Rhetoric in advertising by Ponteefex

Ethos, Pathos, or Logos? What appeal are advertisers using to get you to buy their product?

Transcript of Rhetoric in advertising by Ponteefex

  1. 1. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos? What appeal are advertisers using to get you to buy their product?
  2. 2. Think of your favorite commercial. What do you like about it? What makes it your favorite? Who is in it? What is said or shown? Does it make you want to buy that product?
  3. 3. Rhetoric is Speaking or writing effectively Using words for a purpose; often this purpose is to persuade.
  4. 4. Purpose of Rhetorical Analysis To analyze the arguments of others and make informed decisions. To learn how to write your own arguments.
  5. 5. Aristotle taught there are 3 main strategies in an argument Logos Ethos Pathos
  6. 6. Rhetorical Chart Authors Purpose Logos Ethos Pathos The core of the rhetorical chart is purposeWhat does the author/speaker cartoonist/filmmaker/advertiser want the reader/listener/viewer to Feel? Think? Do?
  7. 7. LOGOS - Logical Argument Involves facts or Research Cause and Effect information Analogies or comparisons Practical advantages
  8. 8. Ethos - Credibility Appeals to the conscience, ethics, moral s, standards, values, and principles. And also
  9. 9. Ethos - Credibility Author or speaker tries to convince you he is of good character. Qualified to make his claims. Cites relevant authorities.
  10. 10. Pathos-Emotional Appeal Appeals to emotions, sensibilities, passions and sense of humour Can be positive (love, excitement) or negative (fear, digust) Often uses graphic images.
  11. 11. Some less obvious examples...
  12. 12. artistic sensibility I am a video! Click me to start me or stop me.
  13. 13. nostalgia
  14. 14. sense of adventure
  15. 15. Can some advertisements have more than one appeal? Yes! The more appeals used in an ad the more likely the consumer is to connect with it. For the case of this lesson or power point, pick the MOST emphasized appeal used in each ad to write onto your sheet.
  16. 16. Ethos, Pa thos, or Logos?
  17. 17. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
  18. 18. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
  19. 19. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
  20. 20. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
  21. 21. Ethos, Pathos , or Logos?
  22. 22. Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
  23. 23. Ethos, Pathos, Logos?