Our Mission is to culvate and spread the posive energy of Jesus Christs self-giving love through hospitality, learning, service, prayer, and worship. RISE & SHINE! 147 Campbell Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Parish Administrator: Patricia Hayes Organist: Ellen Schutt Rise & Shine editor: Jane Colgrove Vestry: Regina Huneke, Senior Warden; Dottie Lotten, Junior Warden; Sharron Friedlander, Mary Pat Gannon, John Lasek, Fritz Weinrich February & March 2017 Volume 12, Issue 6 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION The Rev. Christina van Liew Rectors Reflections Dear Resurrection People, Our mission is to cultivate and spread the positive energy of Jesus Christs self-giving love through hospitality, learning, service, prayer, and worship. The images this statement invokes are crucial to our self-understanding as a Church. We are claiming the positive power of Christ over the worldly powers of dominance, obsessive control, fear and hate. We do this by remembering Christ among us. To re-memberis to reassemble the members, to recreate a whole out of its parts. Je- sus is telling us this is what we are to do in his Words of Institution “… whenever you eat this bread and drink this wine, do it to remember me. In the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist we are literally and spiritually re- connecting with God, ourselves and others. Fed by this Sacrament, we are empowered to be Christs self-giving love in all we do, specifically how we welcome people from our front door to the undercroft, from the office to the Thrift Shop. Its not necessary to like everyone, just to treat them with dignity and respect, if not a warm smile. We are inspired by Gods love to open our minds and hearts to learn, to share our reflec- tions and insights, and to grow in our ability to take the Gospel into our daily lives. We serve each other, this Church, our community and our (continued on page 3) New Life in God’s Love Introducing our new Parish Administrator: Patricia (Patty) Hayes Patty comes to us with extensive experience in marketing, coordinating calendars and logistics, people skills, data coordination, creating and updating materials, website and social media, and vast computer skills. Her executive skills readily translate to our setting with a warm personality and utmost appreciation of volunteer dedication to ministry. She lives in Stewart Manor with her husband Joe and two children, Maggie, 14 and Catherine 11. For fun she enjoys planning her next trip, both near and far. She worships at St. Annes Church in Garden City. On Sunday February 19 we will welcome her and her family at the 10:00 service. Patty will begin working on Monday, February 13th. Stop by the office and say Hello!

Transcript of RISE & SHINE!

Page 1: RISE & SHINE!

Our Mission is to cultivate and spread the positive energy of Jesus Christ’s self-giving love through

hospitality, learning, service, prayer, and worship.

RISE & SHINE! 147 Campbell Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596

Parish Administrator: Patricia Hayes

Organist: Ellen Schutt

Rise & Shine editor: Jane Colgrove

Vestry: Regina Huneke, Senior Warden; Dottie Lotten, Junior Warden; Sharron Friedlander, Mary Pat Gannon, John Lasek, Fritz Weinrich

February & March 2017 Volume 12, Issue 6


RESURRECTION The Rev. Christina van Liew

Rector’s Reflections

Dear Resurrection People,

Our mission is to cultivate and spread the positive energy of Jesus Christ’s self-giving love through hospitality, learning, service, prayer, and worship.

The images this statement invokes are crucial to our self-understanding as a Church. We are claiming the positive power of Christ over the worldly powers of dominance, obsessive control, fear and hate. We do this by remembering Christ among us. To “re-member” is to reassemble the members, to recreate a whole out of its parts. Je-sus is telling us this is what we are to do in his Words of Institution “… whenever you eat this bread and drink this wine, do it to remember me.” In the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist we are literally and spiritually re-connecting with God, ourselves and others.

