East, Julllard & David

M annea School o l Music.I, Concoria In Now' York CllypI- Includlnn Town Hall. Accop- a ting beg inners o l all agos &

tho More advoncod. Coll •ft 7 3 4 - 5 0 3 6 ._______ _________II - ' K -------d

0 2 3 R e a l e s t a t e ^}d o a o -H o m e sF o rS a le ^If BEAUTIFUL-Unlgue-house ' '' InT w lnFflllow llhhottuband— — lott. .o ljtslde-M teokagrand— n walks. Fenced 7/8 of an aero >- wilh ostabllahod (ru ll-an d ~

pine troos.'~A heated air conditlonod shop, bam with upstalra paneled. hoatod>

' room, green house , chicken

r t-M u s t s e e - t o appreclatol < ° $69,900.—734-1202-&-IOIIVO-I- me98anoor324-4465«vo9. i : • BY OWNEB^Nowor.3 bdrm..-! li 1 bath. Ovor-alzod double- I ^=oor^D «r»oo,—iafge-beekyardri• on cul-do-aac. Hight person I

-Vvho quoim os fnayaasum o 1235 Iban a t 4% Intorost. Low

0 down. (56,500.734-5013.

% OZ^-Open HousesII — .. ............

O PE N -Hi

•r ■ gy i p i i i n ^ P B B B ^ j

it _ . "" ~

r w m s :

0 (

.(O ^ H om eaF orS ale 'i: CHRISTMAS SPEOAL ;0 O u a I- - J

,Ity 4' bdrm. 3 bath home '■ designed for tho family. J n Home has boon competoly | «_woalherUod wllh Ulpio pane *1 windowa and extra In aa lo - . 't

tion. Many extra s Including c•“ h o a lo la lo rln family room V

(Ireplaco, formal dining r " room and In-formal r ;■ breakfast nook. 22’x24' rod- J

wood deck arrri p'• tlol bosomont. Prlcod to Soli , aton!y$83,500.

PAITO HOME In preferred . N.E.: localk>n. -Ideal lor

retired couple, o r small faml-. . ly. Shaip. IVi yoofs old, 3 ....— bdrm si 2 both. Custom wlnr '- 'dow (roatment wlih Inviting V floor plan featuring aoparate *

dlnleg aroa. Double cor0 garage . with automatic '*

S' openor and largo lonced yord. Large assunublo *

J F .H .A . Loon. *55.900.

212 UNCOLN. an -ad d ress J you will bo proud to givo.. Doslgn for entortalnmont \, and comfort- 3 bdrm homo C ) leaturing elegant lonm l din- fi- Ihg room, built-in breoklnat t1 areo. rock llroploco In living o

ro o m r-S o so m e n l'h a a 3rd c bdrm and family room with ii

• built-in bar. Modoat down s

* .(or, owner haa moved out of L I stalo . ■ -Jj > ' ■ tl ' To Vlow any Ih 0 8 0 _ |i ‘ beautiful homos call Gudrun a I at homo 734-1298 or .7

W ESTERN REALTY t, ________ 733-23e5________ E

DRASTICALLY REDUCED, f 115 ac res row <rop paaluro, I'

? anOTiay>Qwnor will carry '! P p a p e ro r w i i r ^ g ld o r ^ t ro d e - -

- o°r^^w la!^A £MOVE rr. '

5 R O B E R T JO N E S ^R E A L T Y ®

i 5 4 « 2 2 2 • PM orie ....................... 543«75Vera ....................... 733-1982. n

_________ 0I FORSALEBYtpWNER I 4 Br.. 2 bath. Nice NW loco- , tIon. Owner will sacrifice at „ > below markot valuo. *9500 " I cosh to oxlstlno Iw n s . Full

I H ^ S E ' f o r SALE, tjy ' Owner. Cement Block, 4 a : bdrm, family room w/' fireplace, basem ent, gas i

heat, nowly painted Inside 4 . out. fairly new roof,

I cindorblock 1 bdrm apt, ad­dition on back.-Extra largo u lot. Good location In Tv^n a

* Falls. Sm all.dow n, owner 'o will carry at low Inlorost. Call i ,

• '-43e-3005alter5om r— -----------^‘__ . EI BESXNETWIN LOCATION C , Energy elMclont. 5 br.. shop, J

RV p a rk lng^ X o la moro.*83,Blw: will la lk T E g K e . dBrick 3 bedroom, aprinklora, ®2 baths, noor Hl()h School. S*52.000 .A ceR aalty733^7 . ^

I _I 02W )l»nH M iM a a

i OPEN T<i----------------------« s e o 4 i o o


1S8Ad(WRAP IT UP FOR CHRISTM2 bedroom homo, w ith >pOe< moro bodroom t lo ihe lull b

- -e lo s o -io »hopplng.' Immodli100 o GOOD BUY o» S34.9001



I 1-3 P .a ■

- . D lrsd lon i: Pm« r«iu a t« .i , .

. m P»it«iinw.>oo.______________

r ! “ “ T O E ] V I 5

' S 1 ^ 21(05 ADDISON AVE. 1

4 0 U S E - S A t S &

j _ ^ - A « p o n w o e d lo n V

- , MODE 1 :0 0 to 4 ;0 0 | d :0 0 io 6 :0 0 i

- ^ m E c H t 'o n & f ] S - I N r . ' • " -andLO O K V . II1IL. m o d e l PH'O


03&-Honi68 For Sate J U S T ' USTED.-. Owner

: transferred. Prosldonfa , Strool. 3 bedrooms up plus 2

moro In full b asem en t Only : *49.000. Bamea R a a l tO * ^5 Blue Lakee North 7 3 3 - ^ . r- .'LEASE With Option. N ice,-- - • 3 cloan 3 bdrm, largo bath, ^ ~ W ood8lovo,’ta3lefullydeco-:] rated and locatod In a great I neighborhood In Klmberiy.- *375 por month. Call 734- •. P7M • ______________________,j - .; SER IO U S BUYERS' PrimoBollevuoRoalEsUte i ‘ . Supor InvoslmontI S E E TO APPRECIATE

3 •Largo homo on3 lojs, veryr . nlce_ ___- •Conimdrclaipropenyand j bulldlng40'x90' .) ♦Socroplotondm oro ■ '

. L ot'am okoadoat ' - J You’ll novor do bettor

• TormsTL'owlntofost I By Owner.788-«SB8,-78M141 ) SKYUNE ACRES: Largo- family homo wllh 5 - t bedroom s, 3U baths, on 3} acro s;;P o lo fencing; large ■ , i country kllchon. formal dfn- 1 Ing room, family'room, lafgo ;i_o tu d lo or roc^ room,_______

^M ?pum p)^4a)0^^?l.'pFusf Largo 3 car gamgo. Nicely

-Jandscapod with m a tu re ' trees . Excollont northeast

)_ loca llo tv ! Savrtooth/_Q'loafy.______1 achoolsvC all ovmor/brokor .

.734-2442.TOWNSITF. Ry ExOCUtOr, 2 Bdrm, Largo living mi..Bright kllchon, fireplace,

, family rm.. bsmnt.. 2 baths, f foncod yard. 733-8734., ------- . ^-:—J : ■

S10,500 2-bdrm mobile

. *19,'soo 2 bdrin with 24' x'60' a h ^ .

*29,900 3 t>drm, good loan, part bamnt.

S S3S,000 2 bdrm on .87acre, now roof.

*38,000 2 bdrm, garage, all electric.

■*42,000 2 bdrm -*■ 1 bdmi •^ rental, nice.: *52,500 3bdrm.)V4ljath8,|5 noat2-atory.'

We h«ru inanycthefBBfflW------------to choae from, call ua.

/4 AMERK:AN REAL ESTATE &' APPRAISAL> (Acroaa from Court House)I . 73«8eo

DoogVollmer,Bfoker 3 M aryA kltorm on-... 734^82’ .Alda S t ro n g ............ 7330905.r O onnlsV olTm or.... 7334199 ■I Lowell W ills............ 733-6562________

BEST BUY ON MARKETOwner soiling solidly con- struclod.. 3 bdrm. homo with lam llyloom ;>^ ' llroptaces, dining room andnow kltch- on. Oulot, estiabilahod

■ neighborhood. Less than- .*350, for heating loat winter. - [QUCfl-for *58.900.73 i4 7 « . -


rO D A Y0 0 P M . -----------—

I - '- '

l i d a n sISTMASi Chormlng, older ipOeo lor (omily room and ' 1- ull botom oni. q u lo l^ treo j.nodiolo'occ'upohcyi Como'..........9001 • : :

-0404 v

HOOSE“ " \ i :PJH. j -

■ J I L ' ■ '

• .I ,■ w«tfhlef»vrOr«nHM>*>l0a, c.«t.ryr- p

o houi* g . I

• tmdcow*. Athhniarih»»»tfj<M .

VE.EAST 734-0400 J .

». . TT. ;

ODELSOPEN i:00p.m . S a t.& S u n . - 1:00 p.m . Mon.-Wod.1-^ fz a b e th O il E a s tlan d JO K Io r th e F la g a SHONE; 734-3311 or ir iR IS H J3 4 .9 3 8 7 F O R - APPOINTMENT' ----------------

Page 21: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

M O -H o m e sF o r^ e

1700 SQ.FT. ol qualllyl btlrm. 2 bath. Ismlly room v llroplaco. Obi garaoo v openof, loncod yar sprinkler aydtorn. onormr.e Oclont. air cond., quiet i

— uocttyo nolghborhoo . " M0.50Q. Call today 73»«B5

• 1609 Granacia Orlvo, 2240 ;• tt. 8 txJrmrSV^ bath. tomi

room, 2 fireplacoa. aotlont a as . sprinkler, landscape

_ _ _ _ _ _ 3 o u b lo ca/port& RV patWnlols morart78flOO'Tnak»-< ler. Coll 73«723.

031-OutOfTaw nFILER; Atlracllvo 3 bdn tiome. close to schooli Drapea. electric h<»at, a\

■ -----pro*.' 1370 BQ-M.-Dartlali, iinishod bosem em , e;

cellervl term s available. Ci BuflOV 878-2672.ONLV $3100 DOWN ar assum e »1.900 I.H.A. L6o ot 9V%% lo qualified buyi with total paym ents o l » por month which lrfctud< loxos and Insurance. Hurr This dellBhtlul 3 -bdnn. r

• both' homo with firoplac and j^ ra ^ e won’t last Ion

a m T d^ecoraitc lose to downtown But

• 07.800 assumaW o F.H., Loan a t 10% -lntorost wl

--------------paym oritsor 091 p e rm onIncludino taxes and I suronco. S eo a t 121 Paysec

To View any of thei beautiful homee call Qudn athomo734-12S8or

W ESTERN REALTY733*2306---------- -

(B H g m b e ii^ H a n se n

\ • • • '

■ ONLY S4S.900 tor this lovo homo In a countw j mophoro south of KImborl 3 bedroom s and 2 batt (deluxe n u sto r batt>). E cellont kllchon with a

-------------- pHarKXW rLafQwafewMftoncod yard. NOTHINQ Wll COMPARE A T-TH tS-LO PRICE. Have a look todayl


Jo y c eC o te ’ ............D m H a m le t t .......... 73W0

__________ 03*~JBfoiT)e Homes

• Be su re to Include pric vrtton advortlslng .Items fi sa lelnclasslH ed,_______

I B S Arts«C r a f t s

• S i O ~ c n r l8 tm a 8 - - C r a l D e c e m b e r 3rd

M f t T “ V " '"9 ^ 1 S a tu rd a y 10-6. S K [ 7138 o r 3 2 4 ^

O e c e m b e r ls t .

B a s e m e n t S a le .n m m I iiiiiiiiii II ' iiifi

■ t r e e s , c h u rc n e a

sm a ll, m o re l E F riday , N o v em t 222 ttr» A v e .N o r

H o liday C o ^ t - wi g s o f Pn

E x c ltln p lN e w lij r a r -------- C u a to n rH U i

— — ------Ig lM a lrtA v e ti5 ^ - 73M83


« c

f a

eatf:stdt€____ (O I-O utofT ow nIlyl 3 -HAQERMAN. Cozy. 3 t >mw/ 'h o m o on 3 city lois. Wo< s wf otovo. heat pump, nice nro yard. *55.000. Owner may co

BY.of- a ld er.le ase back.' Call 83et at- 6631. ove<.______________

«.7IHAnNANCWQ . g ± - Now. 3 bdrm. homo. Gan>o

sq Inroo lot. Must soil, family - W ondoll.oS.Tg. 538-2256:

032-flu.hH11erHomB3 BY nWMEB:..Small R k(

— Upper 2 bdrinhomo. Appointment only 734-7501.

.. 03e-RealEaLW antedbdrm ' MOBILE HOME . 14x70 clOOls, ' ocro. 'Born, corrals & more, ap- Sell or trade lor small hon:riialiy -inTwIn Falls or motor homi

nx. Call 034-8379.Cali ’ '

____ 037-Fam w 4 Ranches“ IJ** FOR SALE. 160 A cros.-di

[Lm i land, w est of Hollister w, bdrm. homo. J70.000 or booffer. 6554427. ________

K SALE By Owner, it Aero Horso Ranch. 2300 8

nii^n 'low brick Jiomo. 2 - 60 135 rt. bams. Locatod c

street show youl Thore Is one Ih Buhl, will m eot your needs. Q :.H.A. Jim Paulson 54W930 ; With' B tm e s R o i ^ 10«3 Bli Twnth - LW ea North 73W227.— ^ J Irw WANTED: Operallng dairy rsee. Magic Valley Area. 100- 2i

cow s & homo. 432-6S10. WANTED: 6010120 aero lor

uorun good 3 uqdroom hoff _ tw twooon Jerom e & Kir IT Hill. Coll Bob Jonsen. Olfk -----:---- .73*4873 Of Rns. 32f_507

WILL TRADE a vary siror 1 cqniract backod by mllllor------ (or appfo)?. 200 oc)

cuKlvatod wllh /ull o m . woter. Only sincere cai

254-3617. __________25 ACRE Slartor Dairy. Doi b le 6, H. &vlioar'nowoqu!|

lovoly & good homo. Priced i

Uol- $87,000 W/S10.000 dowi ly. good asaum, loan. 324-4408

baths 315 ACRES, 6 miles wo . Ex- Burloy, pump. Irrigolod,I ap- pivoia. ' No hiiHdlnfi ^ ( i» - A a a p l6 d to .all crops, roac iW U . for potaloos. Calf Fodof •LOW Land Bank.678-3516.“y' 640 ACRES boro land NW i , _ . Buhl. All or part. 20 oci LTY mln.. te rms. lmde-733<I6S3 rvleo) ----------------- r -----------------

038-Acreage &Lpts»4030 3 ACRES. wllh Irclnatli

w ater, $8500 torms. Call Fo ------- Seasons Roally 324-58

____ __N a c r e s wooo-River-Arcprice G . mllos South West

IS for. Bollovuo, $2500 on .act_ ■ 788-2300 or TSWSaa.



fS p e r t i • O l f f t s

C hrlsti3 r a t t 8 -F a in -------- A ll-M m oird to 2 l8 t, A nd a nl& In, J e ro m e . r e b u ll lb lk t

n S p a n &S681 b e fo re —It. _ J __________

lie . F in ish e d • ’ ■ a jp l l l _ l l e m s .__________ » S P p !Ih e e . c lo ck s,k s - h u g e / •;—! B eolnnlftg ----------------->mber a t ' C h r is tm as ■^orth. Buhl A frican5482 - — C h ris tm a s

m e n ts , S p la n te rs . O iL rie n ,i2

)n v en le n ce • , • IP r sn c e ' M agic Mill -rvAwfAv d a v s a le l iwl O lfferentI CMSOIS,. -t H U ra C o .---------------m ils. Acci

■ . ° " s r . J i , h t ,

• C l


Iti ie a fa s . af e r s , .$9.60

_________ i ^ $ 8 . o6 . :

— P q i l y - o p e n i n g

f o r y p u r C h r

X ^ a l L C t u s i f i e d .


e-Rchtdls■ 038-Acraao«.iLolsr - Z " FORSALEBYOVWER-

Hogerman Vailoy. - 5;10 .a cros, beaulllul homo altos, apfinn water, terms. Call <208) M7-4970 evonlnns- MOBILE HOME LOTS lor

T— : a a lo ; Magic Valley-Mottto

I In REDUCED TO $3100 per55------ ocfo.-Two Seofo hoffliMlios

In beautiful Melon Vailoy. , Call 734-3452.

iHKor- [H9-.Bti3lnftiMPmpArty

501. ■ - O T M M E R O A L ^S •----- ' KIMBERLY Rood and Oooro

Avo. A grirot 1 acre slle 2orv ___ - o d C - 2 m 0 0 0 .

VALLEY Industrlol Subdlvl- „ aion. P hase 11. those apprx. 2

acre altos. lonod M- 2. pro- “ " “ - v i d o a i rc i ly sorvicos plus----- rail a cc ess . From ^42,000,

with linpnclng.

r5fV J E R o W c o u n ly al 1-84 In- w /3 terchango. 31.8 acres choice bosi commorclol, w/walor.

- 5S, -448 AVE. East, 2.5 acres of ft . y M-1 zoning. Provides all Clly 60 )i “ Of'’lcoa(oronlyS89,0C0.

^r'^M ADDISON'At Locust choice C - 1 corner153‘ X 245'wilti '2400 sq. II. building. Sollors

i lh a f •. 1 ACRE On Harold SI. with

beaulllul 1500 sq . ft. olllco Blue - n n j ggo vrtise. A stoal al

$02.800.------------------- •--------Iry In - • '^ 200 2 ACRES On Doorft-Ave. wllh___ 3360 sq . ft. olllco ond 1800lorm sq. ft. shop, terms.- Well

lome worth $215,000. ■King SABALA & ROY REALTY Jlfice . 73?-4321

----------COMMEROAI___^BUILDINQ:Irong located ol 541 Main Avenue Hons Eosl, 1800 sq ft plus 600 sq ft. ocro Shop, good oll-stroot park-

good InQ- ossunubfo loan, call-

tvT . WAREHOUSE: Brick corw , alructlon. truck dock and

railroad aiding, 4500 sq It plus Ofllco space. 207 Com

2 S " ' 'S lroo l near Volco. Owner i S L . will finance, $75,000. . . . w e s t .xl. 2 4 ACRES, commercial zorfc ln03— i n o r - 8 5 5 - 1 W % r m s 5 n oaoy ■. W est. 2 bodroom homo wllh dofol (oil boaom ont.,plus 12 X 60___ mobile hom e, walor shares,W ol ow norw lllflnancoot11% lrt; ocro lorosi with oxcollonl torrns, SS3. 2Vt m iles w est of hospital. “ $79;000.

' 87!eiSSO FT. Brick Bulldlnq

S ^ i^ o n o ' ’! X o d South. Price In d u s 's food a

• grain^p55=entH ntiehinefeH 295K XX k=

” MARKETINQ ASSOCIATES ocro. , Ollico 734-4875

Evenings Ed 734^2442



J? om»»€• * « r r o i

^Is tm a s B ikes 5’.000,000 Fm o d e ls -o n s a le --------2l®Pfi^Q9rl ic e s e le c tio n of S N U G F K lik es . w ool unde »r*»K «vR -fllke----------- te o d b e t t e^ w V ra s -w if l— ^ -----------^

______________ S h a re i■ /#V ..C h ris tm as

■ / * \ gift from I/ © N o rH altm ai

p l l — (■ . M l 1 C n n d ^J

T h e - m o .

S u c c u le n ts Tor 'S29S}"^in J. R u th 's Indoo r . .1 2 B W .H eyburn .

' av“ lab le

■ G if ts F o r

Stock ingI tlf lc a te s . -------------- -----------, M 7. TTte^)ll B o sc h Hollr C a m p u s le i Food pro- ;— tJiyu ia.— --------------1 ,cco»8o ;jo3


{ • J •

C a H l f i c a t M

f .G a m e C e n te r “2

. blucKliifl' stui*.00 va lue . Only

W 3 8 1 -

i g s ^ i l l ^ S l o b l i

i r i s t n i D S I d e a s ,

i t o d a y f o r d e t o i


------------ ------------------------------T "

I s / —

03ft~A creaofl& lot8 CHOICE OF 2 aero bulldjnj

5:1I> sItoanM rT .F . WKhboautllu ^ v i e w . Price roducod to $2051 C all. por ow ner flnanclnj__ wllh m odosl down. .Foi

lor de la llaca llG udruna lhom < bito 734-1298or __ W ESTERN REALTYper ■ - 733-23QS

ilos ■ "

' “--•035=B uafne8a Property •

. ^ Z T T J— . supe r roia» lo ^ i lo n « n U.s: ofo - HlnhwavSO. J im 5 4 ^ 7 1 . ^ on- FOR RENT OR l£ASer-240(

sq. fi. shop or w arehouse Soparalo olflco, chain lln>

llvl- • fenced. $450 p e r-m o n th X 2 Locatod at 445 5th Avo >ro- W est. Call Ed a t Markotln()lus' A3SOclatos7344B7S.------300, SHOPPINQ CENTER. ‘Ex

coliont looses Including mo lor bank, ow ners will IlnarKC

ifH on good- torm s. $650,000 >lco Locolod in Idaho Falls. Col

• Ed a t Marketing Associate! 734-4B75or 734-2*42________

O O -Vftcatton Property . ■ ST.GEORGE AREA W

’^ 2 PARK, own your lol In ^ U tah 's Sun Belt, U rg e Pod.

■■Ioct601-2e6-0362._______*,|,h 5-BEAUTIFUL ACRES on top

of Summit obovo U va Hoi

» i ih -045-M oblle Homes•8® ' ALL ELECTRIC 14X7D wim ''o " fireplace, 2 bdrms. In Sport-

smon Trailer Park. Coll 326-T 5237 or 637-6390.___________

DOUBLE WIDE. Appllonco, n ium od carporti paiirt.

NQ:_p_____a m I_____ -'"'i.® ly Park, fenced, exceltont

condition. Too many fea tures to llsL For deu llaco»32S-St31._________DOUBLE WIDE Groat Lokes

-OIV Mobile Home. Qood condl- nnd tlon, 3 bdrm s. 2 both, full op- “ "S Dllancos. 487-2436.Som OOUBLt: WIDE 26x80. 2 »ner bdrm, 2 both, excellent con-

. dillon, available & ready lc move In to a t Lazy J . Call

?Qf>- 734. in i ~‘son f o r Sale o r Lease 196114 x wllh 7g Sahara with oxpando. : X60 bdrm., 2 bath. S acres, cloac ires, to jo fom o . Exc. torms. Cal «.lrt^ collect 503-889-7044: Roolioi"ns, owned.__________________

GOING TO MOSCOW? 197! Titan Mobile Homo. 2 bdnns nice Rork. $8200. Call 1-882 1817ovoninga.

l i d i i0 M Q o v e rw 1 4 l^ !? b S rm ^ n l 1 9 8 1 - F l o e h ^ , 14x80. 1

— tormg:Cain-800-548-2S32.— rES MOBILE HOME, conlonti

and misc. All o r soparalo 2 R oaprsonl20.

I *:pi 4 *

00 P e o p le a re now B f l n

inde rlays. G uaran-s t t e t r e a t____________^ ■ u 7 4 M .

Ihe J o y of inaB by se le c tin g a im o u r Flow er, gift m ark S h o p . m W -K )» J r« F lo w » n jt

Tiost refax lng a n d . B f s i d a t e d glH o f a lt-A u r e from TTie t In th e Lynw ood.ta k e y o u r f e e t feel

3 r a ! i i i i W r m S i = 5 | | M

J n g S tu l le rG ll tC e r - J Q K IBO. 10 s e s s io n s lo r m > S u n l in BM U h, v < a t

jn a llz iiO -S k f-T ia ia . r ln ie d iu m - & - la r g B i - * - W ^ -

S7.00 — - J K t O II73«-1B85 • m

■ l i A

. 1 1 . ^

. U $-M obile Homes v

jhQ MOVE IN NOW 2bdrm. 14 by ^ 56 TanM rak.tlobllo-Homo. ®50 immoculato. $10,900 low £.0 down poymonL 10 porcont

Iniorost on balance. Call lor f"® oDMlnlmonL LoMoyno

Roaltv. 733-0874.Nuw 24 X 60 Royal Oaks 3

.bodroom. 2 both, all electric mobile home. Including

. p'rlvato lol. $38J00. Will Uke Ifodo lor down paymonl.

ft C w tom pw iy Homes

40fr vT r Y ATTRACTTVE 1978 SO. Sahara. 14 x 7Q. 2 bdnns.. 2 Ink balhs. $10.900.324.2005 ilh. 12x50 2- BDRM.* P<(oUle yo. Home. Jn JEROME. *3500. Ing Call 3264087.

12x64 SKYUNE. 3 bdrm, new . fomjtea cabinets. Up out llv

i» - Ing room, $5600 or best tea reasonable offer. 7334128 TO- evenlnasorvwoekerKla.

1973 TAMARACK 14x70. alove&ral(10.c lM n ,2 bdnn.

— 2 bath, make offer. C * a S 8 . 1975 SKYLINE; 2 bdmi, 1

5 ,"In 1961 BAINBRIDQE 2S X 62. d For sa le by klaho Rrst. rv ■ CherylorTom . 734-7900.—

M m C 2 b i S i r ^ f i h w o o }rp atove. $23,000.62>«49.____o r . 196214x70 Wood Sk)e o«t up le. in Lazy J Ranch. 2 bdrms. 2

bath , den, larue covered

ITk 1963 SAHARA. 2 . bdrm, 2 beW, nothing down, take

^ over payments. 3244906. 1965 Brookfield 3 bedroom, 2

- bath, double 24X48 all eleo- trio, stsrao , dellverod and eel-u fr-freaU aJow a s 10%

- BROCKMAN’S S“ ‘ MOBILE HOMESla . 4 mllee N. of Perrlne B r ^ , ^ T.F.Cail73«167ocM3fr«707.

” 2 3 BOHM. VAWOYKE-MO«le }n-. Home. Very excellenlcondl-to . tlon;Call73*-1479. — ------



tor- ■

^ 050-Fum l8hed Housesna. CLEAN QUIET l or 2 bdrm.182- single or couple, refs. $200_ -I- deposit. 73»2050.> North East Aroa-l bdrm rm; h o u se s at $150 & $205 -f do-

2 oosil n o n o ts Trujn-w[iWrirepRMrAvaii.-Uoc_Jfd.T3o:— po ts. $195 -f $100 dop. Coll n ts 733-3895 or 733-7167.lie.

051-Unfum . Houses CLEAN 2 bedroom Homo within walking dislanco ol

, downtown. Gas heat,

John, V/eslem Realty 733- 2368. ' " .CLEAN SMALL 2 bdrm house . Ulillly room, storage, <oomr^0lly-««rj>»l«<fT-0le0'

■ trie hoat, $225 -f $100 dam- ^ one deposit, no pels, 16E # -O T am o n d .C a il 733-6448: — A COUNTRY 2 BDBM. doposil^ 73M ’« - 734-

V COUNTRY 2 BORM, oxlrs4 nice for coring couple. $450. fM 733-6034. No House Pots,■ EXCEPTIONALLY _nlc« ^ carpeted 2 bdrm 14' wide# Trailer. Super insuiallon, on- ^ . ly $185 Including space roni f i and water. Oulal Filer ioca-

lion, no 0010.328-5887. t EXECUT^E HOME for roni 9 Of loose. 320Q Sq. FI., 5-f

bedrooms,-V4.miloJWo3tal A Je rom e Golf Coi/rso', $600/ A m onth -•- dODOSlt. Coll 342

i ’ L - i s e i o r i S M A j r —

# ~BooutTfur now 1 , b d ^Townhouse. Elderly hbusinc

# com plex now available foi I le ase . Each unit Is lurnlshec m with alovo, rolrlg.,

d ishw osher and dlsposa: [ • ond Is carpeted and draped. S » T hese riew units ore convp.

oasy access lo churches, shopping facilities, elc. M onthlyloase payment$295.

> • All ulllilles except power arc m i furnished. For more info., f j contact D onnaal733-5200.. A F0RRENT0RSALE-3bdrm Tm cenlrally located, carpeted

r f - S 5 s .V o S f » s ;" :^ * l 0V6%essumpllon.733-778l. ^ FOR RENT. 3 BDRM. Newl)

red«ooraled-hom«.ln-Fller^ ■ ■ First & last months rent j ^ cleaning dop. roQutred

Good localion. Call 4234308.1 FOR RENT. 2 bdrm house Ir I A Hazolton. Redocoratod. gat

hoot. NO pots. Coll ot 6;30 [ • 733-619irr:F.- & FOR SALE, RENT OF

^ ^ s iijre .V b d T m Homo wiif |# -n p p lla n e e 9 .-6 -m lle s -6 o tJ tf ^iT-Wo8t-of-TWln-Foll3r$300-+► • “ deoosir.— C a ll-734-0751 oi W h ask for Lee.V FRESHLY PAINTED 2 bdrff

f t E S , r w . W \ . & - g !5 range and ?elrlgorator, c o n

2 In8ido.-$225permonlh. Cal r 4 733-8^89.I * -IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY

/ “ OnTthoso. 3 :b< irm ^ ll»a if ^ - fto p ie s ; Include fenced bee*

^ sprlriklers. all kllchon ap# plloncos furnished., |^ - t- $ l7 S d e p o s i l :L iS b tm aH llo W ay■ 240Comar|lloWay.

/ ________ 73»<370Z - IN RLER-2 bdrm. no pels

/ in KIMBERLY- Like now : K. bdrm. 4-plox, Includes walei

5 JEROME-2 bdrm house# ' co rno rlo t. $275por-month 4 ■ .-t}0(Hilepoplt-Call334-fl^.;..

■' V . ' ' ■

y - • ~ - ~

mllor ---------^no I -■

2 '- r a i ! m eng ■ i s Ul3t n o p k e ............... ............ b e c onsider:

~ ---------------- S o i l th - J o t>78 ■ p la y o f t0(• * t u n a te l y h e ji", ' . . . f e r c n t p r o b l00. T h e opcn l_ d u m m y 's s]jwj ‘ k in g , a n d Eu t d u m m y 's a128 r o u n d s o f ti— q u e e n , a n d I ;™' d u m m y . .Wl a . ' - jvi. th e q u e e n , 5 , 1 ' e s ta b l i s h a,I

r e a s o n e d tl ■= . q lic c r i. 'h erat! p la y c d t^ .= _ ___________ ___ T h e c l u b ;

' w o n th e c lu“ p , a n d ' t h e n». 2 D u m m y ’s <^ th e c lu b sa i:-----------------------S o u th - w as-1. 2 ' . m o n d t r i c k .

T h e ga rn i —, o n ly o n e lliw . w in n in g th e^ ■■ th e g o o d gui

____- 1 a s c c o n d :- | j - — ; d e fe n s e .- H e

b y W e s t n o ] t h e t r u m p Ji j a c k o u t o f

M , d u m m y ’s tw . d u m i ^ ’s h i j


" OSI-Unfum. H ousesA CLEAN 3 bdrm. 2 t>oth, family.fOom..cozy IJr^Jacp,-

_ rongo. dishwasher, n basom ent, garage, 537 Park Meadows Circle, no pots,

— $425month-t-dop. 734 -^0 . 200 A COZY ^slorY. 3 bedroom,

on Tyler. $275 + deposit, [ - . Coll 734-1919. jXl A daning 2 bdrm lull bsmt.

^OjilMO^ o a n jg o ^ ^ e r loc,

S s “ MTRACTIVE Brlck'HOmo.'2 bdrm, largo lol. 384 Adoms T.F.. $290 -I- dOP. 324-5368. AVAIL. DEC 1st-3 bdrm. bosemonl. garoge, $390/mo.

