Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to...

Risk Assessment and Action Plan – COVID-19 Completed by: Penny Manser Date: 22nd May 2020 Purpose of this document: This COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan document sets out the decisions taken and measures put in place to prepare for the phased re- opening of the school and ensure the school continues to operate in a safe way. The priority regarding opening the schools to Years R, 1, 6 and Nursery is the safety of the children and adults within the schools. The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored, evaluated and the risk assessment modified accordingly. This MONITOR-EVALUATE-MODIFY approach is crucial to establishing and refining a safe environment. Existing policies and guidance continue to apply alongside the actions within this document including, but not limited to: - Health and Safety Policy - First Aid Policy - Child Protection Policy - DFE Guidance relating to COVID19 - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 - The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 - Public Health England (PHE) (2017) ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’

Transcript of Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to...

Page 1: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Risk Assessment and Action Plan – COVID-19

Completed by: Penny Manser

Date: 22nd May 2020

Purpose of this document:

This COVID19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan document sets out the decisions taken and measures put in place to prepare for the phased re-

opening of the school and ensure the school continues to operate in a safe way. The priority regarding opening the schools to Years R, 1, 6 and

Nursery is the safety of the children and adults within the schools.

The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be

monitored, evaluated and the risk assessment modified accordingly. This MONITOR-EVALUATE-MODIFY approach is crucial to establishing and

refining a safe environment.

Existing policies and guidance continue to apply alongside the actions within this document including, but not limited to:

- Health and Safety Policy

- First Aid Policy

- Child Protection Policy

- DFE Guidance relating to COVID19

- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

- The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010

- Public Health England (PHE) (2017) ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’

Page 2: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Determine Capacity of School Building

Determine Staff Available to Work On-site

Liaise with Parents Regarding Intention to Return to School

Undertake Risk Assessment and Action Plan

Trust Board approval of Re-opening plans required

Share Plans with LC and Staff Make Necessary Adaptations

to Site Complete Identified Actions

Determine Remote Learning Provision

Inform Parents of Re-opening Plans and Expectations

Adopt a MONITOR-EVALUATE-MODIFY risk assessment approach to inform the stages of the

phased reopening

Steps of Re-opening Preparation:

Page 3: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Theme Control Measures Risk to Implementation Risk Level Pre-Action

Action Required / Decision Made

Action Completed Date

Risk Level Post-Action

Preparing Buildings and


Premises and utilities have been health and safety checked and building is compliant.

Water treatments

Fire alarm testing


Grass cutting

PAT testing

Fridges and freezers

Boiler/ heating servicing

Internet services

Any other statutory inspections

Insurance covers reopening arrangements

Site Manager/Premises Staff are unavailable

Site has been closed for prolonged period


Site has been partially used for a prolonged period






Temporary agreed change of working pattern for premise


Carry out a recorded full pre-opening

premises inspection.

Carry out a visual premises inspection.

Complete Legionella testing to certify the water system is safe

before the buildings are reoccupied.






Page 4: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Office spaces re-designed to allow office-based staff to work safely.

Office does not fully allow

for adequate space between staff members, no windows for ventilation other than 1

very small side window.


Office staff to work

from allocated desks within the whole office

allowing for 2m spacing. Staff working

from home until necessary. Only

essential cover on site.



Entry and exit routes to the school are in place, any physical changes and/or signage required to allow social distancing are in place. Parents and children.

Bottlenecks likely at entrance to school. Social distancing unlikely to be



2-meter markers are present on driveway.

One way system in

place to enter and exit the school. Signage in


Staggered drop off and collection times.



Consideration given to premises lettings and approach in place.

Cannot be let and

reassembled with sufficient time for cleaning in

between. Additional risk of contamination.


Lettings risk assessment


No lettings for the remainder of school




Consideration given to the arrangements for any school deliveries.

Multiple delivery drivers on

site increasing contamination risk for staff.