Fed by this Sacrament, we are empowered to be Christ’s self-giving love in all we do, specifically how we welcome people from our front door to the undercroft, from the office to the Thrift Shop. It’s not necessary to like everyone, just to treat them with dignity and respect, if not a warm smile. We are inspired by God’s love to open our minds and hearts to learn, to share our reflec-tions and insights, and to grow in our ability to take the Gospel into our daily lives. We serve each other, this Church, our community and our

(continued on page 3)

New Life in God’s Love

Introducing our new Parish Administrator:

Patricia (Patty) Hayes

Patty comes to us with extensive experience in marketing, coordinating calendars and logistics, people skills, data coordination, creating and updating materials, website and social media, and vast computer skills. Her executive skills readily translate to our setting with a warm personality and utmost appreciation of volunteer dedication to ministry. She lives in Stewart Manor with her husband Joe and two children, Maggie, 14 and Catherine 11. For fun she enjoys planning her next trip, both near and far. She worships at St. Anne’s Church in Garden City.

On Sunday February 19 we will welcome her and her family at the 10:00 service. Patty will begin working on Monday, February 13th. Stop by the office and say Hello!

Page 2: RISE & SHINE!


Dear Friends,

As we begin anew following our Annual Parish Meeting with a new Vestry and renewed commitment, our minds turn to the season of Lent.

If you are anything like me, you have entered this blessed season in the past with a serious commitment to prayer, fasting, reflection on Scripture and other spiritual practices. But how do we maintain this commitment throughout the Lenten season? I have been thinking about this for myself and wondering how I might make this Lent more meaningful. Allow me to share some of the results of my musings.

One of the things I've decided to do is to "adopt" a prayer partner: someone with whom I will pray at the same time every day during Lent. I've also decided to participate in the Lenten series at the Cathedral based on Richard Rohr's book "Breathing Under Water". Holy Week services at Resurrection are a highlight for me and enable me to enter into the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus in an extraordinarily meaningful way.

I pray for each of us that we find our own individual path to a very special Lenten season. May we all find our personal journey through this beautiful season so that we can rejoice together in the glory of Easter.

Thanks be to God,


Words from our Warden

VESTRY VIBES Meeting January 15, 2017

Parish Administrator job description in the


Donald & Jane retiring from Vestry. Tim to resign due to job pressures. Mary Pat will run for re-election. John Lasek & Fritz Weinrich will run for election. Dottie will run for Jr. Wdn.

Snow removal—Matteo Bros. will do so.

Bell tower stairwell ceiling work completed.

Attic window in Rectory to be repaired in the spring.

Energy efficient windows for all church win-dows will be investigated with estimates in the spring.

Scout Sunday 1/29; Don to provide Coffee Hour.

Want additional information— see minutes in Office file.

Page 3: RISE & SHINE!


(Rector’s Reflections continued from page 1)

Diocese in many ways: the Thrift Shop, collect-ing and giving food and clothing, contributing to the weekly needs of worship and parish life, and caring for the properties, bringing goodies to coffee hour and suppers, counting the mon-ey each Sunday, keeping our garden and prop-erties in great shape, etc.

We have always been people of prayer. What’s new is a growing trust in God to answer our prayers according to God’s will, which means growing in trust, faith and hope. We also have grown in the number of people who are culti-vating the deep prayers of contemplation that bring us into the silence of listening to God. This is the most powerful way we humans have of growing in faith, in the image of Christ as we are each uniquely created to be, and col-lectively discerning God’s will for us as individ-uals and as a church. Worship is the heart of this parish. We treasure these opportunities to offer ourselves to God and receive God’s for-giveness and benediction. We leave renewed in resurrection hope, and it shows in how we live our daily lives.

If this is news to you and you want what some of us have, come more often. If this is what you experience and yet you know others who are still seeking what we have, bring them to something—anything we offer here, for surely Christ’s positive, self-giving love will shine through us in all things and all occasions where we gather as Resurrection.




Led by: Dean Sniffen (Cathedral of the Incarnation)

Location: Mercer School of Theology

Wednesdays, March 8th-March 29th, 2017

7pm to 9pm

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is America's most significant and authentic contribution to the history of spirituality, says Richard Rohr. He makes a case that the Twelve Steps relate well to Christian teaching and can rescue people who are drowning in addiction and may not even realize it. To survive the tidal wave of compulsive behavior and addiction, Christians must learn to breathe under water and discover God's love and compassion. In this exploration of Twelve Step spirituality, Rohr identifies the Christian principles in the Twelve Steps and connects them with the Gospel. This series, offered during the weeks of Lent is appropriate for all and offers Twelve Step spirituality as a way to engage the life of faith more deeply wherever you are on life's journey.

