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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) General Contractor Request for Proposal #9783 for Lane City Reservoir (LCR) Project 1 document.docx

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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)

General Contractor

Request for Proposal #9783 for

Lane City Reservoir (LCR) Project


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project



1.1 LCRA



1.3.1 Contact

1.3.2 RFP Submission Requirements

1.3.3 Submission of Proposals

1.3.4 LCRA Reservation of Rights

1.3.5 Discussions with Respondents and Revisions to Proposals.

1.3.6 Confidential Information.

1.3.7 Withdrawal of Proposal




2.2.1 Schedule

2.2.2 Funding

2.2.3 Temporary Field Offices

2.2.4 Irrigation Season Requirements

2.2.5 TWDB Water Supply Demonstration Grant

2.2.6 Site Investigation Reports

2.2.7 Lane City Dam Geotechnical Investigation

2.2.8 Permits and Environmental Information and Reports







4.1.1 Format.

4.1.2 Interviews


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

4.1.3 Conflict of Interest

4.1.4 Local Supplier Participation

4.1.5 Proposal Evaluation Process


4.2.1 General Information and Assumptions

4.2.2 Qualifications and Experience

4.2.3 Key Individuals and Resumes

4.2.4 Project Methodology and Execution Plan

4.2.5 Costs Proposal

4.2.6 Exceptions to Contract

4.2.7 Safety

4.2.8 Financials

4.2.9 Bonding Ability

4.2.10 Insurance














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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) extends this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit Proposals from Qualified firms (Respondents) to provide construction services for the Lane City Reservoir (LCR) project described within.

1.1 LCRA

LCRA is a conservation and reclamation district created by the Texas Legislature in 1934. It has no taxing authority and operates solely on utility revenues and fees generated from supplying energy, water and community services.

LCRA supplies cost effective electricity for Central Texas, manages water supplies and floods in the lower Colorado River basin, provides public parks, and supports community development in 58 Texas counties. See www.lcra.org for additional information about the Lower Colorado River Authority.



July 13, 2015 RFP Issued

July 22, 2015

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

The pre-proposal meeting is not mandatory; but strongly encouraged.

Location for Pre-Proposal Meeting:

Lane City Project Construction Yard, Lane City, Texas. Intersection of CR 60 and CR120 (See Figure 1 Site

Location Map for additional details) Additional site visits will be allowed from 8:00 AM to

4:00 PM CDT by appointment only from July 23, 2015 – July 31, 2015. Only firms which attended the pre-proposal meeting will be eligible to schedule additional site visits.

Additional Site Inspections: To schedule a site visit contact Michael Griswold at 512-730-6876 or at [email protected]

July 31, 2015 5:00 PM CDT Deadline for Questions

September 2, 2015Time: 3:00 PM CDT Proposals Due

TBD Anticipated Interview Dates

November 20, 2015 Anticipated Award Date


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Figure 1 Site Location Map


1.3.1 Contact

Questions regarding the RFP must be submitted via email ONLY to the LCRA Representatives at [email protected] or [email protected] by the date indicated in the schedule in Section 1.2. LCRA shall attempt to answer inquiries concerning the RFP, but shall not be obligated to do so. The LCRA Representatives are the sole LCRA points of contact from RFP issuance until contract award, with the exception of scheduling site visits. Do not rely on information from any other source. Contact with other LCRA personnel initiated by a Respondent, with the exception of scheduling site visits, may be grounds for disqualification of its proposal at LCRA’s sole discretion.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

1.3.2 RFP Submission Requirements

Respondent shall prepare its proposal on forms furnished by LCRA or as otherwise specified herein. Incomplete proposal forms, schedules and information sheets may be grounds for disqualification. A proposal item which in the opinion of LCRA is not in exact compliance with the RFP, and which has not been modified or clarified may, at LCRA’s discretion, be considered an exception to the RFP or be rejected as a non-conforming offer. The LCRA assumes no obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities, fiscal or otherwise, to reimburse all or part of the costs incurred or allege to have been incurred parties considering a response to and/or responding to this RFP. All of such costs shall be born solely by each Respondent and its Team Members.

1.3.3 Submission of Proposals

PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED ON THE DATE AND THE TIME INDICATED IN SECTION 1.2. Proposals will only be accepted via e-mail to [email protected] , Proposals received after the due date shall be considered late and may be rejected. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your complete RFP response is sent to and received by LCRA on or before the proposal deadline. LCRA takes no responsibility for proposals that are prevented from reaching the proper destination server by any LCRA anti-virus or other security software. Proposals will not be publicly opened. Proposals shall be considered valid legal offers for a period of one hundred-twenty days (120) days after proposal deadline.

