Roberts Earns Support of Two Health Care Organizations

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HOUSTON – Kevin Roberts, conservative Republican candidate for Texas State Representative, District 126, announced support from the Texas Hospital Association PAC (HOSPAC) and the Texas Dental Association PAC (DENPAC) today.

Transcript of Roberts Earns Support of Two Health Care Organizations

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Allen Blakemore Tuesday, February 02, 2016 713-526-3399 Roberts Earns Support of Two Health Care Organizations HOUSTON Kevin Roberts, conservative Republican candidate for Texas State Representative, District 126, announced support from the Texas Hospital Association PAC (HOSPAC) and the Texas Dental Association PAC (DENPAC) today. I spent over a decade of my career in the health care industry, so to have support from organizations in this sector is humbling, said Roberts. I look forward to using not only my experience in this regard, but also these resourceful relationships to be the best representative for the constituents in HD126. HOSPAC opens the door to better health care policy by supporting candidates who understand the complexities and challenges facing Texas hospitals. As Texas Hospital Associations (THA) bipartisan political action committee, HOSPAC works hand-in-hand with THA members to build vital relationships with lawmakers. DENPAC, the general purpose action committee of the Texas Dental Association, is a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated group of dentists whose goal is to influence the nomination or election of state candidates who have demonstrated their concern for the preservation of dentistry as an independent profession, and for the dental health of the people of Texas. More information about the campaign is available at ###