RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ......

VOL. XXI, NO. 8. •" —w-7 SATURDA\Vl>KrKMHKK 4. -SI .50 PEK YEAKin __ RELATION OiF THE CHURCH TO- MODERW One of the most interesting ant] . •flitfnificont-series of meetings held ii ^hecity of New York this season,, was . the conference conducted'by the De- partment of Church and Labor of th _A_mo.ng those who mnde flddreiseiTah took pa#"i»-4he—discussions were "*Y Samuel McCue Lindsay, Ph.D., Direc- torof' the. New York School of Phil- Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, General .Secretary of the National Child. Laboi Committee; John Mitchell, Vice-Pres- ident of the American Federation ol — Labor, Prof. Franklin H. GiddbiRS,;.Ph. D., of the School of Political Science, ColumBnrUnivereity, Rev. Paul Moore ' Strayes, director of the "People's Sun- day .Evening". Rochester, N. Y* Charles Sprague . Smith, directorof the Peopla's Institute, New Ynrk City, Kobert Hunter and Johiv Spargo (representing •^h"C~"S<5eTalists( Dr. Thomas Hall of Union Seminary . DP. Luther H. Gulick of the Playground EJxtensijjn.Cpmmittee; Dr.-Edward T. Devinet Sec.ttfthe New York- Charity Orpinizatian Society; NorrnairHapgood, ^ of Collierts Weekly, and may others. '•-—the subjects ol the three days disi —^"ciissmnirwere as follows: 1. Social con- . ._. ditions confronting-the--church. 2. " Social forces challenging the church. . u .3. A social program for the church •. The pastor . (if the . Presbyterian — Church of this place, ydw has been in - attendance upon'fliis conference will ' preach in that,church tomorrow morn- „_..!—ing-nt-eleven;o'clocl _._—of-the -Church "tcrMotlern SociaT-Coiv ditions", Revelations 21:16, (The Vision " of the Social Order that "lieth four- square".} - - ' The. evening .-service--will -be~ar" o'clock. The pastor will preach. WHAT ARE RED CROSS STAMPS ? They ore stam, ristiiuidjnrd~New. Vear's letters and —paekagesrond- on-al r~mail their, holly berries help to make a merry Christmas. Thoy cost one cent -each. They/vare not good for postage, ^-.tnt. th -rcgularldamps liii'yfc In 1; Hall fdi^n sociable- Opportunity was oritertainmeiit to win the "spciul point" What is the object'of using the Ked them On the letters. The answer is that the money raised by se]ling them is used m the fight- ^YbJc^ in timeout! stnmp-ourtuberculOSldrorconsuiriptionT When people Jearn-tUat-,they naturally want to help, anil to learn more about this fight. The "stamps are Christmas and New Year's. steamps.-becaijse-tliis ' is a blessed figlit and it will be s\' happy day when it is won. __ ; profits on sales in Summit nre used "^^Ti(jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ways, which will help everybody to -help-in-tltis giual fiylil" , They caa.be boughLatr'ucarly-all : ther s tflres_i nStimmi t.'.i lookzf onrthe-siRn-'of- r^the Red Cross), in small and large r: had at the Y.-^. C.. A....Tlvey. inay.Jje -hiad in sheetsjif one-;liundred^;it_ojier "dollar, 1 "" ~ 2 • „ "'•_- ^Mbn'doihg biisinessTnjNew York and Newark can help the-Summit-aark by tnU several dollars worth for useiir p ^ ^ ^ ^ j g 'Men doing biiim£egaJlLSiunnut-wilL naturally do Una 'any way.. Each p sold is a~buHet in the tight aginst lerculos EDITOK OFSUMMIT HERALD: ——— ~~ Do not put a pall on prosperous Sum- mit by having .1 tuberculosis sanitarium located here. Even -in my limited ac- ' quaihtan^ThKny"personsi"boarding at : the Blackburn for several seasons and intended building here; they all say "they will give up all such plans if a I sanitarium is allowed tocreep in here. Morristown will not liave one. Why I should Summit, even if a higher rent l-ispaid.for-the building than any one I else will pay? It is depressing enough I to see the "nervous" patients walking ItbroMgli the streets of the town ac- Icompanied by their attendants, without Ithrusting a tuberculosis sanitarium up- \n Summit. I .am sure if the mothers fan have anything to say on the matter, they will say, "keep it out of bummit, is the talk over it among the young le.is depressing to say the least. IPI'TOR SUMMIT HERALD: 1 Dear Sir:—The act under- which Sum- lit is incorporated as a city requires.that l e Board of Education andSunennten- \ntot the schools shall report annual- Ito the Common Council and the State lard of Kducationon the first rtfjuij. t s such report been made for tms Tir? [A report has been filed with \ State 'Board but npl with the Com n Council, nor has it been publish*.'! •quired bylaw.—Editor]. -. IAN UNWISE PUUCY. "Liikewood.1 and Summit.-protest strongly against the locating within their limits, of a tuberculosis institution of any kind whatsoever. They, arp by no means the only communities that have voiced similar sentiments.—fr-g*;^ lias heard tliemjvithin Itsjiwn bottlers, so~lias practically every, other coin- to cstnblisli such an .institution. It is the strong, prevailing Bentimerit. No- body wants a tuberculosis-institution next to his own premises * or near enough tomake the infection of his own fannly-e\'en-arposslbin^r~" -'It may.be unfortunate that such is the ease... Eminent^ doc tors suy-thai this sentiment is wholly unwarranted and that all fears of infection from such sources areabsolutely groundless. Perhaps they are right; -but while such •fears exist and sucfc sentiment .pre? vails, why, should: they- be worked up- on to the detrimetttjyf tlw great crusade tt consumption. There are hun- dreds of excellent, convenient Sites' in this State that aYe" just as good, if not better, than the best that- can be se- lected in anyjown or city. ills itgotari unwise policy, to say tin .Jia§ti__tn_faree~upon-any—eommtjnity" something- which they wisely oj 1 'un- wisely dread' mid thus incur''their antagonism lo a cause which deserves and needs their sympathetic help? __. "Governor Fort has stated the ea.se •lainly. There is" no desire to driv«_ preventoriums and sanitariums out oT ew Jersey, but thm-p 'is nppneifj<yt-('t locating tliem^wiiere,-they -will -de- preciate 'property, damage the^popu- larity of u placer or prove a source of dread and discomfort to. the people. There is plenty of room,, sites.: art* numerous, and every citizen of this State favors the war against the white plague. But let the battlefields be chosen with' "discretion."—Newark Nwws. enjoyed themselves to the fulleni exteut on Thursday even- ing, when they gathered' in Association "T j. OURY. H. C. A. __TlUi-attendauce -in the" various bible classes conducted by our Young Men's Christian Association has been tlte largest ou record and very encouratt- Iiig. : -Tlio Tlass taught ..by oiir formeii has 18 enrolled-andJ5-p ing. Tho£lass taught by Mr. Hoo<l has -I3-enrolled"imd J ~a1'raverage atteiuhnce of 11. In fact,- ever since the summer vacation the Association building has been a busy ' place ami the need of a new building very evident. The .Exe* cutive'Committee of the new building fund " report .subscriptions plwljjed amounting; to $72,Gi)O, leaving 92,400 to be raised to complefe tlie $75,000 believed'necessary-to build tT building including ' lot andfurnishings. A number who have been seen, unti art* but merely to geTtli COLLEGE ~Vul)y uuehumlivd gr.uituic teen different CO11P1T,»« met dny evening at thv i <»f nim Tue ^ e Association of-Suminit, NY\y Jersey. Henry B. Twombly" win* unaniniousl; fhosenjis chairman of the 'meeting am Ruford Frankliirarsi^rivl^r}',""jfmL fni wasailded iianiiUofLWV.Mabie and . thesjy -thnv—tt>«fihrr;wth fou others were appointeil, as a fonimitle for nil future twvvi eikfr, ami Uossibl I i ^ th it oT&eyea to arra,ug,v> irrgs, 'inrluilinirasiti a dinner, smnetimv ith talks on university subjects b. men pmininent in eolle^e affairs, stor ^ and-singinj>rrTlit*ri?~is"fir"bc n< , no by-l:ivvs iiud mi due? considering the amount, they will sub- scribe, it is hoped will bring the amount up to l7.j,(K)i) this-* w e e k . , Tlw .annual meeting of the- active members for the election of 5 ilirectors to si;n p e Tor :i-years? will 'be 'held" this (Saturday) njghtand followed by tin meeting of the directors for the t'lee ;ion of officers . to serve for the i v "ir iuinji yeaV. BASKETBALL.. L, The Summit High; School won its rst barikutball game of the season on ^ednpsday ufturnoon -iiy defeating thr fast five of the Harrison Highs School >y a score of 1*0 to 14. Tlfe' Harrison leading by a 'score of 12 to (i when it ended.._ In the tteeoiid ' lalf, however. Summit rallied and held I the visitors to 2 points while running I uu-14.tiwmtu>lves. -Uaile>"rthe—.captain": of this year's team, played exceptionally for Summit, scoring half of the [joints made by his team. The score: Summit. _ Harrison. Me Snrty .Hi. MorrisoUi AHenifln...!..^ „.^_Nii """cpnter iriment was.furnislicd by--the follow- ing boys: Leslie Hurrel! at the jm\jv Alfred Nelson recited an original, poem; Krcdj\lleirian n gave y g .mesmerizing exhibition; Clifford Jud- and Milton Abbott in acrobatic 'eats; Stanley Turner in a declamation, Arthur Sherwood recited ...some 'mode lose of nursery ryines." At the i tn"e evening, theLadies' j ^ x Boys' VV harge of Mrs. J_Lovell Murray, naii,..furnished— and-served-the hoys itli"Jce cream^Hd cake. •It4his-aftemoon is clmir, f tlie boys \nll spend thern^fturtioon in hike to \Vestfield_audJiaiO( ~~~~ A new. gymnasium class wilt hew- iiiZcdf for^joyB^tretwee^flic-a ges~o"f 10_and -12, meeting ^on Tiiesday n\U\ Thg Indies' gyjTujasiumicla&i^w-orViv- ig a popular'feature_ and meets for o'clock, and'foE-ba'akethalLo.iL£riday- ftL'niiiuii At"the same Tioui\ ~~ Mr, Ernest D. North will address 'boys' "own "'me'etin"g,'""'~ to-morrow iTtenioon.^V. M. C, A. Hall, at 2.IW I'clock. , :-•-- " John W. Weeks, former general >ecretary of the association, addressed ? i l t S " d ^ - 7 r The total attendance in Bible classes ir November was as follows: Younjr ion, 114; older boys, 55;-younger boys,' 14, innking a total of 20U for the month. New' Postal Cards January 1. Designs for the new postal cards have been approved by. Postmaster-. GeneraL Hitchcock. They will be inished January' 1, 1010. On the ordinary cards the head of the late President McKtnley will appear ns now, but a much better likeness has been selected. On the. newsmall card, in- tended for index purposes and socia] correspondence, a likeness -of Presi- dent Lincoln will appear. The two- tent international card will bear a por- trait of Gen. Grant. Innovation h.is been made for the double or reply postcard. On the first half will ap- jear a portrait of George Washington, while the stamp on the second, or reply half, will be a likeness of Mnrthx Washington. Nicol, Rea Jiart*.. oy.. . "right guaiii* ..(iennel) Ma "•'tiler tvi'tMsionatly, fnrjrpiWw.tt .of .o day* am! "a" iiodd .tim7'7ii\'nvr.u'iy. Mr. H h i lk i Ui l i manner, talk in Uis -iisyally w:iN'iv:irm)r.i{i|)taiidf<(f. f h Many of •|l»**-vJULfa.v"ntf diffen-iit colkvcs \vt-i-f tn*L» cnuipauy. a'n<l .ifif was served. .,, Presiilrnt IVrry, ^sof th< JJ; by(IK 1 eii nls it luncl gltest, und t!w» two* : uMest j;r present were Williuui l>. I'mUT class of 1X50. Williams, ami .Jm Hick»-, of Trinity, I&i4, -MISS HJRTEK IN, QUfcBfcC. eiitertainmi!nt-iii- > -Qii(»l*tHv-<."anarfar'''*f which the Ioe:ri p'.ipei*s -speak ;i follows: The Quebec ITlmmirle says •She is mi elocutionist «»f ^re;it ntliini-- ments and the V. M. (*. A- crowded to its'utmost t':i|tacity' last evening. Her selections embmccd n wide range of dinlect, and she was -remarkablesiiicc-cns in bertlflinenlioii'of the neuri> eharacters in the' Sunny South. She. habitant jiie nl to the. full j r i M i Porter is tobe coiiLrfatuIated upon tin remarkable triumph which.she won." The Quebec Daily 'Telegraph says i r.VBitc LIBRARY NOTES. The following is tljc list of new-book: recently added to the library: FICTION'. ,- -*- % Uuach, Hex : . .."..<! .$ilvoT hord, Hlaekwood, Algcrnnn.." : ' - ' * Chestertun,.U^K....:... Thurstlay Jrawford, !•'. M .' ; White sister Dunning, J. K Master builders Grant, Robwt.. XliippomUles 1 Hyatt, S. I*. : ; I'-nd at the roadj -Maeg'riitltV HaroluT.T.'".'"":. .*". Ooose girl 1 Oldmeiulow, Kruest.. - .Aiiloiiii), slies, that brought forth frtM|iiL>nt bursts'uf appliiusT? 1'rinn the critical lint highly delighted atidie.nci ; erowded to the "tTnurt awav, and when~nh NON-KltTION. -•- lil •province was t>ft'lt*nt and frequently Htilly vn- —^ - - applauded MissJ^Ity-^Hid^Lff^iyj:^ ..,- ing,-a.text book -. UfUmbaUHln M.O. .Making otn teacher Bryant; S . C r . r T l l w to tell stories to Jriulifield, O. W. .American Fillebrown, dues, P,' (•*.. /51i:uttrock-lHrul, a. iiimblt through Ii-elaiul JIogft^JL .... :.-! Thanksgiviii(r and Christmas'" Mason, Mrs. C- A; - .Spell of hal; read erTor~fo reign e rs O'JJrien, S. H English for foreigners Palmer, O. II -.-.Self-cultivation in English Rockefeller, J. D. Random reminis- cence ol men ami events Kuhl, Arthur., ^..Other Americans Schauffler, H. H. ed ..Christmas Sclinuffler, U. II. ed.. -..-Thanksgiving Bcpubllcan plurality Over 4i,ooo, \V. L. OARS & CO. 'CONTRACTING Grading, Excavating, Luylng^f gl<l.e- WalkB, Concrete and tenoent WorK done on percentage or bycoutravt. 126 nounlaln Avenue. Summit, N. J. According ~ to the 'official cleclion returns compiled in the office ;of the Secretary of State, at Trenton, the Republican plurality at the election of November 2, was 41,502. 1-ast year on President it WJIS Ki,*»00 The total vote oil the Assembly ticket, excepting in Ucean—County, was 210,(> r )0, and on the Democratic Ifeket, I(JJt,l. r »7. Tliere was no Democratic Assembly candi- date in Ocean county, and the Senator- ial vote'was used for comparison. The total vote was 85.5 of the voteea.^V- in the last Presidential election. The Socialist candidates for Assembly in the '11 counties in which they were nomin- ated polled 6,(179 votes, the I'rohibi- tioniat Ajgsernbjy candidates in l'J coun- "fiesTS/llS, and the Socialist-Labor, As- rfortiii' iuanimy ;in<Tltiil:iby lTTf thr rwilations fnini \}t: Drumniond, .she displayeil n tlraumtic power ami mastery 'of tlu<-fH a m!i:ir dialpt't~~Kmilisb, ;is it is spoken, li> ' Tin- _THH -VAUEY-OF THE -Mrs. Taylor's lotcreslbiff Description of tbc Ancient E^ypilan fiartnl Place. The-following brief jnxotint of stunt 1 *>f the Royal _U>nili^_iiuthe Nile Valley ni'.iy be interesting our readers, »'s- IH't'iallj^is. tUt uiuiuinifiwi remains of RantOSL's, "u.most renow'iled ruler of the ancient Kuyi»tiariHi_-' H f'njts.wny lo i ' De il in, the museum at Boston: ' el-H:ih:iri, tlie Valley of ings." "Knn.rging into thr welcome wn- Hgntand remounting our donkeys, wha had been neacefutty browsing under a fncndlyshcd, we climbed a steep and rocky path up the mountain and down mto tliu valley on the«lher*\de, whertj arethe hc-iutifuland Hell preserved re mama ut the Temple of Queen Hatshep- set—\\ wan built on terraces and over- looked the Nile Valley. ~Tti the olden days when tin* Queen flourished (about 1..... Tombs'«f tln^J we'stevn bank flu' 1 nutiUM' of what Is kno iiins* is situated f tin* Niit\ .dearly town Mt l.nxor,, wn us aiieiiMit a 'part bl whose hordrrs spread over both bank ^fj'ht'.rivyi'. ahd-iaki'-iuihe-saervti cily .if Karnak, now a mass of ruins, whos. inunensity baffles the modern traveler and ih an iiu'\li;iu>tihlt' mine for til rptnUvjist; but 'tin not nf thisl Wcml iiur d-mlieys, ""i'd I'ioys hearing luii Ulil_t;Ut":dter hnjt. tve l;inded on thr imn,}i shoiittiiu stieksforthe ben llH'ii- attemlant.t and •h 'baskets, folloivrd A fie I'lheV e_ ticking 'with hr.iudisliin^ of iTTJiw rather sulky luxuriant ctirufu'tds for a mile/ when we sudd.-iily loutid our- selves In tin.' de-ieri, leaving Jtb'o liist slnitylinu.village behind. ~ The bright blue sky overl:e:nl and the glorious -snuUghf uhteh floniled- this made :\ sphMidirt'Tinitra.st In Ibc ir4*um?v—«Hiii' di'sci i .tint rn«r ruutntaius 'whieli litie<l the tiarrmv •alley wherein the tombs are .situated, 'lie nj:id runs for five .miles through :ruce of vegetation appears, nothing >nt rocks piled up in wild confusion mud the devastiu^ smuts of the illinut- ible desert. The road toot; a slight hi- :Vme, and a.t liist we halted in front of ;L lunnitivin which lowered www **n, * - •as an ojienini; which led down a rneky lojM*r-t<>—:*rtltmrcrax—rnT~alio»n three "uiulred and fifty feet in the HOIM! rack. •This wns"ti»e"eiitratuVli'i tlie Tinnb of SeH 1., 'who was'the soind Uunienes I., the f;ttlutr of tlie Hient Uum'.-sos 11., the well known conqueror of Palestine and Syria. Soli 1.,'HVTMI in the year V,U'n\ Sy -•ftT-Tunti-*-— ^ name for tlio land tm both sidwofthe •••_• -.. Knl S.tt,-M fnrnouih'as and includinjc Snmalilani), Sho,was very successful as may be seen by the mural decora- - tions on thr walls of tins temple.^foi- 1 ' there are tlie eajjtives from the land of Punt bringing their -treasures as offeniiL's to this warlike lady; gold, in- ' eense, ivorjvrare irecs, spices, ele- phanK Kiraflea, leonard.-* :m7T slaves ~ with ropes around their necks, both male and female,.the Queen's steward meanwhile keeping tally. There is a singular family cpisodu Rhown on the walls of this bmous temple for lierc.and there one jH'mjivosJheilim outline of .1 frmala. figure.: Th»-s*» space* are. . (hatr<Mn:iin of snilpture or pictures of ° 1 "' lL »--»-• Thotmess .IH.r Qu h n f s llatsh< Q atsh<|.. who ,.nvi.:cl ,-inil nies II e.l Ins sister, the •- f hdl iifher bus to upsurp the -thrrun to powi-r lie fil, stlnve after thcdeatli iaiiif (his own half brother) l , wlilch hi> finally ttMij^. On liis ascension rclered all Uie i:arvings. ^ieturci^rltcp be tlrstmywl and effaced, so that even the memory nf-the <|wt-n might he fur- gotten. .loiter lin visiting Karnak we. came across ^ prostrate statue mutilated anil ~ liniken. [yin^r fare downwalil in the. ninl. OurCTi.!i'|Miinteil it nut as that iJ.Thotmes III. Inthe dim liKht that history tlinm s on the career of this crafty anil iiii<.TjiiiiiIPl\t evident the only ylory lie evtr attained wasJhi-.Hii.li tin- leflecleil lii;lit of his .sister, the queen builder, of this once beautiful temple, which even iti its d e - . env still attracts the twenrrrtW^Njiluxy visitor. ' ' ;?i-thr-aftrTlliinii shailiius benan to . want* we ri'i;ri'tfully turned our faces Mi!e\var<t and recnissed th* 1 river to I.nxor. MHS. KlIKIiKHU'K T'.lvi.nK, . nti>imiiiiT[\ liinbily Cbib oil. \Vi;(,lncs«la>' \\vxuV UE_ \M\hvr Uulick, bend <tf the -Physical tuiuc:\ti«n and PlaygnnnuTWork-tif the Uussell Sa«e Knumlntiniif, tpf'tilf. mi "TJnt-'JnTi'ttrur jiv»; Movement in Society." _ WtiR"\tiG~5nii ual :iMht •<J fainijnir hnilsehold (.'nils and daily do- n, his wives, servants, slaves, his hildren's portraits, even the entrance if his soul "Ka" or double," as they alleil.it into the other world; also Ins liuninififil remains—fwl'iii; coliveyejl rXosNthe Nil<*-in-the saeriMl-bont.-n-ifh ietnres of the Iniln and uorjteous pro- essiou following, ai-l)efitted so ^reat •• All this is faithfully portrayed i ' s which are.-iint slightly u( tlie j C7n5\ - as. jve.ur id these winiliiiL' [•il into the dei'|> I'i uijtlcss tlli treasures •aii—were—eoMcealert il 1/ the mighty i,m_^gzen^_Tr ji atiU ueauti- fact this h " . k "!J \ .. '"^ :. J ",7 "' J always represented carry inn (U'Siaff-mi.i ire iire- iil fur a lifetime remain » jdtHHtttit reiutnder ut Ute v^lver. A1WH>*H think of honkM when 'L'hooHfiiKa K'fl anil ilieu reiufin- ;j ber that we »lw»ys innke n j] specialty of lt>>ol{H. That uieann 11 tbat-you will—(jet—bish-nrmle—f; Itw at (IN low; l^i'-Cfl-tt— it '*~f t^tdt; tosell them. In many |< unces for le--- tl'i:in the ptih- I IMierx price, ;, ROGERS^PHARMACY I Cor. Springfield Ave. i and Becchwood Rt!., 1 SUMMIT. NEW JERSEY ' TELEPHONETT4 ~" .cmy Passaic and I'nion polled l.tXKi votes.; (Comparing the votes with that oC190a,' which-was i'preBideBUSf. year,, tlic Re-i publicans polled Kl per cent, of the; vote, while tho Democrats pulled .SSI per cent. . : WILL YOU SELL YOUR PROPERTY KIOrlT? HAVE CUSTOMERS lor houses, plots, farm* oHfTaCTMRe. . . WHY NOT let us SELL or RENT your property to one of thtm? LIST IT TODAY. It cost nothing, -unless . .—- we produce » purchsscr or tenant Correspondence invited. Hotchkiss-Jobs Realty CoT 6 on thofapiienrant'ti-.of .finely- uut'iyury^ it ulso'jrives th^bistory of the life, and death of Seti-1! Kntwined' ivmnd; and about like 1!l scroll i.s.tlrclscrpentemblfiu «f ; Uu* ntyalty and sraraeh or-beetle, emblem «f*hniriitrtjility--inclndini; also 4ho-eoiHttJ«iH em>i!ems-fif his many/ and furious divinities._L!Thv ijtnr.Vhubis,' liad been "transportt*d tj) the portals 0/ an unknown world—so re:il wore tl.ey, but our dragoman h.is much to slum*us, so we pass on and out into Hit? ylowinu .sunshine. Am sorry tosay that pour Sett's remains have not n:(w»scd i l " It is Hit' rii£jom of tin's departnit'iit if wliu'li^rrs. .11. \V. MaMi- i--' chair- niiin 1 to li;iv<> an address on some jn(>ii' niching Mt>**i;il viTonrMiy it WfH-knnWn iul-;iutlim'it;ttivi* -sprakcr,".••anti~a»"at" iitt^c utulUMiet' filled the Woman's istitufi.-'lHiiMiiiK to it.sr.ipanty~tij hear Dr. (Julick, who ilivitlfd a thnuKhtftir IM';HU, without ronsideni- second, the preventive ise; iheurv, - iiini.iFtity the heal possible conditions—• " (i gradually^ub.stitutu tho-K«<Kl--f«H 1 ^}«*-*-nr i;-nt. that. jpU'asnre may be_liad purely^:.— ~tlTiL~iives niay'be'. lived eleanly, thai U air, juirr. food and leistin- for the: ~ •r lli"mt:s."f life inav be tlir pTirtimiu -,-- _^_ new mie. A'aluable as .it is. it 'li one uf the; hardest theories practically. There was ;i social scientist in Orintlt prpti«^nt« 1 tt- it- i Hie Kotjians in the simple words. Til' not av.-Vcome ttf evil, "IijiCmer- i>»K *'vil with ^<KMI. " -Tlif annual reports of tht! District. N'nise Association, tho'IVnny f*rt>vi- _ day's int'etinu', iu'\r week's papers- lonili for many a lonirj'ijar.Jiisji.''' 1 -" 1 '.--!-ilciiL-Euiid-anil lln^-l'l.iyijiMUilil-Coni- •fa|-alabasti.T''»:ircii|ihai;us")ii(viiii{ li<--cn I it,jii(.,.. wliirli wcrp ro:i<l at Wcdncs- S l ^ f i ^ S n nS:i",:n^™:i"-'>^ ™«'inL'. will .,, p.l,»,Ae4 ures, uhile bis Imdy -is exposed to view-* in a ulass case in the tiizeh Musevun At t.'airo. There were five i »^.«,u T.i r «t r other similar tombs in this valley all I . (."VtPWOK'S APPOINTMENTS. varyinn in sizt- :md riflmess of orna- i mcnl. n Tin most l II; pmvrd really, d Tomb of Amend inturvtiiini;, tliis his remains havitmbeen secured fniin Ihf maniuders v and properly guarded, the sarcophagus of red granite lies shattered »n the ground, the inner mie beautifully inlaid and carved, cov-. " with a heavy glass ease, holds the muuitnin<*d remains of Ibis once power- ful monarch.' Anelectric light sheds it,s rjys on the blaL-ke.ned, but still m- zabhr features of the king. Am- iis lived »bout 1(*HO H. C. Ontlut ground in a side chapel lay 'three bodies, that of a woman, h^f-husband anil sun. Tht;se were favorite slaves, as the' writing on the walls' revealed, and wen* slain.h>*.order-«if-tin? king at tht; nioincut of this dentb, so th:it Iheir souls might accompany_his_jmd_do_jM5 World/' This tomb was entered by_a_ sod—ut—ivotwlen drawbridge, us. there was a yawning chasin^f fully IftJO'feet in front of the inner entrance, so' that flny—intruder—would bi? Basticd to meceij as he stepped into the darkness: However, we.mav not linger, aniitl tomW.and .flieir ifn" Tin- (Jnvernor's appolntmrnjs.nl t|;>* last year of his term will not be a.i many or as important generally as those nf 1'XttiUid UXK». There will, however, lie three- State judicial appointnjents- and one.ipf a clerk in Chancery, al- ready appointed in interim.'also! three county judges, two bistriit Court judges and four count) probttutors In every counts a uitmbtr of tht. Hoard, of Kiiualizatiun uill be mnitd The appointment of sutttssori,toD\\«i ftninl i p Slate assessor mtl Major Carl iXxii. of the State Itoird of rqualrjEi tion. will eonmiand the most interest __ .VJiother.State office to be filled is that of State Tabor^comintisioneryjioAv Bryant, Occupied liv J.rw Atlantic City. of A larve nvwA cylinder touting cat- to hire bv the hour at Grays garage, 51 Summit Ave. -Phono 151 Jay and ni|j>rt. ' ' . .' . 23tt 1

Transcript of RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ......

Page 1: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

RKSpsci -.;;

VOL. XXI , NO. 8. •" —w-7 SATURDA\Vl>KrKMHKK 4. - S I .50 PEK YEAKin __


One of the most interesting ant]. •flitfnificont-series of meetings held ii

^hecity of New York this season,, was. the conference conducted'by the De-

partment of Church and Labor of th

_A_mo.ng those who mnde flddreiseiTahtook pa#"i»-4he—discussions were

"*Y Samuel McCue Lindsay, Ph.D., Direc-to rof ' the. New York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, General

.Secretary of the National Child. LaboiCommittee; John Mitchell, Vice-Pres-ident of the American Federation ol

— Labor, Prof. Franklin H. GiddbiRS,;.Ph.D., of the School of Political Science,ColumBnrUnivereity, Rev. Paul Moore

' Strayes, director of the "People's Sun-day .Evening". Rochester, N. Y*Charles Sprague . Smith,directorof the Peopla's Institute, NewYnrk City, Kobert Hunter and JohivSpargo (representing • h"C~"S<5eTalists(Dr. Thomas Hall of Union Seminary

. DP. Luther H. Gulick of the PlaygroundEJxtensijjn.Cpmmittee; Dr.-Edward T.Devinet Sec. ttf the New York- CharityOrpinizatian Society; NorrnairHapgood,

. of Collierts Weekly, and may others.'•-—the subjects ol the three days disi

-—^"ciissmnirwere as follows: 1. • Social con-. ._. ditions confronting-the--church. 2.

" Social forces challenging the church.. u .3. A social program for the church• •. The pastor . (if the . Presbyterian

— Church of this place, ydw has been in- attendance upon'fliis conference will

' • preach in that,church tomorrow morn-„_..!—ing-nt-eleven;o'clocl!_._—of-the -Church "tcrMotlern SociaT-Coiv

ditions", Revelations 21:16, (The Vision" of the Social Order that "lieth four-

square".} - - '— The. evening .-service--will -be~ar"

o'clock. The pastor will preach.


They ore stam,ristiiuidjnrd~New. V ear's letters and

—paekagesrond- on-al r~mail

their, holly berries help to make amerry Christmas. • Thoy cost one cent

-each. They/vare not good for postage,^-.tnt. th -rcgularldamps liii'yfc In 1; Hall fdi^n sociable- Opportunity was

oritertainmeiit to win the "spciul point"What is the object'of using the Ked

them On the letters. The answer isthat the money raised by se]ling themis used m the fight- ^YbJc in timeout!stnmp-ourtuberculOSldrorconsuiriptionTWhen people Jearn-tUat-,they naturallywant to help, anil to learn more aboutthis fight. The "stamps are Christmasand New Year's. steamps.-becaijse-tliis

' is a blessed figlit and it will be s\' happyday when it is won. __

; profits on sales in Summit nre used"^^Ti(jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible

ways, which will help everybody to-help-in-tltis giual fiylil"

, They caa.be boughLatr'ucarly-all:thers tflres_i nStimmi t.'.i lookzf onrthe-siRn-'of-

r^the Red Cross), in small and large

r :had at the Y.-^. C.. A....Tlvey. inay.Jje-hiad in sheetsjif one-;liundred^;it_ojier

" d o l l a r , 1 " " ~ 2 • „ " ' • _ -^Mbn'doihg biisinessTnjNew York and

Newark can help the-Summit-aark bytnU several dollars worth for use i i r

p ^ ^ ^ ^ j g'Men doing biiim£egaJlLSiunnut-wilLnaturally do Una 'any way. . Each

p sold is a~buHet in the tight aginstlerculos

EDITOK OF SUMMIT HERALD: — — —~~ Do not put a pall on prosperous Sum-

mit by having .1 tuberculosis sanitariumlocated here. Even -in my limited ac-

' quaihtan^ThKny"personsi"boarding at: the Blackburn for several seasons andintended building here; they allsay "they will give up all such plans if a

I sanitarium is allowed to creep in here.Morristown will not liave one. Why

I should Summit, even if a higher rentl-ispaid.for-the building than any oneI else will pay? It is depressing enoughI to see the "nervous" patients walkingItbroMgli the streets of the town ac-Icompanied by their attendants, withoutIthrusting a tuberculosis sanitarium up-\n Summit. I .am sure if the mothersfan have anything to say on the matter,they will say, "keep it out of bummit,i s the talk over i t among the young

le.is depressing to say the least.

IPI'TOR SUMMIT HERALD:1 Dear Sir:—The act under- which Sum-l i t is incorporated as a city requires.thatl e Board of Education andSunennten-\ntot the schools shall report annual-I t o the Common Council and the Statel a r d of Kducationon the first rtfjuij.t s such report been made for tmsTir?[A report has been filed with\ State 'Board but npl with the Com

n Council, nor has it been publish*.'!•quired bylaw.—Editor]. -.