Bulk purchase to reduce number of deliveries to

site. Delivery drivers to leave goods in holding area. Office team to advise


Page 5: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Premises Team of delivery ready for


Large cleaning deliveries to be driven

to rear car park for offloading and staff to

maintain 2 metre distancing, where


Where not possible, disposable gloves to be worn to handle goods.


Non essential building and maintenance works

Tradesmen on site who may have been in several other locations/schools bringing

onto site potential infection.


Cancel all non essential works and maintenance until the summer break. Re-assess at this time.



Entry and exit of the building by staff

Entry pad system H Cover hand when using entry pad system if at all possible. Either way, wash hands immediately on entry to the school building or use hand sanitiser if this is not possible.

01/06/20 L

Emergency Evacuations

Evacuation routes are confirmed, and signage accurately reflects these.

NB In the event of emergency the priority is getting out of the building calmly regardless of social distancing.

Current evacuation routes would cause multiple groups

of people to come into contact.


No alternative possible, risk to life in case of fire

outweighs risk of contamination



Page 6: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Arrangements in place to support individuals with reduced mobility including cover arrangements in the case of reduced numbers of staff.

Current evacuation procedures would cause full class to line up together ie

30 children not reduced class of 15.

Absence of nominated staff



Revised evacuation procedure and share

with all staff and children.

Identify back up staff to support these children

Fire Drill walk through

on each intake of pupils





Cleaning and waste disposal

Enhanced cleaning regime is in place in line with COVID19: Cleaning in non healthcare settings guidance.


Enhanced cleaning schedule implemented

throughout the site, ensuring that contact points, worksurfaces,

door handles, taps etc. are all thoroughly

cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Hand towels and

handwash are to be checked and replaced as needed by cleaning


Enhanced cleaning regime for toilet

facilities particularly door handles, locks and

toilet flush.



Page 7: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Capacity of cleaning staff is adequate to enable enhanced cleaning regime.

Staff hours insufficient Staff absence due to illness



Mutually agree additional hours to be worked between 12

noon and 1:30 pm for additional clean down

Reallocate locations to spread the workload

across remaining staff. Deploy Premises Team

to support cleaning team, only achievable if limited staff off work.





Adequate cleaning supplies and facilities around the school are in place. Arrangements for longer-term continual supplies are also in place.

Increased risk of transmission due to:

Insufficient cleaning supplies to complete daily enhanced

cleaning schedule or/and deep clean.

Classrooms do not have


Low supply of soap.

No hand sanitiser.


Bulk order placed for cleaning supplies and


Hand sanitiser available at the school entrance

Hand sanitiser and bins in each classroom

Disposable tissues in each classroom to

implement the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach



Page 8: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Stock check and ordering schedule

reviewed and order made.

Sufficient time is available for the enhanced cleaning regime to take place.

Inadequate time to complete the enhanced regime results in increased risk of transmission


All staff advised to leave the site by 4 pm each day in order for

cleaning to be undertaken.

3 hours of deep

cleaning each day by trained cleaning team



Waste disposal process in place for potentially contaminated waste.

If not disposed of properly, increased risk of transmission.


Waste bags and containers - kept closed and stored separately from communal waste

for 72 hours

Waste collections made when the minimum

number of persons are on site ie before/after

school operating times.




The number of staff and children that can use each room at any one time has been determined according to the physical capacity of the school site. NB: up to 15 per group.

Too many staff/children in each room without some form of distancing increases risk of infection


Measure classrooms and other available rooms to assess capacity for staff and pupils


Initially Low due to

reduced pupil numbers. Increased capacity

would raise risk to M

Page 9: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Classrooms have been re-arranged to allow as much space between individuals as practical and resources and equipment reviewed. Identify any other suitable areas that can be used. Stagger break and lunch times.

See above


Desks will remain (insufficient storage elsewhere in the building) but every other desk to be used for children to work at

Chairs not in use will be stacked at the back of each classroom

Classroom layout will provide maximum social distancing. Constant review of maximum safe number in each room on a daily basis as take up incresaes.

