ROCKAWAY · rwd...

rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which to live* \|\ II. No. 26 ROCKAWAY. N. J., THURSDAY. DKCKMItKK 27, 1W4 Thin ttrintini fitabllihrnrn* niwriitrK ntr.rtljr In accord- Miire with the Cod* ol Nut* lima I Hi'tovcry for TUB I'ltlNihHM or AmerlcH *T\G HIMI uhmrvrii nil I'nlun r n * iilatltim* nittl rcf|iilrciiirnt«- $1.50 PKR Y I \R :kaway Included In State Highway Allotment DOUT Mail Man Dies Suddenly At Home Allowed For Acad- y Street Improve- in 1935 l.ibrury I Ins I'MUNIIUI i Wlrlckrii only u lew linurs prev- , 1'>UN!>. John llniiHini. 4J. n Oliver iiniill mini Im llir inisl 111 yrnrs. 'Mniidny inwlil dlrd nl Ihe home ol | Mr, Hobert Youini. of Hnndolpli _ : uveniii'. wlih whom Mrs. Lilly Mll- l-hriNtllHIS I )eCIII'lltilinN 'hell his innthrr-ln-linv. lives. His wllr. II son. Duimld; n tliitmhtcr. In line with ihr exininiK t.'hrlni-, Murii-l. iwu brothers, Amiihun nnd inns spirit, Miss let tit Unvey. llbrnr- Nelson, nl Mllwnukee. nnd two sis- Inn In. rhnrite nl Horknwnys new ll- lrp< ' Mrs Wnllrr Crocker, of Mll- binry, hns iirrnimntl n very prplly" 1 "'' 1 - '"»nn . nnd Mrs. Arthur Hetl- dlsplny nnd Is nltrnrllim consider- lrt<111 - "' Unver. survive. Funeral ser- nblp nil PHI Ion. un Ihe mils nl the,*' 1 ' 1 " will br held tomorrow niter- nlrently pretty wiitd.iWM In mlnlnlure tu " in "' ll " 1 home unit nt the Swell- st'pnes. dpplclliiM Blbllcnl hnppen- ls| ' C'IHIMII'MUIl.iiinl Church. Burlnl Inns, etc, nnil is very orlulnnl nnd' wl " '"' in I'lrnsiinl Hill Crmc- „„ in n IIPWN reloniie from I »' v ™ <he rl«hl lo Miss Unvey In teel'l' 1 ^- Mlllbnmk. iliuhwnv Commlmlon thin I"' 0 "'' "f her nlleiiipi to lull in line TlllB |K HIP third ilpnih In iliPlnm- ) Denville Twp. Aiuirnved D,v tlm Cnm- [IBI'IHI V<" ConiilruoUiin and ((unity School (Children At (Ioimmiiiit> Tree A uroup nl schnnl rluldirii hum Ihr Lincoln Hliih schonl MIIIU ChrlM- inns t'lirols in Eniillsh and French al Ihr C'.imnuinlly Chrislmnx Tier Exercises nn the oriini prnperty In Ensi Main si reel, Monthly ntterno.iii. Thr uriiup wns led b.v HUIHTVIMMU ' Principnl CIIIII'IPH Curtis. ' It wns planned by the Chnlrnmn.! Joseph Jackson, of the Chamber of | Coinmerce. which (iruiiiil/iillini hnd chnrue ol Ihr nlfnlr. to hold Ihc ex- ercise* Immediately fnllnwimi the Christ inns party bclnii held in the school, but on nccoiinl of this tnklnii sn limn and II brlim very cold i»r the United Organizations Furnish Merry Christmas To Kiddies Cost Office liusincss (ireuter Tlmn l.ust Year Art'iirdlnii In iilllrluls o| ihr local post oilier (li'piil'tini'ilt tlli'l-p WHS ll uri'iilrr Christ mil." business IhlN yeiu I linn lust. This Is unlimited for by bpttrr biiMlncMH eniidtllons nil ovpr Ihr country. II was NIIIII. Whllr ron- illlloii.i In I his vl.'inlly Imvr mil Hhown liny urnii luniumi nl rnlhiiS' is included In the im mud Improvement'! for 10 be Improved here ny which han been badly iriol'rppiili 1 " nnd which several nnd buslneita man school children to sliincl arniind. I he ;,„,,„, Uv-lr hns been mciitrr ncllvlly I rep priiKi-iiin was rtinMdrrnbly nb- : „, ,,„„.,. pil| ., K mu | ful . ,„„, ,.,,„„„„ has been with the spirit n[ the We me sure Ml*s Dnvey will wrl-, t'tinir visitors in see her tleenrntltins.i Hho will nlsti be very Kind to explnln, the operntlons ol this little known Institution. The library is IiV III less I him bt'evliitpcl. A tuinibei' of lownxprnplc. iiltrnd- eil I he tire CXCITIHCN nnd report llml Ihr Klnulliu ill Ihr rhllclri'ii WUK very I 1 nod. tin' Hoiiknwny nvi' brpn nndenvorlnii to him yanrn. npproprlntod for liirral nnil l« supposed to cover } Church "Heel to tho Rocknwny Unr mul this Amount of ; ||y nhtmld pul the street In nonet j Illlon. (ItidMl in Ihe lint of tntinlclpul-1 | Hint will uei n shnro of the i 0.000 nlloiicfl next yenr in the I* Denville Township, which ID.ftOO tor repair* nnd Im- •ntn in Prnnklln rond. (romplrlr list of nllotmctits for i County la ns follow*: inton. Wmiiton Struct. $5,000. Township, Trnnklln Rond. KIIKI llnnover Towiwhlp. laic Avenue $9,000. Plornn Ci'iweiil mid Brook Lnkr IB,MO Hnrtllnii Township, :i(lBc-Nrw Vornon, $5,000. mn Township. Berkshire Val- Itnvil liniid. 10,000 Montvllle. nr Hriiok Rond. $13,000. Jlppniiy-Tiny HIIIK. North Bevel- I Rnnd 410.000. Pnssnle Town- , Com ml Avenue, $5,000. Pr- ick Township. Sunset Rond. d | lively new. cunlnlnlnii Ihr besl ol furnlNhlnits nnd hns the renl hmnr- Ilke atmosphere, where yotnmstris or iiruwn-ups run no. rend nil the Intent books, nr. if you prefer, old ones, Ihnt contiiln very iinod stories.. and olhrrwlse enjoy HIP prlvlleiien In IIIIN BornUMh-nwnen Wedding Bells Ring For Prominent Couple Bankruptcy* Epidemic II IK tlioniihl. there Incumliiu mull. Thr low p.mtiiiir mil' (or brciinir ninrr liiinlllur ninrc (act Ihnt the unsealed mnll this yt'nr. nlso IIRN Bomelhlnu to do with thr rxliu biiMliu™ it wim Inllmulrd. Nun of Man anil Mnrrls- lawti Nrhnnl Teneher I'nlle.l In Mnrrlnie at l.argr llprr UAII iir i Woinun In llospitul,,i 30-HoUr Week After Dover Accident 184 t 'nder-privile»{ed Child- ren from 2-12 I line Joy- ful Time at I'arty Elks Program Given Kuril Child (liven (Inod TIIIIIRN TII I:»t. Tn.vN nnd KwTOt<"r» nnd l.nt of Fun One humliTcl nnd rlKhly-fuut uu- derprlvlleiipd younmtlcrK of Ihu Bor- .niuh. lor thi' 11 rut time for minis' ol them to enjoy Niirh 11 thlni". vcetn Klvcn thr time ol Ihrlr llvi'n Monduy- iiflrninon. when the united socti'tles or Ihr BoruuKh riirrlrd out n well pliinned pioiirnin In furnlHhltiR u ChrlNllimn piirty nl the Lincoln Hlnli The whole Iny-oiil of the nuull- llonn m.iken II n I rent lo vlnli Ihrrr. BookN ulr neully nnnnitrd on Onr of ihr liti'iK'sl weddhm rvrr Inklnu plnce In the Bnrouiih nf Rock- iiwny. wns solemnized Bnlurdny nf- leninun when Hiiinucl Jnnirs Olll. son nf Hurry H. aill. Publisher of the Onver Advnnce. of Dover mill Miss Mildred E. Lawrence dnuiihtri of Kxprrti Prom Brooking* Inslltutlnn Hn.v Farmers Would lie Penal- Iretl and Mtnmlurils uf Liv- ing Would He "Frnnen" shelves . Ihe chnlrs nre durable nnd, Township Chnliinnn nmi Mrs. coniforlnblr nnd Ihr IlKlitlliK rffrilFi mukr II n plrnninr lo nit nl unr nl the upvrrnl Milny-tnp lnble» Inr nn hour in 1 I wo with ynui' lieud drlveil Into your fnvoillr bnok or nuiitir/lnr. vlii l.iiwri'lice of Ihe Union section nf Driivllle Township. In the Firsl Prrshylri Inn Church Rev. Nelson MUCH IV of Bn.VVllle. eolleiie friend of Ihe brldeitroom. assisted by Kldir The floor-roverlim ninkcs II ensy c xul/riiuii. pnslnr nt Ihe Church for Ihe eye mid corresponds with the M)M »,,,,,,,.,. i.nwini.r. sister of licntM-nl MOOII siiirnundlniis nnd (MI . )nl(U, W11N ij|-lriesniiiltl mid HII.V- HHiinyrr mom | tJ. Olll. brother "f Ihe brltle- uriiom wns best man tlshem wrrr (Inn111 Lnnsliiu. Cosier Johnsnli. Nhnillil be viewed b.v every Moretrench KccuivcH prujeein m thn lown- l mul Imi'iiiiuhft nf cnoh county. llu» muni I he KiTehoklern mny I Onr nf Ihr blu power dmns ihnl Ihe Oiivernineiil IN bulkllnii is at ' Hohlievllle OITKUII. In cxrnvnllnit for Ihe InunilnlliiliN. Ihe contrnclors 'rim Inlo iiulcksnii.l nnd wired n dr- npporlloiiPd, Rocknwny script Inn of Ihrlr difficulties in Ihe «h. Armlemy fllroel, $6,000, i Morel rench Corporation, nl Rockn- 1 nrllnii eiiveni work In 10 nfi W |, v A I I iinswer wns NCIU USSIIIIIIN InninliM. Icnvlnii the Huts for ihe eontrneUiis ihnl ihe use ol a |m MKI Hnlein to be decided up- | Morel rench Wellpulnl Hyslein would iry is derived from ; | rM ||| m dr.vhiu up llir iiuirksntul r vrliielr irrelplH nnd In nllocnl- T| lr cnhlrnrlors In reply asked llml Miiiuir mi ihe bnsla of $100,000 snmetinc I rum Ihr ('iirporniinn rnnic '(nil I here nt ntirr b.v neroplniir In look Ihe work over Ml. Tlirmiii'- I 1 ' Motire It'll Ncwnik All pel I mi Ih' Mwl2H.0OO for mnlntennncp on ,,| K|,| Of Ucrrnibrr 14ili lm- Mninir- pi*n»lil|i nnd boroudh dirt ronds vi || r im( | nrrlved Iliere In nbnui 'JO " Imve dime this, lt>nvlnn $|,> } 1inll - n u,, Wrni over the u-ntk with Ihe rimtrnciors anil lecelved Ihrll nrtler Inr rli'Miuh Mnrelrrnrh Kiiulp- nirnl lii dry up Hi' 1 work Till'- "id' i wns wlrrd Inlo lln' Cnrpniiilioii''. " I - , flee nl Hnrknwny nnd the nrdi i wr linmcdlalrly Illled Iniiii slo'-k I'."' of II Wild expiessetl Ihe liillnwllu: tl.i • nnd tin 1 (lay li'lrr n cnllnnd I'll Hi' C'orpnriiI Kin's lilniii Mr VIIH-'-II 1 Turr. nl III' 1 Mnirlieinli 'lull I , MOW III Ilnlili'-Mll' 1 •iiilifivl-inc Hi'- ' Inslnllnllnn nl Hi'- ei|iil|itii'-iii 'lid Ininiedlalr rculu lunkril . • iivnilalilr for the conslrue "I llinrnuiihfnrti>. In addition Hliihwny CommlHdlon. fnl- •lie liiinlnlons of the slnlule. nxld'' niiniinlly $310,000 for inieiiiiiirr of the township' raiwh niiiiis nlrendy Unproved '»''• nid thin sum unit I Iw I'lieli of the counties nnd ll"' i"1 ill In M.aiO.OOO fur li nmi linrouKh rond work int. 1 i'f* eiiii<.iriieiimi the Btnle H' 1 '- ii innxlmuin of R0 per l "*ni<] ihe cost. To meet all t '"i ihnl were mntle fnr nltl | Ihnvr ri'ipnred the mim of $(!.• • Wlllluin lily .Irssr Wilson nnd KUH'HI am The rricinnny wns preeeded b.v n hnlt linur's itiuiin ennerrt bv K.rnesl Kn«lri nl MIKIIMIII HIIIHK wrrc Mini' li.v Mrs Nrlllr .luinhnii nnd Mi'- (Illbril Kmluers. bnlli nf Kneknwiiy Thr crrrnioli.v Innk plnrr brfnrr II hunk of IJIIlift. Iliiiikctl by Ciii u-iiini'- I ires mid iinliiselliiK Mr tllll. n i'1-nduiilc "I A-lnuv riillrur. Ii iismielnleil with Ills tiithci III Hie iiiibllshliiu Inislncss nnil MISK t.iiuieliec. n I 111 (1111 >' i nl Mnlllrlnll Ti'iirlui''' ('"llei" 1 \" II I n n h> I In the Mnllls 'Inwll'-lllp Mlini'ls Hill- hii' iilsn Kiilnrd n I iput nlliiii nr bc- 11,1' II I'liull illlTClnl "I n-hniil Olll\--^_ Afler n ihml weildlnu I'lp Ihe i iniplr Will lesllle III li ircrnllv I ilt-l i-il 1 loll ••- III t'llloli iidlnllillll' Keck I-Mlllll Km III hiillll nf Ihr lilldr'.. pillcnl'- Ilii- lirlilr »i'' lirnullliillv HIIIIMI in while h iiiispnM nl >' IV I wlili tin - hull lltlll Vl-ll Mild '." Illl' eir| Mil- iiiiili-il II 'tiinll Hil'l' in while kid |h, Illllll'lllllKl IIIIIVllll I,,' '.Ul'. Ill IIH 'I IH I " ' l> 'I 1,1 I.V.I. • " " • I Mrs. Priiiik Stevens, ot Buceasim- iin. IH n pill lent In Dover Oenprnl Hospital. Nuffrrliiii from bruises nnd Incernllons sustnlnecl when she was (ill Tuesdny nlidit b.v a cur driven Hlnndnrds of llvlnii mnonii wn K e! bv c ' hllll|1K OTtrefe. nf Mlnp Hill. piirnrrs would be frozen" nt redur-I Ml ""- Stevens wus ridliiK with Wil- ed levels, fmmers would br pennll/.- I l """ """ Hl "" l(l L«"«don. nlso of ed bold us consumers and producers. I HuccnMinnn. when Ihey stopped to nnd n new epidemic of bnnkrupl-I vlrw " Chrlsimns dlsplny In West rlrs" coiiltl br expected iimnnM com- nirirlal nrunnl/.nllnns If n ;tO-hnur week Inw Is enncleil by l.'oimrrss. ne- cnrdliiu lo economists nl the Bi'onk- Inus IIIKIIIullini which Is devoted In public service 111 mini h ii'srnrch mid IrnlnliiV In Ihc social sciences. Full Ilnillnus of Ihr Binnklims ceoniiinlslM. Harold Q Motillon and Miunlcc I .even will be published un- tler dale ol January H. 1035. Adviinee copies of Ihe repnrl disclose Ihe fol- i I '" 111 "' 1 " 1 w ' lvln ' H f>H'Oeomr Novnk. luwinii conclusions as lo probable et-! r>2 - wh " ""'" '" llls ll """' m tllc Ml ' feels of n stnlulory 30-hour week- ! WIIKC rariiei's would hnvr Ihrlr i icnl wiiwrs reduced In cnnsetniencp nt Ihc rise 111 prices, nnd "Ihrre would be n tendency lo free/e slnnd- , arils nf llvlnu nl the reduced level.' 1 I Bliiekwrll street. Dover. It In mild 'thai Mrs. Hlrvens run ncross the .street In Ihe pnlh ol the O'Keefe .rnr. Pntrolmnn ('rouble look Ihe In- I lined woinitu In thr hoNpllnl. where It Is snld thai her cnntllllon Is no! < (it'or^c No\ uk, Retired i Miner, Dies ul I lis I Ionic flnlnrlrd nnd fixed income II Ihe law nppliid In Ilicin hnvr ninrr IrlMiiri L nt I la- i Icwcr I'-nl Inrnini 1 " rJ11'- i" en. 1 1 1 , ul living', ni. II llir IIIM l "I n lni:li('i .lid lu.i - •In" liminil l' 11 New Year's Resolves MUM Fined On Driving Churtfe limit nun Don't live lili'li'i Dnn'l iMil mi II _ R r n llnv Mrnut every (lav in flu- Pay yum bill 1 - r owe. --Dnn'l Imvr nliv ll Ifllnw IH'll'lllinr hllll Vlllll II.' ."I dni- |)n II i'"<il mi vcnl lllllllllllV I" Illl VI, Illll'. I .I'll) pilV rli'll II yml Im "•'<" nnylliliii il my niivllili II chip mi yn ..'. rlrillird III' mil P" Mny «|ir||. of SUNSCX si reel, *«» nurd »n,00 nnd cost* by Wilhiim Onrdner on " v "» n elinrxe of reckless. nfici nn ni'didcnt, In whirln—dive linked her rnr Into tho show j one. 1 "I Pniil Arvenltnn, brenklnn i - - " V"u ' " ' i ' "•hohiKi ic, pny for the dnm- jiibtiui a leilnw. tin |*Now. Inbuilt him. fliirley. of Union street. |—Uon'l always hnv , lo 10 dnys In the 'hhmildir. lull on n chnrHo of belnn i —C»*-1 ihe «''«'' "" r "ml disorderly, orlan Cnl- i —Dflvi- slowly. |*MKlvi.|, „ Himilur nentflico on j - A v o i d fires. 1 ehnrKu l_Dt>n'l nllfiiipt "' ' lllv( ' iVI "" " " "" PHerson, 24, of Harding, lev mnrnlnns unl'-« y«ni »"• i"' 1 '""- •Dover, clmrgod with lonvlnu'cd. .. •" "f mi Hccldenl, WM fined - O e t .vmir «ilverii»lni! ropy in tnii.v. -Pon'l drink U<« inueh-wnlet. - D o n I IO»P heml-bHIer limes "Hie Jtlsl nround Ihe rnriirr." —Obey truffle Illl) t , ,:,| ',-n I'-l • »' I' I" Id I"' 1 I,, III Im WlllMU III S Hhi'lH' | ,, Hi l<,|' .''Ih illl I' 'I ,, n: WM.. ili- Hnttudiiv iimiii Lnlin I Illll ('ellielrl.v. 1*1 tllll - ., I ii-iilli « ,i>- line I" li I'liml* - •nkr wlili ll lollowetl a l<illl- ill- Ml Hlimil 1 I 1 - "IIH'lw-ll |,v iilil 1,1 Mi Clilillll- O'Neill i' 1 ,,,,,,., ., ,,(| ,,IM- "in. llni'iltl Hliniil'. ,.l I''-lllhla III 1 -" "He ll'-plH « ( fl Hl'lill'-n" "I We».l I'hlln- ,l, |,,| nl "in- inn'-. Mrs WIIIIIIIII c iiin-i- "I <»lcnll N. V Mr. Hhnnrs prlii Id'' Ijoyh'iml lluvs III Uiirkiiwnv ,,i,d M'liinl H"l"' " " " W|M '"' l< ' 1 '"' 1 "- I,, Mil liv uiiiti.v "I Ihe iililer ri-M- ,1, I,I. (I'.iiir Peer and his hire Min. Mn iv I'rel Hl'-r. "I Whippnliy reln- tlvro "I Hie lute Mrs Shnnrs. nllend- , ,i iin Inn lui Hiiiurdny mtiriiinv • AAKON (. Ill-NDKHMON npply In thrni. "would hnvr llir low- er Hlnndiirdo nl llvlnu wilhnul nn In- iiriiM' m lriniire." •Thr MO million prnpli- rniiviilnl- \nv. llir [iMill 111111rn 1 popiilnlinn wmild llkrwl.'.r be ndvrrwly nlfecled. II I. 1 - IUIKIIV In be cx|>i'i-tc(l Hint MHIM- Whn nfr pri".'<IIIK Illl' Illll. llllll'lll' 1 imilrniplnli' II I hlrty-lmur wrls tor tin' liirini'f A It I mi u- 1 Ii ihr lininii would Mill': (ml I'll IIIIV innlr l'lvnrr In- winilil lIIKI luni'xll 'unlimited with hli'lirr pi II-IVA Inr nil (*"riiiii"(li- l|i> In- lui'. In imrrhliM' 'tin- ll''' 111 piiii-' '.IIIIIUI nllcii him bnlh ii'- n i nmiitn' i nmi I I I n prixluc ri IM-nlnlcil Indmtrlr 1 ' would I"- nn- iiblr In iidviiiirr prlci"- n* wiu'r lilies nmi en 1 -!! cf proiliirlloii ill" " II- nl. 1 mid ''Vi- iiilnhl will rxpcri .. in 1 *- i infl. inir nl hiiiikinpti " ' ' Funeral Services For Stephen Young Hope road. Roeknwiiy. Sunday, were held yesterday uftrrnnon nl Hut-red 1 It-iii I Church, here. Burial wns In Ht. Crrllln's Cemeler.v Mr. Novnk was a retired mine Inreinnn Ml Ihe Ml Hope mlncH lie had brrn III Inr nboul elulil veins snlterlnc from . •!|:r.:a He wir. n inrmbri- nl llir I'll I Cnllinln- 1'iilnn Church nl leu |-.n-\.i "I la: * . ilniiclili I'-. Ml 1 - Therrsn nl Mnplrwond. Mildred and Anna ul and I "lli suns (lemne. nl M 1(1(11' town. John. Mike nnd IVIi- al linnie Mirvlve l)ci\cr Mini I 1 nils In Wliarttm SlaU I'ilc "nTnlcnlni Wi-I nl Wi-I Clintnn 'tlret Diivrl Wlllkcd into pnllcr lii'iul'iiiiiitri 1 --. Dover Tin-.d-,iv ninrii- Ini'. swill In-' linr •.MTiiliiilii' v. Illl lilmiil li mn unuiiil.. mi In . Im e mul Ill-ill KiTl:i-iilil Chillies Hlplry Innk III" Illlitl In lln'.ei drill];.1 llli'-pillll lipnti Invi-'t leiil Inn il wit'. I MI II i it llml hi- hnd lull. ' .. .. • lin- I'll' m Wliarlon Assoi'iiilcil SvsKin Onlrnit (lontintics Uisc, I p 4.7'. iiii ii iii T mi Mirer nf llmkiiMin l.xrmpl lire linn unit I IIIIIK llmnri Icir Twn Term* V'.iiiic hr >lii •nvoked by p o)|co nnd hln drlvlnn II- i wo Petor . f i wo yeMt, Petor th« driver of tho our which it of . •"•'•nun, ui nniiiDrotiH. ™t Thumday night, Tho "covered Potomon'ii front Jl broken nnd upon Invenll- •^ntuntl that ho wn» tho driver -multi or repair. - B u y , buy. buy. buy- ™"' wh ' n you net ihrmiKli DtiyinK-mive. snve. «nve, suvr. —Don'! Ihrow away dolliltitt. toy*. nil dlscnrdetl There'll be nn- down*.HW olhor ChiHiliiiim next yenr k bluwr Wllr in.II \-|f es 1,,llnv, Ilil' M IW" years' lilies. Alll- n c lleiiderMin. fill, tiled nl hi» iimir in Mnrcelln yenlerdny. Ill" MIH. tinier Henderson, nnd a iirmi. Jr.. survive. Funeral srr- will br held tomorrow al ihe hmni b.v Hev. Ouslav fltnrk. pastor nl the nr«l Melhodlsl Church. Dov- er Hiirlnl will be in Mnreelln Union Cetnelery. nepinulnv imrnedltitrly thr store hmirn of I lip Betim. Roebuck A Co.. Morrlstown. will be from 8:30 lt> (t o'i lock dully except Fridny nnti Bnt- urdny. when ihc more will open until 0 I lit • l-M Ire 1 , fnl Hlepll' 11 I'.I' tin'. 71 who dlrd al Ihr hemr of ii'hlrr. Mr." Kdwui A Kodilii. 'il'.i I-'ii'l M II ili street. Kiincin \ wrrr IHIII •.i-vtrrda.v iitlernnmi limn llir Hiiildn linnie Hev. Kltlretl Kul/eiiKii. piii.tiir nf Ihe Tlrsl Prrsbyterinn Chun li offlelnletl. Duiliil wus In lln Pti-'byirrlnn (Vmeleiy i Mi YniiliK. well known In Roikn- wii.'-. hnvliiK Inken an nellvc purl In 'civn iiffalrs since eonilnu here from , Aflnii IKIW Klnrliiitn Pink, twinly- '.rven veins nun. wn« Irennirer of the local Kxempl Klremrns Awnclatloii i foi iiiiiny years, hiivluif nei-M-d In Ihc .in live ranks since conilnn In Korku- wiiy He wa« u retired piiliiln and hnd been III but I hire weeks from . complications. He served as a rounrllmnn lor I Iwo lerms whilo Etlwnrtl RoeiMirr ! iintl .latnes Biilltho. were Mnyors j Besltlw Mr«, Rotltln. with whom he I lived, he Is survived by- n uriinU- diiUKhler, Janet nnd n sister. Mrs. I Mnrlc Dellurt of Mndlnun. Mr. Young In 1B0O mnrried Mlw Auncw J, Norrld, who died in 1933. exfictly one year and cluhl monlhs the duy Mr, YOUHK wnn burtwl Km A •••'" 1 >< >• 1 •- the w luted t net i-l '.'till unit • • k- nvi iil'ii in In lilii I-Vbti tin hiuh' iihnvi si:N tbr cm Till 1 i 1 n pin ti I'll III IV 111 IV I 1 M-lllll. .' 1 ' VI 1 ' til'- ' ITI-.NM '•'•1; i In'. K i-rl in .Ol ' 1(••-in Ilii' •il liv -.\ ee IH:IO ni in lip llllir •Illlnl K.lirll "ill |> .ill III' 1 'llllllll- Illl'lic III'- A k MIH i Mi'- "ii li-il wick IX lc il ii . w -.1 ' II .-in it i SV-li- nt V I'.i "1 '•' 1; i in 1 ' > m i l I i llml ' w In Ins ii HI rum • •k V.; nil- 1 veil . ; 1.'. in M- ; -.'iiti •1 7' 1 VI III Hit pU' 1 Wv - lie 11 111 II- Illl H' r. i TV MAYS Tliu Iv day. win- the '-. nli in '• nn ' • nl mil I iv .III:.lice Mnlilr l.i'I lill/hl I" .lnlin Clirrveniirk. nl Kn'l Illii'kwrll sired. Dovi. Ill'- driver. 1 : lirrn 1 '- wns IIIMI iivnkrd Im one yrnr CliHI nf Pnllcr Iliiilck iirrcslrd Chrivcn- ink yislridnv "ii » iliiiice "I i-t'-iil- Ini! M-rnp iron nnd meld supixirtf. from llniiulniKl'.'i fnumlrv. Tin 1 fMiiel Clllll-'hl Chen i llliek III the net Tin- Unilcd Hlnli'. Civil Si rvnr ClillimlsMlill Illl" llllll'ilineed Illl nprli cnmpellllve exiimllinllon fnr Ihr |HIS- Minn of npprciiller 'tiiiu-litmsl ' " i - dlinlice depiirtnii-lii nl Plr- iillnny Arsenal Appllciillniis inusl br on file with Ihr iniinniirr. Rermnl II. H. Civil KiTVlcf District. Frdrrnl BulldliiM. C'hrlslnpher slreet. New York Cll.v, not- lijler than Jniiuary 4. Ax Ihe youniiNlri'N bCKnn to IIHNCIII- ble lonit before the Htnrtlnii hour, 'i o'rloek. they weir nrntrd ulonu the tub]CM mid lo bruin with n cup of milk, n rookie nnd n cup cake was punned mound nnd devoured in a nhort time. Some hnd one. some two. mime three nnd one little fellow said he hnd nix cups of milk. Likewise, when Ihe Ice ereum cups were dis- tributed. The committee nave them nil they could enl becuusp they had plenty of It nnd was only too happy to sntlNfy them. It wnn nlso n treat lor Ihe KurMN to wntch them huviv n pood I line. JUNI. UN the "rntK " were nboul fln- INIICCI. Ihnl IK. nil Iliry could enl. the kicin were nlven nn opportunity to. Mini n Minx or npcuk n piece. There were ninny volunteers nnd nil were Blven n bin hnnd. Aftrr nil were pli - en n chnnrr to "do their muff" i> troupe (if (InnelnK iirtlstn. nil child- ren, from the Arthur Mnher Dnnr- IIIK Hchool In Dover, nrrlved from thr Elks' kiddies pronrnm In Dover nnd lurnl.ihed nn hour nf entertnlii- incnl Hint opened the eyes of the loml yiiuthN. Thr bid siirprlse of the wholr nl- liilr wns when Hiinln Clnus wnlkeOi in nnd shook hnnds with Ihr kid* mid imintrd nil 'heir wishes for HIIT IhliiMs for ChrlMmii!.. Hnnln. Ilki-- wlsc. wns trotn the Dover Elks' Pro- t i inn. A lltllr whllr Inter nfler Ihe chnn- inn it. (lllbeil Bodlnc. wns able I" Millet the iiiixlous kids. II wns nn- noiiiiced Ihnl (here would be n pren- eiil |nr rvrrynin- They answered lo Ihrlr mimes nnd. llrsl of all. lilven ;» toy. Iniiii tlimii- rrpnlrrd by members nl Ihc Ainrili'ini Li'Klull « xlorklliv lull nl swci-ts nnd finally each wiu- i.uppllrd with II woolen sweairi'. As ihr children filed nut of th'- K-hool tin- ixprrssion on their fuce nidi, iilrd Unit liny hnd 11 nice ll mul uliilr i iiih unr did not prism,- nlly llniiik Ihe enuiinlltrr for wh.i' '.nr. ilniir Inr tin-in ll was undei • 'Imid Inim Hppeiinini'es Ihul UV 1 '- \M-tr 'u-ll iipiiiil lor Iheir rflorls 'lln- priii'i'iiiii was inlrrsprrM-' v. itll nill'le Irnlll llir lll.lln I linil.sllri'' I iv (I I' Dli krrsuii. Alimr lln- Milrlini-. lu i-nln.v th-- li-.tiMlii". nl tin- &A\ win- Mnvnr un : Mi . .Ji.lui ('nine mill Cl'-i k Junn Mny. Tin- wholr nllmi V..IS III"' nlllciil'. ..I ii '.IIITI'.IIIIII i d ' Mis 1 '- WiiiH'rc- (i 111 n n Ini-iil wrllnrr winker lie: 'In M"i 11 I'l'.'.n "I I Ire. WM her Ul.' I " i Mir e dilplleul inn nl el I nl I v >*. Ill vein 1 . I'lipe hv. when children wt"' i-illli-l I'l'.in dnillilr Ilirir s|mi(- ..' rill-, III Illl nut rnlircly. llir rrlllrn lindv WHS oiitalinrd. Mr. Undine be- inr rliii'siii rliii li mn li Th'- UfKloc IIII 111" ll 111 f • I V ll'Tllll ' 11 ] 1 < I" I IM k>. Cti'- cardid rill'. IIIIIII ir.'.idrlils nr llv Unniiii'li ,-nid '.p'lil many nluhls rr- l»i nit inr M-wiiii-. i-lr. In net them ir. rrndini-ti Im the orrii.slnn Honie nl the l.ny.s ininr in II terrible shapu bu\ nil were put III ii cnnclil 1011 In Innk" MHIII- vniiiij'.sler hnppy There wn. linnlly riinueh In r" iiround. bu'. IIIICI- Ihr rx-servirr mrii did 111' mine Ihllin last yriir. Mir supply wm nut ii 1 . emit, but mini pains were tnk'-ii In prrsrivr whnl I hey had'. Thr several nn!iinl/.allons brim" HKiklmx rush (InniilinriK. with whirl', were iiincliiisrd Ihe Irult nnd nwcnt.- ero. fond stuffs, etc A Inrue portion <il the mils were iloniiled by Ihe dlf- lei-ent diilrlefi. bukerle.1 and other buslnrss turn, bill nccnrdlnp to the _ ._ i Natlonnl Recovery Administration. Mr. nntl -Mrs. Hnrry Stleflt and: Ihe complete donation wns not pos- son, Prcilrrli-k. stwnt Cnrlstmus wltVi |\«lbte. but nir Joined In with thesplrl^ the Inllers rnothe-r Mrs Ludmllln. ol Iht/'irnnon nnd wtnl (tf fnr n» the of Cn't Main «lrert. " Tcwitiiiud on Page 4)'