"Liikewood.1 and Summit.-proteststrongly against the locating withintheir limits, of a tuberculosis institutionof any kind whatsoever. They, arp byno means the only communities thathave voiced similar sentiments.—fr-g*;^lias heard tliemjvithin Itsjiwn bottlers,so~lias practically every, other coin-to cstnblisli such an .institution. I t isthe strong, prevailing Bentimerit. No-body wants a tuberculosis-institutionnext to his own premises * or nearenough to make the infection of hisown fannly-e\'en-arposslbin^r~"

-'It may.be unfortunate that such isthe ease... Eminent^ doc tors suy-thaithis sentiment is wholly unwarrantedand that all fears of infection from suchsources are absolutely groundless.Perhaps they are right; -but while such•fears exist and sucfc sentiment .pre?vails, why, should: they- be worked up-on to the detrimetttjyf tlw great crusade

tt consumption. There are hun-dreds of excellent, convenient Sites' inthis State that aYe" just as good, if notbetter, than the best that- can be se-lected in anyjown or city.

ills itgotari unwise policy, to say tin.Jia§ti__tn_faree~upon-any—eommtjnity"something- which they wisely oj1'un-wisely dread' mid thus incur''theirantagonism lo a cause which deservesand needs their sympathetic help? __.

"Governor Fort has stated the ea.se•lainly. There is" no desire to driv«_

preventoriums and sanitariums out oTew Jersey, but thm-p 'is nppneifj<yt-('t

locating tliem^wiiere,-they -will -de-preciate 'property, damage the^popu-larity of u placer or prove a source ofdread and discomfort to. the people.There is plenty of room,, sites.: art*numerous, and every citizen of thisState favors the war against the whiteplague. But let the battlefields bechosen with' "discretion."—NewarkNwws.

enjoyed themselvesto the fulleni exteut on Thursday even-ing, when they gathered' in Association

" T j . OUR Y. H. C. A.

__TlUi-attendauce -in the" various bibleclasses conducted by our Young Men'sChristian Association has been tltelargest ou record and very encouratt-Iiig. : -Tlio Tlass taught ..by oiir formeii

has 18enrolled-andJ5-ping. Tho£lass taught by Mr. Hoo<l has-I3-enrolled"imdJ~a1'raverage atteiuhnceof 11. In fact,- ever since the summervacation the Association building hasbeen a busy ' place ami the need of anew building very evident. The .Exe*cutive'Committee of the new buildingfund " report .subscriptions plwljjedamounting; to $72,Gi)O, leaving 92,400 tobe raised to complefe tlie $75,000believed'necessary-to build tT buildingincluding ' lot and furnishings. Anumber who have been seen, unti art* but merely to geTtli


~Vul)y uuehumlivd gr.uituicteen different CO11P1T,»« m e tdny evening at thvi

<»f nimTue

^ eAssociation of-Suminit, NY\y Jersey.Henry B. Twombly" win* unaniniousl;fhosenjis chairman of the 'meeting amRuford Frankliirarsi^rivl^r}',""jfmL

fni wasailded iianiiUofLWV.Mabieand . thesjy -thnv—tt>«fihrr;wth fouothers were appointeil, as a fonimitle

for nil future twvvieikfr, ami UossiblI i ^ th it

oT&eyea to arra,ug,v>irrgs, 'inrluilinirasitia dinner, smnetimv

ith talks on university subjects b.men pmininent in eolle^e affairs, stor

^ and-singinj>rrTlit*ri?~is"fir"bc n<, no by-l:ivvs iiud mi due?

considering the amount, they will sub-scribe, it is hoped will bring the amountup to l7.j,(K)i) this-* week. ,

Tlw .annual meeting of the- activemembers for the election of 5 ilirectorsto si;npe Tor :i-years? will 'be 'held" this(Saturday) njghtand followed by tinmeeting of the directors for the t'lee;ion of officers . to serve for the iv"iriuinji yeaV.


The Summit High; School won itsrst barikutball game of the season on^ednpsday ufturnoon -iiy defeating thr

fast five of the Harrison Highs School>y a score of 1*0 to 14. Tlfe' Harrison

leading by a 'score of12 to (i when it ended.._ In the tteeoiid 'lalf, however. Summit rallied and held Ithe visitors to 2 points while running Iuu-14.tiwmtu>lves. -Uaile>"rthe—.captain":of this year's team, played exceptionally

for Summit, scoring half of the[joints made by his team. The score:

Summit. _ Harrison.Me Snrty


MorrisoUi AHenifln...!..^ „.^_Nii— """cpnter

iriment was.furnislicd by--the follow-ing boys: Leslie Hurrel! at the jm\jvAlfred Nelson recited an original, poem;Krcdj\lleirian n gavey g

.mesmerizing exhibition; Clifford Jud-and Milton Abbott in acrobatic

'eats; Stanley Turner in a declamation,Arthur Sherwood recited ...some

'modelose of

nursery ryines." • At theitn"e evening, the Ladies'

j ^ x Boys' VVharge of Mrs. J_Lovell Murray,naii,..furnished— and-served-the hoysitli"Jce cream^Hd cake.

•It4his-aftemoon is clmir,f tlie boys \nll spend thern^fturtioon inhike to \Vestfield_audJiaiO( ~~~~

A new. gymnasium class wilt • he w-iiiZcdf for^joyB^tretwee^flic-a ges~o"f

10_and -12, • meeting on Tiiesday n\U\

Thg Indies' gyjTujasiumicla&i^w-orViv-ig a popular'feature_ and meets for

o'clock, and'foE-ba'akethalLo.iL£riday-ftL'niiiuii At"the same Tioui\~~

Mr, Ernest D. North will address'boys' "own "'me'etin"g,'""'~ to-morrowiTtenioon.^V. M. C, A. Hall, at 2.IWI'clock. • , : - • - -

" John W. Weeks, former general>ecretary of the association, addressed

? i l t S " d ^ - 7 rThe total attendance in Bible classes

ir November was as follows: Younjrion, 114; older boys, 55;-younger boys,'

14, inn king a total of 20U for the month.

New' Postal Cards January 1.Designs for the new postal cards

have been approved by. Postmaster-.GeneraL Hitchcock. They will beinished January' 1, 1010. On the

ordinary cards the head of the latePresident McKtnley will appear ns now,but a much better likeness has beenselected. On the. new small card, in-tended for index purposes and socia]correspondence, a likeness -of Presi-dent Lincoln will appear. The two-tent international card will bear a por-trait of Gen. Grant. Innovation h.isbeen made for the double or replypostcard. On the first half will ap-jear a portrait of George Washington,while the stamp on the second, or replyhalf, will be a likeness of MnrthxWashington.

Nicol, Rea


oy.. ."right guaiii*



"•'tiler tvi'tMsionatly, fnrjrpiWw.tt .of .oday* am! "a" iiodd .tim7'7ii\'nvr.u'iy. Mr.H h i lk i Ui l imanner,

talk in Uis -iisyallyw:iN'iv:irm)r.i{i|)taiidf<(f.

f hMany of •|l»**-vJULfa.v"ntfdiffen-iit colkvcs \vt-i-ftn*L» cnuipauy. a'n<l .ififwas served. .,,

Presiilrnt IVrry,

^sof th<JJ; by (IK1 eiinls it luncl

gltest, und t!w» two*:uMest j;rpresent were Williuui l>. I'mUTclass of 1X50. Williams, ami .JmHick»-, of Trinity, I&i4,


eiitertainmi!nt-iii->-Qii(»l*tHv-<."anarfar'''*fwhich the Ioe:ri p'.ipei*s -speak ;ifollows: The Quebec ITlmmirle says•She is mi elocutionist «»f re;it ntliini--

ments and the V. M. (*. A-crowded to its'utmost t':i|tacity' lastevening. Her selections embmccd nwide range of dinlect, and she was-remarkablesiiicc-cns in bertlflinenlioii'ofthe neuri> eharacters in the' SunnySouth. She.

habitant jiienl to the. full

j r i M iPorter is to be coiiLrfatuIated upon tinremarkable triumph which.she won."

The Quebec Daily 'Telegraph saysi


The following is tljc list of new-book:recently added to the library:

FICTION'. ,- - * - %

Uuach, Hex :. .."..<! .$ilvoT hord,Hlaekwood, Algcrnnn..": ' - ' *Chestertun,.U^K....:...

ThurstlayJrawford, !•'. M .' ; White sisterDunning, J. K Master buildersGrant, Robwt.. XliippomUles1

Hyatt, S. I*. : ; I'-nd at the roadj

-Maeg'riitltV HaroluT.T.'".'"":. .*". Ooose girl1

Oldmeiulow, Kruest.. - .Aiiloiiii),

slies, that brought forth frtM|iiL>ntbursts'uf appliiusT? 1'rinn the critical linthighly delighted atidie.nci

; erowded to the "tTnurt

awav, and • when~nh

NON-KltTION. -•- l i l

•province was t>ft'lt*nt and frequently Htilly vn- — - -applauded MissJ^Ity-^Hid^Lff^iyj:^

..,- ing,-a.text book -.UfUmbaUHln M.O. .Making otn teacherBryant; S . C r . r T l l w to tell stories to

Jriulifield, O. W. .AmericanFillebrown,

dues, P,' (•*.. /51i:uttrock-lHrul, a. iiimbltthrough Ii-elaiul —

JIogf t^JL. . . . : . - !Thanksgiviii(r and Christmas'"

Mason, Mrs. C- A; - .Spell of hal;

read erTor~fo reign e rsO'JJrien, S. H English for foreignersPalmer, O. II -.-.Self-cultivation in

EnglishRockefeller, J. D. Random reminis-

cence ol men ami eventsKuhl, Arthur., ^..Other AmericansSchauffler, H. H. ed ..ChristmasSclinuffler, U. II. ed.. -..-Thanksgiving

Bcpubllcan plurality Over 4i,ooo,


Grading, Excavating, Luylng^f gl<l.e-WalkB, Concrete and tenoent WorKdone on percentage or bycoutravt.

126 nounlaln Avenue. Summit, N. J.

According ~ to the 'official cleclionreturns compiled in the office ;of theSecretary of State, at Trenton, theRepublican plurality at the election ofNovember 2, was 41,502. 1-ast yearon President it WJIS Ki,*»00 The totalvote oil the Assembly ticket, exceptingin Ucean—County, was 210,(>r)0, and onthe Democratic Ifeket, I(JJt,l.r»7. Tlierewas no Democratic Assembly candi-date in Ocean county, and the Senator-ial vote'was used for comparison. Thetotal vote was 85.5 of the voteea. V- inthe last Presidential election. TheSocialist candidates for Assembly in the'11 counties in which they were nomin-ated polled 6,(179 votes, the I'rohibi-tioniat Ajgsernbjy candidates in l'J coun-"fiesTS/llS, and the Socialist-Labor, As-

r for t i i i ' iuanimy ;in<Tltiil:ibylTTf thr rwilations fnini \}t:

Drumniond, .she displayeil n tlraumticpower ami mastery 'of tlu<-fHam!i:irdialpt't~~Kmilisb, ;is it is spoken, li>

' Tin-


-Mrs. Taylor's lotcreslbiff Description oftbc Ancient E^ypilan fiartnl Place.

• • The-following brief jnxotint of stunt1

*>f the Royal _U>nili^_iiuthe Nile Valleyni'.iy be interesting t« our readers, »'s-IH't'iallj^is. tUt uiuiuinifiwi remains ofRantOSL's, "u.most renow'iled ruler ofthe ancient Kuyi»tiariHi_-'H f'njts.wny lo


' Deil in, the museum at Boston:' el-H:ih:iri, tlie Valley of

ings." "Knn.rging into thr welcome wn-Hgntand remounting our donkeys, whahad been neacefutty browsing under afncndlyshcd, we climbed a steep androcky path up the mountain and downmto tliu valley on the«lher*\de, whertjarethe hc-iutifuland Hell preserved r emama ut the Temple of Queen Hatshep-set—\\ wan built on terraces and over-looked the Nile Valley. ~Tti the oldendays when tin* Queen flourished (about 1.....

Tombs'«f tln^Jwe'stevn bank

flu'1 nutiUM'of what Is kno

iiins* is situatedf tin* Niit\ .dearlytown Mt l.nxor,,

wn us aiieiiMita 'partb l

whose hordrrs spread over both bank^fj'ht'.rivyi'. ahd-iaki'-iuihe-saervti cily.if Karnak, now a mass of ruins, whos.inunensity baffles the modern travelerand ih an iiu'\li;iu>tihlt' mine for til

rptnUvjist; but 'tin not nf thisl Wcml

iiur d-mlieys, ""i'dI'ioys hearing luiiUlil_t;Ut":dter hnjt.tve l;inded on thrimn,}i shoiittiiustieksforthe ben

llH'ii- attemlant.t and•h 'baskets, folloivrd

A fieI'lheV

e_ ticking'with

hr.iudisliin^ ofiTTJiw rather sulky

luxuriant ctirufu'tds for a mile/when we sudd.-iily loutid our-

selves In tin.' de-ieri, leaving Jtb'o liistslnitylinu.village behind. ~

The bright blue sky overl:e:nl and theglorious -snuUghf uhteh floniled- this

made :\ sphMidirt'Tinitra.st In Ibcir4*um?v—«Hiii' di'sci i .tint rn«r

ruutntaius 'whieli litie<l the tiarrmv•alley wherein the tombs are .situated,'lie nj:id runs for five .miles through

:ruce of vegetation appears, nothing>nt rocks piled up in wild confusionmud the devastiu^ smuts of the illinut-ible desert. The road toot; a slight hi-:Vme, and a.t liist we halted in front of ;Llunnitivin which lowered www **n, * -

•as an ojienini; which led down a rnekylojM*r-t<>—:*rtltmrcrax—rnT~alio»n three"uiulred and fifty feet in the HOIM! rack.

•This wns"ti»e"eiitratuVli'i tlie Tinnb ofSeH 1., 'who was'the soind Uunienes I.,the f;ttlutr of tlie Hient Uum'.-sos 11., thewell known conqueror of Palestine andSyria. Soli 1.,'HVTMI in the year V,U'n\Sy

-•ftT-Tunti-*-— ^name for tlio land tm both s idwofthe •••_• -.."--- - ••Knl S.tt,-M fnrnouih'as and includinjcSnmalilani), Sho,was very successfulas may be seen by the mural decora- - .tions on thr walls of tins temple.^foi-1 ' —there are tlie eajjtives from the landof Punt bringing their -treasures asoffeniiL's to this warlike lady; gold, in- ' • .eense, ivorjvrare irecs, spices, ele-phanK Kiraflea, leonard.-* :m7T slaves ~ — "*;"'"-=with ropes around their necks, both " ~T ~"male and female,.the Queen's stewardmeanwhile keeping tally. There is asingular family cpisodu Rhown on thewalls of this bmous temple for lierc.andthere one jH'mjivosJheilim outline of.1 frmala. figure.: Th»-s*» space* are. a» • .(hatr<Mn:iin of snilpture or pictures of° 1"'lL »--»-• Thotmess .IH.rQu


n f sllatsh<Q atsh<|..

who ,.nvi.:cl ,-inilnies I I

e.l Ins sister, the •-f h d l

i i fher busto upsurp the -thrrunto powi-r lie

fil, stlnve after thcdeatliiaiiif (his own half brother)

l , wlilch hi> finallyttMij . On liis ascensionrclered all Uie i:arvings.

^ieturci^rltcpbe tlrstmywl and effaced, so that eventhe memory nf-the <|wt-n might he fur-gotten.

.loiter lin visiting Karnak we. cameacross ^ prostrate statue mutilated anil ~liniken. [yin r fare downwalil in the.ninl. Our CTi.!i' |Miinteil it nut as thatiJ.Thotmes III. In the dim liKht thathistory • tlinm s on the career of thisc r a f t y a n i l i i i i < . T j i i i i i I P l \ tevident the only ylory lie ev t r attainedwasJhi-.Hii.li tin- leflecleil lii;lit of his.sister, the queen builder, of this oncebeautiful temple, which even iti its d e - .env still attracts the twenrrrtW^Njiluxyvisitor. ' '

;?i-thr-aftrTlliinii shailiius benan to .want* we ri'i;ri'tfully turned our facesMi!e\var<t and recnissed th*1 river toI.nxor.

MHS. KlIKIiKHU'K T'.lvi.nK,

. nti>imiiiiT[\

liinbily Cbib oil. \Vi;(,lncs«la>'\\vxuV UE_ \M\hvr Uulick,

bend <tf the -Physical tuiuc:\ti«n andPlaygnnnuTWork-tif the Uussell Sa«eKnumlntiniif, tpf'tilf. mi "TJnt-'JnTi'ttrur •jiv»; Movement in Society." _

WtiR"\tiG~5nii ual:iMht


fainijnir hnilsehold (.'nils and daily do-n , his wives, servants, slaves, his

hildren's portraits, even the entranceif his soul "Ka" or double," as theyalleil.it into the other world; also Insliuninififil remains—fwl'iii; coliveyejlrXosNthe Nil<*-in-the saeriMl-bont.-n-ifhietnres of the Iniln and uorjteous pro-essiou following, ai-l)efitted so reat ••

All this is faithfully portrayedi ' s which are.-iint slightly

u( tlie

jC7n5\ - a s . j v e . u r

id these winiliiiL'[•il into the dei'|> I'i

uijtlcss tlli treasures•aii—were—eoMcealert


1/ the mightyi,m_^gzen^_Trji atiU ueauti-

fact this

h " .k "!J \ .. ' " ^ :. J " , 7 "' J always represented carry inn (U'Siaff-mi.i

ire iire-iil fur a lifetime remain

» jdtHHtttit reiutnder ut Ute v^lver.A1WH>*H think of honkM when

'L'hooHfiiKa K'fl anil ilieu reiufin- ;jber that we »lw»ys innke n j]specialty of lt>>ol{H. That uieann 11tbat-you will—(jet—bish-nrmle—f;

Itw at (IN low; l^i'-Cfl-tt— it '*~ft^tdt; to sell them. In many |<unces for le--- tl'i:in the ptih- I

IMierx price, ;,

ROGERS^PHARMACY ICor. Springfield Ave. i

and Becchwood Rt!., 1


.cmyPassaic and I'nion polled l.tXKi votes.;(Comparing the votes with that oC190a,'which-was i'preBideBUSf. year,, tlic Re-ipublicans polled Kl per cent, of the;vote, while tho Democrats pulled .SSIper cent. . • :

WILL YOU SELLYOUR PROPERTY KIOrlT?HAVE CUSTOMERS lorhouses, plots, farm*oHfTaCTMRe. . .WHY NOT let us —SELL or RENT yourproperty to one of thtm?LIST IT TODAY.It cost nothing, -unless . . — -we produce » purchsscror tenant Correspondence invited.

Hotchkiss-Jobs Realty CoT6

on thofapiienrant'ti-.of .finely- uut'iyury^it ulso'jrives th^bistory of the life, anddeath of Seti-1! Kntwined' ivmnd; andabout like1 !l scroll i.s.tlrclscrpentemblfiu«f;Uu* ntyalty and sraraeh or-beetle,emblem «f*hniriitrtjility--inclndini; also4ho-eoiHttJ«iH em>i!ems-fif his many/ andfurious divinities._L!Thv ijtnr.Vhubis,'

liad been "transportt*d tj) the portals 0/an unknown world—so re:il wore tl.ey,but our dragoman h.is much to slum* us,so we pass on and out into Hit? ylowinu.sunshine. Am sorry to say that pourSett's remains have not n:(w»scd i l

• p "It is Hit' rii£jom of tin's departnit'iit

if wliu'li^rrs. .11. \V. MaMi- i--' chair-niiin 1 to li;iv<> an address on some jn(>ii'

niching Mt>**i;il viTonrMiy it WfH-knnWniul-;iutlim'it;ttivi* -sprakcr,".••anti~a»"at"iitt^c utulUMiet' filled the Woman's

istitufi.-'lHiiMiiiK to it.sr.ipanty~tij hearDr. (Julick, who ilivitlfd a thnuKhtftir


without ronsideni-second, the preventive

ise;iheurv, -

iiini.iFtity the heal possible conditions—• "(i gradually^ub.stitutu tho-K«<Kl--f«H1 }«*-*-nri;-nt. that. jpU'asnre may be_liad purely^:.—

~tlTiL~iives niay'be'. lived eleanly, thaiU air, juirr. food and leistin- for the: ~•r lli"mt:s."f life inav be tlir pTirtimiu -,--


new mie. A'aluable as .it is. it'li one uf the; hardest theories

practically. —There was ;i social scientist in Orintlt

prpti« nt«1tt- i t -i Hie Kotjians in the simple words.Til' not av.-Vcome ttf evil, "IijiCmer-i>»K *'vil with ^<KMI. "-Tlif annual reports of tht! District.

N'nise Association, tho'IVnny f*rt>vi- _

day's int'etinu',iu'\r week's papers-

lonili for many a lonirj'ijar.Jiisji.'''1-"1'.--!-ilciiL-Euiid-anil lln^-l'l.iyijiMUilil-Coni-•fa|-alabasti.T''»:ircii|ihai;us")ii(viiii{ li<--cn I it,jii(.,.. wliirli wcrp ro:i<l at Wcdncs-S l ^ f i ^ S n nS:i",:n^™:i"-'>^ ™«'inL'. will .,, p.l,»,Ae4ures, uhile bis Imdy -is exposed toview-* in a ulass case in the tiizehMusevun At t.'airo. There were five i »^.«,uT .i r«t r

other similar tombs in this valley all I . (."VtPWOK'S APPOINTMENTS.varyinn in sizt- :md riflmess of orna- imcnl.n


II; pmvrdreally,


Tomb of Amendinturvtiiini;, tliishis remains havitmbeen secured

fniin Ihf maniudersv and properlyguarded, the sarcophagus of red granitelies shattered »n the ground, the innermie beautifully inlaid and carved, cov-.

" with a heavy glass ease, holds themuuitnin<*d remains of Ibis once power-ful monarch.' An electric light shedsit,s rjys on the blaL-ke.ned, but still m-

zabhr features of the king. Am-iis lived »bout 1(*HO H. C. On tlut

ground in a side chapel lay 'threebodies, that of a woman, h^f-husbandanil sun. Tht;se were favorite slaves,as the' writing on the walls' revealed,and wen* slain.h>*.order-«if-tin? king attht; nioincut of this dentb, so th:it Iheirsouls might accompany_his_jmd_do_jM5

World/' This tomb was entered by_a_sod—ut—ivotwlen drawbridge, us. therewas a yawning chasin^f fully IftJO'feetin front of the inner entrance, so' thatflny—intruder—would bi? Basticd tomeceij as he stepped into the darkness:However, we.mav not linger, aniitltomW.and .flieir ifn"

• Tin- (Jnvernor's appolntmrnjs.nl t|;>*last year of his term will not be a.imany or as important generally as thosenf 1'XttiUid UXK».. There will, however,lie three- State judicial appointnjents-and one.ipf a clerk in Chancery, al-ready appointed in interim.'also! threecounty judges, two bistriit Courtjudges and four count) probttutors

In every counts a uitmbtr of tht.Hoard, of Kiiualizatiun uill be mnitdThe appointment of sutttssori,toD\\«iftninl


pSlate assessor mtl Major Carl

iXxii. of the State Itoird of rqualrjEition. will eonmiand the most interest __

.VJiother.State office to be filled isthat of State Tabor^comintisioneryjioAv



le gift,'e b»ve



Occupied liv J.rwAtlantic City.

ofmto *»4

A larve nvwA cylinder touting cat-to hire bv the hour at Grays garage,51 Summit Ave. -Phono 151 Jay andni|j>rt. ' • ' . . ' . 23tt


41 mi.

Page 2: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the


I ->riffle* Hirani—8.80 1O-1S--I 1,. r,. -

First NationaLBankrfiwohwood Rd.Summit N. I.

| ) t t . H. W. RYMXN;


| ) U . CUAS. R. KIVKI.EV,- -

. . . . - DENTIST^

« l Sprlnfllcld »ve. Summit. N. J.

| i . S . 1 1 . l S A K K I i , . - . . ' •

Civil tnfllneer and Surveyor...i i F K I l ' K S : IT M n p l i ' S l i t e t , KiiiniriVl!

. • l i i ink l lnll l l i i i i i . Mllllpu'rn


Knox Sends Passports to jA Week

Paragraphic PhotographsZelaya's Minister. ji of the worlds Doings.


President T*ft't Administration. Re-. lentt Execution''of Americans. Leon-

ard Groco smd Leroy Cannon, pnHComplains of Zelaya** Barbarous

" Cruelties "and His" Re+jfatetl gnd Fla-"grant Violattonsef International C»n-

IIndirectly Recogmied—American M»-

- . I * . TVI. S-3~IO:NIOI<Chiropodist. Manicuring. Scalp

Treatment, Shampooing.r«tron»Att..nd,«l JM


10 Highland Ave.",~ Summit, N. JTE LEPHONtZQISW. Jy.-«m





lmleamld Mil' ' ' « " » "U'le linililcii

l reasonable prlran. ...- . . - _ , - --••150 Bprlnirllcld nveuue, .Siiiiiiult,

JjipoxHe Woinllaiid »V«IHMT: r -511 Orange utreet, Newark.


""* And Gener«l7«ibl»ing Carpenters, —

E. P. Burroughs & Son.



Springfield Avenger

SUMMITr,-New Jersey.

Telephmte ' • -"-.-• --. . 359.;-

Q. GANNETT" Painting, Decorating and Paper

_ — — ~ hanging^: J .—LIn nllliu itruiicli.'*

L . Iit*itlc VVorlc'n *4peclult.vl

Work Promptly Attended To


KAUS HIT 'EM!- - ~

<Jr, itiVittior wur<l«. tn t tkf i.iik'k w o r k <>r tli<>old.mitl ' iu.-iK'il ImttiLulr. . W i ' c a n i m - i ' l y y o u


uoclpct thf- r i u m b l n i : If you tlilnU «••-tPTTrmi C Vi$ft it" Tii FTTTTiT"

• I


474 Springfield Ave., Summit.TELEPHONE 2.W !l

It Fay*l.» Advertise in llie HKKAI.I~ - • . ^ | .

niuti-' ^.•t,---.1. i l ieSilli I'nfiH'M'1" system. ' ;Mvil l,.i Hi.- I'liKnl St.:ll.~ '», .vi-ri.i"i I y | , i ; .SWvl'orl Yui-Jjl i;l)jl> i>f .Nl',,'ii W.-.I j:i>. iln'-n *,-•-rvlj^r.v liii"V I;» 1.. ••!.-. I.•.! 1.1.1 Lewis. "k."-i-|

V»Tl;.'H i-Slal l^rrol l l 'litUltl;.- .:M,<-!H:t!\Vlet ter* w l ikh u-tuihl puni'ill liiui t-

N7.»- .Vurk wlii'ii 'Snrri.gali- Tl'mtii:"urant'i'il .Mr. o>vsl.•;-.•!.—.ui|itl,;)H,.irr.,iUK' illll'llllir.V ll'IK'-l-s. '

Tlin.iiuli Hi.- siiT,". ,.r I in- " M H T'ranrl-.-n llni'M h> U. r . Vtuiknni IIII.I 1 :•!

1 Hi

I>-<I hi- rl'- l .vr t l iT. - l i II- ' I -l.iiin- I!"'!, llflltlluil.-i' In Xlfivpnn liarL.I'I'I 4r.iK,-,i^- ••;.; • »•«•" liimw.u.ira « llfy S H U T . . -:I••

lion.>r;nv tnciiiUrr of.tllir'flnli.is llic.ilisiin.-ii.M'iiif

• ThK ;nli. .n —It—VtSlHl"s ivi'M. tilts »llr.-«-l V " ' 1 " " " ; " f l l " ' L u l i . i ; l-'riml, .1 , f .tuilri Tor ?-J«ri).(VXf<_-lltli'll itf Ilif • Arm-ri^aii t'lllzrii-*. j - lu-ar t linllii." iil-n iif«illl' II11 a<iU"U C'"'I.i'i'ov ('iiiifHiii 'jinil~I.v-<>iiiLiit <;riH'.-. Ip.v j jUKt.iKHJ iiinna-,'0^ a^iiiu.si \Vitlt:uLi Aor.!.-r of | ' r , ^ , | , . n Z - l a v a . - I n ^ . , : , T - Slav l.avK. „ w-i i l l l i ) ' hrola-r mi.I [»'i-I n - r.-liUl-Hi^ v . - i t l .Xi .ara l r tm S - n - l a r v s.,lt:il , fri.-.ul ,,r Mr . Goulil;. wli . . . s l»

illi*«i'"5prniliiPiirrtl .Mr. C..11I.I not nSuite KNOX t-».k tin* iir-n >lfp:i>a.f..r tli<* r n n


J O S K S A N T O S ZKK.VVA.IPt.'.-1-t.-iil ••{ N i f : i r : i t ; u : t . |

.Mr. Ktiri"x>^""a,~tiiiii'Ti«ik Hi.- t""i*in ••II t l !plmn;i t i r u-.lc i<> Si-inn- l 'o | i |nU l i . l l n ' x M.-ani-4iia

l. ^ li .'1,1 ..II. I :. 1..I.l-r.~H.-MI -Oil

Mr1. KiitTx^lifiYKi.il j l u iZc!;tv:t liaii M l ^ i I ^ H y jtm

i '

ll.in "f tin- I\v.>-Aiii..rl.':ins. |i oi'j.ti'iTninitkl. win* l.v ortlfr »f-rn~<idfli1Zi'hiyil. Irnliur^.id l l t i r i l find l,.t

li.'fnn. Ilii-lr^-s^.utJun. It ivnsili,. |i

li.'ld I., u stri.-i in'rsuml :u-o>iiiitiii'IMty tli.'s.. rrs-poiKlM.. f.ir iniiltri'atni.-l.

imlc ~ r*"«ril( a l ^ . lii.-t tli.H

mil ill Muii:it;n:i. "liiul IH^'H iii.^m.-t'[nvi.-v Ii.i- l'i.-.ld..iil•/.••lij-a. -I-IH., . , ,1, .tl.,11 us I., v.l,:U • In.l.-i.iiiil.v si,nil Ia.sli«l fur tin- r:iillllli-> ..f lla- Auii-rl-finis. Air. Kn>.\ :nli!.-d. u;is_j..tsn^,ii,^lf.ir fiiinr.. tl.'UTinlniiilriiir

t'f AUKTii-im .-ili/.t-ns in Xi.-ani^na, MrIviiox wrott-. M ill In ill..- rm.it-,. (

i l l 11h>

fmun- vinluilous of t inof. i ln- t V n t m l Anii'i-N-jii


111.- WilsliliICu»x r.'fcn.'.l I,, tin- "sin.rssl,,!, , , /

nuiiiy i iili* ;i. >, iiKi.lc It hii|><«-.i]>li. \ n a n

On.' |>iiniur:i|,h »( Air. Knox's n.>l<-

T.'unr'l tin. .n,| .ir.tlu- ' , ] . . imi,,,i li,.•Iliil. "In- piirM .v ..r till-' IK.M.-v Hi,.:"H'r it ..f tli.. m i m l sim.-» will..|ii|~.nirll< wlihli"l.l ils .l..man.l f..rvpanill'in. In II ..iiwhil,- Liking.n. h *ttv •'- l> .I.-.-1H- » 1 - uinl ],r..p

IT to lir.,1.-. I AIILTI.-III im.'i.'sls."In vj.'W .',- th,. ili-..T.I,-r,M hil.Tir.l.ll.UtlOlis hi M,:T,;n: , II »..|||.I .-:|,|~.'.

Hit); of Aiiit-ri.ini :.rin,Nl f..S-.». ..itini^i.an tvrrllorv. • ..^ls|iat.:b|.-< from Llliti-iu-I.K. M.iir.i-

Kim. slat.- tli.-il n f.T. r rnlt.^l Static

Presbytery Lotes $100.000:— I.Til.- l"itl-l.nr-»- .|.r.^l.vt..ry of thejr.^lti l,.r,;ui i l i iml i . :iiiiioiiii.-txl Ihul I

(l:.-..Uiu-. I,'l..»t slmi.i-Bi tl ir. .n«h t in - '«^——..-.•U'.itg '..f Wil l iam O. Llllcj). ,'

innrry her.Aliss Aljuy Cnsils l.w i.r Iticlinioiiil.

Uiv^niV'i'^t^vviiViiitTjxron-nrifr^in^vtiirirlln. fill her 'il his coiiinr.v |Iv«l diirinj;tIt.- Ilcvoliitiminry war. to' tlie _\*nll»->

..i-!!i\vt>sH.|-n raill'oa.ls havini;111.. in>inaii.ls.(»f the Swil.h

nioii for 0 4-uiils mi li.ini' inii wn^'s .-mil d.Kij.lf' pay—f'o

and ' holidays, • '_'.r;mi swll.-lon .'v.-ry r:id.

