Rick Berman presentation at the Western Energy Alliance conference, Colorado, June 2014

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Presentation given by lobbyist Rick Berman at the Western Energy Alliance conference in Colorado, June 2014

Transcript of Rick Berman presentation at the Western Energy Alliance conference, Colorado, June 2014

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%6F ) 056 ;2BB E8< D83 ;=2 48:; @53;C 9=26 8<3 :;<DD /: 9831/6> /;: ?23E ?/35B 56F@28@B2 532 @5::/6> /; 5B86>G *28@B2C 9=8 F86H; B/12 :842;=/6>C F86H; @5:: /; 86 ;88;=23 @28@B2G #=2E J<:; F86H; B/12 /; 56F :26F E8< 5 65:;E 68;2G

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The Broadmoor Hotel and Resort

1 Lake Avenue

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906

'A1"£'I~---.'I   1\I   D,...... ~ I. I:on&   &'U J:


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11:30am: Closing Remarks

12:00pm: Closing Luncheon

W est  Lawn


MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014

9:00am - 4:00pm: Golf Outing

B ro a dmo o r \Vesl Course 

2:00pm - 5:00pm: Registration Desk Open

C olorad o   H all (behind t he   Gold en   Beel

5:00pm -   9:00pm:   Opening Reception

 M ount ain   V iew   T errace

TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014

7:30am -   5:00pm: Registration Desk Open

8:30am - 9:00am: Opening Remarks/Welcome

9:00am -10:00am: Membership   &   Board Meeting

10;OOam-10:30am: BREAK

10:30am -11:30am: Advocacy Update

11:30am -12:30pm: Social Media Workshop

presented by Jay Natoli,   Gallatin Public Affairs

12:30pm -1:30pm:   Family Lunch

 Lak eside T errace

1:30pm - 2:30pm: Protecting Species or Land Grab? How to   Ensure Science-Based ESA Decisions

 julie   McDonald, Center   f or Environmental   Science, Accuracy   Sr   Reliability (CESAR)

2:30pm -   2:45pm:   BREAK

2:45pm -   3:45pm: International Security and the Oilfield

Jim   Davis, Ascent   Risk   Solutions,   f ormer   Chief  of   Public   Saf ety, State   of  Colorado

3:45pm -   4:00pm: BREAK

4:00 -   4:45pm: Colorado Ballot   Initiatives   &  Polling Update

5:00pm:  Shuttles to Dinner at the Cheyenne Mountain Lodge

Shuttles   will d e part   from   rhe S out h   building at the Broad moor

WEDNESDAY,   JUNE   25, 2014

7:15am -   9:00am: Registration Desk Open

8:30am -   9:00am: 2014 Membership Awards and Recognition

9:00am -10:00am: Big Green Radicals: Exposing Environmental Groups Rick  B erman,   Berman   &  C ompan y

10:00am -10:30am: BREAK

10:30am -11:30am: TBD

1:00PM -   4:00pm: Golf Outing

 Broadmoor   East   C ourse


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--2014 Annual Meeting   Speaker Biographies

Rick Berman

Berman   &   Company

In   1987,   Rick Berman founded Berman and Company,   a full-service   research and communications firm.   Prior to that

Rick was   employed   as an   Executive Vice President   for Pillsbury,   labor attorney for Bethlehem Steel  and The Dana

Corporation, as well as Director of  Labor Law for the   u.s.   Chamber of Commerce.

Berman  and Company   consistently excels in   getting its   clients'   and donor messages placed before the public through

aggressive media   outreach.   Berman   and   Company spokespeople regularly appear on television   and radio programs

and place   over   250 Opinion   Editorials   in major newspapers   every  year.   Rick and his firm have  been extensively

profiled   f or their   work   in  a variety of media outlets including   CNBC, CNN, 60   Minutes,   the Colbert   Report, Rachel

Maddow,   TIME, the Chicago   Tribune,   The   Ne w   York Times,   The  Washington   Post,   and USA Today.

Berman and Company   takes   a creative approach   to advocacy   and is frequently   honored f or its unique style. Issue

advocacy   through   paid media,   internet,   TV,   radio,   and street theater have earned   Berman   over   100 national awards

for creative messaging.   Millions of people access Berman-created websites annually   These sites   raise awareness and

"Change   the Debate"   regarding radical   environmental groups, animal liberation activists,   labor   unions, education

reforms,   individual property   rights, as well as a wide range of consumer   freedom issues.

