RGU:Union Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Where are we going?


Strategic Plan for the Union

Transcript of RGU:Union Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan2011-2014

Whereare wegoing?

Contents Introduction 3

Background 4

Student Profile 5

Vision, Mission & Values 6

Strategic Themes 8

- Community 9

- Engagement 12

- Representation 14

- Support 16

- Development 18

of ourfuture


Shaping the


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The Students’ union, a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status, was formed in 1992 as an autonomous part of Robert Gordon University which has a current combined student population of 16,000 students. The Union is founded on the keystone of providing its members, the students, with services that support their experience at University, including welfare, representation, extra-curricular societies and sports clubs, independent advice.

Within the current climate of change at the University and within the student population, the Students’ Union has undertaken to develop a strategy that will allow it to further develop its membership services and become more responsive to the needs of the members.

Before considering the development of a new strategy the Students’ Union staff and officers reflected on who we are, what we do (mission), what we needed to do (vision) and how we should conduct our future activities (values).


The Union is founded on the keystone of

providing its members with services that

support their experience at University. .

“ “

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Represent and promote the general interests of students of the University


Since 2008 the Students’ Union has developed in line with the needs of the membership considerably, working towards a change model that focuses more on Membership Services than on Commercial Services. In February 2011 The Students’ Union committed to undertake a Governance Review, facilitated by Julie Byrd Associates. Alongside a pre-audit assessment by a SUEI advisor, it was recommended that RGU:Union considers how best to develop in line with the needs of the membership and to ensure it is fulfilling its charitable objectives.

Consultation with the membership since 2008 has seen a desire for the Students’ Union to have a visible presence on the Garthdee campus. This is particularly important in light of the University Estates Masterplan which will have all students on-campus in Garthdee by September 2013. The Students’ Union currently has a satellite office on the Garthdee Campus that has been in operation since April 2011. The Students’ Union staff and officers have reflected that it is imperative to the future of the association that it establishes a strong student heart in the campus for the members.

Since 2008 the Students Union has become visibly more democratic and membership-focussed, and it is now a key component in the development of the RGU student experience and a significant contributor to a successful ‘learner journey’. The success of the Students’ Union is integral to the success of the University and key to ensuring the University delivers its strategic mission set out in ‘A Clear Future’.


Provide or assist in the

provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation so that conditions of

life may be improved

Advance the arts, culture, education,

science, heritage and sport by providing

amenities and supporting activities

for students

Prevent and

relieve povertyand advance health by providing advice and welfare services

for students and potential students.

aimsstudent profile.


UK 8321 2406 111 10836

EU 991 414 37 1440

INTERNATIONAL 378 2968 128 3473

TOTAL 9690 5788 276 15754

Student Profile of the University

by Level and Geographic


There is a significant, and growing, population of international students across the University. The Union will take account of this and ensure that services are being developed to support this burgeoning population, reflecting the diverse nature of their needs.


MALE 3340 3489 166 6995

FEMALE 6324 2320 115 8759

TOTAL 9664 5809 281 15754

Student Profile of the University

by Level and Gender

The student population at Robert Gordon University is majority female; this is particularly noticeable at Undergraduate level. The Union will reflect this in the provision of services, and ensure that equality of sexes is evident.


FULL TIME 7384 2187 157 9728

PART TIME 2306 3601 119 6026

TOTAL 9690 5788 276 15754

Student Profile of the University

by Level and Mode

There is a large cohort of part-time students at Robert Gordon University. The Union will ensure that their specific needs are recognised and develop support services to cater to this group. There is also a significant number of postgraduate students at the University. The Union will survey these students and ensure that the specific needs of the non-school-leaver population are understood and met.


ON CAMPUS 8222 2404 276 10902

DISTANCE LEARNING 1468 3384 0 4852

TOTAL 9690 5788 276 15754

Student Profile of the University

by Level and Geographic Study


A significant number of students at Robert Gordon University do not study on campus in Aberdeen. The Union will consult with this group to gauge their wants and needs and ensure that support services are developed to assist them.

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our vision, mission and values.

Promoting an integrated student body through

the provision of social extra-curricular activities5

visionActive and inclusive student engagement, participation and

representation, which leads to an enhanced student experience.



