Rman Tutorials

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    An RMAN channel represents one stream of data to a device type and

    corresponds to one server session. Allocation of one or more RMAN

    channels is necessary to execute most ac!up and recovery commands.

    As illustrated in "i#ure$ each channel estalishes a connection from the

    RMAN executale to a tar#et or auxiliary dataase instance y startin#

    a server session on the instance. The server session performs theac!up$ restore$ and recovery operations. Only one RMAN session

    communicates %ith the allocated server sessions.

    &ou can either allocate channels manually %ithin a RUNloc!$ or

    preconfi#ure channels for use in all RMAN sessions usin# automatic

    channel allocation. RMAN comes preconfi#ured %ith a DISKchannel

    that you can use for ac!ups and copies to dis!. &ou can also run the

    CONFIGURECHANNELcommand RMAN to specify automatic channels

    to dis! or tape. In this %ay$ you do not have to allocate channels every

    time you perform a ac!up$ restore$ or recovery operation.

    'hen you run a command that re(uires a channel$ and you do not

    allocate a channel manually$ then RMAN automatically allocates the

    channels usin# the options specified in the CONFIGUREcommand. "or

    the BACKUPcommand$ RMAN allocates only a sin#le type of channel$

    such as DISKor sbt. "or the RESTOREcommand and the variousmaintenance commands )for example$ DELETE*$ RMAN determines

    %hich device types are re(uired$ and allocates all necessary channels.

    If you specify channels manually$ then theALLOCATE CHANNELcommand

    )executed only %ithin a RUNcommand* andALLOCATE CHANNEL FOR

    MAINTENANCEcommand )executed only at the RMAN prompt* specify the

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    type of I+O device that the server session %ill use to perform the

    ac!up$ restore$ or maintenance operation.

    Unless you manually run anALLOCATECHANNELcommand$ RMAN

    allocates automatic channels accordin# to the settin#s in these






    "or example$ you can issue the follo%in# commands at the RMAN



    RMAN automatically allocates channels accordin# to values set %ith the

    CONFIGUREcommand in the follo%in# cases,

    &ou use commands such as BACKUP$ RESTORE$ or DELETE

    outside of a RUNloc!.

    &ou use commands %ithin a RUNloc! ut do not allocate any

    channels %ithin the RUNloc!.

    &ou can override automatic channel allocation settin#s y manually

    allocatin# channels %ithin a RUNloc!. &ou cannot mix automatic and

    manual channels$ so manual channels al%ays override automatic

    channels. "or example$ you override automatic channel allocation %hen

    you issue a command as follo%s,



    RMAN internally handles paralleli-ation of BACKUP$ COPY$ and

    RESTOREcommands. &ou only need to specify,

    MultipleALLOCATE CHANNELcommands

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    The oects that you %ant to ac! up$ copy$ or restore

    RMAN executes commands se(uentially/ that is$ it completes the

    current command efore startin# the next one. 0arallelism is exploited

    only %ithin the context of a sin#le command. 1onse(uently$ to create

    three ac!ups of a datafile$ issue a sin#le BACKUPcommand specifyin# all

    three datafiles rather than three separate BACKUPcommands.

    In Oracle2i$ theALLOCATE CHANNELcommand causes RMAN to contact the

    media mana#er %henever the type specified is other than DISK. In

    releases efore Oracle2i$ theALLOCATE CHANNELcommand does not cause

    RMAN to contact the media mana#er/ RMAN does not call the media

    mana#er unless a BACKUP$ RESTORE$ or RECOVERcommand is issued.


    'hen you specify DEVICETYPE DISK%ith any version of RMAN$ RMAN

    does not allocate operatin# system resources other than for the creationof the server session and does not call the media mana#er.

    'hen you execute the BACKUPcommand$ you create one or more ac!up

    sets. A ac!up set$ %hich is a lo#ical oect$ contains one or more

    physical ac!up pieces. 3y default$ one ac!up set contains one ac!up

    piece. 3ac!up pieces are operatin# system files that contain the ac!ed

    up datafiles$ control files$ or archived redo lo#s. "or example$ you can

    ac! up ten datafiles into a sin#le ac!up set containin# a sin#le ac!up

    piece )that is$ a sin#le output file*. &ou cannot split a file across different

    ac!up sets or mix archived lo#s and datafiles into one ac!up set.

    A ac!up set is a complete set of ac!up pieces that ma!e up a full or

    incremental ac!up of the oects specified in the BACKUPcommand.

    3ac!up sets are in an RMAN4specific format. An ima#e copy$ %hich is a

    complete ima#e of a sin#le datafile$ control file$ or archived lo#$ is not in

    an RMAN4specific format.