Transcript of ROCKAWAY · rwd...

Page 1: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which

rwd ROCKAWAY RECORDMorris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which to live*

\ | \ II. No. 26 ROCKAWAY. N. J., THURSDAY. DKCKMItKK 27, 1W4

Thin ttrintini fitabllihrnrn*niwriitrK ntr.rtljr In accord-Miire with the Cod* ol Nut*lima I Hi'tovcry for TUBI'ltlNihHM or AmerlcH *T\GHIMI uhmrvrii nil I'nlun r n *iilatltim* nittl rcf|iilrciiirnt«-

$1.50 PKR Y I \R

:kaway Included InState Highway Allotment

D O U T Mail Man DiesSuddenly At Home

Allowed For Acad-y Street Improve-

in 1935

l.ibrury I Ins I'MUNIIUI

i Wlrlckrii only u lew linurs prev-, 1'>UN!>. John llniiHini. 4J. n Oliveriiniill mini Im ll ir inisl 111 yrnrs.'Mniidny inwlil dlrd nl Ihe home ol| Mr, Hobert Youini. of Hnndolpli

_ :uveniii'. wlih whom Mrs. Lilly Ml l -l -h r iNt l lH IS I )eCIII ' l l t i l inN 'hell his innthrr-ln-linv. lives. His

wllr. II son. Duimld; n tliitmhtcr.In line with ihr exininiK t.'hrlni-, Murii-l. iwu brothers, Amiihun nnd

inns spirit, Miss let tit Unvey. llbrnr- Nelson, nl Mllwnukee. nnd two sis-Inn In. rhnrite nl Horknwnys new l l - l r p < ' Mrs Wnllrr Crocker, of Mll-binry, hns iirrnimntl n very prplly"1"' '1- '"»nn . nnd Mrs. Arthur Hetl-dlsplny nnd Is nltrnrllim consider-lrt<111- " ' Unver. survive. Funeral ser-nblp nil PHI Ion. un Ihe mils nl the,*'1 '1" will br held tomorrow niter-nlrently pretty wiitd.iWM In mlnlnlure t u " i n " ' l l " 1 home unit nt the Swell-st'pnes. dpplclliiM Blbllcnl hnppen- l s | ' C'IHIMII'MUIl.iiinl Church. BurlnlInns, etc, nnil is very orlulnnl n n d ' w l " ' " ' in I'lrnsiinl Hill Crmc-

„„ in n IIPWN reloniie from I »'v™ <he rl«hl lo Miss Unvey In teel ' l '1^- Mlllbnmk.iliuhwnv Commlmlon thin I" '0" ' ' "f her nlleiiipi to lull in line T l l l B |K HIP third ilpnih In i l iPlnm-

) Denville Twp.Aiuirnved D,v tlm Cnm-

[IBI'IHI V<" ConiilruoUiin and


School (ChildrenAt (Ioimmiiiit> Tree

A uroup nl schnnl r luldir i i humIhr Lincoln Hliih schonl MIIIU ChrlM-inns t'lirols in Eniillsh and Frenchal Ihr C'.imnuinlly Chrislmnx TierExercises nn the oriini prnperty InEnsi Main si reel, Monthly ntterno.iii.Thr uriiup wns led b.v HUIHTVIMMU '

Principnl CIIIII'IPH Curtis. 'It wns planned by the Chnlrnmn.!

Joseph Jackson, of the Chamber of |Coinmerce. which (iruiiiil/iillini hndchnrue ol Ihr nlfnlr. to hold Ihc ex-ercise* Immediately fnllnwimi theChrist inns party bclnii held in theschool, but on nccoiinl of this tnklniisn limn and II brlim very cold i»r the

United Organizations FurnishMerry Christmas To Kiddies

Cost Office liusincss(ireuter Tlmn l.ust Year

Art'iirdlnii In iilllrluls o| ihr localpost oilier (li'piil'tini'ilt tlli'l-p WHS lluri'iilrr Christ mil." business IhlN yeiuI linn lust. This Is unlimited for bybpttrr biiMlncMH eniidtllons nil ovprIhr country. II was NIIIII. Whllr ron-illlloii.i In I his vl.'inlly Imvr milHhown liny urnii luniumi nl rnlhiiS'

is included In theim mud Improvement'! for

10 be Improved hereny which han been badly

iriol'rppiili1" nnd which severalnnd buslneita man

school children to sliincl arniind. I he ;,„,,„, Uv-lr hns been mciitrr ncllvllyI rep priiKi-iiin was rtinMdrrnbly nb- : „, ,,„„.,. pi l |.,K m u | fu l. ,„„, ,.,,„„„„

has beenwith the spirit n[ the

We me sure Ml*s Dnvey will w r l - ,t'tinir visitors in see her tleenrntltins.iHho will nlsti be very Kind to explnln,the operntlons ol this little knownInstitution. The library is

IiV III less I him

bt'evliitpcl.A tuinibei' of lownxprnplc. i i l trnd-

eil I he tire CXCITIHCN nnd report llmlIhr Klnulliu ill Ihr rhllclri'ii WUK veryI1 nod.

tin' Hoiiknwnynvi' brpn nndenvorlnii to


npproprlntod forliirral nnil l« supposed to cover} Church "Heel to tho Rocknwny

Unr mul this Amount o f ;

||y nhtmld pul the street In nonet jIlllon.

(ItidMl in Ihe lint of tntinlclpul-1| Hint will uei n shnro of the i0.000 nlloiicfl next yenr in the

I* Denville Township, whichID.ftOO tor repair* nnd Im-

•ntn in Prnnklln rond.(romplrlr list of nllotmctits fori County la ns follow*:inton. Wmiiton Struct. $5,000.

Township, Trnnklln Rond.KIIKI llnnover Towiwhlp.

laic Avenue $9,000. PlornnCi'iweiil mid Brook LnkrIB,MO Hnrtllnii Township,

:i(lBc-Nrw Vornon, $5, Township. Berkshire Va l -

Itnvil liniid. 10,000 Hriiok Rond. $13,000.

Jlppniiy-Tiny HI I IK . North Bevel-I Rnnd 410.000. Pnssnle Town-, Com ml Avenue, $5,000. Pr-

ick Township. Sunset Rond.

d | lively new. cunlnlnlnii Ihr besl ol

furnlNhlnits nnd hns the renl hmnr-

Ilke atmosphere, where yotnmstris

or iiruwn-ups run no. rend nil the

Intent books, nr. if you prefer, old

ones, Ihnt contiiln very iinod stories..

and olhrrwlse enjoy HIP prlvlleiien

In I I I IN BornUMh-nwnen

Wedding Bells RingFor Prominent Couple Bankruptcy* Epidemic

II IK tlioniihl. thereIncumliiu mull. Thrlow p.mtiiiir mil ' (orbrciinir ninrr liiinlllur

ninrc(act Ihnt theunsealed mnllthis yt'nr. nlso

IIRN Bomelhlnu to do with thr rxl iubiiMliu™ it wim Inllmulrd.

Nun of Man anil Mnrrls-lawti Nrhnnl Teneher I'nlle.l In

Mnrrlnie at l.argrllprr

U A I I iir i Woinun In llospitul,,i30-HoUr Week After Dover Accident

184 t 'nder-privile»{ed Child-ren from 2-12 I line Joy-

ful Time at I'arty

Elks Program GivenKuril Child (liven (Inod TIIIIIRN T I I

I:»t. Tn.vN nnd KwTOt<"r» nndl.nt of Fun

One humliTcl nnd rlKhly-fuut uu-derprlvlleiipd younmtlcrK of Ihu Bor-.niuh. lor thi' 11 rut time for minis' olthem to enjoy Niirh 11 thlni". vcetnKlvcn thr time ol Ihrlr llvi'n Monduy-iiflrninon. when the united socti'tlesor Ihr BoruuKh riirrlrd out n wellpliinned pioiirnin In furnlHhltiR uChrlNllimn piirty nl the Lincoln Hlnli

The whole Iny-oiil of the nuull-llonn m.iken II n I rent lo vlnli Ihrrr.BookN ulr neully nnnnitrd on

Onr of ihr liti'iK'sl weddhm rvrrInklnu plnce In the Bnrouiih nf Rock-iiwny. wns solemnized Bnlurdny nf-leninun when Hiiinucl Jnnirs Olll. sonnf Hurry H. a i l l . Publisher of theOnver Advnnce. of Dover mill MissMildred E. Lawrence dnuiihtri of

Kxprrti Prom Brooking* InslltutlnnHn.v Farmers Would lie Penal- •

Iretl and Mtnmlurils uf Liv-ing Would He "Frnnen"

shelves . Ihe chnlrs nre durable nnd, Township Chnliinnn nmi Mrs. nnd Ihr IlKlitlliK rffrilFimukr II n plrnninr lo nit nl unr nlthe upvrrnl Milny-tnp lnble» Inr nnhour in1 I wo with ynui' lieud drlveilInto your fnvoillr bnok or nuiitir/lnr.

vlii l.iiwri'lice of Ihe Union sectionnf Driivllle Township. In the FirslPrrshylri Inn Church Rev. NelsonMUCH IV of Bn.VVllle. eolleiie friend ofIhe brldeitroom. assisted by Kldir

The floor-roverlim ninkcs II ensy c xul/r i iui i . pnslnr nt Ihe Churchfor Ihe eye mid corresponds with the M ) M »,,,,,,,.,. i.nwini.r. sister oflicntM-nl MOOII siiirnundlniis nnd ( M I . )nl(U, W11N ij|-lriesniiiltl mid HII.V-

HHiinyrr m o m | tJ. Olll. brother "f Ihe brltle-uriiom wns best man tlshem wrrr(Inn111 Lnnsliiu. Cosier Johnsnli.

Nhnillil be viewed b.v every

Moretrench KccuivcH

prujeein m thn lown-

l mul Imi'iiiiuhft nf cnoh county.

llu» muni I he KiTehoklern mny

I Onr nf Ihr blu power dmns ihnlIhe Oiivernineiil IN bulkllnii is at

' Hohlievllle OITKUII. In cxrnvnllnitfor Ihe InunilnlliiliN. Ihe contrnclors

' r im Inlo iiulcksnii.l nnd wired n dr-npporlloiiPd, Rocknwny script Inn of Ihrlr difficulties in Ihe

«h. Armlemy fllroel, $6,000, i Morel rench Corporation, nl Rockn-1 nrllnii eiiveni work In 10 n f i W | , v A I I iinswer wns NCIU USSIIIIIIN

InninliM. Icnvlnii the Huts for ihe eontrneUiis ihnl ihe use ol a|m MKI Hnlein to be decided up- | Morel rench Wellpulnl Hyslein would

iry is derived from ; | r M | | | m dr.vhiu up l l i r iiuirksntulr vrliielr irrelplH nnd In nllocnl- T | l r cnhlrnrlors In reply asked llmlMiiiuir mi ihe bnsla of $100,000 snmetinc I rum Ihr ('iirporniinn rnnic

'(nil I here nt ntirr b.v neroplniir Inlook Ihe work over Ml. Tlirmiii'- I1'Motire It'll Ncwnik All pel I mi Ih'

Mwl2H.0OO for mnlntennncp on ,,|K|,| Of Ucrrnibrr 14ili lm- Mninir-pi*n»lil|i nnd boroudh dirt ronds v i | | r i m ( | nrrlved Iliere In nbnui 'JO" Imve dime this, lt>nvlnn $|,> }1inll-n u,, Wrni over the u-ntk with

Ihe rimtrnciors anil lecelved Ihrllnrtler Inr rli'Miuh Mnrelrrnrh Kiiulp-nirnl lii dry up Hi'1 work Till'- " id ' iwns wlrrd Inlo l ln' Cnrpniiilioii''. " I -

, flee nl Hnrknwny nnd the nrdi i w rlinmcdlalrly Illled Iniiii slo'-k I ' ." 'of II Wild expiessetl Ihe liillnwllu: tl.i •nnd tin1 (lay l i ' l r r n cnllnnd I'll Hi'C'orpnriiI Kin's lilniii Mr VIIH-'-II1

Turr. nl III'1 Mnir l ie inl i ' lu l l I, MOW III Ilnlili'-Mll'1 •iiilifivl-inc Hi'-' Inslnllnllnn nl Hi'- ei|iil|itii'-iii 'lidIniniedlalr r c u l u lunkril . •

iivnilalilr for the conslrue"I llinrnuiihfnrti>. In addition

Hliihwny CommlHdlon. fnl-•lie liiinlnlons of the slnlule.• nxld'' niiniinlly $310,000 forinieiiiiiirr of the township'raiwh niiiiis nlrendy Unproved'»''• nid thin sum unit

I Iw I'lieli of the counties nndll" ' i"1 ill In M.aiO.OOO fur

li nmi linrouKh rond workint.

1 i'f* eiiii<.iriieiimi the BtnleH'1'- ii innxlmuin of R0 per

l"*ni<] ihe cost. To meet all t' " i ihnl were mntle fnr nltl |

Ihnvr ri'ipnred the mim of $(!.• •

Wlllluin lily .Irssr Wilson nnd KUH'HIam

The rricinnny wns preeeded b.v nhnlt linur's itiuiin ennerrt bv K.rneslKn«lr i nl M I K I I M I I I HIIIHK wrrc Mini'li.v Mrs N r l l l r .luinhnii nnd Mi ' -( I l lbr i l Kmluers. bnlli nf KneknwiiyT h r crrrnioli.v Innk plnrr brfnrr IIhunk of IJI I l i f t . Iliiiikctl by Ciii u-iiini'-I ires mid iinliiselliiK

Mr t l l l l . n i'1-nduiilc "I A-lnuvriil lrur. I i iismielnleil with Ills tiithciIII Hie iiiibllshliiu Inislncss nnil MISKt.iiuieliec. n I 111 (1111 >' i nl Mnll lr lnl lT i ' i i r lu i ' ' ' ('"llei"1 \" II I nn h> I Inthe Mnl l ls 'Inwll'-lllp Mlini'ls Hill-h i i ' iilsn Kiilnrd n I iput nlliiii nr bc-11,1' II I'liull illlTClnl "I n-hniil Olll\-- _

Afler n i h m l weildlnu I ' lp Ihei iniplr Will lesllle III li i rcrn l lv •I ilt-l i-il 1 loll ••- III t'llloli iidlnllillll'Keck I-Mlllll Km III hiillll nf Ihrlilldr'.. pillcnl'-

Ilii- lirlilr » i ' ' l irnulll i i l lv H I I I I M Iin while h iiiispnM nl >' IV I wlil i tin -hull lltlll Vl-ll Mild '." Il l l ' eir |Mil- i i i i i l i - i l II 'tiinll Hil ' l 'in while kid

|h, Illllll'lllllKl IIIIIVllll

I,,' '.Ul'. Ill IIH 'I IH I " ' l> ' I

1,1 I.V.I. • " " •

IMrs. Priiiik Stevens, ot Buceasim-

iin. IH n pill lent In Dover OenprnlHospital. Nuffrrliiii from bruises nndIncernllons sustnlnecl when she was(ill Tuesdny nlidit b.v a cur driven

Hlnndnrds of llvlnii mnonii wnKe!b v c ' h l l l l | 1 K OTtrefe. nf Mlnp Hill.piirnrrs would be frozen" nt redur-I M l""- Stevens wus ridliiK with Wil-ed levels, fmmers would br pennll/.- I l " " " " " " H l " " l ( l L«"«don. nlso ofed bold us consumers and producers. I HuccnMinnn. when Ihey stopped tonnd n new epidemic of bnnkrupl-I v l r w " Chrlsimns dlsplny In Westrlrs" coiiltl br expected iimnnM com-nirir lal nrunnl/.nllnns If n ;tO-hnurweek Inw Is enncleil by l.'oimrrss. ne-cnrdliiu lo economists nl the Bi'onk-Inus IIIKIIIull ini which Is devoted Inpublic service 111 mini h ii'srnrch midIrnlnliiV In Ihc social sciences.

Full Ilnillnus of Ihr BinnklimsceoniiinlslM. Harold Q Motillon andMiunlcc I .even will be published un-tler dale ol January H. 1035. Adviineecopies of Ihe repnrl disclose Ihe fol- i I'"111"'1"1 w ' l v l n ' H f>H'Oeomr Novnk.luwinii conclusions as lo probable et-! r>2- w h " " " ' " ' " l l l s l l " " " ' m t l l c M l 'feels of n stnlulory 30-hour week- !

WIIKC rariiei's would hnvr Ihrlr iicnl wiiwrs reduced In cnnsetniencpnt Ihc rise 111 prices, nnd "Ihrrewould be n tendency lo free/e slnnd- ,arils nf llvlnu nl the reduced level.'1

I Bliiekwrll street. Dover. It In mild'thai Mrs. Hlrvens run ncross the.street In Ihe pnlh ol the O'Keefe.rnr. Pntrolmnn ('rouble look Ihe In-I lined woinitu In thr hoNpllnl. whereIt Is snld thai her cnntllllon Is no!

< (it'or^c No\ uk, Retiredi Miner, Dies ul I lis I Ionic

flnlnrlrd nnd fixed incomeII Ihe law nppliid In Ilicinhnvr ninrr IrlMiiri Lnt I la- iIcwcr I'-nl Inrnini1" • rJ11'- i "en.111, ul l iving', ni. II l l ir IIIM

l "I nlni:li('i

.lid lu.i

- • I n "liminil

l '


New Year's ResolvesM U M

Fined OnDriving Churtfe

l imit nun

— Don't live l i l i ' l i ' i

Dnn'l iMil mi II

_ R r n llnv Mrnutevery (lav in flu-

— Pay yum bill1- rowe.--Dnn'l Imvr nliv

ll Ifllnw

I H ' l l ' l l l i n r

h l l l l V l l l l l I I . ' . " I


| ) n I I i '"<i l m i


l l l l l l l l l l lV I " I l l l VI,

I l l l l ' .I . I ' l l )

pilV r l i ' l lII yml Im

"•'<" nnylliliiii l my niivllili

• II chip mi yn

..'. rlrillird III'


P" Mny «|ir||. of SUNSCX si reel,*«» nurd »n,00 nnd cost* by

Wilhiim Onrdner on" v "» n elinrxe of reckless.

nfici nn ni'didcnt, In w h i r l n — d i v e

linked her rnr Into tho show j one.1 "I Pniil Arvenltnn, brenklnn i - - " V"u ' " ' i '"•hohiKi ic, pny for the dnm- jiibtiui a leilnw. tin

| *Now. Inbuilt him.

fliirley. of Union street. |—Uon'l always hnv

, lo 10 dnys In the 'hhmildir.lull on n chnrHo of belnn i — C»*-1 ihe « ' '« ' ' " "

r "ml disorderly, o r l a n Cnl- i —Dflvi- slowly.|*MKlvi.|, „ Himilur nentflico on j - A v o i d fires.

1 ehnrKu l_Dt>n'l nllfiiipt " ' ' l l l v ( ' i V I"" " "

"" PHerson, 24, of H a r d i n g , lev mnrnlnns unl'-« y«ni »"• i"'1 '""-

•Dover, clmrgod with lonvlnu'cd. ..

• " "f mi Hccldenl, WM fined - O e t .vmir «ilverii»lni! ropy in tnii.v.- P o n ' l drink U<« inueh-wnlet .- D o n I IO»P h e m l - b H I e r limes "HieJtlsl nround Ihe rnriirr."—Obey truffle

I l l l ) t

, ,:,| ' , - n I'-l • » ' I' I " Id I " ' 1

• I,, III Im Wll lMU III S Hhi ' lH '| ,, Hi l<,|' .''Ih illl I' 'I

,, n: WM.. ili- Hnttudi iv i imi i i

Ln l in I I l l l l ( 'el l ielr l .v. 1*1 tllll -., I ii-iilli « ,i>- line I " li I ' l iml * -•nkr wlili ll lol lowetl a l<illl- i l l-M l Hl imi l 1 I1- "I IH' lw-l l |,v iilil1,1 M i Clilillll- O 'Nei l l i'1

,,,,,,., ., ,,(| , , IM- " i n . l ln i ' i l t l Hl ini i l ' .

,.l I ' l i l l . id'-l l lhla III1-" "He ll'-plH «( l i i . i n fl H l ' l i l l ' -n" "I We».l I 'h l ln -, l , | , , | nl " i n - i n n ' - . M r s W I I I I I I I I I

c i i in-i- "I < »lcnll N. V Mr. Hhnnrs• prlii Id'' Ijoyh'iml lluvs III Uiirkiiwnv,,i,d M'liinl H"l"' " " " W | M ' " ' l < '1 ' " '1"-I,, Mil liv uiiiti.v "I Ihe iililer ri-M-,1, I,I. (I'.iiir Peer and his h i r e Min.Mn iv I'rel Hl'-r. "I Whippnliy reln-tlvro "I Hie lute Mrs Shnnrs. nllend-, ,i iin Inn lui Hiiiurdny mtiriiinv •


npply In thrni. "would hnvr l l i r low-er Hlnndiirdo nl llvlnu wilhnul nn In-i i r i iM' m lriniire."