'mil mid the

bnsliifss iniiti. hrou^lil suiiUnited StiUi-.s dlstrk-t court n

liriTirli nf"

I ri-|Hirt to till* in1

oT—life fal'in. iijnntrv for tills yenr l i ?S.T'W,-

Tlir B«l.. ,.f tlila J-An

WilJi.un .Iiiiiii-ltt>r* or" tl.-r..rincrly of Vienna., m-fhcs s.iyin^ Iluit tin' <'iii[icnir'(rf Afistri,hail ivinstatinl him us 11 lUniK-nanl o

was dlsinlsswl scycriil yt-ars ago. ^—«toTTTttnr~l^nn nf XTnr~Jprst>y wi'oitlii .Manns >|. Alnrlis. presldt-iit of tin'riilii'lclilosis i'l'i.vvaliiriinii l-'or Childri'ii. n New York society, pro|i>sllii}ja---aliist tin- lnviisli.il of II.Ml si.ii'.- In-

i-i.al opi-mtors al 1'ltltnir« ciiiiiiiiiit^l In JI n>4|iu>si-in r rciii_ Tiifl ilnil ijillniiuls liejK'fiiil>> p.mt fi-iMKhiM .uijiiiiu_tJit> supervision

Til.- l!i.y. 111".

_ ."vr. Mmnitf iniir-

...M' lit*riiil wfCASUALTIES. r,,,™, d ^

hilllJIIlh' ill ;lM>:lHlillly ill'.serted-luulstn-Kililt llraiiK!'. N. .UJVIIIIIHT Khc IIIMV

law. A noli' slsiiwl wllli.MIss Sii tailjuiiiiii-' wiis round pinned l«~l«-r dressIII II sin- salilslic lilleilJvd,!" 'nillllllLsuli-Ule. . .N'1'V..llll.'li'as .Miss _\Va'nllilwas arri'slWl anil ,oiinnlIt.H| t.) Jail li,vIJi'i-nnler N.-lt-al NewmU t.n n elia.if innnlvr..I'hlllp Alii Ir... Hi-iv |,ri.sld,.|ii uf

lhf.-J:irsL .National hank of .Muu-riilint. WIs.. i\ In, was L-IIIU- IL-II uilh

Tori. Ju«li;i. .simlHiriii- in tin- UultinlStall's dlslrifi emit tu fuur.fuuntji in

—.liidlftliH'iii mr^inst IIIUL IIIHI WHS[ i l lii llio

risnn at l-'ori l.t-aveaworlli. Ivan.In a rollislon U-nvt'filv their nntoi

I'll.- itnd a Mi-ii-l rar nt Kk-htniuid.ml.. Andrew I.. Harris, former Sov-•rilor of Ohio, and Mi's. Harris werela.lly iiijiuiHl. Mr. Harris ret-olved anIKI.V -:"•!, lii Hi., l.a.k .if Ills 1 d,lid Ills rlk'lil i-:ir was nearly lorn ult."Two disastr.HIS ||I-,.K .|,-s|royiMl lar>:eiiul.HiiKs. l.iniiliiu .-alth- TIIHI fowl to

ilt-ath. ..ii ami iicai- Hit- -animal farmuihitalmsl at t'lyd.;. X. .1.. liy.tli.-

lltH'ki-fi-lli-r Inslhim- Tor M.wll.al l!i-->aivh. II Is l...|l..v.sl I lu i l lh . . lln-'s

WIT.- In.- Mary.Hill. lli,..|.ni'lK,s.. of s.v-urlns ran.

I..in ...l,l..-t- . .j , ,- 1 Hi,. aniv. ; In MlKh-:id .-..nifli.r.i-. tJri'iii I-'alls. Aloni..ntitlnlus: Ilif-lnaly uf -I lie. Infant x m

<if llarlli'l.l Connid. who ill.nl II yearr«o. and st..l»- Hi,- .-oi|.M-.

A "h.'liH'l-'' eni:ln.< riuish.sl inio a,'r.MI Xol'lh.'rn passcnuei- li-alninl.hid. Wnsu._jnnsliii; tlit- diMili^oflifii- iH-minis and Itie Injury or tw.v.tilers. , Tin- "lu'lp,-r's" .-iiu-iio-oi- mls-

. -I'll.- Mallury lln.-r Xuiv.'S. whlehs:ill.',r from X.-w York f.tr Key Westitul i;a!v.v.lon:TsViu on I a wireless i-.tllfyr :,s*i^u,a.-i- after crouiullm;. In a

Wearisome^wtfrk forther wife,~neglect and an

-unfinished education for the~ children; ~or

comfort for- the wife, care and a completed

education for the—children?-—A New Monthly^

Income Policy in The Prudential means a

-favorable^futufe-for-your-family. ~ P.: .

the Summit Express Goy 4 - 7 6 Rai lroad A v e n u e . . •••

; T E L E P H O N E 313

iStoniK« I " F i r e Proof W a r e KOOIIIH.

_— -- K S S S — — •—

:VRiryu{i;e^tt]tKl-Erel|ijht._Uiiti3le<l c i i re fa l lyun t lTup i i l ly—

eurnitnre uiovetl to all purts of r.ity orconntry,1 by experienced men,-atmoderate pr iced-

Daily _expreijp between New York,Newark and Summit. .

One and Two-seated'of »ll»tyl«»

For Sole or to Rent for ,



598 Springfield Avenue,




Saddles, Whips.Horse EquipmenU. Harness

_ tessmgj'OilsrSoaps^Bcr^^Bf^pairing of Harness, Trunks,£tc^

PniiieFf Irino oitiSBoft JioflcerBaby.Carriage Wheels Retired.

BarRI&,Chestriut Ave!sr,^vSummlt. N, J.:^ -.



Delivered Daily.





O B D E B . -^

^ FIliERER,375 Springfield Ave., Summit

ASHES AND GARBAGE•oHected dally, witlr csrejand at

Reasonable Price'"- • —

L- ' A D D R E S S ' •

E. RUSSO, Successorlto B 5.H. Bakerilllco 43 0rilaa|PUce. Summit, N. J

have yon tried onr. Ice T Ifao you

1 in many wayfl

THE V E R O E S T ICE_that CHU be bought, Miule from

Any Size You Want

;, lioriL-nt. w«l 1-scret'lioJ Coal can be

ruuulsli.and tliofull-TvelBl-t In lutl(»putabloLartfu. Bmull or medium sizes for ••*—

Summit &: fladison ice CompariyTH a l l o(iccaier.in Hygiene Ice, . Coal add Wood.

Office and Factory: Park and Ashwood Ayes.', Sninmitr^Tol. 329<I Branch Offlie: Bailrcad Ave., Madison, N. J.

o•trl«« up-la-lhcmmutc. «nd, PRICES ALWAYS lei. ! n » ywhere for quality • • good t ! : T": i :. : : - : : : : : : _ : ; :

r~Accounts Opened—or 10% OK for Cash

$1.95Child's MorrisChair, weath-"ered Oak—val-

For "HER"-$1.50 Cretone Work Baskets, O l i ;

weathered Oak frame ___*/OC

$7.75 Writing Desks ut_. 4,95$aS0"Piirlor Tables, 2-1 inch A f k C

Top, at .;.'.- *+.I/O$20.00 Princess Dressers J 5 * 0 0

For "HIM '$2.50 Magazine Stands '---1 5 0

$14.00 Mission Tables, i n Ef\-28jH8inch. Top ...^l. U . O U

$20.00 Imperial Leather 1 A P ACouch . . . - . . . , . . ' . . . . . 14 .DU

$22.00 ChilToniers, at -16.50

$14.25Library Table 23 x 42 inchTop—golden Oak, Early"English and Mahogany fin-ish^valuo J19.00.


- - • I .

• X.

Page 3: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the


1 f « * U i f . CfffAAT 9 Thete.1-irat .me BKST-.dm,,! t! 1 1 / I l A t JVllUUL.Vf«[ every yomiR . man au.l .

Jy yg

young woman. That is the, *•ul in whicJi he or she cau ilothe. best uurU=^develop. thi^- •i . -I J l^ t there tNin lliem~torep(»i^^nnri'\vbici» is unilewirnble ami un- Jf'»J" »» mvlili-iitii. i i lsrimw of lilsjm

_J • • - — j - woffRy.^ Hnlltling QII^*TJ« [<|^r4pl^i^»i*'.«nf'_xl)iiitf_JJinL-j>p»-!iu«MUi—».|i\hit.-Ji.-_i»i—w.-i^.-j.utlhtk'—iltr.niKl^-411i ' ."" ' • * Ilil» cfhoolsecoiifTlo iioneli? tbe State and lias given ' i t a- Rrowlh" ex- • | (UI^K1*. •. . •| . _ „. _-~^-T.-,-J. —veptloiml and -unprecedented in thelrf«ttoiycf 6iniiIj.r-4ti*tUutloi]*;* ~ T *

7 ~ ^ OUR FALL TERM |J OPENS SEPT- 7th, •— ' , .-... -J

' ' ' i llFPARTMFVTS Bookkeeplnjr Banking. Shorthand,-Typewriting. •I HCI.aitlWli.M9 Penmanship. Telepiphy^Academic.' _ . t

LeMastiejrfc=Business=lnistitute-*-J CoJTMaln «nd CtnuV SU.; Orange,",'m. J. CHARUS A IE MASTER, PreV }

. • ! • - • S-ti.l (or CalaVvuir —• . "~ " . f._ .... * _ •_ _ . • L . - , . 4 .

j i » )un l lon Tri-ui-li r rc f . off t h #

.lollli M. M.-Null.v. sivl.-<.|i .v.-iu* ..Id,while V:ihblt liunlini:. in lilt' \vi

wir S i iy r l l lv . N Y , - « l i » l - l i l i rw l f •!•.-.

'SurK1- oxprvus "irulo- *m- tin* • I'emisylvItJu r;iiln.;ul U-fl ili,> nilN tit ,\htiii>r.Tii-. umrrair intrrii'tHlfli.

hUnit illtl $5tHM»t>0 i


Paris ifwlalii'iM a-luuinnrl. The ,•Iiatl —mistaken--iJonrrnl "Vprnntl for(SIMI'I^II, Itmii. nilulstiT of wnr'.

The rliU'N'or ' Hie IltMil Mniul lU'iit Sl.lnl trll.oM In MoriKvo tv-

n SU1)1U1MSIOII N> tbo Spunturos nm! l h UU ld t

PETIY'S PEROXIDE TOQIfl POWDER-Hakes,Beauiiful-PeaFl;-ffhiteTeetl|L

T l i . T " l ^ n i . l h i t i B *.. c.»>.l f.>r k i l l i n g t f r m f In Hi.- m.Mil.i :>inl Kivlt i i : *y>.ur I.•-•Ill t l m t - • . , , , „ ' ; • " ' ' '• ' '" •^•niiilfnl.pfnrlv'itlilfi'ni!»» that ovcrr.i.i.> ki lmln^. l • . rmny «t •I ' I I | I I ) IT Mill. IVn.i.

Von know limTKOo.l lVrnxlilt-1* f'->r th.> (--Mb. t.ut roll •.lcti't lik.- Tim i ilinr tn.-lnlli,- , M v I l l . r^ l . l l f c v . i h u i . • . . - . , I . . . hU U II1... llavnr. lvuy"* V w M . ' T o . i . 1 . I W . W U iu-t as *lT.v*tvv ASI1 IT I* NUM'.I.V l-l .WUUr.. . ' ' • l • '_-ju*tll1;e itiiir Mm'toolli lunv.l.'r .II..X. l.v. ~ - " • ' ' " ' •"" " '••>.-.»

PFTTTV'S Pharmacy, ^ ' j» ' j*_

nl. - - •A th'tw Moiin ->ncpl .

. Tlif. Kl^iiL'iiIii .Muni, n .l:i|<:i-IK'SC vvtwvl of--J.:tT;;' i o . iiiiml all on bojinl wen; J.wf. Twenty-

i liitrlit n «••!••• Iiui'] l-^iii-.l In

yPrudential Building;Open All Night,

IVtlV: He lulls u|> |>reMTipliiui

r i i i l . - f o U K . r l i i l . l l

Plf l flifti' l l h ' i r i iu i .IjttF.

.".;. D E A T H S. l'h.'.iu:i< M r i n i . l j - V i i

lit llu>-iv'irh<l:i;v tlirlr 'Hl ' i In thr '.'[<

'Hmi a't'liiille l»y a majorliy of |.im(».;

SPORTING- •y'»'l-l. .«"l-'i">. I'


V h n . - i - n i - . . T i n ! <>ti i Li

r.-NI,..l.I ' .mr l l . Hi.- ( :iIi 1..rni:i 11 li.iv;r. Ii

l.v r..IIIMI Unit nl SanI l r n ^ T v n l -III.' . I c l s l .11 MIIMIIIIpoint'*. r.iwvIL-wiiv a 111 t,> 7 favorlas tin- .iiit-11 I'Mh't'til Hie rlin:. l>nt .

int..(,!>-.•> iil,'i,l~lhiil -hi- « i i i "•!

Kept Under Cover ' Well Screened

Prompt Delivery— Lowest, Prices

: i l u l i n IS'.i.", \ \ ; i <

It i i rKi- o r t i n * . l . t i n - . m i . r ] i i r . . i n i ; i i i

f I In- U i i r d i ' p i i r i n i ,

— < » ? . . • « r !•'. W i l l i i i i i i s . w i n .

Now Jemy 1 !SR5pplnB.Cenir»

S i i r i i n l n y KVI ' I I I I IKS A m t K t m n Dct--.' l s t l x_Tn l i l X 'ni . i* ,

Annual Opening Displayin- . .mbr.Mk of Iln- Spa

l ^ ^ T'VV W


-.v I n I M i l , M i . l w i i s ' i i l T

j i r W.i* • N i - . t i i i c t l n i i l i S ( . : i i i

A t t . - i - t i n - t - l t w , . w f i - l u . w - . u l » - w u s i iPractical X'mas Goodsi rm. ' iy tn . \«- \v Yorl,' .Mrlvin \V. Slii'l

mill wini. llu1 ."lit VMid trrj i tf l i i-vi'T"r..m w r HMMMIK of tin* 1rl.sli-.\nii>ifiiii AililHlt- i-lnb a m i - H u r r y (Jisslnif llii- . W a - V o r k Allii.-n.- Vltlli. Sln-|i

itiluntf ti :t .*• si-indoor r i r l

The Pretty Eleptricpl Decorations Add Charm andBrightness to the Scene..

Tunis Van 1'cll Talliiai:.', ^\-|'l'->i.'iii . . r u i . ' I..I.U.I ..1 :,M.TIII.-,I ..r Hillii city .if llnn.kl.vii jnnl a 1"I'hi.mus . ; . Tnliniiuc. nlm »:i» tl

r "I ltr.-il.lj-n. • I... I al iii-IIMIIIC il. iiml m y Ti




liainiiixii. In 11 1 1 <'f *lI I he Norlnlk navy .Mir.l r.i

I Iihllewi'lulil Ulie. •• —t*y.ar'cvlna. a tin' vcurolil Illlv Ml:CHAL/nERS—DETROIT & HUDSON CARS u i t l t o U. ('. M o R t i i o n New Y«-ik

lllliclr.il i'Vlill-l ..1 ll» v.i.llli MUil merit. .Hut qt is nut »lw»> - , Intrlinrt tllL' lalivt nuU-UU-. tn ^l'.dj:uld.^iiiui-i;.tl.i-lion In Mew YorU f

M^Hr-nf-i ' iJriiirTnrAJfr.d Slniilth, H

A . t ' . 'i'ltiilnpson Auto O*.^ ngonts for Union Co.. f lii 'tit j e w e l r y . urii tHl lnr i -

I'l.AINKIKI.I). N..I.\\oii irnin

.-i 1. Hie IndJ.-in. In ,1 si\(:. Man,. l>y a i|iiarti>r of

ill.' In I hour .:i inlnuh's .V) d

\ntny " ; i m t I I U I ' — I — j l n - _

l a m i v h n i j l r o : i < l I I I . - I I i n ' (I

l i c o i n J i i s h ' . t iM- MI l . i t l l l i i j

<iiii.ii: i u i T

| .-tti»t.>:.i>H O f h c r - l l ( . I " II'.'J" .111.1

bi> 'riiilailolplila Naliniialbull i-lnb. Tin' I'm-.* paid h.\ DJf_Lamp Is-Poor

-.—beet t hut money n.iil «kiil *-.in provi.leivp^iiif .iiiiedort!* t*t- — -

K've goixl nervice ure-|Mrtly iiiillirie^l-^ffHifiur .*.'>imectr*7iil« or ~

— r - lumps nre defective. ~

of btf

mn^tmum result-"n;iritlr^vHI not ffive mn^iiiim

(jpndluuipa are e^entn( t tVTu'.M*.! l is l i t iny. ' ^ \ r >* r " l l r ~

^ aiu|fa lioui^-'-If-ngt, tell us- We ui l l help y<Mi m a k e - —

— - —t!iem->-i>;- -We-are as-aitxioii"4 t<»-iri\f

syou are to receive U. — '•—^rj* strvjee —

Public Service Gas Company

SCRANTON ANTHRACITE. costs you no more thail'th^ onliuivry gva»l*'S

of coal, but the tlifferpnco is jilain in

•i the Imniing. ;—: ;— " —

better in Anthracite"

Him- vc.-iiw .1I1!,- ~ _^_

t ' h a r l c ^ S l c w a r t S i n i t l i . a 7 a i j i i " l i a i r cii!iT>-liaiiL a n i l t iul . l i ii l l . .1 .11 l iN Ii c In , \ c » \ , . r l . . , f ] i l . . i

I ' l^V- ;i"Cll > IM L'lll V-SCVCIl "..'lll'S 111'

I lie .Irv i:<>.ils c. N-.li.li-milli. IL.arf \ IJIIITI.II'1-. . ".-I- Cviu'Vnl Sumni'l I", .l.'.ini

sun, s.'Vciii.vninc y s i.|,l. ill.'.I ill hi*ranch near I.'.s A IIKI'II'M. CIII. Kl-niii

Royiilsocloty to (iittrin* WJItlntn ITHI.tin1 (utrononiep ami aiitliorr o£ \Vos(Nviu-k. N.- Y., in ivt'ognittwti '*»( hisw«>j'k in iDiitluMiiaiictiLilstroiioiiiy^

A 111:111, lu'llcvrtl to IK* Jtisiin'* "Iiot-11110 , scrfmialy - wouiiiUtl (JIMHTJII V<*-nunl us ho \Miit fitter hit: ji_JioM__ln_

In. (he . racliiu' •«..:.«>.i >vhl.Just clost'il lit l^.ilil liavlrrs u»1n. .7a . ; ) l r . Fiilrl.- lie.-i,le,l tlif- IIMwiltliljn; uwncrs will! S1SS..".!!."... ' l>r/ Iti'-ciR'kinann an.)

i.'1-ii .if Hie lli.Tllii Aero cl|.iM II1.I1- I h e s in a lull * siTI v'clV.ne of Hi" l.:ill....(i was »lii.

f. .Mliuir<ola and w;i- laKT r.li(-r!!!_!5Llll?»»'l r'V>.»!Tr:.1rt.t!?.i__.flint..n It. FNk. fonin-r^-jty ttUtt>r{ tin* N.MV York__ i ; v u l n - '.loiniiiil,vns found dead In tittl in Si. I.OIIIH.

'-..I.Hiel-.-.I.iliM—n-—Welxtcrr-snlfhiTI r..rj_iuali,v (years e<lil.»c_ait'l pub-

Ifsher-iif-W'eh^rcr'.^w'cr'K-l^y^Vlii.clMre"il.it. ilhij.n'i ^•I. |svi|l, .—N. C .

.loliuny, i:\>>i>:'Hii*-<-xtTlrtTyr-Nthi! ha-* .|iltj ki^hlin-ftf 1. lils111 Tiny. X. V.-

l for-'i: I to tb-votand ^II-M-' 1m«hi«"<



ernl Maan.v ile.Jliyiin_l

._ AIKT live hi.IMS' II"in;; (tie. rovolutlnnury

•s In. Nleai'iii;!illilliileil by IIIil a tliuiisaii.l /-WnlliiiiH. .Severn;

Htniitluid - :itn{ :\

t ic i ic ial .Mutiny.—A.VIH1 '"iijiii-n—t-li.ii

'-\rrtin- .1

I—.'InilKe—;\Ttlliiany vein's --.tale's ";7i rnrncv f.ir" Hart

•f apoplf.xy. .ludyc K^^lc^titri wasmrti~in lSl^ in KnltHih-<iorm.:—' 'I>avid A. Wooduatvl. a pnuiiint'iil

rlif*t ami (IiL'-juvfiitor^iif^thfi-Xiiiar

urn try h. y. Mil

Park Avp .T»-l; -!7I

Waliiiig's Window ~Holiday Display

Hardware and House FurnishingsWTELROSE BUILDING rr

!<• «iirt «*lj:li(.v-Hlx-yritrH nirir1»UI;L' Curl Tlu'itcliii^-fif ltavarfit <1

l lt:UrfUtli fr<tni^UUli»',v (i«nili!v.riirt~n—fiUmilK c.v«* sin'i-fiillsl". He v',,- IK'^MI of III*' d.)'.';il ]lm> <if t lit' I'.MVifrl;ui House. —ti*H>vi>v lln.v Ur . iun . %vli» liiid ..nl iii

i-miiiil* s i i r rmint l l im il»v i-iipintl ninlIK* Whi t e H o u s e . <lifd nt lils h'>iiH- 1I'nslifiiKtoii of pneumon ia ...isliitp TIKIMIIIS A. Ilfii 'tlrirk --r Hi

l;..1,1:111 l'iilli>ili<- d l u r r s r .>f <:,<I.M .M.-tlal MJIMIIJI >.f ••holtTii. ' Mi* WAS s i \ l.viMirs '.1.1.

.Inil^r Sainih-1 II. MiMii- ,.[• h i ,Huh.TTtrm.. wns fuu'tnl dt-ail fn.n]n 11 Ii'.tH :ii Itrlflli\ \ . J. -



I N T E R E S T , v ; ^ ^ "u**ion. I'tiimi illlv«T <]<• la Miizvlirn-.-Bolil'liH-«lji!~:iir(I^inpJo'niir for rimrfii

Ju.tirs in which Mivy WI.TI* la-tut-cn lifnmill tlnilll lliry -Hl.li'd mill .-IK-nni-.^r.Itla- rrvw of. Mr. i l l ^ ^ u s ' ya.-ht Viim-11:1.• ulii.-h^_\vas w'nvkci) <<ir Mmlfira.think Jim of JJM-lr <i\\ n safely i.iil\^jirt.'i_they jjiiil jis^ii-Ml that of other*.

r n . f e s ^ . r I\t't<:hii')li..ff "f I in- l'a«-Ifiir hiMltuli* in I'm-l* (liM-..v.T.-.l Hi.-inl.ntiit* <if ^:i.-»lro-ciitrrirfK~:iiiir icnnTfl"it pro teus . It I- r.'tiiHl in hn inrn- r

I'IMTH on Hu- oiiii'i- "f:ki;.>f fruit amiS, In bl l t le il liptui tile jllitl

of 1110-iMtfnan

ion- Itetlnif >k \\»-


An -itiiiiiii'lilst t i i r i '« ' :i IMIHIII liid•Gmuuan—-ilnnt^Jit—Sun—lT)ml«»,—Itra/UTht- .-xj-l.-slon' Hi't lire (•• iho-lmUiiiiicund lilt-' |laiui-.s-M|ji'ea(l 'rjipiillxv-Snvci'ifpcrs-.iis were UIINHI. . '

Live Stock Marko t s .

5 >l; tJiMiufy .II«-HJ"'<1 'Ml'tr.

AS't* l.AMHS—tJrc**«f»l' IMMIII.1; di.-fN.-J Jumhu.

Generpl Markats.1 Now York, ln.f, 1.

I l i ; ' ITi : i t : Finn on top urinlox; r<-ciiritf,CM> imckiiK.-w; niMiiifiy, n|M-claU, ;il<-.

exlruH. :':!.-.; th l rds J to ilrntn, 2Tii3^c.: in.fdairy, ctrnmuti t<» lliifsr, iia.l24c.: r'ror.'-i*nr«ln to HJHTIIIIB, 'jT.'.ia2Sc.; wc«tc>rn. tin.lory, M'ioniU \o «i>«««. •iTi-iiXf.; iniltaii<«:ic:iiiifry, l^UTr. •

CMKKSK-KlriTi: rr.«.liilK, fl.:iO 1KIX-~ituto, now, mil i'i'c;im,- wp.-ci.il. I7a]"-\f.Jci>t«Miib(-r. fancy, l iP ic ; Orloliri;. IM-MI

•o'od.' lJ\nl ' '"; '- . ; fkiru's, full' 10 *i-<l"lfbai lee . . ' ' " •!••

—KUlIS - t:.u<-ly -t. 'ar.v; l« .rli.!*:"*:"!!*

ut niarkn. r . n . v . n«-;jil4«if.;


plrKnl. :JiV^c; nr'al.).-.). ^la'.-.v.: full•iHini) «i-MriTii, IKaJJr.: - oh) toili*. 1M

biulU'T», wnrhy. tnmy. i*.|uali. i.».. 4'tatin-. ; I! ll.« lo pair. [»•( lit.. .ISJI^.C .Icin. (Irv _i<i<J_<.<-'!._'_il|_lk r«;>l :'la;:-.v_;rff.triTitfvi-,1 t"a|,|..,l, i7;,,^,f . roiwUwki-HH. m-ai-liv. fancy, W«:3o.; \iff*fi'rii

rnllk"f«-tl. fan..y. ;iK.ri«-.; r n rn^ r^ I^ rnn .v ." k\,. mix.-.! tt.-iKlit clilckfiiH. rn-arhv"

•y. ITnL1',*-.;- \wKirrn. -mllK f»-.!.- IT- .[rrti. ' .hy |.I.Uf.l. corn fr.l, in«-r.iK<

IM-HI, l<i«-.; Kfithti-i). iivi'i-iiKU IM*»1. I'""'.; Ohio

.; pi>ur. litir.c.; fowin, ilry .j.acfc.i:n, O) His iintl ovi-r to dor., 17ltr;j.'Kv t"

iS Ih5. to dor., ]5aI7c: i»*-<l, dry |.lVkf.l.RVcrriKn- hr«t. lie.; »culde<l, ir.ii!#•-»,-> o)t],

iter". l2'i(\:~»i>rfnK "duckn, nciirby,"1"J"» c : n'Mitfrn, lixlfic; aprlriR; Kv«-Fe. *lanrt.J 13aif.c.; vvettern, lOallc,-- '

•hltr. C-r .Inn,, K.ZaA.X.J_ _.,|, N. J .

WARDEN T^PPAIM, Lynn, Mass.' , Cured of severe compound

cold and cough by

itol, 1 ' F w m Dec 20 , '08,'to March I , '09,

I had three b«4 colds, one on top of the•'••o&het, I got so weak I could hardly

E«t around. Nothing; seemed to help•me until I becan to take Vlnol. The

pletely fixed that compound cold and" stopped the terrible cough—and what

surprises me- most, at the same timeItcuredmeof asevere stomach trouble

• that has bothered me for 20 years.Vihol is Mrtilnly a woriderfurmedicine^- -

- Mr.Toppan K nnt'»>f .Kynn't niost pron^uicut-.iinl highly roptfcled.nicrthanis, ulio>c^vori^ts as 'tx>cj as hi-i &)tul.

*rfic-icii>bh Viiiul i> so siLcci^^fnl in Mich _cn f is .because. itconi'.un.s j l ic iwo most world-famed tonics—the meilicinal, strength-

i of Cod Liver OIP.VmrTomc Iron.

Your M o n e y B a c k II You Arc Not Sat i s f i ed .

\V. II. ROGERS, Druggist, Summit.

si)I.IIUiOlj>VKlM'INM.-ittiiiliirrii>lhTl •l' '.i:nTiian.li..— llm-n.-- .-t will, a n i f,I...I rp;..i ^.nl'Mffl-'-'JM-.Olltfi' n|' I . ' : ' ' "'>-(•'»i-tiz.-.r-.-- t^juni-^lbi'.r .rfiiiKptciit.

i VK11.MNS Ii. .illnl cUwt], . , , l.» nj4 i ,y!""'»> i>.<it«Mu-. in-... r r -n . l . uRir iin.L

• ^ ^ J[ , , I- | | . .«. «,.t ,V | , | , ..ni'-ilo-r. rhmc?i | l , « r N li ' l l I

Ml. ln[|irvil

«-ltulU-'H >.iiIff. J

't" IM'TTONS-t>lnln k i f t - . f.i

S(l|,J|r liOI.D IJlIOO•.TTIt'H, li.-itru^ fl.--r.l«iit;y -Imin'-. Ifoiniiii-mwitli iM-iirKn..™ ni

Mm.y l'i"tly

.iit-nf-innt! III.-HI, I,, N.-i.-li, tunrv j t--.' liiHi ln

FIl'.l.l. AM)- A M H K l t — » A \ ] H : . \ I S -;Tt i tTr i r tT r \v t r i t M 1 I I I j s n n n c

IOI: SKTK .,,i ib,|l..| i t l f ] ll'TUl . I . --ii'.-N i>if.". in n

o^iii ]ti;t'HH..vlll^i-l«tf. 4li-tH«Uirris.jn-iv ilfHiifii'iit Ilin-'l tuijf. i D-J.

K HATIPrS'S Hair-J.'.-lifii,lL' t^L.. i j iDIil tv.oI_UapS

t Ilk-t iltiimi'iuN. ;»*•

Daily W a g o n D e l i v e r i e s t o S u m m i t a n d Vicini ty .

• Soiitli-liounil Trolley Cars"""fronr Lat'kawjinna Staticn Pass Onr-Door -

Ifjjfouare-Lopking for a Reliable

G R O C E R', « l m nuiki's i t ;i p o i n t t o n h w u s JIICIIHI- hih p u t r o u a ,

•hy I'HOMrT SKKVICK will mi .

Charles Siebert-frir-ju. . •_ . . inr, ^ritiX(iFiELi) AYE.




. • • > • • • . » » . e a r l y. no mote arcepUble glfi

. . n 'i <>f caudy, «uU We have'. fluyle^s, Pwi: ft Titford's _an_d_._

• AHegretti's.'.'.. ;.. ...Order now ni)d we will dellvcr-the—cantly perfectly .freiih on rhrl»tm»»

We »l«i have a Inrje tuxlc of

CHRISTMAS STATIONERYnml all the late»t t oo ln . Cdmo andsee them. • •. • •. ' ' - ; . ~ T


• • mitl.t CM •ofeVp

iboice..i riirtlicr u;mitf.l the

- , ... r«-.-<>nimiMr<l (he ii|ijKilnt-• r n.|.lll|..ri:il Insiwlurn tvlli.¥••(' i» lln; tln.riMiKh eafurco-

•HI uHlii- ililW lalrtjr Imv lu tlm 1>I«.rt- i.f < 'ohiiuhiil.' Tliry! nl.-»o t*ilKK« letl

I'tiinl Ilii- CIIIIIIIIJVIV ll.il.illl.v In« Ui1 .iit.-.ITFl7.il hi ri^jiut't.-to coii[riliu|..>>

. ..i• \ .

Page 4: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

! : _ : : * " - - • • • • • -


._ ' OIHc* llonri—8.30 lo 13--1 to •'>.

- First 'National Bank,. BeeohwoodRi~" * '"StHDDllt ~Nr J.- •"- ••••

|>K. U.'W. KYMAN,


• sJ..tt. u m . : 1 t->s.st>l».ra.



, A9t ^Pftnt 'lcld .A>_e._ _ ^ Siimmll; M. J.

li . s . II."~"IS"A"KI-:I:.'

Civil Engineer anfl Surveyor.>KKIi"K* :' \~ MnpU' S t r e e t , Kiuiiinii .

' - . f ' - j s i i i i k - i i n i i i i i i B , M I I I I I I I I I I ,

WOvTrlN AND CHILDREN'S6!* I I « '>!*•

Chiropodist. Mankurlne. ScalpTreatment, Shampooing.

p'lntmi'nl. Orrli'K P y Tin.-ilnn. 'IlmrjUllT u.i.l SalilTilny.. V It. S.

10 Highland Avi-., Summit, N. J



UMcl.HII|>l"ver» tii

»t reasonable prk-e

SO .SprlliRliclil nveiiiif, Miiiunill,

OppnsiterWmiiHaiiil HVettue. -

,5M < >rauKe "Irtt 'l. Sfe » ark.


I. P. Burroughs-& Son.



Spfing'fieUI --'"A v-e-n-ue-. -'

Phone 295 J r^ -

"Painiinj.-Decoratlng and Paper


In »li;it- llram-l,,.- " '

lui idc Wor lc 'n **i>et:lull.vl -

Work Promptly.Attended To —

8 HIUHLANO AVE-, SUflrtlT; N. J.

HADs niT 'B

Or. inV>tln<r w c n l * . iiink<- <iuk-k \v i rk ofll i' . I J . n n t l i l u . i t f t l h n t l i t u U WV.-.-ui MII .J . I J youw i l l i » l ! l l i , ' l i . i H . I u . i , , n i | , l . . . | In .