1.3.4 LCRA Reservation of Rights

LCRA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive irregularities or informalities in any proposal. LCRA may request additional written or oral information from Respondents to obtain clarifications with respect to their proposals. LCRA may award contracts from proposals without discussions, or may conduct discussions with one or more Respondents. LCRA reserves the right to delay the proposal opening, to evaluate alternate proposals and to make multiple and/or split awards from this RFP. If you take issue with the contents of this request for proposal, or  a contract award decision as a result of this proposal, refer to LCRA Issue Resolution Procedures posted at http://www.lcra.org/about/doing_business/bids.html . LCRA only engages in business with responsible Respondents with sound management, quality control, capacity, experience, financial resources, and ethics to perform its contract. LCRA reserves the right to employ a variety of means to determine the responsibility of potential Respondents, including evaluating its past experience with the Respondent.

1.3.5 Discussions with Respondents and Revisions to Proposals.

LCRA reserves the right to determine when and with whom to conduct discussions. Discussions with Respondents may include but not be limited to the purpose of clarification or to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the RFP requirements. As a result of such discussions, revisions may be permitted after initial submissions and prior to award for the purpose of obtaining final pricing. In conducting discussions, LCRA shall not disclose to a Respondent any information derived from proposals submitted by competing Respondents. The purpose of such discussions may include: further understanding of Respondent's qualifications, scope, schedule, proposed project approach, experience and availability of personnel and facilities, proposed compensation and opportunities for savings and additional detail of Respondent’s cost proposal.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

1.3.6 Confidential Information.

LCRA is subject to the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 552. Any information submitted to the LCRA by a Respondent shall be available to the public unless it is clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL." If another party requests access to information marked confidential, then LCRA shall ask the Respondent if the information may be released. If the Respondent denies the release of the information, LCRA shall refer the matter to the Texas Attorney General's Office where the Respondent shall be responsible for substantiating the confidentiality of its information. The Attorney General's ruling on the matter shall be conclusive.

1.3.7 Withdrawal of ProposalA Proposal may be withdrawn by Respondent provided an authorized individual submits a written request to the LCRA Representative.


Figure 2 presents a conceptual plan of the Lane City Reservoir (LCR) project. This project is divided into two components; one is the Off-Channel Reservoir and related facilities and the other is the repair and rehabilitation of the Lane City Dam. This conceptual plan was developed as part of LCRA’s effort to define the project scope and project budget.

Functionally, the system will divert and store water when available, deliver stored water into the irrigation canal system, and return stored water back to the river for downstream use.

The hydraulic requirements of the system are summarized below:

Maximum river diversion flowrate: 561 cfs (permitted capacity)

Canal flow to off channel 561 cfs Off channel reservoir: 40,000 acre-ft.,

ring-dike, earthen embankment with soil-cement armor.

Normal return flowrate to river: 450 cfs

Stored water flows out of the reservoir through an outlet structure and flows either into the inlet canal and back to the river, or to an irrigation canal for irrigation water customers. Water returned back to the river is discharged through the outfall structure at the river edge. The reservoir system is designed to be controlled either locally or remotely from LCRA’s River Operations Control Center in Austin. Additional information about the project is available on the LCRA website,


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project



Presented below is a summary of the project schedule and funding status and information about other conditions that should be considered in preparation of the proposal. Additional details on existing conditions and special coordination activities are presented in Division 1 General Requirements of the Specifications.

2.2.1 Schedule

The date for Substantial Completion for all Facilities excluding the Lane City Dam is March 1, 2018, based on LCRA’s permitting schedule. Keep this constraint in mind as you are developing your schedule and cost. LCRA is interested in ways to improve the project schedule and has included an incentives clause for early completion in the Agreement included with this RFP. As part of your submittal, please include any methods or ideas, with associated incentives and incentive structures, you may have for early completion. LCRA currently anticipates contract award in November 2015 and that construction will begin in January of 2016.

2.2.2 Funding

The funding for the LCR Project has been approved by the LCRA Board as part of the FY2016 Business Plan. Long-term project financing is being secured by a loan from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The TWDB approved the loan in September 2014. The initial project requirements that need to be submitted to the TWDB will be handled by the LCRA prior to contract award. However, there may be additional documents required from the contractor if there are change orders during the project.

2.2.3 Temporary Field Offices

The LCRA has completed temporary field offices and support facilities for the project. A site plan of the facilities is shown on Exhibit G. and described in Section 01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls.

Project trailers (unfurnished) have been setup for the Contractor’s management staff. Potable water storage tanks (2 tanks @ 5,000 gallons each) have been delivered but are not

plumbed to the trailers. Electrical power has been dropped, metered, and connected to the project trailers, tank location,

and equipment maintenance building. Fuel and lubricant storage tanks have been installed (capacities detailed in tables below); pumps

and hoses have been purchased but not connected.

