ro -...

·. 1'hc , and .. tbfl' ;tr()utnl 1u SfiitdJ,of n nltlner iilc1udiug tl:Hl aitl, itt: r•tieet,! 2Ulflllu! Ji"l4. wo ... in ihi-JJCfghbotltrx:ld Sl$,«10.: i lt W\!JUtub\*e( Gltilftt ()t tldl !s tt1JulJ. :MoOM:'t Jh'rty .. · .! l'r.ttake tbt .Y«Atlfn:gs, ·-

Transcript of ro -...


1'hc , l{uo.ttv~l~:~ tte~ pllrt;r~ wanil~:r•r da~tt ~llf:<»lve4 ~twi!~ ~•ooo and .. tbfl' ;tr()utnl 1u SfiitdJ,of n nltlner ·tt.~tOO.:&t~aar iilc1udiug tl:Hl ..r~uta ht~JJif'ourid aitl, itt: tftt~ r•tieet,! lt~ctcuft 2Ulflllu! :flrit~ Ji"l4. wo

iH-!o\-.:W.l-~Qf;l.r<\"f"-J.IJ'-Itttft.J ... lJfH!)i'.~CI~{l -·~tiUf~~itt in ihi-JJCfghbotltrx:ld o£ Sl$,«10.: i tu•Jltlil~.· lt h~hl· W\!JUtub\*e( U~. Gltilftt S~Jtft, ()t tldl f,1a~ett !s tt1JulJ. :MoOM:'t Jh'rty .. · .! l'r.ttake tbt .Y«Atlfn:gs,


. '


. ·: '1'1J~ !);I~ ~. tC(U4lfOS'· . ~~k~Jc~ t(l~ on <'loltJS' ~~~ ~n~n7~ ~or~. ~t!tlc from a cl!lcero Uvo, 01.11..roro como dJpporil~cmonJ;. ~oco Den cuccocd often Jn fiQUl~ .worJ4 to Olt!UilJno Ulo \7llYB t7boretoJW ot hfo aetfp:l, f:et:t+Ul!O

t ~ .•

P~~~·UQ~\. ~F . ·t~'tiHQ ,ll . ~· 'tiiRQ1/Q ... 'tH~ ~-. I.'

lo not In !lao t1Ub w~t p; .Ule. · tho world rcetll'do m1 proi)Or, S!lfc Omt11U1 Doo. Tho truth lo, wo.i'do nro overvalued In tbo miU't ol pubUa dlo­cucoloo IUid docdo l);lY tbo ponlllty of tho cborto. Thoro Jo ·wo much ac­tore<l otools to Olio and tOD Uttlo at­tootloo to tho lntrlnolo vcluo ot otbor. ''WordD nro GOOd o.nd on!:v £3

trboo bnclted by dcedJ:I.• Tllnt Is mwtlm ot tho mo.n trltb a moUvo to l>lngo blo ••mtomllo" upon. boaovor unfairly nomo of tho old {riOlldll of thin trulnm mny bo tro11tlng 1L Ao oocklot oleo ·mnn J:)hro.ocd tho prlnclplo no other any: "flor o.o !:lo thlnttotb In blo heart, co Ia bo.a Ho 'l:l'bo mo•co trom tho olondpolnt of

~~o~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r!w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;J.;~~Lf~~~ti~:D~~~~~-------~~~~~~'~J but bo Ia n much Cllfo; mnn to follog u·• .. A ~ e::mlt> lo VQl'Y nlco fr:Cll. Itntct.or--Dld TOll oxp!o.ln d ed, but either ohnpo fD sootl. Thcoo w w blltn!fi!t'!-4 ~ . Grcot:o A vor:v hot frying p:~n ana to ;vonr {}lrl 7

