Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary

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  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    PAGE 2December 8, 2009THE UNIVERSITY TIMES

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    THE UNIVERSITY TIMES December 8, 2009PAGE 3


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    JAmie BroWnStaf

    f Writer

    To graduate rom college, most require thatstudents obtain a certain number o credits;however, a university in Pennsylvania is nowrequiring a certa in Body Mass Index. According toCNN, students at Lincoln University with a BMIo 30 or above must take a tness course that meetsthree hours per week. The tness course calledFitness or Lie, consists o activities such as

    water aerobics, Tai Bo and aerobic dance. Thosewho are assigned to the class but do not completeit cannot graduate. This could have two impacts onthe school, either discourage uture students romenrolling or cause a media uproar. The secondscenario has already started.

    Tiana Lawson, a student at Lincoln University wrote an editorial in the schools paper, The

    Lincolnian, which gained national attention. Shevocally expressed an opinion shared by manycollege students, saying, I didnt come to Lincolnto be told that my weight is not in an acceptablerange. Lawson went on to say, I came here to getan education, which, as a three-ti me honor student,is something I have been quite we ll, despite the actthat I have slightly high body mass index.

    Just because someone is overweight does notmean they are unable to complete a certain type o

    work. Even though the University believes they aredoing students a avor byproviding them with arude awakening, theyare instead just insultingthe students that paytuition to go there. JamesDeBoy, chairman o theschools Departmento Health and PhysicalEducation, thinks theaculty has a priority tobe honest with students.We, as educators, musttell students when webelieve, in our heart ohearts, when certain

    actors, certain behaviors,attitudes, whatever, aregoing to hinder thatstudent rom achieving and maximizing their liegoals, said DeBoy. I the students are in college,its probably sae to say that they know the actorsand obstacles that lie ahead or them. In addition,

    while he may believe the university is being helpul,by not giving students a choice, they are chasingthem away instead.

    As o now, 620 studentshave either tested out ortaken the course, with 80remaining to get their BMIevaluated. Although, sinceones BMI is not a perectmeasure o obesity, studentsalso have their waistcircumerence measured.There are some people whohave a high BMI, because otheir muscle mass, but arenot actually obese, and the

    waist measurement is meantto weed out those people.Lincoln University estimates

    12 to 15 students will needto take the tness class in

    January.O course, DeBoy sees nothing wrong with

    the BMI rule. He says the requirement is justlike courses to help students communications ormath prociency. The dierence between the two

    scenarios is that every college student is requiredto take communication and math courses, whileonly the so called obese students are requiredto take the tness course. Its discrimination ona whole new level. Although DeBoy claims thati there were unlimited resources, the tnessopportunities would be or all students, but that isnot reality. Remember as a kid when you couldntshare i you d idnt have a piece or everyone? Thats

    where DeBoy got this wrong; he should not havepresented something that not every student cantake a part in.

    College should be about choices, like howstudents have the choice to pick their own majorand choose which classes to take in that area.David Kairys, proessor o law at Temple UniversitySchool in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, reiteratedthe same thought. He said, The part that seemsexcessive is orcing them to take this course, or to

    exercise three hours a week, which isnt a bad ideaor them, but should be their choice.

    This is just another case o a university makingattending college undesirable. A university needsto make their school more appealing than others,but by applying more stipulations to the graduationcriteria, students will choice to avoid than attend.

    MCT Campus

    New graduation criteria is discrimination


    hav a sg p abu a s a a Uvs ts, a pc capus abu wcu wa v? Vc u ugs b sdg Uvs ts a 200 wd ss [email protected]. B su cud u a, a, sc, ajad p ub. ls a subjc dg g, s ad c.

    tiFFAny hAnDyStaff Writer

    The warm re heats their aces as they cuddleon the couch while watching The Notebook.Noah and Alleys love story reminds them o theirsand they smile at the thought o living happily everater. When the credits begin to scroll up the screenhe gets up and hugs her goodbye. Lying alone in herbed that night, she wishes he had stayed. Ater a ewmonths o I love you and Youre the one theyeel that the next best thing or their relationship isto move in together.

    This seems to be a growing t rend among collegestudents these days. They are living on their own

    and they think they have it all gured out; but,what they dont know is how much they dont knowabout each other.

    Does he snore, does she leave her hair in theshower, does he do his own laundry, does she leavethe lid o the toothpaste. These seem like suchtrivial deta ils but ater a ew months o living underthe same roo, they become major annoyances.

    Young couples see thei r parents play house andthey think they can do the same. I wish it were thateasy but it isnt; it isnt at all. College is a time o seldiscovery but how can you concentrate on yoursel

    when you have someone else looming over you likea dark shadow?

    I have seen at least three o my close riendsmake this mistake and it has ended the same oreach o them. They move in together and suddenly,their signicant other is the one person they cantstand to be around. This could go with out sayingbut, now they are all with dierent people.

    I have been there too. While I had my own

    place, I was basically living with my boyriendreshman year. Even though we are still together,we broke up twice.

    I elt that he was trying to tel l me how to live mylie and he elt that he knew what was best. It didnt

    work because I hadnt had the chance to discover what it was like being on my own. I went romliving with my parents to living with my boyriend.I thought our love was strong enough to make it

    through anything; however, it wasnt strong enoughto ght o the need or independence.

    Another major issue that I saw in my ownexperience, as well as, in my riends was jealousy.I cant explain why, but when you are living withyour signicant other, the jealousy runs wild.

    You notice he carries his phone with him to thebathroom and you begin to question why. Fromthere, you start to check his email or go throughhis phone. Now, simple Facebook messages rom along time riend look suspicious. Doubt seeps intothe relationship like a bitter poison and soon thetrust is choked out.

    I just recently witness one o my best riends go

    through the hardest break up o her lie thus ar.She and this guy had been bating on and o orover a year and decided to rent a house together. Itstarted o great. They decorated the living roomand bought groceries together. When she was sick,he was there to nurse her back to health. It seemedlike things were working out or them. Well, twomonths later, she had moved out and he was stuckin an empty house with no urniture.