28/05/20 Initially Low due to reduced pupil numbers. Increased capacity would raise risk to M

Classroom entry and exit routes have been determined and appropriate signage in place.

Passing in corridors, not maintaining social distancing with others could lead to increased transmission.

H Doors to classrooms to be propped open internally to avoid use of handles wherever possible and safe to do so.

Corridors divided where safe to do so.

Staggered start and finish times of year groups.



Page 10: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Appropriate resources are available within all classrooms e.g. IT, age specific resources. NB: sharing of equipment or stationery should be prevented where possible. Shared materials and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently see classroom cleaning guidance sheet

Resources which are not easily washable or wipeable have been be removed.

Information posters are displayed in every classroom, at the main entrance, places visible to those at the school gate, in the staffroom and in all toilets.

Inappropriate sized equipment for smaller

children potentially leading to injury or discomfort

Soft toys, cushions etc not easily washable risk of


Ensure sufficient posters and information visible in classrooms, communal areas, toilets etc



Move resources to each classroom according to

age range.

Store soft furnishings in designated area of each classroom and do not use.

e-Bug posters displayed: Horrid hands Super sneezes Hand hygiene Respiratory

hygiene Microbe mania







Page 11: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Phased reopening of the schools to ensure all safety measures outlined in Government guidelines can be adhered to

Full return of Yr R, 1, 6 and Nursery plus key worker and

vulnerable children

Insufficient rooms to accommodate all pupils in

groups of 15 max

Key worker group of children, across all year groups, numbers will

continue to grow as more parents return to work

If all year groups return at the same time, opportunity

to monitor the space, maintain social distancing and guidelines cannot be

safely managed and will put children and adults at risk.

Two key times create a higher level of risk, drop off and collection times where there will be the greatest number of people in key


H Survey parents to ascertain demand for

key worker places for all year groups.

Survey parents to ascertain phased return

year group take up

Identify additional accommodation options

on site

Identify additional accommodation options

off site.

Staggered entry of year groups allows time for

adjustments to be made to the school


See attached plan for each school

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Page 12: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,


Staffing numbers required for entire eligible cohort have been determined including support staff such as premises, cleaners, IT and office/admin staff.

Including at least one of the following:

Paediatric First aider

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)


Premises Manager/team member

Office staff member

Essential key staff not available to work on site from 1st June.


Staff audit to assess those available to work

on-site from 1st June

Ensure staff rota includes one staff

member, appropriately trained, from each of

these key areas.



Staff guidance on agreed strategy that will be implemented when the school reopens.

Staff are not trained with the new guidance, will not be aware of the updated procedures regarding the school day, managing risk, potentially putting themselves and others at risk.

M Virtual training on 1st June in preparation for opening. This will be

recorded for those providing childcare for

key worker and vulnerable children that


Individual school manual to be

distributed to staff with full operating guidance,

relevant links and guidance reference



27/05/20 L

Page 13: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Sharing of updated and key policies.

Refresher training for staff on safeguarding


Approach to staff absence reporting and recording in place. All staff aware.

Reporting system already in place


Existing system remains appropriate


Arrangements for staff who are working from home are in place (including those shielded, clinically vulnerable and/or living with someone in these groups). Communication arrangements are in place with those staff and their role in continuing to support the working of the school is clear. Staff wellbeing is considered. Safe, effective teams of staff

Identify those staff affected

Staff feel isolated and unvalued

Staff unsure of working

expectations and unclear means of regularly

communicating with Line Manager for essential



Staff communication/survey

to identify those affected

Remove from site staffing rota

Clear guidance on working from home


Establish regular communication with the staff member to check on wellbeing.

Ensure continued access to weekly staff meeting virtually for these staff

and email communication

/updates continue to maintain good

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Page 14: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

communication, raise and address concerns

and raise morale.

Ensure they have equipment and tools to work effectively from

home ie remote access, laptop.

Regular reminders to all staff of Staff wellbeing

support company.

Minimum staff for safe operating in teams on site at any one time.