474 Springfield Aye, Summit


J t P a y * t*> A(!verli-tf ' I I Uitt, U C N . M . I

.1 . .:/ '•}..

Knox Sends Passports MoZelaya's llinister.

President T*ftV Administration ^Rfc-.aent* Execution of Amerioiin«^L^#on.-ard Groco and LTeroy" Cannon. nrt:tCompUinB of -Zoi»ya'« Barbarou*

~~CrueTtie» m d Hit HapejleU and-JU**.grant Violation! of International Con-ventions — Insurgent Government IsIndirectly'Recoonlzed—American" Ma-rine* Landed.

H i l l e d S H i t i - i i imf N(i•iiriiKiiii M ' -n - - , - \

.ii-<]- '\,'y ilt 'e l u l h - . i Sl im.-V L'"V(Ti>ni.'iH

m i \ \ ' l ' » i i i f . - . i in>. - u h t ' i i s . ' . -^nTTrv KiiMt

1iiihil«'»l. I l l - [ . . - .^ r - iTls I " t h e . Hi '"1 1- '

IIn* |i'i-itri;<-iit -ox-min-nt wi.i- vluniil

t l i l-- radlnTl netjnnnf Utf r i i l inl

I'smilinii *»f l.lf A rl.an rlll/i'iit.

order nf l_'fi-i|i.|i-nt ZeliiVil.. Ill Vi'vtT-

.•f Stjilt- KlH»x V.i-.li 1 h<- Hist -'••p I"

wmi l |.inil.-liinu' / c l u y n tux rlii* I'ltmii.n

Paragraphic Photographsof the-Wortd's D<Hn£sr

—Mr.s v f l w r l c * T. •Yi-rkcK l-.si \w

\\:\s IUIUKMI IIX iiciuiliiNtiiilMi- i>( Mil'Wrkcs - t^ t ' i i h* , fnuii inkl i iy iiiii-ilhuTlutttTH. « l i k ' h w«nii,j iHTrjiiiLjjhii—inlakt- rliiir«!p of (he ?M,(HHI,IHK» r.»i;ii.- in•\fw York ivlit-n SnrjYt;;"ti>—'i'hi»inti>yntiilf(l~.\lr. Uir?h^Jtt-iippMciitlMii furtin- niK'ltliir.v U'tlcrs... * J , ; --

win llnwl. ' .v tin- si'CTVjriifiijM <*f I Ii*-KiVrir IsjRIul^illld >"illl rrilTiOl^riyHJUJV-"u . i - m ; , , ! , . .-..tnpictr. I ' rcsltk-nt Win

pii.-'illoli .iini WJI> r l r c t c d pn-sMi'til •>(Hit1 H;MI l-Yjirii'K'w j*y!<((_• tir.- ..• -Tin'' N«-»IK>II Viirlii i-hlliHr . \f \v| tf i : t .,JI. I.;, i-I.-i-h-tl l.hi I.i-Cvis, k.-.-i.cr o rl.ilin- I ' . 'HU' lljllilliniisc ill New-mil lllil'-liur. »I'll.. k-Kmt'D us II UXv savt-r,. itiiI Hiv iiii'iiilM-r <>T >IIL> Htn>, mill s h f

Hist n«i|iiilii'liit ;llll.fl* lit tUWynrhiUiii

II^' Kr.iiik .1. l inii ld for SWN».(•ml liiitm."ll1"nl>cK»'> ««• Hfllwii f'""

|.SIiK).iin<r<l]1iiiiiui"' iiKiiliiNt' Wlllliiin A.Sln.vl.Mi-ii, ;i tvfitliliy h r n k c r ami pcr-sim'al f i l i ' u i l i»r .Mr. iJ.ouM. wlii». sin-nllru'""-. InllHi'iiifd i l r . l iouli l ii"t Him a r r y IILT.

I-:. I .e. ' , ' t he ri t i tfct lcri i lf U-A\\VV, s..|dHit' Ci'til'^i- \Vaslilii«li.ii t i-iil . In wlilcti


(Viiirul Alli<>rii-iiii |H'iiir, iiililV'icinulilrh was fnsii'i-cil hv i T*T=—I * • • 11 •

.Mr. Kimx's nriimi t<>uk tin- r-nin"1 mploiMnlh- not*- h>- Si-nor Ffllj

of Aurleiillinv Wilson i n-his amiiiul ivimit Uj ttu- iirwiilfrnt-wriththat HIL> viilui- of the- farm.tiroilm-ls

t thf vounliy far this year l>SS,t«JO.:OUO.O'H). Tin- Hiilu «>f tliU J <fc^ tivt'l'f

WilJi.iiii "liiillclii-r^iF TVvoVlyTN. /.,rofiiii'ily oC \lcniia. rL-ccivtil dls-pal<iir s snyiiiK tlitil I In- cinpfroi- of Aastrinhad rcinstaUil him as a nontenant ofIlif Imperial j^ '-mls. from whlili hewas dismissed several years UK1*.

I t • 'iil nftrr nV i ' i i f t - r n i t f U f i n V i ' i i l ' r . '« l<lf i i l Tiifi

ntiii Mr. Knox.- lilTiils iiolc Mi-; Kimx rliu'iwil 11t:iiITt'sUlcnt ,ZHnya litttl n>|ivntnlly inn

,t|ni;niiilb'. vtoltitt^l. the WiiHhln^toii-iitiVt-iit[i>h^. Itcpiioliriiii lust inn inns

•rnuioivd Hint _ilit- mrn « e i c lurlurtHJhefnivjliflr f iwul t r .n . It WIIH-UU> Injt 'niioiTdr iiic I'lihcd stti.u>s ir niosi

-imltl lit-a stl'M-pi'i'MHiiitl-iutiHitiltilitH1

-ty I hi wo ri-sjuni-illih"" fiti; inaltnMitiiu'it• tf, ttlf All Si'lii *a Vis. '"."*" ":-' i-^L—^

llt-nryCaldfi-ji, tlif Auici^rau xU-v vowHill-lit .Managua.' had liri'ii nu-iium!1WH-V liy'I'iv.*fd*-itt^i5t;l:i.VH. The qiif:tlou us lo u hut imliMiiiilly uluill Iiaskrd r.ir- (ii» fumUlfH of tlfi'.AniiT*-an«.-Mr. Kimx aihlvd, Wiis'iHwlpTnirfor riiiurt" di'UTiiiiiiiilhui.

• I'mli'i-llon of llu- llvy.s ami proprrlv• i.xjn MutitijiHii. Mrof Ai

-Kimx wrutf. \vl|l in tin* futiiiv ln> it-

iii the I'JistfiM and I he wcslfi'ti pur-

UMIW of'MciiniKiiii.

To pri>vtMH fuliir.' vlolallons-nf il)t.i-<>uvt-iitIi)HM of the (Vnlral Auit>ii<-niipi-i«-t> i-onf^ifiut> Mr. Kuo\ mild thiiliIn- NU-araynan fiuvmmii-iit would In-r. 'nuiml lo ot.lltratf itsrlf to suppt.vttin* WiiMlihi^ton tivntlcs. SifivtiiryKliux rcferi-cd lo (In- vstu-(-r>ssloii ofpetty jiiiiioyaiicrM ami rudi^nltlf-J wliii'hninny in;-mlis ; i- . . imnlc' it iuipo^Ilili*lo ti«k itii Aiiirruiiii inlnlM.-r IOII^IT

OIII- paragraph <>r Mr. - KnuxS mileit it'L-anhil us rspit-iiilly nlKiiillniut.•iVwunl tin- ond of Uit> .l.Hiinirni lieMild, "lii iMirsyiniTv~iirililrrTinliry-tlit*t:oi.-inni<-nt of tin- 1'nitftl Stiili'x willli'inj.oriirHy withhold its diMiiand forI'i'piinitlmi, in jh,« iiH-auwtil!.-. taklnV.Hell SU'|W-H- JllllH-lll-T'wl>c. ilild' plop>r to protiH-t Ami-rifiiii inton-sis." ' .

In .\\vw oi* Hit* dl-onh-u-d Inicriuil

n» surprise [f thf slops ii-ferred u>v.-if oxm-iiifly nidi.:il. involving tin-:llidliii; of Aiiierii-aii :tnnod fon:i*» "H

IMr-psMvlltlrS £umi Ullli'tlfUls."Xlfiini-:uti. Hiait'Mhat ii fonv «if rnl tod -Stiitco

" . Rrebbytery Loaei $100,000^The t'Mtxiniiu |n:i".hylt«ry •" of the

're<M ti'i-ijiii i h n n h iiniiomifed 111 a I •tit- .-hinvli l"-t SHNUNHI thruMKb ttie

l_-:,.^:uuce ,.f WJIIIam C- I.llley.----

7"J 11 i*v«»1 i l l fniTfi t*>"— w a r.—"t»*—t ii«-"-Vn 11 »:• j —

l'"nr«i« MII^MIIII oT riMiiiHylvmiin f«

rfusod tlu* ili'iiiiiiids of the Swih-I

men's niildii fnr (i t-GiitN un liotir in-i-ren>o In >vnKfs mill double pay r<>i

rs lunl holidays, l!.:Mjn_ Mwlteli-tni-i'i \ifi.i mi » wtrlkf on <»verv mil-

Si.. 1'aul mid the l'a<-)titil s t ..Miss IJiuirKltin Ycmiij,', tlini^'lilrr <<f 11

lnt'ss iniiii, lu'jiUglll su i tin t h e 1,'iiilwl .StiiU's_tlistrI<.-t

rujj) .TuiJJt'j* AV,CVtiTO;iin, li'Uiiilluntiirt*ptM-, »Hii-'hiy liryiicli of pron

to Miirrtis M. .Miirks, presidi'iit nf tiTubfiTiilosis INvvi'iitorlitin. l 'or .ei i l l -dri'H. a New York sock-ty.":i"«i7liist ~fiH~niv'iTslmi of ~11 fjtUlM'lrllll.SlS pillll'lltS. -

^liUUiuaiiuiis. t-oTTT-opi'i-ators at Pitts-hilt'K- i-iiinlifinil In a request to I'resi-dent Taft I lutl railroads he p n f l lto pmd frei^tits um|er I he suiiervlsiou'omi t* jroveriinu'iH. ' /

~T! ie - Itt*\^^.- Il^»-.Me<*w (""-Htv-Ph rM K H I'Hnrt n-•t-'HI'liiladelphla, wti»;'»it]ft.Iutal- sti-relar>

i l l l l t L J \ ' t l

CASUALTIES.iIt'il,_iiLDJU n ii _ w a sfi 7 i

l>;ithluli in ii-t«iriially deserted lioii-*eat Kast Oranp' . . \ . ,1., wliithor H l i ^ l i ihi-fii talien fi-om her home In Urook-

J.vih-1'y her niiivt. Miss Virginia Ward-Inw. A iioio signed with Miss Siiiniiii' was tumid pliineiKtn her. 'tlivsn.

-In It she saiil sin- inloiMred to «-i>iiiiuhsuleido. Nevt'rllii-lf^s .Miss Wardlaw

-was nrri'sti-d jiml i-ciiinulttcd to Jail byUovnrd.er -Noit at Newark' on a eharK*1

of murder.

I*lill\)> -Allen, Jr., vkv ]irosideiit ofthe Fitst .\nti< I hank uf MineralVnlnl. W'ltK,, win* was I-IIIIIKIHI withemhezzllii^ ^h'tS.onO, plfildtHl guilty IM>-fin'c JudKt' SiiiilMirtu' in the UnttotlStates distrl.l court to four rutints inI tie Indict int-ni against him and wasseiileiH-ed to u-n years In the-federaLpri<mi at Korl l.eavenworth, Kan. ._..

Iti a collision lu'lwtHMi their uutotuo-hlle mid a shod car at KicliliioiuCInd.. Andrew I,. UnriU. former gu^-ernor. of ttlil.., ;uiU Mi-s. Harris werebadly Injured. .Mr. Harris..rivelv4.1L.nbnply u'asli In the baek of his head,nml hN ri^ht ear was ne.irly torn o(T.

Tw^iMsusiTtiii** tiivs dottroyetl ItirnelHiit«liTins. hiinihiK caltir :md fowl todeatii, tuiliiHi'TTeTir "[lie imlutiil fjirmmaint>iln.tl j i tTlydo. N. .1.. hy tin-Kockffeller-liwlliutc-l'or' Medieal I!*-'-Kcareh. It Is I.elieved thai the llre<*were "hie Hnry. "" ' .

With ill.- |.iir|«'V; ..f Mviirlfip' ran-loin rnt.hors npeinil Die crave In Hish-land eeliieteiy. I'lviir I'alls, Mont:r

of llarlleld Catrad. wlio dUnl a yeara«o. and stole Hie .-orpse. »

A.-"hellKT" i'iii;ltiii^<rnisluHl intiL n1: real Nurthrrn pa-sensitT trnin ntJ.lnd. WnHb.; r.nisitiu- the dealli ofthr«H- persons [and tile injury of l\vnntliers. "I'lio "lioljH'rV encinoer nds-ni)dor<Io*Ml lits orders.

'I'tie Mnlh.ry l'Tie ("?"55u*ivs, wlilelir-altod from Now York for. Kl'y, West• nil i;:ilvi>.4iun. -out OIK |i wirele-i^ c;illfur i.HM^.m.v .,rt,.r croiinilhiB.-ln1 a

^Wearisome: work f r the wife, neglept^and an —

Bfiiclrenr^rcomfort for -the- wi^^car^aind^a—completed--^

-education for-rthe



Income Policy —in The Prudential means a

_rfavorable-future^for-yo'ur-familyi- ..^

The Summit Express Co• 74-76 Kailrnad Avenue.'

in Flrf Proof Wiir*? KOOUIM

und FreiKbt handled carefally

e tirni^nre mo%-ed to aJtipHrlB df"oity O

Dally express between New -York,

CARRIAGES 1 uve yon tried onr_lce TwWh-not-Heed-ns—It is in timny ways

THE VERY BEST ICEthat can be bought, Mude from

One and Two-seated

Office-and Factory: Park and Ashwood Aves., Snmmit;. Tel. 329.




I C W.598 Springfield Aveiiue1



Harness, Blankets,Saddles, Whips.

_ Horse-_Equipmenls, Harness,

^airing-ol Harness, Trunks, Elt< -

Rabber Tiring on Short Notice.Baby Carriage Wheelsitetif e3T


Parkjc iEhestnut^AVe'srrr ~ - "VSumml t , N. J. . '" '



F R E S H B R E A DDelivered Dally.




EMILLEITIERER,375 Springfield Ave., Summit

ASHES AND GARBAGEcollected ^dailjr,- with carej nn<l nt

Reasonable Price. ADDRESS- ( t

E. RUSSO, 5ucce»3orjto B|S.H. Baker

Utflce -43 Urrion|PUce. Summit, N. Jtf.

-USEFUL j i f l in^URE to bj>_w.•tjlcft up^o-the-minuter-and,-

^rhcr^ToT qualitjr as good ! ! : •: r— i :

familyexceptionally grea

find . n y: : . ; - ; — . -

$1.95Child's MorrisChair, weath-ered Oak—val-

$13.50China CloseIB—coliien O a k -bent onda—val-ue 520100.

For^HER''$1.50 Cretone Work Baskets,

weuthervd Oak frame....

>7.7S Writinc Desks at 4.95

00$6.50 Parlor Tables, 24 inch

Top, a t . . . . .".

$20.00 Princess Dressers

For "HIM"$2.50 Magazine Stands 1.50

$14.00 Mission Tables, ' 1 f\ C A28x48 inch: Top J.U.DU

$2000 Imperial Leather 1 A Cf\VCouch WrtJU

$22X0 Chiffoniers, a t . . . — 1 6 . 5 0 $15.0(0Princess Dres-sers in goldenoak—like cut—$20.00.

Library Table 28 x 42 inchTop — golden Oak, • EarlyEnglish and Mahogany fin-ish—vaiao $19.00.



^ ' V ,

Page 5: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

"*-, —

~— fcHE S l H i M I T H E R A L D S A T U R D A Y . DKCKMl^EJt 4 , iyO!>' ~ " ~\ '~J' "^ ==s= *~ "

There fcl.tii.Vne BEST M-Jio,,l_

S S S S S 5 : |*}"OUUK uoiunn. 'FIJ»t—I*-tlie—•

ij^j^slie etui ijojhe Wst work—develop the . •


T^,«^5c1^^r.:.B.Msiness institute,|. s.'n,l torttitnl

^ • • • • « 9 9 , •

PEITY'S PEROXIDE TOOTH POWDER7 Makes beautiful P e a r l t T O ^ e e l h L


; ^ ' C « » > ' l f'»r ...I KlvliiK--,•:;,„ ,,.„!• .„,„, ""t 'M^ of \\n> J\

u h H i IK? iviis.,i.nillhicr-tliruuKli-ili

hnflii's. — ~*~'teen JK'rsmiii. werr injltntl, 4liriT

.rfly,-wln;n n *l.''ii1nlHM\vii_ nihl lMits-"'Mine t'Xprt-s.^.'train VnV i\\v ivtius.vlvii.." " "-raJJroml \vfl lite mils nt .Minmr.

..ami run Inio'ii (lltrliP-• -

In it tiro ii.*ar'.AVhlte lMuiujS. X.- W

place of Hun-itnl .Wlllets. tl»* .liorso-tii:m nntl ohihinjiM. WHS ))iiruc<l to .tin;.k'H'iind. ^* ° . . • • ~

l~Om* miln watt klllttl, a w u r e \v*>ivIiijui-fil ,nn i l tin* (uwu of- -Oi.mcron.W. _\:;i^.wiis iiliiio-it tieKlrnycd wlicu n

inuii/Jm' of 'lihnt^lyi'cfin exploded.'T\n— ctMUilwjsi- sifiinuT Al'jrn went

•islini-.- ue:ir Itie .-[iliMiirr n> TIUmuiMikInly. U|-(.^",.II. timl .r<iii!?rr-ii of IIIT jtiw--ii-nycrs iiiii) i i e w u c r c ihou-netl.

J Klclrt turn were jiniiii*oiie*l in n•'•nvf-in mid liiv in ,.ii.' <>r the

y t c t r to- i.\-.t-:,. Williiim mil.tin' iiJ-tronqnipr jiNil.'ni*itlior.^.uf. ..Westx y k . " - " x . Y.. in iv"i-.'Knltl..n. of hl«

j l J J

A ilia ii hclli'VisI to tie hmuiieml --Kprlonaly"' ~w i*i ii ul » il" "f! «MM* ri» 1~itid ii- Iii! .M.IIS .vntefl i is . j i- .hoit

INiris.hV.'aiifiiil.ti linmiuet. T h e "Imd iiilstukeii (,'eirenil Venitid

.(ioiieml llruu, minister of war .

T h e c h i e f s ,.f t h e Henl Il»»u Ifwmill .iteiil.Slilnl lril>ex Iii Morocco hootl hi submission to tlie Snntiiiirtls i

i! .to-tlirtit Nlde l.j-.sfilo with-tlin»r;iitist iiii.v ji-iln-N which inny ref(ti iiuiki' poiu'c. ,

11.1 filing iimiltist -it « hirf—HTMtriiinlles . uii hour nt Mour I

i\ lliiiieii . I j t t l iam, (he KreiicroViiuii, niitiiiicd ;i—iiWirht «>r t.i

fttrtr-bcnrtmr~TfMT~"ill1i1lal 'worlil's r

swept .A' iifi-,e

.lii|i.ni. •irhi*-.Kh;i«ati(-.>l.:tr.u; n ' . lu ities*' vessel of' J.."7:; l»ns. fouiiilcl-i

cold and cough-by

r ^ V u W n i M ^ n r i ) < w l i U < > i i u i < M t h i i t e v e r V ' n h r > r n i Y m l n > H , " " " " " " " K n " . l « fc>'"" " _ ' * '•' p n y - j i i < ' o p p e r 11111, T c n u .. V i m k n o w lift \r K o m i l ' t ' ru .x i i i c iw f o r th t* t ' - e l l i . l in t y m i d o n ' t ) i k r t l m t [•f i - i i l tar ni t iWili l i -y V l v ' n . - r ^ . i i i < X n l l i - i n I m - u l i s h i ' * t v i d

l l a v o r . l V l t y ' K I V r n x L I . - . T n o t l i Vnwh>TV j i u t B « . - m * ? l l v i . A N D I T IS N l c f - r . V n . i , V ( » n ; J J i J _ . ™-l* » l>-oJi>_. i . \ j i l l i . i l i . i m " I - M , i n II.

? Pharmacy >—J** > V **' ' Prudential Building, > >

Open All Night, > ^ ^ J

Petty: tie puts up preseriittlonn'r

l'j»i Tuiir vUiUlrt'ti uvr.el.iis Au^rle>. Cil., u hell ;i ll'oll.-.v curmil intii Iirnir .•iiii..ni..ljHe. "

1 ' DEATHS. , ! ! : ; i - : J ( I i " r ; !-j> M'V"-1


P E O P L E / yvll!- l"lflVi1-Ins hoiiu> hi

Kept Under 'Cover . ___ Well Screened

Prompt Delivery Lowest Prices

. j ; ) ln r ilml In IS'.*.", was plm'i'il in

" t

(Jsi-jir 1'. Williniiis. win. was .otiMilt .Maujla ;il ill*- Miuhrcak of tl*M> S|uin

\vnr,-"tllril ill liorll.'slci-JVL-V.. HfhTB-MlLLERLUMBER AND MASflN


K i n ^ K t lwa r i i WIIM t i ' i i i a rk i i l i ly sui*-ev.-i.r.il I n , Hi.' n i i ' l n i : ^ i . i i s i i j i w l i l . hJ u - r rl..s.>,i n | 1>.UII .>I I . I I : I V I I I K ' ' " . i n

S I K I . T L M . ' J l r - l-i i lrl i- ' l i i ' i i i lwi tlii- l l - l utwiiini i iL' D'WII. ' I 'S \i'rili'SI,^..".!».".'

l>r. ,Mri'.iL'kin:iiiii inf.l l lui:.. ['VIMU'I;.-.In.. ' ini'iiili.'i'H i.r Uii'. n.Tlili Ai-ro .-rtiM;li.sP I l l . l r ' l i l l 'S hi .'I li.lll iia'|.|>M-.|.i|l.'TJ^-'.-n v.-l*«|... . . f i l l . ' liiilloi.n u ; l * ' - l r l c k -I'M l.v liuliluliii.' iinri bl l ls l . '

Tli.i S...|nll.-li. ill IIITIIII i'.ii..tnri'.l :iilh.'i' <i';if III tin- r.'i. li-ii.i^. ihi'ii- .'iillil.il.' il..f.-nlllii: n UiiillalJ In iM.ll.'N ill Hull.- I'.i ii iniij.irll.v of l . i i ' l

A F F A I R S . wvi:.Utt , | , .r , . : i ir ( | Il l l < - r ; , | i r n n i l . l l l I x . M T . i l

^ V C I I t \ I M l l M i l I M ^ I I i l l S ; l l l I ' l - i l l l i - i r

" - r c i f i ve« l t l i i*"i l iVls |on o n H-I I - I I Iii.-tt. I ' . m e l i WHS ii in iu 7 r n v o r f h '

llH t h e . m e n eii(ei'<-d tin- r i u y . ' lull . I I ]WIIM n i i i i k l t cv|i | ,-ii( t h a t In1 W H S <

"From Dec JO, 'OS. to AUrcb I. '09,Ihad three bail coltln, one on top of theother. -1 K°t so weak I coald ttanOyget mroantL • Nothloj teemed, to helpme .until I twcui to take VlnoL ThechJdgb was magic. Three bottles cofti-pletely fixed that compound cold and

fe. stopped the terrible coujth—and whatsurprises me most, at the same timeIt'cured me of a Kverc-sComach t roaMe

-• ' . , , that ha*~bolhcrcd me for 20 years.Vlnol Is certainly a wonderful medkloe." ~

Mr. Topp.m is oiiL-i'I Kvnri's moit pr.iniiricnt Jiid highly respectedtncrtliniils, uho>c «uril i*> ,ts £«>"d as hi-, bond/

_* The unison Vitiitl.i\ so succ.-i f-.il in . Mich cadi's is because itcoiiuins the two' most worlil-famctl conies—the medicinal, strcngth-on ing, body-lmilding elements of Cod I Aver Oil aiul-Ionic-Iron^—

Vour Money Back U You Arc Not SatlsfTed. ,' { , '

^"\V.;.II. ROGERS, Druggist Summit. -•

BEE New Jersey'sShopping Centr*

<>|>l'll rSiltllrcttiv n i l KriMii- | lr«-. l M t ) I ' l i t l l N '

l \ I - I V Yuri; M rj>:tl'tl w<n t in- •ViH y a r d

f n m r « T r r r : f i t t i M u s ~ n n .. . I H H Il e a n A l l i l f l l r clnli a n i l 11,1 t r y C l s s l n ; ;

t M X V A

Practical X'mas Goods~ • l . ' i u i . M i l l . ' I I . ' r l u l i i i m l H u r r y . I l s s l n ^ M , _ ' — .

Tunis vnn IVII -riiimiiK". .<-.\ i-i-.-.-i ,,f ,i,,. x r w v,.rk .uiii.-iL- .iiii. sii,-|r jj T h e P r e t t y Electr ical D e c o r a t i o n s A d d C h a r m a n d"M'I'M'V''?; li't"':!i'i^,iih.l,M1i"v.:" J.'.n "!r' - * w ^ - " " »"- '. ••!'._"»-«i:ltii-- g ^ B r i g h t n e s s urihe Scene: ' ~ ~IT~~.inn i II.I HI iin.i.Ki.yii .inn >.i s.in_.i)i t.n.K—it-ii.MV tmlrmr i.'.-uru. . . H ——_ - —— ^ •. lxl l l"' l ' . i i iv. 'r . . .r ' l l n N i k l v M . .ll.'i'i -'.I i i i - I ' '"" ' : ' " V " . " " " " • B ' l | « l " ' v ! ! i ! U L l B • ^

. CHALHERS-DETROIT & HUDSON CARS_JQjtUUI)».l.^.t ±^lUf. fiir-l;i». .. •.ft;

In 11,,,I .-ll.v. .Hi- « : i s i u . r i r hic ' l l i i lmi . N. V.. M'viMil.v-s<'>'i'ii .win '*

;i lp>.' T w u l m v Xciv i i i a i i . l>:iul.«r iiml ">Hv. ' inllli 'Dail 'lililll "t~ Now t h l c a i i s atll)t>i-Mlinl>1y Hits m-nl t ! i ! i 'M lu iur lit Dial

pl im ..I—Mir I niij-il S i i i t i ' s i i nvy , ilt-• f . u M h L J l u l ' l l l i ' I ' l i i l l lps . Illi.. w v l l i ' l - lU ' I ' IKII I - I Hiluli. Ill il; l i .un In iu i i i l s i i l l l i i t Norl ' i . lk i m v v v i i n l r . .r |t in . i i i i . l i l l . 'Ui ' l i ; l i l I i i ! . '

I 'ziir. 'Vln. ' i . II l l i i i ' i ' j r : i . - . . l . l n n y - M i n i |l i i ' l o i i an l . In I I . i ' . - \ l . i r . i i i n'f Xi-w Y.irk-.




A. 0 . Tlii.iuIiso1r<Viil.aX:Q..,.igei1iS-f<»1^-ljHi<>H-fe,»r

. . . . . . . . . w . . . . v i i n u ' i f . I l i : i l V \> - . l . i i . i - . i t H i t j i a v c l l V--I?, , , , . T u m n y \ 1 , . ' • " • " " ••"•'"••• " ' -•"''• l l l l . l I ' l l l ' - I l l ~ I I ] - . I I 1 I . . I - , . . - — I ~ - r , < - 4 . « - i r n r r l r - ^ T n 1 - . . . - , T T ( 1 . 1 1 II l » l l < i | l l l « ' . . . % - , I I . i >

1 1 . . i-T-r^-i.T.f-iF ] ' , , ' ^-^ i i u i ' l l i H i In—^?4^^^-^*^^F^ t o t iMi^twm l i t A . 1 B l i l l . ' . l j v ^ . ' l r y H I M I H I p i I f f * iif- M e n n i i i f h i i i - . _ \ V f I r t ' i . f j e n f l r v » • • J ' r . t -

. . . , . ' , . , , . - ' , R ' C i i K p - t > H " n i . l l . I - . . . - . - ••-• I H . i l . - l y u » w u r t . . I H I L I I I . T I I I . T . ' I . . I ' I . I I - . ' . N a ] . . H . l i . u l . o u i . i i . r i . ' J a l . i i | I M I n r ( -. . M n j u r i t . I t . l . u l l . l i ' . v . r . n i i | . l r . . l l . ' i ' n l . | r . . . . . i s h i ' t i h l i i l l . . I - ' I I L ' I I M I I I , . I I . ' . I I ^ / S T " m i . i i n i ' r • ' - ' ' "H i . . l l n l l l l l l u l ' L - / . n i l - l > l i f l » . - l : i i i l r . . i n l _ < - » i n - . • . ' . ' • " " " ' " " • ' • ' " • • " . > • " ' ' " " • " - • " " I B

• . . / - '

If Lamp Is Poor"JLighi I s Poof

liiii.y-mid ui.e ..r." Ihrktiiivvii r.-illroinl nuji. in U.i iiiil.'.v..11.-il in" Ills IIIMII,. in I'.:,Ill '.' II'..in .I


li.nn. MM- In.Him. iiwt si. \ l . ' . ' i i IIIIID I-IICCII... liy ;i . | i n i r l c r -..f il

_ l'tmr lif,'ht

Hie cause is

neeecxurily imply j or I;IIH. . — .

ur poor lixture-*..

ill.'il .11 Ills liuiiii' In \'<'w-.Viirk-.<>M'iiriiri-J.v. ilyi'il s. 'M'.nl.\M'vt'ii - .n 'Jirs. I I .r.-IIII.II .1 Uii' .try K I- .'.'iiiiul.-^ii.iiii r s i u i i i i . n < > ^ \ liiu-iiiiiT.

IIHk'UiliiT >:. n i l ' S i I 1'. .1 1s >i-vi'iily.iiiiii' yi-iu-s i.III. i l lnTi i l hNrntit-li II...I1- l..is AIIUI-I.-.". . ' i l l . Fl ' . i i1STL' In 1S7.". he « ; i s sc . - r i ' la ry i.r s l^ l i^i.r Mlull.•*"In ani l WII^ Inli'l- 1'illt.ii' nfIII.. SI. I'tuil I ' l i ini ' i r I 'ri 'S'

(.'h..l..ii -II'. Klsl;. r n r m i T i'ily .'ilili

_ rrthiaTl t l ( ^ iT i l i r ^h f t r ' : In Kr"" l^ .n l s :

Hit » a s llii' son .>r lii ' iM'ial i-l i i ih.n KKNk. ru i in i i i ' i ' j . r t in . i-isk iMjiv.Msiiy

, ! , - ' s, i'..;,.i ..r I'liiiaii.'iphiii.. - l l l l l i y a s v r l , M. • . , . . . . ,,,,r*-hn*<-*l-

t i l l 1 l ' l i H a i l i ' | | i I i l : i \ i i l i . . | i i i l l i M ^ i l c l i a s i ' -

jhal l ..-Inl., . T I L'. j taiil .In l ln

Hii' •'•lilriiuii XiillnliiiN. aiiiii.iinii'il IliaII,- ll.-l- .|ilil -:I---I.;IH r.'l' L"i»lt In

In T n . y . N. V.

N E W S 'V

OF OUR' ' "


. Iii- I.....I a m i -I IIII

ll'ili•'". i ' . '" '" : ''"••llW.M'H'iilil, , , , , . 1 / •••'IX WAIST M-T--.T. .n.Ti , i

# I A i : r n l f e r f S 7 « ; . » . t i . - f » S- H i * - . - l i : i i f i . k _ i n > i - . l i . i i i l - ' .11

-I...I.- 1....,„ ,.!..,,..;„..

ll.'l'ISS--l:.'iii.:.'.il~.u,.',|,,,. |,l>> •I-.II'H.;. rr.i.,1. i n


Our «Hntrihntl.ifr ny»ient j ^ nr.r^

r -bes t UiiU-nioney mid-ftkill ctirijirovJiIa JJiit ~<>ur effOrtN t

p i | l ^ A 'c.,l.iiii.| .Pi.lm_'-|.:. -JVcljiJM.-iiul,ll,'i'

ml furuiiaiiv v.'ais t'liihu' anil pnlt-Pislu.r i>r Wi'l.sli.i's WVHi^jvlnVlL Ii.W H i ^ j v l n V l L Ii.

iiTIli'filtvllli.. X. |i'.^7n:

vere!!-Diiiler proper-itnmtitntTTirw-TTi'nTV'.M iiil/ii'l .I.'BIL-I----ni'i.i.'.i ivini riiimw.iiim.'.w.. -_-r "

(iun.1 l»iii[iBare.e»seu|iul to t-.uul llglillinr*

• amp.-i Kpoii'.' If not, "tell us. We will Jtelfi ., ..«^i.-

ll.'eni w). - We ureas uiix-ious ty i;ive n!.tlHfflctory".ierC'iCL-

aTyoil.ure'lu receive It. ^ . .-•«..

