Rmi delhi jre fashion show on 15 feb 2014

"CANVAS" the cultural-biz of Raffles Millennium University (JRE Group of Institutions) incepted with the spirit of fetching together the most varied shades and talents in culture from the best Colleges and Universities so that this MASTERPIECE could be shown to outsiders with pride & honor. The theme of the Fashion show was crazy and unconventional .



Transcript of Rmi delhi jre fashion show on 15 feb 2014

"CANVAS" the cultural-biz of Raffles Millennium University (JRE Group of Institutions) incepted with the spirit of fetching together the most varied shades and talents in culture from the best Colleges and Universities so that this MASTERPIECE could be shown to outsiders with pride & honor. The theme of the Fashion show was crazy and unconventional .

On 15th Feb 2014 (Sat), Raffles Delhi Fashion Design students took their talents in Raffles Millennium University (JRE Group of Institutions) Fashion Show, “CANVAS 2014” in Greater Noida. The show was opened by Raffles Delhi student, Prerna Sawhney with her amazing collection (Theme of the show was “Crazy and Conventional”), followed by Shruti Bharech, Fashion Design student from RMI-Delhi.

There were 4 teams from different colleges of Delhi NCR. From Raffles Delhi, 4 designers participated in the show, Ravi K Tirkey was awarded by first runner up of the show (Prize INR 3000 along with Certificates of participation, which were given to all students).

Shruti Bharech, FD student from Raffles Delhi presenting her collection in the JRE Fashion show

Prerna Sawhney, FD student from Raffles Delhi, presenting her collection in the JRE Fashion show

1. Deepti Sharma, Program Coordinator, FD Department- RMI Delhi 2. Maria Cuadrado, Lecturer FM and 3. Frankie Lim, Director of Sales are judging the show along with other panel of jury.

RMI Delhi’s lecturers were invited to be the part of jury for the Fashion show. Deepti Sharma, Program Coordinator, FD Department RMI Delhi , Maria Cuadrado, Lecturer FM and Frankie Lim, Director of Sales were part of the panel of jury.

Maria says, “My place as a judge was not easy because the shows were so different between them and on top of the differences between the students’ work , they were good and it made my job even more difficult.

Ms Deepti Sharma commented , “This event was a great opportunity for our Fashion Design students to face an external judgment. All four students were thrilled to experience the event, as it was organized by students of JRE. This left them with a lot of thoughts about doing something like that for our college in Delhi Campus. I always believe that winning and losing is not important. What is important is the spirit of participation. Our students must face more such challenges as this gives them the motivation to keep working their best.”

Frankie Lim, Director of Sales and , Maria Cuadrado, Lecturer FM at JRE Show-CANVAS, being organized by Raffles Millennium University (JRE Group

of Institutions)

Ravi K Tirkey, First Runner up of the show from RMI-Delhi, with his collection

Meerika Dhawan, FD student RMI-Delhi, presenting her collection at the show

FD student Prerna Sawhney said, “Even though it was on a short notice I plunged to grab this opportunity and be a part of it. I represented two of my garments from my Mini Collection which were inspired from two extremely strong religions the Hindu deity Durga juxtaposed by the Holocaust, that was apt for the given theme. The purpose of participating was not just winning but to get more exposure, to build up confidence in oneself, to present and express ourselves, increase one's competitive spirit and participation. Such competition makes us grow and polish us for upcoming competitions and prepares us for the future.

We often understand, learn and value something even more deeply when we are physically present to see the amount of effort, labour and the skill that goes in creating it .”  

While Ravi K Tirkey (FD student RMI-Delhi) said, “It was a great pleasure to be a part of the JRE Show. The idea to present our concepts of designing was interesting and new. Securing second position was again unexpected with such strong competitors. If opportunity comes in the future, I would love to be a part of such kind of competitions.”

The show was appreciated by the students as it gave them the platform to show their talents and hard work.