Provides a ‘pool’ of staff clear of infection from

the building

01/06/20 29/05/20

Plans to respond to increased sickness levels are in place. Cover arrangements determined (including leaders and safeguarding designated leads) – on a weekly rather than daily basis to minimise contacts.

Insufficient staff to safely support classroom learning.

Unsafe to open

school/operate due to lack of staff in key roles on site.

Increased risk of infection

from staff working between groups of children/teams.


Identify appropriately trained staff for key


Staffing rota to share these key roles across


Teams to remain ‘fixed’ to limit movement

between groups

28/05/20 L

Page 15: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Consideration given to staff clothing expectations and information shared with staff to ensure clothes worn are easily washable on a daily basis

Clothes may have become contaminated on a previous



Staff advised they may wear casual clothes that are appropriate and in-line with the

school’s dress code but MUST be changed and

washed daily

27/05/20 L

Approaches for meetings and staff training in place.

Groups of people unable to maintain social distancing increasing risk of infection


Meetings to be held virtually via Microsoft Teams(school based

staff) or Zoom (executive team)

No on site meetings of more than 3 people to

take place but must maintain social

distancing at all times



Consideration given to staffing roles and responsibilities with regards to the continued remote provision alongside in-school provision.

Insufficient staff to ensure quality of home learning is



Staff unable to work on site will lead on home




Consideration given to the options for redeployment of staff to support the effective working of the school. If redeployment is taking place staff are aware of controls and

TA’ s may be required to lead some groups as not

enough teachers on site to cover groups of children.


School to close to all but key worker and

vulnerable children on 1st June 2020 to provide appropriate training to

all staff.

01/06/20 L

Page 16: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

processes in respect of tasks they are unfamiliar with.

Staff wellbeing

Staff become unwell due to reduced resilience as a result

of poor wellbeing.

Directly affected by family situations ie bereavement

Onset of anxiety/depression as a direct result of COVID19

H Staff are aware of available support from SAS Staff Insurance for staff including Mindfullness training, counselling and 24hr support lined manned by medical professionals. School bereavement policy shared with staff.



Arrangements for accessing testing, if and when necessary, are in place. Staff are clear on returning to work guidance.

Staff do not seek testing to confirm if positive

Staff return to work too soon

increasing risk of infection

Staff remain off work for extended period


Lost opportunity to contain infection by completing a

deep clean


Staff clearly signposted on how to access testing within the school re-opening manual Staff briefed on isolation requirements

28/05/20 L

Any staff contracts that need to be issued, extended or amended

This process has been completed

Page 17: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

considering the current situation have been.

Arrangements in place for any contractors on site, protocols and expectations shared. NB: Their employer may require them to wear PPE. This should be documented as part of the risk assessment carried out by the Contractor.

School protocols not followed placing others at



Check with the contractor any

requirements their employer has specified

before visit.

Share school protocols.



Arrangements in place for any externally employed adults delivering learning in school e.g. sports coaches, music tutors, forest school leaders. Protocols and expectations shared.

Increased risk of infection

from external tutors, coaches etc


Music lessons via Zoom or Teams.

Cancel any activities

that cannot meet amended procedures or where the tutor/coach

works in more than one location. Continually

risk assess.

Share amended procedures, obtain their assessments outlining

controls, e.g. only offering limited activities which

maintain distancing, all equipment stringently


01/06/20 M

Page 18: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Group Sizes

Class groups have been determined on the basis of small, consistent groups of children, that can remain separate from other people and groups. NB: Up to 15 pupils in any one group.

Limit spread of infection


Government Guidance followed – max group

size of 15 children



Vulnerable and critical worker group sizes determined. NB: grouped by phase or year group up to 15

Limit spread of infection


Government Guidance followed – max group

size of 15 children



Staffing allocations to groups determined, including consistency and any solutions to insufficient staffing numbers.

