RID 3132 DML Pratibimba, Issue 7


Transcript of RID 3132 DML Pratibimba, Issue 7

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WHAT’S INSIDEDRR’s Monthly Letter, February 2016

The Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide forRotarians & Rotaractors to use for a personal and professional relationships.

Of the things we think, say or do

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Four Way Test … 01

From the Desk of DRR … 02

From the Desk of DRC … 03

Words from Rotasia Coordinator … 04

Wishes from DRRe … 04

Rotary International District 3132 at a Glance … 05

DRO, RID 3132 Council Members Directory … 07

RID 3132, Rotasia 2016 Participants Directory … 08

RID 3132, Rotaract Club Presidents Directory … 10

RID 3132, Rotaract Club Secretaries Directory … 11

Rotaract Wiki … 12

Highlights of Past Month … 13

RID 3132 Rotaract District Conference 2016 … 15

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Dear Rotaractors / Rotarians,Warm Rotaract Greetings to all!

I hope all the DRRs, Rotaract / Rotary Club Presidents, Board ofDirectors and fellow club members have successfully completedtheir half tenure & responsibilities.

I have been always enjoyed working in this Organization withlearning new things at every new step and moment. This year RID3132 witnessed District Assembly, 4 Zonal Fellowship Meets andvarious large scale and quality projects.

Events and projects always play an important role in strengthen-ing the club bonding, making new friends, improving profession-alism and increasing our social awareness & responsibility. Andwith the same aim, team of DRR Shakthi came with RotAsia2016 at SriLanka.

On behalf of RID 3132 and my own behalf, I wish all the best tohost team and district. I hope that RotAsia 2016 will certainly addsome lifetime memories in our lives.

Long live Rotaract!

Rtr. Sagar R. Kharade,District Rotaract Representative,R. I. District 3132‘Let’s Be the One!’

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From the Desk of DRR . . .

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Dear Rotaractors,Season’s Greetings !

It is indeed a great pleasure to interact with you through this“Rotasia” Special Edition of District News Letter.

It is heartening to see that, in the recent years “Rotasia” has gainedpopularity amongst the Rotaractors of the continent. Response, Regis-trations and Enthusiasm of the Rotaractors can be felt all the time forthis event.

Whenever “Rotasia” is discussed it makes me nostalgic and reminds me of my first “Rotasia” which Iattended at Salt Lake Stadium, Kolkata in the year 1992 as Rotaract President. There I interacted withRotaractors from Pakistan and we played Antakshari, sitting on the top of the Bunk Beds, across theBunkers ventilators. One side Indian- Pakistani Boys and other side Indian-Pakistani Girls. We are stillin touch. Needless to mention, such events and interactions helps to bridge the emotional and culturalgap between the people of different countries.

This year also good numbers of Rotaractors are attending “Rotasia” from our District. I wish you Bon-Voyage. I hope you all will make our district proud by your active participation in all the events. Myonly advice to you will be, to ensure discipline and integrity at every level. Keep motive and purposeof our great organization at the top and take care of each other.

You all are aware that, we have amended our District By-Laws this year. Wherein, we have made strictguidelines pertaining to Code of Conduct for Rotaractors at District and International events. I am sureeveryone will stick to the rules and maintain the code of conduct.

I wish to see the same enthusiasm in all Club and District activities. Please note, Club is the Soul ofthe entire organization. If every Club is strong in membership and activities. If Rotaractors participateactively in all the programs and projects of Club and the District it will benefit the organization in longterm. Consistent and continues induction of new members is the key to success according to me. EveryRotaractor must ensure that he/she brings in 4 to 5 members in the Club every year. The more we talkand share about our organization, more it will grow.

Once again I wish all the delegates of RID 3132 for “Rotasia” Bon Voyage.

Yours Truly in Rotary Service,

Rtn. Hemant Landge,District Rotaract Chair 2015-16 | R. I. District 3132

From the Desk of DRC . . .

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Words from Rotasia Coordinator . . .

Wishes from DRRe . . .

Hello Dear Rotasians,

First of all, I would like to thank DRR Sagar R. Kharade for ap-pointing me as Rotary International District 3132’s coordinator forROTASIA 2016.

As the Rotasia coordinator, I appreciate and thank for the support Ihave got from Rotasia SriLanka host team, Rotaract club presi-dents in RID 3132 and each n every participant of our district.

It’s a great honor for DRO that we have achieved our target of 50+ Rotasia registrations forthis year. Being specific, we 56 individuals are going to represent 3132 in Rotasia SriLanka.