. of S S 5 S : _________________oat. AVAIL. D E C -ls t-3 bdrm,) & cfeon. largo and roomy. 311ase 3rdAvo, N .PM 0733«55.S ' AVAILABLE Nov. 30th Inrw - Joromo, N lco3bdrm houso. i_-* '$285 .*■ $250 deposit. 32«297drm oiler 5.___________________■OO. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. Goodloo— 10eail6ri. 4 ‘ w iffvr.: fftrilTIy

roo m .» ;5 .;33-ir< 9 .-------- BRICK 3 BDRM home in

_ _ Twin Falls near Sowioolh and high schMl.~Ud8rioca-

^ lion. 2 boths. corpolod, gas__ heal, coble .TV. full bsmt..xira garogo. nicely landscaped. 450. oes/m onlh.* l423..Wllmoro,

Ront protection wfyear )lco loose. Refs. required. ,ldo“ Anolhor quality A ond W on- properly. Coll 7±) _______________ ________Xth BUHL. 2 BORM HOME, all__ . oloctrlc.____flordon___ soot.roni ' pasture, cleaning & damage s x doposil: No Inside pots.t n f sSSo04. __________300/ BUHL 2 bdrm, rbalhV wllh 342- nnmnn - bosomont.;2 r~ w o a s t6 v o r$ 2 1 0 /m o n lh - +

drm' Barker Realtors 5434371.ling BUHL/HLER. 2 bdrm coun- for try homo with c«darJntortor

hod on 4.5 acres , 'Wfh garago/rig., shod & pond. D/w, w/d.3sal woodslove, $325 month 4 >od.. $100 dop, 1st & last months

CHARMING 2 bdrm houso. 103, Carpet, drapes, dishwashor, ole- rolrlnorator, Ireozor, rango. <»• gas heat, AC, 530 Buchanan, w o fcflSDor month. 733-8189.

L I ' LARGE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath Irm, homo on 7lh Avonue _N, 2

S i - i a M i 'iK K C - K1 4 .$395 or consldor Jooso op- rai. - tlon 'with aelior financing;

Coll John, W estern Realty

It & LEASE WITH OPTION. Nico,rod. Cleon 3 bdrm, largo bolh.108. vrood stove, tastefully dec6-^ n . rated & located In a groal^ 2 neighborhood In Kimberly.

$375 por m onth. Coll 734-■ ' 8768.

M r.T ----------------------- --?i,K a llo loc lric2 txlrmwlinulllllv^ C ._ fo o m .jltp v e a, roWflcrntor, V-i?—n o p o ts ,J2 7 5 ;t JlOCLdomaot

deposit, Coll. 4234104 days or733-1435cven<nn8. ' NEWLY-REMODELED oldor home, -3_, bedroom, family

;S j^ room -on-U tncoln , gas hoai, $350 por month deposit.

^ Contact Gudrun al Woslorn

Nice clean 3- bdnn. 2Vt ba ths, 1172 Parkway Dr. Hnr-

iT.K-^risdn School DIst.rEloc.-fur- naco. carpet, ( ^ peo r AC,

rofrlo I $^50 4 jJOcTdbp n ^ 73^16or733-2513. •NICE Carpeted Small 2 bdrm

, home. W/D hookup. $200 per____monlti..-!- doposil.. In Fifof.

NODOtB.3204730. - - -

■ '$150 month 4 J 7 5 doposil!

NICE I bdrm. unfur. houso. . Gas heat. Couple prelorred. •Roloroncos. No pots. Do- poslt.^Call 7334585.

<>'»•' NIco 2 bodroom, slovo and 2siL _fol,jgofator^tankU ft-a|ova.__ Walor and sanitation lur-w 3 n iihod. $265. plus doposil. JIM Property Managera

__ NICE '3 BDRM HOME.- wlinjse . relrig'&'sfovo. Eloclrlc heal, h 4 - eco n a m la l. $325.-fof Intor.Zrrr-fM lloor^tW W JiaOC-----------

'■ ^ l u f d a y . De


m essage fro m th c !^ o o n ...0 p ro b lem n eed ariy longer ic r e d inso lub le . " •------- _ N orm an Cousins. -

- Jo u n d ^ h e -se lu tio n - to - th e - today ’s c lub suit. Unfor- he w as am bushed by a dif- 'Oblem he h ad overlooked. >enlng lead w as c overed by 5 spade queen and E a s t>1 E a s t led a sp ad e back to 5 ace . D ec la re r d rew tw o f tru m p s w ith th e a cc and nd then led a tow club from .When E^ist fa iled to' p lay

n. South played his nine to I a .iliird c lub w inner. South I th a t, had E a s t held the tvc would p robably h w c

ub p rob lem w.-ts sn lvpri h u t

club queen, cashed a spade en led h is la s t h ea rt, s e n try w as gone befo re bs w ere u n ra v e te l, and is-fo rced to' concede a dia-:- e m ak es if-Sbuth d raw s S 'tru m p (the queen) a f te r the sp ad e ace . N ext com es guess In c lubs, followed by d sp ad e w inner fo r the H ow ever,- t h c t n i m p w c i t -

no longer h u rts . South 'w ips p in h is hand, gets,Che c lu fr“ o f the way. a n d 'e fo sse s to i tru m p jack to cash 1 high clubs. •*

051-Unfum.Housea .^ JEROME-2 bdrm houso, >co" corner lot. $175 + $50 cloon- - - ^ - i nn doposlt. call 3 2 j j O ^ ’o/k RANCH HOME redecorated. o‘», 4 bdrm. 2 bath, Electric heal, d2: born avolloble, cleaning do­om. posll. RoleroBcos. $375/ >sll, month. Call 5434049.

' a NICE Country 3 bdrm. 2 imt. bath, all appliances, W-W loc, carpeting, wlrjdow^

3ewerPd.-$350.-^4-7554^------ims SMALL 1 BORM. Stovo &

r e f r lq ^ o pels. $lM /mo.. 4Irm. d o p .^ 2 7 3 3 .____________mo. SMALL 2 bdrm. houso. Un> ■MG furnished. Gos furnace. $110__ 4 dop. Coll 733-7241.Irm, SUPER CLEAN nowly 311 remodeled 2 bdrm. 1 both,

___oil oloc..N o pels, ro l's, $250."n $t00~dop773^ K •

;so. TF-Nlco 4 bdmi, 2 tu lh . laml- i297 ly room, fireplace, 2 car

garago, N.E. localion, $450 ood monln + doposil. loose

ava»abl«>realt3l4-2e49-------rTwo 1 bdrm homos. $175 &

;j7n_$150_C afpoL .no .po ls, ,$1M>Olh doooslis. 733-6303.________x P VERY’CLEAN 2 M rm; NO gas dogs, - small deposit ro- mt.. qulrod. Cali 733-7434.>od. 1 BORM. clean, appliances oro, . furnished, electric bsbd rear hoal. $175 4 dop., 785 fod. Mourlce.PMCTSMMa.' 1 BDRM HOUSE In Flier.

$130 per monlh 4 doposil, — Older couplo'proforrod. Coll' “ ' 5434092.______5®'*— 12xflO-TRAILER-for-ront, 12

mllos South Wost ol T.F. Coll '®'*' 32t>-5410or733-2506.

« , ---------------- - ; J 1 2 5 ......... ..........ont, 332Vi -3rd WosL 1 person I ■ *■ house , eloctric hoat'. Call

;__ . 2 BDRM dOUSE for rem. On)un- farm In Murtaugh area. Collirtor 82»-S100t— ■ ________‘0 0 ' 2 BDRM. Gas heaf, carpets-.

Woshor/dryor hookup. 451 ',+ -• Avo. N. $250 + dop. Coll ’’■hs-nm-2513.---------2-BDRM'HOMErl49-JoffoP

son. garage, fencod In bock ’ vord. C M + dop. 733-3520,

JSn’ 2 Story VkrlorlajvToslofully ' deco ra ted , 2 bdrm 4- muitt

'— ''pu rpose room, 1V4 botti, W/

g-'s l i ' s T a . a v a s ” 'one- 2 ST0flY_.4 bdrm house. >-lor- » $2S0-per.4nonth-4—$1M -d» op. posit, no pots, Call 734-2494,

;lrtg— M ib ORM'HOME: for-'renl,»Jty

lico, oltor5om.________________■ . 214AVENIOAOElrE-:....

oco- 2 bdrm, 2 fulrooths. a ira p I'oal piiancos. soparalo laundry “lly- Moom.- undergrounc^ Sprinklers, fenced bad'

grd. double cor gsrage 50 4 $175doposlL

S — m m u r o n ’R c r e m r r o r X ! . „ _ 2 5 3 6 » M ^ I -Y R 0

Jays 3 bdrm apl. 2TxJrffl'd0pi0ir Small houso on Rock Creek.

;m : ; . - - 739-i 3 » . .....................mliy.:_3_ bdrm. • a c rea g e_ o u t- loai. buildings, woodbumer $2a osll. Ace Realty 70-iaa9.'om 3 BORM. CUEAM., wd. alovo, _ _ Enorgy efllclonl,.noar CSI, 2Vt fncd. yard. Carpets, drapes.

Hnr- hamt. S335. Call 36»0e02. ’ ■Jur- ■■ 3 'BORM HOUSE.'Foncod lr

c a r p ^ y -tp^llaryea

^ 0 - 321 Monroe. 733-4922 or 733-___ / 6348 alter 5:30 Ifm.________d rjn ; 3 aORM. 2 bath. 2 fireplaces, P« ' 3,8 H lof Avo W M , Sj3! * Ilof.— doDOslt. - reforoncea. .Call— 734-7288 --------------------------UJU."' ' j uuHM H uU irw H h 'caf^ fl 2l!L—NEoUoromoJZQa^JlADQa:

use. or oiler 5pm._____________ri^ . 3 BDRM., 1 Bath houso w/ “ O' . bsm t. carport, lols . ol

— slorago. Neal and clean, and Low hoot bills, $270/mo. 4 ava,— d(>g.-Ava»,-Ooc>.t.-Soo aU 33 lur- fyior. Coll 7X^0036 ,or 734-

3Sll. -£090;____________ \> ^ .^ ^o d ro o tn _ jn o b lip homV

• wood burning slovo. woshoi with ond dryor, slovo ah i eal, rolrlgorator. $2M.pluS flfr itaf-— poslt.-T'Tliree - c —Propam

DQCflm^ber1.^SS4 . Tlrii'es-Ni


. '■ NORTHr 4 A Q 7

V Q J 7: . , _____ ♦ 1 0 8 2

4 - A K 5 4 W EST • EAST

0— ♦■j -10 0-8 ,---------------v m- V6 4 2 V —- ♦ Q 9 S ♦ K-J

♦ Q 7 3 . ♦ 1 0 1

f ' - ' SOUTHS . _ _ 4 6 5 3j V A K 1 0 9 8

i ’ ' - 1 Vulnerable: Both. E>ea/ T he bidding:’ N o rib E as t . Soiith iN T Pass 3V

' 4 T P.1S.S Pass

Opening lead: Spadt

South holds:............f» '* K 2 _____ 1 - ¥ 6 3

^ ♦ K J 6 4 --------- ♦ 10 8 B 2 ~

r North South5 1 ♦ ? '

; ANSWER; Two diam onds ^ ^ f t t m in o r - s u i t^ ie n ie y t r f o n r ^ and stibws dcccni four-cs

and6-D H CP. _

, Srnd bridte quatiooi to Ttke A 12SS3. DilUs. T<xu 7Sm . »IUi: tum ped eavtlope fbr repljt.

051-U nfum . Houses------------10. 3 o r 4 BORM HOME neari(v sch oo ls and mqils. 1600 4_ sq ft, newly redocoratod,^ nico foncod yard, soil water,

I a ° „ a . y i g r " - '»■"5 / 4 BORM HOUSE. 2 ' bath,

fenced back yard, parape —« and dog run, close .to .U n :-

coin School and, Safowray ■” S tore,_55t 3rd. Avo N orfi,

~ g l Q ^ 4 ^ ^cloa n jtio ^ ^

■ 4 BORM HOME, family room “ w /flroploce. pas hoat, newly

pointed Insloo & out. Storm- windows, roloroncos -ro> In- qulrod. No pots. Qood loca-110 tlon^ In-Twin Falls. $300 '4 _ $150 doposlt. Call 436<»05 vly otter 5pm.________________

4 bodroom home with family

_ oanllatlon fum lshodlM SO ’ nl- plus deposit. Ttirea 0 Pro- a r party Manapera 7 3 4 « »

s o 052-Fum .A D t& D uo .A CLEAN 1 BDRM APT. fur-

l ^ n i a h e d . walor & sanilaflon

TQ -C LEA N -STU D 10-A RTj3ZiI 2nd Avo North, hoal & water furnished, $130 4 deposit.

- Call Ruth 733-2513. —bd CLEAN 1 BDRM w /oaraoo.

n — CLEAN' &■ NEAT-furnished’111 ono bdrm. apt. Ulllilles poid. r ii First & last month. No

pets.Coll 73W 25

nonsmokeV734-7lM®’~ FURNISHED 1 BDRM Baso-— ■‘ m onrA pi.“ $i5o.“ H o a t rn r c ron pow er & walor fum. Single, :all Moluro, Nori Snwkor ProTer-

On- r’o qu lr^ .'fe -7763 ; ~ ; Wl Furnished tsrgo -1 bdrm

r rimonL Ulllitlos paid, y nice. 434 4th Avo W.

I5j - $1B5.733-25t3asktofDon.'■aW IN FIL E R .land2 bdrm .apts. ^ ■ ...Fuml3jiod.Call324-85B9.

ick a p ts slovei relrtgerator,i . w asher, dryor. Ali utlllllosIlly • included $240 per month 4iltt doposlt. 324-5B41.__________W KITCHENETTES AND sleop-BS, Ing rooms. Phone 733-7754. .- LOOKING FOR A HOiJSE OR »e. APAHTMENT? Call Oulltel’s.

± NEW PAINT, wami, 120 7lh nl,~ :8 lroe F N o r1 h 'M ,'r il3 5 -p e r- #H. m onth. Coll 734-1932.

RIGHT DOWNTOWN, 3 room 3ry ap t, oil ulllltios, $225; 2 ihg. a tudlos. $150. Call 734-6858.

SMALL 1 BORM Apt. Ali utilities except eioctrtclty & hoat. $145 4 $50 deposIL

n— CUN / . t j - a f j . : _VERY NICE studio Apt $125. AND Roomy 1 bdrm $150.

Bk! WINTER 19 COMING- And1 . w a pay tho heal: Extra'large-,ut- Studio Apt., heat. gartMoo 8.200 w ater (Mfd,'mature ad u lts '

proforrod, 203 4lh Streel- N orth.Call 733-6382._______s i ; 1 BDRM. $125, Noar Safewayos In Twin. 326-5373 ovos. or

543-6404 wkdavs._________In '-^ BDRM. Hoat: & w aterfu r--

;oa nlshod.-$16S 4 dop.-343 2nd

33- 1 or 2 BDRM DUPLEXES for ronL Call Snake RIvor Auc*

OB tlon 733-7754. ________4 - 11 UNfTS complete vrfth

ort '■ *Q-s. OS«-Unhim:Apta. :

« i A CLEAN 2 bdrm Duplex; ol rongo,’ rolrlg, w /d hookup,

• n e a r rtjsp lta l. water / ' sanitation Pd. No pots.

1-?, $2354 $100 doposIL Call - ^ ~ /jj-Va5uflnor5[rm. .• V A GREAT 2 BORM. 2 bath.

wllh dishwash'er & dlspoM l,

M onroe. $30o!“( ^ i r ^ ^ 7 S . 9 ^ A NICE i bdrm wllh carport. ^ _ 3 6 6 . Eosllond -Drlvo-i-North.-

s -N e w s , Twin Falla. Idaho O S

W o l f f ' ■ ^ .


A ST________________ -1 \T 2 : *’ ■ i-fl-3-----------— r ---------------------------- :------ rK ~ J^ 4 ------ ----------^ •1081S2

18 ;

E>ealcr: N o ^ h . .

h W csi 7 “P a s s

I P a s s

j a d e ja c k


I j '

m ds. A r a is e of_________ _____________o n r= ca rd T « S jo r 'ir - c a rd su p p o r t ( r ~ -------

be A m P.O. Box viUtiwIf-addnued.

-------£64-Unfum.-AptsJ-------------- iM r tP upleX M _________ .

+ ALL ulllltios pald-Spotless 1 Od. bdrm. stove & rofrfo.. no ^ r p o ta ,$ 2 1 S 4 d o p .7 3 3 ^ ._ - -

Appoallng 3 bdrm Oup. 638— . f ^ u r lc e . $275 4 $150 dop. , ith. Valiev Inv. 73W684davs.*P® CUTE 1 bdrm brick duplex. . -:i'f^$185 /roo_4^dqp .._no p e t s . . . ____f iy Call734-8511 o r / & 2211.a lt’ DELUXE 2 bdmi Duplex. 2 •

2 ^ DELUXE DUPLEX. 3 bdrm, 2 \ ,rm bath, utility room, lots o t \ ^ .closets, all eloclrlc, 849 A sh. \

$300 Includes water. 733-3414 '4 DELUXE 2 bdrm. Garago, \

905 privato yard, AC, fireplace, couple prelorred, $365 por m onth. & I17340097.

and Ouolex deluxe in Twin Falls3 S 0 T b ^ 7 J b m T ‘2~BalhTTire:— --------1>r»- liroptace, fenced backyard, -

double garago. lease prefer-— r o ^ ^ 9 r . m o n l h . 324«40 '

brick d u p ? ^ 2 bdrms, 2 I io n boihs. carpet, drapes, ap- /

5 5 - w /oSm e‘ ' t S l t ^ ^ r o ^'• f / FALLS APAFTTMEKT «ii. C lose to schools & shopp- -

ing. Children welcome. /□e. Warm, friendly'*, quiel ol- /$M m osphore. 1 S. 2 bdrm apts. J ■

- -lid. GROUND LEVEL Duplex.No bdrm. Stovo 8. refrloeraior

r a ' a a j r . M ’T -185. IN FILER. 3 bdnn a p t/ all

ircr~ IN -------KtMBERUY-— r-O n o -------------jle , bodroom, 1 both apL In for- downtown a r e a . ' Large

X m onlh. A rlly lumW iod, TTjn n Jof’” . W aatem Realty 733-Iild. ___________ L_________w . JEROME: Modem 1 .bdrm

. apL fully carpeted, ap- 3la plioncoa & drapes lurn.

c lose to schools & shopp-lnp;;namniLoardon-afltUnq.________oil utlllUes except oloctrtc>

1,®' ' IV. $192/mon. EHO 324-3464."V” & R O E , BORM Ap,. v ld

hookup, stove, rofrtg, ail— utilities except eloclricity &

hoat. $1854 $100 doposIL . 733-2973._________________

,f?r LAURELPARKAPTB 176 E u r i c o Street North. 2

Pl-i ■ LVWWOOOi4ANOR.- a bdrm----- :—•^Ij- -a p t.,G raa tfo rsln g leo rc o u -_ pie; Call 733<»e0.__________ ' '■O'" N.E. AREA-2 Bdrm Duplex.: 2 c o ip et, drapes, dishwasher, .L . V/70 hookup, carport. -All garage, large yard, $295 In- -.

y & e ludes w ater & Mn. 734-8066. -■all. NEW 2 BDRM p U P l ^ well

m . shopping. $250 per month,150. AvoR immeOlatolv 3244283." “— — NEW— a ^ b d rm ,— 3— bam ;-------L _\n d c arpeted , oloctrlc heat, r g e - refrigerator, ..... range,.........—

u i l t ' • fortcodvar^. C a ? ^ l - S o .° ° ‘« o l NEWLY Remodeled. Sunny__ 3 bdrm. apl.'U til, room with •May w /d 'h o o k u p , range 8. rofrtg ~

or Fum ., Near K-mart $295. No_ pots. 733-1658.____________fur-— NICE 1-bdrm duplex.-233 4lft - - - - 2nd -Avo EasL $165-4- uUlll!os,...^ .-__

lo r NICE 3 bdrm In Tvrln. Car-'.uc- port, extra storage, W/D . —

hookup.-$265 4 ._ d e p o s iL _____^ h 32ft40iaor32fr4635.

== r J 3 0WPr Uiaiuea-inctoded-tn-------—the $35arpormontn,Tonrfoi--------- ---

' thTa3W C l0UB'2~P0drD 0m ri---------- ^__ both apar^mdfTTTwilh a larg'olex; kllchon ond a fireplace.:up, Convonlontly locatod In .'8 . downtown tw in-Falls. Call j :_

els. 734-3037. ____________ ___ .gall ONE. TWO, y t h r e e ■__ ' aplo., unfurnlshod. No pq ls. •. . .alh. Call 7330740- -___________M l, VALLEY WSTA VILLAGE ■«e— ono'bodroom -spts-forpor--^ '^— I— 2 i . •' so n s 62 8. oldor o r handl-' o rt. capped , federally a ssis ted . T rth .— Equal Kouslng.Opponunlty. -• ~ i '- n n l l ^ l W , ^ : ___________

Page 22: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

OMrUnfurh. Apts.& Duplexes

r & 2 BORM APTS. Very cloan, modom, ganlon apts

. ' In natural s&ttlna. Conv»-■ . ' niont location, appllsncoa

furnlshod Including. 'dishwasher i-^'dlsposor.

laundry ro n " •promisos.' chlldron wolcomo. no pols,

. font baaod on Income. Casa Grando. Apts. »9. Ftor;

-------- Idaho, 32fl-4053. Equal j;-uu-.

1 & 2 BDRM ' APTs ^ o- Wondoll. . ranjo i

i—I BDHM APT wllh ranoo &

.roMgoralor, S100 * doposM. -Call faiSssa.II BORM. Oay light bsmt. apart $1S5-f dqp.. No pot9._ C^I734-B511orm-^1.1 BDRM DUPLEX, rolflQ. atovo & ■ wolor (umlshod.

• H75/mQnth_+_dofDrttJ3alL 733-1735._______________1 BORM APTS. Now paint & carpot appllancos lurnlslv od, stes -f dop.. 442 South Locust. PMC73?«S6.2 BORM DUPLEX. Corport. ^ r ^ n o pots. C35. Call

2 BORM 4-PLEX noar Lyiv _____ w ggd.^^o^^yttrtMQO paid.

' _Townhouse, $300/monlh +SiOO cloaning dopoali. Call73M226. Voda. ----2 aORM. BASEMENT AFT. $105 -f dop. No pola. Coll 733-2211 o r»34^1 t

--------2 BORM DUPLEX In Twin;-

2>bdriT) basomont opart- mont All utilities furnished. $295 plus deposit. ThrM C Property Manaoef«734<aS8 2-bdmij^ Mt :slove., refrigerator. -i-~<JlihWB5rter-

------- -aparks Apl8.-*2SS plus d e - -

2 BORM Garden Apts- Wondell. Close to shopping' & School. Rent based on In- pomo. Basic rorit $190. Ran­cho Vorde Apta 638-6244^^^

2~ BORMS. bath, electric- rangd, refrigerator & gs>

bogo disposal. Carpol. drapoa, nasjnonlh + flOO dep.. no pots. Call73>ft400,2 BDRM, College Moadowa Condo. Kitchen appliances,

- fireplace. ,.vw8h_er. _dryer. tonnlo courts, no y«nr~ nulntonsnce. $32S -t- »S0 dep. Call ^ e lly 733^92 aayaor73t-8M9afier5pm.2 BORM Bemt^Apt. S tove;- refrla. Carport. Newly deco­rated. No Pets. $225 -I- $100dop. 73M805or 733-7187,_____

-------2 UUHM a pt . Stove & '- - - refrigerator, no pels, $250 -h - -

$100 deposit, utilities paid.Call 7 3 3 ^ . ___________'■2 BDRM. All electrtc. With large yard, carport.-1359 S. Washington.. $ % -i- Dep. 733-1143! eves._________ _2 BEDROOM Apartment, atovo, refrigerator, $200 plus

------- ttepoeH>-Thfee-0-ProMf1y—■ . Manaoera7a»gaeB ^

- - 2 BEOBOOM APT. In TvfinFalla' Moat eecure Apart­ment - complex.: 2 baths,__

------ dlsposal..diahwa#tiot, stove.rofrtgemtor-Included. Miv house laundry, facllllles. s6cure underground lighted partdng. Elevator to alllevels. ' close to all_


3 BDRM DUPLEX. All'eloo^’ tr^rotrlgorator. stove, W/0 ^

S n lU tlo n ^ W ^ T O p o ^ ^ ” ! per month + $150 deposit. i

- 06B -R oom s^R ent____ RtaQREOaHENTrpreferan—------ older person. Call alter 6:00

057-MoblIaHome Ideal cozy, winterized 2 I bdrm. Carpet, neat & cloan, most utlla. no pots. 73M234. JEfWME. 2 BDRM Mobile Homo for rent. Ulllllles lur- nl«hA^_»22S^lt326-4aa7;------

— r-wide In qulet Filer locaUofi.— | $145.noD«ltB.32(KB87. ■

_ ................AD V e m T S E ^

■ |_^u n i i|y ° \ i g i|-|i | i,iii


Placod undor tho tioaaing I _ - yaurcholcol____________

“ ------tonlVos 9 y o M y °« ? ^- rB8ulta"vrilf"«nwo yuu, G- — lodayandeneofeuf-lrlend

• Ad-vlsors will help you woiyour' ad so lhat 11 will t moat oflecllve ond bring yc tho results you ore lookir

- - for. ____________ _

733^»31 ■

C^Tim o^ows'.TyyinFa

intats'Fa■ ” 057-MoblleHomo

2 QORM Mobile Homo, llp- ^ out living room, wood slovo ,q ! & oloctrlchoat. $l75Jmonth- wn. Includes wsle«r sowaQo & e a a ' garbage. Call ohor 6pm ," g ______ _sal! i2 BORM TfiAILEH/.CIoao.lo. IDS.— COntor-of-Town—Jofofli*.. 3IS. $175+,J75dep..-32«435'.-_-asa ----------------------------------- -tor; OSB-OfficoRC'lils

■ EXCELLf:M b iiico Sm co- avoHoblo January 1. 1;35 at]

'2 ' II. all .m ilioa pal^.'Comor o(* 2nd A .o Nonn a 2nc) Avo

2 1 J ! t o L a d 2 2 B : ^ ^ ------------—. FILER’ “ FOR LEASE: 5.000 sa II

supe r rololi location.- Call- , Jlm S<3-«7i:-____________T'- FOR LEASE: Approx. 2.000 '" • -S Q fl olfico ■ spacfl—v/|th- loading docKa. Campus 'B- Com mons, cornor o l FIlof & W; Fllimoro'733-420r. _________

— FOR LEASE OR RENT: .- Buainoas Bldg., 2750 sq. II..

At. c o rn o r . acroaa Irom Satoway & Soars, S1000 por m onth. Call 733-60n.

-- FOR RENT: 800 sq ft olllco !"• apoLO on Norlh Blue Lakos,

m. i;- lloor. Plenty of Ireo „ pa JSOOpormonlh.Call ^n- Dlch Ji Gem Slate Really Id. 734-WOO;

* rock, priino location, ox«. all cellont parking. AC wllh

economlcol gas heat, 450 sq n fl or 1200 to MOO sq ft. In- .l i quire a t HSR'Block. 415 Ad-* dison Av«(.ur coll 733^5106 orr 733-7S40. ^ _________Irt OFFICE SPACE avnllobie in -

• tho First ' Intorstote Bank- building, ifrfmodloto oc-

cupancy. For information call733^34a4or3B3OT1. '

s ' PWME OFFlCeS. Addison -- Ave. E; ocross from Albort-

so n 's . Ample parWng. 50P ,® p 5 F r “ Ooanior— &— H ouoy- !?■ H dallorarcall 734-2822. ■ -

2 Commercial bufldfngs on ' Main Avo South & East. W ^ block & 1 block from moll, ^0 T;'2D0 sq ft & 2,500 Sq II. Call I?; W eslem Roolty 733^65.

200 sq ft heat, air cpndlllon-10 -ing,. power. 8i ianltorrorfur- . 7 nisned. A ccess to photo ' ' copier, ample porking. J95.

i . BARNES REALTY11 _____ 7 3 3 « 2 r9,

^ O 0O-W ar8hou8e /------------ r -9 s to rag e** REFRIQEHATEO or HEATED. 1__ Storage In Twin Falls.

f . !f^ ie rS p ac b V -m e l o c t d ^ r ]. m eler, no dogs. Country

Trailer Court. $70.734-7818.h

( S Merchandisei. ....IS - ------ -

0 6 7 -M l8 C 8 lla n i^’• ALMOST NEW Sturdy Exer-"

else biko $190; W heat nrlnder$50;Call73fc3707. •

___ BRAND NEW Oenn Hot Tub.Top oriho~Hntr*CDmplo1o - wilh 'all Inslallotion compo- nen ts and avollabio oc-

*' cessorlos. Dealer coat was

L _ 37Moffl7M(M2.!■ BUTTERFLYS-Palnled or ^ paint o n e .' free pattorn,^ w ooden toys, cradlea, high '

chairs, Qhrlstmas Ideas, tolo "— Item s and more.-Vou saw u s "

a t th e Fair. Wood Hollow 5 4 3 ^ 7 .2 3M miles W est ofBuhlonH lnhw oy30........ . - -CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Soars top ol line 10 In. table saw. L egs,‘ castors, biade. $325. 10 In. radial arm saw.

* Logsl'caslors, 4 jigs, clamp, b t^ e .- '$ 3 7 6 .-8 o th _ in -fiw > _

5 conB. 837-^56.___________

5 . MllonVco°ndlt'fon!-?1MTGl'^^^ t Ice Skatos, sz 4. good condl-

lion, $10: Weight bench, p ress , arm pull $40; Singer slowing Machine WO. Call after aom. 543-8488.

(I— FOR^AL'ETU^oa-BOTrtthT^0 hlich Ford Snowplow.or.

S1000; Used 70 inch Toro" Root Mowor. $1000; Used Ryan Lawn Alrifler. $500.

' ' Clear Water Landscaping ‘ Company. Box 648. Sun.. valiov. Idaho or 72^9412. .

FORSALE ’ STEEL SIDING Guillotine. 4:__ Inch or.a.lnchj:all 734-8140. - FOR SALE. 2 bdrm. house & .

separele garage. To bo •~“ m ovM ." Make oflor. Coil ___7 3 M P 8 1 .^ v a ._ --------- --------

1 *

____ FURNITURESTRIPf• Roflnishino:— ~~ v

------ — v .-TandTopaifsrHirror:!

' nn?1 ?!nnh.TY ~ Enterprlsos, 720 ■■

Wff o t O ualily' crushod You hnul o r w edoU

- T 8082dr734-82» d l h e " ~ -Q^^VtVfeL-ArTOP^Ofl rrCail— - F o r — arlveways:—

I word dolivof. Norihwosi III be ~ and Rlnnlno. 73J-123 g you GRAVEL <*‘"0 W ickers Gravel Pil________ Spoclnl U pfftvel.

“ Gravq[, Drain Ro ' Minus, G radorservli W. 3/4 South of Joro

,J24t3416, .

1 Falls. l!- jn o S a tu rd ay . Dec

067-M i3cel^M us,'^

c l o t h e s ” for Cobbape'3V0 .Pa tch Dolls. $5 ’ooch oulflt;,-ith- Call 734.1597./_________ __ -' & COMMODORE VIC-20.Conv ’.T’' pu te r. Included- • ore: i__ C asso tio recorder, 5 game i■lo-cartrldgoa... Joy_9tlcK, ond_ .

l i .. p addles. $125; Also in-Tale- , -v is lonoam ow iihS nam ecar: .

“ lrldnoa.$40.733-<272. tCOMPUTER Work Slallon, 1

- C offipacl,- olllclonl. . flood ;OT 'W hln g .s rs , 734-0077.------ _ Jol FOR SA LE:. Antique r.u'-i 1

,v(j oak dusk. JOGO; Radio ’ I TRS80 6-lK eolQ^ compulCC—t

------ w m raaab rted -accosso rio s. tM $250; G lass culling table wllh I

J, various alainod c lass Iaupplios. $150; .?-x5t-oak c

s x E lonere wllh .5 o 'ass r^ ahorvoa, $100, Call 734-5549 .I'f’ a llo r 5:00 p.m. g

GERMAN-MADE Wall Clock c® "M ouiho" with chlffloa, n

- $400. Call 734-S446. , , • GREAT Chrlatmas GUI., a '•A Full-size Brunswick pool oI , toblo 4 accesorlos. Exc. p

COnd.$a00.'423-6362:~• " - lir« Hondo G onoralor £2500, Us- l■" od onco . alm ost brand now. I

$S50. Call 734-8112. . 1Bit UKE NEW Exerclso BIko. CKy l/u s taoo loaop roclo le .V ory M


Itl_A U SO HOI Tub, Real good '' Ih cond .. 583-6947m orna/eves, *' jq OLDER WOODEN Horse 2 n- irailer. single axle. >$125, ° d- R0gualll0 n-ai20 Foo^tiali or lubTo. S1S0. Baby cloltioa.-^ii

SIzo 10. malernily clolhoa. 2 ”n--S troll«r._ .-. .......Open-foeod_i(Ik carousel. $35. 3 loalhor rC- co a ts , 733-1083, ________ C)n ONAN POWER PLAMT. 5.000 3

w att. Electric start. Coal S rn $2500 now. Will toko $1,000. c ri- Tho Shoppe. 67M70J, or f30 0 ^ ^0 4 2 ;________ ___________ t.»y“ OROER NOW for Ctirislmasl

— C uto -C abbago _Palch_Ooil__in Cfothos, roasomibio, Cali ’ ^ 733-2930 or 733-7748,_______ fII. RCA VIDEO OIsc Player. Us- 2 ill od only 10 tithes: S tereo in r

original carton $225. Coll $ [V 733-4815 ofterDpm;_______Cr- _________________________ ...