    You thin k that youre ready, that your relationshipis dierent; well, it isnt. Young college studentsdont have it gured out. These precious years area time or you to be completely selsh and do whatit is you want to do without having to answer toa boyriend or girlriend you barely know. I youdont want to live alone get roommates. Call upyour riends rom high school and see i they needa place to crash. I have done pot luck twice andboth times I made lie-long riends. My roommatenow is one o my best riends and I didnt know

    what she looked like until move in day.I am not saying that your relationship will ell

    i you decide to move in with one another. WhatI am saying is that it will cause a whole bunch ounnecessary stress that you shouldnt have to deal

    with while trying to start a new lie.Enjoy the warm res and cuddling on the couch.

    I that person is the one, then take your time andsaver the passionate good byes. Love is orever butcollege isnt.

    Love can last orever,college doesnt

    JillAn mUllenStaff Writer

    Texting seems to be the most popular orm ocommunication in the modern world. People do it

    all day, every day, and in every situation. However,those that attempt to text while driving will nowhave to put their messaging on hold. The Governoro North Carolina signed new legislation into lawin June 2009 banning text messaging by all drivers,and that law was put into eect on December 1,2009.

    According to, this law statesthat any driver caught texting while driving wil l acea ne o $100 plus court ees. The violation will notadd points to your driving record, however, and aninsurance surcharge will not be assessed. Basically,sending a short message is not worth the risks andtrouble that comes with getting caught. The signsaround campus that promote the law claim thatthe risk o crashing or getting into an accident is23 times greater when texting is involved. Whenthe risk is that much higher, how is texting whiledriving worth it? Weve all heard the stories andseen testimonial s o those who have been negativelyaected in some way o another rom texting anddriving. These narratives should be taken to heart,but instead, people ignore the risks and skirt abovethe law instead.

    Texting is a distraction, and thus, it causescollisions, law enorcement ocer Sgt. Je Gordontold Our whole purpose here is notnecessarily enorcement, but educating the publicand making them aware o what can happen, whatthe consequences are when you text and drive.

    The police are not aiming to pull everyoneover and charge them $100; they would ratherpeople learn their lesson and rerain rom doingit altogether. The law has only come into eectbecause many car accidents could be prevented, ionly the driver stopped texting and started payingattention. Because people got into accidents thatcouldve been prevented, there had to be legislationto counter the actions o those drivers. As long aspeople abide by the law and keep their eyes on theroad, law enorcement will not have to be overlyorceul about it.

    In the end, all that matters is saety. A persons

    lie is not worth a short text message that is veryrarely--i ever--urgent. Simply keeping eyes onthe road and hands on the wheel will prevent alot o problems or law enorcement and driversthemselves. The only downside to this law is theact that text messages will have to wait a bit longerto be sent--and doing so will stave o injuriesand save lives. The law is a good thing or driverseverywhere; in the end, a lie is more importantthan a text.

    New lawnot terrible

    Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, is now requiring students who have a BMI over 30 to take a course in order to graduate

    DeVin PhilliPSStaff Writer

    The schedule which a student registers or hasa major impact on ones lie. A students schedulecan control their working hours, studying habits,and to an extent their social lie. More importantly,a students schedule can cause them to get therequired classes or their degree.

    While a student might not be able to enrollin every class they desire, the classes they chooseare the ones in which they are interested in. Formany majors students are required to take theundamental classes or their major beore theycan pursue the majors other required classes. Also,students who need only a ew select classes let tograduate are sometimes required to take anothersemester because o the classs lack o availablespaces. This registration dilemma can develop intoother problems or UNC Charlotte students.

    Many times, the required classes o a students

    major are lled to capacity. This prevents themrom taking a course that is required in order tograduate. I a student is unable to take the requiredclass or their major, they are then u nable to take theclasses which require the basic knowledge taught inthose undamental classes. There are undamentalthings that one needs to know beore going intomore dicult parts o the major. We want a goodback ground, said David Gilmore who is theInterim Chair o the UNC Charlotte psychologydepartment. While it is logical that departments

    would schedule their curriculum in this ashion,the system is still open to its faws.

    There are several other contributing actors tothis registration problem. At times students areorced to retake the undamental classes becausethey previously ailed it. Also, students might wantto retake the undamental class even i they passso they can ingrain the basic knowledge or theirsubject. Both o these prevent other students ormregistering or that same class.

    This issue can even cause students to be delayeda semester rom graduating on time. Lets say astudent needs only a single class to graduate. I thatstudent is unable to register or that single cl ass, that

    will prevent them rom having all the requirementsor their degree. They are then required to add asemester just to get that single class to graduate.An extra semester o school can eect numerousaspects o an individuals lie.

    I a student doesnt get into a required class ortheir major, they do have a ew options. Studentscan always take other elective classes during thesemester that would go towards the one hundredand twenty credit hours required to graduate.Students could also use this as an opportunityto register or an additional major or minor. Thecredit hours they earn now can then be used orsomething o their advantage.

    Registration is leaving somestudents out of required classes

    Classes can

    create havoc

    MCT Campus

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    PAGE 4December 8, 2009THE UNIVERSITY TIMES


    AnDreW BrAUnStaff Writer

    The Good: A good amount

    o ood, a great sauce, and all othe bone pulled pork.

    The Bad: Prices or a ullmeal may be too expensive ona regular basis on a collegestudents budget.

    Barbeque is a ood thatmay seem easy to make, but isdenitely very hard to perect.Shanes Rib Shack has nearlyfawless barbeque, as theirpulled pork sandwiches and ribsare some o the best I have evertasted.

    Shanes has two locationsnear the University area: one inthe Grand Promenade VillageII on Ken Homan Dr., and theother near North Lake Mall onCenter Lake Dr. The GrandPromenade location was opened

    three years ago, and is quiteconvenient to students and staon campus.

    Shanes is considered a astcasual restaurant, and is one o

    the astest growing chains in theUnited States. Founded in 2002in McDonough, Ga., Shaneshopes to have over 500 locationsby the end o 2010.

    Shanes has been ableto experience this successby oering a great product,reasonable prices, and quickservice.

    Shanes menu is built aroundthe eatured sauce, which is asecret recipe ormulated by theounders great grandather. Theoriginal sauce is a sweet mixture

    with just a little bit o kick. Thesauce works great on everythingrom pulled pork sandwiches,chicken ngers, and ries.

    While most meals will costanywhere between $10 -15, theamount o ood received seems

    well worth the investment.The sampler plate is composed

    o two chicken ngers, a quarterrack o ribs, pulled pork, and

    two sides. For around $9, thisprobably represents the best dealat Shanes.

