Rise of National Socialism Germany, 1933

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Transcript of Rise of National Socialism Germany, 1933

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    ContentsDocument 1: ref FO 371/16728 2

    Learning CurveEducation Service workshops

    Rise of National Socialism

    Germany, 1933

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    Learning CurveEducation Service workshops Rise of National Socialism


    Copy of original document FO 371/16728

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    Group 1: transcript of section 1 of speech

    The world very largely still thinks that the national-socialist movement

    has seized power by force and ruthless terror in order to use this power

    brutally against its opponents in Germany. This conception is in

    contradiction to the actual course of events. Already before assuming

    power, the national-socialist movement was by far the largest and owing

    to the masses of its followers, the most influential party in parliamentary

    Germany. It was legally called upon to assume responsibility and it has

    legally consolidated its position of power in Germany. After the 30th

    January it was free to act according to its own judgment and without

    consulting the nation. It did not do so: on the contrary it consulted the

    nation, thus creating at the same time for its subsequent work of

    reconstruction the guarantees which were necessary within the

    democratic State. There was no question of applying terror and force.

    There has never before been any government in Germany which could

    claim to have realized such a large measure of agreement with the

    masses of the population as the national-socialist Government.

    The elections of the 5th

    March which gave this government an absolute

    majority, the passing of the authorisation bill in the Reichstag by an

    overwhelming majority of two thirds, clearly prove the legality of our

    action, the complete harmony between the will of the nation and that of

    the government, as well as the undoubted concurrence of the views of

    the national-socialist leadership of the State with the conceptions of the

    German nation. What reason should there have been for us to impose

    our will upon the people by force and terror if this will was already in

    complete harmony with that of the German nation? Moreover, any

    unbiased visitor of Germany must admit that this process of adjusting

    the will has not remained stationary in the months after the last election

    nor moved backwards, but that on the contrary the whole German nation

    adjusts itself to an ever increasing extent to the programme of this

    government so that if we were to appeal again to the German nationaccording to democratic rules, at least 75 to 85 per cent of the German

    nation would freely take the side of the present government.

    This must be stressed in the first place in order to create a possibility of

    understanding between the new authoritative Germany and the

    democratic world surrounding it. The nation and the government in

    Germany are one thing. The will of the people is the will of the

    government and vice versa. The modern structure of the German State

    is a higher form of democracy in which, by virtue of the peoples

    mandate, the government is exercised authoritatively while there is no

    possibility for parliamentary interference, to obliterate and render

    ineffective the execution of the nations will.

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    Group 2: transcript of section 2 of speechIt was natural that in the course of the internal reconstruction of Germany

    new methods had to be employed also in shaping public opinion. The

    great attempt to overcome the crisis in Germany could not from the very

    outset be exposed to criticism dictated by bad faith and by subversive,

    destructive intentions. This had to be avoided in view of the gravity of

    the crisis. The greatest sacrifices were made by the German nation in this

    great attempt. We took over the government in Germany at a moment

    when unemployment had reached its peak, when bolshevism stood

    threatening at the doors of the Reich and when the moral crisis of the

    German nation had already destroyed all national bonds. Can anyone be

    surprised that the national-socialist leaders have in the first place done

    their utmost to substitute a new optimism of faith for the feeling of

    despair which had seized large quarters of the German nation; that, in the

    course of this process of restoration, they sought to eliminate all elements

    which for party reasons were hostile to the great plan and its successful

    execution and were therefore bound to be highly prejudicial.

    What importance has the formal principle of an exaggerated and

    unlimited freedom of opinion, valuable only for the limited number of

    persons who actually seemed to be able to express their opinions freely

    owing to their financial or professional standard, compared to a work of

    reconstruction through which millions of men were to be reinstated in the

    process of production and by which a whole nation is moving away from

    a feeling of despair over the hopelessness of the situation towards a new

    faith? Public criticism may be a good thing for those who exercise it in

    good faith and with a pure conscience. It is a danger for the nations if it is

    merely destructive instead of being constructive. It produces devastating

    effects if it is exercised for the sake of criticism alone, paralysing and

    undermining the last possibilities of saving the nation. It could not be our

    task to give a few clever writers a chance to destroy by their criticism the

    work of regeneration, which we are carrying on in Germany. The

    German nation had on the contrary given us the mandate to make an

    ultimate attempt to save our country and to stop everything, which might

    in any way impair this effort. Perhaps other nations will sooner or later

    learn from this example that it is necessary in a period of severe crisis to

    concentrate all the forces of a nation on one single aim and that

    governments to whom the nations have given the mandate to overcome

    the crisis and not to be submerged by it must not fail on account of

    formal principles to hear the call of destiny and must not place the well-

    being of their nations at stake.