A native   of  New York City, Berman is a graduate of Transylvania College in Lexington,   Kentucky, and earned his Juris

Doctorate from  the   law school   at the   College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,   Virginia.   He   is  admitted   to  prac-

tice in Virginia   and   the   District of   Columbia.

Jim Davis

Ascent Risk Solutions, former Chief of Public Safety. State of Colorado

Jim   is the founder   and   chief executive of ficer   of  Ascent Risk Solutions, LLC, a Denver-based security and risk   man-

agement   consulting firm   specializing   in the unique   needs   of the   oil and   gas industry.   Prior   to starting   his consulting

practice,   Jim served as a member of Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper's Cabinet   as Executive Director   of the

Colorado   Department   of Public Safety (CDPS)   and Homeland Security   Advisor   to the Governor.   In that capacity, Jim

led a department of over   1,600 employees and   was  responsible f or   the   safety and   security of those who   live and

play  in   Colorado   through direct leadership   and   oversight   of the   Colorado Bureau of Investigation,   the   Colorado State

Patrol,   the   Division  of Criminal   Justice,   the   Division   of  Homeland Security   and Emergency   Management,   the   Division

of Fire Prevention   and   Control   and   the   Colorado School   Saf ety Resource   Center.

Under Jim's   leadership,   the  state   successfully   integrated   homeland   security, emergency   management and wild   land

firefighting  into CDPS. This new structure   resulted i n more   coordinated and   eff ective responses   to  emergencies   such

as the   High   Park,   Waldo   Canyon,   Royal Gorge   and Black Forest   fires, as well as last   September's   Oooding.   Further,   Jim

oversaw the return   of  Port   of Entry to the Colorado State   Patrol,   aff ording more efficient   motor carrier   safety  inspec-

tions,   improving   traffic safety   and   reducing   wear and tear to the   state's highways.

Bef ore working   f or Governor Hickenlooper,   Jim had   retired   after   serving almost 26   years   in  the  FBI. His last as-

signment was as Special  Agent in   Charge of the   Denver division of the FBI and was responsible   f or all investigative,

intelligence   and administrative operations for the FBI in Colorado and Wyoming. His career highlights included

overseeing   the investigation   and disruption   of an  al-Qaeda terrorist plot   led by Na jibullah Zazi in 2009, serving as the

senior   f ederal law enf orcement   official  for  the 2008   Democratic   National   Convention,   directing a four  year  undercover


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Attendee List by Company


Greg Krueger

(303) 564-9097


Arthur   J. Gallagher Risk Management Services,lnc.

Derek Heys


derek_heys@a jg.com


leigh Vadas

(303) 564-9097


Baker Hostetler LLP

AI Chidester


[email protected]

Adam James   International

Kurt Colehower


[email protected]

Baker Hostetler LLP

Dominic  Lloyd


[email protected]

Amegy Bank

Ronnie Causey


ronnie.c [email protected]

Banko Petroleum Management, Inc.

Dave Banko


[email protected]

Amegy BankKevin Donaldson


[email protected]

S pouse/ C om p anion:   E lizabeth  D o nal dson 

Basic Energy Services

Doug Rogers


[email protected]

S pouse/ C omp a ni o n:  S usan  R ogers 

Amegy Bank

Steve Kennedy


[email protected]

Beatty  & Wozniak, P.C.

Bret Sumner

(303)407 -4499

[email protected]


Charles Troeger

(720)947-7416c [email protected]

Bjork Lindley Little PC

Robert Mathes

(303)892-1400rmathes@b jorklindley.com

American Energy Alliance

Angela   Haubert


[email protected]

Bjork   Lindley Little PC

Kathleen Schroder


[email protected]

American Oil  &  Gas Reporter

Bill Campbell


[email protected]

Bonanza Creek Energy, lnc.