Maintenance shop erected and powered. Parking lot for the project trailer area has been installed.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Multiple Conex containers delivered. An inventory of miscellaneous pumps, hoses, etc. will be provided.

2.2.4 Irrigation Season Requirements

LCRA irrigation operations can occur during the period March 15th through Oct 15th of any given year. Contractor is required to schedule for and make accommodations to deliver Colorado River water for use by LCRA irrigation operations during the irrigation season. Additional details on irrigation season requirements are presented in specification section 01 31 13 Project Coordination 1.07A.

2.2.5 TWDB Water Supply Demonstration Grant

The Lane City Reservoir project is partially funded through water supply demonstration grant from the TWDB.  The funds are to be used to purchase materials for the construction of the following three project components: Wave Wall, Chimney Drain, and the River Return System.

Contractor obligations are to provide LCRA adequate documentation to support LCRA’s reimbursement requests. Documentation could include copies of purchase orders or bills of sale. Additional requirements are presented in specification section 01 31 13 Project Coordination 1.07B.

2.2.6 Site Investigation Reports

The LCRA has developed and made available to the contractor for development of their proposals the following reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site that were used to prepare Contract Documents. These reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. These reports are available for download at the site provided after completion of the Confidentiality Agreement.

1. Preliminary Geotechnical Report, NWS Due Diligence Planning – Lower Basin Sites, Order No. 72269, Lane City Reservoir, Wharton County, Texas, prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc., for Lower Colorado River Authority, December 6, 2012.

2. Geotechnical Data Report for Lane City Reservoir at Lane City , Texas, prepared by CH2M HILL, for Lower Colorado River Authority, January 2015, and including the following additional reports:

3. Geotechnical Data Report, Lane City Reservoir, Wharton County, Texas , prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc., for CH2M HILL, November 7, 2013.

4. Laboratory Data Report, Lower Basin Reservoir Project, Lane City, Texas, prepared by Fugro Consultants, Inc., for CH2M HILL, November 8, 2013.

5. Geotechnical Data Report, Lane City Reservoir Project, Lower Colorado River Authority, Lane City, Texas, prepared by Fugro Consultants, Inc., for CH2M HILL, October 10, 2014.

6. Test Pit Observations, January   6 – 8, 2014 , prepared by Barnard Construction Company, Inc., for Lower Colorado River Authority

7. Test Embankment Findings, Lane City Reservoir , prepared by CH2M HILL, for Lower Colorado River Authority, June 2015.

8. Attachment: Test Embankment Report , prepared by Barnard Construction Company, Inc., for Lower Colorado River Authority, May 18, 2015. Note: Means and methods presented in the report are for information only.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

9. Flood Frequency Analysis for the Colorado River at Wharton, Texas , prepared by CH2M HILL, for Lower Colorado River Authority, November 10, 2014.

10. Basis of Design Report – Conveyance and Reservoir (Executive Summary Only)

11. LCRA Test Pit and Filter Sand Evaluation - LCR_Barnard_Sand Report 3.23.2015

2.2.7 Lane City Dam Geotechnical Investigation

The LCRA is currently conducting a confirmatory geotechnical investigation at the Lane City Dam. The investigation consists of obtaining three borings located just downstream of the dam, and in the main channel of the lower Colorado River. The drawings and specifications included in this RFP are based on on-shore geotechnical borings obtained by Terracon in 2013. The purpose of these additional river channel borings are to confirm the engineering design portrayed in the attached plans and specifications. The results of the investigation and the engineering interpretation are expected November 2015.

2.2.8 Permits and Environmental Information and Reports

The LCRA has acquired all permits required to construct the off channel reservoir and related facilities including water diversion and storage rights, a Wharton County Development Permit, and a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit. A permit from the USACE to repair the Lane City Dam is in progress. Additional information on contractor obligations and responsibilities are presented in specification Section 01 35 43.01, Permitting and Environmental Control. The permit and environmental requirements are available for download at the site provided after completion of the Confidentiality Agreement.. The list below is of key permitting requirements and not a comprehensive list of permitting obligations of the Contractor.

1. USACE Reservoir Permit Compliance Verification Form and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit (NWP) Verification, Permit No. SWG-2013-00229, dated May 12, 2015 (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899) and related application materials including, but not limited to, the Revised Pre-Construction Notification, Lane City Reservoir Project, Wharton County, Texas, USACE Permit No. SWG 2013-00229, dated April 6, 2015.

2. Building Materials Survey Reports for Assessment of Asbestos-Containing Building Materials and Lead-Based Paint and Cadmium, Gulf Coast Irrigation District Lane City Pump Station No. 2, Old Office, Shop, Switch Gear Buildings, and Other Structures, HVJ Associates, Inc., December 2000 (8 reports).