...i -i. iti|' Hart. I '.•»•• II In.ml. Inn

• l l t l l l l . ' , l l ) . , x . I K> I'll.'". l i i . -a

''•"•t,l'!sHV:t-1^i:otnTI''Vw'1"^^ Deliveries to Summit and Vicinity. .V M A . w.....imi,'.i. n >.r.uiiiiit-iii 1>"r"""~L."'!"' k"'"'_- j | S«MI I Ii-l»ounil Irollpv dr, "from LartfaTvanra Slalii.n-hss Our Door

irllxt nii.l III.: nri-nt.ir «.f 111.- mi nr , . „, , . , . . H ' 'irlntsysi.-. l ' , , ,n ' , , ' , , l l | , ,u, , i lw.d • „.,..,., I , L l ^ . " " ! ' k M ° r k o " ' H

it his c<iiimi'y liiiiiH-, in'iir Iti-lny. .M.I. pon'n.i'-- - ' ' • ' " ' .lr.-s.-1-il

SCKANTON ANTHRACT1ULcosts you no more than-1ho onliuury grades .

nf coal, but the dift'erouce in ])lain in

tlio huriiing. —:

.Noth'ng better fn Anthracite"

SUMMIT COAL POCKETS• Park Avenue. Tol. :>7I

D.lliU-riirl ll,...,,i.,.'..,r llnvill'll, .11.-1 f" Flw^TP<iun*E!SXl' n.nll.m

l"!,.ir.'ull, rn»m kl.liu-y tr ,1,-. He ,„"", p.-r ' 1 -L! J S l,m,li. ii!,l™'s II faliiiilis eyv N|ii-.'lnllst. ill-, ii.s p.-r i.oiin.1. . .''.iH-il.l i.r III.' ilM.-i.l Illu- or III,' Civil- . I K ' " " - " »" llni'i. l«!i'H:-.'. I"

Inn hiiiise. . •""«'•ll.iy l l r n v n . ,vli.. liil.l ,,m III,. " Gcn c r | . | M . r k . l . .

II.IN snrriMllnllliK tin- ,'iij.ii..r I ^ N..it V»rk. I"•'• I." • ' " - ', illl'll .It lilM In.in.' in m'TTKIl '" H i m .in l.i|,-i!i...l.-H; ri--.'lpl».

.. .. ..._^,i..imii,iji,i. '•;T',»' ' ' '-v1K ' iM,,'i; ' ' ; ' ,; '", '>»i/»-T-'v'"',"' ' . ' ,:-ISIslliip'Tlliifllils - \ . I l i ' l l . l r l .k ' i.r III.' <li.l?y"'.-.Tniiii<>ii .7/liiiM^!>MSc.7l>r.>c"".'

l:.illllll. •.'lllll.illi- i l lun 's . . i.r I'l'lill ill.'.l- J ln . l» ' lo lali, L'.V.;ai.-.: noslerli.-ru...i Mii.iiiii i.r .'liiii.'i'.i. ir.. WHS >ixi.i J ."?! ; , ," , ," 1"!"^" ' " " " ' ' -•'"''-•'' '• l»>i'« l l l )»

•''I-. CJIKIvKK - F I I M K I. ' . . ' I | , IH. X2\C, l.nx<'>:Siiilmel II. JI.KjiT i.r i m l u i h • ' « ! • , ..i-ii', _r.iil-.,'i'i.:.in. »|..'.lnl. i;ni7>i.'.:

Mini... was roui «,, | ft ii|i.,|,l..s.v *P""1, l l7' "",'"V-, ,";Vi'-V "'"'"''.''m ""T'jnn I...I..I nt iiii.-n... s..i. - ' jo j j / ,:,,„;,.,.-• J,i,,;.."f;.ii'... .,^1.1..

I N T E R E S T . v , , r k „ ,„ , , | | s , „ „ „ , „ „ . JKUJ,, , . „ , ,„ . . ,„ . . . k , , , , nrii, . iTuKc; ilrrti.I l u l l , I'l.IIIII I I | | V ( T 111.' Ill .MllZ.'lUTI'. II » « 3 2 ? . '1 ' IIK.I1.II anil illi'.lijiinijriir

rrllli'i- lilt-nils.. .liiri...r t , w . . f|.;i> j ' lri /L'rii^jf,^, . .!! , . ,!; , „ , .

' • • • • • • • •» . . .»^ . <

I Ifj You are Looking Tor a Reliable

j GROCER* ' "on..-"Sim innk.-s it it point t.. :iLjja_\ j-N-.-.s.- his patrons,

t - not only in W.UJTV mi.lJ'JUCK ..f K...M1S l.ut also• l.y I'KO.Ml'T .SHItVICK call ...»'

-^I 'r-I : - J l l .

Walling's WindowHoliday Display

1ar9ware and House FurnishingsMELROSE BUILDING

diirliiK s i \ i \

Imurs Iii wlilrh tttvy «cri- heluveii Uft- *••>>•. IHMIN.V. JL':iii\; f-lcct'-'l - w..Hu-rn

anil lU'Hlh lli.'.v yiil.lr.1 .mil vnr,mr»tu«.. dry ^ r t ^ ! ^ ' 1 ^ - ' • d ' ^ ! i - ' ' ' : ~ r " "

i h h i k i n K ' . f l l i i ' I r o w u K J I M V i.n'lv «»«•! . w ^ K - r n . - ' l r v ,.l.k.-.l. milk f c l . - i « -

- f n i r f s s o r K<;lrlniil;..fr <•( tlu- m * nmu f(.,i' TJHKV. '^ .a i ' i . - . ; '( c u r ;fn^[liiHt' III I'liVlx-llltiiUJLlUiiixLMu** aialiu^.;' tit+x.-.l '''»K'1cht clilcktiij.. .flll(-t-<itii> <»f i-iiKfri»-fttl4>rIilM « I H I Ii:ltli.'(i" fancy"L iTaa-r,; «.-Mcm. milk r,-,l,It pi-oiciis. l r i s , foil nil—Iii~mTTTTTM^r -"•"•'*"*IIUIIIIKTH on t h e v11 '1 '1 ' s ' ' *u " f fn i l l itin:rc^-di l t lef l . In tiiilti-r ;ujd II |HHI tin- riiulof most cheese . It I-JIII cxl-^H|«>ti tint iumni i ' i l c l i i . . .

Anitirfi-iiirAinliiiKsiuIirr l(<-i<l nt I-<.u-il 'm r.-i'.-Ived "-ii t n . [ i : i t r : » T H i - n.-.-lj.i-e n r tin- r,".j.|«-\ i.'.-.!;il :t\viii-it<-fl liy (In



-f-**M«*rttr^ilrj;—jitrki'il, c'nni


and JdchlKiin, HCJIIIII-U. averano bc»l.iftHc; [M»-.r, lJnl.'.o.; fowlo. dry puckr<rboxen. CO IIJH iitnl over, to dop., K'/ ic; s5 ti>« Ihn. lo ilo/.. Italic.; !C«MI, dry. iilck««l.rooBter*. 12'ic: Hprlng duckn, nearby, l ^ - / -

land, i3air«.; wfttern, • Ida 13c,: '';"Jfh*- i Teleplitine 3 J J J .while, f*r tlo2., $J>Xa4.3r. - " / .

E.Choice Groceries, Butter, Eggs, Coffee '

• • ' . , . •-• and. Tea Onr Specialties.HALL BUILDING. Cor. Springfiefd, Ave. and Bonrevard

"A ~• \ . . '

1 \

Page 6: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

AIIOI.IT1ON of tin' fee systeiujif cmii'penciling county officers, nivos to Ks-

-xcxa nef profit of r>2,85ti.7O. for the.

penses. Hudson County, on thr other-Iraiid,. by mntttplytnj; Our lufinner

. ti'iptK." Tliere isn<> reason wliy evoryfouniiLoffico iii Hie State slioulil^nol

~ If there is butl should liecoitipplleri to a

n siiiyla

"to it, anil at a salary fixed for'nle

this result i's to make compulsory the"iuloption of'oMhe smaller Board of Free.

holders law, and the substitution of bus-~ i m»is*men~\\Tu>~wiH looJTarieifthe public—interests instead'or trying to find places

for 'friends and political favorites'" WorriBtoWn.Nows.

WITH the rapid growth of Summit- cornea the demand for :i strictly first"class modern built structure sur-

rounded by amplc-nroiinds within easywalking distance from the station, tobe well furnished in an attractive andhmne-Hke manner, and conducted by

. capable ami refined people as a payinguncst house for business men iiml-theirfctnUifK; to such a one undertakingthis prW^-A al, a s s u t v a (,O(Hi j n c o m o

may be dcrivwi . lin.i tin- housf kept-full the year around.


Page 7: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the



JFhree new members were, initiated- - :in Crystal Lodge on Thursday evening

.;"' 1 The Misses Pott and Miss Alice,r , Reynolds have rented a bouse in. Savannah, Georgia, fortlie-wintc:'

Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hoyt stopped ontheir way from the West Indies to their.

[ ~V-__. 17.1.7 "-'- home in Rochester, to visit Mr. and Mrs.Walter. D. Brig-j^. .._• •

Mrs*. Parker Webster ami MissHelen CecirPage~liave-sTent out cards

/ f o r a tea on Saturday, the eleventh•— December, from' ,four untilJ3t'veii

"Mr." Hamilton W. Mabie, on Wednesday~~ evening last, gave, in the Ogden Mem-

orial Presbyterian Church of 'Chatham.;\h mlcIressupoiVtlieTtipie ' idea l i sm inAmerican L i f e " " • . ~L

; .' A representat ive of the ) \ i t t ie Wat-kins .Home for the children at Murrayiiill, has taken her stand ' n front of thepo'sfoffice' and invitcs.all. interested to" l ieep the poM>oilinjj'.*'J>y their contri-bu t ions for| tlie Christina^ festivities ofthe children at the home.. - -

• I.ust Monday afternoon at the quart-• erly 'meeting of ' the ." 'Presbytery of

Morris and Orange, held in tin- MunnAvenue Presbyterian cliureh of "East

--Oraniro, MivF. 'II , Don-mus of Sumniit,


J-pel in Lafin Lands" .

• - Hy invitation. Past Master William.T.'Day, «f_Summit, will. delivfr llic his-toriL-al-feVtuiM'^iertaiuin^ to lh«* M. M-.-

. Deuree in Newark l-ml^e No. 7, at the i rrooms, "Arcade" building, Broad

^s t rce l . ' ~Nuu;ark,.^oiL -- l'YhLtvj :cve njn-jfrDecember III,; ,

The Trenton Times advises a"general round-up of alrdt'lintjuettts :ttt l ie hcijinnuivt"of"tlje""u in te r " to ^ i -

_forct» the ordinantu'"ipTovTru1iiif iT'fintJjfiFthose win) fail to shovePthe "siKriv off

t'ore Avintei^va.iies..

'Walter C. \V. Aiifermaitii -was ,<le-clared tojmvc reuuivtul iHt votes andLymajrii. Coddintfton-no—votrs-fonlio

_ofi"ite-QfjaJuiicilmaii-in—the—liomiufjh «f

on th

' .Aufonnann.

Ty "tTit-CiTuTiTy bn'an! <>i'~ elections'order of Supreme Conrt_Jnstfee. wlio grunt cil thy jipiilioatitin uf

Dr. Kdward D." Frost, of Klizubeth,has been chosen president, ami Charles i

. S.. Iiardy,..uf-Sum"mit,..vice- president, of" Hi«'"Union"Co«iity Dental Scwiviy ;iL' n '

nicetiny last Saturday ni^ht, at whichpermanent, organization ,-was effected.Dr. .1.. It. Stevens, of Elizabeth, I j s

— "secretary, and ""Dr. "S." JLJJiiiman, ofOanfbrd. treasurer, ' "

William _J,ynns, proprietor nf_Bernardsville Inn, wan killed in anautomobile accident in- a collision witha telephone pole, on Fox Hill, iieaJ?arsippaiiy\—^-Wednesday—-cvoniii(|.At the same time Andivw-

• •chauffeuivof Nevvaik, WAS seriously injured, and William Summers, of P. O:horn &"&»., wholesale liquor tlt»alers,_«

Mr^and -MnfyWspend the winter In Montclafr, withptheir son Arthur Boehtner,,

Mr. ,and Mrs,:now-occupyin]j-their*Tiew"home oiValley. View avenue.

Rred W. Clift has returned frcim~atrip toChicagoT in "whicli he combinedbusiness with pleasure. • .

The_ Men'sTCIah pfJi_

church will- meet on Tuesday, Decem-e r j t nt.the home oMicorgc V. Much-

more, 309 SprinjjfieKI avenue.Hamilton Wrifiht Mnbie, of thiscily,

r a lecture \n the Ofldcn Memorinchurch, Chatlmm; Wednesday^ gHill subject >vii*'Vldcalism in America

The new,panel of petit jurors, contaiim tlu1 following names from Sum-mit:—Albert Leach;-\Vellini-lon"\Vittkeand Charles D P vine.

p n Monday m'ulit the Knworth Lea-g u e of the Methodist vhurcii'will hoi

nionO'Iy litisiness :\ml swinlmeeting iii the church parlors, Frieii'diare. cordially invited to attend. — r .

.The second semi-annual • meet ing ofthe New Jersey State Nurses ' 'Associa-tion will he held In the Public LibraryJersey City,. Tite,sda>V December 7, at10 o'clock a. in. Address by MissAnnie D:IIIH>I\ «f New York, at 2 p. in.

The New York Post Graduate llus-[iUaL-Nut-so s t -Alumnus --will -hold *rf a i rfor (he benefit of their fund for sicknurses, at the Waldorf Astoria, Decem-ber 0 a u d i o , both afternoon and even->>tf ' _, •' y . . .

"Mi*. Han Visausku. of Njjw* York, .whoeaclies in Summit (^Tuesdays, left^ y ,

here he will tfive.a number of con-certs. .Mr. Visanska will return on theHth of December.- Governor -Fort-has aski?rt'"~JjWi"'|ilr'SriCri;IittKUii3W'n,-pve»iilenrt»f"tHe»tiiiaieru act as chief executive of the State

n a hunting trip, (niyernor Kurt "wil

• A'tiood jlelL'^atton "hcadeit liy Coun-•ilor Halsey, from flohart' Council,Loyal Association, went to MiirrJstowrrTuesday ni^ht, to join with WatnonK

noil m the ct'U't»m**on oi the

A petition mijiestiiijf_t[ie_l).. L. A- UL.I * TVhI u r m h e start i 11 % thne of the morn-

express•fi'SiiTMorristown from 7.45

.otrJersey Cltjvwill speak, in Gospel Kali, tomorrowevening. ' •

g of the I..: C.:B. A:will be held,- Wednesday, Dec_8lh. mHilliary Hall.'

. A "Children's Matinee" willbeuivcn.at the Beech wood Hotel, Saturdaylilternoon, December 18.

- Both Suimiut and' McCIellan Counciisof the Royal Arcanum, will elect offi-cers on &tonday"nt(*ht.

Colonel A. G. Mills and family arenow occupying the .Verno'n house. NewEonland'"aveiuie.J which they ' haveleased for the winter months.

The next meetingTnTThe A'theniyumwill be held Decemher !>, when Prof.Woodrow. Wilson of Princeton, willmake the address.

Wort! has. "been received of theserious illness of K. K.' Raymond atCurlsojLCity,. Nevada, where he wentafter leaving Summit last spring.

•7Kev. A.-ll.-f little, D.i>., the pastor,will occupy tlu>. pulpit of the MetliodislK j l l h to-morrow. His topictn th6 mornitig will be", "Tlit; Cleansing

evening,.Blood," and m theName nf~.lesus,

""flu-''.luniov.Au-uIiiipy' of the -V. M.L". A. will' hold .a salt1 of. cake,, candyHid Christinas articles in the Assorta-lion buildim/ this mi-ruin-; from. lO.'H)

Mrs. Frances Lindsay Crawford andlie—Mhtses Crawford have issued in-.'i tut ions fur an at-home from fourmtiU-seven • o'clock -to-day, illliome, "Four Winds", Ridge rojul. .

Hudson (guilty lias jipjmin tedSiipennteiideiit for the KxaminatiiMosquitoes, at" a salary of • $2,501) per•ear. -That sounds quite like the com-nissi<inersinpl'ii' niines~atfd:endent-y of State police,'uvafed twenty

c Ui"o by the Legislature,t is easy to invent- tilh-^Jor offices as

" Bids for remodeling _ Colonial MaYbuilding and the erection of fire' de-partment quarters will birn?ceivi*tl--bjthe Common Council on .Tuesday nighnext. " "

In othcTvities building inspectors arerequired to make annual reports tu theCommon Council. This is- as it shouldbe, "and the Summit Common CouiuFshould retjuirt-the filing-«f-such_rep<K't


A rcmilar stated meetir>ok Council-' 211, .Ii-._OA_IL.A. M_. w-ts-j thr Manual Training School fitleld on Thursday'evenii^.^;In :id- n-1-*-•-^-—"•--*™--^h'tioii to routine l»usiucssand»tlu'~"coii*lidcratiou i>f matteus henofrcial to the


Great Britain Aroused by Actof House of Lords.

*»«T, FOR SALt. TO t t T , tTC.

INHTUrcTlON' '1 timnincr. M (itu».H>im!ntt 1>


Ttral l>tnt«> (n HiimmTt tu amounts toWIT. f.<-ntt In sour npoiicAttim* toI'lrnmn. (•j>i»>-«lti> «lvtM>t, HunimK.

>.u,"( ill Uromlwrny. S, Y. S)-i

• I OIUIKH r-AMur^lVn.l t-^nl.Mlat )[ltliojf~A.TW. Mklx ."" **-** ( 1 * * t u r r * f t *>:t'". ^

"'J^('"i \ i '^ i in )(_'i'.\|io.ljiwnn cut ao.il cared -.R fur; Ouit-i* rltftineit: gmdiae. naak't'ii'Tut wr>rk ftt»-ut i'lui-H.. Furnace* cari'J

ivcr** diKtructett into

Stratoy makes

Thore~were 2.9UH deaths reportedNew.Jersey during_ thcTTnonth ending

flV-ember-10.~ Under" one, yoltr- (!27;ono4o-fivtryears'2JI7; over sixty years

neu m"dnfiT :rtother diseases of tlie respiratory sys-tem show the usual increase expected

number of~sQeh deaths for this monthis lai-ger than for the correspondingperiod last year.-— -'---: :

^—^-The annual address to the members-•of the Parochial School chapter of theL. H. Nature League, South .Oran«ewas held on Thursday, December 2.The Bond.Street Public School, Asbury

.Park^has just organtred a' chapter ofthe.L. II. Nature Lovers' League, wit!seven- teachers and two hundved andthirty-seven . members. The 'annua

-address at-Hazel-Avenue l*ub)ic.Schoolr

was given to the hundred and forty-sixmembers, comprising the Hazel Ave-nue L. IL Nature League Chapter.

State Road Commissioner Gilkysonhas announced that.noi'morc-macadamroad's will ..be...built in New--Jersey,•under the State-aid law, but that hereafter all State-aid roads, will he con-structed of asphalt binder stone orother, mixtures of the same kind. Ithas. bccn~ demonstrated that themacadam, so largely in vogue in Stateroad building, is wholly unequal to thewear and tear of the automobile, and achange of material in road construction

• was, therefore, imperatively necessary*

^ g 1

.Mai, I-aos, preached in the CentralPresbyterian church last Sunday. Mr.Harris, who has many friends in Sum-mit, spoke of the work among (heIJIOS people. The climate of Ih;itcoii ii try is very trying^and it is im-possible for a foceigner to live morethan twenty years there." It is paK

.ticulafly iuaccessive and seldom visitedby.'outsiders. Therefore educationalwork is specially'^'jecessary in order

. that the natives jnay be trained to teachtheir fellow" countrymen.

^Su pperAbout (Ui meinliers imtHriends enjoyeitop -various courses avhich weredaintilj

^"lasthoriie'jvisiietJ, a very pleas-

er;ij,social time enjoyed. It is just sucli

sociaJTspint hetwech the younR pcoplof the churh ~ ':' ~of the church.

elocutionary and musicari-ccitalriven" in St. Steplieh's parish

house, on histeveiimtr. tli(*..p'r.QCgeris.t


benefit of the needy of Mill-burn. Tiie Millburn orchestra furnishcithe music- Miss Ina Johnston, of MiH-burii, contributed a violin solo, anddialogues, monologues and recitationswere niven by Mrs. R. T. Belts, MissUrsiihr Nelson, Mrs. U. S, H. Baker,Miss Ruth . Alleinan, of Summit, andothers.

The Interstate Fair Association ofTrenton has declared a dividend of 10per cent, on its common stock, a featthat probably no other organization '6

id lias ever 'accomplished. Ther payment of 7 per cent, will be

made" on the preferred stock, and afterboth dividends have been distributedthe association will have a cash balanceof about $40,000. There .ire nomortgages* on the property nor debtsof any kind—even the salaries of thefew officials onfhe pay roil have'been--trovided for up to January l. ThisIhistration is due t,o the good work oflecretary'Margeru'm. '

The supreme court last week in anipjnion by Justice Reed, sustained the:onstitutionality of the Fretinghuysehmtomobile law. This is. a law whichrequires the taking out of a license byresidents _and _n on-residents of _ theState, who desire to operate an auto-mobile in New Jersey. The law was-it tacked by one oMhe automobile com-tanics, principally on the grounds thatt was nn improper interference withtiters tut e commerce. Also on the;round that the-license fee exacted was

high as to he a tax rattier than nicense, and that as a .tax, the .feesvere not^fixed according to the con-ititutional requirement--thar~pri5perfy~>c taxed according to its value. Therourt'decided against (be company on•nth points. -

isewnere forCliristmitspresents, ooine to the Bazaar at _FJIH»JLtain Baptist Church. tN -h.r- I.ofil Mm li'.v, tin'

vo iiiul l."l\l Cunuiu Intlimni-ljlT l»u<lKrt-l>ill~WIi.«.. uluu- VH>|ititar wltli tlu> tiu-tfe.. uiv otilHixIiuis ti> IJM—

tlip Ilrltlak li..usTii'twlny tcji'i-tiil IIM- n

ami Wednesday, December fith, 7th andProgram each' uight; "admission

MrTand Mrs. A. Komaine-Collon, ,r>7De Forest^ivj>nue, will resid

. l Lansiluwiii'V-iiiiH'iiilnifiitiirrltti by n n i l f n f a a i In f,iv,,r Ii.-iilti.-l. ' This Jti-tloti -li.V tltj. |l oltscd (.TOIlt l

i>n tlintnl|.v,'i.i|i,.il liniil KIIOIIM t»-


Street! New York,~; the: coming season.Wr. Cotton iuised until April 15th, to Captain T. DToil, formerly of London, Knglaml,

At the Maptist i:lmrcli to-momm- the-. H.K\ liult witl'preacii. iii

ivilllu' "I'lirist'sloWardslicltui^us Neutrality;1 '

pvening. "Missions in. Assam;"-iNus-nittid; by" sleri'O|».licen/' On Tuesday,>er--7tli, tht* MeiPsXeagutj"!•• a -social Tviuihitf'at lli«nibiTMi7F"oTienrge V. Murhinore. . --^•—-

<l si/eit auiiof .the Senat

ssair nt-ttn—iday evening of last week, and

y ilebiUe on the questionV omen's suffrjigtv-which resulleil ie vote. K. \V. Moister ucted i

f ilit* Senate, Seyinore t'oeytnaWHS the secrt'lary. 'I'lie tlebaters^n thaffirmative won*

i . i / i - . . I I . ' i i u i f i i f - H i M i , - i I , . , , , N t ' i i n i :

I l i - l i l A v . - . A < l * l p ^ » I i i : < m . - i j . » 1

lln\ltik- Un*v cU'-r-

and Nicoll.iv. Sfiiatorsmstou. '

il in the negativeg>. Maxell and

v. K.-N. M.-Daniels p-isthurch, has-arranged r i i o ]!i;vr-i:..a^K^ht.-. i.t. Hiu.niu.-v-

I . . -« . ' " • : ik h.« .ITSTKIN.. r , , MvW

The tk-Vflopiiu-iit ol WonifMiss Burroughs is principal of

meii {' I ' l l l.l-r-FuVnl.ln-il >,,,.!,, In' „ ,.rl* lillnlly, lii_tj.-i-.-HtlijJ_l!;il4'-5la«ut^JI

Freeman tif l.osays': "She is atypical ne^re

public school .'is-now a reiuiirtthe laviv In tlie Suimiijt 1'itb

•tiools th'i're were 'rxatuiiied hmher by Ttu*(nr aiul-iuuve, '£.*. One half of these had noobscrv

: i>hysic;iIdeffL-i. One fourth"w'erircferri'd "to ihp~faii)lly..phys'k:ia'ii, Mgeon, fir dentist for 'treatment. 0fimrtli werr-put under the care of theschool nurse for instruction ami assistaiire of parents in regard to trv'itmenof hair; eyes, etc., for-troubles rendering--then'not re(|uiring' a doctor's "care. OIKseventh of n

I('III: SAI.K-On'iii-n.ll—room Ij.-in.-; fr l a x " uf 'Z.-\

^ tivur .S2"i,<««). •ii'li«-rl"niii-i> lax rinJI( on .•vJ.".,(KHi o t a t MISS CHARLOTTE M. flAWSON

1 i»t*rt>rent Ave., Huiumit;il W.".'tii it I St., New York;

UU^-i'J+yHtmit in.. I'lUlHildiiliiii.Stri.'tlv im.dtTii inetlioil.H iii tiotl

is-. urrsurpaijsed,--inndf

Tlifs council is slowitendily on the increase.

nil Saturday afternoon and" evening,IJecembfTTll, » fair will be given fortlie -bpiirfif of Coinpaiiv C. •Ith R--iT--«>'-"irtont, N. ,h U: H It A., hv the L;u! "*Auxiliary in the Y. M. C. A. ball. Ailkinds of frtiicy-jjnniuu'dies and -Hiisc'elhe on sale.

u tlie annual r_, . _

f lenry"1 K. Stralcy, tlie State pai'oi•jent," to (leorge (). Osborne, theeper of the New .lerspv State Prison

and who have lived up to the, rules an<regulations of the prison,_ should "

con Id-pro vide -fnr~ih el r~faimlies.- Thtreport shows -that -pfactorily in HI per cent, of-the^ cases t.which it is applied. , • •'.

im. regular all day meeting of tinMethodist church will,J»' lip Id oituesdl-y, IH'(^rJ7t.h7litthe"Suiulayschoaroom. The Woman's Home MissionnrjSociety will meet al U.3», w\wn Mrs,

tary oi the Newark Conference Societjand former president of the. Sumnii

iyti_ :i rt*p(»ri of th(held in Los Angeles

Luncheon at 1 o'clock. Ladies' AitSociety at 2 o'clock.

The United States Civil Service Coin-nission announces that on January S,

an examination will be held at SumiNew Jersey, for the position of fourthclass postmaster of class ta» at Stirling,New; The compensation ofthe postmaster at this office was $."H8"or (he last fisc/il year. Applicationforms and full information concerninghe requirements of the examination:an be secured from local secretaryit. .Summit post office and the post-master at Stirling, or from the Civilservice Commission, Washington', D. C

Mrs. Margaret Hitzel, aged (M years,lied Monday' morning, after a short ill-icss, at the residence of her daughter,Mrs. C. G. Weise, H Hughes place. _Mra[titzcl was born in :i suburb of Heutell

, (iermany, and at the age of 20,;ame to America with her husband,.lartin Bitzel, who shortly after opened

grocery store at _Morton and Westitreets,-Newark. They acquired cpiife

little property in Newark, and afterlie death of her husband, in 1873, MrsVitzel took full chaise—ofthe properly

interests, which she managed until six^ Mrs. IJitzel was the mother

if ten children, seven of whom-Kurvtveler; twenty 4 wo grandchildren andwelve great-grandchildren. The in-erment was • made. at Woodland-<••»!• lerv, New.irk.,on^Tlnn>j*lnv-nfter-'

Fhie home-made ^uusaeveryday, by Walter Hruthi ., . - l t f

.— ' - Waters,pianos. '.,.,_; __^_tiie-AVnteiv^i-iarios have' iVrn^vell

and favorably, known for sixty years,

graden (fie


yfo're.'"inost rank of-high-They arc unsurpassed

i iinisii and solidity of con-jgj i t especinllyexrel in sweet-

ness and power of tone—n-tonc whichjit it I deep, with a tine, singing

piality. Althougli the "Watery" are[gli-gni<le pianos they are not fancy

priced. • No other pianos of equal highlanding are offered at' such low pricesind qir such-easy—terms:—Hy a newQirre;>'.(.Mi;._sysleiii purchasers obtain[liaims on three years tfmc"wil!m«t in-terest. There are three Waters I'janoWarernmns in Manhattan: N<». YMFifth avenue, near I8th street,; No. Jl*7West 42nd street, hear Hroadway, and

2T>4 West IZitivenue. New York.ooms will'nnunrv I.

street, i)e;ir«t)iAll three \V;ire-


Gompers and Mitchell See Tall

lit* open evenings until

l-lvalili-nl T u n Iiiul. ii .•.ilifvtvnii' atIn- Wlil l i ' HiMI»{. hi . l lnj; tiioi'l' I In II nnimir willi rri 's l i l fnt . - i i iuni irrn. Vlii''ri'Kfdt'tit .tiilui Mllciicll am] Sccri'tarv-'milk M. .MnrriM.n .,r tlie .VMHTII'IMI•I:III'IIIIIIIII ,ir l..-ii...i- In n-Kiinl to liilmrI-KNIIIII'M. • . •

Tlii- lali.ii- IKIIIITN NU|.-i.'i.sr«l tn .Mr.Tiifl thill In- Ii-i'i>liiitl(-ili1 a llllillatjiiii.n tin. I.~«II.III.|. uf liiJuiU'llmiK -liymini's n i n ' l f Ihi-y apjily In JM-i-snlia]It-lil- anil llliiTty In IIIIIMI- i lhj i i l t i^

mil |in«i'i.iliHLIlllii TVIIII n n ipy nr lilt-raili- <l|y!pilli^ ai-.l. 11KNJ. ,,f l i m i t Brit-in. Th i s a i l pii .vli lra H i n t '"nil n.-l

In |Hlr>ii:ui!'<. uf mi a^n-t-tiK-iit fir

Try Walter Brother's hoi-ir-niad*.'*aus.ige, it is most dehcjotis, m:idufreshevery. day. . • If

K(»djiks, I'remo, Hawkeye andiraflex cameras. I'tioto supplies,u'cture frames, stationery and art[oocis.. Developing printing- andenlarging for amateurs, at Scbultz's,I Maple, street.

hall if .1, ' in' 'InIliM-atii-t. <.C u tlin Illllilo'llllli'ss '

-tit any tiui-ti a^nt'iiu-iivinilil In- a i l l imal i lcV

l |ii-.ivliU-« nl«li-aili-s iiiilini

t»r- WKV J

-iuplalli.ill l s |nm- i»>t,i-l If ll

or iiu-mlicr '-In

dial •». nitlmiin- n|;ainst any


Mlvered Tue^day^Kxiduy hiid Hat-urday iTfench" weeiT

Chicken for liroilhif-, TryliiK orroustliiK1 -

Alwt Homer Hquoliw.H.V. THOMV-JON, Wem Siiinitili

. J. T«l. l! l!- l t»mu'ult . i^r4—

t-hair nf Hit. Irailt-'liti-rlalni-il h\- am

t h e I n l x t j - I C J M I C I H n s K e t l t l j n t It

dollnr 'on n" cord.TOak"ml Ulekory, tnlxvd hardwood, cut,rate und Hloye leiiKthn; dellvt>red-ffil'-

tnonHu_at_»"rediiceil price. -Attdres*,_^- . - , _ . _:ST-StJWTelephone 24t Wr


Quick Sale>6,5OOIIIK nil.] , ll.'ltli

heat - -minntvslift If nv.Y

leetripity —• "*to stiition—'-•

ound.f gr

$15,500I'l moms and liiLt]i,.aporfect \homo --all improvetnentii-*--linlf nevr pint —10 UlillUtOHuulk to Htutimi.

liM,'U-U,l lUnltt;,,,! Stiv*.