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    Group 3: transcript of section 3 of speechDuring the period of opposition the driving force of the national-socialist

    movement on its way to power was one continuous struggle with the

    problem of marxism or bolshevism; victory or defeat of one side of [sic]

    the other was therefore bound to decide also the existence or the

    destruction of one side or the other. Success has been on our side, and

    this put an end to the further existence of Marxist ideas and their party

    organisations. We believe that we have acted in the best interest of

    Europes future by erecting in Germany a solid wall against anarchy and

    chaos: we knew that if Germany were to be submerged by chaos this

    could not be stopped at the frontiers of our country but would flood the

    whole western civilization. Those who think that the methods by which

    we met the bolshevist attack were too rigorous, should, in order to get a

    just opinion on this question, remember what would have happened if the

    course of events had been the reverse, and against what dangers national-

    socialism has protected Germany and Europe.

    A political movement having the object of establishing a rule of madness

    over a whole continent, of destroying all moral and political bonds, of

    frightening the nations by fire and terror in order to seize power when

    general disorder prevails, such a movement deserves to be destroyed; and

    when the German Government preserved our nation from chaotic

    anarchy, when it excluded the antisocial leaders of such a movement

    from the community of the nation and when it is now trying to reconvert

    them in concentration camps in useful members of human society, this is

    an act of self-defence which, in view of the seriousness of the immediate

    danger, has after all been carried through most humanely.

    Any foreigner may visit German concentration camps to find out for

    himself that anything but cruelty and brutality prevail in the camps. How

    beneficial our measures have been for the security and the internal peace

    of the German nation can be gathered from the fact that they have

    restored internal peace to Germany, that the disintegration of the Germannation by its political parties has been terminated and that the stability of

    German internal and external authority is guaranteed. National-socialism,

    just like any other genuine movement of political determination, aims at

    totality. Either it is convinced that its philosophy of life and its practical

    repercussions are correct and then it cannot suffer anybody else beside it,

    or it is not convinced of this, then it does not deserve to exercise power.


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    Group 3: transcript of section 3 of speech continued

    But national-socialism has the former conviction, and out of this

    conviction it was bound to strive for a condition in which no other

    element would exist beside it which might be a serious competitor in the

    control of power. The marxist organisations having been dissolved by the

    State, the bourgeois parties dissolved out of their own initiative. Thus

    national-socialism assumed the whole power and the whole


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    Group 4: transcript of section 4 of speechWhat the world finds most difficult to understand is the fact that this

    process was carried through without friction or opposition, and that it did

    not bring about an estrangement between government and nation but led

    on the contrary to a deeper understanding between them. The multiple

    party-system has never been popular in Germany. It was not until our

    Government did away with that system that the joyful cooperation of the

    whole nation was secured. The removal of the parties was the beginning of

    an organic political and economic reconstruction of the German nation,

    which is at present taking place, whose elements are the government and

    the nation and whose sole object is to overcome the paralysing crisis, to

    provide work for the people and to give the country peace.

    It cannot be the meaning and the purpose of democracy merely to discuss

    problems, while leaving them unsolved. Democracy would be the greatest

    disaster for the nations if it were to content itself with merely declaring

    that the crisis exists without attempting at the same time to overcome it.

    This applies both to home and world policy. There can be no doubt that if

    in the past 14 years democracy had been used to execute the mandate

    received from the nations authoritatively, to the benefit and happiness of

    the latter, Europe would now probably be in a better position that it

    actually is. Those, however, who say that the peoples should govern

    themselves completely misinterpret the principle of democracy. Nations

    cannot govern themselves, and they do not want to. Their sole desire is to

    be governed well and they are happy when they can have the conviction

    that their governments are working to their best ability and conscience for

    the benefit and welfare of the nations entrusted to them. The entire

    German nation is to-day filled with this happiness. Neutral observers who

    came to Germany full of mistrust have again and again told me after a few

    days study of our internal conditions that the most striking characteristic

    of the German situation was the fact that the German nation as a whole

    was again confidently and faithfully supporting its government and that itdid not only approve of the gigantic efforts made to overcome the crisis,

    but cooperated in them wholeheartedly; that this nation, which a few

    months ago had been stricken with paralysing pessimism, had recovered

    its optimistic outlook upon life and the confidence in its own force, and

    that in spite of the depression the people were going back to work with

    optimistic faith and that that alone should be proof enough for the fact that

    the German government was on the right way.