3. Close Out Documentation, Asbestos Abatement for Lower Colorado River Authority @ Gulf Coast Plant 2, Wharton County, Sisk-Robb, Incorporated, January 2008.

4. LCRA Building Material Survey, Tract 7, July 30, 2013.

5. Asbestos Abatement Project, Lower Colorado River Authority, Lower Basin Reservoir Tract 7, Terracon Consultants, Inc., January 10, 2014.

6. Phase 2 Site Assessment Report, Lower Colorado River Authority, Gulf Coast Pump Plant No. 2, Lane City, Texas, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, December 2014.

7. Wharton County Development Permit Permanent.

8. Well operating permits.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Note: For any Joint Venture organizations LCRA will look at the individual companies within the Joint Venture as well as the Joint Venture as a whole.


Contractor must have at least 2 projects that meet the similar project requirements outlined in section 4.2.2 of this document.

Contractor must have self-performed at least 50% of the work in at least two of the similar projects submitted.

Contractor must meet bonding and insurance requirements presented in sections 4.2.9 and 4.2.10 of this document.

LCRA will only consider contractors who meet these minimum requirements.


The Contract in Exhibit I contains an in-depth description of LCRA’s expectations of the Contractor throughout this project. Your firm’s exceptions to these terms as well as your submittals as described in Section 4 and outlined in the exhibits will be used by LCRA to score your firm’s proposal. LCRA will use this RFP process for the selection of a Respondent for all construction work identified in the Documents provided and referenced in this document.

As currently configured the Lane City Reservoir Project will include the activities as described in the specifications and drawings located for download at the site provided after completion of the Confidentiality Agreement..


Contractor will be responsible for construction permits only. LCRA staff will be responsible for environmental and water rights permits. Refer to Section 2.2.8 above further definition and description of the Contractor’s permitting expectations.


4.1.1 Format.

Proposals shall be submitted in PDF format with a transmittal letter signed by an authorized agent of the Respondent. The transmittal letter shall clearly state the legal structure of the Respondent, i.e., corporation, partnership, prime-sub relationship, etc.

It is the expectation of LCRA that all questions asked in the body of this document will be answered in either the section the question was asked or in the applicable exhibit.

The submitted PDF document shall not be more than 80 pages in length. The printed face of a sheet is considered one page, so a sheet of paper printed double-sided represents two pages. The font type and size shall be Times New Roman size 11 or larger. Section dividers, cover pages, resumes, safety manual, audited financials, and tables of contents are excluded from the page total. Please submit safety manual and audited financials as separate PDF documents.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

4.1.2 Interviews

LCRA may request your firm to attend an interview at our offices located at 3700 Lake Austin Blvd. Austin, TX 78703 at Contractor’s Expense.

4.1.3 Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest – Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code Effective January 1, 2006, Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that any vendor or person considering doing business with a local government entity disclose in the Questionnaire Form CIQ, the vendor or person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with a local government entity. By law, this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of LCRA no later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006, Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. For more information or to obtain Questionnaire CIQ, go to the Texas Ethics Commission Web page.

4.1.4 Local Supplier Participation

LCRA desires a strong local participation in this project. This project defines local as Wharton, Matagorda, and Colorado Counties. LCRA has the expectation that the awarded Contractor will strive to reach a local participation target of 15%. Describe in your Project Plan, as detailed in section 4.2.4, your firm’s approach to maximize local resources including local suppliers, subcontractors, and laborers. Identify the anticipated percentage of local versus non-local staffing on your team.

4.1.5 Proposal Evaluation Process

Evaluation Criteria. Respondent’s response will be evaluated as outlined below, as applicable, (not in order of precedence):

Criterion Definition

Ability Relevant project experience

Resumes Project Organization and Team

Methodology Project approach including schedule and Contract Exceptions

Cost Respondent Cost Proposal

Award and Execution of Contract. Firms will be evaluated and ranked based on the response to this solicitation. LCRA shall evaluate the responses in accordance with the RFP requirements. LCRA may, at its discretion, develop a short list and request interviews with the short-listed firms. After final selection, LCRA Staff will negotiate with the best-evaluated Respondents. Contracts shall be neither considered awarded nor binding until such time that both parties have executed the Contract. LCRA shall not be liable for any delays prior to the award or execution of Contract.



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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Proposals shall use Exhibit forms and letter templates provided in the RFP and described below. Each project descriptions will be on a single form. The proposal shall be organized in sections in the following order and as further described below. Proposals shall include a Table of Contents.