•Thr MO million prnpli- rniivii lnl-\nv. l l ir [iMill 111111rn 1 popiilnlinnwmild llkrwl.'.r be ndvrrwly nlfecled.II I.1- IUIKIIV In be cx|>i'i-tc(l Hint MHIM-

Whn nfr pri".'<IIIK Illl' Illll. l l l l l l ' l l l '1

imilrniplnli ' II I hlrty-lmur wrls tortin' liirini'f A It I mi u-1 Ii ihr l inini iwould Mill': (ml I'll IIIIV innlr l'lvnrrIn- winilil lIIKI luni'xll 'unlimitedwith hli'lirr pi II-IVA Inr nil (*"riiiii"(li-l|i> In- lui'. In imrrhliM' 'tin- l l ' ' ' 111piiii-' '.IIIIIUI nl lci i him bnlh ii'- ni nmiitn' i nmi I I I n prixluc ri

IM-nlnlcil Indmtrlr1' would I"- nn-iiblr In iidviiiirr prlci"- n* wiu'r liliesnmi en1-!! cf proiliirlloii ill" " II- n l .1 mid ''Vi- iiilnhl will rxpcri .. in1*-i infl. inir nl hiiiikinpti " ' '

Funeral ServicesFor Stephen Young

Hope road. Roeknwiiy. Sunday, wereheld yesterday uftrrnnon nl Hut-red1 It-iii I Church, here. Burial wns InHt. Crrllln's Cemeler.v Mr. Novnkwas a retired mine Inreinnn Ml IheMl Hope mlncH lie had brrn III Inrnboul elulil veins snlterlnc from. •!|:r.:a He wir. n inrmbri- nl l l irI'll I Cnllinln- 1'iilnn Church nlleu |-.n-\.i

"I la: * . ilniiclili I'-. Ml1- Therrsn nlMnplrwond. Mildred and Anna and I "lli suns (lemne. nlM 1(1(11' town. John. Mike nnd IVIi- allinnie Mirvlve

l)ci\cr Mini I1 nils InWliarttm SlaU I'ilc

"nTnlcnlni W i - I nl W i - I Cl intnn

' t l ret Diivrl Wlllkcd into pnllcrlii'iul'iiiiiitri1--. Dover Tin-.d-,iv ninrii-Ini'. swill In-' l inr •.MTiiliiilii' v. Illllilmiil li mn unuiiil.. mi In . Im e mulIll-ill KiTl:i-iilil Chillies Hlplry InnkI I I " Illlitl In lln'.ei dri l l ] ; .1 llli'-pilllllipnti Invi-'t leiil Inn il wit'. I MI II i it llml

hi- hnd lull. '.. .. • lin- I'll' m


Assoi'iiilcil SvsKin Onlrnit( l on t i n t i cs U isc , I p 4 .7 ' .


i i


T mi Mirer nf llmkiiMin l.xrmpll ire linn unit I IIIIIK llmnri

Icir Twn Term*


hr >lii


b y po ) | c o

nnd hln drlvlnn I I -i w o P e t o r .f i w o yeMt, P e t o r

th« driver of tho our whichit o f. •"•'•nun, ui nniiiDrotiH.™t Thumday night, Tho"covered Potomon'ii frontJl broken nnd upon Invenll-

• ntuntl that ho wn» tho driver

- m u l t i or repair.-Buy, buy. buy. buy- ™ " ' w h ' n

you net ihrmiKli DtiyinK-mive. snve.

«nve, suvr.—Don'! Ihrow awaydolliltitt. toy*.

nil dlscnrdetlThere'll be nn-

down*.HWolhor ChiHiliiiim next yenr

k bluwr

W l l rin.II\-|f es

1,,llnv, I l i l ' M IW" years' l i l i e s . A l l l -

n c l lei iderMin. fill, tiled nl hi»

iimir in Mnrcelln yenlerdny. Il l"MIH. tinier Henderson, nnd aiirmi. Jr.. survive. Funeral srr-will br held tomorrow al ihe

hmni b.v Hev. Ouslav fltnrk. pastornl the nr«l Melhodlsl Church. Dov-er Hiirlnl will be in Mnreelln Union


nepinulnv imrnedltitrly thr storehmirn of I lip Betim. Roebuck A Co..Morrlstown. will be from 8:30 lt> (to'i lock dully except Fridny nnti Bnt-urdny. when ihc more will b« openuntil 0

I lit • l-M Ire1, fnl Hlepll' 11 I'.I' tin'.71 who dlrd al Ihr hemr of

ii'hlrr. Mr." Kdwui A Kodilii.'il'.i I-'ii'l M II ili street. Kiincin \ wrrrIHI I I •.i-vtrrda.v iitlernnmi limn ll irHiiildn linnie Hev. Kltlretl Kul/eiiKii.piii.tiir nf Ihe Tlrsl PrrsbyterinnChun li offlelnletl. Duiliil wus Inlln Pti-'byirrlnn (Vmeleiy

i Mi YniiliK. well known In Roikn-wii.'-. hnvliiK Inken an nellvc purl In

'civn iiffalrs since eonilnu here from, Aflnii IKIW Klnrliiitn Pink, twinly-'.rven veins nun. wn« Irennirer of thelocal Kxempl Klremrns Awnclatloii

i foi iiiiiny years, hiivluif nei-M-d In live ranks since conilnn In Korku-wiiy He wa« u retired pi i l i i ln andhnd been III but I hire weeks from

. complications.

He served as a rounrllmnn lorI Iwo lerms whilo Etlwnrtl RoeiMirr! iintl .latnes Biilltho. were Mnyorsj Besltlw Mr«, Rotltln. with whom heI lived, he Is survived by- n uriinU-

diiUKhler, Janet nnd n sister. Mrs.I Mnrlc Dellurt of Mndlnun.

Mr. Young In 1B0O mnrried MlwAuncw J, Norrld, who died in 1933.exfictly one year and cluhl monlhsthe duy Mr, YOUHK wnn burtwl

KmA • • • ' "

1 >< > • 1 •-

the wluted tnet i-l

'.'till unit • • k-

n v i

iil'iiin In


I-Vbtit i n



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n pin ti


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Tliu Iv day. win- the '-. nli in '• nn ' •n l mil I iv .III:.lice Mnlilr l.i'I lill/hl I".lnlin Clirrveniirk. nl Kn'l I l l i i 'kwrl lsired. Dov i . I l l '- driver.1: lirrn1 '-wns IIIMI iivnkrd Im one yrnr CliHInf Pnllcr Iliiilck iirrcslrd Chrivcn-ink yislridnv "ii » i l i i i ice "I i-t'-iil-Ini! M-rnp iron nnd meld supixirtf.from llniiulniKl'.'i fnumlrv. Tin1 fMiielClllll-'hl Chen i llliek III the net

Tin- Unilcd Hlnli'. Civil Si rvnrClillimlsMlill Illl" llllll'ilineed Illl nprlicnmpellllve exiimllinllon fnr Ihr |HIS-Minn of npprciiller 'tiiiu-litmsl ' " i -dlinlice depiirtnii-lii nl Plr-iillnny Arsenal Appllciillniis inuslbr on file with Ihr iniinniirr. RermnlI I . H. Civil KiTVlcf District. Frdrrnl

• BulldliiM. C'hrlslnpher slreet. NewYork Cll.v, not- lijler than Jniiuary 4.

Ax Ihe youniiNlri'N bCKnn to IIHNCIII-ble lonit before the Htnrtlnii hour, 'io'rloek. they weir nrntrd ulonu thetub]CM mid lo bruin with n cup ofmilk, n rookie nnd n cup cake waspunned mound nnd devoured in anhort time. Some hnd one. some two.mime three nnd one little fellow saidhe hnd nix cups of milk. Likewise,when Ihe Ice ereum cups were dis-tributed. The committee nave themnil they could enl becuusp they hadplenty of It nnd was only too happyto sntlNfy them. It wnn nlso n treatlor Ihe KurMN to wntch them huvivn pood I line.

JUNI. UN the "rntK " were nboul f l n -INIICCI. Ihnl IK. nil Iliry could enl. thekicin were nlven nn opportunity to.Mini n Minx or npcuk n piece. Therewere ninny volunteers nnd nil wereBlven n bin hnnd. Aftrr nil were pli -en n chnnrr to "do their muff" i>troupe (if (InnelnK iirtlstn. nil child-ren, from the Arthur Mnher Dnnr-IIIK Hchool In Dover, nrrlved fromthr Elks' kiddies pronrnm In Dovernnd lurnl.ihed nn hour nf entertnlii-incnl Hint opened the eyes of theloml yiiuthN.

Thr bid siirprlse of the wholr n l -liilr wns when Hiinln Clnus wnlkeOiin nnd shook hnnds with Ihr kid*mid imintrd nil 'heir wishes for H I ITIhliiMs for ChrlMmii!.. Hnnln. Ilki--wlsc. wns trotn the Dover Elks' Pro-t i inn.

A l l t l lr whllr Inter nfler Ihe chnn-inn it. (lllbeil Bodlnc. wns able I "Millet the iiiixlous kids. II wns nn-noiiiiced Ihnl (here would be n pren-eiil |nr rvrrynin- They answered loIhrlr mimes nnd. llrsl of all. lilven ;»toy. Iniiii tlimii- rrpnlrrd by membersnl Ihc Ainrili'ini Li'Klull « xlorkllivlull nl swci-ts nnd finally each wiu-i.uppllrd with II woolen sweairi'.

As ihr children filed nut of th'-K-hool tin- ixprrssion on their fucenidi, iilrd Unit l iny hnd 11 nice l lmul uli i lr i i i ih unr did not prism,-nlly llniiik Ihe enuiinlltrr for wh.i''.nr. ilniir Inr tin-in ll was undei •'Imid Inim Hppeiinini'es Ihul UV1'-\M-tr 'u-ll i ipi i i i l lor Iheir rf lorls

'lln- priii'i'iiiii was inlrrsprrM-'v. itll nill'le Irnlll l l i r lll.lln I linil.sllri''I iv (I I' Dli krrsuii.

Alimr lln- Milrlini-. lu i-nln.v th--li-.tiMlii". nl tin- &A\ win- Mnvnr un :Mi . .Ji.lui ('nine mill Cl'-i k JunnMny.

Tin- wholr nllmi V..IS III"' nl l lci i l ' ...I ii ' . I I ITI ' . I I I I I I i d ' Mis1'- WiiiH'rc-( i 111 n n Ini-iil wrllnrr winker l i e :'In M"i 11 I'l'.'.n "I I Ire. WM her U l . 'I " i Mir e dilplleul inn nl el I nl I v >*.Ill vein1. I'lipe hv. when children wt"'i-illli-l I'l'.in dnillilr Il irir s|mi(- .. 'r i l l - , III I l l l nut rnlircly. l l i r rr l l l rnlindv WHS oiitalinrd. Mr. Undine be-inr rliii'siii rliii li mn li Th'- UfKlocI I I I 111" l l 111 f • IV l l ' T l l l l ' 11 ] 1 < • I" I IM k>. C t i ' -

cardid r i l l ' . I I I I I I I ir.'.idrlils nr l l vUnniiii'li ,-nid '.p'lil many nluhls rr-l»i nit inr M-wiiii-. i-lr. In net them ir.rrndini-ti Im the orrii.slnn Honie nlthe l.ny.s ininr in II terrible shapu bu\nil were put III ii cnnclil 1011 In Innk"MHIII- vniiiij'.sler hnppy There wn.linnlly riinueh In r" iiround. bu'.IIIICI- Ihr rx-servirr mrii did 111'mine Ihllin last yriir. Mir supply wmnut ii1. emit, but min i pains weretnk'-ii In prrsrivr whnl I hey had'.

Thr several nn!iinl/.allons brim"HKiklmx rush (InniilinriK. with whirl',were iiincliiisrd Ihe Irult nnd nwcnt.-ero. fond stuffs, etc A Inrue portion<il the mils were iloniiled by Ihe dlf-lei-ent diilrlefi. bukerle.1 and otherbuslnrss turn, bill nccnrdlnp to the

_ ._ i Natlonnl Recovery Administration.Mr. nntl -Mrs. Hnrry Stleflt and: Ihe complete donation wns not pos-

son, Prcilrrli-k. stwnt • Cnrlstmus wltVi |\«lbte. but nir Joined In with thesplrl^the Inllers rnothe-r Mrs Ludmllln. ol Iht/'irnnon nnd wtnl (tf fnr n» the

of Cn't M a i n «lrert. " Tcwitiiiud on Page 4)'

Page 2: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which



(I (. hri&tmus Stortj'


Journey From Nazareth,Birth of Christ Child

A | , M H S | iwn thotixmid y e a r s iiR"^ * - the jirciu i'iii|HTiir, C'aewir AUKIIKMIS. • :.i out ii j l c c i e e Hint tlie. wlwlewin I *limilcl lie eurcllecl. l-:«i-li "lie»•!!•• '•> JII» to Ills i '» li r l l .v: tn Hit- |>lnee..f I - filllie|-w. Nmif were I'M-lliplIn i IIw ili-i-i

! nun irir liill lnwn of N.iy.uivih two'o I " l i l t * S ' l l l l -

/ / rrci , l , , If t h e r e lun't J r a uK l l o r y : " .Ipun luui hern nn•»ill KM f f t lu 'n r t of S a l i n a s

• •n i l nlit> hfld net IH'PII him for yeiir*;but utie would know him in n mill ion,fc r »h-t> hnd alwn>« loveil Mm. U P wnsbusy ru t (ing fnnry figures on tli-r We.£M>t Mood M«I.-Ill up In in. lier liiMirtsk ipp ing b e n u a s nhv illd R<».

T h e ice lint! be*»n -pN|M>ci«1ly i-xt-i-'""*"1

for t he (Mirlflnuis holUiuvs nml Stillnn.I D he r p r e t t y wh i l e wool tvportn i-iitlHwan (jlldliiK nl"ii,L-. r u n n like, »f ••!w a t c h i n g .Trim KINT.T nut <T the cor-ne r of her »*yp.

He must have felt il.t> s t rong conflictof li-er fhimftlit for tmililcnly he Im-Up*!In he r d i m Hun, but »he quickly turiiwlt h e o t h e r » n y . Tlieii hv f>kntei1 nwrtflwcply "thun ever , rutt lnif u l.Utf-e 1**1-l e r " S . " She dkiili-.l nUnit prHt*n<ltnfDot to nolsr<\ but wlien he Hlnrted cfTt o w a r d t h e fnr m i l of t he IriKoon shugl ided over to w h e r e lie hnti r n t theflfurw. T h e m w o t the oM-fimhlnnpill e t t e r " S " and Another n n j vtill Jin-o t h e r . T h e r e w e r e " S * P " nil over. How•he wonderpt l if they r ep re sen t ed thoreguinr let* • f u l l e r ' s"H" or If il io real lydftred hope flint theyml ( t i t hy nny r h n n r o• tnml for "Sa l l im."

T h e »nnw win he-rominfE tum\ ier nndw o r e cuniltor H O ru eAnil she ur>tIced thu tmoot of the Rkntprahad Hlremly Itft forhome nnd rplehrn-tlont*.

All the w a r home-ward t h e vrns think-ing abou t J enn Ml-lory nnd vtopplng n ' ™~~ •'i n U r v u U to t n u o Inn untur in ihe ;Rnow. Sim liiuat tinve wri t ten It fl jdozen t imes or more. The gifts * Jit* .had heeu e i p e r t l n c *<•"• ("hrU'niHB Mi'l- "denly ii|i]>cn red hij-ivh.l.i n Jif ;• i.'l HHC-lPU in rirMpJriSHli (,, [I «• M|:LI p f t— 1lie love cf .Ii'fiTi

(>nly w if li n iinL'liiy M i~nK^• ** ^- l h -

fcnllnu CHIII-HUM .ny to jniii in ih<» •(ftiriKt rniiM cclchnil.pnN. fur her In-artw a i iH'url.v h r ruk lnc .

' U lint l» f lie n u t t e r , Sfi Jinn V" f]ii«"*»-tlorifij tiidtlicr. nK SsitiiiH u;iin».( < l.elu'iiwtih Die himii In IHT Min-at.

"Nothing. Mill her (W'fir. "ii.y theChrlxtJiuis «Bp:r.f." nii»\w>iH S:il,nnbraveljr.

A t t l t m w r y r i H ' N i r n t . N : u i u u s I r i r -

ry \mc l i i > r u p « h i s I t - i i y 111• • r r 11 v , l . i v

tnon-s!i,y e : «•

inn i


20 More ERAStudents Graduate

Four Weeks' Courue In Social ScienceCompleted at East Oranict—90

Turned Out Here In li Months

The State ERA school in whichEmergency Relief Administrationemployees Hre taunht how to belterrope with relief problems, us theyoccur in the homes of relief clients.Ki-udiiated twenty moreEast Oiiinne last week, and sentthem out lor active services in ineState-wide ERA field.

The students, who are family vis-I itors from various purls of the State,have c-ompleted a lour week's ad-vanced tralninK course in the socialsciences, including special practicework. The course Is desisned toequip them not only in their direct

First HousingGranted In N. J.

Pompton Plains Man I» Flrnt To1

Receive.. Federal Fundi ForNew Home

Arthur Widsh. Regional Directorof the Federal Huusins Administra-tion. Monday formally approved thefirst iippliciituin in New Jersey lor1

inRUianiT of n mnrtKaKf under the;prm-ihiuns of TitJc 11 of the NationalHUUMIIK Ail The inortftaKr is on 'the new home "1 Warren H. New- ikirk, nl Hopper Avenue. Pompton |Plains, and the ceremonies In con-

with lhr lituisaction tookthe olfiifs of the Federal

lled lullplan1

Housini: Administration. Newark.The house is of six rooms and bath

II in ini ' i n 1 , II l . ' i l l . l i r i i n l i ' i l l l u i i r i ' . I l l "

i-- s i u ' i i i i c 1 m i l l e r t h e w i - i j r l i l " f

i i i . l f r i ' i n t l i c c i i i i i i n i i t ' i l s i c i c c | i -

t I . i « I r n . l e i l « H r i i i | i i ' l l l i T n e -

r d . T h e c c l h e r , II }• i « " l i d

t i e i l l l t . - ' I w n l n i l i i . l i e r f i n e n f l n w w i i l i

11 s t r n n i ; •, n w e e l - u r i - n l l v . ' l l i c ' l r i i a i n e s

w e r e J n « i ' i - l i : I I H 1 M - I I > . ' m i l i l ' e . v " ' e r e

C O i i i K t o ' I n ' i l i i n m l t i i » ' n i ' f l l < i l i l e -

l i e m . h e c - u i . - c - i l i c . i w e r e " f t i n ; l n ' i i » e

of I iutid. , „ _._The WMII.I.I imtli'iitl.v he.iile ihe | t o " p r o v i d c some of the l e a d e r s h i p ,

pldilillni: il.ciikey "ii "h i , I «cumin i neces sary for d irect ing the a d m l n l s - | w i th a t t u r h e d KHi'iiSt'. and is l oca tedwan wuieil . itiey uliimeil im Iniiui- I l rnt lon ' s large s ta f f of v is i tors . . o , , „ p i , , t of i iround 109x175 feet .t leuce us nilier* |ia»»c-d thrill h.v : T h e E R A found it va luable , s o - j T n P morlRUiii' is to be carr ied by t h edid they Jinn wi th nny »f ihe l r felh>wt ruffle!-* in veiillni; linger uir.-iintttI 'aesi i r fcr tnkini.' ilic-iu on win h a l"ii;r1111(1 tiri'Si'llll- JiUlflH'.V.

i'crliiii"' lii'riiuse "f .lcc*i>|iim nte. ni"of Miirv'i cii'lit'iitc eiiniiltlcni. they wereauioni.' the liisi to enter Ili'tlili-lieiii,nml t.. M'i'k ii..*lielier ut the Inn. Thrtwere lulil Mini there tvus im ninlii furrhc-in ilic-re. Thi-lr liiimril*- upiii'uniiM-etl) ->Je im Il|c|ii':il lo Ihe ililiki>epiT nil Hn -III wlii'li liiccre |irii.-|KMi'UH hucklnt:glh-*t« wi-re (Tciwilllij: Ilic ihior*

l'..;ipi"'.ni'"l iiinl r.-iirrni.Ec. .h i fni'ili'T. I'.m they cciiilil tlml mipl:i ". Si'ine IIIIC *p"ke (if ll c-iitc nutaide ihe town. .Ins.';ih lnokei! ut Mnr.tlltnl liii eves tllli'il »l lh leiirs. lint -hi'niHhlecl ass«>iii. . . . And In linnItiwly (ilin-e. wiiriiicil nnl.v hy the hrealliof oxi'n, Ji'-ii^. tin1 hn|"' nml iTiMiilseof all in.'inklinl, wiis hum Inl" tlieworld '—Kailierlne Ivli'liiinii.

nally and economically, to train re-lief workers if enough were to bemade available to properly handlethe 500.000-person case load. Withwidespread unemployment prevalent

Prospect Park National Bank, which.incidentally was the first bank InNew Jersey lo (.'rant n home modern-ization loan under the Title I of the

in almost every other professionthere are not enough trained case |^workers to supply the demand.

The ERA school graduates en-large the nucleus of the Adminis-j viscoloid Co . of Arlington. The newnation's Family Service Department. t,ujiijmg is practically completed and

same ttcl.Mr. Newkirk is employed as a de-

partment mananei' in the Dupont

Giuseppe's ChristmasWas a Grand Revelation

/"MlltlSTMAS win aiiprmu'hini: niiclwns InnesoniR. There

The division is regarded by StateDirector Lewis Compton as one of

| the most vital in the entire organi-ihev zation because Its members come in-

I to direct touch with the relief cases.Speaking at the recent Social Wel-

I fare conference in Asbury Park, heI placed these workers in the role ofsocial doctors, who ministrations canprovide a palliative for the diseaseol unemployment.

"We have endeavored ". said Mr.Compton. "to use trained personnelin the supervisory positions of theFamily Service Department, andhave endeavored, by careful selec-tion, to recruit and train a corps ofhome visitors with the necessaryqualifications of educational back-ground and human understanding."

The administration has establish-ed classes or training centers atstrategic points throughout the

is occupied by the Newklrk family.

Having done your level best, don'tlet the outcome upset you.

Stale. In them 457 workers have al-were otiic-rs In the school from foielcn ! ready been trained. In addition, thelands lint im one >|.oki. (;iii»i.|ip,.'s inn-(advanced classes at East Orange„„,.,. !have turned out 90 graduates since

(•hrl-.Mi:,- had I i, ... niuih fun i iJ l h , l ' y ttW s l a r l ( l d a b o u t s l x m o n t h S

lt.'clv. In tin- province where Ciiisopiic | a K ° ' , , __ . , ,llM'il ii tree ihvke.1 tviili o r n s « ' i s ! I n a n o t h e r phase of ERA t r a i n i n g .I M . I , II m e HI k in i n i^cs «, ,„ ( ^ U n | v p , . s | ( l i n d D a n a C o l .the center of tln-ir ( hrMimm f . - t i t l - , p ( t c n u V ( , r o o p c r a , e d w l t n , n c A d .lien. All ihe IVIIIIIV,..H c m i e to n hiB ; mini . s trat ion by providing course s in|c-:ml r.n flirlMluiu.i .hiy. iiinl nfterwiirds i , . n M , w o r k l i n c | m^er re lated Mih-old amirim/,1 tre

oinijr ihin.-ril nroitiicl thnn>l. of e,,nr*e. .«• ,inr> i t i i h st .lo

Iher.It will


"Wl,.- it

wan liot

i ' [ ' i " - < l s h

, | - | ' . ! > • • . |

t t fit

T Iheh»'l I-

V" I t

liitni'i* in.ui^.-r

" I c | , . | | - | -.,-,- | , , , t v 1 u r n i - i . - r B

F l l l l n l I ! " < I i 1 1 - i ' | . | . . • I , , | i | ] , ; . i , , ,

H u t » l n ' I c i o l i n , | | i . , 1 n n d - ; i i < l .

l i e n i l r i t l i i . s o n . Y o u ' l l » » . "

I lii'Il rliri-'Mn.i. rn-pir .il;,,,,sill «i I I. There vi, r,' .'.irols— II r i r—ciirc-N In I)\|. IMICUHII^C1

'linccppe «-,•!« In *:t.'j II :1

t v i i s t c - r y p i M i l . T h e r e « i i >

with ' I , , ' li.:in.-.-r :n 'I Hi.. i\,<,. n,,.,',,. - l - ,p ' . | ,H . :,,,«,•:< ;|,,,| Jl,,,.,. . , „ . V i r .r.n .II,.I .!..«.-ph. li i ifi .pp,. , ,,:;], | I,,,,,!i v I . : . , . i , . I , , . , , , , - , » • ! , , , , I , , , r . , , , , , , 1 , „

Jed's. The ERA has created 175j-vholiirships in these l*o schools andabout 400 other ERA employees areenrolled on their individual accountsin the Dana and Ruteers courses.In live rural counties another 125ERA employees are receivinK specialinstruction in case work from ERA

I'"LMII .'headquarters staff members of the| n h<> training division. In all. about 1.300• "'"' emplo.Vfes have been or arc being


. l e u s t - - • ' . - . . 1 , ' , i . ' v I , - t . d l l i i -

I n t e l ' s - . 1 . " . . . : • . - . i - . i . I . - : . , : . I I , , « - i «

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« . ' " lo !"• , | . , . . . p h . A , , , I I , : , , . , . , h l . , , , .„

e r . n n r!i,-ri- w . i ~ I h e I re , - .

' I ' u ; i - i ; r : i l . , i . w. |S[ , ' t j (•• ' 1;(,w.|,.,,.

"••i -I >•• •- n " I ' l e r a n d ! : , ' ! , , - r .-,-• Ho \

" i i . l - e d I i . . i ; , . | | i . - r . I n . " i h , - r JII •! .,.-r.-.-.|- I l,.r.-i,.,. H.-irr.'. \V.-;I«.


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/ 11..•.:c i|.,. i ;,-[,,.!•:,] c . u r t of \I . . ••;J - , • • . - . - . • . . ; , . , , . . i „ , . , , - . , . , . ;.'.J l | . . . . . t « • . , , j , f , , i . i , . | , , t , » , . r v ; i _. !... (.'.

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j i • - - • • • • " T v . : i . t m . i -n I, • : . , . ;,"

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P. l i t . ' ] ,•>,:>• . . • , , , , , . n , . , . , . i , , . . - , . , . , ! \ l

7 ' ' ' ;W.-.'.«:.vr.',vr--r- rj-r^-r^-r^A•

Tho Green Chriiltnai TreeI i . • r - i . - r t . . ; . . - . - ; , t i t > . t r , . , _..-,., „

• i . - i n . . t ,-• . . 1 , . i . . | , . . , , , . . " : , . . . " :

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• ' • ' • ' • • !

-: - ' • • • - . i - . - r 1 1 1 I I . • , . . , , • . . , - . , , , , . . ,

' '" ' • • ' • '•• ' ! " • l i ' " I - t — • ' r _u i i , • ) . . .

' " ' • " - ! ' ' - 1 i n . . . A d d : i I , . - , . ( , : . : ,

" • ' * - • : ' • ' '• " « •'-<• a n d p r . - p . i r . - n . :.-.,:•..

'•' ''• '• ••'••'• - i r , - i - t h i ^ >» . , i r .

C r u d e T o y t (or C h i l d r e n>.l l . - .e or ,-r'l 'le n.VS 1,1;,. | , , ,x I.;,,. ^ .