    Seeing that Shanes is in acta rib shack, it is no surprise that

    they take great pride in theirtitled product. While the ribsfavor was spot on, I thought thatthe texture was a little on thechewy side.

    Another one o Shaneseatured products is the BigDad, which is a pulled porksandwiched between twopieces o Texas toast. The porksandwich is good by itsel, butthe sauce is really the ingredientthat brings it all together.

    Shanes recently introduceda new sauce or their chickenngers that reminded me oZaxbys eatured sauce with alittle less kick.

    The sides oered include theusual components o Southerncooking, with the ried okra andmacaroni and cheese standingout rom the pack. The riescould have used a bit more favor,but certainly were not bad.

    You can nish your meal at

    Shanes with their homemadepeach cobbler. Some may ndthe cobbler to be too sweet orhis or her liking, but I ound itvery similar to my Grandmas

    recipe (which is one o thehighest compliments I can givea cobbler).

    Shanes also plays a big rolein the community by sponsoringmany little league teams in thearea and supporting numerousUniversity clubs and events.

    One way Shanes takesadvantage o its proximity tothe campus is by giving studentsand aculty 20 percent o onSundays. Shanes recently begana customer loyalty program

    where people can sign-up withtheir phone numbers to receive

    coupons via text message.Shanes is also one o the localrestaurants where students canuse an o campus meal plan.

    Hands down, i you enjoygood barbeque, Shanes maybecome a regular place or youand your riends.

    Shanes Rib Shack oers bold favors

    WinA StUrGeonMCT Campus

    Okay, you know youre gettingout o shape, but its close to theholidays and youre so busy and

    youre going on a diet ater therst o the year anyhow, and...and...and...

    Stop making those excusesin your mind. I you dont startyour conditioning with a mental

    workout, youll be one o thosepeople who pushes themselvesat the gym in January, then adesaway to fabby couch-dom byMarch, wondering how you evercould have let yoursel get so out

    o shape.When it comes to working

    out, the key word is consistency.The run or resistance session youdid last week doesnt carry over

    without repetitive reinorcement.

    Muscles have no loyalty.You have to TRAIN yourbody to keep shedding at,to build those toned curves,to maintain your energy andfexibility. Now and again wontdo it.

    The best way to motivateyoursel to stay in shape,especially i you dont do wintersports, is to create a trainingschedule.

    Figure out exactly when youcan spare an hour or so or your

    workout. I may be ater you gethome rom work, or once yourchildren are asleep, or rst thingin the morning. But you have

    to create a sacredness or thattime period once you scheduleit.

    I the phone rings as youregetting ready or your trainingsession, dont answer it. I aneighbor drops in, make yourexcuses and leave. Learn to blockall possibilities or distraction;dont turn on the television, letthe dog or cat out a hal hourbeore your scheduled workout

    time.An elite Olympic coach once

    gave the solution to scheduling workout time. He said, Youhave to make a hole in your lie.He was absolutely right.

    The time you put aside oryour workout must be carvedrom your busy schedule, butit must be infexible. Once youstart making excuses about whyyou have to skip one session, itseasy to make excuses to skip thenext one.

    Soon, all o your resolve withers away and the hole youcarved out o your day gets lledin with other stu.

    Dont just make a mentalplan and hope that when thetime comes around, youll bemotivated. That never works.

    Plan your workout routine, write down the exercises you

    intend to do. Write down littlegoals as well; things like litingten more pounds in a squat, orrunning aster on the treadmill.

    Let everyone know howimportant your workout time isto you; i youre not rm aboutit, amily members and riends

    wont take your resolve seriously.Experts advise getting a

    training buddy to help motivateyoursel, but I think thats bad

    advice. It essentially meansyoure counting on someone elseor your motivation, and at somepoint, that will stop working.

    Your training partner maychange his or her schedule, or

    may get distracted and stopcoming. What then happens toyour motivation?

    Learning to have thediscipline to motivate yoursel,to keep your workout schedule,to not allow anything to distractyou rom that sel-created seldiscipline, it will pay o in youreveryday lie as well as in yourbody.

    Photo/Andrew Litchtenhan

    Motivating yoursel to workout over the holidaysHow to not lose your focus on a better, healthier body during the upcoming busy holiday season

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    THE UNIVERSITY TIMES December 8, 2009PAGE 5

    arts&entertainmentChriStoPher Brotherton

    Staff Writer

    Rocky and Bullwinkle are twoo the most recognized cartooncharters o the 20th century.Forget Dora the Explorer andDeigo; there was once a simplertime where kids could enjoybeing kids and not have to learn asecond language because o a morepolitically correct world.

    Kids could enjoy the nonsenseideas and laugh or pure enjoymentrather than laugh when Elmo tellsthem so. This past month sawthe 50th anniversary o the crazymoose and squirrel duo.

    Jay Ward created the twocompanions back in 1959 with adierent spin than most cartoons

    at the time. He did not have themoney or expensive animation but

    he did have a great writing team.He told wacky stories thatinvolved a wide diversity ocharacters including the Russianspies, Mountie Dudley Do-Rightand the dog genius Mr. Peabody.The show was such a great successbecause it connected grown upideas to a child sense o humor.

    The jokes might be understoodtoday but they had their time andplace when the show was running.Matt Groening even paid specialhomage to Jay Ward when hecreated The Simpsons by givingBart, Homer and Grandpa Simpsonthe middle initial J, as in Rockysull name: Rocket J. Squirrel.

    Rocky and Bullwinkle are someo the starting points in todayscomedic animation. Without theirsuccess we might not have the great

    satires we have today in FamilyGuy and The Simpsons.

    Rocky and Bullwinkle hit thebig screen back in 2000 with a widecast o supporting actors includingRobert De Niro. While the motionpicture did not portray the truesince o comedy that Rocky andBullwinkle captured on the smallscreen it was a good lm to watch.

    The two characters alsomake appearances at the Macys

    Thanksgiving Day Parade inNew York. This is a true measureo their greatness because onlythe most lovable characters areeatured each year.

    Tiany Ward the daughtero Jay Ward continues his legacytoday by producing the Rockyand Bullwinkle lm as well ascontributing to other shows such asDisneys George o the Jungle. Shesaid that her dad was always outpromoting the show and comingup with quirky ideas or it.

    In one PR stunt Mr. Wardwent around the country trying topromote his island Moosylvania tobecome the ty rst state. Oncehe got to the White House he wasturned around because PresidentKennedy was dealing with theCuban missile crisis.