Limit spread of infection

Staff have appropriate training to support the

groups they will be supervising

Safe operating ratios

Staff absence



See Staffing section for response

Unable to make

allocations until Unions support their staff in

returning to work

If ratios fall below safe operating levels further risk assess to determine

if school closure is required



Social Distancing

Arrangements for social distancing in place.

Reduce potential to increase transmission of COVID19

H Staggered school drop off/pick up times and locations where possible. Staggered or limited amounts of moving around



Page 19: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

the school/ corridors Classroom layout Break and lunch times are staggered. Plans for social distancing during these times in place, such as food being delivered/collected by school staff to separate areas in disposable containers

Toilet arrangements in place.

Separation of corridors

where possible.

School to issue each child with stationery items to remain in


Page 20: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Limit collection/drop off to one parent per


Social distancing protocols

communicated to parents for drop off/collection via

separate entrance areas.

Medical emergencies to

be communicated via walkie talkie to the

office for Hatchlands and via a team member

in each group for Sandcross.

Location identified plus back up location in case of suspected COVID19

symptoms with movement to location

with minimal use of communal spaces.

Staggered times for use of copiers and shared

areas inc staff rooms, if risk assessed as safe to

do so.

Page 21: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Information shared with parents regarding pupils travelling to school, encouraging walking and avoiding public transport as much as possible.

Increased risk of transmission of COVID19

from public transport

M Share Government guidance with parents



Approach to potential breaches of social distancing in place, including in the case of repeat or deliberate breaches.

Increased risk of transmission of COVID19

M Conversations with


Risks assessments and individualised approach

in place for students who might struggle to

follow expectations



Approach to assemblies Groups of staff and children

mixing in confined spaces


Assemblies via Microsoft Teams to

maintain social distancing



Social distancing plans communicated with parents.

Increased risk of transmission of COVID19

H Clear communication of social distancing

measures given to parents in a timely

manner. Via email/letter



Maintain social distancing while people move around the building

Essential only movement to take place in the building

Some corridors are too narrow to create a flow


H Staff to use walkie talkie, email or telephones to communicate.

If movement must take

place, plan around



Page 22: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

times of the school day when children will be in


Increased cleaning of high traffic areas

Areas not in essential

use to be locked/closed for general access or


Maintaining social distancing for visitors and in main reception

H Place 2 metre markers on the floor area of

main reception.

Display notices advising visitors of social

distancing measures.

Only open far left hand window of main

reception window to a minimum when needed.

Ensure front desk area

is kept clear at all times to allow easy cleaning

with anti -bacterial cleaner after visitors

Staff to sign in visitors

Restrict times of visitors

to quiet periods, wherever possible.



Page 23: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Provide clear guidance to visitors coming into the building on hand

washing, corridor flow systems etc before

allowing access

Arrangements in place for the use of the playground, including equipment. Increased risk of

transmission of COVID19 by multiple groups of children

touching equipment

H Use of outdoor equipment to be

stopped as unable to fulfil safety measures required for cleaning. Regular reviews based

on Government guidance to take place.



Implement social distancing for staff in the administration areas of the school ie main office, copier areas

Close working proximity

Office layout/screens do not allow for 2 metre social

distancing as they current are

High traffic area with other

staff and children

High volume of use for copiers and printers

H Staff to work at one desk only. These are to be diagonally or alongside one another when occupied (not directly facing one another). Social distancing of 2 metres to be observed when moving around the office area, wherever possible. Only office based staff to be in the main office area. All other staff to remain 2 metres away from the team when entering this location.



Page 24: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Desks to be kept clear to limit shared use of resources and equipment. Ease of cleaning to desk area. Messages for children/staff to be taken once per day at 3pm only to limit movement around the building. Use of copiers/printers to be kept to essential use only. Areas touched on the copier to be wiped by user after use.

Maintain social distancing during staff breaks/lunches

Staff room can become congested

Transmission may occur due

to high use items ie water heaters, kettles,

microwaves, fridges

H Identify an outdoor location for staff to take

breaks and lunches.

Staff may prefer to return to their cars to

eat lunch.



