Rife Session

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  • 7/25/2019 Rife Session


    Dr. Nenah Sylvers

    How To Give Yourself

    a Rife Session

    (from Chapter 4)

    excerpted from:

    The Rife Handbookof Frequency Therapy,with a Holistic Health Primer

    2009 by Nenah Sylver, PhD


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    Part I. The Basics

    1. Study the contraindications.Protocols for this tech-

    nology may need to be modified, or this technology

    may be contraindicated entirely, if you have a heartcondition, are wearing a pacemaker, are pregnant,

    are nursing, have blood clots, are taking strong

    medications such as chemo, are wearing metal

    implants or stents, have breast implants, or are

    especially sensitive to radio frequency (RF) or other

    electromagnetic radiation.

    2. Make sure your immune response is working cor-

    rectly and that your organs of elimination and

    detoxification are reasonably clear.You may expect

    to experience die-off symptoms as the pathogens

    are disabled or killed. Organs of waste processing

    and disposal include the colon, kidneys, liver, lungs,and lymph. If these become overloaded, waste

    materials may exit through the skin. If you have

    any questions about your ability to detoxify easily,

    consult a health practitioner.

    3. Read the operators manual and run the unit

    through all of its steps to make sure its working.

    If you have any questions about the assembly or

    operation of the unit, check with the vendor. Also,

    make sure the unit is plugged into the wall and

    turned on. If using a power strip (highly recom-

    mended), make sure that the power strip is plugged

    into the wall and turned on. Its surprising how

    many people forget to plug in or turn on the unit,

    and then panic because they think their device is

    not working.

    4. Write down a complete health history, listing all

    your symptoms.This includes acute (recent-onset)

    and chronic (longstanding) conditions, as well as

    conditions youve had for so long, youve resigned

    yourself to them as inevitable or unimportant.

    Lingering symptoms can provide clues as to which

    frequencies are most needed, since some pathogens

    can linger in the body for years, and conditions not

    treated immediately can escalate into other disease

    categories. You dont have to suffer! Visualize, and

    expect, the best possible results. This will help you

    devise the best wellness protocol. It will also help

    stimulate your immune cells.

    5. Obtain a medical diagnosis, if possible.It can be

    helpful (though it is not mandatory) to have a diag-

    nosis from a medical doctor. However, sometimes

    a doctor does not order all the necessary tests, or

    misreads the results of those tests that are done.

    Also, your doctor does not live in your body. Your

    own research, common sense and intuition may

    be as good as, or even better than, a professional


    6. Look up the frequencies for your condition and/or

    relevant microbes, and write them down.To select

    the best and most relevant frequencies:

    l If you have a diagnosis or already know whats

    ailing you, learn about your condition from a

    medical textbook or on the Internet. Diseases are

    usually named according to either the microbe

    involved, the body part thats affected, or symp-

    toms. Be aware that sometimes the same disease

    has different names, particularly among different

    countries. If you do not have a diagnosis, make

    a list of every disease to which your condition is


    l Write down every body part that is affected by

    the condition, and in what way.

    l Write down which symptoms are the most severe

    or dangerous, and which therefore require pri-

    ority attention.

    l Since some frequencies work for a wide range

    of ailments, dont dismiss using a particular

    frequency just because you have only a few of

    many symptoms. Also, be aware that microbes

    are involved in many degenerative conditions,

    including ulcers, Multiple Sclerosis, kidney stones,and even fibromyalgia. Rifing for one condition

    may help other conditions that you wouldnt

    have thought were relatedwhich means that

    the same microorganisms are implicated in many

    disease pictures.

    l Consider other options. For example, someone

    medically diagnosed with a brain tumor got no

    results using frequencies for brain tumors. But

    when she tried frequencies for meningitis and

    encephalitis (both also disorders of the brain),

    she reversed her symptoms.

    7. Program the frequencies into the unit. If your

    machine is very powerful, use each frequency for 2

    to 3 minutes. If your machine is not very powerful,

    if youre using a pad device, and/or if you need a

    particular frequency a great deal, program that

    number to run 10 minutes or longer.

