Richland beacon (Rayville, LA) 1874-04-04 [p ]., RAYVILLE COU(NCIL No I:r, holts its reg-ular...

-U RICHLAND DEACON. LOCAL ITE.YIN. Y103e, Ia.. April -, 1171.. Relilious. D itai5 SEvi -. - fl .^ .'.,p,,itmentm of .M H lti,, st Chur. b at I:y-!*.. are the 1-t 'iundays it. each mn',,,t,.-R-v. FRA.C W. aoAI 3 DLC, Pastor. FPIIcoPAL.-Rev. Mr. Ree•tr.- aivine Sr-vice in Rayville on thard Sabbath in each month. APProisrtuTsg RAYrtlI. C(actrIT. M. E CUataC Socr -New Salemn. FIir.t ahlamth. Rayville, Second Sabbath. Union, Third Sabbath. Alto, Foulrth Sabbath. Rev Taos. 8. RAIDLR, Pastor in clharge. PasartsRaA.•.--Rev. D. A. Campbell will Sreauh regularly. nt Alto nn the lst Sabbath n l S no.r,th; at Union Church on Bn- i-n Ridge, on Franklin Pa. on tihe third Sab- bath; at Rayville on the fqurthl Sabbati ; at Oak Ridge, Morehouse, Pa., on the sec ,ndl Sibbathin each month. Preaching in Ray. Ville every Wednesday night. RATYILLE UNION SABRBATH SCHOOL from I to 11 o'clock. every Sundiy morning. Miaslelme.mReualar communientions rof 3I. ?. McGuire Lodge No. '20 thie 2nd Wed- lay in each month. Teamperamee.-n. D. C.*f U. F. ., RAYVILLE COU(NCIL No I:r, holts its reg- ular meetings every Tuesday niultt. Patea•s of Humbaslmry.-RAv- 'VILLS GRAERiC, No. Ait, meets every seconI and fourth Thursday in each month, at I1 o'clock. A. x. WALIER, TAYLOR & CO.. New-pnlapr A-l- . Vertising Agents, 131 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md., are our au:lahriz.ed agents to contract for advertising in the BF: t'.o. S . M. PETTItGILL & Co., 37 Park Row, corner Beckman street, New York, are our authorizen agents for N. Y. ----------- - : - ------- BrANK APPLICATIONS for menmber- ship in the Grange, for sale at this office. THURSDAY morning, April 2nd, - there was a heavy frost here, and lire felt very comfortable. S AoGNTS wanted to engage in the sale of Tea. See the advertisement of Mr. Robert Wells, in another col- umn. AUDIror CLINTon has ordered the Tax Collectors to enjoin all merchants who have not paid their licenses by April 4th, to-day. CoNuxDuCtx.--Why is our Rayville Post Master now like an old maid?- Because he has long waited in vain for the mails to come. PRAcanro.-The regular pastoral appointment for the Baptist Church, in this place, on to-morrow (Sabbath) morning, will be filled by Rev. C. McRimmon, of Alto. MaS. MAooGr VAN Corr, an elo. quent exhorter for the cause of relig- ion and temperance, is taking New Orleans by storm with her powerful preaching. PZuor.L-We were pleased to seetat ourDepot, on Wednesday last, Rev. Osoroe EAoaR, of Clintoo,Miss., hoe is now in charge of the Baptist hurches at Bastrop and Oak Ridge. AN exchange is sarcastic. It says : The mas who thought boe could do without advertising, has been com- pelled to give in. His first advertise- ment was headed "h8eri's sale." MA•nRrE, At the residence of the brides father by Rev. C. McRImXon, March S6th, 1874, Mr. Jonus BATosReAN and Mists MAThA J. COPELAND, all of Richland Parish, Lousiana. -.-- a@. a DIrct Co•UrnT for the present Spring term will probably be postpono- ed, or dispensed with altogether, on acoant of the overflow, which now cuts us of from communication with many of the jurymen and witaeases. Oor rural readers should write to I Geo. H. Williamson, Gallatin, Ten- aeese, and procure a catalogue from I his Oreat Sonthero Seed House. He 1 ha for eml some new and rare seed, whicb ean beo obtained from no other quarter. See his advertisement in noother eolemn. TaE Semate of Mississippi have passed a bill making it necessary be- fore a liquor license can be granted, theiy have to procure the signature of a majority of the female ruesidenots of a towna u well as the masles. This isah prsitl temperance bill, and Louisi- as shoould have one worded in the Nsae language. Ws lMve had no train on the N. L. & T. I. . this week. Hand ears come is occasionally and bring us a medl bag, containiong old papers and letters pretty well mturated with we- tr sad mud. Hecoe, our readers anste epest uas to furaish them with much sews, seeing that we have no way of getting it. Mai. Moons gave birth to triplets In Rotledge, Crensbhaw county, Ale- breas, a sheor tiue since. All three ' amre girls, sad weigh repespectively 5, = 6 and 5) pounds. the mother asd 3 babes are doing well, but Mr. Moody IJ now more mtoodst than before. . . A DISPATC(I from New York, dated M- March 30th, ssays: "The temperance men and women gathered in the New l. York and Bl;ooklyn churches yester- day, and prayed in the presence of a large congre••tion. In Bro4,klvn i they laid out three routes for special :. visiting. The work is tound to be far more extensive than anticipated, ta, but visitors are not discouraged." ------ ****------ E Wz invite attention to the adver- r,i tisement, in to-day's paper, of the s. New York City Oil Company. We have tried the paints manufactured d; by this Company, and have been well 11 pleased with the result. For cheap- ness, beauty and durability combined, n, these paints are not excelled. Every 'manma nmay be his own painter by writing to this Company for further information. - QUITE a number of our citizens . have been engaged this week in mak- - ing boats to ride upon the overflow, and nearly every style of skiff imagi- , nable may now be seen upon the wa- 11 ter on either side of town. The pret- tiest craft of the season, however, was' '1 launched on yesterday by Mr. T. W. to Lvncu, who has won the palm as master mechanic among our Rayville ", boat builders. Urt THREE cows were killed by light- r-. ning, on the road leading North of is this place, about two miles above town, on Tuesday m )rning last. The cows had taken shelter from the rain under a large tree, which received the e stroke, and were found (lead at its base. We did not Ic trn the name of ie their owner, but can sympathize with t any one in such a wholesale loss of 1- property. THE OviarFLow came to town on e Sunday morning last, and continued to spread very rapidly for about two I days, since which time it has been gradually rising at the rate of about 2 inches every twenty four hours. , The latest intelligence we have from - streams above is not very encourag- r ing, though it is generally supposed 1 that the water will soon subside, if the weather continues favorable, as it I now is, and the ice don't commence to 1 melt before the "father of waters" be- gins to decline. "-- -"• A BaIGHT EYED DAuSEL of a dus.- ky hue, gladdened our office smiles of generosity, on the first April day, as she presented a large waiter, neatly mantled with white linen, upon which Miss - had sent us a cotton pie , ' with instructions to "eat it while it was hot." Haply, we had just re- turned from the dinner table with a well satiatiated appetite, and didn't fell hungry, much. But suppose, to the contrary, we obeyed the fair donor's injunction ; what would have been the consequences ? Mirabile I dietu! Crape would have hung up- n . on the door knob of the BEAcoN office, ti and some innocent young woman's fu- ture prospects for 4 support would - have been choked to death upon a a Scoto. pie. Just think of it: THE ALDIxa for April opens with a marvelous collectionu of beautiful il- lustratons, sonme of which are the fin- eat yet seen in the American Art Journal, while all reflect great credit I tupon the enterprising publishers. .Five great and remarkable pictures f of Lake George and its glorious scea- ery embellish this number, in which the well-known artist, Thomas Moran, k and the engravers, have vied with 't each other to put upon paper faithful ( pictures of the most exquisite scenery i in the new world. The subscription price of this magazine is only five dol- lars a year, including chromus "The East" and "The West." James Sutton & Co., publishersi, 68 Maiden . Lane, New York City. U Caoqrur.