    'hen ac!in# up datafiles$ the tar#et dataase must e mounted or

    open. If the dataase is inARCHIVELOGmode$ then the tar#et can e open

    or closed, you do not need to close the dataase cleanly. If the dataase

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    is inNOARCHIVELOGmode$ then you mustclose it cleanly efore ma!in# a


    RMAN -e1%,s compression%2 ts b4"5u-s$ 67"7,e42s t74t 04t41&e b&%"5s t74t 748e 2e8e bee2use0 4e 2%t b4"5e0 u-. I,49e "%-es %1 4 04t41&e$7%6e8e$ 4&64s "%2t42 4&& 04t41&e b&%"5s.

    Table Backup Types

    BackupType Definition

    "ullA ac!up that is not incremental. A full ac!up includes

    all used data loc!s in the datafiles. "ull ac!ups of

    control files and archived lo#s al%ays include all loc!s in

    the files.

    Note, A full ac!up is different from a %hole dataase

    ac!up$ %hich is a ac!up of all datafiles and the current

    control file.

    Incremental A ac!up of datafiles that includes only the loc!s that

    have chan#ed since a previous incremental ac!up.

    Incremental ac!ups re(uire a full or incremental level 5

    ac!up to serve as a asis.

    Online A ac!up of online$ read+%rite datafiles %hen the dataaseis open.

    Note, 6o not put a talespace in ac!up mode %ith the


    uses a different method to #uarantee consistency in online


    1losed A ac!up of any part of the tar#et dataase %hen it is

    mounted ut not open. 1losed ac!ups can e consistentor inconsistent.

    1onsistent A ac!up ta!en %hen the dataase is mounted )ut not

    open* and %as notcrashed or shut do%n %ith theABORT

    option prior to mountin#. The chec!point S1Ns in the

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    BackupType Definition

    datafile headers match the header information in the

    control file and none of the datafiles has chan#es eyond

    its chec!point. 1onsistent ac!ups can e restored %ithout


    InconsistentA ac!up of any part of the tar#et dataase %hen

    It is open.

    It crashed or a SHUTDO:NABORT%as run

    prior to mountin#.

    An inconsistent ac!up re(uires recovery to ecome


    How Incremental Backups Work

    7ach data loc! in a datafile contains a system chan#e numer )S1N*$

    %hich is the S1N at %hich the most recent chan#e %as made to

    the loc!. 6urin# an incremental ac!up$ RMAN reads the S1N

    of each data loc! in the input file and compares it to the

    chec!point S1N of the parent incremental ac!up. RMAN reads

    the entire file every time %hether or not the loc!s have een


    The parent ac!up is the ac!up that RMAN uses for comparin# the

    S1Ns. If the current incremental is a differential ac!up at level n$ then

    the parent is the most recent incremental of level nor less. If the current

    incremental is a cumulative ac!up at level n$ then the parent is the

    most recent incremental of level n48 or less. If the S1N in the input data

    loc! is #reater than or e(ual to the chec!point S1N of the parent$ then

    RMAN copies the loc!.

    The BACKUPcommand can ac! up the follo%in# types of files,

    6ataase$ %hich includes all datafiles as %ell as the current

    control file and current server parameter file

    Talespaces )except for locally4mana#ed temporary talespaces*

    1urrent datafiles

    1urrent control file

    Archived redo lo#s

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    1urrent server parameter file

    3ac!up sets

    RMAN does not ac! up the follo%in#,

    Online redo lo#s

    Transported talespaces efore they have een made read+%rite

    1lient4side initiali-ation parameter files or noncurrent server

    parameter files.


    OFF*$ then RMAN automatically ac!s up the control file and the

    current server parameter file )if used* in the follo%in# circumstances,

    After every BACKUPor COPYcommand issued at the RMAN


    'henever a BACKUPor COPYcommand %ithin a RUNloc! is

    follo%ed y a command that is neither BACKUPnor COPY. At the end of every RUNloc! if the last command in the loc!

    %as either BACKUPor COPY.

    After dataase structural chan#es such as addin# a ne%

    talespace$ alterin# the state of a talespace or datafile )for

    example$ rin#in# it online*$ addin# a ne% online redo lo#$

    renamin# a file$ addin# a ne% redo thread$ and so forth. This type

    of autoac!up$ unli!e autoac!ups that occur in the precedin#

    circumstances$ is only on dis!. &ou can run CONFIGURECONTROLFILE

    AUTOBACKUPFORDEVICETYPEDISKto set a nondefault dis! location.Note that the autoac!up never causes the associated structural

    chan#e to fail. "or example$ if you add a datafile$ and if the

    resultin# autoac!up fails$ then the datafile addition is still


    Test Backups Using RMAN

    ou can run t!e BACKUP...VALIDATEcomman" to "o t!e


    1hec! datafiles for physical and lo#ical corruption 1onfirm that all dataase files exist and are in the correct


  • 8/13/2019 Rman Tutorials