    8. Use the gate and sweep functions if your machine

    has them.Both the body and microbes can become

    resistant to a steady unwavering signal, soif the

    A Short Course on How to Give Yourself a Rife Session

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    wave form is not specially configured to penetrate

    the bodymost devices have ways to bypass this


    l Gatingputs a sharp point or spike onto a square

    wave, which drives the wave more suddenly and

    forcefully into the body without harming the

    human or animal host. This feature enhances

    the penetration power of the frequencies, to

    compensate for the possible resistance of the

    pathogens and the body to the signal.

    l Sweepingintroduces one or more extra frequen-

    cies on either side of the main signal or target

    frequency, to ensure that you are targeting all of

    the microbes and to compensate for any varia-

    tions in the Mortal Oscillatory Rate. By sweeping,

    any stray microbes oscillating outside of the

    normal range will be caught.

    l Converging is a type of fancy sweep that strad-dles the main frequency. With 2004 as the main

    or target frequency, here is an example of a

    converge: 2002, 2006, 2003, 2005, 2004. The

    frequencies around the target frequency are

    covered; and they are also administered in an

    asymmetrical way to prevent the microbes from

    easily adapting. Some experienced rifers feel that

    doing a convergent group of frequencies may

    be more effective than administering straight

    frequencies or even sweeping.

    9. To maximize your rifing experience:

    l Before your session, eat lightly rather than a largemeal, as the microbial die-off might make you

    feel nauseated.

    l Dress in loose-fitting clothes to encourage


    l Keep the room at a comfortable temperature,

    with a blanket nearby.

    l Place your frequency device at the proper location

    and distance from you. Consult the manufacturer

    if youre not sure where to put the machine.

    l Remove all jewelry and metal if youre using a

    contact device.

    l Sit or (preferably) lie down.

    l Dim the lights.

    l Drink water during and immediately after the


    l Dont engage in stressful activity, as your body

    needs this time to heal. If you watch TV or a

    movie, make sure its uplifting and not depressing.

    Media depicting violence and unethical behavior

    weaken the immune response. Media depicting

    caring relationships and positive situations (where

    the characters take charge of their own lives)

    strengthen the immune response.

    l Try not to use the machine after about 4:00 p.m.

    Sometimes, people find that the energy from

    rifing keeps them awakeand in any case, eve-

    ning is a time to prepare for sleep. Also, drinking

    is required during and after rifing. If you drink

    just before going to bed, youll have to interrupt

    your sleep to get up to use the toilet. And if you

    rife without drinking, you may have a headache

    or experience other unpleasant reactions the

    next morning.

    10. For conditions that are very serious or life-threat-

    ening, including cancer and Lyme:These require

    an aggressive approach. The following are general

    guidelines only. Consult a health care practitioner

    and listen to your body.

    l Spend from 1 to 2 hours for each session.

    Cancer and other rapidly degenerative diseases

    generally require 2 long sessions per day. If you

    have Lyme, you may require some time off so your

    body can eliminate the debris.

    l People generally run each frequency for about 3

    minutes, depending on the power of the unit as

    well as their condition. Sometimes a frequency

    needs to be run for 5, 15, 30 or even 60 minutes.

    Some rifers have used a single frequency for 1

    to 2 hours and gotten excellent results. Again, it

    depends on your situation.

    l If you have too many frequencies to fit into 3 or

    4 hours per day, create two days of programming

    and alternate the programs every other day.

    l If you feel a lot worse after a session, this may

    indicate a detoxification reaction to the microbial

    die-off. Try to continue with the sessions unless

    your system becomes too overloaded with waste


    l Even after they are feeling better, most people

    give themselves at least one session per day for

    about 4 to 6 months. This ensures that the illness

    will not return.

    l Most people observe a favorable change within

    a month, and a few feel better within days. But

    if you dont notice any change after your sessions

    for several weeks, dont be discouraged. Do con-

    sult a qualified health practitioner, however, who

    can monitor your condition. If you are using the

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    wrong program, you need to know this to change

    the course of your treatment.

    l Note to those with cancer: if you are undergoing

    chemo, depending on its intensity, you may want

    to wait to run frequencies until a few days after

    the treatment. Otherwise, your liver and kid-neys could be overwhelmed by the overload of

    systemic poisons. However, some people find

    that rifing favorably intensifies the effects of the

    chemo. Check with your doctor.

