~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Standard Form For Hembers of the Leqlslature Name of ___ _ . , . - /1 ' 1. Birthday and place l8 l'J4.q. /8'91 . , ) 2. (s) date place I ,.· I 6. Public Offices A. . Local _;J '?'t7',d,,·, J_.u._r..:.-..r'\/ · · ,IJ.d_, ... ... L.r B. State __________________________________________________ _ C. National ________________________________________________ _ 7 t 8.

Transcript of ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare...

Page 1: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Standard Form For Hembers of the Leqlslature

Name of · Representative~ ~·~enator ___ _ ~- . ,

~ ,.l...k&-t/::.t~! ''"t'/.2:.:-t r::-h~> ~/ . - /1 ' 1. Birthday and place l8 l'J4.q. /8'91 ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv . , ) ~~

2. Marria~e (s) date place

I ~19;t./

,.· I

6. Public Offices

A. . Local _;J'?'t7',d,,·, J_.u._r..:.-..r'\/ · · ,IJ.d_, ... -L~ ... L.r --~~~,~~==~~~~~~~~~~--~=¥~--~~~---

B. State __________________________________________________ _

C. National ________________________________________________ _

7 t

8 .

Page 2: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11 . Degrees ______________________ __

Page 3: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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Page 4: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

·~ ~ -~ .. :- :· .. \ , .' ... , , ··~ ' . ,' . . ,' \ . . . \" ..

'ROBINS ·ARE HERE! .. ;:: ··Herbert G. ,Seemanit, 69, 1 · - · ........ .. . ·· ... ·.· .. · .... . · .. . . ·. ndoor.Conference Meet ·• .. _. ·::·_·!t .tiie3i~t · r6l:ii~ - - " i~ ::~ om~~ Dies Suddenly Friday . ·· . . . .. · .. -~, -· : .. ·.. . __ , _.--!~6~~r-n~ ~~~~~!~;'~~~~~ - -~{h!i ·. Fune~al .· services f~n· He_~· bert ' To· Open :. Traclf:-season ..

·. . - 'Ie ·, 3aw . a robin · last week jUst G. ,Seernahn, ' .. 69, · . who ·. passed · · · · ·, . ·· :>f• .cer the -:·:big snow . storm on a away suddenly. at .lus horne _here Jesup will open.:its 1!>61 ' truck · : n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground · in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r 21, : m her backyard' where it wns .. look- the . Amertcan Lutheran Church. as tlw ·_CJght North .Iowa Cedar . : 01 ' ing . for food. Mrs. · Roy Carlson Herbert Seemann was born on L~ngu; schools meet at Teachers · !dp:eported seeing .a 1·obin Tu·esday. May 18, 18~ll •. the sori _. of wm: Ht?h 111 .Cetln:,~ l"~llls .,for the con- ·:

') :·--. By . Wednesday many of our and Emma Lemus Seemann on ·&I fet ence mdoo1 - ttncl< meet. . m 'resident~ spotted rohins ns spring- farm near .Littleton . . . _.He · wns The J _-IIawks, · 1959 and ... ~ 06~ te like ·. temperl\h\res arrived. · With i•eceived as -n . communic'nnt mcm- ot!tdool· ~on.rerence · ch~mp1~ns, h- •'the ·warmer ·\ve'ather much of the ber of Zion Luthernn Church, ~viii he . htddmg for the1r · fl,l'st, . I<- I snow of last \veel.'~ storm . is d.is- Jubilee, Ap1·il fl, l !l05. . . mdool' litle. · ·-. . . . -' ·-· . : ; ! ·· . · · . · ., . · · 0 1 · · · . Coach Don Roby,· ·,n hts thn·u . IC I npp~~.llng.. . ' . . ... ,. n Jan. 1' 914, he was _llllllcd una!' \Vt'th tl1C J-H""'I<» hu . h : ·! .- - · . - . · · · · 'th M b 1 S l ·''" ·"' ,,, 8 opeA 1a~ ·. · -- ~ .. • · · .; · . ' · .. . · · • . ·· . -~n marrtage Wl a c c mtte of his ' track team repenting as k, __ Do. ~aid , Mead, 23,. DieS· . .Smh t1heG~ ... ; .r..~ Sch,~tte ,home at I outdoor chnmps this. year. The