-A dispute having arisen between some of our young friends ca•cerning the orthoepy and spelling of the word, caoQgvr. one of them wrote to the Publishers of Webster's t Unabridged Dictionary, for informs- t tion, and received the following reply: ' SSPaNOrVILD, MAsr., \1arch 19, '74. t Dear Sit : We have your favor of at the.ISth inst. In reply would say, when our present edition of Webster's " Unabridged Dictionary, in 1864, the in game of croquet had not come into 6 use. But later, when we abridged the work, it had appeared, and you 6 will fnd it on page 835 of "Webster'as u National Pictorial Dictionary," ans t Octavo volome, for salek at the Book- ;. Stores in New Orleans. When we o bring out another edition of the Una- t; bridged it will appear in that. It is spelt croquet and pronounced krodiE. . Yours truly, O. & C. MuaI•ax. PacK up a match in the dark and . attempt to strike it, and ten to one Syou have got the wrong end; take a loose match out ofyour pocket to pick your teeth with, and twenty to one you get the sulphur end in your month. ed Tiua Grange and the United Friends ce of Temperance are now the two flour- w ishing organizations of Iayrille.- er- Though bearing the name of secret a ;societies, both are being liberally pal- en ronized br the ladies, to which fact ial may be attributed the great secret of be their success. ' Our social atmosphere 4d, consequently grows purer, much good - is being accomplished; and, the la- dies, fair guardians of human happi-- r- ness, are no loupg r opposed to the as- he sembly of a mysl, : brotherhood, since Se 1 the essential adjunct of a lovely sister- ed hood may be allowed to overlook their ell labors, guide their deliberations and 'P• shape their destinies. "Would that d, we had time and space to eulogize the ry noble, generous, self-sacrificing ladies -prolific theme. They inspire youth, er sanctify manhood and glorify old age. They welcome us at the cradle, sustain ns us through the journey of life, and give k- us the last sad farewell at the grave: "We dream that when the stars have set, and ,' nmorning blushes fair, 1- They sleep upon the tintel cloud like spirit,' a- of the air i .t- They wait our coming in a land where as' Illisotia i ver fullde; Where griefsa sirrosreo never comes, nor sorrow ca-ts a shade." as - """----- le A WEALTHY gentleman, who owns a country seat, nearly lhst his wife, a ho fell into a river which flows of through his estate. lie announced the narrow escape to his friends, ex- . of them, an old bachelor, wrote as fol- lows: "I always told you that river le i was too shallow." - ---- ***------- f When you buy a new lamp Chim- h ney put in a vessel of cold water, set A. it on the stove and boil. You can never break that chimney, unless you throw a flat iron at it, and wont break d it even then-if you miss it. O SOME lovers sit up half the night i n with only one chair in the room. t Don't ask how it is done, for you '- know how it is yourself. II --------- t *** PABTING. -IHer disposition was so sweet. so ditferetat f from mine, SFor I was like the rugged oak, she like the clinging vine. I did not know how strong a hold she had f u pon my heart. , Until upon that sa,', sad day, I knew that t we must part And not like kli must we part, who ho-pe i for future bliss, e And seal their vows with faith and love, with f true love's burning kiss. h 9 No, we must part as strangers Iart. and ever ad S strangers .5; e I know not that "twas hard for her, butt bitter 'twas for one. The lingering look of long farewell, I never ! shall faPget: r I pressed her hand. then turned away-my star of life had set. A Grange Burial--Hew the Or. , der put away the Dead. to f The first buerial of a member of the Patrons v Sof Husbandry with thlle honors of the Order 0 that has come to our notice, took place day before yesterday in Kickapoo, when the re. E mains of Henry Bolin were con-igredl to their resting place with all the pomp and fan- ci - eral pageant of the Granger burial service. Mr. Bolin was a prominent membetr. ant tle 3i attendance was very ,e. solne 401 persons being present. ThI , -gramme pftbhe burial was ahrtu as follows : On leaving the residene, of the deceased. t.he hearse wh:ch eontained the remains was flanked on either side ly thlree pall bwarers, who walked with uncovered heads andt re- gIalia draped in mour'.ing. Following tha i Ihearse came the relatives of the dlec•ased,anl . next marchetl the Sisters of the order, clal iI f ull regalia. The Brothers rane next anai _following alem the vast concourse of people, w1ho ltad come from far and near to witness the ceremonies. The remains were first ta- ken to the tchurch, where a priest went Sthrough a service peceliar to the Catholic I ('hureh,of which the deceasedl was a mem- Sher. When the exercises here had been con- I cludetl. the procession took iup its nmarch for the cemetery, where the Granger feneral : rightlls were performedl. Thie coffn was placed on nsupport directly over the open I grave and remained there till the impressive andl interesting service was onclulel. G. B. Coffin. Master of the Franklin Grange, conductedl the ceremanies. When the brothers and sisters of the SG;range of which the deceased wasa tnemner had assembled alout the grave, the Master readt a lectrion from the burial ritual. follow. edl by a selection by the I'hlaplain, and then c tLhe member repeated slnwly and solemnly the Lord's prayer, closing with a beautiful - and appropriate hymn. The brothers of the Or.ler then stepped to the grave and threw into the opening several boquets of flowers antd evergreens. A short but power- ful address was next delivered by the Chap- lain. While tle codlin was being lowered, a heuntiful and soul-inspiring hymn was sung. I and during the singing the sisters showered hboquets of flowers upon the descending coain until it reached the wooden box at the bot- Itom of the grave. The Master then sprink- led a portioe of dirt thrown from the grave fr over the coffin, and the services mclosed with ye the solemn benedictioneofthe Chaplain. ', Taken thmrobghout, the eeremonies were very heatifal and impressive. This is the first horial ofa Granger in the eounty, and if we are correctly informel, iu the State--that is with the ceremonies of rhe Order.-Lre,- oerth Timntes. cigars l Treeae (,O Ciprs, comprising many deserved- . Ily popular brand; i S20) pkga aell-k:. wn Virginia bands in all styles worr., at L..sts & Ecr.lrToN'. Is: Josh Billings' Good Eezolushuns. r- Thnt I wn't 'n:, ;e ecnny m' nore cctir- only S at nIIIII lI', * v •e t- ' p ;,-o. I hat , wi o t lrcy , or llu.I-e-peL..,-lIly " TIl:t i wall live within rtiny n na. if Ic .ave t t trIacr-ed tew d.! it. ilchat i wc,. i t advi.." en vIY . ,ly. c-cnl i CIo Df the. 1 t cd io i 'd'l'- thel y ai .alt InlC Il,, hc tci w. S tlhat i w o r'tl *++ :r 'c y i l. ciiIr ilt- li,t-, if i hav tow I.go hrefi, tewl d it d ThaIt won•ct lwear c.lny, ucles i anm tnlt- dler nitIlh. hl'cait i will take. mi wlhikey hereiafter 'trIc" c, -. lct- ltral•h lt to the gltter. S That the world owes met a living-provid- ed I eiarn it. C Thiat it a man kallc men a phicsl. i won't ask h bi, tfew prove it. "h'iII.t ita Icllc1 tells tnc- a nlce wlc tc kik i r i, W l l.elve what I .•.:a wc ithtI t .. it. I Thl;t the lc'-+t tile twl r.lepent ov a tlh le.r It i ut leo cre the bilntder iz h ct:ltce. l icth: i will try hard to be hionc-. 'uit it e wilrll he put my iarned itS, tow Ills it. T"l at lI alill love nie lmotherl-iilcalw if it takes '. ll the moley i kan rearcl to do it. 1, That i lbeleave real gr t lices arc getti, g l-kcc'Lr and .kIarmer ever'y da3. n ,NEW ADVEILTISEMIENT'S. e- NEW AND RARE SEED! IW At tme " Southern Secd House. of (Ge,,r:e II. V li l c mn-. nilc, GAL'.ITI1\ T.NNEF ' ., GTilL (:EAT PERItAN Wt` i MEL.cN! I n tilt l.'t il ev'ery re-ie.' .c p, r . so-e tile Smc'larl::ile property ofi re ,n4 lcccc r c lreshc andl r tIre ltclhcucRl thie entire wint'r. Seedsi -'arc'. .- ciet pcer paper of livrt seeds, cr cix paper. (:r'J ceded) lilt one dollar. "'The Persicn Ian Waternmclon proved to Ib tihe R ine-t ever iruight iinto this stalie -I.dwarci ('rawlbrd. Beicel, Telxa-s. k t. I "lWas well plieaed with ftilce watlhrlilclln - SI ite the last ione clil tio lir t of ti 11on1h - J. E. F iaw, Saein. ( .Jc. Y:. 1•74. N1.r.iE rc ('L'(IMBER Grows frt c two llto ei'li bIet long. Spllendidi i;r i all: pirpooses. e-pcc'ial y far pck lg. Icut S:11 reI-ilire .'din ci ' Icfcg'hlity It lit ilhlt yocur Isc' ittle jurs. Price tw'' Ity centsl a pacp r. ci ,r -Ic iclaplrs fhr one dtlclar. IIi(SK It ',R. I'BER TSO.IATO (OR GRO %i) CiiERI ".) " A icitlinct variety. Fruit grows in ca huik, in wlcch itwill ke'ep soundll and fre-h thrtlhll wcntller. Has a ipcIliar weet strlwlberry- like flicvor. Prce twent:y centst a pclper i; a for t ile tdollar. I-RD LONG BEANS. Grows fronm two( to Ifiur feet long ; fine quali- y ' l cente a paper r oir fir one dolilar. M.MM.OTH . (i:B.IGE. 