Rizal quiz bee easy




Transcript of Rizal quiz bee easy

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Mechanics:Quiz is divided in three rounds:

EASY –20 Questions AVERAGE -15 Questions DIFFICULT -15 Questions

All items are multiple choice questions.

All questions were derived from the hard copy provided by our professor and was also supported with research.

Mind your own answers. ;) Enjoy answering!


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1. In May 1882, Rizal left the Philippines for the first time and went to a certain country to continue his studies. What is the name of that country?

a. United States b. Singapore

c. Spaind. Germany

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2. When was Rizal’s first trip abroad?

a. May 5, 1882 b. May 4, 1882

c. May 3, 1882d. May 2, 1882

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3. When Rizal left on May 3, 1882, he boarded Salvadora using a passport which was procured by Antonio Rivera. What was the name in the passport that Rizal used?

a. Jose Mercadob. Jose Alonsoc. Jose Realondad. Jose Mariano

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4. How old was Rizal when he left the Philippines for the first time?

a. 24b. 23c. 22d. 21

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5. On May 11, 1882, Rizal boarded Djemnah in Singapore to continue his trip to the west. What mode of transportation was Djemnah?

a. Express Trainb. Boatc. Planed. Horse drawn wagon /


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6. Rizal was quarantined on board the Djemnah in June 3, 1882. Where did this happen?

a. Punta de Galesb. African Coast c. Suez Canald. Singapore

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6. Rizal was quarantined on board the Djemnah in June 3, 1882. Where did this happen?

a. Punta de Galesb. African Coast c. Suez Canald. Singapore

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7. How long was Rizal quarantined on board the Djemnah?

a. 4 daysb. 6 daysc. 8 daysd. 5 days

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8. During Rizal’s travels, he usually gets seasick. And to avoid that condition, he converse with his fellow passengers and played what game with them?

a. Hide and Seekb. Chessc. Pokerd. Backgammon

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9. Rizal arrived in Port Said on June 7, 1882 and he made a letter describing his trip en route to Aden. This letter was addressed to whom?

a. Pacianob. Uncle Antonioc. His Parentsd. His college Dean

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10. On June 11, 1882, Rizal set foot on European ground for the first time. He disembarked on what city in Europe?

a. City of Parisb. City of Milanc. City of Naplesd. City of Turin

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11. What mode of transportation did Rizal use when he left Marseilles for Barcelona on June 15, 1882?

a. Boatb. Horse drawn wagon /

carriagec. Planed. Express Train

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12. When Rizal arrived in Barcelona on June 16, 1882, he boarded a hotel at 12:00 noon. What is the name of the hotel?

a. Fonda de Espanab. Hotel Cuatro Nacionesc. Hotel Neri Barcelonad. Casanova Barcelona

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13. On June 23, 1882, Rizal wrote to his parents and requested them to send something to him. What was the item he requested?

a. Transcript of Recordsb. Moneyc. Birth Certificated. Baptismal Certificate

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14. Rizal matriculated on what school in Madrid in September 1882?

a. Instituto Superior de Arteb. Ateneo de Madridc. Centro de Estudios del Videod. Universidad Central de Madrid

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15. The following are the subjects Rizal has taken in the school on question #12. Which of the following is not:

a. Legal medicineb. Philosophy and lettersc. Obstetrical Clinicd. Surgical Clinic

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16. On June 15, 1883 Rizal left Madrid and went to this big French city to spend his summer. What was the city?

a. Parisb. Milanc. Naplesd. Turin

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17. In a letter, Rizal was informed by Maria that one of their sisters got married on November 4, 1883. Who was that sister?

a. Saturninab. Soledadc. Luciad. Narcissa

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18. During Rizal’s stay in Madrid in 1884, he watched a couple of theatric plays. Which of the following was the one he saw for 2.10 pesetas and he was very much disgusted with the result?

a. El Octavo No Mentirb. Hamletc. La Macostad. Un Ano Mas

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19. On February 17, 1884, Rizal made an operation in the Hospital de la Princesa. What was the operation?

a. Operation on arterial veinb. Operation on the heartc. Operation on the eyesd. Operation on the tibia and fibula

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20. What does the sculptural work that Rizal started to make in April 1884 represents?

a. Wounded Soldierb. Wounded Spaniardc. Wounded Gladiatord. Wounded Leader

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Up next… AVERAGE