RIDGE VALLEY SCHOOLThe almost 2 hour , walking tour, ended at the Gallery depicting the History of...

SLC: STUDENT LED CONFERENCE “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden Ridge Valley Schools believes in empowering its children in working independently and paves their way to become confident individuals. Children of the primary school took part in their first SLC-Student Led Conference of the academic session. Students came with their parents and engaged in fruitful conversations with their teachers and peers. Children entered the classrooms and showed the work in their notebooks and books to their parents. They also showcased the activities that they be a part of in school both in the classroom and the playground. Children took their parents to the different venues where the various hobbies of the Carpe Diem were displayed. It was an engaging and enriching experience for both the parent and the student body. September 2018 RIDGE VALLEY SCHOOL Events 1-3 Tiny Tots Corner 4-5 Literacy Corner 6-7 Numeracy Corner 8 UOW Corner 9 Inside this issue:

Transcript of RIDGE VALLEY SCHOOLThe almost 2 hour , walking tour, ended at the Gallery depicting the History of...


    “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

    Ridge Valley Schools believes in empowering its children in working independently and paves their way to become confident individuals. Children of the primary school took part in their first SLC-Student Led Conference of the academic session. Students came with their parents and engaged in fruitful conversations with their teachers and peers. Children entered the classrooms and showed the work in their notebooks and books to their parents. They also showcased the activities that they be a part of in school both in the classroom and the playground. Children took their parents to the different venues where the various hobbies of the Carpe Diem were displayed. It was an engaging and enriching experience for both the parent and the student body.

    September 2018


    Events 1-3

    Tiny Tots Corner 4-5

    Literacy Corner 6-7

    Numeracy Corner 8

    UOW Corner 9

    Inside this issue:

  • P A G E 2

    RVS Events

    T H E R I D G E A N

    रिज वैली ववद्यालय के प्ाांगण में म ांशी प्ेमचांद के जन्म ददवस के उपलक्ष्य पि दिन्दी सप्ताि(24 से 27 ज लाई 2018तक) का आयोजन ककया गया । दिन्दी सप्ताि की श रुआत िमने कववता वाचन,बस एक ममनट के द्वािा की इसके उपिाांत ददखाओ औि बोलो औि स्वच्छता को बढ़ावा देने िेत ई मेल पत्र लेखन भी ककया गया। इसके समापन समािोि में दिन्दी प्श्नोत्तिी (Quiz) अांदससद्नीय प्ततयोगगता में कक्षा छठी से नवमी तक के ववद्यागथसयों से पााँच चिणों के अांतगसत व्याकिण से सांबांगित प्श्न पूछे गए। सभी सदनों के बच्चों ने उत्सािपूवसक प्श्नों के उत्ति ददए। ववद्यागथसयों का न केवल ज्ञान बढ़ा बल्कक उन्िें इस प्ततयोगगता में बि त आनांद भी आया।म ख्य अततगथ के रूप में श्री िािा िमण श क्ला जी ने उपल्स्थत िोकि समािोि में चाि चााँद लगा ददए। कायसक्रम अत्यांत िर्षौकलास के साथ मनाया गया ।

  • P A G E 3

    RVS Events

    T H E R I D G E A N


    Visiting the Fire Station had the Early Years excited as they watched with fascination the shiny red Fire Trucks and the Fireman

    showing how to use a ‘hose’ to spray water jets, a ladder to climb up and an axe to break open doors to save trapped people.

    The gum boots and the search light also fascinated the children. They were proud to click a picture with the red fire trucks.


    ‘Set your goals high and don’t stop till you get there.’

    -Bo Jackson

    Children of Grades 1 and 2 visited the Air Force museum in Palam on the 6th

    September 2018.

    The students got an insight into the various planes and jets used during a war by the Indian Air Force. There is an impressive small internal gallery, with paintings, memorabilia, model aircraft, IAF uniforms from its inception, and historical photographs.

    After the gallery, we reached the main hanger which displayed planes from MIG 25 to Sukhoi 7 to HS Mangat’s SU-7 rear, which

    he flew during the 1971 war. The children were excited to see the guns and pistols of previous Air Marshals who have served our


    The children even got to see the remains of a Pakistani jet which was shot down by the Indian soldiers in the 1971 war and the

    jeeps and trucks that were captured.

    The highlight of the visit was meeting Lt. Parikshit Hastekar, who met with an air crash on 8th

    October 2010 while serving the

    nation. Children saluted the hero and wished him a speedy recovery.

    It was a learning experience for the children and their visit left them soaring high which was evident as there was a buzz

    amongst them to become an Air Force pilot when they grow up.

  • A Glimpse Into the world of our tiny tots

    P A G E 3 T H E R I D G E A N


    The tiny tots were excited as they made various patterns using ‘akaar parivaar’ shapes.

    They identified the basic 2-D shapes, sang their formation songs and made a shape

    booklet. The introduction of Number 6 was fun as they themselves pasted sequins on

    number 6 while singing the formation song.


    The little ones of Nursery played various phonic games as the sounds ‘Oo, ‘Ee and ‘Uu’ were introduced.