tbnn tho ono oho trnlno blo alrolc:::~ como trltb Q lid for dllctJo.rto tJlat mupt tue. oro ot~o o~ o t:mttet' B l!Wo op~ tzl(l llomJt!y over. lt. ~on Bc;cliot-iZ'ca; abo cld to tho curronto of popolnr bo trozon, nnd mthout cmo tor aople6:~, llw:mb.ttpl ~ Ill tho eo!~~oo cf "11t!1 tl Uttlo colt llJild EIOilpQT. Drown E1oc:1 oJl about a~ thouahL mouocoo, blllllO IIlllnCC.O nnd vocrotn- cll~tlvo rmtcC14l QEiQfl., CoUcora llJilt! fold lf1to an omoiot. ocrvo mtb

You eon buy nn almant~o nog for It

pG>ooy or looo. nod n trndcomnn trUJ GOnd you ono trltb biD eompllmonto for nothloa. but tho Ornt printed ape• lmcn puhllnbcd nt Nurembora. 10 U76. ""' • Ulou61Jt aueb n \"IODclortul tbln11 thnl It t>llD oold at GOlden nu,.na a ropy-moro thnn Ita "O"olabt In aotd Tho nrot mnalloh printed lll­wnnnc ~>na tho "Bbopbcnrdo' lialoD­dliJ'.'. lrnnalntod from lho t<'rcncb, and printed b• Rlcbn.rd Pynooo In 1401, nr1d tho Orat populnr almnnno of tbo ''Old Mooro" typo 'ti'D:I tbo .. ProDOD· I 1 ar yon of Mnyolm- John TtiJ'bnult. mc<1r<7nor and notronomor or tbo KD•l><Hyall MnJoatlc Of tbo ycoro Of our Lordo MCCCCCXXXU" Dooldoa prupbcaylna "'~>nro. rovotullono nod tho dcnlb of hlna11. • tb11t early ol· ma11 ,. told you tho propor day to lnko 1•hJ11le Moudr>y 'ti'D.D tbo dny tor nJtan~nta of tlw> logo. Tuocdoy tor nf· f.,. tluna nf tbo boiU1. ole Out tJbnt tho unfortunlo ouUoror l'lllll tD do t>'ho hnd n pnln oo tho "'r<lDO clnt II dooa oot otato, I!QJ'D tho Loodoo llbronlrlo You muot toho pclliO!l Ql tbo propor Umo

Th111 oomo 6' lbo moq a:bo o<!ro roo~uod from tho Tllnnlo Q'oro looD b<>rolo lllnn thooo 'l>bo l'loDt dotrn "'" b 1 bo llhlp Ia o modornto t7ay of pultloa 110 unploall!lnl t.ruth. .Uro. lllppo~b of Cbtcnao. oao of lho trOt:l· on aur•tvoro. anld thtU •.bo bc:lt In ""lllcb abo ond bor dlltmbtDr l\'llll DllYod <ontnlnod Ill 170lr.Cll cmd ti"''O

moo, ono of tbo lnUor txrtna n OptU­lllrd o be carrlod o po~lo don lo blo nrmo Tbtl ,..oman, t~bo tJoro rotrloa. 1111kod nlm to toko no IUlr a.nd helP, but oo wd bo couldn•t llD bo hila w mind blo dog

For tll11 firat Umo In tb13 tllotory ot tllo 'I>Orld. nlroblpo b!IV'CI bOOO UCCt) 110 .:rnr mnohtnoo Tbo ltllllllo dlrtatblco t7 blt'b vlp.OO out 11 Turhtllh crunp by bombo dropvoo from abovo. UJam­oolvoo out of I"DillJo. lndlcnto trbnt ll torrlblo tblna tbo "'"' of tho no!U' fn. truo ~>Ill bo wltb nil tbo onalooo ot doatructloll mnda por:~~~lblo by llOO to. 'II'Olltl<mll IUld nov roll!JUJ'eca.