This is my very first Rotasia and I’m sure that this event will stand as a platform to ex-change our rotaractivities to build a better future for Rotaract.

Looking forward to make it a memorable one…

Long Live Rotaract! Long Live Rotaractivity!

Rtr. Suyog PoteDistrict International Service Director

Dear Rotasians,Warm Rotaract Greetings to all!

It gives me immense pleasure to send my wishes to all ROTASIA 2016 participantsthrough this special issue of Pratibimba.

Rotasia is an international gathering of Rotaractors in South Asia to exchange infor-mation, enhance fellowship, and build networks. And I hope all international par-ticipants will have a wonderful time at Rotasia SriLanka.

Wish you a happy time here!

Regards,Yours in Rotaract,Rtr. Shantanu KhalikarDRR (elect) | R. I. District 3132

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Rotary International District 3132 at a Glance . . .

Our Rotary District came in to existence from 1st July 2008 afterbifurcation of RID 3130 into 3131 and 3132. Our District lies inthe heart of the Indian subcontinent and has a myriad of inter-esting geographic, historical and contemporary attractions. Withan estimated population of 25 million, the District has 500+ Ro-taractors spread over 25 clubs in 11 Revenue Districts of thestate of Maharashtra.

The District is situated in Southern Western side of Maharash-tra. Geographically it extends 470 km from East to West and310 km from North to South. The Western region has heavyrainfall and picturesque hill stations in the Sahyadri mountainrange and the Deccan Plateau with the fertile agricultural hinter-land in the Central region and drought prone area of Marath-wada in the East.

Our District is a congruence of people of various creeds and cul-ture who follow a combination of traditional and contemporarycustoms and practices. We can boast of superior education in-stitutes, exotic natural beauty and famous architectural monu-ments. We have the famous bird sanctuary for the Great IndianBustard which is a rare and almost extinct species. We alsohave other birds and wildlife sanctuaries in our district. Our maincrops are Wheat and Jowar but we are famous all over Indiaand overseas for our Sugarcane, Grapes, and Pomegranateswhich is exported in a big way.

We also have a number of very reputed and famous Industriesin the Automobile, Computers, Textiles, Sugar, Garments, Engi-neering and Winery sectors. We are also known for our medicalfacilities and doctors and we have many people from neighbor

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areas that avail of these services.

We have very good tourist spots in our District like the World fa-mous Ajanta and Ellora caves and the popular hill station Maha-baleshwar. We can say our District represents our India in realsense and we are proud of that. We have two airports one atSolapur and other is at Aurangabad connected to Mumbai.Weather wise we have hot summers and temperate winters withaverage rains in the monsoon season. The best time to visithere is between September to February.

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DRO, RID 3132 Council Members Directory

No. Designation Name Mobile No. Email ID

1 District Govorner ( DG ) Rtn. Deepak Pophale - [email protected]

2 District Rotaract Chair ( DRC ) Rtn. Hemant Landge - [email protected]

3 District Rotaract Representative( DRR ) Rtr. Sagar Kharade 9764448004 [email protected]

4District Rotaract Representative Elect( DRRe ) & District Literacy Chair( DLC )

Rtr. Shantanu Khalikar 9637453742 [email protected]

5 IPDRR Rtr. Abhijeet Peshkar 9028033032,9028093032 [email protected]

6 District Secretary Administration &District Editor Rtr. Shivraj Marathe 8793869918 [email protected]

7 District Secretary Reporting Rtr. Shakib Shaikh 9762376576,8087318319 [email protected]

8 District Secretary Event Rtr. Arvindjeet SinghChabda 9657540150 [email protected]

9 District Treasurer Rtr. Rahul Agrawal 8149858498,8485030883 [email protected]

10 District Club Service Director Rtr. Aditya Deshpande 9028969575,7507771530 [email protected]

11 District Community Service Director &District PRO Rtr. Pratik V. Mane 8983496747,

9643907282 [email protected]

12 District Professional Service Director Rtr. KhushbooBrahmankar

9096226425,8554039239 [email protected]

13 District International Service Director Rtr. Suyog Pote 9028259233 [email protected]

14 District Finance Director Rtr. Sagar Mittal 9923877999 [email protected]

15 Director IDYE and International ClubFormations Rtr. Santosh Shinde 9922136060 [email protected]

16 District Sergeant at Arms & Director –Membership Development Rtr. Akshay Joshi 9028089531,

8796316492 [email protected]

