Richwell Phinias - Emerging Technology Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe Series


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Speaker introductions at the Computer Society of Zimbabwe ICT Entrepreneurs function

Transcript of Richwell Phinias - Emerging Technology Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe Series

Page 1: Richwell Phinias - Emerging Technology Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe Series

Facilitator: Emerging ICT Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe

Introduction to the Panel

There are a few problems that can be solved in a small way with the solutions you already have. These

small numbers when they see value in what you are doing, they are going to push you to greater

numbers, numbers which will eventually get you to move mountains.

Thank you I now introduce you to our panel

While some wait for venture capitalists to give them thousands of dollars to start up we have some who are starting where they are with whatever resources around them. The story of Silicon Valley which is

home to inspirational stories on the foundations of technology giants and individuals is full of stories of

people who started out from their college dorm rooms, parents' garages etc. Moving across to India and

Asia, the bigger giants also carry similar stories with venture capitalists coming through to already

successful projects. We are saying in Zimbabwe we have that class, the class that only needs exposure to the market.

But a class that is already doing something in the prevailing conditions. The class that does not look at

the past, and say things should have been this way, our predecessors erred, no, this is a class that does

not look into the government, politics or society and cry for everything to be in place. This is the class we

have today, we wish just to help expose this class to their colleagues who are waiting for some help

somewhere, to say wherever you are, this is the right time and you are at the right place and this is the

time to start up.

Some who are supposed to be scholars with this class have chosen to hibernate hoping the environment

will change and one day it shall be easy to start up. Maybe some have great ideas, not just in their

minds, but probably on paper, maybe hidden in their emails, laptops or mobile devices. Some have been

rejected and discouraged and decided to shelf what could have been the greatest innovations of our

time. Your colleagues on the podium are here to show you that you can do it, that it is possible to

dream again!

Richwell Phinias,QDS ( CSZ Harare Chapter