Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes ) - Christ Church · Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes )...

The Quarterly Newsletter of Christ Church, Warwick, Bermuda Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes ) Roberta was born on the 28 th January, 1937 in Kingston, Ontario, to Robert and Isabelle Terretta Innes (the daughter of Duncan and Sarah Ferguson, nee MacMillan). Robert was born in Portknockie on the north coast of Scotland, so Roberta has a long Scottish heritage. Her father was the manager of Loblaws store in Kingston. Isabelle was busy in the commu- nity, in the church and as a child development volunteer, passing on many skills to her daughters. Music was a part of family life and Roberta enjoyed singing, piano ( and briefly organ lessons). Her sister, Annabelle, was a busy and highly valued stage singing star in the area. Roberta attended school in Kingston at Rideau school and became Head Girl, going on to study at Kingston Collegiate Vocational Institute. Her Minister’s daughter at the United Church encouraged her to train in the relatively new field of Medical Lab Technology. After qualifying Roberta went to work as the hospital lab technician for the Deep River Atomic Energy site. There she met a nurse who had just returned from Bermuda, having nursed the hospital pathologist’s wife. Roberta found herself in Bermuda as the lab technician under Dr. Ev Shaw. She feels blessed to have been able to live in such a beautiful part of God’s creation. Soon after experiencing riding a mobylette, the 20 mph speed limit and gaining a love of the beaches, she was swept off her feet by Jack Robinson into a social whirlwind. They were soon married and within two years her very special daughter, Terri was born. Two years later her amazing daughter Karin was born. By this time her stepson, David, had moved to Bermuda and become one of the family. Roberta had come to Bermuda at a time when lab technicians worked in all areas of the service and were housed in a one room lab in the oldest part of the hospital, which later became the chapel. Years later she was asked to join the ECG/EEG service, which brought a new learning curve. Roberta was soon the head of a busy department. Another development soon followed with the move to digital testing and additional services continued the ongoing learning process. The addition of echocardiography was the most rewarding.

Transcript of Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes ) - Christ Church · Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes )...

The Quarterly Newsletter of Christ Church, Warwick, Bermuda

Roberta Grant Robinson ( nee Innes )

Roberta was born on the 28th January, 1937 in Kingston, Ontario, to Robert and Isabelle Terretta Innes (the daughter of Duncan and Sarah Ferguson, nee MacMillan). Robert was born in Portknockie on the north coast of Scotland, so Roberta has a long Scottish heritage. Her father was the manager of Loblaws store in Kingston. Isabelle was busy in the commu-nity, in the church and as a child development volunteer, passing on many skills to her daughters. Music was a part of family life and Roberta enjoyed singing, piano ( and briefly organ lessons). Her sister, Annabelle, was a busy and highly valued stage singing star in the area.

Roberta attended school in Kingston at Rideau school and became Head Girl, going on to study at Kingston Collegiate Vocational Institute. Her Minister’s daughter at the United Church encouraged her to train in the relatively new field of Medical Lab Technology. After qualifying Roberta went to work as the hospital lab technician for the Deep River Atomic Energy site. There she met a nurse who had just returned from Bermuda, having nursed the hospital pathologist’s wife. Roberta found herself in Bermuda as the lab technician under Dr. Ev Shaw. She feels blessed to have been able to live in such a beautiful part of God’s creation.

Soon after experiencing riding a mobylette, the 20 mph speed limit and gaining a love of the beaches, she was swept off her feet by Jack Robinson into a social whirlwind. They were soon married and within two years her very special daughter, Terri was born. Two years later her amazing daughter Karin was born. By this time her stepson, David, had moved to Bermuda and become one of the family.

Roberta had come to Bermuda at a time when lab technicians worked in all areas of the service and were housed in a one room lab in the oldest part of the hospital, which later became the chapel. Years later she was asked to join the ECG/EEG service, which brought a new learning curve. Roberta was soon the head of a busy department. Another development soon followed with the move to digital testing and additional services continued the ongoing learning process. The addition of echocardiography was the most rewarding.

Summer 2017 Page 2

The Manse June 2017

Dear Friends

Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost when as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles the

Holy Spirit descended upon the first disciples as they met in Jerusalem. The next weeks

are traditionally a time when, in worship, we reflect on the development and growth of

the early Church. While it may have been a time of great excitement and optimism we

find that it was not long before the Apostle Paul, for example was involved in, and

having to address conflict. To whichever young church he visited or wrote his plea was

always that they learn to live together in unity, work through their differences and over-

come their divisions.

It seems that in recent months, or indeed years, countries and societies in many parts of the world have become

increasingly divided and polarised. Many of these divisions have been along cultural, religious, ethnic or eco-

nomic lines resulting in tension and indeed violence. In such circumstances it is very easy for people to retreat

into what one commentator described as one’s “natural tribe” and erect barriers. The task of reconciliation is

the difficult one of trying to overcome such barriers.