Ensuring the sustainable growth and development of the Students’ Union that reflects the changing needs of the student body.


missionPromoting independent advice, information and support to students.3

Being an active, representative student voice2

Our mission is to make a positive difference to every student’s experience of Robert Gordon University by:

Provide a range of membership-focussed activities open to all students.1



Working in an effective partnership with the University6

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Representative.Students should feel that the Students’ Union is truly representative of them and their needs, through positive, creative and proactive engagement with, and on behalf of, the student body


Democratic.As a membership-led organisation, open,

fair and accessible democratic processes

are critical to our legitimacy.

Inclusive.The Students’ Union should reflect the needs of all members, regardless of background, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, etc. All members are equal and the Union is committed to ensuring this is reflected in its activities.

Professional.All operations of the Students’ Union should reflect the highest professional standards, aligned with the reputation of the University.

Student Led.Students are the heart of the organisation and the Union seeks to ensure they are fully supported. The Union will elect and support sabbatical and non-sabbatical student leaders and ensure they are effective decision makers.

Committed.The Students’ Union is passionate about the needs of the membership and enthusiastic in ensuring that they are met within the changing environment of Higher Education and the University.


values valuesvalues








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The Students’ Union aims to

encourage students to make the most of their time at

University through active participation in student activities,

societies, sports clubs and volunteering

services, leading to a more integrated and social student

community, and will help to improve the reputation of the

University and the Students’ within

the local community. .










Strategic Theme 1: Community





Strategic Theme 1: Community

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We aim to have a reputation which recognises the Students’ Union as an independent representative body for students, which is valued and respected by the University and the wider community.

How will we achieve this? a. Promote the Students’ Union as a professional organisation which represents students and stakeholders needs. Continually communicate to all stakeholders. b. Ensure the Students’ Union is perceived by community leaders as an advocate for student views and interests. c. Ensure that at all times a professional representative from the Students’ Union attends all relevant committees and acts an ambassador for the organization. d. Develop links and work closely with local communities. Encourage students to have effective working relationships within the local community through working in the community, volunteering and community projects. e. Develop initiatives, a community strategy, and projects to enhance community relations. f. Work with other local institutions on joint ventures which would benefit the local community. Build on existing relationships such as the Aberdeen Students’ Charities Campaign. g. Work collaboratively with other institutions to create a strong student community within Aberdeen City and Shire. Strengthen existing relationships with the Aberdeen Students’ Forum, so that students have an arena to voice their issues. h. Strengthen links with local authority organizations by ensuring a representative from the Students’ Union attends relevant committee meetings on a regular basis.

Develop and enhance existing methods of recognizing and celebrating student achievement. So that it identifies the contribution students bring to the University and the wider community.

How will we achieve this? a. Highlight individual students or groups who have achieved external accreditations or have gained positive publicity in the wider community. b. Promote and recognize these achievements to the University. c. Engage with national awards schemes such as NUS/NUS Scotland awards to recognise student achievement

Create a student community which is inclusive and accessible to all students including the hard to reach groups

How will we achieve this? a. Promote a strong and vibrant University community.

b. Target the hard to reach groups such as postgraduates, distance learners, mature students and disabled students and find out their needs and aspirations. Develop a clear plan to focus on achieving and meeting their needs. Continually communicate regularly and gain feedback, monitor and evaluate throughout the academic year.

c. Ensure media is relevant to particular hard to reach groups, we will create an online virtual environment which will give distance learners the opportunity to engage with the Union. >>>

Strategic Theme 1: Community

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Strategic Theme 1: Community

d. Encourage hard to reach groups to get involved with extra-curricular activities, aim to have opportunities available to suit all needs. e. Promote events and activities that will encourage wider participation. f. Create a vibrant community throughout the University halls of residence by having inter- halls challenges. Ensure we are available for support and advice, at all times working closely with the Accommodation Department g. Improve support and information provided to students living off campus. Encourage students living off campus to use the Union as a hub while at University. h. Support and develop the VP Equality and Diversity so that they are meeting the needs of the hard to reach groups.

Ensure the new Student Union at Garthdee has a strong sense of a student community for all students.

