RMP LPG WCS Petition Attachment G Pages 46-57 Redacted


Transcript of RMP LPG WCS Petition Attachment G Pages 46-57 Redacted

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RMP Report for San Pedro Terminal

Section 1. Registration information

I.1 Source ldentificatiort!Facility 10: 13

a. Facility Name:San Pedro Tf-miiiai

t P iain.- L P Servi Ci^es L b, P p. ant Com pany ti 11%*,amc:

c. Parent Company #2 Name:Plains All Arne ,ican Pme,Jine, L. P

1.2 EPA Fazitity Identifier:10001 UO 1 7 3389

1.3 Other EPA Systems Facility lt):

1.4 Otin and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS):

a. Pacliky DUNB

b, Parent Cwnpany #1 0U'4`S

c. Parent Company 1,2 DUNS:035170524

1,5 Facility Loca t icin Address:

a. Street "'-2,110 Nort') Safiey Strent

ti. Street 2: a

C. City:Sar i Pe'!'C'

d. State: 01,e. zip:93731


Facility Latitude and Longitude:

g, Lat, (dd.dddddd):33.766111

h. Long, (ddd,dddddd):-1 18.292778

i.tatlLong Method:

j.LattLong DescriptiowAB

k.Horizontal accuracy measure (m):


I. Horizontal Reference Datum Code:

002North American Datum of 1983

m, Source Map Scale Number:

24cl oo

1.6 Owner or Operator,'

a. Name:LRancho LPn,?:' Ll C

b.Phone:f310) 833-5275

Mailing address:

c.Street 1:2o2., :-::,,e et d . S treet 2.

f. State: CAg. 7ip-

p a p a I nf I ;


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1.7 Name and titIL, of person or position r «̂ sPo risible fOr P^rt 68 (RMP) in t pit Mcl.rltation:

a. Name of pe rson:Ua,is; JCIIIA-"!ar•

b. T!' le of person or posit i on:Facility Svc^Vlsc-,-

c.Ernait ajdress-.

Z. N Z mi

0 LE P 'C'i L^P:;

1.11 NLirnber of full firneempiovees on site!

1 2 C ov e re J b y .

3. C)SH"A

u. A 302:kc

c. CAA i-I tle V;NoAir operating p^,Tnjt ID:

1.13 CSHA Star or Merit Ranking;No

1 .14 Last Safety lnspection (by anAgen-cy) Date:

1,15 La—t Sai .a l.y Inspeztion Performed by an Exte rnal Agc-ncy•

1.16 Will 'Lhis RhiP involve predictive film-,?:No

1 .16 RMP Prepare , In"Ormaliom

a. f:ame:Ta,

3 Z 3S

st^!esaffq agen=Y

' 0 ,^ 3-45 4^ P V ^21' 91200


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Pedro Te-mifia!

f. State:ixg. ZIP

I . I "I P tt

b. NIAICS Code

42,71Petrcteum 5:!Zi i ons arId TerMfr",0!5

c.Process Chemicais

c.1 Process Cbemica! 1 1N s., I.- C- )

10 Butane


c.2 CAS Nr,c,3 Oty (lbs.)

1^11021 ^ 1IL 110

Section 3. Toxics: Alternative Release --- No Data To Report

Section 4. Flammables: Worst Case

riammables: Worst Case ID 14

C'3,45 -4 0 PV .;2f019i2O()',3 Page 3 n' 1 C^


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3 '5: - .40 PM Page 4 cf



'jane, San Pedro Tpumna

tOOO 0017 038w

4. 11 Graphic file name:

Section 5. Flarnmables: Alternative Release

Fiammables: Altemative Re(ease ID. 3


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im m

512 GraphIc file name:

Section 6. Acc ident H istolry ---.No Data To Repor-t

Sec'Uct n 1-CEW- W.- ri.-.̂ -. tnt 'L io r. P rog ram 13

Prevenlion Program 10:13

Prevention Proqmrn Darcri ptiowSite opaattons are considerecl to be one process, butane arrr: p-opine

storage facility. . All major tanks are n't!rcnr.iected viaznd

each tank COLld, given Ousiness co qf i flions, !)eswi!c 1-_d `:;-n

I .. .. ...09 a m the other, All elemerits iri the p re-;--^n ir r rn

products, theit storage and hand%rc

7.1 NIAICS Code424_1 i

7.2 ChemicalsChemical Name



7,3 Date on which the safety informatiot) was fast revieweci or rev]Sed:

7.4 Process Hazard Analysis (PPA):

a. Date ot last PHA or PHA update: 10/20J2004

b. The technique used :