r·I ·.y .·t · :. · , ·. H. . .. ,., .. . ta. I .'~. . ac Y xove. The couple farmed J-Hnwk h , t t . . . -·· .h ".' n .·: ( ~ _e:a.n :8': ospl . . . ; m _. Westburg to,vnship, Buchanan I fercnce \n(f:Ocl' ~l~ecl~ .\~In a con . . . I· . ·· ... "' .. · • . . . . · . . county for 29 years. Ip 1943, 1 ., . <· . . · · :ss j·· . . _,Donald · Edward~, Mead, 23, dted they _retired to . Jubilee nnd . de-j Nmety~two: boys . reported fot· ~ · nt; ···Veteran's . Hospital · in .: Iowa ceased worked , as . caretaker . of the sport iwo weeks ago. ·· They ':~ i City at l p;in. Smi.day,:·March 12, Zion Lutheran ·church and ;Of the j have . been wot:ld!1g .out in :.- tho ~1 J?Gl. . · · J:?eath wa~ . caused by a public . scnool. . They moved to sc.hool . gy.m . unttl the weathH -: . . ~~~ne~r dtseuse, . ~~_meru~ar nef)h- Jesup in 1D46. He vias right-o~- I \Vlll })Cl'nlll .th~m., ,~O i : hold1

• work­!' 11t1s. . . . . . ,. . w_ny man for the Buchannn Coun- outs ot!tdoot s. .Bob ,~RIC.hm 1s new ~~.· ·.Donald· was born June 1, 1937 ty R.E.A .. until his ..... retirement 1\R . usst!'ltnnt conch·· : thts scm:wn.

in Black Hay.rk county, near._, Wa- four years ago and .was a char- Mnnag<:_t·s ar~ Lnrry Don leu . nnd 'C te:rloo, _the. ,;~.·:· son of Mr. ~nd ~· ter bo~rd member of thnt cooper- Doug- l•,r)wldt~g-. ·. .. · ,. . ;n Robert Mead. · He recetved •. bts erativc. He was active . in . the . Boys on rucsdny'H .trayehng- . r, ~ducati~n . in. the ·. J .esup .school, Fat~ni Bureau and' was · u past squad are: ( •:· indicates 1 DGO let-~·

1 r-q~ua~mg w.tth the class of . 195~. president of the county org'ani .zn~ : t~1·me1~) , ~.: ) · .· . . .

I· r ,e.nhsted ~n the. U.S. Army m tion. lie ·was elected reprcsentn.- :· S~nwrH: .. Ten·Y:;.;: Brown,, Roger. p, IJune';-i;--1955, ·_spendmg four years tive to the 49th and 50th Gcnei·al Collms, .· Hnun :~· .D .onlcn, Bill · F'ut.: P~ jin G~;rrnany~··: ::. Th€i~e he ;1net and Assemblies of~Ah ·o~ State of Iowa. c!·l. :;> · Di~k !Iun~cr .'> Russ · ~il­r

1murned Chrtstcl ua~ghau . Nov. A~ . a membct ,of the Jesup Am- Itt · ! Betnnld Pmt 1

, Rog-er Pml, r., 30p :;Ji:)56. · Three · children ·were ei·tcan : Lutheran . ·church he hncl .Tames Poy!H'l', _Hurold Rouse , ·o


bol'n: .. ; ~o :. this ' . . union, . twin · sons served ·us Sunday school teacher, LiH'cn · Se~ni(;de1· ~~ • . Pat Smith, 1- ,vho :~1 dxed lit btrth, and J:;>uv_id, 3. held a number of different offices Mnrlund Sqtlll'e, Dave · Stumma, if, · ·.· He ~ ~ 1:e~.enlisted · in the . Army and· in · general . :was active ·.· it~ .T,ohn · Thoma~ •:•, Tom Verslt~is, b,! -July ;,_ :l5, ;;;195!), and! because _, of church work and activities . . He (.leu Pmdy, Itonald Broad, D1ck 1t i,poOJ:<( health was given ·. a rriedi- was ·a member of the lot~al Lions' l~olofl', DnniH · Adams, nlld .Mih Y cal discharge May 16, 1961. The Olub . . ,_ _ .. . . .. Green . . I family e~tablished 1.1 horne ht Val- . After . returning fl'om · · n t'iip · Juni_or:;: !Jet.nlis pnl.dwin; Larry ·: ~ ~·,ley Statton, Ky; · _ai~d he had .em- to · Independence I•'ridhy, . · Mtr. Bnldwtn, ,Vnwl <:olltnR * , Jcn:o.' · .r ployrnent .. ,._.as a . ~tlhng c.lcr~ .fo.r Seemann suffet .ed ·a fntul . heart Donica, hon c}lar~.mg-: .John Lal'­,e,the OK Truck hne of Cmcmna.b, nttnckat 12:lu: · son, _Doylo >l\.urlz, Iu~ nny Loeb, c. Ohi~ ~it~ the terminal .:.office in I· Stirviv~rs. il'l'clutlt• hiK - widow, H.on_nw }lct.h; !.\1~1\t- ~1.c<,;l_'~litc, Yi.l~