Ono lltUa <l=nn tovn o.lono l!na nn nnn~aJ btlllln<:l:!l In to:vo ~tina O•.Oilll,OOO In vnlco. Amoalna tbo IIttlG onoo Ia moro or n corlouo boalncM on­tovvrtco Uum mnny tbltl!L III taet. It ra.nlnl nmctlll ttlo tro.~ of vnot pro­r;~artlonn. Aoc:J It to cto to lillY that liD pnlducU atvo 061'0 coUa tuUllfo.cUoo In lbo worl:! ttuul tb<rJo of mce1 o.oy othor montllQcturo.

'l'tl\ O~t= ~umtxlz at Zorlob abo boo bOOtl acotcc~ to a Jdr'a ac. Dl"Wmmoot tor frcc:l. bc::nn~ bo trill! 1/oona to bo ooanaca to 10 ctfr!4 at tho C!\oo tlco, npp!U'Co~ ncc4Ga a bolt>

blco. ~P call O!ll.tmc:lt ao t;l) roach fer tometo eauco. With ono of theao rlnl'.l' motdo tbo r;wDt ccmp!Qltfoos, rca. ~sb ~. OM-Iae!lfollc4 tiht:~t calla fer four

clovor hootooo can oven "W1ft" hnoh cmd ar:v. thin and ·tcltJo~;; btl!;, amlC$ot - .... ,. • !d t " ·ful u 1 CD UtUo, tb.a• 1• •~ *''"'oe• _ ... ..,.. .... _-...,.... ... .. v ........ o. co · Wll or ... or ovoey cup or voaoto.blo loftovcro. Ua.ct:~ronl mndo · · • • w ....,.._. .a ...... ~....... of tho sroln. Lot It· como ~U!llly Into n Umbt:IJo and put In a rlq. t7tth to .pco thea Al~ Cottcnm Slllltl to tbo lmlllncr point and CC1)lt ~any tho con tor filled with croomed chich- nn4 Ollltmcnt oro eola ov~cre. 1& ror ono t:our. en. lamb or flob, malteD rm ll~tll:lns M~f to "Cutl!l!U1l.". ~£!:1- L,-.!ro:J­luncbeon dlob. ton, vru occuro n Jlbornt ~o cf

ll'lnohd pototo~ tnllY bo qutchly cocb, l'llth 83-itoao ~hfot 0::1 oWn rormod Into n hollow tllllJ wltb ono of nod DC:l)p trC:~tmcnt. thc!oo moldn, tho cooter l)ofqz t)JIQ4 with lomb cbopo, cr'C,lmcd Ol7(1Qt· qe~IDJI llllllUJ~ n fml. rrum.. ~ bmncJo or frlea cblclrcn. ~ loco tho viDe trbon lt'o rca.

For orundo ond dOOllortll tbo. rl~ mold lo lnvnluablo. For tho former no ll.Dplc to uoually mndo, platn or vouotDblo. nnd the ('f)Dlflr to flllcd t7lth Cloy dcotrcd mhrtnro In fruit onlo.d. or wllb o moot or nah onlo.d. or OV!ltl moyonnnlood "olery or ohrcdded lcl· tueo wllb a nour croom drcootng

An attractive 11D.Ind lo mndo by no­Ina too olzeo of o•nl or round mol® tllot fit Into encb other. In tho outer 11.nd lnrt;or ooo lo put a. wblto cblehcn naplc, nnd In tllo loner ono n tomnto uple Tbo Nmter Ia Oiled golth cuooo c r r;rn po fruit. apple nod mnmochlno elwlrrloo doltc(l thlcfily over tbo top Ulll l'IOU mhtcl trlth DliiYODOil!CO

A uovoroto lltob of mafonlll:l~{) dlool4 h!! J):l!ICQd attb moat motd011 c:alzldlf. bll It ro r.ot c:an:v to cct cmouab drcaolna l'lltbout d~troylna tbo op. PQ:tmnco of tbe rare.