Page 25: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Close staff room if unable to provide

sufficient space for social distancing or

transmission risk is too great (Hatchlands),

2 person ruling on use

of staff room (Sandcross) if space

allows with notices for each individual to clean

items touched immediately after use.

Staff to bring own


Encourage staff to remain on site during breaks or when not possible, maintain

social distancing while off site and observe

hand washing protocol on return.

Ensure all staff use their own pen to sign in and

out every day


Arrangements in place to provide food to children on site, including




Page 26: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

the requirement of universal free school meals.

Catering staff numbers are restricted to limit


Catering company risk assessment requires they do not leave the kitchen area to

serve meals

All catering staff shielding, unable to return to work

onsite from 1st June.


Liaise with catering team re availability to


Consider cold food options pre packaged in disposable containers.

(hatchlands) to be served in classrooms

Consider hot food

options (Sancross) to be packaged in disposable containers and cutlery and transported within

the building in hot boxes.

ALL food containers to be marked with child’s name and content for

those with known food allergies and

intolerances. Office staff to support by

ensuring catering teams are constantly updated with this information.

Catering company have contingency staffing

plans in place


Page 27: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Arrangements for the continued provision of FSMs for children not attending school are in place.

Vulnerable children may go hungry due to low income families not having enough food at home.

M Government voucher scheme.

Food parcels if required


maintained with these families to ensure no

child goes hungry



Arrangements for when and where each group will take lunch (and snack time if necessary) are in place so that children do not mix with children from other groups.

M Staggered lunches in separate locations. See each school manual for full details of timings.



Arrangements for food deliveries in place

Distribution of prepared food and fresh goods


M Sandcross – following general deliveries


Hatchlands – delivery of food to main entrance door. Maintain social distancing, premises

assistant to collect from door and distribute to

each room under guidance of office staff.




PPE requirements understood and appropriate supplies in place.

Unnecessary use of PPE reducing supplies.

H Protocol and procedure guides produced

following Government



Page 28: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Long term approach to obtaining adequate PPE supplies in place.

Inappropriate use of PPE causing injury or infection

Insufficient supplies due to

high demand

Unable to obtain further supplies of PPE

Guidelines for when PPE is required outside of

individuals normal PPE requirement in their

role. Share guides with staff.

Provide training on

wearing of PPE – masks

Training on disposal of PPE if used during a

suspected case of COVID-19

Ensure effective system

in place for notifying Line Managers when

supplies are low – before they run out


Maintain register of suppliers with stock

Response to suspected/

confirmed case of COVID19 in


Children being sent to school unwell. Parents must be informed of procedures. Child becoming ill in school

Increased risk of transmission of COVID19 or any infectious diseases to


Risk that parents are unable to be contacted to collect.

H The child to be isolated in identified room at each school (detailed

within school manual).

Parent to be called.

Ongoing but parent

communication by 29/05/20 M

Page 29: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Guidance sheet issued

to staff with full procedures for looking

after the child to be followed including PPE


Guidance sheet issued to staff with deep clean

procedures to be followed including PPE


If the child requires the toilet whilst waiting to

be collected, use a separate toilet and deep clean before

anyone else is able to use it.

On collection advise parent of isolation

guidelines for the child and family.

Request test results if

suspected COVID19. On receipt of results follow disposal procedures for

PPE used.

Request parents keep office updated on any

contact detail changes.

Page 30: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Staff becoming ill while on site

Increased risk of transmission or any

infectious disease to others

H Staff member to report to line manager or Head and go home


If symptoms of COVID19, contact

parents of children in group to be collected.

Remind parents of isolation guidance.

Amend staff rota

Ongoing But initial

communication by 29/05/20


Pupil Re-orientation

back into school after a period of closure/ being at


Approach and expectations around school uniform determined and communicated with parents.

Increased risk of transmission from clothing

M Relaxation of uniform expectations in favour

of freshly laundered clean clothes every day.

Communicated with

staggered return plans to parents.



Changes to the school day/timetables shared with parents.