I LOUlSVl!l~, Ky. . .. · . . . . . one dnughter, Mrs. Waltct' Hart-. Nr~Lton , Dennt~ I cLc1 s, .Jell~ . s.urv_tvmg are hlS Vfldow and ing, . one ~rundd.tughter, . Mrs. WttL~~op, Lnt· t:~ ,n.<~UI1H~n, T~oh

1 son, h1s ~m,rents, a .stster, M~s. Robert Fratzke; ~n{l 0110 great Dt~gg.ln, Bob RH }{( t.ls, · Ray ~mtlh. I Nor~la Bnngle '· of Key . West, grandson; .also -a bl'Othcr, Ed\vnr.d . ~opholll~I'N~: Bob . ntenn, . Gary .Flortda a1_1d a . ,?rother Bobby, a~ Seemann · of Jesup, and a sister, FrH~uy, R1chard Molt, · Pat .. M<~- , .

lt!horne.· .... · . . ... ·-· . .. :. Mrs. ·Murtha Bright of. ' Indepen- Donald,· }larry . li'mtzl-a', _Darroll · ·

1_1. The Park~r Fu~ctal . home was. dcnce. Hi~ , -part!J1t.c; arid one · Brown •. Chuck · ~lunler! B~ll R<~u-

m charge of nrrnngements ~nd brother preceded him in death. tet·, Btll SehnlHlt., · Ntek · Purdy, >r . the body was· taken from the Th R M . B . f Vic Bo<'lmwr · L<'o · CiesiPiski Rex: ·· . -~funeraL home to the American f :· . ted, evt. t .l nrvm . enmtgn" 0

00- Scwiek, . Bill ilid~l;win ·D~t~' · ia('of;~

s. Lutheran Church . for . the service . !c1ta ek · aM 10 · s,ervtc<\ u .. : · ~en nne! Mike Bol'l'ell. . , · ·

n•at 2 . o'Clock'· Wedfi'esdny after- o c oc .. ·- · 1'!'1. Ro H!I't· l•t·uHh . wns Ji' · ·1 ' . ·'· T . . . I·I ' ·1 :·: 1). 1.11 .· 3

,: .;;. . · • orgamst and ·· Dr. H .. J. Jones te~}ntcn .. . .-ntl.\ tc\s, > '

1 'n. .The Rev. Marvm B~~mga, 1· 1 . t · M· · B ; · d K b 11 Crawfot·d, Kent Bl'usch, Fmnk

d · t · ~·· f the ch\1rch o·fft·ctatcd 80 018 • rs. ·· ei tJar oo an(~ ·n t J 1 w · · • · J or ... :o · . ' . · M · F Ell' tt 1 d h eu c1· o 111 rot<•n l)r\lc Nrl-f · · R. · · F ·h · · t rs. reemnn · 10 · 1a . c nrge . • · · '

> . . Mrs. obert •rus was organts .I f · fl . · · ~ . . .:.. .. bon nnd Pnul Boy~cn. - !Casket ·bearers were John Haley, 0 owers. .··. ..· ·: . . . .