RFP Component Form or Format

Included in 80 Page Limit:1. Transmittal Letter Respondent’s format on company letterhead

2. General Information Exhibit A

3. Qualification and Experience Exhibit C

4. Key Individual Cross Reference Firm Resume Format. Cross reference using Exhibit D

5. Project Plan Respondent’s format

6. Cost Proposal Exhibit E

7. Bonding Ability Exhibit J & K

8. Insurance Ability Exhibit L

9. Acknowledgement Exhibit H

Additional Separate Documentation Required:Resumes of Key Individuals Respondent’s FormatSafety Exhibit BAgreement Exceptions Exhibit IFinancials Audited Financials for last 3 years

4.2.1 General Information and Assumptions

Use Exhibit A General Information for this response. Exhibit H Acknowledgement must also be signed and submitted with your proposal.

Please include any assumptions that your firm has taken while preparing your proposal.

4.2.2 Qualifications and Experience

Complete the form in Exhibit C for each similar project as described below.

For purposes of this RFP, “similar project” is defined as a project with a construction cost of at least $50M and performed within the last ten (10) years whose scope includes one item from Section 1 below and one item from Section 2.

Section 1:

Levee systems for water control/management that are at least 30-feet high.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Reservoirs that hold 20,000 acre-ft or more of water. Earth moving involving the placement of at least 4 million cubic yards of earth.

Section 2:

Pumping stations greater than 100 cfs with intakes on a river or lake. In-stream low head dam rehabilitation or construction.

Hydraulic and flood control structures for conveyance of at least 100 cfs.

4.2.3 Key Individuals and Resumes

Provide an organizational structure, and detail the estimated percentage of time each person will be dedicated to the project.

Contractor shall provide resumes to include qualifications and experience of key staff/lead roles of those who will actually be undertaking this project with particular attention to the scope of this project including Project Manager, main craft Superintendents, QA/QC manager, Cost Estimators, Safety Supervisor, and Project Controls Supervisor. Include subcontractors if applicable.

Include information about each staff member’s project assignments, roles on each assignment, work history with dates (be specific about the types of projects relative to this project and delivery methods), education, and certifications. Please utilize the cross-reference table in Exhibit D showing which individuals worked on the projects included in the project experience sections in Exhibit C.

4.2.4 Project Methodology and Execution Plan

Using the specifications and drawings and your knowledge of similar projects, provide a Project Plan for the topics listed below. The plan shall be in sufficient detail to communicate your approach and activities to implement and manage the Lane City Reservoir Project. LCRA wants to confirm your understanding of the project requirements and how your firm will accomplish this project in an efficient and cost effective manner. Please identify any additional project constraints and assumptions.

Project Construction Plan Provide detail in your project construction plans that will layout your process from signing of the contract through commissioning and start-up. Include in your plan the sections listed below and any additional information that may be relevant to your execution of this project.

o Sub-Contractor Solicitation Strategy. Describe your firm’s strategy regarding solicitations for the work that you plan to subcontract, how you will strive to meet the local participation target.

o Project Schedule. Based on projects of similar scope your company has completed in the past, provide an example schedule showing the entire scope of the project from finalization of the contract through start-up and commissioning. of the Agreement for Construction Services. Organize the schedule by work breakdown structure by facilities through level 2. The format of the schedule should be in the form of a Gantt chart utilizing Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, or Primavera.

o Provide detail on anticipated project risks, including those associated with schedule and site conditions, and how your firm will mitigate the identified risks.

o Project Control Plan. Describe your project controls system.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

o TWDB Grant. How will you handle the detail needed for the materials within the Texas Water Development Board Grant? For additional details see the Project Coordination Specification Section 01.31.13.

o Document Management. Detail how you will handle the onsite data storage, the transfer and retention of documents during the project and what system your firm uses for this.

o Project Communication Plan.

o Start-Up and Commissioning Plan.

o Lessons Learned from Previous Similar Projects.

o Plan for Early Completion in accordance with Section 2.2.1 of this RFP.

Sample Invoice. Submit a sample invoice and payment application for construction in the format we should expect to see if your firm is awarded the project.

Project Report. Submit a sample monthly project update construction report in the format we should expect to see if your firm is awarded the project.

4.2.5 Costs Proposal

The LCR project is broken into eight key areas as outlined below. While this is a Firm Fixed Price contract LCRA needs to understand what areas of the project are the biggest cost drivers. LCRA has also listed four potential deducts that may be removed from the project. In addition there are a few key Unit Rates that LCRA is requesting a breakout of. Use the form in Exhibit E to submit your firm’s cost proposal for the items below.