It may be known to some of you that the Church of Scotland operates a school in Jaffa, Israel. Tabeetha School

was created near the end of the 19th century to offer an education to young girls but now offers an education up

to Baccalaureate standard to pupils from Christian, Jewish and Muslim backgrounds, with the staff also drawn

from all sectors of that society. Places at the school are much in demand. In recent years part of the curriculum

for senior pupils has included an overnight visit to the village of Neve Shalom, which lies between Tel Aviv

and Jerusalem. Neve Shalom is Hebrew for Oasis of Peace and is taken from a passage in Isaiah – “My people

shall dwell in an oasis of peace.”

The inspiration behind the project came from Bruno Hussar in the 1970’s, who said, “We had in mind a small

village composed of inhabitants from different communities in the country. Jews, Christians and Muslims

would live there in peace, each one faithful to his own faith and traditions, while respecting those of others.

Each would find in this diversity a source of personal enrichment.”

As of 2010 the village was home to some sixty families with another 300 families on a waiting list for settle-

ment in the community, and a recently approved expansion plan will permit the village to grow in coming

years. Half the inhabitants are Jewish Israelis, the rest Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs. Given the his-

tory of Israel/Palestine it is hardly surprising that difficulties arise. One resident stated the issue in these terms:

“The Neve Shalom experience humanizes the conflict. It is called an oasis, but only as compared to other areas

of the country. The village has many difficulties but at least we are not being broken. We do have personal

squabbles as in any village, but we are living the conflict instead of fighting it.”

The working through of conflict always requires the building of relationships and the striving for community –

Baptisms March 26th Hudson John Portelli

May 28th Owen James Botelho

Eliza Daisy Petty

Scarlett Poppy Petty

June 11th Joseph Peter Nicholas Griffiths

Burial May 6th Jeremiah Enoch Faries

Summer 2017 Page 3

Church Calendar

JUNE Sunday, June 18th 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship. Final day of CCY for the summer.

CCY Celebration at 11 a.m. service


Sunday, June 25th 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship. Baptism at 8 a.m.. All-age service at 11 a.m.

Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne will attend morning worship.

Tuesday, June 27th 7.30 p.m. Congregational Board meeting, Thorburn Hall

Friday, June 30th Family BINGO Night! - 6 - 9 p.m. - Thorburn Hall

JULY Sunday, July 2nd 10 a.m. Morning Worship with Summer CCY

Tuesday, July 4th Happy 4th of July to our American Friends!

Sunday, July 9th 10 a.m. Morning Worship with Summer CCY

Sunday, July 16th 10 a.m. Morning Worship with Summer CCY

Sunday, July 23rd 10 a.m. Morning Worship with Summer CCY

Sunday, July 30th 10 a.m. Morning Worship with Summer CCY


August 3rd & 4th CELEBRATE CUP MATCH! Sunday, August 6th 10 a.m. Morning Worship. No Summer CCY - youth attend church.

Sunday, August 13th 10 a.m. Morning Worship. No Summer CCY - youth attend church.

Saturday, August 19th Concert in Thorburn Hall

Sunday, August 20th 10 a.m. Morning Worship. No Summer CCY - youth attend church.

Sunday, August 27th 10 a.m. Morning Worship. No Summer CCY - youth attend church.

SEPTEMBER Sunday, Sept. 3rd 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship. CCY resumes at 11 a.m.

Church Picnic at Jobson’s Cove after 11 a.m. service.

Sunday, Sept. 10th 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship conducted by Very Rev. John Chalmers

Flower Ministry Please sign up to provide flowers, especially during the summer months. The calendar is outside the east kitchen door.

One or 2 people to act as monthly flower conveners would be most welcome. Not an onerous job - just calling to remind those who have already signed up. If you can help, please contact Liz at the office.

The delivery of flowers is a much appreciated Ministry of our church!

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...continued from FRONT page

On the home front her daughters and stepson rapidly grew up and the girls eventually went off to university. It was at this time that divorce from Jack occurred. It seemed no time before she was treasuring the achievements of her grandsons, Cole and Luke, born to Karin and Mark (her son in law). Eventually Roberta was able to move into her newly built condo at the top of Southampton Hill on St. Anne’s Road. Christ Church had been an obvious choice for churchgoing, since it mirrored her United Church of Canada background. Retirement gave time for a variety of volunteer activities, one of the most meaningful being the International Dream Team Trial for the Diabetes centre. Roberta also worked with Chet and Sandy Williams on a part time basis in Framecrafters. She is thankful that she is mobile and able to help in church activities when the need arises. A longtime member of the church choir, Roberta is happy to be part of the church family at Christ Church.