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    Group 5: transcript of section 5 of speech

    Does anyone seriously believe that over 60 million people, a whole nation,

    which after all does not belong to the worst in the world, has been seized

    by a fit of madness, and does anyone really believe that a government in

    power could obtain the love and the sympathy of the people by force and

    terror. The reconstruction which we have undertaken with energy and

    youthful force is calculated for a long period ahead. The readjustment of

    economic conditions could not take place until the political elements of the

    crisis had been removed. It required tenacity, endurance, faith, a sense of

    national sacrifice. It would be doomed to failure if the government tried to

    carry it through without or even against the nation. If it begins to bear fruit

    already at this stage, this is due to the fact that in this reconstruction the

    will of the leaders of the State and the determination of the people are

    combining. The world however has every reason to deal honestly and

    without prejudice with this new phenomenon of State construction, whose

    only purpose is to get Germany out of the crisis by her own means and to

    relieve the world of its worries about the German situation.

    This way of constructing a State is not as undemocratic as it may appear at

    first sight. It has found a new form of cooperation between government

    and nation. Under this new system the Government receives its mandate

    from the nation, but its execution is not controlled by an conglomeration

    of political parties. This mandate is a sovereign one. And to the great

    power which it confers upon the Government corresponds the great

    measure of responsibility which the government assumes. We are not

    governing against the nation nor without the nation. We are only the

    executors of the nations will. It has been the fatal tragic-comedy of the

    former traditional democratic parties in Germany that although they

    appealed to the people, their appeal found no echo in the heart of the

    nation. These political parties preferred to make mistakes with the masses

    rather than to do the right thing against the masses. We have the courage

    to tell the people the truth, although it may be a bitter truth and we are

    happy to see that the people understands us. If true democracy means to

    lead the nations and to show them the way to work and peace, then I

    believe this true democracy has been realised in Germany against the will

    of the parties which represented only a distortion of the ideal of true


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    Group 6: transcript of section 6 of speechOne of the reproaches levelled most frequently against national-socialist

    Germany is connected with the treatment of Jews, which, it is said, is

    contrary to the laws of humanity and will therefore meet with absolute

    lack of understanding in the rest of the world. Let me say a frank word

    on this subject considering above all the fact that public opinion in the

    world is deeply moved by the Jewish question and that prejudiced reports

    often destroy from the very outset any possibility of understanding the

    new Germany. I frankly admit that in the course of the national

    revolution in Germany incidents caused by uncontrollable elements may

    have occasionally occured, but this is not decisive, particularly if one

    remembers that apart from these isolated incidents the German

    revolution, in contrast to many similar historic events, has been an act of

    discipline, of order and of authoritative leadership. The fact that we were

    opposed to Jewish predominance in Germany could well be expected to

    be generally known even before we assumed power. But it must be

    remembered that the Jews in Germany were exercising at that time a

    decisive influence on all intellectual life, that they were absolute and

    unlimited masters of the press, of literature, of the theatre and the cinema,

    and that in large cities, as for instance in Berlin, 75 per cent of all

    members of the medical and legal professions were Jews, that they made

    public opinion, exercised a decisive influence on the stock exchange and

    were the rulers of parliament and its parties. It will be understood that in

    these circumstances the action undertaken to remedy this situation was

    just as spontaneous as it was unavoidable. Is there another nation that

    would have in the long run accepted without contradiction this excessive

    influence of the Jews on its public life? By settling the Jewish problem

    legally, the German Government adopted the most humane and loyal

    method. What we do not understand, however, is that while protests are

    raised against Germanys defensive action in this field, there is on the

    other hand an unwillingness to absorb the excess Jewish populationemigrating from Germany. Moreover, it must not be overlooked that this

    question has been distorted precisely by those concerned in a manner

    which can only constitute an obstruction to its general settlement.

    Nothing is further from the intention of national-socialism that to

    exercise a cheap revenge. National-socialism would have had both the

    power and the possibility to do so. If it abstained from any such action it

    was because of its honest desire to find a real and practical solution of the

    Jewish problem, which would no doubt produce also in this respect a

    final settlement.