    This year was a special yearor the two characters and I wishRocky and Bullwinkle a happyty years to come.

    I we ever orget these twooutstanding characters I believethat something has gone wrong

    with our country and somethingwould need to be corrected.

    Rocky and Bullwinkle celebrate landmark 50thAnniversary


    DeVin PhilliPSStaff Writer

    On Wednesday, Dec 9, UNC

    Charlottes Earth Club presentedthe lm Taking Root: TheVision o Wangari Maathai.

    The lm highlighted Wangari

    Maathai, who was awarded theNoble Peace prize in 2004 orher contributions to the human

    rights aord.

    In 1977, Maathai ounded theGreen Belt Movement, which

    taught Arican woman to planttrees to save the environment.Then in 1986, Maathai oundedthe Pan Arican Green BeltNetwork, which establishedother tree planting movementsin other Arican countries. As otoday, the Green Belt Movementhas planted over 20 milliontrees.

    Maathais enormousimpact started o as a grassroots movement in her localcommunity. She would educatelocal women in her communityabout the importance o theenvironment as well as teachthem the basic skills to plant atree.

    Her eorts would then spreadrom community to community,

    educating others to do the same.Maathai elt that it was moreimportant or the individuals tolearn or themselves how to planttrees, instead o having otherindividuals doing it or them.

    By teaching people how toplant trees, the individuals werein control o improving theecosystem o their communities.

    I thought it was really interestinghow she could make a dierencepolitically and environmentally

    simultaneously, said StephanieBraun, an attendee o the event.

    The Earth Club wantedto spread awareness o thecontributions that Maathai didor this world. The Earth Clubis a student organization at UNCCharlotte that wishes to buildan overall good environment onand o campus.

    They wish to change thecommunity or a better lie,better health, and a bet ter world.The lm that they showed had avery positive message to it.

    It showed the true power opeople, said Heather Williams,Earth Club President.

    Catherine Okaor said thelm was, motivating, inspiring,and determining. The lm

    presented an excellent exampleo how a small group o peoplecan have a huge impact on our

    world.In Feb., the Earth Club with

    be showing Tap, a lm aboutthe water bottling industry.Taking Roots was the thirdlm the earth club has showedthis year.

    In 2002, Maathai was electedto the Kenyan Parliament with98% o the vote. Maathai then

    was appointed as AssistantMinister or Environment,Natural Resources and Wildlieor Kenya.

    Maathai was also the rst woman in East Arica to everearn a Ph.D. It is the people whomust save the environment. It isthe people who must make theirleaders change. And we cannotbe intimidated. So we muststand up or what we bel ieve in,said Maathai rom the TakingRoots Web site.

    The lm has been the winner o many independentlm estivals around the worldand was shown in the College oHealth and Human Services.

    Taking Root shows how one person can make a dierence

    Taking Rootpresented anexcellent exampleof how a smallgroup of peoplecan have a hugeimpact on ourworld.

    Devin Phillips

    KimBerly PAlmerStaff Writer

    On Friday, Dec. 4, the

    Campus Activities Board(C.A.B) hosted their annualSurvival o the Illest program.The program was open not onlyto students with their UNCC ID,but aculty, sta, and communitymembers as well or a small ee.

    The crowd remained veryhyped throughout the entireprogram with music providedby Josh Fuller, also known asDJ Fresh, and perormancesby A.C.E.S dance team andTantrum dance troupe.

    Another perormance thatseemed to catch the audiencesattention and calm them downa bit, was a song perormeda cappella by last yearsperormance winner AlexisCradle.

    Hype man Williams andUnique Arce were the hosts othe show and made numerousappearances to keep the crowdentertained and ready to viewthe dierent perormances.

    So ar, the show is goinga lot better than last year,said sophomore Eddie Harris,I was a judge last year so itis interesting seeing it rom a

    dierent perspective, but itsgood.

    Fridays show hadmany performances up forcompetition, all sticking to therap genre. The one event o thenight that people looked orwardto seeing was the reestylebattle.

    With this event, in thepreliminary rounds, thecontestants each had 30 secondsto ree style rap against oneanother and the reactions othe audience at the end woulddecide the rounds winner.

    Ater 3 rounds o battles, thelast contestants standing were

    Shone and Angelo Smith. Thesetwo men were chosen as thebest two contenders rom theaudience and had to battle it outto see who the best really was.

    Ater a 30 second battle,ollowed by a 45 second a cappellabattle, Shone was chosen as the

    winner and survived the battleto be titled as the Illest.

    I thought it would havebeen dierent than it had turnedout, it wasnt exactly what I hadexpected, said junior TeresaHerman, Throughout most othe show I wasnt too impressed,especially with the hosts, itdidnt seem like they kept the

    crowd that hyped. It did getreally interesting during theend though, during the nalrap battles, I really enjoyed thatpart.

    Aside rom the ree stylerap battle, there were othercontestants up or a rap/musiccompetition. Perormances weregiven rom many students oncampus who wanted to showtheir skills.

    For this section, perormancesranged rom raps about blackTims and black hoodies to

    women doing better with themen they choose or have in theirlives.

    Ater the contestants eachhad a chance to show the judges

    what they could do, J Krumpwas announced as the winner.

    A lot o hard work behindthe scenes went into this yearsshow, said sophomore and C.A.BDirector o Live Entertainment,Sha-Keieam Downs.

    Downs continued, Theresso much that goes into the showthat has to be done or it to goright. Theres a possibility thatthis will be the last year we havethe show, but who knows? Thisyears show had a great turn outand was very successul.

    CAB and students show off rap skills in contest

    Photo/Human Rights Film SeriesPeople planting trees in Arica rom the flm

    If we ever forget

    these two outstandingcharacters I believethat something has

    gone wrong with ourcountry and some-

    thing would need tobe corrected.

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    PAGE 6December 8, 2009THE UNIVERSITY TIMES

    newsninerHughes competed against

    six other contestants in theannual Miss Black and GoldScholarship pageant on cam-pus.

    Hughes believed it was agreat idea to try and competeor a scholarship, especially

    since she was paying out-o-state tuition at the time and

    wanted to help ease her par-ents o any nancial burdenshe could.

    Throughout the competi-tion, Hughes kept a positiveattitude towards the girls andcontinued to work her hard-est, being that it was her rsttime competing in pageant oany sort.

