Robby Ayoub MD, FCCP and Gherlin • Leptin is a hormone, made by fat cells, that decreases your...

Robby Ayoub MD, FCCP

Transcript of Robby Ayoub MD, FCCP and Gherlin • Leptin is a hormone, made by fat cells, that decreases your...

Robby Ayoub MD, FCCP

• 65,000 patients have lost weight since January 2011.

• Safe, effective, long-term weight loss. • Eat regular, healthy food. • Comprehensive Support System: Guidebook,

Food Journal, Cookbook, Daily tips e-mails

What is human Chorionic Gonadotrophin?

• Natural hormone that occurs during pregnancy to regulate nourishing the fetus.

• Used for many medical treatments, including fertility.

• Discovered as weight loss aid in 1954 by Dr. Simeons. • When combined with a strict diet, results in safe

rapid weight loss (.5-.75/lbs/day). • hCG “unlocks” your body’s fat stores so your

metabolism can use this abnormal fat to power daily functions.

• 100,000’s of patients have lost weight on the original protocol since 1954.

Benefits of hCG for Weight Loss

• hCG when used with a specific high protein diet, resulted in significant weight loss from “bad” fat deposits (i.e. neck, abdomen, thighs).

• Quick fat loss, ½-1 lb/day (avg ~¾ lb/day) • No hunger - hCG releases 1,500-4,000

calories into the body so it thinks everything is normal.

• After completing the complete protocol, metabolism and “normal” weight are reset.

• Ketogenic diet, body using fat for energy.

Don’t be Fooled by hCG Drops!

Homeopathic• Trace amounts, if any

hCG. • Will not reset

metabolism. • Loss of muscle and

structural fat. • Mostly found in drop

form. • Available on the internet. • Inexpensive. • Unsafe!!!

Pharmaceutical • 100% pure hCG. • Protects muscle and

structural fat. • No side effects. • Resets metabolism. • Only available through

prescription. • Mostly offered through



Before After

Kathy C, Lost 34 Pounds

Does it Work?

Before After

Kathy C, Lost 34 Pounds


Andrea B, Lost 65 Pounds


Before After

Andrea B, Lost 65 Pounds

Before After

Ingrid S, Lost 84 Pounds

Before After

Ingrid S, Lost 84 Pounds

The Clean Start hCG Weight Loss Program

• Dr. Robby Ayoub will order a series of tests to ensure safety and record baseline vitals.

• Measurements and weight will be recorded.

• Before picture will be taken.

• Once lab tests return, hCG will be administered through injections once a day. B-Complex and lipotropic injection are also given every two weeks.

• Only eat foods from the approved food list.

• Only use hCG approved cosmetics.

• Record your weight daily, in the morning.

• Record all foods you eat in the food journal.

• Do 20 minutes of light exercise a day.

• Drink at least 64 oz of water a day.

4 Steps of the Clean Start hCG Weight Loss™ Program

1. Start hCG & “load” for two days. 2. Follow a strict 500 calorie diet while

taking hCG (26-43 days) 3. Three weeks of Phase 1 maintenance (eat

anything, but no sugar or starches) 4. Three weeks of Phase 2 maintenance

(slowly add sugars and starches)

Things to Know…

• Every individual’s weight loss will vary. Avg. weight loss for woman is 20-25 lbs in 43 days, for men its 25-30. We do see more than this quite often!

• Protocol is very strict, there is no room for error. It must be followed exactly or you will not achieve maximum results.

• Medication not prescribed by a doctor is off limits. No vitamins or supplements.

• Strict limitations on cosmetics, mineral makeup only.

• 20 minutes of light exercise daily (no strenuous exercise).

• Treatment lasts between 26-43 days, followed by 6 weeks of maintenance. This can be followed by another round if more weight is to be lost.

• Side effects include: headache, irritability and restlessness.