What If.,No Failure Mode and Efiacts Analysis-No

Ctiecklist:NO Fau(t Triee Analysis:No

VVhat IVC4ockl ist:No Other (Specify):Hazop Revalidation


c. Erpected oractual date of compiation of alf changes fr'om tast PHA or PHA update:

d, kla,;Or hazards iden"Ified:

ToxicNo Coqt2mination' N n

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Fire: y es Equipment failtire: Y ---, s

Explosion- Yes Loss of cooling, hLating, electricity, instrument air: Yes

Runaway reaction: Ilo F-arthquake: •:.' S

Polymerization: t lj ) Floods (flood plain): vc

Overpressurization: NL, Tornado,

corrcsic.".. ,, e, s Hurricangs:

Overfilling: C-S Other (Specify)-F ri S

e. Prowsss con l ro l s in use:

V e -, S -. Yes Em_- e^genj' air s .--p p i v: N^-

Relief valves: Yes Emergency powor: Y c-s

rhLck valves: y en Elackup pump- Yes

s cruubars: N 0 Grounding equipment: Yes

Flares: Yes fnhibitor additiot i : N:^:

Manuel snutoi rs: '(es Rupture disks: "'o

Autorviatic shutoffs: Ex:ess flow device: yes

Interlocks: Yes Quench system! t 4,-

Alarms and procedures: Ye's Purge system: N, ^

Keyed bypass: No None: Nu

Other (Sperify) Ut pols

f.Mitigation systerr i s in use:

Sprinkler system:Yes

Dikes:y es

Fire walls:No

Blast walls:

Deluge system:

g. k9onitorml;f1detection systern s in uso:

ProcesS area detectors:Yes

Perimeter monitors:No

h, Changes since last PHA or PHA update:

Reduction in chemical inventory:

Increase in chemical inventory:

Change process parameters;

Installation of process controls:

Installation of process detection systern s:

Water curtain:N o




Other (specifyi

Non p :ND

Other (Specify):

No Installation of perimeter monitoring systems;No

No Installation of mitigatt ion systems:No

No None recomrnended: No

Yes None: No

No Other (Specify):

132 .109120 109 3 45,40 plVi


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San Pc td r-, T


.5 Ditte of most recent review or revision of operating procedures:

7-6 Trainitig:

a.The date of the most recent revicw or revision of trainin^: p•.^:i:

b. The type of training provided,

11-lassroom- YesOn the iob:4sOther (Sperit'):

c. Tne type of competency testing used:

V.' ritten tost:,, v s0 b so =•on-L

Ora; test:NOC'h-.; : S p--1 :rf:

Damonstrahowy ek S

1.7 Maintenance:

;,?!a: :;.-Ocedurcs: visioo,I-..--i^ :i z 'rh e :^.alof t,^e mos t recent rev iew or renm

b, The date of the mos t receent eptiipmerit inspe:Jion or tra t . _4 5? 2 a r". 8

Equipment most razi, ndy irzspec tad or tezteJPur*.)pcz,'v;;;-,ipr:5>0:"":FL'Zk lozdF^g rn .-Ks


a. The date of the most recent cilange that triggered management of 05V,/2008

C"hange Pr=ejurez:

b, The date of the most recent review o., revision of mznagernent of CO5105i2006

change procedures:

7.9 The date of ttie most recent pre-startisp rev i evv: 0, 15"20C,4

7.10 Compliance audits:

a. The date of the most recent compfianne audl' t:

b. Expected date of rompletion of all chariges resulting from ttie compliance audit:

7.1 1 lnr- ident irlyestigation:

a. Tt ie date of ttie most recent incident investigation (if any):

b. Expected or actual date of completion of all chances resulting from the itivestigation:

7.12 The date of the most recent revie • or revision of employee participation plans- 1 .110 1 120 08

7.13 The date of the most recent review or revision of hot work permit procedures: 1210112003

7.14 The date of the most recent review or revision of contractor safety procedures: 12/01/2008

7.15 The date of the most recpnt evaluation of contractor safety performance: I 2ful 1 1200_

Section 8. Prevention Program 2 --- No Data To Report

w - 0 41-

3 .41 5: '40 PMI Page 7 of 10

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F- acility Name, San Cledro

CPA 0 ,inoorD,

Facility Background

At tre San Pec::f '-- ', .,. : hanJtc- butane and iproparie, both which are re r :grJzed by the EPA as fegulatec 9ammable subst_, .,i ,es. The same properties that make outane and orom--- cl'_;nte as fuel also make rt necessary to pro-ctice certain safety precautions in theirrandling fc.. oreve:•.^spills and ac._, erits Fj-st an,- formost in our operatQris are the efforts unclerti:iiierl !c ers-'re c"rplrivee P:)- cc 7s_,-vs[te as

well as minirruze the vsk exposure for thcl thecommuru:,%-, i t isLi:Gcy to adhere to allfederal, s'are and local rulees ani r, regulations