    Despite her nervousnessand the act that she nevercompeted beore, Hughestook the title o Miss Blackand Gold.

    For me, the pageant wasa great way to get exposure

    and to gain condence. I wasreally shocked about winningbut I was able to build my sel-esteem and it was denitely

    worth it.The men [members o

    Alpha Phi Alpha raternity,sometimes reerred to as Al-

    phas], really took us undertheir wing and all o us (pastcontestants) help support theireorts. We always eel includ-ed, needed, and they really putus to work, said Hughes.

    Since her winning, Hughesspent her time preparing orthe next step, Districts. Thisyears District pageants theme

    was Phantom o the Operaand was held in Raleigh, NC.

    It was hard trying to nda dress and the money to suc-cessully compete, but I hadthe support o my pageant sis-ters, said Hughes.

    In preparation or the dis-trict pageant, Hughes had to

    do a host o things. She hadto: ll out an application, getpictures taken that showed herin her best light, nd a dressthat would impress the judges,make up a talent that will blowaway her competition, nd aswimsuit that complimented

    her body, practice interviewquestions, and make sure sheknew her platorm inside andout.

    Once Districts rolledaround, Hughes ound herselpracticing and even packingup until 3 a.m. the morning othe pageant.

    Upon arrival in Raleigh, sheimmediately started rehearsingand trying to get comortable.

    The girls I competedagainst really underestimatedme, I mean a lot, said Hughes,I never got any good eedbackrom the coordinators so I justhad to try and keep my con-dence up.

    Later that evening, the con-testants or the pageant wereintroduced at the step showand Hughes attitude changedor the better.

    Once the private interviewsoccurred, Hughes ound themto go by ast and was rustrated

    and nervous, but had to pull ittogether or the next step.

    As each section o the pag-eant passed, Hughes ound hercondence rising more andmore.

    Ater all was said anddone, she let Raleigh with thedeliverance o an acceptancespeech, the prize o best tal-ent, a crown, sash, a scholar-ship, and the most importantprize; the title o Miss Blackand Gold o North Carolina.

    I really enjoyed getting thetexts and tweets that Keisha

    won, said sophomore andprevious Miss Black and Goldcontestant Delisa Washington,

    I cant wait to go to Missis-sippi to cheer her on.

    Hughes remains very ac-tive on campus, as she is a partof the Deans List, Univer-sity Honors program, Leader-ship Fellows, Tantrum dancetroupe, and she is a Resident

    Advisor.For the next ew months,

    Hughes will be preparing orthe Regional pageant in Mis-sissippi in March where shellbe competing against girls inthe Southern region, includingseven dierent states.

    Its really overwhelming tosee someone you helped romthe beginning grow as Keishahas, said junior and one oMiss Black and Gold pageantcoordinators Isolita Campbell,She has achieved what she re-ally wanted and worked hardor, Im very proud and glad tobe a part o it.

    populations to grow in sizeagain.

    Corwin urged that we shouldbecome more aware o what weare doing to the environment,but also still achieve the thingsthat we need to get done in order

    to survive.Right now he is working withother environmental lobbyinggroups to bring about some sorto change in our nations policytowards climate change.

    He has testied in ront othe House o Representativesin Congress on the issue. Heis also working on the cap andtrade eorts to lower the levelso carbon emissions to levels they

    were in the 1990s.So ar the eort is going well

    but in his words they only gotone side o the bread buttered. Ibelieve that the road is a long oneor Corwin.

    Change comes gradually overthe years and is not without itsconsequences.

    Pageant cud pag 1 Je Corwincud pag 1

    JAmie BroWnStaff Writer

    A University with over

    24,000 students and only 4 o-cers on patrol at a time is notacceptable. Technically, thereare supposed to be six ocersper squad but according to areliable source, UNC Charlotteis trying to pinch money byonly having our, instead.

    This low number includes asupervisor, who usually stays in

    the oce, which means thereare only three ocers patrol-ling the campus.

    There are numerous vari-ables that could bring thatnumber down to one ocer,such as one making an arrest,or one being tied up on thephone. What happens i one issick, or one is on vacation?

    Chie Hall, who is o onmedical leave, told the Uni-versity Times during an inter-view two months ago, that thedepartment has three to ourtemporary ocers to call upon

    when needed.Some o the police at the

    department say, however, thisis not the case. Hall also saidat the time, that they were inthe process in lling those po-sitions. Hall continued, We

    just had two new ocers come

    in last week, although, theytook the place o two ocersthat had recently let.

    Even though this interviewtook place two months ago, theWeb site still says there are twovacant positions.

    Our source, who recentlyapplied or a police position atthe school and who has several

    riends at the department, saidthe ocers are genuinely con-cerned.

    He said the police ocersare very rustrated on howthings are being done, and itsnot sae or them to only havetwo to three ocers (on patrol),much less or the students.

    The Police and Public Sae-ty Department lives by a motto,listed on the school Web site,

    which says, The police are thepublic and the public are the

    police.The police are the only

    members o the public that arepaid to give ull-time attentionto duties which are incumbenton every citizen, in the interesto community welare and ex-istence.

    However, our source be-lieves that putting o hiring

    new people, and not havinga ully staed department, isplacing the welare o the stu-dents at risk. He said i theschool administration is notconcerned, then students needto step up and become vo-cal about their well-being andsaety concerns.

    One reason or the sup-posed delay in hiring new o-cers is to cover a mistake madeearlier this year. When theChie bought two new police

    cars or the department, she didnot include enough moneyto install lights, alarms,decals, etc. Thereore,the cars sat there un-til enough money wassaved in the budgetto outt the cars andcover up her error.

    The one-time ocer

    went on to say that manage-ment has been so bad latelythat the majority o the policeocers are looking elsewhereor work.

    Although, he admitted thatthe police positions oered atthe school are great employ-ment opportunities, the de-partment lacks in proper man-agement. He said, Itsnot a bad job.

    The mon-ey is good

    a n d

    (they) get state employmentbenets, but things are justmanaged to the point that (theocers) want to bail out.

    Despite numerous attempts,the Police Department was un-available or comment.