'Inde' r the ic.-t cliillivati.n will wii eil h frtll teit to lilly Ilcutil per head. twenty cls a pa- pIer ix fur one dollar. J.IP.1N RADDISH OR R.APii.VCS CND.IA TCS. A inove!ty from Japan. The stalk is Ikad- ed with delhicios pods two feet in len'th. which are con-lered a great delicacy served it vilrirousl ways. Very rapid growth tifteen cents per ii'per; -even papers for one dollar. M.M.VOTH St, U.lIsH i Properly cnltivated will attain the enorrno 1c weiglht of ten to three hundrec ipoulnds twe'nty eti. a paper; six for one dollar. All this I know lisounds a go•ol deal like a ti-h story, but ally seedI grower will verily ev- ' cry word of it My ('Catalogue for 1674 gives lints of the best garden, flower and field seelIs, with dlrec'tlogs fur cultivation, etc., embrnies inov. cities found in noot!.er. It will lie sent free to any addtre-s. , t GEORGE H WILLl.MIV0, :; tf, Gallatin, Tennessee. r "-G-TEA li"AGENTS wanted in town and cotlintry to sell TEA. or get up c!lub orders, for tihe larget Tea Companlily in America. Imccpor" ters I ricee and ilucemelnts to Aiiecti.- - Se-nl ifr ('irular. Adires's, BOBERT WI LLS. 43 Vasey street, New York. P. O. Box I•z7. Tie Clcri tian Union, Henry Ward Beecher . titor, of Ott. i:th iast. says: "Parties w .I,.- iing to get up cluibs. and all who can get i orders foir TEA, should write him fur a circular." The New York Weekly Tribune, of Sept. Id. lays "All 'Granges should write Robert Wells for circular.' The Scythe, of Sept. 2), says: "RTbert W 'II, is thoroughly reliable.". (april 4, tf Cottage ololr .. Paints 61,00 to 61,50 per Gaslon. ENGaLISH ROOF PAINT, Ground in Oil, . . . c. per gal. LIQUID SI.TE ROOF P.INT, Fire Proof, .... Sl,i'5 per gal. Pamht' PETaOLEIt LIIlSED OIL, Works in all Paints as Boiled Linseed, only 5.k,. per pil. SMACHINERY OILS F E. G. Kelley's patent sperm O t .,00. o Engine OI, . .. . 7'w. Filtered Rock Lubricating r, 60 f Send for cards of colors an. 5 .reulars. NEw YoRK CITy OIL CoxnPAxr. p 6 Sole Agenet, !16 Maiden Lane, New York. A pril I, 7 .1, if We. de. Ware, ee., ete. A COMPLETE stock, Consistiig in part of Brooms, Buckets; P Matches, Brushes; Spices, Sho t; Caps, Powder, .,3 In short everything ustially kept in a first- clIT a establishment i tn b foumi at ,ieel3 Laitas & EooLganFoa's. ( g i'Preducta clli . i bhls Pork St. Inuis Standard; ti ilJl) pkges Pigs Feet, I in kgs, hbus and hall ibbi.; rc I tierees S. C. Hams; I 40 packages dry salt Meats; 2i canas Bacoi n lsides and sboukllher- ; l5) packages Leaf Lard. kegs, buckets, and s i hlf bis. . decl3. Laumctx & KEimamtoN. WANTED. L "V l ener-ti men and IolmIcn. Busineqi that will Pay from t4 ti lct jp'r day, can be purnled in h your own neiichorcca , andt is strrtly ion- tl ccraile. Particulars free,or salmnples that will eoaiclle rou tlc go to werk at once, will be, tent on re'eict of two three cent stam rs. Adccres 5. LAT AX d (' i., 292 Washiangocn 1s., Boston, N1asa Fle r,t 7'O Barrels;: 20o half do-all grades-in- chiding "PURITY," the PRemium Flour at the late St. Louis Fair, and the "TIA- A." its equal. both unexcelled, at dec13 b &LAUiN & Etoresaeos'l a MAGISTRATES' BLANKS. of every t deseription, neatly executed ag this,( 1l,11ce ucc the shorteat cictce. Notice. U. S. INTERINAL i EVENCE. SPECIAL TAXES. .1iv 1, 1?t1 . , Arln. a "i, 1%•$. rThe LAW o~f D,.cmer t1. 1572. reiiuires eve.ry iper- ,'r.a'• t I 1 al 'y h u.s t,--, .yvo(.a- (i744, or ,. inanya ,,,t whi,.h rwhit,.- .,!n h:lasie t, a '11-.t'I A I. X. "1) I TR( i•R E .\ N I)D I '1.\('1: (t ( i '~I 'I(li'OUL1.1' IN lII' E>- "".\ I l- II:N I" (1. l'is .\.11I " W I:l.l- N F••.s :t .' '.\ I ;' .s ,,is th, .. pa.y. .. n t of a,' l "I'I('I.\ I. T .AX for I ',.. ,,. ,. i '['six year lhae,.; u a l. a v I. I 1 h,"( r. . , men ,.- ;'e oir 'co:taar .a.. blia - '-- sat.r A ,11 3-, 1I71. THI E T.\ XE E.\si i"1,A :I'D W IT1IIN Till.I IRl()I\IONS 11( ' 1Il• LAl .\III\FT QUOTED Ali: THIE Ft).L(LW- IN(;, VIZ Rectifiers, 4"!ood I)eaaers, retatil lqaor, .,11 I 'l:ers, wI'hil-t,' li,' r. 31", s I lIealers I ma litl hquar-, wh ,ae-aleh, .I , I)e'sl, r.- iIs io all liq uar.. retail, 01 .. I).-l.r, in , laf i ttarco, S , Ii .Re ta; l d ha il -r- ir a le atf t la•l' - l . A il -ii ,alt of , ,over '. fifty t'eilts I,r every ,i Prl e•s. ,If$ all Ileat*r. Ita maatanufat• l ,I ••,co, . I111 Ia atlslli ,'itl.r. 1of .tit, .rtfll i Anid fire•'er still ua, .nfirturea a . il aE) Ad atir eaals woarts: aaaauafactured, 211.1 N1 .lano aIatrer, of alni "ca , I ( 11) \lanu fcturers sif a.'ar-. 11.II) I Pedllers of tiall a..o, lirst class (n ise I'ta t'111ao i(r- I.) 5r.1()li Pe ilethl .rs of fto:ns'-., -caa,,d clams- (two hIur-e.) 2. 1) Peidlera oft tulatao. third c'as. (one has,') 1 •.00 Pediallrs of tahat'o, fAaath (Ion liit oir public 'ois eyane.) 104n i I;rew.r. areof I-- than ; hlanir,"d a1 9rn 'al+ 5 .4 tO Bret er: ia fs 1 b atarri I,o r mo ,re 1i ,.10 Al.y per-nn, so iabil. who h !I flail to ae'aanply with the Ii regaaoiag reatalrtt its will I-,let to se',a:ilties laier,,. oar lirma lale Io pay any of the y ainl 'Ilax, ai tnaalnwd : i, n -t iaplly to .It 'i. li I;AN, lDeputy collector Itteraal Rai, cnua. at 3liHnar,-e, L'• . aal paly lir al Iraaaat. tiale i'apen sal Tax Stamp or Stallpa or thely ineed, prior to Maiy I. I I7. andal waITt ,I T FtIlTIE"t Na.,TIitE. J. . I). (IO I.A.S, ('anmi-sioner if Intern:al Reavenue. )FFICre oF Is I'a It\ .l i.1 t:~I r.. S11\ A vIStlaTos. D. C., Feb. I4, lt 7.. .are'h 1, ta-it .i:2. Notice. rIJLM . ASTuON"i'" ay viple, Louisiana. I wish to notify the public that I will com- plete all kinds of carpentl.ler 't wrk ill tilhe la-t mannlaer, at short notice, anywhere in the pIariah or State. a Gin Houses, anI, all of the latelt styles of COTTON PRESSES built accirling to order. Girve e 'ap trial and fiair play. and I guar- ante,. s'ti-faetion to all parties or to pay. Jan,. I,. L:... ly . .M. ASTON. .Notice. ""' REWARD. Will be paid for j / e the raa'overy ol a large, light brown ioare .Mule. cl-an lilmead, brantded with the letter II on tlhe left shoulder, recently stolen from the undera.igned. OSILI . D . uRKOY. Ritaland Pan La,Lo March 7.e B1ldtr, Kearniey's FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! ThPe e only known remedy for GOUT. GRAVEL. STRICTURES, DIA. BETES. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS Eig in LIT, DRO: SY. Nof S-retention or Ic: o inn;le of Uie, Irriy tatPrice, Olae I atollar per ile, rat Sio oltle or F Dollars. ky D arges P' DBauer, 10K IDney ane SD ., Swellings, or. Existing in Men, Wdice gratis. gag,8 No matten r ~IrtI, f ire. jProf says: . of Keaeys Fluid Extract Buchu more than all o•l•er Bcehlius combired. for OF Fe Dollars.EE. Depot, J. D u rllane St., New York.rSOn ral Ph:lsican ir ark, esance to anwltrlll. orr a-l Spotisile ace an ana g ve i l r ,ly)e grati. itr Senil stairr forell lae. Io iiletsr fre.l ll le i'erv ,I:' r ladle i o Ir:llatedi s iNoh Cafeaa. (Cforo . At llar:leg ntl. "lAitr;.T p Da J. B D Or"T. rint . Ier. on G eral lvian abIl woreo, cam le totsulaa St., N o. a c ae f tra exal or Trmary Oans i ln ile or fi rsIa. I, neatt*r firars Sw ht caa, :on tie liogl i a a o if l ina.. one msta di: , siA race ieal ia yrer. erabtled am the ltt shle hr rle iattler N. Thelie atdollart will be a forward at later eoria yats a elsier.g t atai taR. B.Irs.ay ;a *. J7. B DIOTT. S. D., to Pluiciaun mail tireon, 114 Duane St., N. Y. ch J-ea. I, 7h . ly . I. Utrayed omk tele ;A Frtered at inrie uear Girar Stis, de letter N. Te ollar will te aid or o. jar recovery, in R. B. NELSON. i. Pelican and Neutme, nt ii. BARRELS K. I-. Meal; . aleuil. LA.1LIN & EGGLESTONS. Al Richland Hause, N. B. STILES--Proprietor iS ennvertielsy situatedl, lnear the Railroad Depot. unoi i= now rnn ly fir the receltiTn iand lihnpital entertaiiits: I of gueli-tn t1 ian I reasonable t, rnisn. Lodgi g r si lll'rtail . nrl I the table suil•wd with the in -t the naarket res antfhrl;l. well pirepared asli kLillly servedl . (;Gue-ts receivr :a I 1 th. uttenti,,, dlesired at l nall tincs annd tiler ail ircimini-tni ,erS. 1) t;•y INard or a l m i . liia. luporln no g. sor ternll a. ('all Ile had anywhere, aid sat- -of I , leh, ca t, :n you wro l ,1I u r,.re to ,X IO I'f lae:ll. .