What’s Included:Clean Start hCG Weight Loss Program:

• Medical History Review • Labs ordered (ensure safety & effectiveness) • Body Composition Assessment (% fat, muscle) • Up to 43 days supply of hCG • Bi-weekly Lipotropic (Fat Burner) injections • Bi-weekly B-Complex injections. • Clean Start Patient Package (Program guidebook,

Cookbook, Food Journal, Tip Sheets). • Weekly checkup, measurements, chat • Daily email program support (tips, recipes, answers to

common questions, support) • Unlimited support (email, phone) • 6 weeks of maintenance program support • Metabolic testing at end of program (RMR)

Body Composition Analysis

• Will be calculated from your BMI • Total break down of your weight. • 99.1 % accurate. • Medically calculated • This is done twice, once before weight

loss and once after weight loss. • Will be individualized for each patient

Patient Support

• Clean Start Patient Package: – Program Guide (diet, tips, etc.) – Recipe Guide (50+ recipes) – Food Journal & Tip Sheets

• Online Program Support: – Online Video explaining program – Mobile friendly shopping list – All at – Daily patient support emails (provides support,

tips, new recipes, answers questions)

Days 1 & 2 are “Load Days”

• Start taking hCG. • Patients must eat high fat foods. • The fat will be used as energy

for the first few days of the program, until the hCG starts working.

• If they don’t they will be hungry and uncomfortable the first week of the program.

The “Diet”• Daily: 2 servings of: lean healthy protein,

vegetables, fruit and bread. • 100g uncooked meat/fish/chicken

• Unlimited water (at least 2 litres/day)

40 Days of 500 Calories Starts on Day Three!

Proteins: • 100g of veal, beef, chicken breast,

white fish, lobster, crab , shrimp and/or 3 egg whites

Vegetables: • spinach, chard, chicory, beet

greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage

Fruit: • An apple, orange, half grapefruit

or handful of strawberries Bread: • One melba toast


• Lots of water!

• Tea and coffee. May sweeten with Stevia (comes in many flavors).

Also allowed:

• Juice from one lemon daily.

• Spices that do not include sugar or starch (salt, pepper, vinegar, sweet basil, parsley, etc.)


• Do not mix veggies.

• Must not eat more than 500 calories a day.

Last 3 Days of 500 Calories with no hCG

• The purpose of these days is to allow the hCG to leave your body before you enter maintenance.

• Day 40 is your last injection. Then 3 days (72 hrs) of 500 calories diet continues with no injections.

• Day 44 is when you start the maintenance phase.

• You may feel hungry on day 3 of this phase, but that is normal. It means the hCG has left your body.

2nd Phase – (6 Week) Maintenance

• Phase 1: For the next 3 weeks,all foods are allowed except no sugar and starch (no high starch fruits & vegetables). Slowly increase calories: 1,200 (women) & 1,500 (men)

• Phase 2: Another 3 weeks of slowly introducing starches and sugars into the diet (one per day to gauge sensitivity). Weight closely is monitored to ensure a new “normal” weight has be set.

The Value of your Money

• One Round: 43 days Weight Loss, plus 6 weeks maintenance.

• Patient Support Package (program guide, cookbook, food journal, tip sheets).

• hCG for the entire protocol. • Medical history review and Lab testing. • Metabolic and Body Composition Testing. • Bi-weekly B-Complex and Fat Burning injections

with nurses. • Weekly Consultations. • No special food, No supplements! (Save $$$) • For $999, discounted to $899 for our

pulmonary patients

Post Program: Keeping the Weight Off!In the Clean Start hCG Patient Guidebook, we have information on: • What is a sugar & starch • Gylcemic Index, how to choose low GI foods • What are calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein • How to combat emotional eating • Dealing with cravings • How to read nutritional labels • USDA serving sizes • Tips on: eating out, social events

1. Monthly B-Complex (1cc) or lipotropic injection.

2. Record measurements, BIA analysis & report.

3. Includes the Clean Start Weight Loss book (includes exercise routines, new recipes).

4. Unlimited tips, suggestions and support.

Optional: 6 weeks Maintenance phase is Followed by “Healthy Lifestyle” Program ($99/m)

Limit your intake of

How to avoid carbs

Carbs will be stored in your body You can get around it


• Lectins, a type of protein found in many plant foods, can cause damage to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract or your organs and interfere with metabolism when consumed in large amounts, according to a study published in "Toxicon" in September 2004.

• Repeated exposure to large amounts of lectins may increase gut permeability. Some researchers believe that dietary lectins can raise the risk of autoimmune disease.

• Soaking, sprouting and fermenting foods can eliminate lectins and other anti-nutrients, especially from grains.