Key Areas

Facility 01 – Horizontal Pump Station Facility 02 – Vertical Pump Station Facility 03 – Canal Facility 04 – River Outfall Facility 05 – Relift Pump Station Facility 06 – OCR Inlet/Outlet Facility 07 – Off-Channel Reservoir Facility 08 – Lane City Dam

Potential Deducts:

Repairs to Lane City Dam Repair to Horizontal Pump Station Repair to Vertical Pump Station Reduction to a 35K acre-ft. Reservoir

Unit Rates

Soil Cement Random fill (OCR Embankment) Clay fill (OCR Embankment)


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

4.2.6 Exceptions to Contract

LCRA anticipates that your firm will not take any exceptions to the contract terms that have been provided with this RFP. Your firm will need to take any perceived risks into consideration when providing your execution plan and your pricing.

4.2.7 Safety

Use the form in Exhibit B Safety Questionnaire for this response.

4.2.8 Financials

Three years of audited financials need to be provided as a separate document(s) with proposal.

4.2.9 Bonding Ability

Respondent shall submit a Notarized Letter utilizing the form in Exhibit’s J and K from Respondent’s Surety verifying that the Respondent has separate performance and payment bonding capacity in total (and separately available for this project) of at least $200 million for each bond.

The Surety or Sureties must be authorized by law to do business in the State of Texas pursuant to a current certificate of authority to transact surety business and surety must also be listed in the Department of Treasury’s Circular 570. The Surety or Sureties must also have an A.M. Best Company Rating of A minus X or better.

4.2.10 Insurance

Respondent shall submit a Notarized Letter utilizing the form in Exhibit L from Respondent’s Surety verifying that the Respondent has insurance available for the Project in the amounts and coverages stated in the Agreement. The Surety or Sureties must be authorized by law to do business in the State of Texas pursuant to a current certificate of authority to transact surety business and surety must also be listed in the Department of Treasury’s Circular 570. The Surety or Sureties must also have an A.M. Best Company Rating of A minus X or better.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Exhibit A General Information

Business & Contact Info  

Business Name  

Federal Tax ID  

Address 1  

Address 2  




Contact Name:  

Contact Title:  

Contact Phone #:  

Contact Fax #:  

Contact email:  

Business Website:  

Name/Title of individual authorized to contractually commit company





Number of years in business:  

Duns #:  

Type of business entity (Corporation/LLC/LP/LLP/Other):  

In what state & year did your business organize in your current structure?


Is business or parent publicly traded?  

Full legal name of parent or holding company, if any:  

Products and/or service provided by business:  

General Contract Information Performance  

Exhibit A General Information


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

In the past three years, has business:  

Been engaged in litigation?  

If yes provide explanation.  

Is your firm involved in any active litigation?

If yes provide explanation.

Completed all contracts it was awarded?  

If no provide explanation.  

Been awarded a bonus for early completion of work?  

If yes provide explanation.  

Defaulted on a contract?  

If yes provide explanation.  

Been assessed liquidated damages?  

If yes provide explanation.  

Had any Bonds called?

If yes provide explanation.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Exhibit B Health & Safety Questionnaire

Project Manager  



Phone #:  


Fax #:  


Health & Safety Contact  



Phone #:  


Fax #:  


Incident Experience Data  

Provide the average number of employees on your payroll the last three years:


Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

Provide the interstate Workers Compensation experience modifier rate (EMR) information for the past three years:


Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

Provide the worker’s compensation loss ratio for the past three years:


Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

OSHA Recordable Incident Rate  


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Exhibit B Health & Safety Questionnaire

Total number of OSHA Recordable Injury and Illness cases x 200,000 divided by Employee Hours Worked.

Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

OSHA Days Away From Work Incident Rate:Total number of Days Away From Work injury and illness cases x 200,000 divided by Employee Hours Worked.


Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

If requested, please provide copies of OSHA 300 Logs for the past three years, excluding employee names and identifying information:


Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

Number of Fatalities:  

Last year  

Two years ago  

Three years ago  

If a work related fatality(s) has occurred among your workforce within the last three years, please provide the following information:


Date of Fatality 1:  

Description of Fatality 1:  

Date of Fatality 2:  

Description of Fatality 2:  

Attach additional sheets if necessary  

Has your company received an OSHA citation (Active or Pending) within the last three years? (yes/no)


If Yes, please describe (include Date, Type, Description, Severity, & Status of each citation):


Has your company been identified by any State Workers’ Compensation Authority as an Extra Hazardous Employer and mandated to develop an



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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Exhibit B Health & Safety Questionnaire

Accident Prevention Plan? (yes/no)

Please provide any additional information/ comments that may be helpful.



Do you have a written Health & Safety Program, Manual, and/or Handbook? (yes/no)


If yes, would you provide supporting materials if requested?


Does your company have a Substance Abuse program? (yes/no)


Does your company conduct injury, incident, or near miss investigations and document RootCauses and Action Plans for corrective actions?(yes/no)


Does your company hold safety meetings for employees?


If yes, at what frequency?  

Does your company monitor the safety program and performance of your subcontractors?


If yes, at what frequency?  