° 073-Sew1no& Crafts 0

_________ PLWSANPft

- TRACTOn-TRAILCn TRUCKS. I • lor tour din*r*nl Kucka to Oulic

3. TOWN C«n. 0*MlC riding toy I1 0 — IncA (xlySbod. And

dinvMiMon*: 1 loot wIM p f *>m< «»ormr»g p»<UI« »nd tl—ring wh

a ToOra*f..., tulty IUu»lnl*d WK) OMilM pUr• piMM rm In *Ad clip It11

" iQ aportm anli• - OoslOO

° Dlxby.0K7 d). --------------------------------- —0 H*m,

City__________ ;______ 3Uil».4 Prot^lM m.----:___________:----------- --------------------------------------^ • (JVM.rMlrKludM)U.cSfo<*c»

lIPflNG ’ ■ • ~ INSULA' - s n e e ring—or ro^alivbr-— SOamioia a ioer° f f l g l a s s omsonabloDflcc

3 -S M ain ,. Ju d y ') paintingJ-- — - 20yrooxp.-frM<______ ______ Everelt Spencer>d gravel," ~'PLUMBINGAND lOllYO^W-— -S tu lzm an 'e Plun

• ^ H o a .^ q ^ « ^ Wel

. paiKlitU— “ FfSToMlorialSntr jn 24 hauf__send

'031 . Crane dflvowoya'. dril 1234. dairy areas, feei

IngtheM .V ^ are^ Pil. 2 Wk, ROORNG

<1 Pit Run - _ £ m -jo b s-a -4 p < Rock. 3/4 asphalfc ahlnglo irv lco .5S .2 racq ‘ 8 v r a o « o ,< ,a , . ;a . i i o S F S i M “ . '.


) e c e m e b o r i . i 9 W .


ie .FORSALEIt: - UKE NEW eioclric train aol.

-$fiO. Call 733-7234. '

RED TP FIREPLACE. G as;'0 log. Call 7 3 : ^ ^ . _________Ir—THE-tjKRGESTrseleelion o l— ; unllnlahed . fumiluro- ' • dfoasoro, ro ck e rs ,' stools..- choirs ond roll lop desks.' The Mary Cartor. Cenier,<1 733-3493. 2116-Founh-A ve.---_E ,.- 'lwinF.-ill3.___________ _

.1 THOY-BI'LT TILLERS. Max. k ’ laclory oll-aeoson Discount !l_nD W JiujH oct-i-rebatereo5t— I. buy now ot-Qarden-Counlry—h in Burley. 878-0228.________d UPRIGHT VACUUMk Cloanors. (Used»-S34, Baiv- 3 nerFumlture733-1421.° WALK-IN Cooler doors. 2- aoctlons, 3 large doors . *< each. W /shelving & ail . '• lights. t475.Cail32&U73Q.. 1 M an's end 1 u q ie s ' 10 - 1-. spded; Girl's X-Country skis >1 and ahoea; Baby crib wllh

mallreas- ond o ther baby - Iioma; T echnics SL220 lurn .

I- loble, Allfln oxcollont 'condl-I. Hon. Call 734-2740,_________.• 15 YARDS Ol Lime Groen I. C arpo t:' 1 stonaord -broas y headboard: 1 queen head-

board & fromo; '1 big & 1 i,—flmnl^Pooow l^ ^ c ^ ^ ^

[j footboard. Will quole Price when cniled. 324-^197.

0 2R oundtrlpalrllnetlckotsto1 any 2 Islands In Hawaii. $450 II each or first c lass $550 each.i.->-g»M34M2l3,_____I, 2 RUNS OF Gondola Shelv- d_ lng . About 25 f t each, Mony _ ir m isc. w ail" shelving 4 '

counters. $250 takes all.b 326^730._________________It 5 FO O T-w alnut Desk, 0 I, dmwors: AND Antique ir Hutch, 100 yrs old. $460 lor

hoih or 3oaafnto-734-8140;-—il

!|— 068-Com om ef8, FOR SALE: TRS«) Model 12. i. 2 disc drivo: DMP-500 Line n Primer, very good condKion.II $4000. Call 8)^7240 days or


073-Sewing &Cratts


;KS. FwII »I»». liotM>n ptntm i culia tfom wood. Ir>clud«t » ™ _

truck, and tItisM ti«ul«r.

■ S ^ l long. r««lut«i

I plant tor inat* dtl>gnth;l

tact! pro|«ct. All orMra a/«

•dCfattt----------------- ------------------• m e 83301 :ll)00 .3K74008

• Mlakog

ss Repair ana~Se^

jmTKM “ t I s r :d-inBula1lon-«nd— — - N e e d - i loorardlng“ a r a — ~ " th « tT h a vice. 3244048. - • $7,20 p

ting. Ini & ext. •• TREE SIrM«9l.-fefa,-Hc;----- — Troos-<icer.324-305y. _ ro m o v a likND WELDING McB^i^„umWno,------ -------------TREESi.Weldli ^ , I Now.- Iniermo

ISno*«>Iowff»o--------arvlce. prlvato___ :__drillod roada. TREESi

_____________ Jim ’s Tr

igloa. coallog & Solve. i■a exp. 7 3 3 ^ blom s .. . Iho solution - iM l-aw # * d « .7 3 3 ^ 1 ,_ — I02!:2£l

BUYING: Everything In gold >• & ;:« llv o r . Idaho Coin

' G alleries, 302 N. Main. 7.3-8503.____________________ •

>: CASH PAID for non-working refrigerators, freezers &

I—etovee, Adam'a734-7199,-------' FURNITURE& Appilaneea. 1 . p ie ce o r whole houaehold.

Call 734-7733. , ■__________..STUDENT wnnlsappltenceB.— worttlng & non-wording, Chq.tD ,A I|or_5.3?^ne,

L _ D 2 tA o tk iu e 8 — -----------^• ANTiOUE-Pol-Beliletf-Slove-.—

$199. Banner Fumitura 733- 1421._____________________

- ORESSERS,- desks, Murphy-^ bed . tables, wardrobe, c lo se ts , much more. SusanBerlin. 43&W25,___________'OUNCAN PHYFE Table. 4 upholatorod chairs., good

. condition. Call 733-6503,Iron Donllst chair & adlusl* ab le stool, n u k e offer; Dun- con phyfe table w/8 Teniplo

. S tew art chairs, $375. Four S e a so n s Roally 324-5888:— —

074-H u3icalA 'BEAUTIFUL Lowroy S p in e l-P lan o . Like now, $1300. Muat s e e 734-7105.

one t. Exc^ cond.’Beal offer. Cali pnylime. 423-4393. LUDWIG DRUMS-' full sol, $250. or trade for guns, Oullaror ban|o. Call 543-6339. MOVING. MUST SELL. Kim­ball Swinger 400 Organ. $800.733-7078 or 734-7083,_________

' ORGAN- Thomas Color-glo Spinet. Excellent condition. $400. Call 734-8448. -

OTa-SewlfioA Cfatta _____ :


— S lip p e r S o f f e

' I


v V y ? .1 2 ‘J Vv^BBbB


L i / Q ^ ' S A t ^ 1V • , fKelji in colotlul comlsit nilti ^

----ihor-JW I'Ji, Uilliii 5QUICK 10 SEW o( amlltd col- - )

• ion. wjjhjblc ana piocliMl lot ; - home, doim. Iratel. Maich Ihem ?

to lobe ot paiimai Patlein <• lil2. pii:tin piectt, di/eclions ^tor Sires S. M, I incluBtfl. £ J2.75 lot each paiifin. Add- f50* «ch pjlltin lor poslj£e rjn<) tianfliing Sind lo: SAlicc Bteeb Dalts n EReidttMill ..^TwlnPotliTfm*i.N«m i I-Bo< 1C3, Old Chttui :>U.. N«« cYor*. NT lOlIJ. Piinl Nam*. |

. Addrm..2fp. Piltetn Num i. . rCRAriS.cialls' l i t . '85 eNttditCtairCMalnf .knit< IcwhVivdolIj,quilli.mwc.3ltee ^oalletn] piintcd inside Stn<) ‘AUCRAfTBOOKS..$2,SOuch £All Books ind CililM-add 50< SMcJ) for pottap and handlinf. VIJS-OollsCClcthesOnftradt . R!3«-14QulckMachiiieQuilb F

— 133+triti«rttanH)tnittirt---------- a13l)-S*eal*.F«hlonvSi»«3»,56 n12J En«lop* Pilehwoti Q«.IB J 127.AI|hj(ti.'o' ODiliet' I26-Tht>ltrCr<ft>no««nt25-PeblO«ilb ®I24-E«rGlfb’n'0iriamwlj 2123-Slitch'n' Palcli()uilb VilZ2.$tutf'n'PuH Quilts Cl20CrxhrtYootHatdtobe a119-E«j Art ef Roww Ciochet ||

. |0»Sff^tl|n^l»^{ Ihtut inti) p

M i i i M d i i i n M p '

J i- k _ J i - T * ^

Rooflfw & R e n w d ell^ ’I—fnoro-spaco.'^Jtnianuzii ioaaem enl for approx. p o r s q l L l r o o e s t a ^ ^

:s e rv k :e — i“ &~3nruDS"1opping'a— " vai. F re e ' oaf.. John .. ido 733-0a39..’734-43Q5..SERVK^------------

____ , .

H-%98.324r5103. J - _SERVICE________4 Shrubbery Irlmm- i

roe ost. insured.TrooCote, 734-14W.

I., your cash How pro- s by solllng-iho iloms •" no longer nood wllh a ‘ ic llnodassllled a d -----------------

- J:



yj WANTED: Piccolo. g o S in condilion. reasonably. prio- J. ed.Call543-5881. • •

■ WURL1T2ER Piano for sale.

^~O i^^:^O fflc8 E ^ l p n ^J- eXECUTONE TELEPHONE . Sysldm with 4 phonos. C all:i.-^ -734-4014evoninflS.............. .

IBM CORRECTING' SELEC- . TRIG III Typowriler. 10- 12.

; .„ P J jy N J ’APERj:QPlor..St«rD_. jl SF720; iroo or will trade tor

aulo, yuns. etc., 734-4303.• . -ask lor Rosa./ TWO Burroughs L-0000 n Compulara wlln 3 cosaolld

stations each, $500 each. Call Prlce-4 S tre e te rC P A 'a -

^ -_____WALNUT aldo table, Russell

: s ide choir, desk choir. & desk. $495 now 1 year ago,

e ■

— 077-Radk). TVS Stereo' COLOR Televisions. Used.

largo aelecilon. From $99.95.’ K en's TV & Appliance. 420 y KUInS.Twln.' TOLOR TV 's. New 4 us ed,

a n a -giiiffm ^ ^ s o s -arT V ' Doctor, corner of Addison

. and 'W ashington, behind I. Polnl U n d . 734^88.'• NEW 8' Prolecllon TV !- Scroen. $400 or best ofler. y- Mode for Noveboam Projoc- 1. t lon TV. Coll 733^)578.— PollCQ -Scannors. Bearcat0 150, $175; Boorcai 160.'-$190:— I. O ihers 01 discount. 324-3452.

QUA2AR 19 Inch color TV. Solid State, like now. $219. Cains O earanca Cenier.

— 73S.7111:— ----------------RENTANEWTVl O w nanow color TV by renllng. Nd

■ OTS-^uraiCarpete ANTIQUE Oak D resser 4 Mirror $299. Banner Fur- .niture 733-1421.___________CASH for good used fur- • nlluro & ap(^lances. BannerFurnlluro. 733-1421._______KINGSIZE w alerbed, 3 mo. old $100; 3 pc cabinet & counlor$25.411 Ridgeway Dr OUEENSIZE WATERBEO.

— COmpleter$50.-Call324-62e7:— ROSE color Nylon solo.

. reduced to door, $29,95 Cains 'O e a ra n c a Cantor,733-7111. _____________SPECIAL ^SALE on Lane C edar Chests. Storting ol $159. Banner Furniture 733-1421. __________ .USEDl^UHAWbH Urossar&— Mirror. $119. Bannar Fur- nlture 733-1421. . . ' - - WESTERN STYLE ROCKER,

■ .N aughahydo cushions wllh 2 end tobies 4 cockiall toblo lo molch. All wood like new, $129, Banner Furniture 733- 1421.

079-Appllance3'FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, w hile, opL size, $79. Coins a a a a n c a Canter. 733-7111.

~ i ^ . ________REMODEUNG. For Sale. Whirlpool wosher/dryer. 16

GE O ro ^ n Stove. Rlichon'” Aid dlsw ashor, 4 double .

J c a s t Iron sink. All good Horvosl Gold appllancos. Sell oil or part. 423-5321. . SEARS co ld • Spot-

. R efrigoralor. $199. BannerFurniture 733-1421.________STANDARD Size Magic Chef Electric Slovo. $100. Can bo so o n a t Skylano Mobile H om of97.STOVES. $49 4 up. Rofrlg.$79 & (ip. Apt..Slze Waaher-

• Dryer. $329. Di>or, $129. Freezer, -$139. THE

- gAflGAlN-fiAn N ;734-308l,"------TOP OF THE UNE Kllchon Aid -Dishw asher.- Almond. Still in canon. $495,324-7188, WESTINGHOUSE Frost Free ' R e frlge ralo r. $249. BannerFumlTura 733-1421.________ ___

~WItI^fpooi Hoingffrfllorj22U. B anner Fumitura 7334421. 1 15 Cubic Foot.— AMANA— I FREEZER. $250.-Call 734-

2 MONTH OLD Konmord W hite W asher & dryer. $800.-- .Call78S-29ei.________30" ELECTRIC Ranges, Star- iting a t $129. Banner Fur- ,

- n ltu ra 733-1421, j5 CU.FT. Frlgldoire ■Rofrlgoralor. '$199. Banner i

" F um ltur873H 421. - |

1 (SM ieatingafid j - . - AlfCooditJooIng . ^

AlR-TIGHTWoodslove, lined C ' w ith tiro brick. $250. Call y

734-4212, -Il


^ J t l S T I

^ I2 1: — h o v o - c h o s e n - T ^ ) o s o - o u ( - j o l e ^

FRIDAY, NovemberC A N Y O N S P R Ih

—■ ■ H I

o e o -H ea tln g a n d '^ . AirCondftionlno

FIREPLACE INSERT. Lirge _ capacity, cooking surface, e . fon, excellent condilion, d . $395. Call 734-M77, a FRANKUN Fireplace with

Te SMALL WOOD-BURNING III hooler. Good s u e lor mobile

homo or shoo. M7-477B. ; 5- th e Fam ous Earth Stoves 2. and Inserts go on sale 10 eg days onlyl Hllchln Post, 140

Monroe . S treel West. Klmborl2^ ^ ^ O T j ^ ^ _ ,

S' 062-BulkIlnoMalwUs

« « a ' “ “ a s s s " " " n Ltil ^ulldlnna avallBbla torh. machine__ alorago__ o t_ _ o _ff^ S d rk sh o p . PricM sloshed

- ond savings p assed lo you,III Never erec ted . quick & dellvory on Iho limllod0, specia ls. Coll Brian .ot 208-

. 354-7283." - GRAVEL

CRUSHED GRAVEL W e~ r ^aul o r tppick up. Colt 543- «' 60820^734-8296. g Quality built Trusaoa.

- tor Iroo a uo tos.326«0b.RPn rPHAH lnlnr~.

Y v ^ ^ O T ^ I v N t e P I n o ; <»ral ,3 lumber. Polos. 324-8120.

ROUGH LUMBER, post 4 w poles, Irussos. golv. and f colored metal. 32M131.> SPECIAL: Rough lumber

$220 to $250. Flrowood and posts. Call 326-4089,

3;— 6T EELpJR.-l_B«om a. .10-.1 40'x10", 70-12' & 16'x12". A ) good buy. Call 733-0471.

?; 0 6 3 - ^ f l f l S a l 6 3. ANTIQUE AUCTXIN Sundayw Dec. 2nd. Make your con-0 sinnm onts oarly, call 733- n 7754. Snake River Auction,

r~ROnDATBAZAAR-Garogp. Sale. 403 Allair Dr. Twin Falls, 9am lo 5pm.


.__M ual.G oL W oodshop lo o la ^ r- ’6" Jointer, Lathe. 12 bags ol ir blow-ln ' Insaiolion, ond

much, much more.). Household Hems include K Fisher studio standard r sleroo , Washer, dryer, cheal ^ (roozor, hoalors. canning

4 miles W ost on Poloirno 'i Road, North 2 miles, red Hie5 roof^- Ploaso call^onytimo• 734-1S29._________________- YOU HAVETOSEEAUTHE Q GOODIES TO BEUEVE [' WHAT Vre HAVEI West Ad- ^ dison Floa Morkot, com er ol

i.■■ ^ l l o “ Spoclol thiaiivM!7-J~

■ -ploco- 1920-Vinlaoo-Wamui '1, Dining Room Sol- only2 $1,000. U sed couchos Irom Q $15. Usod bods and mat-1 tr e s s 's from $30. Children's I- furniture, tools, kitchen

wore and much more. Lol'a of Christm as Ideas. Open

i----- Mon,thruSal.-10-6.-733-5070—YOU NAME rr- Wo have II. Sal & Sun,-8:30-? Advance

: Storage. South Eastiond II- “ 17.7317202................... ,

■ O e ^ ra w o o d ••BEAVERWOOO COMPANY: Firewood by th e somi or in

3 Iho ro u n ^ or spill ond

v7'O R Y “ lSCANO~PARK~prnOT*‘ 3 Split and delivered. $75fK J ton pickup load. 733W78,

SEASONED HARDWOODU Call 423-4509._____________f WE'VE GOT FIREWOOD, IP

pine. Cut. apilt, delivorod. f Call 324-7563. .............


FofChrlatm aadlnner?HOW about a Plump, Juicy G oose ready for iho ovon.

1 R nnnlnnrrftm a-lfllh t Orflor ' voura todoyl 423-6811 '

' R A W -H 0N E Y .-5 pounds,- ' $4.50; 10' pounds, $7.50; 1 ' gallon, $9; 4 gollons, $34; 5 '

I ■oallons.$41.a8-2355ovos, ■------------------------------------

___ 0 9 & -P e ta 4 S iip p im — -------TOP QUALITY Female i

,_ .E n g llsh _ S o llo r . O ut—o f - ;‘ Champion Won Beau |

Crockett's Son. Not spayed. <e months old, ready for train- .

' Inn. $300.543-5872.________ ,WANTED a good home with . ikids for a smalt female part |Collie. 6 years old wllh all ,sho ts and spayed , pleasant 'dlsoosillon. Call 423-4319. |

' XMAS SURPRISE-AKC i• Cocker Spaniel ,Pupa. l ~ Fema les . Bloch

Cll will hold. Quollly Show '^C ail 324-4002. I

4~ S h iHUAHUAS. Adorable.1 month Old. All maled. G roat.

I Christmas glftl ChooseI yours now. Call 734-8212, in :

- ihe mornings._______

CB2-Auctions (

[ S m i ir M B w r o j1 M U t » 4

DAYSR h r n n r i r i i ; ; t r l h i i l r i r : . t i i - T w l n - F a H s - t o - c p n d uQ .------------- ------------------------------

tier 30 • 10 3.m.-7 p.m. SR IN G S IN N- ^ - « S 7 - f i l v e 4 . - o k o r B H r f n

A n y o n e m a y a t to n d ■ /


i : : ' : v ^ : ~ o .

i i ■y ■ V / ' v - L - . - /

s ) ,5 ^ ^ - /3 ' J I '

i i l i l i lii i l r 'F ' -■ '‘ iF 'iO U rOtfrW A fn-M ETO CQ


ogO -Pats& Suppllds -i ADORABLE Purebred -Old . p

English Sheep Dog Puppies, r Will hold for XfMs, 324-4951 p

I ADORABLE AKCRoglalered pC ocker Spaniel Puppiaa for n

, sa le. Good gilt for Xmas, g5 734-5437 ask lor 'ng l. or a' 734-8299a tieriom _________ 3, AKC Christmas U b P u p s_ < |4 Yellow. & Fox Rod. Ready |< > Doc. 15th. Pick 'em Now. ^

$125. Call 733^76.________ ^r AKC English Sprlngor tl' Spaniel, molo, tail docked, ■'

dew claws removed, oil r sho ts , Llvor & while,

__ h o u a eb roko^Jxco iion t-w / — ,, chlldron. good bloodline,■ $150 Firm. 324-3556. .- AKC IRISH SETTER pup- 7

plos, by son of Ch Tuxedo's— Formal Qceastan. Hloa nnd V

e y es guaranleod. Sweet, h. mollow tomperamonls. Coll 1

324-7201 ovonlnns.________ gAKC Mlnloluro PInschor 7

) Pups. Mother under 11” , Fa- 2 ^ Ih o r - . 10" .- .C ham pion -back -J,I oround. $150.oa. 934-5559 4' AKC roglalerod U b puppies '- for sa le. Yellow & bUiCK, 0 I w eeks old, groat (or

Chrlslm es. Coll evenings 'c54^6308._______________ T. I


r h u n t , po'lnt, & retrieve. Exc. 1 with chlldron. Had shots, ^

• wormod. Ready for S . Christm as. Now taking do- P• poslls. 87S-2117. Burley. » : AKC SHELTIES.. <minIaluto_a 1 coillos) Puppies. 6 wks. '< , sw oel disposition £ In- .*

I -AKC-SHIH-TZU or-Poodlo - 'r Puppies. Pdsod from $150 to - '1 $171 Also unregistered d. Poodie..R uppIos S6O. Cali r, 93<-5S58. _____________t1 BEAGLE PUPPIES lor sale, bI Ju s t rig^hl' for Christmas, n 1 Avail. Dec, J 2 th — Puppy- 5— sn o ts; Cell 421-5709, otter ^ 4 t

ell day wkenda.____________*>- B lackU bpup.7m onlhso ld ,- 0- papered. 1 months training, a

nood nose . $100,726-4730. ^ CHESAPEAKE BAY Relrlev- ri n r nrtTfi rnlrlflvfl'j — 3 fom ^e, 2 .y rs old. Golden, ^

, $650. Call Sfo-5872.________ 3I DACHSHUND . Pupploa.

UnroDlalered. $30. Call 733- 1^^ 723 Iw es.^— - • —• ......... ~i DARLING 7 week old black - '

German Shophord-EngllshW ater Spaniel, purebred >pups, $10 ooch. 734-76B1. yFOR • SALE. AKC 0

I Chosapeoko Rolrlevjr pup- P plos. Proven .background;

• $150.543-6373. g- FREE. Border Colllo X Pup- E

Plos. Call 324-2600.________ cLab Pups. 5 w eeks old. ex- hcollonl hunting stock. Froo sto Good Home. 734^73. c

Parakeets&CocfcaUals. . C• W ? tt , Ju « C « n ._ 1

orCail733«& 4, T c_PflOEESSIONM - .............0

[ GROOMING! Vacationing? s : I'll board your dog. Chorl C

Miller K ennals. 423-5104, 0 PUPPIES for ChrislmasI 3

3 2 4 ^ . ___________ .1=-- PUREBRED Mlniahjre F

O aschund p u ^ o s . $50,00. C CallaftorliOO.TO-1817. - C TOP OF THE UNE AKC ** Roglslorod Black Lobs.

. Wholpod Oct, 7th. Sire: 1984 V Notional Amoluro Champion' H 4 Field Champion. 2 Tromorc's 2ip Codo; Fem o lo .. ti Is proven Dom, both ore OFA n cortlflod on hips. Eyos clear. 7 Pups ore rotrlovlng. 1st . ;

_ a h o U ,-£ )o w -d a w T T a n io v « r^ wormed. They're boaulloal ! Moles $250, Females $200. ’!

Call 543-4687.- ___• 2 pu rebred 'cfoam 4 ‘ whiie

m ale Poodles. Hoiiaobroko, 1 9 monlha, $30 ooch. 329-4427 ask for Tawnl pfler8 p . m .

062—Auctions qq

5 d | SR C L Q S E - (

r s s Kl u c t T i “ t S r g ^ f a c t o r 7 ^

SA T U R D W r.D ec6fnh irl.r N ? f i w i n - f w l r r i d a h o -------I A n y o n e m a y p u r c h o s o

» M P A N Y ^

9 5 4 - 1 0 ^ ^

h • i ■. U - - 1 --

■■ ■ ■


3 CQV\E HOME WfTHODT M 'f ~ UW A N TA\£TD 6 ? f *

097-H ay,G faln& Feed ■; d ALFALFA-FIno .stem , no . .I- rain, 40 tons ol 2nd; 60 tons 1 0 l 1 s t : ^ / lQ nlakeelI.$g2/1_________

d FOR SALE: lOff-To/is Hoy. ,'f g rass $80, 4 al(alla.$70. Call1. 686-7751. _____________f GOOD QUALrrY 1S1, 2nd *, 3rd culling hoy. covered, (-•dollvorod In opprox 5 tony lo ls . Call 324-5187: ■'• HAY FOR SALE. 20 ton; 2nd• culling: $87.10 ton; first cut-ir lino: $ » , Coll 324-3533,— ,; • HAYFORSALEI G rass Hay. $2.00 p e r bolo.-

'• C a l l4 2 i4 3 q _____________I, " WANT TO BUY WHEAT.

Coll 886-7752 or 88&-2087 or 733-1332._________________

II 1st 4 2nd culling hoy. U rgo and snu lt amounts sold. Coll.

r 734-2851 oorlvoriole.>• 200 TONS- 1st 4 2nd Cutting;

$65/per ton .-T ested .-C aU - -, 467.j286:_________________;S FORSALE0 3rd cutting hay.r . CalI733-&77. . .® ■ 5 TON la l Culling- G rassy

Alfalfa Hov.Call32g32W. - . y so TON 1at eutlinn hav. AND • * ^ ^ o n 3r(TCu«IngTldyrFor------------^• sa le . Call 655-4317.________ ;; 8.000 BALES STRAW. $1.00 . por bale. Call 544-2519 or

_______________ -3 80 ton of 3rd cutting, $70 pot' ~ l o n : '200-ion-of-2nd cutting,

: $65 por ton; 200 ton o l 1st . WS per ton. Call_________

; J r a e - f s r m F b T R e r til FARMS AND DAIRIES FOR ' LEASE in Ihe Gooding and

Wondoll ores. Contact FHA• by December 19, 1984,• phono 934-4488.___________________ _( FOR RENT. On Intorsiate 84,‘ S . of Eden, 295 ocros. All In

w heel linos. Highly energy• officionl. Cosh renL Call '. 678-8820. Burley, eves.

PRIME PoUto ground for ; rent. 100 acres 4 vrhoel line,________

r t e ^ % ^ c r ^ M 4 ^ 7 w — .

• _ _ 0fla-Pftshife3 ForRanl

; i o 2 - c a t t i 9 ' ;-------------1 ANGUS BULLS, 2 year o ld 4 — . ,

younger, non-pompered,; easy calvora. Howard Angus- Ranch, 543-4915,__________^

BULLS FOR LEASE,' Rocky• Banioll.543«)75.

COLOSTRUM fed day old- Holfors and bull calves for J sa le. 324-3438 or 32*«e8.-

CQLOSTRUM STARTED . Day-old.. Bull-calYOS,_Caii ____

- ■ DAIRY HEIFERS^ good- - Bolocllon of close- up and _ r short bred dairy heifers.- 'I Chuck Pollorson, 2 North

ond 2Vi East of Jerom e. Call , 324-3331 or324-4737.

buy. Call 733^71 . •I POLLED Horolord Bulls. BT, '

CL. Domino. 15 Brooding.- Coming 2'-yoor olds, poy

. Je sae r. 733-1267.__________

i WILL Cualom Food Holsleln Heitors, Coll 532-4457.

, 20 mixed cows storl calving I. tost of January. B re e d 'to polled ahorlhorn bull. Call

733-4303. IL -L-4-y&or-old-Purebred-tjnn- ' '1 -horn Bull, good confonma-

'iM -H o rse a 'I H oraes bounhl-sold-lraddd. r HomeofOoo'eOoctor.-

93-Livestock. PH. 7 3 3 « « ,

062—Auctlona 1. ,>

i-O U T

/ p v o rru n a n d . - '

1 _ r . 1 l i a . m . 4 p . n .

N Q U E T - R O O WI—

— ■I:.'..

: r .......... , - ■ v '

Page 23: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

l2 ^ T f8 v r tT fa lle ra____ 1

- i - ^ M* F e a tu r in g : ./ * . . W l f d e r n G s s '

* : , b y P l o o tw o o d

. * I— ^ t n r M 1- ,

Ifop^}(.B u rloy 6 7 6 - 9 4 7 6 H o u rs :

_J l O o n e s . ^ ____■ tO N E^ yoar old Jomny.Mulo.. bfoka lo pock and ir td i J700.Catl 837-4570. ■■-------REGISTERED & Qrodo Ap- p a k ^

REGISTERED 'Psiomino • Quorlor Horao Fii'ly. 050.

Call 543-B270.RE Q IB T E flED -8-;?oar-oW Paint, RIdo, packA work cat-

. IIP. Callatlor6om.82S6738. „ R o f l lB lo fo d - POA—Qolfllnor

Good chlld 'a ponv. nroat k Chrialmaa n»t. Call {fe4-7427.

SEVEN YR. 0 1 .0 AP- PALOOSA. Gontlo. 000.00. CalM23«W41.

lO S -H oneE qu lpn ten tEnollsh Saddle comploto 1witn o<^^> stirrup & pad. ox- -collont condition, askino ^C 2 5 .654-2580 Doclo orM. ^ VKIEFER built trallot-s, conv U' M rs quality and p rico s .: %Pull-Gooaonock-Alumlnum. .Farmoro E);chanoci days, 1

• B37-«294orovo637-6;!S0.___ -■ WE BUY& soil uaod iiadd les. o

& tack . Shop around vrilh us rc___ last, boca u sa vyo wlH nol bo tu

u n d o rso tj uii UAila-4"sad»—}C d lsa l Vtekws tVeatam8torM73S.70W . _____2 HORSE Oeluxa MotM, ax- ^ c a ltan t oondltlon. Coll 73»-

- «

;i o 6 - s w f i w _ | j

'lO B -S heep /G oo ts ^. „ ' 3 0 , hoad o l bred Ewoa, J?

tJiiTiba starting Januaw 6; °A lso 2 bucks. Call 32«-fnO. }° 40 HEAD of Purobrod i J u l f o l k ^Ewos. All bred, will Iiimb In ^January . Also 2 bockn, 63*- ' "

- -8274 avas o f 83*-<139daya. *

112-lrrigatJon ■

Inch handtinas . 324-3042. , “ G atsd & undqroround pipo. 7 C ustom fabrlcatlna, plpo ropttlrA plpo trallara. A m olh_|:o

HASTINGS GATED R P E ._ = Alum. PVC &'uhdororound. y. Woo trallor. J495. Math.srs, 6 J - fnlloa Soulh o l Klmt»riy. EvlCall anyllmo. 423-5847. ___ t» i


SprlnklarH sK iRabulklw s • 1612 Main. Buhl 5434633 • ^

Guar, robulldino tor Nolson ^

K lo ro b ^ ln g .^ w j* n o M to conaldor Travis o r Tliundor- , birdi Wo a lso .so il & Invlall 12 PVC main linos 4 p u m p a _ ^ GIvo u s 8 call today. Snuka ^

~ i ) 3 ; w s i 5 i w n « z r r - - r aplo

TOP OUAUTY Qra-<ol w£i. dollvofod.Call536-251t. —25 FI X 68 FI Harvo8tc<a 12 Structuro wllh unloador lo r .7?salo. • Vary roasonabto. K ! oism anttlno & aroctlonavallobla. Idaho Waal. Inc. / JCall 32&-3120__________ ^ ^:»7G A L L 0irbu lk lank & 4 K?'

, unit plpo lino. Call &43-4B83. L^.