How will we achieve this? a. The new Student Union area at Garthdee will have more accessibility to core services such as advice, advocacy and support.

b. Create a student friendly area, where students have a sense of ownership for their Union. This will encourage students to feel part of a student community.

Ensure that international students feel part of the University and Students’ Union community

How will we achieve this? a. Provide clear information pre arrival and on arrival working collaboratively with the International Office. b. Ensure that the Students’ Union is part of the orientation process for International students. c. Become further involved with training of any buddy schemes/student ambassadors to strengthen the support from the Union to incoming students. d. Provide social space and events to allow students to integrate, develop non-alcohol events and consider international students cultural and social values when planning events. e. Encourage participation through sports, societies and volunteering, to develop any interests or hobbies. f. Create an opportunity for all students to organize cultural events.


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The Students’ Union aims to engage the student body in

Union activities with the provision of high quality services and social & recreational

facilities. This empowers students

to enhance their personal growth and

development and ensures that the Union

is trulymember-led. .










Strategic Theme 2: Engagement




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We will strive to engage with the entire student body.

How will we achieve this? a. Identify groups who are not currently engaged.

b. Create specific targeted actions to engage under-represented groups c. Hold feedback sessions with targeted groups to gauge the success of our actions

We will provide facilities and funding to allow students to participate in extracurricular activity.

How will we achieve this? a. Sports clubs and societies will be supported in any fundraising attempts b. Ensure facilities offered in partnership with RGU: SPORT are sufficient and adequate for the needs of sports clubs c. Meeting space will be provided for societies and sports clubs

We will provide social facilities for students

How will we achieve this? a. Develop recreational facilities for students to relax before, between and after lectures b. Consult students to ensure there are adequate facilities at the university for non-academic activities

Strategic Theme 2: Engagement

We will support student led initiatives

How will we achieve this? a. Staff and sabbatical officers will make time available to support groups of students wishing to start up new student projects b. Funding will be secured to ensure projects are successful We will support the development of societies and assist in starting up new ones

How will we achieve this? a. Staff support will be given for new societies starting up b. Information about societies will be accessible to all students c. Freshers and refreshers fayres will be held to promote societies and assist in increasing membership We will provide volunteering opportunity focusing on student development. How will we achieve this? a. Volunteering opportunities within the community will be publicised b. A volunteering abroad programme will be developed to allow students to broaden the horizons


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The partnership between RGU: SPORT and the Union will allow for development of sport and physical activity.

How will we achieve this? a. Work closely with the Director of Sport to develop student sport b. Sports clubs will engage in the decision making and development at the Sports Forum c. Sport club and physical activity initiative will be accessible to all students d. Freshers and refreshers fayres will be held to promote sports clubs and assist in increasing membership e. Provide opportunities to engage with sport both through participation and volunteering f. New sports clubs will be supported where there is desire by the student population g. Deliver a multi sport programme consisting of training and a competitive programme at varying levels We will recognise the success of our students. How will we achieve this? a. We will be active participants in Graduation ceremonies b. We will award students for their volunteering c. We will have an annual Student Achievement Awards Ball to recognise the important contribution our Societies and volunteers make to the RGU student community. d. We will, in association with RGU:SPORT, have an annual Sports Awards Ball to recognise the significant sporting achievement of RGU students.


Engagement (cont)

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The Students’ Union aims to truly represent the needs

and aspirations of the entire student body

to the University and other decision-making bodies (internally and externally), ensuring that all members of the organisation,

especially from hard-to-reach groups are

fully consulted and involved. .


Strategic Theme 3: Representation






















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We shall function as a truly representative and democratic body

How will we achieve this? a. Hold General Meetings to allow students the opportunity to come forward with their thoughts. b. Carry out review processes to assess our own performance at meeting student needs, create improvement plans and feedback on progress with improvement c. Inform all students outside of election times about how to apply and become involved in the vibrant environment d. Make democracy easier to understand by using plain English and visual tools e. Use current and relevant technologies to engage with the student body, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. f. Ensure that matters discussed are relevant to our student needs g. Ensure we have policies in place that apply to all students. Will work in a close relationship with the University