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Exhibit C

Experience with Similar Projects

Project Name: Reference Project No:

Project Location:

Project Owner:

Please describe the major components of the referenced project in relation to the similar project requirements in section 4.2.2 and check below which of the requirements this project met.

Over $50 MM

Section 1:

Levee systems for water control/management that are at least 30-feet high. Reservoirs that hold 20,000 acre-ft or more of water. Earth moving involving the placement of at least 4 million cubic yards of earth

If these similar projects meet this requirement, indicate how many cubic yards of earth were moved.

Section 2:

Pumping stations greater than 100 cfs with intakes on a river or lake In-stream low head dam rehabilitation or construction Hydraulic and flood control structures for conveyance of at least 100 cfs

Status of project ( number of years since completion or percent):

Describe your role in the referenced project as mentioned in section 4.2.2:

Project costs:

1.       Total Construction Cost:

2.       How cost structured (lump sum, cost plus fixed fee, etc)

3.       Your contract on this project was what % of the Construction Cost? ______

4.       What % of your Construction Cost was self-performed (work performed by your internal work force)?


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

Exhibit C

Experience with Similar Projects

Provide a list of the core Project Team that was on this project.

Were there any claims that arose from this project?

If Yes, please explain.

Is there active, or former litigation involving your firm in regards to this project?

If Yes, please explain.

Change Orders:

How many change orders were issued? What was the total aggregate change order cost? What was the % of change order cost initiated by contractor?

Key contact of Respondent (name, telephone number and email address):

Key contact of owner ( name, position, telephone number and email address):

Key contact of engineer ( name, position, telephone number and email address):

Any other project services information the Respondent deems relevant:


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Project Member Role

Years of Relative


Years With Company

History of Member on Submitted Projects


ilar P


ct 1


ilar P


ct 2


ilar P


ct 3


ilar P


ct 4


ilar P


ct 5


ilar P


ct 6






















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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Key Areas   Potential DeductsFacility 01 – Horizontal Pump Station   Repairs to Lane City Dam

Cost of Work $   Cost of Work $O&M and Profit $   O&M and Profit $General Conditions $   General Conditions $

Facility 02 – Vertical Pump Station   Repair to Horizontal Pump StationCost of Work $   Cost of Work $O&M and Profit $   O&M and Profit $General Conditions $   General Conditions $

Facility 03 – Canal   Repair to Vertical Pump StationCost of Work $   Cost of Work $O&M and Profit $   O&M and Profit $General Conditions $   General Conditions $

Facility 04 – River Outfall   Reduction to a 35K Ac/Ft ReservoirCost of Work $   Cost of Work $O&M and Profit $   O&M and Profit $General Conditions $   General Conditions $

Facility 05 – Relift Pump Station   Grand TotalCost of Work $   $O&M and Profit $  General Conditions $   Unit Rates

Facility 06 – OCR Inlet/Outlet   Soil CementCost of Work $   # of Units Unit Cost Total CostO&M and Profit $     $ $General Conditions $   Random Fill (OCR Embankment)

Facility 07 – Off-Channel Reservoir   # of Units Unit Cost Total CostCost of Work $     $ $O&M and Profit $   Clay Fill (OCR Embankment)General Conditions $   # of Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Facility 08 – Lane City Dam     $ $Cost of Work $  O&M and Profit $  General Conditions $  

Grand Total  $  


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


Date: XXX X, 2015

RE: Addendum No. 1

Request for Proposal: Contractor for the Lane City Reservoir (LCR) ProjectProject Name: Lane City Reservoir ProjectLocation: Wharton CountyLower Colorado River Authority

Dear Respondent:

This notice shall serve as Addendum No. 1 to the aforementioned Request for Proposal (“RFP”) and shall for all purposes become part of the original Contractor for the LCR Project RFP. This Addendum must be included in your Proposal Submittal to the LCRA by the proposal submittal date.

Please note the following:

Ex. Detail Changes.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. All addenda issued during this RFP need to be signed and returned as part of your firms RFP submission.


Michael Griswold, PMP

Sr. Category Manager

Date Signature

________________________________Company Name


City/State/Zip Code

_____________________________________Phone No. Fax No.


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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project