NOTE: the editor has ordered 4 books.

2 are already spoken for—2 are available. $11.00 each.



Thank you all who participated in this alternative opportunity. Life is enriched by trying new things taking risks, and letting go of the results, even when they are not what we hoped. It's all good.

Do you receive

your Rise & Shine by mail?

A donation of $5 would help cover

mailing expenses for one year.

Thank you for your consideration.

If you would like to discontinue

receiving our newsletter,

please let us know.

Rise & Shine is

available on our website:


Page 4: RISE & SHINE!


Hello animal lovers,

Going to a veterinary hospital for our pets can be traumatic and sometimes expensive. Here are some basic things to be aware

of for your dog.

If you are bringing a healthy pet for their annual vaccinations and check up it is important to do your homework. There are many vaccines for dogs that your vet might suggest you give to them. Look up on the internet for what vaccine and tests your dog would need. For example, a rabies vaccine is required by law and if you have a pet that could bite someone, this is very important. Or if your pet gets bitten by another animal at least you know he is protected. The basic distemper, parvovirus combination vaccines are very important. Many puppies and dogs are adopted from our local shelters and unfortunately may be already exposed to some of these illnesses; they can spread through contact or even just walking your dog where another dog has eliminated. Leptospirosis is a disease that is transmitted mostly by urine, so if a squirrel or another animal eliminated and your dog just walks through a puddle where the infected urine was he can be exposed, making them very sick. It is also one of the diseases that we can get. So this is another vaccine that might be needed.

If you board your dog, or go to a dog park, then a kennel cough and canine flu vaccine would give them extra protection. If you are in an area where there are lots of ticks during the warm months then a Lyme vaccine would be worth it. I have seen a lot of dogs test positive for Lyme and other tick borne diseases.

Did you know that your dog can get bitten by mosquitoes just like us and that there is a parasite that can cause worms to grow in the heart? There is a prevention that you can give that prevents the disease from living inside your dog. It used to be a daily pill but now it is a monthly one. There is even a monthly heartworm prevention that you just put on the back of your dogs neck and it also protects against fleas and ear mites and some mange mites. Don't forget to bring a stool sample, you would be surprised how many parasites our pets are

exposed to. Most of them are microscopic and we never know they are there.

When you do go to the vet it's important to communicate with them so they can tell you what is needed and is not needed. Make a list before you go of all your questions and concerns. Well, if you have any questions don't hesi-tate to ask. Next month we will focus on our feline friends.

Happy Valentines Day!

Reflections on Ash Wednesday

“Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It is a somber day of reflection on what needs to change in our lives if we are to be fully Christians. It was not always the way we know it today. Ashes marked on the forehead of worshippers were not given to everyone, but only to the public penitents who were brought be-fore the church. Much like Hester Prynne bearing her scarlet letter, these open and notorious sinners were marked publicly with the sign of their disgrace.

As time went on, others began to show their humility and their affection for the penitents by asking that they, too, be marked as sinners. Finally, the number of peni-tents grew so large that the imposition of ashes was extended to the whole congregation in services similar to those that are observed in many Christian churches on Ash Wednesday.

We who will bear the ashes upon our foreheads stand with those whose sins may be more public, but not, according to the Scriptures, more grievous to the heart of God. And so we make our confessions. . . . If you only knew the secrets of my heart, if you only knew the sins that I am capable of contemplating, if you only knew some of the schemes I have considered – and of course God does know – then you would know that I, too, am a sinner.

Ashes are signs that we are all in this sin business together, and that the difference between the good in us and the bad in us is sometimes frightfully thin. We so often fall short of the Faith we claim. We have treated people as things and we have treated things as if they were valuable people. And so we look into our hearts and make the ancient prayer of one no-torious sinner our own: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10; see Psalm 51 and the Language of Transformation).