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    Group 6: transcript of section 6 of speech continued

    We think, however, that it is intolerable that atrocity legends spread

    abroad by Jewish emigrants, even involving the unprecedented allegation

    that members of the German Government had themselves for party

    reasons set the Reichstag on fire, could have been blindly reproduced in

    certain sections of the world press. It would not only be to the advantage

    of the German people but would also be to the benefit of the whole world

    if criticism on German events could be limited to the actual state [sic] of

    facts and if any antipathy resulting from a different philosophy of life

    could be excluded from the very outset. We in Germany have no reason

    to be afraid of the truth, but we do wish and hope that the honest struggle

    for truth be not from the very outset poisoned by almost grotesque

    allegations which collapse before any objective examination.

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    Group 7: transcript of section 7 of speechIn this connection mention must also be made of the reproach that the new

    Germany pursues a policy of intellectual expansion which was only a

    preparation for an ultimate policy of expansion by force. We have by no

    means any intention of converting national-socialism into an article for

    world export. As I have already repeatedly emphasized national-socialism

    is a typically German phenomenon which for this reason can only be

    explained from the German environment, the German character and the

    German distress. It is very nave and shortsighted to believe that we want

    to undermine and endanger other nations with this system. Apart from the

    fact that this would be contrary to all historic experience we are so busily

    engaged with German problems in the practical development of national-

    socialism that we have neither the time nor any reason to assume a more or

    less mystical world mission beyond the frontiers of our own country. We

    young Germans fully respect any other nation which organizes its internal

    life in accordance with its character and tasks. But we think we are not

    demanding too much when we wish and hope that the world should extend

    to us the same measure of respect in our endeavours to overcome the crisis

    by ourselves and for ourselves; although these efforts may follow new

    lines they are nevertheless certainly honest and not quite unsuccessful.

    We have undertaken the solution of the German problems in a sober and

    realistic spirit. It has been contrary to our character and to our mentality to

    lay these problems before the world in so far as they were caused by

    German mistakes and omissions. Only where these German problems

    come into touch with the causes of the world crisis does it become

    necessary to solve them internationally. But we believe that this

    international solution can also in the interests of other nations best be

    prepared by our own efforts wherever we are concerned.

    Does a nation which after a lost war and the most severe deteriorations of

    a moral, economic and political kind resorts to its own force, which tries in

    a tremendous effort to stop the decay, which makes every sacrifice to put

    its own house in order, which never fails in courage nor in diligence, does

    such a nation deserve the contempt and the hostile coldness of the world?

    Should not this other world, carrying the burden of its own difficulties and

    of the dark fate which the war and the post-war period have reserved for it,

    rather welcome any attempt to tackle the solution of the great problems of

    the day with new methods in order to make a contribution towards the re-

    introduction of reason and clearness in a situation of general confusion and

    intellectual disintegration?

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    Group 8: transcript of section 8 of speechWhat the young Germany has to settle with the world is solely the