E.C. HOLMES AGENCYInsurance LoansOpposite Station, Summit, N.J.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — s

PIANO TUNING"rtxjiiiint rxariilimlf-iri and a Ijufltnu-nt trtaiit Tf<r It«-T'ri'»«rvfllioii.


Jdress W.J.• v. \\.

COUli, Summit, N. J.

li'vwl from |li'i*lii' la bur p

lriit Hint tln-yITT> clclit IIOIII- JJo lotitrncloix iilfcil. In ,'vork

'lif fnhn'r ini'ii

jliriH*riild ilnumh'fM. bet-rjiiilmill.v nun: I't- n>-pn.HjMi-t of <llf.*<ilitli<>ii.fllHIUi- ln|(] | | , , . |irr>-l-

inv w.i ilnti | | will iipply

/or tin- K-'Vernineiit./ t i r t l t rr wauttil tiie

Illflll owouldmm) urtrivt »'fl l m l h * >

t" nvoniiiipiiil tlie n-)jK»il)l-nil.HlInnal IllSiMH-tUt-H Wtl»>

M-. to tlu» ' thorough T>iir»*Fi>e-hc<-MliI lulKir Imv ju llio I>it-

tn l*v*iN*<-t to

rder: Your : Christmas


'(han »_jr_»x-Ji/' candy,-anil we have

Hnyler'e, Park & Tilford's andAUegietti's.

Order now" and -we will deliver tl^ecandy perfectly frenh on CliriHtmaseve. , i

We nltto hove n large stock of

CHRISTMAS STATIONERYnntl all the latent books, Come aridsee them.


Page 8: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

>"- C *

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1909The Klf ttt Kind of Bell. PHCEHOI.DEK8

ThllrAlai. Nnvi'mWr I", l'J.O'J, a t 2.C0I". M. • '- ltolj.c«ll f-Ii(»vt:.| I IK-

1WTH iirr-^iil, viz: ' . ^ ,J-°nVlinliW< 'Ailnu

T' ' liilnj, .l«'Uscl(, Joiiir»H_. -Krnu*e, -Martin,


Walkovers .Halsloa*. Bert i **«£•ards. Patrician, KaJcteffc and. irie Mcria'rp Foot-form tor

; Children. '

_>3LJL.;iIAJ.iLL_.. ^ . Phone 2«5-L^

|3, Springfield Avenue.: Summit, N- J. ^



Sewing Machines clcatttd and •. i• 1._^K-J-.,.J,jjajrej^-».r,_^__J».-....,,,I|J,I1|

Mrlwl. I'j'rr; _aml.Willmr--17.

.M)»niit • KiTflioMi'ri 1'ijitif. ifcMii.

1)11 motion of :rn.t.|iolilt>r-Cu.dy it wanftrdi-n-il tliiit llm muling of llio minutedof'iiri'vimn II tin^n of l>rliilH>r 21.1UU9111.1 XOVIIMIHT- 4, 111119, IK. •ilUrwnw]witli"m»l tlittt.thi.' Htillie Iw TT(iIirov*;il as|«T Jirinlol i-opii.vf on

TtL.65«f . OPP. POSTOFFICE.4 ' * Sprlnsflcld'Ave. Summit, N. J.

il ropii-Vi nil IiidnlMT*'NEW BUSINESS, ;

i i f T ' l o i i t r r - <of lift

le iqiprovwl alMT*' ik'tlt*.

•***% rol l .* prL>i>nt.

Irri-il tlmt a ri-<!«• tnki'ii. =

l!|«.il ri'ii--'•M(l.Hn;; iifli-rcjilj ..imMTil "I'Xrntrm- uii-iii

lly Fm-lmlili-r Cliiilrk:'l:i.M.lv<.il. Tlmt ii- c-onin^lti-i-'of

i:!h-l)L'.u|»|mintt.ii to ii-i-trliiin Ah" w*t of.ri.piiirH to KlizalM'tli avi'iiuii liriilot; jJEiiliway. N. .F.. ami H'l'ort at tin- npjet

r""'1" " " " " " " • " " : «'i«i'tioll Ot* till'. IV'Ollltiol!in1o|il|.il' ivilli.jiiL- ilimriit:

TlH^TT|lT,'TTor ap,i,,lTira


W&Limestone !


SUMMIT. N. 1. ' . i


Steam & Hot Water Heating, - j

Tin & Sheet Metal Work.

Jobbing promptly attested to

- Style- A—Waters^Upright• An .irtisiic piano of the High-est i;r:ide, celebrated for tineton.'.- and gro-at durability,oneofour leading and most popularstyles, onlv .

until paid. Also

ttunc; ba-j^Ji'll iron-- frame,ivwv keys, line tone and hand-

—= •n-mrrt MAJL —some case.

on ji.ninenls of onl

$XP Monly •

Month$wit'hoat interest. Stool, tunin;;ind delivery free.

Send-postal for catalogue withreduced prices and terms on the

Waters 5-Yeaf Systemfjivinrryou three years'-time-ona piano without interest.

Horace Waters & Co.,Three Stores:

^ 34 fifth Ave.. near 18th St.127 West 42d St.. nearj'way.

254 West! Zbtti J>t,.ncafotn Aye.-VirwxoHK" rjrv. • —


Smiili. : .Tin. follow hiK I'ilN •|.lo(.iTly ainlili'il

jiniU'il wi.'rp ri-ail mill mi roll i-all

:n'i XValtiT I.. I'ai-k.-r. >r»l(l; fliarlrs' ii'iilj..•••CMl: -Il<ri]iuii Kiilili-iKilimiill.

. Alfyil I^.NjjIlyr. $:iO;_\\'illiam N".

J llovli*. ••'1. .^:i[l;- .1. K. W'arinT, iowiiHliip•||.|..|'l,'. .i|ll.'...".ll:'l'onil-liii. of (.'riiufiiril.ri'iit

*^. *:ill: l'i.rj.'u.-mi i Vim Slim'f. rrnt, !?»;Kin: WHIiiini A. Smilli. >-M; l l inryli.-mli r .^'.'0: l.tiiirli-H II. ltrcvvor, ?-»(!;Tlionia- ThoiiipMiii, $Sll; Aupi»t Killer,

ri'Vit.'s'iil: Wii l iam' l - i i l t ' i i t f . $S0; Will-iam .l--I-.iil|!iili'. . SO; Wil l iam I I . Car ter ,iS'-'li: Ili-rlii-rt. II. KniRlir, --fs, $5(1; S. W .Mi..\iii'.ni.y. rent , ' I'li'rk, i'li'., .«20..1U;

".inn. Mel'; .tolili C.' Hindu, $:>•>; A I I H T IMai-imli'V, ii:1.!); Khvar i l h. Ilniiil. ••lork.r.-nl <l. :., *20. .«.-ili; A I I K T I It. A-.litl.-lil.$•.•:••. .liiii'pll II. Mrfirat l i . .#23: OlmrlOaSi-liooni^iicr, .'?-.*».: . lo-i .pl i_\l . Dcronirr..«'_'.'.; Willinni DaVriH'li. i-liTk- I n-llt.$-,-,: Fri i l ' . I . I l i l l r r . *n. *••!«:• VVill'niinII I ' l i ' l l v . *•«. W " ; A. •!• llnll i i luy, if*.Mi) : S i S, Itntli.- *». « « : ' " 'KIIU-.I-MI. "li-ll. iilal H'iil. •!'-".'liliiiu'l^'.. >-'.'i): 1

T«-;ii'.-"~7A'l'."i.""~HTr-''mrl?rMillim C. I...111I011. .«•-'»: William II. Don-;,[,! , l r i ) i ,*s . s : i i i ; Clar,.n.c II. Sniiti.

Williiiiii It.«-C. San-, l.liuli'ii

- -Il-K,.f.,i. .1 pli It . W. KihnmK $?»••Itoin.it -|jliliK....|..rk. I'l'V $3-1 i I - ,Itolilihis, ii'iii. $:ni.-?si .otto K. .-'$s. S .-.; Saniiii'l 1:. . ram. l l i . $JI.ilni lli.kiii-oii, .?•:.-,: l.ouis'StuliljlrniiM Fall.ni: S«: -I. M. lliiils'<'y,I'll-.. S 3 I « : "I'm! II. t'riini', *s.-*:)li:Irri'iiiiaii lallaliiiu. *». *:»): TIIUIIIU- I..W11M1 ^^. $:ul: llorni...lJ. A.l.\in^. fi'-W:llioinii'i' Ki'i'ii.in. Sail: Wnlti'i-Slinrli..}.tail; lli'.liar.l S. fiin.-n. >"il;-.1 ;i-or^.. A.


fc : ^20 Maple Sfe^:: SUMMIT; N.


ElectricB e p a i r i n s


Give the Urtde foinelhlng uptrfnl fttt «ell na ornauieutal.

"" Dtnliter Sel« frmti ull over the."wnrM »re »b»\vit here In a^ieatervariety than efcewhere-lujlie

"Clty,. ItiviuilliiK n rhnice .or nvfiL40 -'oiJcii f«toL-ktr pattern*, an wellaRjiiHtiy excJusivedeHlgoM.

The. ii^ortineiitH of FauoyChina Pleceo ,mnl Table OinBg-wore are uiHifiiiil.— -

Xo 'matter wiinl' y»lu" "elect

McEntee & LayogS6r Broad St.1 Doors Below Washington Park

/Summit .

Building ® Loan j

• ,_ Association

New Series.OPENED

NOVEM BER-11, 1909 |

For particulars iii

|. :>{)'< Mi'ilimn Wi-i|{lit Combi'il (.'cittmllr,n-i j.ight _ • •r....51Wi Mftlitmi i\ 1 2 wpoji (518 ", • •• "silk-wnol

j (!7() ''• H»>nvy— '•'. 1-2 wool• (t7'>

W: II. Illnvlon.• ?<. Sill: 'Kti'luiril. .-!.U'Xi'ill. i«<. $:m: I'. -I. Unim-lly. *«'._£!«:•ioiUvin Ili-anl, *'-W; lliuiii-1 1-'. Ilii^'iin.in, *:lil: IIIIITV « ' . l.i'1'k. •«.•.; I V I I T W.M.ll.uioncli. $.".: Jioln'rl.iiiittriilK<', *'-'3jl lni l l i - Hall. *'-:.•': J n i s .1. Si-oll. S23:liilirl... A. fii-i'. S2.1: .liilill Xi'iilili-. Sail.J-lii...«l^r.. .1. Ijirrw. fin: .In T. ito-

•1,'llm 'll. (.•.l'=^^ss.'lsaii:' '|.-m''.l.' 'lliit'on'.

' " s:'o"'viil^it-i.r I Wlollyi l : .lolin.l-'.


$,-?: io ; Clnri'tiii! •ll.-VV»lili-n.-$S.-$:i():jolm H. Siiitt..Mvl>..•!••"•: (iarri-t -T-Jlun--

i r D i 1-$:iiTT-AVilliiiiii—I'lil

! ceKTAIM.Y-«T -elll^oves .Oil HeatersKero**ne auil Astral OH<ias»liiiF' • •• •Alcoliol (ivooil!M'ratlirr StripWindow (ilas«. ftf, elv.

I. T. Mnr-Muri'iij. i - i ly - r l ' i i . *1JJ.:.O:v\illi.ini K. sininioiM,-^s, .>i:il: KrankSolil. s s . .s^il; l.oui- . \ . MiiiL'iiiin'.r, -rs.<"ii. i;..i'ii-..it-i.Uri»T. sail.'

I'. .17.s;iji.'jnin.. ,-:ti>;



CAS-YD!" PFT I P - 4 E»FS£?If j ou have uo

have plenty of ""us I<'i. »'*!

Worth your while toRtve Ibcai **ri-l-—-nuiftconetderatioti... -Our IL*L* are to |

comprelieiisive tlmt w e - a « almot-i (—-certotu to have tmns'etbieff cbai ex-)

nctly euIUt your re-iairemens* a*1 t°location, size ami pricr. A -hortinterview wltU us may b* vr-r inier-t«Ung to y!pu. . - _.A ^


[ Carriage Blacksmith and- , c Horse-shoer •

' Carrisces Repalw.il, 1'nir.ted..r Triruined nnd. Rnbber Tired.

SATISPACTIOS Gl'AHANTKEDBit»tc. Insurances Loans;


l-'ilniinl .1. Clark. * ' l : Kr.mk Whitt'lii'inl.f.lil': l-"r.-l I., lir'i *3«: CI1111I1-St.|iiii.f.-r. ^:l i l : i ; i i - t m r . 1 . - 1.:III/IT. -S.IO;Nii-liola- II. M.-oni-v. s:lli: Kri'il A . k ™ .$:lll: I ' l a l k P. I'rir... *:l>: l l . - IV- r i i l i ' r .

- ? - I I T - . 1 . 11.111 v |.'l.iki\ .«:i!ii II . Diivl.niCroui ' l l . *:!!>: .lo-iali I'. Mrail. $H; Kil-uur.1 Ij- i i i i inl . S J i ; W. Thomas Wl.it.-,s : i s : I.. 11, Clark . * : l l : Tl ioma- l lvaly.*:ln ; .lolui II. lloi'lil... . 1 . . . * : i l ; l l . n r l . ' -

i II, I j i ln twl l . l i l v fl.Tk. ri'iit. el. ' . .1.-1JI..-.II. s.!ll>.JI: -X.'» ..l.-r-i'}. A.lvoral...

Slo'.l.i:.: Ki luar i l S L v v n . . $ : I I I : ..loji.pl.i l l l...«.loi., $ : l l : Al>'x. CiiinmiiiKs. $:lil:j i

\ M.Woivlruir, clerk ami. mil , $21,SUB: W. A. .Mulfor.l, $.'10; .liilin F. Crist,$.111: .1. V.-fiillnlmii, *IO; T. A. MrUc-vitt.

i rout, .*S, .*:lo; W. .1. lilRnoy, $:»; J. V.O^triuulor. cli'll;, I-IP., $23.11.1, $13; Alirnni

i J. Koontrr, $aS;.S. S. Wooilrnir. $.1S; l 'np'rick II. (Jilnii, '.?-1S; Wilmi'r !•'. Sicklcy,' $:lf; Olin I>. Sickley. dork anil rcn't,[ $21,511, .f'lii-211; . \ . P.'Urowstcr, $8, $.10;

Kit'lianl riiair, $S, $.10; I>a\vroneo KonnvSS, $:1O; ]'• •'• 0'Hrioii. $.1. ?:10; Klmorttav, $s. SKI; .1. M. 1-1 Kuo, $8, $.10;.Inmi'it .irTUIii.lli'oll, <.It,-jJII), J. I lwnwlS.'iiicr. $S. WO. . _ . .-

ll). V. Dav. $^. Slflj G. A. Knpi'lvwiMOl-l'linrlM Cnsliint'.. $S, $30; tJVilliam

(I. llni-lm. SS, $.10; Frederick C. Kcllry,LSS>:?.'«li_Willinm MrMnno, Jr., $8, $.10;

•^inlm II. I'lica5aiitr$Sr$.1O; T. J. Scott,fS, $10: 1"). n. nilchrint, $10.00, $21.20r,Iil«on * Falkonlinrc fl-l.-to. $2S.8O; J.IChiaril ltowi', oily clerk nml rent^ $70,M.V..70', Dennii I^nir, $30; II. O. Chand-ler, $.10; A. ». Heailley, SS, $.10; \ValtcrA. Miller, SS;-I).- K^-Wailo, $30; OcoTgoComplon, I'l.-rk mul tent, $21, $511.

IA'WIS f. llrunnin'r.-$110; Jaeoli'ATintl,S.1I); .liilin IiVscr, $.10 • T. C. .Vailoute.$S; $.10; :t>eorpo Compton. eli'iJ; nnil rl=nt;Sil . $"ili; SainiH-I' Knrliaiw. $30: AllenC Kileli.$.10:.llarolil. Tlioinp-on7$8. T*30;(.'Imrlf* Oltlieli, iH:'i:iinrli-.'(.'larl<, ?.1O;

'• Mr. Hackett and his son wereuiscussirm their new bnrn.

"Well, Dad, how about (heroof.?"

"I guess shingles are goodenough, aren't they ? "

i "Now hold on. Dad—'good'enough' don't • go. You knowthat shingles don't make a pcr-

-fecl~roof™by~n1ong~shot—burntoo easy and sure to leak."

"How about slate?"

"No! Too expensive—wind'stoo strong around lierti^fllid we

~coutdn*rlayJenT ourselves."

"Well, why not try one ol thebcsr"of~thinrsg-prepared-roofings

J]iat come in r o l l s ? " ~ "_•••.:"

' " F i n e ! I've socQ-it_fcstedv

^ingTwas^the-grcatcst-sluff-l-ever-saw—wouldn't catch fire from

"All right, Bob. Rex Flintkote it is. I know who sells itin towrn—IJlI-ger~sarrrples-and-\ve'll test, it ourselves. 7Gues"s"wer.wbh't "taEcTHny "chances" onour new barn." ———-

Rex Flintkote Roofing can beobtained from

T. B. Miller Co.slf!f

l|eal Estate."Watch Summit Crow'

<irc ixqiicttul to xoi'tl-fulljiarticttlitrx ttf ir/urt hli

ure now beimj reriserf tnitl.surety we can help yoti!-*--'.

• • innhiiuj to locale should \call or write to . ';

{ j . C HOLMES' Agency;:Opposite Station,'SnminitjlO. j

If You Are BuyingT

ComeI" .-

talk.It .over _

PR0PERTYin New Jersey, either lor yourown-use;

j^_or for purposes of speculation or invesT-ment,; do-not fail 1 to "have the Title Ex-

, amined and Guaranteed by " ^


Npvv JerseyIt,will In 'a 'Hutiivit of aatirtfiU'tion tn vnttfSHlf

ilifil an iucriins(Ml~iiicentive for n future jmrchaser —to iTn aliln tti provide Hitch a ^tiaratity—iuHtirin^ngaiiiHt nil ' ilefoctH—iliHcovoraliln ui- uniliMOrtvov-ahi... . • :~ • ' " -. - .. - -

• .'Hie ciiHt ik low- -wrih' or cull fnl- partii'iiluvs.

"Merode" ' - 1 ^ : UnderwearFOR "WOMEN AND CHILDREN

. '1'nlior ni'nde nr. (-'tmtoui ujtute are terms ibat cun lie truthfully, B|i|illcil tu tbG-"Meru<lti'' Hraiul. ".Merode" I'mk-rweur haw;the unique• distinction of helng the choice of fa«liioiiuble niodiFte-'. <iouitH are\ molded to the form «.ver thin perfect product... .Every union r*uit te turned out q» though for ape'clul order. Uuiform• in cut,-, finish and shape. Kvery garment is hygienicufly treated,) .thoroughlj' steamed, and rendered uou-.shrinkuble.i - ''Merode" Under wear, appealn tn theeVe. HH cornel IIHMS is notiueuble• and itH llntwli superior In every way. lire-.rituge nt slmiieH. fahricHUtHL' Htyles in ibis brand embrnce.H every kiiown u-mit. \ esl«, Drnwerf,, TichlB, Comet Cover* mid Union Hults. <'otu»n—LI»le_Meriiio—\Vool• Silk nix! LlNle, Silk uml Wool In remiTur iim!*extra alzei)."

VeBfr'Di'n.'wefS Cor- ""•s^tGnvevB, Tights. +•ii()e ratra .size G5o - *«0c -K -•"• tiyc +

\ 1.00?

• WILLIAM S. PORTER, Secretary

JOHN McCLAY suiynwiT,

HED 1889

Wewney-anil Srej>;et:al>Ie»».

SUMMIT'S BEST MARKET. T": .Telephone 3io ' .


'Absolutely sanitary and long ~'earing—the best-imd-most-sat^

hotisciwives—to—U3C7We recommend it to you becauseeach of the '80. dirTereht .utensils

* comprising the "Steel Gray" line 13coated with an enamel which is

tough and will stand rough usagewithout chipping or flaking like

ordinary-ware.Moderately priced.


SOM® 1>-

Advertise yonrAVnntH-in-therHERAL

you will need i-ome goo*lHnrdware. When that dayconies be sure you find our O

-»tore. —For- -n*r*-•htvp' thevery bent

HARDWAREyou can flud auywlieru. Our ~ -ttucU IH not only extensive ',',MH'-.vof'Ml; '_w'e jean supplythe-wants uf Housekeeper orMechanic equally well.

Hardware & House* MANSER'S 4 3 1 Sprlflnfield'' Avenue- furnishing Store

JLYou Want to Know all the local News, Read "The Herald-


Page 9: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the




- SUtfcodlM. Kplacopal Church.

' The iicv. A. II. TuUlc D.D.. Pastor!—-Sftpmine-wvlceat 11 o'clock.- it

Sunday school at 9.45 a. m.Mrn'i Bible StaAy~Hltrtrim 10 a. m.

• - .Kpworth League eerVl'ce at 7 |>. m.'Wednesday prayprjicetlnp nt S-p.

::...'• . ' I IMI Summit Cbaprl.Sunday school at 3 p. m.

J'rcachliiff by the Ucv. J. "M.9tMl. flt'S O'clock, p. HI.

. . Pruyer service, Tut-pilay at 7.<5 p.

Optral Prrabrtrrlan Church,Til"? Kw. XUnot C. . . . . . , . . _ . ,

&iM>aUi 5<-rvlcc8: . I'ul.lli- worship,a. in. anil s p. m.: Kulilmili pchool. i

-— a. iiu: m-ftliirT of _diri£tUi"- KmlcovoA>fl*>ty, 7 p. iiC: iiilil-wct'k servic


. . . „ at 11 o'el,wU. - - - .crrvlrc at S; Sumlny sehoor nt 3.4J Itn.; Mfn> IllMf Suulyiriutt nt 10 a. m

_ Christian Kndtavnr nici-llnti nt 7 p. inSIMTWH-I;. service \WdiM-Mlaj" :U R p. n

Calvary Chun-ti. ^ ~ '^;«:v.Try .i-liuri-li. -lli^ H.-v,;Volk ;

O;:fti"«.*'iiPpiMiint. Sutnl'iy "«c.rvlcc».'7.3. :*i;<l H ;». ni. KVIIIK":I« i.WO p. Hi- . O" :iri*l Sun.K-ivof iimntli. v),', ii..m., Matin

u-iili '-.'.H.-i-liizlnjr. Sim tiny school 9.

tin- Y. M..C. A. fiii.HlYlo.-k. .v . - rv "jSiin.Iiy.- Sun

t ' l l

S»rtIIolr Cliii

^rvic-s ;-ir*- 1J(-I.1 .-v.-ry Sundii'__ ;i. in. ANo ii u-stliii(.iilal and exI.eriviK-c.Tu.^tliiH cvi-ry AViMlni-sdny cvu>Klns'at ^ oviook: "T l i s i ' Xailonul 1

at y.3*' ;^ in. ltf^nlini; rooiii open 1ZH :i. in. t<> .". p. m. iliilly. nml Moiidaanil FrJjuy ovciifnus froyi ? to S j<. m.

1. W. WilL.PS. * « ; KiiKi-rir'.I. WJIcox. J

5 ^ i

S.-s;Un. Williiiin ('. V. Rich-'in:uiii. ?S. .s:il»: tiitn^;.' \\". Cov. #S, $:}U;'Williiiin II. Winter, SS, .10. '

II. S. Ilnlh-r. $:H>; ,I..Im CiiniiibrU.* " MliTlinm^n.-Town Clrrk. mi l . -?1>*.

.Hi'iiiraii.-WO:Williniii J. y


THF, family without a1 telepliona is

•ui-4*jj KWrWp'.' 93."";:N: rimrli-3 Volinior.

o* l>. tiuiMiiihli. SHI. Vij \Villi.iniSAW MiHin'. -<;!i>. >:s;..ILIHI \

— i-.l.llnii!


Building Co.EKS ANU UUILUbi

itiiit l^-tiniftte^-Kiven.

|iroin|illy nttenileil li>.

Clias. (lustavson.nanajcer ^Treasurer.J.

Carl-Pfl^rftonr-Accrttary, 7 Oorcmus



Soc ia l '-Correspondence!^-'

Many .plcawfntsocial gatherings are' missed. Many jjccasionscome along everv'Wcek ^then the service would '•'-bring something, or get sometljiiig that wouldadd to the pleasure or comfaft ot'all. .

ViHir friends all livy^-witliin talking distance..'•'It is the • samcr\vith' your out-of-town,

friends -^-the .utrtversal service of the Hell•'"System, make-r thqm your neighbors;^tao. .-Yourvoice cjjn^reach alUby—nieans-of—the.Bell-Long—Distance-. Servicb. - . -

; »,.|.I.,M,

V. • jl.ill.nr. .-s. '.s{ii: .l.-'lin Mm-nrl.l. ( l > : ' W I I I M I U V. \VIIMI." sTi :.• ,1. l'.m\y, .$:!». '** ' . ' J i ~l - s.:u..SK; Aiiton Miiriin. :li»n Unlk. •<!!. ,<H: Willinui II



Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System


lOllllllllIf II £<HHI <|lllllitV Jof htltlUlllItOfllitil IViijili- -like In" ri'i-yfvi' li'll.'fr.that vnrr.v in their nuUviircl iippL'iir-iince- i-vlilt'iu'f til ••quality wllliln.*'Mint It why nil tho.i' ivliu kCL'fi'up aMncliil cnrrospniutftife HIIOUIII he sup-piled u i lh II Murk nf .mi hl^lr Krailrnote pape'r and envelopes. tlii-y.-rHUvtLTi'dit un hoth HeniltT mid receiver.IIIKII iiuiilltll'" here, hut l>>» price-.

B. H. FRUMKIN394 Springfield Avenue.

inf. $:|O;A " s

i.- * : ; " ; I'clinrli ' i~Jt. II. ) ;ilfl. s:i»i .Inim- IS.illv. S:iU; Willinui\ . ( lark. Mil; ll.-niian rn lwka i iL .$ : i l ;

M <»• l.'nlliiiail. *:i»; l-aai- Wal-li. S-'.';William K WnMi. S.I: ll.'iii-v X. Wai l / .S"*. M " : I'niiik llakin. .lr.. ^ . $::n.

lli-Mi.iT. Clan-s. SS. .< llaiTV~i:Tk1-I.IHI. *!i. .*:il: <;I-IIIJ.M- A. -MIXITII'V. ic^.

. _ PLUMUINu AND ATIXH. T 7~The eliiincfif sre one-in juhandwd.of

fonr-'Keltlnjc l'etler_*-PIntiibln(C "work" -done-bvJotripr-hjnir|.>:Tliiiri"ottrir.''5Vbf'~~botlier" experitiieininuT We niwaysilohoaeat. couacitiitioni* wark^anildanot —chnricp the tutiiinimtti price* that nio^tPlutuher* do. Fur eitiumtiiii: nn aiifkind of I'lumhiiif orlleathn;. ulreua ~|he lir-t.iptK»rtniiU>-. —

H E N R Y KLOCKSI.VfPlumbing, Tinning and Melal Working-

Xlnlon Place, Summit, rti. J. • x

You Can'tGo Wrong

th. OutWe back evrry ahu v;of this store with it mwranto. o( gnt*8S rcatiiij; on.a reputation o( mtur- •yrars making.

You know th.tt it M shor we- H«Misn't ripht that*we- makf it rigltt. • We .•couldn't back poor shoes with such aguarantee. Wouldn't stay in Uni •ness long if we did."

. Have you Bern out $3,00-^—G-t—'-

M SlincB.in Calf, Hot Call and . VicuKM--J«-double or single aolc ? • _ ^


T-I.'f"li.' 1T7 W

Holland's Express-I-'Irc Proof StoraRc.

Htiruiture Moving and Storage. •

Storage Room* $1.50 (o $7.00

l-ml.ii.k- . \ . X .In,-.,),

_ A.5. BREWSTERKlmiyer. .IK. .<<; S..HI; Willia .s:ti>; .l.iliu I). CiitirTrTr s:[ij;- l),.\Vilt r•|:..»nli-.v. >::i; William ll./llmiriijuei;?l"; 1 li.-ina-.• V. llviriu': ,J::II : WilliamI-:. Alli-u. Si. »::il; .li.lin .1.. nt>(..c.nil.l.

Penonal Attention Day and Night

Telephone 2iy.


503 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT. N. ] . . TE"..1 6

Melville R/l.RutanPOBLtlY,

'Al-nrayethe Best-'

HOME-MADE-NntritiousTo The Last Crmnb7

• SSI SpriugBeld

Fresh Rolls.

Made of tbe pnrest, best flonralwaya"z. ttHker-frftvtiya goo'd—*Jjn»t like' mother-• need to make. - Don't be Riiilty of the

folly of ~biikiug bread-when: yon'can'• liny It. easier tbuu yon can bake. Get

Vocgtlen*s Homg-ftlndo Bread kriirsave time and temper. Yon wltl^fiqdt R t b t

-Order-Today,."- 83 Summit Ave., Summit

* • . * ' ! * n u n i i i . I ' I I I H ' I T

. . , Ai-kvii,--JftTmY .hiliit'-. I..MOIU-<H>.- *:i(»; I'liilip A. ])<m^l»'rly, $.11.

Flunk J . .SiJieur,' Jr. , ?:i(); jjmcatKanr, i?S; Henry F. -\Vulfiikcil, $3ff; ibric0. J^lli, . ^ 0 ; WiUinnt A. SlilliT, $31;Allirrt I), lltminnl, $.'10; Timtolty ,1.Cronin, J?.1O; (icor^c 11. DuubntT, $."(1);Willinm J. Kulcr, ?.T0; ' ICng.nc Lytle,$.'tl;- WaltPT N. "Cohvll,~$31i""JantcV"3Coaklcy, ?3(l; John llollninl, $;1O; Iwan-l'.._]li\m>k..$:j0;-Arcxj.nd<T Dick, SIJ8John 11. It. Corbft, ?8, -$31; Cicorgu W" rririon, $:»); Willinm K. McQui-.-ii, Jr,-.,v;; MuriH KowtK-r, $^.10; John Kotiali

City'Clerk, rent, etc.,. $1,830.1)0; HenrjV. WbifsMl, 81fi.(H>; Oliver Conloh?37.ir»; Ciimii'r-Ni!ws l'u\t. Co., $l)3"i5.'tl-lUotaivf. 1L—MeA(lnin4,'~$400;'Rcorc<J._ Slewttrt, _?H«v l_ Hnlnh ]Alorrow, $400; l'V«l Klor, $J0tt; S. niiiItup Ifyjio, $60, ?JO0; Robert J . Kirklam$•>; 1'rcd 1L Leliinann, $580.45; Jnmcs C

Calvort, $704.40, ^2,031.44.-- * • —-Hri>1Hi* .-Aprnniif—WHHiTW-Kr-TVtttHW

$2.000/Frt'i'IioMi'r Kroilsc .movr.|Tltr-«(ljmtrn

\\'liiclj ivns. carried. ' — " . ^^lip""3)ircctor-:docliirc(l t l ic lionrd" nd-

jnurncHl unlH ThnrBilay, December 21,

Ho Rinhea * Row, but Didn't Have to

• No.4 Mapla St..

-Z- SUMWIIT.—N-J.5 . . [

g W«uh Inspector for D., L. & W. R R.

Or » oo«o«o*o*o*o*o«o«o*oo*o*s«S

EEITOSIC ROttS*T finct1 the introduction ;«f the Pluyer Piano the/iiiiouut of money ,ttiat it WHH-iiecessury-hrBiieiid-far—uitislc rolla—eitbec in purcbaalug them or for library

e—lm« deterred mauy. people.from purctinHin^ n player.iK thin fuct, mid to hicraeHe Ihe mile of the . '

Tfleilionc iTc j .

I. M. KronfieldTHE NF.IV YORK


iOri>. l»t National Sank)


v?e oiler the FitKIOnutl unlimited u«e of our musfc roll libraryto those who inircliafte Player PIUMOM fromiiH. Think whattlitn men nt*! . •

Not Spend a Dollar for Music

trlesda *nd p»ttxjti* that I a now yd 10show Faahlonslor

FALL ASD WINTER SEASON" Vw9t a l l brrtwiui «t*n^ a cord in! Initiation to

. JJQ in call u d Inspect oarae.DT-I^ftClimourjonlers .early,_lmroro UJO

btuf Nuna NUln, you will recely« cement*wfaea drelred. »DJ ilins arold annoying dleap.lOialtnvalK

In ni»]dncc*rniPii.Li lur my runlnmersonlyU<" »•*-!! n;ntf-rlali* fn>m Ilin (-moi.ln [O lliO itlllfJJw«u-<vl:riouf ^u^ ttif i«~i wurk )• nlluwM IDUI^Q) and « i*rf«cifii aii'I tttilili la aOnolutely

fy |ore or loss at-

Kxamine our well equipped llbrury of over lo.OitO manic rollsand you will realize the extent of ttHn oiler.

