Rhapsody Eclipse

® IBM Software Group © 2008 IBM Corporation Embedded software development for Eclipse Paul Urban, IBM



Transcript of Rhapsody Eclipse

Page 1: Rhapsody Eclipse


IBM Software Group

© 2008 IBM Corporation

Embedded software development for Eclipse

Paul Urban, IBM

Page 2: Rhapsody Eclipse

IBM Software Group | Rational software


Eclipse overview Eclipse started as an open source development platform by IBM

Highly customizable generic features for specific domain solutions

Customization through open plug-in architecture

The Eclipse platform integrates multiple development tools for software development

It allows tools to be added through the use of plug-ins

Eclipse offers several advanced C/C++ coding environments Features appealing to the “coder” persona Both open source [C/C++ development tools (CDT)] and proprietary Realtime operating system (RTOS) vendors offer Eclipse-based

environments Integrates with configuration management and product

management tools

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Challenges facing embedded developers

Increasing complexity and accelerating changes

Unrelenting financial pressuresand need to better manage risk

Compliance with key engineering and design processes

Effectiveness of organizationally and geographically distributed teams

Building more innovative products to grow the business

Aerospace &Defense




Medical Devices

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Traditional software development

Costs ofdesign changes



Requirements Design Implementation Test

An optimal approach would be to fix errors as they are introduced, thereby

reducing your cost of development!

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Goal of a Telelogic® Rhapsody® Model-Driven Development™ approach

Costs ofdesign changes



Helping you catch defects as they are introduced, reducing costs of development

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Model-driven development Model-driven development (MDD) enables developers to capture the design

using graphical models Visualizing design concepts increases understandability

Use Object Management Group (OMG) Unified Modeling Language (UML) or a domain-specific language (DSL)

Achieving the full benefits of MDD requires model and code synchronization

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Benefits of modeling Modeling gives us the ability to visualize the system clearly

Modeling simplifies the problem through abstraction

Executable models enable early prototyping

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Rhapsody integration with Eclipse Integrated MDD within Eclipse environment

Enable synchronized model or code development workflow

Leverage Eclipse to tailor the environment for your needs

Eclipse code editor

Rhapsody diagram editors

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Integrated design and debug environment Natural workflow for code-centric developers

Perform design- or code-level debugging in single environment

Leverage Eclipse tools with Rhapsody data, such as team collaboration

Use Eclipse Intellisense

View build errors

View Rhapsody diagrams

View model information

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Collaborative development with Eclipse

Collaborative platform facilitating: Online collaboration of project artifacts

Integrate work items management

Online project tracking dashboards

Real-time project presence and messaging

Rhapsody eclipse plug-ins inter operate with the Rational Team Concert plug-ins Leverages Jazz and Eclipse technologies

Connecting modeling project with change streams

Associating changes with work-items

Automatic merging of trivial changes

Activate diff-merge for non-trivial changes

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User 1 – adds a new class

Change gets listed in pending

changes list

Integrated team collaboration with RTC

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Deliver completed work

Associate changes to

work item and deliver it to RTC

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Team is notified of changes

User 2 – is notified of the incoming

changes and can accept them

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Rhapsody and Eclipse integration Discover defects earlier with design-level debugging

Visualize existing Eclipse code A picture is worth a thousand words

Documents undocumented code using customizable formats

View structure and architecture of the current design

Tailored development environment Customize perspectives for your needs

Work in the model or Eclipse editor with changes synchronized

Automates tedious coding tasks

Leverage Eclipse tools such as team collaboration capabilities

Automated documentation for your application

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Copyright information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2008

IBM CorporationSoftware GroupRoute 100Somers, NY 10589U.S.A.

Produced in the United States of AmericaOctober 2008All Rights Reserved

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