EXHIBIT H ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn conjunction with the electronic RFP Supplier Response Template, the undersigned Respondent declares: (a) that it has reviewed the Terms and Conditions, Scope of Work, and all other documents herein; (b) that the signatory has the authority to bind the company to the formal legal offer; (c) that through its authorized personnel it has personally examined the location of the proposed work and has determined the amount and character of the proposed work and the supervision, labor, tools, material as identified, and equipment necessary to complete the same in compliance with the specification and contract documents (if applicable); (d) that prior to the submission of this proposal, and prior to the award of any contract resulting from this proposal, neither the Respondent, nor any of its subcontractors, nor their agents, nor employees have or will: (1) offer or give gratuities to an LCRA employ or affiliate, (2) pay a kickback to obtain favorable treatment in connection with an LCRA contract, (3) “buy-in” to obtain a contract with LCRA, (4) participate in practices which unlawfully eliminate competition or restrain trade such as collusive bidding or negotiating, follow the leader pricing, rotation of low bids, collusive price estimating, or sharing of business with other Respondents, and (5) commit bribery to obtain favorable treatment by LCRA or any affiliates; (e) that either (1) no delinquent corporate franchise taxes are owed the State of Texas under Chapter 171, Tax Code or (2) the Respondent is not subject to the corporate franchise tax in Texas; and (f) that it has never been debarred or suspended from doing business with the federal government.

Company Name:__________________________________


Print Name: _____________________________________




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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


(To be typed on Surety’s Letterhead)

Mr. Michael Griswold, PMPLower Colorado River Authority3700 Lake Austin BlvdAustin, TX 78703

Re: Bond Verification for LCRA LCR Project

Dear Mr. Griswold,

_________________________________(the Respondent) has submitted its qualifications in response to the RFP 9783 Project issued by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) on July 8, 2015. The RFP states the requirement that the selected Respondent will enter into an agreement to: (1) provide construction services for the LCR Project including start-up and commissioning services of the LCR Project and (2) perform the other related and ancillary responsibilities set forth in the Agreement.

The Surety has reviewed both the Respondent’s Qualifications and the RFP, which together will form the basis of the Respondent’s submittal. The Surety hereby certifies that, the Respondent has the bonding capacity of $150,000,000, and if the Respondent is selected to receive the Request for Proposals and in the event the Respondent is selected as the Contractor for the LCR Project and subject to its review of the final terms and conditions of the Agreement, it intends to issue on behalf of the Respondent, as security for the performance of the Respondent’s obligations under the Agreement, a performance bond meeting the requirements of the Agreement in the amount of 100% of the Total Cost of the Agreement for the benefit of LCRA, as beneficiary, in the event the Respondent is selected for execution of the Agreement.

Name of Surety

Name of Designated Signatory




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LCRA RFP 9783 for Lane City Reservoir Project


(To be typed on Surety’s Letterhead)

Mr. Michael Griswold, PMPLower Colorado River Authority3700 Lake Austin BlvdAustin, TX 78703

Re: Bond Verification for LCRA LCR Project

Dear Mr. Griswold,

_________________________________(the Respondent) has submitted its qualifications in response to the RFP 9783 LCR Project issued by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) on July 8, 2015. The RFP states the requirement that the selected Respondent will enter into an agreement to: (1) provide construction services for the LCR Project including start-up and commissioning services of the LCR Project and (2) perform the other related and ancillary responsibilities set forth in the Agreement.

The Surety has reviewed both the Respondent’s Qualifications and the RFP, which together will form the basis of the Respondent’s submittal. The Surety hereby certifies that, the Respondent has the bonding capacity of $150,000,000, and if the Respondent is selected to receive the Request for Proposals and in the event the Respondent is selected as the Contractor for the LCR Project and subject to its review of the final terms and conditions of the Agreement, it intends to issue on behalf of the Respondent, as security for the performance of the Respondent’s obligations under the Agreement, a payment bond meeting the requirements of the Agreement in the amount of 100% of the Total Cost of the Agreement for the benefit of LCRA, as beneficiary, in the event the Respondent is selected for execution of the Agreement.

Name of Surety

Name of Designated Signatory




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LCRA RFP #9783 - Contractor for the LCR Project


(To be typed on Insurance Company’s Letterhead)

Mr. Michael Griswold, PMPLower Colorado River Authority3700 Lake Austin BlvdAustin, TX 78703

Re: Insurance Verification for LCRA LCR Project

Dear Mr. Griswold,

_________________________________(the Respondent) has submitted its qualifications in response to the RFP 9783 LCR Project issued by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) on July 8, 2015. The RFP states the requirement that the selected Respondent will enter into an agreement to: (1) provide construction services for the LCR Project including start-up and commissioning services of the LCR Project and (2) perform the other related and ancillary responsibilities set forth in the Agreement.

The Insurance Company has reviewed both the Respondent’s Qualifications and the RFP, which together will form the basis of the Respondent’s submittal. The Insurance Company hereby certifies that, if the Respondent is selected to receive the Request for Proposals and in the event the Respondent is selected as the Contractor for the LCR Project and subject to its review of the final terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Insurance Company hereby certifies that it intends to provide or broker all required insurance identified in the RFP in the event the Respondent is selected for execution of the Agreement.

Name of Insurance Company

Name of Designated Signatory


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