\ A;.,l .t:tblh 1it the fair the r,)1- . vei.a•,.,r of ' u *-t- wia! her-"'. . nul ly PRENTISS HOUSE, TV klburg, Xib.. ui T. C. MlcMACKIN & CO., I'rop'rs. "' /j ll- .inaiin n i. m.ent thsgt this lir Ho. trel f lthei l I . (' iy i -till isIu , r :! :1 i iiuinlagemei* if the old annd popular fiaa of I. 4:. .11. lh. &km (', is . -iilici rn.t u r:an- 'a tile to their (pi ll uitn.inCersi all i mstra i.r gu•ie.ti are a•.arel tVia t.h y will rec•-cive erv- ery attentlon Ithey cii. I de-ire from ii rt .nl I"p 'ri,,rs.. te"eient clehrk- and alttentive wi - it JOSEPH POOESTA a 1 AS the h, nor ti aalniria is Is fed rnud - tlihe putilie that in ll ,r.iitratiuu f.r tlhe ' ;lilll ,e;*tan aln ('IIIITMAN IIOLIID.St , he has ipurclial •Ie Ihe large-t amld Iamost lanrd :-h .k of C.olfectiolarha, Fa cy Greoeries, S Foreign and I( ID mentle Fruit, I Cigars and Tebamce, Nk)-*Rewdeht, Firecrackers, Terpedoed. ! and oither Firework's ever otlereil it thi rour- kii. laviii- in hi- ,r Candy and Cake Departments S thrivne-t : 'ui ini plheii waok-,,,ei . hie i• ir,.- lare l at -h rt iiIati" ti irnis-h f:um iti.*-. adl plarties with evrything nleut..--ary to ari ele- galn: ientertalilliiem t. The PIllie i i invitedl to nil at his C'mnfetiommery Emporlum. I ",: W -. ahilguon Stri, I. ki liir., i,... e.l , purha.-ing el-,where. [,h'clU-ly.] 50, 00 For $1,OO. IIFE FIRST G;REAT SALT LAKE SG(;IFT CONCERT, authorized by iand e ... lr thie inmmediiate saupervu-iin of lthe city atlllhorTIes of ('CorinreCit'lly, for tihe leneiit and i,. aid of thes Public Free School, THE ONLY FREE SCHOOL IN UTAH TERRITORY. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC FREE SCHOOL Capt. a. Howe, J. .. Gerriah * Alex. Topenee. - TO BE - Distributed to the Tleket H ld , ers -AT A- GRAND GIFT CONCERT To BE HELD AT tllt Opera House,City of Corinne, Marci amla, I•71,. I)EPOSITORY, BANK OF CORINNE. ae,m* TIC(KET, P4ice one D llar E ls I, $226,.,0 IN GIFTS! AS EOLLOWS: I Graril C•aih Gift, I;0,001 1 " " 2,J,(X) I " '" 2,f)0 1 " " 0.Ihi 1 " ' 5,tlk) ! " " 4.).)0 I " " ::,( O10 S1 " " 21,4(0 each 53,00 S7 '" "' I(Y) -ctnh |OJiX) 700 " " 20 each 34,000 6ftn) " I' 1(eah c6.aJO 1.300, " " 5 each .50 ,re ,0)" " I each 50,0uo 52 9:14 Ca•sh Gifts. amollting tiri '$226,iao ONEClANCEIN EVERYNINEl The distrimtio will he in pIlhlic, and will liew ma.le unlder thIe snme formiarnl regulatians as time San Francisco and Loiisvil:,. Library I Gifa Concerts. indler thle isupervijin of c eom- mnttee of prominent citizens selected by the - ticket holalers. Reference as to the integrity of this enter- prise aid of the management is mnade to the following well know citizens: Sam. L. Tibtlmi, A. Toponce,J. Malhb J. H. Gerrishl---Members of the City Council. Judtlge T. J. Black, AU't U. S. Assessor; Malsh & Greenwald, Proprietors Metropoli- tan Hotel; Fgenlle Moore, City Marshal; W. W. Hull, Arrhitect; J. Kehoe, Constable; J. Kmpfer, Jeweler; Caplt. S. Howe, Conmtrac- tor; O. D. Richlnmond & Co..C ommissinn Mer- T chamts; MA. F.. Campl.:l, Proprie or Cetral Ilitel; Singleton & Cr-ath, Proprietos Pacila 0 Stables; S. P. Hitch, Merlhant, Sandy,l ULtah; ; A. G. Garrison, Helena, Motana. . We will also anllnolnce thi, i.ach and every o person buyitg a ticket e:n -t any and all times exaouinu our bre'-. :,id aill bImsiness transactions connected i:s the enterprise; j snd as the drawing o: ;riz-- a••l be placed at in the hands of honest anl daaaterested men a it will insure a fair anal impartial distibotion p allowed. "Money should be sent by Express or d by Draft on any solvent bank. by P, stofiee Money Order, or Registered Letter, at our risk. For partieulars, aidres. Jan. 17 3m Lock &•> 158,ICorinue, Utah. BUSHELS SWEET POTATOE BEED to sell. by A. L.aud W. T. t, EAVE, two andl a half m.Ie southeast of Altn. feisll : t Draugs, Paints, Oils, Etc. r iARDAWAY k CO., ,I PfrUGGISTS AIDl) PATEN• T' .n RDID'lNE DEA LEflS, VICIIBURO, MISs., ,"t ,l ,l' call the attenarLn of tMerelhat-, llhy ;iia ,•n a ,,l I'g nters to their large anlI at varied at.o'ek of Frela DrUalanld, S' Pure' VW'i,' andl I.iqa.,r. fr eltdleleral i,.-, t ,get'her with a general svl~k if D11rgist ' ;h'il u are and lhp Fln,,ilre of e verv dl'.le- ,ritin, ; Stirgi'nl In .- trinwallrt-, I'Iy-icia.n ' I ia' iket ('a iie . ,'ich l tn, r-. ig , etc . etc. In sholiirt. we are prep'are. to lit tip Phyi Wiann, ,r I ) r,,ar i-t. with a fir.-t.ins.- iof every- thl :r . pertia ,iZn ti , their bno iae-. a di at r:,ti" to conluare f.avoraly with all othe'r market.. Our Stock ir 1'/~ailt, ilh, l itr i .-., 117,i1o1, (;/lr•s, SeIsl, rel., Si lar:me anrd rc.inpletu.. and, w are prepareul " liu lash !te lit at l anirnlittirere pries. FelI "I-ly GRANDEST DISCOVERY OF TIlE AGilt BREAZEALE'S I, ONQI'ITO LOTION. /~i lIS.' invalhal. lL prepalration is a iollnre- I hli 'u i r saai .t l i n l cliiar:ltel . It i, an *t.' tla:il ;aui I i 1ii.i-tllit I remei. ll v narij -t niln - la:a'k gn-. tSl-. iat'e-, an I tie hole olf he -a i.:.' n,-i. ? tr.I,, . (.as%.- init:nlt rili-f front pail; tiii the bi te or .til lof any lit " touit The L.otion i- n.-o a -pleh! id (' mlietie. f- f•'tuilly ren.'i i i althe-,' frrrklet and nun- fii 'an. lian iav L the -kin -otl, n tlalih a li healtahy. lITh. l.aiti nt/ i* o-rad without fear, na it ' ae-i inut -tili a -iagle' drop of poi'o in.- The Ia t iot ouii t i"4l.t FFINY (I; 1S ER I'E . IiFrTLE. An'i .;i. lily it. The ilatentie is Ia atlae ofl Alauhliaini. nol I t!li- lit al'fr a ihubui to ia ha- wiin peI..1 A It. IIIAZE/E[AI.F. S•lu, Ain. i'at* l, ei :aiIl .`,le I'r .,.' ,i,,r. Leave voiir irdl:er- at tiear Ih:'t*(o I. sy*, ' For-:aI' in ilntliytui! nt the S, of Ilne-r. Verier & ('.-ilhlil, 1Dr. P. 31. lRyai, anad R. I. Sw•,t & ,Co. Joly us . 17 1. -3.rr. Notic ! A I.L pleria, are her"ilby notified not to -l (lt or remove any tiiiaar or iiprove- li'...,aq ,goi .. y of thil' prop'rty h th. E-tate 1t the Inte .1lr. .1. -Stafiord, of G(irnrd, to-wit thelia lme I'laine,.." aaljynilag (;,iarnir, the ' Hllea',. -Cherry lutii"e and * "wian llIane.a I'lanatati ans. Any peronhli who lhave 'itne so wall pilase 'aille forward andl settle for amne. I. Q. C. STAFFORD, Tutor. Jan. 31, 187 ;-. 3t. A. H. Yetma,. DA. CAmpreI. Vicks..burg, 1ira. Rayville, La. YERGER & CAMPBELL, DEALERS IN General oerchandise, LWA 1-S on hand, and at Vicksburg pric- es, a full Stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Boots. Shoes, Hats and Notions. ISaple and Fancy Groeerleu Whiskey, Tolar-o. Cigars and Pipes. R'l tieris are a"i, or we will exchange G-. ,l- at low,.-t ':sh iries for Hides, i ol, Black .ol-i , Tallow. Eggs alnd Chick- Rayiille. La.. May M rd. i 73.-ly. i ACCOMMODATION TO TRA ELER5. At ionroe, La. 1"-OOD BOARD AND COIFORTABLEF ROOMS, aAT TWO DOLLARS P'ER StaI.p, .fALt 5a Cents. La:.ts .4) oenis. Le Hl(ousefosituat:ed only one hun- dred yards from the Depot. Mrs. U C. HEWRON, March !5, 172.] tl Mo.nuom, LA. 11813 rALL WINTER 1813 GA OODS8, t New Orleanms and fi. Leai Retil Prices.. ENTIRE NEW 8TOCE JUST OPENED AT TIlE Girarl, La. "ILANTATION Suplies, Grar'eries, Fall liad Witer Dry G(ot., Dires Goodls. Naa.ion., Clothing. Ladies, Ciilair,'nf', (Geats and Boys' Ra.ta. Slnes. lint. and ('apa. Tinware, Gla.ware, HIardware, Queett. ware, Stationery, &a., &en. Let every one tall mid see, and bring their cash and cottonl, at great largiins, and lsve freight and trainvelig expenses. " Cotlton. Wool, ili le, lBeeswax, &.a., buougiht at the best market prices. I. Q C. STAFFORD, Tutor. Oct. 4th. 1873 4m. CENTRAL imal hstitaut, uclites mants 00oun, iets, REV. WALTER HILLMAN, LL. a., S RSI•DEtNT, .. ALSSISTED by a large andl able Faculty, will hegia its Twenty first Aesalemic year on Tuesday, the 23rd of September. The let alesaom tas eminently prosperos. Over twesty-three pe cett. more pupils en* 'ered than were in alindance the previsaa year, and a greater number than had been F etalogred since 1i60-61. The President having reigned the Pres- ldency of Mississippi C alege, which he has jointly held for the last sitx ysra, will hre- aftier give his undivided attention to the In- atitoe. By concentrating thus his entire ex- periaence and energies, h will doubtless be able to elevate the eharacterof the institution even above what it has heretofore possessed. For catailnaie., or other information, atl. dress the P aeent , the Faculty. Id ROBERT K ELLS, Presinrnt of Beard of 'lru'utees. RUITS, Vegetables and Fish, F D lreel from the Packers, cheaper than they ean be had in New Orleans. Special _gures made to Dealers. leerl3. i.asxrrg & EetLEiator.