17 District Zonal Representative ( DZR )Zone - 01 Rtr. Noman Shaikh 8087195315,

8796531039 [email protected]

18 District Zonal Representative ( DZR )Zone - 03 Rtr. Yuvraj Ransing 9890253494 [email protected]

19 District Zonal Representative ( DZR )Zone - 04 Rtr. Narendra Shelar 8888833985,

8550933985 [email protected]

20 Advisor - Club Service Avenue PDRR Rtn. AshwinBalekar - [email protected]

21 Advisor - International Service Avenue PDRR Rtn. SachinKothari - [email protected]

22 Advisor - Professional Service DirectorPDRR MaitreyaMudkavi - [email protected]

23 Lead - Events Committee PDRR Yash Jahagirdar - [email protected]

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RID 3132, Rotasia 2016 Participants DirectoryNo. Name (Rtr. / PDRR) Club Name Mobile No. Email1 Ashutosh katakar Aurangabad 9420956869 [email protected]

2 Nayana Joshi Aurangabad 9420956962 [email protected]

3 Gayatri Jadhav Aurangabad 8888605614 [email protected]

4 Deepali Joshi Aurangabad - -

5 Hardik Gupta Aurangabad - -

6 Jyoti Rathod Aurangabad 7057653089 [email protected]

7 Vivek Rathod Aurangabad 9021339113 [email protected]

8 Suyog Pote A’bad Airport 9028259233 [email protected]

9 Shantanu Khalikar A’bad Airport 9637453742 [email protected]

10 Amogh Bargaje A’bad Airport 9503286003 [email protected]

11 Sidharth Kodte A’bad Airport - [email protected]

12 Chetan Patil A’bad Airport - -

13 Sagar Kharade Techplorers 9764448004 [email protected]

14 Kshitij Choudhari Techplorers 9767673021 [email protected]

15 Pratibha Khanderao Techplorers 9175887153 [email protected]

16 Darshan Tatiya Techplorers 9595933935 [email protected]

17 Akshay Choudhari A’bad Cidco 7875697563 [email protected]

18 Sanyogita Londhe Latur Midtown 9423341158 [email protected]

19 Vijay Shelar Satara Camp 9921244442 [email protected]

20 Suraj Gangane Ambajogai 9960978515 -

21 Pramod Deshmukh Ambajogai 7588055132 -

22 Kaustubh Jain Achievers 9373395541 [email protected]

23 Anchal Armalkar Achievers 9766691711 [email protected]

24 Rohan Armalkar Achievers 9970888000 [email protected]

25 Abhijeet Peashkar Achievers 9028093032 [email protected]

26 Prachi Gaidhane Achievers 9405244130 [email protected]

27 Ganesh Lingshetty Solapur North 9881020660 [email protected]

28 Ajay Bidri Solapur North 8928488700 [email protected]

29 Swapnil JangaVali Solapur North 9970972277 [email protected]

30 Sachin Kothari Solapur Midtown 9423589707 [email protected]

31 Harshal Vaid Solapur North 9422645366 [email protected]

Pratibimba —–—

RID 3132, Rotasia 2016 Participants DirectoryNo. Name (Rtr. / PDRR) Club Name Mobile No. Email32 Paras Gandhi Solapur North 9890440633 [email protected]

