


Road Runner Compromisos académicos iniciales de segundo semestre IUPB (2014-2) "Editorial" Comenzando con el desarrollo de revistas. por David Vanegas

Transcript of Roadrunner


  • Have camera, will travel. Ive got a confession to make...Im getting a serious kick out of producing this magazine. Over the last 8 years Ive been all around the world and been knee deep in all manner of high profile PK/FR related projects, but this is definitely right up there in terms of satisfaction. In a very short amount of time weve managed to establish a mas-sive outreach and are able to provide a platform for practi-tioners, teams, photographers and scenes to be put under the spotlight. For us, its all a learning process and over time well tighten everything up and make things slicker. Thats a promise.One question that people keep asking is When are you guys releasing a printversion? The simple answer is that its not going to ha-

    ppen. Our line of thinking is that the internet has been the main ingredient in helping this amazing discipline

    grow to such a level and by releasing a print ver-

    sion, wed be taking a massive step in the wrong direction. By releasing each issue online, it allows us to truly spread the word globally (2,180,000

    views prior to this is-sue) and most importantly, [email protected][email protected]/ezstylaremains absolutely free for everyone to tap into. If you really do want a print version, follow theexample of Djuxa from La-tvia by downloading the PDF, printing it out on your printer and thensticking the pages together with tape, gum or whatever else comes to hand.S0 whats in store this mon-th? First off we hit Frankfurt, Germany, to hook up with Jason Paulwho caused a big impact when he represented his country in the World Freerun Cham-pionships.We also caught up with Luci Steel from the US, whos not only bearing the flag for female

    practitioners, shes also com-peting against males and taking plenty of scalps in the process.Both athletes mentioned abo-ve will be competing in the hi-ghly anticipated Redbull Art of Motion event this month along with a selection of the best athletes in the world and well be there covering all an-gles for a huge feature in issue 5. Other key moments this month were hitting one of thesweetest London spots with Chima Akenzua to pressure test a pair of Puma Cabana shoes and spending time with Conor Contrix Doughty where he absolutely destroyed Southbank. Forsuch a small dude, he has so much skill and power and at just 17 years of age too.....Damn!!Professor Scott Jackson kindly took time out from preparing to rep the UK at the Redbullevent to give us a precision tutorial too. Anyways, enough talking....Enjoy....

    PARKOUR SPACE PHOTOGRAPHYEl Parkour es el arte del despla-zamiento. Es trasladar tu cuerpo de un lugar a otro, ya sea en un medio urbano o natural, valin-dote nicamente de tu cuerpo. Parkour es tambin el mtodo de entrenamiento realizado para llegar a practicar ese movimien-to, por lo tanto no solo es el fin, si no tambin el camino. Correr, saltar, trepar, reptar o salvar obstculos son parte de los re-cursos necesarios en la prctica del Parkour, donde tambin ser necesaria una preparacin men-tal para ir superando miedos y barreras psicolgicas al afrontar retos que exigirn dar el 100% del rendimiento del practicante.Parkour (de la palabra francesa parcour, recorrido en espaol) es el trmino ms aceptado para nombrar la disciplina. En su ori-gen el grupo Yamakasi llamaba a este movimiento El arte del desplazamiento, ms tarde con la separacin de David Belle y Sbastien Foucan del grupo fue cuando estos dos le cambiaron el nombre para desmarcarse por el de Parkour en Francia y Freerun fuera del pas. Y de ah viene la tercera acepcin, Freerunning, que se hizo famo-sa cuando Foucan junto a otros traceurs (quien hace Parkour) populariz el trmino en dos re-portajes para la televisin ingle-sa, Jump London y Jump Britain.

    Toda esta historia comenz a fi-nales de los 80 en Francia, en Lisses, a las afueras de Pars, cuando unos jvenes transfor-maron en algo ms urbano y ldico un entrenamiento basado

    en el Mto-do Natural de Geor-ge Hbert y que era usado por R a y m o n d

    Belle en Vietnam como mtodo de adiestramiento. Algunos de esos jvenes fueron David Belle y Chu Belle-Dinh, y a ellos se fueron uniendo otros como Yann Hnautra, Williams Belle, Guylain NGuba Boyeke, Malik Diouf, Charles Perrire o Sbastien Foucan entre otros. Ellos desa-rrollaron y adaptaron ese movi-miento convirtiendo lo que era un juego en una disciplina con su propio mtodo de entrenamien-to. De esa unin surgi el grupo Yamakasi, que proviene del Lin-gala y significa cuerpo fuerte, espritu fuerte, persona fuerte.

    Ya en 1998, y debido a discre-pancias entre miembros del grupo, David Belle y Sbastien Foucan se separaron del resto para desarrollar su propia vi-sin de la disciplina. Es enton-ces cuando deciden llamar a lo que hacen Parkour, frente al arte del desplazamiento usado por los Yamakasi, y comenzar a formar a una nueva generacin de Traceurs que siga partici-pando en el desarrollo del mo-vimiento y creando una comuni-dad ms amplia de practicantes.

    Despus de distintos reportajes para televisin, trabajos como especialistas, exhibiciones y dems tipos de actuaciones es en 2001, tras el estreno de la pelcula Yamakasi, prota-gonizada por el mismo grupo, cuando el Parkour es mostrado al gran pblico y comienza a extenderse de una forma casi inmediata por todo el mundo.

    Es a principios del 2000 cuando empieza a hacerse notoria la lle-gada de la disciplina a Espaa. Pequeos grupos de traceurs van surgiendo en ciudades como Mlaga, Madrid o Lleida, y dece-nas de practicantes van dando

  • UR







  • Fuerte & Natural

    Welcome back friends,Here we are again off the back of a massively successful launch, which racked up over

    600,000 online views in just 3 weeks! Needless to say the overwhelmingly positive respon-se completely knocked us for 6 but this has served to enforce our view that a magazine of

    this kind has come at exactly the right time. To all of the people whove sent in messages of support via email, facebook and sms, thank you all so much.

    Taking the initiative before launching issue one last month, we set the Jump crosshairs on Mexico to be our first big international feature and much of that experience is what fills the

    up and coming pages. In our 7 years as an organisation weve been blessed to have had the opportunities to travel all around the World but to date, weve yet to encounter such a warm and friendly welcome than the one provided by our Mexican brothers. Our simple hope is

    that the features within this issue come somewhere close to doing that fantastic place justi-ce.

    Before you jump head first into this second issue, wed like to extend a big thank you to all of the PK/FR

    communities who saw this magazine exactly for what it was and helped us to spread the word in bringing the heat from the street.



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