Transcript of Richland beacon (Rayville, LA) 1874-04-04 [p ]., RAYVILLE COU(NCIL No I:r, holts its reg-ular...



    Y103e, Ia.. April -, 1171..

    Relilious.D itai5 SEvi -. - fl .^ .'.,p,,itmentm of

    .M H lti,,s t Chur. b at I:y-!*.. are the 1-t'iundays it. each mn',,,t,.-R-v. FRA.C W.

    aoAI3 DLC, Pastor.FPIIcoPAL.-Rev. Mr. Ree•tr.-

    aivine Sr-vice in Rayville on thard Sabbathin each month.

    APProisrtuTsg RAYrtlI. C(actrIT. M. ECUataC Socr -New Salemn. FIir.t ahlamth.Rayville, Second Sabbath. Union, ThirdSabbath. Alto, Foulrth Sabbath. Rev Taos.8. RAIDLR, Pastor in clharge.

    PasartsRaA.•.--Rev. D. A. Campbell willSreauh regularly. nt Alto nn the lst Sabbath

    n l S no.r,th; at Union Church on Bn- i-nRidge, on Franklin Pa. on tihe third Sab-bath; at Rayville on the fqurthl Sabbati ; atOak Ridge, Morehouse, Pa., on the sec ,ndlSibbathin each month. Preaching in Ray.Ville every Wednesday night.

    RATYILLE UNION SABRBATH SCHOOL fromI to 11 o'clock. every Sundiy morning.Miaslelme.mReualar communientions rof

    3I. ?. McGuire Lodge No. '20 thie 2nd Wed-lay in each month.

    Teamperamee.-n. D. C.*f U. F.., RAYVILLE COU(NCIL No I:r, holts its reg-

    ular meetings every Tuesday niultt.Patea•s of Humbaslmry.-RAv-

    'VILLS GRAERiC, No. Ait, meets every seconIand fourth Thursday in each month, at I1o'clock. A. x.

    WALIER, TAYLOR & CO.. New-pnlapr A-l-. Vertising Agents, 131 W. Baltimore street,

    Baltimore, Md., are our au:lahriz.ed agents tocontract for advertising in the BF: t'.o.

    S . M. PETTItGILL & Co., 37 Park Row,corner Beckman street, New York, are ourauthorizen agents for N. Y.----------- - : - -------

    BrANK APPLICATIONS for menmber-ship in the Grange, for sale at thisoffice.

    THURSDAY morning, April 2nd,- there was a heavy frost here, and lire

    felt very comfortable.

    S AoGNTS wanted to engage in thesale of Tea. See the advertisementof Mr. Robert Wells, in another col-umn.

    AUDIror CLINTon has ordered theTax Collectors to enjoin all merchantswho have not paid their licenses byApril 4th, to-day.

    CoNuxDuCtx.--Why is our RayvillePost Master now like an old maid?-Because he has long waited in vain forthe mails to come.

    PRAcanro.-The regular pastoralappointment for the Baptist Church,in this place, on to-morrow (Sabbath)morning, will be filled by Rev. C.McRimmon, of Alto.

    MaS. MAooGr VAN Corr, an elo.quent exhorter for the cause of relig-ion and temperance, is taking NewOrleans by storm with her powerfulpreaching.

    PZuor.L-We were pleased toseetat ourDepot, on Wednesday last,

    Rev. Osoroe EAoaR, of Clintoo,Miss.,hoe is now in charge of the Baptisthurches at Bastrop and Oak Ridge.

    AN exchange is sarcastic. It says :The mas who thought boe could dowithout advertising, has been com-pelled to give in. His first advertise-ment was headed "h8eri's sale."

    MA•nRrE, At the residence of thebrides father by Rev. C. McRImXon,March S6th, 1874, Mr. JonusBATosReAN and Mists MAThA J.COPELAND, all of Richland Parish,Lousiana.

    -.-- a@. a

    DIrct Co•UrnT for the presentSpring term will probably be postpono-ed, or dispensed with altogether, onacoant of the overflow, which nowcuts us of from communication withmany of the jurymen and witaeases.

    Oor rural readers should write to IGeo. H. Williamson, Gallatin, Ten-aeese, and procure a catalogue from I

    his Oreat Sonthero Seed House. He 1ha for eml some new and rare seed,whicb ean beo obtained from no otherquarter. See his advertisement in

    noother eolemn.

    TaE Semate of Mississippi have

    passed a bill making it necessary be-fore a liquor license can be granted,theiy have to procure the signature ofa majority of the female ruesidenots of atowna u well as the masles. This isahprsitl temperance bill, and Louisi-as shoould have one worded in theNsae language.

    Ws lMve had no train on the N. L.& T. I. . this week. Hand ears

    come is occasionally and bring us amedl bag, containiong old papers andletters pretty well mturated with we-tr sad mud. Hecoe, our readersanste epest uas to furaish themwith much sews, seeing that we haveno way of getting it.

    Mai. Moons gave birth to tripletsIn Rotledge, Crensbhaw county, Ale-breas, a sheor tiue since. All three '

    amre girls, sad weigh repespectively 5, =6 and 5) pounds. the mother asd 3babes are doing well, but Mr. MoodyIJ now more mtoodst than before. .

    . A DISPATC(I from New York, datedM- March 30th, ssays: "The temperancemen and women gathered in the New

    l. York and Bl;ooklyn churches yester-day, and prayed in the presence of alarge congre••tion. In Bro4,klvni they laid out three routes for special

    :. visiting. The work is tound to befar more extensive than anticipated,

    ta, but visitors are not discouraged."------ ****------

    E Wz invite attention to the adver-r,i tisement, in to-day's paper, of thes. New York City Oil Company. We

    have tried the paints manufacturedd; by this Company, and have been well11 pleased with the result. For cheap-

    ness, beauty and durability combined,n, these paints are not excelled. Every

    'manma nmay be his own painter bywriting to this Company for furtherinformation.

    -QUITE a number of our citizens.have been engaged this week in mak-

    - ing boats to ride upon the overflow,and nearly every style of skiff imagi-

    , nable may now be seen upon the wa-11 ter on either side of town. The pret-

    tiest craft of the season, however, was''1 launched on yesterday by Mr. T. W.

    to Lvncu, who has won the palm asmaster mechanic among our Rayville", boat builders.


    THREE cows were killed by light-r-. ning, on the road leading North ofis this place, about two miles above

    town, on Tuesday m )rning last. Thecows had taken shelter from the rainunder a large tree, which received the

    e stroke, and were found (lead at itsbase. We did not Ic trn the name of

    ie their owner, but can sympathize witht any one in such a wholesale loss of1- property.

    THE OviarFLow came to town one Sunday morning last, and continued

    to spread very rapidly for about twoI days, since which time it has beengradually rising at the rate of about2 inches every twenty four hours., The latest intelligence we have from

    -streams above is not very encourag-r ing, though it is generally supposed 1that the water will soon subside, ifthe weather continues favorable, as itI now is, and the ice don't commence to 1

    melt before the "father of waters" be-gins to decline.

    "-- -"•

    A BaIGHT EYED DAuSEL of a dus.-ky hue, gladdened our office smiles ofgenerosity, on the first April day, asshe presented a large waiter, neatlymantled with white linen, upon whichMiss - had sent us a cotton pie, 'with instructions to "eat it while itwas hot." Haply, we had just re-turned from the dinner table with awell satiatiated appetite, and didn'tfell hungry, much. But suppose, tothe contrary, we obeyed the fairdonor's injunction ; what would havebeen the consequences ? Mirabile Idietu! Crape would have hung up- n.on the door knob of the BEAcoN office, ti

    and some innocent young woman's fu-ture prospects for 4 support would -have been choked to death upon a aScoto. pie. Just think of it:

    THE ALDIxa for April opens witha marvelous collectionu of beautiful il-lustratons, sonme of which are the fin-eat yet seen in the American ArtJournal, while all reflect great credit Itupon the enterprising publishers..Five great and remarkable pictures fof Lake George and its glorious scea- •

    ery embellish this number, in whichthe well-known artist, Thomas Moran, kand the engravers, have vied with 'teach other to put upon paper faithful (pictures of the most exquisite scenery iin the new world. The subscriptionprice of this magazine is only five dol-lars a year, including chromus "TheEast" and "The West." JamesSutton & Co., publishersi, 68 Maiden .Lane, New York City. U

    Caoqrur.-A dispute having arisenbetween some of our young friendsca•cerning the orthoepy and spellingof the word, caoQgvr. one of themwrote to the Publishers of Webster's tUnabridged Dictionary, for informs- ttion, and received the following reply: 'SSPaNOrVILD, MAsr., \1arch 19, '74. t

    Dear Sit : We have your favor of atthe.ISth inst. In reply would say,when our present edition of Webster's "Unabridged Dictionary, in 1864, the ingame of croquet had not come into 6use. But later, when we abridgedthe work, it had appeared, and you 6will fnd it on page 835 of "Webster'as uNational Pictorial Dictionary," ans tOctavo volome, for salek at the Book- ;.Stores in New Orleans. When we obring out another edition of the Una- t;bridged it will appear in that. It isspelt croquet and pronounced krodiE. .

    Yours truly,O. & C. MuaI•ax.

    PacK up a match in the dark and .attempt to strike it, and ten to oneSyou have got the wrong end; take aloose match out ofyour pocket to pickyour teeth with, and twenty to oneyou get the sulphur end in yourmonth.

    ed Tiua Grange and the United Friendsce of Temperance are now the two flour-

    w ishing organizations of Iayrille.-er- Though bearing the name of secret

    a ;societies, both are being liberally pal-en ronized br the ladies, to which fact

    ial may be attributed the great secret of

    be their success. ' Our social atmosphere4d, consequently grows purer, much good

    - is being accomplished; and, the la-dies, fair guardians of human happi--

    r- ness, are no loupg r opposed to the as-he sembly of a mysl, : brotherhood, since

    Se 1 the essential adjunct of a lovely sister-ed hood may be allowed to overlook theirell labors, guide their deliberations and

    'P• shape their destinies. "Would thatd, we had time and space to eulogize thery noble, generous, self-sacrificing ladies

    -prolific theme. They inspire youth,er sanctify manhood and glorify old age.