    UNC Charlotte Police, understaffed and under their budget

    Photo/Will Grier

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    THE UNIVERSITY TIMES December 8, 2009PAGE 7


    sportssportsninersportssportssportsSPORTS SCHEDULEMens Basketball v. Winston-Salem St. Tues.Dec.8,8p.m.,Charlotte,NC

    Womens Basketball v. Western Carolina Tues.Dec.8,5:30p.m.,Charlotte,NCMens Basketball vs. Gardner-Webb Sat.Dec.12,3:30p.m.,Charlotte,NC

    Womens Basketball v. Southern Miss Sat.Dec.12,1p.m.,Charlotte,NC

    JoSh CArPenterSports Editor

    Behind a season-high 17points rom senior point guardDijuan Harris and 10 pointso the bench or junior Phil

    Jones, the Charlotte 49ers mensbasketball team won convincinglyover ECU Wednesday night, 80-68.

    In just 32 minutes o gameaction, Harris turned in his mostproductive game o the season,scoring 17 points, dishing out sixassists and shooting a respectable80 percent rom the oul line.

    This game was a good game,we won. But we need to go watch

    some tape, Harris said ollowingthe 80-68 win. We need to

    work on the mistakes we made.Now its time to look ahead toSaturday against Louisville. Wehave a big game that we have toprepare or.

    The win improved Charlotteto 5-1 on the young seasonand dropped road-weary EastCarolina to 3-5. Charlotte wononly 11 games last season, butthis is a new season, and the49ers are o to one o the beststarts in team history under headcoach Bobby Lutz.

    Its a much better start thanlast year, Harris said o thestrong start. We had a toughloss against Duke. We gotta justcontinue to get better though

    at the deensive end. We didget some stops tonight but wedidnt rebound particularly welltonight. We just have to go backto the lab.

    Charlotte orward ShamariSpears didnt crack the 20-pointmark or the rst time this seasonbut still came through with asolid eort, scoring 12 points

    while pulling down six rebounds

    in just his th game as a 49er.The depth o the 49ers played

    a huge role in the eventualoutcome against ECU as well.Charlotte had 10 dierentplayers score and outscoredECUs bench 37-3. Jones led thebench attack with 10 points in

    just 21 minutes o play.I think some teams, we can

    wear down over the course o a 40minute game, 49ers head coachBobby Lutz said o his teamsdepth. Everybody that camein did a good job. In my mind,theyre all starters and theyre allimportant. Against Louisville

    we could change it up. It justdepends on the situation.

    ECUs Brock Young led allscorers with a season-high 24points while the Pirates ChadWynn had a game-high 10rebounds.

    Charlotte came out on reshooting and led by as much as18 near the end o the rst hal.The second hal however, was amuch dierent story.

    In all, 47 personal ouls werecalled during the game and attimes, the number o ouls beingcalled seemed to dictate thepace o play. Charlotte pushedits lead to as many as 19 earlyin the second hal, but the slowpace o play allowed the Piratesto pull to within seven with justunder our minutes remaining.The 49ers closed out the game

    on a 10-5 scoring run to lock upanother win and move the teamto its best start since the 2000 -01season.

    BriDGet lAnDWehrmAnnStaff Writer

    Following the win against

    ECU, the 49ers traveled on theroad and routed No. 18 Louisville

    in Freedom Hall, 87-65. SeniorDiJuan Harris recorded a season-high seven assists, also scoring12 points and one turnover.

    This 22 point victory is thelargest margin o victory headcoach Bobby Lutz has had over atop 25 team, and it was the worstloss the Cardinals coach RickPitino has endured at FreedomHall in nine years.

    Obviously this is a great winor us, Lutz said o his 49ers whobuilt a 15-point haltime lead,scored the rst seven points othe second hal and never allowedLouisville to get any closer than14 in the second hal. Louisville

    was depleted with injuries andobviously theyll be better whenthey get everyone healthy. Imstill unbelievably proud o ourguys. We have so many newguys, To come in and believe wecan win was important. I toldour guys, dont come out o thelocker room i you dont think

    we can win. Everybody says theright things, but they believedand they played that way.

    Freshman Chris Braswellscored 21 points and pulleddown 14 rebounds or his thirddouble-double o the season orthe 49ers (6 -1).

    Also making a bigcontribution were guards DerrioGreen and Shammar Bowden.The duo combined to knockdown seven 3-pointers beore

    haltime to give Charlotte a47-32 lead. Ater burying yetanother long-range 3-pointer justbeore hal, Green turned to thestunned Freedom Hall crowdand held up the 3 Point signas he raced back down the foorand into the locker room

    Green nished with a career-high 20 points while Bowdenadded 17 o his own to hand

    he Cardinals their worst losssince Denny Crum roamed thesidelines.

    We are always the underdog when we come in here, saidLutz. Weve always shot the ba ll

    well when we come in here andour guys can shoot.

    The Cardinals had nowanswer to the 49ers hotbackcourt shooting. Louisville

    was without injured guardsPeyton Siva, Preston Kowles and

    Jerry Smith, and Charlotte madethe Cardinals pay by dominatingon the perimeter.

    They were just much betterthan us, Pitino said. Theyoutplayed us in every phaseo the game. It was just a verydisappointing loss.

    The 49ers made 10 o 243-pointers, outreboundedLouisville 49-35 and had littleto no trouble in weathering asecond-hal Louisville surge.

    Its a great win or us,Braswell said. When weplayed Duke and lost, we got aeel o how to play in a hostileenvironment. Now we are kindo getting a eeling or each otherand playing with each other.

    The win was he rst over aranked team since knocking oXavier last February.

    Charlotte returns hometonight to take on WinstonSalem State in Halton Arena

    49ers beat two old Conerence USA oes

    Upcoming Schedule Tonight vs WSSU, 8 pm

    Saturday vs GWU 3:30 pm

    Sunday at Winthrop 4:00 pmPhoto/Alex GeorgiPhil Jones dunk in the second hal sparked

    the tem and crowd Wednesday night.

    The 49ers and Bobby Lutz are o to their best start since the 2000-01 season

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    PAGE 8December 8, 2009THE UNIVERSITY TIMES

    BriDGet lAnDWehrmAnnStaff Writer

    The 49ers womens

    basketball team ollowed themens lead on Saturday deeatingUNC Asheville 59-37, making itthe second straight win or theteam.

    Senior orward Erin Floydled the team in scoring witha season-high 16 points. Thisgame marked the th timeFloyd had double-scoringgures this season.

    Sophomore guard ShannonMcCallum closely ollowed with12 points. Kelsey McAdooand McCallum both had sevenrebounds in the game.