Lent is a season that reminds us to repent and get our lives centered, our priorities straight, and our hearts clean.

(continued on page 5, column 3, 2nd article)

Page 5: RISE & SHINE!



Thursdays 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Saturdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm



10:00 am Wednesdays

CELTIC MINI MASS Sunday evenings

5:30 pm Come as you are 6:00 pm Go in peace

DISCONTINUED Thank you to all who participated in

this alternate worship.


Please sign up in undercroft!

No big deal! Ruth Hanshe

puts up the coffee pots— set up easy—

just a couple of snacks will do!

Once every six weeks or so would be great!


February 19 Marge Mahoney 28 Liz Weinrich Carmela Montalbano March 6 Irene Genovese 13 Meri Halem

FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARY 15 Tim & Steve Frazer-Talan

(continued from page 4 ASH WEDNESDAY)

This holy season offers us a new chance to say, "yes" to the Lover of our Souls who created us, who made us in his own image. Lent is the time for a restoration project that will reveal the beauty of God’s design for us, showing once again the scale, proportion, and priorities intended by our Maker.

Further, Lent is a season of hope and with ashes on our foreheads and hope in our hearts, we go forth to love and serve. For by God’s grace in Christ, we do not have to stay the way we are.”

-Stuart Malloy, Copyright © 2015, Christian Resource Institute

All Rights Reserved - See Copyright and User Information Notice


Reminder—no flowers during Lent

except March 26, Rose Sunday

February 1st, with

our Bishop,

clergy and

friends standing

up for Justice at

Foley Square,

5:30 pm.


Wednesday, February 22nd 11 am & 7 pm

Please let Mother Christina know if you will be attending the evening session.

Experience The Journey from Head to

Heart (all are welcome)

Note: There will be no BLOOMERS during Lent.

Mary Damon will not be returning to us at Resurrection. Her last hospitalization was a convincer. She realizes that she can no longer live alone. Her two sons, Bruce and Gary, are with her now preparing her house to be sold, and packing Mary up to move to Florida with Bruce in a few weeks.

224 Columbus Parkway Mineola NY 11501

516 747-4844 Phone calls, cards and notes would be welcome. If you would like to visit, please call first.

Mary with Irene at the Christmas Dinner

Our Marie, now retired, is in Florida with her granddaughter for one month. Our hope is that she is receiving as much sunshine as she has given us over these 50 years! She will be back home the first week in March—just in time to prepare for her Retirement Party Day on Sunday, March 26th, during worship and catered luncheon following.

See flyer enclosed in this issue to sign up for the luncheon.

Palm Sunday April 9th Easter Sunday April 16

Page 6: RISE & SHINE!



January 29, 2017

Scouts presented colors, pledged allegiance to the

Flag, and were

seated in the front

row with their

Scout Leaders. At

Prayers of the

People, the Scouts

recited the Scout

Promise. Mother


presented prayer shawls to Leaders Sean Stone

and Cathy Carr. Time to receive Communion,

Scouts pre-

sented the


and offer-

ings from

the people.


Josling, a forever Scout,

provided a wonderful lite

luncheon following

worship. A joyful time was

had by all!


Regina Huneke - Senior Warden 2018

Dorothy Lotten - Junior Warden 2019

John Lasek - 2018

Sharron Friedlander - 2019 Treasurer

Mary Pat Gannon - 2020

Fritz Weinrich - 2020

Clerk - to be determined

Convention Delegate and Alternate - to be determined

Commissioning of the new Vestry will take place on February 19th, during Worship. It will hold its first

meeting on the 19th at 11:30 in the Library.

The Season of Lent

“Originating in the fourth century of the church, the season of Lent spans 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday and climaxing during Holy Week with Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Good Friday, and concluding Saturday before Easter.