What to avoid

What to avoid

Cashews Cashews have lectin

What to avoid

Peanuts Contains Lectin

Lectin is not Leptin

• Lectin is present in some food • Leptin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in

appetite and weight control. • Leptin is thought to have at least two major

functions. – First, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds to

receptors in the appetite center in the brain, regulating brain cells that tell you how much to eat.

– Second, it increases sympathetic nervous system activity, which stimulates fatty tissue to burn energy.

Leptin and Gherlin• Leptin is a hormone, made by fat cells, that decreases your

appetite. • Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite, and also plays a role

in body weight. • Ghrelin, the appetite increaser, is released primarily in the stomach

and is thought to signal hunger to the brain. You'd expect the body to increase ghrelin if a person is undereating and decrease it if he or she is overeating.

• German researchers have suggested that ghrelin levels play a big role in determining how quickly hunger comes back after we eat. Normally, ghrelin levels go up dramatically before you eat; this signals hunger. They then go down for about three hours after the meal.

• Levels of leptin -- the appetite suppressor -- are lower when you're thin and higher when you're fat. But many obese people have built up a resistance to the appetite-suppressing effects of leptin.

Is a lack of sleep making me fat?• During sleep, leptin levels increase, telling your brain you have plenty of

energy for the time being and there's no need to trigger the feeling of hunger or the burning of calories.

– When you don't get enough sleep, you end up with too little leptin in your body, which, through a series of steps, makes your brain think you don't have enough energy for your needs. So your brain tells you you're hungry, even though you don't actually need food at that time, and it takes steps to store the calories you eat as fat so you'll have enough energy the next time you need it.

– The decrease in leptin brought on by sleep deprivation or by sleep apnea can result in a constant feeling of hunger and a general slow-down of your metabolism.

• The other hormone found to be related to sleep and weight is ghrelin. – The purpose of ghrelin is basically the exact opposite of leptin: – It tells your brain when you need to eat, when it should stop burning calories and

when it should store energy as fat. – During sleep, levels of ghrelin decrease, because sleep requires far less energy than

being awake does. – People who don't sleep enough end up with too much ghrelin in their system, so the

body thinks it's hungry and it needs more calories, and it stops burning those calories because it thinks there's a shortage.

Probiotics and prebiotics

• There are bad and good bacteria in our digestive system • Sweeteners kills the good bacteria • Unprocessed plain yogurt has probiotics • There are many prebiotics and probiotics supplements

that helps preserve the healthy gut bacteria we have in our digestive tract

• This will also promote weight control • We will include this in your hcg diet for $1299 • We will provide both for you if you stay in our controlled

diet maintenance program after you loose weight for just $189 per month

What to avoid

What to avoid

Good Natural zero calorie Sweetener

Stevia 100% Natural from a sweet herb


Diet Options: -Hcg clean start diet (Highly recommended for fast initial weight loss) -Low calorie Ketogenic diet (Recommended for slower weight loss) -A SoCal Diet: 1000 cal diet combined with Leptin supplemental diet combined with a B12 diet and probiotic with option of prebiotic diet with lectin free food -A combination of hcg diet with probiotics and leptin supplementation -Other combined diets

Post Weight Loss Body Shaping OptionsTripolar Pollogen LEGEND (IR) for Skin Tightening, Targeted Fat Removal and Contouring

SculpSure (Laser) fat killing procedure

Before – Frontal view After- Frontal view

Photo courtesy of Robby Ayoub M.D.

Melt the Stubborn Fat with 2 four weeks apart Treatments

Get sculpsure laser liposuction treatment x 2 sessions with excellent results discounted with the diet package

Sculpsure laser fat removal without plastic surgeryOnly to our patients who do our diet program for $2399; you are getting your diet package for free at the same time you are saving $701 on sculpsure x 2 session

Pollogen LEGEND skin tightening

Sculpsure Laser Non-invasive fat removal Two sessions packaged with clean start Diet for $2399 only Two sessions packaged with skin tightening body contouring for $2499 Two session packaged with hcg diet and skin tightening body contouring for $2899

hCG Diet Program Questions?

• Food for thought? • Any questions • Make appointment to start your

customized diet • Perseverance is the key to success even in