•-• - : - • ! <•.-,,... i! , , , , r I,,,,.,,,,. , , . . , , . L l , r . , . ^

.11,'! - , , r . - l . . , ' ; , . r , - . . j . , . . „ , . | . , ; , , [ 1 | l i r < .

.-lo,r.... „ , „«,. ,,,, .,, .,»;„.„!„„ ,,r.|n c]-|•i..-r- c-;.i:,,,r.,r,.. , ..mpii.x, ar.,j . . j , . , . , , .

Rimlcif Glaiicfimproved in two ways

FUL-VUE NO-SCRUNo more trouble with loosescrews tod wobbly leoiei be-cause there are no screws. Yourleoses always remain tight.

DR. ANSON BALLOptometrist

7 E. Blxckwell St. DOVER. N. J.

A Modern Office andan Un-Modern HomeUNDER SAME MANAGEMENT

Have you 1934 office equipment, and 1884hot water service at home?We don't handle figures in the old way, butsome of us shovel coal and ashes just likegrandpa did. We wouldn't be without anadding machine, but we consider AutomaticHot Water a luxury.A good water heating system is in the sameclass as the typewriter, the adding machine,and the cash register.Put your home on the same plane as yourplace of business and install a Peniield GasAutomatic Water Heater at once.

Jerseyunfr,ati ~vour pliuttbtr

94 OAS 12-4

"Jenn. ilenr." it-puc'-.l S:i"i,;t. i | l 4 ."cienr" .Iiikt HII|'|.II,L- em IHT !,,.jir ;hefnre Kite kne-tv It. 't

" M y t m i n e In i h e * » I H , M . " s a i d .J , . 'J , I ,

•"Pie Ic-ltc-r 'S , - - Bljinpi-red Sal.n.i!"Merry I'liriMmiif. :'"• nlir.iitc-<J u.,

whcle flilnily.«£. Wrtctrrn N»»>|.«i..| I'nlun.

Mak> Christmu Tro. LastClirlBtmiii trees In,Id their ru.-fill.u

Uirw-or four wfekn if their cut end*•re placed la « vnuel of water.

Jutt Like Old Santa"I" n't I..,! her rhihlri-n lollli,1 Crn dn,'

a i.t t.o Sat.ta i.-:,,,,.." „,!,! (.-„,.,,. K , , , . f l

"IM-.I- h:,s hoc-n hearln' .Jut n-i.-r cim-e'ley kin riTnouiher. hat 'rnund hf ei,n,<.-punctual ev.-ry year. Jos/ i j e same."

Chriitmai PuddinjAs to who Invented the (.'brlatm'iu

pnddlnif very little Is known. «x«.|itthat, in the opinion or Uie averageheulrliy hoy, It was a good Idea whotrer thought of It

irained lo do a better job.

Milk Control BoardRegulates Shipments

William B. Durtee. Chairman OfHoard Addresses Large Of Pro-

ducers at Trenton

Announcement ol a proposedo.oik.iiK agreement between the Frd-eral Government nnd ihe New Jer-',•;• M;k Control Board lo regulate:i:!i-iMiite shipn.ents of milk v.asmade ni Tren'im last week by Wil-l.iim B DuryMj. Chamnan of theBoard in iiddresniiB a laree yrr'ip

This plan, the In •,', ut us kind tobe ions;cl(i>d by the AAA. would en-ai/lc- the- Federal Government to co-r ]><:n'i- -v:ih '.he State Milk ControlBoard ir: r'-vulatine interstate .ship-ment-. <•'• milit. Mr. Durye'- statedihat I.IKIC j- :h;s proposal .suptrvisionoM-r nil :r.'cr*tHt<. business would b<•. c-'id ::, the- dairy division ol theAi". :< !il'"i:ai Ad'ii-im'-r.t Admims-ira'ion '.'.hJe- 'h*- intrastate•v,:,li| be- . oi.t:i.i:c.d under the sup'r-•..' :e-.ri o: 'lie Milk Control Board.

H" i o:,':r.'i'-tl by ."atin« that 1hccie-*a.I 'A '!•.*• plan have bft-n 'Aork'-dCJ'J* •'•:':i 'h<: dairy division of theAAA ar.'i ha b'-'-n d.s<-us-;<-d withS'-'Tt'arv of Airriivultijre. Henry AWrilla* '• ').ho>': approval v- nf'<:*r.ssary\jf-'.ni'i- 'r:'- plan is operative.

In e:<|,;a:r.:r.i/ th>: n'-ed for jointFrc-|rr;il-.S'b'c- milk <~ontrol. Secre-tary Duryc-i- rxjiMfrd out the ba-sic !haf.ktr'rond to su'-h a proposal. •Thi;

• Congress of '.h': United Stales." said. Mr. Durye<.. • by the«e of theI Agricultural Adjustment Act. hasKiven authority to the Secretary ofAgriculture; to ri-nulate basic agri-cultural commodities which are In

1 the stream of interstate commerce.i ' The Legislature of the State of| New Jersey." he continued, "has. by| passage of a Milk Control Act. ij sought to safeguard the welfare of jproducers and consumers of milk."

I Under the proposal as presentedby Mr. Duryee. the Milk ControlBoard recommends: —

l—The Agricultural AdjustmentAdministration to regulate Interstatecommerce in milk.—

2—The New Jersey Milk ControlBoard to regulate all matters if ln-trastate commerce.—

3—With the activities of the AAAand the Milk Control' Board to becoordinated on an effective and mu-tually satisfactory basis and both tofunction In the public Interest

A TURNABOUT IKFADIUC UEASONI—la Indlrated br IlKfact lliut Ilililimommovie »Ur Iw In-cluded Ihlanil white prtewcrepe "bar fown" l»her full wardrobe.

WOMAN NOW PUBLICENEMY No. 1—Mr*. HelenOillli, widow of Letter M.Ollllt, who WBI "BabyFace" Nelnn. She WH cap-t a r e d on Thankii(lvlnKnlfbt and I* belnf held InChlesfo by Federal Agent*.

NKW Mr.THOD Ol- KKFININGOil. IJKMONSTHATED—A rcv-i.lutNnarv new wa> <.I refiningoil .•t/i-ncl c,f prrvnt day retlnlns.un<l kavc mill,.,.,, ,,f <|,,tlarH forn.iilnrlkts. v. u- ilc rncirmtroted at

.1., „.,.. ntly lM.foren Riithrririi; .,f prcimlnent oil en-

lwri . . 1.,,. rnrthoil In knownthe (If-arnsnl prwei.«. which

•.uhrnU to "wauli"of ImpiirltiK.. Photo «how»:

I T . .1. I). Rath.r. director of re-•eareh lor th.- N,K-c,n.v-\ ncuum

(...mpany . vlilliltlnic a namplocf Mi.hiinii Arrtlc relinc i) l,y thenew

P O L L V MOHAN, famoain*tlon p i c t u r e e«m«ll«n«heartily enc>cir».» the •«•"»tank Ihe ll.crlst. «( Arn'rWhn*e InipoM-d ii|«inMlvnv-lhiit f Pperfectly »yinmnrlcalmat tree f<.r Iheward o' e,.-r, ho.plU"North AmericapoHlble, nhe'll Join >'decoratinn of llix lw«the Inlerniillciiml PTelegrophtlon. uponniirwhile project.

OFFICES O FTIIK PKESI-liKNT Keen-•litlicned — TheI' ' e t l d c n l ' iown office Itl» richly furn-'-h«l to pro-

e a dlzni-effect, and

'onsplcuoua Inth« flttln,.,


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M.. -II-BEII-HOH-OH-WEH nay w«»It meant "He Who Put* the Voice "" VTa*.and It ft the Indian Mime tor y<*"" JMIHIman. producer and announcer of "'JzLn*,nlfM Carborundum program* wlioj"JV^ #,\y made • member of the Tiucaroni i £ £ ^

i^Bwrman •• abomi lelllnj a n / - * - * 1

Page 3: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which

DECEMBER 87, 1934

Chat With TheHousewife


,s ,|,,. i mio of the year when1 1 i n cmutl. and weak ones* Children are homo from",,,i i-nlliw for hollduya de

ihiim from new road

scramble when you nre rushed nndprobably tired. If you urn lmvlnii unovon dinner mud oven dlnnein urndirect IIIIHWUIH to the htiriiNitudhouHOWlfo'H priiynri you can gut Itall put touether nnd lucked uwuy InIhe "•••••"•i Jv..v cx.iv,,. oven. Ht-i yum time undtemperature contrnls. mid fnruel Ihewhole bunlni'HH until ll is lime lonerve dinner ul nlithl If the luod* ,ure (if u perishable iiiiline n is uHood Idea lo chill Iliein iMoidiiidily ;111 the elcclrlc relriueriiioi be lure '


At uny time I hut I can help youwith any of your household prob-Irnim. JUHI cull Dover 1100 nnd I willui' liuppy to help you.

DOROTHY HKALD.Home Keonoinmi. N. J. P. It L, Co.

id I'liliene »oi iiiiutiuja u^- I in !,iii en-inn ieiilut-nuoi ueiuri1

,.u.iyihlim trom new road-| fniHInii thi-in nun the iimue umnti

Stam/> CollectorsNcun Tltut Mu.v Intercut You

Fisher Guild ToBroaden Scope

HPIIII Mftdv I Or I AHA Cnarhllulldlni on Ciimiwlltlvr nnd

Educational H I

Saftcy Conference To Re 'Held In Aiihiirv Parl< *tm*- «

Nuiioimi snfpiy con-in l«tdin«


npe ol Ihe

l 0w roadfniHlnii (hemo u t U1-;Then. becuum

d y u ;. is i inrn l 0 "lfty o u t U1;Then. bec

relutlveB und you; mime* arettl d w n upon Ih ill

n uuuinIhe ovens ol i-leclrlrihnnmultly iiisiilnied

l h' LiI uLii'l

rs. relutlveB und y o u ; mime* are HO h m t l y iiisii

lm- settle down upon Ihuy will ntuy properly chilled until

i» JuK«le n l o n « w l t n ll>«' euricnl turns tisch i>n

<""ljp l ' 0 U n dh 0 L ^ i ! t M l t : U'"""'''!'"- " cups s,,|,,.K

• ' • ' " ' "

H i " " 1 " ' 1 '


1 1"1

ni l I f )

f o r t n e>, ' ,,Huper-humnti

,id one B "««• «»"; "P".h1. ixuondltu " " ' u l " i " " " v'•»'•'»limn l h t e x l ) ( m c m u l e |e ruUir and lliey

T h e b''Hl w " v (

( i m v e i l i n 111.'»>ol»"»< ' "» ' I»H mi'' Hie rclnm-r-

I" Inipruvi- Ihein.Hclvcs A Ire-ml(m, MIV1, ,„ ,,„„. ,, „,„.,„.,,y<>» will (In M'venil day. uni ikel-

llm nl I . I U T You can -. I h e n i ' i d s .1 " 1 - ' " v ' " " ' « •will keep perteilly

j ; ; ; , ! ih r iunc of the yonrdoinu '''

|,l ellllll,Api'llllr>l


T' iiii^-iui* " 1 " , 1 null'

ituiNt be ix'duccd to iti do this with thee efficiency Hit down

•.- allei' bronkfuHt euchml WHITE DOWN whuliluiie ihirinii tho day. whul

,ld in' ill ii II " " " "|U|lr II im-ii . . . . . . . .• - iins way you will keep

won't have

' out your mi Mr several di.y.s Inudviinee. nml then Im.t yuiir supplie.,

_ r o r l h ( , , , , n .,,,

•' n-li-k will « . , • you hours week-

; ul


O I T I I itlnniT ftlmuHpunish Pork Chop" u p,,rk

chops. 1! urcen peper-.. cm In linll-

nu uiv uuj » " 1 | l ' > elrcles. hull cup nee 'soukWhat you WANT w'Hle bi-ownlim chops.. I Tbsp ol ,

...„„!,,•, nny Worcestershire Miner Li onions. ;iI'UIIH lonuiloes: peppei I Tsp Mill.

Select loin chops cut I Inch thick ,

-iiciiklnu upon you ul Brown on each side usiim Inuh hem •' ur whieh you honent- When brown. Mill und on euch choir

nil hud uttendi'd Uie Dime u mm ol pepper In Ihe pep-i 'lidiv I"'1' r l m I'1'"'1' " l»l'l|'N»""n ol rice i

, , , . . , ' ,'nv' i-pupmbhmcc i»t Sprinkle over nil the onions islicedi" . V.MM-hold crrUIn inHlW IXMH'-'l' uiiii W.irccslcrshlrc MII.CC

i n , dally Bi'dH muHl be nnd tuiniilocs. Bake"I \v "lied. meal* picpur- French Turnips und Carrol,. • Dice, , , i n ..mount of plcklnit equul purls ol turnips und

'! l l , : , I n. "ompletcd. l l I'luc.; in pun und udd hull cu,. tvul-1 ' , , , , , i who allcndN lo er. Cover und sieinn." V , . ' H i and a» cleun- Ml.-.imed Prull • W.ish frt.ll llinr-

" "'" • , ,,i wish K Ihr window ouuhly und udd.lwicc us imirh ttni-" " ' " ' • Hwirv The harmony er us fruit. Cover und steiini"" " , , , e will not b- not- OruiW und Apple Tuplocu • II lullimiulv em If will not o( no ^ ^ ;( ()|.anU(.B ( j ,,,„„„„„„ .,,,1,.

' j -cii| i tiipliiei.. - eups waler. '.1-4 cup ,™, , . , i ,» - . Add bollltiK tvnler to tapiocu mid

i ,i,,i i Hyslt'inatlc UNO of «uimr. Cook 3 minutes Buiier ru«-

Tifnumi* ta iluff K a-plmd- "Herve wllh ruMurcl «.«.•<• or wen,,-:» ' , . " o-i ni'fBorlniJ dinner, ped rreain.

hat you c m . Tfinpi iriilure-J7ri deuiees l inn .

will be no last minute 1 'a no"1'"-

Business Directory

lCMubllnhmeni nl un

eliiHs In bruudtin Uie HI

Klshel Uudy C'l aflsnilin'

unniiuncml lusi week by I ' ITHI I I IU I I

William A. l''lshei In miiklnu kiunvn

phins lol Ihe I HMD inodel couch-

biilldinu ciimpciilinn ol the cilucii-

ilonul loiindution in which nml

uwuid-. tuhied nt more Hum $fiA.OOO

will be nflercd. These Include six

$n.OOU unlveisiiy scholui'xlil|i>'

< 'i i'ii I inn ol the nett division t-i Ihe

rcsull ol rerounll lull on the purl ol

Mi.her hi illy und (Jcncinl Mul in • ex-

ecnlltes Ihul the Vullle nl Ihe (Illlltl

In Ihe yuiilh ol All!<• l'l< ii could be en-

I slepN In

ncouruue the development ol uiiin-

mil skill uinnnu those wllh Illlle mil -

nml nplltiide or I lullilliu.

The prolecl ol Ihe compel II lulls

each year since IIlllll has been a

model i IIIM'Ii Ihul Is a coinpnsll C ol

the innate tchlclcs leu'd lor Ih r-

i II in I H >i i ol Ihe ICniperor Nupoleon

und his wellillllM to the I'l'lllcess

,i,lv Tdieeied by omltUnu thorn-1 In ihi- nrcompllrihiiiK

B-urlii'iillv nil the necessary feut-! d ihr huiisekeeplim routine you




»n»l»iril n> HIP Pi imt "print Waterpratiirfd. Tukrn from a llolllni SpringMore itinitiluilng and lefreihinif tlianothtr w.iiri«.

(;l;oiU)K r. TONKINTi-tr|iiioiie 2?n Harhaway

llriimli o"l'«Si llraixlww*

Di-nvlllr. N. ITrl. IIIIIHIIWJV <*


21 llltOOK STREETIl()( KAWAY. N. J.

Tel. 08-Mlltmlit! Kcrvlrr ',


(Junta* rllohrr. .Ir. Il ifnufd l.ady

LlcvlliiPd Ann'. Kinhulnirr

Kuni-rul llanirIB Killar Avr.

llorknwuy, N. •!.Trl. Mui'kuwujf 73

Abnolutcly no expensewith the use of our Modern

runi'inl Home


JFI.OOH HAN»IN(i JOHHINO; MIll.W'OKK!Shop tt IlmldriKt ZIIH W. Muln Ht.

Telephone BJ.1 lluckuwuyCI.F.ASIMi. llVP.INd. I'llr'.SHINd

TIIIIIMIMI In All Itmnilio >l I , , i- / - . . . ,s,« Low ITIIO. ! (JKOIMiK I4.. I MM

IRockaway Ktrliablc Sliop "NI> WUWHTrl 420 lloil<lit»li> ' ..I m . M i . s i .

K I K C I U I C HANCJK—Iml.illed for lr-»» than—

$100.000. I'. DICKKRSON

trl(-|,liiinr Harkawity 307

J, I I . Bl.ANCIUHl) & C O.>1:iniirnc'liirrm ui

laCKAH'AY HANI) MADK AXKMU'llli or Wllllaut llalldlrt

1*11 Kinii. i,r Kdte Tool* and Lawn

Mowrr« Nhanwnrdt!IION KTIIKKT Phon« llocfcjwar M



Call Dover 982(1P.OROE PEEIt

Nllup: ll-l.l Mulilr At,-Ki-.ldrlin-. I l l ll.,l.r» Avr.

TIX. Ill IIOI K. \», l \ . N .1

II' Vlll U t M

KTATIOM.IIV, II1VS. i l l l l t l CO

H'l iy S i i l l ,11 u l

A. MKYKRSONI ' I 'H i i r i — %%!• 11,ti.<n ^ i .,ii,r\

T r l . 3110'W Mill KAW.W. . J

Fuller Ciin Kiivi- Vim zn ,. mi Itu-rrrirntMnnilrl llntp* on Voni

AI 'IIIMIMIII.K INHIIIIAM'I.ThU In un A Ni}. 1 Hlmk (,tii,|i,inr,

(nil Ibtllll.rl•>........I,, I I , , | r HI.110 ll"i« JO', nrl (Mir Vi-at'a InMOunii-1.12

Fisher liiHuruncc AjjcncyI I Wull at. Trl. 311(1 llmkiiw^*. N. J

Auk Ne« Alrmull luniieIsMiiuire ol a new scries nl iilrmall

slumps, to lanue in leniimlnullon

Iron! Hie picselil slx-ccnl Issue up to

a Un-dollar Htaiup In belnu limed

by phllulellsls

The iiioposul innif nnoiriciully lo

Hie eiirs ol poslul olllcliils when Ille

Wn-hinutun All Mull HurlrlV pilHM'd

a ri'Miluluiu cndorsimi such u NCI'ICS

i|Itil priimpilv lorvurtled ll In Ihe

Nulloiiiil I'l'delal inn ol Htainp Clubs

All i l I' il I ttlll be nilllle In nhllllll lell-

erulion '-iippuil lii-liire lorimil re- | nanei'd liy liiklim I is pi i'..<-i il i'ii In Ihe Post I III ire

llepai liiicnl

(Uie pninl on which Ihe pioposal

is e>i|ieeled to inliiniiiKl llni'll In pun-

tal II ill) i< il 11 l o Is Ihe dlHsllllslucI Ion

with the pieseiit Iliulli'd all mull Is-

Mir There are al present only two

IL Ii inn il .slumps one selling l"i *'x

cent', mul iinotliei nir mull speclul

delivery tin- III cenls. (,"(insii(|iienlly Marie I,OIIIHC. ol Ailslrlii II Is heliui'

Uie sendei innsl llleriilly IIIIIHU'I1 n i l . ri-tiilm-d us Ihe pro.lecl lor hoys en-

entelope in purklim- with six-cent ' mllliiu III Ihe Iliaslel ilium

sluiiips il II curries much weluhl I A Iruvelinu couch ol Ihe sunic per-

Dcspltc prisislent reporlH from lod, however, him lieen selected lor

lime to time that Ihe special dellv- j lepioducl Ion by those iiiutrlculiilliiu

cry nir mall slump limy be wllh- m ihe newly creuled iipprenllcc

drutvn. this muller hus never been ' rlns:. II Is slmplci In drsimi eunl

i ouslderi'd by ponlul iiulhiil'llles I ,,| eoiiilrnclIon. und should hike

lorin lunch more rapidly ul the hand

ol Ihe novice I hull Ihe nl'lulllul hind-

el yet nhimld lenrh him Hie luiidii-

nieiiliils ol uood rriillsinunshlp. n< -

rurillliu lo Ml f'lshel

"II is our IhoUMhl to prot'lde a

stepplnu stone so Ihe ImV milV pro-

uress iiiiliuullv mid e.islly llirniiuh

Ihe vu ill ii IH NIIIUCH in (hi- develop.

Illi'lll of liuuilllil skill." the llruil ol

Ihe KlshlT Body Ulvlnloll ol Clelielul

Molors Hi ul I>M. •'lJIMrniiniui'llH'lil has

prevenled imniy. who lucked ellhri

mil mill ublllly or propel inslrueliou.

I rum leiirnlnu Ihe Joy ul bellm able

to do I hums with then hands ll

ulso has denied them Hie self-IINKIII•

i ance und Ihe up|iri'ciiilion ol the

rralin ihul nornu.lly follow "

The Iruvelinu couch Is lur Ihe up -

M l M l m Numbrm Amifur prentice II Is simple enoiiuh lor id-

Hlinnps Iriini Ihe lit Ml Ivvo plulcs of ilium any boy to build The spoken

Ihr six-ceni iilninill slump Ixsiied In "I Hie uheelK can he 'iniide fI'mM or-

.Inly 1IIII4 lire now nppearliiK In Ihe

pi is I iilllri'H ol New York "11(1 l.unii

lslnnd I'lnles nuinbered 212M und

2'M weie sel iiskle lol Ihese slump"

III .July bill nlllv lecenllv the Illsl

cnpli". iippi'iiiril I nun Ihriii

Hafcty experts from all purl* of

the country will iirriwnl imiM'i'n lUu-

lim the furious neiMlnnn of the Knsl-

ern Hufety Ciinleienee in he held ul

the Ilcl'ki'lcy-Curliii'cl llulel in A1.-

! bury Pink mi Tliuisduv

i mid Ci'lduy. l''ebi'iiui'.v I

i I'limed I Ills wi'ck (liirlnu II ineellnu u(

ui'iieiul inaiiiiHinu ciinnnlltei' heiiil-

ed liy It M Cubiililss ol Jersey City

Till1 coiilerelice Is reminded as 1 In-

• IGllNl 's lilluesl sillelv rillivrnl lull.

(li'nwinu drleuul Ions from eveiv

Hln Ii- alolm Ihe I'lasli'lh r.riibniinl

il''llteen llllll-relll (llscusnlon-i on Mil-

11M in Illuctl'h ol nil I el V lime been 111-

ininicil vtilh leudinu nuthiu II les in

clllllkc ul euch iiessloli1 ll'illully detoled etllll'i-lv In

le i i til llileresl to Illlltlst I les.

.trul's colileli'lice will be Ille

. nil I'lii't It e et el ulTlinui'll by Ihr

mil lei' herniM.r nil public sulelv lu|i

us will lie I linluilulily ilincipisrd dur

HIM the Ittii-duv lui'elllut llecu.lsi

ol Ille llleill llileresl In ull phltses ll

sideiy. Ihi' rulimill Ire has decided hi Hprlnu Mhr

Iliakr Ihe Kuiilei'll Hufl'ly Ci>Kf«l'OIK'r> lllMh Hchool

wllh tlm NUMOIIHI Mnfoty Counulland Ihr Htnle lJi'imi linenj »f l.ubor

lit eiiniluelinu I hit yiuu'n contriiinc*,

whirl) will UP Ihe ele\eiilh iilinuiU to

lie heli!

Jumiiiiy III ,,II WUs din- K u C k l l A M I ) < ' H l \ \ IIIH

•ICISC') (

Miss (lluil.v. Wluulti» ul WeH

Main nliccl. Itockattny hits been

attuided a \arri l l \ sucrt-i letter lor

Hie i i i l l te pailiripiiihiti in Ihul spoil.

al Hie Nctt JCIM'V ColliiMe lur Wlliil •

ell Illtelclliss i nps hliM been nWllt'U-

ed in Hie rlii"- I m I mill fm MICCIM1

ami in ihe i In-.. oi limri |ur horkry,

Millie the lll 'rl rillll|lll'. I r l l l l l i shield

tins wnii In (l ihhuii. ('nnipiK

M l " Wluiilii'i who I" Ihr il.iiluh-

lel nl lleiljell Wluullh I'- il lunini'

nnd hu'i been n incinlin of Ihe Cllrn

Club lor Ilirec yi'iu-i tvn- un her

rln-'. i I Irilln Ull'. lull uiul Is III

the chin us ul Hie oiiuimil iniisinil

rnliieilv her clnn'i will |>imime next

' In a ui'iiiluule ol Dotei'

l i u i l -

I I I I - '



Incorporated IH74



The ONLY Savings Bank in Morris County


- Deposits Insured As I'nividcdin Banking Act of

HIM ( iiiuiilu Klmt IThe lirsi reuiilur ulrtmill I l luhls 1

m Cuniidii lor lli:ir> will Iukr plnce

between Norway Iliuihe and I ' IONS

Luke un Jun n Cuchcls will he us-

ed on all mall carried on I lies,•

Illuhts. '

A special lubber ciichel hus been ,

di'Hluned lo murk the mull und I m - '

ini'dlulely uller Ihr plulic leuves I h e ! 1

ill.vinu field Hie ininklim device w i l l !

be destroyed j

All covers lo lerelve Ilils i m u k l n u .

muni reiich the IJireclui ol Mulls In

Winnlpeu bi'lore .Inn 11 The e n - '

telopes should be "stul led" wllh

some lype of paper enclosure so I h u t .

Ihe impression ol Ihe cucliel will he

cleui und dlsiinci

I J I I I I I I I T K I I ( H I il I l i l imn »'!0

A poslciiril signed Hlnn" solil lor

t'H).2'.i in the slump unction ol the

Mound CH.V Hlnmii Chili, in HI.

Louis The ' Hlliu" "I Ihe poslciiril

I'. I'hnrlcs A l.liullicii'.h. who wrolc

tin' curd lo Muloi Itolicilsoii on .Inn

•Jli IH'J'I l lnee yenr. lielon- In- New

York-1'iirl ' . tllKhl




I'hiluleh' A c

h:i-. li-llioteil

I-. h-.l ( I I I Dei

Itllll Wli-illllU't

III '. Ill

ul und oil lleeeliilie


ill coll un

I I Die :ii


' '.Illlllp'.

1'JII] Hie


I - l l l -

I hi

.lll 1 •I-.' lie nl 1!I'.!'J I I I M I lo l l i lVtrd

Hlxleeli i

Ilie 'III MI I I I I

ullllilu luitr

ilplil elit II r

h i ' I III... r ,|

(IHI'.lule. Will

mul Viii iinil

linn Mine ,,l

Ihe i miner

The '.hill


l r li'.e

up in


I he -' 'III

r. sin u| l l i : i l

e i h j o l ' . l e i l ' I h

( I ' l t tUt ' l, ' . ! , I ' l l III H ' i I I

impeilun,!, ' i-. iiliuos

- Tiui lr ('uiiiinl ...nine

In , nmpele Inl

'-1st ||| | . ul I I l|i .

li;;HA Mull I In i Id nit

III] h i d II

h i . r l . i l l n


' up|i|t lu

ih I)




ul Ih'

I ra 11

n. IT.