Kerry McCowen


[email protected]

Spous e / C ompani o n:   D eb  M c Co wen 

Anadarko Petroleum CorporationBrad Miller


[email protected]

S pouse/ C ompanion:  J an e t Mill e r 

BP America

Cindy Delancey


Cindy.Delane [email protected]

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Murph   Shelby


[email protected]

Breck Energy Corp

Stephen Barnes


[email protected]

Spous e / C om pa nion : De b b ie  Ba rns 

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Chemco. Inc,

Morgan   Neher


morga [email protected]

Attendee List by Company


Cherry Creek  Insurance

Jeffrey   Parent


 [email protected]

Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Kelsey  Campbell


[email protected]

Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Brian   Macke


Srian.ma [email protected]

Colorado Oil   and Gas Association ICOGA)

Sarah Landry


[email protected]

Column   Commercial   Partners

Matt Brower


[email protected]


Burns   &  McDonnell

Sill Shearer


9eorg [email protected]

Calfrac Well Services Corp

Dale   Larsen


[email protected]

Cassidy Turley Colorado

Ted Harris


[email protected]

Catamount Constructors, Inc.

Brian Mulnix


[email protected]

Chemco,  Inc.

Graydon Neher


[email protected]

Spouse/ Co m pa ni o n: M a y e rle Neher 

Chemco, Inc.

Mayerle Neher


[email protected]

Spous e / Co m p anion:   G r a y d on Neher 

Our purpose - Energizing   the World,   Bettering

People's   l.ives"   - is   the   foundation of our

commitment to   safe, responsible operations,

Extraordinary performance is about more

than   operational excellence -   it's about

leadership, relationships and   innovation.

Working   together,   Colorado can   have the

energy we need, the   economy we wantand   the environment we value,

n~ noble• \,:;   energy


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Attendee List by Company

Comerica Bank

Caroline McClurg

(303) 294-3351

cmmcc [email protected]

Corpac Steel

Tyler Hout

(303) 999-9451

[email protected]

Craig Energy

Patty Jacobs

(720)  259-2463

[email protected]

Craig Energy

Danny Jimenez

(303) 551-3594

danny.jimen [email protected]

Spous e/ Companion: Margarita Bravo 

Craig Energy

Julie  Villalobos

1720) 259-2458

 j ulie.viii [email protected]

Spouse / Companion: Jeff V i llalobos 


Paul Phillips

(503) 685-9400

[email protected]

Spouse / Compan i on: Nancy Ph i ll i ps 

Crescent Point Energy US Corp.

Cameron Cuch

(303) 382-6762

c cu c [email protected]

Dan Larson Communications LlC

Daniel Larson

(303) 585-1122

[email protected]

Devon Energy Corporation

Dru Bower-Moore

(307) 347-4477

Dru.Bower·[email protected]

Dupre Energy Services, LLC

Cornelius   Dupre

(713) 231-9002

 [email protected]

Spouse / Companion: Celia Dupre 

Capital to help you transform your goals

into reality

We'll work with you to provide capital and industry

expertise. With specialists dedicated to the oil and gas

industry,   the Wells   Fargo   Energy Group can provide

the   financing you need   to   turn your goals   into   reality.

As one of the largest capital providers to the energy

industry and with more   than 30   years of experience,

we can help your business grow. To find out   more,contact us today:

Rich Gan   . Managing   Director

303-863-6293   • [email protected]

wellsfargo.com©  2014 Wells   f argo Bank

All rights   reserved. Member FDIC.


.AIIJi.   ,~ether we'll go far



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Attendee List by Company

EnCana Oil  &  Gas (USA) Inc.

Lem Smith

(720) 876-5153

[email protected]


Eric Dille

(303) 824-5542

[email protected]

Enduring Resources,llC

Barth Whitham

(303) 573-1222

bwhitha [email protected]

Spou s e/ C ompanion :   M a ure e n Whi t h a m 

ESClab Sciences

Johnny   Mitchell

(615) 944-9517

 jmitc he [email protected]


Kathryn Beiland

(303) 746-2811

[email protected]

Spou se/C o mpa n i on: K ev in  Be ilan d 

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories   Environmental Inc.

Kevin   Moran

(717) 656-2300

[email protected]

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories   Environmental   Inc.