Another npvcttlllntt ofloct Ia bod by o111og n round r1ncr mold nna Clllllla tbo cnnt<'l' O'flb II fllllC:V .t:ii>UJ -that nto ~loooly and 111 mucb htabOf', "i'hua n cuenmber o.;plt> In tho ring Clio hc.vo l!il11but or ealmcm C!l!llcl arnn:;ca lo tho 11lnC1 torm t®t tlW.cla::llp to. 11nu ~neu turned out. n'nt Jo ry:od, mhr "'''h ·nbrc{!d<:a ~n ~t> (ll;ro nod ollveo far cow, or tho Ot7CQt toll p;~pperp llMlr eboppc4 nrraouomcnt hi equllllt attrnc. Uve (ll'l' dooocrt. tblc boiOQ cd leo lliTCom nod tho cent12r of ttlno JcUy,

Only Thlnldno. "Whoro QI'O you tblnldna of aotno

blo cnunmcrT" "fm tblnl:tlDLt of F.nt;Jnnd, Noi-m:ly,

UJ!l ScoL!tind, but ru prob:lblsr ~ to Punll Deneb."

Ono t.'lan•o WZJy. "lo Dr!~ c pbn tr!:D onlt~ tho

wot o% ttbllt bcfllllor "No. Wtl:C%1 Ullnau ao tmmU Drltu­

<ctl ot:nrtll ro av~rlna ana C001J tio­·cmeo w lntcnU!tc<1 tn thlnltlna at~ 'Ia~ tormo of profnnlt:v thnt llo tr;tr. m-:to n!! ob4lut b1o tnntblca. ..

A nlmvkr dc:::~Grt .tnlatlt bA.vo tba wo:o I!JICC3o. rlna nf chal:o!Mo. ll!t:1rul ..... .....,""'f '"'l'h~ ~!ot::ml t1 p<~tblo tlti1

CYitb nutD mhrt>d t!Jrocab 11. tho ~ «>lf·rl~hl.cDllti.,02ct:CO f07 tbolr rpto­rorm bclna filled \71th vtrlp~ aC!!.Q. dccda,.. 1!!1!d Ocnntor Dontmelld,. or;» 'i'bll:l may bo ollgbtly ntlrtc:lcd trlth J:>O af tort.!lln bl't>OCr1tJtnl JAahrc:llto


cclAuno lf It ~Ul rurt tmld ltn .nl:Atr.:~. ~ra, tn an n:1drc:= to ~ Nothing 1a prottJor UlAn n. round or "'i'bay fllt:llnd 00i io fllet. a1 n ccr<o V1ne;r.~r Plo.

oval rtoti mo11t or Frooch Vl!nnto teo bln ~0•0 da~lna wUo. Tto D~t Ulo votlul o! foftl' · c:::I!;:i to o cr~m I::QAJlCl1 hiGb vflh frlllt lo Ito ~0 ~a tlCclll.\1 c::io ~: ctot:~: ~ ono c.c::l 11 llo!l conetJo, atra~bcnfco. · raur;borrt~. .. 'lb' lovo, l'tr.l to!:2 co bdcro tllo ~lllr:.G tmtor ·ova lboo; nttr vooebeo, oro.nt«J cmd b;mllllM. Hc::Io- 11,caato,a thtl.L vou tmav o-:u-~ ~ :Pbco em• ctovo to mneo ico crrom catvad lo tblo vay rttltl cnc1o to t:c:.wc::~. :ret l1a:l o~u cz. t:liJ: ~ tcr;ctflor ono baa oll tbo lllr of c. no?elt.Y. d~ •et-11» lilioot ~'it 1 '\170'0''0 ll!:lvo! n•1tln!!' t<i:m::t ~ ~ fOttr toW~> For forthor ndomcoot untppe{l ~t:l ~ 'OrCI.or,• tbo 'tro:;lOQ Ol1rcly llb- ~ srt:m:h ao!l olli ;may no trot on tbo top of fruit~ tn.orcd. 'lD. ~11~ or:n bt:t.'.. t~:~~lt~~'t c:m.. ~ ~;. oUi n roll¢ to ootto tancy f'c~. a t:=~th .t:toto. ·Ada

It Dcel!lo -no :vcu fuld th1o prcc!llcnUol vref·

orent1ol prfmtlr1 uw:n1lJltr?'• "WoU, lt mohd f«n1 m!DG ~ rta. ..