Parents informed M Communicated with

staggered return plans to parents.

28/05/20 L

All students instructed to bring a water bottle each day.

Reduce risk of transmission by not sharing or moving

M Communicated with staggered return plans

to parents.

28/05/20 L

Page 31: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

around the building to obtain a drink

Plastic cups in each classroom if a child forgets their bottle.

Approach to preparing pupils for a return to academic work and new social situations is developed and shared by all teaching staff.

Bringing together pupils who have remained in school

during closure and those at home and celebrating non-academic achievements of

pupils whilst at home/ during school closure.


Daily PSHE sessions and

wellbeing lessons

Teacher’s upload information for children on what they will notice has changed when they


Ongoing Commenced



Approach to supporting wellbeing, mental health and resilience, including bereavement support is in place.

Individual families may have been directly affected by bereavement. Individuals developed anxieties related to the virus. Families with major life events during closure. Those about whom there are safeguarding concerns. Those who may have safeguarding disclosures. Those who cannot return due to shielding

H Follow guidelines from National Health and

Education Authorities.

Opportunities for children to talk.

Opportunities for 1:1

conversations. Refocussed lessons on

relevant topics ie mental wellbeing,

staying safe.

Pastoral opportunities ie positives

opportunities to renew/develop

friendships and peer groups.



Page 32: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Enriching developmental


Health and wellbeing team (Sandcross)

Transition into new year


What will need to be different

this year because of COVID19?

Ensure children receive adequate support during transition both to new classes and to secondary.

Inadequate transition can result in raised anxiety in

children and a handover that may leave them underprepared.


Usual practices to support transition

where possible.

Zoom calls between teachers after school to

discuss classes.

Close working with Early Years and

Secondary partners to support transition to

possibly include virtual tours.

29/05/20 L


Individual Children’s risk assessments are in place and welfare checks being undertaken.

Re-opening arrangements

not reflected in risk assessment.


Review risk

assessments for children to ensure they reflect any changes due

to reopening arrangements for

eligible year groups.

Continue with current monitoring/reporting of

vulnerable and non-



Page 33: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

vulnerable children not attending school.

Staff are prepared for supporting wellbeing of pupils and receiving any potential disclosures.

Unprepared staff may lead to further emotional


M Staff refresher training session on processes

and procedures and the revised wellbeing


Ensure DSL or Deputy DSL is available

01/06/20 staff refresher training


Updated Child Protection Policy in place. Other risks due to COVID19

M Adopted Temporary COVID19 Child

Protection Policy

28/05/20 L

Work with other agencies has been undertaken to support vulnerable Children and families.

M Continue partnership with Social Workers, LA

and other outside agencies.

Promote benefits to parents benefits of attending school.



Ensuring guidelines issued by Government specific to children with SEND are followed.

Children with SEND are less able to understand and/or

follow the need to keep social distance.

Children with SEND are less able to understand and/or follow handwashing and

‘catch it, bin it’ guidance and self-hygiene.

Children with SEND may be

kept at home by parents and

Liaison with the Local Authority and other

outside agencies.

Individual plans will be completed for each child to assess how

provision will be provided during closure

including access to therapy.


Page 34: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

so children will have no access to the therapy they

need to stay fit, healthy and learn well.

Children with SEND may not

be safe at home.

The changes in school may affect the mental wellbeing

of children with SEND as they can be more sensitive to changes, smells (due to

increased cleaning).


Cleaning guidance will be adhered to.

Support from outside

agencies will be sought to ensure good mental wellbeing of children

with SEND is maintained. Close

liaison with parents will be maintained.

Guidance for staff will

be provided.


Curriculum / learning


Current learning plans, revised expectations and required adjustments have been considered.

Equality of education for those in school and those at


M Throughout phased opening, Teachers and TA’s will ensure continued access to quality education for all children. Targeted health education Suggested – 5 x English sessions, 2-3 maths tasks, creative task, PSHE activities, outdoor learning.