— m - f a r m f a n p tonianta .. - -|!iS A43. '


CASE ' 2070 m o . 1977 wttl.’d i a l s ........................... *30.000' _CASE 2670' 4 WO. 1077 wllh , SN<

c ! u £ lx \ V iiYiiiiiiL'iii'«^ ‘Mi ' ‘mnf• I ro n t...............................*4000 lo.MF1150 ........................*7300 SpaJD8040...........................*8500 Colj

— W 'L 1160 MJlcall-Hr^rrrCOOO-TWI QEHLie»MlxiJI............*2500 Snc

i BURKSTBACTORS jme; Tw InF^ta 324-

. 73M 6U 1978- • 0% — CAT.-----HYDRAUUC-'noWi

:a i5 g le b l a d e . *2500. Caii p jn» ■ IMM

.Jo h n . O aora . 4440:.'J o im ’440. ■, !0M f6 W O; C as6 23U0) I.H. -*J25_ ; io « r coflo -saoc-B ockftoo;.: i

,N i& Coao 12' c n isel Plow. ■Call for a prioa on now Irao- toiv. will trade. Call Bill

, J U)£Qtimillor733-57Br.STIEGEa Twin 0 «-s<il dlae. _ T a ^

.Z42 wiUiir." w^t)co iiwiwi 4Q09 grador. 668 B; Cat motor

u j ,_ T v s g jsk M ii» < jJo i i« n !U u a _ ;! !s ^ w i lR e r a . Uaod 1 soaaon. 2 ^

WC' REBUILD Hydraulic J a l^ a » l ABBOTT'S AUTO

- S I M p l y ;— 305 Shoahone.S t j f t l South. Twin. - t fuc

--»^tAflMHAND-Sinolo*HOw-‘’f l ^ TaijkTypo Boot DIpnor. E*- / ? t

^XQlloiil condlllon *35t). oach Fan _<50UJ 286-4461. ■ T»‘lo

12S-Triv6!Tfli!«ra , . -

a H E B A l' Yes, noW yo

J your cake &-------- G a t t h o t r o ’-V-= g»^ y o o 'v o b o o n

7 I W ta I-l.uhai

I N Z A iIWCEHTEIliilTs: 9 ‘6 o .m . M o n . - S a r V "

ft >|c * * iH *

—1g~Motof-Homfll. - - :::


A LL '8 4 's R S t o r t i n g /" H o n d lin g .! u

C O A C H M A N R V s S F

MOUNTAIN HIM rB aiaH lshw oy Mount

114-Fum Implements i210 FARMHAND FEED BOX. G Vary good cond. With now 2f

—floor chatn- and - hubs.-«23- tti

1 1 5 > F ^ W 0 (fc 1(All Q founa Work *5

. COflNTHRE8HINQ4&8row rock plckor, loador, manure 1;hauling. 543^886._________ ; . f6 0 fW THRESHINta-Trucks^ avallabto If noadod. Call 5 4 ^ 1 1 o r 543^081. J j

.CORN THRESHING R,NHTR95. Coll Doug Beamoa w


. MANURE8PREAnNG_ JE BonHoldemonn 1C

Calj_______________ 423-4289 TiMISSOURI FARMER Moving ?l to Idaho. Nood work & home fu lor Family exporloncod In P larm lno & Livestock. Jam es 'o

‘Tfor8irRr*2?IimaT7MlMourroi_____ ®:» REUEF MILKER

AVAILABLE.lany sWIt. Call ^ 324-7384. , Oj

M ■Becceallonal----- j■ ~ .......... - M 8l

120-Avlatk)n ^-FOR SALE-ORJRADEU/IO___I- in ta rasM nC eaana 150. (860. p Call 5 4 ^ .

~ IZ t^ ta& A c^ ' ZEvlnruda & Morcury Motors, <b oa ls & ' llatilng tacklo. -i;Tom 'a Marina & f e o r t Gda, ClH evburnfBunov. 878-7473. rn17FT 1D82 CARINA Boot, q rm otor & Jraller. Trt-hull, ex« FCcollent condition. Call 733- Cl 5773 Of gftore. 734^422.1060 JET-SKI440 Modltlod to Mi

-------------------------------------- cc122-Sportinfl6ooda 19

•CO N aiQN-your-ouf»-4-gun— collsctlons now for top dollar a t Tho Ouimtor, Bluo U k o s Sporting Gooda. 733: ^

FOR SALE. Uke t»ew. C onH - S p lots 'w orkbench se t wllh

'l24-SnowVehWea ®FOR SALE. 1983 Polarlj 800 . IBIndy wllh luned axhausL On- SI'ly 14D0 actual mL *2950. Call Ct 436-5607 or 436-6100.Magic V alley's Supormarkel ^ ,lor now and uaod h■Finwmobllai. SnnilenJ-----available on all models. We C S■olso 'ara 'inalafooat-suppiy* ! of anowmoblla clothing In lha Vailoy. '

. KawasaklofTwfnFallaD

SNOW MACHlNrTRAILER. QCustom bum. holds 4 7mnehlnoa. 8x10. landem a i- ^ to. brakes, swlvoi tonguo.S pare tire. *1000 or trade. -Coll 467-3252 Richfield. hTWO--1874—TNT—Skl-OOO- ISnowmobllos In really good Pcondition. Call423<740.--------- f:1978 AHTIC CAT JAG. Ex- t collont condlllon: AND 1978440 Rupp Niiro II, 900 miles. U*700 choice. Coll 324-2058 or U324-2279._______________ ^197B TX 440 POLARIS. Ukonow. feso .T C airbo tw oon 'e - “ p .m .410;30p.m .73»5056.iw o - P o t:Ani5 anowiiwmit r “ W . F a n - c o ^ engine.

— i n 440 JOHN DEERE.:. : Excollant shape . Call423^4m

1061 POLARIS 340 T?(L Exc. • u n n l^ -c o n d .- tJ 7 i» .- C a |l - -

1982 YAMAHA SS 440. Very - :loan. Com aa with cover.— ~ »;89SrGall324-4094. -

1fie3JOHNOEERE440 ■.008 than 500 miles, 2 le lm ots , extra windshield

»44^w!m 723--1 -------------1984 POLARIS Indy 600. Very :loon wllh 191 Milos..Call 1B6-7756. - - 984 YAMAHA EnHcefLeno 'ruck . *1000. Coll 934-4351,a y a or 834-4273. avoa_______ 1 —T7 ARCTIC CAT PANTERA, an coolod, Exc. cond. Low ■illos.MpO.326-4448.._____ L -

■ TK^TDiwITrenarB - 1:

™ S ' l-s/OU can _have & o q f i t t o o l jf rojro v o l t r a l l o r *o n w o r i l l n g a *O B i M n n u s t a i — ■ t

JfSV ■ih»k«i '.’.M ■_____

flMEN 85■ ■

NOW SREDUCED 1 At *6995 Sj

. f u l l l i n e o f ------- ----------^fi R od-E-K am p V an s pac

HOME FORD Iu n ta ln H o m . 587-3389 50.C

' ' • • . = = ^ ^ ------------- 13J

125-TfavelTtalleraGOING-SOUTH?'1882^orTy— S ' ‘’28'. Many opilons. cloanor ®>*than naw.-ldoal tlvlng. musl - - ^se a to appreciate. 110,750. 198Call 7M -gW anor 8:00 p.m. con 1967A U O ir.F o lly so lfcon -talnod. good ‘ condition, 198:cloan. n e w . Call 538-2958. foal1981 NU-WAY 32 foot Hit- ‘ll2chhlkor 5th Whool Trailer. 198

-tasK JO O nnsniko 'now , may "bxebo aeo n ot 7M Conlof Slreet 734East In KImborty or call 423- igg.4111 and ask (or Rogar or zX iRobbia o r *23ris3s nov w ookonds and ovonlngs askforRoflor.________________1981 TAURUS Travel Trallor. for.solf-contalnod. sloops 6. __ ;

- e «c .- c ondlllo ii. Catt-BTOTF— —Inns Only. 423-5330. .1361981 33 loot Prowler Travel —Trallor. Self contained. 1961sloops 6. AC. complotoly Hotfurnfthod. twin bods, pro- Airpono hot w ater hoalor. 2 ax> onn lo. lovllnq lacks. Opofalo9__J4a

-orr-otoctnc1ty-l5f propono, 1973axcollont condlllon. rrwny witlax lra s , *10.500. For further rooiInformation call 7D2-28»«137 tioro r 702-269-2048 Ety.-Nevada Vigor734-5578. v- ^— buc126-Campera&Shell8 Lgg

OVERCAB High Camper gos aholl. Panolod 4 Inwlaiod. Buc Very flood cond. *250 or g0Q| tratfo.& allallor 6.324.4667.

----- B'-OV£RSHOT_CAMPER onnE lectric o r gas . aiovo & boc

.127-T^^otof Homes 141-CLASS A MOTOR HOME lor __ ran t. 21 It., sloops 6.733-1027 ^ Of after 5pm 73>a244 AFOR RENT: Vyinnobago 25'. ' ■ I C lass A. sloops 6. goneretof m u & A C .7 3 3 -1 Q M o r7 » ^ . ■ MOTOR HOME 1974 1BV%‘ B

..Q poaJond-lnw JiilB S -luU it— 3soll-cbhW iied:----- oxc'oHont- S icondlllon, *7400.7344024. . ^ 1977 COBRA. 21 ft. 360-

s idor pari tredo. Coll 733- ! ■• 7072. oyes. -___________■ -»• I BlO er MIDAS. S leeps 6. oxc ! ■

-condtttaft.-Musl-ae!ii-*15;eOO.- ■ RRMI Coll 734-2302.1962 PACE ARROW 32'Molof Home. Uko now. only ’ 5000 miles. *10.000 o il ofnow d Dflca. 678-7948 or 676-2779,1984 PACE -WROW for rent. '* Sloops 7. Affordoblo luxury. Cflll678-6404oftor5. _

141-Van8 - ^

-198rrOYOTi5 ipood .Iron tm U tlon . o ir .co

— control,. A lpln» 7>63-to»CQU« dudoa :_ook^lda .panalt..av iiJ

•• -m ont eort»olo-(Prp.wlr^d-jor \ w llh icon ond chonnol rocoll, plu»h burgundy colored eorpo ond cutlom olum lnum .w heolt,

z W A S $177641 -CLOSE^UT-^ S P E C IA L ...

mi— M O T O R ^ ^ e O ^

2 3 6 S H O S H O N E STI

' '

M t o m o t i v *

• '177-M otofHom e8 • ~ i

• • • • •


■ (3V1084Tito»'c:oAa^'s £(1)1964 El Dorado Mini M olor. 2.4 Homo C<

-T haso units a re loaded and C; roodv 10 n o -a t 'lo a s _ t? ^ 'l—n :

TJBursrcosii Cj

Bank Financing. OAC.

----- SeeatG&GIN PAUL vwi

• 43845B0______

_12&-UillltyTi«llef8 Something special walls 1 f w ^ u todoy In Classlllod.

■ ■ • ________ CC

t S ! A u to m o tiv e .

1 S -A u to ,P ^ & ■A c c ^ so f te a - •

.CBANK—S ^ f T . - b -

COII324.20S6-___________ 'JHJRSALE =

G ood 1969 4 bolt 350 ond 350 ^■Turbo. *450. Coll 734«89. 1<FOUR 13" Studded Snow pQTiros ond W hoels.Flta Pinto, on*25 ooch. Call 32*^773. j nTIRES, WHEELS, winchos, pcroll bars. All 4x4 ac- pi,c o sso rias . 324-1204 days or. 4 ,,734-5420 ovos.___________ - ^ aW a r n w e n c h . 6.00 ib.paclly. Fils Joop CJ. Like a»now. .*450. Call 6780796 or fq

_________________ __Co1973 350. V-8 4 auto. Irans. Lo50.000 miles on rebuild. Exc. Wtcond. SSOO. Cflll78fr3isi. SO:

135-Cycl06& Supplle3 m 1974-74 HARLEY DAVIDSON ^ F L H rfull-dross, *2000. Box

1981 HONDA 450CR dirt blko.~ l® ; complotoly rebuilt, q^ood ^ ru b b o r.vo fyc lean .32»a to . gE1983 KAWASKIKX125. Very K foal. Now top end. Good t iros. 324-2002.___________^

7 3 4 ^ ovonlngs. ____ *1984 KAWASAKI NINJA Frc ZX900A1. 3500 mllas. like new, call 733-7385. ’ ^ 1964 KDX 250. 4 rrlonlhs old.


1966 INTERNATIONAl, ^ Hoavy duty 6 yd dump truck. ^ Air brakos ond horn, 478 g as •• 186

or*1978 CASE 5600 Backhoo .J lli with cab . 1400 houra. now 197 roar tiros, oxcollont condP' y8, tion. *16.500. Call 786-3096. -»I8 4SB Mtchigan artlcullatlng 4 'HE WD Loador. DiosoMV^ yard 197 buckotr C a t- ^ - 4 W D' Au Loador. diofiol. 4 In 1 bucket, iQi] 4»b;.M lcntflaiU A V a4<oa(^^ g as rebuilt trans.. 1V< yd vic< buckol. 42^4457 or T s ife f l. cal S80B C asa Loador. backhoo, Soi dioaol. torqyo. TSib. rebuilt onnlno: saOoC Casa Loador. ^ "backhoo, 3FM0I, "torquo;-------

™ TOweSfino.

m -V a n a 14

' 1978 EMC RICO comV-9. outom otic. pow er tio e t duot o lr conditioning, c ru iie. 4 cop lo ln t choir*, goucho. w< ladder, o lu p o r g o ^ van for o

*799i■ iIJJIIilM l iB l

______ —

i i m c m.conditioning, pow er *to«rlngr

.oU».>lttf«o, roar .hoator—CuUi avorhood . conlb lo ..fron t d rink , t o r VCR ond-vldoo gomo*)rHltofi all, a lrc ra lt tlyle-J ovorhood ligh: irpot ond wolour upliolsiory. Spe o l t . ----- ------ • ---------

SMI ' ^ ^ / flM cn

)MR4NY- -= -STREET W E S T .


136-«eavy EquipmentC.E. 15


CASE560CB/H w /oxtorr--------d a h o o ; .......................*19.000 iCASESSOCwfcob&atand. hoo. .7 . . . *21,5002-CASE 580B w /cab. .*15.000CASE 530 .....................*8.800 “CAT l 2 Grad0f .*7500, -*!: ■CASeVW Loodor-rrrJlS.OOO^t CAT D-7 C raw ler..........*3500 w. BURKSTRACTORS

Twin Falla . 73MS43

FOR SA t.ErO -6 D0ZER-9U wilh' -rippora.' -good ' cohdl.-"Pl tion. Call 324-2214,_________

^ H N D E E R r ’ lUSED — w


J.D.310A Backhoo. *21.500 IE , c a t 0 -«062or.*10.000 C C aso 58C0 Backhoo, *18,000 ' m


- lnlors»cllonHwy934l-64.■ — Crossrooda. ID '

324-2900 ;.- ■ ^ ^ q u a i o n . ^ -;

t£•• ID140~Trucka P‘

FOR SALE: 1963 Frolahtllnor diond 1959 Chovy 1% ton i |Truck. Colt 73M266. KiFOR SALE: 1977 Ford F-150 19Pickup. Excollont condition, to 4l,000-aclual..m lIos,-6 ply— S(Radiol Tiros.- 4 spd. with C(Compor shell. Call e2ft-&532 10altorSpm._____________ ^ SIFORCED TO SELL 1981 El dcComino. Porfocl condlllon. co Loadod with opilons. - ^ 1W holosalo book S5.4&. Will 19sell lo r 54.950 or bosi ollor. , pi, :JoH_23fb?9a2._daya_OfJ?t‘_ r o

y g l _______________ fu:3ood 1975 CHEVY LUV W 35ion. 4 speed . AC. AM/FM _a a a e t to . Call 733^71. “n tam atlonot Truck 1600. "1‘18.000 mllos. Cal|-73M141 - 1 jvonlnos. ' ' -______ ox REPOSSESSION-1979 Ford 32. F250. Many options, laklnp 19; Jlds. Call United Rrat Fed- w Bral‘S a W n g s73*«00 fo rln - .3^ formation._______________

i'n o w o ^ .u y ^ ^ X 4 '* rA ? s o fin1977 8> nowor Aulomobllos. ac -rpntlorM oiora. 734-8340.1952 FORD PICKUP. Now g* Mint, now interior, pew tires rui ind chrom e rtma, robullt 6 73, :y llndoranolno with approx.:,1.000 mllos. needft Iransmls-

1964 % TON FORD Pickup: 6 “ !®! g ^ ^ r , 4 speed . *500. Call

1964 DODGE Vi ton. 318, 4 - ipood, good condlllon, *425ir hnot n»Ar r j l l ^ilto f 6:00 p.m.__________ Dfl1970 % Ton Pickup, robullt Ex/ 8, 4 Spd. am /fm cassotto MFtie reo w /boostor. Uko now d a•ubber, Exc. cond. 7 3 ^ 7 . p1970 • FORD PICKUP. 193 ^utornatlc. p /s ; Call ovon-'' .tlonnnO nly. 4a-5330._______ 19(t97M=0flB-t-T6H-Ttre-6ef-— «-«'lea Truck. Com pressor. ^:alclum, hoist, good cond. tK>00 ,at Flroslone Store, 410 lur4aln Avo. Soulh. or call -rio^15811__________________-----------i m t H «)00--------r - r t mI Axl0.-Cal d iesel, STOSOrCall - 35. ■34-7279.— - ' 197

Ifl-V aiM SS

NVBISIOHVANte rlnp . pow er b roket,0 . Iiri, AM/FM iteroo . w ot bo r. rool rock ohd r only

M M O T M ■

- ;- r - -.r-T— -----b-.----- : •


■ _

[E R S IO H Z :gr tilt w hee l,'c ru i» o ' I ■ '

1 .ho ldar» . ontertoln.— | _ l = ofchl cotor lefBvliibn " I ]ht«. privacy curta in. I I peclol pa in t packag e I I

l;roaUy / R e n n u l t /

733.2891 ;


140-Tm cto; ” '11973 CWEVY Vt TON SIERRA 1 C t a ^ . *1250. Coll 733-4042 V

, O f7»2070 . •:___________ .«1974 FREUHAUF 40' aomi 1 Spud trallar.& 1978 Farmbod »

-32- sa lt unloader. 432-6344, - o1975 DATSUN Pickup w/ cam per shell. Runs well, ex- ■

-Ira rims. *1400.834-8505. • -1! -197B CHEV Y "t~16nr-D u«l~V

Wheels, 8x12 stock rack, * sliding roar 'gate, 32,000 ^ mllos. *5500 or oiler. Cair-*1

1978 .O odgo-W -lon_D loaol -p ickup .- W Jlh-• matching, compor shell. *1995. Call ’

3fl6-2S06or36a-7988atlor6. •• 1'1979 DODGE 1 ton. all steel T cattle rack. *4995; 1979 GMC “ W ton .Pickup. 6 c y lln d o r-E ongtno. *2995. Call .324-2254. % a lte r 6:00 p.m.-_________ ^ «1979 FORD RANGER-Super P' Cab. 'L ariat Interior. 46.000-1" mltoa. new liros, chrome ~ rims. CB. 460 engine,. AT. ‘i *5500. Call 324-1156.

. 1960 DATSUN Longbod. 5spood, 35.000 miles. W ) 0 or 14 boat ofldr. 734-4914 ovos. •

19eiCHEW V4TonPtckup t- . 4spoed.305V.fl„- . -c . _ t ^ l l 678^550. 8 • • iaw irj< FWP<CKUP •»!

PS. AC. PB. tow miloaoo. g *5995.324-3430alter7pm. n 1982 GMC S-15 Custom Top- 7= por. om /lm casse tte . 24.0o0 mllos. *4900, Excellent con-ditlon. Colt 733-4830._______ “ ‘1883 F o rd .4x4 Diesel; 1978' • K onwonh; 1978Chovy 2 ton; " 1975 Ford 2 ton; 1972 Chevy 2 ton; 30 KW Onan;-Skywllch

-Scissor- UII; Qusmor H-2._____ ■1983-TOYOTA PICKUP SR5 Shoftbod. 24.000 m iles, wliv dow package, now tiros, ox­collont'condition. Call 324-

-3116alter4:3Qp.m.1984 CHEVY. SIO O losol-.. Pickup. Very sharp, while w/

-rod -spon -trim .-heavy -du ty -- rubber bod liner, low miles.35 MPG. *9145. Coll 5 ^ 1 7 . •

-141-Vans'1971 CHEVY.VAN; CorpotM . '- oxcollonl shope. *3000. Call 324-3575 o r 3 2 ^ 1 4 .1971 FORD ECONO-UNE.305 motor. *600. Call ovos..3244857._________________1973 DODGE Royal Sport-

•BmarrVonrNqwBrWgostOTO------llro s .C ru lsocon tfo l.P B .P S ,. , AC. Call 6 7 8 ^ 1 ._________ ;1980 DODGE UTIUTY VAN. Extra iongth. Vt ton. Good running, almost new tires.—734-29^._________________1980 DODGE VAN. 39,000 mlla s . 316 V-6. 4 speed ovor-

*0rtvu:20 mpti. Exc. 7M-T434:--------1983-CHEVY-VAN.— Low— - mllos. Contempo conver* ' 8lon.Cair857-440a.

142-impoftSooft»Caf8DATSUN 710 Station Wagon.Exc cond. 56.000 miles, good MPG. * 1 6 ^ B ru c o 73M115

1971 Opal GT. Good condl- tlon. m ags. *2200.734^711. 1968Z-28CAMARO. now 302.-4-epd.-tlra8rExc7 co nd lllun:-------m o o . 7340426.3840885. . 1960 JAGUAR XKE. Iroahly luned. Rad. with white Inte­rior. Alt original. Exc. cond. *6500 .734-3128 .38*^. - -t9T3-DATSUN-1200r^^dOor^^ ;

1973 SOUAREBACK VW. In good cond. Rebuilt onglno. •*1200.734-8220.___________1973 TOYOTA CEUCA, good oonditten.-low mllaa. flOOO. - Call 423-4756. ^

‘175-Auto Dealers • .

1^^ O N

^ C A N \1 9 8 2 T O Y O T /

4 ' d o o r socfan. 5 spe ro o l s h a rp .

> 5 a i1 9 7 8 T O

C ollco . Liftbock" GT. w h o Q ls^ to ro Q . n ico cq i

^ 8 7— 1 9 8 0 T H U N I

-A U ^ T -w M o m Q lj e t r o n am . m a g w h o o ls . s to r i jo . suj

= ^ 5 MThur^dijrtJIfd; Cho^oloio g o ld rnog w h e e ls . loo'do

---------------- -Lg

363-Second Ave. £

■ " ' S a tu rd a y . D ecei

" liW m portSportsC ara /-*1975 SUPER BEETLE. W recked Wllh parts to llx. *1295.733-7072, ovos. ■

'l o r e TOYOTA Corona. 4 ' spood, 4 dr. Cloan. follablo. ‘

- ono—owper.— C onsum er— :- Reports rocommondod used car buy.*1.000.734-8272.

-1978 PORSCHE 824. Rod, will —trad e— *1200 eqully for

econom y famllV car. Tolal salo price * ^ . willing -lo

—flogotlate. Call 7340785. nW -H O N D A a v iC 1500. Radlals. AM/FM casse tte

Tatoroo,-: -47.OOO—miles;— 1‘• owner. *3400.32403M evea.

1981 26aZXQl. pko. Sbpeed.-n.OO O mllDS.-garoda'atorod-

& covered. Ilnlsh i imerior _ porfocl._«xtr*s, 1 . owtter.

543^022iliBf6:OOp.m.■ e a ’vETTE. Superior “bhow

piece. Now paint & chrome 4- [nterlor. Rare3Spd-Only5J2

-4 ft_ 4 W h 'e« 6 rtw '..."“ ^2 CJ7. 6 cylinder. 5 a peed.:

ouxlllary tank, extraa, *7595.• •Call934-a816. - ................. ..

« FORD F150XLTUrlat 4x4.

giaaallto s ' topper, mv maculate condition. Coll 734-8288o(tor8om.

■ 175-Auto Dealers ' *

file.:..... Lowe:— In A mef

' , Stanc___1. Cacpent<

- Only

» 5 3 9 3 ^

MAZDAIf you.want then

■ and see the B20 with 5-speed OV' radlals, tinted gli 3 -passenaer se ; intermittent-acti( the competition

• /in c lu d o o d o a lo rp ro p .f

= € a p |;■ . 'iM Bgi

_ . 4 0 9 S e c o n d A v e n u e i


[A^COROLLA Isp e e d , lo w 'rn l lo a g V , s

OYOtA»T. 5 s p o o d . r n o g S ■corr---------- - - 1 _________ c

7 5 ^N p g R B IR D ^ rs u p o r b u y . . • - si

9 5 ^FORD------- =

----------jd o d , s e e I t . ( j ^ . ^

L et U sFlnanciei — W

lYOMU- . S o ; ' , - - -

;e m e 6 e r1 .1 9 6 4 lim o s-N e w '

1 €

- ■*.......................TIMES-NEW;r . ' CLASSIFIED ADVEF

PHONE 733-09

17S-Auto Dealers 1;

WanUogToSell Your BUT.

• I'm m issin g p h o n e «o• I don 't h avo tlm o to t• I con 't t a k e a trado-lr

'”*ica'ri!tr«cdnQa.nnan<• Buyers don't s h o w fo

^ T H E N ~


' • -W o h a v o 1 2 fu llt lm o• W o n o v o r m iss a pho• W o a cco p t trad e-in s• W o a rran go financlni

" O ver 700 U nlit Sold (o r SotFOROn'AILSi

m -S 1 1 0 * |2 4 3 B lu » lQ k b il

■ —

bst-PricedTr raCAWiTHA dardEquipnte r ’ low est price of tl


\ B 2000 SUND(m ost truck for your me

'000 Sundowner. It con iverdrive. full caj;p_eting jiass, side vent windovi

tion windshield wipers, n can’t match! Testdriv). frolght chargos. T axes. Ilcojiso. i

p n e n f c ii m p o i q

ig ic V a lle y ’s I m p o r t L o a d e r " e S o u th ; T w in F alitf, |D ~ '


OTORS; 1 9 7 9 PE U C

S ta tio n W agon,- 4 d o o r . Ol v o ry c le a n . A S te a l A t

_ _ s a o o i

1 9 8 3 BUISkyhow k T -T ypo, V-6 o n j c a r , to o d e d w ith o p tio n s .

* 7 0 5 1~ T 9 B j ) C H E y i

su n ro o f , o lr , p rico d to so il

- A - f o t : E p | j

L o w P r i c e d T n “ C o m e lr r>

M a k e O s A n

/ V e M d k o l t E d s y

jew'a. Twin Falla, Idaho C - 7 __ ^

04-146IE W S :.';_ :. •'JVERTISING13-0331

175-Auto Deal*'^ ■

'o ir 'C arO rT m ck?

> callsto show vohtcioo-Inlanclpgv fo ro p p o ln tm o n ls


I OR TRUCK. . . . m o sa lo sp o o p lo phono call insicing ___rS a 11tfiedC uilom »ril ULS CAU:

r * ' - " —

r R i r k - |

AllThis’M E l^ ;jf the y e a r -___


DOV^NERnnoney, s to p by ;o m e s s tan d ardingr.steel-beited________lows, - ............... 'vn hookE, an d — ----------irs. Ail at a price Jriye one so o n .iso.andoplloriaoxiro. . ................

fa r” ________ C J __________'■ (208)734*6100

JGEOT -'. Q utom aflc. d lo s o l , -

» O S _ tU I C J ^ ~o n a ln e T ^ ry sh a rg _

i O " ” FVROLET £ _d o rd tra n sm iss io n . ' ^ soil. ^

1 ^ 0 0 =

g l b O L ^

rrade-lns, Si And - g fiLnOHer £

5 s 5 i— ^ 7 3 4 - 6 8 6 0 "

Page 24: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

_ L _ _ j_ C :8 Jim e^N ow sV tw in t


L _ \ / 7 ^

"G ran d m alsn 't cryim In her eye. It ha|

l46-^WheBlprtve3 ■ j ¥ e p p ic k u p , aholl. (jooc

tond ltlon . Cod mornlnaa oiov8nlnoa4?3-S161.________MUST SACRIFICE: 198

---------- iTovola— 4x4 -. Ptckiin. illi;w h o o l.- .i_ a p o o d . cfiromo w hoola. larQo liroa. AM/FM

.._ c u a a t to a lo ro o _ c u 8 lo rr t»ppo r sholl, 6000 n^oarox- MHont condition, SS750. Call

.........1967 W ia V S ^ E P .-Q o o dcoM lirori; cob nt>cl_tow

----------- b«r.<1l00.-colt3?4-fl403,19TO FORD enONCO. 30?. 3

• opoed . Hursi ahlfl on lloor. now laroo Radial T.A.’a on c tirom o Woatorn rima. lock ou t h u b a .'d u a l tanka, roll bar, low bor ond moro.

- . — . - 0 3 0 0 . Call 863-fl220. - - 1971 FORD BR0NC0j^M2

----------- efto rnovT tlro sroood pofm.■ ru n s «Kc. nico Intorlar,

taeoo. 734^741 or 73*^17. 1072 CHEVY 4x4 eiozar. new overtiaul, aood condition. 82800. Call 078^152 0V03.1974 FORD 1/2 Ton 4x4,

— '• 7 « 4 0 0 . - C o l | - Soutnom.-Car.' s a lo a 423-4440.________

1975 % Ton 4 Whool Drivo" CHEVY Pickup. Wllh 7Vi It.

- anibwplow otiachod. In top ahapo . 733-6206. atlof 4:30, 1977 CHEVY 3/4 Ion 4x4. Q roal condition. AT, PS. PB, aaklno>4300.3?4-38».

~ 1 0 7 8 SUBURBAK-Slljoraoor 'N o w m otor, tranamlaalon. &' now tlroa. Excollont condl-

| ]on.Cotl423-4575ottorS:30. 1079 FORD F-150 Sliortwhool B aao 4x4. Boat offer.' Call 686-7735. . ■ ---------

'p o w o r windows i door iocko. AM/FM 8-lrack. P/S. P /B . Price & Sirooler. 735

. Ovorlond Ave, aTWWig or43»3390..________ ^ •1061 CHEVROLET SUBUR- BAN 4X4. V-8. PS. PB, AT, AM/FM caaaotte. now poinl, now tiros, oood condlllon,$7195. Coll 3f4-7484._______

-----------1081 -LUV_ PICKUP *4x4. 4spo o d ; tow mllos. oxcollont

----------Condlllon:t5100.32g^5648r~4 WHEEL DRIVE, 1973 3/4 T on Pickup. Now eluleh ond

~ balluiy. " ruuuill ocialno, tt400 . 726-3416Kolehum.70 JEEP RENEGADE CJ7.

--------- V -6 .-H 0,-shoclf3r3 speed .'low mlleogo. 10 MPQ. AM/

' FM ^casaolto, dual exhaust. S3700, Call Mlker54343S1.or.-;

H « ^ a a ^ o d . 7a»l031.

-------1 4 » ^ llq u e A u J 0 8 -------------■ Colloclora Hem Classic 1970

M orcury M arauder. One of o Kind. OOOO, 324-5841.1930 CHEVY. Orlfllnal ond com plete. $1000 or best ol- to r. Coll 73*«80. •1941 CHEVY 4 OR: Supor

--------- oa luxo 5eaon.’\;om pioieiyovothaulod. In .exc. cona.

---------S4»4108tir3«»«c0nivps:-------1950 BuIcK Convertible; 1050 BuIck 2 door Sedan; 1856

• BuIck Special. Call 306- 2506 or36g-7M aaflofepm .- •

---1886 OHEVY. ExcoMonforiQ-- ---------Inal condlllon,;$2DOQ-of.b03i_

' Offer, posslblo partial Irado.-Ca1l734«89._____________

' 1006 QT0.389 4 apood>Con- . vortiblo. Excollonl condl- '

t lQn..Coll 532-4351. •

------- i »-Aute8-AM C • . 'SoQ claaslllBd’s business and aervlco dlfoctory lor tho ' ,

175-Auto Dealers

^ - 4 5 j

L _ _m 4_EO,R D_RANGER .-------------c a s5 o tfo r s fT o l l- ta - fQ r<

1983 CHEVROLET '/. sp o o d , p o w o r sfoorin i

____ _W 3_SJ0_B LA ZER _4Xs to o rin g , d ir . o n o o w r

d o r . a ir , lo rio t.p o ck o g ^ 1961 FORD BRONCO.

