Risk assessment

Risk Detail of risk How to prevent this risk Camera/ Photos There is risk in the use of the camera and storage of my photos that they would be lost or the camera could break. Have a backup camera to use in the event of having problems with the original and keep photos backed up so there is a fall back incase they are lost. Eye strain The majority of the work for the project will involve being infront of a computer for extended periods at all stages, this may cause eye strain and headaches. Take regular small breaks away from the monitor and work in adequate light conditions at an acceptable distance from the screen. Problems with location i.e unavailabili ty/ weather A location planned for use could be unavailable when the photos are planned to be taken or the weather could make taking the photos difficult or impossible. To circumvent this I will be taking my photos mostly indoors in places that I know will always be available. Some of my images will not even have the location included when used in the magazine so this will be even more of a non-issue. Injury to actors During photoshoots there would most likely be cables around or depending on location there may be other trip or fall hazards. The safety of everyone present when photos are being taken will be always taken into account and shots will be done in clear areas with no hazards.

Transcript of Risk assessment

Page 1: Risk assessment

Risk Detail of risk How to prevent this risk

Camera/Photos There is risk in the use of the camera and storage of my photos that they would be lost or the camera could break.

Have a backup camera to use in the event of having problems with the original and keep photos backed up so there is a fall back incase they are lost.

Eye strain The majority of the work for the project will involve being infront of a computer for extended periods at all stages, this may cause eye strain and headaches.

Take regular small breaks away from the monitor and work in adequate light conditions at an acceptable distance from the screen.

Problems with location i.e unavailability/weather

A location planned for use could be unavailable when the photos are planned to be taken or the weather could make taking the photos difficult or impossible.

To circumvent this I will be taking my photos mostly indoors in places that I know will always be available. Some of my images will not even have the location included when used in the magazine so this will be even more of a non-issue.

Injury to actors During photoshoots there would most likely be cables around or depending on location there may be other trip or fall hazards.

The safety of everyone present when photos are being taken will be always taken into account and shots will be done in clear areas with no hazards.