RF Meter Readings

10/02/2012 Slide 1 RF Meter Readings Catalog No. 1120 TESCO – The Eastern Specialty Company

Transcript of RF Meter Readings

Page 1: RF Meter Readings

10/02/2012 Slide 1

RF Meter ReadingsCatalog No. 1120

TESCO – The Eastern Specialty Company

Page 2: RF Meter Readings

• With active wireless doorbell transmitter 1” away and pointing towards RF meter on concrete floor, the meter reads ~0.15mW/cm2

• A simple mechanical fixture and regulated 9V supply for the transmitter will make an adequate incoming RF meter test.

• This and all subsequent readings taken with the RF meter in “RF” mode and the scale used is 0.01 – 1.0 (the bottom most scale on the meter).

Repeatable Reading

Page 3: RF Meter Readings

Readings around active microwave oven vary, typically nearby readings peg the meter (>> 1 mW/cm2)

RF Around A Microwave Oven

Page 4: RF Meter Readings

Backing away from oven roughly 3’, meter reads ~0.2 mW/cm2, though second-by second reading fluctuates with cooking process.

RF Around A Microwave Oven

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Smart meters’ signals vary widely in time, basically pulsing during communications. Typical values are 0.1 mW/cm2 - 1 mW/cm2

with the RF meter ~ 3” from the smart meter.

RF Around A Smart Meter

Page 6: RF Meter Readings

Cell Phones’ signals vary widely in time, basically pulsing during communications just like smart meters. Typical values are 0.1 mW/cm2 – 0.2 mW/cm2 pulses for an iPhone.

RF Around A Smart Phone

Page 7: RF Meter Readings


TESCO – The Eastern Specialty Company Bristol, PA

[email protected]