~ ~ 1978 CHEVY SHORT Bim o lic ^ p o w o r s to o rin g

___ m o tic . oin._tgnks^iQcal1979 FGREHF.150 4X-

___ p o w o r slQ oring , n ico c.........RYB.CHEVROLET- V .

_ _ _ BAN. Inod o H ^ ;l'yr»r< r< 1977 CHEVROLET 4X4,

____. . b o r . b ig firos. supO r cl(

. , ‘S y o K S G 'o ;^; •“ "'<nlc FlnoneTn^Avc

_. _ C>on VV#b»t«i---------U M B I u jU U ^ B lv d ;^ ^

(in Falla. ld 0 h 0 T '-S a t0 rd a y ,-0 {

n i a m a t i v 4

^ in g . S h e j u s t g o t s o m e th l h a p p e n e d t h e d a y v /e j r a e , t o o . ” "

152-Aut03-B uid( jood ■ 1070 BUICK 2 DR. SKYLARK 0 O' Grool Irana. Low miles, rum___ ro^ly oroat. Will u c rll l;o a1984 *$050. Coll 734-0597. - I1 U -,1970.'8UIC>< Rooal U O. Ai

powor, om /lm aloroo, VI Turbo. Exc. Cond., 7 3 4 ^ 7 .

'r” * i' 154^Aut08-C«Iill«c ;___ GOOD SN0.W CAR.- Fronilood 'drIvo. '73 Cad. 2-door. Liketow__now. Son a t Curts Car Caro. -

;__ 1061 CADILLAC El Oorado• ^ O f f '^ M u a l aalL $10,000.

icSk l5a~AulM -ChevroIe1MUST SEU.I 1070 CAMARO

. . . . . Z28. Exc condlllon, musi sea •^ 5 , to nopreclolo. Call 734-1637. ;f tl^960"C H E V Y NOVA. 2 dr. lo f' hardlop. 250 automate, now ■ ' tlroa and atiocka, chromoa.

Call 733-1063:-- ' on 1074 CHEVY MAUBU. V-8,

■ A/T, P /S , A/C, Runs and lookaoroai,$800orma)(oof>

^ 1 ... for. Call 637-4800------- ---------“ 1974 MONTE CARLO 350 a/l, 7 --• • runs real good. $705 or boal

o _ H o r .4 2 ^ . ion 1974 SUBURBAN. Now , ^ onolno, AM . radio, runa ^ good. $1350.73^024, «3q\ 1977 CHEVY NOVA. 2 door, 6

cylinder, $2195 or best olfer.=r— CaiLTa^a&in-:-_

& 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA! 4 door. 350 V8, automatic

0 tronamlaalon, powor -aleor-

fl_ J88 l-aT A T K 3N . 4 door. AT, AC.-' V-8, ( W tiros, from

? i; 16Q-Aut03-D0dQe^ 1081 CX)IXIE OMNI 024. Now ®^ m dlo la. oxcollont mlloaoe,

_ Coll 328-5645.;r-'T . 182-A ul08-F0nJ# an! 1972 FORD Ranchero 351 C.

$600. Aak for Duane. 034^00~A day9,-934-507Bravas.— -------ont 1072 FORD LTD. 2 door,

ono ino 'needa wofk.“S200 Of3/4 beat offor, 734-0300.,nrt 1073 FQRP-----STATION-10,^ A G O N . 8 paaaongor. Qood _ ahape. $000.733-50fe, alter 4 17.. 1078 FORD Fulura. low )d.' mllos. o /c . €xc, cond., p /s,Ml 733-2507Q lier5pm ._______3t. 1980 FORD FAIRMONT. Ocyl, .or.'3 Ir,~crulad, Excollont condl-

Call M irnlnga „ i 324-S004. Jerom e.

1082 ESCORT QL. 4 door. = AC. rear dofrosl. $3,550.1083----- Cynxr9-doort:rroflrdofroat.

a lereo . Wholosalo. $4325. im Now,'$3750:1078 Ford s io s u r ( a Ghla. AC. $1825. Fountain

Aulo.. Jerom e. 32*^553. nd ' 1002 FORO GRANADA 3|. Sliver peiitor oulsldo, rod

cloth Intorior, air eondltlon- ~ Ing. oxcollont condlllon.

f ’ s r e . e s T i S s rg l_ 734-S3iiafltJ33-t303............ .....Ss 1982 FORD GRANADA. PS ',' n PB. air, autom atic:crulao, ^ loadod. oxcollont condition,

19,500 mlloa. $03S0.-878-3454.

0.- 1972 MERCURY Monloroy. 4-door. auto.. AC.' Oood

S. cond. $400, Cou 54:^5502. ’ li- -1978 MERCURY MarqulaSta- . lion Wogon. Jum psoais IJT • rear. Top rack. 1 owner. Exc. -:-cond;-645-4t08-or-643- 6060.—

ovoa. _____________1 . 1984 TOPAZ 4 door, a /c . a /l,' tfm/lm cossotto , Crulao con*... — trol-S7800.-734^E2:---------i-----

■ l^_A u toO oale ra

^ 4 ~

E R _ 4 X 4 _ 4 -5 p o b d ,-o iK ,— a r o W n o r . ^

t o n : J x 4 , V.e, 4 r i n g , f o n k s . c lo o n .-4X4. 5 spooid.. p o w o r__)w nor.

5 o g o , '( o n l« T - ■■ 'I: 0 . V»3, 4 sp o o d . o ir J

r B O X 4 X 4 .y - 8 . a u f o . 1 in g & iD ro k o s ,.s h a rp . r ~ I; - T O N 4X 4 , V -a , .o m o - ------- 1icol.. I4X4, Vi0. o u to m o tic , - I0 c loon truck .________ ^ I/^ -T O N -4X 4 , SUBUR- J

C4; Lift k ro m o roll" I' c loon . ' I

I'Av^Ir'olil O .A .cT ' ' ' I• -aoTY^rJr . -^— ‘I

.• , Phon*733 -0« i ’

-D o c o m B b p rir i9 8 4 —--------

- ^ - 1 f l 8 = A u t 0 8 ” OW 8m oW le'1973 DELTA 88 Oldsmobllo. Good condition, will dool734-3609._____________ _

k .1982. OLOS OMEQA. 37,000 \ mlloa, AC, radio, tieator, fuol

injoclion: Front whool drive.

^ Fbr axlr«'<aummor tjolp. run an ad in claaalllod. it^a

a Inoxpenalve, end^lt

^ 175-Auto Dealers


_ “EveI in!£ ^ ^ront" ...........Jko __


: CONR........................— C H E V R Q iE '

------------a-GMe1 3 6 S . L IN C O L N

!!’ 324-3900^-8, ’


“ 4


1982 PONT1 1i» B _ #3190

I 1 1979 BUKI I , REGAlr

? I 1 9 8 3 L INC[ 1 COWTIHEN!

g - • ■ 4 DOOR. Loaded w ith <


i, H ' ' . V '6 . outom otic. oIr. It

I 1979 CHEVH V-Q. autom atic, a lr.'sl« roo

r a i al- lflMJIflDG I ^TOW

.^■=^V>a:.oulM no>i»rSom f>«r;

- ^ ^ 2 4 ^ U J E l A K m

‘ i .

m m

le~ 172—A uto$-Ponii< ^5llo. 1977 PONTIAC CATALIN/iool Runa good. $709. Call 68:— 9220.,000 Why keep .lt when you ncfuol iongernoodlt?S ollllw llharIve. oasy. Inexpensive classllloc

nd- - - ..................’^ ' 1082 PLYMOUTH TfDRCOfj o p. 4 speed , rod. 4 door, ox ''® colieni condition.— 56.00

'.‘'.'.'....m ltos;. oahing $2585. - Cal ,438-5700 ovsnlnos.

. 175>Auto Dealers

W S ieiy Used Vi StockRedu


PAULOSiE T -.-R O N T lA C :.................../ le -T R U c K s - ------------------- -

' ' : J B R O / W E324-4318



IRD LT!oroo.olr.-' ' l oododwl^ __________

IICK 198

“ AGCO----S-^)pod;' po

?--------------^ ~ :

COIN 197?

mi GRANDIth option*. “Low mllo*, v< r ......

m ^m 1 9 1

t 2 8 — “ CROWIr. i lo ro o , 2 OOOfi. Vol

; ,2 tono^ V.Q. ou ta r


IG ^ — 130


c TIQN IS 0 u n pmVING c o n c

:S B L V D . N O . . T W IN F /

amaged p.f- ' '

= ^ 1 7 3 = A u !w - n y m o u t} l“1970 PLYMOUTH flarricuds

Bflj; N ew front ond and- nov

-an 1970 PLYMOUTH CUDA. 38: lod m olor, AM/FM radio caast

.w in lradfr$110(Kirboslolfof ^ - nS^8M mow0fk.e29-620B,

5*: Rowboal. canoe, sailboat, 000“ powor&OTf^iryoiroon'fUBo

It, eelHI-with-#n’«oftamiea1 , claasillodad.___________

175-A uloD ealers -.

i c Tfetiicleuced

TRUCKS I ">■■■■< I - M O W 'M A IN

: 734-6565 .


msL9 7 9 FORD

r D 4 D 0 0 Rw ith op jjpn t. low miloi.

.... : _

80H 0 N D A

0 R O 4 :D D 0 R -#7128

m a e7 PONTIAC _

D P R IX 2 D R .vory clodn, priced right,



/ N I f l C T O R r/o lour Jnlorior, .loaded.

y i ¥M t V Y 'am allc. tto roo . Mil.


5 T f

8U F 0R D

I# 4 2 ^ ' J ___" I

V C gftW ^

F A U W 3 3 - 5 1 1 o J I


f l o r . . '

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i« * 9 C H iv a o u-CaEBRITYSEDSI

W l l h o i r c o n d i i l o n i n o . , o

- m u < h n > o . . .

ONLY 12 2


^ S I O A N . l o o < i * d » i i h . .- ■ • " C < u d i n a - o t r . - - i i l i w | >

! f r n ’^ m l , ' r ' ' ' ' i s J ? ® ' ' ' " "

ONLY * 1 3 , 8 9

7 3 ;



----- thebi M r — w i L L S J /

m t COMEM 1980M

4 d o o r , d e l u x e p i ^ p o w e r b r o k e * , o i r , I

1976 MUS— :------------------ a d o e rr

1 " ^4 d o o r . .V -8. o u t o p o w o r b r o i t d * . o i r .

1978H0t4 » p e e d , 2 e

- | - - ^ 1 9 8 2 - D 0 D G• 6 c y l i n d e r : 4 - 3 p o o d

o n d i n s o r i » >

J - ' IBM? d o o r ' I i l t b o c k . 4 c y l

- c o t t o H a . l i k o ' n o w . ' -

M;5K q:s h d s

A New a rfi , Makei

W M ^ l f t h i

Fun j i p i ,» * ^ ' 1/ '

o u T _ ^ i 9 » 4 o m m o L s r ^EDAN CHEVETH SEDAN

1 2 4 ° '^ < - ^ * 6 2 2 1

OUT iV M C H iy ao u n r ;SSIC JtavallerConvflrtible

lion. o“rr ^OBtfmonlnJ.'^m \ ,y,omanc -h.,1. ,p ..d «„i,oT oncf ' i

1 9 5 p N t Y » i a , 9 a a

3 3 - 3 0 3 3~f lilMI K M p T k a tO raa t. m OM feeU iig

E M B E R = 1 .RANGE ^


M Q I O R X O M P T i


A M C C O N C O R D> pockogo, pow er stooring. ilr. till. erul»e. 32,000mile*,

9 9 9 =

U S T / I N 6 C O B R A I I>er-V-6r4 »pcod:------------!---------

6 9 9

;URY MONTEGO MXutom ollc. pow or tle o r ln g ,

, 2door. hoichbock.

D G E - R A M P I C K U P = I ^ood. AM/FM e a j» o lte . ih e ll .

84=WAZOfl -I cylinder. 5 jp u o d . AM/FM '

i ^ Q - M O T O

.L D COMB. ."Q orD lggosiD oo llsyou^___

I D S H O N E S T R E E T W E S T —


hevy! S '


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■ o ^ y M 3 , I 6 9V IV M C H IV ie U T ---------pgCAMARO BERLIHEnA c o S

C O U P f . W l l h . . o r , p « l l . r . l « l u d . c o m H o I , o u l o m o i i t - - - - - ‘ ■ ' • • J

o n l y » I 3 , 6 1 < I ONL

Ace Har t t r ~ % t n \


I U S E D C A R S ~ A R I

A I S B E = K l j E t f f i :


1972 VWV6 po»*enger. 4 cyilnde

4 d o o r r T ^ a : t 5

^ 1 9 7 6 0ATSUN-- 4 cy linder, 4 ip o o d , lo(i.

1975 FORD PI

= 1 9 8 3 = R E N A U tTT urbo . 5 tp o e d , o ir condl; lik o n o w .

^ B 9 *l982 CHLVy ISA

4 doo r..4 .cy llndor. 4 *pe«d .

) R ~7~ A M C ; n

P / 4 N Y - - l E 2 i Z a------------------ USED CARS -

• 7 3 4 :9 2 3 3 1 7 - - -


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1 4 (6 ^ 5 ^

CELEBRITY SEDAN -with ipf*d to*ii»oL ouiomof-

7 N L y ' » I o “ 9 9 9 '„.ISaS.CHjEV£OlET

CAPRICE CUSSIC. O U P C , LoodfHj wllh «nlrd» i'clud.i»v. all to«(ii,cH.i>.a, _,I>«J conlrol. AM/fM

powr*r' «rlndoW» and

o' niy ' » ' | 3 , 6 9 6

bnsen]ANRPJ>LCI.INCROAO' i033 ^

■ R E A T

P R I C E S ! M ~ ~

W A iN " HUnder., 4 tp e o d . / S ; ^

i« ^ | : lADAGHIA 1a . to w rrillei. ' '

IN-PIGKUP—lo|-)g bod, g re e n . r > w j

" 9 r : r


i t T F U E G O ^ - ^ " =iiidltlon lng . AM/FM. ^

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ICAVALItHv M ~(•ed. a ir,.t ill w h o e l ^ ' - j ^ ^ - - ••

I M g

E W / R ' e n M t / l

Page 25: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill


■ C an B u lld o g s 'k ee p


• n ' i i l ifll l

M ln ico S p a r ta n s

~ j g p a r g

‘ BySTfclViilCKUMP------T Im es-N ew ssp o ip ed lto

R U P E R T - By the seaso n , MI;iico ha'd

^ se a m le s s boys’ boskctba w as h&rd to (ind the \

^ T h is y e a r , a lot of,tallo;-- r e q u i r a L - - _ _____ _ j r :

“ I t ’s a good group of--------- th e m ," say s Spartan C

D ex ter. "B u t we lost good basketball players

" rigJit now we have a lot do ;” : ■

M iiiico, which“ l l ope on th e ro ad tonight ir fin ished la s t yeaV ranked G em S ta te Conference i p e rcen tag e . No. l in

--------- shooting . No. 1 ino lfens

__ In te a m offense, No. 3 i- _ r c b o u n a 3 j4 o j j - in assist

in defensive rebound di

E D IT O R 'S N O TE : Thii f ir s t In a se r ie s o f dally sk i

___.thaLwU I riin Ihmnirhniit th. ynTheTim es-N ew B. r

S un V alley - On FYld____ V allcy„reported-4l..lnche!

■ p ack ^-sn 6 w s t the top o

add itiona l seven iophes du — - d o y r -T h re 6 - l i f t8 -o re o

op era tin g , including Wai :— !lngs ' N or 7. and two . m

schedu led to begin o p en ' • ~doy r T ^ c re g o r t* a :^ ily - t “ - a '.m .m ro u d i 4p;»n™ ' -— " ~ P o m w ^ o — A s of FrIdJ “ H w n ; P 6 m e t y i e h a d ™ i

a t th e lodge w ith 58 Inch^

2^: - n to n a t^ fo i i r ^ tn obt.'S .. ol ^ J t^ u g h o u t th e day .. Port* . n ^ .o p e n daily , except JVl fro m l0 lr f f l .to 4 :3 0 p .n i. :

S o ld ie r B to u n l^ ~ Th^ County r e s o r t opencd-tc

'a ttow s'th lg week,“w i t h ^ i U u ^ o d g e and 40 a t the to m duhtafn . Sb( inches of n( fell on F rid ay . One of the

E r — ^ - • .

I By STEVE CP TimeS'Newss^

K IM B EH U sa y theleag t, J

. _T he_new I ■ boys' basketb;

R ich Thomp re s I^ e U last th a t w as ran) A ssociated Pi In ternational

c r r v schoo l- pollX i - B u l l d o g s have

:e p i t u p ? yon . Conferei


IS T odd M acK cn zie , U

ilto r ^ ^ 1 ^ 1

he end last d an alm ost tbali team - it i le w eak spots. ■ iHorlng will be r

V k i d i r i o l i k e ' T ' ^ ^ p -f) Coach C raig s t four p re tty ' j j E j M -ers, and a s of .. ; lot of >wrk to"

open ftsseason ; in M eridian; kedN o. l i n th e “ ^ ^ ^ 5 :e in field goal in free throw G re iEsnsivc-rebound—S partan s-h j rdcfcnse, No. S’- sco re rs in U

3 in .o ffe n s iv e - .th e n -a —jur :sists:aad:No. 3 McK en tie t- 1 defense. The shoo ters ir

snowzreiiskUngiFim s th e ^ sk i reports

Y id a y , S u n # WA c s o f u n - _ ^ # _ ■ p o ^ l^ tm t ^ ^

id u r in g . th e Tc u m H itly - -------------- ---- 1

y n rn i Spi^_ _ |D A H O ------m ore a r e ; . _• ,_

le ra tlo n to - S K I R E y~hb u r s r ' i ) ~* ‘ ^=-------------- ^ ^ t r c nptritftgriday a f te r - ' fo r rep a irs . £ 17-lnchbaBc ol?en-.Wcdnesd ;hM on top,^. g ;3 0 n .m ,to 4 p flfflyldltift- ■— Som eoitjccJ

g f cn n womereJle Is B rundage-5IJVIondays, G ran d TarglI. ; - ' S ilverhom -'T h t C am as , P ebb le Cree: 1 -to -h eav y Snovrdep th {S^ncherat - -u n p ack ed 'sn o ' s to p of th e fo r '.B o g u s B f new snow- d ep th a t tho bi iRe re so rt 's tosh(^WWlpllh'

a n KCRUMP .■ssportsedltor

LLY ■-^ l e n Kelsey h as . l o l , jtra lbugh act to follow.! K im berly H ig h 'S c h o o l_ :tball coach, who rep laced mpson a fte r Thom pson ist spring, inherits a team anked No. 1 by bolh The P re ss and 'U n ited P re s s —cli

i l in the final A-3 high ‘y t l l of la s t season. The a I ive w on Ihe la s t four.Can-. irence - boys' basketball so

le ft . J a ck B a g le y atid




r j j f ' i i i f B f f r ' r i ' ^re

"kra s

3R A D C R O F T i p5reat c r e d e n t ia ls bi_hfld_twQ Qf th ft top fivff Wj1 the league in B rad Croft, 11 junior,--and--6eriior—Kent— i> r-three of th e top 10 6-

in Croft, sen io r CTInt o r

p c J T t e s c f c l

- J i tE P O R T w

__ . . J : to

."Soldier Ttfdunialn is ' to ssday l ^ u g h Sunday. fo

■ ~fT<gln,Sft-tnfn>.2 n e w . --------n l• -55 total, 8 new. , w rg liee -6 5 lo ta I,6 n ew . ^ • n -78 total. 7 MU'. ' ‘ . N •eek-.Closed. sc jth .tn ind ies r e f e r s to . . th now n f l h e - t o p - e x ^ r ------ ct

B a s in ,w h ich -re p b h s-- M ! base. N6w snow r e f e n le rmnasT^thftu ra r—------------------

a m h

m-cham pionsh ips , -- compUlng ‘y t a r reco rd o f 74-14; The h; a losing season since 1979-8C

Thlsyear.K elscy ._w how i so n 's o s s is ta n t-d u rin g -a - t

i S t f— ^

lid S te v e G a r la n d wo:

“W illiam s analV icK enzjeT^' o f the top 10 rebounders I W illiam s and M cKen2 le.'A poin t guard , sen io r Greg flnIshed_second In the confc a s s i s t s . '

They plso won the DI cham pionship, m aking It tQ

five yea rs , w here they th ird . And they compiled record .

“ D efensively, w e 're alwi < ty sound — th a t’s th e histot -P ro g cam — b ut offensively

kno^v If w e 're going to be i a s w e w ere la s t y e a r ,” says 5‘L ast y e a r 1 do n 't think wi p a r ticu la r ly good shootin; b u t w e worked th e ball in u

_svas o u r streng th . This yeai I th ink w e 're a lU U e ^ it quli

•M'e-have p re tty good size av G4, 6-3. G-3 — w hich ouglit tl on th e offenslve'boards. Ant


- jjx n e s '/v o ik s iv r iw r

REX BU RG - College o; . Idaho answ ered another qi

w hen the G olden Eagles W estern M ontana GG-C3 In i round of the R icks Ii

-b a sk e tb a ll tou rnam en t hert I t d id n 't ta k e long forT re

p re ss h is p lea su re w ith that ‘•This is the first close gi

had and i t 's a lw ay s intcrcs • how a te am will reac t unde

o r p re ssu re . I thouglit we wlien th e g am e 'w a s on

_ jp n ig h t.” h D 5 a i d . , .......■— T h e-u ic to a^ Q v cd iS L tQ

to th e tUI'e gam e of the tc tonigiit aga in st the hon V_[klngs. R icks w as defeqUi rn n n ty fMnnt.V tinndfly

- n ie h t 's second gam e, Rich will tip ito ffar{(:30pirn.

W estern M ontana, a I'fAIA • school- which st sen io rs , tra iled the Eagle: th e w ay but m idw ay throu

" cond half; beh lnd Brad-Ga M ike G eer, pulled into a lead.

— But-at-thB t-poinl-Low ei; ■^tnadledthe E ag les w ith a t

S t r i pH j B j j l l l l 1383-84 season i

won Its . w as eliminate*

d is tric t toum i th a t Is p lcked i

|_ _ ^ ^ ^ H _ f o u r t h in U^e ci “ coaches.

sa id sprln "B u t spending

n g - a - four*- w in be a benefl havcn’l had Thestksm ing

■80. ___ of a th le te s whlWHS Thomp-. c h ip s . during-. ;-fni.stratlng“ hasn*t"drted 'u

l u f i


'o r k o i i f r e e t h r o w s d

^ossibi-bffd-U iree-tiave UradT t ^ ' 5 Ih Croft, Croft, a 6-foot And tticlr has s ta rted for t

Eg Schow, Mlnico, finished iference In ference in scorlr

16.l-polnt-per*g£ D istrict 4 up th ird in the iQ the s la te . rcboundlDB'andtH lH m t. -In^ finished S tate 's- fifth-n id an 18-6 -shooter, averagl

"Som e nights w ay sp re t- g rea t, som e nigl :ory of th is shoot th e ball a j l y l don 't say sD ex U iii of : as potent s ta r te r . "H e 's- ,ys D exter, th is y e a r and m> we w ere a By la s t seasor Ing team , ed b y McKenzie I w ell: th a t fron t line -tt mai ;ar — well, ^-tion offens e dc ulcker and“ T hls season, tl a v e r a g e - - d r o p s off a lot I to help us c en te r and so, a n d then-we--------- r s e e H I N I

of Soutliem V ' 'question ■

cs defeated n the second Invitational

■Tenkletoex- pat answ er. - ^ m e we've csting to s ee 'jo r llinl lYBC_______^ ■/e com peted . ^on tho line . y A Q A j v

iftjid).andin-.7>- % T ^ - - toum am cnt — — —

am estandlngUng D aw son. j C S l W O n

cks and CSI ,. p lay and wiin

1 four-year .CSVpulledtoa s ta r ts five ’ ''T h u l 's wht ies m uch of peted hard , w o u ^ the-se— or-tw o u p . - ' l j a rd n c ra n d —th ln g ^h a t-p lc a ^ou^point• p layed sm art.

cont,rolledthe ell Clsowskl Unlike v T ht a Ihree-polnt w as p le a se d ^

'k e ejn during whlch'Klmberly bs first 18 gam es and tlien piited In four gam es a t tiie »m am en t. ha5 a baljclub al«1 to flnfsh no be tte r than giJ cohfercnee by his fellow s(

feel a little p re s /u re ,” hering after. inklntVthe job. biingrast y e a r w U luhe kids Kle f l t to m o .- ---------— 5(ingly incxJiaustablestrlng RLVho-kept-Kimbcrly In the diig " th e ..p a s t .fo u r.y ears- hI 'u p r b u r t h e supply has tl

d a |

1 ^ ____ c— I


rix. N«.. iJ.iii)/£KYF.SAVESON- Id u r in g p ra ct ic c

nlMes-io m r a ^ T ’ (X)t-4 sen ior cen te r who,. jir th e p a s t two yea rs a t ^led f o u r th - ln ^ e con- i >rlng lost s e a s ^ 'w ith a , j•gam e overage, endcsd j he league In offensive nd ninth on the defen- j

v ran k ed Tield giSa! iaging 53 percent. ^I ts he looks absolutely ilights, w hen he doesn't (1 a s well, he doesn 't.”- ,o f h is .only, re tu rn in g . t

: 'S 'defin ite ly stronger \m uch m ore m obile." x son’s end , Croft — Joln-z le and W illiams In the ;n ad e tlicS p a rto n s 'm o - id evastating a t . tim es. _ ith e eiqxirlcnce level t

ot a f te r tho big sen ior-, j ), a t least Initially, docsN IC O ooP ageD 4 . c

' _ ____ I £

ose om

) m e n w i n — p 5 , c

• ~ ; I

o aslx -p o ln tlead . j,vhen I-though t we com- .2 w hen we w ere two down f

• T rehk le said. “ But the r pleascd-me-mosl-W flfi;we— irt. We to6k our siiots and C h e tem p o p re tty w e ll." o fhursday nl£ht. Trenkle v d w ith h is E a gles ' defense. S

;p Mbeen lnlerrupied.,Q fJy one p layer. O-fool-4 senior cer iiolcom b, w as a regular la: altnougii B rett Wrlglit. a 5 guard , played a little v a r sophom ore. The rest ,of tht will be untested.

‘i t ' s a real good group < bunch of real hard worke: Kelsey, whose team will

- s e a s o n tonight In Haltoy aga R iver. "B u t w e're not very h don 't have mucli experleni hatl-a_ rea l:.w lnn ing tradlt thouf^ij. and I don’t th in ly

Saturday. D

_ Prep boys’

| V “ Soviets do V .?-i?rep girls’ I


— B yl^R R -Y JiO V EY ------------TIm eS'N ew s wrllcr

TWIN FAL1.S —’ F o r a t ad m its to having a few m ark s on his basketball tc Falls'- John Astorqula fac onm pnlgn wIMi n fntr nmot fidence.

T lin Jn iInS r\vho '\v lllop« th ird-ranked Boise High tonight, find their biggest qi depth, particu larly In reser B ut A storqula sees team th a t Indicates a strong defei and solid team - shooting strengUis,

T he Bruins, o t course, lc se ttin g Andy Toolson to Young University • and D arren S tuart to E aste rn 0 lege. But they re tu rn two 5

, 6-foot-3 senior Jason-M e; —and 6-4-£)oug Petersen and —retu m T o f-p a r t 'tlm e -a ta r tl

Todd Jo n es next montli _wh' -^b ro k en durlnfffootbaltT'TCti—streng th .--------;----------- ------. nTlie m ajo r key will be

C raig Langley, who hasn’i .second of v arsity ball to Uii h a s been working hard on an d stam in a In the sopho jun io r v ars ity p rogram s th yea rs .

"A lo l depends on how Wc . rebounds an d .s ta y s In th

troub le m ost of the lim e And we have to w atch hi because h e 'sfg row n so r hasnU developed his full yea f. Biit he has Improve dously in the past two ye£ h as played very well In pre- u s ."

If LSngley can rebound a A storqula says the boards be a m ajt)r problem for I

__tvvpnimp " P ptprspn and Mgboth have been hitting the b In p rac tice ." .

In a quick sum m ary of h . of th e team , Astorljula" ll

s tren g th s a s good ovei

o v e r r ^whlcii cam e up wlth severr

" 'in jr ln 'th irb a sk c t:--------------“ We played solid defense

T renkle said, "and we wi __boards-hard.-Wo-dldnU-f>li- well, any ,tim e during the

ou r defense and ou r r-h e lp ed m ak eu p for tha l."

■ CSI didn’l & ore for m — m inu tes .as the g am e opcnc

pulled Into a 4-4 tie with- h a v In ^ a to le tH i ie - b f l l ^ iw . th a t spell. CSI .look.tthe_

Kevin Hulsey follow sliot — inklix>lnU>f-Uio-ficstJulL

tra il again . However, Uiey i e d - fa r th e r Uian .six point lead, * ' —

" On top ■32--2B a t Inlcrmi E ag le s tw ice pulled ahea31 o p & Uie sccond half but th<

' ano n ic r scoring lu ll. ' Gai G een wound up an elglit-p

— l i r a r t l e t t - i r a t-sft and-G< ano th e r W estern M ontana

.2 9 seconds-la ter. CSI slay for the next five minutes, bi m ore than four. '

;=rrr-.«UlM y^^lt-a-SllOrt—jUl1 Cisou!skicorivirUKlii.lhrefr

off.a* s tea l to give the.E ag I advan tage. Anothen,tte de: , SO before g l^ w sk l. who is-

i n M rle re lu m in g ' these’kldswni-ht en te r K urt 'II certa in ly wi Iasi season, o ilie r , Canyon 5-11 junior e ith e r, who havi

Qrslly a s - a . — 'm o stly unsui iie ballclub th e Bulldogs. In

K im berly has lo > of kid.s, a Canyon Confert <ers.'’ ' say s th em , colnclder II open Us league’s current gainst W ood-as lucky. Goodit /b ig a n d w e la s t th ree game; :ncc. We’v e , bu t.p rlo r to last Jltion J ie n i . ' th e 11M ldogs -s m o tiv a tin g ' • SceFILI

O ecem obon , 1084 Tlmo3-t

s’ basl<etball-D2 on’t like Soeul D4 ’ basketball D5

a ® e 3 0S ^ i nisupl:1 codbh who

question team . Twin

aces a new

i p e n - a g a l n s t - ^ -----h in Boise questions In [ H k s l ;

«rv e height. r;^n q u lck n e^ fensive front g a s m ajo r

lost record- to B righam^ leam m ate - j a s O N M E

a l - ■ L e a d s B i D s ta r te rs Inleyeriioeffer quickness ond ' nd‘aw a lf th e “ i .r" a s g^iod as rtin g -sen lo r-m B y b e a little b. yhenhls leg. H e ^ i d "Lar

--------------------MaltMlarr-ls-sl^e 0-8 senior th e outside. Tl fi’l played a th e ir shots wit Ids point b u t P e te rse n Isn’t q an his g am e because of footl homore and to shoot a t least the p ast two "Ballhandilnj

s l io u ld -b e j^ e - *1011 Langley ndvers In a scrl the g am e,” ing to hold tha t iir m io ■Toui " j a s i ,v<‘u r ." -—e last y ea r. T3efenslvely his stam in a good due to

rapidly he qu ickness and t uli streng th w orking very h ved trem en- th e defense a t t e a rs and he bab ly m ore pie re-season for th a n anylliinge

A large porti la t a full 6-8, found In the gi dsJfihouldn'l a p p e a rs lo havi r h is Bruins' gen era l. Senlo Ijjyedioeffer G ilbert Torrc!2 boards w ell quickest playe

J o n e s ra 0-3 ju r • his opinions F ile r and has l i s te d team w ith h is rebour /eraii team •SeeBRl

m M o l■ml stea ls In 38 a t the foul H waon't-go— p o ir -of free th i-------------------- added anotlierje a lln lg li t , ' ' C S Ilo o k Itsfim went lo Uie A s tea l by Je Rhoot-realJy—a p p e a !^ - to -b e e ^am e, b u t ta n a fast brei

rebounding converled that • ; w ith 1:56 to pit

nearly four M ontana w as ncd. but s t i l l - f in a l m arg ln . ' h 15:30 left. I t w asn 't al tv»-Umos In ho\»owor, a s i n ; lead on a .sustained a_ J :ot j i e a r th e diagnosed ten

y n ever pulU p u t another 12 nls Into, th e l.ilo p k ih s and .I 7 — g e tting a IllUe

:-point sp ree

la-fieid goal ;;; / 3 idayed behind caniner., «> o '-but never by' Pntr'eii... - 1 m

^ Glonaon... 2 00 niiKlra.... 3 O-l

[umpcf—an d — ic:polnLplayJ.jiainM ...- jg les a AMU w * u a s-7 : leyelOpC‘tf-at vVert*mMooUntis^ow .3(ltoc_souu»TO i<ubo

ill-heaproblem ." ..........................y won’t be a p roblem for 'on Conference team s liave tried for f o u ry e a rs nsuccessfully — to<beal. In the last four s e a so n s .: ______IS lost iu si nine g am es U> i iference foes — four of Idenlaily. lo F ile r. The " rent-powers haven 't becAKxilng H arwbn two of the ----------imes between the schools, last season liadn 't b eaten ;s-since 1980. Stioshone - n L E I to n P n g e M

I03-N0W3, Twin Falls, Idaho—s



3 B r u in s h o o t e r s

ind "p re tty g ^ shooting I os U’s ev e r been andle belter.'J----------------------------------‘Langley Is shooting well________;t (jn m and (5-10 guard___is^hooting lights out from . The others a r e h itting w ith the exception th a t

I’t qulU! back on h is g am e oolball b ut we expect h im « ja s t a s well a s la s t year, iilng isn’t a s good a s It _ -he-6ays..JiWe h ad 23 tur- scrlm m age and w e 're try- that to 10 o r 12 like we. did

lo^’ th e - 'l i t t le edge in nd the fact th e p lay ers a re ry h'aHi:Tm-Tf)lcased w ith— a t this point. In fact, pro-

! pleased w ith .the defense-----------ngelse .’*-, ------ -------------------------•ortlon of the quickness Is e guard line w h ere-H arr have ep ierged a s the floor in lors Allan Valdez and >rres a re probably., the ayers on the team . Pete1 junior, is -a U ra n s f^ fro ra ------h as im pressed A storqula - .-xiunding oesk rO tn iln sid e— :------BRUINS <m P ag e D4

) n t a n ^ r : :oui line th is season, h it a

iier field goal on a drive a s ' final lead. '

y Je ff Logan stym ied w hato-be-o-cineh'W estenrMon^-----------break, and L arry Brownh a t into a GO-54 advantage ____) play.JVfter that. W esternI'a s never c loser tha n the ______

I all good new s’ for'C S i;

a . knee Injury tha t, w a s ____'ten tatively a s cartilage iVhPn w«> In^t Pptflrsnn th n t . :-------r 12 o r m ore-m lnutes-on id.H ulsey,. and they w ere ItUe tired ,” T renkle said.iAbea'ayriW nayhavcJa R o ___n. bocausft-Paterson mighf— ^ ^ ■ a long tim e. We, hope tha tydiagnosis is in erro r,'^ ------^ -----------c s rw -------------------- r -------r “Jm J .tp pUyer tg n-« f tpM I Jl IxBfln,.... li-I 2 B------ —(Hi 3 0 Clswskl... 4 9-tl I 17 >0'-4 24 Urown 8 M a 19 CM) 4 2 Hopkins,.. 2 l-S 3 S 00 4.4 P c ln o n ... 0 W 1 0 ..... O-l a 4 Combs':.,. 2 M V-4“

.........r M - f r u -------

J.? 11 O TOUU— M-IMB U « ---------

mt ............. ._^ 3 7 ^ _ •

Page 26: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

D-2 Tfmos-Newa, Twin Fj

• • •. ~ r. '

’C a t_ J _____ B .U R L E Y ^P ocateU i

.u p .w jth a .fo u rth -q u i su rg e to stop a d c ten

' te am and w ent on to confcrcncc boys’ baskj

- h e re Friday^ ' •I t w as the season op

...........■ team srThe gam e w as c lose U

_ • f irs t h a lf wllh B urley h two-point advan tage a t

— I t looked a s if it m igh t g final seconds when a t t th ird period only th ree ra te d th e two team s. Bu; q u a rte r , Pocatello outsc c a ts 22-8 which brouglit t Ing victory.

