Right brain or Left brain


Transcript of Right brain or Left brain

Page 1: Right brain or Left brain

Do You Use Your Right Brain or Left Brain? UNDERSTAND YOUR DOMINANT MODALITY


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Lesson One: Introduction to Brain Preference

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Scientifically speaking… In general, the left hemisphere is dominant in language: processing what you hear and handling most of the duties of speaking. It's also in charge of carrying out logic and exact mathematical computations. When you need to retrieve a fact, your left brain pulls it from your memory.

The right hemisphere is mainly in charge of spatial abilities, facial recognition and processing music. It performs some math, but only rough estimations and comparisons. The brain's right side also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see. It plays a role in language, particularly in interpreting context and a person's tone.

As for whether a person is right-brained or left-brained or even right-handed or left-handed, the uses and preferences of the brain's two sections are far more complex than just a simple left vs. right equation. For example, some people throw a ball with the right hand but write with the left.

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Time To Test Your Brain! 1. Teachers- Pass out the Brain Preference Indicator Test. 2. Students- For each item, circle the answer

that best describes you. Don’t over analyze it. Go with what “feels” right.

3. Score your quiz using the provided guide.

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End of Lesson OneBe sure to bring your results next week to discuss how you can use

your dominant hemisphere to study more effectively.

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Lesson 2: Using Your Brain Preference to Advantage

Do you remember your results from last week?

Here’s another quick quiz to test your dominant brain hemisphere.

You’ll need a piece of scratch paper and a pen or pencil. For each choice, simply write A or B.

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Recap From Last Week(Click in the black box to play the video)

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Interpreting Your Results Your score from each week may have indicated you have a strong preference for one side of your brain. If the results were in conflict, then you may already be good at accessing both hemispheres of your brain!

Now let’s talk about the characteristics of left brain and right brain dominant students and how you can use these results to help you study more effectively.

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Left Brain Dominant Students * You probably work with a daily task list

* You like to be the critic in class

* You feel you're naturally good at math or science

* You are rational and logical

* Your research is precise and well-documented

* You set goals for yourself

* You can interpret information well

* Your room is tidy Continued on next slide…

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Left Brain Dominant Students * You can answer questions spontaneously

* You follow directions and you do read directions (unlike some people)

* You aren't touchy-feely

* You can listen to a long lecture without losing patience

* You don’t let feelings get in your way

* You like action movies

* You read sitting up

* Your words are precise

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Right Brain Dominant Students * You take notes but lose them. * You may have a hard time keeping track of your research.

* You might have a hard time making up your mind.

* You are good with people. * You don't fall for practical jokes as easily as some.

* You seem dreamy, but you're really deep in thought.

* People may have told you you're psychic. * You like to write fiction, draw, or play music.

* You might be athletic. * You like mystery stories. * You take time to ponder and you think there are two sides to every story.

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Right Brain Dominant Students * You may lose track of time. * You are spontaneous. * You’re fun and witty. * You may find it hard to follow verbal directions.

* You are unpredictable. * You get lost.

* You are emotional. * You don't like reading directions. * You may listen to music while studying. * You read lying down. * You may be interested in “the unexplained.”

* You are philosophical.

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Suggestions for Left Brain Dominant Students

Study in a quiet room. Read chapter headings first; then absorb; then read text.

Take the lead when in a study group.

Join a debate team or academic competition.

Participate in scholarly competitions.

Challenge yourself with math puzzles

Choose non-fiction for your book reports.

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Suggestions for Left Brain Dominant Students

Number your class notes and keep them in order

Color code your notebooks. Don’t argue with the teacher too much—you tend to try to correct others!

Choose to do analytical essays when you have a choice.

Work alone when you have a choice. You get frustrated with others who “clown around.”

Predict possible essay questions and practice.

Take more risks. Don’t be afraid to be creative!

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Suggestions for Right Brain Dominant Students

When you have a choice, pick personal essay assignments.

Watch your daydreaming; keep it under control.

Let your imagination work for you in the arts.

Go with your gut. It’s usually right.

Let your deep thinking work for you during essay tests, but don’t ponder too long.

Be creative with essays. You can use colorful language well.

Use images and charts when you study. Write down directions. You’ll forget otherwise.

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Suggestions for Right Brain Dominant Students

Make an organizational plan and stick to it.

Choose fiction for book reports. You tell stories well, so write some!

Put information into categories for better understanding.

Avoid getting bogged down by thinking of all possibilities when answering questions.

Finish things! You have so much talent that you don’t always complete things.

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End of Lesson Two!