    They welcome us at the cradle, sustainns us through the journey of life, and give

    k- us the last sad farewell at the grave:"We dream that when the stars have set, and,' nmorning blushes fair,

    1- They sleep upon the tintel cloud like spirit,'a- of the air i

    .t- They wait our coming in a land where

    as' Illisotia i ver fullde;Where griefsa sirrosreo never comes, nor

    sorrow ca-ts a shade."as - """-----

    le A WEALTHY gentleman, who ownsa country seat, nearly lhst his wife,a ho fell into a river which flowsof through his estate. lie announcedthe narrow escape to his friends, ex-

    .of them, an old bachelor, wrote as fol-

    lows: "I always told you that riverle

    i was too shallow."- ---- ***-------

    f When you buy a new lamp Chim-h ney put in a vessel of cold water, setA. it on the stove and boil. You can

    never break that chimney, unless youthrow a flat iron at it, and wont breakd it even then-if you miss it.

    O SOME lovers sit up half the night in with only one chair in the room.

    t Don't ask how it is done, for you'- know how it is yourself.

    II --------- t ***PABTING.

    -IHer disposition was so sweet. so ditferetatf from mine,

    SFor I was like the rugged oak, she like theclinging vine.

    I did not know how strong a hold she had fu pon my heart. ,

    Until upon that sa,', sad day, I knew that twe must part

    And not like kli must we part, who ho-pe ifor future bliss, e

    And seal their vows with faith and love, withf true love's burning kiss. h

    9 No, we must part as strangers Iart. and ever adS strangers .5; e

    I know not that "twas hard for her, buttbitter 'twas for one.

    The lingering look of long farewell, I never !shall faPget: r

    I pressed her hand. then turned away-mystar of life had set.

    A Grange Burial--Hew the Or. ,der put away the Dead. to

    f The first buerial of a member of the Patrons vSof Husbandry with thlle honors of the Order 0that has come to our notice, took place daybefore yesterday in Kickapoo, when the re. Emains of Henry Bolin were con-igredl totheir resting place with all the pomp and fan- ci-eral pageant of the Granger burial service.

    Mr. Bolin was a prominent membetr. ant tle 3i

    attendance was very ,e. solne 401 personsbeing present. ThI , -gramme pftbhe burialwas ahrtu as follows :

    On leaving the residene, of the deceased.t.he hearse wh:ch eontained the remains wasflanked on either side ly thlree pall bwarers,who walked with uncovered heads andt re-gIalia draped in mour'.ing. Following tha iIhearse came the relatives of the dlec•ased,anl

    .next marchetl the Sisters of the order, clal iIf ull regalia. The Brothers rane next anai

    _following alem the vast concourse of people,w1ho ltad come from far and near to witnessthe ceremonies. The remains were first ta-ken to the tchurch, where a priest wentSthrough a service peceliar to the CatholicI ('hureh,of which the deceasedl was a mem-Sher. When the exercises here had been con-

    I cludetl. the procession took iup its nmarch for

    the cemetery, where the Granger feneral :rightlls were performedl. Thie coffn wasplaced on nsupport directly over the openI grave and remained there till the impressive

    andl interesting service was onclulel. G.B. Coffin. Master of the Franklin Grange,conductedl the ceremanies.

    When the brothers and sisters of theSG;range of which the deceased wasa tnemnerhad assembled alout the grave, the Masterreadt a lectrion from the burial ritual. follow.

    edl by a selection by the I'hlaplain, and then ctLhe member repeated slnwly and solemnlythe Lord's prayer, closing with a beautiful -and appropriate hymn. The brothers ofthe Or.ler then stepped to the grave andthrew into the opening several boquets of

    flowers antd evergreens. A short but power-ful address was next delivered by the Chap-lain. While tle codlin was being lowered, aheuntiful and soul-inspiring hymn was sung.I and during the singing the sisters showeredhboquets of flowers upon the descending coainuntil it reached the wooden box at the bot-Itom of the grave. The Master then sprink-

    led a portioe of dirt thrown from the grave frover the coffin, and the services mclosed with yethe solemn benedictioneofthe Chaplain. ',

    Taken thmrobghout, the eeremonies were

    very heatifal and impressive. This is thefirst horial ofa Granger in the eounty, and ifwe are correctly informel, iu the State--thatis with the ceremonies of rhe Order.-Lre,-oerth Timntes.

    cigars l Treeae(,O Ciprs, comprising many deserved- .

    Ily popular brand; iS20) pkga aell-k:. wn Virginia bands in

    all styles worr., atL..sts & Ecr.lrToN'.

    Is: Josh Billings' Good Eezolushuns.

    r- Thnt I wn't 'n:, ;e ecnny m' nore cctir- onlyS at nIIIII lI', * v •e t- ' p ;,-o.

    I hat , wi o t lrcy , or llu.I-e-peL..,-lIly

    " TIl:t i wall live within rtiny n na. if Ic .avet t trIacr-ed tew d.! it.

    ilchat i wc,. i t advi.." en vIY . ,ly. c-cnl i CIoDf the. 1 t cd io i 'd'l'- thel y ai .alt InlC Il,, hc tci w.

    S tlhat i w o r'tl *++ :r 'c y i l. ciiIr ilt- li,t-, ifi hav tow I.go hrefi, tewl d it

    d ThaIt won•ct lwear c.lny, ucles i anm tnlt-dler nitIlh.

    hl'cait i will take. mi wlhikey hereiafter'trIc" c, -.lct- ltral•h lt to the gltter.S That the world owes met a living-provid-ed I eiarn it.C Thiat it a man kallc men a phicsl. i won't askh bi, tfew prove it.

    "h'iII.t ita Icllc1 tells tnc- a nlce wlc tc kik ir i, W l l.elve what I .•.:a wc ithtI t .. it.

    I Thl;t the lc'-+t tile twl r.lepent ov a tlh le.rIt i ut leo cre the bilntder iz h ct:ltce.l icth: i will try hard to be hionc-. 'uit it

    e wilrll he put my iarned itS, tow Ills it.T"l at lI alill love nie lmotherl-iilcalw if it

    takes '. ll the moley i kan rearcl to do it.1, That i lbeleave real gr t lices arc getti, g

    l-kcc'Lr and .kIarmer ever'y da3.


    NEW AND RARE SEED!IW At tme " Southern Secd House. of (Ge,,r:e II.

    V li l c mn-. nilc,GAL'.ITI1\ T.NNEF ' .,

    GTilL (:EAT PERItAN Wt` i MEL.cN!I n tilt l.'t il ev'ery re-ie.' .c p, r . so-e tileSmc'larl::ile property ofi re ,n4 lcccc r c lreshc andl

    r tIre ltclhcucRl thie entire wint'r. Seedsi-'arc'. .-ciet pcer paper of livrt seeds, cr cixpaper. (:r'J ceded) lilt one dollar.

    "'The Persicn Ian Waternmclon proved to Ib tiheR ine-t ever iruight iinto this stalie -I.dwarci

    ('rawlbrd. Beicel, Telxa-s. k t. I"lWas well plieaed with ftilce watlhrlilclln -

    SI ite the last ione clil tio lir t of ti 11on1h -J. E. F iaw, Saein. ( .Jc. Y:. 1•74.

    N1.r.iE rc ('L'(IMBERGrows frt c two llto ei'li bIet long. Spllendidii;r i all: pirpooses. e-pcc'ial y far pck lg. Icut

    S:11 reI-ilire .'din ci ' Icfcg'hlity It lit ilhlt yocurIsc' ittle jurs. Price tw'' Ity centsl a pacp ,r -Ic iclaplrs fhr one dtlclar.IIi(SK It ',R. I'BER TSO.IATO

    (OR GRO %i) CiiERI ".)" A icitlinct variety. Fruit grows in ca huik,

    in wlcch it will ke'ep soundll and fre-h thrtlhllwcntller. Has a ipcIliar weet strlwlberry-like flicvor. Prce twent:y centst a pclper i; afor t ile tdollar.

    I-RD LONG BEANS.Grows fronm two( to Ifiur feet long ; fine quali-y ' l cente a paper r oir fir one dolilar.

    M.MM.OTH .(i:B.IGE.'Inde' r the ic.-t cliillivati.n will wii eil h frtllteit to lilly Ilcutil per head. twenty cls a pa-pIer ix fur one dollar.J.IP.1N RADDISH OR R.APii.VCS

    CND.IA TCS.A inove!ty from Japan. The stalk is Ikad-

    ed with delhicios pods two feet in len'th.which are con-lered a great delicacy servedit vilrirousl ways.

    Very rapid growth tifteen cents per ii'per;-even papers for one dollar.

    M.M.VOTH St, U.lIsH iProperly cnltivated will attain the enorrno 1cweiglht of ten to three hundrec ipoulndstwe'nty eti. a paper; six for one dollar.

    All this I know lisounds a go•ol deal like ati-h story, but ally seedI grower will verily ev- 'cry word of itMy ('Catalogue for 1674 gives lints of the

    best garden, flower and field seelIs, withdlrec'tlogs fur cultivation, etc., embrnies inov.cities found in noot!.er. It will lie sent freeto any addtre-s. , t

    GEORGE H WILLl.MIV0, :;tf, Gallatin, Tennessee. r

    "-G-TEA li"AGENTS wanted in town and cotlintryto sell TEA. or get up c!lub orders, for tihelarget Tea Companlily in America. Imccpor"ters I ricee and ilucemelnts to Aiiecti.- -Se-nl ifr ('irular. Adires's, BOBERTWI LLS. 43 Vasey street, New York. P.O. Box I•z7.

    Tie Clcri tian Union, Henry Ward Beecher.titor, of Ott. i:th iast. says: "Parties w .I,.-iing to get up cluibs. and all who can geti orders foir TEA, should write him fur acircular."

    The New York Weekly Tribune, of Sept.Id. lays "All 'Granges should write RobertWells for circular.'

    The Scythe, of Sept. 2), says: "RTbert

    W 'II, is thoroughly reliable.". (april 4, tf

    Cottage ololr .. Paints61,00 to 61,50 per Gaslon.

    ENGaLISH ROOF PAINT,Ground in Oil, . . . c. per gal.

    LIQUID SI.TE ROOF P.INT,Fire Proof, .... Sl,i'5 per gal.