    11. For conditions that are not serious or life-threat-

    ening: Consult a health care practitioner and listen

    to your body. These are general guidelines only.

    l Follow the above guidelines for serious or life-

    threatening conditions, but give yourself shorter

    session times. A general rule is, if you feel better

    the next day, do another session. If you feel a bit

    worse, do another session. If you feel a lot worseand dont feel functional, this is probably due to

    the microbial die-off. Wait until you feel some-

    what better again, and then do another session.

    l If you dont notice any change after your session,

    either run another session for a longer period of

    time, and/or change the frequencies.

    12. Write down your responses to all of the frequencies

    used in the session, even if theyre unfavorable or

    you didnt feel anything.A written record of your

    physical, mental and emotional responses (if any) to

    the frequencies will help determine which frequen-

    cies were hits(produced a discernible response), andwhich frequencies did not work. A written record

    will also help you find patterns in symptoms, plan a

    long term health protocol for upcoming session(s),

    and change your protocol if necessary. Your reports

    may also be useful to others, should you decide to

    share your results.

    13. Drink water in sufficient amounts, appropriate

    to your weight and size and toxicity level. The

    water should contain liquid minerals (electrolytes),

    chlorophyll, Vitamin C, or lemon to make it more

    assimilable. If you wont drink water, dont give

    yourself sessions, or youll risk toxification frommicrobial waste.

    14. Dont interrupt the sessions until youre completely

    well, unless you have a good reason for doing so.

    Some people who take a break from using the

    equipment before their illness is completely gone

    experience a recurrence. And sometimes, the fre-

    quencies they were using no longer work for them,

    probably because the microbes have developed a

    resistance to the frequencies. Be persistent about

    continuing with your program, especially if you have

    cancer, Lyme, or a similar hard-to-treat condition.



    Part II. Troubleshooting

    Lets assume that (a) the unit s working properly,

    (b) the signal is getting into the body, and (c) you have

    done everything suggested in Part I. If you are still

    not getting results with your protocol, and/or your

    condition is getting worse, see a health practitioner.


    1. Be patient.Each body is physiologically and anatomi-

    cally different. So, the signals are processed by your

    body differently than by your friends body. Just as

    a note will sound different in shallow water than it

    does in deep water, a frequency will react slightly

    differently in a body thats thin than a body that has

    more fat on it. However, if you are getting steadily

    worse, see the following steps. And, of course, con-

    sult a qualified health practitioner.

    2. Use different frequencies.Microbes can mutate,

    due to either natural variations in their evolution

    or differences in the bodys terrain. Bodily terrain

    depends on acid-alkaline balance, diet, hormones,

    and even climate. (For instance, a hotter or colder

    body may create variances in the effects, which is

    why microbes may respond differently in Alaska

    than they do in Brazil.) A particular location mayalso contain anomalous electromagnetic fields that

    behave differently from those elsewhere, and which

    cause unexpected frequency variations. Join an

    Internet group to check for updates on new fre-

    quencies. Also, if you received a medical diagnosis,

    consider that it may be incorrect, and try using

    another approach to your symptoms.

    3. Spend more time with the unit.You may need to

    take a very aggressive approach for your condition,

    and spend either more time with the machine or

    more time per frequency. Some people find relief

    using one frequency for 45 minutes or longer.

    4. Run frequencies for Candida and parasites, even

    if you think you arent affected. Its amazing how

    many conditions are either caused or exacerbated

    by fungi and parasites.

    5. Eliminate silver-mercury fillings and mouth infec-

    tion. Mercury in fillings continually leaks, as vapor,

    into the mouth. Even in parts per billion (ppb)

    amounts, mercury is very toxic! See a holistic dentist.

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    Some herbs chelate heavy metals out of the body;

    and some homeopathic remedies and other electro-

    medical devices can nullify the effects of mercury.

    Also, the mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria

    and hence disease. Infections not only impede

    progress, they can cause even apparently unrelated

    conditions including heart attacks, as the teeth areconnected to every meridian in the body.