The Pease Player Piano 1H the moat natural of all theplay'ern, the ease and action nut being changed a particle. Itfully maintain* the prentice of the l'en«e Piano gained in the'lattt half century. ,

Write for HMO cntnlnsue nml partlculaiK of

OUR EASY THREE YEAR PAYKTElilT PLANExchange Y<Sur Old Piano foT a Player

Pease Piano Co,aUon tb*i also ei[>iii4ltiamyheroiiiii4ltiauamy.

C*il and In?pMn my 1 tree assort meat ot oor-red caodela and tn&lerlAla tor the season. You

1 win C&d among tbem exactly wbat you want.I Tfcanktnc yon Tor i>a*t laTora au<) Bollcllineib«- fYtcUtminceof rame.I am • . •

Voura rwiwctrully. .




The liisli.'ip of n Kiiiithfrn tllocthc wan)iu-e- inukliip—:i iiil«.-*U.iiiuy Journeyln-oii^t) ArkniiHjiH ntiil Hie I ml I mi T<tr-liory, nml <m'lils nrrivn! »1 NhtcliuK*n- Fiilil tt»'lln- liimHurtl of. ii liott'l, "I.isive""been tmv(»liiiK f*>r- a iv(H»lr^rtn>r

lid nlKlil. ID n. mall wngotr, nrnl I wnut

"Sorry," sjilil tin- Inrnliurt!'. "but Irtw't l)i*llrvc iliiT*'*.** a vncniif ruom tiin'alfl!O7.. 'l'lii'rc:s ii liorw- met', n*IctliodlMl criiiftTcrtcc and a poll lira!cmvontloii, in tlio cll.v, nml cvfrrlioiisc

is full up Thr only thing I cn,, KIVL->II Is n t.litiktiln\vn." Tln;ii. nbHrrvlug

bc IJISIIO|I'M linil fnee, ho nddod: "The(.•si room in in*- hniiMf? in rented lo ni-)tc<] f,'jn]ilrl<Tr-nli". u^unlly rcnnlnfttit nil uitrlil nnd s<>Uluin CCIH-III hoforoironkfnKt. If vim wil'i lnl;o Ihi' rlsl*ou fihal! hnvc fiN' room, l.ut If h<>

'liould cdiliP hi ihorp'II !»<; a row. I'lliromiso you ilmi.*'The bishop dccl'U-0 *.> iiik«- HIL> risk,.boilI 4 o'clock In tUr- mornlnp theuiuMcr n>liirnt'd ami promptly shookio bishop by Iho nrm."Cot out pf herr nr I'M pu( yon out V"

if Blioiilod, •The liHhop, Hie (n'iitlest,.of men, ruin-1 himself on one elbow KO that. It

trough t thftmi'Jrlcs of hln nrm-lntonil relief. ~ ""My friend." lie'tifjfnn f]Ulolly, "be-ire yon put. me out will you have theindn.iw to frel ol* iny nrm'i"Tlie pimbl'-r [>nt .his hnnd on the

trnnger," In; (lien sold respectfully,'ynn '-.'in 8tny^=_V<'iitli'B Compniilon.

Quits Simplo."What wlU y«iii d" with your nionpy"

rhen you '!!">" . - . •—

' :nul Miipptis«--y«ii hjLiTu).) clilUlrenV'."•TIIPII It will ,c> i.. my unimMiII-:

r.- tnini|iilllltr. f«rlndiflfert»iifp.—I*nf«


If hls.Jove lor her IN H~» pHit ('uiulU's we well liijiWn_r_iiiir_d

"her fuUiLW~Snrer~ThereI» lienlllievery ounce of (.'aiidlewllmt erow-eMeonnters bt'ciuiite of juire . in , , . ,dleulN nnd ex'iuUltcly ck'an IIIHMIIiictiire, TliefeV pleasure In nil tif-ef

I)«nH~forK*<l t<> Ko to Hlvot^ lur you'lianknnlvlnj-"»'id .('lirlHliiiiiH^iiudH.



Orders Delivered Sundays


|-FrWrP00tE7UrTT•Will O|IL'II Dec. ]»l, al

. nil lip-to-ilnte • - " *

~" ^Optical Store~\vilir ti uiiiniir>icturiiif(. tlepiut-

nient where k'MHc* ritul re|inlr>

In^ will lie promptly done orr the'


No wails for. your brokenEye glass lenses.

(irjritinle nr Tour (.'ulle^eK aiitl

HiMiih City Ili'Hplliil. ilonlnii,'


OKCHAHOI;.Over thirty yearn' experieiiee im

a npi'clnllBl,


Ifef, Veal, Mntton, Lamb and Pork

Oysters, Clams and Fish.OanB&nd Vegetables in Season

:'»o Deliveries a Day toShort Hills.

ririllNQFIELD AYE. I'honB 1M

You Have AnythingLost, For Sold, To Let, or

—HWant AriytlunK, just trj-an Ad. in-Tins FArEKrandget satisfactory results.

I'UL'kltiK IHHI .Shipping- riaui),Mnvtily-Htrlslwl; Hoxmnml- Hhipped

Closed. -Pwldctl Valid.

Trucking of All Kinds.Djlly Eiprcu lo Newark, N . ;

Oflk-c: 37 Union |.lnr.


Interior Decorating

J& General P i ^

(Vail Paper, Window Shades Paints.Oil Etc, Etc ' -

Telephone i



Conoroto Work • S"ool*^vLaborers^ Kurnished by -the:.,Daj


felephono iB2 w r. O. BOX i i

Sharp• Interior Decorators.; j - and Painters >Workmanship Gnaranteed -

Efttlmntes »pd Samples . Furnished"

• S>«rtfiJT; \\. J..

TPMAS__BAIRFHouse Painters,

_Paper_Hangersf ' _— - and Decorators.Estimates furnished and jobbing

promptly attended to. Beat of workuaranteed.

NO. 71 SniMir AVEXIE-^—supif. N. j.

HICKS-BROS.Real Estate,

Insurance,,' and Loans.

Opposite Station,UMMIT, N. J..


HBW VOKK orricar'171 HCMOWAT

• - : \ -

Page 10: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

• - • • - . • ' • - . . . \

1 - ^ : »».. THE....SUMMIT-KEKAIJ), SATUKDAV, DECEMBER 4, 1909


certainly nr«' i

I i>iin'1in*i«l I ilW."H or Ih^tr KMOT»m

ToVfi m»iitli-.'n"»'Itl.m nnr-T all of themwill t><> r.-i'lim-.I will) tictr iot<> *lmuM.S"r r.Miiln'.lnriiiiiir wllhlii Dial | M T M '


ii of th-lr KMOTIld

p.l l.l«.-«. l.iiltlii-Hii.i i l S l ' H l llo lI T n n i i r i ' i T i . l S i ^ l . ' H ' l l l o t i . I > l i < l > n

p iin.i llr.-.i?". • i j i l r l l lh-,lltT.r-nl,.r...l -I .ll~jlnv..l IK l l iMr

•W«lkove'r»i,.-Ral«on»;.B«rt* P«k"nrdj. Patrician, Kaiklctte and

»he Merlam Foot-lorm for .. -,. .Children.., '• . *

AV. il : IIALfiPhone 7OJ-L . ••

Q3 Springfield Avenue,Summit, N. J.


The Right Kind of Bill.

.\itjuiirn«*<l nm ' t i l l ^ tit . tli« . L ' l ioll ' lity—Ilimnl <tf Frvi'liuldi'ni M i l onfiurxliiv, .\<,\:«.|iil<*;r I s , nicm-, a t 2.3

lloli- ;ir»wnl till- fiill<»riiiK

i brr* pn-cn t , vizi •

Director Kinjr ntnl KnvhtiMrnr Aibiiim. Cn.Iv,• .Cludyk,_^ ttirlij:. UarriMin; Urtii

, liiiiil, .IniM-iij .imiiM, Krou»<v .Martin,^ ^ l e i K c ! . IVrrv, Itol>i«nn, ijinitb, _Mci>l»i

«Mcr\Vill,ur—17. -.-"*"••"" ' •*•:•-.--•AlHflir-FiriiliulcIrr- (Yniii«, DIHIIH* nil

Swain—:t.; . : -Oir niolinir-iif l-'m-liol-lor Ciuly: it w«»

of previmia jjn'Wini;*~nf ^ ' " I H T 21iT

ELECTRtCISNaffdLOCKSMITH •'"!'. . . . . . -_ ] | |ci |. r i l l | r i r ,.,,.,iM „„ ,,l(.m|,,.rv ,|,.,k». .

" S e w i n g Maohinoa oloaned and-—; .—;- • ' - N E W B U S I N E S S ? . ^ •-..-.•- retmired "« «n«"t ••••• or Fn?iu>iii<:r cn.iy u «n<

TGL. 65~wr—- OPPrPOSTOFFtC408 Springfield Ave. Summit, N. J.

Rnrffe^ Ulgiph Ulaestonelarble ~ ITl / ln . Limestone





Tin &.Sheet Mefa^WoiW—-

— '_• Jobbing promptly attended to


Style A—Waters Upright• An artislic pinno of the high-est jrrnde, celebnited JTor finetone ;ind great durability,onebfour leading and mosl popularstylcvonlv

$250,ind 5 7 monthfy

iintil~paidr "Also.; ~ZZ : :

Style 85—Chester Piano7^ octave, 3-strniged, over-

li.iv>. full iron-fiivory keys, fine lon&and hand-

• ^ rWinrm ntc d :*ixyears-

$I9Won p:ivnients of only

$5r¥er Monthwithout interest. Stool, tuninganil delivery free. & _

SunJ postal forcataloRiiewithreduced prices and terms onthe

Waters 5-Year Systemgiving you threcyears'time ona piano without interest.

Horace Waters & Co.,T h r e e S t o r e s r -

134 Fifth Ave.. near 18th St.127 West:42dSt;. near B'way.-

254 West 125lhSt.,ncar 81h Ave.• NEW VOBK CITY. • -



ilertric Lighting,^ .


R e p a i r i n g



GeMt i t Nortoa's!

**• Inkcn. ' -'• I. IT[»>|> rras-viiiWhiK' ufur rriw*, roll

cull slionfil Mcvciiti-rn nn'itiln'r«, prrwnt.lly FrrrliulcliT Unili'k: -. . . .

riil r TJuit u connmtU-,' 'ul tlin-f(:n~ li'<- itppointril to H.i-iTlitiii ttn^tH)Ht-u

-Haliuiiy. N. X., IIIKI n-ji'-rt nl tin- iiexl

HIU.T Kniu-c nun,,1 Hi.- m|,,|>• f II',. r.'-nlnliii. I il • < •

'I'lir* otlrt.,'.t6V 4 api-nuM,-,! ii^ 111,- jj'ii,nininiflti'i' Fri'iOiolliT.' I'lndi-k'. Knni-iuli,l Smilli. .- - - :

Tli'i- 'folL/uJHjpuIN' |in.|H'.rl.v imdiii'ilIIII.I'npfiriivo,! »,.,,, r..:i.l ,ui,l on r,.ll ^iilliiuiiliiinou^lv oriliTi'tl'iiiiiil, vi/: -L

' ' • - ' . . i . (i. \\>-,-I,.r


I.. <'linrlc-»i

*:.»: Wult .IJ. Ibinlli'. .Mn; HiiuiiiiO l i Al'fi'i'il. 11. Sliller, 'Sills William"?;.llrilY. *S; :i(l :- 1,. A. . Allov'li'. •-•<. SiOs .1. K. Unriicr. (ownslii|,

rlork. .«lll.',.">li :'lc.iiji.-jii|l iif Cranfnril, rc-nt•*s. <i-,tl; l"i-r^n-'i!i A Vim ,.<:v)l .William' A. Smith, ^^0 ; HenryIt,-nd,r. &O-; CliarlpH II. ltrcwt^r, $21);Tin.liLiVI'lioliip-oil, ^-JOs- Aiunut"Hitter,towii^liiti clerk. *2l)'; Thomart Tlmnipmrent. «ii>: William Liilcutp, WO; U'iin in .1. I . | II | ; III>. $!(1; Willinm If. Carter,*;»>; WurlB-rL II. KniRlit, ?S,.$2I); S. W.

i\ l / i ; \ntncy.: . . jcnt . . . c l r r t j . | * 2 0 1 i 0,liin*es II. fliu'rier. $.'10; .linn<lim. MO; John C. Ilixlin, !?:»): AlliertMiiriitili'.v.-$:'.l); Kilwaril T,. IIIIIMI. clerk,rent; < t i \ ; &B.. ,?i0; Albert •K.raililirlil..f:.-,; ..fiMrph II. Mrfinittr. i»2:>: ClmrlMSeiioiMii^lier, !r2.',: .In-i-pfeJI. Deremer..<2:,; William Hm.« l i , clerk anil n-lll..«V,; Krc.l .1. Ililler. * s . «-.Ml; WilliamIt. O c l t y . .*s. .*20; A. .1.• Halliiliiy, $8,>M: S.' S. lititli. -!?s. • *2.0:_ Chiirli'iIMIIC.IMIH. cli Ik illiil li'iil. jJ ;

rirnrv vjail ; .- - Me-\ 11 L'oi;l"'.t,_ «20jMill,mt^ljin,l,in.—5?aOs 'Willi.nn II. Don-.il,l-on. rent. .*3. .Ml).;. Cluicnee II. Smithl,.ir,Mi"h clerk. ? l7 , re l i t r e tp . !?:!'.).iiO.

.l,,l,li r,,ilr,i,l. *:in; f!e«rKi. S. A. l'ickcl


IS.Kilwuril It. IJuiij.'. SL'Oj -.lon


r,"$2H:i, i r . . w: ••nit. .-Irrk. cli'., *-'.-.it, jail . *S;" Otto F.

$s. ^2.1: Siuiun-l <:. ran-ell*. Sl)i,k-iiisiin, ?'-'*,; l.oum Stnlil, ^

Jimif* Fall,,it. *« : .1. M. Ha,lBU'y,I'll-,. $'Jl.s.1: U/:il II. I•riilir, *K. sail;irn-niiiili <'nlliiliiin. **. •*:«'; •|'liuiiiii«.l..IVUMI. $S. !S30; II,,!»,,• ll..Ailniii>. $:ill:I'lioinin Kfi-iijii, $::»; Wulti-r Slimkl->.CIO; Ui.lrSV.I S. I'm ni l . ^:;ii; .1 ;.',,rK,. A.'lulliiiilyiif. S», *:m. • '

\V. l i . l ln iy lon . -<s, fail; Ttii'linril..!.I'Ni'ill, ,«s. $:;'n; I'. .1. r, .nn,. | ly. *H, $:m;iinlwhi IVnnl. ja i l ; Iliinii-l F. IluKiiii.

<t Sail; IIIIITV W. Ij'i'U. *•_•.••.—1V»IT \V.. *'.-,! ISolirrt llntlri.lK.-. . « : . ;

II1111I1- Iliill. $'J.',t .tiimiM .1. Scott . S2.",;

l'hi.,«l,,r,. .1. lj irrW.'Kin: .luinc- T. Mr'

Tulni U. Ca~,.; s s . ?:ill; • "ij'ri'J .IrDix-nn':

"Qlveihe BrideSomething- Useful

(jive tlie bride cuuietlitng ti**efnl aM welt nmruniurutnl. ~ :

- — DliiiiCr. 9et» from all over Hieworlxlt*re hhowti fiere )n n greater

-variety .thiiii elccwliere In thecity, lni'iinfinK« L'lioice «f over40 -'o|ifii t4t()tkf' |.utteniH,i»N weft

B uiirt Tattle

y o u ' l l liiiil | i r lee«- w tbofe of

MeEntee & JLayog561-I Doors Below Washlneton Pork

Summit -~

Building ® Lo&n



:~Mey^:-: Series:hOP^NED


For particulars ikKire'ssr•• WILLIAM S. PORTER, Sgcretary. j

i,lly. $*. $:!(>; \ iC

JIL I., l-'rnzi..-.*:»•": Wivur.1

m YOU PUT UP i HOUSE?If you have no building lot, we

tmve- plenty fir the must dfHlroMeonen.land at flBurea-that mnkeJI

•worth your wlillr Wulve them nerl-liiilconfllderatlou. Our IICIH are BOcomprehensive thut we ore nlmostcettalu to hnvo—nnmellihif; that-ex-nctly Bu'ltn your1 refiulrcuielits a» toloc»tlon,-<Ize-anU— price. A flllirt.Interview with us moy lie very Inter-.fcntlng to you. . .

PERSON , .» Insurance & Loans

,Summit ,N J. '• •^EVf

I. l',.i$s. $:ill; .Ini-'.' H,iMllia

— A U r a h i M i ! ^ ^ n ^ j ^'Hlliitiiitifon. '*», W ; ""•'"••'iili I'. Htirki'.•M, SSrrrClaivuu! JJ...WaliIen. «rt,"*:)l);.rf.lin I). &ol t , M. l)f. *.-.;• (inrri't-T. l)tm-liiini. ?:10:-fAiirnii"ll. NVuirniih-*:!!!; Krl.viii~l',.-i'rmme.^_^;J0^_\VilHiuu .tV'leni.in.

; j t. ^SSI(l:~l!.ilHTt II. Kirliiin. in . t . *K; S B :^etir^n^WT-a-'nte-H'lltr-^.r^^'i'AV'illialilMm [•:•>'. rent, .«!». *:iO; t.lurU> II. Hnti'il.

S J i I > J l 2I. T. MiieMiinav

l . ^ S . j J-JO; l.,fills ti.'i.riif ilerli

Holicit C. Hi^elA.',i',..',fTT L'. T . Stiilmtrke. "S.

eily clerk.

A . Iliir.L'iii

. Sill,eleik

Meri .*H.

l lellt. -Si 1. .i.lil; Hllyli-W

i l m t k . ; l 11,.11'i.iall. A:lll;l',lvuil,l .1. ( lalk. ' .*: l l ; l 'n.nk Wliitelieu,!

s:ai;. I'rci i ; • tin <iiis . rimrii-Sclmcfef. -S.'tll; t :u- t i , \ .1/ l^i. i /er. -S:lll:

II. M,Hmev.~SntlT-1'ic,l Acke..*:iti; I ' m i k |>. I ' l i e c * : l h | i . I), n i l c r

I. llelllV 1'l.lki'. SI!I; II. Dn.vli.l' 1*. Mei.,1. ^ S ; 1M

CC5I*-TAI>iI. V - wStovenOil l l en l e r -KeroHCiiL1 mill Astmht+Tl(JasollneiAlCollIll (IVODll)Weather StripWillilow (ilnns, etc,

*.'!»• I.. l l . T l u r k . s a l ; I'liiniiii. lli-nly..• U.'1O; .liilm 11. l l i» ' l i l i : !" ' . l r .Tsai r i ' l ra r l .W

III UimlH.it . . i t y ,-l.Tk. r, .iit: , . |r. ..-1-J1--,|>. . < l l i . J I ; ' X.-iv . ) , l~.y A.IVIK-III" .M i . ! . . ! < . - . • ,>. LOIMICII. $:tl; Ale\ . r.iniiiiin^^. ,^:(il;

Affrol .McllliilifiT. .*.M.

V. M. WoixIrulT, clerk ami renl. $ i l$iiS- W. A. .Mulfonl, £10; John F. Cri.it

^Ti 1 \ C l l l $10 T A M D i t t_ ' i$iis- W. A. Mulfnrcl, SIO; .lolin F. Cri»t,

, l l n r l l T , , H R A n n l l A U T P l K r 7'T™: •'• K.Cnllolmn. $30; T. A. McDcvitt.

Cnu'tlcul HOLIDAY Q1FTS.


Kwlntillaliol IS.SU.• Tclephnno nnl.T" |iri»nl'll| llllf.l.


Carriage Blacksmith andHorse-snoei

/ 'CarrioKes Bepalreil. I'air-ted.I Trimmed »nd Rnbber Tired.


SUMniT. NEWi — - .

I O'trnndiT, cli-rk, dr . , $2S.(ir., $13; AlirnniI J KopstPr, $:18; S. H. Woodmir, $;t8: Pat-! rick It. Glinn, WSi \Vilmrr F. .Su-kloy

(SIS; Olin D. Sicklcj" clerk, and rc-nt^2.1.50, ^iiii.20; A. S. BrcWBtcr, $8, $.10;ISicharU Phiilr, f». $.10; Ij\wron«> Kenny,«S, SJtO; r . J. O'llricn. JS, $.10; KlmfrDav. $•'», ?M; .1. M. I-a line. $9, $30;.l.imi-o' I. Viliiolioon, $S, S.10;..T.-HowardSenior, $!>'. K'O. '

1). I '. 'Day, $*. $.10; 0 . A. ltnpily.f30; ClmrlM Cusliing. $9, $30; William(!. llochn, $S, $.10; Vrinlurick 0 . Kcllcy,$S. Sat): William JIcMawv Jr., ?S, $.10;John II. rhcasurnt, $8, $30; T. J . Scott,f$, $.10; D. D. Oilchrist, $10.00, $21.20!Jibon *. FalkonburR, $U.I0. $2S.8O; J .

-B-luanl Itpwe, city clerk a i«! rent, $70,$230.70; IlonnU Xonp, $30; H. C. Chaml-ier, SM; A. 1). Uroillpy, $S, $.10j WalterA. -Miller, SS; D. B. Wnde, $30; George.Compton, clerk aivl rent, $21, $50. • -

Ix-wli M. BnunUOT, $3" ; Jnrob Wind,~ -; TTTTTaitoutc,

•lerk antl'rPlit,

Mr. Hackctt and his sorMvcrcuiscussinj; their new brirn.

"Well, Dad, how about theroof?"

"I guess shingles are goodenough, aren't they ? "

"Now hold pnr Dad—'goodenough' don't go. Xou_know.that shingles don't make a per-fect roof by a long shot—burntoo easy and sure tO; leak."

"How about slate?"

•—-No! Too expensive=wind'.s.too strong around here—am"couldn';t lay 'cm ourselves."

try nnc ol^ r y y u

best of those prepared roofingsthat.come injsjjls?"- —^ .

"Fine!— I'vcsccnJt-tested—"one.brand, Kex Flintkote^Roof-j i " f t t h ^ t t f f T ysaw—wouldn't catch-fire from

-live coals—^watcrproof^top^l

kotc it is., I know .who sells itin town. I'Jj_gct samples andwe'll ^cst it ourselves. Guesswe "won't, take any chances onpur new hari\."

Rex Flintkote Roofing can beobtained from~J

10. s.j.

; <y\\ N-K'

f|eal Estate;"Watch Summit Grow*

arc requeued to *ein/_ftti?particular* of what theyf/twiYt* to sell.

dvli'TTsTS -tire now Iteiiitj recited autlsurely we can help you. .,

whhmg to locate tthouUi '-,'•call or write to

E. C HOLMES' AgencyOpposite Station, Summit, N.'J. I

If You Are BuyingPROPERTY


andtalk"I t •" •

oyer -

£ Jerseyr either for your own useor'for purposes o l r speculation or invest-

- jnentr do not fail to hare the Title Ex-^ainined-aniLGuaranteed by

Fidelity TrustGo., NEWARK,

New Jersey\t nill luf ;i .suurrt*df siitiHfiiftibn to vt>iirsttlf

— and "airincreased incentive for n fnturo ^purclmsoito 1»: alile to- provide such a ^uavjinty—-iuHunn^ • . •ngainst nil. il«*fe<-ts —iliscov^ialthv "V innliscnver-1

" ,'llu- cost i* \o\v- -writ** or t'jill ft>r jjartU'iilavs; , .,


"Tiirlnr iimde nr Custom mnile lire temi'* tbat run tie luulifullya|'[tllcd to (be ".Mero<le" ltrunri. ".Merude" Knilerweiir.luiH Ihe unEijile

jltstiuction of I.eiDg tlie ehoiee of fusln'onuble moili^te-.' (IOWIIM meniolcleil to the forni ever thie perfect product.

Every union ?.uit i« turned out as though fnr HJIPCIH! order. _J'u|fonii__In-cut., (inisli and shape. Kvery garment, in liy'Bieiiiciilly treated,

-thoroughly stearuerlTTnnt rendered iion-shrlnkuble. - • -•'Merwle'-t-'nderwear appea l t i n h o y e . "ItH'couiellius.s in uotltjeuble

anil ili« Iliiifh .superior m every way. The muge ol Hhupe.N. fiibric'H IIIKIstyles in this. t>ra!id erjibraee^ every known WHIII. - VeslH: Drawer*1,TichtK, Corsetforf r nird r u i r n Suitar—Hilton — I.i*' "" ' "" '

• Silk HI


Merino—WoolSilk utul Wool iiij-f-uulitr ami extra elzex.

set C(ivei'», Tiglits.


! Cciuiut-tl C-'

l-'l WOolSilk-wnol1-*J wool



1 DO




Ut>r» Ligl i t -n-oij-HiC>r> W i n t e r ^ 5.*?Per'l-'p r>6c'



iHED 1889



. "Absolutely sanitary, and longwearing—rthc best and, most sat-

isfactory for'housewives to use.We recommend it to you because ieach of the 8o different utensils .)

" comprising the " Steel Gray" line isCoated with an enamel which is

tough .and will stand rough' usagewithout chipping or f laking like

ordinary ware. . : , .Moderately priced.


t l f eyW vnntijin tbe HE^.A

you will need some good.Hardware. When that daycomes lie' sure 3-011 Hud our>tore. Kor we" kee|>"' the"~very bent .


you caTnimi"anywliere^" OurUock _IH not ouly exteusivebut varied; we can supplytlie wauta of .Honsekeeper orMechnuic equally well. '

Hardware & House-furnishing S tore MANSER'S

^0 0 # ^ ^ ~ j f # A •"~tt~ # # # i • ^•^^"•^^•-

ff;Yon WaDtio Know allilie Local News Bea^

\'.- v • •«

Page 11: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the

THE SU5miT~HEIQQCDrS4TUltDAY, I»:^:>11*£.B 4. IDoO.


. 31r1b.od.nl Epla^opal Cfanrcb.

' -The Rov. A. II. Tultle.'D/D., Pastor.Morning service at 11 o'clock.Sunday nChooi rit 9.45 a. m.Men's Bible; Study Glut, nt 10 a. m.Epworth League? service* at 7' p. m: '

-• ... "N nlneeday prayor meeting at S p. m.

Kamt Sammll Cbnprl.Sunday school nt 3 p. m. ' " '

~ ""KpiVorlTrXt'u'Kiie sorvlci* nt 7 p. inITcncMnp by the Rev. J;->I. P.obln-

uon. nt 8 oVlock p. tit,. , "Prnyor uprvlcp,- Tnc!nl:iy at- ~.<5-p.-m.-

: Crntrttl I*rr»b7tprlnt» Church.The Ki-v. Mlnot C. Morgan, pastor:-

Saiibntli serviced 1MI.IH- wornhlp, 11a. in. nna S p. m.: S>:ilil»nl1f school, !M5a. ni.: imftlttfr or Christian KmleavorSociety., 7 p. m.; - mi.l-w,

,WtMiiicmlay nt S P^jni; "Kir*t IJnptl-t ClMircli.

Il.-W Hubert Cfilpninn Hull.3rorhlnB-"VtsrVIriVnm'-n*'clnrlc.'pTrtnB•service .;U'S; SuiuFny Fc-ti-v*! nt W5-n.ni.; Men's- !llW«*-StudK:Ctiiti T»t 10 a.m.;dirlftlljin-Kiult-avor iiicfilnicar 7 p.-iiHT^n«i^v«i-k^f«'TVk-cW.ihi.-s.liiy :it S p; m,;

CM vary t'httrrh. '. - '-." I'iilviuy ' chtm-h. , tL<-. It-v. Walker](IwyniH1, 'rrcldr: tli*1 Il.'-v. TTnqene- N. ICurtis, apflstiint. - Siuii!:iy uprvicos, 7.30 IjunI-11--ti.-iii^.-Kv.-iiK.uin--4.su ji_iu—Onilrst Similny of month-i'4.1 ;i. in.. Mntlnswltli Ciit«M:hl7.iitfr. Sunday reboot D.45

•*a..in. S.TVUIS.. W/*iln«-5(lays-aiiil l-'rl-.|jiy.«, •:.• p. ,in.. Olh.-r w.-.'k iliiys nnd

•liol.v,l:lys, !» a. in. ~ •, - . • . .

lOiiKlUh I . n t l i r r i m yfarirrlt< ; ' - - - , - -' Ui^'.^f:. C. f:i..-sifi. p.ivK.r. 1J l-Yank-Un iitiu-f. Ki'Kiiliir- nuH-nliiK f^rvices

I f i l in,tin- V. M. C. , \ . i n i t o lven o-cli«-k ev.-ry Hmi.


Wiltiiiiti 11. Wintt'r. *< ?-t«» i - -• - .- - • I I . s .Mu' l r. s-*: John (-..nipi-U. ^ : , CAKPHM.EKS ANU HUILOERS

Uurtf Tl'..m|>-oi., To»n < ].-L.r-rrt. *!»!., Plan- |ire|>Hrril -rm«l J'Mjmatt'- Klveii.

hS!l:fVm-M'nn»™« *rVfr!":- *•?'" I1"?-"-- ~ J " ' l t i i "K. i'nVmi.tly' uUtMi-Utl liC ' •


The fliHiitvfl Bn» one in a bnmired of.I

elein, t in V.

o-c.li«-k. -ryk

i.Uy. Sun-


THE family without -a telephone iscut off from friends;—Many pleasant

• social- gatherings are missed. Alany occasions"TcdTncTalongf evefv vveelc wlfcTflhc service won Id._

bring.something,_qr get something that \youldadd to the pleasure or comfort bt all: '.'--

_J_-.'- V.oiir friends all live within tulliing distance.'- Mt -is—the same with-"your -out-of-tow

friends-^-the universal service 'ot: the "BellSystem makes them-ybur neighbors, too'. MJur.yoice can reach all by means of the Bell Long'Distance Service. . - - . ' " -; ' •

H ENRTTCCOCKTSTNPlumbing, Tinliing~ana.Metal Working

Union Place. Summit, N.. j .

Itefiiml . 'tuple likt> to"" rettlvjL- It'lU-rsthai curry,'-in ilheir oulunr<t iipin'ur-»nw- «tv idt'iu-f *.r "quality .within."tlmt i> whv nil tho-i? who keep iip'n*m-it.. vnnVs|>.>ii(k-M.-c t-hmiH i.t- Mip-

with n stork <if-our hiKli KraiU1

paper and envelope?, they rt'ltt'rt

,;_! | Iliirli ijimlitie.** hert^'liul low


j '

^ ^ . H. FRUMKIN •.

U ^ ; i r ^ . " S r A S j 394 Springfield ' Avenue,

Every Belt Telephone U the Center pf the System

.in Call. Uoi Call nnd vi« Kidouble or 9tn(;!eflule ?

I.i-Baii. s::ii; .-Frnnk . .C'hur M. II. Ki'iii.iV. , « 1 : ' » . A. Srnilvl. .$:«); .f;iliii'- l.ViIh, J i n ; Wil l i j ;\ . ( hirk. Mi iM..nn«- Cnlliiuiii. J.'.ll: I-...I.- IValJ i . <_••.H'illi;mr K. Wal-li. !»'•: l l -nrv V VVj'.t

-Holland's Expressire Proof-StonKC

Sunday atI U-Htlmonlnl nnd OX-

lectliiB: every "WVilm-sduy eve-o'cloek. I'Jrsl NtUional Bank

Bull<1tnk-, rouni No. 2. Sunday school»L y.30 :i. in. Jtcadlnt,' room open from10 u. in. tii C p. m. sillily, nnd MondayiTnil Krhliiy evi-nhuis from 7 to D p. m.

Furulture Moving jnd Stor^f.

UoviMl, llol-ti-.l, lluxnt nml


Trucking of All Kinds.Dally:E«prea to' Nmvark; N . )-

asniis' MaUffials. .Onlors 1.1- Mull It.-cclvi- I'romi.I Ari..i.ll..t

Personal Attention Day and

• Tclephone-218.



No. 4 Maple St.,


V Witcb Inspector lor D., L. & W. R R.

o utr 9


Nutritioaff To^TBe Last Cramb.

e of tbe |inrest. beat flour alwiiya«Hke. Hlwuyo KOO'I—-'.'jnal like "uiotlieruseit to-inake. • Dan.'t' be Ruilty of tbefolly of bakHig bread when yon can

_luiy,it.easier thau yon cmi..bake^irQet.Voegtlen's Home-Mode Bread—«nd-aarffijuie and temper. Yon will find

83 "Suthinit Ave , Summit


Telephone nc j .

I. M. Kron.fi-elcrTIIE'SEW VOUK


(Opp. 1st National Bank)

S U M M I T , N -J-IkCiir UlwldDl:. ' '

Itakoffrwit pJwwuro In ftnuounclug to 1117- frleoda and patcuns that I *ni n<nr"]>rei>Arf ] to


And I litre with extenil noordlni JaTltatloii to- jou to call &D<1 Inspect same.