    Pamht' PETaOLEIt LIIlSED OIL,Works in all Paints as Boiled Linseed, only

    5.k,. per pil.SMACHINERY OILS F

    E. G. Kelley's patent sperm O t .,00. o

    Engine OI, . .. . 7'w.Filtered Rock Lubricating r, 60 f

    Send for cards of colors an. 5 .reulars.NEw YoRK CITy OIL CoxnPAxr. p

    6 Sole Agenet,!16 Maiden Lane, New York.

    A pril I, 7 .1, if

    We. de. Ware, ee., ete.

    A COMPLETE stock, Consistiig in part ofBrooms, Buckets; PMatches, Brushes;Spices, Sho t;Caps, Powder, .,3

    In short everything ustially kept in a first-clIT a establishment i tn b foumi at

    ,ieel3 Laitas & EooLganFoa's. (

    g i'Preducta clli .i bhls Pork St. Inuis Standard; ti

    ilJl) pkges Pigs Feet, Iin kgs, hbus and hall ibbi.; rcI tierees S. C. Hams; I

    40 packages dry salt Meats;2i canas Bacoi n lsides and sboukllher- ;

    l5) packages Leaf Lard.kegs, buckets, and s i hlf bis. .

    decl3. Laumctx & KEimamtoN.

    WANTED. L "V l ener-ti menand IolmIcn.

    Busineqi that will Payfrom t4 ti lct jp'r day, can be purnled in hyour own neiichorcca , andt is strrtly ion- tl

    ccraile. Particulars free,or salmnples that willeoaiclle rou tlc go to werk at once, will be,tent on re'eict of two three cent stam rs.

    Adccres 5. LAT AX d (' i.,292 Washiangocn 1s., Boston, N1asa

    Fle r,t7'O Barrels;: 20o half do-all grades-in-

    chiding "PURITY," the PRemium Flourat the late St. Louis Fair, and the "TIA-A." its equal. both unexcelled, at

    dec13 b &LAUiN & Etoresaeos'l aMAGISTRATES' BLANKS. of every t

    deseription, neatly executed ag this,(1l,11ce ucc the shorteat cictce.

    Notice.U. S. INTERINAL i EVENCE.

    SPECIAL TAXES..1iv 1, 1?t1 . , Arln. a "i, 1%•$.

    rThe LAW o~f D,.cmer t1. 1572. reiiuires

    eve.ry iper- ,'r.a'• t I 1 al 'y h u.s t,--, .yvo(.a-(i744, or ,. inanya ,,,t whi,.h rwhit,.- .,!n h:lasiet, a '11-.t'I A I. X. "1) I TR( i•R E .\ N I)DI '1.\('1: (t ( i '~I 'I(li'OUL1.1' IN lII' E>-"".\ I l- II:N I" (1. l'is .\.11 I " W I:l.l-N F••.s :t .' '.\ I ;' .s ,,is th, .. pa.y. ..n t ofa,' l "I'I('I.\ I. T .AX for I ',.. ,,. ,. i '['six

    year lhae,.; u a l. a v I. I 1 h,"( r. . , men ,.-;'e oir 'co:taar .a.. blia - '-- sat.r A ,11 3-,


    THI E T.\ XE E.\si i"1,A :I'D W IT1IIN Till.IIRl()I\IONS 11( ' 1Il• LAl .\III\FT

    QUOTED Ali: THIE Ft).L(LW-

    IN(;, VIZRectifiers, 4"!oodI)eaaers, retatil lqaor, .,11I 'l:ers, wI'hil-t,' li,' r. 31", s IlIealers I ma litl hquar-, wh ,ae-aleh, .I , •I)e'sl, r.- iIs io all liq uar.. retail, 01 ..I).-l.r, in , laf i ttarco, S , Ii

    .Re ta; l d ha il -r- ir a le atf t la•l' - l .A il -ii ,alt of , ,over '. fifty

    t'eilts I,r every ,i Prl e•s.,If$ all

    Ileat*r. Ita maatanufat• l ,I ••,co, . I111Ia atlslli ,'itl.r. 1of .tit, .rtfll i

    Anid fir e•'er still ua, .nfirturea a . il aE)Ad atir eaals woarts: aaaauafactured, 211.1 N1

    .lano aIatrer, of alni "ca , I ( 11)\lanu fcturers sif a.'ar-. 11.II)

    I Pedllers of tiall a..o, lirst class (n iseI'ta t'111ao i(r- I.) 5r.1()li

    Pe ilethl .rs of fto:ns'-., -caa,,d clams- (twohIur-e.) 2. 1)

    Peidlera oft tulatao. third c'as. (onehas,') 1 •.00

    Pediallrs of tahat'o, fAaath (Ionliit oir public 'ois eyane.) 104n i

    I;rew.r. areof I-- than ; hlanir,"d a1 9rn 'al+ 5 .4 tOBret er: ia fs 1 b atarri I, o r mo ,re 1i ,.10

    Al.y per-nn, so iabil. who h !I flail toae'aanply with the Ii regaaoiag reatalrtt its willI-,let to se',a:ilties

    laier,,. oar lirma lale Io pay any of they ainl 'Ilax, ai tnaalnwd : i, n -t iaplly to

    .It 'i. li I;AN, lDeputy collector ItteraalRai, cnua. at 3liHnar,-e, L'• . aal paly lir alIraaaat. tiale i'apen sal Tax Stamp or Stallpa orthely ineed, prior to Maiy I. I I7. andal waITt,I T FtIlTIE"t Na.,TIitE.

    J. . I). (IO I.A.S,('anmi-sioner if Intern:al Reavenue.

    )FFICre oF Is I'a It\ . l i.1 t:~I r..S11\ A vIStlaTos. D. C., Feb. I4, lt 7..

    .are'h 1, ta-it .i:2.


    rIJLM .ASTuON"i'"ay viple, Louisiana.

    I wish to notify the public that I will com-plete all kinds of carpentl.ler 't wrk ill tilhela-t mannlaer, at short notice, anywhere in thepIariah or State. a

    Gin Houses,anI, all of the latelt styles of COTTONPRESSES built accirling to order.

    Girve e 'ap trial and fiair play. and I guar-ante,. s'ti-faetion to all parties or to pay.

    Jan,. I,. L:... ly . .M. ASTON.


    ""' REWARD. Will be paid for j/ e the raa'overy ol a large, light brown

    ioare .Mule. cl-an lilmead, brantded with the

    letter II on tlhe left shoulder, recently stolenfrom the undera.igned.

    OSILI .D . uRKOY.

    Ritaland Pan La,Lo March 7.e B1ldtr,

    Kearniey'sFLUID EXTRACT

    BUCHU!ThPe e only known remedy for


    Eig in LIT, DRO: SY.

    Nof S-retention or Ic: o inn;le of Uie, Irriy

    tatPrice, Olae I atollar per ile, rat Sio oltleor F Dollars. ky D arges P'

    DBauer, 10K IDney ane SD ., Swellings, or.

    Existing in Men, Wdice gratis.

    gag,8 No matten r ~IrtI, f ire.jProf says: . of Keaeys

    Fluid Extract Buchu more than allo•l•er Bcehlius combired.

    for OF Fe Dollars.EE.

    Depot, J. D u rllane St., New York.rSOnral Ph:lsican ir ark, esance to anwltrlll. orr a-lSpotisile ace an ana g ve i l r ,ly)e grati. itr

    Senil stairr forell lae. Io iiletsr fre.l ll lei'erv ,I:' r ladle i o Ir:llatedi s

    iNoh Cafeaa. (Cforo .At llar:leg ntl. "lAitr;.T p

    Da J. B D Or"T. rint . Ier. on G

    eral lvian abIl woreo, cam le totsulaa St., N o. a c

    ae f tra exal or Trmary Oans

    i ln ile or fi rsIa. I, neatt*r firars Sw ht caa,:on tie liogl i a a o if l ina.. one msta di: , siA race

    ieal ia yrer. erabtled am the ltt shle hr

    rle iattler N. Thelie at dollart will be a forward atlater eoria yats a elsier.g t

    atai taR. B.Irs.ay ;a *.J7. B DIOTT. S. D., to

    Pluiciaun mail tireon, 114 Duane St., N. Y. chJ-ea. I, 7h . ly . I.

    Utrayed omk tele ;A

    Frtered at inrie uear Girar Stis,

    de letter N. Te ollar will te aid or o.

    jar recovery, inR. B. NELSON. i.Pelican and Neutme, nt

    ii. BARRELS K. I-. Meal; .aleuil. LA.1LIN & EGGLESTONS. Al

    Richland Hause,N. B. STILES--ProprietoriS ennvertielsy situatedl, lnear the Railroad

    Depot. unoi i= now rnn ly fir the receltiTniand lihnpital entertaiiits: I of gueli-tn t1 ianI reasonable t, rnisn. Lodgi g r si lll'rtail . nrlI the table suil•wd with the in -t the naarketres antfhrl;l. well pirepared asli kLillly servedl

    . (;Gue-ts receivr :a I 1 th. uttenti,,, dlesired atl nall tincs annd tiler ail ircimini-tni ,erS.1) t;•y INard or a l m i . liia. luporln no

    g. sor ternll a. ('all Ile had anywhere, aid sat-

    -of I , leh, ca t, :n you wro l ,1 I u r,.re to,X IO I'f lae :ll.

    .\ A;.,l .t:tblh 1it the fair the r,)1-. vei.a•,.,r of ' u *-t- wia! her-"'. . nul ly

    PRENTISS HOUSE,TV klburg, Xib..

    ui T. C. MlcMACKIN & CO., I'rop'rs.

    "' /j ll- .inaiin n i. m.ent thsgt this lir Ho.trel f lthei l I . (' iy i -till isIu , r :!