INinw Ihe Sunn1

us Ihe li-el-||l rhiinlv |v.-uie |i|l

Wounded Win Veiemni. but

mi Ihe hit 11 it v Ihe flisi value

• |ei/l|llll ISMlie shoWlllK Hie pnl'-

ul KinK Leopold I I I hus been

d In Ihe new TI I I I I - ICI I IOHIS

II vnlui-s uie of the

(llliiir.v Miriil picks, pjin iniibli- ul iniy

liulchei's, the wheel liuhs i roll i

Ijniiini hundli's Hill II will leiich Ihe

yniilli how lo liiiiulle louls l ie should

Ije nljli lo conntlllcl the Inori' l l l f l l -

cull model ultci llnishlni/ the Mm-

lilllleil couch '

To foroiii'iiKc him In II ink •' r IK-

lllteinpl ut u III I f T dull', we IlllVe pin-

tided stute und reuioniil nwurdu lor

Ihe winners in Ihe iippienllcc iluns

The onlti'i-iiiy scholursliipi. will no

lo lhoi.e snlinnl t n it! I he hes

ilili linn., nl the imislel I'liud

e>ll HWllld • III curl! ol

uiul Ihe DrJ 11< I ol < "iil -

lieell esliillllihi'll I'M Ille



I M 1.7:

ml .».'

issuenl the


'.aine desivtn nnd huve u cios

Invtri i It: 111 printed in led

I IUNOAKY I'osluiie IJue HI

Ten t;ilue» roinprise Ihe new

all nl the same di-iiun und pi piled

in nil lamarine

MKXICO (Jin- sheet ol the l!0r

mine WHS by eriot prlnled in Ihe

culi,i uf Uie M r value Inn nil Ihe

-itanips werr- sold over (hr- connlcr

.mil used fm postiiKe. nnd lo (lute

not .in iinuned copy hits been found.

Mixed In wil the stock of the IOr.

\ inlet roiilell d Kl. ];t' j und over-

l>Milled "HKIcVIC'IO or 'UMAI," In

hliuk in two lines were found six

-ihreK ol Mfly eneh Ol Hie Slime

iliiiup prl'lnliiled 12

HI'ANIHfl CIUINKA Four vnhies

nl Hi'1 IHHI serii-s Imve been reissued

piMuiuied 10 without control mini-

hri ' on Ihe buck

Hun ul Ihe I'V.lli I

(lillld Wllh nil r

hulinl V, III |/u In Ihe hllllilel' ol

modes 11111 k 1111' Hie Illl'lle I .roll", m l

enrh illV'Jslfili Wllh Illlie l''l(lole.

then- will he IK Muh iiwmd' in the

Illllleil Hint,".

'I lie cumprllllull Inl liulh type-, nl

models rliine,- AllMlwl I Illllft As

h'Hili Ihelenllel us po'isllile.

ol Ihe Irut'elllut in.irhe'i will he rulll-

jueiiei'd ur Hie leulonnl HUIKI I IU i

polliln which include llimt'in New j

Yoik WiinhlliHlun AI In nl u Di'liull

O I I I I I I I I , I >II llu . Hculllr und Los All -


'file loii'tlei conchc'- me to he

Indued III the run vrn! lull city, 1111(1

the (i v. II i ill iniide the ogii'iilliK liluhl

ol the convention .ichettuled for Ihe

liml week in AI IUI ISI One ol the

».'| 001) sch'iliilshlpi. will V" In Ihe

Wlmiel 111 euch uue dKIHlon *>f Ihe

('finuillnn seciion while two wmnerH

will l>r puked in liie I ur i I'd und neti-

loi divisions in the llnlled Hlulen

. Koi'lvwiuhl leuloiiii] >IV.'IIII|S iilno will

lie dint i United in (.'iiliinhi

A uieniher of the Junior dlvlnlull

Is on'1 who wits \'J. yeiiis old oi older,

lull Icos Hum III Heplemliel I IUII4

while u memlier ol Die senloi divis-

ion Js one who WHS If) yeuji* old iilul

lesu I Ii ii 11 20 (in the luilne dnle T h "

same ui/e climnificiiilons iipuly to

liolh Ihe npiuenlice und the niiisier

rinses Ml fu l le r I'Xphilll"

c/u A Great New Six

New Low Pricea a //net, more In vttiioitt



fiir«, in


H» l l



It 111 | , fe«cnl l U

lire i-iinri-iilnileil nirire

A Colorful S.I of Bowli

\ . , lii'iili'l'li lu l l heli |« ri iui | , lele u i l l i

....I :| lie>l iff l,i,\t IH III II . r u i n , rnl-p- '•

,|,,.l|.l.l.u I " Mil' eiilur >, I I I - I IH - u f . l l i i ' .

I, if- 1.,-f, I I >"ll LdiotV nf n |,,'l *•« ill Midi

l.i. ,1,'llKlltrill Ililrliel, hel|, II

h.l.'lil lie II miaaeil lull fur II I'III l-l III.It

ur t'.i'l' 'l'iv Klfl.

Mad* Uiildxn I'I ,,.. , II ,/en * lei Iliiil.,'"

I'l.l'ial HliM IIUli- ullel, tl

K.-I. I I li.l nl liii|,|i,li,->

ir,iii>iii linn for lMiii«eli.

. • i • r • y




m i l I r r l n U . line i'lrii1*. mil l l inr i i itrUniuii '*l i l | i

l l i n n I ' t r f I l i i te In - i l l i i l ' f r f i il l i i l o r i - ill

I ' o n l l i i , - net* I I I H | i r l , , - . I l i e ri —ni l l«

Il i if lU i iet i , xniiiet Ii Iny l iell i-r, MIHIH ' -

for _Miiir mimes r u - r t h h r r , ' \ i in

Mill I l lHI ' i l l , «l l | l l l lC. I U l l , M—I i l l

i i i ifnrii it! I- I i r .ole, I , I,., nil m i - , I I K

I' l inll. icx i,i'»i it f i b , In i ti iv

II iie%i |M 'Ii of .nit i i ini i -

In III of l im-pr i , i .1 > j r . ,

N«ffd« No C»r«rnony

A re.H mini In nun wlui i|,,i»u'l m.;l(r>

eci'eiijun^ mil ,if liU.eli.nli).


lliinu Minn

liiol.. Ni, il


»,', l l l l IK'VV

t>.i> l l i i - j i i | i rr« ' -nl

l i t e |irnuri'>» i l l l l l i

I ' (»N I I M VIM 11 IK < I I M J« I ' l lN M M . M H M.

l_ * - ^ r ~ ^ _ _?••* J _ ^ S t ^

Page 4: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which


Rockaway Record-.rrd I'IWI Olllw Rivknonv N J ft»


I I M M I I ' l l II M.numiiK I I I K I I III M i l l III I I O H . l o i . i l t ' l l l lur

'OBI. r MilTt*k|,htttii< runiii'ttutu'

M UN Kl .


l M Hole\ .1


I • i l i . i i l . i u h l n l i . mi inn ' 11 In ,i,l •r<l hv ( k i l l ' 11 H . H I I I I I vv h " i..11. nun Iin l his 1111 u- in i 1 I.I11:1' <>l i li<- i 'h i i-i111. < - P.ii IV l.n t in <: | i i l i ip i i iii i. i, l

1111u11IMI .ii i n . ' n.< h i . m i i ' l . ' i il i i i \ l i i i . ' . i in i i i i ' u i l . i i i . ' i . l-'i Mic in . in -

m i in wh ich i h r n l l . i i i vv.i-. t . i i i i i - ii l l l l I t ^ . l - . . 1 - . 1 1 . i i ' > s l h > l n I V . ' I V

1 1 1 I l l r i l l u l I I I ' I I I I l l i I ' M H i - M n l l - o i l

I In I . H I - nl tin- I I I I M I I I I ruin l.iiii.slII WHS 111 I ' M ' I V M l l ^ c i l l I I I I ' VV.Uil

'Hillllll'llllt I I I . . ' I t .1111.-.Il lull— Wh,i

i i i . i p r l n l i ' i l i i l s n , i n l . i i n - . i i i n n i i ' i H l -

n l l o t l l u ' i i i n 1 1 • 1 1 • - 1 M i


A ( Ol \ ( II.M.XN RETIKKNP ; . T . i l i i i .1 I . U N U ' r i i i i u u ' i u b r r »>t

t h r 1 ' m n i i v . M i I V U I I C I n l I h e D i i i ' i u i ^ l i

• >l U n i k . i u . i y I n i I l i r p u * l I l i i w

y r . i i " I h r l , i » i iM w h i c h l i r - 1 ' i v i ' i l

; l " p I C M i l i ' l l I i < | l l l . l l b ' H t \ . n u t , l l " "

. i i i i ' i l . t - i h . i u i n . i n n l t l i r \ r i \ i n i •

p i ' t i . i n i ; i t u l \ i u l i i y - d i " i ' i i " " r i l " r u i ' i

. ••••-. i n : : I t-i i i . i - i l : . . . ' I l l ' . l l i n ' i l I i ; - . . i l •

i ' . : i n I ' n l ' l ; , n l I n .

l>i'"pn, i Ii.' l.i. • i I-,.,: I i,..nn. u.i-

linnilM.Ci'il nn.'pp.'-i'.l Ii ':

<•• I'.Min. :l .ii On- IVIMO. I

. I I . " l.i-i M.n Li I.MIIUI


tn ••

din I-, h.

• i l l .HI • i.

.-it l i. ' in Hi- l u l l i l l U l : -

. ' I I . . I I n 11

i..\ .iI




i l f l l l ' l '


ir.i-l.' i nun

.it ii pi uii -

ii iii-i I--*-

- | » l ' l - - i M I . i l , 1 1 1 ) 1 I n i - 1 •

l l . l V I ' 1 1 1 - I I . I l l l l ' I I •

- . I r . I : . i l l l l i l l . i l l l i -

> l l l r t '• l i ' t l v v . i s i l i ' r p h

- IH.IIIV Ini-n.N .uul

linn.M• — mi,I |{, ' .

vv h.' pu' I i'1'l ll i'v '-l *

.1 pi'l sii.nlr ihi' ir l.n •

v .mi I,' .i.-.iiii -rrk

Lusardiaii ioi i i i tmu to t l m m a i i d s

itnlliir.s Imd boon iillmvoii to rrinuinil.irumiil until the mtrrrsi Imd Ini-iiipa-M-vl the pi m a p l e l i r iiiii'iirtli-a l 111,' itui-t\ diMiiiiii'Mi- iiiul u>i l r v i ' l , I l l l l I ' i l l l ' l l l l 1 1 M i l I l l i I t u M i U l l ' l l

luvn i i ; nut nnlv- tlu> n i l r i c - i but iiUoI'll i l i r Ill l l lr iplc ul Illi"-,' Omul- We.ill know he w.i- ciit I I IM ' I I .il thr

In 111."-, vlh.i l l l . ' l l i : l l l l l munir— tn .lllovv 111, inli-l i '- l tn ;ic-

I - ' .1 l . l l I l l l l l i P I i i p u l I I D I I S

l.ur.i'h tin inn-Ii l.iis;irili>

•I I ' l l I -- I 1 1 ; 11 ,1 - t l | H ' | - \ l . s i i l n l

i k - vv . i - , i i-iih-il in l|i),kn-I mi: in ,i - . i \ mi> ol iminryr! I ii ten. v in lot , i | biint'ili-


s or iRi'V. Klilivd C. Ku/U'iiKu. Pusloi'




| i 1 1 . 1

lllli 11 .111:piihli. v

C) H r i c n a n , I i h r

AlMrtl I h"-i- VV hi

I l l i l l i n i ' i .

Jiuit nii.v t l i i t n . l o

i l i l i ' , I i n i i ' i ' i m i u

is k n o w n n o l i e


nihi'l liiilii'« wlln .1."-

tli>ll.l11-il l i inil.t l l l l ."

i ml .iin " i I in " u h.i

. I n u i t h I I . i n - r i i -

l i i l l A " 1 :11 , l . s I t

I ' I M ' . I t l l l M I I I I H i '

Hni'oimll vvii.- IcTI out .itiil .ill liuil il

Mood Inm- lot hi i lc ,'o-t l imn ,i nn -

inn nil MaiKlpnltil. Inn i l ir hib.H put

in W'II.S mil n sin,ill i.i-.k bill I I w,i.-

iliini' with a iii i ' i i l iiiiioiiiii ol |)li'a.s-

ili<- Mi Ho,Illii' wiih no clnli l i i ' i i

•ul his nvvii. i raihlv s.ivv vvlmi il

ini'ii i i l In those who lui,I I'lnldii'ii

mil i-iiuliln'i ultoi.i in UIM' ihi'in any

kind uf II I'lirlxluiM- iiiul fell in line

with thr .spun ol Chii-iina.- ami lelt

III It ll 11IU Ullilullr In I I I I I V mil « Iin I

linn never been tlnne lii-ton- l'hcic

IVII.S nn diipllciilion " I t i i u no , ,>m-

lultlDIi ol nny think: Ili.ii wmili] inm

il plt'iiNtnl i iftrri inii i i Then- vvns

plenty foi rvi'i vune anil I'vi'tvnnr

h l l l l p l c l l l v W ' l l l l M i l l oi m i l ' I r f l

T h r Rpciird Join- wHh i l i rl icoplr 111 rnlllNll'lllllIlM Ihnsi' Mi• Inline Ihe exi'cplionnl loh i i i rn i i i -pll.Hlird iiiul II IK hopeil l inn il willc i ih l l iu i r next yi'nr uinl r v r i v yrurI hi* demund.s require

1,111 ,ll Ulr hi'itlllllllli: .Illll

l la ie l.U-;lUll- -plelullit -iirri-s-1 111

and iiutsii i iuli i it I.IICCI , i - Council-

I I I I I I I -h'p bv -lep O U T ,i -pun ol

l l iu-r ye;U- vvouKI i i ' i iuin i oluinn-

iif pi lnlci - ivpi- il i i i - t i i r vvn.- lo lie

toivetl nn.v I'oll-lilel .11 inn Hi'lulo :ll -

leiupl nn: lo I.MI. h l inc lh on n lew

ol hi- tn.inv iH'coinplisliineni- inul

proMi'i's.siv e .u-hieveinent - dm Ini: ln.-

Irrin ol public nl I ice I I I I I I I which we

ll.tvi' nit reapeil a llnl icenble JIIK.IM-

I II ui' linalu'lnllv ami ,ilhci\y|-c il

-neni- unlv pii'iu-t ii nil appi ii|itiiiie

.ii t in- I line lo in II ki- nifiit ton ol Ihe

.ii knowleilki'il tiicl llnil

t.u.siirdi w ill he inis-ed "

In usint the iibnve c\pi-i<ssiiin ihe

vvtitrr Icel- thai Midi i.s Ihe repre-

si'iiiulne Ihniiulii or Ilie inii l i ir l lv ol

.senoii- thinking and ciiii.selrnliniis

clllzen.s ol oin mil iilclpit lit \-

iiniiii'lv the rills', nl tiixpnveri wlui

pielci uuiiil umi'i iniienl insleml id

unsuMiiv pulltics wlierc nn .snenrice

I uppiiienlly. t.s Ion urral lo millsfv

.- the dcpilrcs of pi'i-sniiiil Krcrcl

in.s" Is I he

. I l l i l l l l i ' l

I I H ' l l l

N l l l l l t ' l n i l " i . l h . ' l -

hi- 1 i i i - i l u h i ' t f ,i p i

in .111 . u l \ a tn in: i -u i i -

I l l i - ,u ' i : l 1' - i \ I'M.--"

t i ' t h i i \11ih h i " un i i

<lri"l aluii lu: ol Hit' .1,'i'hinnr tli'ii'i'iiiiiiiiiinn lu push andpint mi what lir bi'hrvcil «:i.s nnht.unl hi" "iiiind liiuir nl U'lililinu l»

iMK" nut atnuiul thi' C1111M-iii"lriul nl iiMiii! a Mrcrl

,1 li'iil- I'linlM lilt* Illllt pill'-

A very wonderful mot lull picl i in

ui l l hi* shown on Sunday eii'iutiu al

7 .HI. This pn Imi ' will .show

totliplele .-cope nl the Ml.ssi

Hoik i . inici l on li.\ I l i i ' Prosbyli'i lan

Tl ir pn line has been taken

i- -.I'I-Iurns ol Ihe I'nilcd

l-o in Ili'e Tropic.-, and

a.- Ihe Arctic i-rnion-enpl i ' \ clloil will -sllh;i c x i i i u l our vvislie.s tor

New Veal l o Ihe people the I-OMUIHIMM \

Swutuij Mcr/hiu*

I'Imi rh Si-hool 1(1 a. in

Mo'11{in* Serv ice 11 o'clock

Voilln IV,.pi.- - MiM-lllii:. II :t() p in

•Mini. Sei v i n " ;jQ u'eloek

Chtirih Artiritii:*

•veniiii: Yuiinn Prople

We niitlit'd the

Inn- pn I ui*

Chillii l l v ' i i - •

S l i l l e - . l l ltl

.1.- l.ll- l i o l l l

Till- Voiin-:

We vvi-ll I

.1 tlT.V ll.U'i

" I the , Inn

oei-a-'l'ili- collltl

iljleni was .solved

in.iiine: IIII 'OUKII

o l I I I - . m i l . l n -

.1 iiklument un- h a v , , , | l l i n . ,,,-;,,-(,,,.

.illinium nl II I I IKI. i,,,,. onl ine in.ide liy Hie s lx lwn

K w


t ln

t lu. i-h il

n l i.ihli-,-nl nel olpose

11 i- Ihe I'liriii'-l hope ol the wilt -I-I ll i.i l l l u - arlicle will nnt lio mis- | ( , n i m .in l i ip ie led a- a relied inn on the ( ) | | . |. 11>; 111 v nl olher ineinbers ol Ihe- -]hr

t'oiiimon Council \\Ui\ were ii.ssoclnl- ,.w.i \-ed with l.u-iii'di when Ihr many nn-poii i ini issues ol ihe pusl threeM ' . I I - were di-ix'n.sed wiili tn sucha line ailMinlnue lor all ciiin-ernrd.To Iliose who letil ol Ihrlr .siippuilin hiinilllnu Ihcse aHiilr.s .so efricl-eiilly i'1-oilit is deseryed Bui the oi l i -er- . who enntinucd lo throwluiulles in the pnth ol KIHKI uovern-incni IIIII11 they .sen-sed the chiinticol public senlmicnt mid Ihen foiliiM'i- one unothcr In "ucl buck In Ihebnal' .'l II Ihe Orceks wholiuit I I name lor I hem1

Wlml had Limnrdl to do wllh ourimii i l f lpi i l wwer .system1'

The wil ier fi'els Hint Ihe CIIIZCIIN'prellv well ue-

Sinidiiv nl i ihl . in Ihi'ir

'"tnii-iil". II thri'c a f c nny

ninr pi'nplr wliu would Ilkp

ynuni: pcupw lnlrnlhi'l .h tin-- i hull

Mr- Duliei.iiSenior clmii pnnl i i

da\ i-vetllUL;

Club ni

hey may .speuk to

<m Thur.s-

in Tluirsdny cv-

-ii-iuiis ineel Fncliiy cvcnlim.

uiuor Klnn's Uuurhlors meot

eveiv iithci' Monday nl^ht.

The Seiuiir KMIK'K DniiKhters mci't

ihe second Ki iday m Ihe month.

The Mi-.-ionaiy Hiiciety meets the

thud Fridiiy in the month.

•Senior YIIIIIIK People meet on Ihe

third Motidav every month.

t'liiuii Chapi'l

Harold DeWmdt .sliident. Ls In


Sunday Sihout. \\ a m I

Yoiinii PiMiplos' Mcetlnii. 6 30 p. m.

Evptilni! Srrvlco. 7 30 p m.


rceouiil/.cdlnf |(,,,.k l,»1,v „,.,,

(lunlnled with Ihe

I.ii-siudi Ihe .sewer

been n reality ul


FKl.. SAT.. T « o Features. 2-7-8:15 — «•„„,,„

«,ri: r U b l l IVE LADY"John Wayne Wentern - KEN M A V N A I I I . 1

Milli n n

nr "whls--

MAN ( H I S lit:

Thr qiiotiillnii ahovi- i- lioiu nnncldii's.v dcllveied liy Flank H Kcnltuiled pnllllciil wrilei on ronndei-s'Day nl William and Miuv ColleucWllllnniNbiiru Vn . Deceiubei .ri Inueneial. Kent Inuiled newspapei- lor11 ii" 11 iicciiiacs ilrlendcil pohUcinns.t)itl seyeteU in i uluned Aiueiiciin \ o l -

\ l . i : riir IT.IUUO rush bltllllirt' nnITIII Mii.lluimi- Hmmr nf 7 rnolll-*(Ifi-nrnlvtl ui'W -lentil bolliT Incut-

11 WnlI Him-1 Riirkiiwur N .1 iwllllad thai wiihmit i ri'iii i KIHHEH ACIENCY ni Wnii n rw-mid have never • ™™M^J

r o R l l K N T Fol l r ™the piesi'lll time | r.nun- mill bnth Jnlii.'. A Downn n Hill •

. pcrhups liner when tin- co.sta.""v " " " " • " " ' - " ' ' " y ' » • "would hnvp been mm more . . . but I

' not now when Ihe cost.H were eom-' pitrn11IT.V reU'Soniihlc When nn un-


Take not Ire that Moriiun and Hill

e r . s n l i I l i e I I W U H I ' U n i t m i l u i f i l l

fin ilw urn

Mr Konim i n c e wmil'

tteum les.s"IIIWH III Il-Ull I llleilM-

i is mil .siiunuiluii'il i t i i lh "null! 01 wmntwht'tl hr Mild

nl Illr nil mini rnf ihrrivil i /aii

To I hi

peilnu pnlltlriil henchiiiiiti" Lusmdi

has been coiisiileicd un.vlhlnii bill u

Itood offlclnl Tlih WHS nal ill-ill He

liill.s fur .short of pojw.s.sini' the nec-

eisnry quallflonl Ions in -piny bull '

w-ilh Ihe nbove naineil uroups und , p,,i-j public offirlul In 11 smnll corn-. intpiuV tVi"ai>ply'To* the " Mayor andthe ii'.sull is f Imi by them he has n unuty .•mcrincc.s cnllrely Ills time ' Council of the BoroUKh of

• been branded n ilismid hillme " " •i rliiht ihlnkliiM indnicliuil wmild

his [liiiie.i u.s chainnun of n .sewercoinmlltee in this munlelpnllty;when Ihnl otllclnl tmvel.s dny andri in til ihroiiKhoul Ihe Hliili- of New

.surh n


slricr It nn hollar to recelvislump of disapproval nucleiI'lieiinislunces

I'lisardl hit* heen a leiitle-ss n in-'iiuiiuh ' ' " ' ' " eveiy sense ni I lie word und

till-* adinlinble IrnM . reenunlzeddldnl lespccleil and luiiileil by true

. i Ivle minded cili/cns who siand for

A"V;nncl ntlenllon to hl.s personnl busl-•W l l y - N e w Je |w.V' 'or "» Plenary re-' I,, ,,. i , , i , V. l a l 1 cunsumptlon license, for prem-

Iti inriet lo (levutc more time to \ l s e s k M 0 W n ^ s " T h e silver Slipper."iHltuuted on Stnte Highway No. 6.• Rocknwiiy. New Jersey. ObjectionsI If any should be made Immediately

In wilthiK to James B. May, Bor-oiiKh Clerk, of Rnrknwuy, New Jer-

u l


ion. the

t-old rnd iciiinin- Ihni In piescnliliiv- politic- when ihe Aiiii'iican peipie i lrrl i l i i —ui' i i r l l l lv il |s II

I'H-I e III Illi k Illlil M"l 'I II".I||1 I'llhl'lnl an liisiuii i Ini Hie in-lit >i or unIlli ellluelll Ul .l-|l rill I ||c |s-l|i".

I I' i I Ille II I" ' 111,111In i .111-r he


hastheII vrVI"

ed in IT

i ch'iiln


l l

A n d vvh

off iei-I IIKIII .Il l l l VV '

eln-l . i lU I hi- In-.

I h'-i .Ol-i- ,i

I IIIII.IM liiuiiii


I'll,I Mill, -.iliiic.

'Ml 'III-III..veil | |

u i n l U n i-.-'n

>< h i i l ' i i i - in i ..i l l lhM lo i|..

T l in l i • .iI I.' l-le.ll II, I .1 • [nn -i v el <(• r pin pi I-,-Ihi-ie in.iv In

Krnl - n

liiiiccin v on


T Ji n •• In un I l|i-

• nun '.vi II . I I f

I he lad Hi.i

IIIIH I l l ' Illi I I I

. lii-iill.i


• lllve

.'II ' i l




I I I ' - p . I

I I I ! ' " I I " .

'• iinii


. ilrllllllih.'

Mas In

i ' l - a ' i - l s

ih i"I ill v air. ' ..Mi-l I ..I • In.-., sshni".1 in 1.niili .il -

1' "I Ihr ' ..Ill-

1 1 1 " V " l "

M. iipprove mivi i i i n i ' i i i . i lJII I ovei-whi'lmuiu vole illihai nil elli/ens in pi ivatt

'•II Slll-llllv II illisiuitlil• •\nlv r Theoi le . inuv In"•xperleiice si ill , • >iim ••try 's leriiiniiieiidiitions ait itl I esli'd pi mi iples

Inleresls nf their cnnii i i i in-It's ill.iiidviiiiliiiip.i Ih the who like In Ije UHMICIIII-r la ln ventures hui rnreful lyrrom huvinu iln-n idenlltv

leveiiled unti l u.s.siired tluii succe-ssi-. iilivinus mid all pnssihihiv nl e r i i -leisin has been eliminated A miniol I.nsnidr.s sin nip. of cnursc. Is notnlisl iei l w II hill Hie Inlds of Ihewhls-peinm political ui mips u l in llvi- undi'\isi in mni i i i l IOMI ol public opin-ion

l i l - i l l d l ha"' heen a rnunm'inis nf.In lul. II l ad thui everv cl l i /en nlllockawiiv cuniini help bill admit.

lie hlis never hesilllleil tn [lefcml Hi''

'llipopular side nr II [|i|est|nn If he

liclieM'ii hi- wii-. i ndit notvvil l i - land-llll,' Ihe know IMIIUK Hint he would In'

imiile the inruet ol waye- ol bilteii n i l . I'lii itr-l lynli'd hv his beUn-'i'i-r l l l oppollenls While utller- lllivi-

Hopped ' eh;iiii>ed I hen minds undin- l in l horn cornel lo r-nrivr. tn playboih end', nl .i u.ime and escape uiiv

ir l inke- f l i i l l l llM'll lel lnw-rlM/en^ onIll ipollallt rising nl ^ovel l i -I I IPII I Kusardi went ri«ht i i l imd••aw Iny wood ' I I IMI 'KHI dinu 'he

childish llMl'l l l le nl those VVllOSi. IM1VVIlieun spni'ied Ihelll loael l i ins. iillbecrjnillli?