Today, Lent is marked by a time of prayer and preparation to celebrate Easter. Since Sundays celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays that occur during Lent are not counted as part of the 40 days of Lent, and are referred to as the Sundays in Lent. The number 40 is connected with many biblical events, but especially with the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for His ministry by facing the temptations that could lead him to abandon his mission and calling. Christians today use this period of time for introspection, self examination, and repentance. This season of the year is equal only to the Season of Advent in importance in the Christian year, and is part of the second major grouping of Christian festivals and sacred time that includes Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost.

Lent has traditionally been marked by penitential pray-er, fasting, and almsgiving. Some traditions focus on charitable deeds, especially helping those in physical need with food and clothing, or simply the giving of money to charities. Most Christian churches that ob-serve Lent at all focus on it as a time of prayer, especial-ly penance, repenting for failures and sin as a way to focus on the need for God’s grace. It is really a prepara-tion to celebrate God’s marvelous redemption at Easter, and the resurrected life that we live, and hope for, as Christians.”

Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2015, Dennis Bratcher - All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2015, CRI / Voice, Institute

Page 7: RISE & SHINE!


HOLY EUCHARIST - Sunday 10am

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER - Wednesday 9:30-9:50am HEALING EUCHARIST - Wednesday 10:00am



THRIFT SHOP - Thursday 9:30-1 and Saturday 10-2

12 Epiphany 6 HE

Dean Fiorillo Day Coffee Hour

13 14 15 CP



Thrift Shop


O.A. 7:30 pm

17 18 Thrift Shop

19 Epiphany 7 HE

Commissioning of new Vestry


20 21 22 CP


BLOOMERS 11 am; 7 pm


Thrift Shop


Cubs 6:30 pm

24 25 Thrift Shop

26 Last Epiphany The Transfiguration

HE Discretionary Fund


Coffee Hour

27 28 March 1 ASH WEDNESDAY

10 am 7 pm


Thrift Shop


Cubs 6:30 pm


Scouts 7:30 pm

4 Thrift Shop

5 Lent 1 HE

Coffee Hour

6 7 8 CP


Cathedral Breathing Under Water

7-9 pm

9 Thrift Shop


10 11 Thrift Shop

12 Lent 2 HE

Intro to EMLI Appeal Coffee Hour

Thrift Shop Meeting

13 14 15 CP


Cathedral Breathing Under Water

7-9 pm

16 Thrift Shop


Cubs 6:30 pm O.A. 7:30 pm

17 18 Thrift Shop

19 Lent 3 HE

EMLI Commitment Coffee Hour


20 21 22 CP


Cathedral Breathing Under Water

7-9 pm

O.A. 7:30 pm JAMBOREE

23 Thrift Shop


24 25 Thrift Shop

26 Lent 4 HE

EMLI Completion Discretionary Fund


Marie Callahan Day Celebration Luncheon

27 28 29 CP MP

Cathedral Breathing Under Water

7-9 pm

30 Thrift Shop

31 APRIL 1 Thrift Shop


Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

CvL away Spiritual Direction (graduates 4/2) home 4/3

Page 8: RISE & SHINE!


Office Hours: 9am-1pm, Mon-Thu Telephone: 516 746-5527 Email: [email protected] Fax: 516 741-2949 Web: www.resurrectionwillistonpark.org


R E S U R R E C T I O N 147 Campbell Avenue

Williston Park NY 11596




Epiphany 6 12-Feb 10am Karen Dottie John vL Meri Sharron Marge

Epiphany 7 19-Feb 10am Don Karen John L Joan Don Jane

Last Epiphany 26-Feb 10am Carol Jane Robert Dottie Jane Mary Pat

Ash Wednesday

1-Mar 10am &


Lent 1 5-Mar 10am Carol Karen Meri John vL Carol Marge

Lent 2 12-Mar 10am Karen Don Joan John L Don Gina

Lent 3 19-Mar 10am Don Joan Dottie Robert Mary Pat Sharron

Lent 4 26-Mar 10am Jane Dottie John vL Meri Jane Gina