T he Ind ians gained tin a w ell-balanced a tta c k t p layers in double figure:

!____it w as 5-fo6t-7 son io r guijan d rez leading the v points. H e w as phiying w w eeks’ re s t following a (

, jitry .w hlchncc«r«U nfoc • “ T he-fourth rq y a rte r naround. We m ad e a f an d U ie y Bot hot." Burie:

........... Swan -sa ld !~ “ I t w as c

—Air Fo

VandaMOSCOW ( A P ) - J

pou red In 18 poin ts £ m a te M ike E dw ards

■ F r id a y night a s A d efea ted Idaho 78-67 con ference college t g a m e / .

T h e Falcons^ now 1' gnngnn hiitH g -jQ-y

lead w hich th e Van{ n e v e r ab le to e llm lna t

Ulf Spears led Idah poin js, while teamm,

— ~ L edesm a picked up 11,■ T he loss droppQd thi to 1-3 for the season.

, A m FORCE (78) Lewis 2-2 l-S t:<twanU 4-

e o n ^ M 18, .Man- 3-7 S-J 8. ( Hammond 3-3 (H) 4. Mlllei

• SoboIcwsU 0-1 (H) 0. Gulivli T0lal»3l-M 16-2878,' '

. IDAHO (JT)' ' C«»u3<JCW0.Hok*Ml,.| . . 4>I03Htl.SpeanM27-«17.N

. AdamsM2-24,Carey(M)t.3t-------------- l-3 i, Luckstl34,

lUlfUroeScore^'Alr Pun* Fouled out - MUIer,- B«t» F o m 23 (Jordoo 7 );id tho i B).-A isim -_ ,U r FMpp 17laiholBiNoclej.IwiKouli 21. IdAho 20. Techn]c«ls - Idj -2.700,

V • a nBy BRAD BRELAND Tlm es-N cw s w riter

BUHL — M eridian 's jui ^ n t s ix w restle rs to the qi F r id a y nl<;lit and look tht

------- ^le-^^r3l-day-o^thc*Buhl-l

T he W arriors’ G4 points d is tan ced ' Vallvue and J

- Buhl in th e 17-team toum ai

______ Vallvue. ls..ln point s while the T igers-------polnt-bclilnd with 48 points.

Tom orrow ’s action s ta r t w ith th O ^n so la ttp n round fina ls will take place a t 6;3j

J ero m e se n t five \tre s l . q uarterfinals, as did Vi

B u rley 's Dave C a rre tt ' only M agic Valley w rest

- ^ . jG a r r e l t pinned. Dennls Sp from Am erican F alls. Ju n io r F uesn tes will be G.

. ; ponent tommorrow.Je ro m e ’s Derek R uhter

tho quarter-finals with a i ' e r t r Fili-r'a J&aw; OuUimi.

— -^05*pound bracket:------------....... In the 112-pound bracket.

g a l l e y wres tle r’s w ent to U-

Lon E g b ert from Jerom e pi

' * 7 r » m ~ C U A M t I. I , P I M......


MtNocotuoriuaiiniiAu •

A/»o«. u3»n*>. p m Uir. * **'*

n Falla,’ Waho Salurday, Da

t s c o ntello had .lo .com e^_gatne-uni q u a r te r scoring b a lan ced lerm lned Burley • to a 06-50 non- PocaUlki...

iste tb a ll viclory . “S S i;, ','.':

Opener-for both ToiaUMMiHurley - .

« throughout the M"i‘3.New< y holding a slim a t In lerm l^ lon . D t l S S 4

nt go down to Uie - ' d f p n n i t t h e e n d o f the ree points sepa- GLENN But In the fourth v an tag e o itscored the Bob- foul troub ;tit them an open- 2f> {wlnLs

■ P ilo t JV s I tlie victory w ith opcncr for ;k th a t had tliree Glcmis ire s . F o r B urley confercno guard Alex A le -•

; way. 'w ltlj ig • foul troubl g with only a few a collarbone In-' W ilkins, v

e r w as th e tur- a few m istakes had t ^ o iijey coach Gnry . anti5 a three-point <^i«nns Fe

3rce jVjf-B yS C O T T

l ' I I o ■ T ivics-N ev

.' IW P E R ' f l and Skylir

^ •„ Idaho A - l \ — Jo n Jordon only twop< Is and team - ‘ twelve^teai rds a d d e d -10— -M inlco.—

A ir Force- The two-< ■67 In a nop- ’ p .m . F rid a B b ask e tb a ll- ;

p .m . In the w 1-3 for the _ ^ n o n c i B -27^haJfllm e- P ‘ a nda ls w ere V y } *"?st i nato 'd a h o w l th l? ' som esuccc am ate S te v e -f j j T ta v e d 6f rI the Vandals, decision. /J_______________ Smlth_to_si

t r i b u t e to > • ■ w ards, bothII M 2-2 10. Jor- to ro t o ff fh

Uivls M 04 12, 145-pound 1 s lon w inner

4 U l J . L w f c a m *i7.Noei6-74.4i6, tion in the \ i-2i.iio»itiMO-i fJing,.Jesse

-n en ts -h H h e face C lay H

Aosi(LedMnu ^ m l-f in a is ,u iu Jo n k » j) .____c a t e g o r y ^«U -A ir Force bCrs of Nai

w resU o In I I Skyllne-fflai

n d d o e sopponents t{ round.

A nother.E jun ior varsity w ill e n te r

e quarterfinals round a s Y. .the lfia{j,flfter..-V.flHg.Y-ViTca hl'lnv lta tlo im i stun tuTgo’ u.___________ m atches.n ts easily out- P IIeF s 1 1 Je rom e and J e ro m e ’s Se ■nament. r ' qu a rte rfin a l

' 3 ; ^ ° ' ' ^ “- t X V a r t c

. . S u f o - iVallvue and p ro b ,^ „ ,s F r

th e q u a rfe r !tt will be the Mink.■csller In the T h ree Vm

S p a n d M r g s r ^ S - a r i le e ln iIs. N am pa's w res tle fo r t5 G a rre tts op- row . -

F ile r ’s J a r e r m ade It to - j i m T hom as a M victory u ie cham pi

m lA iiJ lu Um L,yiin u e r ra ti from Glenn;

:et. two Magic round.0 the q uarter- Fri r , . r i tn r t le n v o rth an d in the q uarto e pinned the ir V alley repre;


i*;;________ OOT9'WfPUA6nrTtl»a .

rjL, Moiw'Uin tlon UOj’2v<i»’ '» Vo'_ na*r>on««iMw>wvo'< * o«-----


P r e p s c o r e s1 UKjr Ts* O t____

O ecem e5orl;l084 .

n e w i luntll-tlien. But tliey’re .a .w c ll ed te a m ," he added.

'• •^..'•.1................. .'.'.'.11 24 44 oe....................................U 2e 41. 4»-<Mo - McCunc 4, Wyait is, Williams 15, n 14, 1, Co*lman 8. Chambers 8.B-9CC, .......- Alejandrei 19. Prtcrsen 2. l>Tlbl)le 1. 'ewcomlj 4. Mflling 8, Udy 2. Tolftll 22 >7

; 4 4m s F e r r y < J V 3 7 -

m s FRHRY ^ Bliss took ad- e of som e early G lenns F e rry uble and I j i r ry ■Wilkins scored its a s the B ears downed the Vs 44-37 F rlday ip. Uie seasons forboth team s. . is F e rry opened the .j^on- nce gam e stongly, tak ing a d a f te r one period-of play . B iif ub le cathe into p lay for Glcmis - and so did BliS;?’ G-foot-3 Q r r y . who acorod T? points In the[K!r!od.QloDC._________________Rot IntOM me foul trouble a n d , come out of our zone defense l^m ’an to m an” _aYplalnM - F e r ry CoaCh Ron Beck. "W e

lerid icr t ' f u D R I i O P E '^ ^ : ” - " lew s w riter •

:R T - M erfdian, Pocatello ,'line, perennial favorites fn •1 wrestling, a re separa ted by i pplnts a fte e firs t day In a- eam tournam ent hosted at

k'o-day tournam ent began a f5 Iday and c o n tih u e ^ li day tx>- implonship m a td ie s s ta r t a t 7 he Spartan gym n^jlum . neither Minlco norTw in F a lls • Im pressive team poLnltotals, s t of their w restlers knocked , e opening round, tliere w ere :cess stories.

las-poundcr Mik e . Sm ith J f f a sllff challenge by his alls opponent to win a 14-6 . An explosive rc v c rsa l-b y - L S tart.the.Q ilrd-pctiod-con--^

lo thfe victory, and a f te r - o th w restlers took som e tim e - f the m al, once the towel had sed In,'Joining Sm ith will be d Tom McLlnn. an ll-« ded - le r over a Caldwell w restler. 1 of S partans will also see ac- ‘ le w inners' bracket th is mor-» s e Branson got by two oppo-

> H ale of Salmon R iver In t h e ' lls, while In tlie, 112-pound ' JU cky-S allnas defeated-Eb*— 'lam pa to earn the righ t to ‘ In the sem i’s aga in st a }

fap p ler:^ -— — - — ^--------1

s same s to m ake it to tonynorroW s i

r.E gbert from Jerom e: Bob. t:r tomorrow’s quarterfinal £i he vvas-the-only Magfc ( •ostler In the llQ-pnund Hlvl.1 undlif(tat^-d In hl^ llrst two }

Kevin Jscfiroeder and “ I Scott fVndrew m ade it lo the < nals In the i32-pound welglit iroeder pinned his A m erican i onent while ^\ndrew scjueek- “t }pponcnt. \

138-pound—class,— Tobby—t liother F iler w restler movedrterflnals with a p in ,'................ ..Peterson from FileV moved ie l45-pounddlvlsionw ithno y F riday. Peterson m ade it to i [e r f In a in )y ^ H H ln g C l ia d '^

iv restlers from th e M agic a«_ir u _ t u j lj u . i iu , i i l u . l l iu l i ._ L (ing that :at le a st on e w ill ir th e cham pion sh ip tom or- *

lam es Schroeder and Biilil's las will meet for the shot a l '' ^pionshlp. while Burlev’s , •all will lace M ike A d am so n ... nns F erry In tom orrow ’s , <

to n, » » hi:s-w cond-w resller— - r te rflna ls l.s the only Magic v iresentatlvc In the w inner’s

TOAIJ. I4r».i ro.

:t7 ~ '—

Dll^VU^ Toiiiwneill^uiwJ iiioggoi. Cl MoixU . McCuuoonnwivTaunttffMni .U(r.»ii.oo"~iiv!i3

N B A . •

■ i : - .................;

ith incveil- d idn’t tigh ten it up r

W ilkins scored inside. a lot and they shot su]

• ” foul line). T ha t Was , 15, fe rence .”T>8. ■ AlUiotigh B liss on ly

go a ls ,on th e evening. U 2 J.*; to th e free throw line 3 = trr-ing-20. G lenn^Ferry-w .

th c c h a rlty s tr lp e .

- - B U » ; . . . ....O leooiFerry...........................

ad- • BHa-Wllkin*25, Graves 11 _ Menchaca3.ToUlit22a-34^. ^ Clenns Feny JV - Drape

Jptianek a. Zabola 4. Heed 5. H the 'Camah«n4.TolallSll>-l937.'. •

W R o c k l d n d S S r

™- D i e t r i c h i O ■l ” .-- R O C K L A N D - r ScKIi

D le lr lc l i I M In th e s e c ' p lay and never looked

Bullctogs w ent on to d opening, non-conferc

D ietrich s ta rted off st ing up a 18-13 first-<

^ b e h l n d ' t l j e o ffo rts-o f-f S toddard and his 15

a n z lm10 ■' ■’ ■' fn)y • S p a rta n Coach B rad > a- th a l_w h lle he_ would’ve

at m o re of Hlsleglbfis flhlsl y o unger w restle rs ‘ w er

’5 dafed by th e competition.0- "T h ey ’r e , som e tough, 7 ou t. h e re ,’’ he said, loo: . th r w m a ts around h im , "

is p h a ^ -m y k l(^. I w as tUsi 5, h ow w e d id n s a fpnm <1 S a linas an d J e sse Brando ■e ge t by Uielr flrsLtwo w ra

w as good.”h___ T he only liicl.l-..lI w lM sm ooth proceedings

B o r ^ w res tle r w as taker f th e to u rnam en t in a « t t ‘•-* -p a re rtlly ~ h e ' was suffi ■' hyperventila tion , accord

J ' bystander.

^ T ^aeo re t1- 1. Meridian 44; 2. Poealello 43;

Nampa34^4; 5, Hlflhland 3Hi; 8.; .7. Idnlw-Falls a7:-8,‘Cal(jiwil 28; 1

M lnleot4:n.H orahl2;liT w lnF

>■ ' Coruale3(Poc)pInnedCoUman11 —Yoahld^N) ptmwfJulIBy rMini

• DavldiCimr>plnn»dWatt(SllJ ■ 7 li 'i 'l lT a '------------- 1a •K O n iW - los

l.opet <CT de«.-Unc (N). 12-1 HediyestPinlnrwylMli-ki-lmni^Vv

— n5rSli;npf<HrSlftnlOT(_lki^

w i t h B i5 b rakce t.

C arlton m ade 11 to the• p inning h is A m erican Fal 1 and will face M eridian’s i q u a rte rs .• F ila r ’r X ach— M«Ca > B uriey ’s P a l Hoxsey will•• m ak e it to .the finals. BoU

‘ pinned th fc r opponents tc- q u a rte rf in a ls .1 Todd F am es ; w ho 's b ro t >_ unllmltcd.WGighLcla3s,lais• t ry to reach the finals

Wood R iv e r’s Mike Maloij—t r y to reach th e final round

, l,^le^ldlanM.2.Va]lvue4«. .Je ' 4S, S,Fller 42^. S,Amerie«n FolLi ' Kelly 41.8.North Freemonl 38,9,Ne i lO.WooJHlverJlli. Il-Nampa29.1 ■^.'131tl5unlanntom«MrH.BurIe‘3

13. lO.DecloS, 17.0»kley0, *-------- Quartarflaala

. 9e~FpenIeA(Naml vi, OarrelKl_LVld;Wa.-M mludt-m F]=_ .-r .r :. . . . . . . 1 0 3 — M c O u r e i W R ) V I , ' R u M e r i

<CF)vi.KauHman(Mer)- .ll2-llertiold(Va» vi. Egbert

“ w rth (DuJd) VI. Del8«nl(Mer.> llU-Uland (NPI vs. Rebefl (Jer

va,j?h,vn(Mer)126-rWeiileman (Mefl vi, 11

- m . Farley (BKl vi. Sctifoede, tVaDva, Andrew (Jen

I S V - C l a p i e r ( N P I v i , K a » ( e r ( i N n m l v s . T a y l o r

l 4 i ^ - N t t i e r i H K ) v s . P e t e r t o n ( F l V * . H o w e l l l A F )

I&S--Thomas (Buhll'Vt, Schroe<

V D Ch<»BOlM.L A Cuo«>»'l

r*— pESIH E

'1----- .----- C o lle g e sc<

< 0«'n*u 4> ! '»• C^»oo Uf..... S i 'i i- iT y L S s r i?> Om *'

. • A0.Ipr«U.sruii2ii;)/

_____ _ _ _ U^uCol. I0»! Pt4H ln*lri

: ■ ....- Au[M'nll.AJ< U'tT«nari*/fi

u ; ■

quartireal well and poin ts. H e We also fouled the g a m e v

super <from Ihe B ut Roc is the big dif- 18-point s i

ah ead 3l-ii ly had 12 field a t halfllm ithe Bears went th e m a rg l

! 34 limes, mak- R ockland, -w as7lO-fop^9-al-play*of:t»

on to p ick I season .

::: i? -” ? J d J ^ “ T h a t slll.Smlth3.Soar*S, T h a t ' WaSI. : ■ ■ ■. D ietrich co

p . “ =:-■ ■' ;■ ■ DJetrteh'........

nocUud...•, DHtrlch-S

k Iandou lsc< ..« l'‘' S S ^ r ifcond period of lo.seaman* l.l xl back a s the - a 53-io season- . B i t h l 6 :rence boys' p . . ^

s tro n ^ y , open-------F IL E Rit-q u a r te r je a d poin ts in_ “ forw ard Alan n ig h l^ n d 5 flrBl-quarter squeek by

i d s M

Ish higher, his owei» (Skyj eren’l inllm l- ----------„ , • • • Salinas (Mini

h, tough k id s .OOklng a t the ArTnWrtaR (f . " b u t i td ld r t ’t ‘«7 ‘> • „ , l s a p p o in te d in - ,l« f ;« - ‘^'"^nU -buLRIcky---- Rvan#(Hxie<^dondldAvell to ^ Ooaiaicaidii restiers. T hat .


gs w as When a*:en a w ayafter* -momasdode stre tcher. Ap- iioiman(p)Dii iffering from wimertoiiom^ rd lng lo one

aino(M erlpln - .............. —- ArmstronB(l*o

I Snow dD decf t3;3.Skylln«42:4- Ford(Sky)dec.8- Snake R lv tr28; l _____________9; 9. Parma 18; lO, (Sky) plxiF alliS ^ . llotertafN iplr

SmlUKillplniM iui(H):4i({lr»ll McIJnn(TP)d«im. rj n i ir ti)------------------------------sin. J:H (first) Mncl.en(Sky)r ^ WhKedddee.lL _ ,_________ ____IlalfiJSlUplnan% terj. 1:00.(s*. Branson (Mini


k^JLgm ccondj___ Ama«tof-<MTl■.I?-?. . . (llrst), . .

►uhl m arclK B urD vi./

he final's byalls o pponent. laj-^juxjei o 's BcH-ln Uie 'Hur)VB,p*jvU

imT-M aJoftVallum— and—II each try lo )th w restle r’s to rM ch the

oU ierw onihe ’ • -aisLyeaTfWUl— ------------ - - -Is tomorrow, lonerwlll also

— (•Jerome 48.4,BuhlXllS-4214. 7.Blst»p a O JNewPIyn»Otll38.,., _________ I _9 .12.0lennsFerry•leyanr.Gobdlng” ------- J ^

t o oiKUuT); Knochlcn _ SM-------------------------------- r Hir fJeri; Psdlson "

rt (Jer); Bu((er> 2 0 c

Jer): Wilkes (AI-I C G S

llrennan- (BK): ■

sJer (4'll)i Amos •

r (Fit); Pelenon


oeder <F11); Ge^

...... - .... '

_____ ^___S h e

c o r e s ------- ------



:er o f 1He finished a s h igh sco re r foi le w ith 22 points, tockland cam e 'b a c k with ar su rg e tha t p u t the BiUldog!

1-18 going Into the lockerroorr Ime; DlQlrich'lHed to narrow rgln' In the-second half bul ;d, guided byi the balanced [atnw ipT B T w arabie-icnrora :k up its first win of the young

second q u a rte r killed us. 'a s basically the gam e,” coach Ben Stroud said. “ Lro

)layed well for Rockland, too. g h lo s to p ." .

........ .......................« .U XT «

............... ....................- .u . 31 49 S3- SoiiUiwIck 9. Stoddard j j . Beekley 2, LsU13.ICoblns2.- lUilph 20. Parmann is. Tompklaw

il.Hunl»r4.U<1y2, -• '

6 d ’ "

R — Bulil held F ile r to 7* n_tlie_£ irst-:quarter F riday nd held off a ' la te rally to by the W ildcats 60-55 In a

f i n i ^

U3)de«.0eBlan(TF),9-7lid) pinned Martin (SR). 1:23 cnrsl)tyj pinntti-Buhrtacker (Par). 4:32

llni pinned Rbbers (Nam), 1:50 (so-

U# '(P). pinned ^tiaeker (Min). 1:44

:er),pinned Z im m errhan'(P),-liU -

rtee-7<?ty3taJ<Bor)rS-»--------------------Id) dM.cnnUiansen(SR). IS-U

US , ■ pinned Watson (Mer), :47 (third) Jd ldec. Bench (Sn),^4

dec. Salaxar (N) 7-9 Ul

)d(«.>tBrker(SK)l9-«)j)lnnrfl C:a^UU, l;U (flr« i--------- -)m>Sky) dec.Sala*ar(Nl IM ) pinned Young(TF) 4:48 (third)

138pinned Carter (Min), t :12 (second)

(tMc) dec. Mullen (IF) IS-I !C Ellis (Bor) IW dec. White (Par), 12-2

I pinned Martin (SR). 1:98 (llrst),iplnnedMancllIan(Mer)l:l9(thlrd)Innedlledees(Par) l:42(thlrd) < ')dec.Staeey(Cald». Il-fl---------- US----------------------------y) pinned Celb (Bor). 1:38 (thlrxl) Be.Cooper(Cald)ll-2Inacd Gurtgf r (Pryu:Wjifff»n<tLl___illn) pinned MeUuehlln (N)‘ :27

■ 187laD-plmwd—TreaMiw (Her) 1:57—

i t f e s t't . Adamson (GF)ion (Buhl) vs. Bell (Men; Jells (Val)' tNP)1 (Vol) vs. McCallum (Jer): iloxseyindaltoiMer) * • ....... ...... ........-^ (WR) vs. Eebert (NF);- 1)VI.CrownjFlle»_ .... ■; •; _

“ C h r i s t m a s i s

; s s o r i e s f o r ^

o w . o j r a c i n y l l n


ipp Now and ] ----- Watch'For'

- . ( l o c a l

^ 9

u p e i K■for -non'-coitferencecontest,

P e te rson w as the h 1 an -B uhl with 17 points^ togs Brown and A lan Thoms >2 j j l _ j n nine apiece. -

T he g am e w as dter ^ '• • f irs t q u a rte r w hen the 1

13-point-4eedH)Ut-FHei a n d cu t the deficit ever

. _ f e l l s h o r ta t th e end. us. Andy S ackett was hi e,*> th e W ildcats. -

^ Buhl won the prelim lr

Buhl. . . ; ...............................FJter....................; . . . : .........

r « , ButJ-Vlnccnl2(H>4;Owen33 I 83 Peterson 7 3-717; Davis 4 0-18; 9y2,' 9; W an 12-24.Ttflals24 Il-a i

Drown (I); Fouledout: Owen. Filer ~ Sackett 71-318) BrlloOi U; Cope 3 4-711: Relnke 4 H i.

— three-polnlers: flshcer (J). cop • - Hartman and Cope. „

W o o d H w e r y 2 V a l l e i , 4 2 ^

to HAlLiEY - 'D ale Ka: 1 a po in ts while fellow Woi'

y $ m x r'tlem«nt (SntpInn^Saihipkin t Glister IN) plnnedArruyo (Mini

^ __ £lADclUllCald)4lec. Horfcerdl?IB

t. Smlth{TF)dec.TT>or»o(i(Sky).. Mimsee (Poc) pinned Smith (Boi

:32 J f i

*0- I ' r )

J J_J*

’ ...........H g v e Y o o r '

___ 2 - ___________ pc

i FRE. 4 ------------- omnyTic( W ithout

; P u rch 0 8 0 .............

- ■ J GetYoul. S a lv a tio n A m

J:i « y j

.f e » -^ R r^ » R r ^ r v £ i n r-fr=

Magiii s 9 o m i n g a n (

^ ^ c h i n e y o u

^ W p l a y ^

f r o

p r o l m P b r t a n t I

B ^ A T V ’s i n s i f e s , e t c .

V_____________________■ •

^ t h i n g m i s s i r

p r i ^ s o u t b e t

^ ^ ^ I ' s a v t h

I S a V e D u r i n g

) r ~ D a ^ s ^ Q f r Q u i

:ated at our track behi


iding 1St. W ellspullKhigh-^CTrer for Wood Rive

Is; while" G ary 'hon-cbnferc n sb en y chipped night.

- -K a rs t h it J , tk effo rt and V em tlned In the

e Indians took a s u e of the

------- S hultew lthhlEh s fo ^ M o r_

to Klmberl ilnary contest. ference teai

........ u i» <2 80 . In the...... T 1 9 3 5 9 4 prevented i.33-39; Bra<.k-n3it-l0:

1 8 ; T h o n s l w r r y 4 I S a C O . T h r e e - p o i m c r s : . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 8 ; T o t a l ! 1 7 1 9 J 3 5 5 . V a l l e y - Z e u » p e ( I ) : F o u l e d o u t : ( W i 4 ; N e l w e r t O

>518;Crurorl« - 2 . T o l a l s l 5 1 l - r

■2 ‘.-------- -^^ 1 2 ; W e l l s 9 H 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R l c h a r d l i M J. P c t c r a o n 1 2 - 2 5

Carst scored 19 ?z f o u u a . tti olverine Dannv ” >• .

' n e y ,

. i i n a i inmi'T— u sg ^ m ip iBlnl;4l({lret) •- _ _ _ _ _ - -

' KorndDplnn “ Blackwood (K

'>•«« cond) .- • o t h e r ,

Tr f r v S n - v V i - f r \ V v f e \

I SANTA’!^ ^ - E V E R Y =

’TIL. Cl

-----'Brlng-theliS a n ta a


rChild'-s P h o to -T ak en \ In C olor by

F au teaux 's-F ast-P ho to -

= E with a MOP'pbnletpatlng-TnarctTonr(ltnilt-t'pB

....u r C h r i s t m o s T r e e F i

m y a t L y n w o o d S h o {


c Vailt d s o is winti I can u s e 3 65 — - T h e s e b a b i om 7 0 c c to thi 4 w h ee l T I^ ^

s t o c k | ^ B j ^ |

ing, r ight? Th( »caj4s e th e y ’re h is, how ever,

___ • .



P o k yJ le d down‘16 rebounds to leirf tlver p ast Vailoy TO-19 , ference season opener F riday

h it two three-pointers in h is ’ • id Wells nabbed ten defensive ' and the balance on the other,

‘com 't. Wood R iver out- _ 1 ihelr"opi55heni8 6S55TTop m e r (o r the V ik in g w as Todd / l lh lB .

iiLW ood k lv e r 'w ill p lay host - - beriy .-another. Canyon Con- team . ,

lie jayvee gam e; Valley Dd a sw eep with a 4W 6 vlc-‘

........................ a a~x 41......................« « 7j

• Zeuer 0 i-41; Gardner 0 34 3; Gubler 2 •ert 0MO; (lyanClarlc31-39; Schulte? ijrine 0 0-10; Jlanly 3 J.78; JJlacker 1M i 11-28 4iFooU18. Fouled out: Nelwert- [ Thiso-polnl«r*:Schutte(i). 1T K T ^ m U i SM U: MeCraclcai 444 “ H II; K«r*l S « 1 9 ; McOraw 11-2 3;

-Ml;.NelaQQ.[IJ-U:.Bnakerj.(H <• 2-2S;.;{cpworthOM2.ToUla94 17.S i— 5. TTirefrpolntet*: Karst (2), Peterson

» • • f

TpinheaniiiyTParrsu m y x . —

(pinned Wattaon (TFJ 1;33 (third) od (Mer) pinned Page (Mbi) :47 (se-

results unavailable

'&R r^ » rv (n r \


l e k l d d l 0 r t o ^ a l k " ~ ^ a a n d g e t a f r e e Dndy C o n e p

»n W ith S a n ta f

------------------------- :------ ;! —

► Purchase • -t-pBrw»twm»r^-------------- '-------- —

> From th e W* ^ flopping Center - t-

o d I '


l : l e y _ II t e r . H o w : ' I

> 5 d a y s a - . %

b i e s w o r k -------------

I h e 2 5 0 c c (■

i ^ S a n d " "S f l r S a i . - i t * 'a m m e a c - : ^

h e p r i c e ,

e t o o l o w

. N o b o d y _

------- 1 7 '" ' r - '

Page 27: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

CottOE to be d

ByHERSCHELNI5SENS<■ T heA ssoc la ted Press-

In w hat has-been one " football’s zanlest years,'tl

a r e s till In UntT for the C■ a n d Iw o fo r U»e Sugar B

-------- regular-season-^conclude■■ w llh 10 gam es.

