Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January...

Risk Managed Funds quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only


US Manufacturing & Services ISM Services ISM in Green Source: ISM, Bloomberg Time (1999 => 2015)

Transcript of Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January...

Page 1: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update

Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer27th January 2016

for professional advisers only

Page 2: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.


The objectives of this session are to explain:

• why we see echoes of 2007 & Q1 2008 in the markets

• why we are becoming less bullish on Japanese equities

• why a US ‘goldilocks’ economy is essential to support market levels

Page 3: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

US Manufacturing & Services ISM

Services ISM in Green

Source: ISM, BloombergTime (1999 => 2015)

Page 4: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

US Manufacturing ISM & recessions

ISM <45…… 13x since WW2, 11x recession

Page 5: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

US manufacturing and trade inventories/sales

Time (2006 => 2015)Source: Bloomberg, US Census Bureau

Page 6: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

US credit cycle – lending to corporates

Time (2001 => 2015)Source: Bloomberg, Fed. Reserve

Page 7: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

Barclays US High Yield spread index

Time (2006 => 2016)Source: Bloomberg, Barclays

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UK saving rate

Time (1980 => 2015)Source: Bloomberg, ONS

Page 9: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

UK Halifax Residential Prices (all dwellings, NSA)

Time (1996 => 2015)Source: Bloomberg, Lloyds

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Japanese Yen vs USD

Time (2006 => 2016)Source: Bloomberg

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10 year Japanese Gov. debt yield (%)

Time (2006 => 2016)Source: Bloomberg

Page 12: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

BoJ’s holdings in Japanese equity ETFs

Page 13: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

US Bank sector rel performance vs S&P500

Time (2014 => 2015)Source: Bloomberg, KBW

Page 14: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

Portfolio positioning

Heavy: Light:Absolute return Equities

Strategic bond Gilts

Cash Property

Source: Cornelian

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Risk Managed Funds

* The Managed Income Fund has not been rated by Distribution Technology but is managed by Cornelian to sit below upper limit of DT5. Managed Income Fund was launched on 20th March 2015 and it has not yet been included into the Defaqto Risk Targeted Fund Family. ** The investment team constructs the portfolio to ensure that the expected volatility of each fund stays below the maximum expected volatility level ascribed, in normal circumstances.*** Net of fees, over the investment cycle.

Source: Cornelian, DT, Defaqto

Page 16: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

Performance to end December 2015

Page 17: Risk Managed Funds – quarterly update Hector Kilpatrick, Chief Investment Officer 27 th January 2016 for professional advisers only.

Risk Warning


Cornelian Asset Managers Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This material is directed at professional financial advisers only.

You should remember that the value of investments and the income derived there from may fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount that you invest. Past performance is not a guide to future returns. Fund performance figures do not include any initial charge; if this is paid it will reduce performance from that shown.

Opinions expressed whether in general or both on the performance of individual securities and in a wider economic context represent the views of Cornelian Asset Managers Limited at the time of preparation. They are subject to change and should not be interpreted as investment advice. Cornelian Asset Managers Limited and connected companies, clients, directors, employees and other associates, may have a position in any security, or related financial instrument, issued by a company or organisation mentioned in this document.