Uy placlDE your onlera carlj . txifore tbebusy Boaoon sou In, you wtllrecelre c*rmonUwbon dMlred. tDiUIiQfl avoM annoylnc dleap.itoloiiuanu' ' '• .thrnro usol; nonfl but tin* i-^i" work-1» -.HnwoJ intbem and n [>*r[©cint ati<l tliiteb li absotatolfguaranteed.

Kugrntloiuareniwapicoualdpred.and [MT-Bonal wlahwaa to details (it work fU41y ndop-tea. Mtbat acuatomerm&r baTeUio doublenallsfactloD of i>OB8eealiis.» Uiomnshly- taahlon-able creation that also ex i>rea»fa mow or lees of

' her own Individuality." Call anainfli>oct mf larceaMOrttoonrot^ir.

rect models ami materials tor the season. Yonwill find nnionc them exactly what you want.

Tlianklne you for past favors and aollcUlnsIbo roQUiiuancsotsame. 1 am . • •—

Vours reei>ectfuUy.


l ver .HI litre- the. Introduction—of—'-tiie—Player-I'iauo. thenuiuuut of money that It WUH necesfiury tn Mpend formusic rolls—either In purchasing tliem or fur library

privilege—ha« deterred many people from purchasing a player.Healizinj; this fuct, and to incraese the pule of the

erwe oiler the KltKI'j and uuliuiiled uwe of our munlc rull libmryto those who ptireliase "Player PJnnoM fronr-tiwr-fl-Itink,,whatthin meaiin! ' *~

You Need Not Spend a Dollar for Music -Kxaiulue our well e<iulpped library of^oyer 15,uciO UIOHIC rolln

and you will realize tbe extent oftnls offer. '- The Pease Flayer Piano ]H the most natural of all the

players, the case and action not being cljange<I H particl'e. ftfully.maintalnn the preftl^e of the 1'eoHe J'iano gaiue<riii the"lact half century.

Write for 1010 catalufiue and particular!-, of _ _ _ ^ _

OUR EASY THREE YEAR PAYMENT PLANExchange Your Old Piano for a Player

Pease Piano Co.10 NEW STREET g ^ D ° g ° g : NEWARK


Go Wrong*Wr back ever)- 3hor th. '^>es out

of this store with a tiiirantc. uTcood.JJ«S9 rt-atinpon a rvputaljon n( malty j

Vmi kimw th.ir il a ahoc'we nellisn't right that we make ilriKf.l.. Wecouldti't back poor'shoes with sucti s

j guarantee. Wouldn't stay in bust--• ness lunK if we tliil. .

Have you seen l ) u r j 3 > o O ''••e(if'-


Mnnr...:. ?::'ii; IMiilip . \- l'°riinlc"j. Svlirnr,. Jr. . «3«i Kmf<!Xanr, .?S;H.nrv F. Wi.K-tiil. $10;" Eric" -IJI11I,*$»0; WillLim A. Mill-r. S3!:

rrt K. llaraari], ?.»; Timtoliv .1.

William J. Euk-r.^tO; Kii^rne I.\-t3c',S l l ; -Walti-r X.' Colvcll. #.11; .ijmrV .1.Coakl.-v, S3(lr Julin llull.inJ, HM% i«aac1". .Iluui'k. >-M; Alfuimk-r l)h-l. ^ !S :".lollli II. -11_ C'orln't, $S, Wl"; Cro:;:,. \V.Katri-on, .-?:tlt; William IL MrQur.-n, Jr.,$:»; Merlin Komtlrr, $~J.1O; Jolm (ienalJCitv Cl>i-k. ront, etc.. fl,V>«^>; UenrvV. ...$.17.1.".; -UoWt- jf—J . titou-art. _Jlorrow, §100; *'m! Zi'or, *loo*-'s r.n*lingTIjiio, SCO, ?10O; UoU-rt J . kir'lOii$•}; r'rtsl it. LcI»nann,$JS6.-iJ;-JamesCnlvcrt, S7OI.4O, $2JO1M

.M.000.William h. I ta i

'Kroii-e ittovcl to aJjoum.

J- 'i'iie IJircctor. dt-clare.! tiip Ixur*] ad-jfiiiriirtl. uriliT i hn r^av , Il^cVnitor" 2],11)03. nt 2-- " " • - "

S. llBSU-SRRVXO. Cfcrt-

"fue hl»!i I.TII d|*N t>*- iras

OpticaLStorewith K iiimnifai-turliiK dejturt'nieiit whert^leutic-' ninl repair-

; will he promptly done on the

No wails for your brokenEye glass lenses.

(ir-idiiHle of four cnlltfKeH andlli'i-ltin City HoHpltni, ilostoii,

—*-i • MUH«. v



Over thirly yearn' experience HH' ' a Hpeclallft

ii£li Arknns:is DIU! tin* InOtan Ter-iior.v, ninT~nii blf urriv.i: Jit Natchrzii' nj'iid ti» tin* LindluNl of a hotel.-"II:IVO been traveling "f«ir .i vrpt-t; dayni] nl^lil. In ti in;ifl nit^oti, m>*I I want

"Sorr.v," MI ill IIH- ];• IHI1-T«I. "bm ]iMl't ht1li''V(» tluTi'V a vacant r*rOia lr:".'nlcljez. 'i'tinrp's "a— hrrrw n i f . . . a

iiodist t-onferi-ncf ami a i-%liTtf.-iJ'etni'Hi In ttie city, nml every luniM"

Is full up. Tim f>nly thine I «*3» c l remi Wn sh:rk*Hl«>ivn." Ttu-n. r . i .^rr in- 'ie blKliop'fi Urnlfncp. it|. aiMM: "Tlx-•st romu in my ti«>«T [•« rental t« a

nt nil nli.'lit nnd sfUl..in cei5-Iti l--r-r«-rp:ikfa«f. If you n-ll! tnk** !h«* r i - t'HI Bh.Tl! Imvii IIIH rt>om. l.n' if .I***1'houiil rnuit* In . thori^ll l-o a n .n . 1*1!

The bishop tltH-Mifi l-» t»k**'lt)*.* ri-fc.bout 4 o'clock In the inoruln- tbeitrabler returntNl-nml-promptly »i!Kw>tic blnliop by the orni."Get out of here or I'll put ymj ontr*

The Mshop, tlie Kpntipst of HIVD, raU-i'il hlmyelf on one elbow no that Itbrought the rnn*«tI*»s of hU nrm Intofull rollof.

"My frfpiwl."- h»i bogan quietly, '"bf'-furo you put iiu- uut nllt yon tiavc thekindness to frol'of rny nrm*''*

The-"pambler- put—hi*...hand _oa the

-¥™"nr'^, l" lvr^!! I^P^ t f^'-iT*<'. ..Deliveries a Dav tor " '" <"^^'"\^"'"^»!™- j - . . short Hills.. Quit. Simple

"Wliu.t will .V"ll ll'»^vTnr*>Miir rii^Iirywhen yuii (!(<•*•"

."I slinll Iriiri. It n> my rtiihlKD.-"IJul siip|w»si* vmi li;ivc no ehllilrcny-

If lii- l..vi- lor her in us purr uIlieCanilies we *eH him fur hi-i clnllvIicr_luuin-'M *afe: Tlifre'n hewltli •every ouiiiVdrCaiiilFcHthia crow«eni-oniitfr-. l.i-nui-i- «f |iure hiiirc-<lu-lit* HIKI «\.|UJHlu-]y vleati-innliufnctur*-^—ThereV plfnHiirr In all neein il, to.,, lluy xliniHy.

llmi't riirKrt.iii.K" I'lJtLv.ol's.fi.r yuul



Orders Delivered Sundays -'


TKI.. IMJ 1...



. _.iBfef, Veal, Mntton, Lamb ami Port

Oysters, Clams and Fish.= O i m s a n d V>KoUblf»ln BeMOti


If You Have AnythingI^ost, For Sale, To Let,| orWant Am thing, just t

Ad rt T P X t livarv .1* n..t nh-rr- tramiiil'liVr. f..r Want AnjtIljnB, just tr>

niuqiiiurtr nar V incii!r«i;ii,-»..-i«nf-1 . ,_an Ad irt Tiiib PXTTit} andWJ. . . t e«'t Knti*>factOr\ ^results,

ERB,., Interior Decorating

~& General"Pifinii'ag~-••DKAI.KHH.IN . .- -

WallTapirVWindowShaSei^Painta"Oil Eto., Etc. • • -, .

3 4 6 SPRlMQFlELb flVE.Tclcphon* 157-R ,



—ConcSto Worlra S«ocla<tv

Telephone iB2-w—R-O^-UOX-13-

Interior Decorators

j * and Painters jt

Workmanship -Goaranteed

Edtlmnlcs and Samples Furnished

THOMAS__B1IBD"House Painters,

Paper Hangers,and Decorators.

Estimates (urnish^d and jobbingpromptly attended t o . - Beit of workuannteed. . . • '


HICKS BROS.Real Estate, . -----


and Loans.Opposite Station,




; ' • 1 .

Page 12: RKSpsci^-.;; - digifind-it. · PDF fileNew York School of Phil-Anthrony;_OwetLR^Lovcjoy, ... (jhT"liere"iri Summit—HTT^IT possible ... scoring half of the



Bureaus of. Construction and- Equipment Abolished,

•ro IIH' folloni;Th« rrculliMi itt nn niVviiior

. four offlrrn ot rank m u l e '


mirll «»l


T h e KroupitiB of th*i tuin-miK. i)f the.p a r t n i e n t into . fwo main illv>«)»nii «»f i

"•""I]Kaf«rWiof iVi#ir "dt i i lnTT h e eMabllnhtiient of~adr«-r*lorr-«f--«n>-

eratlonM of I lie. (Iwl, " , - • ' - - -'Th« t>n|jt|)lii|im<*nt of n comiirrlicnnlvw

Invprr t lun ayt tctn <>f u p^rmiinrnt oritnn-Ixalton uhoKO officers •hull be periodic-ally inarmed, u l io , will i-onio nmlnly fromthe ncilve n«a mid be convrnant withtbciWe«t-«lili>wBrtt!thrmof .Irlll ami ornutilzattoii.

The r>»tabll»lirn"if of u modern nnd flfl-.clMit coet ki-pplnK cymom ID (he nnvy de-.parlniPiit mul'ut"nAVy:yanln. -—••.-,- •

The itPimntlUiti "of ilm navy ynnl work1/itu the (n(r (ml urn I ilivltflohn of hull itnii


"Gihiinin,'" * ~ . —~*. A niiin on II i l r i tw's t*>x ilirnt^'lilnbead nnd w w n -nvcHy'looking-IntMvM*Unl hrckxmtnx him iraih tin- -Idewulkftcnr Ibe T*nuti*, New Yorfcr i*«wliypulled up hcslik* Ibe tvUow uml »«k'iii

o mint ml.^ Irp'ithf \V. ii.itH%m"'lriiffti~j

JAYS185^7 Market ,St. Newark.

odopiinn of_n^_nile:jtiitt_j.-oiijmaiu, — , . nnd-TiT]itaIFin of imvy ynnfn «ln»ll

I»rlenco iin'il (hut their temi're' of 'Ofllcf•hull. I*. IOUK diouitli to Inmire contlnn-ovin ntlmlnlntntilve |>ollcy'. '

A ri-c-oninifiiiliilloii for the abolishmentof [ho bureau of rquipmcmv whone dutieswill, be- dtvldt-d union if the bitrOniin ofsteam. t-i>i;fnecrin«. cuiiiTTuctlon und re-pairs and nup|>Ilc.i nnd account*:

. Tho abo!l*!uri«Mit i»r-ih* lioiinl .of con-struction.

«f ctHiNtriifil'iii Is to IK* |H.>rfur.mtt by

Mi\\e~r IIHN niilioin -itt-ihn oiiicors

\vhw vuiiuiunu'ts tlie tlilnl IMVIMtho Atltinlle llH't, lo !»• nld for itlotw uiul umunp'iuiMit;. Hyiir AdmiralWllllnni P. 1'nUrr. who Is rhlt-f of tin

ku'itiv ii'to X»»r :i irriiltfoiiiilr*'. \v<mlil you?* ho sa\*l.

"I u'"!'1 'Xii«\v you fur 11 Ji• Tli.' i-uipliitMrN[iirtnTTrilrl'f«'«-Vu7 ".• "".'

hjuui. ll«w «..ii)«l.y«ni l)k.. f.. dhl.li- ii •with iin-?" •* «. '. . ' -

•y. UmktM iltyntll.il>)!'". .. lnTf."'-iilii tin- Ht'tly iiuin.-uj^

jiP';i'Jjinj; ih«- tirlvvr niut .'CKsriui(iic'a

\vltliiiiit~Tnni; ;iKsNtiiiii-e >>r tli:it nf1

•11 fr»rir" . ' .•Wlinl .il.i't-ii. ttiili- in.* to «)..';"• -;'L,vt mi- ••xjihin. I :ini .Mm tjitfclr-

. .invf IHIMIIV it l»vl <>f #i**> with s» iiian-lit Hi- W. .m i . i|i:it. ilroKs/il in Hn-crslfi*. I IVUI ,-ilt il pMHl ailllHT Ut ttllf ofiIn* priiiripitl h.Hfls In .NVvv York. I>ti-i« V'ii !«• iirrnn^i* tlii* ni.-tlN-r forIH> uftli Ihc iiiiiiur^tT of tho \Y."

;:ui I il<r Hint';"'

jOut!lively l)i>llar*H Wintli ut

juurchuiiiliKe in our Htyrehinst'tir Hold for'practicnllywliar it will r 'briq|;. Wlicii

•-T»-n~ decided t«> r^tin>- frii'ra-

outiru attention to mir mef-

I w« luul—aln*ntly i»vdei*Ml rt| tremendons stock "of ;

GOODS—I This too. njimt go al /


•siiiTK—-- . " . - ' /

•>IiliM %V2 ami'$'1.'i.Suits II'IK) J)vi'i—

1-IIJltH . '

M.MVN *-jo siiitM 9 . 9 5

.Mi'liM <i'l [mlltH


." of nitvlK'ttl'Ui, (o bt* ul«l for

onncl; Itcnr Admlnil WilliamSniff, who I* ooiiiiiiiiniliilit of tho Itos

pttiln tnrn'tj U'nrrl, rof rln* bounl of liispt'cilou niiil Niirvlo bv uia for h)Hj)octIuun; C'nptntn Uvp-inuUl y, NIcholKoii, "now u mrnibcr i>t

-the inmnl of lUHiHt'tiou-'utul Biirvi-y, tobe ehli-f at the bureau uC mivlK»tiou.

Rock«fot|er Clotely Guarded on Hi .Journey Front Cleveland.

Ills ~Ui!t)iiriuri- fioin Clcyi'liinil h~tum.fl by (lie rrvcfallou lo him of a.-1-U.i to klihmp or kill bun, J " | m D

k f HN. Y. He hint lict'it uiuitT u s

thro'u«tunit tlic J«urtu«y. ' Mw.ICookcfolIor Jict'oinpiinlcd her luiMlmml

Harold Sawyvi" Smith, a wimltliy*himlKT mill ojn'riMor. wh«w* li*>inv JHnear Mluvrvn, O.v uvorliehnl' 'tlit? iil'ot.

" I . was vlnllliij,' lu Alliance oil Snn-

vAbmu M:4r. ilmt.ni>;ht I xtttrtfd for(ho cluii'i'b tn iiut't .my brother. 1wtiUuHl ui» a rullrmul tnu*k nt-nr tin-

. cJinrr]i nmt Moping! whi'ii I hpanl SOUIL>one tnlkiiiK in a ilnrk shed. <)n« voice

' I . -<•••• J ^ l i . L l -


Ji.>ys' *i ()ven-.«its

Ills hotfl ;IIH| Jjuifffinc to wilt yi>11 slmll 1M- flhalf )hi

Boys' SOc Pant* ....... .....;50c fancy Box nusjiender*

7~inmiartlty; turn- jlii his inlini. ! !

ancy Box Neckwear.. 3 9 c.oo Mufflers... 39c

5.00 Bath Robes.; 2 . 6 975c.Coat Sweaters. • >39c3,00 Wool Coat Sweaters.. 1-

1 find and sliouM |>r.Mlii.-«> It IId 'lost' iny IH-F. TIH* timpirt^ arc i

nt> nt this vorv- inhiiil^ nml


ml . ami .•utt'nHl tin* re."t:mnt»t.The Mitt*Man* wt-n* iiiiilii)rtln'jrltmtni-

tiiiLs.-Jiml -tin* tnltlns w«>n> IM'IUR rap , .<))>-. illlild with IHIHTM. The nm^n] man ilnnlr Ifi-jf sivit at :i vnrjtit ml>}«\ tin-

f l M ^ T i i<] np.iii him. When ln« wan si*;tl«tl

nil tuvuvd. lowanl tin* nwiiagtr. wh»ui st-oivll'iir at Ibt'iiiiwrloonic miffst.

lTu 'w 1 • •< nlmt-t ii» siiniinon a ixtUccman

tlrr siraiucr lM'<-liiiini(l him to llnT(1n*>rand s:ifi! snnii'llilna: t«>j|ilni. Tlie nuin;i>

I»\I- >\\\ Wiv >\WU- '»•» tin*, sii'tly mail.IVIIM »vas l.nifiitfr Nittflyln^ tho menu.

Oivswuly.ii tvattpr was Vall.tl atid dl-n-i-tcd tu M'rvo him-. The rnhm.iri «1N."

"friiiii rJUhlntfjr."- We iiilKbt.linvn wult- winning 11 >>»-r l»y <>:ttlni; 11 (liniior IncU innII pnimrpim_j)inl -pun* ji> ("nil- tin1 hiMcj In r:ii;s.~~ThnM» who find va-tuu ivi ui*vvt Itlll. \y<* tufaUt j \ 4 \VM1L_VHIIM tlw1. UihU\H.iu'ur tlit_>.tiiie aL.w:hlt*h

""^7tmnm"»niTy~r.7rTlllliih' • »U1 Jolm X>. fi<* sin a'f.i'<Hi'nll.v fi-!limiaLliJLiliei—\yr~\riir~t^tt~~wlm*t Is c«mhm- to us wnt^lii^riilin. Ho >;ifJiin«l i«> relish hl^

Itlll niul tlip~otlii<r fi'Iluiv-ibjive-pleuly iM-r.'.n'.' MWt"--iiffrr tllsli WO'TL" s,-r ) * -


'• ~ _^ Upon Negro.'. Tlie Iti'V. Juliu--iloivurd, .Ji J i w r o ,was Imrnttl at tlii' nluki« by it nuilt utHawkliiHvHlo, (Ju... i>iL\VtHliU'«liiy-Uo-

ITcauro lie liiu.UilioU'JuUiMirl.iilly wouiul-« I W~I>r BtMUli, tiiur of the wmlthloittmen in that rvgion.

Howard Ilttl. l>"t ^VIIM pilrmutl liylmctlca tu uutomoblliijj. After _three

""Loars Ii«. wuH't'iiptnrtHl, nnd tin* vry-of"I^yniii lilm!" uuH.rulsiHl.

Ilowunl wiiM tnkeu to the hirnc oftbe ennu'.' IMIHIHI to 11 wtiike. nnd faRotHwere pihti about-him. All' thin limetho IICKTO wnr»-pr«yltiK lo tlio-l.ord t*»Bave Mm niul Dinging hymns. Kvcnwhen the fns«»t«--wi*re llretM-iie iii-Ktocontinual u> wluj: tuul pray, liut when'the flumes lii'fiun to scorch" him hecnllctl down horrHik' curses on the njwho were toitnriii^ him.

The netfro^J'^nO"•fill that more twtv:the mob eiide»l IIIH uu>i*ry by a volleyof bullets. -ThD,tfuntil 'the \wvqjyiC\\

Vines, in- .>rd.- -<! lite.

>uM tip him- ultiV a lU'c_i!oUilrJ>IH.uLlfast. "And itli-ihr while^ roupauf (Ht'tplc wero wntfliliiB ami

niiiltlniUUoiiiih-i' lu nn:s wliiiiln^ ii l«et."A\'lnit ntt nrist<KT;ilfe l»r«»wT* n -.

inarkeil a Inrty. "1 u«itil.l kmnv himfor Nimietliln;; lu'vond the oi'iuimni

IH! \\V.\W he Is -If. in-dcitl. I Nat w i M

••They May then-_UI oiil l>nt<-li bhh " N i *hi the

••l..W.k!is.*' MIUI uHe 1* sh

Into his month withfunny!"



f-Miss W'rlnkrt U*lng engaged

know.'.' ..' J— —- " - — ' _'Oh, 1 don't; "know \y^

WaHii't-fa«t eiiniiah^fo jret nwny fnurher."

^"Uigarette Victim."I tlmt your boy Josh In

* auswered i-'arnler Corutosnel;"he was kt-erlwTlibOurilghyti* bne^of"'cm whi'ii.he had tut mi-dhilold col In r.'"

iuctoti s tar .

was kept Ruing,''wan conmnned.

^ * an VUwiuent -omtor, andiciw niullnnaUy UHeil thispow-

rfstlr »l> trouble between |tie race*.' lidall ( ^t the white people.

wore lirades

•Now that :r teJpgn'l'h ewle bas Itecnperfectctt whit-li n footbnll scorela a wloplc word it. woubl "be well to

J*y__^ boll down the «tereotyped Introduction.description und comment which uport-Jnff reporlprs xiirliiff upon njircntuless

~|)Dl)llc at crery game. ' •

At tlire«»J Colorndo women «refcrare euouKli to march to too CanQon*u mouth if tlwlr•trUitt* hut wiv -the wo

At liist_tlu> mJriV's"it|tj>otito wan: for n dollitr vipur.

he WUlMre'waiter be would like to s«-otjprleton That t^rson •ipiirmeu-Ih Kreat (l**ft*reiKV-• frteiul." sulil tin? Ktu-nr. "l-havt'11I an excellent dinner at your

haven't n red cent.I- am Tom Ihipiu. jus t ont of Jail.where I. httvc I I n lone while living

Iim- the .coarsest fare. It occurred ume that for iimTKooil d inner I-\muMbe wlllfujr to go hack for a, few mouth*louj^r and have put up thU juh onyou to gratify my appetite."

The proprietor smiled. niM'in^ hisbands together as If greatly pie;

Trrcflrry o u t the dce-ep-tlon. Those at the tables near ity !it :

•rod. - •"Come." persisted Dusait. "Call ibe

iwllee. I have nowhere to sleep to*night nnd wh-Vfor shelter."

Ileluctnntly the proprietor becameconrlnccii that tn\hml been dupod amien Mod n policeman "The r iggi t l manwas recognized ns 1 chronic JallMrdami taken to the Tomb* The nextmorning be v*ni sent u p for twomontjii for jwrpetrnjtlDffa ^n-lndle

T ^ i r Natural Habit. ,"I didn't like Hiis hut tree ut lir-i.

dear." said the' yvuu'K lmsband. "butnow it look* quite homelike."

- "Y«^l" niuriuured- the "youiig wife;"IUOS4* trot's do.grow 011 one."—Haitimore Anierlcau.

True.t h e

nicntal maid. ' ~ • -. ."\ett,"' rejoined Jhe practical youth,

"am! there is uo Igvo so Incurablyblind as self love."—Minneapolis Jour-nal. - • • •

OatltT-I w«nild like to see come-lUB in the way/if a. oltect. ,Tailor—1>—yes—oxeuse me-»are you

a customer1 or a bill collector?—IliwtonTranscript.

t . What't tho Use? - - - - - -••Whywouldn't your nulo sfart?""I-ost my plug.'* ' — - --Oh, have to depeinl on horses to

pull yon In yet, <>h*:"—ClevelMUJJ^ad-




I t lH-jiH though tlit; fjiirif'H It ad taken posHfHHioii and ti'iuiffforui^d.

, th i s - lnutnutcith lm/,ar ititu a • puliice of jiliiytl.iiij'H'i n tve»wm'e htmse i n1 ivJiit*li watt titovtitl' the world's'niOHt btMULtlful^ohjeetH o f avt^ u.jniiie ofj

—-^-"^olcVjiiiil ""jeweisr'a/-"^iirileu " filleTI "'"wiflvTiian-eltHis. t 'olois. Vet it in all

r e a l — a l l t h o u g h t out ajid p l a u n e d Uy htitaitti UUIKIH ami HX«»«utetl 1>y.

h m h a u 1 ami s—planned for vou r .p l ea su re . . . . . - " . . . . '.. •

1 1Ut.. Ktouk a ( s t o r e for the ho l idays inn t l i ' l i^ht . to all . concerned—the gutlieriiiK of tile

»oodH, the nii7>jK'kiny of thenr, tlie diftplaviny of tlieni,, and Helling (if . thftni^ I t iiieaim h a r d -

wofk.aiid l o U *»f. it for nil of HM. bu t t,l»»ve a r e awavtU npleiitv nil a round , wiper-nlly if you,

our frioiidK, MIIOU- r ightful app rec i a t ion of• • HIR. m a n y rare and heautiful th ings""we" l i i ive

asHpinhled for von in tliiH es t ab l i shmen t . " • • .

Xjiat <mr ii'JLsu A N S U A I . lfnm>AV Exi'OHiTlox uilK.-xceed in innyii i tude, b e a u t y and va r i e ty

-iiUJK-we have ever made will be conceded bj- a l T w h o have made annna rp i l ^ r i i na^eK -t»> the b i g

s to re . Th i s , is in k e ^ j . u g w i t U t h e s p i r i t oL-i»roj»re»s t lmt hn» ovor aniinated~tlfifr~l>liHirieHH.

\V<Vr,'1!Uw-!)y--jloing. . .-A.iid t . lmviu{'-gatheredii>»ir"holidavv-srocks w i t l r ^ k i l l aiurfoi-eKijVlit iirjViiHt"

-ri ijrrsrit-f'»nfjwH t h a t thiH yoa r we gathta ;ed more w i n d y and to y o u r greater p leamtre aiul profit . .

Many t h o u s a n d s will journey -hither from ^1'neetions of the State in <jiieHt of giftLl * \t — - pyople wjf|-^Hif~tlriH ftt>r«~tlran vimfciRucirexpoHitioHs a« those-at. Jiimestown an'dSeattle -ton, twenty, Utirty 'tli»..Huiiil mlivy, will come to nee the holiday show.

' glilU'LJIig lights anil graliil displays are not made-to dnxzloyou;, but simply ti> delight you and make ft easy for yoii to find the gifts you seek.

Toyland Is Full of Surprises _Z_

HAHNE ® CO., Broad and New Stree

Rabway Valley Rallroail Time Table.

Tbelrain scuedule on the RailwayValley Ballroad Is at* follows: LfT

Yotl breathe Fi

YorU. O.oo, 7.3-1. Si^i «I1(I Hf.fiWt.H.m^

train couneeta at-jAIdhie with thePliiladelpblu express. t,eave Kllza-betb Tor Summit 0.3», 7.48, 8.48 and1^.8-a.m.; a.08, &.$'>, and 7.01 p. mLeave Aldiiie about 8 minutes later.The 5.35 from Elizabeth connects withthe PbllatlelpliiaexpreKK. ..OnHuudoyleave Summit 7;5O, " " -

3 a.m., .'{.12 and 5.08 p .m.

- Second lu\iul my\. .Htvjiwira .aL. barcala|ifIt-it'iCracnorie:lii-i>Niil*'riiiiiilnd coimltmnlilil our oNluliHsljjxf nr|>tlliitl<>n ot -toilPear* • In -

Nat loll nU^U'ox. OliW. -Morfl. UulckB^JIax-wi'lls.-JrfnJt*. vtc .HimalmulR trnmifrsiup-".'HtatjKfOlirTeanrri'iin'iitt yr cull otnl wo will

ltSf7 3 \

H. V.) Telejil 1 one <5)1

UK iquiekly through tneuiaea ofn Into and around the tubular b<ulyIt readies the diBtributltiK pipes

tlioroiigbly \vturned but. 1freah and

xhu'c isr>o. Investiffat/.'

I'lO^ltCBetkiAaAfSt'raetTNewtoric. Made in Newari

• PKOPOSAI^S ~\VII;r, BK _ItK-—ct-ivm-by-tliv Common Council of tin-

Cl'y.of Siiminlt from 8



im-itreparwl ami Kt-tluiates K've11-J<ibt>inK |irom|itly HtteudtHl to.-

ChaB. (lustavson.nanaKer &Trea8urer.

arl; Peterson. Secretary, 7 DoremusSlreet.

'. O. BOX 175. TECTsiBCC

i>nON(t ^ 7 it . "


igs Carriage


I No Lois.I-'irst Aiiihvr-Vo .v<m cvt-r

of tbc isfliiii!tcrlpt yon HCIHI <SoconJ 4utho.--N<i: tlit'.v


[ -Tops, Slipcovers, WliulShields, -ii Btorm Covers, AprouB,Cueh)ouB, • Ctirtaius, etc., made to order. -

' . ocncrni. uepalr «orlc

S Dashes, Fenders, and Leothcr-J stitching ir specialty. r , '

i ^ P A R K A V E : 1I >UMMIT, NhW JERSEYj \1 "" wmo '•

isr.tur KT<»- • *sr tor

r!>eno!«ited"hrSAVINU5 DANK, (lORHISTOWN,N, J., In absolutely secure flnd eanmjibuiU-as-iHiiub HKPU»~tt«-«t»vertmieniHoudH. - — — - ~ ~ — : —

1 TIIIH liauk fiutTjmld 71 consecutiveSeiul-Atiuiuil IntereHt Dividends toDepositors nuiouutliiK to One' anda Half nilllon Dollars.

Deposits offo.00 and ujiw^nrds-jlruwlitterest from the 11 ret of each mouth—ot the rate of-1 per cent, per annumup lo $1000—July 1, 1009 . — "

The Only Savings Bank In Northwest*.ern New Jersey ","




PHILANDER 8. PIERSON, Prcildcot' HORACE a: WOLFE, Secy aod Treat.


;; Fresh at the Greenhouses ;' ; Cut Flowers, Palms, Ferns, etc., , Weddhrrrftzcantions-and• J > l k Specialty -

I 5 SATBS ST., SUMMIT, N. J. <Telrpho'ae Olden Recdre ;

,. . Ptomp^ AUentloa


It Pays to Advertise in the HKRALR

i\ DKGliMBKIt 31, latfj. _•nml oiioni-il.nt the last named hour :tl 11public met-'tTTip of tlio Bald CommDnCouncll-toH«r-ri(Md-nt-tho—Hdia time u t "_tho CltyJIall, In the City ot Summit:-Tor Hip DlKirlnirnr-Ailnuiat hull hulWtim 'forcrtyllull niMl>lm Department purpow*itrcrtriniiif ttitliK n*vNfil J.IIIUH aiul also on

Tlio workcoiiwlntJi In furiilalilnir n l l _mntcrfnlK, tools amlHaborTipcGflHary forthe prntier IHKI efficient com plot I011 of '"'Kwla AVQCK In ftcconmncf with tliD Dlan»~~ami 8peclllcationa tliorefor OILJIIIQ In tl ie—offleo of tho City Cfprfe.

yi'I'yrato bKls win l>e rct'elvud fortlu* car-iiciitftr. inDMon. naintiittf anJ(ortlu< nlumb-Init. hf ntlns nu<( tfiiluir work, oc bids may beten<1i>n><l for tlie Piitlre contract

Kaeh proposal must ho enclosed In a• - ' - I c n v o W . proDtTly endorsed wltli

ante of tlio Milder uiitl «|it'cffr(na ••n>r lil'l iKoJTorodon rwlsod nrnlternatt*

.. and forwhat.rortlon uf coiiinct ami•urvcted to tliQ Coliimon Council of tlio Clt>-

Bijidora' will . stato their prices Inritlnu IIH well as in figures. • "Al! work rcforrt-i] to in this hotlco

mijst »>e comiilptcd on or before Sloy iBt, mm. -



l»y.iposala niUBt be accompaniedlle-1 check or cash for tiw.on;1 .check Is furnished it ahall

bo..made .payable to-tho'City ot Summitwlthcyit reserve. ' " - • ,

KiiiVty -bpiitU foraii amount equal to tenpercent of tlio amounts the contractmleowill bt« required of the Bticciasful hid--der. ' . • J-

Tlic Common .Council of the City ofSummit reserve to tliomselvea the rlffht

accept or reject' any proposals forthe above work, as they may deem bosfcfor tho interests of tho city. • V - --—Bidders-and-3uretIes^re~liexcby noti-flpd-nrnt tho bond OP b"onds~to bo'givantor tho fivithtu; execution and perform-ance of aald publlc^work" shall t in t 'beRljproved as to anfIHelcnejr.br tho.Com- 'mon Council, and/no contract ahall boblndinir on. the city or becomooffoctlvo" " K — » v f t until, such bond In so ap . .