In Use

For Over Thirty Years

~~CASTDRIA fhL1 ~<l1W~.-:r

wm.;u. P~nTtta cit tma i'Cl':U'tab!~~ fCI. PINK JE~ :J1l g Coo Cmlotj!. A eallt'orc!a (]¢¢~ \'lnUJ Forty Ve-Jf'fl. O:Itt on well k~fllct,. ttmr " . E t;'W.,i;At mt!

- t.t .. .. .. _ .. A~. • ... ~.. -""'I .. ~,_,,., -t """4 1A• ~ ... , "'""" • ~"'"'' ... ~o .• li.\1 o. •• .,.,~ Q twc .. ~ ....... c:u:Z:) llll ....... ~:.$C:a, • ._... """""' .......... .......... ..... AO\Il • ... .. ,.., ... ~ ""--"'

lovo: Ono tnb~tzOO:lflll d tlottcl.', - O:tiW vc'.a J::':t. ~d~ tfu! ~tMQ .AO'iE!M'l C~A$3 c:lO b<l:lP!na tn~l~r;:oonr'Ol crt ~t. "'n t::l1 t~ l7CU'it p:tto~ ®I! o G'Jcr li.'l'C1h; c:lll c~ c.e.::t$~~~~c::s~~ftbc"l:CAJ..!,~a%vc t:l DOO tc:uJpuoo.foJ Gf ~l 0 ~!:J Cl.f tcch::7 otJ.a pjlclltf:::l¢7 ~ ~ ll'~; ~d. tho,t!¢J .otel '\~-...'I.;JI~:Ii'~f c=!3~.CJpti'::::tJUCl~~J:..~ ~~~ ceyotlllo. cmo ~tt t:1nt ot tllltt: cCI<ltr qk:ittJ Ilnt::! ... QYa a Lcl Ana~ by $a~ fl0 t~<Z:~ e:::~ ~ c;= ~::-...:=. c::7 = ~ t::>t:~. t:J eo.~ tcaotbcr tor Dvo t:lfnt~c~4 tilirlna tlil (l!lyc,h:f®."' tnvo 1;Jl'ic2' ~ n tOOl ~'"-."' b cwWte.s~~"'2._ tztc~c:::ltl ~!!!IDIW~ Q.....,""' co~~.lil'al~""l"' ttlo umo; add tllrco ruur.3 t:lUGa <:CliO to cc:::J~ \Tilh anwc-'t~ol!n fq ~o .~-:1 t.:c.. ·lu.:; ~'1 tao -;:;;;;;:;;;~~~==~~;;~~~;;;;~~~-~;:;;;~~...,.=""""'~~.....,~-..~ oo:lrtlC)Iy CbG;J).iCd, tmd C!lo. thtl!CO~· ~l of U.O J1QO~ t~Ul cf l!.U . f rut of Onotr cbop~ ~01. Cot dll!l:;o of ~l;l!o. · aaJao until rol:l, t::mho Jn~o ttt::lnll <:~ "1 hnvo rccc-....t:lt:::lCcd lctD. clip ~b tnto n l!ai!U? ll"~t.c:l ur o. m!otot cf ~ taa, rc11 In eraellor l1t:llt, ocll tzy · tllo llo~ tarO. 'i'bcto ato acllc!:>~O. tiJ;~~iJi

or It over ll plocbar did, n fa ooly onturnt -tbot·oo· n...~ua v~r YclfrnTi":."!'t-·· ....

ot t>otna coni to JdU. ® AIJ tna altill cUD anot ro t:ltlft1 bto.