'hould mid un-Ainerlciin in e\erv -irnsr'lie wind and reuped the most pliMlf l e w i l f d o l Illi . s u c c e s s

l l

Yi '1 Mi

Jersey in Ihe Inlerel.s of thiil .sewer. lob. when he .spend.s .scores of, le.s.s niiihis al his own home In sludy-Hit reports und mnklnu detailed!siudy ol nil minor details pertnlnlnn 'to the work, and when tlinl snme 'public offlclnl ulves evcrythlnu he'.possesses In the line ol ability undendurance tn tnuke .such u project asiicee.s.s ihi.s writer believes thnl he'is entitled in lusl uboul every wordt)l praise Ihnl u siuull coniniuiiityrun speak in Ills behalf Bill to »o •a step lurlher utid snv Ihnl when nmini has done all nl these tlunus Inthe luce ol bitter unlust. purposelyin.'.t luiited i rilicl.sin by pollllenl op-ponents or ihii.ii' who are prrhupsatil icipatinu a personnl Ktiin to eni.shwhat I- rli iht. miod. und for Ihe bestol I he multitudes the writer believes ;Hint suih u mini N deservltm of fnrinure ci edit l imn limy be bestowedupon him bv Hie Mnull conununliy.esfji'cin llv sn beciiiisr he wus sue-eesslnl ui every possible sense ol theMui-rl Thnt is the role enneied byI.usiudl dutlny the eonsti-netion of

sey.1 SlKtied 1 MoiKiin and Hill

OEOROE MOROANALDEAN HILLStnte HlKhwuy No. 6Rocknway, N. J. 26tl

Plumbing, Heating andTinning

If you wunt your work done right,net In touch with your LOCALPLI/MBKK. We live you free ner-vier on all Installation* for SIXMONTIIH.



IJollcle- bv



pi oy I um-uood hl|l

Illll III1111 -. -

' ll.

It is 1)111111 iu 11 pretty mild tn suy1 ttm 1 I.usaidi will be missed." Not.nnlv will his nbsriire be fell keenlyas ii inrmbrr nf the KoverninK body

' tjut his inierest In Hie everyday sn-I , . l a l u | 1 ( | b , l s l n P S , | , | P r j f O U | . , . r ) m .||

n f j

sv•d up- h

Christmas Party"Citiitlinirrf Frmti fanr ; •

IIIV. W o u l d l l l l oW

Hci'eral nf the lathe- Iiom 'i iunti l-viilinnn, louether wiih the muleIlil'lllllel's assi.sled In the role nlwnllr is und wniliesses und uilier iie-III I IB, that were ninny lo mnkn. thenffnlr n KIICCMK

3o fnr I I * Is known by ihe min-/nlllPC. nn deservinu younuslei olLttiP Bnrouuh wns nilsseil due to thecareful check inn ol lists irom theRrlleJ ofricc schools nlul.nlher re-Unble Bouices

Funi-riil M'ryiee» werr held Mils nf-lernooli ul the Francis Funernl Chn-pel In Nol lh Essex slice! Dover, finDaniel Holley. S2. who punned uwnyMonday nlalit Rev Oimtuvr AStnrk. puntoi uf the First M EChurch offlclnled und burlulmntlD In Loctml Hil l Cemetery

wiltm- mnkes this stutement as he'""! hiis been idven to»nd that' " I IJI.SIIKH finds it nbsolulely niressnry

Hds I.usuidi once 'ot ivlneed.,, , d , , v , , l l , h H f l l l i U m , , l n , h ( , f l | (U rpiluhl •.t,,,),| bv Mv onii-i iBi' ltn n ! , ,,ro|ps.i|on both here »nd nt

Such !« u i.....,,v C l t vchur-.1 nrl-


"I his own roir.iciionrare possession In ntiv man'sin tei nnd worlhv nl the lilulimil lit Inn

1 ) 1 1 1 l i l t h i " I I I I " I T 1 1 1 r i f f l e 1 , 1 1 -

• uidi to speak peifei l ly frimklv

hns been u vnlunbln nsset lo nur'oinmuniiv for ihe verv slniple rea-son thut hr hus nlwnvs denionstml.I'd himself as II Krnillne lefl(le)- . a

man who .started thlnu.i In order toprovide un opportunity for otherslo lull In I in" nncl pn' a shoulder tothe wheel Thnnk Ood there memembers of the municipal itovernlnHbods- who were willlnu to do thisoti'-r nnother hud broken the ice.

It was Inriielv throimh the effortsof t.usnrdl nnd " X - M B V U I WilllnmOernrd that direct jictton was takenin set Ulna the While Mendow Aven-ue ildewulk nffnlr which lor somereason hni been hushed" for anumber of .vents probably In orderto snve embarraviment to a certain

was ambitious politician who ninte thatm In L c u s Hill Cemetery Mr. lime has attained his uoal only toHolley Is nurvlvpd by two brothers, make a deplorable picture of evtry-lohn of Dover and Michael of Net thl I l d

y y.lohn of Dover and Michael of Net-cong.' .

pthlnn Involved,

M chalrmnn-of the finance com

He accepted the job three yeni's

I nuo us Councilman v lien it was any-

•thini< but n pleasant tank He did, his best . . unve all he had He wnsI h'jnest sincere, zealous in his efforts

to uprold the wishes uf those elect-IIIK him to office, and a true ener-

nclle public official with the abilitylo visionlzo the future and act ac-rijrclinnly He wa.s nlways resdy andanxious to correct mistakes and

whrn he unve his word It was as \iond

as H mutter of rrrrord

We wish hl.s sureessor n pleu.sInKenreer as a member of the CommonCouncil and the writer wishes Lu-snrdi continued success In the busi-ness world . . . but lust the same . . .to us . . . as taxpnylnx citizens . , .wp feel deeply the thought thai:

He Will Be Missed.*


Mrs. Frank Oallughcr. of WestNew street, In a patient in DoverOcncral Hospital, where she wastaken Monday after she sustained ahip Injury ln a fall from an nuto-mobllo.


Rockaway PeopleHi: will install any standardmake of hratlnj equipmentwith n guarantee of completesatisfaction, Vir are ready toinstall any plumbing you mayneed in your home such an fix-lurcn, nhert mrtal work, etc,Our records of pant yearn forworktnrniihlp performed inRockaway represents a recom-mendation for which we feeljustly proud. We want yourbusiness and in return for thatbusiness wr pledge an earnestand Nlncrre Interest In yourbehalf . . . an neighbor toneighbor . . . not a rlty whole-dale house to a small town cus-tomer. Any kind of a financeplan for payments of Install-ments to meet with your ap-proval may be had from us thesame as the largest companiesengaged in our line of business.Thank you for many past fa-vors.

Floyd HilerA Rockaway Plumber

254 Ii. Main Street

Rockaway, N . J.Tel. 418


^ """—^l^^i^



Starts 7 <>'


Also FAY WR.AY In "WHITD l . l l s '

Added New Year's Eve — "BY YOUt I y,\\t

BALLOON BURST AT MIDNITE — 3 feature* und Short.

New Vear1s Eve Show 8tarU 7:00 o'clock — Xoihin. R... ,


? ^ ^ N N E OF -""GreenGablesSJH'H bruit y<mr hiart with

. . . in thi fiUturi tnadf for tfii mil-

lion! who lovtd "LitHi Womin."

With ANNE SHIRLEY ••"Ann*;" Ton Brown. O P. Hcigit. Fiumihibookb,L. M. MONTGOMERY. publiih«d by L C. P.|. « Co.. Inc. Dinaid brCwp1

Nicholli. Ir.


Be sure you know just what protectionyour Automobile Policy affords. Letus check it over to make sure you en-joy the proper financial protection..

E. J. Matthews & SonsMain Street Phone 146 Rockavvay

NOTICEKffective J A N U A R Y 1, 1935, intcivsi at rale


2!/2% Per Annumcompounded scmi-annnually, will be paid on

SAVINGS ACCOUNTSThis change of interest rate is due In new

regulation issued by the Federal Reserve Hoard.

First National BankROCKAWAY NKW .11 KSEY

COALS tons lasts longer than 6 t<»»s()f

cheap coal, with less attention.



Seaboard Kopper's CokeLess Ash to handle with More Heal

Our Special Nut Coal at $10.00a ton is a Good Buy

STRAIT & FREEMAN COAI, CO.Tel. 216 and 12

Our Job Work isn't the best—but it's jrfas good—it has to be else our customersWOlllHnY ffiva lie A ' :4 r/lttrc " "Tl --B?)

Page 5: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which

DAy, DECEMBER 27. 1934


John Fredericks of Elm streetii.,111 in Dover General Hos-

Lj Juliii Hurrop. of East Mainf s roiniiUwlnii after three

mlmii Mi" of Mr. and Mr*.£n BurnMdi' of Easton Heights,



[ meeting "I Ihe M a y * and Bor-, council will be held this even-

• III Boi'uti'''1 Hull.

Willi.nii Bragga of White,« avi'tiiic. has been confinedhomi' with u severe cold.

' KIIIIIK to press the fire-men, railed to the State HlKh-

iih a brush fire.

WashingtonSnap Shots


1 1 1 1 1 1 " I I I l i ' ' ' I . " ; : , i . M . I I - I V

A l - M I M l • - • • • • ) • .

J u M i h . - n r . , . i i > .,,, i . ! , . , „ , „ „ „ .

" " l l . M i . I J n - i , - . i i , ' i « . , , i u n t i l»•hii-iina~. I I » j , , , , ..,,,. ,.,„„._, ,„lii'l Hint ins."I., I,,i- i,,,.. | ,.;,,, ,» " » • , " l l l . m : " c \ , | : , l i , , , . . | . i , . , . , - , .

, " A m i I i n n i , , . .,',. „ , , „ „| , a w l M i - S M i c h a e l C o n c l a l d i o f ; M . i i i i e , - , « ; U , ^ I I J , , . . . , „ ,., , „ , , , , , - „ . , , , ,

s t r w i is s p e n d i n g t h e h o l i d a y j l i i - i i y , HU ..•••! i> .i w i t h n o r l u t t e r ' s p a r e n t s a t ' " i t ' s n , , n , , . ,.X| , „ . . , h l l l , n , , ,

i g t o n . | y i - i i r . r l n i i h - i ' i i . " K. i i i i i i , , - r • ! - i . i

llH-r I M M liin.le .snme u i i a i - r InvestIX."Churls Tut lie of Washington.

C. spent Christmas with his par- "Here e nMr uml Mrs. Joseph Tuttle of' "Hell", ei

irch siicpi

| i mid Mr.s O. Robert Merri l l ofDM uvi'iiup entertained over

ins. Mr. "lid Mrs. Parrel Bealein. Pn

|IK> Dornlliv Hufley. music teach-i Hit1 local public schools Is re-

cratmu [rum an appendicitis op-lion nl I he Dover General Hospl-


|is.s Huzi'l Wanner of Kellar ave-i member or the local Borough 'I Faculty is spending her holl- |ariiiion with her parents in j

jand Mrs Elton Beers are en-;

iiiunii Ihi'ir daughter. Miss Helens of Philudelphla at their home

White Mruduw avenue over the

-k. of Rockaway. has pur-hp iiutumobile service sta-

.located in the Dlodato building fl||I, wll(|lll „ ,,.„. „ „ „ , „ . , „ , Klll,,,

ft Pastor nt ill' MII'K I , .-III,-I ll|i I'li'-I"

Marches On" will be t h e: - I - ."1 "r.l.'.e..l ih,-s,,,,.,

< l . l n ' l l n ' l | i i l r l , r . - l l i , : i -

< "Ii t-l - I I I I : I ~ ' T l n ' V l i . i ' l t " v n

i - r i ' i l i l f u r l i i - i l . . \ i ' i - i n j M l '

i l n . .

ol ilii' brief message of theoyd K Cirecnwalt at the Hnp-

OIII- in ihr First Methodist Epls-Church. Sunday evening nl , ( | l .( , HII| h

"irty. The choir will repeat! c|iri«tiii:i<'»|iirn'ns frntn the Christmas Can- ,.-.,, (,..,- -,,,,,i, i,,. |...

Iand B»M1 Johnson will sing. ! .]....1-1..-11. ...- inn. .-n-.i.I'he morning worship, at. eleven -|i,,.n !,.• .iiiv innn'il 1. -•-.•• .-i-*• the pastor will have as his

subject. "Faithful Unto

I )'ou have n« other church home[are cordially invited to worshipIns- Strangers and visitors are

welcome.furch School regular session atP'clock.

eiiday evening at 7:30. mld-irvicc

fnr«<lay nnon. the Ladles' Aid*H1 have a party luncheon

d by their regular monthlyln*- The president. Mrs. James• *'H conduct the meeting.[ P m. Choir rehearsal. The

will meet at 7:15, and' Scouts at 7:30.

Pnlne at 7:30 the SeniorR People win have their regu-

s uI Hie emergency bureausUrlm« '"«»• of the Civil Ser-"mmiKsi,,,,. S o m e o f t h e b u r .cludins NRA. AAA, and othersn" 'housands of workers in

sregatc. WP1.e 8 e t u p l n d e p e n d .U*n Bi-rvlcc. The spoils sys^

fampant up until recenthart " c o n c e r ' « ' l eltorl Ise TK'C p l n c a l e friends of civilre u t h e u s u a l d r l f t - H l g h -

S e e | t c r s d e t e B t c l v »,ce t h c y become attached.M P a y r o 1 1 ' t h e y wan' "> be

as forwardj.

lll-Kli'|l|i|.<l liiH 1 III |i|'"|i'-I.Hi"l

' i - n C l n i s l N i . - i s ' " s i . i . i n , " I l . i l l i '

< i i r | i r l » i . i | I . I « | i i . ; i l ; . i l i i ' i l " " l ( ,

; The first united expression evermade by American industry, com-

To|)|iiti(. the list of Rifts that Pies- merce and business on vitul subjectsidem Ruosi-velt aked Santa Claus to ol public policy is ready for presen-liMive in his slocking was a large tulion to the Administration and tobundle nl switches, for use on re- Congress in the form of resolutionscalcitrant ,„• unturned Congressmen adopted by the Joinl Business Con-

atui it won't be IOIIK until the boys lercnee tor Ri-covery. which wus011 Cupitol Hill learn that Sunta de- held at While Sulphur Springs. WlniTed the uouds. Vn.. in respunse to action taken by

- — - - 1 he National Association of Manu-I'urm resentment aimlnsl the pro- fucturers and the Chumbrr ol Com-

posed HO-hour week for industrial merce ol I he United Blairs. Anotherworkers is KOIIIU to provide the Pres- precedenl of the conference was theidem wiih 11 virtual ral-o'-ninc-tuils invitation to farm leaders to sit with-l"i (•uimressman who Jump when Ihc industry in .101:11 discussions and L. •Aini'iican Fedciatiun of Laboi cracks J. Tuber. Master of the NationalUs whip for this bill. Farm orguni- Gimme was present,/.ulioiih are 111 possL'ssion of estimates The Recovery Platform adopted by Ishowing iuiiiciillui-e would have to the Joint Cunference is intended to ipay 11 penalty of 11 billion dollars a Rive the President and his advisers,year in higher prices of munufuctur- and Congress, the benefit of a vasted Kuuds and lower prices for farm store or information obtained thru Iproducts tu finance the 30-hour actual business and industrial ex- :week More leisure time for city mid perience. along with views on sper-luwn dwellers with costs assessed ific issues. These frank dedarntionsuKiiinsI rarmers would present un is- of business-Industrial opinions may.MM- of dungerous proportions to all KO far toward developing closer un- ,CiiiiKi'i'.ssinen having farm conslilu- derslandhiK with the Adininisliu-'• | l ls lion.

«ii.,r,- u,.7 » ,..v

• ' l l l l l H I I , I S . V I ' I H ' . " M ' l ! l l l | , . , | . 1 , 1 1 ' V .

T l i i ' n e x t I ' . ' w , | . - i v , , | , , | | | | X r n i . i i - ' i i i K

w i n I r . v l n i r 1 •> l l u i n v i l : i l l , . , i . | v r l , : i | , .

I n - l i . n l I M i l l , .

C lv:il i/",| Ih.'it li,.

I I I I I S I m i l l , , ' .- , - | .

I'llI'D-lllllK MI-HeiV

l l i p A r 111 <l 1".. 1*i: h i m .

il .v H i n t ' I M . I S H - i i l v

1 ' l i r i » l n n i s e w ' . M o l l i -

P I * A m i l l i i * i - h i l ' l i - i ' t i

M e r e 1 I m i k i i i i ; n r i l i e

i h l l l K " l l i i ' .v H I T , ' m i l

K . i l i i K I n K I ' I l 'ur

r i i i ' N i i i i i i s . 1:111 I n

l i t e r -.-.Hi r l i l n k h l l i :

I n w n i ' i l l y . I l l TlK-t h i ' c i H l l i l rt.'iirrely

k i ' p p l i ' i i n i l i i i r - i l i i i j E n u t I n n i f I I I I I K ; I n i l

' I l l l l l . Of rd lU-M' . Wi f l l l l l III'VI'I- i|.i.

I T i m n l l i ' i i i ' P V M I H l . r n l c i ' l i l i ) l l " ' J i n -

i ' s A r m s t r o n g , a s t u d e n t ; K I I I I K < > I n l H i c l i - l i e l l * . ' I ' l u - y l n i n i . ' . l I - M

Villmms Mary College. Is spend- '"•"""' <" l"1(1 w l " » '• w " " " " " '"""•I t h e C h r i s t m a s h o l i d a y s w i t h h e r V V I T I - H M ' . V t i l l i l i e n u i l n i ! ' - I I I I M P H I . I U . I

i t * M i m i d M r s . A . K . A r m - ! 1 " 1 < • • • ! r , i « l i l . . n . . . | 1 . . . 1 >-• 1 . - , 1. i m t s i - i - p i - i l

.! of Hougland avenue. I s""" ' r ' " " s 'I " W ' J i y , I ' l l r l l * . l u e . w l i n l H I , - > ' M l i t ' ) -

and Mrs" Edward Bice. C a t h - i '"'•' h " r '•'"•'!<"»"« "..•:" ..,,-i,,i,,,..,l

Redmond and daughte r . Mrs. I M "" 1 M r ' " " n r i l n l

lOilMi and James Dankel h a v e | | | v " ' r ^ r"™ ."' !!'Ulu"l\ ""''. a'.!".! i',!!pkned after ,1 visit to Mr. D a n - : „' „*,![,,"',, T". I*. -1=. -/" " "" " ' 'I parents al Toptown. Pa. • A | | s | i i | . , . ( | H | •„,,„ „„,, ,,,,.,,

j I n H p i ' l l l ' . l u l l l l o l II w n l - i l M . - l - ^ l l l l l ' l ' l ' i l .

I T l i i ' ) ' s l l i i p l . - . - n l ' i ' . i e i l t h e i r S I I M I I I I ' l m i l

Among the specific recoinmendii-iIn ii rudni address 011 the evening tlons made by the Joint Conference .

uf Si'iJlember 30. President Roose- were the following 1. Relief shouldveil asked "Is 11 not a fuel that ever be direct, not made-work and should •since the year 1009. Great Briluin 111 be assumed by (lie Slutes and piiv-maiiy ways has advanced further ule charities, not by the Federal jailing lines of social security than, Oovernmpnt: 2. Relief should bethe United Slates'1" Evidently (he confined to an Indispensable mini-,f'resicli'iil'.s Social Security Commit-, mum: 3. The wane lute for relief'lee ignored Great Britain's experi- w o l k should be lower than the goingI'lice with unemployment insurance, n i t ( , •„ private industry: 4. A rreat-for 111 that country the contributory e d , ,ubi1( . w o r k s p m g r a m invitesplan prevails, employers, employees. Wlist(, u l l d d p f , , r s „ i3Iil-n.i-ie-f.-rl budge t 'an Cioverninenl fuiilribtiting equally s . The budget must be balanced-tu the fund. The English law pro- 6 A s U l d v ()1 u n o m p | ( ) y n , r n t ,„„,„..viding lor uneinploymem insurancii ,,„,.,. n , s c l Ves and old-line pensions!has been amended 25 tunes 111 25 should be made before action is tuk- :

years, and admittedly still is an e x - r n : 7 collective bargaining for la- 'pi'i'inieiil. I bol. should be provided where mut-

1 ually acceptable to both sides:Oi'neral Hugh S. Johnson, former j g. Oenernl or sympathetic strikes or!

Nalional Recovery Administrator.. lockouts should be prohibited. jranks ace high again al the White. Oenerally speaking, the Joint according to persons who' „,.„,„ followed closely the Platform !ought to know His icceiil talks fol- Recovery adopted by the Nation-

• with the President covered more ,,i Association ol Manufacturers and'ground than was indicated in press ,h(, congress of American Industry. reports. Many an underling at NRA l n New York Dec 5-6..who maligned the fiery Ocneral be- T h p Conference was attended byIfoie he was tossed overboard as a s o m p of t h r f o , . f m a s , industrialistsj sacrifice to expediency would Ilk.' to ,„ America, and they were unani-• be working for him again -but never 1 m o l l s i u di-rlai inK that there is.will. You'll hear more about John- n m p l p w o r k fo |. l i n , h r lnbo , . n n d 1

so11 ' capital now idle.

A.S for NJ)A. thai is one alphabet Chr i s tmas R a d i o Ski tI unit that will nevi-i look the same r _ ,, D ..iwain after Congress finishes work- T h a t W e n t U v e r B i g• inu it over with piuiiinK hooks. B u t 1 i i l W I I V ilmi't v"i lr> » riiill" skit1 some of the basic provisions will be i * ' r"r *^'/•':" ' '!•-••: lln-"el liml


, , . „ , , . , | , . , „ . ) i , « i i h i n i l n - f n l i y -

p 6. where he will sell a com-' line of Pure Oil products, in-

|IIIK the Puroil gasoline. j in inmi «( n siI M n l i l l . v l l ' ^ l i h ' , 1 l i p i

linwal seivires were he ld S a t u r - I "laii""-*ImorniiiK for J o h n M a c h l n e s h o k . j " « l i y . I n . - v r kn.

kho died W e d n e s d a y a t h i s home. - ' " " " " " ' ' " ' ' " ' '' • ''.'.s were he ld ln S a c r e d 1 ^ ' " ^ S J i l 1 M " ' " " ' " ' " ' 1 : 1 " ' ' ' " " •

1 Church and b u r i a l w a s in S t . '" ! ." ' rr-wuil ,,r ,„;,„. ,-,,,,„ ,, m..,,lirks Cemetery. H i b e r n l a . H i s I ) l M ,.., ,-.!i,","_... i i,.--"J=. .1 I''.,,I,..,". -..:u n] and two MJIIS su rv ive . I ,.,,in l ining -mil.'

M l . T I I O D I S T C H U R C H , , " " ' ' " " ' " I | I V | 1 ' " 1 "'"'' ' " s l " ;'' ' "i l r t I n ' V V l - i ' ^ . - l l l . - l . I ' l l ! . \ " i l w . ' l - ' 1 : i l l s , ,

Imnl c.iiii-.ii.iiMii nml IMMV ilrivi ft- j - | , , . s i , . | L . h s !,.•,! u i t h n . I I T I . . r i n l . t

> - - n i u w n i l 1,,-ili l l l I ' I I I i ^ i l l l : ! s i l l ' . - -

" l u " " ' ' • | " " 1 1 l 1 - " "

^ ' V""'"

provisions will be i{ - . v r l l l i ' l i l i i ^ n i M i h r r . l i r i n - i ' . [

! l l i ' i i i - i ' I r l i ' i l I t 1 1 0 , 1 M a - l i s l u l l , - I , M i r - ,

1 I ' l ' l s i ' i l 1 1 ^ M l i v u n . ' v v h . ' i i l l w u s m - . - e p I - j

, , ' J . t n I n ' l i r i . i i , I , i i - l n t y i ' V i ' i i n ' l - l n i - U . '

I 1 ' l i r i s l n u i N e v e .

I M r s . I l i i s s i ' i l i ; i , l t i l - e n a r i ' i i i l y i l i < : i | r ,

C h r i s t m a s in C h r i s t ' s . t."inn..i «ii..u ni.-u.ii.r i.n-k or iiniu..-.-..T , . iir.,| , (. ' k l ' l t'» UiM' U|> S|i|.|\ill>: f,"' l l " ' IMIIll-S-

L a n d Js W i t h o u t S n o w l n , ll;,,, „,„„. „, n,,,.k ,„ „„. ,,,„ IL r n ' I . K < " l i r i . - i i n n « - h i l > l i " I i " l i v e ' , | i \ . l i e i - e n t l y l i e I I . M I w i ' i i U ' i i I l i - i I h e '

i n . l i ' i - i i t n l . - i i i n r » l n > H i ' . - I r m r l i l i ^ | l f l , t H i n - u | . , l i . n - n r p r i s , ' . | | m | h e .

l l i i T > . n l l h I l i e i l l i i i l - i ' l i l . s M i l l 1 1 . i l l u l l " . , i , , . , l , | 1 , ' | | . M n t l i i T C i - . i . - i . 11111I I - ' I I I I I I T

: i s | i , i « j I ' l i i i s i i S l n . u n l - I . I ] , . 1 , | | 1 : 1 ( I n i - l i n i i s .l i i ' l e r l u l l s I I I 1 ' i l l i ' s l i l l . ' . I . l l - I h e I . ' M l I •.•-•-:• 1 • - . . - l l r i l . - e I l l l i l I l l l l i l i s p l i ' l l H ' e i l ,

p i T i i l i i r i . i - s e l . l i i l i i h . ' l . ' U . " , s . l , . - i - , ' . . - . , , M | . :I< n , , . | m | , , , ! . , , . y , , , i i i a n i l n i - l < T . .

V M i e l i i l i l . i i . s - l l . , » . I l i i - I I 1 1 I . 1 - I I : i - O l c . | , . . , | l i r , . , | | | , , . , , | , . : , | , , | | , . | - | , | : i V . w i t h '

s . , . , n , 1 . I l i i ' j I , , 1 1 , l l 1 1 1 , - i r i . i i l l e l , , „ . I , , . . , , , , ! ] , , ! , . I - . - I I . . - I :\- I n s s w e e t -

« I " 1 ' 1 " H i 1 ' i n . ' . - i l i i . l i ' s i : s « : i s I . , , r n . I n i - h n - l n i . i s 1 i - > e . I . 1 1 1 1 1 i l l " I i X Y Z . '

" • ' • I l l l s l l l l i . - l . l . M . V ' l ' ' I " I ' , , , . , . , , „ . „ . „ , . . „ , „ . , , „ .

>T l i "


- H i . '

„• 1 1 . . -

, .u l , ;, l,.\\ i>l I In-Ill nr " ' 'h r i - l l.-M HL': l l i " l i . t " l ln- i r nli i. i ' / '- l in-nl. .1 \ ,1 : , . " M . - l s , , r . l . ' M s 'I h . T . . l i r e s | r . : i | l ' . . , . | , , • . , „ , . ! - , . , , •

i ' | i n s i M i ; i > 1 •- i " I ' l i r i - l i n l i . [ . ^ '

I,,,III.-- I j i l i - .'in. e\i hiinti'il un,"Hi.' 1 .^.^

I | , M . . . vv I n ' , , l , s . T l i ' I l i l M - l . i r l l n l n v .