    Freshman orward AmandaDowe recorded her rst double-scoring game this season with11 points or the game, seven o

    which were in the rst hal.The starting lineup

    or Charlotte consisted oFloyd, junior Ashley Spriggs,McCallum, senior Aysha Jones

    and McAdoo.Charlotte won the opening

    tip and McCallum immediatelyscored the rst basket o thegame. Charlotte continued thelead through the rest o thegame with Asheville trailingbehind.

    Floyd led in scoring orthe rst hal with ve points,ollowed by McCallum with

    our points. McCallum led inrebounds or the rst hal withsix.

    There were our three-point baskets shot by RachelleCoward, Floyd, Kendra Holmesand McCallum.

    Overall, the 49er womennished the game with a score

    o 59-37. The 49ers had 20turnovers, three blocks and 15steals while Asheville had only30 turnovers, one block and vesteals.

    The 49er women play theirnext game against WesternCarolina tonight at 5:30 as parto a double-header with themens team.

    BriDGet lAnDWehrmAnnStaff Writer

    At 69 and 235 pounds, Chris

    Braswell is a orce to be reckonedwith, especially when it comes torebounds.

    Braswell is a reshman powerorward or the 49ers basketballteam this season. He is a top-ranked A10 player. In the rstgame o the season against UNCAsheville, Braswell posted hisrst double-double.

    Braswell also has the highestnumber o rebounds or theseason out o any player on theteam. As o Dec. 5, ater the49ers win against Louisville,Braswell had a season total o 64rebounds. Braswell is proud tobe in the lead.

    It eels great. When Idecided to come to UNCC,coach Lutz told me he needed me

    to be a rebound machine, saidBraswell.Braswells hometown is

    Capitol Heights, Maryland.Braswell attended HargraveMilitary Academy in Virginia orhis junior and senior years o highschool where he was recruited byassistant coach Rob Moxley toplay or UNC Charlotte.

    His junior year at Hargrave,Braswell averaged 16.7 points pergame and 12.0 rebounds. Histeam had a 29-0 unbeaten season.His senior year, he averaged22 points per game and 12.0rebounds.

    Braswell signed with the 49ersbasketball team on Nov. 13, 2008.Braswell entertained oers romother colleges such as Xavier,Indiana, Maryland and VirginiaTech. He chose UNC Charlottemostly because o Moxley.

    He took care o me, saidBraswell.

    This season at UNC Charlotte,Braswell averages 8.0 pointsper game and 9.1 rebounds. Inthe teams 87-65 win againstLouisville Saturday night,Braswell had the highest numbero points with 21 and the highestnumber o rebounds with 14.

    Braswell making animpact or CharlotteBraswell scored a career-high 21 points and pulled down 14rebounds in Charlottes win over Louisville on Saturday

    Photo/Alex GeorgiBraswell, a top-ranked A-10 power orward,was named A-10 Rookie o the Week.

    A look at Braswells freshman campaign

    Points per game: 8.0

    Rebounds per game: 9.1

    Rebound total: 64

    Womens basketball winstwo in a row at home

    Photo/Alex Georgi

    JoSh CArPenterSports Editor

    Wednesday night, the 49erswomens basketball team cruisedpast Presbyterian or their rsthome win o the season, 72-36.I thought our play in the rsthal set the tone or the game,Charlotte coach Karen Astonsaid. Overall I was very pleased

    with our teams perormancetonight. We did a really good

    job on the boards. We did a verygood job o scoring inside.

    The 49ers nished the gamewith a season-high 50 reboundscompared to Presbyterians20. Shannon McCallum led

    Charlotte with nine rebounds while Jennier Hailey addedseven. The advantage on the glassled to a 28-2 advantage in second-chance points or Charlotte.

    Aysha Jones nished the gameas Charlottes leading scorer with14 while tallying a career-highve steals. McCallum scored 11points to go along with her ninerebounds.

    C h a r l o t t e

    opened the gameon a 9-0 scoring runbehind ve pointsrom Jones and twoopening shots romKelsey McAdoo.The Charlotte leadreached double-digits at the 15:31mark and PCdidnt reach double-digits until just ourminutes remainedin the hal.

    Jones had 12points at hal tolead all scorers andadded our steals

    and our rebounds.In the second hal,the 49ers pushedtheir lead to as muchas 44 ater startingthe hal on a 25-10 run. The 49ersorced 20 turnoversin the game, leadingto 28 49er points.

    Lady 49ers win against

    Presbyterian, 72-36

  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    THE UNIVERSITY TIMES December 8, 2009PAGE 9

    adsThe University Times cau-tions our readers aboutsending money in responseto advertising. When re-sponding to ads in any pub-lications to purchase infor-mation, items or services, you may wish to requestwritten advance documen-tation of what the adver-tiser is selling. Though wetake precautions to protectour readers from false ormisleading advertising, TheUniversity Times is not re-sponsible for the validity ofadvertisers claims.

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    Do you fnd that this approach usually works? Or let me guess,youve never tried it beore. In act, you dont normally approach

    girls - am I right? The truth is that youre a quiet sensitive type but,i Im prepared to take a chance, I might just get to know the inneryou: witty, adventurous, passionate, loving, loyal. Taxi! A little bit

    crazy, a little bit bad. But hey - dont us girls just love that?

    - Diane, Trainspotting

    Calendar o UpcomingEvents

    Want your event published in the Calendar o Events? Contact the UniversityTimes Editor at [email protected]

    . UNC Charlotte Library Flash RaveDec. 9 at 11:59 p.m. in a currently undecided location (it will either be the Unionor the Library. Radio Free Charlotte will be provided the music or the rave thisyear. Once you hear the music you are supposed to get up and dance and get rido that stress or 15 minutes. Last years rave was a success and the Library wasclear in 15 minutes. Check the Facebook event page or a set location today.