The prima%• pi..rrnse in the faciiny is to store and distribute butane and prop,n e to wholesaie cu_i r;.:5 Butane is r-ice -l ci and ,;Dr disftuted via ppei int, r7i1 and tra-spc;ls. ^', Ian^ s sio-vd or. .W:, storage tanks ei;;^h bulk tank having a nonimai capacity of 13 million In a:c-:icri r)ur a-e is a so s!nf^j r• tw^ iI30,000 ga1 hori2--n"a! vesze!c. prCparic j fi re ,. t , i ,eddIst,:0LI:e.1ra l ",)r tr3M,)0!:propane is stored in three 60.000 gal hortizonlial vesse's. Arso::isf; 1.1- P ai'l;-;c::

rri^ qemenf bersorinel and contractors

rTi arnount o fthal, can be stored on site is 120 milhon poundr. For propane, the rnaxiam : , unry !hat can be s:a •e_ J z;r; -_ -e is 540,000 pounds

Ac;.,,i^nfai Rek!ase Preve7rion Policies and Practices

^ s 7 tp ana the companystiiv- to -n,-,iive tr., : ; e,jn if in-, :-1's -i.unt:r" ari- ,at t: e fp ..I : i;: .;. PrrTi^ijC., rrus corinni-.-Us m."love ^3 mciuce

Ca'- i, !^: - im-o requiiej mairitaing ip !o c late proced-nes and confir ,ial training o' subjerrla!!er. 1-he prity and it,;-abilitv of maiuT fouipment, ,w) -ding rrips coinprnss,,,-s, pil: -I-ir - , ar'd storage tanks is assured through penodicinspeation, and

fre ­,_­ _7 _; ^ h g r -dieddo not present significant internal corrosion hazards and

corrosion to extemal surfaces of oip-fines and storage tanks is minimized via extensive inspection and paintin(i


7t%n- -,-4te is aisov^^h r'ad-m Ica!systarins COMP, 1: }j OI L-.-.- ak- ' -, 4 -if-re , `-- -e^tjnn

0 1 r at L' E!r id • .rSonn-e sho,;ij a tea!^ ,­, bru- occur. These s r-l-rr-, -,,&a l

it -i with shutcjcwn systems a — e r- ^-!7n2n y res _-jocr^se equipment also thrc : Lg noia t iiie fa^::I ; y and worx in conjunctic,

rist-A u--d onsite. Shutdown systiams indude automatic postive shutoil, vaives and f_, L,-,er c"lica.

Ie L,^_-r:xd to shutdowm affected equiprrierit or isDIate a problem once dere -_.'e :

an actual ieak occur emergency response equipment such as the sites exlersrve sp r niers systems

wo::i.- 3ctiva tfe to help minimize the hazards assiocated wfth the leak. In addition, a continuousiy operar ing flare

is in ec- : Js on sde to minimizze gas emissions to the atmosphere during normal and upset o.•-i :ins

Ttie to and abids by OSHA'a Process Safety Manage- ent rule for site handling hazarl'^ I

lhe sde complies with EPA's Accidental Ro,e_-sf_- ^reiir-rrioh Rule and all o:f

,­4E,;:, : fo sejs i6c act ivity ,, Iud^ ci^les and regulations, including Callornias - 1-i

ocs,om, V, i^n bi tr;is facility was designed in accordancA with NF-- A ^1

Five Year Accidental •istory

thiS "acilify has not had an acrideiit or release mecting RMP criteria within the last five years

r-mergency Response Program

Tiiis facility is considered a non-responding location with no toxic substances on site and as such !E not required

to maintain an Emergency Response Plail. An a non-responding fa.614 ttie Oe rnaintains an Ernefgi:ncy Actton

Plan which includes procedures for the notifcation of local fire, law enforccm_-n l aid medical orcaaizarioris

Notification of any potentially affected neighbors would be coordinated `irougn t l e Cre deparbrii?7,

enforcement after corisuftation with site personnei. Should an actual incideni occur the EAP gives guidanr-e to

employees on when and how to respond to minor incidents, spills and s:7,L. i. fir^s. Larger emergences require

the assistance of local emergency response agencies, including the Los Ance-es fire department and onsite

personnel are knowledgeableas to when that outside assistance is

-1° EAP is reviewed anurtall y to ensijre that it, remains up to dato.n: » Jnt-,! avtivities on si*e ano ern:_`oyesis are trained on thei'r responsibiti l ies in an emergency to ens _!-i,;esponse should a situaticri

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RMP Valida'tion Errors[Warnings -- No Data To Report


Q 2 f 09 12 039 3, 4 4, Z C- P %i = age 10 0" 1


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