I ' . n l I l i e l e n r , ' I I " s l r i ' i ' l , 1 l - i l l i . i t i -

: i I M | I I , , l:in- .sh.i|ipiiii: pri. l. l.- i i i-. 'I lie

pi,s| • .11 • • -• — hl l \e l l " IliS «IL-Iis IIIL'IIIL-

Mii i l .Mini' I1"' I.N->-~ •••'I ly ' "

l . - i H i , ' I ' , I s | , i - , , l . : , l , l . i i n , p i . " , ' I n H i . '

i i i . r l i l n i i . r . . i i p | . i ' . i | H ' i i i l e I " ' i - H » '

-l:ili,,|, . \ ^ / . "

HK'I- \" . .-" r t'l.i.v l l i i«.•\ .- i i i ic. 'Tin. \ i ' « - Mm,-I,•!-.' i-» wr i t ten1" " i l l " Jllili.iilli,-.-!-- In.'lli'-r. M r-. I ; r : l " "11 :i — • - ) . i n n - | , " | , u M r i n I , , " ! - . I > l , k

I I . - I - - I - I . " i l l l : , l . " I I , " p . i i t " I ' H i e m i n i s

' l i r i - i n i i i - l.< S . . | i i i l< - l i r i . N In"'Ih.

I I I " I I , 1 . ' i l n . l h i ' r H i n t ' • ' I . l l ^ U ' l l I I I 1 1 1 1

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( i l l . n i n M i n ' T l " < i n j . i n r 1 l i r i - l i n . - i -

| i | - e s e n l . " s n i i l r u l l i e r . H i n K l i l i : n i l " H i ' 1

• • l i i s e s i , . | i s v i l i i i i r n i n l K . - i - p i l in I ' M -

l . r i - 1 1 I I I .

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T h e n In l ln ' l ' •• \ I • 1 ni11.•, 1 il .iil hi ll, . ' ln

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Wlii'll ill'l .MMI'.' II'.M

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wlml we likiMl1:" All

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Illlll « i l in l nil. He

leil tlieiii pinii'll.t In

to tlin llvlnit i IN

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, , . , , , . , , . , , ) , l i . M M l . l i . » h . M - e " > ' . . « ' . l l s l e n ' W . . - , . . n i l s . ; , , ; i t . " ( I n , , - . -

i - l i n , , ' , , - , * I m r i i I n - I l l . ' l.s ii h v v l i n t . l i - ' H ' i l y »< ' " - ' " " I 1 ' " > " » " ! : " " » '

„ , „ „ . , , , , ' u h l i l l I h . ' l , , , , , , , , . l . ' s l l . s i s s , , , , ' l s l - r ' < M i i c e I - , . , | H i n t t h e I -

„ , , . • , . . I I , , h i i v i . h i ' . ' i i h i i . l . i i ' i i i i i i i l i i i - ' i " ! ••"••'• w m M - 1 " 1 " i n • " " - ' " - "-I". 1 - ' " ' I ' "

! , . ,„ r n n s i i , , , ! , , g r e w i n , , , , . . in . n ! W - r l . l • • - l ' l . . n . , , . . e ll.-.n-'m \ V e l l s .

1 , 1 . . M r , - l - i i i l n i ' s C r i l i s l e i n l . | '• " " • " • ' " v " " 1 - ' " ' "

I An apple contains 82.5 per centwater.



,.r „ «l i i x n i j .

T h e n ili

- ' I • '•• '

n.l.-il -n'M " si,."-..-! ..r

r i i t M n i i i t" 1 " " 1 ^ i - " 1 ' " - Ki'11'111'1''

Mini |iiy Mini ili-nr niil I'lHlH-r " J"-« l"'.'i"-

l leally' Miiimeil MI I . I .T . Hut li« riijuyi'il

his r'lirMinns P1'1'* •• hl'"1'1' l l ; ; i" " "(I UIITlllI Kilt-* I'" l""l In'"!""'1'!, , , . | , l s l'i y ; irnrt I"' I'1" l l "" h l s

lii'iirl w in IIII.-.1 iUMi i-iMiiinli riii'UI-iniiK clii'nr tu' l»"t fnriiver,

t Wealnii N vruituni Unl >n

Pure Oil StationOn Route 6. (l)iodato Building) Kockaway

N () W O I' K R A I K 1) B ^

ORAL ZEEKof Rockaway

I will use my best endeavors to give patronsthe best of service and quality products . . . .I invite you to stop in and let me prove to youmy boast . . . I ain in no way connected withany other individual or company in this busi-ness.


W A R N t R M Y R N A




, /.-, - .'• 1 (ireat Alone . .i!^3.!a&S&y.»>.'! ? - - I Perfect Togetlu'i


FIRST CIIAPTKIl OFJohn Mack Brown in

"Rustlers of Red Dog"MATINEE ONLY




' JFlmfafa/


^ Gelebrate V^)NEW YEAR'S EVE


• BAKER •On the St


VAUDEVILLEFirst Show at 7 p.m.

Second.Show from 9.30 to MidniteAll Scats, 60c • Children, 25c


-Anti on Our ScreenV"I Am A Thief"


4 days starting NKVV YKAR'S DAY

BING CROSBYin "Here Is My Heart"

Li. Snook ]j "The Ideal Market"'. Small 1 .can I'oik 1 .dins, Ib.:;•



.cgs of (Jciiuinc 1 .tinih, Ib.'rime Hib Roust. Ih.SIRLOINS TKAK.Ih.

lomcmadc Sausage, Ib.I-Vcsh killed Fowl. S Ib.^c l-rcsli Killed (roaslinji chickens 1 Ib.

h'ancv Mixc-cl Xuts. Ib."!\tra 1 .iir>Jc l)iain<md VV'aliiuts, Ib."Aim l.urjic1 I'eciins. Ih.[>anberr\ Sauce, caniood 1.nek Lemon I'ic hilling

l;all Leaf Mince Meat, pkjj.l ;all Leaf Mince Meat, 2 Ib. jar


J"c :23c I25c :33c :25c :25c !3ic :25c :2<Jc :29c !15c !9c !

10c i29c ;

N. J. :


Page 6: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which



Local dTHLETICS. _i


Klks lose Two ButArc In lop Position

AltIIOIIMII tin- IJiivi'i Klks I'isi i«»bimlmu UIIMII'M In 1'nlIIM»M T I I I I I I - I

tlnv nluht lln'.v ul i ' In IH'nl imnlllnii |in llu- Hintr Klks' Hutvlliiu l,i'iiiiiii- ITl i r Oliver Alillrrs were tti'il williUll/llbrtli brlnlr t i l l - Il l i l lf l l Inr Ihrlnp iiliier. lint . I I ' IM'\ «*11 v ktuM-krdnil I hire I •-••in Kli/.uhrtli I'.iuim On-\er I I l inn Imlil "Hi I In1 h'nil Tlii'v 'linvr wnii 1!.1 mill I"1*! 11 Tim'' '

I (Ml III" ICIl/lllll'lll ll MllUtull 1 '• < * - I

• ' I M i l l n l r I l i ' l l Mil s i v n l l l l | i l u ' i'

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I'lilermiiiOn II enMl I''ll(llliT






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177' . ' - ' • I




l!'j:iJill. ! «


To IntroduceNew "Six" Car

(Irnrrul Motor I'mdiitl In I'luniti'lulu I,IIH I'rlic I'lrld With

»:i,UOII (Mill Inveatineiil

I'l i l l l l l l i Mnlnl C I I Kill phlliue Illl iitin- luw prlri ' lii 'lil in HUM wilh n newnix cvlitidei n i l bmk liv mi nin'sl -mem I>I limn «:io mil) nun in

Will 111" mill Il inelll l ien. ll WII-.IIII-lliMllli'l'll H'crllllv

Tile I r i i l i l l f i ^ l l l i ' l l Illnilr- thl'i.vein 'N I'ulllliir I'lulll .i lli'liellll:il)leiinrl ernnniiiii ill n i l MII' iiffirpiM nledin the lieu '>l\

Mllll.V lent lire-, uh l i l i mi- rllillMedIn lift Iheli \*ti 11 if - rmiKiiIci ulily ulmve• Ills nl i'niilliii mble '.|/.e Mild |ll Hi"lirive been mhleil

' 1 ' l l r U l e i i l l ' - J l l i ' l l l l l t I I I •' 1 1 1 l l r ' t l M I t

l ) i i l l i i n t I n - - n \ m i l l i ' l u l l l i i i n l i u i l -

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r U I I H l l ' l l l ' t l n l l I ' . M l I I I I I I I I I ' l l l l l l ' l ' l ' l l l

With I 'n i i l l i i i ' " e i i l l v I l i ln thr luw

pi l i r nis iv l l iu lei l i i ' l i l il is' Unit

lul the III'M I l l l i i ' lu l l ji l lviitit .me will

hf- l lhti l l l l l ' l l I l i l l l l ti l l- |-iMtl|HI HV->

Iniue phuii w l i i i l i v ; i . l ih l . l i i ' i l ni'.i

l i i ' lor i ' 11 ii- ih'iii i- - .inn .mil u hi ' 11

ninny i i i i thni il ii- • "iit--.ii!'- i ln- I-IIMI-

imiiv Imlil i i ln ni"-> u|i in.diii<

nlid i-l I H ii-ni I .H ' - ii \ in MII- .i ii< IIMI'I

Tin- Him i in',i|> i ti unl '-Mi n ni .H I

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.1 '1 |Hi"-l'|i ' l|l .Ill'l I'i 'lli 'll.l

l i i i i l i i iert "I I 'uli i i . i ' M'ti'H ' ''.nip.ii.-.

IScNMirU Anl<» ShowI I I ( ) | K ' l l J i l l l l l i l t ' V I 2

Ti l l ' I M-flll V-i'ir III ll .illli' .Hi '"

Illiilllle 'Oniv. I - I " >"' -l-.n'-il .l.ili'l.n v

12-111 lit MH1 Ni-1'..iiK CiiiK'i M.nki-i

ill Ihr Inui i nl Hi' I"!' me- <li -11 " 'IWII bllll-ki IIIHII I lie ' I''"1" C'llliel'. '.II t i l l* bl'l'll ll i ' i i l ie'l eiiMni-.lii'.lli ..up.IKirl frmii I I " - iiiiiiinliiei HI e i i "1 mo-Ilir n i r i . Hie IIWIi Wlei 'll'.ll lllllle Illl-

niilumiibllcH mm iniiiit " I nil Hi'1

buylni/ piililir. '<>>v Hie " l l n ml-, tnrlliii'Ki' nl I he HIHIW

C.'tlllllKeH In Illllllel'1 ul tin- r;lt% Inbi* HhfWn neHl. inniilh ul the NeunikKhnw will lie iiiiiKiiinred IJV iiiiinii-I i ic lurer* All Ihe inndehi will l>e ex-hlblled ill C V I I I . I T Murke l . The New-ark expoHll.liui n|ieiin Ihe nluht theNirw York HIKIW H I ( I N I I I I I O l i l l u lI'll I ll ci' elimen mid exhibit 'i in Mul l -haHl i l l will be inuvrcl I'luht fivrr InNewark. 'I'liene ure the tiinkeH in lienhown In Newnrk:

Auburn. Hulek. CiKlllliie. C'hevin-lirt. Chryiilci, Undue. DeHulii. 1'iird.Oriihutn. lliiinnublle. Huclnon. I.ln-roln. LuHalle. Lufliyi.'lIc Ninth. Oldn-tnoblli1. Piirknrd. I'lymoiilh. POIIUIIC.I'lrrcc-Armw. RIMI, Htuili'biikcr. midTerrnplune. Kurd. Chcvrulel. iiixlUodiii' tluckJ>. IIIKU Iliirlry-Diivlditotimotorcyclco. mid ueee»«riileu will beon exhibition.

ChMi« Rind for UirdiIn II rei't>hl fll«rllNM|nM nf the ln>«|

Wiiy nf feeilliiu lili-'U III Ihe ifiirdi' etiii'iiinenti'i' |int fiiiH'iir'l Hie rlrnl' if II Hfill"li rhei'Mi* nf4 tin. mipri'llie<'hrl"liiiii« fiire' I'lirila nf ninny •nrl«,ewpi'i'litlly Ihi' roliln. lire ui'i'i'illlv fnnil<•( II. They lnivi* I I II«'«III. f(ir fm iimlIlii* I'hi'i'iii. |irn\lt|i'^ Ililn In riMHifi'lnt]t»nwllli ntlier vlrliien, IT wi> reuil hlnlnTor Hie "like of W'llli'lllliU Ilii'lli in wellUH I'ifinliirlliiu thetii, Ihi1 i-lml, if |H-I.Hi'iveil In mure i/r |en« tmlirnkeii rnrni,him flu- IIIIVIIIIIIIKI- Mini II i'niilliii In. ,eiirrleil nwny mill nil mil» llvv nr nil j>i|iei'|i'« nf lilnl If ii'i imiri'.—l^nnliui iM|iPi'lntiir, ' I

Auto Graveyards Have Rival Under FHA

M- lliul IMiillhi'W mill Miu-llln CIIIIIM-II <»jiwli-cl tin- i

^tun, to » ,i I....V, Annr urrlvi- ill '/'T.'.'.-i-ll I I V ' I H H * ' HK I, i , . . t n i v » H I T m i i i M M u i k r I n " A N N K i l l « l « l . . N I 1 A l U ' . S « " « » ;Itaillii I'll tuir rmin tlir MiniUoi W MKVII O. I . llPMlr porira,\»Multliciv. IIMU llrlrii UTnlli-y l» I»1i«"li> Sliirllnii Now 'Vfiir'. liny ulIhi' IIAVIUH SI

1.<i •

Sanln CUua Ii PopuUr- I i n i u i - i i ' l i n . i n M i « i u l i S . I M I I I i

. i . ' l I m - l i ' I . I i i ' i i . ' ' I - ' « l i n ' | ' " | i n l i i i

I i m l ) i - N n l i l i n r.v i n I M I I H I N I I

I'.hhilih". «.l ..ill T nr I Imil'II

Wh»n Chrltl W.I • Childl | . - | hi 11,' I 1111 • 11 .' I. -"I l l l ' l .,

l H I M < < r i i i i i f r i n i n i H I i ' l i i ' 1 - t i i i n « .

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I ' s c S l e i p h l i f l l s ft it-J o l l y C l i r i s l n i i i . ' t ( i i u n e

H I I I I . I- II ll. ' l l : l l | . | I'M Ultli: 4'In |'l.l.l .11 il I Ml - l l l l . l - | •. I I-l .1 I H--I

I I I . I I - ' . U i i s i ' l n l - l . ' i . l i I n . H i I l i . ' j l i r e

III.| I I . 1'Ms.l Ll till.I III- III MM' "III l I lH"I 11 ii I i< H| I-MIH " " I i 11 ii i d ill MH > Inu l i" l i '«II' »..II \t l.ll I l l l ' i l i l l l l . I " J l lu l l ' 111 III'-Mill IIII'H^III'I' <rl IHIII-JIM lu l l

T in ' Men I- «lin|il> I l i l - . Il l> |»i««lh l i ' I " n l l u u i " . ! . H i i ' l l i l / ' " l M i l ' i n H u l l

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HfU>\ I . I I I ' " f l ln- ni'-.n llii>rutiiii I In. i.'im I,-I il.'i iiii- t t l in l IIM ,

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lh>r<' MII- inui xi'i ' in-iiii ' n i l - . In MIII'.

T in ' |ii'l'-."l l - i ' l " In i i l l l i ' i l I in i Ii. tSIIIMI'IIIIIIV Ii am hi'i'li I In'-.'II tn In. Ill l]in I I 1111 >.i In I.T' nf Hi.' l i r IN I I I ' iii iml I I X Ill lih i ' Jmluiiii 'tit In ii«lliu Il iem. I'lnullllf 'milllv u l i r n I l i i . m i ii|i|T.iiirli i 'N Mll l l ll« In t in ' l i i l luN >>f nil : l l l iu l l iu I ll.vI.K Mil I.IM'Ull'M.ll l.ll, V " I l||l.\|.1 II « IIV '


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pKOVIDlNO a rival Tor the road-nidi' Ki'tivpynrilt thnt are a com-

mon Blxbl with tbolr oaroatseB ofjiuikud iiutomobllot, a new type ofHurn|> biMip In nprltigliig up underllm Keil.Tnl 1 loaning Admlnlitra-tlnii, u« II curious »ymbol of olvloimoKreHK. Cluniny, out-moded radio-Lurn, cracked upctlong from healingplunt boilers, old style bollern, oldi lilplicil iiluuibltiK flxturei and aim-

llui wlioie uaefuluoas la

ondnd, Illl th.- . . . i,,.w acrnpnp hwjiW i t h U.GOO hnntiiiK oontratlonibjhnvo LoluU',1 thn rod, m i l , wbluo "U«ttor lluiinlug Propia"ling, na ninny plurnbliiK rontnetgnand tli()U«iimJn »f iimulalloa u4otbor bulldliiK uiiiii ilul ilwlnriblip.Ing h o m e own IT* in nrnuue lowf o ' roplaoomcnlK, unilcr lh» boiulii'adniliilMtrntluu llm Jnnkrardi inappear ing ovi.|-ywli,.rn. ]>lnita ah.o*tu nerui) y w d In Now Jerinj.

V/o'in;f lio-'i'i, I li-lrn Viri'.'-iti, M/rti'i L <•!/ nnd Woller Connolly

in " (V , . i ' | / / . i / Bill" — A Columbia PfClure


3 3 ^ 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 ^ by MacMlniga







TO LAV * 2 0 2 .



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B I R O i S N f t U SAT



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U t Mio'T OOIIO "ro i rjM.vBTHAT CHCfOUTU w e ' f f .'r'

ioE'VE IdeBW CHO0"" 'KT vou TOO Loy,



REG'LAR FELLERS Jimrnie Makes a Big MistakeBy GENE BYRNES.

•r _T_T ~ * > ~ ih"* ' ?»• \ _*f ' ' j ^ -'-!-*,-il A - i-

Page 7: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which


. u your news Items' w e e k , w w»nt DENVILLE AND VICINITY - NEWS Advertisements, attrac-

tively displayed on thispage, will bring results.

^ L L E N O T E SM»,v a. Renter, a student

t r u . . University Is spendingS « r . i w with her moth-

h Rlnhter, of Main1 M. D i c k e r ,

I tm« »»* » ls0 a Buellt ° ' h6rfMr! RiKhtw- ° n Christmas

Mrs. Hurry McKlnney. ofnvrmie. are entertaining

n A.«.U«. during the holl-

e'i» » °" u d e n t ttt A u b U f n

of Technology, at Auburn.

T.nd Mrs. Harry MaoDonoughMr. UiuiBf MacDonough, of

nnton wre Christmas guests athome of Mr. and Mrs. George

of L<™pc l 8 l a n d ' I n d l a n

, Maldn MeOinley nnd fatherU North Shore road, Indian


, We .pendlnn the holiday sca-#lth rrfallvcs in Bayonne.r, wilimm Hardman, of Cedar, lDent Christmas Day with herI MM L»um Terrlll, of Irving-

,r ,nd Mrs. R H. Whlttlngham.UHc Arrowhead, were ChristmaBu ol the lnlter'B parents, Mr.

Mr>. A. W. Mcderlth, at Mill-ar und Mrs a. L. AlbcrB. of In-n ukf. "I"'"1 Christmas at Wll-Hrtoti. Delaware.,. H. Bnrhrller. Jr. nnd familyit Chrl»tmnn (ruestn at the homehii parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.clirller. Sr.. nt Newark.llr. and Mrs. Harry V. Drowns, of

—toco noad. entertained their Ron-Kaw and ihnmhter, Mr. and Mm.ftl Eldrldnc of Wcstbury, Lonn Is-Kd on Christmas Day.

fir. and Mm. Thomas Bender, oflilty nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlestill), ol Newton, spent Christmasb with Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest A.jay and family, of Indian Lake.Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth L. Morrl-I. of Wrsi Shore Road motored to»t Chester. Pa., on Christmas andml the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.II Zipfcl.

Mr nnd Mrs. Charles W. Rodger*.Ctdur Lake, entertained their son

and daughtcr-ln-law Mr. and Mrs.Charles W. Rogers, jr., of Ruther-ford nnd Mrs. Prances Limduu. ofDcnvllle. on Chrlslmus.

Mrs. Mary Lou Phillips, of PoxHill road, who recently wus dlvorerdby John Frances Phillips, of Reno.formerly of Denville. lius filed suitfor u New Jersey divorce Irani Phil-lips and ii dute Im u hcnrinii hasbeen apt for eurly Junuury. Mrs.Phillips churned desert luu and cruel-ty. Mrs. Phillips hns filed suit inNew Jersey to mnkr sure thiil theseparation Is lentil.

Mrs. Robert IlllnKsworth. 8r.. nfDiamond Bprlnit Piuk. enlertalnrdat a Christmas Purty the followingguests: Dr. nnd Mrs. Ornnt Thor-horn nnd fnmlly, nf Brookslde; Mr.and Mrs. Robert Vexhle und fnmlly.of Newark, und Mrs. Add Dawsonand daUKhter. of Jersey City.

Christmas Bells! andJoyous Wedding Bells!

CKIi .MtVILI .K! I -.-.—cliir-vllle!Wllh n Jerk I lie iireiil Clirl»tiima

trulii eiinu) to it Mop iiinl ilio next itm-iniMit Sylvlii mill Hub were. Ill Inn Ilielrwuy thniiiijli I lie lin|'|,j, mulling Clirlxl-IllliH |iiiH*eti|:ei-ii luilen ullh I'lirceln,IIIIJCN, Hiillt'iiMi'H mill K"'"l " " I ' I'lirlxi-•mix : OirlMMiim everywhere!

OIT they IIM|I|II.II mill hnrrli'il tlmiiiirlillic tilllullii^ hhuw Hliiiiil 1<» Ilie IHHIKC• Ml till' Hlile. ul MM' hill. Ihi' nlil Ililnllliirliimii'sti'iiil "f S.\hlii r,r"iiM'ii. 'I here ItHI'KII I In It* niiowy emil iili'l nit'lsliinisM-eleullie - luurli I he *nnie im when shehllil left It bill II (n i l U'fi'le.

".Illsl tlllllk. tn he Illliri'leil I,|I t 'lilb-t -niiix, llnli. Till ' vnimlesf <ln.v In lln'whole jeur. Isn't It wmiilerlur: I.elslinrry. I run luinll} " I ' l l t" KIT Mmhcr!"

llnh iii'i|iili'KiTil hy II tlt'lil 'T (rrl|i <,/

Njlvlu'n IIrui mill n t'enliil Miille nf un


Stumping iiinl hnmlilnis the fi-iittii-r.v

fliiki'K fr'irn them, ll»\v "I'l'iioil I lie ili«>r

ami were nlinoHi mimiliereil with i-n-et

lngn anil HIKMIII I of "Mcir.v Cl ir lni i in- '

rri'ln the whole Innill.v.

Wlllll II "iKllI .' I'lirlKllHU" hell«: Weil

(IIHC helix!

The I ice IlKelf wnH ene (.•Illlerlni:

iniiKH nf llclils unil iiilnlnlnri- hiil« -

IH' I IH i'l fiM llli'l I'ellM nT ullver. I A . I I

henelllli ll» linilll'ln1" sliinil II Inn.''1 I"1"-

Hhll|>eil I'nlilllllier ullnl'lj' I'UKleil iliiKIl

t\ lth I'liriKtiniiH Kiri"—wHil l i i i : c i r i « -iiII fur llild "«e iilliht " f nl^li ls!- A lireII . I'nltner.

Denville Residents 'Have Celebration1


Hem Hip Clvlr Aiwociatlan Gives Can-dy And (tmngp* To Two llun-

' dred Children Sunday Kv'ng

Aboui I wo hundred xuthered ut' thr Imhled Christinas Tree at corn-' er ol Multi Road and Blonmfleldi Hvrnup. lust Sunday jrvenlns for the'! iinnutil Chrlslinns enrol ulnglng. un-'' der auspices of the DenvlUe CivicI Association. Messrs. Lylc Arnhelterand LrRoy Chambein. trumpeters.'

' led the SIIIBHIU of the first Carol, at - '| ter which nil present were Invited! to Ford's Hall, where the ERA Lels-|ine Tlmp Orchestrn of ten artists ledthe sliiuliiK of other enrols.

' Rev. R. C. Llntner. of the M. E.j ChuiTl). nnd Rev. N. C. Oause. of] Ihe Undenominational Church ex-tended words ol greeting. Rev. Fath-IT HewelNon who was Indisposed.was unable tn be present, dustnve

' Stobrr. president of the Civic Asso-' ilntlon. wns master of ceremonies.After ihe Hinging nearly 200 child-,ren formed In line, and were Riventin orunite nnd pneknge of candy.The untunes were donnted by Den-'vllle Dicichnnts. One fnmlly donntedabout 200 rnndy containers, and

' furnished the ennd.v. The contrlbu-jtlons of kind nnd Interested friendsI mnde this very successful affair po«-,slblr The Denville Volunteer FireDepartment Rnve Invaluable serviceand co-operation, nnd assisted whole

.hemtedly In erecting nnd lluhtlnuthe tree. On Mondny. the ornngesleft over, were delivered by the to thr sick nnd aged, thnioulthe community. The Committeewishes to thnnk everyone who as-slstrd In nny way to mnke this a renlCommunity Chrlstmns Tree Celebrn-tlon.


Township Commltteemnn nnd Mrs.A Sclden Wnlker. ol Cednr Lnke. leftlast Bnturriny for Newark, wherethey will mnkr their home for thebnlnner ol the winter months.

Police Chief ToGet "Yellow Ticket"

Klnsry Will Be Asked To Resiw TheFirst or The Year By



New ConstructionUnder Housing Plan

Federal IIOUKIJIK Administration Rr-nort« That Bullden Arr Definite-

ly In New Construction

The oil ice of Chief ol Police ofDenville Township will be ubollshedafter the firm of trie year, accordingto the report of Commltteeman Jos- Ieph P. Hughes, who notified thepresent Chief. Benjamin F. Klnscy.who has been at the head of the de-partment for the past seven yearsMr. Hughes will become TownshipChairman. January l.

Whether or not u successor will beappointed. Is not certain, but Indi-cations are that the Township policework will be done by constables, asIt was prior to Klnsey's appointment.Klnsey's salary was $2,200 a year.Also, the chief was getting n pensionfrom the city of Jersey City, wherehe served as n police officer and re-tired on account of the regulationsregnrdlng age.

A move to oust Klnsey two yenrsago fulled when a lnrge number ofcitizens signed u petition asking re-tention of the chief. About fivemonths nno Klnsey was accused offalling to carry out orders of thecommittee by a member of the com-mittee, but other members came tothe reKcue and succeeded in hnvlnghim retained. The caucus of the1035 committee wus held Mondaynight nnd It wns decided nt thismeeting thnt the Chief b<> asked toquit.

In Nevy Jersey Is to resume its nor-mal state. Already some developershave building campaigns in thecourse of preparation, and by Springthey should be ready for u viRoruus(ampnlKM.