Cassie Pelto

(970) 232-3336

cass and [email protected]

Ensign Energy Services

Greg Burton

(303) 292-1206

greg. burto [email protected]

Spouse/ C ompanion:   Ami e J aco bs - B urto n 

Fifth Third   Bank

Jonathan Lee

(303) 218-2419

 [email protected]

S pouse / C ompani o n:   K riste n Lee 

Ensign Energy Services

Jerry   Cerkovnik

(303) 292-1206

 jerry. [email protected]

Spo u se / Co mpa n ion: San dy Ce ko v ni k 


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Attendee List by Company

First Western Trust  Bank

Lou Clinton


[email protected]


Randy Yeager


randy.yea [email protected]

S p o u se / Co m pa ni o n: M e l od y   Yea g er 

First Western Trust Bank

Vera Divenyi

(303)531-8106Vera.0 [email protected]

Hart Energy Publishing

Shelley   Lamb(713)260-6430

[email protected]

Gallatin Public Affairs

Jay Natoli

(503) 220-0780

J [email protected]

Hart Energy Publishing

Eric Roth


[email protected]

Global Infrastructure Partners

Thomas Price


to m.pri [email protected]

Harvey E.Yates Company

Trent Green


[email protected]

S pouse / Co mpa n ion:    C a t h r ine   G ree n GMT Exploration Company llCWhitney   Lancaster


[email protected]

Hein   &  Associates llP

Patrick Hanley


[email protected] Exploration Company llC

William Lancaster

(720) 946-3028

[email protected]

S pouse/ C ompanion:   Laura  La n caster 

Hein  & Associates   llP

Tracy  Pharis


[email protected]

GMT Exploration Company llC

Marissa Walters

(303)586-9275mwa [email protected]

Holsinger law, llC

Kent Holsinger(303)722-2828

kh0 Ising [email protected]


Lindsey Leins


[email protected]

i 2 Construction

Clint Schmitz


[email protected]

Golder Associates Inc,

Tekla Taylor


[email protected]


Jason   Buehler


 ja [email protected]

Spouse/Comp a nion:   M in d y Buehler Granite   Construction Company

Joe Spink

(801) 526-6146

 [email protected]



Bobby Plowman


[email protected]

S p ouse/ C ompanion:   C harlene   P l o w man 

Independent Petroleum   Association of America (lPAA)

Cortney  Hazen


[email protected]

INTl FCStone

John Murphy


[email protected]

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Attendee List by Company

Jacam Chemical Company

Brian Fakharzadeh(303)931-2135

brian.fa kharzadeh@ jacam.com

S pous e / C ompanion :   Su sa n  Fa k har z ad e h 

Jackson Kelly PllC

Robert Comer(303)390-0018

[email protected]

Jones lang laSalie Americas,  Inc.

lindsay   Brown(303)390-5215

[email protected]

Juneau Energy llC   I  Juneau Exploration lP

Ryan Parsley(303)951-1111;

[email protected]

J-W Energy Company

Shayla Martin(720)385-3033

smartin@ jwenergy.com


Derek Bowman


[email protected]


Jeff Ryan(303)781-8211

 j [email protected]

Kodiak Oil &  Gas

Michael Murray


[email protected]

Sp o use / C o mpanion:   D awn  M urr a y 

lathrop & Gage l.C.

Jack Merritts


 [email protected]

S pouse/Comp a ni o n : T ori Me rritt s 

liberty Oilfield Services

Marc   Fisher

(281) 851-5945

[email protected]

Sp o use/Comp a nio n: K a th l ee n   F i s h e r 

Newfield by the Numbers

Investing in the State of Utah



With a history in Utah that spans eight years,

Newfield Exploration continues to grow, build and share.

As  Utah's largest oil producer, we're investing not only in

the state's economy and jobs,  but also in our communities

and environment. Our investments to-date total more

than   $2.5 billion with another   $18 million in state royalty

and severance taxes and $8 million in sales and ad valorem

taxes to Uintah and Duchesne Counties annually. We are

privileged to employ a talented team who care about the

community   where they  live and work,  From our involvement

in the Utah STEPSprograms,  focused on health,  safety and

environment,   to our support of causes from  conservation to

foods banks,  Newfield never loses sight  of giving back.

We are proud to  call Utah home,





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Noble Energy Inc.

Bob Leo


[email protected]

Ouad Knopf Inc.

Martina Pernicano


Martina [email protected]  \ 

Attendee List by Company

linn Energy

Kym Olson


kol [email protected]

Noble Energy Inc.