    question of its national existence. In this respect Germany strives for a

    permanent solution, which does not avoid the problems but courageously

    faces them in a spirit of hard determination. The distress from which

    Europe is suffering is too great to allow anybody to overlook its causes or

    to leave any doubt as to its unavoidable consequences. That has nothing to

    do with revenge or war. It would be a good thing if these two words were

    completely eliminated from the international vocabulary. Germany has

    declared more than once that everybody, not only the vanquished but also

    the victors would be losers in a repetition of the great disaster of 1914 to

    1918. The consequences of such madness are too unthinkable for serious

    people to deal with them at all. We want to provide employment for the

    German people. We need peace more than any other country in order to

    solve our economic crisis. But to trust in Germanys peaceful intentions

    for the present merely to infer from them a readiness for war at a later

    stage, is an unfair procedure, which consists in deliberately casting

    suspicion on a great country for the mere purpose of suspicion. The

    German Chancellor went through the war as a simple lance corporal. He

    crept dozens of times through the mud of the deadly shellholes of great

    battlefields in the west. He experienced for himself more than the full

    measure of terrible moral and physical suffering, which such a dark

    disaster brings upon men. Who has the courage to doubt the honesty of

    his words when he said at Nuremberg in front of his comrades that

    Germany had never lost her honour in the war and that she therefore does

    not feel the necessity of restoring it in a war? Can anyone quote one single

    act of this Chancellor or his government, which would justify even the

    slightest suspicion of a desire for war? The whole work of reconstruction

    undertaken by the government is carried through in a spirit of peace. The

    German government wants to cooperate in restoring to Europe the

    tranquility, which the nations so ardently desire, in overcoming the

    traditional elements of crisis between the nations in order that this severely

    afflicted continent may finally begin the work of its reconstruction. It is

    not to the interest of any other nation that this Germany should

    furthermore be treated as a second-rate nation and that it should be

    deprived of the possibility of defending its territory, which is necessary for

    the safeguarding of its national security. To infer that Germany desires

    war is as shortsighted as it is discouraging in view of the fact that

    everywhere else there is no disarmament but rearmament going on.


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    Group 8: transcript of section 8 of speech continued

    But it is unjust and offensive to see that the circumstances accompanying

    the German revolution are used as arguments against Germanys claim for

    security which any German Government, whatever its composition, is

    bound to put forward not only in Germanys own interest but also in the

    interest of the whole world. While the settlement of this international

    question seems to take an excessively long time, this has not prevented us

    from undertaking the settlement of our internal political problems.

    Animated by a serious desire to achieve progress we have tackled the

    problem of unemployment, which had fallen in particular upon Germany

    as a consequence of the great world crisis. We did not wait for help from

    abroad, which we should not have deserved as long as we remained

    inactive. If two million people have again found employment in Germany,

    if the government is moreover determined to maintain them in their

    employment also during the coming winter, these millions are the living

    witnesses for the incontestable determination of the new men not only to

    hold the power but also to use it to restore to the nation happiness and


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    Group 9: transcript of section 9 of speechThat is the picture of the new Germany which we have created, looked at

    not through the spectacles of party hatred or deliberate distortion but with

    unbiased impartiality. I thought it my duty to draw this picture for you. I

    have made the truth speak for itself, because truth is the strongest ally in

    the struggle for a new idea. I have nothing to hide and nothing to colour,

    for this young Germany has no reason to fear the judgment of the world.

    When the new Germany speaks with frankness the intention is to help in

    clearing up the dull atmosphere which covers the whole of Europe. The

    new men who have come to power in Germany at such a young age have

    the conviction that only frankness can make the problems of Europe

    visible to those responsible. We shall not very much longer be able to

    hide behind traditional prejudices. The problems are too serious to suffer

    delay. The nations justly claim that their responsible statesmen should

    find a way to master the serious distress from which our poor continent is

    suffering. Europe must set to work unless it is willing to give up its

    position as the oldest cultural centre of the world and to allow itself to be

    submerged by chaos. Germany seriously desires impartially to cooperate

    in the solution of the great problems to the best of her ability. We have

    come to Geneva with a desire to help in tackling these problems in a

    spirit of manly honesty. We cannot and will not give up the hope that an

    understanding is possible if each considers the other as an honest partner

    and if all together are willing to guarantee a permanent state of peace and

    general welfare. This, however, is incompatible with the wish to deprive

    a nation of the air which it needs to breathe freely and to divide the world

    in all eternity into victors and vanquished.

    What can the young Germany offer to the world?

    The young Germany guarantees stability at home with a firm central

    power which is capable of and ready to negotiate. It has eliminated from

    its country the bolshevist inflammable material which threatened the

    whole of Europe, and has united in a uniform and determineddevelopment of its will.

    In the clash between the national and the communist conception it has

    definitely taken the side of firmness and clarity. The wall which we have

    erected against anarchy is indestructible.

    This Germany cannot sign unfulfillable treaties. But when it does sign

    treaties because they are fulfillable it is determined to respect them. This

    Germany is an honest partner in the safeguarding of the interests of the

    world if she receives and preserves the right to honour and the right to

    her daily bread.


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    Group 9: transcript of section 9 of speech continued

    This Germany is no longer a centre of permanent unrest nor an

    experimental ground for destructive ideologies or anticultural

    experiments. This Germany is a centre of order and secured authority.

    The German nation itself however is far from any political resentment. It

    considers questions of international policy soberly, objectively and

    without prejudice. It is ready and determined to cooperate in the solution

    of the great crisis to the best of its ability. Just as it considers all other

    nations and their difficulties with sincere sympathy and understanding it

    hopes and wishes that the world will also endeavour to understand

    Germany and not to allow overheated passions to blind it to the true

    reality of things.