Page 35: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Continuous review, monitoring and adapting of plans

Consideration has been given to what activity is more difficult/ not possible to be undertaken with social distancing in place?

Increased risk of transmission of COVID 19

H Risk assessment for each activity completed with activity suspended

unless risks can be mitigated.

Continue to risk assess as guidance changes.



Whole school approach to adapting curriculum (S/M/L term), including:

Wellbeing curriculum

recognising ‘non-curriculum’ learning that has been done

capturing pupil achievements/ outcomes

M staff are trained and supported in front of

classroom delivery style and aware of how best

to provide students with additional support.

Weekly zoom

celebration assembly for all achievements




Information shared with staff around the re-opening plan, returning to site, amendments to usual working patterns/practices and groups.

Staff informed and prepared


Weekly updates to staff

Individual School manual



Re-opening plans shared with Trustees.

Trust Board approval of plans and risk assessments


Trustees advised of approvals required.

Agreement to respond

and vote via email.



Page 36: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Share plans with LC once approval received

Communications with parents.

Ensure communication is sent out appropriately.

Late information leads to



Headteacher in regular contact with staff and

parents regarding planning for the school,

including sharing risk assessment information

to allow parents an informed choice.

Ongoing L


Ensure that Governance is maintained and continued across both schools

Lack of governance means Trust Board and Local Committee are not kept informed of school decisions or changes.


Headteacher in regular contact with Chair of

Local Committee.

Directors in regular contact with Chair of


Trust Board receive weekly update and meet virtually with

decision making continuing.

Local Committee meets

virtually and decision making continues.

20/05/20 L

School events, including trips

Identification of upcoming school events and decide if/how events

Group gatherings are currently not allowed under

Government guidelines.

All school trips cancelled for the foreseeable future.


Page 37: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

The following guidance documents have been used in creating this risk assessment https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-educational-and-childcare-settings-to-prepare-for-wider-opening-from-1-june-2020 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-protective-measures-in-education-and-childcare-settings https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-schools-and-other-educational-settings https://www.gov.uk/government/news/details-on-phased-wider-opening-of-schools-colleges-and-nurseries https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/closure-of-educational-settings-information-for-parents-and-carers https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5eb97e7686650c278d4496ea/working-safely-during-covid-19-offices-contact-centres-110520.pdf

can/should take place in line with Government guidelines.


Review at change of Government Guideline changes. Explore alternatives for delivering the following whilst maintaining social distancing: Sports Day Leavers assembly Transition Day New intake events Assemblies delivered via pre recorded and virtual means to those at home and in school


Page 38: Risk Assessment and Action Plan COVID-19...The risk assessment is a working document designed to create an ongoing process of risk assessment. The initial actions taken will be monitored,

Phased re-opening of the schools

Sandcross Primary School

Date Group

Mon 1st June School closed for staff training except key worker and vulnerable children

Tues 2nd June Reception children start back, Key worker and vulnerable children,

Mon 8th June Year 1 start back (+ Reception, Key worker and vulnerable)

Mon 15th June Year 6 start back (+ Reception + Year 1 + Key worker + vulnerable)

Mon 22nd June Year 5 and Nursery start back (+ Reception + Year 1 + Year 6+ Key worker + vulnerable)

Monitor – Evaluate – Modify

Hatchlands Primary School

Date Group

Mon 1st June School closed for staff training – pre planned INSET day

Tues 2nd June Key worker and vulnerable children

Mon 8th June/15th June Year 1 start back – up to 30 children (+ key worker and vulnerable children) Dependent upon risk assessment and number of children already attending

Mon 22nd June/29th June Reception start back – up to 30 children ( + Year 1+ key worker and vulnerable children) Dependent upon risk assessment and number of children already attending

Mon 29th June Increase by additional 10 places

Monitor – Evaluate – Modify. Explore options if 2nd site required

The phased re-opening of each school will be monitored and risk assessed for safety. The school will not move on to the next stage until

completely satisfied that it is safe to do so and therefore this schedule remains subject to change.