Roading Efficiency Group (REG) Update

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RIMS Forum - 20 March 2013 Lynley Hutton - NZTA

Transcript of Roading Efficiency Group (REG) Update

  • 1. Roading Efficiency Group (REG) UPDATE

2. REG: Where did it come from?Established to implement the recommendations of the Road Maintenance Task ForceFour general areas for improvement identified: Adapting the business models used to deliver maintenance, renewals and operations Improving procurement practices, also in support of new business models Improving prioritisation and optimisation through level of service differentiation Consistently introducing enhanced asset management practices 3. Enhanced asset managementpracticeRequires: Effective planning and delivery to achieve value for money objectives, eg early tendering opportunities awareness of the annual programme and bettertiming of works improved knowledge sharing A consistent road classification system and levelsof service across the whole network Greater collaboration between asset owners 4. Strong asset managementpractice Includes enabling the use of innovative services, products, and methods of procurement 5. REG: A work in progressGovernance Group establishedWorkstreams include: Asset Management and Service Delivery Collaboration & Clustering One Network Classification Policy and Investment 6. One Network Road Classification Purpose - develop an integratedclassification for NZ road network (statehighways & local roads) to: assist with planning, investment, maintenance and operational decision making support collaboration and cooperation support customer focused approach to seamless movement of good and people Joint local government/NZTA project that builds onNational road classification work & State highwayclassification Timeline - engagement with the sector mid-year &final classification by December 2013. 7. Collaboration and ClusteringWorking together Conversations have been initiated in numerousareas throughout New Zealand looking atdifferent forms of collaboration Conversations have taken place between theNZTA and local authorities and also betweenvarious local authorities REG provides assistance to structurecollaboration including establishing a frameworkand facilitating As a start, many regions are investigatingopportunities by having regular conversations andsharing knowledge and practices 8. Collaboration and Clustering(cont.)Current progress Six initiatives have accepted REG support andare developing business cases They are Northland, Western Bay ofPlenty, Waikato, Gisborne, SouthCanterbury, Central Otago Marlborough Roads, Nelson and Tasman regionsare also progressing well with their conversations Collaboration is taking many forms from sharingknowledge at one end of the spectrum, tointegrated shared service delivery at the other 9. Collaboration and Clustering(cont.)Three key areas which build towardscollaborative work: Operations: reviewing policies and plans betweenroad controlling authorities to improveconsistency in service delivery and seeking theone network experience (e.g traffic operationscentres in major centres) Asset management: developing strategic orinvestment plans by drawing on each othersexperience Service delivery: establishing joint ventures orother formal arrangements between the parties 10. Future workThe Task Force recommended that the NZTA convene auser group or an established group (eg a NationalStrategic Asset Management Group), drawn from acrossthe sector to develop requirements for improved datainput, transformation of the data into useful, repeatableand meaningful information, dissemination, andeffectiveness in the use of data, focusing on areas suchas: requirements for data, data-based systems (eg RAMM RoadAssessment Maintenance Management database), dTIMS(Deightons Total Infrastructure Management System) andtechnology platforms measurements to assess the effectiveness of different roadmaintenance projects and new materials measures of asset consumption and its causes measurement to enable better timing of interventions road classification. 11. What we value 12. What we value Sovereign Purchasing power of about69.42 GBP today(NZ$120.73) Mint condition - 200 GBP(NZ$345.84) Invested $120.738% $ 334,550.766%today:103 years 48,788.71 $4% $ 6,858.82