>f Eilgene ·· Geistfeld, Paur Barnhart, Casket bearers were Ben Retl, s, Peter Fr'o_.st; LeRoy Seemann 1md Peter. _Jacobs, Raymond ZUJnmuk, s. We'l\dell :. Erpelding-. · Burial · 'Y'as Albext Petersen, .John. Stephen e, in ·. Midwest Garden· of Mernortes, ~nd I_tay. Potthoff. Jntet ment was ~s Waterloo. with military ·honors. · m ZlOn .Lutheran cemetery, Ju-


Track .Schedule Mal·. :! I -Conference . Indoor,

· Ct'dur l''alls Mal'. ~i> - Statu Indoot:, Town


Page 5: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· ell Community



Jesup, Iowa

ica :y f8

Page 6: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Leland and Grace Schutte -- Leland C. Schutte was born in 1918 on a farm south ofJesup in the Shady Grove vicinity. He was the oldest son of W. Earl and Myrta (Broad) Schutte.* He graduated from Jesup High School in 1935 and then attended the National Schools of Engi­neering, Los Angeles, California.

Grace (Hoppe) Schutte was born in Westburg Town­ship in 1920, the youngest daughter of Albert and Clara (Hammelman) Hoppe. She graduated from Brandon High School in 1937, attended Iowa State Teacher's Col­lege (UNI) in Cedar Falls, and taught rural schools in Buchanan County for eight years.

Grace and Leland were married in Jubilee in 1943. They farmed in the Shady Grove area and specialized in a farrow-to-finish hog operation and grain farming. Leland was very active in church and farm organizations. He passed away in 1978 of a sudden heart attack.

They are the parents of one daughter, Cheryl (Mrs. Craig Parker),* born in 1951, and presently living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cheryl and Craig are the parents of Benjamin, born in 1979, and Lisa, born in 1982.

Leland and Grace

Richard and Janeen Seehase -- Richard and J aneeh Seehase joined the rural community of Jesup in 1975 after purchasing a farm near Jesup. Both Richard and Janeen originate from Waterloo, although Janeen's uncle, John Brasch, was a long-time resident of Jesup.

They are the parents of five children: Mark (b. 1972), Jay (b. 1979), Marta (b. 1974), Joy (b. 1976), and Blair (b. 1980).

Abstract Acres is the official name of the farm. There are two reasons why the farm got its name. First, the actual abstract on the farm contains two volumes full of activity. Second, the farm has a-n abstract sculpture in the yard. The. sculpture was built so the farm could be easily recognized by city friends who aren't familiar with north, south, east and west directions. Many folks notice the sculpture and stop to ask about it.

Apples are also a trademark of the Seehases. They have maintained the original orchard and added more


Abstract Acres Sculpture - 1984

trees to produce bushels of apples that many people have enjoyed.

According to a recent historical map of Black Hawk County, the Seehase farm was crossed as part of the path to Rice's Trading Post in the 1850's.

Harold and Mabel Seemann -· Harold was born in 1914, the son of Edward Hugo and Rose Marie (Luloft) Seemann, near Shady Grove. He attended the Jesup school. In 1936 Harold married Mabel Miller; she was born in 1914, the daughter of Amea John and Emma Marie (Weltzin) Miller, in Black Hawk County. She died in 1983.

They farmed 33 years in the Jesup area and in 1969 they moved to Jesup where Harold is employed as a bus driver and custodian at the Jesup Community School. They are members of the Zion Lutheran Church at Jub­lee.

They are the parents of one daughter, Janice Marie, born in 1946. In 1971 she married Kenneth Knebel and they live in rural Independence. There are two grandchil­dren.

Herbert and Mabel Seemann -· Herbert George See­mann (1891-1961) was the son of William and Emma (Lenius) Seemann. He and his wife Mabel (Schutte) See­mann (1891-1979) farmed on the same farm in Buchanan County that had formerly been his father's. Mabel was the daughter of Fred and Ida Mae (Stroufe) Schutte and the sister of Earl Schutte. The couple was married in 1914. Herbert and Mabel had one daughter, Dorothy (Mrs. Walter Harting).* Herbert and Mabel had one granddaughter, Eleanor (Mrs. Robert Fratzke).* Eleanor and Robert have three children: Rocky, Ronda, and Robin.

Herbert worked on the telephone line for years. He was township assessor, a Jesup Farmers Co-op director when Charles Hood was manager, a board member of Rural Electric Administration, and a State Representative from 1941-1944. Herbert and Mabel were members of

Page 7: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



• Convened January 14, 1963

AdJourned May 18, 1963


W. L. MOOTY, President of the Senate

ROBERT W. NADEN, Speaker of the Rouse

Compiled Under Direction of S. E. Tennant

Superintendent of Prinlinq

Published by the STATE OF IOWA

Des Moines

Page 8: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Mrs. Clara Scholz of Alta Vista, and his brother, Mr. Milton Scholz of Alta Vista.

Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixtieth General Assembly of Iowa: That in the passing of the Honorable Charles H. Scholz the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this resolution would express its appreci­ation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.

Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.




MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Herbert G. Seemann, begs leave to submit the following memorial:

Herbert Seemann was born on May 18, 1891, the son of William and Emma Lenius Seemann, on a farm near Littleton. He received his educa­tion in the public schools of Buchanan County and was engaged in farming.

On January 1, 1914, he was united in marriage with Mabel Schutte. They had one daughter, Dorothy K.

He served as township assessor for ten years, and was a past president of the school board. He was also president of the County Farm Bureau during the years of 1935 and 1936.

Mr. Seemann was one of the organizers of Buchanan County for the R.E.A., and president of the Farmers Grain and Stock Company of Jesup, Iowa.

He was a member of the American Lutheran Church and was a Sunday School teacher, and held a number of different church offices.

He was a member of the lo~l Lions Club.

Mr. Seemann served in the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth General Assemblies of the State of Iowa.

He passed away March 10, 1961, at his home in Jesup, Iowa. Surviving him are his widow, Mabel; one daughter, Mrs. Walter Harting; one grand­daughter, Mrs. Robert Fratzke, and one great grandson, and a sister, Mrs. Martha Bright of Independence. His bother, Edward, preceded him in death.

Theref01·e, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixtieth General Assembly of Iowa: That in the passing of the Honorable Herbert G. Seemann the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this resolution would express its appre­ciation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.

Page 9: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.




MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Michael Fair Springer, begs leave to submit the following memorial:

Michael Fair Springer was born January 15, 1870, in Decatur County. He attended local rural schools.

In 1895 he was married to Mary Francis Stone, who passed away in 1959. They had two sons and one daughter. They lived on their farm until 1920 when they moved to Leon. He still continued managing his farms.

Mr. Springer served in various township offices. He was chairman of the Decatur County Democrat Central Committee, secretary of the Farm Bureau, president of Leon School Board and state representative for the Farmers Union.

Mr. Springer served during the Fortieth, Forty-second and Forty-second Extra sessions of the General Assembly.

He passed away April 7, 1962, at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Surviving him are a daughter, Helen Spaulding of Colorado Springs, Colorado; a son, George Springer, Wichita, Kansas, and a son, John Springer of Chicago, Illinois.

Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives ()f the Swtieth Ge'fl-eral Assembly of Iowa: That in the passing of the Honorable Michael Fah;. Springer the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by · this resolution would express its appreciation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.

Be It FU?·ther Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an' enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.



Page 10: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Iowa State Census, 1895 - Ancestry.com

<- -7: ancestry You searched for Herbert G. Seeman in Iowa

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·t· 1997-2010 Ancestry.com

Iowa State Census, 1895

Name: Herbert G. Seeman

Age: 3

Race: White

Birthplace: Buchanan

Residence: Perry, Buchanan

Som·ce Information: Ancrstry.com. lowa .State Census, 1895 !database- on-line-]. Pro\·o, CT. L'SA: Ancestry .com Operations rnc, 2003. Original data: lo,.,a. 1895lowa State C'en•n.1s. [)('s ~ioint's, Iowa: Stale Hi!.-.iorical Sodt>ty of Iowa.

Description: Thi~ databa~t' contains information for gtcountit's from the 1895 Iowa State Ccn~ns in the llnitcd States. Information lislt'd includes the name of t'\'t't}' mpmber oft he household. tht>ir sex, age. birthplace. and loc~1tion (town and county). Learn more ...

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Page 11: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1900 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com


Contact Us: 1-800-ANCESTRY

;::. 1997·2010 Ancestry .com

1900 United States Federal Census

Name: Herbert G Seemann

Home in 1900: Westburg, Buchanan, Iowa

Age: 9

Birth Date: May1891

Birthplace: Iowa

Race: White

Gender: Male

Relationship to Son

Head of House:

Father's Name: William

Father's Germany


Mother's Name: Emma A

Mother's Iowa


Marital Status: Single

Occupation: View on Image

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name

Members: William Seemann

Emma A Seemann

Otto Seemann

Martha Seemann

Edward H Seemann

Herbert G Seemann

Source Cit..."ltion: Yt>ar: 1900: Cen:..us Plar't': Westhurg, Buchanan, Iowa; Roll T62;L -120; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: s-.