' 11 is IIIMI un assured liict thatunder uny development with mort-

Oncr.nlIve builders or home devel- U l l 8 t . s insured by Hit- Federal Hous-opers. who huve been Important lac- ,,,„ Administration. rnnMrurtion willtors in Ihe past In New Jersey reul |,e n| „ substantial imture " assertedestate and home development, are Mr. Walsh. "All plans uncl speeift-definitely in the new construcllon en thins- will be checked by FHA be-pronram of the Federal HOUSIIIK Ad- | o l ( , approval for insurance, and theministration program, according to work of construction will be follow-announcement of Arthur Walsh, Re- ,,(j closely while building is underKionnl FHA Director, and Arthur H. w a j r to assure that specifications areDill, loeiil chairman. lollowe.d nut tn the letter. Conse-

Under the provisions of the Nu- , quently. the prospective purchasertlonal Housinii Act. such developers ( . a n rr\y u p o n .„ t r u P presentation olore entitled to borrow up to eighty values In the home he may buy withpercent, of the appiuised value of this new muluul Insurance plan."

Where shoddy work or materials

It pays to Advertise.


HELLOI Hera'* newt andvltwa ol tht *tar* you • • •and hear . , . They arefilming "Tarian In Quate-mala" In the Junglea olCtntral America. HermanBrj> ia In role JohnnyWeiamuller had . . . Wantlo go on a ewell party Bat.Uf d ay night? F r a n kBlack'* Oroheatra, John B.Ktnnedy and a new talentconteat Judged by your oldInendi Paul Whltonurt,Jtaaica Dragonette, Oladyttwtrthout and Larry Tib-bitt. They will award thespecially dealgnad RadioCity Trophy and a VlotorReoordlng contract. Takeour tip, get In on the Ra-dio City Party. NBC-WJZnatwork, Saturday night atnine. . . . Did you knowthat Tom Mix fought Inthe SpanlehAmerloan warand waa ahot through the |rcof of the mouth whileIn action?

• • •Olngtr Rogera and FredAitalre, the danolng team•I Carlooa fame, are at It•gain In "The Oay Dlvor-tie." Their new dance I IThe Continental. (Warn.Ing I It takei planty olfloor apace to do It.) . . .The •tream.llne train la Inthe movie* now. You williia It, Inelde and out, In'The Silver Streak." But(bn't let 'em fool you, It'*the original train , , ,"J«llofolka," aayi Mary Living*tone, Jack Benny'* wife.Cr«'y aa they eeem, they•re happily married. Ourcameraman oaught Marywriting one of thoee goofypoem* for their Sundaynight laugh-riot on theNBCWJZ blue network.[i«ry wanted ua to givetier • word lo rhym* withIUU... NUT8?

• • •Katharine) Hepburn wa* soIrtd aftar making "The"Hie Mlnlttar," tnat ah* ,quietly ilippad away to te"«r doctor-father-* farm In ffConnecticut to epend the ?Jmt* eeaaon , . , Although ¥•"*i Allen la on* of the <"world'* funnleit m»n, you jwouldn't know It to look \wHhlm- H*r« ha I* (left)with j l o k smart, • mem-,'«• of The Mighty AllenArt Oroup, warming up for<»• comedian'* Wednea-°*y evening NBC pro-gram, « r o w n H , | , T o .""OhL" That'a Portland"offa in th* background1 „• • T | ny §«y It won't b*£"« until all movl** areE?L L" eolor • • • W«'OIJ», htrCi wlahlno youft MBHRV XMA8 AND AHAPPy NEW YEAR.


Robert Cnspnr Llntner, Pastor

Sundny mornlnn nt 11. the churchservice or worship. The sermon sub-ject will be: "When the Anuels WentAwny." Sermon to Boys und Oliis."Resolutions". The Junior Choir will

slnn nt this service. Be sure to come.Church School Ht 0:45. with eluss-

cs and » welcome for nil.Vesper Service Sundny afternoon

nt 4:30. A cnndle Unhung servicewhich you will like. Speclul music.Be sure to be present. And tell yourfriends.

Epworth LeuMiie. Sundny cvcnlnKat 7. You are invited.

SuUirdny evcninR nt 8. the PrayerMcetmn lit the home- of Mr. andMrs. Snmucl Peer on the DlnmondSprinu Rnnd. with the pustor uslender.

The Christimis Pnrty which wusl» hnve been held Thursdny nfier-i K K i n . U e e . ^ 7 . i d t h e p - n .•.,m;i-,-, I m s

be* n |><iM p u n i ' d .

'1 h e ( ' ( i i n t n i i i i H v ' ••, lii v. 'II m i , '

Wednesduy, Jun. 2. nt 2 p. m., nndMrs. B. P. Creuiner. of Mnrnstown.will uddrcsK the mectliu! nt 3 p. m.The Indies of the ciinimunlly nreciirdliilly Invited

"Lone Wolf's" Tracksin the Christmas Snow

T i i i : m : h e n i u i » i . - " " i i n . i , m i , ' W i ' i r : "

h l i l l » i i v , 1 , ' U M I l i e l i i H - i ' l , ' m i , 1 s t II

MHIU l , , \ f | | ' , | lllllllM-Hltt.. t i l l ' MX','II IIIKIh l a r i i lKr lMvnm I,in ini.-I.K :ii<,I .-Im'l

,,\1.V Ji^'llri' I IJ IKI I I I ) , ' >;lNI, ' l i l l i^ )-lierl

(if lei- •-••!• t•-•! Miniv. l i e | ! l l /e , | l i l inuTlly

ll'UIM-ll l| MIMlll ^I'lMlll Ut lll'MM'S llll<l

'II, ' ,I 1.• i.-.• 111.• r 1,1 Ihe l,,,'l " f t l . i ' l i i l l .;i r11>ul iii_-111 i;:,'iiiiilhf rrnin III,-ir u rn

euch house and property, provided'thnt ninotint dors not exceed $16,000. ure found used, the developer may

•In fact, these builders come in l o s , , n l K mM U ) m o r l K B R e msurance.under the same wneral terms which , u n d n l s r n a n c e s o f s e l I l n | , a h o u s e

apply to the Individual owner", said w h | ( . n n H S f a l l e d ( 0 w l n edibility forDirector Walsh. "The loan, how- i F ( . d p r a , ,„„„,.„„„, u r e a ( . r | 0 U 8 l y e l 1 .ever, must be on each separate piece , ja n K e r e {jof property. " . . . ^

"In normal times." continued Mr FKEKIIOLDEK AND MRS. MYERSWalsh, "home developers were a f u c { KNTKKTAINS. CHRISTMAS DAYtor In the upbuilding of suburbanNew Jersey. They erected houses, Freeholder and Mrs. Fred S. My-vrhlch ran Into millions unnunlly. j rr»- '" Orchard street, entertainedHome tracts were brouxht into ex-!11' " f a m " y d l n n ( ' r l)Ilr|y o n Chrlst-Istence. and new towns even created | m B S "">• A m o n K l n o s r p r e s e n t w e l e

under these operations. New Jersey i M l »nfi M l s - Raymond J. Parks andKiew In population, thousands of !""""-v- <)f M t T a b o l ' : N i > t n a n Ja*'people commit here from o ther . wrs und t wo sons and daunhter; Mr.Slates, while hundreds of city dwell- i » n d M l s - Thomas R. Moses, of Den-ers were attracted to the country. I v M e- « n d w " l l B n l Pmce 8 r - a n d

Suburban communities grew in , s < ) n William, of Union City,wealth and Influence tus a result of |this mlRi-atlon.

"In very recent yenrs. however.Ihe depression hns virtually sloppedthis home bulldtnu. ' continued Mr.Walsh. "The slump hns taken Itstoll on developers and home ownersalike. Operative buiklinn must be

Those who don't auree with usinny be as rlnht as we—both have a

j riliht td an opinion—nnd. after all.both may be wronii.

It wns the Oreat Creator himselfwho niade dons too human—so hu-man that sometimes they put hu-

started nKuin if lionic construction j mnnity to shame.—Hulton


ABOUT HAIR ANDHAIR TREATMENTSYou may be one of millionswho has wasted time, hope,money on "tonics" and treat-ments . . . Now CharlesNessler, inventor of (he per-manent wave, lending hairM'icniist, author of "Story ofll.iir". makes a simple bucrevolutionary discovery that ends

BALDNESS • DANDRUFFOILINESS • THINNING HAIRIn the past, tonics and treatmentstried to slop hair from falling.That is as useless .is to iry to stopan animal from shedding! Whutv>u must do is make your scalp re-pl.uc tin.1 hair thnt falls—in .short,complete the- hair growing cycle.

It is on scii'iitinc principle

that Charles Ncsslcr's Pro-Kcr isbased. 50,000 tests have proved(hat Pro-Kcr produces results.1 lair for hair, it makes the scalpreplace falling hair with new hair.

I'.njoy your birthright—beauti-ful, I rous hair. Send for CharlesNesslcr's revealing booklet. Bet-Icr still, buy Pro-Ktr in your drug-gi.M, or m:iil thecoupon btluw.

^ s.As Mm-)-

I i : i i , , - \ i l l e ^ s l

t \si i iml

In, i : i l i ln ' l i - | , ' - i , it •- 11 -*•

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j e i i r x s i n ' I I I M I I , M I L - , ' I t " | i " - * I t .

I , n t I H T l i i i . - l . i i l n l , I M I n , I I I | , | , I - , , M - . » • "

s h e I n , , I , l , , n e u l l l I I I .

Mur.v I.Miilie l im.l iei l M « , I J :i li-:ir II"

she ll L-lit ',f tlit. niveleil |ili Hire iilul j

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her l inl l i t i'f1"i'K In ln.'lle lier l;iinllj

hll|<|>>' eli I ' 11 r 1 t II l; iH.

W hen nil " i i - hi r<-:nM iii-^y iiml Ihe

iree 1,,-iiiililiill.v Irlinllieil. Mary I •niKi-

eiilli'il In lln- f.-iliilly fur I lie I'hri-'l II I I IH

i'l-lehnil!,,M. l l ' i"- Ilie rh l l ' ln l i ,Inure,1

mill lure nhi'iil (In' l".v " I renn livliic

rcii ln' I I " " 'le:ir i,hl .1,'hli ;,|,^,rlie,l

Mmxi-ll' In li i" l'itin,l !„•"• Miinl.iie.- i-nl

l',t :

\ V | | « . M : , r i I . M I I K I , | i , r , ' ' , i M - l l l t l L - ' -

'I urlkilc. --lie ^:iM' .Inlih In, l.ilii: up

!ln- ni"«i :i,I,,ml,Ii- liil "f l. i | , i-lr> In- !

t,:nl I H T M-ell • "The I.MIH- \ \ , , | l ' : .Ill't I

til l ' Ilillil! 1'T Illiit U-reilt r-n.pty «-;ill |s|,:iei-' "Merry I'lii-l-liiuis Miii'.\." *:iM.Inliti. ii«. ihev nil M,,i,,l t a / ln i : iipnn" I In- I ',!,,• W. i l l " u l l h liiw (r:n l.-« InI), , . unnvL — Allei1 I!, rnltuer.

}:rcc jrovt Ali'obul An iscilltut llttiitiiiisiitgPro-Kcr>ur.nii(i(*s, 'iOd M.i«li-.nn A \ c , N i w YuikT'n*I*»st-<! fin,) f , lur wl i id i j k . e e MIUIme, |iii-.ip,iui:

Q 1 C , < , / . M « P H D K I H in SI . 'U r ' H - n v <-n i ' l K l - K l It („ SI .n i l




1 «!" f i l l "


~. . Warmlnfl up for "TownHall Tonight"

TUT, i-nrnl VWK ,

.leynllH iliiiire. 11

rnilinn frinn lite relit* " i i * li'i"

lerily nf Ilie I ' l irlhin er.i. l'er>>

1'erirriuir, writljiy In "The tt\-

fiiril Hunk ,,f i'iarc«|x." M I > « :

"The clirel, h,v fnr-iiUini: the

Mmeli'HH eniiteiiiiiliitlvi- iiieliiilli-H

(if the chiireh, liemm Ilii' era nfmodern iniinle, which llimuKhnuthnn lieen hnneil on Hie iliince."

No parts totumble or fumbleA l l o n e p i n c, ( ictti 1II;UU.

i lt;in<, sli;i\ I S ill a jilTy.I wUt— il open'-! T w i s t —

il doM's! I)u;il A l i g n m e n t|n» ks lilt* lil.uli- M> ri;;ii!l v\ ( i l l i : n i s ; i f c l y l l ' - . c r h r k r - r t i -c s t ed").'.L- ( H i r ; i r t I i . ( i c i nM i t T n i i i . i l i i 1 U h i c l i - s l:i!.f M iI i Mi j . 1 , , s l i ; i M" s o M m IIM 111 V( h i l l ; t l l .' u l i s l i l i i l t • ' , ; i r<; c . \ -1 r ; i V ; l " ; . l t ) 1 . I ) i < - i < n v i T t l l t -r a / . o r t l i . i t ( l i i p ] u ; i l c s ( l i el u i r l u - r ' s l i ' l i ) . ' , J . : l i i l i l i ^ , r

s t r o k f . A s k j o u r t l < ; i l e ri i b n i i t ( i c i n .

( « i n S . , ! , u l ; . , , , . ( i , i | , , I ; t i n , N Yem<V»ICR™AT.C Jiazor and Blades

Page 8: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which



Day by DayL I k i nH. M. R.

holidnvs in Maryland with relatives


{Received a Chr is t inas erec t ing

card from Bill Hornr r . of the M O T - •j is town Record. T h a n k s a lot Bill.Hope your wish comes true to me.r.lso to yourself.

Well I'm ready for some more fire-works toniitht nt the Council meet-ing. I suppose Dor'U have ano the rlast say. The re Is to be a meet ins ofthe 1935 Board following the repulartession. Hope it won't be closed ".





Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Cole, of Flush-ing L. J.. »«' visiting the formersparent N. Mr. and Mrs. Oron P. Cole,

"of Union Mieel.

Dr. iind Mrs. J Howard Hulsnrlof South Morris .street, enlertainedal Christ inn.- dinner. Mr. and Mrs.Hiirvey Giiei'in and Inmily. of Plun-ders.

Mr. umi Mrs. Ousluve Heller, cifWesi Oriiiige. -pent the week-endwith I he former's parents. Mr. andMrs. Mas Heller, ol South Morris


Chief of the Fire Department.Robert McNeil, Monday afternooncaught on fire while inspecting con-ditions at the Liondale plant. TheChief ivas watching the engineer

DOVERThe condition of John E. Church.

of 15 Lincoln avenue, who was in-"poke" his fire and the poker was Ju l .Pd w n e n n e r e l l oI! a bridge lastdrawn out of the box and laid close F l . i d a y i s improved, according to re-to the chief's trousers. Soon after p o l . t s f l o m Dover General Hospital.someone smetled the odor of cloth w n c i e ,„ w a s t n k e n H c ,s a n o m .burning and there it was—the chiefs' p l o v e f o f t n c D . L. & W. Railroadpants burninK. ancl w-as working on a bridge near


spending their holiday uuutlon withtheir parents,

Mr, and Mrs. Allan Vnndervcer.of Brooklyn, spent Christmas Daywith their brother-in-law and sister,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, ofNorth Sussex street.

Funeral services were held yes ter -when a gust of wind day afternoon for Mrs. Minnie F o r -

Have you heard of the tellow who ,caused him to lose his balance and dyee Smith . 65. wife of Harry E.has to pay back to the Emergency .Relief Adminis t ra t ion $65.00. w h i c h , ' ___ _ --^~ •• T — • -_\T-:he collected under false pretenses.•Well, we unders tand Miss O'Brien1 rapped th is fellow and he now hasto pay it back at the rate of $5.00a week. It seems the fellow appliedlor relief when he didn't have a joband the relief officials paid to hisfamily a certain sum each week, un-ti l it accumula ted $65.00. In her tourof inspection she discovered that1his m a n h a d been working for somel ime previous and was collecting therellel money al the same time. Sohe will be $5.00 shorter in his fundsunti l the $65.00 is returned.

TYPEWRITERSRented • RepairedExchanged • Sold

A thorough cleaning, oiling andadjusting will improve the workof your typewriter 100 per cent.

Slifcr Typewriter Co.311 IIALSEY STREET

Corner Branford Place. NewarkMitchell 2-0050-51

A few persons in this vicinity werecaught without gasoline in their car ,Chris tmas day afternoon and had to .cancel their holiday tr ip to friends. ,Reason—practically every gasoline.station was closed after 12 o'clock.Some people had started on the t n p ,with the Idea they always hud—-"we ;can get it on the way"—and di.icov- j•red that , when the tank was nearly iempty, the .station headed lor. was Iclosed.

Season's (greetingsTo YOU and YOU and YOU




. he fell 30 feet. Smith, at the home of her son anddaughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob

Chevrolet OutputGains 35 Percent.

We had an unusual query present - ](d last week that will take a little M i s s Marjorie Smith, a member of Fordyce, of 133 West Clinton s treet ,time to get an answer on. It seems, t n c Gat-wood Public School facul ty. : and at 2 o'clock from St . John ' stha t there was a friendly argument ' 1S . sp e n c j jng the holiday season with j Episcopal Church with the Rev. The 1934 product ion of Chevroletrelative to who is and who is not n e r p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s , Theodore Andrews, rector, official- passenger cars and t rucks will showlermed foreigners, aliens, how they, S m , t h . of North Sussex street. ing. with in te rment in Mt. Freedom a n Increase of aproxlmate ly 35 pe r -cet that way etc. One phase of the ; Cemetery. Mrs. Smi th passed away cent over 1633, M. E. Coyle, presi - !

Dr. William E. Taylor, ol Pros- Sunday night a t her home in Shon- d e n t and general m a n a g e r of t h e Ipect street, accompanied by Dr. A l - : Rum road following a brief illness. Chevrolet Motor Co.. ha s announced ,von Spencer, of West Blackwell St . . ' She is also survived by a brother .


fiuesiion is- "When an Americanoorn couple yo to China and have anew-born youngster, is this child anAmerican or ;i foreign subject 1" aim William R. Briggs. of Lake H o - j Arthur

piitcong. are enjoying a week's hun t -ing in Virginia.


178 MAIN STREET. Corner Beach St. !•„„„. „


Wish Yon A IIAl'PY


Pears or Peaches 2 MSHAMROCK COFFEE. Vacuum Packed, 1 Ib. tunr " o "The better grade" FLOUR, 3>t lb, bagI'CO Van VANILLA or LEMON EXTRACT, ', »». B r t « ,UCO "The better grade" BAKING CHOCOLATE. ', |b, b wBABO CLEANSER. Z cansSHAMROCK PEAS, Early June, Z large cansUCO "The better grade" CARROTS and PEAS large canUCO "Thr better grade" FRUITS tor SALAD, largest OMKIRKMAN S SOAP, 6 cake*IVORY FLAKES, large pkgLA FRANCE POWDER, pkg.MAXWELL HOU8E COFFEE. 1 Ib. canTRESSED FIGS, (layers) 8 o*. pkg.I C O "The better grade" PANCAKE FLOUR. 20 m. pk|. mil

PANCAKE SYRUP, 16 oi. bottle. BOTII FOUUCO "The better grade" DATES, (pitted) 2 - 8 ui. pkgi,SHAMROCK SALAD DRESSING, qt. JarSpecial Fancy 8L1CED BACON, Vi lb. pkg.UCO EGGS, White Leghorn, Carton of 12CRU8TENE VEGETABLE SHORTENING, 1 Ib. printUCO Fancy PUMPKIN. 2 large cansPURE SWEET CIDER, No deposit, gallon JugCLIQUOT CLUB, Pale Dry or Golden, plut deposit, qt, bottleUCO MARSIIMALLOWS, 1 lb. cellophane bagUCO STUFFED OLIVES, 10 fluid ounce*SELECTED CLEARV1EW EGGS, doienCHOCOLATES, fancy Assortment. 5 Ib. boxPEPPERMINT PATTIES, Green'* 1 Ib. boxBrach's Quality Assortment In Bulk, Ib.

A COMPLETE VARIETY OF DELICIOUS CANUlrg IN BURCream Drops. Gums, Jellies, Chocolate* and

Grocer's Mixed, Z pound* IdCome In and see our display of many other ('undies

These prlcea in effect from Thurs.. Dec, 27 th to Wed.. Jan. to&tat,

Whole Swift's Premium Hams, IbWhole Fresh Hams, Ib.Smoked Shoulders, lb.Chuck Roast, lb.FRESH HAMBURG Ib.LOINS PORK, whole or half, rib end, Ib.Prime Rib Roast, lb.I ,arge End Rib Roast, lb.HOME MADE SAUSAGE, Ib.Beef Liver, lb.FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS, Ib.FRESH FOWL, for fricassee, Ib.FANCY FRESH TURKEYS, lb.


l\iA1*1lit IIkl111 Itill"•IIkltit Iid I(hithlIN I


Fillet of Sole, Ib.Large Oysters, dozenClams, dozen

These prices for Friday and Saturday only

1 4 c |20cIfclIfcl2 x |23c l25clM29c|23c3 S c |21c20c19c

There ' s mow to it than tha t but wefxpect an answer Irom one who is" u p " in these a l la i i s in a short timei.nd v e i l ill you know about it.

The first hand-out of what theLosev and one eranriwn M r ' C ° y l e b a S e d h ' S e s t l m a t e o n , President's Committee on Social Be-L o w and one grandson. p l - n d u c U o n { l g u r e s , o r l n e , l r s t ID! curlty Is recommending in the way


Mr. ancl Mrs. C. A. Axhbey. ol DPHart a\enue. urc enlertnininB thelatters mother. Mrs. Harriet Cotton,ol Shippcnville. Pu.. during the hol-iday season.

Mr. ancl Mrs.Lincoln avenue.

O. u. Murray.are spending


months of the present year .

Pay rolls for the first 10 m o n t h s of

j of unemployment Insurance failed tocreate more than a ripple of Interest.The tentative plan of the Committee

J\ist had a lit tip birdie I'll'hat there expects to be a MirimseM the January mcetinc d theBornuch Council. It will be when'he appointment of officials (onu1

.ip. The Mayor will have hi" choice M r s D- Wallev Feuley and twoand the members oi the emtncil will "Inlclren. of King street, are spend-havc another choice, we understand "]E "" ' llf'liday. with relatives in

. ' than for all of 1933. Mr. Coyle sald.!" r e " " r , c a l l . for a direct levy of 3 per centon payrolls to provide the reserve


The total wages and salaries paid to, f u n d E v l d e n t l y t h l 8 „ a n o t n e r

Chevrolet employees up to november • c h e v r o M e m p I o y e e s u p l 0 November1 tn all 1ft n l a n t e tnr/\iinVinnt (Viain all Us plants throughout thecountry was $67,606,994.59. he said.

. theory that concessions will be nec-essary.

The capi tal KiirhMiii Banguit h a t t he KoldiciV bonuiwill force the bill on thc Priwithout a. h i tch , but they will 1Mr. Roosevelt holding a switchm a y c r o w itiio H club before Ibonus Issue IN willed. If lit I•'Levy the tuxes to raise the Ibefore you pity thi1 bonui,"gressmen will ln-tir from tht i


in to

But. usually, the latter's deciMon wi.'tile, inasmuch as H should b< mn-jority vote of the entire counril.

Understand Jack Mutrhler is t'(.-np to "take the nua" in April.

I understand that a car imi«l i,ysome State official hud an accidentat Hibernia the other day nnd thcpai'ticulars "arc not to be made pub-:ir." While nothing definite hasleaked out. it is" understood that thecar was driven by some Game War-den?

Miss Ethel Townsemi and EdwardCannon of Kellar avenue are visitingMiss Townsencl's parents at FinnYan. N. Y.

Rfachnc. Pa.

J Edwurd Church, ofttus « visitor m town on Christina.1-Day renewing old acquaintances.

To my many friends andcustomers; this is to notifyyou that I am now located at

Belleville, the Rockaway Manor Ser-vice Station (Bull's Place)on State Highway whereyou will find me willing andready to serve honestly asin the past.

Mr. and Mrs. Hany Miller, of 148 Wishing You a "Bright andProspect street. m me proud par- Prosperous New Year"cnts of ii son bom Sunday.

New Steel Revolutionizes Springing on 1935 Automobiles

Nfr. and Mrs. Edsar Swedell. ofLancaster, Pa., are spendinc thcholidays with their parents .

Augustus Baker, son of Dr. A. L.L.. Baker, of West Blackwell s t r ee t . 'and Ernest Gill, son of Mr. and Mrs.Har ry R. Gill, of Sanford street,s tudents at Princeton University, are

WALTER B. WILSONPhone 484 or 241 IR«R. I for "Service"


OulFs Place'formerly Rockaway Manor)

FLASH—A wonderful—delicious—appetizing door prize to the lady holdingthe lucky number. OPEN HOUSE New Year's Eve. Come and see pros-perity come in with the New Year. .

<fBull's""the name - N o Cover ChargeRoute 6 Tel. 484 Rockaway ROY L. BULL, Prop.

nom IKIM niauiiar' 0 « l MltfUTIlnf.1

r OR i'ie first time In the history oftl." automobile Induitr? a short,

lfaf iprlng has been developed thatis strong but resilient Combinedwith other notable development* uprovides a new method or springingwhich with weight redistribution a|.fords better rlfllnj! qualities. It ba ibeen made possible by the develop-ment of a revolntlonair new type of

In the past toe great differencetetween the higher priced oars andttose of lower price wat always inthe matter, of ride, Wheelbam w uconsidered tbe explanation, bm'thereal wason was the fact that the

I? ?'*"• beln8 rtort«- *«»•An unusual charactartatlc of

this spring made or the new typesteel, known as "Mola." which wasrecently developed ID tbe engineer-In? laboratories of Chrysler Motor*,1» that It uses two main leaves, eachof which ts wrapped around tbeshackle bolt. The lower leaf Is seg-mented at tbe center to allow forelongation. Another feature of this•orlng l i that the leaves are thinnerBI tbe end* than *t tbe center. Tbefront sprtaga bare approglmauly™" I a n | 8 frequency as tbe rear•Prtng. Ttala, and a redistribution ofthe car wejght, placet approilmate-U U>* M a e load on the front andrear (prints and results In equalised

S i 2 L f * U ? \ Wltb tbta BBW •'»«•«»the car ride tta* tame. .

The flrat car In the » • JHeld to be equipped «lt»i tWtype spring wlir be the J»» ™» r

outb. a Chrysler Motors ***An imporunt future of

sue) iprlngi. that not «#»»»JJ.and resilient, but It U «IM *""lived. , , ut

Further control of ""r u,bounce 1* achieved by use of dWJJacting shock absorbers. TW »Inltely add to tbe comfort o!» £ J..»,er.lDtbebM».eBL»lo«^ ( 0. .»,er.lDtbeblive measures n«vetbe 1MB Plymouth to fsway by mean, of tbel.ldwway elln.lD»tnr

t id .pr lngwre lspring when needed,oa an even keel'

Page 9: ROCKAWAY · rwd ROCKAWAY RECORD Morris County's Newsiest Weekly - Our Aim "A better community in which

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