How will we achieve this? a. Have regular meetings with the University Senior Management Team b. Ensure there is student membership of all University committees that have relevance to the student body c. Advocate for students and help resolve disputes that arise d. Maintain up to date knowledge of the services available within the University to provide efficient signposting, support and multidirectional aid

Strategic Theme 3: Representation

We will be experts on the view of our students

How will we achieve this? a. Use our insight to inform others what views are across the entire student body b. Have an open door policy to our Presidents that allows students to drop in with their views and concerns c. Hold focus groups and open meetings for students to discuss arising matters d. Regularly hold ‘Go Out and Listen’ (GOAL) and ‘Go Out and Talk’ (GOAT) days with students on campus

Our outcomes will be clearly communicated to the Student Body

How will we achieve this? a. Send out weekly updates through the use of our electronic bulletin ‘Wired’ b. Email out specifically on important issues as well as general weekly updates c. Publicise minutes of all Union committees and meetings d. Create relevant and engaging hard- and soft-copy media e. Use social media channels to distribute information to students f. Hold regular open information meetings with students to allow face-to-face dissemination of outcomes


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Representation (cont)

We shall ensure the quality and enhancement of the Academic Experience

How will we achieve this? a. Take part in University reviews such as Enhancement Led Institutional Reviews and Institution Led Subject Reviews b. Engage in relevant University structures c. Ensure that the student’s demand for up-to- date technology is articulated

We shall represent the views of ours students at a national level

How will we achieve this? a. Inform the policy of the Nation Union of Students (NUS) b. Attend conferences and meetings across the UK to ensure the view of Robert Gordon University students is fully represented c. Work alongside Student Participation in Quality Scotland (SPARQS) and ensure we have the latest training for our Faculty and Class representatives


We shall create strong and efficient officer teams that represent you

How will we achieve this? a. Provide training for all those elected into office and set clear outcomes b. Sabbatical Officers will have an in-depth induction programme and take part in at least a two week handover period c. Promote the benefits of getting involved as a student representative in the Students’ Union d. We shall make full use of the resources available through SPARQS and the NUS e. Encourage collaboration with other student unions

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The Students’ Union aims to be an independent, confidential and

approachable voice for students. It is critical to provide advice and to inform and listen to students during their time at the University

to enhance their health, well-being and

success. .


Strategic Theme 4: Support















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We will provide our students with the appropriate services to support them during their time at University.

How will we achieve this? a. Develop a visible presence for advice and support, continually updating our website and other forms of media. b. Distributing promotional material throughout the University maintaining physical presence on campus. c. Continually promote and communicate to all students the range of advice and support services the Students’ Union offers. d. Support and give guidance to our clubs and societies and other student-led activities. Provide inductions and training to societies and clubs to ensure they are welcoming and inclusive to new members and encourage innovation. e. Promote that the Union is willing to listen. f. Ensure our advice and support services are easily accessible to all students. g. Promote equal opportunities for all students by actively encouraging integration and diversity through all services the Students’ Union offers to students. Work closely with internal and external organisations and departments to ensure students needs are being met

How will we achieve this? a. To build upon the service offered by the Students’ Union to international students and continually develop links with the International Student Advice Service.

Strategic Theme 4: Support

b. Support students and offer guidance during exam time by working closely with the Study Skills Department & by offering specific classes to meet their needs. c. Work closely with the University to ensure materials and support to avoid plagiarism is accessible and relevant to all students throughout the academic year. d. Identify specific periods in a students’ academic journey where problems may arise.

e. Provide assistance to students dealing with accommodation issues within University property and the wider city. f. Provide an informed signposting service for financial issues, counselling and other student services. g. Work closely with the Careers Department to provide students with information on how to increase their employability. Organise workshops on interview techniques, presentation skills and other transferable skills. Facilitate extra- curricular activities such as volunteering and student enterprise to encourage personal development and to enhance their CV.

Empower students to campaign for student rights

How will we achieve this? a. Work closely with NHS Scotland to promote health campaigns. b. Continue to work with RGU: SPORT, NUS and the University to raise awareness of mental health issues. c. Campaign to ensure that standards are at the appropriate level in all student accommodation within Aberdeen, through accreditation schemes. d. Support and give guidance to students to raise awareness and campaign on transport and travel issues. >>>

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Support (cont)

e. Work with NUS to raise awareness about campaigns which affects students locally and nationally. Where government policy has an impact on the student life, encourage students to become actively involved in lobbying for change.