    6. Consider that your system might not have adequate

    amounts of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism

    either from insufficient hormone output by the

    gland, or the inability of the cells to receive and

    process the hormonecan exacerbate and even

    cause many other conditions, ranging from cancer

    to fibromyalgia to heart disease. Fifty percent of

    the North American population may suffer from

    hypothyroidism. For more information, see Thyroid,

    Underactive / Hypothyroidism under Glands,

    Thyroid, in Chapter 5.

    7. Use the regenerative frequencies. Your system may

    not be working the way it should (whether or not

    microbes are involved), and you may benefit more

    by focusing on glandular and organ support. Some

    frequencies are believed to stimulate the bodys cells

    to repair and regenerate, independent of any ability

    to destroy microbes.

    8. Run the frequencies for chemical and heavy metal

    toxicity. Many illnesses are either caused or exacer-

    bated by chemicals, many of which are toxic metals.

    These contaminants can be in air pollution, vehicle or

    factory exhaust, foods, cosmetics, carpets, construc-tion materials, or drinking water. Illnesses caused

    or exacerbated by chemical poisoning range from

    cancers to neurological disorders (such as Multiple

    Sclerosis, Parkinsons and Alzheimers). Books on

    chemical poisoning are in References.

    9. Use detoxification protocols for the liver and colon.

    Many conditions can be alleviated partially or com-

    pletely through detoxification. Detoxification may

    involve an herbal parasite purge, liver cleanse, sauna,

    colonic, or other modality like chelation to eliminate

    heavy metals. Dealing with just this aspect can make

    a huge difference in how you feel.

    10. Try Chinese Medicine diagnosis. There are relation-

    ships among all organs, glands and body systems. You

    might not be able to affect your condition with fre-

    quencies specifically for that condition, but focusing

    on related points may help. For instance, the spleen

    controls the mouth and lymph. So if the spleen

    is unhealthy, with deficient or excess energy, you

    could have a gum infection or clogged lymph vessels.

    Similarly, the kidneys control bone health. So if the

    kidneys are weak, you could suffer bone loss (osteo-

    porosis). These relationships may not make sense to

    the Western mind, but theyre still valid. Many acu-

    puncturists obtain excellent results using pad units for

    hard-to-treat conditions by placing the electrodes atthe site of meridians and acupuncture points.

    11. Drink even more water than you were drinking

    before. If the wastes are accumulating faster than

    the body can eliminate them, water will dilute the

    toxins to a more manageable level.

    12. Pay attention to lifestyle: diet, exercise, sleep, and

    stress levels. Since the allopathic medical model is

    so dominant in the West, some people tend to use

    Rife technology in a strictly allopathic manner. They

    think that simply zapping the microbes will eliminate

    the disease, without requiring them to pay attention

    to what made them ill in the first place. If your diet

    is poor, youll feed the microbes, which thrive on

    junk. Dont underestimate the importance of food

    in becoming and remaining healthy. Similarly, if you

    dont get enough exercise or sleep (or if you get too

    much), and if you have no way of managing stress,

    this can help keep you ill.

    13. Try other therapies. If youre drinking enough water

    (and are using the correct frequencies) and you feel

    sluggish, fatigued, congested, nauseated, thirsty,

    and/or have flu-like symptoms, try some protocols

    summarized in Chapter 3. These include lymphatic

    drainage, massage, bouncing gently on a rebounder,ozone therapy, and sauna therapy. Rife technology is

    compatible with virtually all holistic therapies. It has

    been used somewhat less successfully in conjunction

    with allopathic medicine (drugs); although people

    do manage to combine rifing with medically neces-

    sary surgery.

    14. Learn to release, manage and make peace with your

    emotions, and try to eliminate any beliefs that may

    contribute to being ill. Often, some frequencies

    provide relief from emotions such as anger. This

    makes sense, as microorganisms constantly excrete

    mycotoxins that cross the blood-brain barrier andpoison the brain. Since the brain is a primary organ

    of emotions, perception of sensory input, motor

    function, and cognition, mycotoxins will affect

    mood, motor coordination and ability to think, as

    well as exacerbate or cause various neurological

    disorders. Nevertheless, approaching emotional

    and mental issues from a psychological perspective

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