In addition, three of U con tenders for the nation_,^onsrtH)j=LNo..l.Bri^ain-':

. , ner-up Oklahom a and foi ' W ashington — have comj . re g u la r seasons and are• th e bowls to decide their fa

T he fo u rth jnem bcr of t Is No. 3 F lorida. The GaU

. Sou theaste rn Confcrcncc sh lp^bu ttheS E C banned t l)owl g am e because of

■ NCAA probation.F lorlda.w lnds up its sc

• d a y a tN o . 12 F loridaStatc

Q itn is Bowl, and there Is speculation tha t the Gato th e b ^ t team around. FI

■■ ^ c h Bobby Bowden Is nc' ‘B oy,'afn I ^ a d they w

■ ^am pionshlp," says'Bow been , com ing In here e v e r t i n g out on us. l- g re a t football team . In f they a r e about os good as th e country. F rom what

------- they dcrjnstiBbontcveryth“ i think finding that <

.. ( re d sh lr t freshm an Kerv Just th e th ing they need

every th ing together. I thi- _ l^ lr -o n ly , .real question

■ C L A S S !- P H O N E 7

I d~ ~ \ a

SeO ff

B row n V

. RUST N y io iD # ^ c k « ^ . R e

G~ L a r g » M a • C h a ir in g

D H orculon • R ocker O l

— ^ — E — lo rg e A /ia r C « R ocker Rei

F—Brown,Cai• W all Awa^

- i - H lghB oc• S b y o t a l i

H R u stN y lo m R ocker R<

rTTeigTNylon• R ocker Recll

. _ | | i

_______________ _______ 5______

SugadecidedNSON th a t k id haf

gotten th e jo T he Sugar

)ne of college decided whi 5, th ree teams- A labam a In e Colton Bowl wlns^ It will r Bowl a s the New O rlear jdes-S atarday— faSU-gocsrA'

gets to p ick I f the top four W hichever I tional cnampl» O rleans wil m.Young, ru n -_ 'L ib e r ty -^ w fourth-ranked T he Cottc

ompleted the ir . m ore confu: iro waiting for b ea ts R ice li r fa te . nigh t — andof that qua’rte t fav o rite s ■ t< Gators won the H ouston stu ICC champion-^ g o b y b e a tin i.*dthcmfroma And w hat of a pending lose? Tenth-

I k would t I season Satur- tra v e l plans tate, which has H aw aii to tt; l ir tiiu F lurlda rn lh s - f ro n r e ls Increasing M ustangs \ lators_ c o u ld .b e .with _a._‘oi , F lorida S tate N evada-Las s no exception. yw oh-tlieS E C Jowden. “ Thoy elEhUi-rmki * and tak ing = ?

n fact, 1 Ihinkl a s anybody In ™<ITenncs!h a t I ’ve seen, , A uburn a ythingAvelJ;— ——r a t t i d n th ei t quarterback y e a r , squai:erwln Boll) Is exp ressingeeded to bring happeningsthink tha t w as “ T his ye

[on .m ark, and tljig ,’;.s ay s i

S I F I E D A i i v E i '7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 T IM Emo h oa rg e sllectteRecliri; V e lv e t ■

ion—--------- ----------------------R e c l ln e r ............ .... M o^

Aan's---- - - . - ...—1 N y lo n ... ................ MO^

o n V e l v e t -----o r W all A w a y . . H o \

Lan!s_R e c ltn e r ..................‘N O '

:or<l, Nylan---------/a y . . . . . . . . . .

lock R o c k e r - - □ I Co lo r N y lo n s . V M OI

ylon.R e c l ln p r ...............N o ^

V o l ^ ^»clinor,'. ............M o l

O x e rm CKq

ariids^ d todaj/has ju s t come In th ere and •jobdone.”; a r Bowl’s host team ' will b e l. #hen No. n 'A u b u m m eets in B irm ingham . If Auburn

A-ill take F lo rida 's place in cans. An 'A uburn loss and n ^-tlcT neanslhe^agar Bowl— :k between Auburn and LSU.:r te am doesn’t get to New will face A rkansas In theow l___L - .____---------------------itton Bowl p icture is even' ifuslng^Houstq'n will go if it e In the Astrodome Saturday md the C ougars a re 21-polnt

to do ju st thal. B u t- if stum bles. No.' 13 T exas can tingTexasA jcM 'inA ustin . ' a t If both Houston and Texas ith-ranked Southern Method- 1 then have to change Us' in s .fro m the Aloha Bo\yl in ) the Cotton Bowl, ju st a few

> wind up Saturday night Joonconference— gam e—a t " .^ s Vegas,

i s l - o f th e schedule finds_ nked Boston College a t Holy , Georgia Tech a t No. 18 - low a-a l-H aw ail-undep -the- xm y-N avy in Philadelphiaessee a t Vanderbilt, . j ___i and Alabam a. twoJ e a m s . he-rop-Ten a t th e s ta r to f t h e - uare off with both coaches ig disappointm ent . a t the g s of the la s t th ree months, y e a r has been disappoin­t s Auburn Coach P a t Dye.

filTigJNGi ' lES-NEWSm> ' sston “liesirs

^ ’ 3 ® F |

“ ’ 3 7 9 » |

» . W - i

M 0 B S 5 MM il l l l l l l

. w ^ 2 9 9 » - S

e k

• ' . X- . . - ...... ..................

' i ’ ■ ' . * ■

_ .Heismari Tro - crbehanded J inNYCtonig

, * F lu tie w U lbebusyonSi ‘ • not too fa r from his I

Poston . K eith Byars, ^ BoscO and B em ie Ka; j, . 'th e a fte m p o n o ff . .I But one of them will 1I H eism an Trophy In NiI------- i i jat— OS—the—

• ou ts tand ing college , p lay er.

' F lu tle wlll__be In . • -W orceste i7 -M as3 .T -lt ‘ po lish off Holy C ross ir re g u la r season gam e fo

' College. The 5-fool-9 b ack also will call tht

‘ fo r i h e E a g l< ^ n th« I B o w lo n N e w y M r’sDfl

5 ------ B y a c ^ th ie ju h lo r tailOhlo*^Slate’8. f tow lftiv

5* B uckeyra, 'Is one gon 1 , 'f rem c linching the nali I i ' leg ia te rusK li^ c h w ; J— — He^also hopes t0 "odd*h I *of l 2_ c o n ^ u t l v o '- lt-------Iro p H es a w a rto d to

- -backs,- Iw o - o t wnic • aw aM ed "In success

=-------fo rm er-B u ck ey e-b ack' ' G riO ln. - Bosco, like B yars a

' -------I)W -W ~ 'p 5 fi» M r'B 0 ^* H eism an on., h is mi------- s h a r t » - l h c . NCAA’s :5. _ iRariershlp-wilh, FluUft i~ =al8oh<q>cs4<rsslnd35J:a s a na tiona l ch<MnpIonihl| i T he q u arte rback of I

Young’s top-ranked C th e only , unbeafer Jor-co llege team ,, cou naU th a t down .Dec. 21

. convincing: Holiday B< I r lo ry o v e r M fchlgaa


.. . . . ' ’ ■<*

. . .

S K B affi

n = z s i . _ Z _ 7 _

o p / i y : '

d ou t: ght)--r..D oug------ ------------------Saturday, —'

5 home in■s, Robbie _________o.sar have

11 pick up a - 'New York->—nalion 's------ — • - < i f vJ foolball

• Lo’In nearby _:try in g -td ------ - • - K ©1 in his lastlorBoslon • 5 69 quarter- .. ,h e signals • N €[he Cotton LDay. C h '

lilback roL.. • C o^wl-bound - . ________u ne away Jlional col- , npionshlp. .

- Heisman' . p' running . . lich were ^ l u i jsslon to . ■ clc^ 'i^H le------ --------------

a ju n io r 4J>ayjo T jr-o rii------- — n f i "mind.- He5 -passing — ------- • —le_ B u t-h e - - ~ - - — casT Jarto trx ~ : h ip team .[ Brigham

Cougars. . ' .:en m a- ' . 'ould weU''.21 w lth ;a -------. _ . - .Bowl vie- *


3 W

r,r : ' s_JM M


h T j r t e T - l i f r l i r r e s '

o w e r p r i c e s

e e r e a t i o n a l - p a c

e p a r a t e b e g i n r

l e w , b r i g h t a n d

h e e r f u l c o l o r s '

; o u r t e o u s e m p l


liristnrras^pa- Buy b e f o r e j

a y s o f

t^ R en ta l"^L ess :zz:tjew t6ns Spc = € l a u d e g ^

■ T -

Saturday. DocQ


f S ^ ' ^ — ----------

. ■ ________ f j C

a c e s - - - - i ~ ^ ^

1 n e r a r e d ^


a l t t y e e s ■ • .

Y A A A N A <

ackagesroliepe emGer.24th_

s s o n s . ; . . . . . ^

p o r t s j i T w i n Fall i p o r . t s ' ^ I l e r o m e .

| M S ■ ;

. I

~ T ~

c o m o b o rl , 1 ^ T lm os-N ow

ICTT^l A i i rIRSEASOI:e t o s k i '■ |Jncrow ded"s I o] G _ y a ran te ed "Yi -To Sk i—p ro g ra n

D pen Wedjn thru Suiic

9 : 3 0 - 4 : 0 0 ;


1 sale jjM



Mil i ih ' 11 I

■ If^

ows.TwIn Falls, Idaho CK!

5 N ____ _

r . [

lopBS 'Y ou L ea rnam ■-------- - - ~ -

Ijnesday---- ^idoy I p.m.


g ” : ;

= = = ^ = t

Page 28: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

D-4,Tlmes-Nows. Twin Fai

S o \ ^_____ B y MICHAEL G0U3SMI'

. T h b ' A ^ l a l ^ P r c ^ '

LAUSANNE. Swilzerli Soviet Union has issued I w arning ye t th a t It m ay 1988 Seoul Olympics and j oil p roposals to punish cc boycott fu ture G am es, it. ed F riday . .. ,

l iT a Joint le tte r to J i S a m a ra n c h , president of tlonal O lympic Com m ltt

. Soviet IOC m em tw rs said, lack of forethought tha t G am es w ere attribu ted

_____ although It w as weJLtaifiv5lon would give rise to blem s.

"T hese problem s have a nd the IOC m ust find i th em ."

T he w ording w as seen th re a t th a t the IOC wou Soviet bloc’s second

- -

------------- :—

' \ •,

- G E R R Y C O E T 2 ' : C a l l s P a g e ‘jei^

S r m m____>Contln ued fr6m Pa{

passin g ab lllty ."O ne th ing that-w lll det

reco rd • w ill be the sch ed u le ," Astorqula sale toughest w e’ve had /o r a W e s ta r t w ith Boise and I (fr6 Junior) J e ff Sanor pUu p la y e rs who saw a lot of pi la s t yea r. Wo p la y N a m f

• tw o g a m e s a n d l th ln k ’Nan th e b est they.’ve beeri Sine

------ -a t T w in -F a lls . A -lo t-ofnp la y e rs who a re good a th

h‘a s been am ong the stat( t h e p a i t four o r five y ears

= ^= ^m tle • young :th l5^yeai'“b Coach (Don) Haynes Is g rc 9 t th ings.ou t o f this t th is season and on Into the I o r th ree. Wc wind up agali a t C hris tm as and they 1

M i n i c i----------- :----- •OooUnuedbwaf^DI— tm e in jre o r rc n s iv c e f fe c ii---------- iiB aslca lly ;-lhe-nuc le iu

y e a r 's te am Is la s t"y ca r____ V arslty ;" '^says Dexter.------ fo u ro f them will b e s ta r te n— T hey -lnclude-T om Lini

Junior g u a rd ; S teve G arla •sen io r gua rd :^ o d d -M a c t 8-2 sen io r forw ard ; C raig ' a 6-1 sen io r forw ard; ai W illiam s, a &0 sen ior forwa

" I don’t llktf to com p are c we h av e In th is _prog a n o th e r . ' ' say s Uexler'wlii

— how-lhld■■year’s ' team ~ st ag a in s t th e p lay ers w ith \

J _ l l m 0 u d i - s u e c £ss=during- th re e seaso n s.'" '“ Thls gi jay v ecs) is a p roduct of ou

th ey ’ve lea rned It during two y cars-= -and they ’ll fit Ii

M lnico should gel some------f iu |it fiu in a a^eill&li u a n

den t. C-3 -senior forward 'S o d erb erg , who has p layed national'com petltlon.- " r ie ’s g m ile bit hcsUta

i^^now, w hich Is n a tu ra l." s i ' te r . ’‘O u t-as soon a s h e g

down, a s soon as he underst sy stem , he’ll help us a lol h e ’U 'defln ile ly have a r e t

lo help us out on the b reatei d ies the ball.well iinderpres:

' ' ■ At leasf-Tjne sophontore \ . .. 4j.iljly !>W‘ lidUon.on.thc v a r

y e a r , according lo CKixlLT. C ly candidate is Jack Bagle

'.j 'uard-forw ard . '

^ "fciiii

d 9 l . i ■MEXICAN

----- ^ J t S T O T R A N t ^ p T- a s iiS ®------- —

. ^ .

I Falls, Idaho - Saturday, Doc

hWITH ■ _______

erland — The - I ed Its strangest ^ lay boycott the ‘ nd^ias re jected \1 counlrics tha t V ,, Jt.waa.dlsclos-

O lym eic b Ju an Antonio rtve reecT lt

of the Interna* aw ard in g t iltteo, the two K orean cap aid, " I t w as for CommunI h a t the {1088) h in ted priv, ted to Seoul, lions m ay r now nthl3_doc|-_ B u t th e lei to m any pro- Soviet IOC

an d Constc ve now arisen,- s tro n g est ol Id solutions to a b oycott Wi

— T h e unpi en as a veiled O ct. 19 and vould face the A ssociated id successive th e lO C w h j

S I— \ .M j l -------By-TOM-BA

T he A ssoc/a

SUN c i ry \ . Coetzee anc

p ro v e tonlg a r e unfalrJi

___ m a k e s th e 1" \ "S oxing Ji

\ crow n.5^ '1 ..P u e rto f’ .riv fav o red ti — - - ^ -heovywelgh 1 ^ - I ” ' b l l l ln a f ig h

C rousofSouPflfic. a ^

i th e t iu e sho_ Ing h is la s t t

T Z E E decision t o 'W orid Boxir

t s = =- .goodshootlr

■ • "W e’ll gcdeterm ine o u f - 'w ith o u t J o r e Decem ber d ep th h e ’d Mild. " I t ’s the b ecau se h e ’; r a long tim e, d e fen d e r ," 1 Id they return d a te to ge t I plus four other f ir s t conferc if playing tim e back lx jfo re im pa the next A storqula <Iampa m ay be to w in the ilnce I’ve been ' "b e c a u se thi of W ainT:W “ B lackf6ot“ a athletes. Then peop le and I

^Q !8 .b es t. f o r _ S k y l in c ^ o i are . They’re a n e v ille 'a b g i ' “bUtTftnow** coi2d“ 'be.d'c

Is expecting p e r le n c c fa c is bunch la te r to n ia k e up : h e next couple M lnico. The gainst Je rom e reg a rd le ss i y have some u n d e rs lan d i

‘O — —H -IT G arland-a

buto a r t l i i n lo r . p iayors.w ho , ThnK o r s i3 , |. (m

■ ; “ ' 'S u ard s-aM l J n s .^ a 5-10 tcrcliaiigcob irland, a M - •■I'voum ^

Ig WIdm or, ^ Jand Brian s c ra ld

rward. ^ n uncommcre.omuttDUp------p ro g ram .- -1™ Sram to____^^ihleiesOhlsw h e n ^ k e d g o o d '^ k e t

stack s-u p ------tiave-tOTTiakiJi whom he • iogoodbask7 n g - t l ^ f l f l l - L ike mos

eroup (of coaches, De> o u r system be th e c lear M I - —cham plonshi

l l ln o l. H ighland anc m e help up ■•Pocatellorm sfc i-s lrr------back (liv e) aard Hakan p ig am ong tl /ed In inler- • c ^ n c and i . .. . g u a rd s , and (U lanU tj^it____w ho b-ft-kid-a■ says Dcx- • ing about. HIi e gels lhat ' s t a r t e r s b a d •fstands Ihe a th le te s a n d ' ioL .A t 6-3.- -expericnco r ' rctwimding ft.rVnco - w

ak;‘H ehan- , ,ressurc."■e will nm. — 1 /a rs ltv Ihis !>*« h .............rT w T i i^ . ----- 19.igley, a ^1-

Jan. S .................

F.,!lllj||fJllliiln!M dfp ^ m iT O r

nii.i S ■ ^

T R Y O U Ig ^ ^ - C H I C K E N ^ r

..... . T O D A Y^ _________ MENTION


l i n t t h

boyco tt In 1988 unless J t _ i I ts ■three-year^oIB“ d«:lsIon ; th e G am es to the South- lapltal.un ist sp o ils officials have rivately th a t Soviet-bloc na* ' y re fuse to com pete In Seoul, i e t t e r to S am aranch from )C m em bere Vltaly^rfilfriBV '" s tan tln Andrianov w as the I official w arning so fa r tha t : w as likely.ipubllshed le tte r w as dated nd w as m ade availab le to the ed P re s s by sources closd to vho Insisted they not be iden-j

yetzeepBALDWIN----------------^c/afocf P re s s

ITY. South Africa - G errle ' and G reg P ag e both a im toM' night th a t the ir reputations irJy ta rn ished when Coetzee ] le fjre.t_defen5e.0 f hls_W orld_. A ssociation heavyw eight '

■ - ( Rlcan^ Ossie Ocasio Is < to re ta in h is Junior 1

ight .WBA title on the sam e . ght a ga in st lOth-ranked P ie t 1 kJUthAfrica.1 26-year^ ld A m erican, got ^ ihot even th o u ^ he has los- st tw o bouts.— on a l2*round 1 to T im W itherspoon for the i Xing Council title and on.l2- j

■'y " r - r . Iitln ga th le tes___________ ’i___go through tha t schbdule

Joned and the lack of the 'd p ro v id e . could show up ie ’s a p rim e rebounder and " he continues. "O ur ta rg e t Bt h im back Is J a n . 4 — our erence gam e. If we get hirri r e then , It’s a p lus.” ila sa id h e 'd p ick Pocatello he G<up - S tate Conference ^ y re tu rn all five s ta r te rs , j- : aga IiT h a» (he go i^ i b i g - id these senlore w ere one of -

^^nlllri ho-^ip p nnd ^ n ~ I 59!iLyi9_sam e,_W aho..Eall3_ . down a little on an Inex*fac to r b ut i r tias^ ire 'en o u g h ’ ip for that.-And th?n th e re ’s^hey’rfe alw ays tough fo r us Is of who they have and I <id th a t w ith a tran sfe r an d a i

it-g(iards-and-Crofrwiin>c— f but the positions— and the • /ho m an them — a re In a •. flux. In D exter’s offense.. nd'forwards-arc-oftcn*1n*— ; jable.M!d .Ih'c-tfirminology green or the group — but prom ls- s D exter. "We'’re s ta rtin g L Itch, but th a t hasn’t been i mdn charac te ristic of th is |j - 1 - think w e’re b e tte r— I

i ls _ ^ a r . U s t y e a r we h ad I k e tba ll' p layera. -Now we a k ^ e s e good a th letes In- sk e tb a llp lay ere ."(lost o ther Gem S ta te j >exter.f|gurcs Pocatello to J a r favorite for the league ■' ship. Beyond tha t, h e lik e s .. ind Twin F alls. • fllo has all those s ta r te rs i ) an a som e excellenl p«H— Z I them , Jlke (M arc) Me- i I (Kip) Helgcrson, the id (forw ard W ade) W yatt, j

H ighland h as two o r th ree • ack and som e excellen t * id Twin h as good size a n d ' 1 ‘. T lie r e s t ,o f the con-‘ *

w e’ll-have to w ait and j }

«lulo:v • ■ " i...................... • ,

............. ......................... Jcnune' • 7..................r . B urley^

.........J..................................lUaektool ,............................. .-utKlehland '■

' a

- i

y y -.. iimu _ «

UR NEWe n c h i l a d a l y 3ANS&R1CE b JI I

M T ^ P T M r ---------p i i ■■,Y O N L Y I t l V _ IONTHISAO ' . ill f , 3

_ _ ;

. : ::.tlf le d . . _______k Seoul-has sp en t mllllo I on O lym pic prep 'an / S am aran ch h as repeatei ' -a n y change In the site.

ScouLwas selgg^pd tn s . O lym pics In a r e t balli

IOC session In Baden-E G erm any . T he Soviet bl(

It thu rtt ly n thnr U J a p a n — but w as heovlly i " N one of th e Sovlet-bl<- h a s dip lom atic re lations ® . K orea. Y et they failed t I* th e .w ak e of th e IOC’s E ’• . vote, o r to Issue anyoffli !||__they planned to tw ycott S<

le T h e 88-m em ber 1©C cit trao rd ln a ry session — th

90-year h istory — a t 01;d q u a rte rs In L ausahne ile d iscu ss proposa ls to sa r0 txiycotts.i i The n ine-m em ber I0(

m tsW l-^ -ro u h d v e rd Ic t;io b ^ I d l

D espite a repu ta tion a s a . h e h as w orked h a rd a t th

e '; dnd golf re so r t to prep0 Coetzee m atch .s Coetzee h a s a reputatlo e n ing b(g fights, althopgh-1 1 -o u tM lc h a e l D okestn th e l t w in the title la s t Sept. 23 ]

Ohio. T h a t fight, which V 5 w as h is th ird a ttem p t to.M r title . H e lost a 15-round1 Jo h n -Tate 0 c t,-2 0 . 1975 t knockW In th e 13th row

•W eaver Oct. 25. 1980, In : t ■‘Cham pionship In South Afi

Coetzee, 29, Is nu rsing i 1 thum b ' sp ra in e d ' in sp; i w eeks ago, b u t he says- pa in and th a t he also is ii


1 IS

!“ — “ C R S r e X A N G L , . • H i g h h o p e s} ■ '> foreign exchange sludeni I Croft they should be. i ag a in ."

H A K A N S O D E R B H e l p f r o m S w c d

Jan. n . . . : . r.-Jan. 12........................ .............Jan. 18........................................

• |~ » » b b « m Amfo SMpply ■

fSOMPtSj ; . - " m J J M


: ! ■ ■. 1 : ________ '-U -------

I :- ^ — -In c lu d o s : D fu m -ty p i

~ 2 . *ory p ro -o rc o 3 lin tn j

“ ' h o p o c k I fo n t w h o o “ J e y iin d o r . o d d tiu id &

I A B B II L O P E N3 ■ .1___C on

« <|ddf»s .

s k i pb o a rd has

lions of doilare san c tio n s - iratlohs, ahd“ lwo o r m oi tedJy ruled out should be i

co u n trie s Ir LStagcLthe 1988 B ut th e ] a io ta t th e l9 8 l com m ittee i-Baden, West reserv a tlo r 3loc supported po saH H aT ite— ^N agoyai—o n th e m a tt lyoutvoted. Sm irnov bloc countries '. th a t sanctli ns w ith South ' 'c e p ta b le '."I to jjro te s t In gdvem m en

Baden-Baden O lym pic i Iflcial w arn ing O lym pic or Seoul>_________ ra d ic a l, de

m riTrst™ i£Dlympic head- P o lan d ’s,! S aturday to echoed t h e 2 anctlon fu ture t e r to San:

IOC should OC executive s ite s only b

BA KeaI 'B c F A u ^ iiT ^ ^ lo rT fo rth e l a lazy tra in e r, Coetzee’s th is gam bling w eapon, bu epare fo r the in ju rie s th r

an d th o h an ( ion of not win- " I t feels ^ h e did k n o ck . although he B-lOth round to - h l s f l n a l ' t w 3 a t Richfield, nesday . "TJ I w as his last, ab o u t it b< i-wln th e WBA th a t,” he sal Id decision to Pajge, ack )79, and w as ta len ted fig >und by Mike e r a s e the,ble n bids fo r .th e ' W ltherepoori Ifrica . le th lm c o m tg a so re righ t In o th e r b( >parring two m lddlew elgl 'S th ere Is no velous M ar\ i in top condl- "w e ’re stil

w m M n- ' • c w i

doO eclo since G lenns F e t Bulldogs fo

'■ sh lp .in 1981th e s ta te

r . K im berlyo r“ We m ay

W ' J ^ H ly ea riy in "T eam s in

__ - J ik e to b e a t lB ut Kelsc

appcentlcesl Although th< u ie ro ^ r© .a i

T P V ~ '^ ----------•^^Holcombr__________ ^j*ho .dJdn’t.p

lo a b a c k in j i . _ , fo rw ard ; Ct

Ml and Brad w a rd ; Rob V '■ '" 'T ' E“ >‘‘ TonyShouM

" I Ihink Ir —n w e’re going

w e’re going I on o u r reb<

. "H olcom b l! — pressu re -th i

^ — biggc&t a n d l have. But hi own quiet ws jng lo have

® . / m . - under (lieir B. ■ ^ -------- K c ls e y s 's

h is f if th s ta r i I , . guard Mike

Dwayne Rob and jun ior fc

j a m t tra n sfe r 1 Qxpoflo d to p

_ _ " I don’t sc B E R G Ixjcause nnos • d e n --------------grew up in th

"-s'lys.,.«ow »ew ;;?^ t* ‘'‘ >norc zom ....all'oeilella in} ;tQ lry tob

f • A b b c m A»rto Swppiy ♦'3


pe. Am oijcgn ears. O a l l l - !u tngb. r e b u ild o il <1 wl>i;i-l rv i;...................... &l j .)ol b o a r in q s , .h lo o d •.v .ii.n ,

O l t s iW S A T IIR Or n e r S h o s h o n c & ~3t^ X id d ^ OiWlf l»«gqqv:._Xt

’ 8 8 G10S-. urged - that- m andatory S '— 's uch as exclusion from nore subsequent Olympics — « i m p 6 ^ on all boycotting s ln th im jtu re .le I(X! sources said ^ m any ee m em bers had expressed lo r^ over the sanctions pro- S Tno Im m ediate I(XJ action

Dv and Andrianov declared ctlons were "obviously unac-

They urged the addition of lent officials to all national.

com m ittees and future organizing com m ittees — a d ep artu re ■ from the_ IOC’s a l ban o lf'gO V C rttm cnn ir' n t in the Olympic Games.

I’s _ Wlodzlmlcra Reczek ie Soviel views in his own let- am aronch , adding th a t the uld choose fu ture O lym pic y by’ Inking Into account the

ivyweigie scheduled 15-round bout: ' B’s righ t hand, is his best bu t he h as been p l a c e d by throughout h is 29-2-1 caree r and shows some swelling, e ls good," Coetzee said, h ^ used oi^y his le ft J absjii^ '.wo rounds ofspanH ng Wed- ■There Is nothing I can do because It’s a lw ays like

s a lJo fth esw ellln g . icknowledged a s a n a tu ra lly • figh te r and ' d e t« ^ In e d to blem ishes from the % y a nd xin losses, said, "E eft, right, m e a t m e .’’ ,: boxing news FridajT. worid light boxing cham pion M ar- arvin H agler said In Boston still w irk ln g on things,

m b e r h^ t l r iu e d from P ag e D l -------done It since Feb . 2. I98l),‘

ce F eb . IS of the sam e year, re rry . which defeated the for the distric t champion-

)8I and then w ent on to win I A-3 title, la s t defeated ’onD ec. 17.1982. ay tak e o u r lum ps, especial- • n th e season ," says Kelsey, in th e Canyon ConferenceitK lm bcrly .1’- —--------- - -Jsey Is hopeful his te am ’s esh ip Will be short-lived,. th ey J iav en ’t p layed much,

5 1 5 n $ I3S n iO tS l)in iE lca i5Z ib rw g u a rd T ro y Ja c R m a H . Ip la y .a L a lU a s t soason d uo- injury ; B rian Atkinson, a 6-0 C arey 21ebarth,ji_6:2-fnrr ■

b V aw ser, a 5-11 guard ; and i s c .a 5 - l l guard.: from looking a t these kids, ng to be p re tty quick, but ig to h ave to w ork real hard ■ebounding," says K e lse y .' ) Is going to have a lot of th ig -year-because he ' e r id rfiost experienced kid we - . h e 's a g < ^ lead e r in his way. He and W right a re go-

th e ir work cu t out until c r k id s get a -few gam esrU e l t s r ------------------ :-----------r s lx th m a n “'-=“o r 'p e rh a p s a r te r — will be a Junior, G-0 ike S ta rk , while Junior tobblns, a &0 Junior guard;■ forw ard Joe Hendricks, a . •r from Blockfoot, a re both-n p lay . ___

se e any real big changes lost o f the kids on the team th is system and a re used to

Celsey. "W e m ay p lay a llt- oVe defense, ahd we’r e 'g o - - 0 be rea l aggresslve..O ffen-'

• A b b e m Atrto Supply •


• IT *“

« = - { =

r . I -

--------■ — V '.i tu d csJ n ila lL la c /___ . y ___vlTnrjnfA.Qnd ro^nf. _3 ooch il-noodod).- •*

" rA U T O SU PPLY 1. ' - - 7 3 3 - 2 0 4 9 = - - = ' r J

D A Y S I :-3rg~ - ---- } ::.:i



j a t n c£>ry - host country’s polIUcal o m _ s u c h .a way_lhal_lhe-cl I — nlzes with the peaceful tl ing tw een nations and g

friendly a tm o sp h e re /’ “ ly The Soviet Union anc sed friends and allies boyct TO- Angeles O lym pics Qi ion because of alleged J h n

^ l e t e s and“A m erlcan ' O lympic rules,

ac- .T h e .b o y c o tt .w a s wld I of Soviet revenge fo r an / nal, boycott of the previous i re Jn Moscow In 1980. That- a Intended to p ro test th e So

Intervention laA IgK anlst "■ In 197G, m ost A frlci

boycotted-the M ontreal G « k le s t New Z ealand’s spo r et- South Africa. T he 01ym{h e every four yeare._______?l< ' IOC m em bere w ■he Sam aranch strong ly suj

ght title: • !nego tla tlng""^ fo r' a tl a t aga inst Thom as "H it Mai by However, his co-ham « r P e tro n d ll, told T he Asso

in-an interview th a t th e fl Id, ty well se t" and prom ote In probably wIILhQve, !d- soon. —

\ E xcept for th e signing < . h is IQth defense of the cl

, he won in 1980, every th y p e a rs finalized. The-flght

a t C aesar’s P a lace In Laj j L A p r , , - . . — -----------

. A t a news conference I Id honored a l a $100-a-plat. IT- charity , H agler said 3n "look positive’’ fo r his 1 ;s, showdown with H earns. ,

fy -

sively 'w e’re going to try bI), K urt Is rea llygo ing to he ir . respect.”he - ............................... I ............................... •••••••••

: .l A lI I ANTIQl■ I DATE: S und r t ! VIE't ' j LOCATION: 1(i t z I " ----- 5e75?5-frgm-TT0T


1— P a r t i a l - J t l s t i^ r O ccasiona l lo b lo • ^ I— Rcn:kOT-n=mtITroar ’d I S idoboord - English

C rystal • P o lto ry I Riocos, O c c u p ie d J

^ • Jow olry . D oprossic • W yom ing C onfonn i

y- -s .b o ltlo 5 - W o hovQ ? i . .._^y_a.0.d3!VpJ.n.uUu

Iso*III ___

“ a S S T co.

a .

:sti - cut A P m

i i—^ 0 N o v e v > b <

• -

= * = R C ^ T H

- J ---- T » W l l t• W e F e a t u r i

? T H urs^ay , N o

# ■. Sunday TPi

i m- - 7 3 3 . 9 7 0 1-—

i s i n S»1 system “ In execu tive b<phnlpo h n r^ iu ln<^ludgij_U

1 tendencies be- S ta tes , Caig u a ran tee s ' a. Venezuela,

f ■ G reece. Sevn d m ost o l Its iudgM and I 'ootted the Losth is sum m er B ut man

ire a ts to . th e ir meml>ers, 1:n ‘violations of ta in , Irelan

Thailand , v/Idely seen a s sanctions oI Am erican-led Im peril the (s G am es, held W est Gera t boycott w as thold Beltz \Soviet m ilita ry Im pose saniist a n : '__________a f ta n a a th ^

o rts links w ith Beltz and Tiplcs a r e held .m em b ers ,ui

blem bg pos who wroto IOC’s r e ^ i

5upportlnR the nex t year.