Act as independent body to support and advise students

How will we achieve this? a. Act as an avenue for students to raise disputes with the University. b. Provide a support mechanism for students going through university processes such as academic appeals, misconduct and complaints.

Support and develop Staff, Presidents, Vice Presidents and students to enhance their time at Robert Gordon University

How will we achieve this? a. Continually improve the knowledge and skills of the Students’ Union staff by providing support, development and training. b. Provide support and guidance to new Presidents and Vice Presidents to ensure the transitional period from student to trustee enables them to have the knowledge and skills to be effective in their role.


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The Students’ Union must develop in line with

the ever-changing needs of the student body; reflecting

the growth and change within the University,

and the Higher Education landscape generally.

We will ensure that the Union is relevant at all

times to the membership, striving to continually review and update our service provision. Good governance, good people, strong finances, fit-for-

purpose facilities and good communication are all

critical to our efforts to be an effective

Students’ Union. .


Strategic Theme 5: Development





















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We will ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the Students’ Union How will we achieve this? a. Aim to build reserves annually to provide a solid financial foundation for the future. b. Continue to have open and honest discussion with the University regarding our services and their contribution to the student experience c. Monitor our accounts and review our performance monthly, taking corrective action where necessary.

We will ensure that the finance resources, systems and procedures support the delivery of our services. How will we achieve this? a. Examine alternatives to our finance system and implement any relevant recommendations. b. Review financial procedures and regulations with the support of the University to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with the Education Act 1994. c. Manage cashflow effectively d. Undergo regular and robust internal audit

We will ensure that staff are treated fairly and that diversity is valued in all areas of the Students’ Union. How will we achieve this? a. Investigate adopting the principles and practice of Investors in People b. Implement a diversity audit and act on results

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Strategic Theme 5: Development

We will ensure that we have up-to-date information on our members’ views and needs. How will we achieve this? a. We will implement a research strategy aimed at gathering details and identifying specific student needs annually b. We will carry out periodic ‘health-check’ reviews to ensure our information is recent and relevant We will ensure that staff are developed and reach their full potential How will we achieve this? a. Develop understanding of the importance of partnership working between staff and student representatives to ensure the organisation works effectively b. Develop formal training framework c. Introduce formal succession planning policy We will comply with all legal requirements How will we achieve this? a. Ensure that the requirements of maintaining charitable status are well understood and met. b. Ensure that requirements of the Equality Act 2010 are understood and implemented c. Ensure that we remain compliant with the Education Act 1994 and associated University Code of Practice for the Students’ Union

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Development (cont)

We will ensure that the organisation has effective, adequate and efficient governance structures. How will we achieve this? a. Respond to the recommendations of the Governance review conducted in February 2011 b. Deliver training required to support Sabbatical Officers in their roles c. Deliver training required to support Trustees in their roles

We will communicate with our members in a manner that s relevant to them and meet their expectations. How will we achieve this? a. Deliver our communications strategy and review outcomes. b. Ensure our website contains up-to-date information to inform our members how we work. c. Tell students what we do, what we have achieved and what we are working on in plain English. d. Ensure that students instantly recognise our brand and associate with it

We will ensure that any risk to the organisation are properly assessed and managed. How will we achieve this? a. Implement and regularly review a risk register b. Implement a risk management policy c. Establish a business continuity plan.

We will ensure that the Students’ Union is environmentally and ethically robust. How will we achieve this? a. Achieve Gold standard in the Green Impact Students’ Unions awards scheme. b. Achieve fair trade certification c. Implement a new environmental policy. d. Actively assist the University in achieving environmental sustainability aims.

We will continue to develop strong relationships with the University for the benefit of our members. How will we achieve this? a. Ensure all officers have a strong induction on University relationships. a. Encourage officers to seek out collaborative working relationships with University departments. c. Ensure the Students’ Union is actively representing the student voice in discussions that concern the Robert Gordon University student experience.


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