:\ncesln .com. J900 L ·'nited Stales Federal Census I database on-lint' 1. Provo.l:T. USA: :\neestry.com Operation!> Inc. 2004.








Original data: United Statt>s of ..-\me rica, Bun·<nt of tht> Census. nvelfth ('ensus of the l 'nited States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: :\:ational Archin·s and Records Administration. 1900. T623. 1854 rolls.

Description: This databa~e is an index to individuals ennmeratrd in the 1900 United Slates FedPral Census. the 'I\n•lfth Census ofthl' L~nited Statt>s. Ct>nsus taker~ recorded many details including earh per~on's name. address. relationship lo the head of household, C'olor or racr. ~ex. month and Yl'ar of birth. age at last birthriay. marital status. number of years marril'd. the total number of childrt>n born of the motht>r. thr number of those rhildrf"n living. birthplare, birthplace of fatht·r and mothrr. if the individual \\·as foreign born, the year of immigration and thr numbPr of yPars in the Cnited States. the citilPnship status of forPign-born indi\ iduals over agr twenty-om•. occupation. nnd more. Arlditionall).lhe names of those listrd on the population srhedult> art' linked to actual imagt's ofthe 1900 Ft>deral Ct>nsus. Learn more ..

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Page 12: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925- Ancestry.com

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Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Name: Herbert G Seemann

Birth Year: abt 1892

Birth Place: Iowa

Gender: Male

Race: White

Marital Status: Married

Census Date: 1 Jan 1925

Residence State: Iowa

Residence County: Buchanan

Locality: Westburg

Relation to Head: Head

Mother: EmmaALenius

Mother's Birth abt 1859


Mother's Canada


Father: Wm G Seemann

Father's Birth abt 1855


Father's Germany


Marriage Place: Iowa

Spouse Name: Mabel E Seemann


Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name Age Members:

Source fnformation:

Herbert G Seemann

Mabel E Seemann

Dorothy K Seemann

Anrestry.corn.Jowa State Census Co1lec1ion. t83b-1925lrlatabase on-lind. Provo. CT. CSA: .\ncc!-.iT).f'Om Operations Inc. 2007.

Original data: )..licrolilm of Iowa St.tte Cen~uses, 1856. t8Rs. 1895. 1905. 1915. 1925 as wt>ll \arious spe-cial censuses from 1836-1897 obtctinerl from tht> Statt' Historical Soriet\ of rowa ,;,.~ Heritage Que~i.





This database rontains Iowa state censu!'t's forthe following years: 1856. 1885. 189::;. 1905. 1915. and 1925. rt also includes some head of household censuses and other sprrial rrm.usf's from 1836-1897- Information a\'ailablt' for an inrli,·idual will vary arrording to the ('t'nsus year and the intonnation requested on the l't'llSHS form. Some or lh(• information eonlaint>d in this rl<ltabase though includes: nanw. age. grndrr. rac-e. bi1thplace. marital status. and pi act> of enumnotion. Learn more ...

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Page 13: ~~/r.J:Jdtz:;,~=+:.rv /8'91 l'J4.q. l8 1. Birthday and … GA/50...n~~ small .. patch .. of .·bare · ground ·in Friday, 'Yer~ held . Monday at sen son .n.cxt '1\tcsday, _March r

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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German and English Ancestors Please let me know of additions or corrections.

Entries: 6475 Updated: Fri Jun 27 14:39:05 2003 Contact: Jean Naylor :>.:··- .:, ._,_,: .. : ·: .. , · ,:,_:'~:; ·; . ~ . . . .

----- --------Index I {>~scen<J;u~H I B.egi_ster I AM Post-em

- ·- - -----· -· --- ------------·------- ·-·---• ID: 11592 • Name: Herbert George Seeman • Sex: M • Birth: 1891 • Death: 1961 in Buchanan, lA • Burial: Jubilee, Buchanan, lA • Reference Number: 28.811X

[ipQ~sil:!le matches founq pn Ances_try_.__cg_m ~ancestry

• Ancestry Hints for Herbert George Seeman

Marriage 1 Mabellidith Schuttt: b: 28 NOV 1891 in Westburg Twnshp, Buchanan, lA

• Married: ABT. 1912 in Buchanan, lA


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