Robert Veldman


[email protected]

linn Energy

Jim Standley


[email protected]

POCEnergy, lnc,

George   Courcier


9eorge.c [email protected]

Sp o u s e / Co m pa ni on :   Oy ana  Fraz i er Cour c ie r 

Mesa Energy Partners

James   Schroeder


isc hroed [email protected]

S po u se/ Comp a n ion:   Al the a   S c hroed er 

PDC Energy, Inc.

Adell Heneghan


[email protected]

National Fuel Corporation

Diane Thompson


[email protected]

POCEnergy, Inc.

Celesta   Miracle


[email protected]

Newalta Environmental

Dewitt Dees


[email protected]

Pioneer   Natural   Resources

Betty   Brownson


[email protected]

Newfield Exploration Company

Andrew   Bremner


[email protected]

Pioneer Natural Resources

Jennifer   Webster


 [email protected]

Newfield Exploration Company

Daryll Howard

1303)383-4172dhowa [email protected]

S pous e / C om p anion : Lor e n  H ow a rd 

OEP Resources, Inc.

Brent   Rockwood

1303)[email protected]

Newfield Exploration Company

Bruce   Stallsworth


[email protected]

OEP Resources, Inc.

Shane Schulz


[email protected]

Noble   Energy  Inc.

Tripp  Kerr


[email protected]

OEP Resources, lnc.

lynn Welker


[email protected]


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Attendee List by Company

Resolute Energy Corporation

Jim Piccone


 [email protected]

Sanjel (USA) Inc.

Brent Allen


[email protected]

Robert  l. Bayless, Producer lLC

Robert Bayless, Jr.(303)296-9900

[email protected]

Savills Studley

Jim McGrath(303)217-2601

 j [email protected]

RockPile Energy Services

Kimberly Croll


[email protected]


Mike Brunstein


[email protected]

Spo u se / C ompanion:   C in d y  B r u nst ein 

RockPile Energy Services

James   Evans


 [email protected]

SM Energy

Patty Errico


[email protected]

RockPile Energy Services

Howard Rough


[email protected]

SM Energy

Jay  Ottoson


 [email protected]

Saga Petroleum

Chuck Farmer


[email protected]

Spouse / Co mp a ni o n:   D an a F armer 

Strad Energy Services

Kathryn  Hansen


[email protected]

S pou se / C om pa nion: Nick   H an s e n 

Saga Petroleum

Peter Mueller


[email protected]

The Oil  &  Gas Asset Clearinghouse

John Klee(303) 263-1946

 [email protected]

Sp o u s e / C om pa ni o n : P am  Kl e e Saga Petroleum

Harry Pritchett


hPritch [email protected]

Thomas J. Sisk and CompanY,lnc.

Trevor Gilstrap


[email protected] Resources

Tom Clayson

(307) 265-3237

[email protected]

Tracker Resource Development

Jeff   Vaughan

(303)534-9513   / 


S p o use / Companion : G i ~ a V a u gh a n 

Trihydro Corporation

Trisha Fanning


tta [email protected]

Samson Resources

Heather Smith

(303) 222-9777

[email protected]

Samuel Gary Jr.  &  Associates

Lonnie Brock


[email protected]


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Attendee List by Company

Trihydro Corporation

Kurt Schweigert


[email protected]

Upstream Petroleum Management,   Inc,

Kimberly Rodell


[email protected]

u.s. Bank

Bruce Hernandez


bruce.herna [email protected]

Spouse / Companion: TammyHernande z 

Vaughey &  Vaughey

David Milholm


[email protected]

UBS Financial Services,   Inc.

Daniel Green


danieI.l.gre [email protected]

Vaughey & Vaughey

John Vaughey


 [email protected]

Welborn Sullivan Meek   & Tooley, P.C.

Steve Sain


[email protected]

Ultra Petroleum,   Inc.

Staci Gordon


[email protected]

Spouse / Compan i on: M ik e He/ wi g    Welborn Sullivan Meck   & Tooley, P.C.Rebecca Watson


[email protected]

Ultra Petroleum, Inc.

Mike   Helwig


sgord [email protected]

Spouse / Companion: Ste e l Gordon 




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Attendee List by Company

Wells   Fargo Bank, N.A.