    . UAG KickoffThe University Advocacy Group (UAG) will host their kicko at the Belk Towerthis week. The UAG is promoting school pride and they are known or their Iit isnt 49er gear, get it out o here campaign. For more inormation contact RobMcCormick at [email protected]

    .Robinson Hall Players Tacky Sweater Potluck & Canned FoodDrive

    Dec. 10 at 3:30 p.m. in Student Union 200. Come out with your tacky Christmassweater, a prepared dish and two canned goods. The winner o the tackiestsweater will win a prize. Please sign up or a dish on the Robinson Hall CallBoard. For more inormation visit,

    . Engineering Senior Design PresentationsDec. 11 rom 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the SAC Salons. Seniors o the Will iamStates Lee College o Engineering will be presenting their completed projectsand mid-year design posters. The event is ree and open to the public. For moreinormation contact, Bill Heybruck at [email protected]

    .Turkish Night

    Dec. 12 rom 7:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. in Student Union 340. The event issponsored by Turkish Student Association. Come out and enjoy a night o culturalcelebration, taste Turkish ood, watch dance shows and listen to live music. Theadmission is ree. For more inormation, contact Okan Pala at [email protected]

    . College of Computing and Informatics Holiday Silly-FormalDec. 9 rom 8:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m.. The rst annual Holiday Silly-Formal ishosted by the College o Computing and Inormatics (CCI) in Student Union 340G, H, and I. The dress is semi-ormal, but more un, so tuxedo t-shirts are welcome.There will be a buet style dinner and un or everyone. For more inormation,contact Katelyn Doran at [email protected]

    . Recreational Services BasketballThe registration period ends Jan. 14. Register or rec basketball rom 9:00 a.m. until

    5:00 p.m. everyday in Belk Gym 222. Recreational Services urges students to come

    out and register or men, women, and co-rec 5-on-5 basketball teams. You canalso register your team online at For more inormationcontact Ryan Holt at [email protected]

    . Organizational Science Student Research IncubatorDec. 8 rom 12:30 until 1:30 p.m. in Cone 111. I you are interested in or are evenconducting research on organizations, or you are interested in getting to knowgraduate students in the Organizational Science PhD program, come out to theStudent-Only Research Incubator. Students will also be able to talk about waysto improve teamwork and communication skill s in research groups. A light lunch

    will be provided. For more inormation contact Samantha Paustian-Underdahl [email protected]


  • 8/14/2019 Rocky and Bullwinkle Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary


    PAGE 10December 8, 2009THE UNIVERSITY TIMES

    ClAUDiA BUCKMcClatchy Newspapers

    It's the season or giving. Es-pecially to charities.

    Whether it's a door-to-doorsolicitor, the bell-ringer outsidethe shopping center or the char-ity envelopes arriving in yourmailbox, everyone, it seems,could use a little holiday cheer.

    And despite the nancialhardships that have plaguedso many amilies, a majority oAmerican consumers are in acharitable mood, according to arecent survey by American Ex-press, which ound 69 percentplan to do as much - or more- charity giving this year com-pared with last year, even whilecutting back on gits to amilyand riends.

    "People are ... cautious aboutgiving money away," said DanSchrauth, a wealth adviser with

    J.P. Morgan Private Bank in SanFrancisco.

    During the economy's boomyears, he said, many individuals

    needed year-end charitable de-ductions. This year, with lagginginvestments and pinched pay-checks, donations are less likelyto be tax-motivated.

    "People realize that duringchallenging economic times,charitable organizations needcontributions more than ever,"said Schrauth. "Today, it's purelyaltruistic, which is nice."

    And all those good causescan use your help. Charitable

    giving _ at $308 billion in 2008_ was down 2 percent rom theprevious year, the rst declinesince 1987, according to theIllinois-based GivingUSA Foun-dation, which tracks charitablespending nationally.

    I you're motivated to giveto charities this holiday season,here are some tips:

    Consider a CardCharity git cards let you _

    or your recipient _ choose whereto donate, rom Arican wildlieto Appalachian trails. Amonggroups dispensing such cardsare,

    TisBest, a Seattle-based non-prot that creates custom-de-signed git cards or individualsand companies, says its businesshas tripled to nearly 30,000 cardssold this year since it launched in2007.

    Instead o sending a notesaying, "I've made a donationto my avorite charity in yourname," you send riends or am-

    ily a personalized git card or aspecic amount, anywhere rom$10 to $5,000. The recipient then"shops" online, choosing a char-ity rom among some 250 on Tis-Best's site.

    "We're a way to turn a chari-table donation into a great git.It shows respect to the recipientbecause they have a choice whereto give," said TisBest ounderErik Marks, who said the aver-age card amount is $37.

    Another site,, connects you with teachers

    whose classrooms need every-thing rom math fashcards tooverhead projectors. You pickthe school, the project and theamount you want to donate.

    Watch out for fraudNot everyone's intentions are

    charitable during the holidays, when phony solicitations canpop up online, at your door or inyour mailbox.

    Don't eel pressured to do-nate and do conrm that thecharitable group is legitimate.

    Web sites like or the Wise Giving Al-liance, sponsored by the BetterBusiness Bureau at, let you investigatecharities based on their nancialand organizational health.

    I you're online, be aware thatphony e-mail addresses rompseudo-charities are prevalent.They oten look like legitimatesites, but may contain a Webaddress that's one or two letters

    dierent.In reality, warns McAee Inc.,

    a Santa Clara-based computersecurity rm, "they are ake Websites designed to steal donations,credit card inormation and theidentities o donors."

    To avoid them, don't click onany links in a charitable pitchsent by e-mail; always type in theexact Web address yoursel.

    More than a checkThere's nothing wrong with

    writing a check to your avoritecharity. But there are alterna-tives, such as IRA donations andcharitable git accounts.

    For those with a chunk toinvest, Kevin Rose, a CharlesSchwab branch manager in Ro-seville, Cali., said charitable git

    accounts let donors set aside asingle tax-deductible amount(minimum $5,000) that earnstax-deerred interest. At anytime in the uture, the donorscan dole out individual gits, aslittle as $100, to any public char-ity.

    And i you're older than 70 {,you can make a tax-deductibledonation to a charity directlyrom your IRA, using thatamount as part o your annualmandatory withdrawal.

    Always check to see i youremployer oers dollar-or-dollarmatching contributions to yourcharity.

    But even i you can't nan-cially aord to give this year,"it's never too late to start sav-ing," said Rose. "I you want tomake a sizable donation downthe road, you can build towardthat" by setting aside some sav-ings now.

    Keep a recordFor IRS tax purposes, a can-

    celed check or bank statementis usually sucient when youdonate money or property lessthan $250. For larger donations,you'll need a dated rece ipt or let-ter rom the charity conrmingyour donation.

    Also, i you donate via a char-

    ity event, your tax deduction isreduced by the air market valueo any meal, git or other benetyou receive.

    For more details on IRStax-deduction guidelines, go to (search or Publica-tion 1771).

    How to have a thrity and charitable holiday season