?on linetIUe defense T he fight v

ian" H earns. b iggest payd uidler. Goody guaran teed soclated Press '~ varioO s clau! ! fight is “ p ret- m uch m ore. )ter Bob A rum ’onnouncemenL__

'g of H agler for cham pionship ■ th ing e lse op- E , /h t will be held j s V egas’ nexlL •'

e before being - a to .d ln n e r 'fo r- : negotiations : long-awaited~ ■ Pro

B i

— - ■ - - S 'r ^ to 'n ^ ~ a n d " help-u3-in that

iC T I<lUES-COLLECiday,-becember-2nd EWING: 1:00-2:00 p 1 860 K im berly R oad ’, Jysrjh 'sX ttiJCfcw agBH rbBhindHE s n a X eW er O T ^ r ro iTt r B odroom so ts - D ining

R ad io • T ahio .IM llkg lo i• English W o sfm in sfe r ch ir

sh b o v e lo d g lo ss m irro r , p r y inc lu d o s: R odw ing , Me I J o p a n , N orfach i. Luslorw sion Borry Bowl Sof” IddH n ia l J im Boom b o ttlo s , plu Q o fa ir se le c tio n of O ok ,i.u rp jiuco* _________O-wtltlJtt-q $t‘ 0 0 Rogliti^lic RtKundablo on any purcnas

-Pfibne 733-7754r ■ - -^ = :S N A C K ^


S^r^HAKEli• I t r ' AUCTIONEERS: Roi

. - a e R K : J P S J I I I W T tB M li Ceih or C

• w v v v v w

I S T O M IR E C I A 14 B E E I C ^> e r 26 t h r u D e c c

— LUNCHSPChoico of 2 dlHoront

I ' chill, sosp or:

3 ^ 3 1 :i R r “ Cor Stbrob from At J , T rC o lo r-T y ffo m -#• 2 Day Trip to Elko

r e FALB BR/IBo y . 2 9 : ’ FREE POOl Ml II D e i n ^ — ^m U D O S 'T S S

D isc ?2 ;— MIXED u o u ira

i H i^ :-------- 1532

s e o u kjc board’s sohctions proposal 1—those—from —th ^ -U n ite d , r-v- C anada, " F ran ce ,• M exico;;,,

la , Brazil, -Austria -»nd.^ S everal o f them urged th a t ' ) md officials from t)oycottlilif‘.'j 5 should also be barred.. j many noivCommunlst IOC ‘•s, IndudIng.those~from .B ^:,^i eland, Finland,-' Kenya a ^ ^ ;.,1, w arned Sam aranch that* - 3 could fu rther divide and - i ie Olympic movement. c- G erm an IOC..membej;_Ber-.;; .. Itz w ro te tha t any decision to ; - sanctions in the Im m ediate > th of the Los ^ g e l e s Gam es present’ anTm age of d isa irS ~ le Olympic movem ent."

Uld sevexal o ther com m ittee s urged tha t the whole pro- ; postponed a t least until tho ^ a r session In E ast BeriifT r. .

• -IT;.':.

e t o d a y yh t will m ean the chompfon’s ' '" nyday. He reportedly w lll'be ' ' ' ed about $6 million, plu,s , lauses.which could earn h im '" re.

.ease UsedS avin

'dpiersA frL O W A S— —

1 3 3 a -per me.


i ^ l A ik fo r Jo ck ^ -

iCTIBLES!nd, 2:00-p.m.-1.1 _)p.m. »- I

T w in F a lls , Id aho I - .iln d ah o :E ch o = ^o tg l " — i5 FT B A R N .— -----------J

ing toblo - Armoiro

:hlmo clock • Buffots - | .'>n .-, prism cut • Pictures - 3McCoy, Silver Plato I ^

orwore. Old^ostume | " ddhb ConibnnTarand' ' 5 ' plus other Jim Boom :ok. Burlwood, Moho- |

^ I b h F o o ™ ^ - --------------- 1 -------nato) i • '

------------------- \:r: k-b a r -o p e n = - - |: H A N D L E D B Y :-----------}

RIVER AUCTION f .;’;! Ron P att** , tu t* Shoektoy : »K :JocfcJohnion ‘io rC hackw H haB cnkC ard ‘--------- ------------- -----------j ^ r

i v 9 - 9 0 v m ' m ' ^

l E R IlT i o i i :r ■ ’■ > -

^cembe^2 J

JPEOIAIr—o n l lo n 'aw lch o i. - % ortolad. 0 -

I Audio Worohouio 0 m AtoUJuol.

flnn~ AAeot ;111I1A»«ID«ISHT-------- • ■


E H 4 ^

■32 K I m b o r ly Rd—

------------- ^ ----------

Page 29: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

3 uKl taBATTLE , m o u n t a i n .

— G ina Sm utney poured in 12 j: Hcidl B rendan added 10 hei 05 Buhl defeated host Batl tain In the firs t round of l M ountain Invitational girls ball tournam ent.

The Ind ians broke out t h alftim e lead and wcr challenged, desp ite B attle M efforts to double-team Smuti

The victory pu ts Qlihl second-round gam e today Bishop M anogue High Schoc a t 4 p .m . MST. M anogue la to W hile P ine High of Ely; wa^ availab le .

B u n r im p rb v ^ I ls season" * 5-3 w ith the win.

'Ou^............................................ ..BtUleMla......................... ..........I

Uuhl - ilAmllton 2, Gina Smutny i ■~3asel» «. Dfwvtan lo, CayJa Smutnj

Krtckaon I. Koniy 2. Butler 2. Totali: J . BatlleMounUln—Ancho7,Andrepl

' 4,'Prlce7.Roecri2.Penoli2.Tolalt:{ Fouled out: None,____________

C a n ^ Coijhfy 52 —Hogerman 39

F A IR FIE L D — Mindy F poured In 19 points here F C am as County cru ised lo a I

— conferencc g irls‘-baskelbal over H agerm an.

Tho M ushers lim ited the F Just two points in the firet qui

, halftim e.. Am y P u g m ire paced H,with 14 pofnts.___ ___ _____" l l ie w in Im proved Camas

record to 4-3. H agerm an is nc the y e a r . - i

J U j e n M . . . . ........ C * m w O o u ^ „ ..................... ; . , . .U

llssennaii — Puemire 14, 0 1 ^wiiiiaTT' i It Minifcx' ? T-j.i,

_ _ _ _ _CaniM County — Coc 1. PunkhouMM txjiy 8. Jonc* 3. MUlcr 2, Van Gerter s.JenMO 4. T o ^ 23 6-2317S2.

Fouled out: None. 3-polnl goftl*: Now

Carey 59 Dietrich 40

CAREY — C arey opened It on a s trong note here Thursdi

_ . .a u m p m g u ie u ic h km o in aN C onference g irls’ basketball {

Denise P a rk e pu t down 18 p the P a n th e rs while team m i Y duren contrlbtited 16 a s C ar ed up a nlne-polnt halftim e I held off the Blue Devils thi th e sccond half.

W endy Stoddard paced w ith 11 points, while S herri A 11.

- -. The lo ss d ropped D ietrich t — th e season 'and'cvened its coi

record a t l- l.

bw rieh...'................................. u

----- Dietrich - AatlejkALSlgktomj!SloddMde.TWaHrUlS-JlJW. .

Carey — Youien 18, Sparks 7, < I’arke 16. Itoberti 2. Totals: 29 i-S lOU.

— Fouiea~wn r CttfBy.' spanu,- Lw.n-p . Dletr1c>i.D.Stcddard..«

Rimrock 40 Camas County 25' F A IR FIE L D - R im rock .superior s 6 e lo good advantx

~ T liu i^ Q y vtiJgh t.'~dum plng : County 4 0 -^ ’in a non-conferei g ir ls 'b a sk e tb a ll gam e. —^

The R a id e rs w ere paced ty F lelcher. who d u m p ^ in 14 p

—Utm rock—cm am ded^T T ^thr ^ h a lfU m e - le a d - to T a - l&-p6In

quartfir m arg in by llmlll M i}shers/lo two points In U period. /

lillndy Punldiouser paced with 12 points.

The loss d ropped the Mushc for the .season, while R im n

M\vm— c p io i l I

■ - - W i t

Sane— = t r e s T ^ U R ? ^ 5

1309 D lu c .L ik c s B lvd .

T — —

akesJSl€M. N evT”-^ provodto4-2""12 points and— ----------------here Fridoy .......

3atUe M oun-3f Ihe BalUc Riuwrtha/ncidv;iris’ basket- losoziw.

l‘ • - Cnma».C«imly -

It to a 24-13A/ere never Foui«tout:.Nonc. e M ountain'slulny,' , F ; ; « r d n^ihl into a U ,day agalnsl D e C i O 3 5ho o lo fR eno - n p r r n

j y . m s a i n ! T hureday nigh

here , 40-35. . . . l o '« » B "W e h a d so i

u 1# « m ak e them ,"

ir«plttii2,Bum* q u a r te r deficit iit:8&:r4i324, period ,.bu t sc-------- ------- -— the4hir< tslanz

a n 18-polnl s_ui J 2 ' th e H ornets c«

Ihe final score. Holly LIneh

' Fukhouser w ithagam & -hl e F riday a s T he loss dro] a 52-39 non- season and !•<

b a irv ic tb iY — P iic r im prove lively. ■

le P ira le s 'to ’q u a rle ran d jjecto;;!;;!!!!!;!;

, Filer-Jarol’ime Hagerm an i>tneiuin u, Haii: _________ _ ^lo-^BaHey.«.

n as’ seasons n ^ w l-3 fo r i-'ouldoil; D«lc

. . . 1 7 X » Burley 3s i ^ . V . 1? Ameridari u u - u n - a i . ------ BURLEY—>«r 19. Brneken- i~ u re d In 22 of ers. umon* 10. T hu rsd ay nigh

A m erican F a conference pi gom e.

W illiam s,'a h it 10 field goal nlne-polnt half

d l^ s e a s o n th e B eavers rsday n l ^ l . WlUlams’ teaiif rNorlhslde--■.sophom ore, pu 111 gam e. lo a id B urley’s 18 points for . Jean n le F t im ate Dodi , B eav ers wllh I- Carey open- T he win imp no lead and rcco rd lo 3-4. throughout fell to 4-5.

Kl D lclrlch ■■■•rlA sU eh ad Am rtciA M i;-

FeltrlnRcr H, Ibrwli ch lo 2-2 for— ------------------

conferencc- - FouledqCtrNone,

^% ^Jtjdoodir,3 .

. g o o D , n e _

th e sccond qua lift,G ooding frc c lt and eventufi

- . lo a 43-30 Can0 p re p basketbal ck used i t s - ------- r -m ta g e .h e re _ _ 9 ® ^ * ” S-

irence p rep jhe-game-in-fou____ b ack aga inst s tI ty Jc a n n Ic F e r p ’’s Johanc

g ! f : uo ln tru i l rd - - J ) r ? l half,-so wc nlllnB Uie co v eraecs o lf hi1 the th ird Gooding Coa(±

seem ed to mak( red C am as Gooding took

th e end of thre ahcrs to 3 -3 - re linquished It. m nick Im- Skabninskl ei

HE PERFECT DAYPARTYII ^ouA ' ^ o h d a ^ ^

Aiitii us otid Giijoy tite

u b llO iip f lM t! u iw

jfiyQ od-aiicU w ife-.-

dpipeiv d . • T w in Fiills. * .,^ 4 .7 0 0 0

evad a-ti____i____________' r°-B

“ S S S?!CamillJers 3. Aman 4, Dew B. 1 ^lche»,ll, Buse 4, Meal** 1. Toial*: roc

fe r:y - Lemon. 6. Funkhower 12.Jo n s 2. Miller 2, Totali; a M3 IS

GUane.3-potntpuls:M.oae: . . anc



S^ F ile r 's m an-to-jnan

tifled Declo’s shooters |,m igh l a s th e W ildcats hand- fi T nets-ineir~ B econd-ron---«n . ’anybn Conference loM q

som e shots., but we d idn 't H sa id Decio Coach Lynn j

s ju s tc a m e o u tc o ld .” tac a ^ a seven-point first- k u Icit w ith a 12-polnl second, qm scored Just two points in

m zftrA ltheu^rthgy put on-------surge in jhe.flnal.qun rler.I could ge l no closer than •re. •lehaa-paced the W ildcats >-hIgh 13 points 'Iropped Decio to G-2 for tlie 1-2 In conference g a m e s . '

ved to 4-l and a-lrrcspec* -

............. • la 38 «

................... ............2 14 18 33Imek 4. stanllpy'4, Wyatt 7. Carey a]l2.Total5:164-171Z40,•y.l. MallheuaAXillallpJr^untl 4 ,-

0, Kerapton 6, Totals: 13 8 19 IB

eclo, Bailey. 3-polnl eoals: Noop,

)8an Falls 35•“ ^ r i l o r C a m le W illiams -

Ight a s the Bobcats edged. F a l l s , 38-35 In a non- p rep g irls’ basketball

' a 5-fool-l sen ior guard, oals as,lhe Bobcats took a aiftim e lead and h e ld ^ ff *3 in the seconcl half, am rhnlo HrUIp npulled-down -12 rebounds-' jT’s cause.Feh rin g e r paced the •

h 14 points.mproved Burley’s season 4. w hile Am erican F alls

................................ 7 u o V -

..........................-s..8 31 8 38ts - Bulfy 2, Swartz I, Helnson 3, }wland7. trvlnl,Totals: 14 7-1913

Nam* I>eion't;S,-lUndall 3 , - - t]onfi.Totals:lB8-13l 338,>ne, 3-polnt goals; None,

g43-- - I -----------Ferrp-30--------- -I — K arla Skrabonskl and -combiried-foM04»lntfr4n— — [uarter here T h m ^ a y to from an eight-point defi- tudliy boost the Senators 'anyon Conference g irls’ ball victory over Glenns

/ilh 5-fool-9 regu lar Susie

fouMroubierhad-to4}aUle— — . strong efforts by Glenns anek 's is te rs , Kothy and

d.i2.otherJgJX)lnt3 In Uie _ y e changed_up defensive 1 h e r and B a rb a ra ," said ich Jo lene Toono. “T hat ake th e d ifference." ' x)k a four-polnl lead at ire e q u a rte rs and never 'U.--------------^ ---------------------I ended the evening with

■1 ■?2A!y_____ M t _ _

: , e ' M -

d -— =

I '

tournara g a m f r h l^ 18 points. whUi h ad 13. B a rb a ra Johanek fin: g am e w ith 10 points.

T h e win im proves Gooding re c o rd to 6-2 overall and fe rence m ark to 3-0, a h beh ind league-leading K G lenns F e rry fell to 2-3 for a n d Is w in less In th ree co gam es.

. / ■G l e o m F ^ ....................................«O oodtos....................... .................. <

Glenns Ferry - K. Johanek 18, H. Klng4-TolaIa;!34-5U».

Coodlne-SkabronskI IB. Craves 11 Kill G. Totals: 194-81043.

Fouled out; None. 3-polnts coal:

Cqstleford 31 Hansen 21 .

IIANSEN.t- CasUefcrd toe la g e o f th e absence o f Hanst E pp erso n in the th ird an q u a r te rs lo nail down a 31-


. T his is F ir e s to n e .^__DarL-Boo rd . th e s e

th o r iz o d u s t o s e



— ---------CASI— RADIAI

Sll* Ply

1 8 .4 R 3 4 6 1 8 .4 R 3 8 6

_ 1 8 . 4 R . 3 8 ___ 8 _ _ -_ l _ 2 n .8 R ^ 8 .™ e —= r e " 7 4 0 2 Z 3 j i l ,

Sis* Ply '

1 4 .9 x 2 4 4 , n . 2 x 2 8 4 .

- J 3 . 6 x 2 « : : 4 __1 4 .9 x 2 8 4 '

“ ^ 5 7 4 ^ 3 4 " b--------1 8 .4 x 3 4 8 1 2 .4 x 3 8 4

— I 4 .9 x 3 8 _ _ 6 .7 z : : 1 5 .5 x 3 8 6 1 6 .9 x 3 8 6

------- l f l -4 v a » f,2 0 .8 x 3 8 8

>»six.40x19-19.5 14 21.51 16,11 6 .k 16.1___LSAij16.SL 16.1 6 AN 3 6 x l6 x J 7 ,5



M t4 i o ; ^ i N

tnent ojl U e G r a v e s , v a l l e y C o n f e r i n l s h e d l h e — ^ l o J y o v e r t

n i g h t .n g ’ s s e a s o n E p p e r s o n , o r i d I t s c o n - g u a r d s , f o u l e d

h a l f - g a m e m i n u t e s l e f t 1 K i m b e r l y , a l l o w i n g C a s t l

3 r I h e y e a r p o i n t l e a d a t t h c o n f e r e n c e a n d i n c r e a s e

p e r i o d . .I I t M Q u i g l e j

; ; ; ; l 5 C a s t l e f o r d w i U i H, Johanek 10. T h e W i n i l

r . . . . . . s e a s o n r e c o r di u , j . c ^ n f l . f e r e n c e m a r k t i Mis: ^ i n t i n s i x g a m e s a r

c«u«h»d ...T T rrrr• lU a M o .. . . ; ..........

. CosUetord - i<eu 7.Knsunsa4.Nebor

ta ikailvan- '" S lro n L S e n ' s U a r b WllllamsS. Jone*2. a n c j f o u r t h 3-102521,H-21 M a g i c

un» . o x c e s s I n v e n t o r y » t 1 0 t i r e s q r e t o b e r e l i e l l ^ s . . m a n y a s p 6 s ' s 1

W e l c o m e

■S t t A N D ^ t ^ i haL23™iIQR

A n k U N o . R e g - P r i c e

3 2 3 6 8 3 . .$609.35 322830 685.75

__323651.....- -788.60.3 2 3 6 6 7 ------mQ2.3^S

_ 3 2 3 7 J1 5 _ _____a i 7 J 6 D

FIELD&-RQAD:.' A r t i c l e N o . R ^ . P r i c e

, 304719 $195 .05304743_ 148.10

, 304778 • 185.553 0 4786 211.00-

-----30r4 9 T ^328871 454 .0030 4840 ;Z 12.95

7 7 i : 3 0 4 ? 5 6 i ; .295.55, 30'4964 3 1 4.30

307602 4 17 ,15304972 451.40307645 660,70

J l M E X i A R t t' ♦ X r t l c l V N o . R e B . P H c '

323004 $493.5( 312770 302. 1i

iNS n lT n / . . ;___ 445-Zi.NS 310514 337,,3C ! a i8523 305.60


A E K J t S = T I R E S r r

n e _ & _ g r a d e r :

I t E C A E J R p C K -

f l ip ,SI AVE. EAS

► p e n e r - 1ference tdr ls ' basketbali___r Ihe HuslUes t h u r s ^ y

. one of H anscnis s ta rting Jed out w ith about tw )I in the th ird quarter, istleford lo take a four- l Ihe 'threeK juarters m ark se it during the ^flnal -

^ey and Shellee Heli led 'ith lO poin tsap lece.

im proved CasUcford's • )r< i-lo -5^ )-a n d - ll3 -c o n -^ k to 3-0. Hansen is winless and 0-3 Iri MVC games.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 U 1 7 3 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 8 U 3 1K e U 1 0 . G . Q u l G l e y 1 0 . V u l e a m o r e b o n 4 . s . Q u l R l e y 2 . T o t a l s : 9 1 3 - 2 3

p p e i w i 4 , T y l e r 4 , I t e n n e t t 3 .• 2 . M o r r t l l 2. W a l d r o n ' 2 . T o t a U : 9 j

o n s e n . E p p e n o n . B e n n e t t . 3 - p o l n t

lulls t o r e d , I n .T w in F a l l s . , ' e t u r n o d t o A k r o n , O l t's1 b l e ‘ a t " d o o ! e r - c o s t . —


t r O N C r r r i ^

ft TIRESce Sot* Price <

35 $ 4 2 7 .7 6 TS 4 8 1 .3 9 SO 5 5 3 .5 9 1 5 _____7 .0 3 .6 4 — .....a r = S 5 3 i: l3 C r = :

:e “ Sole Price

5 $ 1 3 6 .9 2 0 1 0 3 .9 6 5 1 3 0 .2 5 0 1 4 8 .1 2S— 2T7VI-I---------0 3 1 8 .7 0 5 I 4 9 ; 4 9 - ,5 207,47lji^ „

0 2 2 0 .6 3 5 2 9 2 .8 4 0 3 1 6 .8 8 . i r ^ ' 4 6 3 i B r —

'rle.„ S o l.P r it . ’ ■5 0 $ 3 4 6 .4 3 c

1 5 2 1 2 .0 0 ( 7 5 3 1 2 .9 1 _____ (3 0 _ _ 2 3 6 .7 8 _ .6 0 2 1 4 .5 3 (-------------

' / (

L tJ m s l L jKJIRES —

S T T W I N F i

- 7 - . . . . . . . . . . ^

Saturday. Dace

W:Wyi; RANGELY. Colo. - F M ichelle Skyles hit free'I

.th e w aning m inutes h e r e : - p re se rv e a 68-64-victon

College or S outheni.Idah o v e r W estern W yoming a orado, N orlhw cstO T Co

. .Collese .Inv ita tiona l b .^^-touniamcntv— -

Tho win pu ls the Eagle: ' fo r th e season, Into-a mi

4:30 p .m . to d a y agains t Staifl f o r - f r s to r e '^

'U am ent phamplonship.. F resh m an . , K aren 1 sophom bro J i i l i e . Sch< f m h m a n Jonl J a m e s hei

sm a lle r CSI women e \ . b o a rd sv e^ In s t W estern )

i §

DAIS ..S in ce t h e p u r c h o se O h io . R ath er th a n sh l| :t.—Y ou -ll-flever-boy_b <


V O m O U N T I N G

ALL TRACSIxe . Ply Art

9 .5 x 1 6 / . 4 3( 18.4x16 6 31 11.2x24 4 3C

....11.2x24----- 6 - '- 3t— 1^;4x24-----6—7 - -35

14,9x24 , 6 J. 3C 16.9x24. 6 3( 13.6x28'- 1-Qr -32l 4 T x & -----6 -'3(16.9ic28 10 3J

.1 8 .4x30 6 3( . 23 ,1x30 8 3C “ 24:5^x32^='r2“ ^3J

— ^1874x3 4Tr-r8-------3t20 .8x34 6 31 1 4 .9 x 3 8 - 6 3(

, J 5 .5 x 3 8 ■ 6 _.__3J ■ 1 6 ,9 x 3 8 V '31

.1 6 ,9 x 3 8 8 ‘ 3( 18.4x38 6 3(

; 1 0 . 4 j i 0 0 --------8 ---------- ; i

"^20 .8 x ^ 8 ,3( 18,4x42 10

- ,

Q uon llty Slse( 1 3 ) 2 ^ 9 : 0 0 x 2 0

M 9 ) 9 : n n i r ? n

- ( r o ) : i 9 : 0 0 x 2 0 ^ _ l

( . 1 3 ) ' 1 1 : 0 0 x 2 4 . 5

— ( - 6 ) - 8 : 2 5 x 2 0 ------------

{ 5 J i c r : 0 0 x 2 0

- { - 4 h r t 1 - 0 0 x 2 2 f e

( 7 ) 1 0 : 0 0 x 2 0

- F 4 ) - 1 l ; 0 0 x 2 4 : 5 - "

— ( —4 ) _ a : 2 S x 2 f l ..

-ALLS 733-- . . • .

;0mober'i,<IW 4.. -Tlrrioa-New

> 6 m n ^ ~ 5F resh m an w m c i | s u i ^ t o

e throws in eo H y In _ th e 1 « F rid ay to ' 'E a ^ e s c a u ^ t »iy-(or- the - -gam e an d -h d d i aho.wom en.. In g ln th e i ln a ln 'a t t h o & d - ■ P e te rso n led j [ im m u n ity points, w hile Set b aste tb a ll pu lled dow n M r

$ lS 0 U t& n L JM Z 2 JK sn U J^ o f th e tour- J-i«.iknyo(M 30.

• 4O-30«,arieM3M4l

s i ^ jM tM J a r t :hoen' and n .Y ortO M io ,orou jelped keep »«:B eho«7M »j4.p ev en o n th e ^27>Jw nM 0»ax 1 ViyomlnB. “


no9 o f t h e lo c a l F Ire tto n < lip t h e m b a c k F ir e s to rb e t te t l_ j ,^___ _A LERS!

W ~ i


: n K i c t u D E D r ~

CTION FIELD & R IfrfieleTJo!---------- ----------------------

3 0 7 S I3 $ 121.15 j 310603 jB 3.60 303437 155.35303631-------182.8&—32022S— nT237T80” ^ 303674 273.40 303682 341.70 326674,. 324.40 3 0 3 7 5 5 ~ “ 3 0 7 7 l :S r : r : 326690 476.523 0 3 8 2 8 ---------439.45306495 ,997i65 3 23772------ 1357,15----

3 I0 6 1 I 6 7 8 .8 a303917 366 .45 3 0 3 » 2 5 _ ^ 3 < U ) .5 03 0 3933 ""7 5 4 4 .55 : ^304085 625.55303941 5 77 .15 304093 663.75306665 843 .65M 2 4 5 8 780 .65

r R U M C A P l ^• Ply . A rticle No.

HD Tran FT 6 5 3 -1 2 8SAT FT 6 S 4 -I2 4

I1.-^Nd 190FT 6 6 0 -3 3 7T12SFT ___^ 6 1 -813

------- -S-AT FT, ■ 6 5 4 ^ ^ 8TIOOOFT 66?*,097

==:rT-14^TTrT7T:T^«-^«::0-i 'T I TT. - 660-94<

- T r o x P l i i ^ ' > : « ^ 0 5 7

H niV nn T t 7 ^ £ ^ ^ 6 3 ALL A B O V E'P

1-5811 or 73;

^ew8. Twin Falla. Idaho W ' . . .

' i " "

L " '- f ;

natlast—5854d to a h e l^ t iw ln t le a 'd le second half. The ght up la te in the ild off W estern Wyom- - -• a l m in u t^led a ll scorers w ith 1 6 ' iS ch o en h ad R -Jam es 14 rebounds.'


030.Klppar4»308.SklerrUM4t.-I^:2SM 21S4.

Kenaudex 1 13. Boer 2 041 GroUilMUPetersoaSMl . J4.Pottln»3il JVYasttopJ,- •7JXToUte:aiM»OS8. 'T T " »: CSI Si Wai«n Wyoming


) ■ '

m io n v .S t o r e b y ito n e h a s au<-

ROAD - -$- 85.05


------128.32=^171.05“ ~r-

' 19K92 239.87263.24

=z=:3tWi62381.70 308.49 —- 700.35_


476l5t257.24274.13 : 382.27 o'439.13 - 405.16 465.94592.34-------548.01

N o.. SALE

128 $70.30 12 4 74.87 ,37 aa.85-m „a_l_.23_

S97 94.68 ~

9 4 9 94.83 “17“D57 - 98.79 ■ -E_6 g3— 53^ 65- — ■e-Ptus-eAsiNGS—


~ —

Page 30: roiG 3 oen d ^ ^ · led-htm-about'camlldatfisto Jums. - - — m says Tie ^hopes J3ums’_ lent will have-“aIlUhc-at— of Bill

D-6Tlm e9^ow 8/rw ln Fal

j I Ik % I 9 ''! 1

M i i

i ' l l ~ - f i

~ - M - " 1

Falls. l'dAtio~' Satorday, Dm

W l-W eJiciY e_plcin o u r 3 SL y e a r Center d n d 1 w ith id e a l p r a l i b e r a l : s a v in g : P o in s e f t ia w ith

RiCt o b e u s e d to y o u r c h o ic e -

-w id e -c o rite s t .-


-tA N E C E D flA Life Time

ices S tart AtOwrlml) • .................

«airs4B ? -iHAIRS fe -b:hairshove ov*r « I T ^ chairt Instock I £ b ch a in . Parsons chairs, i Jrs, r«cirnlng choirs, t sw ivel, choirs tRoF^IISe ( rock, wood chairs, fobrli mine leothor chairs. LIbercSKJ169™!.-

d . . i „ . ) ................ _ . A ' n I ! ' 5

iffsize .... .7,7”.ISIro . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

eon Sots ..................------- ^ a - flo w o r lo

)6C 6qe^r1 ,1M 4 .

h n e d 7f o r _ th e - bh is to ry . O u r

~ l T r a c l u i d e w

a c t ic a l g i f ts fo i g s , o n e v e r y pi h m o s t p u r c h a s i

GISTERIto w a rd s p u r c h a ' — a ls o n e w L<

t . - R e g i s t e r ^ e r y

ARCHESTtie of Love

7 ‘199“(111 Imli)

)rlc chairs, vinyl choirs ond »rolfrodes.

^ 2 0 ( ) d ^


Tho Makers of World lous Po'sturpedic,Hm 's Fay^^lfCMattflss

. . . „ , o » o r - W . o . . .

. . . . . . = . , o „ „ » 2 9 9 “J ov.oJ)____: ■ - _________

STEREOJ Q M ( E R iz =' 6ok & Smoked Class

Reg.' NOW

. . . . . . *399

. . . . . . . » « .« »259

................ $249.95 ^ 2 1 9nig Sotoftinn--------------

(Ut&.2ndLovols) ..

--------—t ----------------

-biggest-Christi r h u g e s t o r

M r a r e h o u s e aor the entire I piece — plus ises — also libe

FOR^5(a se of anyMter Lane' action ch tytim eyou arei




- I eepeSI ISBHI . Dozens to

select from i “ j All stylos. Queen 1 ig(f\ size, FyH size &

Tv»rn 4 “ .


Ingi . — .•

ii=: -Full Slie-From

E - S - f t irid

i s s i

DININPricad fo rth * dlfcrlmlm

[M budgal buy«r. Savlngi < ^ U v«l». llbaroU rad** .


r59 ■ 7 . : - - ; " ^19 Regular-------- $139 .95 ____


-<____C o n t o m p o r o r y S o—— O a k s o r T roditio'i :— ^ W o rm -M e d iu m 0<

Pnted Fror

H WTth S a v in a s ol U p T ^ S lO H r e a c I

fl» t& 2nd iovo l)

t i f i a s - S ^ a s o n H r e , C l e a r c i n ^

a r ^ a|L, bulgin family — wit

s a Christmc lerdl trades.

0 0 ° °sm or item s/of hairs (Nation- sin o iirstoresk

r X H o w a r d


Select from Oqk, Chor Maple; listen to the :

• chimes of-St. Mlchools — or Westmrtilster.


R e g u la r$999 . . . . i -----------------------(M o laF lo o

JG ROOM SInatalolh* . . ^ _

: : ' : ' 7 „ ’ l 9 9 i i- ( to w e r L evel)

^ BUT- - - with bro

MQW ■7 t ; ; . : l l w l l ^(Moin Floor)

R e m e i

ioHd ■ c h a n g <Z t * ' F ^ e e

-^ tib e r

0 0 = I S

---- •F reeiniiWhU*

Ifi— ^ — Oor-^

w m f i T v

P H " ^

W Hice

1t h 'las

d M i l l e r ^

JR 1KS 1lerry, Walnut or _-i e soft music of "l>ls«Whmington (

$79900 Noor)— ■


Lib'erol Trades 11RICED ^


a o f lk


'x ' riAHjniwo ■..

.And-Mony.— --------'."O thers l r-JunloV-------------- - p|


itim Ja E R S J RftY — S sIsh w o o d - - rass hinges |

g g r a ^“ “ ........- Dout

• . - -____________________ I

— Shop all 3 levember - a ll Cf j e d a f t e r C h ris i s D e liv e ry ~77 ' i f o ^ T ta d e s — o lv in g C h a r g e

s P a r k i n g : ; -J i ^ h o p p in ig —^ - i ^ t o r e s ; -----------------

w 3

L ' .


_ * Id Oqk •'ok.V«no®r»J. $149.95IITtftfels)— T.— r . \ V v : ; .T

UIMPS- — Tent , Shell a •■ ___j

'SwIrig'AfihTaHt " ___^L om ps. In Bross.Regular $89,959 PRICED FROMwgoo

- U l # (All Levels) .

DESKS j E7ular | | B | 9ito l , doubU p» d » itol.

d * tk . I ta l top* and ap*. _

rg v l.a r$ 5 « V o o _ _ S ^N O W ^

t 2 9 ° ° gsuble Pedestal __ jif*

Roll Too - - ------

evels and-ClearaiC h ris tm a s p u rc l i s tm a s .

s '

■ 2 0 4 M o ln A v ,N .

___ ' - •«>

k M b

i', V \ V f c =



■ Manufactur-ed of- - \ hardwoods. Maple,\ Beech or Birch.\ Priced From

f ,o m ’2 9 “ .o > 1 0 f l“ . „ h(All Levels),

i TABLM an y styh

II to c h o o s e rj fr o m .

| l i ^ _ O N L

^1 7

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s j H n _ —

stk an d L eveis.s leoronce'Centor) __

ince Centerc h a s e s c a n b e <

l.‘ P h .7M -7U l

^ H ■ '

s s “ S

I ' H ' w - H ..................if- -solid - - .e , ook;

i m - •

9 r Hach

___ _ ■

I N A I r B )LES mtyles K J H ise '

ILY- - H ------.® H__Each “

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3 ex-

i l l