Rich Gan

(303) 863-6293

[email protected]

S p o u se / Co m pa nion:   Sa ra h G an 

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Tim Green

(303) 863-6765

[email protected]

Western Energy Alliance

Susan Fakharzadeh

(303) 623-0987

[email protected]

S pouse/ Com panion:   B ri a n  Fa k ha rz adeh 

Western Energy Alliance

Aa ron Johnson

(303) 623-0987

a jo [email protected]

S pous e / C omp a nion : La ur a Jo hnson 

We work with the past,

in the present ,

 for your future.

Cultural Resource Consulting· Planning

Archaeology' History

Ethnography/Native American Issues

COLORADO:   Tom Lennon   -   President3034491151

[email protected]

NEW MEXICO:   Chuck Wheeler   -   Vice President505.326.7420

[email protected]

NEVADA:   Ed Stoner   -   Reqional Manager775.358.9003


NEVADA:   Mark Demuth   -   Principal Environmental   Planner775.3589003

[email protected]

ARIZONA:   Chuck Wheeler   - Vice President480423.6837

[email protected]



Western Energy Alliance

Gina Mateo

(303) 623-0987

[email protected]

Sp o u s e/Companion:   Al e x Ma te o 

Western Energy Alliance

Brian Meinhart

(303) 623-0987

[email protected]

Sp ous e / C ompanion : C hari ty Me in h art 

Western Energy Alliance

Ursula Rick

(303) 623-0987

uri [email protected]

Western Energy Alliance

Kathleen Sgamma


[email protected]

Western Energy Alliance

Tim Wigley

(303) 623-0987

[email protected]

Western Energy Alliance

Wendy Wollert

(303) 623-0987

[email protected]

Whiting Petroleum Corporation

Jack Ekstrom(303) 390-4251

 [email protected]

Sp ouse/ C ompanion:   D ian e E k stro m 

Whiting Petroleum Corporation

Sam Knaizer

(303) 390-1351

[email protected]

Wold Oil Properties,   Inc.

Kathie  Hoogendyk

(720) 880-2354

[email protected]

XTO Energy Inc,

Fernando   Blackgoat

(505) 930-7010

fern ando_bl [email protected]

S pouse/ C om pan i on: Lena  B lac kgo at 

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Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Devon Energy Corporation, Encana Oil   &   Gas (USA) Inc.,

Halliburton, Newfield Exploration Company, Noble Energy Inc" Pioneer Natural Resources,

OEP Resources, Inc" SM Energy, Whiting Petroleum Corporation

; J   ",Of;   'i >,;",,~.';;;x;'o';Zi',   SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR BLACK GOLD MEMBERS:

Bill Barrett Corporation, Black Hills Exploration and Production, Inc" BP America, Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation

Ensign Energy Services, EOGResources, Fidelity Exploration   &   Production Company, IMA, Inc., Merit Energy Company

Saga Petroleum, Samson Resources, Ultra Petroleum, Inc., Wells Fargo Bank, N.A" XTO Energy Inc.


Baker Hughes Inc" Basic Energy Services, Bonanza Creek Energy, lnc., BOPCO, L.P.,Calfrac Well Services Corp,

Cameron, Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Cimarex Energy Co., Continental Resources, Craig Energy,

Crescent Point Energy US Corp., EnCap Investments, Finley Resources Inc. , Forestar Petroleum Corporation,

Helis Oil &   Gas, Jonah Gas Company, LLC, Lario Oil &   Gas Company, Linn Energy, Marathon Oil Company,

McElvain Energy, lnc., Nabors Drilling USA, LP,Nerd Gas Company, LLC, Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation,

Packers Plus Energy Services lnc., Petroglyph Energy, lnc., Precision Drilling, Red Willow Production Company,

Robert L. Bayless, Producer LLC,Sanjel (USA) lnc., Schlumberger, Shell E &  P companY \ ~dor Pickering Holt  &  Co"

U.S. Bank, Unit Corporation, Weatherford International, WPX Energy


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Special Thanks to Our Event Sponsors






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Page 45: Rick Berman presentation at the Western Energy Alliance conference, Colorado, June 2014

7/18/2019 Rick Berman presentation at the Western Energy Alliance conference, Colorado, June 2014

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Gavin Donohue - Lunch Keynote

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Ryan Smith - Investment Workshop

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Jack Hubbard - Dinner keynote

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