33 Ashish Chajjed Solapur North 9960448876 [email protected]

34 Pratik Gngawali Solapur North 9860115988 [email protected]

35 Ajay Patil Barshi Evergreen 9881411714 [email protected]

36 Mayur Maindarkar Barshi Evergreen 9766434205 [email protected]

37 Anup Bakal Barshi Evergreen 9420641103 [email protected]

38 Pradeep Navale Barshi Evergreen - -

39 Amrut Ghogale Barshi Evergreen - -

40 Sameer Naikwade Barshi Evergreen 9960242555 -

41 Suraj Patil Barshi Evergreen 8605001202 [email protected]

42 Onkar Pore Barshi Evergreen - -

43 Suraj Vanarse Barshi Evergreen 9096962030 [email protected]

44 Pravin Thalkari Barshi Evergreen 9545444464 [email protected]

45 Sanket Shah Satara Ajinkya 9423519199 [email protected]

46 Amol Khande Satara Ajinkya 8605995339 [email protected]

47 Omkar Zad Satara Ajinkya 9766666218 [email protected]

48 Amol Pawar Satara Ajinkya 9922900095 [email protected]

49 Rasik Limkar Satara Ajinkya 9881485028 [email protected]

50 Amit Dhane Satara Ajinkya 9960877371 [email protected]

51 Vikaram More Satara Ajinkya 8605663553 [email protected]

52 Sachin Mulik Satara Ajinkya 9049322119 [email protected]

53 Sachin Kumbar Satara Ajinkya 9890169492 [email protected]

54 Mayursh Shinde Satara Ajinkya 7875470333 [email protected]

55 Amar Shinde Satara Ajinkya 9503722336 [email protected]

56 Sangram Patil Satara Ajinkya 9175100999 [email protected]

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RID 3132, Rotaract Club Presidents Directory

No. Club Name President Mobile No. Email ID

Zone 1

1 Aurangabad East Rtr. Aditya Bhalerao 9923205097,8087611758 [email protected]

2 Aurangabad Rtr. Ashutosh Katkar 9420956869,9765553676 [email protected]

3 Techplorers Rtr. Abhishek Mahajan 9765551701 [email protected]

4 Aurangabad Airport Rtr. Vihang Shripad Vipra 9923216969,9423316969 [email protected]

5 Achievers Rtr. Vaibhav Shinde 9665827777 [email protected]

6 Aurangabad Cidco Rtr. Akshay Choudhari 7875697563,9423774548 [email protected]

7 Aurangabad West Rtr. Saurav Patil 7303144390 [email protected] Jalna Rtr. Pritesh Malpani 9422723560 [email protected] Jalna Central Rtr. Raghunandan Bhakkad 75885 98516 [email protected] Jalna Rainbow Rtr. Bhushan Devidan 9421120674 [email protected]

Zone 2

11 Latur Midtown Rtr. Pritish Govindpurkar 9158350025,9421938799 [email protected]

12 Beed Midtown Rtr. Bappa Gujar 9890777540 [email protected] Majalgaon Rtr. Aniket Gadam 9260101101 [email protected]

14 Ambajogai Rtr. Suraj Gangane 9960978515,7588426373 [email protected]

Zone 3

15 Solapur North Rtr. Tansi Shah 9766528165 [email protected] Solapur Srujan Rtr. Amar Udgiri 9175766061 [email protected] Modnimb Rtr. Dipak Kumbhar 9766882587 [email protected] Sangola Rtr. Subhash Yelpale 97657 24215 [email protected] Akkalkot Rtr. Chetan Sakhare 9158472323 [email protected] Barshi Evergreen Rtr. Anand bedmutha 9975751375 [email protected]

Zone 4

21 Satara Ajinkya Rtr. Amol Khande 8605995339 [email protected]

22 Satara Camp Rtr. Vijay Bhimrao Shelar 9765044440,9423244468 [email protected]

23 Wai Rtr. Shubham Chougule 7841088122,9623598438 [email protected]

24 Panchgani Rtr. Amit Madhav Bodhe 8412944448,8862074684 [email protected]

25 Karad Preetisangam Rtr. Vaishnavi Patankar 9420633800,9096399777 [email protected]

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RID 3132, Rotaract Club Secretaries Directory

No. Club Name Secretary Mobile No. Email ID

Zone 1

1 Aurangabad East Rtr. Mrudal Deshmukh 9225302100 [email protected]

2 Aurangabad Rtr. Gayatri Jadhav 8888605614 [email protected]

3 Techplorers Rtr. Yashika Agrawal 7058541896 [email protected]

4 Aurangabad Airport Rtr Abhishek Fulmamdikar 8928490115,8796316488 [email protected]

5 Achievers Rtr. Purva Pawar 8007353599 [email protected]

6 Aurangabad Cidco Rtr. Harmeet Singh Alag 7738207128,9763685308 [email protected]

7 Aurangabad West - - -

8 Jalna Rtr. Gopal R. Zawar 9422927340,8888815111 [email protected]

9 Jalna Central Rtr. Amit Thakkar 7588850945 [email protected] Jalna Rainbow Rtr. Shailesh Thakkar 9860146146 [email protected]

Zone 2

11 Latur Midtown Rtr. Prem Warad 9028845270 [email protected] Beed Midtown - - -

13 Majalgaon Rtr. Sagar Dugad 7798367777 [email protected] Ambajogai Rtr. Irfan Sayyad 9860455713 [email protected]

Zone 3

15 Solapur North Rtr. Ajay Bidri 8928488700 [email protected] Solapur Srujan Rtr. Ashish Goud 9730453919 [email protected] Modnimb Rtr. Amit Parmeshwar Koli 9763504452 [email protected]