A Pc00!!11?tWtc. cnn lc:t tlft1 U~o to tllo caon • to t7lQ (bo troi.iG re::cro. of arlotttna 11l ab~o C: etn lo o.~o clUtc{l. rut(l. (b() t7.JtQ. -Of· ~ 'Co""'l~·ir·WiiU." ·ti~CH~\~~7'-<:;r:l.C.OG·Ol.J!l\il:Cr'~ffi::l· aca tbem=lvcu acMtccttc:l o\'w lh~ QUOaUon ttbOtbor bo (!(cj to £~;1 .t:: t::l.t1 ot)tr1lll..

---~-A ctar t:c::tr~ to: tlhtl~&ltl~l:.l ~roa Mt l.'tuTw I)VQr t}!a 140m~). ~ tll:lo demmn2c-~ t.:IJ tilt l:lfa bc;ltd: ~I)' ·rot:lO~MI'l.\Oto 1.11lti ""'''"""" ''~""'' tle* nnturtdlr. .ttto t~R e::r ~ur ~ld uat<if Q~ ttl~ ,t)ro t:"!ll::clla!l to ~. ·

';' 1' 1' 'f.lN 1·

'· 'Wo t'tlou~*t t;o 4\ Oll.ll!. U91

~7't~t teo Collin i'C.i'Uat:.d;. t.~ tce'O. !IA~J uc~ t~~'

. •(;a ~ e~itl~~ rc2- .aw~m# oli'e~ .. t!!*" te~~~dq.. ·»i . .$tl'e~~t:l. ~n11 fl

,~· ·.: l'~!f) .. ' . . <>


.. -··,<f.



I I.

~~! 't:> I



I j

l~~:?~;=~?=~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~;:~~~~e~fb.~fflr~~~~~i:~i~;t~~i~~~~i!:~1~~rn~~~;;~;= '--~-" ---~-IE•-\-------_!"· ----__ -- - ~A-t.tew;Barn .;t-~h~old--stand~\-N·e.~rig~...:a~d:terunsc,~v~--. -~~~ ---" ---'---~-==----~·--'-...ol · ~n :added. We db a general drayage and transfer b~si- · ·


F~ this'w~ek •

. Xvay~~rY•n_§.~h~I~.k' ·-'-::~~''-'-""+ ·ye~terday from White .. wUnes~ in the tina~ l'roof

______ : .. ~;-_,; -- -

_receffe and~tv.eY ofliatimn1t ~ress]>aclfiige·s--_. ---c--~------~ or- _ to any part qf the ~pu~ty·wh~n litrusteq td o'*t: · · • -· ca{e. ·- .. Sample ·room ·for ,accomodation of drUmmers:

,;c.~ ' .:.·o~N~ -P.R IcE [ ro . A L:L -~·;: -: .. ':Ar;ent ::roi(~()Qntineutai _;_Qil- COtnp~my ~~ucts. · ·old ~anil . ; ~ -

-: - ··', . · n:ew<auggt~, Wagons andra:&T.nes.for ~e. · Wagon yatd · · 1 -

.. ~: .. ' i? 11(!onn~tion.· _ . ·. ·_· _. _ _, . · ' · ·· . . - · · Visit us.when in ne¢ofanything m ourlme, ·. ·: ·: ,

··l·:::t-~------:~-----~--rlS'-Un:---·.!.PJiont~--NO; ~ 32.-~Promt>t~tt~nUon· iiveJl'-- ~t(HUI~__.:.. ~ .. --: --- ----"' _ business. . , .. · · • · · · · ·- · ·-

- ~.