How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.

Venison for dinner again?

Oh deer!

A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy.

I used to be a banker, but then

I lost interest.

Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.

England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool .

I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.

It's syncing now.

Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.

Summer 2017 Page 5

June 18th CCY Celebration LAST DAY OF REGULAR CCY June 25th All-age programme June 30th Family BINGO Night! July 2nd - July 30th Summer all-age programme - 10 a.m. service! August - All Sundays No CCY, children attend church September 3rd CCY resumes 11 a.m. BACK TO SCHOOL PICNIC at Jobsons Cove after the 11 a.m. Service


CCY regular programme wraps up on June 18th! A BIG THANK YOU TO CCY TEACHERS: Senga Tait (Bubbles) Fiona & Guy Kelly (Splash) and Martha Kirkland and Boyd Vallis (Extreme).

Thanks also to Ashlea Boyd who will be coordination the summer programme in JULY. Please contact her at: [email protected] if you are able to assist on any of the Sundays (during the 10 a.m. services).

There will be no Creche during July and August. MANY THANKS to all who volunteer throughout the year!

THE SOUND OF MUSIC - CCY will be singing on Sunday June 18th, so stand by for their latest song, an updated version of Kumbaya. Music has been a regular feature of this year's CCY programme. Many thanks to song leader Jill Davidson, and guitarists Guy and Erin Kelly who lead us in song this year.

BAKE SALE Raised $1196.00 for Loads of Love! This AMAZING result is due to overwhelming support from both 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. congregations. Thank you!!! Pat Lang was very grateful as all funds raised will provide needed support for the Loads of Love ministry.

We continue to be very busy , especially in the laundry area, between 12 & 16 loads a week.

Again we have been blessed with 2 more donations, one for $1,000 & the other for $100.

Without these generous gifts we could not continue this much needed Ministry, nor could

we continue without our wonderful volunteers. If you would like to join the LOL team please

contact me for more information, July, August & September is when a lot of our volunteers

are on holiday or busy with family commitments, resulting in a shortage of workers, and

three or four of us filling the slots. We need your help !! God bless. ~Pat Lang

Summer 2017 Page 6

The two new North Gates (generously donated by Judy & Kirk Kitson) were handcrafted and beautifully built by Jose Demelo. (Paulo’s Landscaping and Maintenance)

Jose, otherwise known as Jennay, grew up in the Azores and is married with 2 girls in college in Portu-gal and two boys age 18 and 12 , the oldest one go-ing to university next year . He is a great worker- who lives and works in Bermuda in order to support his family and give his children the education they need to succeed in life . His wife lives in San Miguel but they are in close touch every night on Skype.

Thank you Jose for your beautiful work!

Summer 2017 Page 7


Pat Lang & John Skinner

Both Pat & John have spent hours and hours

reviewing final lists and pulling the new church

directory together. Their work continues as

they create activity pages for inclusion.

It is hoped that the directory will be available

for sale ($15) by the end of the month.



Christ Church, Warwick is looking for

someone interested in taking on the

Production of our Quarterly Newsletter.

Most of the articles and blurbs are sup-

plied….they just need to be pulled together

into a readable format.

Please call Mary if willing and interested!

238-3261 or [email protected].

Roger Oldfield is seeking volunteers to

Help with videoing the services each week. There are simple instructions to

follow, but we just need an additional volun-

teer or 2 (or 3!) so that the same person is

not required EVERY week. There are many

home-bound people who are able to watch

our services on-line - thanks to Roger and

this facility. Please call if you can assist

on a Sunday here and there: Roger:

500-0002 or [email protected].

Christ Church, Warwick - Contacts

Minister Alistair Bennett 236-0400 [email protected]

Church Administrator Liz Parker 236-1882 [email protected] Session Clerk Doug Frith 236-2515 [email protected]

Choir Director Ron Campbell 234-3797 [email protected]

Organist Oliver Grant 296-5100 [email protected]

Ministry Teams & Leaders

Worship Ministry

Communications Ministry Eugene Rayner 234-1125 [email protected]

Congregational Board Duncan Dawson 238-3648 [email protected]

Outreach Ministry David Thompson 293-5319 [email protected] (705-4600)

Nurture Ministry Martha Kirkland 236-0383 [email protected]

Care Ministry Fellowship Ministry Liz Parker 238-0784 [email protected]

Newsletter Team: Greg Smith (Editor); Mary Ellen Ewles (Production); Roger Oldfield (Printing); Tina Stovell (Distribution);

CHRIST CHURCH WARWICK PO Box WK130 Warwick, WKBX Bermuda Phone: 236-0400 E-mail: [email protected]

Bake Sale for