18 Sangola Rtr. Ganesh Kapadekar 9689701736 [email protected] Akkalkot Rtr. Omkar Bhimpure 9527112271 [email protected] Barshi Evergreen Rtr. Ajay Patil 9881411714 [email protected]

Zone 4

21 Satara Ajinkya Rtr. Vinay Jadhav 9860922907 [email protected] Satara Camp Rtr. Suhas Sutar 96655090008 [email protected]

23 Wai Rtr. Sayli Sutar 8805845320 [email protected]

24 Panchgani Rtr. Fahad Kuravle 9975565560,8411820556 [email protected]

25 Karad Preetisangam Rtr. Vaishnavi Patankar 9420633800,9096399777 [email protected]

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Following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms used by Rotary International. Some may

no longer be in effect.

GBI Rotary Region consisting of Great Britain and Ireland

GETS Governor Elect Training Seminar

GSE Group Study Exchange

GYE Global Youth Exchange

IAS International Ambassadorial Scholarship

IC International Conventions (IC13 = Lisbon, etc.)

ICC Inter Country Committees

ICO Internet Communications Officers

IFR International Fellowship of Rotarians

IPDRR Immediate Past DRR

IPP Immediate Past President

MD Matched District

MOP Manual Of Procedure

MSE Matched Student Exchange

MUNA Model United Nations Assembly

NCC National Co-ordinating Committee

NYSF (Formerly NSSS) National Youth Science Forum

OD Official Directory of Rotary International

PACE Pacific-Australia Cultural Exchange

P President

PP Past President

PDG Past District Governor

to be continued...


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On the occassion of Savitribai PhuleJayanti, more than 50 people do-nated blood in a blood donationcamp organised by RaC AurangabadAirport and Savli Pratisthan Auran-gabad.

RaC Panchgani successfully con-ducted a state level volleyball tour-nament in collaboration with Panch-gani Sports Association and Rotaryclub of Panchgani.

RaC Panchgani along with RotaryClub of Panchgani conducted anawareness campaign on the occasion

of 'National Safety Week-2016'.

Polio Camp taken by Rotary and Ro-taract Club Panchgani together, inPanchgani and near by villages.

Highlights of Past Month

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RaC Latur Midtown under the guid-ance of Project Chairman Rtr. Su-mukh Govindpurkar, have con-structed a water rejuvenation plantin Saavewadi, Latur.

RaC Panchgani conducted an actingworkshop in Panchgani under theleadership of project chairman Rtr.Pushkar Mane. For the very firsttime they have managed to providethe acting basics by Actor, Director,Producer Mr. Prashant Neman in thePanchgani.

Rotaract Club of Satara Youth Camporganized INDRADHANUDHYA 2016- A District level Drawing Competi-tion in Satara, 3481 school kids hasparticipited in this competition.

RaC Aurangabad Airport and TheBlaze Institute of Dance organised ACharity Dance Show 'Umang 2016'to financially help autistic kids inAarambh Autism Center, Auran-gabad.

Rainbow Edufest 2016 conducted byRotary and Rotaract Club of JalnaRainbow.

Highlights of Past Month

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RID3132 ROTARACT DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2016Happy to host you at,

Anubhuti8th Rotaract District Conference, R. I. District 3132

12th & 13th March, 2016at

Basilica Holiday Home, Lonavala, Maharashtra.

Registration Details


from R. I.District 3132

Rotaractorsfrom other

Rotary DistrictRotarians Couples

(Married only)Non


17Jan-1Feb 1150/- 1150/- 3000/- 3000/- 1300/-2Feb-20Feb 1250/- 1250/- 3200/- 3300/- 1400/-

21Feb-10Mar 1350/- 1350/- 3400/- 3600/- 1500/-After 10Mar 1500/- 1500/- 3600/- 4000/- 1650/-

Highlights of DC 20161.Sessions2.Team Buildings Activities3.Quizzes4.Water Sports5.Cultural Activities6.Live Performances7.Club Presentationsand many more…

Awards at DC 20161.Early Bird Male2.Early Bird Female3.Early Bird Club4.Performance Awards5.Fashion Show awards6.Best Cluband many more…

Feel Free to Contact: Rtr. Abhishek (9765551701), Rtr. Pritesh (9422723560)

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With Best Compliments from




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