<UAS. ·.A. .SJfVfNS, · P,rQprieter. '.""j:""-

- '. ,__ --- ,__ -~. . -',::: . .::-:;-~:,_---- --,

-"~-~--~-. ·New~~rrex-•co.--~ ~cAR.RJZOZO,

'tn,.ttn, eveey tiine, I have· just ... n.,. .......... .

. . ' gqo'd lm~ o£ ' Watches, also c·Jneaner

·---~de~· -. at---j:eas.otutble--1-~-~--price$~ •

When in need of Jewelry' or tewir work orany·

· kind, give me a trial. A. F. ROSE~LE,

. The J~weler. ' l

OEO. L~S Prop.

A good lin; of l?resh and Salted M~nb; and· Sausage • . Const.nn'tly on hand.. · . .,. · · ·

''four Patronage Solicited: ·-~-~~ o. :-- .. Phone77•

... .. .. .

:-·N~- B •. Tltyt'Olr&-S'ON$· ·- · JUacksin.itlling_ and. Hardware

llJO. .. .K.~Ll:lil~-·- • • • C.\1Uutc1to .tr WIIIT11 OAK& . • ·-~----- ,I;~ , ___ .._.._~-_..--- ~~ -" ~ -·· .f

'ti11Wll(t!~· l 14,tntt, Glaljs1 Oif11 of-all kiuclih . ., · Uittnc~s. A tinnutiition, Etc • ... w ~· """-' ~·

'A'lJ B~nded Whi11key~ .. " • $1,15 pet Quart, Po-rt Whit --" ~ • • .. " .sa ptt'Q~earr. !$1ll-ckfi.tttj Br.aodJ • , t , ··.so f«r Quart,

, Old·K.iugd,>ttt Sleudt:d ~VJtiskey . ·* $4,00ptrGatl•tt· . .. ~

wllC1ae$8J~ ·PrJeea ·on ~tpi;16 aeei " ·_ . to Outslde.Deele,.-. . · .

. - ., ,·.~Iller~ (ANi • • ') : 6 ~ _, • • ' ' • ~ • ' ' ! ."' .. . • j

" .. ·. ;... .,..,, .... 48"1tate~ ·"te# earas;e i.Qt41fltft

.· ~ ~glnnltJr.· wltli .the. 6*11 ·at MA.Y;_\ve~. wttfctve ~~ .. r . . · · . ' •..• M.. . f D....: f .. d I ..... AI~f ;.J....-A . cent pff on :a :. . .· .. en• ., Ut1ys an ... ,....,...·~- -.s-.y ,

• 4 • . · .l• ilaerprealdeidial coate•t thhi :_: -~~~-J·f,~~~ -9f~-~-tf.tit:~~:~Uqab_,r ···.·· vv ""'"'•·•

- .. ~ ."· · r9w W'Ul()p:,· tlf~ cfemoc;ratie

• ~ , . . , l ' . " .· . . . . , .._ ,. I . . . : . . . .

IJIInir· . .-rflat:~~rnOirtin•-i~f'.tlai:t•:·~·· _ WeAr;~JgtbeS!! . · We.~fffld by J'Qi:JJC.(bfOU8b .Q.Ut JtQC((

tha~ ~~-- are QVel' &t.~ketl in ittese it~m. ilnd lYe are . ·, · .laee; uem• certain tp. .win · 27,' J1 ZtiiODI~Iy Cfrtal~ :,·.., · ' Otlltr•, 11Ul'IJat< ld ··•,••rt·' 1'1>Y"•alr· -illll tt:ttt•J'Cltlt""•~Q:~deace• ·to-··lia,re·n•,.-:--····-- · · · · · ~---------·· ---.---·-.·------~-----:-;·-- ·---~··-··-· ..

Virclala · 12 Weat V'rilaia 8 · W laconain 13

268 I '

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.5'riilat .In Lfn«l)n County. F&ED CORAL . NOTARY SJUBLIC

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Men's .and Youn~ Men's ~ Trousers ~~ orr •. - ··· ·::·· .. ~ · · · · . .... .

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