    :1 i iiuinlagemei* if the old annd popular fiaa ofI. 4:. .11. lh. &km (', is .-iilici rn.t u r:an-

    'a tile to their (pi ll uitn.inCersi all i mstra i.rgu•ie.ti are a•.arel tVia t.h y will rec•-cive erv-ery attentlon Ithey cii. I de-ire from ii rt .nlI"p 'ri,,rs.. te"eient clehrk- and alttentive wi -it

    JOSEPH POOESTAa 1 AS the h, nor ti aalniria is Is fed rnud

    -tlihe putilie that in ll ,r.iitratiuu f.r tlhe' ;lilll ,e;*tan aln

    ('IIIITMAN IIOLIID.St ,he has ipurclial •Ie Ihe large-t amld Iamost lanrd

    :-h .k of


    Fa cy Greoeries,S Foreign and

    I( ID mentle Fruit,I Cigars and Tebamce,


    Terpedoed.! and oither Firework's ever otlereil it thi rour-kii. laviii- in hi-

    ,r Candy and Cake DepartmentsS thrivne-t : 'ui ini plheii waok-,,,ei . hi e i• ir,.-lare l at -h rt iiIati" • ti irnis-h f:um iti.*-. adlplarties with evrything nleut..--ary to ari ele-galn: ientertalilliiem t.The PIllie i i invitedl to nil at his

    C'mnfetiommery Emporlum.I ",: W -.ahilguon Stri, I. ki liir., i,... e.l ,purha.-ing el-,where. [,h'clU-ly.]

    50, 00For $1,OO.


    e thie inmmediiate saupervu-iin of lthe city

    atlllhorTIes of ('Corinre Cit'lly, for tihe leneiitand i,. aid of thes

    Public Free School,



    Capt. a. Howe,J. .. Gerriah * Alex. Topenee.

    - TO BE -

    Distributed to the Tleket H ld ,ers

    -AT A-


    Opera House,City of Corinne,Marci amla, I•71,.


    ae,m* TIC(KET,P4ice one D llar E ls I,

    $226,.,0 IN GIFTS!AS EOLLOWS:

    I Graril C•aih Gift, I;0,0011 " " 2,J,(X)I " '" 2,f)0

    1 " " 0.Ihi1 " ' 5,tlk)! " " 4.).)0I " " ::,( O10

    S1 " " 21,4(0 each 53,00

    S7 '" "' I(Y) -ctnh |OJiX)

    700 " " 20 each 34,0006ftn) " I' 1(eah c6.aJO1.300, " " 5 each .50,re ,0)" " I each 50,0uo

    52 9:14 Ca•sh Gifts. amollting tiri '$226,iaoONEClANCEIN EVERYNINEl

    The distrimtio will he in pIlhlic, and willliew ma.le unlder thIe snme formiarnl regulatiansas time San Francisco and Loiisvil:,. Library IGifa Concerts. indler thle isupervijin of c eom-mnttee of prominent citizens selected by the -ticket holalers.

    Reference as to the integrity of this enter-prise aid of the management is mnade to thefollowing well know citizens:

    Sam. L. Tibtlmi, A. Toponce,J. Malhb J.H. Gerrishl---Members of the City Council.Judtlge T. J. Black, AU't U. S. Assessor;

    Malsh & Greenwald, Proprietors Metropoli-tan Hotel; Fgenlle Moore, City Marshal; W.W. Hull, Arrhitect; J. Kehoe, Constable; J.Kmpfer, Jeweler; Caplt. S. Howe, Conmtrac-tor; O. D. Richlnmond & Co..C ommissinn Mer- Tchamts; MA. F.. Campl.:l, Proprie or CetralIlitel; Singleton & Cr-ath, Proprietos Pacila 0Stables; S. P. Hitch, Merlhant, Sandy,l ULtah; ;A. G. Garrison, Helena, Motana. .

    We will also anllnolnce thi, i.ach and every operson buyitg a ticket e:n -t any and alltimes exaouinu our bre'-. :,id aill bImsinesstransactions connected i:s the enterprise; jsnd as the drawing o: ;riz-- a••l be placed atin the hands of honest anl daaaterested men ait will insure a fair anal impartial distibotion p

    allowed."Money should be sent by Express or d

    by Draft on any solvent bank. by P, stofieeMoney Order, or Registered Letter, at our risk.For partieulars, aidres.

    Jan. 17 3m Lock &•> 158,ICorinue, Utah.

    BUSHELS SWEET POTATOEBEED to sell. by A. L.aud W. T. t,

    EAVE, two andl a half m.Ie southeast of •Altn. feisll : t

    Draugs, Paints, Oils, Etc.

    r iARDAWAY k CO.,


    VICIIBURO, MISs.,,"t ,l ,l' call the attenarLn of tMerelhat-,

    llhy ;iia ,•n a ,,l I'g nters to their large anlIat varied at.o'ek of

    Frela DrUalanld,S' Pure' VW'i,' andl I.iqa.,r. fr eltdleleral i,.-,t ,get'her with a general svl~k if D11rgist '

    ;h'il u are and lhp Fln,,ilre of e vervdl'.le- ,ritin, ; Stirgi'nl In .-trinwallrt-, I'Iy-icia.n 'I ia' iket ('a iie . ,'ich l tn, r-. ig , etc . etc. Insholiirt. we are prep'are. to lit tip Phyi Wiann, ,rI)r,,ar i-t. with a fir.-t.ins.- iof every-

    thl :r . pertia ,iZn ti , their bno iae-. a di atr:,ti" to conluare f.avoraly with all othe'rmarket.. Our Stock ir1'/~ailt, ilh, l itr i .-., 117,i1o1,

    (;/lr•s, SeIsl, rel.,Si lar:me anrd rc.inpletu.. and, w are prepareul" liu lash !te lit at l anirnlittirere pries.FelI "I-ly



    /~i lIS.' invalhal. lL prepalration is a iollnre-I hli 'u i r saai .t l i n l cliiar:ltel . It i, an

    *t.' tla:il ;aui I i 1ii.i-tllit I remei. ll v narij -t niln -

    la:a'k gn-. tSl-. iat'e-, an I tie hole olf he-a i.:.' n,-i. ? tr.I,, . (.as%.- init:nlt rili-f frontpail; tiii the bi te or .til lof any lit " touit

    The L.otion i- n.-o a -pleh! id (' mlietie. f-f•'tuilly ren.'i i i althe-,' frrrklet and nun-fii 'an. lian iav L the -kin -otl, n tlalih a li healtahy.lITh. l.aiti nt/ i* o-rad without fear, na it

    ' ae-i inut -tili a -iagle' drop of poi'o in.-The Ia t iot ouii t i"4l.t

    FFINY (I; 1S ER I'E .IiFrTLE.An'i .;i. lily it. The ilatentie isIa atlae ofl Alauhliaini. nol I t!li- lit al'fr aihubui to ia ha- wiin peI..1

    A It. IIIAZE/E[AI.F. S•lu, Ain.i'at* l, ei :aiIl .`,le I'r .,.' ,i,,r.

    Leave voiir irdl:er- at tiear Ih:'t*(o*, ' For-:aI' in ilntliytui! nt the S, of

    Ilne-r. Verier & ('.-ilhlil, 1Dr. P. 31. lRyai,anad R. I. Sw•,t & ,Co.

    Joly us . 17 1. -3.rr.

    Notic !A I.L pleria, are her"ilby notified not to

    -l (lt or remove any tiiiaar or iiprove-li'...,aq ,goi .. y of thil' prop'rty hth. E-tate 1t the Inte .1lr. .1. -Stafiord, ofG(irnrd, to-wit thelia lme I'laine,.." aaljynilag(;,iarnir, the ' Hllea',. -Cherry lutii"e and* "wian llIane.a I'lanatati ans. Any peronhliwho lhave 'itne so wall pilase 'aille forwardandl settle for amne.

    I. Q. C. STAFFORD, Tutor.Jan. 31, 187 ;-. 3t.

    A. H. Yetma,. DA. CAmpreI.Vicks..burg, 1ira. Rayville, La.


    General oerchandise,LWA 1-S on hand, and at Vicksburg pric-es, a full Stock of Staple and Fancy

    DRY GOODS,Boots. Shoes, Hats and Notions.

    ISaple and Fancy GroeerleuWhiskey, Tolar-o. Cigars and Pipes.

    R'l tieris are a"i, or we will exchangeG-. ,l- at low,.-t ':sh iries for Hides,

    i ol, Black .ol-i , Tallow. Eggs alnd Chick-

    Rayiille. La.. May M rd. i 73.-ly.i ACCOMMODATION




    StaI.p, .fALt 5a Cents. La:.ts .4) oenis.Le Hl(ouse fosituat:ed only one hun-

    dred yards from the Depot.Mrs. U C. HEWRON,

    March !5, 172.] tl Mo.nuom, LA.

    11813 rALL WINTER 1813GA OODS8,

    t New Orleanms and fi. LeaiRetil Prices..


    Girarl, La."ILANTATION Suplies, Grar'eries, Fall

    liad Witer Dry G(ot., Dires Goodls.Naa.ion., Clothing. Ladies, Ciilair,'nf', (Geatsand Boys' Ra.ta. Slnes. lint. and ('apa.

    Tinware, Gla.ware, HIardware, Queett.ware, Stationery, &a., &en.

    Let every one tall mid see, and bring theircash and cottonl, at great largiins, and lsvefreight and trainvelig expenses.

    " Cotlton. Wool, ili le, lBeeswax, &.a.,buougiht at the best market prices.

    I. Q C. STAFFORD, Tutor.Oct. 4th. 1873 4m.

    CENTRALimal hstitaut,uclites mants 00oun, iets,


    ..ALSSISTED by a large andl able Faculty,will hegia its Twenty first Aesalemic year onTuesday, the 23rd of September.The let alesaom tas eminently prosperos.

    Over twesty-three pe cett. more pupils en*'ered than were in alindance the previsaayear, and a greater number than had beenF etalogred since 1i60-61.The President having reigned the Pres-

    ldency of Mississippi C alege, which he hasjointly held for the last sitx ysra, will hre-aftier give his undivided attention to the In-atitoe. By concentrating thus his entire ex-periaence and energies, h will doubtless beable to elevate the eharacterof the institutioneven above what it has heretofore possessed.

    For catailnaie., or other information, atl.dress the P aeent , the Faculty.

    Id ROBERT K ELLS,Presinrnt of Beard of 'lru'utees.

    RUITS, Vegetables and Fish,F D lreel from the Packers, cheaper thanthey ean be had in New Orleans. Special

    _gures made to Dealers.leerl3. i.asxrrg & EetLEiator.