    They sang phonic songs and came up with lots of new words. They also made an ‘Umbrella’ by pasting

    sequins and rain drops. The phonic time keeps them actively engaged as they learn new sounds.

  • P A G E 4 T H E R I D G E A N

    UOW- COUNTRY CORNER A country corner was set up in the class and the students of Nursery A were introduced

    to New Zealand while the students of Nursery B were introduced to Australia. The

    children talked about the National bird, currency, flag, people, etc. of India as well as

    the other country set up in their class. They participated

    in various activities like making a kiwi bird, pasting

    pictures on the map of India and New Zealand/

    Australia. They were enthusiastic as they did various

    activities and learnt new things.


    The red carpet event to honour fathers was the first of its kind at Ridge Valley. The

    excited fathers of the students of Nursery and KG came all geared up and made the

    day very memorable with many comments penned that expressed their



    Story times are interesting especially when academics

    get weaved into them. The Princess and the Pea led

    to much discussion among the students about

    climbing up a ladder to sleep on the mattress and

    how a tiny pea could trouble the princess. Further

    livening up the class with details of what objects can

    be found under their beds at home, they expressed

    their emotions as well through a game.

  • P A G E 5 T H E R I D G E A N


    Grade 2 children learnt about the elements of story writing such as ‘when, what, where ,

    why and who. They used a a grid which had different clauses written in it. Children made

    funny sentences using these clauses in their notebooks.

    तीसिी कक्षा के बच्चों ने ‘ मेिे सपनों की द तनता’ ववर्षय पि िचनात्मक लेखन ककया ।

    ह िंदी हदवस(14 ससतिंबर) की शुभकामनाएँ

    रिज वैली स्कूल के प्ाांगण में दिांदी ददवस िर्षोउकलास से मनाया गया । ववद्यागथसयों ने दिांदी भार्षा के मित्व को जाना औि ‘स्वच्छ भाित’ पि आिारित न क्कड़ नाटक एवां ‘खूब पढ़ो औि आगे बढ़ो’ ववर्षय पि कववता वाचन जैसी गततववगियााँ की

  • P A G E 7 T H E R I D G E A N

    जो देखकर भी न ीिं देखत े........

    कक्षा छठी के छात्रों ने “िेलेन केलि” अपने पाठ को पढ़कि स्कूल के बगीच ेमें बांद व ख ली आाँखों से अनेक चीजों को छूकि अन भव प्ाप्त ककया ।

    ‘चूाँ-चूाँ किती आई गचड़ड़या’- गीत पि गथिकत ेदसूिी कक्षा के ववद्याथी ।इसके बाद बच्चों ने गचड़ड़या से सांबल्न्ित कववता पढ़ी ।

    ‘नटखट किातनयााँ’ - तीसिी कक्षा के बच्चों ने किातनयााँ पढ़कि उनकी नाट्य-प्स्त तत की।

  • P A G E 8 T H E R I D G E A N


    Grade IV children applied the concept of point, ray, line and line segment to make

    beautiful sceneries.

    Objectives of the activity were:

    To identify point, ray, line and line segment in their surroundings

    To use them to make designs


    Grade III children learnt about symmetrical patterns as part of an

    introduction to Geometry. They made symmetrical patterns by identify-

    ing the object and colouring it in patterns.

    Objectives of the activity were:

    To understand symmetry

    To apply symmetry to form patterns


    Children of Grade 2 Were taken to the Math Lab , where they used Ganit Mala to learn multiplication. They sat in groups and gave

    each other multiplication sums and then used the Ganit Mala to find the answer. They put the number card after the correct

    number of beads that they have counted to reach the answer.

  • P A G E 9 T H E R I D G E A N


    Students of Grade VI, visited the National Museum at Delhi on 29th August 2018.

    This was an extension of their learning about the Indus Valley Civilization.

    The tour of the Museum began with a short movie on this Civilization in the auditorium and was followed by a guided tour of the

    various galleries .

    The statue of the Harappan Dancing Girl, the skeleton of a woman excavated from the Civilization enthralled the students.

    Other attractions were the toys, pottery belonging to this 5000 year old Civilization, the cursed throne of the King of Banaras, the

    elephant tusk with engraved, circles and carvings depicting the life of Buddha, the relics of Buddha which also been carefully pre-

    serve in the one of the galleries of the National Museum.

    The almost 2 hour , walking tour, ended at the Gallery depicting the History of Tribals in India . The actual monkey skull and the

    fascinating head gears stunned our budding historians !


    The students of Grade III made a Food Pyramid using pictures, which helped them to decide

    which nutrients would help them to gain the various characteristics so that they can have a

    balanced diet and remain healthy.

    Puzzle Guzzle

    Q1. There are three houses. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the

    middle, and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle, where is the white house?

    Q2. Using only addition, how do you add eight 8s and get the number 1,000?

    A1: In Washington, D.C. A2 : 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.


    Grade II children contributed to the idea of creating a cleaner and pollution free atmosphere by creating

    their own eco friendly transport. Children used waste materials to create their transport and did a Show and

    Tell in the class describing how their vehicle is an eco friendly transport.